2021 ONLINE RETAIL State of - Impressive Digital

Page created by Bruce Snyder
2021 ONLINE RETAIL State of - Impressive Digital
State of
This development led to

           State of
                                                                                                a year that far exceeded
                                                                                                expectations; online retail

                                             This year offers a clear                           hit a record high, making up

           Online Retail
                                             opportunity for retail                             16.3 % of the retail market
                                             companies that have already                        and rivalling pre-pandemic
                                             embraced eCommerce to                              eCommerce penetration

           in 2021
                                             continue growing, but it’s also                    levels in the United States and
                                             a pivot point for the industry                     the United Kingdom. Over 80%
                                             as a whole. Retail brands need        ONLINE       of all households went online,
                                             to step up to the plate and         PURCHASES      including 1.3 million who didn’t
                                             craft seamless, end-to-end           GROWTH        shop online in 2019. [1]
           With the COVID-19 pandemic,       experiences for customers to
           2020 set a new baseline           remain competitive. Those                          Here’s a look at just how
           for online retail in Australia.   that successfully enhance the                      monumental the shift to
           Online shopping grew at an        online shopping experience                         online shopping was in
           unprecedented rate, first out     are the ones that will appeal                      Australia during the first year
           of necessity and later out of     to 2021’s sophisticated online                     of the pandemic:

           convenience. As a result, 2021    buyers and new converts.
           is turning out to be another
           winning year for eCommerce
           sales. So far, five million

                                             How did COVID
           households are shopping
           online every single month. [1]
           To put this into perspective,                                                          Online purchases in 2020

                                             change online                                                                         Online sales didn’t simply increase. They
                                                                                SPENT ONLINE
           that’s slightly less than the                                                          grew by 57% year-on-year.
           5.2 million households that
                                                                                                                                      skyrocketed as soon as the pandemic
           bought goods online in April                                                           Consumers in Australia
           of 2020, during the burst of                                                           spent a record-breaking
           online buying that occurred                                                            $50.46B online, up from            hit. They then continued rising for the
           when lockdown restrictions
           started impacting the retail      habits?                                              $27.5B in 2018. [3]
                                                                                                                                     remainder of the year and throughout
                                                                                                  After rising at an average

           industry. [2]
                                             Before the pandemic hit,
                                                                                                  growth rate of 14.4 % from
                                                                                                  March 2019 to February
                                                                                                                                               the holiday shopping season.
                                             e-commerce was already
                                                                                                  2020, from March 2020
                                             predicted to make up 12 -
                                                                                                  to October 2020, total
                                             13 % of the Australian retail                                                                                     image source: Australian
                                                                                                  online sales averaged an
                                             market in 2020. With lockdown                                                                                         Bureau of Statistics
                                             restrictions and the closure                         increase of 67.1 %. [4]
                                                                               AVERAGE ONLINE
                                             of bricks and mortar stores       SALES INCREASE
                                             across the country – and the
                                             world – consumers quickly
                                             adapted, buying the things
                                             they needed online instead of
                                             in stores.

ONLINE                                                                                                                                                                                    STATE OF
RETAIL                                                                                                                                                                                     ONLINE
2020                                                                                                                                                                                        RETAIL
Lockdown and
                                             stores closures                                                         KEY TAKEAWAY:

                                                                                                                     An industry-shaking resurgence of in-store shopping
                                                                                                                     isn’t likely. While there will always be a need for in-store
                                             On 11 March 2020, the            in Australia. By December of           shopping, more and more people are being introduced to
                                             World Health Organisation        2020, 11,060 fashion stores            and growing accustomed to buying online. Retail brands
                                             declared COVID-19 a global       closed in Australia. In the US,        need to focus on their eCommerce strategies so they can
                                             pandemic. Within a matter of     9,300 stores across all retail         serve both online buyers and hybrid customers - those who
                                             days, governments around         categories closed. [7]                 want the flexibility to shop virtually and in person.
                                             the world had introduced
                                             measures to slow the spread      These closures aren’t
                                             of the virus. Australian Prime   temporary. They are part of a
                                             Minister Scott Morrison made     movement that was already
                                             the sobering statement on 23
                                             March, “For many young and
                                                                              happening worldwide. In
                                                                                                                  Buy local and other                                                                                    Paying
           What factors
                                                                              April of 2020, analysts at Wall

                                                                                                                  shopping trends
                                             old, 2020 will be the toughest   Street firm UBS predicted
                                             year of our lives….There is no   that 100,000 retail locations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   attention to
           drove this
                                             three or four-week shutdown      could close by 2025 because
                                             that makes it all go away. No
                                             short term solution to all of
                                                                              consumers were already              Shopping online wasn’t the only consumer trend to emerge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  these trends
                                                                              shopping more online. They          or accelerate during the pandemic. Some households were
                                             this.” [5]                       pointed out that COVID-19
                                                                              would simply accelerate this
                                                                                                                  forced to revaluate their buying habits and look for ways to
                                                                                                                  spend less. Another trend was a preference to buy local and                                         is critical
           Turning online is a natural
                                             By mid-month, retailers
                                             closed stores across
                                                                              trend. [8]                          support regional businesses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for retailer
           response to stores closing
           and people spending more
                                             the country, at first, only
                                             announcing short term
                                                                              By accelerating the already
                                                                              existing shift to online
                                                                                                                  The following chart by Statista shows how consumer shopping
                                                                                                                  behaviour changed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic in                                        brands in
           time at home, but there were
           more factors at play. When
                                             closures – New Balance
                                             announced a 10-day closure
                                                                              shopping, consumer
                                                                              preferences and habits
                                                                                                                  Australia in 2020.
           you look at the full picture      on 17 March, and Mecca           are changing faster than
           of how COVID-19 impacted          closed all stores on 30 March    expected. Consumers are
           retail shopping in 2020, it’s     until at “at least the end of    discovering how easy, secure,               REDUCED SPENDING                                                            43%

           clear that a lot of the changes   April.” Mosaic Brands, which     and convenient buying online                                                                                                              image source:
           that happened last year will      includes Noni B, Rivers, and     can be. Retailers shouldn’t                                                                                                                    Statista
           continue in 2021 and beyond.      Katies, closed more than         expect consumers to fully
                                             1,300 stores and cut 7,000       return to their pre-pandemic
                                                                                                                  SHIFTED TO ONLINE SHOPPING                                             32%

                                             employees by 25 March. [6]       shopping habits once the
                                                                              world is vaccinated and the
                                             For those retail brands that     virus is under control.           PURCHASE IN SHOPS WITH HIGH
                                             were already struggling to                                               HYGIENE FACTORS ONLY

                                             maintain high numbers of
                                             bricks and mortar locations
                                             before 2020, the pandemic                                                 MORE LOCAL SHOPPING
                                             forced them to realign
                                             their strategy, closing
                                             many stores for good. The                                                                         0%   5%   10%   15%   20%     25%   30%    35%   40%   45%   50%

                                             fashion industry was the                                                                                                SHARE OF RESPONDENTS
                                             retail category hit hardest

ONLINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  STATE OF
RETAIL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ONLINE
2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      RETAIL
Of the 1.36 million new online
                                              shoppers, there were two
                                              distinct groups, both of
                                              which are known for being                                                                            Two, it forced brands to
                                                                                                                                                                                      It helps that this retail
                                              budget-conscious; pragmatic                                                                          reassess their order and

                                                                                                                 Logistic challenges
                                                                                                                                                                                      brand wasn’t just
                                              shoppers, mostly young and                                                                           fulfilment partners, staff
                                                                                                                                                                                      adaptable during the
                                              mid-life families who are                                                                            numbers, and fulfilment

                                                                                                                 also had an effect
                                                                                                                                                                                      pandemic. It’s also the
                                              aware of where their money                                                                           practices. Retail brands
                                                                                                                                                                                      epitome of a socially
                                              goes, and older households,                                                                          hired more, adopted new

                                                                                                                 on online retail
                                                                               During the coronavirus crisis,                                                                         conscious brand,
                                              often retired adults living in                                                                       technology to help them ship
                                                                               the buy-local movement built                                                                           something consumers
                                              rural areas.                                                                                         faster, and reevaluated their
                                                                               up momentum with several                                                                               are tilting toward more
                                                                                                                                                   supply chains.
                                                                               successful campaigns.             Another factor that drove                                            this year. The Who Gives
                                                                                                                                                                                      a Crap founders started
                                                                               The State Government              changes both amongst              To increase resilience,
                                                                               in Victoria started the           consumers and retail brands                                          the company to address
                                               KEY TAKEAWAY:                                                                                       supermarket giant
                                                                                                                                                                                      a major global challenge
                                                                               #ClickforVic campaign,            was supply chain disruption.      Woolworths announced its
                                                                               which generated 31,000            In March and April, practically                                      – the lack of access to
                                               To attract these new                                                                                single largest investment in
                                                                               posts. [1] #BuyFromtheBush        the whole world went into                                            basic sanitation and
                                               online buyers, online                                                                               logistics infrastructure in June
                                                                               is still thriving, showcasing     some level of lockdown                                               hygiene products. They
           The Australia Post coined 2018      retailers should consider                                                                           of 2020, with plans to spend
                                                                               small Aussie businesses on        to attempt to contain the                                            donate 50 % of their profits
           as the ‘year of the sale,’ as       using loyalty programs                                                                              A$780 million to replace up to
                                                                               Instagram, often artisans         coronavirus. This lockdown                                           to help build toilets and
           consumers went online to find       and regular discounts. As                                                                           1,200 employees with robots.
                                                                               retailers like the Nebo-based     led to a range of logistical                                         improve sanitation in the
           better deals on retail products.    2020 has shown, Aussie                                                                              Australia’s Kmart temporarily
                                                                               seller of handmade bath,          problems for retail brands                                           developing world.
           [3] Since then, budget-aware        consumers are willing to                                                                            converted three stores into
           shoppers have counted                                               beauty, and lifestyle products,   worldwide.                        ‘dark stores’ – essentially,
                                               spread their wings and try
           on e-commerce for value                                             These Are A Few Of My                                               bricks and mortar stores
                                               out new products when
           shopping options.                                                   Favourite Things.                 Shipping lanes became             turned fulfilment centres to
                                               shopping online if the price
                                                                                                                 congested, slowing down           help retailers meet online
                                               is right.
           With many working less                                                                                orders. Retail brands that        demand. [9]                          KEY TAKEAWAY:
           or having to make a job                                                                               relied on overseas partners
           change during the pandemic,                                            KEY TAKEAWAY:                  struggled with supply chain       Aussie toilet paper delivery         Retailers who take the
           and others spending more                                                                              disruptions. And, with so many    company, Who Gives a Crap,           necessary steps to be
           time helping their kids
           navigate online school, some
                                              Buy local is still                  To compete online, retail
                                                                                  brands need to be clear
                                                                                                                 businesses trading online,
                                                                                                                 keeping up with orders was
                                                                                                                                                   nearly doubled its team to
                                                                                                                                                   keep up with demand. It also
                                                                                                                                                                                        there for customers –
                                                                                                                                                                                        whether it’s through more
           households had to tighten
           their belts to weather the
                                              going strong                        on what their values
                                                                                  are. Whether it’s offering
                                                                                                                 a huge struggle for some
                                                                                                                 companies, especially at first.
                                                                                                                                                   launched an email sign-
                                                                                                                                                   up programme to notify
                                                                                                                                                                                        streamlined fulfilment
                                                                                                                                                                                        services, a responsive
           pandemic financially. In 2020,                                         sustainable products                                             customers when their product         online experience, or value
                                              Buying local was big in 2020.                                      This had a two-fold effect.                                            alignment – are primed to
           financially savvy shoppers                                             or supporting the local                                          was back in stock. [10]
                                              Almost 60% of online shoppers                                                                                                             stand out in 2021.
           across generations looked for                                          community, making these
                                              in Australia said they want to                                     One, it pushed more Aussie
           ways to buy what they needed                                           values clear throughout                                          The company saw a 1,100
                                              support local businesses. [1]                                      buyers to choose local
           in an era of uncertainty. Over                                         digital marketing channels                                       increase in daily sales by
                                              This shopping trend actually                                       products because of the long
           20% started buying from new                                            can help engage socially                                         mid-March and was able to
                                              started the summer before                                          wait times for international
           retailers or trying out new                                            conscious shoppers.                                              donate $5.85 million across
                                              when areas of Australia                                            orders. Over 50% of online
           products online. [1]                                                                                                                    six different charity partners
                                              were devastated by massive                                         shoppers said overseas            because of their success
                                              bushfires. Hashtags to                                             delivery was taking too long.     during 2020. By navigating
                                              promote local businesses and                                       [1]                               the sudden uptick in demand
                                              help affected communities
                                                                                                                                                   and reacting quickly to serve
                                              rebuild started taking off
                                                                                                                                                   customers, Who Gives a Crap
                                              on social media, including
                                                                                                                                                   won over new customers
                                              #WhereYouShopMatters and
                                                                                                                                                   and saw high online sales
                                                                                                                                                   numbers in early 2021.

ONLINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                STATE OF
RETAIL                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ONLINE
2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RETAIL
46%of 18 to 34 year-olds                                  What about metro area and
                                                plan on shopping more                                     rural shoppers – which are
                                                post-pandemic.                                            most likely to stick with their
                                                                                                          favourite online retail brands
                                                For 35 to 54 year-olds, 38%
                                                will keep up their online
                                                                                                          in 2021?
                                                                                                                                                                                  Victoria saw the
                                                buying habits in the future.
                                                                                                                                            What’s remarkable about this         biggest growth in
                                                                                                                                                                                 online retail – six
                                                Those aged 55 and up                                                                        shift in consumer behaviour

                                                                                                             In metropolitan areas,         is how persistent it has been
                                                are less interested in
                                                                                                             online spending grew by
                                                                                                                                                                              of the top 10 online
                                                                                                                                            in the latter half of 2020

                                                making a long-time shift
                                                                                                             60 % from 2019 to 2002,        and early 2021. Even low-
                                                to eCommerce – only
                                                                                                             and seven out of 10 online
                                                                                                                                                                               shopping locations
                                                17% expect to shop more                                                                     frequency shoppers, those

           consumers are
                                                                                                             purchases were from            who only made a handful
                                                online once the risks of the
                                                                                                             metro areas.
                                                                                                                                                                             in 2020 were in this
                                                coronavirus are, for the                                                                    of online purchases from

           buying online
                                                most part, behind us.                                                                       March to December of 2019,
                                                                                                             For regional and rural
                                                                                     Aussie consumers                                                                         state, up from three
                                                                                                                                            more than doubled their
                                                                                                             areas, year-on-year online     online purchases over the

           the most?
                                                                                                             retail growth was 50.7
                                                                                        shopped online                                                                          out of 10 in 2019.
                                                                                                                                            same period in 2020. High-
                                                                                                             %. Three out of 10 online      frequency shoppers either
                                                                                                             purchases came from
                                                                                 because of COVID-19                                                                          This may have more
                                                                                                                                            maintained or increased their
                                                                                                             these areas. [1]               online shopping frequency
           Aussie consumers shopped

                                                                                  more than they ever                                                                            to do with COVID
           online because of COVID           Another demographic factor                                                                     throughout 2020. [1]
           -19 more than they ever           online retailers should be
           have before, and one-
           third of Australians plan on
                                             aware of is gender. While
                                             one-quarter of consumers in         have before, and one-                                                                       -19 restrictions than
                                                                                   third of Australians                                                                     shopping preferences.
           maintaining these habits.                                                                      Victoria saw the biggest
                                             Australia are less likely to shop
           However, when you unpack                                                                       growth in online retail – six
                                             in-store because of a positive

                                                                                   plan on maintaining
           the consumer research,                                                                         of the top 10 online shopping
                                             experience online during the
           it’s evident that this is a                                                                    locations in 2020 were in this
                                             pandemic, shoppers who

                                                                                          these habits.
           generational shift more than it                                                                state, up from three out of
                                             identify as male are less
           is a widespread change. [1]                                                                    10 in 2019. [1] This may have
                                             impacted. [1]
                                                                                                          more to do with COVID-19
                                                                                                          restrictions than shopping
                                                                                                          preferences. Victoria enacted
                                                                                                          the tightest lockdown
                                                                                                          measures in Australia,
                                               28% of women are less                                      and most retail stores in
                                               interested in returning                                    Melbourne were closed for
                                               in-store after a good                                      months.
                                               experience online

                                               22% of men are less likely
                                               to return to the in-store

ONLINE                                                                                                                                                                                                 STATE OF
RETAIL                                                                                                                                                                                                  ONLINE
2020                                                                                                                                                                                                     RETAIL
H&M – Fashion
                                            giant invests in its
                                            digital efforts
                                                                                                                                                                             To attract new
                                            H&M is the world’s second-
                                            biggest retailer. It has
                                                                                       Ecommerce                                                                                 customers,
                                            thousands of stores across
                                                                                accelerated more                                                                        Crumpets by Merna
                                                                                                      Crumpets by Merna
           What are retail
                                            the globe and is a household
                                            name in many countries.
                                                                                      than anyone                                                                         used social media
                                            When the pandemic hit, the
                                                                                                      – Wholesaler                                                            marketing. By
           brands doing to                                                              could have
                                            company experienced a                                                                      When the government
                                            steep loss- its first in decades.
                                                                                                      turned retailer                  enacted restrictions on travel
                                                                                                                                                                          building an online
           thrive online?
                                            In the third quarter of 2020,
                                            sales had started picking up,
                                                                                 predicted before                                      and dining out, the company’s
                                                                                                                                       customer base dried up.
                                            but they were still down by 19%
                                            year-on-year. [11]
                                                                                  the coronavirus                                      Qantas and Virgin started
                                                                                                                                       cancelling orders, and cafes
                                                                                                                                                                              presence with
                                                                                                                                                                             Instagram and
                                                                                                      Now a thriving eCommerce
           eCommerce accelerated            To get out of its COVID-                     became a     retailer, Crumpets by Merna      began shutting down.

                                                                                                                                                                            other channels,
                                                                                                      was a booming Sydney-
                                                                                   pandemic. This
           more than anyone could           induced slump, the retailer                               based company serving            To survive, owner Merna
           have predicted before the        invested in its digital efforts,                                                           Taouk did a complete 180,
                                                                                                                                                                              Ms Taouk was
                                                                                                      the wholesale market in its
                                                                                     rapid change
           coronavirus became a             building up its online                                    former pre-COVID life. 80% of    taking her business online
           pandemic. This rapid change      presence with blog posts for                                                               to sell crumpets directly to
                                                                                                                                                                          able to transform
                                                                                                      its business was wholesale,
                                                                                      forced retail
           forced retail companies to       H&M’s online magazine. The                                mostly to airlines, cafes, and   consumers. She partnered
           rethink, reassess, and rebuild   company also took steps                                                                    with cultured butter maker
                                                                                                                                                                           her business and
                                                                                                      restaurants. [13]
                                                                                    companies to
           their eCommerce strategies.      to improve its supply chain                                                                Pepe Saya, who she shared
           Here are some of the retail      to increase the speed of                                                                   factory space with in Sydney’s
           brands that responded well to
           the changes, which will help
                                            deliveries and the availability
                                            of inventory. The company’s         rethink, reassess,                                     south, and started offering
                                                                                                                                       bundled orders with crumpets
                                                                                                                                                                        continue serving up
           them remain competitive in
                                            chief executive, Helena
                                            Helmersson, said in a New            and rebuild their                                     and condiments such as jam
                                                                                                                                       and butter.
                                                                                                                                                                          tasty crumpets to
                                            York Times article in late 2020,
                                            “More and more customers                 e-Commerce                                        To attract new customers,                Australians.
                                            started shopping online                                                                    Crumpets by Merna used
                                            during the pandemic, and                                                                   social media marketing. By
                                            they are making it very clear                                                              building an online presence
                                            that they value a convenient                                                               with Instagram and other
                                            and inspiring experience                                                                   channels, Ms Taouk was able
                                            in which stores and online                                                                 to transform her business
                                            interact and strengthen each                                                               and continue serving up tasty
                                            other.” [12]                                                                               crumpets to Australians.

ONLINE                                                                                                                                                                                         STATE OF
RETAIL                                                                                                                                                                                          ONLINE
2020                                                                                                                                                                                             RETAIL
Kitchen Warehouse
                                                                   – Appliance retailer
                                                                   speeds up website
                                                                   to increase sales                                                   So, where does online
                                                                                                                                       retail go from here?

                                                                   Another 2020 success story,
                                                                                                    What can we                        There’s no question that
                                                                                                                                       Australian shoppers are
           Cue Clothing         Cue Clothing, one of
                                Australia’s largest fashion
                                                                   Kitchen Warehouse invested
                                                                   in its website to ensure         expect for the                     hooked on the flexibility
                                                                                                                                       and convenience that
           – Popular            brands, already offered a
                                top-notch online experience
                                                                   eCommerce buyers would
                                                                   have a good experience. The      rest of 2021?
                                                                                                                                       eCommerce offers. 70%
                                                                                                                                       want retailers to remain
           retailer amps up     before 2020. To deliver on their
                                ‘Endless Aisle’ promise, the
                                                                   appliance retailer worked
                                                                   with Aussie tech start-up,
                                                                                                                                       online, even when they
                                                                                                                                       reopen stores. [17] And
           personalisation to   company turned several of its                                       Experts predict that the
                                                                   Peakhour, to enhance website                                        a lot of the trends that
                                retail stores that had to shut                                      COVID-19 outbreak will drive
                                                                   security and performance.                                           accelerated in 2020, such
           drive conversions    down during the pandemic                                            eCommerce sales in Australia
                                                                   As a result, the site runs 80%                                      as buying local and a
                                into ‘dark stores’ and started                                      at a compound annual
                                                                   faster, and page load times                                         willingness to try new retail
           online               using them as online order                                          growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3%
                                                                   are only three seconds.                                             brands online to save
                                fulfilment centres.                                                 between 2020 and 2024, with
                                                                   This enhancement enabled                                            money, aren’t likely to go
                                                                                                    online sales reaching $77.1
                                                                   greater user engagement and                                         away any time soon.
                                They also accelerated                                               billion in 2024. [15] According
                                                                   sales conversions. From early
                                the launch of their virtual                                         to Big Four accounting firm
                                                                   2020 to early 2021, Kitchen                                         The way forward will entail
                                styling service to drive                                            PricewaterhouseCoopers,
                                                                   Warehouse saw 150% year-                                            a mix of online and in-
                                more conversions with                                               there will be a continued
                                                                   on-year sales growth. [14]                                          store experiences, making
                                personalisation. This strategy                                      spike in demand for online
                                                                                                                                       it more important than
                                turned out to be a huge                                             retail products over the
                                                                                                                                       ever for retail brands to
                                success. Social media                                               next two years. After that,
                                                                                                                                       merge the two and deliver
                                engagement went up, and                                             companies should expect
                                                                                                                                       a unified experience to
                                sessions for the virtual                                            to see “sustained changes
                                                                                                                                       customers. In 2021, expect
                                styling service booked out for                                      in shopping behaviour.”
                                                                                                                                       retail brands to take
                                weeks. Users of the service,                                        To a point, this is simply
                                                                                                                                       further steps to make
                                on average, spent five times                                        because channel choices
                                                                                                                                       the customer experience
                                more than normal buyers,                                            become habitual. [11] What’s
                                                                                                                                       seamless at every
                                and conversion rates were                                           happening is, consumer
                                                                                                                                       touchpoint. Expect more
                                consistently above 60%. [1]                                         habits have the time to
                                                                                                                                       investment into website
                                                                                                    become deeply ingrained.
                                                                                                                                       performance, social media
                                                                                                                                       marketing, personalisation,
                                                                                                    At the same time, Australian’s
                                                                                                                                       and strategic initiatives
                                                                                                    love for in-store shopping
                                                                                                                                       to engage tomorrow’s
                                                                                                    isn’t going to disappear.
                                                                                                                                       digitally-savvy consumers.
                                                                                                    Compared to their
                                                                                                    counterparts in the US and the
                                                                                                    UK, Aussie shoppers have the
                                                                                                    strongest desire to visit bricks
                                                                                                    and mortar stores to buy. [17]

ONLINE                                                                                                                                                                 STATE OF
RETAIL                                                                                                                                                                  ONLINE
2020                                                                                                                                                                     RETAIL
REFERENCES                             - Supplementary COVID-19                sourcingjournal.com/topics/           [10] T. Bennett, “Here’s how          there are some winners during           and beyond?,” 13 January 2021.
                                                  analysis1,” 12 April 2020. [Online].    retail/store-closings-bankruptcy-     Who Gives a Crap is rolling into      the coronavirus pandemic,”              [Online]. Available: https://
           [1] Australia Post, “Inside            Available: https://www.abs.             2020-covid-19-250100/.                2021,” Inside Retail, 18 March        ABC News, 21 August 2020.               www.marketingmag.com.
           Australian Online Shopping 2021,”      gov.au/articles/online-sales-                                                 2021. [Online]. Available: https://   [Online]. Available: https://www.       au/hubs-c/opinion-2020-
           2021.                                  october-2020-supplementary-             [8] C. M. Marcos, “100,000 retail     insideretail.com.au/professional/     abc.net.au/news/2020-08-22/             changed-the-way-australians-
                                                  covid-19-analysis.                      stores could close by 2025,           heres-how-who-gives-a-crap-           comfort-food-companionship-             shop-can-your-store-keep-
           [2] B. Coles, “Australia Post                                                  accelerated by COVID-19,              is-rolling-into-2021-202103.          some-businesses-thrive-                 them-in-2021-and-beyond/.
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