2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics

Page created by Florence Chang
2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics
2021 Guidelines To Our Brand   rev 1.0
2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics

2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics
Brand Guide v1.0         OUR BRAND


Integrated Biometrics, LLC designs and manufactures fingerprint sensors for law enforcement, military
operations, homeland security, national identity, election validation, social services, and a wide range
of commercial applications. Whether it’s using the company’s ground-breaking touchless SDK, or their
patented FBI-certified LES (light emitting sensor) technology, IB enables lightweight, mobile biometrics
that outperform traditional prism-based devices in size, power consumption, portability, and reliability.
Identity management solutions providers, government agencies, and corporations around the world
rely on Integrated Biometrics’ products to provide identity quickly and accurately, even in challenging,
remote locations.

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2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics
Brand Guide v1.0


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2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics
Brand Guide v1.0        ELEMENTS

                                                 Horizontal 2 color (primary)   Black   IB and White   White

If used correctly, people will spot
us at a glance.

Logo Types

The IB logo comes in two format types:           Stacked 2 color (alternate)    Black   IB and White   White
horizontal and stacked. Please try to use
the horizontal version as your first option.
If it cannot be used due to small space or
orientation of final product, the stacked logo
may be used.

Color Usage

The colors in the IB logo are minimal.
Every attempt should be made to use the 2
color logo to the right. However, there are
alternates to be used on solid backgrounds:
black and white, blue and white, and black
and white reversed.

Download logo file formats
                                                                                                               next   5
2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics
Brand Guide v1.0        ELEMENTS

PROPER LOGO                                   Normal Clear Space    Normal Clear Space

Clear Space

Clear space is used to give breathing room
between the logo and its elements around
it. Follow the clear space and scale guides
as shown here. Ensure that there is high
contrast with the background and the logo
(using master colors only).

Confirm that you’re using the correct
                                              Minimal Clear Space   Minimal Clear Space
version of the logo as shown here.

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2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics
Brand Guide v1.0          ELEMENTS

PROPER LOGO                                       Min width: 1” or 72px
                                                                               IMPROPER LOGO                              Incorrect Usage
USAGE                                                                          USAGE
Minimum Size                                                                   Don’t...
                                                  Min width: .5” or 36px
The IB logo is readable at a number of                                         Change the shape or weight of the logo.
sizes but should remain no smaller than
the size limits to the right. If a smaller size                                Crop or stylize the logo with glows or
is required, please contact David Deady                                        dropshadows, or skew surface treatments.
for guidance.
                                                                               Use unapproved colors.
Allow the logo to become pixelated when
resizing. Consult a professional if resizing
a logo from a small/low resolution size to
large size.

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2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics
Brand Guide v1.0          ELEMENTS

COLORS                                          Primary Colors                                                Secondary Colors

                                                IB BLUE                                                       IB GREEN
                                                             R: 61          C: 65         Pantone:                         R: 0           C: 80   Pantone:

Our palette consists of primary and secondary                G: 181         M: 10         299 C/U                          G: 167         M: 9    Green C/U

colors, and contrasting accent hues.                         B: 230         Y: 1                                           B: 134         Y: 61
                                                                            K: 0                                                          K: 1
Always use color in a way that optimizes                     HEX: #3db5e6                                                  HEX: #00a786
legibility and supports best practices and
compliance for universal accessibility.         IB BLACK                                                      IB BLUE 2

Do...                                                        R: 34          C: 70         Pantone:                         R: 0           C: 92   Pantone:
                                                             G: 30          M: 67         Natural Black C/U                G: 105         M: 54   308 C/U
Use color deliberately and sparingly.,                       B: 31          Y: 64                                          B: 147         Y: 24
and to support the content, medium, and                                     K: 74                                                         K: 4
communication context.                                       HEX: #221e1f                                                  HEX: #006993

                                                                                                              IB GREY

Use color to decorate.                                                                                                     R: 167         C: 0    Pantone:
                                                                                                                           G: 169         M: 0    N/A
Use secondary, accent, or colors not                                                                                       B: 171         Y: 0
included in this guide.                                                                                                                   K: 40
                                                                                                                           HEX: #a7a9ac
                                                Other Supported Greys

                                                             14% Black              7% Black

                                                                                                                                                  next        8
2021 Guidelines To Our Brand - rev 1.0 - Integrated Biometrics
Brand Guide v1.0         ELEMENTS

LOGO                                             Acceptable Background & Logo Options

BACKGROUNDS                                      ON IB BLUE                   ON IB BLACK              ON IMAGE WITH BLACK OVERLAY

Follow these background color and contrast
usage guides to ensure proper reproduction
of the logo over our colors and photography.     ON IB GREEN                  ON IB BLUE 2
Always make sure the logo stands off the
background with adequate contrast. Refer to
the color guides for appropriate logo color
usage and values.
                                                 ON IB GREY                   ON LIGHT GREY OPTION 1   IMPROPER PLACEMENT
Do...                                                                                                                                X
Use primary colors or white to create
adequate background contrast.

                                                 ON WHITE

Reproduce the logo over a background
that creates a low-contrast appearance, or
vibrates with color, place the logo in a color
that creates low-contrast or diminished
legibility, or use the logo on top of
unapproved or non-IB brand colors.

                                                                                                                                         next   9
Brand Guide v1.0         ELEMENTS

TYPOGRAPHY                                      Type example: Proxima Nova   Print only type example: Georgia

We utilize 2 fonts at IB: Proxima Nova and
                                                PROXIMA NOVA                 Georgia Regular
Arial. Proxima Nova is the go-to font for
all communications. It should be used as
a headline, body copy, and everything in
between. Proxima Nova Regular should be                                      ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
used for all body copy. Bold can be used
for body headers and Light can be used for      ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
main section headers/headlines. Arial should
                                                abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz   0123456789
only be used in applications where Proxima

is unavailable (web, PPT, Word documents,
                                                                             Georgia Bold
etc.). Please contact David Deady for further
guidance and questions.
Do...                                           Proxima Nova Bold            0123456789
Make sure that you have the correct font                                     Georgia should be used when using text
                                                abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz   in long printed documents to help with
                                                0123456789                   readability.
                                                                             Please consult with David Deady before using
Stretch type or use similar typefaces.          Proxima Nova Regular         this font in any documents.
Regular should be your default option.          ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Download type sets

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Brand Guide v1.0

                   IB IDENTITY

                                 next   11
Brand Guide v1.0         IB IDENTITY

                                                              Irene B. Associate
                                                              Company Title
Our business cards are clear, simple and easy
to read. They are designed to present enough
                                                      2.6”    +1 864 990 3711 o
information without cluttering or distracting      66.04 mm   +1 864 990 3700 m
from the information placed on the card.

Contact David Deady for card orders. Please                   irene.associate@integratedbiometrics.com
be sure to include all your information up-front              integratedbiometrics.com

to help the ordering process move smoothly.

                                                                                  79.5 mm

                                                                                                         next   12
Brand Guide v1.0        IB IDENTITY

                                                 FULL STANDARD SIGNATURE                               REPLY EMAIL SIGNATURE

                                                                           ARIAL BOLD 12PT
Our email signature is standardized and                                    ARIAL REGULAR ITALIC 11PT
simple. They are designed to present enough                                ARIAL BOLD 11PT
information without cluttering an email                                    ARIAL REGULAR ITALIC &
or distracting from the main message. All                                  REGULAR 11PT
attempts should be made to follow these
layouts and should not be altered.                                         ARIAL REGULAR ITALIC 11PT


Make edits without first consulting Marketing.

Add images or quotes without permission.


Include the logo and any additional contact
information you may have that is required by
your team.

                                                                                                                               next   13

                                                    Download presentation files

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Brand Guide v1.0         IB IDENTITY

IB BOILERPLATE                                    150-word
                                                  Integrated Biometrics (IB), a pioneer in biometrics technology, designs and manufactures advanced, high-resolution touchless identification SDK software and FBI-
                                                  certified fingerprint sensors for law enforcement, military operations, homeland security, national identity, election validation, social services, and a wide range of
The boilerplate text is standardized, “about      commercial applications. The company’s patented Light Emitting Sensor (LES) Film results in lightweight scanners that outperform traditional prism-based devices in
us” language that is used on every press          size, power consumption, speed, portability, spoof-detection and reliability. Identity management solution providers, government agencies, and corporations around
release with little to no change.                 the world rely on IB sensors for fast and accurate enrollment, verification and identification, even in remote locations and hostile environmental conditions.

Don’t...                                          Far more effective in mobile applications environments than silicon or other traditional prism-based sensors, Integrated Biometrics’ FBI-certified fingerprint sensors
                                                  work in any natural or artificial light, on dry or moist fingers and in dusty conditions. LES film resists abrasion and does not require the frequent cleaning cycles of
Make edits without first consulting Marketing.    other technologies.


Include this verbiage at the end of all PR: the   Integrated Biometrics (IB), a pioneer in biometrics technology, designs and manufactures advanced, high-resolution touchless identification SDK software and

company boilerplate is an important part of       FBI-certified fingerprint sensors for law enforcement, military operations, homeland security, national identity, election validation, social services, and a wide range

any PR campaign.                                  of commercial applications. The company’s patented light-emitting sensor (LES) technology enables lightweight scanners that outperform traditional prism-based
                                                  devices in size, power consumption, portability, and reliability. Law enforcement, military, homeland security, national identity, election validation, and social services
                                                  organizations around the world rely on Integrated Biometrics’ products to enroll and verify identity quickly and accurately, even in remote locations under extreme
                                                  conditions. Commercial enterprises and financial services organizations depend on Integrated Biometrics technology to build innovative, highly secure applications
                                                  to establish and enforce customer identity, in accordance with national and international standards.

                                                  Integrated Biometrics (IB), a pioneer in biometrics technology, designs and manufactures advanced, high-resolution touchless identification SDK software and
                                                  the world’s most mobile, durable and reliable FBI-certified fingerprint sensors. Law enforcement, military, homeland security, national identity, election validation,
                                                  financial and social services organizations around the world rely on Integrated Biometrics’ products for fast, accurate enrollment, identification and verification, even
                                                  in remote locations under extreme conditions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             next   15
 LES technology empowers energy-efficient, compact, and durable
biometric scanning solutions unique to the market. Ready to deploy
  in any environment under any conditions, Integrated Biometrics’
     scanners are the choice for high performance applications.

                   Integrated Biometrics, LLC.
    +1 (888) 840-8034 · technical@integratedbiometrics.com
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