2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr

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2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Global Healthcare Property Report



                           RATED AS EXCELLENT

                                                No1 In 2020 & 2019
2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Global Healthcare Property Report UK Edition – February 2021

                                                                                                                                                              TOTAL VALUE OF
                                                                                                                                                              OFFERS RECEIVED

UK Healthcare                                                                                                                                                 £282m
2020 – Trading in a Pandemic
                                  The year 2020 will be remembered                         wave hit and further stimulus is expected to
                                  in history for the Covid-19 pandemic, a                  be announced by Mr Sunak in his budget                            SPLIT SALES
                                                                                           announcement due to take place on the 3rd

                                                                                                                                                             62% Care Homes
                                  virus which spread rapidly with devastating
                                  consequences throughout the globe. Every                 March 2021. The measures announced by Mr
                                                                                                                                                             38% Dom Care
by PAUL J MILLER                  country on every continent suffered catastrophic         Sunak would not have been possible without the
Chief Executive Officer           social and economic damage and a tragic loss of          intervention of the Bank of England, who during
                                  life.                                                    2020 announced two tranches of quantitative
                                                                                           easing and reduced interest rates to 0.1%. The
                                  Redwoods Dowling Kerr started 2020 in                    total cost of the measures announced in 2020 by
                                  strong form with a significant number of                 the Government are expected to exceed £400bn
                                  completions taking place in the first quarter of the     and take the levels of borrowing to over 100% of
                                  year before the lockdown took effect on the 23rd         GDP.
                                  March. This sudden halt to our lives caused stock
                                  markets to tumble and consumer confidence to             Businesses did not have a play book for the
                                                                                                                                                 Therefore, we invested in our staff and technology whilst
                                  disappear. The world we live in would change             consequences of the Covid-19 outbreak and
                                                                                                                                                 we prioritised our clients and their transactions to ensure
                                  dramatically and our day-to-day lives were               there were no manuals of what to do. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                 that they were best placed to agreed deals and to close their
                                  impacted by restrictions many of which remain in         there was a lack of communication from the
                                                                                                                                                 deals once the restrictions eased. One of our key actions
                                  force today.                                             Government, as their main priority was focusing
                                                                                                                                                 was to resist the mass furlough option and maintain our
                                                                                           on the NHS and stopping the spread of the virus.
                                  To mitigate the impact to businesses, Rishi Sunak                                                              client and buyers’ services. We introduced virtual business
                                                                                           The vast majority of businesses were forced to
                                  launched an unprecedented set of stimulus policies                                                             appraisals for potential clients who wished to sell to ensure
                                                                                           retreat and create survival and protection plans to
                                  designed to protect businesses and support jobs.                                                               we were still able to take on new instructions; and we rolled
                                                                                           try and navigate a path through the crisis.
                                  Initially available for a period of two months, these                                                          out Microsoft Teams to our operational staff which enabled
                                  policies are still in existence at the time of writing   At Redwoods Dowling Kerr we took the decision         video conferencing to take place with clients, buyers,
                                  and will potentially be extended into the spring         early on that our best path through the crisis was    solicitors and accountants. The team at RDK felt the best
                                  period which demonstrates the impact of the virus        to focus our activities on supporting our clients     way we could help our clients was to continue to pursue the
                                  on businesses, jobs and livelihoods. An attempt to       and increasing our efforts progressing deals and      sale they desired and to be available for support and advice
                                  reawaken the economy was shelved as the second           generating interest, wherever possible, through       should clients and buyers require it.
                                                                                           the lockdown period.

2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
On the 1st June 2020, when the restrictions were      sector and stifling the growth prospects for the      progress our sales pipeline on behalf of our        We are noticing demand for healthcare
eased, we immediately returned a number of staff      UK, post-lockdown. We also wrote regarding            clients.                                            provision is increasing and we expect
to our head office, introduced new and robust         the commercial funding market and requested                                                               dealmaking activity to grow as the year
                                                                                                            In the main, the strong multiples which we          progresses. Demand for new healthcare
social distance working practices and invested        that Mr Sunak reviewed the performance of the
                                                                                                            delivered for our clients held firm during Q3       business acquisitions remains strong with an
heavily in staff protection measures. All our staff   leading UK banks and their ability to provide
                                                                                                            and Q4 with a number of new deals agreed            increasing mix of corporate, regional groups
share a common goal, to assist and support our        competitive funding products suitable for
                                                                                                            during this period which are forecast to            and new entrants registering their interest to
clients with their transactions and complete deals    growing businesses. We both received letters to
                                                                                                            complete early this year.                           acquire in 2021. Our expectations for 2021 are:
in the shortest possible time frame. It is well       confirm that our comments have been noted and
known that time kills deals and we made sure that     that work is taking place with the British Business   As we look forward to 2021, we do so with
the impact of the lockdown did not affect our         Bank to encourage a more open approach to
                                                                                                                                                                •   Q1 will be a positive quarter for
                                                                                                            a positive mindset. We hope the challenges
                                                                                                                                                                    completed transactions – some delayed
transaction pipelines.                                commercial lending.                                   of 2020 will reduce as we progress through
                                                                                                                                                                    from early 2020 reawakened during Q4
                                                                                                            the first quarter of 2021 and that we will
In addition to assisting our clients we also          Remarkably given all of the challenges faced by                                                               2020
                                                                                                            see significant improvement after Easter. In
expanded our communication and service strategy       our clients and ourselves in 2020, we delivered a                                                         •   It will be a record year for healthcare
                                                                                                            December the Government commenced
with the launch of the Redwoods Dowling Kerr          total of 40 healthcare deals which comprised                                                                  transactions, increase in corporate
                                                                                                            the largest vaccination roll out program
webinar series. We recognised early on that the       of 45 units. This is testimony to the efforts of                                                              acquisitions of small groups and high-value
                                                                                                            ever witnessed in the UK and thankfully the
healthcare sector wanted support on a range of        our team who as always have been fantastic                                                                    single setting businesses
                                                                                                            Healthcare sector was prioritised amongst the
topics ranging from the Government schemes            throughout this period. We are proud of what                                                              •   Healthcare provision is seen as fundamental
                                                                                                            first wave of vaccinations. The expectation is
available, to reducing their overheads and to         has been achieved with many highlights. One                                                                   to the needs of society and the recent events
                                                                                                            that all healthcare residents and workers will
hearing what other providers were doing. Our          stand out deal which completed in December                                                                    will give the sector a louder voice. We are
                                                                                                            have received a vaccination by the middle of
webinars are free to access and enabled providers     2020 was the sale of Project Sunray, a group of                                                               expecting new entrants to enter the
                                                                                                            February which will be a fantastic step forward
to receive information and ask questions directly     two exceptional freehold nursing and residential                                                              healthcare market as demand for the various
                                                                                                            and one we fully support as we believe it will :-
to accountants, corporate lawyers, employment         care homes in the North West of England. The                                                                  type of provision have increased
                                                                                                            • Give much needed protection to key
experts, funding brokers and corporate operators.     business was sold off an asking price of £6.5m
                                                                                                                workers, our carers and our elderly and
In addition to the webinars we also launched an       and was negotiated during lockdown with the
energy saving review service aimed at reducing        due diligence progressing throughout the period
                                                                                                            • Lead to an easing of the lockdown
operating costs. During the period May –              of restrictions. Our team, the seller and the
December 2020 we helped 20 companies reduce           buyers worked diligently during unprecedented
                                                                                                                restrictions                                        In closing the Team at Redwoods
                                                                                                            • Increase the levels of office-based workers
costs and delivered in excess of £100k per annum      conditions to agree and conclude this deal, but                                                               Dowling Kerr would like to say
                                                                                                            • Generally begin a return to pre-Covid life.
of energy savings to business owners who chose        this is just one of many which our team have                                                                  Thank You to all Care Operators
                                                                                                            The healthcare sector provides critical and
to have their existing energy policies reviewed.      successfully delivered during and after the initial
                                                                                                            necessary services, is resilient and remains            and Carers for the fantastic work
                                                      lockdown restrictions. As we look forward to
Additionally, Andrew and I both independently         2021 our Healthcare team will be completing a
                                                                                                            a market where there are significant                    they do in supporting and caring
wrote to our local MP’s to raise important issues                                                           opportunities.
                                                      large number of deals in January, February and                                                                for our loved ones.
which we felt were affecting the healthcare           March and are working around the clock to

2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Global Healthcare Property Report UK Edition – February 2021

                                                                                                                          Number of new                                     Number of Healthcare
                                                                                                                          Healthcare NDA's in 2020                          Buyer Meetings

UK Healthcare                                                                                                              1141                                              1137
Importance of Buyer Intelligence

                                           WHAT IS BUYER INTELLIGENCE?                              individual or an organisation with a specific goal.   care home etc. Following the corporate sales
                                           Buyer Intelligence is the process of researching,        Some want opportunities on a national basis or        process which aims to deliver healthy competition,
                                           assessing, validating and determining the pool           to acquire healthcare businesses local to their       should encourage favourable deal structures which
                                           of buyers who are considered appropriate to the          area. Others want to buy a flagship care home         suit the seller’s goals.
                                           business opportunity which you are wishing to            to launch a buy-and-build strategy. There are a
by ANDREW K STEEN                                                                                                                                         Confidentiality
                                           sell. If the goal is to sell a healthcare business for   multitude of drivers and motivations for each type
Sales and Marketing Director
                                           the maximum possible price, then it is highly            of buyer which needs to be understood.                Using buyer Intelligence and ensuring that the
                                           unlikely that approaching first-time buyers will                                                               target pool is known to the broker ensures that
                                           deliver the required goal. Likewise, if a client         WHY IS BUYER INTELLIGENCE                             the non-disclosure agreements are adhered to and
                                           is in distress and requires a quick sale, then it is     IMPORTANT?                                            that confidentiality is protected. When brokering
                                           unlikely that marketing the business to buyers           Maximising Deal Price                                 the sale of a healthcare business it is imperative
                                           who require bank funding will enable the short           A robust buyer intelligence strategy will deliver     for all concerned that the process is managed in a
                                           completion timescales to be achieved. Ultimately,        a pool of buyers who are ready, willing and able      discreet, professional and confidential manner.
                                           buyer intelligence is about sourcing the right pool      to acquire your healthcare business. Adopting a
                                                                                                                                                          Marketing Strategies
                                           of buyers who are suitable for the goals of the sale     corporate sales process should create a bidding
                                                                                                                                                          Intelligence on the buyers enables a broker to
                                           which you are seeking to achieve.                        environment with often two or three rounds of
                                                                                                                                                          segment and target appropriate buyers and run
                                                                                                    sealed bids taking place. This increases your deal
                                           At Redwoods Dowling Kerr we have a significant                                                                 multiple confidential marketing campaigns to
                                           database of buyers who are seeking to acquire                                                                  different types of acquirers. This increases the
                                           healthcare businesses, the total number of these         Deal Structure                                        success rates of the campaigns as the marketing
                                           buyers is in excess of 10,000 and all them are           Often a client will want a certain type of deal       message is specific to those buyer types. This in
                                           registered directly with ourselves, have signed a        structure which is aligned to their sale price        turn increases buyer interest which enlarges the
                                           non-disclosure agreement and in theory are ready         requirements. They may also have additional           prospective pool.
                                           to buy a healthcare business – But are they?             sale objectives which are non-financial based in
                                           In short, the answer is no. Each buyer is an             relation to the staff, residents, reputation of the

2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Transaction Costs                                    Our commitment is not to:                                                      Global Buyer
A targeted approach reduces wasted time in terms                                                                                    Intelligence
of viewings, vendor meetings and legal costs.        • Approach a favoured panel of “usual                                         Database (BID)
Time kills deals and dead deals cause cost for         suspects”
all parties involved. Buyer Intelligence reduces     • “List and Hope” – advertise the business for              Partners and                         Buyer
the potential for dead deals as the competition        sale and hope to find the perfect buyer                   International                      Engagement
                                                     • Received buyer enquiries, pass on the enquiry               Affiliates                          Team
amongst the buyers encourages deals to be                                                                                                £
conclude in a timely and speedy manner.                and leave for the seller to sort

                                                     At Redwoods Dowling Kerr we use our
RDK Intelligence is the name given to our
                                                     intelligence, we use RDK Intelligence:
bespoke internal buyer processes which determine
the target buyer pools we create for our corporate
                                                                                                        Our People,
                                                                                                                                 INTELLIGENCE              International
                                                     • Internal process designed to create relevant
sales. Redwoods Dowling Kerr are specialists
                                                        segmented buyer pools
                                                                                                                                     HUB                    Advertising
in the sale of healthcare businesses and we take
                                                     • Differential marketing strategies aimed at
this specialism and we adopt a corporate finance                                                                                    (BUYERS)
                                                        maximising the success of type of buyer pool
approach to our Corporate Sales to determine
                                                     • We offer our clients different research
buyer pools. This is RDK Intelligence, an
                                                        packages and options; our clients are
unrivalled knowledge of who the right buyers
                                                        integral to the process – we offer a tailored
of healthcare businesses are for all sizes,
                                                        approach aimed at delivering their sale
locations and vendor goals.                                                                                      Market and                          Buyer
                                                        objectives                                              Media Research                      Seminars
We use our wealth of experience to determine         • Optimise Deal Price & Structure – create                     Team
who the optimal buyers are, and we are unique in        competitive bidding which drives the
our approach.                                           optimal deal                                                                 Industry
                                                                                                                                    Deals Centre
We believe passionately in what we do, and we
will look to adopt a strategy which works best for
our clients.

2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Global Healthcare Property Report UK Edition – February 2021

Case Study
Julie Blackburn Homecare

OUR ROLE AS A BROKERAGE                                Following an introductory call with RDK where        As the business grew, Julie ensured every            Sam commented: “The sale of this business was
FIRM EXTENDS BEYOND SELLING                            every detail of the sales process was outlined to    decision was underpinned by her simple care          the perfect combination of matching the vendor
BUSINESSES. IT’S OUR RESPONSIBILITY                    her, Julie knew she was in capable hands.            ethos: respect people’s dignity. The home care       with a motivated buyer, with the incoming owner
                                                                                                            provider continued to offer highly-quality care,     already possessing over 20 years of experience in the
TO UNDERSTAND OUR CLIENTS                              After a comprehensive campaign of targeting          whereby her clients could retain control over        supported living and domiciliary care industry.”
PERSPECTIVE ON WHAT THE SALE                           potential purchasers, Julie Blackburn Home           their lives in the comfort of their own home in
OF THEIR BUSINESS MEANS TO THEM                        Care was purchased by an existing market             familiar surroundings. Julie was highly selective    “We were able to successfully negotiate an offer,
AND TO OFFER SUPPORT AT EVERY                          operator. To the elation of Julie, her hard work     in the carers she recruited into the business,       agree terms and complete the transaction during
                                                       and dedication over the past 14 years was duly       hand picking individuals that mirrored her own       lockdown.
                                                       rewarded. Upon the completion of the sale, Julie     compassion and dedication to the clients.
                                                       commented that she was highly appreciative                                                                “Both clients were a pleasure to work with and I
                                                       of the service she had received from Redwoods                                                             would like to wish the vendor and buyer the best of
For a lot of business owners, the prospect of                                                               CARE BROKER PERSPECTIVE
                                                       Dowling Kerr, describing the communications          During the sales process, it is commonplace for      luck in the future.”
selling their company can be daunting and
emotionally draining, especially when the              between herself and the negotiator as being          the negotiators at Redwoods Dowling Kerr to
business is such a crucial component of their          friendly yet highly informative, praising the        get to know their clients personally, and the sale
livelihood and daily routine. This was the case for    constant feedback of information through every       of Julie Blackburn Home Care was no different.             FINAL THOUGHT
our client Julie Blackburn, Owner and Founder          stage of the process.                                Lead Negotiator, Sam Fazackerley, quickly                  Whilst Julie now looks forward
of namesake Julie Blackburn Home Care.                                                                      understood Julie’s position in the sale of her             to spending quality time with
                                                       BUILDING THE BUSINESS                                businesses, with the ability to identify a buyer           her family and enjoy retirement,
After successfully growing and operating her           On the back of an illustrious career in the          with extensive experience in delivering first-             she isn’t quite ready to leave
domiciliary care agency to become one of the           healthcare industry, Julie acquired the skills,      class home care proving essential for the sale to          behind the care industry. She
most reputable care providers in East Yorkshire,       experience and expertise from her previous           complete.                                                  wishes to pursue voluntary
she made the difficult decision to sell her business   employer. Applying her core values into every                                                                   opportunities as an end of life
and enter retirement. Spurred on by the desire         aspect of the business, Julie quickly established                                                               carer. Thanks to the hard work
to spend more quality time with her family, Julie      her credibility and built up a strong rapport with                                                              of all the staff at Redwoods
reached out to Redwoods Dowling Kerr to put            the local authority.                                                                                            Dowling Kerr, Julie can reminisce
the wheels in motion for the next stage of her                                                                                                                         on a truly fulfilling career,
life.                                                                                                                                                                  knowing that her excellent
                                                                                                                                                                       business now lies in the capable
                                                                                                                                                                       hands of a passionate new owner.
2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Case Study
                                                                                                                                 PROJECT SUNRAY
Project Sunray and Amelia Case Study
                 THE OPPORTUNITY                                      USING REDWOODS DOWLING KERR                          Redwoods Dowling Kerr Chief Executive
                 In December 2020, the healthcare team at             After successfully growing and operating             Officer, Paul Miller, was delighted to get the
                 Redwoods Dowling Kerr brokered the deal              his company for many years, Jack decided             deal over the line. He said: “The successful sale
                 for Meredith (UK) Limited, a group of two            to market Meredith (UK) Limited for sale as          of Meredith (UK) Limited is a fantastic end to a
                 exceptional freehold nursing and residential care    he made the difficult decision to sell the two       challenging year for the team due to Covid-19.
                 homes in the North West of England, sold off an      homes. Jack wanted to have less responsibility       We have worked extremely hard over the past 12
                 asking price of £6.5m.                               and spend more time taking regular holidays          months and we have continued to broker many
                                                                      and enjoying his passion for fly fishing. Jack       businesses for our clients. I am delighted for Jack,
                 The group consists of The Lakes Care Centre          had already unsuccessfully tried to sell his         who can enjoy his well-deserved retirement, and
                 and Fairfield View Care Centre, two high-            businesses with another healthcare broker and        for the purchasers, who have acquired two well-
                 quality and dedicated care homes within              after learning about our first-class sales process   established care homes. I wish all parties the very
                 accessible locations. Registered for a combined      and our reputation as the UK’s leading broker        best moving forward.”
                 total of 131 residents, the homes have forged        for healthcare businesses, Jack reached out to
                 excellent reputations within their localities, and   Redwoods Dowling Kerr to get the ball rolling        PROJECT AMELIA
                 these are supported by their high occupancy          for what he hoped would be the next stage of his     Providing a first-class service usually brings
                 levels and consistent referrals and testimonials.    life.                                                repeat business and the sale of Meredith (UK)
                                                                                                                           Limited was no different. The seller, Jack
                 The Lakes Care Centre is an impressive home,         After a comprehensive campaign of targeting          Meredith, has used our services before when
                 providing residential and nursing care with a        potential purchasers, the two homes were             he sold Project Amelia in 2019, a group of
                 specialist dementia unit near Manchester. Under      purchased by an existing business operator. Upon     four residential care homes for children with
                 the ownership of our client Jack Meredith, this      the completion of the sale, Jack commented that      complex medical and mental healthcare needs
                 home has expanded to 77 beds within three            he was delighted to have sold Meredith (UK).         located across the North West. The Group was
                 suites for residential, dementia and nursing care.   Jack said: “Following an unsuccessful marketing      acquired by Swanton Care & Community, part
                 The second home, Fairfield View Care Centre,         campaign with a competitor, I decided to instruct    of Apposite Capital, who had strong plans to
                 provides both residential and dementia care          Redwoods Dowling Kerr to sell my healthcare          expand the business. We are delighted to have
                 conveniently close to Manchester city centre and     portfolio and they truly delivered. Redwoods         delivered an exemplary level of service again to
                 is registered for 54 residents. Both homes have      Dowling Kerr achieved the sale of both               Mr Meredith and extremely proud that he chose
                 established an excellent reputation and enjoy        of my businesses and have assisted                   Redwoods Dowling Kerr as his preferred broker
                 strong referrals and recommendations.                in enabling me to retire - I would                   when selling. This is a testament to our corporate
                                                                      like to thank them for their excellent               sales process and cements our position as the
PROJECT AMELIA                                                        assistance.”                                         leading business broker.
2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Nobilis Care Purchase Timeline
Global Healthcare Property Report UK Edition – February 2021

                                                                                                              JUNE                            APRIL                        OCTOBER                        NOVEMBER
                                                                                                               2019                            2020                          2020                            2020

Case Study
Nobilis Care                                                                                                Ashwood
                                                                                                                                          Elite Homecare
                                                                                                                                          (Project Aries)

Covid-19 brought severe disruption to all                         “We experienced a lot of organic growth in the early years              “Redwoods Dowling Kerr know us and
sectors during 2020, but here at Redwoods                         then suffered some tough times during the recession in 2008,            our criteria and we have cemented a strong
                                                                  but we saw a strong opportunity in 2018 to acquire a setting in
Dowling Kerr, we continued our excellent                                                                                                  working relationship with the healthcare
                                                                  Gloucestershire and we’ve not looked back since.”
working relationship with David Watt,                                                                                                     team.”
Investor and Chairman of Nobilis Care, a                          BUYING WITH REDWOODS DOWLING KERR
premier and trusted provider of home care                         “We’ve dealt with several brokers over the years, but one               USING REDWOODS DOWLING KERR IN 2021
services throughout the UK.                                       thing with the Redwoods Dowling Kerr healthcare team                    “In 2020 we doubled the size of our business and we are
                                                                  is that they are very knowledgeable, particularly in the                looking to repeat the same feat this year. Ideally, we want
Using our expertise alongside our bespoke buyer intelligence      domiciliary care market. You have grown up conversations                Nobilis care to increase its weekly care hours by 14,000 so we
strategy, our healthcare team have assisted David in acquiring    about the real value of businesses as opposed to unrealistic            need to acquire more opportunities. The great thing about
four businesses since 2019, three of them in the past year,       expectations set by other agencies. RDK is also committed to            Redwoods Dowling Kerr is that they know what we are
which includes SR Homecare in Lockleaze, and Avida Care           providing buyers with high-quality opportunities and they are           looking for and they are bringing the right opportunities to us.
and Elite Homecare, both based in Gloucestershire.                very smart about understanding our expectations in doing that.          That level of trust has been very useful to us.

Nobilis Care was set up in 2008 by David and his wife Nicky,      “We’ve built a strong working relationship with the team
after being dissatisfied with the level of care a domiciliary     and a great example is the acquisition of SR Homecare. This                   Advice for business owners looking to
agency provided for Nicky’s grandfather. They founded             opportunity was already sold to another buyer, who pulled out                 acquire
Nobilis Care to target the sector with the aim of providing       at the very last minute and left the sellers in a terrible situation.         “I would advise buyers to use the expertise provided by
high-quality care for clients without cuting corners. In an       But because the healthcare team know our requirements, they                   Redwoods Dowling Kerr when looking to acquire and
exclusive interview with Redwoods Dowling Kerr, David             contacted us straight away and it fitted perfectly for Nobilis                don’t just buy for the sake of it. Use the experience the RDK
said: “We founded the business by delivering a ‘Waitrose-         Care, and we got the deal done within a week.                                 have built up to ensure the right opportunity is presented to
style’ approach, where our services are slightly more expensive                                                                                 you. For an experienced operator, there is a lot of activity
but the quality of care we provide is much better, without                                                                                      in the sector at the moment and many opportunities to
compromising on what we offer.                                                                                                                  consolidate small domiciliary care providers will arise in due

2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Case Study
Dacre House

IN NOVEMBER 2020 WE SOLD DACRE HOUSE, A                            Founded in 2016, the Company is a commercial landlord and         Director of Healthcare Mike Hatton said:
FORMER CARE HOME PREVIOUSLY REGISTERED                             developer, focusing on the residential and care sectors across    “We were delighted to be able to assist with the final stage of
FOR FIVE RESIDENTS WITH LEARNING                                   the UK. Our clients decided to sell to Nine Points Property       Ken and Annette’s retirement plans.
                                                                   as the business has a proven background of developing first-
                                                                   class properties and has the experience required to take Dacre    “Particularly in light of the effects of Covid-19, being able
Dacre House is a substantial freehold property based in            House to the next level.                                          to keep things on an even keel and see the sale through to a
Stoke-on-Trent and is easily accessible due to its convenient                                                                        successful conclusion was extremely gratifying.
                                                                   The buyer has plans to lease the property to a service provider
location close to nearby A-roads and the M6. The property
                                                                   and said the potential to generate strong yields had attracted    “I’m looking forward to receiving a postcard from Ken and
has five en-suite bedrooms and was excellently presented
                                                                   them to the opportunity.                                          Annette whilst they’re on their travels and I wish them all the
enabling a new owner to get operational and offer services
                                                                                                                                     best in their retirement.”
within a short time frame.                                         Upon completion of the sale, our client
After managing the successful residential home for many            said: “Throughout this sale the staff at Redwoods Dowling         Business sales are rarely completely
years, our clients Ken and Annette Kwaterski offered the           Kerr have been attentive to our comments, professional in         straightforward, especially during a
property for sale as part of their retirement plans. Recognising   their actions on our behalf and effective in finding suitable     global pandemic. However, this was
our experience in the sector and our market-leading                                                                                  an exceptional example of how regular
professional sales process, the vendors instructed Redwoods
                                                                   “Any complications were dealt with efficiently and reflected a    communication with the clients and
Dowling Kerr in the sale.
                                                                   high level of customer care. We would not hesitate in using or    a collective collaboration can make a
Dacre House received strong levels of interest, generating         recommending RDK again.”                                          successful deal.
11 viewings and two offers before being sold to Nine Points
Property Limited, a specialist commercial landlord situated in

2021 Global Healthcare Property Report - UK EDITION - Redwoods Dowling Kerr
Global Healthcare Property Report UK Edition – February 2021

A Selection of
Trustpilot reviews

                                    "RDK was very supportive and helped facilitate a tricky                                  "Professional and efficient. We purchased a care home
                                    bespoke purchase process leading to a great acquisition                                  through RDK. They acted professionally and efficiently
                                    for our company. Highly recommended."                                                    through a difficult period (Covid) to ensure the sale
                                                                                                                             smoothly progressed"
                                    Mulroy House
                                                                                                                             Camber Lodge

                                                                                               "We have been very impressed with the service received by RDK, for the service
     "I would like to thank RDK for their professional service in the sale of our              they have provided during the purchase of our first Domiciliary Care Business
     care-home. They provided an excellent service in finding a suitable financially           through Covid-19 crisis. They will do their best and everything they can to aid
     secure buyer. I would have no hesitation in recommending RDK services to anyone           you, assist you and help you find a business to suit your needs. I will definitely use
     who is considering selling."                                                              RDK for future acquisitions."
     Project Cardinal                                                                          Buyer - Barnfield Homecare

                                      "We would like to express our thanks and appreciation                                  "I can't thank the RDK team enough for their
                                      to RDK for all their help and support. They did a                                      professionalism and thoroughness throughout the sale
                                      fantastic job finding us a reputable buyer and pushing                                 experience. A truly wonderful company to work with,
                                      the sale to a successful completion. I would have no                                   I would highly recommend RDK."
                                      hesitation in recommending RDK."

                                                                                                  Based on 221 reviews on

                            "Being a corporate operator I have been very impressed                                   "We switched agents to RDK in the hope that we
                            with the service received by RDK. We would like to                                       would eventually find a buyer for our derelict former
                            thank you and RDK for the efficient and professional                                     care home and this was the best decision we ever made.
                            way you have dealt with us. I look forward to working                                    Thank you very much for your help."
                            with RDK as part of my business expansion strategy."
                            Kensington Lodge

"We would like to thank RDK for helping us secure our new home through some              "We had a great experience with the RDK team who supported us well
very hard times (covid-19). We would not hesitate in using RDK again. We very            throughout the entire process. They were on hand to offer advice and liaised
much appreciated the work and effort he did for us. With huge thanks."                   between all the parties well on our behalf. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend
                                                                                         Redwoods again. Thank you for the support and guidance."
Bracken Ridge (Buyer)
                                                                                         Brook House

                           "I write in appreciation of the service provided by RDK
                                                                                                                     "Very professional company to deal with, staff are
                           in helping us to achieve a sale at the best price. The team
                                                                                                                     friendly, informative and always a fast response to any
                           was efficient at keeping us up to date throughout
                                                                                                                     questions or queries. Would recommend and would
                           the whole process. Without RDK the business might
                                                                                                                     definitely use again."
                           still remain unsold."
                                                                                                                     Manor Leigh
                           Seller - Barnfield Homecare

Global Healthcare Property Report UK Edition – February 2021

A Selection of
Sold Corporate Sales Before & During The Pandemic 2020
     SOLD                                         SOLD                                       SOLD                                      SOLD

 EAST COSHAM HOUSE SOLD                          CAREMARK (AYLESBURY                         AVIDA CARE SOLD BY                        RESIDENTIAL CARE HOME
 BY REDWOODS DOWLING                             & WYCOMBE) SOLD BY                          REDWOODS DOWLING KERR                     SOLD BY REDWOODS
 KERR                                            REDWOODS DOWLING KERR                                                                 DOWLING KERR
 Upon completion of the sale, Patricia           Vendor commented;                           Upon the completion of the sale, the      Upon completion of the sale, the
 Drabble said:                                                                               vendor said:                              vendor said:
                                                 "RDK were proactive throughout the
 “I have recently completed the sale             sale process, having identified a buyer     “We were looking to pursue other          “We would like to express our thanks
 of my care home and have been very              working closely with me to negotiate a      business ventures so we instructed        and appreciation to Redwoods Dowling
 satisfied with the professional service         satisfactory conclusion.                    RDK in the sale. We wanted the            Kerr & Nick for all their help and
 I received from Redwoods Dowling                                                            buyer to be existing operators in the     support.
                                                 “They were friendly and courteous and
 Kerr.                                                                                       healthcare industry so we were relieved
                                                 I was delighted to achieve a sale within                                              “Your representation of our interests
                                                                                             that Redwoods Dowling Kerr delivered
 “I would have no hesitation in                  the time frame originally intended.                                                   as brokers proved invaluable to us
                                                                                             our expectations.
 recommending Redwoods to anyone                                                                                                       and would have no hesitation in
                                                 "Sam in particular was really helpful and
 considering selling their care home.”                                                       “The service has been high-quality and    recommending RDK to any other
                                                 communicated excellently throughout
                                                                                             professional. It has been a very quick    prospective client who is considering
                                                 the process.”
                                                                                             sale with a good purchase price, so we    selling their care home”
                                                                                             recommend RDK to anyone.”

A Selection of
Sold Corporate Sales Before & During The Pandemic 2020
SOLD                                     SOLD                                        SOLD                                        SOLD

MULROY HOUSE SOLD BY                     DACRE HOUSE SOLD BY                         CAMBER LODGE CARE                           PROJECT LAVENDER SOLD
REDWOODS DOWLING KERR                    REDWOODS DOWLING KERR                       HOME SOLD BY REDWOODS                       TO EXPANDING HORIZONS
                                                                                     DOWLING KERR                                LIMITED
Vendors Of Mulroy House                  Vendor said;                                The Vendor of Camber Lodge                  The Buyer stated;
Commented;                                                                           Comments;
                                         "Throughout this sale the staff at                                                      “Strong management team attracted
“The sale of my business through RDK     Redwoods Dowling Kerr have been             “I am delighted with the sale of Camber     him to the business.
was professionally executed from start   attentive to our comments, professional     Lodge to a well-respected corporate
                                                                                                                                 “I would have no hesitation in
to finish.                               in their actions on our behalf and          buyer and the fantastic service delivered
                                                                                                                                 recommending Redwoods Dowling
                                         effective in finding suitable buyers.       by everyone at Redwoods Dowling
"Communication was just right, even                                                                                              Kerr to anyone thinking of buying a
during the heavy days of lockdown,       "Any complications were dealt with                                                      healthcare business. They will do their
when staff would have been dealing       efficiently and reflected a high level of   “The sales process has been excellent,      best and everything they can to aid
with extra tasks and being away from     customer care. We would not hesitate in     and I would recommend a seller to look      you, assist you, and help you find a
the normal business environment.         using or recommending RDK again.”           at using RDK.”                              business to your needs. I look forward
                                                                                                                                 to working with them as part of my
“Their communication with each other
                                                                                                                                 business expansion strategy.”
was excellent."

Global Healthcare Property Report UK Edition – February 2021

A Selection of
Sold Corporate Sales Before & During The Pandemic 2020
     SOLD                                         SOLD                                       SOLD                                       SOLD

 BRACKEN RIDGE MANOR                             ROSEMARY LODGE IS                           PARK VIEW NURSING                          THE KENSINGTON SOLD
 CARE HOME SOLD BY                               ACQUIRED BY A FIRST TIME                    HOME IS NOW UNDER NEW                      TO INDUSTRY OPERATOR
 REDWOODS DOWLING KERR                           BUYER                                       OWNERSHIP

 The vendor commented;                           The vendor commented;                       The buyer commented;                       Lead Negotiator Asif Musa
 “I dealt with Nick Shepherd and found           “We had Asif dealing with the sale of       “I would like to say a huge thank you
 the service excellent. They were very           our care home, and he was amazing.          to Asif, the agent from Redwoods           “The sale of The Kensington care
 helpful and professional in some difficult      Whilst we were hoping for a sale,           Dowling Kerr, in dealing with my           home is a good example of how we
 negotiations. I would not hesitate to           we were also going through a tough          recent purchase of a nursing home.         were able to connect the right buyer so
 recommend them in future. Thank you.            time in our personal life. Asif was so                                                 that a speedy sale is achieved. We are
                                                                                             “Asif was always approachable, a
                                                 considerate and always eager to do                                                     delighted to be able to assist with the
 “Excellent service.”                                                                        problem solver, very easy to talk to and
                                                 anything to help. I would like to thank                                                growth of the corporate buyer and their
                                                                                             I would most definitely recommend
                                                 him for all the support during the sale                                                plans to expand.”
                                                                                             RDK & Asif if I was looking for another
                                                 and wish him all the very best in his
                                                                                             healthcare business in the future.”
                                                 future endeavours. I have no doubt
                                                 many care providers will benefit from
                                                 his expertise in the future, he is one of
                                                 those rare gems at RDK.”

A Selection of
Our current opportunities for sale
FOR SALE                               FOR SALE                                  FOR SALE                                 FOR SALE

PROJECT APOLLO                         PROJECT SEINE                             PROJECT HEATHLAND                        PROJECT BLUSH & RYAN
South West, England                    London, England                           South West, England                      South East, England
Offers Invited                         Offers Invited                            Offers Invited                           Offers Invited
Freehold                               Leasehold                                 Freehold                                 Freehold
Ref: 47715                             Ref: 47903                                Ref: 47180                               Ref: 47949 (Blush)
                                                                                                                          Ref: 47559 (Ryan)
Turnover circa £2.5m with an           Fee income in excess of £1.4m with an     Combined income of £2.9m with an         Combined income of £4.2m with an
impressive EBITDA of £1.13m for the    adjusted EBITDA of £240k for the year     EBITDA of £926k for the year ending      EBITDA of £1.4m for the year ending
year ending October 2020.              ending August 2020.                       January 2020.                            2020.
A well respected 50 bed nursing home   Well established live-in care, visiting   Group of three highly regarded and       Two separate complementary projects
for the elderly.                       care and nursing care provider.           award winning residential care homes.    available as a group or individual
                                                                                                                          acquisition. Master franchisor & four
Fantastic potential for growth and     Currently provides support for 88         Registered for 75 residents across the
expansion, with management team in     service users, and delivers 2,610 hours   three homes. Robust organisational
place                                  care per week                             structure in place                       Circa 2,400 hours of care per week
Rated ‘Good by CQC’.                   Rated ‘Good by CQC’.                      Rated ‘Outstanding by CQC’.              Rated ‘Good by CQC’.

Contact us
Contact us to find out more about our complete
Healthcare business brokering service.

TO BUY: Call Mike Hatton, Sam Fazackerley, Asif Musa &
Nicholas Shepherd or any of the healthcare team on
0844 3877 390 or email Healthcare@redwoodsdk.com

TO SELL: Call Robert Yates on 0844 2488 275
or email Robert.Yates@redwoodsdk.com

OR VISIT The UK’s leading Healthcare Brokerage website
                                                            A SELECTION OF BUSINESSES SOLD
                                                         BEFORE & DURING THE PANDEMIC IN 2020
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