Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar

Page created by Jim Mclaughlin
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
Welcome back to school!
                                                 Dear Rochester Families,

                                                      We are delighted to welcome you to the 2018-19 school year. Each new school year brings
                                                 with it feelings of optimism and possibility, with unique opportunities for us to pursue exciting
                                                 educational experiences for our students.
                                                      Every student by face and name, every classroom, to and through graduation. This is more than
                                                 just a slogan, it’s a commitment to personalized learning and it’s at the heart of everything we do
                                                 in the Rochester City School District. We recognize that every child comes to us with a wealth of
 Van Henri White      Barbara Deane-Williams     talents and potential. We must understand a child, their family, their strengths, and their needs.
Board of Education   Superintendent of Schools   This will help us build a system of schools that can respond to each child, so we can ensure that
                                                 all of them achieve grade-level standards and on-time graduation.
                                                      In Rochester, we have a highly motivated team of administrators, teachers, and staff who are
                                                 mission driven and eager to work collaboratively to bring your children an exceptional education
                                                 experience. We are investing in more powerful learning to encourage all students to try their
                                                 very best, and we have expanded the social emotional learning supports for students who need
                                                 extra help.
                                                      Our work also includes supporting you, the parents and families of our students, as you sup-
                                                 port your child. We encourage you to communicate with your child’s school throughout the year
                                                 about his or her progress and inquire as to how you can help.
                                                       Working together, we look forward to a strong start and a successful school year for Roch-
                                                 ester students, families, and staff.


                                                 Van Henri White                          Barbara Deane-Williams
                                                 Board of Education President             Superintendent of Schools
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar

Van Henri White               Willa Powell               Cynthia Elliott                Melanie Funchess               Elizabeth Hallmark             Beatriz LeBron               Natalie Sheppard               Malik Jaff
President                     Vice President             Commissioner                   Commissioner                   Commissioner                   Commissioner                 Commissioner                   Student Representative
131 W. Broad Street           131 W. Broad Street        131 W. Broad Street            131 W. Broad Street            131 W. Broad Street            131 W. Broad Street          131 W. Broad Street            131 W. Broad Street
Rochester, NY 14614           Rochester, NY 14614        Rochester, NY 14614            Rochester, NY 14614            Rochester, NY 14614            Rochester, NY 14614          Rochester, NY 14614            Grade 12
585-271-6780                  585-442-8360               585-262-8525                   585-262-8525                   585-262-8525                   585-262-8525                 585-262-8525                   School Without Walls

Liaison to: Edison            Liaison to: P-TECH         Liaison to: Integrated         Liaison to: LyncX Acad-        Liaison to: NorthSTAR,         Liaison to: All City    Liaison to: OACES
Career & Technology           Pathways to Technol-       Arts & Technology High         emy, Joseph C. Wilson          School of the Arts,            High, James Monroe      Program, Joseph C.
High School, East Up-         ogy Program, School        School, Leadership             Foundation Academy,            Schools 8, 12, 15, 35,         High School, Schools 2, Wilson Magnet High
per School, East Lower        Without Walls, Schools     Academy for Young              Northeast College High         53, and 58                     7, 10, 16, 22, and 29 School, Rochester Early
School, Youth & Justice       23, 25, 28, 33, 45, 46,    Men, Rochester                 School, Northwest                                                                     College International
Program, Schools 17,          and 52                     International Academy,         Junior High at Douglass,                                                              High School, Rochester
43, 50, 54, and 57                                       Vanguard Collegiate            Schools 5, 34, 39, and                                                                Preschool Parent Pro-
                                                         High School, Young             44                                                                                    gram, RISE Community
                                                         Mothers & Interim                                                                                                    School, Schools 4, 20,
                                                         Health, Schools 3, 9,                                                                                                and 42
                                                         and 19

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD                                                                                          BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS
     The Rochester Board of Education is a seven-member board elected by the citizens of                                    Meetings of the Board of Education are generally held on the fourth Thursday of every
Rochester to direct and oversee the operations of the school district. Board Commissioners                             month at 6:30 p.m. at the District’s Central Office, 131 West Broad Street, in Conference
serve four-year terms. The responsibilities of the Board of Education include:                                         Room 3A. All business meetings are open to the public and a portion of the agenda is set aside
• Setting the strategic direction of the District through policy development and adoption                              for speakers. To address the Board, call the Board of Education office at 262-8525 by noon on
• Appointing the Superintendent of Schools                                                                             the day of the meeting at which you wish to speak. Business meetings are also televised live
• Promoting an alliance of teachers, administrators, students, parents, citizens, government,                          on Rochester Spectrum Cable Channel RCTV Channel 1301, streamed live on the District’s
  and community resources                                                                                              website,, RCSD YouTube Live, RCSD Facebook Live, and ROKU
• Working to secure adequate resources for maximizing student learning                                                 Set Top Box’s via the Livestream App. For more information, call the Board Office at 262-
• Ensuring the wise use of community educational assets and resources                                                  8525, send an email to, or visit
• Serving on Board committees that address the areas of Board Governance and Development,
  Audit, Community and Intergovernmental Relations, Finance and Resource Allocation, Policy                                  2018-2019 Business Meetings are scheduled for:
  Development and Review, and Excellence in Student Achievement                                                              September 25, 2018      January 24, 2019                          May 23, 2019
• Representing the best interests of the citizens of Rochester through effective leadership                                  October 18, 2018        February 28, 2019                         June 20, 2019
     Board Commissioners serve as liaisons to specific schools. Board liaisons visit their assigned                          November 15, 2018       March 28, 2019                            July 25, 2019
schools periodically and serve as advocates to the full Board on behalf of those schools.                                    December 20, 2018       April 25, 2019                            August 22, 2019
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
Open Houses
September 8    James Monroe High School
September 10   School 43
September 13   Schools 23, 25
September 14   School 17
September 19   School 9
September 20   Schools 7, 10, 12, 15, 22, 28, 34, 39, 45,
               Integrated Arts & Technology High School,
               Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School
September 25   School 57
September 26   Schools 4, 5
               Leadership Academy for Young Men
September 27   Schools 2, 16, 33, 35, 50, 54, East Upper/
               Lower Schools, School Without Walls,
               Vanguard Collegiate High School

School Events
September 6    School 35 PTO Meeting
September 7    School 39 Townson Day Picnic/Curriculum
September 8    James Monroe High School Welcome
               Back Celebration and Alumni Weekend
September 11   Northeast College High School Coffee
               and Donuts with the Principal
September 12   School 54 PTSO Meeting
               School of the Arts Curriculum Night/
               Senior Parent Meet & Greet
September 14   School 46 Meet & Greet
September 18   School 44 PTO Meeting
               Wilson Foundation Curriculum Night
September 19   School 35 Schoolwide Morning Meeting,
               BUZZ/King & Queen
September 20   School 39 Victorious Minds Academy           ANNA CHESTNUT    GRADE 1
               Parent Night
September 27   School 19 Family Cookout                     CHARLES CARROLL SCHOOL 46
               School 58 K-6 Curriculum Night
               East Upper School Neighborhood Night/
               Hispanic Heritage Dinner
September 28   School 34 Breakfast & Books with the
               School 17 Breakfast with the Principal
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
SUNDAY            MONDAY
                                                                    September 2018
                                                               TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                        FRIDAY             SATURDAY

							1                       “A, B, C, and D” days         AUGUST 2018          OCTOBER 2018
 School Safety   Questions/    label a rotating four-day
                               schedule that gives all
                                                           S M T W T F S         S M T W T F S

    Hotline     concerns? Call students consistent       				 1 2 3 4		        		 1 2 3 4 5 6

(585) 324-SAFE At Your Service instruction time in each
                               subject area. A snow
                                                           5 6 7 8 9 10 11       7 8 9 10 11 12 13
                                                          12 13 14 15 16 17 18  14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    (7233)     (585) 324-SERV  day will not change the
                                                          19 20 21 22 23 24 25  21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                   (7378)      schedule; the calendar
                               label will be correct.     26 27 28 29 30 31     28 29 30 31

                                                                                      A-day                            B-day                       C-day
                  2                               3                              4                               5                             6                     7                         8

                                                            Conference Day                 First Day of School                                                           James Monroe High School
                                                                                               for Students                                                               Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
                             LABOR DAY                     First Day of School
                        (All facilities closed)                for Teachers            Fall Modified Sports begin                                                                ACT Test

                  9   D-day                   10       A-day                   11     B-day                   12       C-day                  13   D-day            14                        15

                        John Walton Spencer
                           School No. 16
                      Ribbon Cutting Ceremony              Bilingual Education
                                                            Council Meeting
                        ROSH HASHANAH                                                                                      Attendance Blitz
                                                      David Gantt Recreation Center
                          (Sept. 10-11)                                                                                       9:00 a.m.
                                                        700 North Street, 14605

                 16   A-day                   17       B-day                   18     C-day                   19       D-day                  20   A-day            21                        22

                                                                                                                        The Children’s School of
                                                                                             YOM KIPPUR                    Rochester No. 15
                                                                                                                       Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

                 23   B-day                   24       C-day                   25     D-day                   26       A-day                  27   B-day            28                        29

                                                       Board of Education Meeting     Virgil I. Grissom School No. 7     School Without Walls
   30                                                        6:30-8:30 p.m.            Ribbon Cutting Ceremony         Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
Open Houses
October 3    Schools 20, 46, 58
October 4    Schools 8, 42, 44, 53
October 9    Schools 29, 52
October 11   School 19, All City High, Edison Career &
             Technology High School/P-TECH, Northeast
             College High School, Northwest Junior High
             at Douglass, Rochester Early College
             International High School

School Events
October 1    School 35 PTO Fundraiser begins
October 4    School 5 Coffee & Sweets with Student of
             the Month Families
             James Monroe High School Senior and
             Parent Night/Freshman and Parent Night
October 8    School 16 Reading Night
October 9    School 5 PTO Meeting
             School 17 PTO Meeting and Parent-Teacher
             School 57 Curriculum Night
             Northeast College High School Coffee and
             Donuts with the Principal
October 10   School 54 PTSO Meeting
             Rochester Early College International High
             School Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 11   School 17 Parent-Teacher Conferences
             School 35 Math-N-Action Night
             East Upper/Lower Schools Agency Fair/
             Family Dinner
October 16   School 44 PTO Meeting
October 18   School 7 Common Core State Standards
             Parent Night
             School 22 Curriculum Night
             School 28 Hispanic Heritage Celebration
October 19   School 9 Hispanic Heritage Celebration
             School 10 International Dinner
October 22   School 9 Fall Festival Week begins
October 24   School 5 Read In
October 25   School 44 Curriculum Night
October 26   School 17 Trunk or Treat!
             School 23 ENL Parent Night                   ANGELO DE LUCA   GRADE 11
             School 34 Breakfast & Books with the
             Principal                                       SCHOOL OF THE ARTS
October 30   School 54 NWEA Parent Data Workshop
October 31   School 4 Vocabulary Parade
             School 57 Pajama Parade
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
SUNDAY            MONDAY                              TUESDAY
                                                                     October 2018   WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                 SATURDAY

		             C-day 1                              D-day                 2       A-day                   3    B-day                   4                           5                           6
 School Safety
(585) 324-SAFE
    (7233)                                                                         Executive School-Based                                     Superintendent’s
                                                                                   Planning Team Meeting                                      Conference Day
                                                                                       5:30 - 7:00 p.m.                                    (No school for students)          SAT Test

              7                               8     C-day                 9       D-day               10       A-day                  11   B-day                  12                         13

                                                       Elementary School                                           Secondary School
                                                   Parent-Teacher Conferences                                 Parent-Teacher Conferences

                                                       Bilingual Education
                     COLUMBUS DAY                       Council Meeting                   PSAT Test                Attendance Blitz
                    (All facilities closed)       David Gantt Recreation Center                                       9:00 a.m.
                                                    700 North Street, 14605

             14   C-day                   15        D-day                16       A-day               17       B-day                  18   C-day                  19                         20

                                                                                                                  Board of Education
                                                                                                               Hispanic Heritage Month
                                                                                                                Observance, 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                                              Board of Education Meeting
                                                                                                                    6:30-8:30 p.m.

             21   D-day                   22        A-day                23       B-day               24       C-day                  25   D-day                  26                         27
                                                                                                                                                                             ACT Test

                                                                                                                                                                       College Goal New York
                  Parent Advisory Council                                           HBCU College Fair
                       Parent Forum                                                 Rochester Riverside                                                                  Latino Conference
                   Annual Meet & Greet                                              Convention Center                                         Fall Fitness Gram

             28   A-day                   29        B-day                30       C-day               31       SEPTEMBER 2018              NOVEMBER 2018
                                                                                                               S M T W T F S          S M T W T               F    S
                                                                                                              							1		           					1                     2    3
                                                                                                               2 3 4 5 6 7 8		4 5 6 7 8                      9    10
                                                                                                                                                                          concerns? Call
                                                                                                               9 10 11 12 13 14 15		 11 12 13 14 15          16   17		   At Your Service
                                                                                                              16 17 18 19 20 21 22		 18 19 20 21 22          23   24		   (585) 324-SERV
                                                                                                              23 24 25 26 27 28 29		 25 26 27 28 29          30              (7378)
                                                                                          Halloween           30
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
School Events
                                November 1    School 35 PTO Meeting
                                November 2    School 17 Learning Expo
                                November 7    School 8 Student Led Conferences
                                              Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High
                                              School NHS Induction
                                November 9    School 5 Coffee & Sweets with
                                              Student of the Month Families
                                November 13   School 5 PTO Meeting
                                              School 17 PTO Meeting
                                              School 23 Curriculum Night
                                              School 57 Parent Meeting
                                              Northeast College High School
                                              Coffee & Donuts with the Principal
                                November 14   School 54 PTSO Meeting
                                November 15   School 7 Town Hall Data Meeting
                                              School 29 Curriculum Night
                                              School 35 Bingo for Books/
                                              Literacy Connection/Student
                                              Portfolio/Gallery Walk
                                November 16   School 10 Thanksgiving Luncheon
                                November 17   SOTA Saturday of the Arts
                                November 19   East Upper School Recruitment
                                November 20   School 44 PTO Meeting
                                November 21   School 4 Thanksgiving Feast
                                              Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High
                                              School IB Induction
                                November 27   Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High
                                              School Parent-Teacher Conferences
                                November 28   School 19 Family Fun Night
                                November 29   School 23 Park Avenue Winter
                                              Festival Performance
                                              Edison Career & Technology High
                                              School/P-TECH Recruitment Night
                                November 30   School 34 Breakfast & Books with
                                              the Principal

   D A N I E L G AY   GRADE 5
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
SUNDAY                    MONDAY
                                                                          November 2018
                                                                    TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                        THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                    SATURDAY

					1                            OCTOBER 2018          DECEMBER 2018         D-day                                                                    A-day                    2                          3
 School Safety   Questions/      S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S
                               		 1 2 3 4 5 6		      							1
    Hotline     concerns? Call   7 8 9 10 11 12 13		 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(585) 324-SAFE At Your Service  14 15 16 17 18 19 20		 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    (7233)     (585) 324-SERV   21 22 23 24 25 26 27		 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
                   (7378)       28 29 30 31            23 24 25 26 27 28 29
                                                                                                                                                         End of First Quarter               SAT Test
                                                                                            30 31

                      4    B-day                        5                             6     C-day                     7    D-day                   8   A-day                    9                          10

                           Winter High School Sports              Superintendent’s           Executive School-Based
                            and Winter I Modified                 Conference Day             Planning Team Meeting             Attendance Blitz
                                 Sports begin                  (No school for students)          5:30 - 7:00 p.m.                 9:00 a.m.

                     11                             12        B-day                 13      C-day                14        D-day                  15   A-day               16                              17
                          Elementary (K-6) report cards                                                                                                                                 Pride of Rochester
                              sent home this week                                                                                                                                   Marching Band Open House
                          Secondary (7-12) report cards                                                                                                                                  East High School
                             mailed home this week                                                                                                                                        9 a.m.-12 p.m.
                                                                 Bilingual Education
                                VETERANS DAY                      Council Meeting
                                   OBSERVED                                                                               Board of Education Meeting                                     National Family
                                                            David Gantt Recreation Center
      VETERANS DAY            (All facilities closed)                                                                           6:30-8:30 p.m.                                          Engagement Day
                                                              700 North Street, 14605

                     18    B-day                    19        C-day                 20                           21                               22                       23                              24

                                                                                            THANKSGIVING RECESS             THANKSGIVING DAY
                                                                                             (No school for students         (All facilities closed
                                                                                                  Nov. 21-23)                   Nov. 22 & 23)

                     25    D-day                    26        A-day                 27      B-day                28        C-day                  29   D-day               30

                                                                                             Parent Leader Training
Rochester City School District 2018-19 Calendar
PEYTON CRONY                   GRADE 5
   F R A N C I S PA R K E R S C H O O L 2 3

School Events
December 4    Rochester Early College International High School
              Parent-Teacher Conferences/Recruitment Night
              School Without Walls Recruitment Night
December 5    School 5 Snowball Dance
              Edison Career & Technology High School/P-TECH
              Parent-Teacher Conferences
December 6    School 35 PTO Meeting
              All City High Recruitment Night
              East Upper/Lower Schools Recruitment Night
              James Monroe High School Recruitment Night
December 7    School 5 Coffee & Sweets with Student of the
              Month Families
              School of the Arts Parent-Teacher Conferences
              East Upper/Lower Schools Parent-Teacher
December 8    School 46 Annual Holiday Bazaar
December 10   School 16 Recruitment Night
December 11   School 17 PTO Meeting
              School 57 Winter Concert
              Northeast College High School Coffee and Donuts
              with the Principal
December 12   School 9 Winter Concert
              School 54 PTSO Meeting
December 13   School 8 Exhibition Night and Winter Showcase
              School 16 Winter Concert
              School 19 Winter Concert
              School 29 Winter Concert/ELT Showcase
              School 34 Winter Concert
              Wilson Magnet High School Recruitment Night/
              Winter Concert
December 14   School 9 Cookie Contest
              School 17 Multicultural Holiday Celebration
              School of the Arts Application Deadline
December 18   School 7 Breakfast with the Principal
              School 44 PTO Meeting
December 19   School 28 Math & Literacy Night
              School 35 Evening Concert
              School 53 Winter Concert
              School 54 Winter Concert
December 20   School 4 Holiday Festival
              School 17 Pajama Day
              School 23 Holiday Concert
SUNDAY             MONDAY
                                                                December 2018
                                                          TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                        FRIDAY            SATURDAY

							1                        NOVEMBER 2018           JANUARY 2019
 School Safety   Questions/     S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S

    Hotline     concerns? Call 					1 2 3		         			 1 2 3 4 5
                                4 5 6 7 8 9 10		6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(585) 324-SAFE At Your Service
                               11 12 13 14 15 16 17		 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    (7233)     (585) 324-SERV 18 19 20 21 22 23 24		 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
                   (7378)      25 26 27 28 29 30      27 28 29 30 31         SAT Test

                 2   A-day                  3       B-day                 4       C-day                5    D-day                   6   A-day                 7                8

                                                                                                                                           Early Dismissal Day
                                                                                  Executive School-Based                                     for All Students
                          HANUKKAH                                                Planning Team Meeting                                  (See page 8 for school
                           (Dec. 3-10)                                                5:30 - 7:00 p.m.                                       dismissal times)      ACT Test

                 9   B-day                10        C-day                11       D-day              12     A-day                  13   B-day               14                15

                                                       Bilingual Education
                                                        Council Meeting                                         Attendance Blitz
                                                  David Gantt Recreation Center                                    9:00 a.m.
                                                    700 North Street, 14605

                16   C-day                17        D-day                18       A-day              19     B-day                  20                       21                22

                                                                                                                                          WINTER RECESS
                                                                                                           Board of Education Meeting   (No school for students
                                                                                                                 6:30-8:30 p.m.             Dec. 21-Jan. 1)

                23     CHRISTMAS EVE 24                                  25                          26                            27                       28                29
                         (All facilities closed
                            Dec. 24 & 25)

                                                        CHRISTMAS DAY
  30                 31
School Events
January 3     School 35 PTO Meeting
January 8     School 5 PTO Meeting
              School 17 PTO Meeting
              School 57 Parent Meeting
              Northeast College High School Coffee and
              Donuts with the Principal
January 9     School 54 PTSO Meeting
              Rochester Early College International High
              School Recruitment Night
January 10    School 23 Heritage Peace Dinner
January 11    School 5 Coffee & Sweets with Student of the
              Month Families
January 12    Northeast College High School Recruitment
January 15    School 44 PTO Meeting
January 16    Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School
              Recruitment Night
              Vanguard Collegiate High School Recruitment
January 17    School 7 ELA/Math Night
              School 19 Family Event
              School 35 Movie Night/Literacy Connections
              Integrated Arts & Technology High School
              Fall Academic Showcase/Recruitment Night
January 18    School 9 Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
January 22-24 School of the Arts Auditions
January 22-25 School Without Walls Summative Portfolio
January 24    School 29 Recruitment Night
January 25    School 17 Learning Expo
              School 34 Breakfast & Books with the
January 30    School 5 Victorious Minds Academy Night
January 31    School 35 PTO Meeting

                                                               GALANA BAGLEY   GRADE 6
                                                             FRANK FOWLER DOW SCHOOL 52
SUNDAY            MONDAY                              TUESDAY
                                                                            January 2019 WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                         FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

			1                                                                                   C-day                   2    D-day                  3     A-day                     4                   5
 School Safety   Questions/                                                                Schools reopen

    Hotline     concerns? Call                                                         Executive School-Based
(585) 324-SAFE At Your Service                                                         Planning Team Meeting
                                                                                           5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
    (7233)     (585) 324-SERV
                   (7378)      NEW YEAR’S DAY                                             Winter II Modified
                                                         (All facilities closed)            Sports begin

                6   B-day                       7     C-day                        8   D-day                   9    A-day                  10    B-day                11                    12

                                                                                                                                                     Early Dismissal Day
                                                         Bilingual Education                                                                           for All Students
                                                          Council Meeting                                               Attendance Blitz           (See page 8 for school
                                                    David Gantt Recreation Center                                          9:00 a.m.                   dismissal times)
                                                      700 North Street, 14605

               13   C-day                   14        D-day                   15       A-day                16     B-day                   17    C-day                18                    19

                                                                                                                                                    ROC City Players
                                                                                                                                                   Districtwide Musical
                                                                                                                                                       (Jan. 18-19)
                                                                                                                                                    East High School
                                                                                                                                                         7:00 p.m.

               20                           21        D-day                   22       A-day                23      B-day                  24    C-day                25                    26

                       MARTIN LUTHER
                         KING, JR. DAY                Regents and Local Exams                                      Board of Education Meeting
                      (All facilities closed)               (Jan. 22-25)                                                 6:30-8:30 p.m.            End of First Semester

               27   D-day                   28        A-day                   29       B-day                30     C-day                   31     DECEMBER 2018                FEBRUARY 2019
                                                                                                                                                 S M T W T F S          S M T W T F          S
                                                                                                                                                							1		           						1                 2
                                                                                                                                                 2 3 4 5 6 7 8		3 4 5 6 7 8                 9
                                                                                                                                                 9 10 11 12 13 14 15		 10 11 12 13 14 15    16
                    Parent Advisory Council                                                                                                     16 17 18 19 20 21 22		 17 18 19 20 21 22    23
                         Parent Forum                                                                                                           23 24 25 26 27 28 29   24 25 26 27 28
                                                                                                                                                30 31
SERENA CHAU                     GRADE 5
              THE FLOWER CITY SCHOOL 54

School Events
February 7      School 16 Black History Month Celebration
                School 23 Black History Month Celebration
                School 53 Curriculum Night
                School Without Walls Exit Interviews
February 8      School 5 Coffee & Sweets with Student of the Month Families
                School 17 Sweetheart Dance
February 12     School 5 PTO Meeting
                School 17 PTO Meeting
                School 57 Parent Meeting
                Northeast College High School Coffee and Donuts with the Principal
February 13     School 7 Mid-Winter Dance
                School 28 Black History Celebration
                School 54 PTSO Meeting
February 14     School 57 Black Heritage Celebration
                East Upper/Lower Schools Black History Month Dinner/Assembly
February 15     School 4 Black Lives Matter Assembly
                School 9 African American Celebration
                Rochester Early College International High School Black History
                Month Celebration
February 17     Northeast College High School Curriculum Night
February 19     School 44 PTO Meeting
February 25     School 35 PTO Fundraiser begins
February 27     School 19 African American Month Celebration
                School 54 Black History Celebration
February 28     School 35 PTO Meeting
SUNDAY               MONDAY                             TUESDAY
                                                                          February 2019    WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                        FRIDAY        SATURDAY

						1                           JANUARY 2019            MARCH 2019          D-day                                                                                            2
 School Safety   Questions/      S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S
                               			 1 2 3 4 5		       						1 2
    Hotline     concerns? Call
                                 6 7 8 9 10 11 12		3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(585) 324-SAFE At Your Service  13 14 15 16 17 18 19		 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
    (7233)     (585) 324-SERV 20 21 22 23 24 25 26		 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
                   (7378)       27 28 29 30 31         24 25 26 27 28 29 30

                3    A-day                        4     B-day                 5       C-day                 6    D-day                   7   A-day             8                9

                    Elementary (K-6) report cards
                        sent home this week                                            Executive School-Based
                    Secondary (7-12) report cards                                      Planning Team Meeting         Attendance Blitz
                       mailed home this week                                               5:30 - 7:00 p.m.             9:00 a.m.                                   ACT Test

               10    B-day                    11        C-day                12       D-day               13     A-day                  14   B-day            15               16

                                                           Bilingual Education
                                                            Council Meeting
                                                      David Gantt Recreation Center
                                                        700 North Street, 14605

               17                             18                             19                           20                            21                    22               23

                         FEBRUARY RECESS
                       (No school for students
                             Feb 18-22)

                         PRESIDENTS’ DAY
                        (All facilities closed)

               24    C-day                    25        D-day                26       A-day               27    B-day                   28

                                                                                                                    Board of Education
                                                                                                                   Black History Month
                                                                                                                  Observance, 5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                Board of Education Meeting
                                                                                                                      6:30-8:30 p.m.
School Events
March 1    School 17 Read Across America-Story-
           book Character Day
March 5    School 17 Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 7    School 7 NYS Assessment Night for
           All City High Open House
March 8    School 5 Coffee & Sweets with Student
           of the Month Families
March 12   School 17 PTO Meeting
           School 54 NWEA Parent Data Workshop
           School 57 Parent Meeting
           Northeast College High School Coffee
           and Donuts with the Principal
March 13   School 54 PTSO Meeting
March 14   School 35 Health & Wellness Parent
           Rochester Early College International
           High School Breakfast of Champions
March 15   School 19 Family Pajama Party
March 19   School 44 PTO Meeting
March 20   School 5 Weird Science Night
March 21   School 23 Math Fun Night
           School of the Arts Parent-Teacher
March 25   School 9 Spring Festival Week begins
March 29   School 4 Black History Celebration/
           Multicultural Luncheon
           School 17 Learning Expo
           School 34 Breakfast & Books with
           the Principal

                                                   M C ’ K AY D E N TAY L O R   KINDERGARTEN
                                                          JOHN WILLIAMS SCHOOL 5
SUNDAY              MONDAY                        TUESDAY
                                                                       March 2019  WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                        FRIDAY             SATURDAY

						1                          FEBRUARY 2019            APRIL 2019         C-day                                                                                            2
 School Safety   Questions/     S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S

    Hotline     concerns? Call 						          1  2
                                                    		    1 2 3 4 5 6
                                3 4 5 6 7 8 9		7 8 9 10 11 12 13
(585) 324-SAFE At Your Service
                               10 11 12 13 14 15 16		 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    (7233)     (585) 324-SERV 17 18 19 20 21 22 23		 21 22 23 24 25 26 27		   Faculty Art Showcase
                   (7378)      24 25 26 27 28         28 29 30
                                                                             Central Office, 3rd floor
                                                                                (March 1-April 4)

                  3    D-day                   4    A-day                 5      B-day                6    C-day                   7   D-day                 8                 9

                                                                                                               Attendance Blitz
                                                                                                                  9:00 a.m.

                                                                                 Executive School-Based
                          Spring High School           Elementary School         Planning Team Meeting         Secondary School
                             Sports begin          Parent-Teacher Conferences        5:30 - 7:00 p.m.     Parent-Teacher Conferences                               SAT Test

                 10    A-day               11       B-day               12       C-day              13     D-day                  14   A-day               15                 16

                      NYS Alternative Assessment      Bilingual Education
                               (NYSAA)                 Council Meeting
                           March 11-June 7       David Gantt Recreation Center
                                                   700 North Street, 14605

                 17    B-day               18       C-day               19       D-day              20     A-day                  21                       22                 23

                                                                                                              Early Dismissal Day
                                                                                                                for All Students
                                                                                                            (See page 8 for school           Recess Day
                                                                                                                dismissal times)       (No school for students)

                 24    B-day               25      C-day                26       D-day              27    A-day                   28   B-day               29                 30

                                                                                                              Board of Education
                                                                                                           Women’s History Month
                                                                                                            Observance, 5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                          Board of Education Meeting
                                                                                                                6:30-8:30 p.m.
                    GRADE 9

School Events
April 4    School 34 Recruitment Night/Family Fun Night
           School 35 PTO Meeting
April 5    School 5 Coffee & Sweets with Student of the
           Month Families
April 9    School 5 PTO Meeting
           School 17 PTO Meeting
           Northeast College High School Coffee and Donuts
           with the Principal
April 10   School 54 PTSO Meeting
April 11   School 35 Planting-Parent Outreach
           James Monroe High School Senior and Parent Night
           Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School IB Visual Arts
April 12   School 4 Sweet Heart Ball
April 16   School 44 PTO Meeting
April 19   School 57 Parent Meeting
April 24   School 5 Multicultural Family Night
           Edison Career & Technology High School/
           P-TECH Senior Exit Interviews (April 24-25)
April 25   School 7 Common Core State Standards
           Parent Night
           School 17 Go Green Fashion Show
           School 35 Learning EXPO
April 26   School 19 Daddy & Daughter Dance
           Edison Career & Technology High School/
           P-TECH Senior Signing Day
April 30   School 35 ESOL Parent Meeting - NYSESLAT
           Wilson Magnet High School Parent-Teacher
SUNDAY                    MONDAY                           TUESDAY
                                                                                April 2019 WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                         FRIDAY                        SATURDAY

 C-day 1                                                  D-day                  2      A-day                  3      B-day                   4    C-day                       5                            6
 School Safety
(585) 324-SAFE
    (7233)                    NYS ELA Testing
                                (Grades 3-8)
                                                                                         Executive School-Based
                                                                                         Planning Team Meeting
                              begins this week                                               5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

                    7     D-day                    8      A-day                  9      B-day                10       C-day                  11    D-day                  12                              13

                                                             Bilingual Education
                              NYSESLAT Testing                Council Meeting         Annual Storytelling Festival
                             (Speaking Sessions)                                                                          Attendance Blitz
                                                        David Gantt Recreation Center  Rochester International                                                                              ACT Test
                               April 8-May 17                                                                                9:00 a.m.
                                                          700 North Street, 14605             Academy

                   14                            15                            16                            17                              18                           19                              20

                                                                                                                                                     End of Third Quarter

                              SPRING RECESS
                           (No school for students                                                                     RCSD Family Day at the          GOOD FRIDAY                         PASSOVER
                                April 15-19)                                                                            Memorial Art Gallery         (All facilities closed)              (April 20-27)

                   21     A-day                  22       B-day                23       C-day                24       D-day                  25    A-day                  26                              27
                                                                                                                                                       ROC City Players               Kindergarten Kickoff
                                                                                                                                                     Districtwide Musical          John James Audubon School
                                                                                                                                                         (April 26-27)               No. 33/Ryan Rec. Center
                                                                                                                                                  East High School, 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                      RCSD RocRestorative
                                                                                                                                                      Early Dismissal Day              Restoring Rochester
                                                                                                                     Board of Education Meeting         for All Students                    Conference
                                                                                                                           6:30-8:30 p.m.           (See page 8 for school                   8:15 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                        dismissal times)           Riverside Convention Center

                   28    B-day                   29       C-day                30                                        MARCH 2019                     MAY 2019
                        Arts Education Open House
                        Central Office 5:00-7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                      S M T W T F             S    S M T W          T    F      S
                                                                                                                     						1                  2
                                                                                                                                                				 1             2    3      4
                        Elementary (K-6) report cards
                                                                                                                      3 4 5 6 7 8            9		5 6 7 8            9    10     11
                                                                                                                                                                                        concerns? Call
                            sent home this week
                        Secondary (7-12) report cards                                                                10 11 12 13 14 15       16		 12 13 14 15      16   17     18		    At Your Service
                           mailed home this week          NYS Mathematics Testing                                    17 18 19 20 21 22       23		 19 20 21 22      23   24     25		    (585) 324-SERV
                          Parent Advisory Council              (Grades 3-8)
                                                             begins this week
                                                                                                                     24 25 26 27 28 29       30   26 27 28 29      30   31
                               Parent Forum                                                                          31
School Events
May 1    School 35 Read Across Pinnacle
         Edison Career & Technology High School/
         P-TECH Parent-Teacher Conferences
         Rochester Early College International High
         School Parent-Teacher Conferences
May 2    School 35 PTO Meeting
May 4    East Upper/Lower Schools Clean Sweep
May 8    School 54 PTSO Meeting
May 9    School 35 Muffins with Moms Breakfast
May 10   School 4 Mother and Son Formal
         School 5 Coffee & Sweets with Student of
         the Month Families
         School 54 Muffins with Mom
May 11   Edison Career & Technology High School/
         P-TECH Junior-Senior Prom
May 14   School 5 PTO Meeting
         School 17 PTO Meeting
         School 57 Spring Concert
         Northeast College High School Coffee and
         Donuts with the Principal
May 15   School 19 Science Discovery Day
         School 29 Spring Concert
May 16   School 16 Science Fair
         School 53 Spring Concert
         East Upper/Lower Schools ELL Family
May 17   School 19 Mother & Son Dance
May 21   School 44 PTO Meeting
May 22   School 35 Spring Concerts
May 23   Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School
         Spring Concert
May 28   School 8 Student-Led Conferences begin
May 30   School 16 Arts Festival/Spring Concert
         School 23 Spring Concert
         School 35 Primary Project Celebration
         School 53 Global Day
         School 54 Spring Concert
May 31   School 34 Breakfast & Books with the         JANA AL MARIE   KINDERGARTEN
                                                      ADLAI E. STEVENSON SCHOOL 29
SUNDAY                       MONDAY                               TUESDAY
                                                                                            May 2019 WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                SATURDAY

				                 APRIL 2019             JUNE 2019         D-day                 1                                          A-day                   2    B-day                  3                    4
  Questions/      S M   T W   T  F  S    S M   T W   T  F  S

 concerns? Call 		 1 2 3 4 5 6		      							1
                  7 8 9 10 11 12 13		 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
At Your Service  14 15 16 17 18 19 20		 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(585) 324-SERV   21 22 23 24 25 26 27		 16 17 18 19 20 21 22		 Executive School-Based
    (7378)       28 29 30               23 24 25 26 27 28 29		 Planning Team Meeting
                                                                   5:30 - 7:00 p.m.                                                                                                         SAT Test

                           5      C-day                        6     D-day                 7       A-day                   8    B-day                   9   C-day                10                    11

                                  Advanced Placement (AP)
                                        May 6 - 17

                                       NYSESLAT Testing
                                 (Listening, Reading, Writing)                                                                      Attendance Blitz
                                          May 6 - 17                                                                                   9:00 a.m.

                         12      D-day                     13       A-day                 14       B-day               15      C-day                   16   D-day                17                    18

                                   Citywide Band Concert                Bilingual Education
                                      Eastman Theatre                    Council Meeting                                         Nick Zona Track Meet              Rehearsal for
                                       6:00-8:00 p.m.              David Gantt Recreation Center                                  (Rain date: May 21)       Transfer of Flags Ceremony
                                                                     700 North Street, 14605

                         19      A-day                     20        B-day                21       C-day               22      D-day                   23                        24                    25

                                                                                                     NYS Science Testing
                                                                                                        Grades 4 & 8                                        MEMORIAL DAY RECESS
           130th Annual                                                                               Performance Test         Board of Education Meeting    (No school for students
    Transfer of Flags Ceremony                                                                          (May 22-31)                  6:30-8:30 p.m.             May 24 and 27)

                         26                                27       A-day                 28       B-day               29      C-day                   30   D-day                31
                                                                                                                                                                                          School Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                         (585) 324-SAFE
                                      MEMORIAL DAY                                                                                                                                           (7233)
                                     (All facilities closed)
BRIANNA GAUSE   GRADE 3     School Events
ABELARD REYNOLDS SCHOOL 42   June 5    School 4 Summer Concert
                                       School 54 NWEA Parent Data Workshop
                             June 6    School 4 Field Day
                                       School 28 PBL Night
                                       School 34 Spring Concert
                                       Integrated Arts & Technology High School Academic Showcase/Awards Night
                             June 7    School 5 Coffee & Sweets with Student of the Month Families
                                       School 46 End of Year Cookout
                                       Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School Awards Night
                             June 11   School 17 PTO Meeting
                                       School 57 Parent Meeting
                                       Northeast College High School Coffee and Donuts with the Principal
                             June 12   School 9 Awards Ceremonies
                                       School 54 Multicultural Fair/PTSO Meeting
                             June 13   School 5 8th Grade Semi-Formal
                                       School 8 Exhibition Night & Spring Showcase
                                       School 19 Spring Concert
                                       School Without Walls Senior Project Night
                             June 13   School 8 8th Grade Passages (June 13-14)
                                       School 23 Musical Production (June 13-14)
                             June 14   School 4 School Carnival
                                       School 17 Learning Expo
                                       School 34 Field Day/Carnival
                                       School 54 Donuts with Dad
                                       School Without Walls Senior Project Day/Awards Ceremony
                             June 18   School 44 PTO Meeting
                                       School Without Walls Performance-Based Assessments (June 18-21)
                             June 19   School 23 End of Year Cookout
                             June 21   School 19 Field Day
                             June 24   School 10 Rites of Achievement Ceremony
                             June 25   School 17 Field Day

                             Moving Up Ceremonies
                             June 17   School 44 (PreK)
                             June 18   Schools 8 (K), 23 (K & 6)
                             June 19   Schools 5 (8), 7 (K), 50 (K)
                             June 20   Schools 2 (K), 5 (PreK), 20 (K), 28 (6 & 8), 33 (K), 34 (K), 44 (6)
                             June 21   Schools 2 (6), 5 (K), 7 (6), 9 (K), 16 (K), 19 (8), 20 (6), 28 (K), 33 (PreK), 34 (6), 42
                                       (K), 52 (6), 53 (K), 57 (PreK), 58 (K), Wilson Foundation (K)
                             June 24   Schools 4 (K & 8), 8 (8), 9 (6), 10 (6), 16 (8), 17 (K), 19 (K), 33 (6), 39 (PreK & K),
                                       42 (6), 43 (K & 6), 46 (K), 52 (K), 53 (6), 54 (K), 57 (K), 58 (6)
                             June 25   Schools 17 (8), 22 (K & 6), 29 (K & 6), 35 (K & 6), 39 (6), 45 (K & 8), 46 (PreK & 6),
                                       54 (6), 57 (2), East Lower School

                             High School Graduation Ceremonies
                             June 22   Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School
                             June 23   Edison Career & Technology High School/P-TECH, School Without Walls
                             June 25   Rochester International Academy
                             June 26   All City High, Integrated Arts and Technology High School, School of the Arts
                             June 27   East Upper School, James Monroe High School, Rochester Early College Interna-
                                       tional High School, Vanguard Collegiate High School, World of Inquiry School 58
                             June 29   Leadership Academy for Young Men, Northeast College High School
SUNDAY            MONDAY                          TUESDAY
                                                                             June 2019
                                                                                     WEDNESDAY                      THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                    SATURDAY

							1                             MAY 2019               JULY 2019
                                                                                         SAT Test
 School Safety   Questions/      S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S

    Hotline     concerns? Call 				 1 2 3 4		        		 1 2 3 4 5 6		            Family Affair in the Park
                                 5 6 7 8 9 10 11		7 8 9 10 11 12 13		                Charlotte Beach
(585) 324-SAFE At Your Service
                                12 13 14 15 16 17 18		 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    (7233)     (585) 324-SERV 19 20 21 22 23 24 25		 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                                                                              Inspiring Beauty: Empowering
                   (7378)       26 27 28 29 30 31      28 29 30 31             Young Women: The Mayor’s
                                                                                                                                                                        Red Carpet Affair, 5:00 p.m.

                   2   A-day                   3     B-day                   4     C-day                   5   D-day                 6      A-day                   7                             8

                         NYS Science Testing
                           Grades 4 & 8
                            Written Test
                                                                                    Executive School-Based
                        Regents Global History                                      Planning Team Meeting
                           and Geography                                                5:30 - 7:00 p.m.                                      Spring Fitness Gram                ACT Test

                   9   B-day               10        C-day                11       D-day                  12    A-day              13       B-day              14                               15

                                                                                                                                                                        The Distinguished Gentleman
                                                        Bilingual Education
                                                                                                                                                                         The Mayor’s Appointment:
                                                         Council Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                         Inspiring Success in Young
                                                   David Gantt Recreation Center
                                                                                                                                                                               Men, 5:00 p.m.
                                                     700 North Street, 14605

                  16   C-day               17        D-day                18       A-day                  19   B-day               20       C-day              21                               22

                                                     Regents and Local Exams                                   Board of Education Meeting
                                                          (June 18-25)                                               6:30-8:30 p.m.

                  23   D-day               24        A-day                25                              26                       27                          28                               29
                                                                                       Conference Day

                                                        Last Day of School            Last Day of School
                                                         for All Students                for Teachers

    30                                                                                Regents Rating Day
                                       July 2019
                                           WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY                       FRIDAY              SATURDAY

		 1                                   2                3                         4                        5                            6

                                                              INDEPENDENCE DAY

          7             8              9               10                       11                        12                           13

                                                                                                                       ACT Test

         14            15             16               17                       18                        19                           20

         21            22             23               24                       25                        26                           27

                                                            Board of Education Meeting
                                                                  6:30-8:30 p.m.

         28            29             30               31                                     JUNE 2019            AUGUST 2019
                                                                                          S M T W T F S          S M T W T         F    S
                                                                                         							1		           					1               2    3
                                                                                          2 3 4 5 6 7 8		 4 5 6 7 8               9    10
                                                                                          9 10 11 12 13 14 15		 11 12 13 14 15    16   17
                                                                                         16 17 18 19 20 21 22		 18 19 20 21 22    23   24
                                                                                         23 24 25 26 27 28 29		 25 26 27 28 29    30   31
SUNDAY                         MONDAY                          TUESDAY
                                                                                    August 2019
                                                                                             WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY                FRIDAY        SATURDAY

JULY 2019 SEPTEMBER 2019                                                                                                                            2               3
  S M     T   W     T    F    S    S   M     T   W     T    F    S
		 1     2    3    4    5    6		1       2    3    4    5    6    7
  7 8     9   10   11   12   13		 8     9   10   11   12   13   14
 14 15   16   17   18   19   20		 15   16   17   18   19   20   21
 21 22   23   24   25   26   27		 22   23   24   25   26   27   28
 28 29   30   31                  29   30

                             4                                   5                       6                7                         8                9              10

                         11                                     12                      13               14                       15                16              17

                                                                       (August 13-14)

                         18                                     19                      20               21                       22                23              24

                                                                                                              Board of Education Meeting
                                                                                                                    6:30-8:30 p.m.

                         25                                     26                      27               28                       29                30              31
Attendance                                                             •    Contact the teacher if their child is not consistently   Registering for School
      Parents and guardians have primary responsibility for                 able to do the work by him/herself or if challenges
                                                                            or questions arise                                            Parents/guardians can register their children for school
ensuring that students arrive to school daily and on time.                                                                           at the Student Placement and Registration Center located at:
      In the event a student is absent or will be late, parents
should call the school right away.                                     Every student is expected to read a minimum of 20-30
                                                                                                                                              131 West Broad Street
      If you have questions regarding the attendance policy,      minutes every day outside of school. Prekindergarten stu-
                                                                                                                                              Rochester, New York 14614
call the Office of Student Attendance at 262-8105.                dents and families are encouraged to read together every                    Phone (585) 262-8241
                                                                  day for a minimum of 10-15 minutes. The research is clear:
Homework/Reading                                                  children who are read to, and who read for pleasure, are                Student Placement and Registration Center staff will
                                                                  significantly more successful in school than children who do       assist parents/guardians with every step of the registration
     Homework is an important part of the learning process,
                                                                                                                                     process. They will also provide parents with information
supporting good study habits, individual responsibility, and      not. Give our children a head start on success by supporting
                                                                                                                                     about the schools available to their children to help parents
time management. Quality homework is relevant, reinforces         reading—reading is FUN!                                            make an informed choice.
what students learn in school, and provides the opportunity                                                                               Parents/guardians of children who speak a language
for parents, guardians, and family members to be involved in      Food Service                                                       other than English will also be helped at the Student Place-
                                                                                                                                     ment and Registration Center. A language assessment
their child’s education. “Kids are more successful in school           Breakfast and lunch are free for all students in every
                                                                                                                                     for their child will be provided. The assessment will help
when parents take an active interest in their homework—it         school. Monthly menus can be accessed from the home
                                                                                                                                     determine the best academic placement for the student.
shows kids that what they are doing is important to them.”        page of the District’s website, Click on
                                                                  “School Food Services and Menus” in the “How Can We
-KidsHealth from Nemours
                                                                  Help” dropdown menu on the “Parents” tab, or the food              Elementary School Selection and
                                                                  service icon on the main page.                                     Registration
     Purpose of Homework
     The purpose of homework is to support high-quality                                                                                   Children who will be five years old on or before Decem-
student learning and achievement. Homework is an out-of-
                                                                  ParentCONNECTxp                                                    ber 1 should start the registration process between January
                                                                                                                                     and March 1 to begin kindergarten in September.
classroom learning experience assigned by the teacher to               ParentCONNECTxp is a user-friendly, web-based sys-
                                                                                                                                          Rochester’s Elementary School of Choice process di-
                                                                  tem designed to improve communication between home
enhance student learning.                                                                                                            vides the District into three attendance zones: Northeast,
                                                                  and school to support student achievement. Through this
                                                                                                                                     Northwest, and South. Parents can choose from among all
    Home-School Partnership                                       secure online system, parents are able to check their child’s
                                                                                                                                     the schools in the zone in which they live (including their
                                                                  academic progress from any computer, anytime. This al-
    A strong home-school partnership has a positive impact                                                                           neighborhood school), as well as from several “citywide”
                                                                  lows parents to monitor grades, view report cards, check
on student success. To make the homework experience                                                                                  schools open to all students, if space is available.
                                                                  attendance reports, and communicate with their child’s
                                                                                                                                          School selection catalogs and applications are mailed
meaningful, students and families play a critical role.           teacher. The system also allows parents to subscribe to
                                                                                                                                     to parents in the winter. They are also available at that time
                                                                  email or phone alerts on grades, attendance, and missing
                                                                                                                                     on the District’s website, along with downloadable registra-
    Students are encouraged to:                                   assignments.
                                                                                                                                     tion materials at Profiles of each
    • Complete all assigned homework                                   ParentCONNECTxp Tech Sites are not only being estab-
                                                                                                                                     elementary school are also available on the website.
    • Ensure that he/she clearly understands the                  lished across the District in all schools, but also in community
                                                                                                                                          To register your child for elementary school, including
        homework assigned, including assignments and              centers, churches, and other community partner sites across
                                                                                                                                     prekindergarten and kindergarten, or any new student to
        expectations                                              the City of Rochester.
                                                                                                                                     the District, visit the Student Placement and Registration
    • Manage time and materials to complete any as-                    Information and registration is available at your child’s
                                                                                                                                     Center at 131 West Broad Street.
        signed homework                                           school and online at CONNECT.
                                                                                                                                          When registering an elementary student, be sure
                                                                  Contact ParentCONNECT via email at ParentCONNECT@
                                                                                                                                          to bring the following:
    Families are encouraged to:                          or contact the office of Parent Engagement at
                                                                                                                                          • A copy of the child’s birth certificate or other
    • Provide a space for successful completion of                324-9999 or 262-8318.
                                                                                                                                               satisfactory documentation as proof of age. An
                                                                                                                                               Alien Registration Card is not a requirement for
    • Provide support and encouragement for complet-
                                                                                                                                               the registration of any student
        ing homework
                                                                                                                                          • Proof of immunization from your health-care
provider                                                   Prekindergarten Programs                                              •    Respect other students and their property
    •    Proof of address (e.g., utilities bill, phone bill, rent                                                                         •    No use of profanity or offensive language
         agreement, lease or mortgage)                                   Rochester’s prekindergarten programs build the foun-
                                                                    dation for high academic performance and lay the ground-              •    Stay in your seat while the bus is moving
    •    Proof of guardianship (if the child does not reside
         with parents)                                              work for what children will be expected to learn and do as            •    Do not leave paper or garbage on the floors or
    •    Photo identification for the registering parent/           they progress through elementary and high school.                          seats
         guardian                                                        Prekindergarten programs are free of charge and of-              •    Keep head, hands, and arms inside the bus
    •    If a child is new to the District and in grades 1-6,       fered at dozens of elementary schools and community-based
                                                                                                                                          •    Keep aisles clear of arms, legs, and bags which can
         you will need a report card or relevant document           organizations located throughout the city. Bilingual PreK
                                                                    programs are offered at Schools 5, 9, 22, 33, and 50 for na-               create safety hazards for other students boarding
         indicating the child’s grade level from the previ-
         ous school                                                 tive Spanish speakers. A Dual Language prekindergarten is                  the bus and can block the way in the event of an
                                                                    being offered at School 17 and Multilingual prekindergarten                emergency
                                                                    classrooms are offered at School 15.
Secondary School (Grades 7 and 9)                                        Children who will be four years old or three years old by
                                                                                                                                          •    Be courteous, talk quietly
Selection and Registration                                          December 1 can be registered to begin prekindergarten in              •    Students are not permitted to bring items such as
     School selection catalogs and applications are mailed in       September. In addition, to be eligible for the three-year-old              live animals, glass objects, or any school project
the fall to parents/guardians of students who will be enter-        program, students must meet one of the following criteria:                 that cannot be safely held on the student’s lap
ing 7th and 9th grades the following year. Catalogs are also        English Language Learner, have an IEP for Special Educa-              •    Use of electronic toys or cell phones is not permit-
available on the District’s website, along with downloadable        tion services, or qualify for the free/reduced lunch program.              ted on buses
registration materials at Profiles         Eligible students can be registered to begin the expanded
                                                                    prekindergarten in September.                                         •    Students should not remove items from book bags
of each high school are also available on the website.
     When registering a secondary student, be sure to bring              For more information, call 262-8140, or visit www.                    until they get home
the following:                                                                                                 •    If a secondary school student loses his/her bus
     • Copy of the child’s birth certificate or other satis-                                                                                   pass, a replacement must be obtained through
           factory documentation as proof of age. An Alien          Transportation                                                             the school. The child will not be able to board the
           Registration Card is not a requirement for the
                                                                          Students who live more than a mile and a half from the               bus without a pass
           registration of any student
     • Proof of immunization from your health-care                  school they attend and children who have certain disabilities         •    If a student witnesses or experiences improper
           provider. (Contact the Student Placement and             receive free transportation to and from school. The District               behavior on the bus, they should tell the driver or
           Registration Center for specific requirements.)          utilizes a combination of contracted yellow school buses and               attendant before getting off the bus
           You may also bring the fax number of your child’s        Regional Transit Service (RTS) for student transportation.
           health-care provider                                     All student transportation information is sent to parents         Additional Bus Transportation Information
     • Proof of address (e.g., utilities bill, phone bill, rent     prior to the first day of school. Secondary school students           • Be outside at your assigned stop 10-15 minutes
           agreement, lease or mortgage)                            who ride RTS buses will receive a temporary bus pass in the                ahead of time. If a child misses the bus, it will be
     • Proof of guardianship (if child does not reside              mail before the first day of school. Permanent passes will                 the parent’s responsibility to get the child to school
           with parents)                                            be issued to students by each school.                                 • Be on time. Buses leave school 10 minutes after
     • Photo identification for the registering parent/                   If your child attends a private, parochial, or charter               dismissal
           guardian                                                 school, a new application for transportation must be submit-          • Ride only the bus assigned to you
     • If a child is new to the District and in grades 7-12,        ted to the Transportation Department each year by April 1.            • Before you cross the street, wait at your stop for
           you will need a report card or relevant document               If your address changes during the school year, you                  the universal crossing signal from the driver (a
           indicating the student’s grade level from the            must notify your child’s school office or the Office of Student            hand signal taught at the beginning of the year),
           previous school. If a student is in grades 9-12, a       Equity and Placement so that appropriate transportation ar-                or wait for an attendant to come across to get you.
           secondary transcript is needed                           rangements can be made. Parents are responsible for their                  If the driver honks the horn while you are cross-
     For additional information, please call 262-8241 or visit      child’s safety and supervision prior to boarding the bus each              ing, it means it is not safe to cross and you should
us at                                       morning and after the child gets off the bus each afternoon.               return to the curb

                                                                    Important Information for Students Who Ride Buses                 Safety Tips for Students Who Walk to School
                                                                        • When boarding the bus, find a seat immediately                   • Cross at corners, not mid-block or between parked
                                                                        • No smoking, eating, or drinking                                       cars
                                                                        • Respect and obey your driver and/or attendant                    • Stop and look in all directions before crossing
    •    Be extra alert in bad weather when visibility is             •    Verification of a dental examination by a dental           Emergency School Closings
         reduced and cars cannot stop as fast                              office is requested to be submitted with the physi-
    •    Obey the directions of police officers, crossing                  cal examination form in grades PreK, K, 1, 3, 5, 7,             If schools are closed due to severe weather or another
         guards, and safety patrols. Pay attention to traffic              9, and 11                                                  emergency, an announcement will be made on local TV
         signs/signals                                                •    Documenting blood pressure, height, weight,                and radio stations. The District will notify stations by 6:00
    •    Use the “buddy system.” Walk with a friend when-                  and calculation of the Body Mass Index (BMI) is            a.m. if schools are closed for the day. Parents and staff will
         ever possible                                                     required for students’ physical examinations. BMI          also get an automated telephone call informing them of
    •    Never talk to strangers or get into a stranger’s car.             results are reported to the State in group form—           the closure.
         Tell a parent or teacher if you’ve been approached                individual student information is not provided. If
         by a stranger                                                     you do not want your child’s information included,         School Safety Hotline
    •    Get a Safe Walking Route Map from your school.                    please notify your school nurse in writing
         The map outlines the safest walking route to                 •    A physical examination is required each year for                  The School Safety Hotline provides a single, confidential
         school                                                            secondary school sports                                    number that students, parents, or employees can call anony-
                                                                                                                                      mously to report threats of violence and illegal activities.
                                                                      * If you do not want your child to be screened, please notify          The toll-free hotline number is (585) 324-SAFE (7233).
School Nursing Services                                          your school nurse in writing.                                        It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Callers may
    Through a contract with Monroe #1 BOCES, regis-                                                                                   remain anonymous. Please call 911 for immediate threats
tered nurses (RN), licensed practical nurses (LPN), and/                If your child must receive medications or treatments at       or emergencies for police assistance.
or health aides (HA) are assigned to all city schools during     school, please provide the school with your written permis-
school hours and during summer school. A school nurse            sion and a doctor’s signed order. Forms are available at the         Whistleblower Hotline
(RN) oversees each school and supervises the other staff.        school health office and on the District website. All medica-
Responsibilities of School Nursing Services include:                                                                                       The Board of Education operates a Whistleblower
                                                                 tions must be in an original labeled container and delivered         Hotline that allows employees and others to anonymously
    • Managing medical emergencies
    • Caring for students with minor injuries and ill-           to school by an adult.                                               report illegal or unethical activities. These may include
         nesses                                                         If a student needs an ambulance or if he or she needs         harassment, fraud, theft, discrimination, misuse of funds,
    • Administering medications                                  to be sent home, the nurse or aide will attempt to call the          conflicts of interest, and other ethics violations.
    • Planning interventions for children with special                                                                                     The toll-free number is 1-866-284-7040 and is avail-
                                                                 parent. Parents and legal guardians must provide the school
         health needs                                                                                                                 able 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
                                                                 with the following emergency information, updated as nec-                 Callers may remain anonymous.
     The District complies with New York State laws and          essary, to keep the school informed of changes:
regulations. State requirements for school health services              • Home, work, and cell phone numbers
include:                                                                • Names and phone numbers of others who can be                Safety Drills
     • A complete immunization record for all students                        called in an emergency                                       Per New York State education law, all schools are re-
     • Scoliosis screening for girls in grades 5 and 7                  • Name and phone number of the child’s health-                quired to have 12 drills conducted each school year. Four (4)
     • Scoliosis screening for boys in grade 9                                care provider                                           of these drills must be lock-down drills with the remaining
     • Vision screening for new students and those in                   Parents are expected to notify the school when a child        eight (8) to be evacuation drills. Eight of the drills must be
         grades PreK-1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11*                      is ill at home. If there is a question about an illness, please      completed in the first half of the year and by December 31.
     • Hearing screening for new students and those in           call the school nurse.                                               State guidelines also require the production and submission
         grades PreK-1, 3, 5, 7, and 11*                                                                                              of building-level emergency response plans which are to be
     • Receipt of a physical examination form for new                                                                                 reviewed and updated on an annual basis and are to remain
         students and those in grades PreK, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,    Emergency Contact Information                                        confidential. Drills may include lock-outs, shelter-in-place,
         and 11. Physical examination forms are available             Parents are asked to give the school office the names           or hold-in-place. Lock-down and evacuation drills are the
         at each school’s health office, the Parent Informa-     of people who can be contacted in an emergency, with cur-            only two (2) types of protective actions that are specifi-
         tion Center, and on the District website. Physical      rent home, work, and cell phone numbers for each. Parents            cally required by State statute. Drills will be called at the
         examinations should be conducted by your private        should notify the school immediately if emergency contact            discretion of the school principals and may be recorded for
         health-care provider. If an examination is done in      numbers change during the year.                                      training purposes only.
         school, written parent permission is required. An
         examination is valid for one year through the last
         day of the month in which the examination was
Personal Student Information                                       Athletics/Extracurricular Eligibility                              or original), baptismal certificate, unexpired passport, per-
                                                                                                                                      manent resident card, current unexpired driver’s license,
     Parents of District students have the right to request             The District’s Interscholastic Sports Program offers op-      or a non-driver’s license New York state ID for students
that the District not release “directory information” about        portunities for students to participate in competitive sports      under the age of 21.
their children to outside organizations. Directory informa-        at the modified, freshman, junior varsity, and varsity levels.
tion is defined as a student’s name, address, telephone            Student athletes are provided opportunities for physical
number, date and place of birth, major field of study, par-        exams and must be re-qualified by a nurse or doctor prior to       Code of Conduct
ticipation in school activities and sports, height and weight      each season. Each student athlete must also adhere to the               The Code of Conduct was adopted into Policy on June
of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees         RCSD Code of Conduct and to all Section V and NYSPHSAA             16, 2016, and was developed through a collaborative effort
and awards received, and most recent educational institu-          rules and regulations.                                             involving parents, students, teachers, District staff, and
tion attended. Occasionally, the District may be asked for              The sports program supports academic achievement by           community members. Its goal is to make our classrooms
such information pursuant to the Freedom of Information            emphasizing the following eligibility requirements:                and schools safe, supportive, and joyful environments for
Law by parent or student associations, social service or                • Maintain at least a C average in all subjects               teaching and learning.
community groups, or providers of educational, training, or             • Maintain 90 percent daily attendance in each class               The Code defines rights, responsibilities, and expec-
employment opportunities, including recruiters for colleges             • Demonstrate good citizenship                                tations for students, parents, school staff members, and
and the armed services.                                                                                                               District leadership. It applies to all these groups as well as
     Parents and guardians should notify the District if they           Student eligibility is assessed at each of the high schools
                                                                                                                                      visitors and other people on school property or attending
do not want any or all such information released without           by the Athletic Department.
                                                                                                                                      any school function. It is designed to promote positive
prior consent. Parents may do so by completing the opt-out              The same requirements apply to student eligibility for        behavior by individuals as the foundation to building and
form for release of directory information available in schools     extracurricular activities such as music groups, drama clubs,      maintaining a positive culture within each school.
and also on the District website. The District will keep a                                                                                 The Code of Conduct in its entirety is available in the
                                                                   step teams, Master Minds, science, math leagues, and more.
record of your response in this matter and act accordingly.                                                                           main office of every school, the District’s Central Office, and
                                                                        College scholarships are available for students who
                                                                                                                                      on the District’s website,
                                                                   excel in both academics and athletics.
Photo Release/Opt-Out Form                                              For more information, call 262-8281.
     The District often invites the news media to cover                                                                               Prevention, Intervention, and Progressive Discipline
activities in its schools and publicize the achievements of        Work Permits for Students                                               The Code of Conduct encourages restorative practices
students. District staff and approved partner organizations            New York State requires individuals under age 18 to            that help schools to maintain a positive climate and hold
also may photograph and videotape students for the same            have a work permit before they begin work.                         members of the community accountable to each other.
purpose. Photos and videos of students may be used in                  To apply for a work permit, please contact your school              It employs progressive discipline, with a list of potential
District communications, including brochures, broadcast            counselor. The student must be present and is required to          responses to inappropriate behaviors that in most cases use
productions, and the District’s website.                           complete the following:                                            “guidance interventions” to teach positive behavior before
     If parents and guardians do not want their child’s photo                                                                         employing harsher punishment. The District will reserve
or video image used, they should complete an opt-out form               •    An application for Employment Certificate signed         suspensions from school only for cases where progressive
to refuse consent. The form also allows families to opt-out                  by their parent or guardian. Be sure to enter age        interventions have been tried without success, or when the
of sharing basic student information (such as name, address,                 and address on the form                                  safety of students or staff or continuance of the educational
and grade level) with military recruiters, colleges, and outside        •    A Pre-Employment Physical Certificate signed and         process is at risk.
agencies that work with schools. The form will be sent to                    dated by their doctor indicating proof of physical            The Code defines the purpose of discipline as “to un-
homes and is available at your child’s school and also on the                exam within one year of applying for a work per-         derstand and address the root causes of behavior, resolve
District website. Parents who do not want photos or other                    mit. Students can check with their school nurse to       conflicts, repair the harm done, restore relationships, and
information released should indicate this on the opt-out                     see if a Pre-Employment Physical Certificate is on       re-integrate students into the school community.”
form and return it to the school’s main office.                              file. If students do not have a physical on file, the
                                                                             Pre-Employment Certificate can also be signed by         Dress Code
                                                                             the school nurse
Make-up Days                                                                                                                               All persons are expected to give proper attention to
    State law requires schools to provide students at least             These forms and directions for completing them are            personal hygiene and to dress appropriately for school and
180 days of instruction each school year. If instructional         available on the District’s website,              school functions. When on school property or at a school
days fall below the minimum because of emergency closings,         records.                                                           function, a person’s dress, grooming, and appearance, in-
make-up days will be added immediately after the scheduled              In addition to the completed forms, students must             cluding jewelry, make-up, and nails, must:
end of the school year.                                            bring one of the following with them when requesting a                  • Cover buttocks, stomach/midriff and chest
                                                                   work permit to validate date of birth: birth certificate (copy
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