2021 Tech Trends Report - Home Automation Consumer Electronics - Open Learning Campus

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2021 Tech Trends Report - Home Automation Consumer Electronics - Open Learning Campus
Volume 6 of 12

14th Annual Edition

Tech Trends                                      Home

Strategic trends that will influence business,   Electronics
government, education, media and society
in the coming year.
2021 Tech Trends Report - Home Automation Consumer Electronics - Open Learning Campus
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03   Overview
04   Macro Forces and Emerging Trends
06   Summary
07   GAA Homes
08   Home Service Bots
09   Scenario: GAA Homes and
     America’s Digital Caste System
11   Disinfecting Bots
12   Digital Emissions
13   Retrofitting Old Homes
     With New Technology
14   Scenario: Regenerative
15   Forced Obsolescence
16   Smart Kitchens
17   Smart Home Gyms
18   Pricing the Curb
19   Securing the HOT
     (Home of Things)
20   Scenario: When Smart
     Homes Go Dumb
21   Neighborhood Mesh Networks
22   Rollable Screens
23   Application
24   Key Questions
25   Sources
26   Authors
29   Why FTI
30   About FTI
31   Disclaimer
32   Creative Commons License
2021 Tech Trends Report - Home Automation Consumer Electronics - Open Learning Campus
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     00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09    10   11   12    & Consumer Electronics

                                                       The 1920s began in chaos. Cata-           It’s difficult not to see striking      ed trends. In total, we’ve analyzed
                                                       clysmic disruption resulting from         parallels to our modern world. A        nearly 500 technology and science
                                                       the first world war and the Spanish       tumultuous U.S. election, extreme       trends across multiple industry
                                                       flu shuttered businesses and pro-         weather events and Covid-19             sectors. In each volume, we discuss
                                                       voked xenophobia. Technological           continue to test our resolve and        the disruptive forces, opportunities
                                                       marvels like the radio, refrigerator,     our resilience. Exponential tech-       and strategies that will drive your
                                                       vacuum cleaner, moving assembly           nologies—artificial intelligence,       organization in the near future.
                                                       line and electronic power trans-          synthetic biology, exascale com-
                                                                                                                                         Now, more than ever, your organi-
                                                       mission generated new growth,             puting, autonomous robots, and
                                                                                                                                         zation should examine the poten-
                                                       even as the wealth gap widened.           off-planet missions to space—are
                                                                                                                                         tial near and long-term impact of
                                                       More than two-thirds of Ameri-            challenging our assumptions about
                                                                                                                                         tech trends. You must factor the
                                                       cans survived on wages too low to         human potential. Under lockdown,
                                                                                                                                         trends in this report into your stra-
                                                       sustain everyday living. The pace         we’ve learned how to work from
                                                                                                                                         tegic thinking for the coming year,
                                                       of scientific innovation—the dis-         our kitchen tables, lead from our
                                                                                                                                         and adjust your planning, opera-
                                                       covery of insulin, the first modern       spare rooms, and support each
                                                                                                                                         tions and business models accord-
                                                       antibiotics, and insights into theo-      other from afar. But this disruption
                                                                                                                                         ingly. But we hope you will make
                                                       retical physics and the structure of      has only just begun.
                                                                                                                                         time for creative exploration. From
                                                       atoms—forced people to reconsid-
                                                                                                 With the benefit of both hindsight      chaos, a new world will come.
                                                       er their cherished beliefs.
                                                                                                 and strategic foresight, we can
                                                       The sheer scale of change, and the        choose a path of reinvention. Our
                                                       great uncertainty that came with          2021 Tech Trends Report is de-
                                                       it, produced two factions: those          signed to help you confront deep
                                                       who wanted to reverse time and            uncertainty, adapt and thrive. For      Amy Webb
                                                       return the world to normal, and           this year’s edition, the magnitude
                                                       those who embraced the chaos,             of new signals required us to cre-
                                                                                                                                         The Future Today Institute
                                                       faced forward, and got busy build-        ate 12 separate volumes, and each
                                                       ing the future.                           report focuses on a cluster of relat-

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2021 Tech Trends Report - Home Automation Consumer Electronics - Open Learning Campus
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Macro Forces and
Emerging Trends                                                                                                         2                     3                    4                               5

For nearly two decades, the Future Today Institute has meticulously re-
searched macro forces of change and the emerging trends that result.
Our focus: understanding how these forces and trends will shape our
futures. Our 14th annual Tech Trends Report identifies new opportunities
for growth and potential collaborations in and adjacent to your business.
We also highlight emerging or atypical threats across most industries,
including all levels of government. For those in creative fields, you will find
a wealth of new ideas that will spark your imagination.

Our framework organizes nearly 500 trends into 12 clear categories.

Within those categories are specific use cases and recommendations for
key roles in many organizations: strategy, innovation, R&D, and risk.

Each trend offers six important insights.

1. Years on the List                       2. Key Insight                         4. Disruptive Impact                      6. Action Scale                        Informs Strategy
  We track longitudinal tech and             Concise description of this trend      The implications of this trend on         FTI’s analysis of what action your   Strong evidence and data. Longer-
  science trends. This measurement           that can be easily understood and      your business, government, or             organization should take. Fields     term uncertainties remain. Use it to
  indicates how long we have                 repeated to others.                    society.                                  include:                             inform your strategic planning.
  followed the trend and its
  progression.                             3. Examples                            5. Emerging Players                         Watch Closely                        Act Now

                                             Real-world use cases, some of          Individuals, research teams,              Mounting evidence and data, but      Ample evidence and data. This
                                             which should be familiar to you.       startups, and other organizations         more maturity is needed. Use it to   trend is already mature and
                                                                                    emerging in this space.                   inform your vision, planning, and    requires action.
04                                                                                                                                                                               © 2021 Future Today Institute
2021 Tech Trends Report - Home Automation Consumer Electronics - Open Learning Campus
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      00      01   02   03   04    05   06    07    08    09    10    11   12    & Consumer Electronics

Macro Forces and
Emerging Trends

Scenarios Describe Plausible Outcomes
You will find scenarios imagining future worlds as trends evolve and
converge. Scenarios offer a fresh perspective on trends and often chal-
lenge your deeply held beliefs. They prompt you to consider high-impact,
high-uncertainty situations using signals available today.                                                                          1

1. Headline                                                                                                                         2
  A short description offering you a glimpse into future changes.

2. Temporal and Emotive Tags                                                                                                        3
  A label explaining both when in the future this scenario is set and whether it is
  optimistic, neutral, pessimistic, or catastrophic.

3. Narrative
  The descriptive elements of our imagined world, including the developments
  leading us to this point in our future history.

Scenario sources: The Future Today Institute uses a wide array of quali-
tative and quantitative data to create our scenarios. Some of our typical
sources include patent filings, academic preprint servers, archival re-
search, policy briefings, conference papers, data sets, structured inter-
views with experts, conversations with kids, critical design, and specula-
tive fiction.

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2021 Tech Trends Report - Home Automation Consumer Electronics - Open Learning Campus
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Home                                                                                           + The Home of Things (HoT) industry    + Artificial intelligence helps moni-

                                                                                                 is growing, with demand driven         tor and mitigate the HoT’s digital
                                                                                                 by working, exercising, and learn-     emissions and reduce the smart
                                                                                                 ing from home.                         home’s carbon footprint.

                                                                                               + Homes are becoming sentient:         + Google, Amazon, and Apple are
                                                                                                 Automated systems sense and            the primary HoT platforms, but

& Consumer
                                                                                                 adjust temperature, sound, light,      their ecosystems aren’t always
                                                                                                 and other functions in real time       interoperable.
                                                                                                 to support families.
                                                                                                                                      + Rollables are the new foldables:
                                                                                               + But the HoT is notorious for se-       Screens that unfurl and retract
                                                                                                 curity vulnerabilities. Hackers        will change the form factor of

                                                                                                 increasingly target HoT devices        many consumer electronics.
                                                                                                 with botnets and malware at-

                                                                                               + Neighborhood mesh networks
                                                                                                 connect clusters of smart homes

                                                                                                 to one another. Within the mesh,
                                                                                                 homes share Wi-Fi, and residents
                                                                                                 can stay connected to their de-
                                                                                                 vices when outside. If a resident
                                                                                                 loses her keys while running, she
                                                                                                 can ping the network to find their
                                                                                                 exact location on the street.

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                                                                                                                                       Watch Closely                 Informs Strategy                     Act Now


GAA Homes
                                                KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                       DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                           EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                       As prices have dropped for connected           Devices across ecosystems aren’t always     • Samsung’s SmartThings
                                                Despite the prolifer-                  home appliances and peripherals, con-          interoperable. A Google speaker won’t       • Google Developers
                                                ation of smart home                    sumer sales have soared for smart devices.     interact with devices running on Ama-
                                                                                       Devices that work with platforms created       zon’s smart home platform, for example.     • Apple Developers
                                                devices, only a few plat-                                                                                                         • Zigbee Alliance
                                                                                       by Google, Amazon, and Apple (we’ll            While savvy users can buy smart cam-
                                                forms can connect them                 call them the GAA) are ubiquitous and          eras that run on open source tools, the     • Dotdot
                                                all together.                          increasingly affordable—because a smart        average family needs to choose one of
                                                                                       home offers rich streams of data that can      the GAA. The three companies joined
Amazon’s ecosystem encompasses thousands                                               be monetized. In China, Alibaba, Xiaomi,       the Zigbee Alliance to create and en-
of devices.
                                                                                       and Baidu are the predominant provid-          force standards for wireless networking
                                                                                       ers. The GAA aim to create a seamless          protocols used by low-power radios in
                                                                                       experience among the devices in their          smart home gadgets and appliances. Still,
                                                                                       ecosystems. Amazon’s smart electrical          that doesn’t mean Google products will
                                                                                       plugs; lightbulbs; Fire TV Cube; Ring          connect with Amazon’s, which effectively
                                                                                       doorbell, smart door locks, thermostats,       means we’re Google, Apple, or Amazon
                                                                                       and security cameras; and Alexa speakers       families.
                                                                                       can together control many of a home’s ev-
                                                                                       eryday functions. Similarly, Google Home
                                                                                       connects to thousands of devices. Telecom
                                                                                       firms hoping to create high-margin busi-
                                                                                       nesses, rather than act as dumb connec-
                                                                                       tivity pipes, increasingly seek partnerships
                                                                                       with the GAA.

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                                                                                                                                           Watch Closely                  Informs Strategy                    Act Now


Home Service Bots
                                                     KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                      DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                            EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                            The 1980s-era home service robot the          Samsung calls its Bot Handy an “ex-          • Savioke
                                                     Service robots automat-                Omnibot 2000, by Japanese toy manufac-        tension of you” anywhere you need a          • Neato Robotics
                                                     ically perform repetitive              turer Tomy, wasn’t a commercial suc-          hand in the home. Still in development,
                                                                                            cess, but it was useful: It could play back   this slender, autonomous bot picks up        • Trifo
                                                     tasks around the home.
                                                                                            prerecorded sequences on cassette tape, it    laundry, brings you drinks, and loads the
                                                                                            could roll into your room and wake you        dishwasher. Bot Care aims to be a per-
                                                                                            at a designated time, and it carried light    sonal assistant. While humanoid robots,
                                                                                            objects with articulated claw hands or        such as the XR-1 from CloudMinds, are
                                                                                            a tray. Fast-forward to 2021, and home        built as all-purpose automated butlers,
                                                                                            service bots are finding a new audience.      most service bots are smaller, lightweight
                                                                                            Samsung’s JetBot 90AI+ is a robot vacuum      and intended to perform single func-
                                                                                            with lidar, a 3D sensor, a built-in camera,   tions. As their functionality improves,
Samsung is making a robot that will pour you                                                and computer vision that allows it to         service bots will reshape house cleaning,
a glass of wine.
                                                                                            avoid objects and double as a roaming se-     which could have downstream effects
                                                                                            curity system. Larger wheels let it maneu-    on companies that make analog clean-
                                                                                            ver over door thresholds and thicker rugs,    ing supplies (paper products, sponges,
                                                                                            and it has an automatic disposal system.      and sprays). The next wave of bots will
                                                                                            The Gladwell Gecko Robot is an auto-          include automated clothing cleaners and
                                                                                            mated glass and window cleaner. iRobot’s      laundry folders, and service bots that use
                                                                                            Looj device cleans your gutters, and The      computer vision to make beds.
                                                                                            Landroid L 20V from tools innovation
                                                                                            company Worx is like a Roomba for the
                                                                                            yard: It automatically mows the lawn in a
                                                                                            desired pattern.

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