ASCA 2022 Annual Conference - Austin - American School ...

Page created by Ryan Oliver
ASCA 2022 Annual Conference - Austin - American School ...
ASCA 2022
                              Annual Conference

                                          T E X A S

                                          July 9–12

    E X H I B I T D AT E S A R E J U LY 9 - 1 1 , 2 0 2 2
ASCA 2022 Annual Conference - Austin - American School ...
     he American School Counselor Association                                  WHY EXHIBIT?
     invites you to join K-12 school counselors,                               ●   Introduce New Products & Services
                                                                               ●   Give Demonstrations
     college educators, graduate students and                                  ●   Generate Qualified Leads
counseling supervisors in Austin, TX, July 9-12,                               ●   Reach New Markets
                                                                               ●   Expand Sales
2022 (exhibit hall open July 9-11) for the ASCA                                ●   Meet Face-To-Face with School
Annual Conference. If you market to the school                                 ●   Enhance Your Name/Brand
counselor community, you can’t afford to miss                                      Recognition
                                                                               ●   Introduce Career Opportunities for
the opportunity to exhibit at ASCA’s Annual                                        Students


Approximately 3,500–4,000 school counselors
attend each ASCA Annual Conference and come
ready to learn about your organization and ready
to make purchasing or referral decisions. With
numerous breaks and special activities scheduled
in the hall, you’ll witness some of the best exhibit                           BENEFITS
hall traffic you’ve ever seen.                                                 ●   ASCA provides a 10’ x 10’ piped &
                                                                                   draped booth package consisting of an
                                                                                   ID sign, 6-ft. draped table and two side
EXHIBITOR CALENDAR                                                                 chairs
                                                                               ●   Company listing and description on the
(All lunches and breaks will be located within the exhibit hall)
                                                                                   ASCA Annual Conference website and
Times are subject to change.
                                                                                   conference app
FRIDAY JULY 8             12 Noon-5 p.m.        Exhibitor Set-up               ●   Good traffic flow of qualified buyers,
                                                                                   recommenders and influencers
SATURDAY JULY 9           8 a.m.-12 p.m.        Exhibitor Set-up               ●   Two exhibit-only registrations per
                                                                                   10x10 booth
                          12:30-5 p.m.          Exhibit Hall Open
                                                                               Lead retrieval system available for an
SUNDAY JULY 10            8 a.m.–4 p.m.         Exhibit Hall Open              additional cost
MONDAY JULY 11            8 a.m.–4 p.m.         Exhibit Hall Open              All exhibit spaces should be carpeted
                                                                               or have suitable flooring on top of the
                          4–8 p.m.              Exhibitor Move Out             concrete surface

2             Contact Brian Levy, • (571) 329-4358 or book online at
ASCA 2022 Annual Conference - Austin - American School ...
Bundle Advertising                     PACKAGE A/B: EXHIBIT ONLY                             PACKAGE C/D:
and Save $$                                                                         EXHIBIT + ADVERTISE & PROMOTE
                                      PACKAGE A               PACKAGE B                PACKAGE C                 PACKAGE D
                                        $1,400                  $1,700                   $2,600                    $3,800
 Exhibit Booth                           10x10           10x10 Prime Location             10x10                     10x10

 Conference Website

 On-Site Recognition

 Conference App

 Exhibitor Passes                          2                        2                       2                          2
                                                                                                             50,000 Impression
                                                                                  ½ Page Magazine Ad
 Advertising                                                                                                  Ad Re-Targeting
                                                                                   Conference Issue
                                                                                   PACKAGE C SAVES           PACKAGE D SAVES
Additional exhibitor-only registrations are available at $199 each.
                                                                                          $500                     $1,000

15%          discount if you
             increase your
exhibit booth size from 2021
                                                 20%            discount for
                                                                20x20 booth
                                                 spaces or larger

   (regional and school
                           12%                                   28% Elementary
counseling supervisors,
  counselor educators,                                                     Counselors
      exhibitors, school
  counseling students)
                                                                                            The 2022 ASCA Annual Conference
                                                                                            will take place at the Austin
                                                                                            Convention Center located in the
                                                                                            heart of downtown Austin.
    32%                                                                                     All conference sessions and the
High School
Counselors                                                               20%                exhibit hall will be at the Austin
                                                                                            Convention Center.
                                                                                                For more information or to
       College/University        3%                  5% District Office                         reserve your space, email

3                     Contact Brian Levy, • (571) 329-4358 or book online at
ASCA 2022 Annual Conference - Austin - American School ...
TERMS & CONDITIONS                                                                          Side rails must not exceed 36" to prevent
                                                                                            any obstructions that would interfere
                                                                                            with the view of the other booths. High
                                                                                            counters must be placed at least 2' back
                                                                                            from the booth entrance, so as not to
LIABILITY                                                                                   cause aisle traffic.
The exhibitor agrees to make no claim,
for any reason whatsoever, against                                                          ●   Exhibitor/sponsor badges cannot be
ASCA, the Austin Convention Center                                                              exchanged with another individual.
or any other contractors for loss, theft,                                                   ●   You are not permitted to conduct
damage or destruction of goods, or for                                                          business outside of your assigned
any injury to self or employees. Nor will                                                       space.
claim be made for any damage of any                                                         ●   Payment is due 30 days from the
nature or character, including damage                                                           date of the invoice.
by reason of failure to provide space for                                                   ●   Only exhibitors with island booths
the exhibit, or for removal of the exhibit                                                      are allowed to suspend from or
or for failure to hold the conference                                                           attach signs, parts of exhibits or any
as scheduled. Due to liability no one                                                           other exhibit materials to the ceiling
under 18 will be allowed in the exhibit                                                         of the exhibit hall.
hall or any conference space such as                                                        ●   Exhibitor shall keep assigned space
breakout sessions, general session, etc.                                                        neat and clean at all times.
                                                                                            ●   Exhibitors shall dress appropriately
                                             and operation of equipment.                        in business casual (organization logo
UNOCCUPIED SPACE                             Necessary fire precautions will be the
                                             responsibility of the exhibitor.
                                                                                                attire is acceptable) or business
Should any rented exhibitor space                                                           ●   Exhibitor may not assign, sublet
remain unoccupied on the opening
day or should any space be forfeited         DAMAGES TO                                         or share any part of the exhibit
                                                                                                space contracted to it. Only division
due to failure to make payment, ASCA
reserves the right to rent that space to
                                             PROPERTY                                           companies with a common parent
                                             Exhibitors are liable for any damage               company may lease booth space
any other exhibitor or use that space
                                             caused to building floors, walls, col-             jointly, and a minimum of one
for such purposes as it may see fit
                                             umns or tables or to any other exhibi-             standard booth per division is
without any liability on its part. This
                                             tor’s property. Exhibitors may not apply           required. For directory listings, only
clause shall not affect the obligation
                                             paint, lacquer, adhesive or any other              one company name listing is allowed
of the exhibitor to pay the full amount
                                             coating to building columns, floors,               per each standard booth space.
specified in the space rental agreement
                                             walls or tables.
                                                                                            ●   During show hours, each exhibit
should ASCA not resell the space.
                                                                                                must be staffed by an exhibitor
                                                                                                representative. Exhibitor shall
ACCEPTABILITY                                CANCELLATIONS                                      conduct themselves in a professional

OF EXHIBITS                                  Any cancellation must be requested
                                                                                                manner at all times during the
                                             in writing via email to blevy@                 ●   Exhibitor and its representative may
ASCA reserves the right to refuse to sell Requests received
exhibit space to any company it deems                                                           not smoke at the exposition, sessions
                                             prior to April 1, 2022, will receive a full        and social functions. This includes
objectionable or at cross purposes to        refund less a $100 service fee. Requests
the association’s mission. Exhibitors                                                           e-cigarettes.
                                             received April 1–May 30, 2022, will            ●   ASCA does not sell attendee lists.
shall not place any promotional material     incur a 50% penalty. No refunds will be
on tables in common areas or the like                                                           Any solicitations from third-party
                                             granted after May 30, 2022.                        organizations are not valid.
outside of their assigned exhibit space.
Animals or machinery are not allowed
on the exhibit floor without prior           GUIDELINES FOR                                 All storage and handling charges due
                                                                                            to failure to remove exhibit materials
approval from show management.
                                             DISPLAY RULES &                                from the display or storage area at the

FIRE, SAFETY                                 REGULATIONS                                    conclusion of the move-out period shall
                                                                                            be the responsibility of the exhibitor.
AND HEALTH                                   A standard booth (10' x 10') will have an 8'
                                             back drape and 3' side rails. The height of
                                                                                            If move-in and move- out are not
                                                                                            conducted during scheduled time, a fee
The exhibitor agrees to accept full          the back of your space may not exceed          may be assessed. Move out prior to the
responsibility for compliance with local,    8’. The front of a booth (5' from the          scheduled time will result in not being
city and state fire, safety and health       aisle to the middle of a booth) may not        able to participate in future events.
ordinances regarding the installation        extend any higher than 42", so as not to       ASCA reserves the right to relocate
                                             obscure the sight line of other exhibitors.    assigned space.

4              Contact Brian Levy, • (571) 329-4358 or book online at
                                      SILVER                GOLD              PLATINUM                DIAMOND
                                      $5,000               $10,000             $15,000                 $25,000
Conference Website Logo                                                    Enhanced Presence Enhanced Presence
Pre-Conference Promotion

On-Site Recognition

Conference App                       Enhanced           Enhanced               Enhanced               Enhanced

Conference Exhibit Booth                                                    10x10 in Sponsor       20x20 in Sponsor
                                    10% Discount       25% Discount
                                                                                 Circle                 Circle
Exhibitor Staff Passes                   2                      3                     4               Unlimited
Full Conference
Registrations                            1                      2                     3                   10

Attendee Mailing List*                  N/A                                                       Customized email
Sponsor Branding at Exhibit

ASCA School Counselor
Magazine Ad                              -                 ½ Page              Full Page               Full Page

Conference Bag Insert                    -                      -
Sponsored Session
on Exhibit Floor                         -

SILVER SPONSORSHIP            GOLD SPONSORSHIP              PLATINUM                       DIAMOND
OPTIONS: ($5,000)             OPTIONS: ($10,000)            SPONSORSHIP                    SPONSORSHIP
●   Conference Pen            ●   Charging Station          OPTIONS: ($15,000)             OPTIONS: ($25,000)
●   ASCA Selfie Booth         ●   School Counselor          ●   Photo Booth                ●   Keynote Speaker
●   Post-Conference Survey        Educator Reception        ●   ASCA Café                  ●   Awards Recognition
●   First-Time Attendee       ●   Lanyard                   ●   District Directors             Dinner
    Lounge                    ●   Hotel Keycards                Meeting                    ●   Virtual Event
●   Refreshment Breaks        ●   Level Meetup              ●   Mobile App                 ●   Leadership
●   Yoga                      ●   Wi-Fi                     ●   Registration Bags              Development Institute
●   Guitar Pick               ●   Hand Sanitizer            ●   Focus Groups               ●   Conference T-Shirts
●   Welcome Text              ●   Care Package              ●   Ambassador T-Shirts
                              ●   Grafitti Wall             ●   RAMP Fair
                              ●   Notebook                  ●   Bandanas
* Only
includes email
addresses for
attendees that
have “opted-in.”

ASCA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2022                            5           • (571) 329-4358
SPONSOR OPTIONS                                                                     WELCOME TEXT
                                                                                    Each attendee will receive a wel-
                                                                                    come text as they enter the Aus-
                                                                                    tin Conference Center. Have your

                                         will be included on the survey and         brand stand out as attendees start
                                         in the email sent out to attendees.        the conference.

CONFERENCE PEN                           FIRST-TIME
This is a perfect opportunity to         ATTENDEE LOUNGE                                 GOLD
have your company logo in front
of all attendees throughout the
                                         Prominently display your brand in          CHARGING STATION
                                         the lounge area where first-time
conference and beyond with your                                                     Sponsor the charging station with
                                         attendees gather and meet-up. You
logo prominently displayed on the                                                   your logo and brand identity. Attend-
                                         may place promotional material in
conference pens. The pens will be                                                   ees will need to re-charge their devic-
                                         the area for attendees.
included in the conference registra-                                                es throughout the conference, so this
tion bags so even if you are unable                                                 is a great way for them to identify
to exhibit you can still have a pres-    REFRESHMENT                                with your brand at the same time.
ence at the conference.                  BREAKS
                                         Have your brand prominently dis-           SCHOOL COUNSELOR
ASCA SELFIE BOOTH                        played at each refreshment break           EDUCATOR RECEPTION

             L D
                                         throughout the conference.

Your booth will be placed right

                                                                                    Sponsor will have the ability to
beside the selfie booth, giving you                                                 place a flier on each table during
a chance to chat with attendees as       GUITAR PICK                                this session, which is geared toward
they come by to take selfies. This                                                  higher education school counseling
is a great way to increase traffic to    Have your logo displayed on an
                                         iconic ASCA Annual Conference              educators.
your booth.
                                         guitar pick that all attendees will

                                         receive.                                   LANYARD

SURVEY                                   YOGA
                                                                                    Every attendee wears a badge.
                                                                                    Sponsoring the ASCA lanyard pro-

Sponsor the post-conference sur-         Sponsor the early morning yoga             vides you with high visibility of your
vey that is sent to each attendee        session as attendees begin their           logo throughout the entire confer-
for their feedback and input on the      day.                                       ence. Your logo and the ASCA logo
conference. Your organization name                                                  will be printed on the lanyard.
                                                                                    GOLD CONTINUED NEXT PAGE

*Sponsored items receive all their related sponsor-level benefits.

6             Contact Brian Levy, • (571) 329-4358 or book online at
SPONSOR OPTIONS                                                                      DISTRICT DIRECTORS

HOTEL KEYCARDS                              NOTEBOOK                                 This is a great opportunity to
                                                                                     sponsor and meet school district
Put your organization in front of at-       Have your brand imprinted on a           directors, all of whom are decision
tendees upon their arrival in Austin        notebook each attendee will receive.     makers. Sponsor will have 3–5 min-

by sponsoring the ASCA hotel room                                                    utes to welcome the district direc-
keycards. Hotel guests will receive
the cards at check-in at the confer-
                                            HAND SANITIZER:                          tors and speak at the meeting.

ence hotel and use them to access           Have your logo appear on hand
                                            sanitizer each attendee will receive.
                                                                                     MOBILE APP
their rooms throughout their stay.

                                                                                     Sponsor the conference app and

You can customize one side of the

                                            CARE PACKAGE
                                                                                     have your company in front of all

key cards with your sponsor infor-

                                                                                     attendees throughout the entire

mation, with ASCA’s information on

                                            Get your brand noticed on the care       conference. Sponsor receives an
the back. During the lifespan of the
                                            package kit that each attendee will      exclusive banner ad on the pages
conference attendees will actively
                                            receive. The kit will contain items      of the app, along with three news
look at their keycard 8–12 times/day.
                                            such as band-aids, aspirin and snacks.   alerts (one per day) during the con-
LEVEL MEETUP                                                                         ference. 99% of conference attend-

                                             PLATINUM                                ees use the conference app before,

             L D
School counselors of all levels will have                                            during and after the conference.

         S O
the ability to meet with other school
counselors for informal networking          PHOTO BOOTH                              REGISTRATION BAGS

and collaboration. This is a great

                                            Everyone wants a sparkling new

                                                                                     Your company’s name can be the

sponsorship opportunity to stand            headshot photo. Sponsor the photo
out from the crowd with your logo on                                                 one every attendee is sure to go
                                            booth and get your name in front
the napkins, sponsor signage and the                                                 home with if you sponsor the official
                                            of the conference attendees as they
ability to place fliers on the tables.                                               conference tote bags. All attendees
                                            come to get their free professional
                                                                                     receive a special tote bag to hold
                                            headshot taken.
WI-FI                                                                                their conference materials. Take ad-

                                                                                     vantage of promoting your company
Sponsor the conference Wi-Fi and            ASCA CAFÉ                                on the bag itself, which also displays
have your splash page appear each           Be a part of the ASCA exhibit booth      the ASCA logo. Many school counsel-
time an attendee connects to Wi-Fi.         by sponsoring the ASCA Café, which       ors use their bags all year.
                                            serves espresso drinks during the        PLATINUM CONTINUED NEXT PAGE
GRAFFITI WALL                               conference. This is a great sponsor-
                                            ship opportunity to stand out from
Have your brand be in front of school                                                *Sponsored items receive all their
                                            the crowd with your logo on the
counselors throughout the conference                                                  related sponsor-level benefits.
                                            napkins, sponsor signage and ASCA
as they write on the Graffiti Wall.
                                            Café promotional material.

7              Contact Brian Levy, • (571) 329-4358 or book online at
SPONSOR OPTIONS                                                                    AWARDS
                                                                                   RECOGNITION DINNER

FOCUS GROUPS                            BANDANAS                                          S O L D
                                                                                   Sponsor the Awards Recognition
                                                                                   Dinner honoring the 2022 Recog-
                                                                                   nized ASCA Model Program (RAMP)
                                                                                   recipients and ASCA-Certified
Sponsor a focus group for school        Have your logo displayed on the
                                                                                   School Counselors. Sponsor will
counselors to gain their insights on    ASCA 70th anniversary bandanas
                                                                                   have the ability to speak to the
current industry trends, learning,      that will be provided to all attend-
                                                                                   audience for 3–5 minutes.
college/career readiness or student     ees at the Roots & Boots party.
success to name a few. Sponsor can
lead the focus group.                                                              VIRTUAL EVENT
RAMP FAIR                                 DIAMOND                                  Be the exclusive sponsor of the
                                                                                   virtual component of the ASCA An-
                                                                                   nual Conference. Have your brand
Sponsor the RAMP Fair and have          CONFERENCE                                 prominently displayed to more
your branding displayed to school
counselors who are learning about       T-SHIRT                                    than 6,000 attendees. All in-person
                                                                                   attendees also receive access to the
the RAMP process.                       Have your brand prominent-
                                                                                   virtual platform.
                                        ly displayed on the ACSA 2022
AMBASSADOR                              Conference t-shirt that each full
PROGRAM                                 conference registrant will receive.
                                        School Counselors wear these shirts        DEVELOPMENT
Sponsor the conference ambassa-         throughout the year - ensuring your

                                                                                                L D
dor program and have your orga-         brand is seen over and over again.

                                                                                            S O
nization’s brand imprinted on the                                                  Be present as the exclusive spon-
conference ambassadors’ daily           KEYNOTE SPEAKER                            sor for this pre-conference event.

                                                   L D
T-shirts. Ambassadors are widely                                                   Leaders from all 50 states as well as

                                               S O
visible throughout the conference       Be in front of the entire conference       the ASCA Board of Directors will be
as they help out attendees. Net-        audience. Sponsor one of three key-        in attendance. Sponsor will have
work with the ambassadors at the        note speaker sessions. You will have       3-5 minutes to welcome the state
ambassador reception.                   the ability to speak to the audience       leaders.
                                        for 3–5 minutes. In lieu of speaking,
                                        a video can be shown promoting
                                        your brand.

                                                                                  *Sponsored items receive all their
                                                                                   related sponsor-level benefits.

8            Contact Brian Levy, • (571) 329-4358 or book online at

JULY/AUGUST ASCA SCHOOL                                          CONFERENCE E-BLAST
COUNSELOR MAGAZINE                                               ADVERTISING
ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES:                                       This is a great way to promote your company,
Enhance your presence at the ASCA Annual                         product/service, college or university to gain more
Conference. Get noticed with an ad in the July/                  referrals. The conference e-blast will be sent out
August 2022 conference issue of ASCA School                      April, May and June the last week of each month
Counselor magazine. In addition to being mailed to               to approximately 55,000 potential attendees
more than 40,000 ASCA members, this issue is also                promoting the 2022 conference. There are four
inserted in every conference attendee’s registration             advertising positions, which are $599 each.
bag.                                                             Email for more
Email for more                         information and a rate card.
information and a rate card.

9            Contact Brian Levy, • (571) 329-4358 or book online at
ABO-NCLE                                Gemological Institute of America (GIA)     Prep Expert
Acuren Inspection                       Goethe-Institut                            Prep for the Test
AeroGuard Flight Training               Golden Key Promotions                      PSG Academy USA Pro
Aggie Disaster Response Mental          Grand Canyon University                    QuaverSEL
 Health Recovery Network                Hatching Results                           Resilient Kids Boot Camp
Air Line Pilots Association,            Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied       RV Technical Institute
 International                            Workers / Insulators Union               Sallie Mae
All Pro Dad                             Hope Squad                                 School Pulse
Amen Clinics                            IDEAL Electrical                           School-Connect
American Institute                      Inspire Harmony                            SchooLinks
American Institute                      Inspire Success                            SCUTA
American School                         International Training Institute for the   Second Step by Committee for
American Sikh Council                     Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning          Children
Army National Guard                       Industry                                 SEL for Prevention
Army National Guard                     International Union of Elevator            Seltrove
Ask, Listen, Learn                        Constructors (IUEC)                      Sha’s Signature Creations
Ask, Listen, Learn                      International Union of Painters and        Smart Futures
Association for Play Therapy              Allied Trades (IUPAT)                    SPARK Mentoring Programs
ASVAB Career Exploration Program        kid-grit                                   Student Success Agency
Axiom Dashboards                        Kuder                                      Success Bound
B.I.O.N.I.C.                            LIFT Academy                               Surveying Careers/NSPS
BD                                      Lions Quest                                Text, Talk, Act
Be an Actuary                           Major Clarity                              The Children’s Health Market
Bloomsights                             Mendez Foundation                          The College Funding Coach
Board of Certified Safety               Mental Health America of Greater           The Labyrinth Connection
 Professionals (BCSP)                     Dallas                                   The National Council of Architectural
Build Your Future                       Microburst Learning                         Registration Boards (NCARB)
BYU Independent Study                   Monique Burr Foundation                    The Trust Your Journey Project
California Aeronautical University      NABTU                                      Tutors Across America
Calo Programs                           National Alliance for Grieving             United Association of Plumbers and
Center for Responsive Schools             Children (NAGC)                           Pipefitters
CharacterStrong                         National Center for Youth Issues           United States Air Force
Childhelp                               National Court Reporters                   United States Navy Recruiting
College Success Arizona                   Association                               Command
Cyber Safeguard                         National Cryptologic Foundation            Universal Technical Institute
Dial Care Mental Wellness               National Fire Sprinkler Association        University Aviation Association
Discover Student Loans                  National Hardwood Lumber                   University of Nebraska High School
Dove Self-Esteem Project                  Association                              US Army Recruiting Education
Drug Enforcement Administration -       National Student Clearinghouse              Outreach
 DEA                                    Neolth                                     US Aviation Academy
Earnest                                 Next Level Students                        Verto Education
Erika’s Lighthouse                      OIC Advance                      
EverFi                                  Operative Plasterers’ & Cement             Vitaes
Explore the Trades                        Masons’ International Association ?      Wellness Together School Mental                                 OPCMIA                                    Health
Flop Ball by Flow Circus                Parchment                                  Xello
Fusion Education Group                  Percepto                                   Youth Transformation Center
Future N Focus Dream Catcher            Philadelphia Insurance/AHT                 YouthLight, Inc.
Gaggle                                  Pinwheel                                   Zippy Buzzy Bee Book

10           Contact Brian Levy, • (571) 329-4358 or book online at
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