Page created by Jared Conner

Proposal to Government
May 2022


Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy   1 / 142
          Blockchain Ireland wishes to thank and acknowledge the contribution
          of the following people who helped to create this paper:

          →   Irish Department of Finance
          →   Irish Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
          →   IDA Ireland
          →   Enterprise Ireland
          →   Ireland for Finance
          →   Irish Funds
          →   Banking & Payments Federation Ireland
          →   Michael Smurfit Business School, University College Dublin
          →   Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin
          →   Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet
          →   The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
          →   Irish Minister for Finance and President of the Eurogroup, Paschal Donohoe
          →   Irish Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath
          →   Irish Government CIO, Barry Lowry
          →   Irish Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation,
              Robert Troy
          →   Irish Department of Finance, Crypto lead, Mai Santamaria
          →   Assistant Secretary Financial Services Division at Department of Finance
              Ireland, Michael J. McGrath
          →   Head of International Financial Services, Risk & Compliance Unit at
              Department of Finance Ireland, Karen Cullen
          →   Communications Manager at Department of Finance, Ireland, Justin Sullivan
          →   Corporate Finance Specialist - Financial Advisory Unit, Department of Finance
              (Ireland), Mark Curran
          →   Central Bank of Ireland, Dr Michelle O’Donnell Keating
          →   Senator Malcolm Byrne
          →   Professor Brian Lucey, Trinity College Dublin
          →   Cameron Carone, MSc. in Marketing, Trinity College Dublin
          →   James Rowland for the design of the paper
          →   Ellen Rath for the design of the ecosystem images
          →   Kevin Matthews, Conor Hyland, and Chris Powers from UCD’s 2021 MBA
          →   Caroline Cairns for editorial services
          →   Web3 Ireland
          →   All Blockchain Ireland steering group members
          →   All Blockchain Ireland working group members
          →   All Blockchain Ireland ecosystem members

2 / 142   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                        3 / 142
8.1.1 Opportunities										                                                                    57
CONTENTS                                                                                    		                     8.1.2 Recommendations									                                                                   58
                                                                                                       8.2 Start-up and Ecosystem Working Group								                                                             62
1.        CHAIR’S STATEMENT - Introduction And Ambition								                        6    		                     8.2.1 Objectives										                                                                       62
                                                                                            		                     8.2.2 Opportunities										                                                                    62
2.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY										                                                          12   		                     8.2.3 Recommendations									                                                                   64
  2.1 Context											                                                               13              8.3 Events and Communications (Blockchain Ireland Week) Working Group					                                   66
  2.2 Critical Points of Information									                                          14   		                     8.3.1 Objective										                                                                        66
		           2.2.1 Blockchain, Crypto and Money Laundering							                      15   		                     8.3.2 Opportunity										                                                                      66
		           2.2.2 Sustainability, The Environment and Energy Consumption					         16   		                     8.3.3 Recommendations									                                                                   66
		           2.2.3 The Crypto Price-Innovation Cycle								                           17              8.4 Developer Working Group										                                                                        67
  2.3 Aligning to Europe’s Blockchain Strategy								                                 18   		                     8.4.1 Objective										                                                                        67
  2.4 Blockchain Ireland Strategy Objectives 								                                  19   		                     8.4.2 Opportunity										                                                                      67
  2.5 Approach 											                                                             19   		                     8.4.3 Recommendations									                                                                   68
                                                                                            8.5 Legal and Regulatory Working Group										                                                                        69
3.        BLOCKCHAIN IRELAND OVERVIEW									                                         20   		                     8.5.1 Objectives										                                                                       69
          3.1 Context											                                                       21   		                     8.5.2 Opportunity										                                                                      71
          3.2 Objectives											                                                    22   		                     8.5.3 Recommendations									                                                                   72
          3.3 Context											                                                       22              8.6 Enterprise Working Group										                                                                       73
                                                                                            		                     8.6.1 Objectives										                                                                       73
4.        BLOCKCHAIN IRELAND OVERVIEW									                                         24   		                     8.6.2 Opportunities										                                                                    73
          4.1 Web3 and Metaverse										                                             25   		                     8.6.3 Recommendations									                                                                   10
          4.2 NFTs												                                                         26              8.7 Digital Asset Exchange Working Group								                                                             74
          4.3 DeFi												                                                         27   		                     8.7.1 Objectives										                                                                       74
          4.4 Staking											                                                       28   		                     8.7.2 Opportunities										                                                                    74
          4.5 DAOs												                                                         28   		                     8.7.3 Recommendations									                                                                   74
                                                                                                       8.8 Recommendations Summary									                                                                         77
  5.1 E-Governance & Digital Identity									                                         31   9.        CONCLUSIONS											                                                                                        82
  5.2 Energy											                                                                31             9.1 Education and Skills										                                                                            84
  5.3 Financial Services										                                                     32             9.2 Funding, Mentoring & Tax										                                                                        84
		           5.3.1 Digital Assets										                                            33   		                   9.2..1 Funding										                                                                           84
		           5.3.2 CBDCs and Stablecoins									                                      33   		                   9.2.2 Mentoring										                                                                          85
  5.4 Healthcare											                                                            34   		                   9.2.2 Tax											                                                                               85
  5.5 Supply Chain											                                                          35             9.3 Regulatory Clarity										                                                                              85
                                                                                                      9.4 Ecosystem											                                                                                      86
6.        GLOBAL COUNTRY AND GOVERNMENT BLOCKCHAIN POLICY AND ACTIVITY ANALYSIS					   36   9.5 Closing Thoughts											                                                                                         87
          6.1 Government Strategy										                                            44
          6.2 Regulatory Environment										                                         45   REFERENCES												                                                                                                  92
          6.3 Ecosystem											                                                     41
                                                                                            APPENDICES												                                                                                                  96
7. WHERE IS IRELAND TODAY										                                                    48            Appendix A - Blockchain Ireland WG6: Education, Skills, and Innovation Working Group				                       97
   7.1 Strategy											                                                             49            Appendix A - Blockchain Jobs										                                                                         99
   7.2 Regulation											                                                           50            Appendix B - EU CHAISE Research Summary by Dr Adele Whelan, Snr. Research Officer ESRI				                     100
		            7.2.1 MiCA											                                                    50            Appendix B - Education, Skills & Innovation Working Group Initiatives on Creating Blockchain DLT Awareness		   103
		            7.2.2 VASP											                                                    51            Appendix C - Blockchain Business Use Cases @ BCIRL #Startups						                                             107
		            7.2.3 Tax											                                                     52            Appendix D - Key Features										                                                                            110
		            7.2.4 Regulatory Sandbox									                                        52            Appendix D - 8.1 Creating a Roadmap for Industry Growth, Workplace Planning and Societal Career Choices		      111
   7.3 Ecosystem											                                                            53            Appendix D - 8.2 Skills and capabilities are key to driving innovation						                                   112
8. RECOMMENDATIONS AND ROADMAP									                                                54            Appendix G - International Market Update								                                                               113
   8.1 Ecosystem											                                                            55            Appendix H - International Market Positioning Map								                                                      142

4 / 142                                                                                     Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                                                 5 / 142
CHAPTER 1                          Sometimes we have to pause and look back in order
                                   to see how far we have come.

CHAIR’S                            IRELAND’S CRYPTO EXCHANGE ECOSYSTEM 2022


                                   Below is an image of the beginnings of Blockchain Ireland back in 2015:

6 / 142        Chair’s Statement   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                              7 / 142
This is where we are today:

                                                              EDUCATION & TRAINING


                                              WEB 3

                                                                   EXCHANGES                                                            CONSULTING

                                                                                          GOVERNMENT & REGULATORY                                                         VENTURE CAPITAL
                                        INTERNATIONAL BANKS




                                                                                     MEDIA             HEALTH &       ENERGY                               ANALYTICS                     PR

8 / 142                                                        Chair’s Statement     Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                               9 / 142
At the onset of the digital decade we find ourselves at a defining moment as                               What is Our
geopolitical and pandemic-related events have necessitated new approaches                                   Winning
to our daily lives. Redesigned and more flexible working models, the growth in                             Aspiration?            Where will
innovative technologies, and the desire to live in a global village are radically                                                 we play?              How will we
changing the previously accepted norms.                                                                                                                 win in chosen
                                                                                                                                                         segments?      What capabilities
Ireland is fortunate in its ability to scale       and a first class legal and regulatory
indigenous companies globally and to               environment. In order for Ireland to become                                                                          must be in place
                                                                                                          THE PURPOSE
promote ourselves as a location of choice for      a global blockchain, crypto and Web3 hub we                                                                             to win?            What systems
international organisations, underpinned by        need to leverage and fuse all of this existing            OF THE
                                                                                                           ENTERPRISE                                                                         are required?
a friendly, agile, and collaborative business      expertise to position Ireland as that global                                    THE RIGHT
environment, a well-educated workforce, and        centre of excellence.
                                                                                                                                 PLAYING FIELD          OUR UNIQUE
all with easy access to European markets. A
key mechanism is our ability to react quickly      The purpose of this document is to build                                                                RIGHT
to opportunity and to implement frameworks,        a strategy and roadmap for creating a                  → To build a                                    TO WIN           THE SET OF
policies and strategies to embrace these           national and international blockchain                                                                                  CAPABILITIES
changing landscapes.                               hub in Ireland and this document makes
                                                                                                            and                 → The Island                            REQUIRED TO WIN
                                                   several recommendations across key                                                                                                         THE SUPPORT
These core abilities were the driving force        pillars, focussing on the contributions from             resilient             of Ireland                                                    SYSTEMS
behind the inauguration of Blockchain Ireland      the Blockchain Ireland working groups.                                       → Government          → Skilled
in 2015. Blockchain as a technology was in         The working groups represent various
                                                                                                            ecosystem                                   Workforce
                                                                                                                                → Academia                              → Availability
its infancy, and a journey then unfolded to        core influences including the start-up                                                             → Existing
evaluate its merits, the potential impacts for     ecosystem, the enterprise, the developer,                                    → Industry                                of Talent
both society and the business world, and to        and legal and regulatory sectors with two                                    → Community             Ecosystem                           Tracking of:
analyse the talent and skills requirements         transversal groups, the communication                                                              → Clear           → Progressive
to establish the ways in which Ireland could       and the education skills and innovation                                                                                Regulation        → # of Jobs
                                                                                                                                                        Regulations                             Created
position itself as a global blockchain hub.        working groups. These recommendations
                                                                                                                                                      → English         → Enabling
Since then we have experienced growth in           are the building blocks for consideration for
                                                                                                                                                                          Start-ups         → # of Companies
new iterations of the world wide web, namely       the development of a blockchain strategy                                                             Speaking                                Created
in blockchain, cryptocurrency, Web3, and           for Ireland, as a government led policy
the Metaverse. This document sets out to           initiative will increase our local and global                                                                                            → # of Graduates
provide insights into those technologies, the      competitiveness.                                                                                                                         → Funding Allocated
opportunities for Ireland, and to highlight key
recommendations in terms of next steps.            We want to work together with the
                                                   government to create a national strategy
The technology is now cross-sectoral, and          for blockchain, crypto and digital assets.                                    In addition to each of our community, ecosystem and working group
increasing in visibility globally, and therefore   Together, we can create and execute a                                         members, we would like to sincerely thank Minister Paschal Donohoe,
we need to adapt to this changing landscape        roadmap to provide a promising future for                                     Minister Michael McGrath, Government CIO Barry Lowry, Mai Santamaria
or we will be left behind. Other EU member         the next generation. Blockchain Ireland is                                    (Department of Finance), Martin Shanahan (CEO IDA Ireland), Keith
states have taken a flexible and innovative        positioned to support a national strategy                                     Fingleton (CIO IDA Ireland), and Leo Clancy (CEO Enterprise Ireland) for
approach to supporting blockchain. To              through our working groups. We combine                                        their contributions, and ongoing support.
keep pace, changes will be required across         industry and academic expertise with
regulation and legislation for certain             subject-matter experts located in Ireland.                                    It is important to note that the purpose of the paper is to start the
industry sectors, enhanced talent and skills                                                                                     conversation about the need for a coordinated blockchain, crypto and
programmes will be needed, and support             Our ask is for the Government to set up a                                     Web3 strategy and plan for Ireland. It is not perfect, and through our
for start-ups to allow them to thrive and to       working group with senior department                                          working groups, we would love your help to continue to evolve and refine
become investor-friendly are all necessary.        officials across key departments, to develop                                  the strategy, and most importantly, deliver on the  actions to make it real.
Within these changes we must also protect          a national strategy and implementation plan.
our citizens since with all opportunity comes
some levels of risk. We already possess
years of expertise in the technology sector, a
                                                   Outlined below are the core questions at the
                                                   heart of our strategy:                                                        Dave Feenan
globally recognised financial services sector,                                                                                   Dave Feenan
world class BioPharmaChem capabilities                                                                                           Chair Blockchain Ireland

10 / 142                                                                           Chair’s Statement   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                        11 / 142
EXECUTIVE                       2.1
SUMMARY                         ‘The technology
                                                                                                  Blockchain is one of the
                                                                                                  most significant technological
                                                                                                  breakthroughs of the 21st
                                                                                                                                                                     The technology is reshaping
                                                                                                                                                                     businesses across the globe,
                                                                                                                                                                     and the associated innovation

                                is reshaping
                                                                                                  century.1 The blockchain                                           is outpacing existing business
                                                                                                  market size is projected to                                        models, ecosystems, policy
                                                                                                  grow from USD 4.9 billion                                          and legislation.3 Some

                                businesses across
                                                                                                  in 2021, to USD 67.4 billion                                       countries are embracing
                                                                                                  by 2026, at a Compound                                             the technology by placing
                                                                                                  Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)                                          blockchain and digital asset

                                the globe.’
                                                                                                  of 68.4% during the forecast                                       specific initiatives at the
                                                                                                  period.2 The value of the                                          core of governmental digital
                                                                                                  crypto market is now worth                                         strategies to help guide
                                                                                                  in excess of $2 trillion.                                          innovation, while others take
                                                                                                                                                                     a ‘wait and see’ approach.4

                                State of Blockchain : Global Trends : Investment Trends
                                Global blockchain funding surges 713% YoY to reach $25.2B




                                          2015                    2016                    2017                    2018                    2019                    2020                    2021

                                 (UNDP 2018) The United Nations Development Programme takes a firm stance, expressing how the future is decentralised. They express the need to research the technology on how it has the potential
                                to disrupt industrial sectors, commercial processes, governmental structures or economic systems.
                                  (Markets and Markets 2021) An estimate of growth in market size that portrays blockchain’s economic impact.
                                  (Choudury & Weisman 2021) The world economic forum research on the potential impact of blockchain technology.
                                  (MAS 2022) The Monetary Authority of Singapore is the perfect example of a government authority launching strategic initiatives with the technology to help guide the growth of the industry.

12 / 142    Executive Summary   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                                                                                                               13 / 142
                                                                                                     Critical Points of
Building on Ireland’s established         1.   Flourishing blockchain, crypto and digital asset
quadruple helix (see image below),             ecosystem (Blockchain Ireland)
Ireland has all the necessary             2.   World leading FDI infrastructure (IDA Ireland)
components to further develop as
a globally recognised blockchain,
                                          3.   Strong fintech ecosystem (indigenous and
                                               international)                                        Information
crypto and digital assets hub:            4.   Global financial services companies
                                          5.   Global technology companies (Technology Ireland)
                                          6.   Global pharma and medtech companies
  ‘Ireland has an                              (overview)                                            2.2.1
                                          7.   Clear and progressive regulation
  immediate opportunity                   8.   Globally recognised universities with dedicated       Blockchain,                                                                             It is critical to understand this specific area in
                                               blockchain programmes and modules                                                                                                             more detail. Let’s look at some hard facts:
  to become an                            9.   Only English speaking country in the EU               Crypto
                                                                                                     and Money
                                                                                                                                                                                             →       Based on Chainalysis’ 2022 report, their research
  international hub for                                                                                                                                                                              showed 5% of global GDP is laundered every year
  blockchain and digital                                                                             Laundering                                                                                      through the traditional financial system. This

  assets’                                                                                            For some, bitcoin, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     compares to 0.05% for crypto.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Forbes’ Steve Ehrlich’s 2021 piece, covered
                                                                                                     cryptocurrency has links to money
                                                                                                     laundering and other nefarious                                                                  research carried out by Michael Morell, a 33-
                                                                                                     activities. If you want to carry out
                                                                                                                                                                                                     year veteran of the CIA. Mr. Morell published
Blockchain Ireland Quadruple Helix                                                                   activities that do not leave a trail,
                                                                                                     the last thing you would want                                                                   an independent paper commissioned by the
                                                                                                     to use is an immutable register,                                                                newly formed lobbying group Crypto Council for
           GOVERNMENT                                                                                for example a blockchain, where
                                                                                                     all transactions are recorded                                                                   Innovation (whose founding members include
                                                                                                     and each transaction can be                                                                     Coinbase, Fidelity Digital Assets, and Square)
            ACADEMIA                                                                                 tracked from one source to the
                                                                                                     next. This is to the point where                                                                directly refuting crypto is the go-to money
            INDUSTRY                                                                                 known wallets held by bad actors                                                                laundering currency of choice. In an expansive
                                                                                                     can, have and will continue to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                     study, Morell came to two key conclusions:
            SOCIETY                                                                                                                                                                                  1.      The broad generalizations about the use
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of bitcoin in illicit finance are significantly
                                                                                                         ‘If you want to carry                                                                               overstated
However, despite many important elements           of the International Financial Services Centre
being present in Ireland, a national strategy      (IFSC), growing net assets over 80% between           out activities that do                                                                      2.      Blockchain analysis is a highly effective crime
and execution plan is now required to
bring these threads together, and take full
                                                   2007 to 2021.7 Ireland then placed a similar
                                                   focus on pharma and medtech in the 1990s,             not leave a trail, the                                                                              fighting and intelligence gathering tool
advantage of this opportunity. Not doing so
would run the risk of Ireland falling behind its
                                                   which has also been a huge success, and
                                                   remains so to this day.8 The last ‘big bet’
                                                                                                         last thing you would                                                                →       Mr. Morell found the percentage of illicit
                                                                                                                                                                                                     transactions in crypto is minimal (less than
European and global peers, some of whom
are taking a highly proactive approach to
                                                   started in 2003 with Google establishing its
                                                   EMEA HQ in Ireland. As Web2 (websites that
                                                                                                         want to use is an                                                                           1% according to one report from Chainalysis),
policy, regulation, attracting talent, and         emphasise user-generated content, ease of             immutable register’                                                                         and falling. For additional context, he notes that
innovation.5                                       use, participatory culture and interoperability
                                                                                                                                                                                                     estimates of illicit activity conducted through
                                                   for end users) gives way to Web3 (the
Ireland has an immediate opportunity to            new iteration of the World Wide Web that                                                                                                          traditional intermediaries range between 2-4
become an international hub for blockchain         incorporates decentralisation based on                                                                                                            percent of global GDP.
and digital assets, while improving existing       blockchains.), now is the time to place
Irish industries, as well as global companies      another ‘big bet’ for the coming decades.
that have established global, EMEA or              Gartner predicts the business value-added
European headquarters here.6 In the 1980s,         from blockchain technology will grow to more
Ireland made financial services a long-term        than $176 billion by 2025, and exceed $3.1
strategic investment, with the establishment       trillion by 2030.                                   (BaFin 2017) The German government and financial authority were one of the first countries to provide a framework and research on the technology.

                                                                                                       (HSBC 2021) (Quinlan 2018) A major financial institution providing ample proof to why Ireland presents itself as an international hub for technology and innovation. In addition, the announcement of
                                                                                                     Facebook, now Meta, building an EU headquarters in Ireland creating 5,000+ jobs.
                                                                                                       (IFSC 2022) The IFSC website celebrates its 34th year of being one of the leading financial services centres in the world. The IFSC displays its annual revenues from taxes and highlights its status of
                                                                                                     being globally recognized as a leading location for a range of internationally traded financial services.
                                                                                                        (IDA 2022) The IDA website which confirms Ireland is one of Europe’s largest MedTech hotspots and, as a globally recognised centre of excellence. Key highlights include: 300+ companies, 40,000
                                                                                                     people employed, highest number of MedTech personal per capita in Europe, and having 14 of the top 15 medical companies have operations set up in Ireland.

14 / 142                                                                         Executive Summary   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                                                                                                                          15 / 142
2.2.2                                             Making Blockchains, Crypto, and Web3             2.2.3
Sustainability,                                   The Ethereum blockchain will soon use far        The Crypto
                                                  less energy than it does today. For example,
The Environment                                   non-fungible tokens (NFT) are increasingly       Price-Innovation
                                                  being created on newer blockchain and layer
and Energy                                        two solutions, such as Algorand, Cardano         Cycle
                                                  Foundation, Hedera, Polygon Technology,
Consumption                                       Solana Labs and Tezos, which have been
                                                  actively designed to be more sustainable.        The crypto ecosystem works in cycles and
                                                  Specifically in relation to NFTs, recent         must be viewed over a longer term time
Blockchain, crypto, Web3, and energy              research by the Linux Foundation outlines        horizon, rather than activities or events
consumption, is an important subject and          steps to consider when creating NFTs:            that take place on any given day, week or
deserves constructive debate, rather                                                               month. Excellent fact based and data driven
than people repeating sound bites without         →   Look at the NFT process end to end           research titled ‘The Crypto Price-Innovation
understanding the complete picture. It is             (minting, purchased, transferred)            Cycle’ by Andreesen Horowitz’s Chris Dixon
important to note the following:                  →   Pick a lightweight blockchain (PoS)          and Eddie Lazzarin (2020) demonstrates how
                                                  →   Seek innovative alternatives (Palm NFT       these cycles can appear chaotic but have an
Not All Blockchains Are the Same                      Studio)                                      underlying order, roughly characterised as:
→ Newer blockchains are up to 99% more            →   Offset (with verification) what's left
   energy efficient than older blockchains        →   Cement commitments from the                  1. The price of Bitcoin and other crypto
→ Ethereum is moving from an energy-                  ecosystem                                       assets goes up
   intensive mechanism called Proof of                                                             2. Leading to new interest and social media
   Work (PoW) to a far more energy-efficient                                                          activity
   mechanism called Proof of Stake (PoS).                                                          3. Leading to more people getting involved,
   PoS is over 95% more energy efficient.                                                             contributing new ideas and code
                                                                                                   4. Leading to projects and startups getting
The Stellar Development Foundation                                                                    created
blockchain uses less energy per transaction                                                        5. Leading to product launches that inspire
than a Visa or MasterCard transaction                                                                 more people, eventually culminating in
→ Should we ban Visa and MasterCard?                                                                  the next cycle

The Bitcoin Blockchain Does Use a Lot of
→ The question here should be, does a
   decentralised, global and indiscriminate
   system warrant the energy consumption?

Maintaining Perspective
→ Aviation energy consumption is over
   3,000 TWh                                                                                       The Crypto Price-Innovation Cycle
→ The annual AC consumption globally is
   2,000 TWh
→ Bitcoin is about 135 TWh
→ Data centres use vast amounts of energy:
   are they considered in the same light?
                                                                                                                                                              Startups &    Product
Do Your Own Research and Look to                                                                          Price                Interest           New Ideas
Triangulate                                                                                                                                                    Projects    Launches
→ When it comes to blockchain, crypto
    and Web3, it is critical to do your own
    research, and not to hold on to sound
    bites, typically from people who are not in
    the know

16 / 142                                                                       Executive Summary   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                   17 / 142
Aligning to Europe’s
                                                                                                               to address the skills gap.                        identified a set of core actions Ireland
                                                                                                         →     Interacting with the community                    needs to take to position Ireland for the

Blockchain Strategy                                                                                            Linking back to one of Blockchain
                                                                                                               Ireland’s key tenets, everything we do is to
                                                                                                                                                                 next generation. The following sections of
                                                                                                                                                                 this paper provide an overview of:

The EU wants to be a leader in blockchain                 dedicated legal and regulatory working               enhance the blockchain, crypto and Web3           •   Where Ireland is today (relative to our
technology, becoming an innovator in                      group focal points                                   ecosystem in Ireland                                  peers)
blockchain and a home to significant
platforms, applications and companies.                →   Increasing funding for research and                                                                    •   What the opportunities are

The next 10 years will be Europe’s Digital
                                                                                                         2.4                                                         How we can realise them

Decade because digital technologies create                Through Blockchain Ireland’s dedicated
new jobs, business models and ways of living.             Start-up and Web3 working group,
But for us to reap the full benefits of the digital
                                                          coordinated strategic funding is one of the
space we must feel that we can trust the
information we share online. It is not only               core needs and requests of Government
news that can be fake: this can also happen
                                                      →   Promoting blockchain for sustainability
to our personal information, e.g. our diplomas                                                                                                                Through in-depth interviews and industry
or even to our digital identity. Therefore, the                                                                                                               focus groups led by working group leads,
                                                          This is of increasing critical importance
                                                                                                                                                              ideas and proposals to form a blockchain
European Commission is promoting and
investing in the use of Blockchain technology.            to Blockchain Ireland and we fully                                                                  strategy for Ireland were shared and
In partnership with EU MS we are deploying a                                                                                                                  documented. These proposals were analysed,
                                                          support the transition from Proof of
European Blockchain Services Infrastructure                                                                                                                   grouped, and core themes were identified.
                                                                                                         The objectives of this Blockchain Ireland
for cross-border public services. We are                  Work consensus mechanisms to Proof                                                                  The findings from each working group are
                                                                                                         strategy paper are to:
connecting with industry to work towards                                                                                                                      contained in section 9 ‘Recommendations
                                                          of Stake, as well as the use of renewable
global interoperability across borders and                                                                                                                    and Roadmap’.
sectors. With the EU Blockchain observatory               energy sources for mining and validation
                                                                                                         i.    Document and share the key priority
and forum we bring together the leading                   activities. We also promote innovative in
Blockchain experts to share knowledge,
identify obstacles and find practical solutions.          companies in Ireland that are looking to
                                                                                                               areas identified from each working group:
                                                                                                                                                               ‘Blockchain Ireland
                                                                                                               •   Developer
We are also creating an enabling European                 be part of the solution, such as Nexalus
                                                                                                               •   Education and Skills
                                                                                                                                                               would like to support
legal framework for Blockchain uptake.
And finally we are investing in research,             →   Supporting interoperability and
                                                                                                               •   Enterprise                                  the creation of a
innovation, startups and skills for Blockchain.           standards
                                                                                                               •   Events and Communications                   three year blockchain
                                                          Blockchain Ireland’s developer working
Blockchain Ireland believes it is critical to be
fully aligned with the European Commission                group keeps current on interoperability
                                                                                                                   (Blockchain Ireland Week)                   strategy and execution
objectives and is focused on working in
lockstep on the objectives below:                         and shares updates on the topic as part
                                                                                                               •   Legal and Regulatory
                                                                                                               •   Start-up and Ecosystem
                                                          of our monthly ecosystem updates
                                                                                                         ii.   To compare and contrast where Ireland
→      Building a pan-European public services        →   Supporting blockchain skills
                                                                                                               stands in relation to other national
       blockchain                                         development
                                                                                                               blockchain, crypto, and digital asset
       Blockchain Ireland works closely with              This touched off a number of Blockchain
       our European friends, colleagues and               Ireland’s core objectives. One of our most
                                                                                                         iii. Provide an action plan and roadmap for
       counterparts across the European                   active working groups is Blockchain
                                                                                                               Ireland Inc. to seize the opportunity
       Commission, European Central Bank and              Ireland’s Education, Skills and Innovation
                                                                                                         iv. In 2022, with the Irish Government, the
       bodies such as INATBA                              working group. Research, market
                                                                                                               broader ecosystem and as part of ‘The
→      Promoting legal certainty                          mapping and tutorials have been held, as
                                                                                                               Digital Ireland Framework’, We have
       This is one of Blockchain Ireland’s                well as detailed recommendations on how

18 / 142                                                                             Executive Summary   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                       19 / 142
CHAPTER 3                                                                        BLOCKCHAIN
BLOCKCHAIN                                           1,400

                                                                                         - FOUNDED 2015 -

OVERVIEW                                             PR &
                                                                                     SKILLS, EDUCATION &
                                                                                                                     ENTERPRISE & FDI

                                                STARTUP & VC                   BCI WEEK                 LEGAL               DEVELOPERS
                                                                                                    & REGULATORY

                                          Blockchain Ireland is an industry innovation           Blockchain Ireland has a formalised
                                          network that works to promote and share                relationship with Digital Technology Skills
                                          information on blockchain and distributed              Limited who assist and enable Blockchain
                                          ledger technology (DLT) in Ireland. The                Ireland by provision of a range of corporate
                                          organisation which was founded in late 2015,           and concierge-type services.
                                          helped form the European Commission’s
                                          International Association of Trusted                   Since its early incarnations in 2015,
                                          Blockchain Applications (INATBA), and                  Blockchain Ireland has grown to partner
                                          co-signed the Cooperation on European                  with more than 100 organisations nationally,
                                          Blockchain Partnership in February 2019.               and connects with a range of international
                                                                                                 industry networks including: Slovenian
                                          Blockchain Ireland connects with other                 Blockchain Innovation Ecosystem, British
                                          emerging technology clusters to facilitate             Blockchain Association, and the Australian
                                          the formation of new jobs, to promote                  Blockchain Association. It was a founding
                                          notable examples of blockchain and DLT                 member of the International Blockchain
                                          entrepreneurship, and to establish Ireland             Associations Forum that facilitates
                                          as a knowledge-hub for crypto-asset                    international cooperation between national
                                          and blockchain applications. Structurally,             associations.
                                          Blockchain Ireland is an unincorporated
                                          association, with a steering group providing
                                          strategic and tactical input.

20 / 142    Blockchain Ireland Overview   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                     21 / 142
Currently, with more than 1,400 active
members, Blockchain Ireland’s core
objectives are:                                      To develop a
                                                     vibrant ecosystem
1.    To promote Ireland as a global blockchain,
      digital asset, Web3 and crypto hub
2.    To promote the creation of blockchain,
      digital asset and crypto-based jobs in

                                                     across Ireland,
3.    To develop a vibrant diverse and
      inclusive ecosystem across Ireland,
      bringing together enterprise, start-ups,
      technologists, academia, government,

                                                     bringing together
      regulators, and semi-states
4.    To educate and upskill all parts of society
      in Ireland on blockchain, digital assets and
      crypto across all industries and sectors

                                                     enterprise, start-
To further these objectives, Blockchain
Ireland co-creates a wide range of
networking and information-sharing events,
including the national annual Blockchain

                                                     ups, technologists,
Ireland Week, and collaborates in, and
commissions research to scope and advance
emerging opportunities in the field.

Structure                                            academia,
The primary structure of the organisation is
its Steering Group, with an annually elected
chairperson, and the specialist working
groups, as outlined on page 10. Each of the

                                                     regulators and
working groups has its own programme of
engagement for interested members, and
run their own events to serve member needs.


22 / 142                                              Blockchain Ireland Overview   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy   23 / 142
                                               A blockchain is an encrypted distributed                                                             A blockchain contains many distributed
                                               database that acts as a system of recording                                                          nodes, meaning transactions are verified by

                                               information. Blockchain provides unrivalled                                                          nodes agreeing which ‘block’ should be added
                                               data security and protection because of                                                              next on the ‘chain’, eventually forming a
                                               its distributed nature. A blockchain doesn’t                                                         blockchain. The objective is to create a single
                                               require a centralised authority to validate                                                          version of the truth, used by all participants,
                                               transactions; instead, a blockchain stores                                                           containing an immutable, transparent, and

                                               data in fixed structures or ‘blocks’. These                                                          verified data set. This single version of the
                                               blocks create a chain of verified transactions                                                       truth is the alignment mechanism needed
                                               that acts as a distributed ledger. Traditional                                                       to replace the trust of an intermediary. “No
                                               ledgers record transactions and require                                                              one actor is trusted, and no one needs to
                                               mutual understanding between transacting                                                             be trusted. There is no central authority or

                                               parties. A distributed ledger creates a                                                              trusted third party in a distributed consensus
                                               publicly (whether defined by eligible users,                                                         network.”9
                                               often termed a private blockchain, or open
                                               user based) available ledger that is updated                                                         The key components that will help expand
                                               and verified by a computer which maintains a                                                         the business capabilities of Ireland will

                                               history of all transactions known as a ‘node’.                                                       consist of the following:

                                               Web3 and Metaverse
                                               Web3 represents the next phase in the evolution of the internet, and could potentially be
                                               as disruptive, and represent as big a paradigm shift as Web 2.0. Web3 is built upon core
                                               concepts of decentralisation, openness, and greater user utility. Berners-Lee had expounded
                                               upon some of these key concepts back in the 1990s, as outlined below:
                                               →      Decentralisation: “No permission is needed from a central authority to post anything on
                                                      the web, there is no central controlling node, and so no single point of failure...and no ‘kill
                                                      switch’! This also implies freedom from indiscriminate censorship and surveillance.”
                                               →      Bottom-up Design: “Instead of code being written and controlled by a small group of
                                                      experts, it was developed in full view of everyone, encouraging maximum participation and

                                               The diagram below shows the evolution of the internet from read, read-write, to

                                                                   Web1                                                                 Web2                                                                   Web3






                                               (Antonopoulos, 2014) Andreas Antonopoulos is an early Bitcoin advocate and blockchain expert. Over time, blockchain security increases with decentralisation compared to traditional security ledgers.

24 / 142    Brief Blockchain Explainer Recap   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                                                                                                                 25 / 142
These core concepts together with DLT form the foundation of web3. As detailed in the
following image all functionality that falls under the web3 umbrella operates on or because of
peer-to-peer networks, transactional DLT and/or a programmable layer (smart contracts).                                   Non Fungible
                            SELF CUSTODY AND ACCESS - Wallets/Front-End Applications                                      Tokens (NFTs)
                                                                                                                          An NFT is a special type of digital asset,
                                                                                                                          typically recorded on a blockchain, that can
                                                        AGENTS                                                            be proved to be one of a kind and not fungible
                                                                                                                          (or exchangeable) with another digital asset,
                                                                                                                          hence ‘Non-Fungible Token’. The tokens are
    Decentralised           NFTs - Sovereign       Decentralised          Decentralised            Self-sovereign         created (or ‘minted’) in accordance with
    Finance (DeFi)          Virtual Goods          Governance             Cloud Services           Identity               standard frameworks, such as ERC-721, and
                                                                                                                          are deployed on-chain. The Non-Fungible
                            - Minting houses       - DAO frameworks       -   Storage              - DIDs                 Token can be managed, traded, and owned
    -   Aggregators
                            - Marketplaces         - Voting mechanisms    -   Compute              - Verifiable claims    in accordance with the protocol standards
    -   Defi Primitives
                            - Token standards      - Staking & slashing   -   Databases                                   it has been minted on. Commercially, NFT’s
    -   Oracles                                                                                                           are typically traded on platforms such as
                            -  Metadata            - Multisignature       -   Query & APIs
    -   Data Marketplaces                                                                                                 Opensea (the platform’s trading volume
                              standards              wallets
    -   Units of Value -                                                                                                  reached close to $3.5 billion in August 2021),
                            - Hybrid NFT+FT        - Community Audits                                                     or Nifty Gateway, which styles itself as a
        ‘Internet Money’
                            - Physically                                                                                  digital art online auction platform. The NFT
                              redeemable NFTs                                                                             market achieved sales in excess of $41 billion
                                                                                                                          in 2021 and over $7 billion in January 2022.
                                                                                                                          NFT funding growth in 2021 grew 12,878% to
                                                                                                                          a total of $4.8 billion across art, music, sports,
                                                PROGRAMMABILITY LAYER                                                     gaming and the metaverse.

                                                  TRANSACTION LAYER

                                                PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS

The decentralised foundation (peer-to-                       Data unions, data cooperatives and data
peer networks) of this new technology                        trusts can be appointed to aggregate their
stack allows for the key web3 features of                    data into larger, more valuable datasets,
transparency and ownership.                                  while representing the interests of the
                                                             individuals. The value generated by the data
                                                             can then be distributed to the owners.
→       Transparency because all transactions
        on blockchain are publicly available.                The Metaverse is a concept of a persistent,
                                                             online, 3D universe that combines multiple
→       Ownership because DLT can facilitate
                                                             virtual spaces. It can be viewed as a future
        digital ownership in the forms of token              iteration of the internet. The metaverse
                                                             will allow users to work, meet, game, and
        ecnomies and/or NFTs.
                                                             socialise together in these 3D spaces.
                                                             The metaverse isn’t yet fully in existence,
Data ownership and privacy is a key                          but some platforms contain metaverse-like
component of web3. Currently, web2                           elements. Video games currently provide
companies generate a lot of revenue by                       the closest metaverse experience on offer.
tracking and monetising user data. Web3                      Developers have pushed the boundaries of
flips this by giving users control of their data             what a game is, through hosting in-game
and allowing them to decide on their own                     events and creating virtual economies.
aspirations for data use and monetisation.

26 / 142                                                                               Brief Blockchain Explainer Recap   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy         27 / 142
4.3                                                                                                      4.4                                               4.5
DeFi                                                                                                     Staking                                           DAOs
DeFi, or Decentralised Finance, is a form         annual return (0.04% a day). Whereas a                 Staking is a way of earning rewards for           A decentralised autonomous organisation
of financial services digital evolution. It       standard savings account with a bank for a             holding certain cryptocurrencies. If a            (DAO) is an entity with no central leadership.
enables borrowers to be linked directly           retail customer in Ireland has an estimated            cryptocurrency you own allows staking —           Decisions get made from the bottom-
to lenders without the need to go through         annual return of 0.25% (0.0006% a day). It             current options include Tezos, Cosmos, and        up, governed by a community organised
an established intermediary, like a bank.         is important to note that DeFi is currently            now Ethereum (via the new ETH2 upgrade)           around a specific set of rules enforced on
Lenders and borrowers are connected by            operating primarily at the retail level and is         — you can ‘stake’ some of your holdings and       a blockchain. DAOs are internet-native
signing up to a platform such as Compound         not (in the main) regulated. The DeFi funding          earn a percentage-rate reward over time.          organisations collectively owned and
or Aave. The borrower reviews the crypto-         year on year is expected to reach $3.4                 This usually happens via a ‘staking pool’,        managed by their members. They have built-
assets available, and agrees to the specific      billion. As the regulatory regime expands in           which you can think of as being similar to        in treasuries that are only accessible with
terms of the platform to receive the crypto-      scope, especially within the EU, more and              an interest-bearing savings account. The          the approval of their members. Decisions
asset at a specified interest rate. The lender    more DeFi offerings will fall within regulatory        reason your crypto earns rewards while            are made via proposals the group votes
does the same on the other side to lock in        remit. There are currently a high volume of            staked is because the blockchain puts it to       on during a specified period. A DAO works
a guaranteed interest rate for leasing out        regulatory and legislative initiatives in train        work. Cryptocurrencies that allow staking         without hierarchical management and can
their crypto-asset. Interest rates can range      which will affect DeFi.                                use a ‘consensus mechanism’ called Proof          have a large number of purposes.
from 1% to 20%, and are typically higher than                                                            of Stake, which is the way they ensure that       Freelancer networks where contracts pool
global central bank interest rates.               The EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum                all transactions are verified and secured         their funds to pay for software subscriptions,
                                                  recently published a paper on DeFi titled              without a bank or payment processor in the        charitable organisations where members
DeFi is a rapidly evolving industry within        ‘Decentralised Finance (DeFi), which can be            middle. Your crypto, if you choose to stake it,   approve donations, and venture capital firms
the financial sector, growing from $1 billion     found here.                                            becomes part of that process. As with DeFi        owned by a group, are all possible with these
in value in June of 2020 to more than $100                                                               generally, staking is an area not subject to      organisations. As with the above, depending
billion at the time of this paper. An analogy
to DeFi is peer-to-peer banking. The DeFi          ‘DeFi is a rapidly evolving industry                  clear regulatory overhang at present which
                                                                                                         will increasingly fall within the regulatory
                                                                                                                                                           on structure, certain DAO’s are outside much
                                                                                                                                                           of the regulatory regime, and again, this will
ecosystem comprises decentralised
applications (dApps) that sit on the blockchain
                                                   within the financial sector,                          regime, by reference to commercial
                                                                                                         operators enabling staking activities, as the
                                                                                                                                                           change as EU-wide regulatory and legislative
                                                                                                                                                           initiatives are rolled out. As with all innovative
and facilitate peer-to-peer transactions and
track assets through smart contracts. A
                                                   growing from $1 billion in value                      EU rolls out current regulatory and legislative
                                                                                                                                                           financial service offerings, there may remain
                                                                                                                                                           a certain degree of ambiguity with reference
digital asset is a piece of content stored in a    in June of 2020 to more than $100                                                                       to application of regulatory regimes, but the
digital file format. An asset can be tangible                                                                                                              general direction of EU intention to apply legal
(a house, car, cash, land) or intangible           billion at the time of this paper.’                                                                     and regulatory requirements to new forms of
(intellectual property, patents, copyrights,                                                                                                               finance enabled by the blockchain is clear.
branding). Transactions are transparent,
permissionless, immutable, and immediate.
DeFi challenges existing models by looking to
remove potential customer journey friction
points (e.g. not requiring credit history,
income verification, identification, or social
status). The primary tools needed are crypto
assets and an internet connection. The open
banking system allows anyone to participate
while reducing the costs to participate. In
an October 2022 report, Goldman Sachs
acknowledged that DeFi is easier for
underbanked populations, and provides
faster settlement for users.

The creation of increased opportunities to
earn far higher interest rates than traditional
savings methods results in more efficient
use of capital for investments deployed in
DeFi protocols. For example, currently, there
is a DeFi protocol named “Curve” (based on
the Ethereum blockchain) offering a 14.67%

28 / 142                                                              Brief Blockchain Explainer Recap   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                   29 / 142
                                                                                   Blockchain is rapidly entering every facet                                                              in different industries and highlight best
                                                                                   of our lives. However, many businesses look                                                             practices by other countries. We selected five

                                                                                   set to wait for the government to provide                                                               areas mentioned by the European Blockchain
                                                                                   direction before fully committing. “Business                                                            strategy which are relevant to Ireland:
                                                                                   leaders and regular people are also slow to                                                             e-governance/ digital identity, healthcare,
                                                                                   adopt blockchain-based systems because                                                                  supply chain, financial services, and energy.
                                                                                   they fear potential government regulations                                                              We then looked at nine countries with a level

                                                                                   might require them to make expensive or                                                                 of similarity in approval of operations within
                                                                                   difficult changes in the future.”10 Blockchain                                                          the government.
                                                                                   innovation is moving fast, really fast. We
                                                                                   want to demonstrate what is happening

                                                                                                                                                                                              ‘Blockchain innovation is
                                                                                                                                                                                              moving fast, really fast. We
                                                                                                                                                                                              want to demonstrate what

BLOCKCHAIN,                                                                                                                                                                                   is happening in different
                                                                                                                                                                                              industries and highlight
                                                                                                                                                                                              best practices by other

DIGITAL                                                                                                                                                                                       countries.’

                                                                                   & Digital Identity
CRYPTO                                                                             E-identity powered by blockchain will enable                                                            Switzerland. Switzerland is beginning to

                                                                                   citizens to participate more easily in society                                                          consider using e-identity to e-vote in specific
                                                                                   to improve wellbeing, increase the efficiency                                                           areas, ultimately eliminating any risk of voter
                                                                                   of public resources, and reduce the costs for                                                           fraud. Centralised databases are appealing to
                                                                                   the government. E-governance is increasingly                                                            cyber criminals as a wealth of personal data
                                                                                   important to engage citizens and to ensure                                                              is stored in one place, for example the HSE
                                                                                   participation. E-Identity allows citizens to                                                            cyber attack in May 2021 resulted in a large-
                                                                                   instantly verify their identity across multiple                                                         scale data breach resulting in the personal
                                                                                   service providers, including insurance,                                                                 medical history of 520 individuals being
                                                                                   healthcare, mortgage applications, education                                                            posted online.12 Decentralised databases are
                                                                                   verification, credentialing, etc. Gartner                                                               resistant to this type of attack.
                                                                                   predicts over 60% of governments will have
                                                                                   tripled their digital services by the end of
                                                                                   2023.11 Cutting-edge innovation is coming
                                                                                   from Canada, Singapore, Germany, and

                                                                                    (Werbach, 2019) Kevin Werbach points out government regulation is critical for mass adoption. People will use systems only when they trust them. Until there is clear regulation, a cohort of people

                                                                                   will be wary.
                                                                                    (Gallagher, 2021) The attack on the HSE brought national attention to Ireland’s cyber security measures. It took a month to decrypt 70% of the computers and another three months to reach 95%.

30 / 142   Areas To Benefit From Blockchain, Digital Asset And Crypto Innovation   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                                                                                                                       31 / 142
                                                                                                              5.3.1                                               5.3.2
Energy                                                                                                        Digital Assets                                      CBDCs and
The energy sector benefits from blockchain        solar energy than they required, the current                Digital assets are growing rapidly in both          Stablecoins
by increasing resource efficiency, renewable      model would mean the excess energy would                    traditional and non-traditional financial
marketplaces, and removing intermediaries.        go to waste as the party cannot transfer the                markets. Examples of digital assets in              CBDCs, or central bank digital currencies,
This compliments Ireland’s role in the            energy back to the grid. However, a peer-                   this instance are cryptocurrencies, DeFi            are developing forms of regulated,
European Commission’s Green Digital               to-peer blockchain-based network can sell                   tokens and NFTs. The German government              government-issued electronic money. Like
Recovery and Resilience Plan. The United          energy to another, creating efficiencies in                 recognised the urgency to define digital            cryptocurrencies, CBDCs are emerging
States, Singapore, Australia, and Germany         the market. For example, Brooklyn Microgrid                 assets, stating that it is, “A precondition         from blockchain technology, but unlike a
are global leaders in blockchain uses for         is the first applied engineering programme                  for positive developments.” In 2021, the            cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, a CBDC
energy. All three are focused on a peer-to-       of energy blockchain globally.13 Brooklyn                   German government, more specifically BaFin,         will be backed by its issuing government,
peer network. The benefits of a peer-to-peer      Microgrid has eliminated the middleman                      established a crypto dedicated regulatory           and could more comprehensively replace
network for direct transacting of energy          and has allowed users on the grid to sell                   framework relating to crypto-assets, ICO’s,         traditional forms of cash.
mean that those individuals, organisations, or    excess energy to other users. This process is               and utility tokens.
governments are not confined to pre-existing      facilitated using a smart metre in conjunction                                                                  Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies that
contracts, or wholesale-based energy              with a blockchain network.                                  These can be summarised as follows:                 attempt to peg their market value to
distribution. If one party generated more                                                                                                                         an external reference. They may be
                                                                                                              1.     Crypto-custody: Changes to the German
                                                                                                                                                                  pegged to a currency like the U.S. dollar,
                                                                                                                     Banking ACT (KWG) laws to enable crypto      or to a commodity’s price such as gold.
                                                   ‘The benefits of a peer-to-peer network
5.3                                                                                                                  custody with a clear 6 month approval        Stablecoins achieve their price stability
                                                                                                                                                                  via collateralization (backing), or through
                                                   for direct transacting of energy mean                             process timeframe
                                                                                                                                                                  algorithmic mechanisms of buying and selling
                                                                                                              2.     Spezialfonds: Up to 20% of Spezialfonds      the reference asset or its derivatives.
                                                   that those individuals, organisations,
                                                                                                                     can allocate up to 20% of their capital in
                                                                                                                                                                  It must be noted, we welcome the great work
                                                   or governments are not confined to                                crypto assets                                by Senator Malcolm Byrne who recently
                                                                                                                                                                  hosted Fabio Panetta, Executive Board
The financial industries sector is perhaps         pre-existing contracts, or wholesale-                      3.     Electronic Securities Act: Enables
                                                                                                                                                                  Member of the European Central Bank (ECB)
experiencing the most disruption as a result                                                                         the issuance of bearer bonds using           for a discussion on the digital Euro in the
of the innovation around cryptocurrency. By        based energy distribution’                                        distributed ledger technology (DLT).         National College of Ireland.
refining the value propositions presented
by cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and                                                                             In particular, the Electronic Securities
Ethereum, regulatory-compliant digital                                                                               Act establishes a legal basis for the
assets, such as Central Bank Digital
                                                                                                                     trading of rights through electronic
Currencies, are facilitating the next
generation of financial evolution.                                                                                   securities registers, and adds a new
                                                                                                                     licence category for maintaining a crypto
Germany, Singapore, Switzerland and the
United Kingdom are leaders in financial                                                                              securities register. Eliminating paperwork
blockchain innovation. The traditional                                                                               in securities transactions.14
financial industry requires multiple third
parties and intermediaries to perform certain                                                                 This legislature allowed one of the oldest
transactions.                                                                                                 banking institutions in Germany, Hauck &
                                                                                                              Aufhäuser, to launch its first crypto fund. Dr
Blockchain technology removes the need for                                                                    Holger Sepp, the board member of Hauck
many of these intermediaries by streamlining                                                                  & Aufhäuser, noted that this action has now
payments services, reducing friction in post-                                                                 created an innovative investment opportunity
trade settlement systems, and supporting                                                                      for consumers who are interested in
fractional ownership of high-value assets.                                                                    securing new digital assets in an inexpensive
Further innovations in Financial Services are                                                                 and safe manner.
explored in the regulation strategy sections.

 (Zhao et al., 2019)
                                                                                                               (Jafar, 2020)

                                                                                                               (Ferreira, 2020)

32 / 142                              Areas To Benefit From Blockchain, Digital Asset And Crypto Innovation   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                                 33 / 142
5.4                                                                                                            5.5
Healthcare                                                                                                     Supply Chain
The healthcare industry is poised to become        procedures. A decentralised database                        Digital ledger technology reduces the need       Angeles was faced with a significant supply
more efficient by adopting blockchain              of authenticated information reduces                        for intermediaries to make processes             chain issue. The port struggled to keep up
technology. Australia, Germany, and                healthcare costs while giving doctors patient               more efficient across areas such as public       with the volume of cargo containers arriving
Switzerland are leaders in this innovation.        information when needed. Through its                        safety and security, quality management,         at its terminals. A breakdown of coordination
Current applications include a distributed         peer-to-peer network system, blockchain                     sustainable supply chain management,             among the adjacent links of the supply
peer-to-peer blockchain platform that              technology can protect patients and ensure                  inventory management. Increased                  chain caused a bottleneck with devastating
connects institutions with individuals, a          the visibility of medical records by only                   efficiencies reduce the cost of supply chain     consequences to the national supply chain.
medical device tracking system, and a              verified medical professionals.16 Medical                   transactions. The leaders in this space          A distributed ledger would create complete
biopharmaceutical tracking system. While           device and pharmaceutical industries use                    are Canada, Germany, and Singapore.              transparency among all parties involved to
it is critical to verify and authenticate both     blockchain to track the origin of products                  Simplifying the infrastructure, and creating     avoid such a bottleneck. The shipping giant
patients’ and doctors’ information, barriers       to eliminate fraud. Blockchain technology                   a decentralised network allows the industry      Maersk partnered with IBM to create this
are being removed to make the process              is used to prevent counterfeits within the                  to become more transparent and verified. 18      exact system.19 The supply chain is built upon
more efficient. Patients can easily share          pharmaceutical industry. Hyperledger                        An improved, verified supply chain system        trust, and having an immutable ledger will
medical data with other professionals              launched a research network to verify drugs’                is vital as cities import and export goods. In   instil that trust across parties involved in a
instantly, rather than go through complicated      production, distribution, and transaction.17                late October 2021, California’s Port of Los      transaction.
medical requests and authorisation

     ‘A decentralised database
     of authenticated
     information reduces
     healthcare costs while
     giving doctors patient
     information when needed’

 (Mettler, 2016)

 (Cole, Stevenson, and Aitken, 2019)

 (Kramer 2020)

34 / 142                               Areas To Benefit From Blockchain, Digital Asset And Crypto Innovation   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                               35 / 142
                                                                                                                                  The European Commission has set out a
                                                                                                                                  high-level strategy to become the leaders
                                                                                                                                  of blockchain technology globally. In order
                                                                                                                                  to achieve these goals they provided a
                                                                                                                                  breakdown of what they referred to as the

                                                                                                                                  gold standard for blockchain.

                                                                                                                                  These included:

                                                                                                                                  1.   Building a pan-European public services

                                                                                                                                  2.   Promoting legal certainty
                                                                                                                                  3.   Increasing funding for research and
                                                                                                                                  4.   Promoting blockchain for sustainability

                                                                                                                                  5.   Supporting interoperability and
                                                                                                                                  6.   Supporting blockchain skills development
                                                                                                                                  7.   Interacting with the community

                                                                                                                                  Through our research we have identified
                                                                                                                                  three key pillars which we believe need to be
                                                                                                                                  achieved in order for blockchain technology
                                                                                                                                  to flourish within Ireland.

                                                                                                                                  These are:

                                                                                                                                  1.   A clear government strategy
                                                                                                                                  2.   A robust regulatory environment that
                                                                                                                                       enables innovation

                                                                                                                                  3.   A thriving ecosystem

                                                                                                                                  With these three pillars in mind, we looked
                                                                                                                                  to run a comparison against other leading
                                                                                                                                  countries within the blockchain space.  For
                                                                                                                                  the purpose of this paper we created a
                                                                                                                                  set of scoring criteria to directly compare
                                                                                                                                  Ireland to other nations, and to explore how
                                                                                                                                  other countries were addressing strategy,
                                                                                                                                  regulation, and ecosystems.

36 / 142   Global Country And Government Blockchain Policy And Activity Analysis   Ireland’s Blockchain, Crypto & Web3 Strategy                                               37 / 142
6.1                                               of the  technology and how it could utilize
                                                  in the future. The vision tends to have few
                                                  actionable items  and relies on theory to
Maturity                                          set the precedent for how the country will
                                                  address blockchain technology  in the future.

Model                                             A roadmap consists of entirely actionable
                                                  items and goals in which the government  is
                                                  aiming to accomplish by a certain year. The
Methodology                                       document has little theory and vision for how
                                                  the  government should view the technology.
To create a benchmark for how mature a            The national strategy encapsulates both a
market is when it comes to the applications       vision and an  actionable roadmap. It is the
of blockchain, crypto and Web3, a series          most mature of the strategic actionable items
of frameworks and questions have been             that a government could  release.
analysed. The three core frameworks that
will be analysed are:                             While it is important to understand a
                                                  government’s viewpoint regarding how
→     Strategy                                    blockchain  technology can be incorporated
→     Regulation                                  into the landscape, it is also important
→     Ecosystem                                   to see how governing bodies  help guide
                                                  the market to accomplish the actionable
The method for grading was developed              items. It also creates structure for who
after analysing several global markets, and       should  be monitoring various activities.
conversing  with experts in the field. A five     Concerning maturity, markets that have
point scale was used per category for each        designated taskforces or  government-
country, to create an average score               appointed steering committees are seen
                                                  as more mature. This is due to the creation
                                                  of  positions within a government. Other
6.1.1                                             examples of maturity include having more
                                                  governing bodies  to observe specific
Strategy                                          activities. This allows for a clearer direction
                                                  and definition for its use cases.  Having
When evaluating the market’s strategy,            a clear understanding of classifications
the research needs to identify if there is        and definitions feeds into the regulatory
a strategy being  actively pursued by the         framework  and is directly related.
federal government. Knowing this, we
identified two core  questions that will help
guide the analysis in this are
→     Is there a government-issued blockchain,    Regulatory
      crypto and Web3 strategy? If not, what is
      being done instead?                         The regulations within a market bring light
→     Is there a governing department that        to the federal government’s approach to the
      monitors blockchain, crypto and Web3        technology.  For the sake of this research, the
      activity?                                   researcher will solely focus on the regulatory
→                                                 approach within the  financial services
The strategy that is actively being pursued       sector. This is because the financial services
by the market’s federal government can            industry has proven to be the  technology’s
be seen in  various actions. This includes        most mature use case. To understand the
a government-issued vision, roadmap, or           technology’s regulations within this area,  we
national strategy. Many of  the markets that      observed passed legislation as it pertains to
will be analysed within the market analysis       cryptocurrencies/digital assets. This  includes
section have issued a variation of the  forms     activities such as funding, transactions,
mentioned. Typically, a vision is a document      investments, property, and more. While it
that shows the government’s viewpoints            is  important to understand the regulations

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