2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture

Page created by Andrew Vasquez
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
2022 Forage and
Cereal Seed Guide
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
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2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
The secret is
in the seed
Choose the best products for you. ELITE
seeds provide optimal performance for
abundant, high-quality harvests. Because
we want to offer you the best there is so that
you can achieve great things

ELITE: Our story
All ELITE seeds have a story. The story of our 20-strong team
of professionals innovating on our Saint-Hyacinthe research
farm to bring you new, higher performing cereal grain and
forage cultivars. The story of thousands of rigorous tests
carried out on just over 50,000 experimental plots. The
story of a team of advisors dedicated to supplying you with
products for excellence.

                                                                Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide   3
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
4   Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
ELITE cereal
seeds made for
our climate

01. Wheat                                               06
02. Table of Wheat Cultivars                            09
03. Oats                                                10
04. Barley                                              12
05. Rye and Triticale                                   14
06. Table of Barley, Oat, Triticale and Rye Cultivars   17
07. Peas                                                18

                                                             Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide   5
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
01. Wheat

I choose ELITE for
resistance and
abundant harvests.

Raven — A new performance standard
Maida — Made for the cold
UGRC Ring — A high-performing winter wheat

6        Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
01. Wheat

Spring Milling Wheat

                                                                                                   103%        Zone 1
  The performance standard                                              Yield                      112%        Zone 2
  Raven is a milling wheat with an outstanding yield. A versatile
  crop, it performs well in all zones of Québec. With its excellent                                110%        Zone 3
  straw volume, it is sure to meet all your farming needs.
                                                                        Fusarium                   2

                                                                        Straw Height               Average

                                                                                                   101%        Zone 1
  Great in early zones                                                  Yield                      114%        Zone 2
  Maida is a wheat for cold climates, with a high yield potential
                                                                                                   111%        Zone 3
  in zones 2 and 3. It has excellent plant health and good straw
  production and is high in protein.                                    Fusarium                   3

                                                                        Straw Height               Tall

                                                                                                   99%         Zone 1
  High falling number                                                   Yield                      98%         Zone 2
  An excellent bread wheat with a high test weight, protein
                                                                                                   99%         Zone 3
  content and falling number. Among the best varieties in terms
  of quality and yield. Higher-than-average resistance                  Fusarium                   2
  to fusarium.
                                                                        Straw Height               Average

                                                                        Quality                    9.5
  Extra-early milling wheat                                             Standability               8.0
  Among the earliest-maturing varieties in provincial trials,
                                                                        Protein                    9.0
  this wheat’s high yield is exceptional. It produces very high-
  quality flour with a high protein content and falling number.         Fusarium                   2
  Very good resistance to fusarium. Early maturity wards off
  many infestations.                                                    Straw Height               Average

  Data based on the CRCQ 2018-2019-2020 evaluation project published in the 2020 RGCQ guide

                                                                           Sollio Agriculture — Elite
                                                                                                Guide Guide
                                                                                                       Élite            7
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
01. Wheat

Spring Feed Wheat
                                                                                                104%        Zone 1
    The performer                                                         Yield                 97%         Zone 2
    Minot has an impressive yield and can adapt to all zones
    and climate conditions. It has good resistance to diseases,                                 104%        Zone 3
    including fusarium.
                                                                          Fusarium              2

                                                                          Straw Height          Average

                                                                          Standability          9.5
    Always standing                                                       Grain Size            9.0
    An early wheat, harvested a week after barley.
                                                                          Adaptability          8.0
    Has a very good yield and great standability with any type of
    fertilization. Perfect for use on the farm or for planting forage     Maturity              Early
                                                                          Straw Height          Short

Winter Wheat
                                                                                                111%        Zone 1
    UGRC Ring
    Winter feed wheat                                                     Yield                 107%        Zone 2
    Produces very uniform heads with excellent yields. Good
    winter survival in all zones. For livestock feed or flour.                                  107%        Zone 3
    Responds very well to intensive management.
                                                                          Standability          Excellent

                                                                          Straw Height          Short

                                                                                                92%         Zone 1
    Winter Milling Wheat                                                  Yield                 90%         Zone 2
    This sought-after bread wheat has a high protein
                                                                                                93%         Zone 3
    content and a good falling number. Remarkable
    standability and early maturity.                                      Standability          Excellent

                                                                          Straw Height          Short

    Data based on the CRCQ 2018-2019-2020 evaluation project published in the 2020 RGCQ guide

8                        Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
02. Table of Wheat Cultivars

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Seeding Rate5 (seeds/m2)
                                                 Characteristics                                                                         Plant Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                Spring                               Fall

                                                       Canadian Wheat Class1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Organic Certified Seed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TKW (g/1000 seeds)
                                                                                                                                                                     Leaf Spot Disease
                                                                                                                                             Powdery Mildew

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Optimum Date
                                                                               Height (cm)







 Raven                   X               X             HRS                     90               I         L        9            MR/MS           9             8         9                450     400            310            -         -           -      40                          X

 Maida                   X               X             HRS                     98               I         L        9             MS             9             6         8                450     400            310            -         -           -      38                          X

 Touran                  X               X             HRS                     91               I         L        8            MR/MS           7             8         8                500     400            310            -         -           -      40

 Helios                  X               X             HRS                     89             H          A         7             MS             7             8         8                400     400            310            -         -           -      36

 Minot                   X                      X      HRS                     96               I         L        9            MR/MS           9             8         7                450     400            310            -         -           -      39

 Quantum                 X                      X      HRS                     88             H           L        9                -           8             7         7                560     450            320            -         -           -      40

 UGRC Ring                       X              X      SRW                     85             H           L        9            MS/S            8             8         9                 -          -             -          350    400            450     40

 Lexington                       X       X             HRW                     82             H           L        9             MS             8             9         8                 -          -             -          350    400            450     45

Ratings: 9 = Excellent 5 = Average 1 = Poor - = Insufficient data

      This variety is protected under the 1991 Convention of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

1. Canadian wheat class                         2. Maturity: E = Early                                                           4. Fusarium: S = Susceptible                                                      5. Seeding rate
   HRS: Hard red spring wheat                   I = Intermediate L = Late                                                           MS/S: Moderately susceptible                                                      in kg/ha = (seeds/m2 x TKW)/100
   SRW: Soft red winter wheat                   3. Awns: L = Long                                                                   to susceptible                                                                 6. IMP = Intensive management
                                                                                                                                    MS: Moderately susceptible                                                        practices
   HRW: Hard red winter wheat                       A = Apical N = None
                                                                                                                                    MR/MS: Moderately resistant
                                                                                                                                    to moderately susceptible
                                                                                                                                    MR: Moderately resistant

                                                                                                                                 Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                                                                                                                            9
2022 Forage and Cereal Seed Guide - Sollio Agriculture
03. Oats

I choose ELITE
for tolerance
and quality.

Kalio — The new heavyweight
Akina — For yield
Alka — For quality

10         Sollio Agriculture — Elite
                                Guide Guide
03. Oats

                                                                                                                 102%                     Zone 1
New              Alka
                 Excellent drought tolerance                                           Yield                     100%                     Zone 2
                 Alka is a variety of white oats for oatmeal. It has a stable yield
                 and a high test weight. This variety of oats is highly tolerant                                 103%                     Zone 3
                 of crown rust and drought, which protects its yield and the
                                                                                       Standability              Very good
                 quality of its straw.
                                                                                       Straw Height              Average

                                                                                       Market                    Feed - Oatmeal

                                                                                                                 105%                     Zone 1
                 For heavier yields                                                    Yield                     104%                     Zone 2
                 Kalio oats have a strong agronomic profile, with a good yield
                 potential, very good specific weight and great straw height.                                    104%                     Zone 3

                                                                                       Standability              Very good

                                                                                       Straw Height              Average

                                                                                       Market                    Feed

                                                                                                                 105%                     Zone 1
                 For yield                                                             Yield                     105%                     Zone 2
                 Akina has an exceptional yield, excellent standability and a
                                                                                                                 104%                     Zone 3
                 high test weight. These white oats can be used for human
                 consumption and are sought after by Quaker Oats. Akina is             Standability              Excellent
                 highly tolerant of crown rust.
                                                                                       Straw Height              Short

                                                                                       Market                    Quaker Oats – Feed - Oatmeal

                                                                                                                 101%                     Zone 1
                 Double duty                                                           Yield                     101%                     Zone 2
  Forage oat

                 High-yielding oats with truly exceptional standability
                 and a high test weight. These white oats are shorter than                                       105%                     Zone 3
                 average and will impress you with their robustness and
                                                                                       Standability              Excellent
                 very high tolerance of crown rust.
                                                                                       Market                    Forage oats – Feed - Oatmeal

                                                                                                                 102%                     Zone 1
                 Always popular                                                        Yield                     103%                     Zone 2
                 Nice is recognized for its grain yield and very large straw                                     101%                     Zone 3
                 yield. Its large white grains are sought after by the horse
                 feed market.                                                          Characteristic            Excellent straw yield

                                                                                       Market                    Feed – Oatmeal – Forage oats

                                                                                                                 115%                     Zone 1
  Hulless Oats

                 Hulless Oats                                                          Yield                     93%                      Zone 2
                 Maréchal hulless oats have exceptional drought tolerance that sets
                                                                                                                 100%                     Zone 3
                 them apart. They have outstanding straw height and are a good
                 source of energy and protein. Ideal for use as feed on the farm.      Characteristic            Very good standability

                 Data based on the CRCQ 2018-2019-2020 evaluation project published in the 2020 RGCQ guide
                      Accepted by Quaker Oats

                                                                                          Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                         11
04. Barley

I choose ELITE barley
for its versatility and

Doriane — Performance
Alyssa — Consistency
Corzo — Resistance

12       Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
04. Barley

    Six-Row Barley
                                                                                                          106%        Zone 1
Nouveau   Doriane
          For yield                                                             Yield                     105%        Zone 2
          The new champion with excellent yield in all zones is
          remarkably consistent and adaptable. A barley with a                                            110%        Zone 3
          very large grain and good high-quality straw yield for
                                                                                Standability              Good
          use on the farm.
                                                                                Straw Height              Average

                                                                                                          98%         Zone 1
          Simply beautiful                                                      Yield                     103%        Zone 2
          High, consistent yield, good standability and strong straw
          until maturity. Excellent leaf disease resistance and looks                                     101%        Zone 3
          great in the field.
                                                                                Standability              Good

                                                                                Straw Height              Average

    Two-Row Barley
                                                                                                          106%        Zone 1
          Fight fusarium                                                        Yield                     103%        Zone 2
          Two-row barley with excellent yield potential. Highly
          tolerant of fusarium. Selena has large, uniform grains with                                     98%         Zone 3
          a high test weight. Lower fibre content than six-row barley.
          Above-average tolerance of leaf diseases. Clean grains
                                                                                Straw Height              Short
          allow for easier grading.

                                                                                Stress Tolerance          9.0
          Looks great                                                           Straw Production          9.0
          Good yield potential and very large grains that make
                                                                                Grain Size                10
          for easier use on the farm. Excellent standability and
          impressively tall straw.                                              Straw Height              Tall

          Data based on the CRCQ 2018-2019-2020 evaluation project published in the 2020 RGCQ guide

                                                                                   Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide            13
05. Rye and Triticale

I choose ELITE
rye for its

Thauvex — Exceptional yield
KWS Serafino — A high-yield hybrid
KWS Propower — Tonnes of forage

14       Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
05. Rye and Triticale

                            Spring Triticale
                                                                                                                                     94%         Zone 1
                                     Spring triticale                                                      Yield                     108%        Zone 2
                                     This triticale has very high yield potential and tall straw
                                     with excellent standability. Thauvex is very resistant to                                       99%         Zone 3
                                     ergot and is highly resistant to leaf diseases.
                                                                                                           Standability              Excellent

                                                                                                           Straw Height              Very tall

                                     Data based on the CRCQ 2018-2019-2020 evaluation project published in the 2020 RGCQ guide

                            Winter Rye
                                                                                                           Yield                     9.5
New                                  KWS Serafino
                                     The new one                                                           Ergot                     9.0

                                     Companion to KWS Daniello, KWS Serafino has excellent
                                     yield potential and is very resistant to ergot. Good winter           Standability              9.0
                                     survival in all zones.
                                                                                                           Survival                  Excellent

                                                                                                           Straw Height              Average

                                                                                                           Yield                     9.5
                                     KWS Daniello
                                     Vigorous and robust                                                   Ergot                     9.0

                                     This hybrid fall rye has a higher yield potential than
                                     conventional rye. KWS Daniello is more resistant to ergot.            Standability              9.0
                                     It survives very well in the winter and is a quick starter in the
                                                                                                           Survival                  Excellent
                                     spring. Short plants with excellent standability.
                                                                                                           Straw Height              Average

                                                                                                           Biomass                   9.5
                                     KWS Propower
  Specifically for Silage

                                     Specifically for silage                                               Quality                   9.0

                                     KWS Propower is a hybrid winter rye specifically for silage. It
                                                                                                           Growth Speed              9.0
                                     allows an early, quality harvest and seeding of a second crop.
                                     Makes it easy to increase forage acreage on the farm and is           Maturity                  Early
                                     resistant to drought.
                                                                                                           Straw Height              Average

                                                                                                           Standability              7.5
                                     Conventional                                                          Yield                     8.0
                                     This conventional winter rye developed in Québec can be put
                                                                                                           Flexibility               9.0
                                     to many uses, whether as a cover crop, a forage or a grain. It is
                                     resistant to snow mould and survives well in winter.                  Maturity                  Early

                                                                                                           Straw Height              Very tall

                                                                                                              Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide            15
16   Sollio Agriculture — Elite
                          Guide Guide
06. Table of Barley, Oat, Triticale and Rye Cultivars

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Seeding Rate3 (seeds/m2)
                                                                                   Characteristics                                                                                                           Plant Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Spring                                     Fall

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Organic Certified Seed
                                                                                                                  Specifically for Silage
                                                              Accepted by Quaker

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TKW (g/1000 seeds)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Yellow Dwarf Virus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Leaf Spot Disease
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Powdery Mildew

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Optimum Date
                                                                                                                                                     Height (cm)




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   IMP 4-5



New    Doriane              X                                                        X                                                               85              T          L         8             8            8             8         8                      -              350       350              275            -          -           -      45

New                         X                                                                  X         X                                           76               I         L         7              -            -             -          -                    -              450       350              250            -          -           -      45

       Alyssa               X                                                        X                                                               79               I         L         8             8            8             8         8                      -              400       350              275            -          -           -      43                         X

       Corzo                X                                                                  X                                                     76             H           L         8             9            9             8         8                      -              350       350              250            -          -           -      54

       Selena               X                                                                  X                                                     65             H           L         7             9            9             9         7                      -              350       350              250            -          -           -      46

New    Alka                 X               X                                                                                                        87               I        N          8              -            -            9         8                   8                 350       350              275            -          -           -      38

       Kalio                X               X                                                                                                        89               I        N          8              -            -            9         8                   7                 350       350              275            -          -           -      40

       Akina                X               X                    X                                                                                   85               I        N          9              -            -            9         8                   6                 350       350              275            -          -           -      37

       Kara                 X               X                                                                          X                             83              T         N          9              -            -            9         8                   7                 350       350              275            -          -           -      37                         X

       Nice                 X               X                                                                                                        95               I        N          8              -            -            8         8                   8                 350       350              275            -          -           -      37                         X

       Maréchal             X                        X                                                                                               96              T         N          7              -            -            9         9                   8                 400       375              300            -          -           -      28

       Thauvex              X                                                                                                                        109              I         L         7             8             -             -          -                    -              550       450              300            -          -           -      40

New                                 X                                                                                                        X       115             T          L         8              -            -             -          -                    -                -           -               -          160     200             -      33

       KWS                          X                                                                                                        X       115             T          L         8              -            -             -          -                    -                -           -               -          160     200             -      33

       KWS                          X                                                                                  X                     X       120              -         L         8              -            -             -          -                    -                -           -               -          160     200             -      33

       Gauthier                     X                                                                                                                136              I         L         7              -            -             -          -                    -                -           -               -          300     350            400     30

      Ratings: 9 = Excellent 5 = Average 1 = Poor - = Insufficient data
          This variety is protected under the 1991 Convention of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

      1. Maturity: E = Early                                              2. Awns: L = Long                                                                                            3. Seeding rate in kg/ha =                                                                                           4. IMP = Intensive management
         I = Intermediate L = Late                                        A = Apical N = None                                                                                             (seeds/m2 x TKW)/100                                                                                                 practices
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5. IMP = Management for malting

                                                                                                                                                                                       Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                                                                                                                                                            17
07. Peas

I plant ELITE peas
for their unmatched

18         Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
07. Peas

Yellow Peas
                                                                      Yield                     9
 Yellow pea for field crops                                           Standability              8
 Eso peas are yellow peas for human and livestock
 consumption with a high grain yield. They are a                      Protein                   9
 semi-leafless variety and have a bushy habit and good
                                                                      Height                    Average
                                                                      Maturity                  Intermediate

Forage Peas
                                                                      Yield                     9
 Forage pea                                                           Standability              7
 Packer peas are a tried and tested variety. They can be used
 as forage or cover crops and produce impressive biomass              Protein                   9
 with a high protein content. These leafy peas have an
 indeterminate flowering growth habit and will produce until          Ideal as supplementary forage

Cereal Grain and Pea Mixes

 For use as forage or cover crops
   40 % – Kara oats                               60 % – Packer peas

   60 % – Kara oats                                                       40 % – Packer peas

   60 % – Minot wheat                                                     40 % – Packer peas

   50 % – Thauvex triticale                                     50 % – Packer peas

 For use as grain
   40 % – Kara oats                              60 % – Eso peas

   60 % – Kara oats                                                       40 % – Eso peas

   60 % – Minot wheat                                                     40 % – Eso peas

   60 % – Kara oats                                                       40 % – Minot wheat

                                                                         Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide      19
20   Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
ELITE forage
seeds made
for our climate

08. Forage Selector         22
09. Forage Seeds            25
10. Table of Forage Seeds   28
11. Cover Crops             30
12. Silage Additives        35
13. Notes                   37

                                 Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide   21
08. Forage Selector

alfalfa for its
to all conditions.

22       Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
08. Forage Selector

High-Quality Forage Management System
                                        Laura meadow fescue                                     – Highly digestible fibre
  Amina                                 Arlaka timothy                                          – Extended harvest period
                                        Athos late-maturing orchardgrass                        – High leaf-to-stem ratio

Intensive Cutting Management System
                                        BarElite soft leaf tall fescue                          – Fast recovery
  Althea                                Fleet meadow bromegrass                                 – Short harvest interval
                                        Glacier timothy                                         – High yield

Conventional Management System
                                                                                                – Better disease resistance
                                        Succession hybrid bromegrass
  Rustung                                                                                       – Excellent yield
  Alfalfa                                                                                       – Standard cutting management system
                                        Sahara DT timothy
                                                                                                – Winter hardiness
                                                                                                – Very high yield
                                        Succession hybrid bromegrass
  Isabella                                                                                      – Standard cutting management system
  Alfalfa                                                                                       – Excellent disease resistance
                                        Sahara DT timothy
                                                                                                – Multifoliate

                                        Succession hybrid bromegrass                            – Multifoliate
  Slingshot                                                                                     – Excellent yield
  Alfalfa                               Arlaka timothy                                          – Very good winter survival

Variable Field Management System
  Magnum                                Succession hybrid bromegrass                            – Branched root system
  8-Wet                                                                                         – Tolerates wet soils
  Alfalfa                               Arlaka timothy                                          – Excellent disease resistance

                                        Succession hybrid bromegrass                            – Performs well in low pH soils
  Bearcat                                                                                       – Excellent yield
  Red clover                            Arlaka timothy                                          – Superior fall regrowth

Traffic and Grazing Tolerance
                                        Fleet meadow bromegrass                                 – Deep-set crown
  3010                                  Arlaka timothy                                          – Greater resistance to high-traffic conditions
                                        Laura meadow fescue                                     – Suitable to pasture production
                                        Fleet meadow bromegrass                                 – Performs well in low pH soils
  Exact                                 Arlaka timothy                                          – Excellent forage yields
  Birdsfoot trefoil
                                        Laura meadow fescue                                     – Good recovery

Alfalfa Mixes
                                                                                                – Excellent disease resistance
  ELITE Quality                         Mix of certified alfalfa varieties with 50%
                                                                                                – Very good feed quality
  Mix                                   Amina alfalfa
                                                                                                – Similar dormancies

                                                                                                – High yield
  ELITE Value                           Mix of certified, tested alfalfa varieties              – Very good winter survival
                                                                                                – Resistant to diseases

        Conventionally bred alfalfa with high fibre digestibility

    Conventionally bred alfalfa with fast recovery

                                                                                     Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                             23
Thauvex — Rendement exceptionnel
     KWS Serafino — Hybride à rendement
     KWS Propower — Des tonnes de fourrage

24       Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
09. Forage Seeds

                                                                                                   More leaves
      Amina                                                           Dormancy 4
                                                                                                   Better digestibility
      For longer-lasting quality                                      Survival 1.6
                                                                                                   Extended harvest period

                                                                                                   Higher yield
      Althea                                                          Dormancy 5
                                                                                                   More cuts
      For truly fast recovery                                         Survival 1.9
                                                                                                   Better quality

                                                                                                   Very good yield
      Slingshot                                                       Dormancy 5.2
                                                                                                   Stable yield
      Multifoliate                                                    Survival 2
                                                                                                   Winter hardiness

      Isabella                                                        Dormancy 4
                                                                                                   Disease resistance
      For yield                                                       Survival 2
                                                                                                   Long and productive stand life

                                                                                                   Outstanding disease resistance
New   Rustung                                                         Dormancy 4.4
                                                                                                   Winter hardiness
      For resistance                                                  Survival 1.5
                                                                                                   Excellent yield

                                                                                                   Branched root system
New   Magnum 8-Wet                                                    Dormancy 4
                                                                                                   High yield
      For wet soils                                                   Survival 2.5
                                                                                                   Excellent disease resistance

                                                                                                   Deep-set crown
      3010                                                            Dormancy 2.5
                                                                                                   Very good yield
      For grazing tolerance                                           Survival 1.8
                                                                                                   Recovery allows for manure application

                                                                                                   Highly resistant to potato leafhopper
New   Safeguard PLH                                                   Dormancy 4
                                                                                                   Excellent disease resistance
      For resistance to potato leafhopper                             Survival 2

  Survival rating: 1 = excellent, 2 = very good, 3 = good
  Dormancy rating: the lower the number, the weaker the fall growth

  Red Clover
                                                                                     Outstanding stand persistence
      Bearcat                                                                        Superior yields under three-cut management system
      For longer yields                                                              Good disease resistance

                                                                                     Quick establishment
      Wildcat                                                                        Very good yield
      For superior adaptability                                                      Good persistence

                                                                                     Very good yield
      Blizard                                                                        Excellent recovery
      Tetraploid                                                                     Winter hardiness

                                                                                 Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                           25
09. Forage Seeds

                                                         Very leafy
  Arlaka                                                 Intermediate maturity
  For yields                                             Superior stand persistence

                                                         Vigorous in the spring
  Sahara DT                                              Excellent forage quality
  For drought resistance                                 Better yield distribution

                                                         Adapted for intensive management systems
  Glacier                                                Rapid recovery
  Early                                                  Winter hardiness

Berseem Clover
                                                         Impressive yield
  Frosty                                                 Excellent feed quality
  Berseem clover                                         Many uses

Ladino Clover
  Companion                                              Tolerates drought
  Ladino white clover                                    Persistent

Birdsfoot Trefoil
                                                         Excellent persistence
  Exact                                                  Very good grazing tolerance
  Birdsfoot trefoil                                      High flood tolerance

                                                         Quick spring start
  Succession                                             Great quality
  Hybrid bromegrass                                      Tolerates dry spells

                                                         Very good recovery
  Fleet                                                  Vigorous early season growth
  Meadow bromegrass                                      Excellent quality

                                                         Very fast establishment
  Hakari                                                 Tolerates drought
  Alaska bromegrass                                      Good palatability

26                    Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
09. Forage Seeds

                                       High yield
      BarElite                         Grows all season long
      Soft leaf tall fescue            Soft, appetizing leaves

                                       Good forage quality
New   Suede                            Intermediate maturity
      Soft leaf tall fescue            Tolerates stress

                                       Highly digestible
      Laura                            Very good annual yield
      Meadow fescue                    High quality

                                       Tolerates dry spells
      Athos                            Good fall growth
      Late orchardgrass                Very good yield

  Sorghum and Sudangrass
                                       Excellent yield
      Jalisco                          Very digestible
      BMR hybrid Sudangrass            Fast recovery

                                       Very resistant to drought
      BMR Honeygraze                   Good feed quality
      BMR Sorghum-Sudan hybrid         Very good yield

                                       Excellent forage yield
      Jeanne                           Excellent disease resistance
      Italian ryegrass                 Very good palatability

                                       Quick establishment
      Bigbang                          High yield
      Annual Westerwold ryegrass       Very good recovery

                                       Very good fall growth
      Mathilde                         Very dense, leafy plants
      Perennial ryegrass               Great forage quality

                                       Tolerates drought and flooding
      Mahulena                         High yield
      Fescue type                      Good persistence

                                       Quick establishment
      Perseus                          Highly digestible
      Ryegrass type                    Good spring growth

                                   Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide     27
10. Table of Forage Seeds

                                          Characteristics                                                                                         Management                                                                                                                         Disease Tolerance3

                                                                                                                                                                                         Prairie Establishment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Emergency Forage
                                           Technological Trait

                                                                                                                                                                   Traffic and Grazing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pasture and Prairie
                                                                                                      Forage Quality

                                                                                                                                                  Variable Field

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fusarium Wilt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bacterial Wilt

                                                                         Multifoliate 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cover Crop

       Forage Crops
       Amina                            Hi-Gest                   8         Y              4             X                           X                                                                                                                                 HR            HR             HR               HR              HR            HR
       Althea                          Standfast                  9        N               5                             X                                                                                                                                             HR            HR             HR               HR              HR            HR
       Slingshot                                                  9         Y             5,2                                        X                                                                                                                                 HR            HR                R             HR              HR            HR
       Isabella                                                   9         Y              4                                         X                                                                                                                                 HR            HR             HR               HR              HR            HR
New    Rustung                                                    9         Y             4,4                                        X                                                                                                                                 HR            HR             HR               HR              HR            HR
New    Magnum 8-Wet                  Branched root sytem 8                   -             4                                         X               X                                                                                                                 HR            HR             HR               HR              HR            HR
       3010                          Deep-set crown               8        N              2,5                                        X                                   X                                                                                             HR            HR             HR               HR              HR            HR
                                       Resistant to
New    Safeguard PLH                    the potato                8         Y              4                                         X                                                                                                                                 HR            HR             HR               HR              HR            HR

       Red Clover
       Bearcat                                                    8                                                                  X               X                                                                                                                    -              -              -                -             R              -
       Wildcat                                                    8                                                                  X               X                                                                                                                    -              -              -             M                R              -
       Blizard                         Tetraploid                 9                                                                  X                                                                                                                                    -              -              -                -             R              -

       Birdsfoot Trefoil
       Exact                                                      9                                                                                  X                   X                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -

       Ladino White Clover
       Companion                                                  9                                                                                  X                   X                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -

       Berseem Clover
       Frosty                           Annual                    9                                                                                                                          X                                            X                 X              -             -               -               -               -             -

       Arlaka                                                     9                                      X              X            X               X                   X                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -
       AC Alliance                                                8                                      X              X            X               X                   X                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -
       Sahara DT                                                  9                                                                  X                                   X                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -
       Glacier                                                    8                                                     X                                                X                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -

       Soft Leaf Tall Fescue
       BarElite                                                   9                                                     X                                                                                                                                                 -              -              -                -              -             -
New    Suede                                                      8                                                     X                                                                                                                                                 -              -              -                -              -             -

      Ratings: 9 = Excellent 5 = Average 1 = Poor - = Insufficient data

      28                          Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
10. Table of Forage Seeds

                                 Characteristics                                                                                           Management                                                                                                                         Disease Tolerance3

                                                                                                                                                                                  Prairie Establishment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Emergency Forage
                                 Technological Trait

                                                                                                                                                            Traffic and Grazing

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pasture and Prairie
                                                                                               Forage Quality

                                                                                                                                           Variable Field

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fusarium Wilt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bacterial Wilt

                                                               Multifoliate 1

                                                                                  Dormancy 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cover Crop

 Forage Crops
 Laura                                                  8                                         X                                                                                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -

 Meadow Bromegrass
 Fleet                                                  9                                                        X                                                X                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -

 Hybrid Bromegrass
 Succession                                             9                                                                     X               X                                                                                                                    -              -              -                -              -             -

 Alaska Bromegrass
 Hakari                                                 9                                                                     X                                                                                                                                    -              -              -                -              -             -

 Athos                                                  9                                         X                                                                                                                                                                -              -              -                -              -             -

 Mahulena                   Fescue type                 9                                                                                                                                                     X                                                    -              -              -                -              -             -
 Perseus                   Ryegrass type                9                                                                                                                             X                                                                            -              -              -                -              -             -

 Ribeye                      Cover crop                 9                                                                                                                                                                                            X             -              -              -                -              -             -
 Mathilde                     Perennial                 8                                                                                                                                                     X                                                    -              -              -                -              -             -
 Bigbang                Italian Westerwold              8                                                                                                                             X                                            X                               -              -              -                -              -             -
 Jeanne                        Italian                  9                                                                                                                             X                                            X                               -              -              -                -              -             -

 Sorghum and Sudangrass
 Jalisco                BMR sudangrass hybrid 9                                                                                                                                       X                                            X                 X             -              -              -                -              -             -
                           BMR Sorghum-
 Honeygraze BMR                                         9                                                                                                                             X                                            X                 X             -              -              -                -              -             -
                         sudangrass hybrid
Ratings: 9 = Excellent 5 = Average 1 = Poor - = Insufficient data

1. MULTIFOLIATE: Has more than 3 leaflets                                       2. DORMANCY: Describes the ability to grow tall                                                                                                           3. DISEASES: MR = Moderately resistant,
   Y = Yes N = No                                                                  in the fall. Dormancy is rated on a scale of                                                                                                              R = Resistant, HR = Highly Resistant
                                                                                   1 to 9, where 1 represents a variety of alfalfa
                                                                                   that goes dormant early and 9 represents an
                                                                                   annual variety.

                                                                                                                                                   Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                                                                                                                                                         29
11. Cover Crops

Use green
manure or
cover crops to
care for a key
your soil

30       Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
11. Cover Crops

- To add organic matter           - To reduce erosion
- To add nitrogen                 - To improve soil structure
- To scavenge residual nitrogen   - For built-in defence against pests

Consult your agri-advisor to help you choose
the right species and mixes for your needs.

Fodder Cabbage                     Oilseed Radish
Faba Bean                          Nematicide Forage Radish
Sudangrass                         Ryegrass
Flax                               Buckwheat
Annual Alfalfa                     Fall Rye
Sweet Clover                       Sorghum-Sudangrass
Japanese Millet                    Sunflower
Pearl Millet                       White Clover
White Mustard                      Huia White Clover
Oriental Mustard                   Red Clover
Phacelia                           Berseem Clover
Peas                               Crimson Clover
Austrian Pea                       Common Vetch
Daikon Forage Radish               Hairy Vetch

                                  Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide       31


Choose the simple and flexible way to
free up your cash flow. Get 12 months
to purchase seed, fuel, fertilizer and crop
protection, and up to 18 months to pay.

11. Cover Crops
I entrust ELITE with the health
of my soil.
Balance Mix
                                                  For summer seeding
 Daikon Radish + Crimson Clover + Ryegrass        For soil coverage that lasts until winter
                                                  Improve soil structure, erosion fighter and nitrogen scavenger

Structure Builder Mix
                                                  For summer seeding
 Daikon Radish + Ryegrass                         For soil coverage that lasts until winter
                                                  Improve soil structure, erosion fighter and nitrogen scavenger

N Maker Mix
                                                  For summer seeding
 Daikon Radish + Crimson Clover                   For soil coverage that lasts until winter
                                                  Improve soil structure, erosion fighter and nitrogen source

Multi Mix
 Daikon Radish + Crimson Clover +                 Multi purpose
 Ryegrass + Berseem Clover + Pearl                Can be used with a mix of cereal grains and peas
 Millet + Phacelia + Flax                         For increasing biodiversity

Intercrop Clover Mix
                                                  For intercropping in cereal grains
 Huia Dwarf White Clover + Alsike Clover          Adds nitrogen
 + Crimson Clover                                 Perennial soil coverage

Intercrop Ribeye Ryegrass
                                                  For intercropping with corn
 Ryegrass                                         Soil coverage that lasts until winter
                                                  Superior biomass

Eco-riparian Mix
 Creeping Red Fescue + Red Top + Perennial        For planting riparian buffers
 Ryegrass + Timothy + Alsike Clover + White       Diverse, long-lasting crop coverage
 Clover + Birdsfoot Trefoil

                                              Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                                     33
34   Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
12. Silage Additives
I choose ELITE for optimum
silage management.

  E. Faecium - L. Plantarum - L. Lactis                                                       EnersileGold acts to reduce silage pH
                                                                                              as soon as it is applied. Its fast action
                                            Effective for all storage structures              stabilizes forage to conserve dry
   - Fast acting
                                                                                              matter and protein.
   - Improved fermentation                   - For corn silage and hay silage
                                                                                              EnersileGold reduces clostridium,
   - Reduces clostridium                                                                      and therefore butyric acid, in silage.


                                                                                              EnersileDuo improves the aerobic
  L. Plantarum - E. Faecium - L. Buchneri                                                     stability of corn silage at feedout
                                                                                              and is very efficient at preventing
   - Aerobic stability                     Effective for all storage structures              silage heating. It acts fast to reduce
                                             - For corn silage                                pH, and its fermentation speed
   - Fast acting
                                                                                              conserves silage dry matter.
   - Preserves dry matter                                                                    EnersileDuo provides increased
                                                                                              silage stability for optimal production.

                                                                 Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                                         35
36   Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide
13. Notes

            Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide   37
Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide   38
Sollio Agriculture — Elite Guide                                                                     39
                       TM   Sollio Agriculture is a trademark of Sollio Cooperative Group, used under license.
Farming Common Sense.
        Defined by the words caring, down to earth and achiever,
        Sollio Agriculture is using the strength of its networks across Canada
        to work hand-in-hand with Canadian farmers and ensure the prosperity
        of their families and communities.

                                     TM Sollio Agriculture is a trademark of Sollio Cooperative Group, used under license.
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