Page created by Helen Ramos
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WIA540 • PROMO 2022        I   2

                                                                            ADY’S AGRO               AFRICA WEALTH             AGRIX TECH SARL         AGRO CONGO
                                                                            PROCESSING LTD           INITIATIVE - AGRI-        Dorothée Mvondo         BUSINESS
                                                                            Adanne Uche              CULTURAL VENTURE          Nganti                  Merveille Shungu
                                                                                                     Rebecca Amoo
                                                                            NIGERIA                                            CAMEROON                DEMOCRATIC
                                                                                                     NIGERIA                                           REPUBLIC OF
                                                                            Ady’s Agro Processing                              Agrix Tech is an AI-    CONGO
                                                                            Limited (Ady’s) is       AWI Agricultural Ven-     based platform that
                                                                            a growing house-         ture works to improve     provides profes-        We are in agriculture
                                                                            hold agri-business       the livelihood of Afri-   sional agricultural     and in the restora-
                         AGRICULTURE                                        brand that sources,      ca’s poorest people       advisory services.      tion of forests and
                                                                            processes, and           and communities           The knowledge on        degraded lands. We
                         & AGRITECH                                         distributes food
                                                                            consumables while
                                                                                                     by creating sustai-
                                                                                                     nable collaborations
                                                                                                                               the use of chemical
                                                                                                                               pesticides as well
                                                                                                                                                       produce and market
                                                                                                                                                       organic market
                                                                            building a nutritious    between Africa’s          as the promotion of     gardening products
                                                                            and healthy commu-       small holder farmers,     biological pesticides   and we work in
                                                                            nity with our hygieni-   consumers and             that Agrix Tech         the restoration of
                                                                            cally processed and      Agro-service providers    brings to its farmers   forests and land de-
                                                                            packaged food            adopting technology       allows them to eat      graded by the use of
                                                                            ingredients and          to enhance the agri-      healthily.              chemical fertilizers.
                                                                            spices.                  culture value chain.

AGRO FISH FARM           AGRO FORCE                AGRO HEALTH              AGROBEST                 AGROBIZBIO                AGROLIFE NURSERY        AISCARECROW
Aminata F. Kandeh        Ibitayo Gloria Yabi       AFRICA                   ET SERVICES              Raphaela Paula            Temangweni Zwane        TECHNOLOGIES
                                                   Neuly Thècle Abiala      Mariama Bailo Diallo     Gnancadja                                         Mary Aboagye
SIERRA LEONE             BENIN                                                                                                 ESWATINI
                                                   BENIN                    GUINEA                   BENIN                                             GHANA
Agro Fish Farm           Production and mar-                                                                                   Agrolife produces
produces safe,           keting of biological      We are develo-           AgroBest et Services     Agrobizbio is an          high quality vege-      We are a crop
plentiful, affordable    insecticide based         ping agriculture         is a production,         agri-food complex         table seedlings for     protection startup
protein food in Sier-    on rabbit urine and       and transport by         processing and           based in the town of      both commercial         using an eco-frien-
ra Leone, to lower       tobacco leaves, for       employing 80% of         marketing company        Zè in Benin. It covers    and small-scale         dly solution to help
the malnutrition         the rapid restoration     underprivileged          for agricultural pro-    an area of five hec-      farmers in Eswatini.    cereal farmers to
rate. We manage          of the fertility of our   women and girl           ducts, in particular     tares. It has focused     Agrolife changed        successfully ward off
the entire process       soils which increases     mothers in difficulty.   white beans, red         on the diversified        that narrative by       pest birds from their
from breeding to         the productivity          We market our            beans, fonio and         production of table       employing females       farms, saving the
preparing fish for       of producers and          organic products in      watermelons.             eggs and market           only. We strongly       farmer on average
sale, marketing and      therefore improves        proximity marketing      We also offer delive-    garden products, the      believe in women        8-10 hours a day of
selling.                 their living condi-       by neighborhood          ry services, catering    production and pro-       empowerment             valuable time and
                         tions.                    relay women who          and training.            cessing of cassava.                               cutting losses to pest
                                                   live off the profits                                                                                birds by 90-95%.
                                                   from the resales of
                                                   our products.

AKATALE ON               ALT FOODS INDUS-          ANI                      ANSWERID                 ASSIBA FÉE                BAABA GROUP             BAIGAZABA
CLOUD                    TRY NIGERIA LTD           TRANSFORMATION           WORLDWIDE                Assiba Carine             Sayon Coulibaly         NIGERIA LTD
Mary Gorret Uwinyana     Pascaline Opeodu          Mènonsin Nina            Prossy lwantale          Coralie Bokovo                                    Hamisu Ibrahim Bala
                                                   Aholou                   Nassuuna                                           IVORY COAST
UGANDA                   NIGERIA                                                                     BENIN                                             NIGERIA
                                                   BENIN                    UGANDA                                             Creator of infusions,
Akatale On Cloud is      Alt Foods is an                                                             Assiba Fée is an agri-    BAABA GROUP is a        Agricultural Products
a technology-based       agro-allied business      We produce and           The organization         food company spe-         semi-industrial unit    and Block Industry.
initiative that offers   that bridges the          process baobab           focuses on providing     cializing in the pro-     for the production      We practice agricul-
food life span and       gap between locally       leaves and fruits        trainings on hands       duction, processing       and marketing of        tural productions
quality testing ser-     produced food and         to reduce food           on skills like juice     and sale of fruits        aromatic and me-        (import and export)
vices and an online      non-consumption by        insecurity.              making, mushroom         and vegetables, par-      dicinal plants from     and general Ma-
fresh food market.       providing alternative     We work with food        growing, liquid soap     ticularly West African    Africa in the form of   nager at Khamees
People buy groceries     food options along        security structures,     making, computer         seasonal fruits such      infusette sachets.      IB Nigeria block
and fresh food off       the Maize value chain     NGOs, school             training, hand craft     as pineapple; star        We primarily use kin-   Industry.
our digital platform,    through processing,       canteens. We mainly      making and book          fruit and vegetables;     keliba and moringa.
we receive orders        packaging and             distribute our pro-      making services to       namely moringa
and do door-to-door      marketing of locally      ducts through sales      low income youths        which is the flagship
delivery.                grown foods making        consignments in su-      especially women         product and pota-
                         use of eco-friendly       permarkets, shops        in rural areas           toes.
                         materials and em-         and restaurants.         using a physical
                         ploying women on                                   home-based model
                         contract for 70%                                   approach.
                         of its operation.
AGRICULTURE & AGRITECH                                                                                                                WIA540 • PROMO 2022       I    3

 Benedicta Tamakloe       GROUP LTD              Brukt Kebede            Fatoumata M.           Elvirah Solange           Mojisola Akinboboye      ENTERPRISES
                          Olive Niyonsaba                                Baldeh                 Cishugi                                            PRIVATE LTD
 GHANA                                           ETHIOPIA                                                                 NIGERIA                  Nyasha Denhere
                          RWANDA                                         GAMBIA                 IVORY COAST
 Bean Masters                                    Beki farm is a                                                           Bigcel Limited pro-      ZIMBABWE
 uses sustainable         The Bee Raising        poultry farm which      Bendulaa Farm is       Berakah Business          vides internationally
 coffee production        Group aims at job      delivers the best       a carbon-saving        has set up a proces-      certified processed      Bono Salus is an
 activities to ensure     creation for youth     organic chickens        ecological organic     sing unit for spices      spices, oils and sea-    Agribusiness entity
 sustainable living       and increase the       meat directly from      vegetables box sche-   in ground forms in        sonins for both the      that specialises in
 of women within          natural honey bee      the farmers to          me that provides       biodegradable pac-        local and internatio-    growing a variety of
 the value chain. We      productivity in        the whole world.        weekly boxes filled    kaging under the LA       nal market resulting     vegetables ranging
 responded and put        order to improve       By working in           with vegetables.       SAVEUR brand used         in reduction of food     from microgreens
 formed association       health through the     integrated outgrow      500 farmers from 20    to season dishes          wastage/ spoilage,       to mature vege-
 of community based       reduction of the       farming system          community gardens      and above all to take     value addition,          tables. We also grow
 coffee farmers that      sugar and other        with the farmers        are contracted to      care of our body.         convenient usage,        naturally occurring
 aims at using coffee     sweeteners used        and using their land    grow vegetables for                              healthy lives, impro-    edible weeds and
 as a catalyst for sus-   that cause many        for getting a sus-      Bendulaa Farm each                               ved communities          mushroom.
 tainable livelihood of   health problems.       tainable free range     season.                                          and foreign revenue
 our members.                                    raised chickens.                                                         earnings through

 BRIDGE MERCHANT          BUMBLEBEE              BWOGI FARMS             CHICKEN FARM           CHIPATSO FARM             COBANET SARL             COLD ALIVE
 ENTERPRISES              BRAND                  Grace Bwogi             AND ABATTOIR           Angellah Chitanje         Christian Basheka        Eunice Adewale
 Chinwendu Nweke          Jeneviev Akinyi                                (PTY) LTD
                                                 UGANDA                  Relebeletse            MALAWI                    IVORY COAST              NIGERIA
 NIGERIA                  KENYA                                          Rampokanyo
                                                 We offer livestock                             Organic farming           We provide bakery        Cold Alive Hubs is
 Bridge Merchant          Bumblebee is an        (goats and sheep)       LESOTHO                helps to improve soil     and pastry products      a modular, 100%
 is an Agritech and       apiculture brand       advisory and                                   Fertility and reduces     and also chicken and     solar-powered
 agribusiness startup     where we harvest       extension services      Packages and sup-      the use of chemical       quail farming.           walk-in cold rooms,
 working to make          process and            to youth and women      plies retail stores,   fertilizers. The issue    Our company has a        which provides 24/7
 food production, dis-    package honey pro-     farmers through         supermarkets and       of poor soils, soil de-   considerable impact      off-grid refrigera-
 tribution and storage    polis and scented      goat importation        catering companies     gradation which has       on the economic          tion. Our company
 more effective and       candles.               and export, goat far-   with fresh poultry     resulted due to the       plan because             creates employ-
 enhanced. We work        With more than 100     ming trainings, farm    meat, giblets and      change of climate         production and           ment for women,
 with smallholder far-    healthy benefitical,   supply of goat breed    frozen pieces. We      will be mitigated.        marketing offer          by recruiting and
 mers in rural areas      honey and propolis     stock and trade in      buy live chickens                                employment to 15         training them to
 to sell their produce    reduce chest bac-      goats in East Africa.   from local farmers                               agents directly and      work as Cold-Alive
 faster by connecting     terial.                                        who will be contrac-                             to a hundred ladies      Hubs Operators and
 them to companies        We also are a                                  ted and supervised                               indirectly.              Market Attendants
 and buyers in urban      source of employ-                              by the company for                                                        in the market.
 areas.                   ment for youths.                               the betterment of
                                                                         product quality.

Mary Aboagye

                                                                                                COMMUNITY                 COMPOSITE                COOPÉRATIVE
                                                                                                ACTION AGAINST            VENTURES                 MIROIR POUR LE
                                                                                                HUNGER                    66 NIG ENT               DÉVELOPPEMENT
                                                                                                Precious Animata          Adeyemi Risikat          Léa Sikubwabo
                                                                                                                          NIGERIA                  BURUNDI
                                                                                                SIERRA LEONE
                                                                                                                          Soaps and cosmetics      Our cooperative
                                                                                                The project is            production, like         contributes to the
                                                                                                geared towards            dish washing liquid,     socio-economic
                                                                                                empowering young          toilet cleaner, black    reintegration of
                                                                                                adolescent girls that     antiseptic soap for      vulnerable groups
                                                                                                have been dropped         bathing, shea butter     and smallholder
                                                                                                out of school and         cream for skin reju-     farmers through
                                                                                                or never been to          venating, and her-       integrated rice value
                                                                                                school that will be       bal vaseline jelly for   chain development
                                                                                                nouture to fit in the     skin prevention. All     services.
                                                                                                community.                these products are
                                                                                                                          very dependable,
                                                                                                                          efficient, affordable
                                                                                                                          by all customers.
AGRICULTURE & AGRITECH                                                                                                                    WIA540 • PROMO 2022         I    4

DADI LOCAL               DAKANE                  DEBRAH-HAN               DEV’ AFRICA SARL           DEW VENTURES              DIIDI                   DINGO POINT
Sayaba Dadi              AGRO-COSMO              VENTURES                 Doriane L’or Nguewo        Elizabeth Chikoja         Arlette Stephanie       INVESTMENTS
Mainassara               Ndeye Khadiome          Deborah Anozie           Nkemegni                                             Sedji                   Caroline Ruramayi
                         Ndong                                                                       MALAWI                                            Masunda
NIGER                                            NIGERIA                  CAMEROON                                             IVORY COAST
                         SENEGAL                                                                     Providing cus-                                    ZIMBABWE
Dadi Local is focused                            My business is a         Production and             tom hire services         DIIDI, an Agro-in-
on the production of     Transformation          commercial fish          transformation of          of agricultural           dustrial company        We provide affor-
sesame, groundnuts,      of agricultural         farming business.        fruits into fruits chip,   machinery to small        specialized in the      dable ranges of
peppers, tomatoes        and agro-forestry       We raise fingerlings     fruits powder for          holder commercial         production, proces-     mushroom including
and local herbs          products with a zero    to table size. This      baby food with am-         farmers in rural          sing and marketing      oyster and button
as well as their         waste perspective.      involves the process     bitions to transform       Malawi. Services          of sweet potato with    varieties which are
transformation into      Quality compost at      of raising Catfish/      these fruits further       include land pre-         orange and purple       highly nutritious, our
sesame oil, peanut       fair prices to pass     Tilapia fish with a      into lotions and           paration, planting,       flesh in flour and      product will cater
butter, mashed and       through an organic      high-tech water          biocosmetics pro-          fertilizer application,   semolina enriched       for more than 500
powdered peppers,        sector. Integration     recycling, filtration    ducts as a number          spraying, harvesting,     with de-oiled cashew    low income families,
tomato concentrate       of people living with   and fragmentation        one reference in the       transporting, and         kernels, intended for   undernourished
and tomato coulis.       physical disabilities   Tarpaulin ponds          next 10 years.             shelling.                 children and people     children below the
                         to increase their       system and earthen                                                            with strong nutri-      ages of 14, and also
                         income and their        ponds for high                                                                tional and immune       high income vege-
                         quality of life.        productivities.                                                               deficiencies.           tarians.

DIVINE AGRO SARL         DJENEBOU TOURÉ          EBEN-AZAR                EBI TECH                   EMEDEN KENYA              ENTREPRISE              ENTREPRISE CHABA
Mapin Epiphanie          DT                      NETWORK                  Nathalie Tshebwa           FARMERS                   ASSITAN AT MALI         PRODUCTION
Konaté Kienou            Djenebou Touré          Oreoluwa Adelakun                                   Everlyne Cherobon         Assitan Traoré          Mariam Ousmane
                                                                          DEMOCRATIC                                                                   Tangara
BURKINA FASO             MALI                    NIGERIA                  REPUBLIC                   KENYA                     MALI
                                                                          OF CONGO                                                                     MALI
Divine-Agro relieves     My company is dedi-     Agricultural portfolio                              EMEDEN has created        The production and
producers of             cated to the manu-      that brings together     Ebi Tech is a firm         an Online and offline     processing of agri-     Chaba Production
post-harvest losses.     facture of chocolate    skilled individuals,     that works in the          Farmers Platform          cultural products,      is an agri-food pro-
We market products       paste, peanuts,         high networth            agri-food sector.          that offers a one         such as pineapple,      cessing company,
derived from             employing 80% of        individual & groups      Anxious to offer           stop shop solution        orange, grape juice,    including chilli sauce
tomato, mangoes,         women with points       for farming purpose.     organic products to        that brings together      shea butter, sesame     (spicy and traditio-
peppers, moringa         of sale in town to      Eben - Azar network      the population and         individual farmers        biscuits, mango         nal), chilli powder
Artemisia, fruit jams,   facilitate access to    is primarily focused     make them acces-           in thousands on           jam, ensuring food      (natural, spicy and
at any time of the       customers.              on cultivation, aggre-   sible to all.              the platform to           self-sufficiency at     traditional); peanuts
year for the same                                gation and supply of                                use their numbers         the community level,    (salted and sweet)
price.                                           agricultural crops,                                 for leverage in the       increasing women’s      and their marketing
                                                 livestock product                                   marketplace, while        economic income,        on the local and
                                                 with packaging and                                  building their capa-      creating jobs for       sub-regional market.
                                                 processing of the                                   city for sustainable      young people.
                                                 product.                                            agriculture.

AND HONEY                TRANSFORMATION          Clarisse Davy MBA        NUCLEUS                    RING AND SUPPLY           Eursilah Seurey         BUSINESS
DAIRY FARM               AGROALIMENTAIRE         Eboto                    Gracia Nabintu             SOLUTIONS LTD                                     Patricia Kadita Keita
Esther Marwa             Teslem Meissa                                    Kisole                     Clémentine                KENYA
                                                 CAMEROON                                            Mukandayisenga                                    DEMOCRATIC
ZIMBABWE                 MAURITANIA                                       DEMOCRATIC                                           Exodus a dairy key      REPUBLIC
                                                 We value the poultry     REPUBLIC                   RWANDA                    activities are sour-    OF CONGO
My business is a         Collecting and          sector: growing corn     OF CONGO                                             cing of milk,produc-
mixed smallholder        recycling date stones   for the production of                               Production of juices      tion,value addition,    Breeding of laying
farm, anchored on        and producing them      feed, raising broiler    The mini-oil mill          and wines from            transportation, sales   hens, sussex hens
dairy farming.           with alternatives for   chickens, marketing      of oilseed cereals,        fruits (passion, ba-      and marketing. Our      and broiler hens
Over and above           certain products,       broiler chickens,        presses and refines        nana, strawberry, pi-     value preposition       and the production
dairy farming, the       while transforming      while making             from peanuts and/or        neapple) but focus is     are quality and         of unfertilized eggs,
business practices a     them from natural       chicken prices acces-    soybeans and palm          on sugarcane based        quantity, packaging     with the ambition
school of excellence     waste to food and       sible to all.            oil, through derived       wine and company          of the products from    of a semi-industrial
in all other agricul-    nutritious products                              products. We also          plans to make rum         200ml to 1l to en-      production of slaugh-
ture initiatives which   such as a coffee                                 produce biscuits,          and compost from          able our customers      tering and packaging
include horticulture,    substitute, herbal                               peanut butter and          bagasse waste. We         to buy within there     of broiler chickens
fishery, and poultry.    tea and body scrub.                              cake, as well as the       also train entrepre-      means.                  and installation of
                                                                          production of soaps.       neurs to transform                                an industrial system
                                                                                                     fruits.                                           to process eggs and
AGRICULTURE & AGRITECH                                                                                                                 WIA540 • PROMO 2022        I    5

FAMILY STORE             FARM KIOSK              FARMER LIFELINE           FEMME DEBOUT             FERME AGRO               FEUILLES FRAÎCHES       FISH EMPIRE
PRODUCE                  Dorcus Asiimwe          TECHNOLOGIES              Helena Libana Loki       ÉCOLOGIQUE               ET CLEAN                Nouria Amoussa
ENTERPRISES                                      Esther Kimani                                      WINDÉKPÈ                 Dorcas Ba
Mirriam Adongo           UGANDA                                            DEMOCRATIC               Assiba Sylvie            Nadembega               BENIN
                                                 KENYA                     REPUBLIC                 Yeeropa
UGANDA                   Farm Kiosk is an                                  OF CONGO                                          BURKINA FASO            Fish Empire specia-
                         agribusiness social     We developed                                       BENIN                                            lizes in popularizing
Soaps and cosmetics      enterprise which is     and patented an           Femme Debout                                      We transform vege-      modern techniques
production, Dish         bringing together       electronic device         works in the             Agricultural com-        table leaves (sorrel,   for the production
washing liquid, toilet   different stakehol-     that solves the pro-      transformation of        pany specializing in     sweet potatoes,         of fresh clarias and
cleaner, organic         ders in the food        blem of inability of      certain seasonal         the production and       cassava, spinach,       tilapias and the
black antiseptic soap    system across Ugan-     farmers in Africa to      plants and fruits into   sale of table eggs       etc.) into frozen       marketing of these
for bathing, Shea        da and East African     detect crop pest in-      juice, wine, vinegar,    (laying hens); raising   pre-cooked.             by-products. Our
butter cream for         region linking          festations and crop       and detoxifying,         goliath chickens,        We allow                vision is to found
skin rejuvenating,       solutions to the last   diseases in time and      based on local fruits    guinea fowl, silken      households, res-        a professional fish
and herbal vaseline      mile farmer hence       therefore seek the        such as hibiscus         chickens.                taurants and hotels     farming center that
multipurpose jelly       working towards         relevant solution on      flower, granadilla,      We work with             to have access to       masters the diffe-
for skin prevention      achieving the SDG 2     time making them          pineapple, orange,       women in difficult       all kinds of leaves     rent aspects of fish
against any skin         by 2030.                lose a lot of crop        ginger, baobab,          situations in rural      throughout the year     processing.
infections.                                      plantations to pests      carambola, mango,        areas.                   without any price
                                                 and diseases.             watermelon.                                       variation.

FRESH FOOD PLUG          FROMAGERIE              GODS CARE RICE            GOLLEN KA MEN            GREEN OIL                GUERTOGAL               HADIZA
Okwei Odili              LA CREMIÈRE             PROCESSORS                Mariama Baïlo Diallo     Narindraniaina           Akouavi Sophie          MUHAMMAD
                         DU SAHEL                Mbambu Jozonia                                     Rajaonarison             Thérése Ahouidi         Hadiza Muhammad
NIGERIA                  Maimouna Soumaye                                  GUINEA
                         Zene                    UGANDA                                             MADAGASCAR               SENEGAL                 NIGERIA
Fresh Food Plug is                                                         It is the cultivation
an all women led         NIGER                   The business works        of purely organic        Created in 2019,         Guertogal was born      Poultry farming
farming business                                 with rice farmers         potatoes without         Green Oil is a           to meet the needs of    and raising of birds
from Badagry Nige-       Our company             from Mubuku               chemical fertilizers     Malagasy individual      the Senegalese po-      commercialized pri-
ria. Our farms grow      transforms local milk   Irrigation settlement     and later the trans-     company extracting       pulation for poultry    marily for meat and
cassava, vegetables,     into yoghurt and        who supplies it with      formation into fries     essential oil from       meat. It currently      eggs production.
fruits and medicinal     cheese and helps        rice for hulling. After   and crisps, in order     Saro or Cinnamos-        has five employees,     Commercial poultry
plants.                  breeders improve        hulling the rice the      to overcome the          ma fragrans. Our         three of whom are       is a highly perfected
Fresh Food Plug          their productivity.     company buys it           problems linked to       mission is to ensure     women.                  science that ensures
also importantly         We have a network       from the farmers          acute malnutrition       the availability of                              a maximum intake
produces coconut         of one hundred and      then it’s the packa-      and unemployment.        stock in real time, to                           of energy for growth
oil, a tradition of      fifty breeders who      ging and then sell it     The company cur-         produce enough, to                               and fat produc-
Badagry.                 regularly supply us     to its customers.         rently employs 20        ensure the natural                               tion, high quality
                         with milk.                                        people.                  regeneration of Saro                             balanced protein
                                                                                                    while strengthening                              source.
                                                                                                    the plantation.

                                                                                                    Esther Kimani
                                                                                                    FARMER LIFELINE

HAFSA FOOD               HELEN GENIUS            HOME PREMIER              HOLLY TRUST LTD
Wahida Labidi            AGRO PRODUCTS           TEA LTD                   Annick
                         LTD                     Chepchumba Audia          Umutibagirana
TUNISIA                  Helen Oduyemi
                                                 KENYA                     RWANDA
Hafsa is a social en-    NIGERIA
terprise that makes                              We do value addi-         Holly Trust Ltd is
rural women work         At Shealuxe Ltd,        tion and export tea.      a manufacturing
in the promotion         we provide natural      We help women             company since 2016
of organic and           skincare solutions      to get market of          that is a pioneer in
healthy agricultural     that are effective.     there tea by buying       the agri-processing
products, a training     We formulate with       from them, adding         sector. The company
center for rural and     safe plant based        value and selling at a    produces high qua-
illiterate women, a      ingredients from        higher price.             lity organic products
delicatessen chain       herbs, oils, butters                              under its brand
«le terroir berbere»     and soaps.                                        name “KASO” and
specialized in the       We are using our                                  other subsidies that
sale of Tunisian local   e-commerce site to                                focus on health and
products, an online      make our products                                 wellness of Rwanda
sales site with home     more accessible.                                  and the African
delivery...                                                                continent at large.
AGRICULTURE & AGRITECH                                                                                                                 WIA540 • PROMO 2022         I     6

HOPE WOODWOR-             HOUSE OF                HUMBLE GLO                I-KITUNGA               IBITEINYE                IMBOKODO                IMPACT
KING AND DESIGN           MARAMUNA LTD            Glory Edward              Laurette Kavugho        INTEGRATED               POULTRY & VEGGIES       ASSOCIATES
COMPANY LTD               Amarachi Okpala-                                                          FARMS LTD                Tapuwanashe Allin       GROUP IAG
Clemence Uwamuta-         Onwuamaegbu             NIGERIA                   DEMOCRATIC              Henrietta Ogan           Manyangr                Germaine Nabole
rambirwa                                                                    REPUBLIC
                          NIGERIA                 Endless flow              OF CONGO                NIGERIA                  ZIMBABWE                BURKINA FASO
RWANDA                                            enterprise produces
                          We process fruits       varieties of leafy        We have set up          We specialize in         IMBOKODO meat           The project consists
HOWDC Ltd works           and vegetables into     vegetables,               women’s coopera-        poultry, aqua-           and veggie is a         of recovering biode-
on woodworking            organic baby oil,       pepper, garden            tives in more than 5    culture, heliculture,    company driven by       gradable waste for
activities, with aim to   coconut oil, carrot     egg, cucumber,            villages, which pro-    vermiculture,            SDG 2 which is Zero     the production of or-
empower women. It         oil and coconut-        okoro, and maize.         duce cassava and        maggotry, piggery,       Hunger by 2030 and      ganic fertilizer which
is involved in carving    plantain meals.         We also offer free        we transform them       fruits, vegetables,      it mainly influences    can be used instead
of woods, cabins          We sell products        online tutorials on       into different deri-    herbs and crop far-      the way we operate,     of chemical fertilizer
and also a wide           directly to customers   how to raise these        vatives and young       ming. Our farming        from our farming        more efficiently.
range of household        and we make             plants, that makes        people work for the     method empha-            to distribution tech-
furniture. Our vision     money from training     us interact with a        flow of products in     sizes protecting         niques. We also ven-
is to become a            sessions and            large market size as      the city centers all    the environment          tured into livestock
leading brand which       workshops.              well as prospective       by creating added       and growing only         production and have
promote gender                                    customers.                value and a good        organic foods for        broiler chickens that
equality.                                                                   conservation.           healthy living.          are bred at our farm.

Brenda Moore              NIGERIA LTD             Elisabeth                 INNOVATEURS             Kayise Bhembe            SOLUTIONS               Jemima Alla
                          Bitrus Rejoice          Ahouandjinou              DU MALI (JAIM)                                   Siphiwe Lukama          Houessou
LIBERIA                                                                     Fatoumata Diaby         ESWATINI
                          NIGERIA                 BENIN                                                                      ZAMBIA                  GHANA
J&A Delicacies is                                                           MALI                    KSG Farming pro-
a heliciculture           To carry out the bu-    We promote and                                    duces vegetables         Our company             King of Fish (KIF) is
company offering          siness of poultry and   transform cassava         Social enterprise       such as cabbages,        focuses on              a fish production
a range of semi to        fish farming, frozen    into its derivatives      specializing in the     spinach and lettuce.     beekeeping, honey       and processing
fully processed snail     chicken and smoked      (gari, starch, tapioca,   use of innovative       It is directed by a      production, and         startup operating in
products and adviso-      fish processing         bread flour), palm        techniques in order     23 year old female       forest management.      Accra, Ghana since
ry services. Our          and packaging, our      nuts into palm oil,       to contribute to        Agronomist. It           We have adopted an      2020. KIF deals in
unshelled, deslimed,      company is socially     etc.                      food security and       produces quantities      outgrower business      the production of
cooked snails are         advertised through                                sustainable develop-    of 10 000 heads          model were we           high quality organic
adding value to a         Hawking and social                                ment of the country.    of cabbage per           train and empower       fresh fish (tilapia
key nutrition source,     media handle, like                                Production, marke-      planting season. It      women charcoal tra-     and catfish) and fish
making them more          Facebook, Twitter,                                ting of agricultural    is currently to retail   ders and small scale    processing (sausage,
accessible and pre-       WhatsApp, LinkedIn                                products and service    stores namely OK         farmers that are        sardine and fish
serving their storage     etc.                                              provision.              foods and Spar.          affected by climatic    powder).
time.                                                                                                                        shocks.

KITOVU TECHNO-            LA MAISON DU            LADI MORALS               LE PANIER D’OR          LES DÉLICES DE           LEYCY POULTRY           LINKAGES
LOGY COMPANY              LAIT HONORABLE          INTEGRATED                Kadidia Belem           MBINÉ MANGOUNÈ           Cynthia Muchoki         EMPOWERMENT
Miracle Nduka             Fatoumata Koita         FARMS                                             Aïssatou Faye                                    CENTER
                                                  Ladi Bulus                BURKINA FASO                                     KENYA                   Penny Mbabazi
NIGERIA                   MALI                                                                      SENEGAL
                                                  NIGERIA                   To reduce crop                                   Our poultry farm        UGANDA
Kitovu Technology         The project is based                              losses and please       Les Délices de           offers fresh and
Company provides          on the transforma-      At Ladi Morals Inte-      the health of the       Mbiné Mangoune           contaminant free        LINKAGES is a social
African smallhol-         tion of 100% pure       grated Farms LTD,         population, our com-    is a company that        eggs packaged in        enterprise with an
der farmers with          fresh milk of the       we produce and            pany makes the pro-     processes only local     clean trays to meet     aim of supporting
climate-smart farm        best quality into       market high quality       duction, processing     and untreated fruit      our customers’          women and youths
and post-harvest          fresh pasteurized       and nutritious food.      (frozen Macedonian)     into jams. We also       product hygiene         in Village Savings
infrastructure to op-     milk, curdled milk      We produce rice,          and delivery of these   offer honeys, sauces,    expectations. Our       and Loan Associa-
timize their produc-      and yogurt in Mali      maize and soyabean.       products to working     condiments, spices,      team possess            tions (VSLAs) to
tivity and earn more      for all types of cus-   We also have a            women just from         ground herbs and         diverse skills such     access financing in-
from their farms.         tomers. Our vision      digital marketplace       their smartphone.       cereals.                 as poultry handling,    form of seed loans,
We apply data             is to revitalize the    ladimoralsmart.com.                                                        products packaging,     business training
science to provide        livestock sector with                                                                              marketing, finance      and coaching, tech-
smallholder farmers       strong participation                                                                               budgeting, customer     nology they need to
with a personalized       of women.                                                                                          relations.              start successful local
agronomic.                                                                                                                                           businesses.
AGRICULTURE & AGRITECH                                                                                                               WIA540 • PROMO 2022          I    7

M.A.D.E.               MALAIKA                MALANGA                 MALIAN                   MAMAN                    MAPADIMENG                MARZ COMPOST
FINEST FROM THE        ENTERPRISE             COSMETICS               AGRIBUSINESS             POISSONNERIE             AMASO PTY LTD             SARL
MOTHERLAND CO          Lucky Nyasulu          Nene Ousmane Bah        SOLUTIONS                ET POULET                Stephina Mankhedi         Pacy Marondji
Shamsa Mohamed                                                        Linda Kamau              Ndeye Ngoye Lo
                       MALAWI                 GUINEA                                                                    ZAMBIA                    DEMOCRATIC
KENYA                                                                 KENYA                    SENEGAL                                            REPUBLIC
                       Malaika has a          Company ma-                                                               AMASO is a mixed          OF CONGO
M.A.D.E. Finest from   village based model    nufacturing and         We are a social          My business consists     farming, involved in
the Motherland is a    farm where Oyster      marketing cosmetic      enterprise deve-         of buying fish pro-      farming, harves-          MarZ Compost SARL
sustainable coffee     mushrooms are          products made from      loping the small         ducts, storing them,     ting, production,         is a waste manage-
and cocoa bean dis-    grown. In order to     a wild plant called     holder farmers while     freezing them and        packaging, sales          ment startup based
tributor, connecting   increase supply on     Malanga which           conserving our land/     then reselling them,     and distribution of       in Lubumbashi
community farmers      the market, we build   grows in Guinea,        water resources and      as well as raising       vegetables, eggs,         (DRC). Our activities
in West Africa with    capacity, mentors      which has thera-        maximising profits.      chickens myself,         processing and sel-       include waste
American roasters      and provides start-    peutic properties       We add value to          slaughtering them        ling broilers live, un-   collection, compost
and selected consu-    up resources to        for hair and skin.      the sweet potatoes       and selling them.        dressed to potential      production, training,
mers.                  existing organiza-     We distribute our       by making sweet          While waiting for        buyers, individuals,      waste management
                       tions which shown      products in B2B via     potato flour, crisps,    the deadline for my      bulk buyers to help       plan, selling of reu-
                       interest in growing    pharmacies, super-      baking bread, cakes      hens to grow up.         people with stable        sable and recyclable
                       mushrooms as the       markets and B2C         to supply to our                                  food supply.              materials.
                       source of income.      channels.               customers.

MAZIZA FARMS LTD       MINI MARCHE            MITOLIKY                MMATSHELO                MONAGRONOME.CI           MOOTO FARMS               MUEDE AGRO AND
Margaret Obasi         CHEZ MARIE             MAN’ANTIMO              AGRI AND AGRO            Carolynn Tra             LIMITED                   ALLIED SERVICES
                       Marie Andrée Siga      Christelle Kamanda      CONSULTANCY                                       Maimbolwa Mooto           Osamuede
NIGERIA                                                               (PTY) LTD                IVORY COAST                                        Igbinobaro
                       SENEGAL                MADAGASCAR              Yvonne Maila                                      ZAMBIA
MAZIZA FARMS is an                                                                             Production of orga-                                NIGERIA
Agro Company with      Mini market selling    We allocate res-        ZAMBIA                   nic strawberries and     We produce and
a focus on organic     local products.        ponsible fishing                                 transformation into      sell fresh fruits and     Protein meat pro-
food farming and                              materials to small      The company works        several products         fruit tree seedlings      duction and sales.
food processing.                              anglers. They will      with community           such as strawberry       majoring in Hass          Groceries and veg-
Maziza is committed                           benefit from training   projects formed          jam with several         avocadoes, mangoes        gies. Enlightenment
to support the World                          on the blue eco-        by unemployed            flavors, syrup, juice,   and cashew nuts.          on appropriate diet
to achieve the UN-                            nomy and respect        women and youths.        strawberry tea, de-      We have a planta-         and storage.
SDG 3 by 2030, by                             for the environ-        In total the company     hydrated strawberry      tion of 4,000 grafted
providing nutrition                           ment. The women         employed 15              candied strawberry,      trees and 50,000
education that helps                          are trained for the     women and youths.        liqueur all made in      seedlings on our
this group of people                          conservation and        Our main aim is to       Ivory Coast.             nursery that we are
living with diabetes                          process of products.    turn underutilized                                selling to farmers,
to modify their                                                       indigenous fruits,                                NGOs, companies
dietary lifestyle.                                                    vegetables and                                    and other nursery
                                                                      nuts that are highly                              owners for resale.

                                                 Lucky Nyasulu

                                                                      NATUR’L                  NDEREZINA                NGUNAN FARMERS            NOVFEED
                                                                      Bodonirina               INCORPORATED             CLINIC                    Diana Orembe
                                                                      Ernestine                PBC                      Mary Awuaga
                                                                      Ramavoarifetra           Vimbai Chibanda                                    TANZANIA
                                                                      MADAGASCAR               ZIMBABWE                                           Animal feeds that
                                                                                                                        Ngunan Farmers            turn zero-value food
                                                                      Natur’L is dedicated     Nderezina Incor-         Clinic provides agric     waste into bacte-
                                                                      to the production        porated PBC is           extension services,       ria-based protein
                                                                      and marketing of         an agribusiness          agronomy services         fodder and sinks car-
                                                                      essential oils and de-   company specialized      and training by           bon in the process.
                                                                      rived products such      in modernizing the       which information         NovFeed offers a
                                                                      as natural cosmetics     production of orga-      on new technolo-          protein feed solution
                                                                      and superfoods.          nic poultry products     gies, better farming      that is nutritionally
                                                                      Each year our team       through the use of       practices, and better     comparable to tradi-
                                                                      carries out refores-     electric incubators      management are            tional fishmeal but
                                                                      tation of more than      and hatchers, and        transmitted to            can be scaled qui-
                                                                      6700 to 8000 plants.     creating employ-         Farmer.                   ckly, efficiently, and
                                                                                               ment through                                       without the need for
                                                                                               trainings in organic                               wild-caught fish and
                                                                                               poultry production.                                farmed soy.
AGRICULTURE & AGRITECH                                                                                                                WIA540 • PROMO 2022         I    8

ONION DOCTOR            ONIONG EAST 1            OSHALLY-TEE              OUMY’S AGRI-HUB       PATIENCE COCOA           PHARMACIE               RIHEMU ORGANIC
Lucy Wangari            WOMEN VISIONARY          VENTURES                 Kadidiatou Cissé      Patience Koenig          AGRO PASTORALE          INPUTS LTD
                        (ABAT)                   Tolulope Olawale                                                        CEPRODEA                Rispah Kariuki
KENYA                   Gloria Daibo                                      MALI                  LIBERIA                  Zawadi Balikwisha
                                                 NIGERIA                                                                                         KENYA
Onion Doctor is         NIGERIA                                           Our company           Patience Cocoa is        REPUBLIC
your one stop shop                               My business is a         evolves in the        a woman’s owned          OF CONGO                We provide off-the-
for all your onion      Agriculture, crop        commercial fish far-     transformation and    business that grows,                             shelf organic inputs
value chain needs.      production of local      ming. It is to provide   the marketing of      handcraft, and           Render a profes-        for farmers who
We work with            staples by leasing si-   fingerlings, fresh       local agricultural    sell 100% Liberian       sional and practical    want to grow crops
small-holder farmers    zable pieces of lands    Catfish/Tilapia fish,    products in several   bean to bar Dark         service to farmers      productively, organi-
and aggregators in      and plant. After         processed/smoked/        by-products such      Chocolate and other      and breeders of         cally and conve-
increasing yields and   harvest we share the     spiced Catfish/Ti-       as tomato puree,      organic cocoa based      various speculations    niently. Our vision
quality of onions       profits. We added        lapia fish, fish feed    peeled tomatoes,      products from Libe-      in the agricultural     is to be the leading
produced.               production, sales        formulation and          sauce. Our company    rian Grown Cocoa,        fields in phytosani-    supplier of our
                        and packaging of         general fish farming     ensures the health    while empowering         tary products and       advanced organic
                        african drinks and       consultancy.             of the population     small-holder farmers     services and in the     fertilizers and foliars
                        snacks. We do this                                with 100% natural     and supporting           veterinary field in     in the region.
                        by setting up stands                              products without      social, economical,      veterinary services
                        in the local markets                              chemical additives    and environmental        and products.
                        and festivities.                                  or coloring.          development.

RIOFRESH TUNISIE        ROA ( RÉSEAU DES         ROVETIL AGRO             SABDAT AGRO           SEED BALLS               SEM FOOD                SINANZI SEPO
Zarmdini Fatma          ORGANISATIONS            COMPANY                  BUSINESS              ETHIOPIA                 & SPICES LTD            PROJECT
                        OEUVRANT DANS            Olamide Olanrewaju       Sabdat SHAIBU         Helina Teklu             Ngozi Rowland-          Mwenda Mubuyaeta-
TUNISIA                 L’AGRIÉCOLOGIE)                                                                                  Onuegwunwoke            Sanandwa
                        Thérèse Kaja             NIGERIA                  NIGERIA               ETHIOPIA
Export Fruits and                                                                                                        NIGERIA                 NAMIBIA
vegetables made in      DEMOCRATIC               Rovetil Agro             Producing Rice,       Seed Balls Ethiopia
Tunisia to Middle       REPUBLIC                 company is an Agro-      Tomatoes, Ginger      is a seed ball           An agro-processing      Sinanzi Sepo project
East hypermarkets.      OF CONGO                 Allied company           exported to other     manufacturer that        company into the        purpose is to assist
                                                 that specializes on      African states.       provides affordable,     processing, marke-      people living with
                        Organization wor-        growing and proces-                            fast growing and         ting & distribution     HIV/AIDS, widows,
                        king to raise aware-     sing healthy organic                           light weight seed        of natural spices,      orphanage centres,
                        ness among farmers’      food for individuals                           balls that will help     teas, granola and       older individuals
                        associations on          and families for                               increase farmer’s        date powder, free       caring for orphans,
                        the use of organic       both local and                                 productivity and         of chemicals, and       etc by providing one
                        pesticides and the       export consumption                             reforest the             preservatives.          of the most human
                        marketing of local       using an inclusive                             deforested parts                                 needs-food and
                        products for the         business model                                 of Ethiopia and                                  education as a way
                        financial empower-       through partnership                            through time Africa                              of evangelizing to
                        ment of women.           with small scale                               as a whole.                                      the villages.

SIR DATTIJO MAIZE       SIXTEEN FARMS            SOMALI SOCIAL            STAR OF CHANGE,       STORE2DOOR LTD           SUMNET                  SUNATO
FLOUR & AGRO            LTD                      ENTREPRENEURS            “STARC-URUMURI”       Gisele Kagaju            ENTERPRISES             INVESTMENTS
PROCESSING LTD          Grace Ampofo             FUND (SOMASEF)           Claudine Irankunda                             Assumpta Anosike        Grace Suge
Hananata Ibrahim                                 Sahra Abdi                                     RWANDA
                        GHANA                                             BURUNDI                                        NIGERIA                 KENYA
NIGERIA                                          SOMALIA                                        Store2door Ltd
                        My business is an                                 Breeding and trade    is an innovative         We are into poultry     I am a farmer and
Feeding the people!     open-field agricultu-    The Somali Social        of hens, production   e-business startup       production and          trader of agricultural
                        re technology com-       Entrepreneurs            of food for hens      that exists to bridge    value-chain pro-        products which
                        pany that specializes    Fund (SSEF) is a         and pigs.             the gap between          cessing of poultry      include cereals,
                        in exotic vegetables     programme of                                   farmers and              products. Our           potatoes, poultry,
                        and poultry produc-      initially small-scale                          consumers with the       products include;       and other seasonal
                        tion. Implementa-        but then growing                               use of technology in     table size eggs and     crops.
                        tion of new farming      investment in                                  Kigali-Rwanda.           frozen chicken. We      Apart from my
                        techniques such as       sustainable                                    We allow farmers         also run a cold-chain   farming endeavor,
                        irrigation systems in    micro-business                                 and other vendors        service that provides   I go around Kenya
                        our projects allows      development in                                 to list their harvest,   small-holder poultry    buying produce
                        us to cultivate va-      Somalia.                                       products on our          farmers with storage    directly from
                        rious crops to local                                                    website                  facility.               farmers and
                        market conditions.                                                      store2door.rw                                    supplying the same
                                                                                                                                                 to ready markets.
AGRICULTURE & AGRITECH                                                                                                                WIA540 • PROMO 2022        I   9

TERRE NOTRE FIERTE        THE CHERRY             THREE ROOFS               TARANDIRA               TOBEST                  TOPCITY AGRIHUB        UZOEBO NIGERIA
Monique Ballo             ORCHARD FARM           INVESTMENT LTD            INVESTMENTS             AGRICULTURAL            Tela Victor Jummai     Priscillia Okpali
                          Mirirai Tembo          Annie Chabala             Ruth Lemani TSIKU       PRODUCTS LTD
BENIN                                            Kapapula Landu                                    Iretiola Akinsola       NIGERIA                NIGERIA
                          ZAMBIA                                           MALAWI
Our company ope-                                 ZAMBIA                                            NIGERIA                 Social Enterprise      Uzoebo is all for one
rates in agro-food        The Cherry Orchard                               I am in agri-                                   which is engaged       innovation dedi-
and transforms            Farm is an agri        Cassava value chain       business, owing         Our products are        in transforming        cated to fight food
cassava into gari,        business that is in-   promotion; crisps         a piece of land         live and processed      the agriculture        insecurity through
tapioca, atiékè and       terested in growing    & hand sanitizer          where I produce         chickens and tur-       sector starting from   digital and solar
bread flour accor-        and processing         production.               legumes especially      keys. Our products      research, technical    powered Agro-food
ding to hygiene and       crops organically.     The intention of          groundnuts,             are fresh, antibio-     training to farmers,   hub. The physical
quality standards         We are currently       starting our initiative   soya beans and          tic-free, zero-chemi-   rural girls and        hub is for grocery
for marketing in          growing and proces-    was to bring deve-        sunflower. My dream     cally preserved and     women on modern        shopping and online
Benin and in the          sing our own organic   lopment, employ-          is to extend my farm    well packaged.          farming and food       order pick up while
sub-region. We have       sunflower oil.         ment and uplift the       and add value to                                processing, marke-     the warehouse part
a permanent staff                                standards of life for     the products like                               ting, distribution.    of the hub is used
of 4 women and 2                                 the people of Luapu-      producing cooking                                                      for packaging and
men.                                             la province.              oil, peanut, soy-                                                      storing aggregated
                                                                           pieces and livestock                                                   agricultural pro-
                                                                           feed.                                                                  ducts.

VERAGER (PVT) LTD        VERTABLE LTD            VERTAFRIKA LTD            VICTORIA                WANDA GOAT MILK WETU FARM                      WOMEN AGRI
Maureen Vere             Irene Masezerano        Itohan Egbedion           AGRIBUSINESS            ICE CREAM              Martha Nyachama         INVESTMENT
                                                                           Donah Chilo             Flavia Nalugwa                                 HUB (WAIH)
ZIMBABWE                 RWANDA                  NIGERIA                                                                  KENYA                   Isabel Martah
                                                                           KENYA                   UGANDA                                         Ngouangnia
Verager is a dynamic     Farmgenix is an         VertAfrika is solving                                                    Wetu farm is a self
green start-up that      AgriTech integrated     food insecurity by        Victoria Agribusiness   Wanda Goat Milk Ice driven business.           CAMEROON
is now scaling. Its      agricultural farm       enhancing nutritious      leverages on techno-    Cream is at growth     Increase in Kenya’s
co-business is agri      that is dedicated to    food production           logy to source fresh    stage with three       population has led      The Proposed bu-
processing using         minimizing post-har-    in rural areas and        produce and grains      years in the agro      to increase in edible   siness idea Agri-Cli-
sustainably grown        vest loss with the      providing easy ac-        from smallholder        industry. With 45      waste up to 44%         nics & Agri-Business
crops that are envi-     use of technology       cess to these foods       farmers. We then        Kgs of ice cream as    of the total waste.     centre is women
ronmentally friendly     through Artificial      while empowering          add value through       our first supply stock Animals waste are       focus business
harvested, stored        Intelligence in         the unemployed            cleaning, sorting       in a month as we       menace reported         center created to
and processed.           aquaponics, mixed       with marketable           and grading before      began our journey,     such as pig waste.      alleviate poverty
We produce sau-          farming (poultry and    agribusiness skills to    distributing to food    we are proud to say High accumulation          and social ills among
sages, burgers and       bee-keeping) into       earn a sustainable        retailers, hotels,      that we now supply     and lack of a better    women and female
dried cowpea mince,      a single, beneficial    income.                   food processors and     over 3000 Kgs a        way to eliminate        entrepreneurs. The
which come in the        ecosystem to in-                                  exporters.              month which is a big this waste has led        Center seeks to ope-
forms of vegan,          crease its produc-                                                        milestone.             to environmental        rate four business
vegeterian and           tivity.                                                                                          pollution.              units.

                                                                                                    Gracia Nabintu Kisole
                                                                                                    ETS GLOBAL NUCLEUS
                                                                                                    Democratic Republic
                                                                                                    of Congo

WORK ROSELYNE            YILON BIZ               YKG FARMS                 YOUNG & CREATIVE
LTD                      FORTRESS                Oluwayemisi               FARMING
Roselyne                 Adama Hassan            Atobatele
Nyirahategekimana        Adamu                                             Estelle Nzuko
RWANDA                   NIGERIA                                           CAMEROON
                                                 We produce organic
We grow and pro-         Yilon Biz Fortress is   plantain flour            Doing farming;
cess Rosella Hibiscus    a Poultry business      which promotes            and taking 20%
where we make a          that produces eggs      good health and           of my products,
variety of products      in Gombe in a bid to    well-being among          and giving it to
including hibiscus       reduce market gap       people. We em-            orphanage, widows,
powder, tea bag,         and employs 70%         power women with          and disavantaged
tea and hibiscus dry     women.                  access to our pro-        people.
flower. Working with                             ducts for reselling at
almost all farmers in                            wholesale prices.
the country in diffe-
rent region to collect
all the country
harvested Rosella.
WIA540 • PROMO 2022         I   10

                                                                         AGENCIA                   AGRICYCLE                AMJUROSE GLOBAL          ART ET TECHNIQUE
                                                                         FUNERÁRIA                 UGANDA                   SERVICES LIMITED         MALAGASY
                                                                         «GO TO HEAVEN»            Lydia Amongi             Amaka Nworah             Innocente
                                                                         Elsa Furtado                                                                Rafehifandaminana
                                                                                                   UGANDA                   NIGERIA
                                                                         CAPE VERDE                                                                  MADAGASCAR
                                                                                                   AgriCycle Uganda         Amjurose Global
                                                                         Sell coffins and          aims at promoting of     Services Limited is a    We work in the field
                                                                         provide related           environmental sus-       green company that       of waste recovery:
                                                                         services to people        tainability through      mainly recycles tires    studies and develop-
              CLIMATE &                                                  in the difficult time     turning agricultural     to make school shoes,    ment. We produce
                                                                         when they lose            feed stocks/waste        factory boots and        and sell ecological
            SUSTAINABLE                                                  they related ones.        such as rice husk,       already made soles for   charcoal based
                                                                         Protocol with the         groundnut                shoe dealers, thereby    on the biomass of
           DEVELOPMENT                                                   local Government          husk and maize           ensuring a more          agro-forestry waste
                                                                         service to provide this   comb into charcoal       sustainable environ-     such as straws and
                                                                         service to vulnerable     briquettes which is      ment while producing     stalks, the hulls of
                                                                         people.                   an alternative source    quality products.        agricultural residues.
                                                                                                   of fuel for cooking.

ART-PESOUNG             AS’SOUÉ                 ATLAS DIFAE              ATOK ALUMINIUM            BGG                      CHAMSSIA                 CHARIS MUKISA
Joséphine Bogne         Princesse Sévérine      Meryem LAHCINI           SOLUTIONS                 ENTERTAINMENT            Nadia adam               GLOBAL CONSULTS
Lémou Tine              Poadiagué                                        Emelda Matabane           Obiageli Obiago          Chamchadine              LTD
                                                MOROCCO                                                                                              Caroline Namubiru
SENEGAL                 BURKINA FASO                                     SOUTH AFRICA              NIGERIA                  CHAD
                                                Our proposal is part                                                                                 UGANDA
ART-PESOUNG             As’soue is a com-       of the contribution      Atok Aluminium            BGG Entertainment        Chamssia aims at
specializes in wash     pany specializing in    to the sustainable       Solutions (Pty) Ltd       is Africa’s foremost,    participate in the       Our company has
service, construc-      the recovery of plas-   management of            creates aluminium         forward-thinking,        sustainable mana-        the objective of
tion and sale of        tic waste through       forest resources,        fittings for homes        result-driven com-       gement of wood           establishing a sustai-
ecological toilets      the recycling and       it is therefore the      and businesses. Our       pany that specializes    resources and to         nable and conti-
with raw earth bricks   processing of used      recovery of olive        high quality alumi-       in content creation,     achieve the objective    nually improving
and a new biogas pit    tires. As’soue offers   waste (pomace and        nium fittings are         visibility and pairing   of marketing 10,000      multidiscipline firm
technology capable      a range of more         vegetable water) for     resistant to harsh        talented creatives       CHAMSSIA stoves          specializing in a full
of producing biogas     than 100 types of       the production of        weather conditions        and entrepreneurs        over three years, to     range of Civil-Struc-
and bio-fertilizer in   recycled and artisa-    Biofuel which can        and will protect your     with businesses          meet the demand of       tural-Geotechni-
rural areas.            nally transformed       replace the wood of      home against the          to provide skillful      the inhabitants, who     cal Engineering,
                        products.               the forests and the      elements, ensuring        contributions.           depend on charcoal       Construction, Mate-
                                                coal.                    optimal energy                                     for cooking.             rials and Laboratory
                                                                         efficiency and lower                                                        Testing Services.
                                                                         electricity bills.

CONSTECH                CRYSTAL AFRICA          DOSY                     ECO PRESTIGE/BF           ECONEXUS                 ENALIADE                 FAMRAM
Mukashyaka              CLEANING                Menna Farouk             Mamou Bagaya              VENTURES                 ENTERPRISE               SOLUTIONS
Redempta                SERVICE LTD                                                                Dzigbordi Patience       Sena-Emefa Azaglo        Shamila Ramjawan
                        Nanyama Anyiti          EGYPT                    BURKINA FASO              Alifo
RWANDA                                                                                                                      GHANA                    SOUTH AFRICA
                        KENYA                   Dosy is an online        Eco prestige BF is a      NIGERIA
My business                                     platform”Dosybikes.      production unit for                                We make different        Famram Solutions
consists of             Crystal Africa          com” through which       reusable, washable        Econexus Ventures        kinds of packaging       is an outsourced
leveraging the          Cleaning Service        any female user can      and degradable            business operations      products from            marketing company.
benefit of the          is a hygiene and        book her scooter or      non-woven fabric          focus on sustainable     paper. We source         In 2016, I launched
internet in selling     waste management        bicycle classes online   packaging and bags.       biofuel and              for paper and            my own brand of the
and importing           provider focused        and then we match        We have four types        waste-to-energy          develop the designs      menstrual cup, the
building materials      on providing long-      her with the nearest     of products:              production using         of the products          PrincessD Menstrual
using e-commerce        term sustainable        instructor and at her    pharmacy packa-           environmentally          from scratch. We         Cup. This is to keep
platform where          hygiene and waste       desired schedules.       ging, bread bags,         friendly technologies.   sell to companies        girls in school during
construction            management              Our solution solves      advertising bags,         Our ethanol fuel and     that need packaging      menstruation. I also
companies order         solutions while         the problem of           market bags.              stove heat up to full    materials for their      supply mobile trolley
material for            creating meaningful     gender-biased                                      intensity quickly,       products.                libraries, maths and
construction and        employment for          micromobility in a                                 as opposed to the                                 science labs and
we deliver those        youth without           conservative society                               gradual heating of                                childhood develop-
materials directly      tertiary education.     like Egypt.                                        firewood or charcoal.                             ment resources.
to their site.
CLIMATE & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                        WIA540 • PROMO 2022        I     11

GREEN ENERGY             GIE NIAGALE              GREENER CITY               GRUPO ESSENCE            HOPE SERVICES            ISMAST ENERGY           KIEL BIEN-ÊTRE
COMPANY SARL             Mariam Touré             Victoria Ubani             HOLDINGS, LDA            Emilie Rasoanindrina     Ismène Ahamide          Célia CHABI
Angélique Nina                                                               Milva Santos
Assiba Ngo Njiki         MALI                     NIGERIA                                             MADAGASCAR               BENIN                   BENIN
Epse Tomo Lebogo                                                             MOZAMBIQUE
                         GIE Niagale operates     Soya Africa is spe-                                 HOPE Services works      ISMAST Energy           Kiel Bien-être is
CAMEROON                 in sanitation by         cialized in develo-        This Group operates      on the revalorization    specializes in          the baobab in all its
                         collecting household     ping an improved           flexibly and effi-       of recyclable waste      electrical enginee-     forms. Incredible
Production of            waste, restaurants       nutritious soyabean        ciently, identifying     in Madagascar who        ring, renewable         baobab derivatives
compacted charcoal       and public services,     based food such as         business opportu-        has goals to solve       energy and energy       such as baobab
briquettes for long-     and operates in the      soy-milk, soy-flour,       nities and assisting     the insalubrity in the   efficiency and offers   whiskey, baobab
lasting cooking and      collection of light      soy-pap, soy cakes,        in the development       streets of the cities    energy solutions        potash, baobab
barbecues without        and hard plastic         soy swallow and soy        of the project for       and the air pollution    adapted to all needs    butter, baobab oil,
unpleasant smoke.        waste (HDPE, PP,         beverages to provi-        clients, establishing    and aims at offer a      as well as the sale     baobab toast and
We also raise public     PET), sorting, was-      ding dietary diversifi-    its position as a hol-   collection service for   of equipment and        so on. We want to
awareness about          hing and crushing of     cation to low income       ding company that        all types of waste       various services.       establish ourselves
recycling waste and      this waste, as well as   communities.               provides services.       from individuals and                             by 2030 as the best
the importance           raising awareness                                                            public and private                               and largest baobab
of protecting our        among customers.                                                             establishments and                               valuation company
forests.                                                                                              the sale of recyclable                           in Africa.

KOLA                     LADY MARINE              LUUMA                      MI-ARINA                 MIBSY OUTDOOR            MICRONDARRYOL           MOTSULE PROJECTS
TECHNOLOGIES LTD         CONSULTANCY                                                                  Michelle Kanokanga       CO LTD)                 Moritimone Anna
(KOLA MARKET)            FIRM                     Ndeye Babou                Lalanirina                                        Aderonke Tanimowo       Molala
Marie-Reine-             Josephine Edward                                    Rasoloarimanga           ZIMBABWE
Seshie                                            SENEGAL                                                                      NIGERIA                 SOUTH AFRICA
                         NAMIBIA                                             MADAGASCAR               We transform post
GHANA                                             Luuma is a trusted                                  consumer plastic         We are turning          Organic farming and
                         Lady Marine Consul-      digital platform           Mi-Arina is a project    waste into plastic       fashion or textile      food processing.
Kola helps SMEs          tancy Firm is a bu-      that simplifies            that transforms          lumber to make           waste to wealth by      We motivate each
grow by leveraging       siness that provides     and secures the            organic waste into       outdoor furniture        converting fashion      other by visiting
AI to provide inven-     expert advice and        transport of goods         green charcoal           products. These          scraps into wearable    the gardens and
tory recommenda-         guidance to com-         and merchandise            to help reduce           include benches,         and luxury outfits,     share our products.
tions, guaranteed        panies operating         between Europe and         pressure on forests      chairs, tables, lounge   fashion accesso-        Permaculture is
sales and tailored       within the ocean,        Africa. It is a trusted    and wood resources,      seats, dining sets,      ries, encouraging       a simple way of
financing. With Kola,    various academic         intermediation ser-        CO2 emissions, and       gazebos and pergola      sustainable fashion     farming as we use
these SMEs can now       institutions particu-    vice that connects         improve household        furniture as well as     in the society. We      the resources we
stock the right levels   lar female students,     referenced carriers        well-being.              decking platforms,       also train aspiring     have. We incourage
of inventory, get the    the fishing industry     and customers.                                      fencing and signage.     fashion designers on    younger people to
financing to grow        and the general                                                                                       sustainable fashion.    sustain in farming.
their businesses.        public at large.

MOSAIC HOLDINGS          NATURAL                  NEOLLI                     NEW HOPE                 OFF&TIE GRID             PV SERVIÇOS             RC RETRAINING
(PTY) LTD MOSAIC         VIVER SAUDÁVEL           Mariem Faghraoui           FOR THE POOR             SOLAR COMPANY            Laura Reis              Anny Darlene
HOLDINGS (PTY)           Ayana Dom                                           Laetitia                 Langanani Dube                                   Ndorimana
LTD                      Libardoni                MOROCCO                    Ndayishimiye                                      CAPE VERDE
Keboife Bale                                                                                          ZIMBABWE                                         BURUNDI
                         CAPE VERDE               Neolli offers Mo-          DEMOCRATIC                                        Installation and
BOTSWANA                                          roccan and African         REPUBLIC                 We design, construct,    maintenance of          This company aims
                         I’m Ayana and I will     craftsmen the oppor-       OF CONGO                 operate, sell and        solar panels.           for sustainable en-
100% women owned         open a zero waste        tunity to digitize their                            lease renewable          We install solar        trepreneurship, sani-
Botswana company         store here in Boa        operations and to          We work to help          energy power plants      systems without         tation and recycling
established in 2008      Vista Island, Cape       reach beyond where         local communities        in particular mobile     having to buy the       with women at the
as a multi-discipli-     Verde. The aim is        they are located. For      to conserve the          power generators         complete system.        heart of this action,
nary professional        also to work with the    this, Neolli provides      natural resources        based on wind,           The customer makes      awareness and
building consultancy     local population to      them with a perso-         they depend upon,        solar and any other      the payment in ins-     recovery of plastics,
services, Construc-      manufacture quality      nalized online store,      transform markets        non-conventional         tallments, having a     training in recycling
tion, refurbishments     local products and       a supply chain and         and policies toward      energy sources,          fixed monthly favor     trades, paid training
& Maintenance            artefacts, valuing       targeted marketing         sustainability, and      to combat energy         to pay until the in-    in sustainable en-
services.                fairtrade and local      around the products        protect and restore      shortage and poor        vestment amount is      trepreneurship and
                         labour.                  and the brand image        species and their        finance mechanisms       met and the system      empowerment of
                                                  of the craftsman.          habitats.                to acquire clean         will be entirely his.   women.
                                                                                                      energy systems.
CLIMATE & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                WIA540 • PROMO 2022     I   12

RECLAIM GREEN          RIM-PACK                SAMBALIA                SHAVIK                  SUPPORT                TEETEN                 THE ABOVE
PVT LTD                Zeinebou Alioune Ba     Honimahery Radert       INVESTMENTS LTD         CONSULTING             ENTERPRISE             GROUND MINING
Tariro Makuku                                                          Susan Maina             SERVICE SOCIEDADE      PTY LTD                PROJECT
                       MAURITANIA              MADAGASCAR                                      UNIPESSOAL LDA         Thandi Nkosi           Sinqobile Ndlovu
ZIMBABWE                                                               KENYA                   Aurora Matavel
                       RIM-Pack, is a com-     Sambalia is the zero                                                   SOUTH AFRICA           ZIMBABWE
Reclaim Green Pvt      pany manufacturing      waste shop that         Shavik Investments      MOZAMBIQUE
LTD is a woman         and marketing           offers food, beauty     Ltd is a real estate                           Teeten Enterprise is   TAGMP is a pilot
headed organization    biodegradable           and well-being          solution to both lan-   SCS, Lda is a          a liquid petroleum     social enterprise
that aims to adress    paper bags (simple      products, healthy       dlords and tenants.     company that           gas supplier,          that provides
the climate change     and personalized)       catering on our         The company provi-      provides integrated    offering a door        gender-centric,
problems. The          with the aim of         rooftop or to be        des rent collection     urban pest control     to door delivery       green entrepre-
Business specializes   contributing to the     delivered in zero       agency services,        and ecological         service. Our           neurship solutions
in solar energy        protection of our       waste containers,       property mainte-        washing services.      target market is       to socio-economic
systems, biofuels(     environment and to      events to strengthen    nance, property         We help our            households and         & environmental
biogas, biodesiel      self-employment.        the community and       bill settlements,       customers to avoid     small businesses,      problems toward
and briquettes), and                           awareness and trai-     up to date market       diseases transmitted   we are mainly          gainful employment
clean cooking stove.                           ning for businesses.    information, as well    by pests and we        focusing on Low-       creation and sustai-
                                                                       as ensuring tenants     reduce the waste of    income households      nable development.
                                                                       have all the ameni-     water by washing       without access to
                                                                       ties they need.         furniture.             electricity.

Veronica Hollela       Jacqueline              Doha Alhassan
TANZANIA                                       SUDAN
At VeHo, we sell                               WET Consultancy is
clean treated          With a vision of        a 100% Sudanese
drinking water to      creating a waste-free   consultancy foun-
customers with their   world, the Wastezon     ded by distinctive
own containers to      app assists the         engineers having
fetch water in their   recycling actors        competent expe-
own amount. We         (repairers, scrap-      rience in consultancy
intend to shed light   pers, industries) to    with the objective of
on how the water       outsource their raw     establishing a world
refilling business     materials while on      class Consultancy
could potentially      the other hand hel-     using state-of-the-
contribute to a        ping the households     art techniques.
reduction of plastic   (domestic & insti-      It will provide
waste and promote      tutional) to get rid    training, consulting
clean and affordable   of their e-waste by     services at an affor-
drinking water.        selling them.           dable price.

                                                                                  Josephine Edward
                                                                                  LADY MARINE
                                                                                  CONSULTANCY FIRM
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