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LANGUAGE EDUCATION                                           Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                         Language                                                                 Spanish so White
                         Ideologies and                                                           Conversations on the
                         L2 Speaker                                                               Inconvenient Racism of
                                                                                                  a ‘Foreign’ Language
                         Legitimacy                                                               Education
                         Native Speaker Bias
                                                                                                  Adam Schwartz
                         in Japan
                                                                                               Written specifically for secondary
                         Jae DiBello Takeuchi
                                                                                               and post-secondary teachers who
                       This book examines dilemmas                                             identify as White, second language
faced by second language Japanese speakers as a result                 learners of Spanish, Spanish So White will support the
of persistent challenges to their legitimacy as speakers of            development of language education that centers a racially
Japanese. It explores ideologies linked to three core                  dynamic Spanish-speaking world and challenges
speech styles of Japanese – keigo or polite language,                  interpersonal and institutional forms of racism.
gendered language and regional dialects – to show how                  January 2023                                                152pp
such ideologies impact L2-Japanese speakers.                           Pbk 9781800416895            £17.95         US$17.95       €21.95
Multilingual Matters                      March 2023 216pp             Hbk 9781800416901           £59.95         US$59.95        €70.95
Hbk 9781800414648          £99.95      US$139.95    €119.95            Epub 9781800416925           £8.00          US$8.00        €10.00
Epub 9781800414662         £20.00      US$35.00     €25.00

                         Quality and Equity                                                       Translanguaging
                         in Education                                                             and Epistemological
                         A Practical Guide to the                                                 Decentring in
                         Council of Europe Vision of                                              Higher Education
                         Education for Plurilingual,
                         Intercultural and                                                        and Research
                                                                                                  Edited by Heidi Bojsen, Petra
                         Democratic Citizenship                                                   Daryai-Hansen, Anne Holmen
                         Edited by Michael Byram,                                                 and Karen Risager
                         Mike Fleming and Joseph Sheils                                        This book is timely in addressing
This book presents a vision of plurilingual, intercultural             the resistant knowledge embodied and enacted in
education, demonstrates how it can be realised in practice,            language diversity through speech communities we don’t
and does so in a way which is easily and quickly accessible            often hear in translingual scholarship.
to teachers of all subjects and in all educational institutions,       SURESH CANAGARAJAH, PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, USA
as well as to other educationists, including policymakers.             Using data from universities in Asia, Central and North America,
February 2023                                            208pp         Europe and the Maghreb, this book provides examples of the
Pbk 9781800414013          £24.95       US$34.95        €29.90         heuristic value of translanguaging and epistemological
Hbk 9781800414020          £89.95      US$129.95       €109.95         decentring, and argues that decentring cannot happen until
Epub 9781800414044         £15.00      US$25.00        €20.00          learners are able to identify which sorts of centring dynamics
                                                                       and conditions are salient to their learning.
                                                                       Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education
                                                                       January 2023                                            288pp
                                                                       Pbk 9781800410886           £34.95      US$49.95       €44.95
                                                                       Hbk 9781800410893          £109.95     US$149.95      €134.95
                                                                       Epub 9781800410916          £25.00      US$40.00       €35.00
MULTILINGUAL MATTERS CATALOGUE 2022-2023                           4
LANGUAGE EDUCATION                                           Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                            Second Language                                                         Teacher Reflection
                            and Heritage                                                            Policies, Practices and
                            Learners in Mixed                                                       Impacts
                            Classrooms                                                              Edited by Zia Tajeddin and
                                                                                                    Atsuko Watanabe
                            Edited by Patricia Bayona and
                            Elena García-Martín                                                     In this timely volume, key scholars
                        Written by specialists from                                                 in the field of reflective practice in
                        different educational levels,                                               TESOL take stock of over 20 years of
                        language backgrounds, and                                                   research and provide new accounts
geographical locations, this is a must-read for current                  of ‘doing reflection’, many based on empirical data. The result
and future language teachers.                                            is a collection bursting with theoretical perspectives, fresh
MARIA M. CARREIRA, PROFESSOR EMERITA, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY,       ideas, and new approaches. A must for any practitioner or
LONG BEACH, USA                                                          academic with an interest in this important field.
This book addresses the complexity of mixed language                     FIONA COPLAND, UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, UK
classroom learning environments in which heritage                        This book examines teacher reflection in three main areas:
learners and second language learners are concurrently                   policies, practices and the impact of teacher reflection on
exposed to language learning in the same physical space.                 teachers’ practices and professional development. The
It offers best practices and reproducible pedagogical                    chapters shed light on concerns and challenges
initiatives and methodologies for different levels of                    experienced by teachers in diverse international contexts
instruction.                                                             and institutions.
New Perspectives on Language & Education Nov 2022 336pp                  New Perspectives on Language & Education Sept 2022 304pp
Pbk 9781800415003        £39.95       US$59.95   €54.95                  Pbk 9781788921008        £39.95       US$59.95    €54.95
Hbk 9781800415010        £119.95     US$159.95   €144.95                 Hbk 9781788921015        £119.95     US$159.95    €144.95
Epub 9781800415034       £30.00       US$50.00   €40.00                  Epub 9781788921039       £30.00       US$50.00    €40.00

                            Antisocial                                                              Early Language
                            Language Teaching                                                       Learning in
                            English and the Pervasive                                               Context
                            Pathology of Whiteness                                                  A Critical Socioeducational
                            JPB Gerald                                                              Perspective
                        Brimming with insights from                                                 David Hayes
                        research, practice, and personal                                          Hayes’ detailed and critical
                        experience, Gerald makes a                                                analyses of early language
                        passionate case for demolishing                                           learning policies in six different
the status quo in English language teaching.                             countries beautifully and powerfully illustrate the
                                                                         complex realities and importance of situating policies in
This book examines major issues with the ideologies and                  specific societal and linguistic contexts.
institutions behind the discipline of ELT and diagnoses the              YUKO GOTO BUTLER, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF
industry as in dire need of treatment, with the solution                 PENNSYLVANIA, USA

being a full decentering of whiteness. A vision for a more               This book critically analyzes early school foreign language
just version of ELT is offered as an alternative to the harm             teaching policy and practice across six geographical contexts.
caused by its present-day incarnation.                                   Criticizing the worldwide trend for a focus on English, it
New Perspectives on Language & Education Sept 2022 192pp                 argues for a broader perspective that values multilingualism
Pbk 9781800413269        £24.95       US$24.95    €29.95                 and knowledge of regional and indigenous languages
Hbk 9781800413276        £79.95       US$89.95    €94.95                 alongside a more diverse range of foreign languages.
Epub 9781800413290        £10.00       US$13.00   €12.00                 Early Language Learning in School Contexts Aug 2022 208pp
                                                                         Pbk 9781800415836          £29.95       US$39.95   €34.95
                                                                         Hbk 9781800415843          £99.95      US$139.95   €119.95
                                                                         Epub 9781800415867         £20.00       US$35.00   €25.00
                                                                     5                                         www.multilingual-matters.com
LANGUAGE EDUCATION                                       Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                           A Linguistic                                                         Multilingual
                           Approach to the                                                      Perspectives on
                           Study of Dyslexia                                                    Translanguaging
                           Edited by Gloria Cappelli and                                        Edited by Jeff MacSwan
                           Sabrina Noccetti                                                The brilliance of Jeff MacSwan’s
                         This excellent collection provides                                volume lies in its detailed analyses
                         novel insights into the effects of                                of the always present tensions and
                         dyslexia on second language                                       contradictions between critical
                         learning and the linguistic                                       theory and the panoply of
challenges of dyslexic individuals from different first             empirical research. This is a must-read book for all
language backgrounds.                                               language researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.

This volume contributes to the growing body of research             This book brings together a group of leading scholars to
on developmental dyslexia, focusing on the behavioural              critically assess a recent proposal within translanguaging
manifestations of the disorder at different levels of the           theory called deconstructivism: the view that discrete or
language system. It presents data from experimental and             ‘named’ languages do not exist. The authors converge on
applied research and their applications in language                 a multilingual perspective on translanguaging which affirms
teaching, rehabilitation of reading dysfunctions and                the aims of translanguaging but rejects deconstructivism.
teacher training.                                                   Language, Education and Diversity               July 2022 392pp
Communication Disorders Across Languages Aug 2022 360pp             Pbk 9781800415676         £39.95           US$59.95      €54.95
Hbk 9781800415966        £119.95     US$159.95   €144.95            Hbk 9781800415683        £119.95           US$159.95     €144.95
Epub 9781800415980       £30.00      US$50.00    €40.00             Epub 9781800415706        £30.00           US$50.00      €40.00

                           International                                                        English Linguistic
                           Students'                                                            Imperialism from
                           Multilingual                                                         Below
                           Literacy Practices                                                   Moral Aspiration and
                           An Asset-based Approach                                              Social Mobility
                           to Understanding Academic                                            Leya Mathew
                           Discourse Socialization                                          In this most sensitively written
                           Edited by Peter I. De Costa,                                     volume Leya Mathew lays bare
                           Wendy Li and Jongbong Lee                                        the enmeshed environment in
In this timely collection, skillfully edited by De Costa, Li,       which English in India is caught.
and Lee, contributors examine the multilingual literacy             VAIDEHI RAMANATHAN, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS, USA
practices of international students in a large US university.
                                                                    The book shows how English has been newly constituted
                                                                    as a dominant language in post-market reform India.
This book presents the results of research that focused on          Political economic transitions experienced as radical social
international students receiving writing instruction on a US        mobility fuelled intense non-elite desire for English
university campus. It explores how the students developed           schooling. Rather than English schooling leading to social
their foreign-student identities and their own ways of              mobility, new experiences of mobility necessitated English
grappling with the unique issues they encountered as they           schooling.
worked to improve their academic literacy skills.
                                                                    Critical Language and Literacy Studies          July 2022 208pp
New Perspectives on Language and Education Aug 2022 200pp           Pbk 9781788929134           £29.95         US$39.95      €34.95
Pbk 9781800415546        £29.95      US$39.95      €34.95           Hbk 9781788929141           £99.95         US$139.95     €119.95
Hbk 9781800415553        £99.95      US$139.95     €119.95          Epub 9781788929165          £20.00         US$35.00      €25.00
Epub 9781800415577       £20.00      US$35.00      €25.00

MULTILINGUAL MATTERS CATALOGUE 2022-2023                        6
LANGUAGE EDUCATION                                       Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                           Theoretical                                                         Creating
                           and Applied                                                         Welcoming
                           Perspectives on                                                     Learning
                           Teaching Foreign                                                    Environments
                           Languages in                                                        Using Creative Arts
                           Multilingual                                                        Methods in Language
                           Settings                                                            Edited by Jane Andrews and
                           Pedagogical Implications                                            Maryam Almohammad
Edited by Anna Krulatz, Georgios Neokleous and Anne Dahl            This volume is a great source of fascinating ideas for
In this ambitious and highly relevant book, the authors bring       teachers, researchers and other professionals working
together fresh and significant insights on multilingualism          with EAL children and young people.
from a variety of perspectives and educational contexts.            ANNAMARIA PINTER, UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, UK
ÅSTA HAUKÅS, UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN, NORWAY                           This book provides practical ideas for how children, young
This book aims to advance multilingual research in foreign          people and parents can feel welcomed and affirmed in
language education. It contributes to a discussion of how           their multilingual identities and all learners can feel excited
to foster the acquisition of subsequent foreign languages           by the linguistic diversity of the world’s people. The book
by engaging learners’ existing linguistic resources in an           will be an invaluable resource for educational practitioners,
optimal way, and how to strengthen the connection                   researchers, trainee teachers and teacher educators.
between research and foreign language teaching practice.
                                                                    June 2022                                                   160pp
New Perspectives on Language and Education Jun 2022 376pp           Pbk 9781788925785             £17.95          US$19.95     €21.95
Pbk 9781788926409        £39.95      US$59.95      €54.95           Hbk 9781788925792            £49.95           US$69.95     €59.95
Hbk 9781788926416        £119.95     US$159.95     €144.95          Epub 9781788925815           £10.00           US$13.00     €12.00
Epub 9781788926430       £30.00      US$50.00      €40.00

                           International                                                       Transforming
                           TESOL Teachers in                                                   World Language
                           a Multi-Englishes                                                   Teaching and
                           Community                                                           Teacher Education
                           Mobility, On-the-Ground                                             for Equity and
                           Realities and the Limits of                                         Justice
                                                                                               Pushing Boundaries
                           Phan Le Ha and Osman Z. Barnawi
                                                                                               in US Contexts
This book is a must-read for all TESOL researchers and              Edited by Beth Wassell and Cassandra Glynn
practitioners interested in contexts where international            This book is a must-read for world language teachers,
teachers are the cornerstone of ideological developments            administrators, teacher educators, and researchers.
and reshaping of not only TESOL theory and practice, but            UJU ANYA, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, USA
of the region itself.
                                                                    This edited book expands the current scholarship on teaching
                                                                    world languages for social justice and equity in K-12 and
This book embarks on an ever-expanding array of                     postsecondary contexts in the US. The chapters address how
language, academic mobility, neoliberalism, and                     world language teachers approach social justice in their
accompanying rich scholarly debates, with a focus on the            teaching, and how teacher educators prepare teachers to
day-to-day work experiences of international English                teach for social justice in the language classroom.
language teachers in Saudi Arabia’s higher education.
                                                                    New Perspectives on Language and Education April 2022 224pp
New Perspectives on Language and EducationJune 2022 248pp           Pbk 9781788926508         £34.95     US$49.95        €44.95
Pbk 9781800415461         £34.95     US$49.95      €44.95           Hbk 9781788926515        £109.95     US$149.95       €134.95
Hbk 9781800415478        £109.95     US$149.95     €134.95          Epub 9781788926539        £25.00     US$40.00        €35.00
Epub 9781800415492        £25.00     US$40.00      €35.00

                                                                7                                          www.multilingual-matters.com
LANGUAGE EDUCATION                                      Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                            Autonomy Support                                                  Reflecting on the
                            Beyond the                                                        Common European
                            Language Learning                                                 Framework of
                            Classroom                                                         Reference for
                            A Self-Determination                                              Languages and its
                            Theory Perspective                                                Companion Volume
                            Edited by Jo Mynard and
                            Scott J. Shelton-Strong                                           Edited by David Little and
                                                                                              Neus Figueras
                        This is the most authoritative
book yet applying self-determination theory to language            The scope and depth of this timely volume are impressive,
learning. An incredible resource for language teachers and         and every researcher working with some aspect of the
for educators more generally.                                      CEFR will find at least a few chapters to be of direct
                                                                   BART DEYGERS, GHENT UNIVERSITY, BELGIUM
Through the application of self-determination theory (SDT)
to research and practice, this book deepens our                    This book discusses the impact of the Common European
understanding of how autonomous language learning can              Framework of Reference for Languages and its Companion
be supported and understood outside of the classroom. The          Volume on curricula, teaching/learning and assessment in
chapters deal with learning environments and open spaces,          a wide range of educational contexts, identifies challenges
communities and relationships, and advising and self-access.       posed by the Companion Volume and sheds light on areas
Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching Apr 2022 280pp
                                                                   that require further research and development.
Pbk 9781788929035         £34.95        US$49.95     €44.95        New Perspectives on Language and Education Mar 2022 232pp
Hbk 9781788929042 £109.95              US$149.95     €134.95       Pbk 9781800410183        £29.95      US$39.95      €34.95
Epub 9781788929066        £25.00        US$40.00     €35.00        Hbk 9781800410190        £99.95      US$139.95     €119.95
                                                                   Epub 9781800410213       £20.00      US$35.00      €25.00

                            Professional                                                      Liberating
                            Development                                                       Language
                            Through Teacher                                                   Education
                            Research                                                          Edited by Vally Lytra,
                            Stories from Language                                             Cristina Ros i Solé, Jim Anderson
                                                                                              and Vicky Macleroy
                            Teacher Educators
                            Edited by Darío Luis Banegas,                                 This is a truly path-breaking
                            Emily Edwards and                                             volume. It provides a highly
                            Luis S. Villacañas de Castro                                  original, transdisciplinary vision
This book is ground-breaking in bringing together                  of how language and language education can be
accounts of teacher educator research from various                 reimagined in research and practice.
contexts and in theorizing from these reports in                   MARILYN MARTIN-JONES, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, UK
interesting new ways                                               This book engages with new ways of understanding
                                                                   language that include other resources and practices and
This volume aims to understand how language teacher                bring to the fore its messiness, unpredictability and
educators around the world continue developing                     interconnectedness. The chapters illustrate how a
professionally by examining their own teaching practices.          translingual and transcultural orientation to language can
It explores the professional gains teacher educators see           provide a point of entry to reimagining language education
in conducting research with their own students/future              in the 21st century.
teachers and seeks to reduce the gap between
                                                                   New Perspectives on Language and Education Feb 2022 360pp
educational research and practice.
                                                                   Pbk 9781788927932        £39.95      US$59.95      €54.95
New Perspectives on Language and Education Mar 2022 240pp          Hbk 9781788927949        £119.95     US$159.95     €144.95
Hbk 9781788927710        £99.95      US$139.95     €119.95         Epub 9781788927963       £30.00      US$50.00      €40.00
Epub 9781788927734       £20.00      US$35.00      €25.00

MULTILINGUAL MATTERS CATALOGUE 2022-2023                       8
LANGUAGE ACQUISITION                                   Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

English Pronunciation Teaching                                                              Lessons from
Theory, Practice and Research Findings                                                      Exceptional
Edited by Veronica G. Sardegna and Anna Jarosz                                              Language Learners
This book presents and discusses theoretical and practical                                  who have achieved
perspectives on English pronunciation theory, research and
practice in order to establish evidence-based
pronunciation teaching models, teaching and research                                        Proficiency
priorities, and recommendations for best practices in                                       Motivation, Cognition
teaching English pronunciation.                                                             and Identity
Second Language Acquisition            March 2023 272pp          Zoltán Dörnyei and Katarina Mentzelopoulos
Pbk 9781800410480         £39.95    US$59.95     €54.95          This book provides a fascinating analysis of how highly
Hbk 9781800410497         £119.95   US$159.95    €144.95         successful language learners achieve the ultimate gold
Epub 9781800410510        £30.00    US$50.00     €40.00          standard of ‘passing for a native speaker’.
                                                                 EMA USHIODA, UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK, UK
                                                                 This book opens a narrative window into the experiences
                                                                 of learners who achieve nativelike proficiency and offers
                                                                 insights into their pathways to success. Tying together
                                                                 themes of motivation, cognition and identity, the authors
                                                                 explore how these learners became so successful and
                                                                 whether their success can be repeated by others.
                                                                 Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching Oct 2022 216pp
                                                                 Pbk 9781800412446        £29.95        US$39.95      €34.95
                                                                 Hbk 9781800412453        £99.95       US$139.95      €119.95
                                                                 Epub 9781800412477       £20.00        US$35.00      €25.00

Teaching and Learning                                            ebook only
                                                                                            Stories from
Third Languages                                                                             Exceptional
Francesca D'Angelo                                                                          Language Learners
Contributing to emerging research on third language                                         who have achieved
acquisition, this book presents readers with a practical                                    Nativelike
guide to understanding how these languages are
processed, learned and taught. With examples from a                                         Proficiency
range of learning contexts, it emphasises the role of                                       Katarina Mentzelopoulos and
teachers as bridges between education and research on                                       Zoltán Dörnyei
multilingualism.                                                 How I enjoyed reading this beautifully curated collection
Second Language Acquisition            March 2023 152pp          of stories! They are filled with characters sharing their
Hbk 9781800413078         £99.95    US$139.95    €119.95         experiences of learning, living and loving languages. This
Epub 9781800413092        £20.00    US$35.00     €25.00          book is an inspirational project. It is thought-provoking
                                                                 and informative.
                                                                 GARY BARKHUIZEN, UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND

                                                                 This book recounts the fascinating stories of 30 language
                                                                 learners who triumphed against all odds to achieve
                                                                 nativelike proficiency, opening a narrative window into
                                                                 their learning experiences. This rich corpus of success
                                                                 stories will appeal to language learners and researchers
                                                                 as a motivational primer for their own studies.
                                                                 October 2022                                                  208pp
                                                                 PDF 9781800414334            £15.00          US$25.00        €20.00
                                                                 Epub 9781800414341           £15.00          US$25.00        €20.00
                                                             9                                            www.multilingual-matters.com
LANGUAGE ACQUISITION                                        Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                           Authenticity across                                                    Language Learning
                           Languages and                                                          and Forced
                           Cultures                                                               Migration
                           Themes of Identity in                                                  Edited by Marte Monsen and
                           Foreign Language                                                       Guri Bordal Steien
                           Teaching and Learning                                                With this important volume
                           Edited by Leo Will,                                                  Steien and Monsen initiate a
                           Wolfgang Stadler and Irma Eloff                                      welcome reflection on the specific
                        The multi-disciplinary nature of                                        language learning needs of forced
these contributions makes for a remarkably comprehensive               migrants. These much-needed reflections provide a
understanding of authenticity. Compulsory reading for all              significant addition to the literature on language,
researchers of language learning and teaching.                         education and migration

This volume centres around concepts of personal and                    This study of language issues in the context of migration
cultural authenticity in foreign language teaching and                 provides interdisciplinary insights into language as learned,
learning. The chapters cover a wide range of contexts and              used and lived by refugees in Norway. It offers an
disciplines, offering diverse perspectives regarding the role          innovative contribution to the field of SLA by bringing
language plays in processes of personal growth, learning,              together structural, cognitive, social and critical
development, self-actualisation and power dynamics.                    approaches to data collected among the same individuals.
Second Language Acquisition               November 2022 296pp          Second Language Acquisition                September 2022 240pp
Pbk 9781800411036         £39.95          US$59.95     €54.95          Hbk 9781800412255         £99.95           US$139.95     €119.95
Hbk 9781800411043         £119.95         US$159.95    €144.95         Epub 9781800412279        £20.00            US$35.00     €25.00
Epub 9781800411067        £30.00          US$50.00     €40.00

                           Advanced Students’                                                     Exploring L1-L2
                           Knowledge of                                                           Relationships
                           Vocabulary in a                                                        The Impact of Individual
                           First and Second                                                       Differences
                                                                                                  Richard L. Sparks
                           Language                                                            This book is a true treat. Despite
                           Monica Karlsson
                                                                                               representing only a 10% fraction
                        Karlsson’s book is ground-breaking                                     of Richard Sparks’ scholarly work,
                        in that it offers a comprehensive                                      the carefully selected compilation
analysis of various aspects of vocabulary knowledge in L1              of studies covers most of what the average SLA researcher
(Swedish) and L2 (English), as well as factors influencing             should know about the relation between first and second
this knowledge, highlighting in particular the importance of           language abilities. A must-read for any student of
inferencing skills.                                                    language aptitude and individual differences in second
MIROSŁAW PAWLAK, ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY, POLAND                    language acquisition.
This book offers a comprehensive investigation into                    NICLAS ABRAHAMSSON, STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY, SWEDEN

advanced students’ knowledge of vocabulary in their L1                 This book traces and summarizes the author’s theoretical
and L2. This cross-sectional study examines the qualitative            insights and empirical findings in the field of foreign
and quantitative aspects of students’ vocabulary                       language education. The volume explores individual
knowledge in subfields such as suffixation, idioms and                 differences in L1 ability and their connection to L2 aptitude
proverbs, multi-word verbs, polysemous words and                       and L2 achievement, L2 anxiety as an affective or cognitive
inferencing skills.                                                    variable, and the relationship between L1 and L2 reading.
Second Language Acquisition                 October 2022 304pp         Second Language Acquisition                September 2022 392pp
Hbk 9781800415249         £119.95         US$159.95     €144.95        Hbk 9781800411791         £119.95          US$159.95     €144.95
Epub 9781800415263        £30.00          US$50.00      €40.00         Epub 9781800411814        £30.00            US$50.00     €40.00
MULTILINGUAL MATTERS CATALOGUE 2022-2023                          10
LANGUAGE ACQUISITION                                         Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                            Discourses,                                                              Explorations of
                            Identities and                                                           Language Transfer
                            Investment in                                                            Terence Odlin

                            Foreign Language                                                     This is a masterpiece that
                            Learning                                                             surpasses all other books in its
                                                                                                 treatment of both the historical
                            Jennifer Martyn
                                                                                                 dimensions and linguistic
                         This ambitious book offers rich                                         intricacies of language transfer. It
                         insights into discourses of gender                                      corrects the record on several past
and language learning in an Irish secondary school                       claims related to transfer and illuminates the conditions
context. Additionally, its exploration of central concepts in            under which crosslinguistic influence is most likely to be
contemporary SLA research, such as identity, linguistic                  found. Everyone who works in this area needs to read this
investment and elite multilingualism, make it a valuable                 book.
resource for language scholars, educators and                            SCOTT JARVIS, UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, USA
policymakers alike.                                                      This book brings together many insights about the
                                                                         influences of one language upon another in language
This book explores discourses of foreign language                        learning. Its accessible discussions explore key concerns
education in Ireland. It adopts a critical approach to SLA,              such as predictions of difficulty, the role of translation
examining the complex interplay between the construction                 processes, the relation between comprehension and
of identity in the school context, discourses of language                production, and implications for classroom practice.
learning and investment in language learning.                            Second Language Acquisition                     May 2022 176pp
Second Language Acquisition                      July 2022 176pp         Pbk 9781788929530         £24.95            US$34.95     €29.95
Hbk 9781800415645         £99.95            US$139.95     €119.95        Hbk 9781788929547         £89.95           US$129.95    €109.95
Epub 9781800415669        £20.00            US$35.00      €25.00         Epub 9781788929561        £15.00           US$25.00     €20.00

                            Second Language
                            Use Online and
                            its Integration in
                            Formal Language
                            From Chatroom to
                            Andrew D. Moffat
In this important and timely book, Moffat shines a
spotlight on how students of English worldwide are using
the language online.

This book addresses questions surrounding online second
language (L2) communicative activities and formal
language learning. It provides empirical evidence and
analysis of the scale and nature of L2 English
communicative activities online and explores the
possibilities for language teaching practices that engage
with learners’ L2 online activities.
Second Language Acquisition                     July 2022 240pp
Hbk 9781800413627         £89.95           US$129.95     €109.95
Epub 9781800413641        £15.00           US$25.00      €20.00

                                                                    11                                           www.multilingual-matters.com
INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION                                                               Click on a book title to order a copy
           AND EDUCATION                                                                                    online or to see more details

                        Intercultural                                                            An Intercultural
                        Learning in                                                              Approach to
                        Language                                                                 English Language
                        Education and                                                            Teaching
                        Beyond                                                                   2nd Edition
                        Evolving Concepts,                                                       John Corbett
                        Perspectives and                                                       This is a superb revision of the
                        Practices                                                              already splendid 2003 edition.
Edited by Troy McConachy, Irina Golubeva and                         The book has been completely updated by adding new
Manuela Wagner
                                                                     material, redistributing the contents and incorporating
This book provides a contemporary and critical                       recent debates and developments in the field of
examination of the theoretical and pedagogical impact of             interculturality in relation to English language teaching.
Michael Byram’s pioneering work on intercultural                     It makes a pleasant and engaging read for a wide
communicative competence and intercultural citizenship.              audience of both language teachers and scholars.
The book offers comprehensive, up-to-date and accessible             MARÍA JOSÉ COPERÍAS-AGUILAR, UNIVERSITY OF VALENCIA, SPAIN
knowledge for researchers, teachers, teacher-trainers and            This is a thoroughly revised, updated and expanded edition
students.                                                            of a practical introduction to intercultural education for
Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education              teachers of English as a second language. This new edition
April 2022                                              392pp        addresses developments in the field since the publication
Pbk 9781800412590           £34.95      US$49.95       €44.95        of the 1st edition, including the impact of online resources
Hbk 9781800412606          £109.95     US$149.95      €134.95        for English language education.
Epub 9781800412620          £25.00      US$40.00       €35.00
                                                                     Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education
                                                                     March 2022                                              328pp
                                                                     Pbk 9781788928601           £29.95      US$39.95       €34.95
                                                                     Hbk 9781788928618           £99.95     US$139.95      €119.95
                        Person to Person                             Epub 9781788928632          £20.00      US$35.00      €25.00
                        and English
                        Language Teaching
                        Voices from the Virtual
                        Intercultural Borderlands
Amy Jo Minett, Sarah E. Dietrich and Didem Ekici
This book maps person to person peacebuilding as it
intersects with, and is embedded in, intercultural
communication. It foregrounds the voices and discourses
of participants in an intercultural online service-learning
project focused on peace through education in Afghanistan,
primarily through synchronous English language tutoring.
Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education
March 2022                                              208pp
Pbk 9781788927079           £29.95      US$39.95       €34.95
Hbk 9781788927086           £99.95     US$139.95      €119.95
Epub 9781788927109          £20.00      US$35.00      €25.00

MULTILINGUAL MATTERS CATALOGUE 2022-2023                        12
            MULTILINGUALISM                                           Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                          Tension-Filled                                                         Translanguaging
                          English at the                                                         and English as a
                          Multilingual                                                           Lingua Franca in
                          University                                                             the Plurilingual
                          A Bakhtinian Perspective                                               Classroom
                          Maria Kuteeva                                                          Anna Mendoza

                          This book begins with the idea that                                 Excellent classroom research that
                          English in the multilingual                                         speaks to important issues of
university is filled with and surrounded by tensions, and            equity and social justice.
employs this fact to examine the use of English in Swedish           ANGEL M. Y. LIN, SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY, CANADA
universities. It offers the reader a fresh way of tracing the        This book explores the use of multilingual practices such
links between language perceptions and practices on the              as translanguaging, code-switching and stylization by
ground, and the forces and processes which govern these              speakers of less commonly taught languages. It
practices.                                                           investigates how students use these languages alongside
Multilingual Matters                     March 2023 208pp            English as a lingua franca to participate in classroom tasks
Hbk 9781800416710          £99.95     US$139.95    €119.95           and social interactions in secondary classrooms in Hawai’i.
Epub 9781800416734         £20.00     US$35.00     €25.00
                                                                     Bilingual Education & Bilingualism           February 2023 216pp
                                                                     Pbk 9781800413429           £29.95          US$39.95      €34.95
                                                                     Hbk 9781800413436           £99.95          US$139.95     €119.95
                                                                     Epub 9781800413450          £20.00          US$35.00      €25.00

Policy and Practice for                                                                          Multimodality and
Multilingual Educational                                                                         Multilingualism
Settings                                                                                         Towards an Integrative
Comparisons across Contexts                                                                      Approach
Edited by Siv Björklund and Mikaela Björklund                                                    Edited by Steph Ainsworth,
                                                                                                 Dominic Griffiths, Gee Macrory
Exploring multilingualism as a complex, context-related,                                         and Kate Pahl
societal and individual phenomenon, this book centres                                       This book explores the ways in
around perspectives on how multiple languages are made                                      which      multimodality      and
(in)visible within educational settings. The chapters                multilingualism as areas of study intersect and provides
compare findings across geographical contexts in the                 empirical examples of how this looks in practice from a
areas of language policy and planning, multilingual                  wide range of settings. It argues that the everyday
practices and identity.                                              practices of multilingual communities are multimodal in
Bilingual Education & Bilingualism       March 2023 216pp            nature.
Pbk 9781800412996           £24.95     US$34.95     €29.95           February 2023                                                240pp
Hbk 9781800412989           £89.95    US$129.95    €109.95           Pbk 9781800413375             £34.95        US$49.95       €44.95
Epub 9781800413016           £15.00   US$25.00     €20.00            Hbk 9781800413382            £109.95        US$149.95      €134.95
                                                                     Epub 9781800413405            £25.00        US$40.00       €35.00

                                                                13                                           www.multilingual-matters.com
            MULTILINGUALISM                                              Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                            Multimodal                                                             Multimodal
                            Communication in                                                       Literacies in Young
                            Young Multilingual                                                     Emergent Bilinguals
                            Children                                                               Beyond Print-Centric
                            Learning Beyond Words                                                  Practices
                                                                                                   Edited by Sally Brown and Ling Hao
                            Jieun Kiaer
                                                                                                 This volume is a kaleidoscope of
                       This longitudinal study explores                                          multimodal multilingual literacies
                       young     children’s    language                                          from various contexts and nations.
acquisition in Korean-English multilingual households,                  These original studies with culturally and linguistically
investigating how children acquire multiple strategies of               diverse student populations help us watch our children
verbal and non-verbal communication and use a range of                  read beyond the print text and learn from our children. It is
multimodal resources to communicate effectively with                    an inspiring read for researchers, teachers, and parents.
members of their family.                                                YANG WANG, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, USA
Bilingual Education & Bilingualism           January 2023 200pp         This book presents research focused on young emergent
Hbk 9781800413337           £89.95         US$129.95     €109.95        bilingual children’s multimodal meaning-making processes
Epub 9781800413351           £15.00        US$25.00      €20.00         in diverse cultural and linguistic settings. Each chapter
                                                                        includes practical pedagogical recommendations, making
                                                                        it an essential resource for using multiple modes to teach
                                                                        literacy with diverse student populations.
                                                                        New Perspectives on Language and Education Apr 2022 344pp
                                                                        Pbk 9781800412347        £39.95      US$59.95      €54.95
                                                                        Hbk 9781800412354        £119.95     US$159.95     €144.95
                                                                        Epub 9781800412378       £30.00      US$50.00      €40.00

                            Translanguaging,                                                       Individual
                            Coloniality and                                                        Language Policy
                            Decolonial Cracks                                                      Bilingual Youth in Vietnam
                            Bilingual Science Learning                                             Trang Thi Thuy Nguyen
                            in South Africa                                                    In this fascinating book Trang Thi
                            Robyn Tyler                                                        Thuy Nguyen analyses how
                          Through detailed ethnographic                                        Vietnamese Indigenous bilingual
                          research, this book presents a vision                                youth, in the face of
                          of decolonial learning in South                                      discouragement, creatively deploy
Africa – students drawing on their full semiotic repertoires            various language strategies. These are highly innovative
to make their voices heard, as they shape the future of                 and admirable, but they also constitute an individual
knowledge creation. It is essential reading for anyone                  language policy.
concerned with de/coloniality in education and society.                 JOSEPH LO BIANCO, PROFESSOR EMERITUS, UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE,
In this ethnography of bilingual science learning, the author           This book explores individual language policy among
connects microanalyses of classroom discourse to broader                bilingual youth who belong to different ethnic minority
themes of de/coloniality in education. The author examines              groups in Vietnam, as reflected in their daily language
the linguistic landscape of the school and the attitudes of             behaviours. Contributing to research on language and
staff and students which produce both coloniality and                   identity, and language policy in non-Anglophone contexts,
cracks in the edifice of coloniality.                                   it will appeal to those working in sociolinguistics and
Translanguaging in Theory and Practice January 2023 192pp
                                                                        related areas.
Pbk 9781800413566          £29.95      US$39.95    €34.95               Bilingual Education & Bilingualism            April 2022 144pp
Hbk 9781800411982          £99.95     US$139.95    €119.95              Hbk 9781800411135           £89.95        US$129.95     €109.95
Epub 9781800412002         £20.00      US$35.00    €25.00               Epub 9781800411159           £15.00       US$25.00      €20.00

MULTILINGUAL MATTERS CATALOGUE 2022-2023                           14
BILINGUALISM AND                                                     SOCIOLINGUISTICS
                           Remaking                                                             Struggles for
                           Multilingualism                                                      Multilingualism
                           A Translanguaging                                                    and Linguistic
                           Approach                                                             Citizenship
                           Edited by Bahar Otcu-Grillman and
                           Maryam Borjian                                                       Edited by Quentin Williams,
                                                                                                Ana Deumert and
                         This book is both a richly deserved                                    Tommaso M. Milani
                         tribute to Ofelia García and a text
                                                                                              This pathbreaking book is a must-
                         that helps develop the fast-moving
                                                                                              read for anyone interested in
and increasingly popular concept of ‘translanguaging’,
                                                                    linguistic justice, multilingualism and language and
with contributions by many eminent scholars. A must-
read for those many scholars and students who admire
                                                                    JASPAL NAVEEL SINGH, THE OPEN UNIVERSITY, UK
not only Ofelia’s writings but also her warm and
empathic personality, it makes a major contribution to              This book offers a fresh perspective on the social life of
the study of translanguaging.                                       multilingualism through the lens of linguistic citizenship.
COLIN BAKER, EMERITUS PROFESSOR, BANGOR UNIVERSITY, UK              Each chapter illuminates how multilingualism (in both
                                                                    theory and practice) should be, or could be, thought of as
This book is both a collection of cutting-edge research in
                                                                    inclusive when we recognize what multilingual speakers
the areas of multilingualism, translanguaging and bilingual
                                                                    do with language for voice and agency.
education, and a tribute to the research and influence of
Ofelia García. It recognizes Ofelia García’s contribution as        Multilingual Matters                            July 2022 272pp
both a scholar and friend, and her place at the centre of a         Pbk 9781800415300            £29.95        US$39.95      €34.95
movement dedicated to equality and inclusion.                       Hbk 9781800415317            £99.95        US$139.95     €119.95
                                                                    Epub 9781800415331           £20.00        US$35.00      €25.00
Translanguaging in Theory and Practice February 2022 272pp
Pbk 9781800410831          £34.95      US$49.95     €44.95
Hbk 9781800410848         £109.95     US$149.95     €134.95
Epub 9781800410862         £25.00      US$40.00     €35.00
                                                                                                Decolonial Voices,
                                                                                                Language and
                                                                                                Edited by Sinfree Makoni, Magda
                                                                                                Madany-Saá, Bassey E. Antia and
                                                                                                Rafael Lomeu Gomes
                                                                                             How sociolinguistics would look if
                                                                                             it were conceptualized through
                                                                                             Southern discourses is the
                                                                    running thread throughout not just this volume but, so
                                                                    far, the entire decolonial series of the Global Forum from
                                                                    which the volume is derived. This book is a must-read for
                                                                    scholars in both the North and South interested in the
                                                                    decolonizing of Northern sociolinguistics.
                                                                    ASHRAF ABDELHAY, DOHA INSTITUTE FOR GRADUATE STUDIES, QATAR
                                                                    This groundbreaking book echoes the growing demand for
                                                                    decolonization of the production and dissemination of
                                                                    academic knowledge. Reflecting the dynamic nature of
                                                                    online discussion, this conversational book features
                                                                    interviews with scholars working on language and race and
                                                                    the interactive discussion that accompanied these interviews.
                                                                    Global Forum on Southern Epistemologies    June 2022 136pp
                                                                    Pbk 9781800413474         £14.95        US$19.95     €17.95
                                                                    Hbk 9781800413481         £49.95       US$69.95     €59.95
                                                                    Epub 9781800413504        £10.00        US$13.00    €12.00
                                                               15                                          www.multilingual-matters.com
SOCIOLINGUISTICS                                                       LANGUAGE
                                                                                    AND WORK
                            Ode to the City –                                                     Domestic
                            an Ethnographic                                                       Workers Talk
                            Drama                                                                 Language Use and Social
                            Adrian Blackledge and                                                 Practices in a Multilingual
                            Angela Creese                                                         Workplace
                        Carefully distilled from                                                  Kellie Gonçalves and
                        ethnographic data, a multivoiced                                          Anne Ambler Schluter
                        scenario unfolds that vividly                                           Set in a multilingual cleaning
                        captures the liminal moment of                                          company that serves Anglophone
the dismantling of a public sociocultural institution under             customers in the upper-(middle) class suburbs of New York
the conditions of neoliberal policies. A riveting reading               City, this book presents an ethnographic study into power,
experience and a milestone in the quest for new ways of                 language policy and communication from the perspectives
presenting research findings.                                           of the Brazilian–American employer as well as the
BRIGITTA BUSCH, UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA, AUSTRIA                           company’s Hispanophone and Lusophone employees.
This ethnographic drama script is adapted from                          Language at Work                            March 2023 152pp
observations conducted in a large city centre library in the            Pbk 9781800416741           £24.95        US$34.95     €29.95
UK. It is a creative curation of field notes, transcripts, audio        Hbk 9781800416758           £89.95       US$129.95    €109.95
recordings, video recordings, conversations, and                        Epub 9781800416772          £15.00       US$25.00     €20.00
observations. The ethnographic drama tells a story of
political tension in everyday life at a time of austerity.
March 2022                                                96pp
Pbk 9781800415164             £14.95        US$21.95     €17.95
Hbk 9781800415171             £49.95        US$69.95    €59.95
Epub 9781800415195             £5.00         US$8.00     €6.00

                            The Language of                                                       Communication
                            the English Street                                                    that Counts
                            Sign                                                                  Language Practice and
                            Vivian Cook                                                           Ideology in Globalized
                          Vivian Cook has given us an                                             Accounting
                          excellent primer for the study of                                       Pia Patricia P. Tenedero
                          displayed writing. Based on a                                         This book is a welcome addition to
                          wealth of examples collected from                                     the ESP materials in the field of
two English cities, it will be a long-standing reference for                                    accounting. The volume is one of
novices and seasoned scholars of public signage in                      only a handful of resources ever produced focusing on
linguistics and other disciplines.                                      ESP in accounting and in the context of the Philippines.
                                                                        THE PHILIPPINES
This book opens readers’ eyes to something they see all
the time but take for granted: street signs. It is a portrait of        This book examines language and communication
the signs on modern English streets: what they look like,               practices and ideologies in accounting education and work
who and what they are for, how they link to English history             in the Philippines. As an emerging global leader in offshore
and how they form part of life in multilingual England today.           accounting, the Philippines is an ideal context for an
March 2022                                                216pp         exploration of multilingual, multimodal and transnational
Pbk 9781800414556             £29.95        US$39.95    €34.95          workplace communication.
Hbk 9781800414563             £99.95        US$139.95   €119.95         Language at Work                         December 2022 160pp
Epub 9781800414587            £20.00        US$35.00    €25.00          Hbk 9781800416475           £89.95       US$129.95    €109.95
                                                                        Epub 9781800416499          £15.00       US$25.00     €20.00

MULTILINGUAL MATTERS CATALOGUE 2022-2023                           16
            AND WORK                                                    Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                            Language                                                              Reconceptualizing
                            Management                                                            English for
                            From Bricolage to Strategy                                            International
                            in British Companies                                                  Business Contexts
                            Natalie Victoria Wilmot                                               A BELF Approach and its
                         This is an impressive research                                           Educational Implications
                         monograph, which analyses the
                                                                                                  Elma Dedović-Atilla and
                         language and translation practices                                       Vildana Dubravac
                         of SMEs located in the English-
speaking UK. Not only is there clear and persuasive                    Endorsing the BELF approach in the analysis of business
evidence that multilingualism and its consequences are                 communication in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this book
central to understanding the international operations of               provides direct insight into the current role of English
these companies, the book also provides important                      worldwide and its presence in international business
theoretical impetus for future research.                               communication in the Southern European context. It will
                                                                       serve as a valuable resource for business practitioners,
                                                                       educators and researchers.
This book draws on case studies of language management                 AMNA BRDAREVIĆ-ČELJO, INTERNATIONAL BURCH UNIVERSITY, BOSNIA AND
within British organisations to examine the decisions they             HERZEGOVINA
make about language diversity in their professional                    This book presents a critique of current English as a
communications in order to be successful in a multilingual             Business Lingua Franca (BELF) practices using research
world.                                                                 conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The authors identify
Language at Work                             August 2022 176pp         English communication behaviours that hinder or promote
Hbk 9781800415928            £99.95        US$139.95    €119.95        success in the workplace, and trace these back to curricula
Epub 9781800415942           £20.00        US$35.00     €25.00         and teaching practices.
                                                                       Language at Work                            August 2022 224pp
                                                                       Hbk 9781800415997           £99.95        US$139.95    €119.95
                            Patient-Centred                            Epub 9781800416017          £20.00        US$35.00     €25.00
                            Discourse of In-home
                            Medical Consultations for
                            Older Adults
                            Kayo Kondo
                          Through fine-grained analyses of
                          clinical encounters involving older
                          patients, Kondo beautifully
illustrates the delicate interactional labour involved in
compassionate, patient-centred communication and care.

This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the use
of patient-/person-centred communication in providing
health care for ageing populations through an
ethnographic approach to physician in-home medical
consultations in Tokyo, Japan, alongside interviews with
Language at Work                             August 2022 240pp
Hbk 9781800415881           £109.95        US$149.95    €134.95
Epub 9781800415904           £25.00        US$40.00     €35.00

                                                                  17                                         www.multilingual-matters.com
            MULTILINGUALLY                                              Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                           Critical                                                                Digital Genres
                           Ethnography,                                                            in Academic
                           Language,                                                               Knowledge
                           Race/ism and                                                            Production and
                           Education                                                               Communication
                           Edited by Stephen May and                                               Perspectives and Practices
                           Blanca Caldas                                                           María José Luzón and
                                                                                                   Carmen Pérez-Llantada
                        This volume is an innovative and
vital contribution focusing on critical ethnographic                   This highly readable and constantly stimulating book
research in education. This is an exciting book!                       makes a landmark contribution to our understanding of
DAVID CASSELS JOHNSON, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, USA                         the profound changes taking place in scholarly
This book provides a contemporary overview of work in                  communication practices in the digital era.
                                                                       ELIZABETH ROWLEY-JOLIVET, UNIVERSITY OF ORLEANS, FRANCE
critical ethnography that focuses on language and race/ism
in education, as well as cutting edge examples of recent               This book presents an overview of the wide variety of digital
critical ethnographic studies addressing these issues. The             genres used by researchers to produce and communicate
chapters draw on a range of critical theoretical perspectives          knowledge, perform new identities and evaluate research
and address significant methodological questions.                      outputs. The book explores what researchers can do with
Language, Education and Diversity         November 2022 280pp
                                                                       these genres, what meanings they can make and what
Pbk 9781788928694         £34.95          US$49.95     €44.95
                                                                       language(s) they deploy in carrying out all these practices.
Hbk 9781788928700 £109.95                 US$149.95    €134.95         Studies in Knowledge Production and Participation
Epub 9781788928724        £25.00          US$40.00     €35.00          March 2022                                                  224pp
                                                                       Hbk 9781788924719         £99.95      US$139.95            €119.95
                                                                       Epub 9781788924733        £20.00       US$35.00            €25.00

                           Speaking Subjects                                                       The Politics of
                           in Multilingualism                                                      Researching
                           Research                                                                Multilingually
                           Biographical and Speaker-                                               Edited by Prue Holmes,
                           centred Approaches                                                      Judith Reynolds and Sara Ganassin
                           Edited by Judith Purkarthofer and                                       In its ambitious, cosmopolitan
                           Mi-Cha Flubacher                                                        sweep, this book offers fascinating
                      A must-read for anybody                                                      reflections on multilingualism as
                      interested in speaker-centred                                                glossodiversity in applied
approaches to language.                                                linguistic research
This book discusses salient moments of multilingual                    This book offers a unique understanding of how researchers’
encounters and focuses on the interplay between                        linguistic resources, and the languages they use, are
language use by individuals and societies, and language-               politically and structurally constrained, with implications for
related inequalities or opportunities for speakers. The                the reliability of the research. The book will help readers to
chapters demonstrate how biographical and speaker-                     make theoretically and methodologically informed choices
centred approaches can contribute to an understanding of               about the political dimensions of their research.
linguistic diversity.
                                                                       Researching Multilingually                  February 2022 392pp
Researching Multilingually                     July 2022 336pp         Pbk 9781800410138          £39.95          US$59.95      €54.95
Pbk 9781800415713          £39.95         US$59.95      €54.95         Hbk 9781800410145          £119.95         US$159.95     €144.95
Hbk 9781800415720          £119.95        US$159.95     €144.95        Epub 9781800410169         £30.00          US$50.00      €40.00
Epub 9781800415744         £30.00         US$50.00      €40.00

MULTILINGUAL MATTERS CATALOGUE 2022-2023                          18
            AND IDENTITY                                                Click on a book title to order a copy online or to see more details

                          The Anti-Racism                                                         Multilingualism
                          Linguist                                                                and Gendered
                          A Book of Readings                                                      Immigrant Identity
                          Edited by Patricia Friedrich                                            Perspectives from
                      This book explores language at the                                          Catalonia
                      intersection of race and ethnicity                                          Farah Ali
                      and the institutional practices that                                     With tenacity, rigor, and
                      still make for uneven access to                                          originality, Dr Farah Ali explores
                      education, resources and a sense                                         the intersectionally complex lives
of belonging. The book is a thoughtful reflection on how               of Muslim immigrant women in Catalonia – lives that are
teachers and scholars can incorporate anti-racism                      too often ignored or misrepresented. Empirically rich, the
pedagogy and thought into their practice.                              volume illuminates how several generations of these
February 2023                                             176pp        women creatively use their multilingual repertoires to
Pbk 9781800412842          £19.95        US$24.95        €23.95        carve out spaces for belonging and to fight their own
Hbk 9781800412859          £69.95        US$89.95        €82.95        marginalization.
Epub 9781800412873         £10.00        US$12.00        €12.00        INMACULADA MA GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ, UCLA, USA

                                                                       This book examines the intersectionality of gendered,
                                                                       religious identity among Muslim women in Catalonia, and
                                                                       illustrates how this identity is brokered through language
                                                                       use in a multilingual and diasporic context. It offers a
                                                                       unique lens through which we can further our
                                                                       understanding of the role of language in the acculturation
                                                                       Multilingual Matters                        October 2022 184pp
                                                                       Pbk 9781800412064           £24.95         US$34.95      €29.95
                          Motivation to Learn                          Hbk 9781800412071           £89.95        US$129.95     €109.95
                                                                       Epub 9781800412095          £15.00        US$25.00      €20.00
                          Multiple Languages
                          in Japan
                          A Longitudinal Perspective
                          Chika Takahashi

                         This book is riveting and
                         illuminating! Takahashi’s new
                         construct of enduring translingual
transcultural orientation truly pushes the boundaries of
the field of L2 motivation.

This longitudinal study of motivation in extremely successful
learners of English and languages other than English
provides unique insights into long-term language learning
motivation. It reveals the various factors that sustain
multiple language learning and stretches our understanding
of motivation beyond the recent theorizing of L2 motivation.
Psychology of Language Learning and Teaching Dec 2022 216pp
Hbk 9781800414839         £89.95       US$129.95     €109.95
Epub 9781800414853         £15.00      US$25.00      €20.00

                                                                  19                                          www.multilingual-matters.com
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