COVID 19: Interim Guidance on Management Pending Empirical - American Thoracic Society

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COVID‐19: Interim Guidance on Management Pending Empirical
Evidence. From an American Thoracic Society‐led International
Task Force
 Kevin C. Wilson1,2, Sanjay H. Chotirmall3, Chunxue Bai4, and Jordi Rello5
on behalf of the International Task Force on COVID‐19
 Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 2 American
Thoracic Society, New York, New York, USA; 3 Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore; 4 Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai Respiratory Research Institute,
Shanghai, China; 5 Clinical Research/Epidemiology in Pneumonia and Sepsis (CRIPS), Vall d'Hebron Institut of
Research (VHIR), Barcelona, Spain.

Disclosures: KCW is co‐developer of the Convergence of Opinion on Recommendations and Evidence (CORE)
process that is utilized in the guidance document and serves at the Chief of Guidelines and Documents for the
American Thoracic Society. SHC, CB, and JR have nothing to disclose.

Kevin C. Wilson, MD
Chief of Guidelines and Documents, American Thoracic Society
Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine

Note to readers: There is little empirical evidence to guide management of COVID‐19. However, with 80,000
new cases being confirmed daily and the rate still increasing, clinicians taking care of patients with COVID‐19
need guidance now. We convened an international task force of clinicians from academic centers on the
frontline of COVID‐19 management to make consensus suggestions on controversial topics. The suggestions
are based upon scarce direct evidence, indirect evidence, and clinical observations. The goal is to improve
outcomes and facilitate research by standardizing care. The suggestions provided in this document do not
constitute official positions of the American Thoracic Society or the institutions of the participants, and they
should never be considered mandates as no suggestion can incorporate all potential clinical circumstances.
The suggestions are interim guidance and will be reevaluated as evidence accumulates.


Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is         Methods: An International Task Force was
an acute respiratory disease caused by the                 composed, consisting of clinicians from academic
coronavirus, SARS‐CoV‐2. There is a paucity of             centers active in COVID‐19 patient care. Consensus
empirical evidence to guide the management of              suggestions were derived using the electronic
COVID‐19, but clinical observations are accumulating.      decision‐making portion of the Convergence of
Consensus recommendations can help standardize             Opinion on Recommendations and Evidence (CORE)
care and improve outcomes.                                 process.

       1                                                                      Updated April 3, 2020
Results: The task force recommended collecting data               treatment with remdesivir, lopinavir‐ritonavir,
and comparing outcomes among COVID‐19 patients                    tocilizumab, or systemic corticosteroids.
who received an intervention to those who did not                 Conclusions: The task force made suggestions based
receive the intervention using appropriate methods                upon scarce direct evidence, indirect evidence, and
for causal inference and control of confounders.                  clinical experience. Each suggestion will be
Suggestions were made to treat hospitalized patients              reconsidered as relevant evidence, particularly
who have COVID‐19 and severe pneumonia with                       randomized trials, are published.
hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine on a case‐by‐case               Citation: Wilson KC, Chotirmall SH, Bai C, Rello J.
basis if certain requirements are present, and to                 COVID‐19: Interim Guidance on Management
utilize prone ventilation and extracorporeal                      Pending Empirical Evidence. Last updated April 3,
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in patients with                      2020. Available at
refractory hypoxemia due to COVID‐19 pneumonia          ‐
(i.e., acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS]).               resources/disease‐related‐resources/covid‐19‐
The task force made no suggestions for or against                 guidance.pdf.

Introduction                                upon systematic reviews of the             individuals and 80 agreed to
                                            evidence. Such consensus guidance          participate (84% acceptance rate).
     Coronavirus Disease 2019               may standardize care and improve           The lone reason for declining was
(COVID‐19) is an acute respiratory          outcomes. The suggestions provided         being too busy with patient care
disease caused by the coronavirus,          in this document do not constitute         responsibilities.
SARS‐CoV‐2. There is little direct          official positions of the American            Consensus suggestions were
evidence to inform management of            Thoracic Society or the institutions of    derived using the electronic decision‐
COVID‐19. The International Task            the participants. They should not be       making portion of the Convergence of
Force strongly agrees with prevailing       considered mandates, as no                 Opinion on Recommendations and
sentiment that clinical trials are          suggestion can incorporate all             Evidence (CORE) process. The CORE
urgently needed to effectively guide        potential clinical circumstances. All      process is a consensus‐based
management. However, most                   suggestions will be revisited as           approach to making clinical
patients do not have access to clinical     evidence accumulates.                      recommendations that has been
trials, trials take time, and speculation                                              shown to yield recommendations that
is that results will not be available       Methods                                    are concordant with
until late spring or early fall. As a                                                  recommendations developed using
result, institutions and clinicians on              An International Task Force        Institute of Medicine‐adherent
the frontline are utilizing a variety of    was composed from March 19‐22,             methodology; it has been described in
approaches to manage COVID‐19               2020. Invitations were initially sent to   detail elsewhere.1,2 Briefly,
patients outside of a clinical trial,       members of the American Thoracic           SurveyMonkey® software
ranging from supportive care alone to       Society (ATS) who are clinically active    (SurveyMonkey, San Mateo, CA) was
prescribing unproven medications.           in medical centers that are involved in    used to create a multiple‐choice
     Pending the results of clinical        COVID‐19 patient care. Those invitees      survey. Each survey question
trials, this document is aimed at           were asked to suggest additional           consisted of three parts: 1)
providing interim guidance for              participants on the frontlines, with an    presentation of the question in a
therapeutic interventions to frontline      emphasis on pulmonologists, medical        modified PICO (Patient, Intervention,
clinicians, based upon scarce direct        intensivists, and infectious disease       Comparator, Outcomes) format, 2) a
evidence, indirect evidence, and the        experts from areas most stricken by        multiple‐choice question asking for a
observations and experiences of             COVID‐19. Clinicians were asked to         strong or weak recommendation for
clinicians around the world who have        abstain from questions outside their       or against a course of action, or no
battled COVID‐19; they are not based        expertise. Invitations were sent to 95

        2                                                                              Updated April 3, 2020
recommendation, and 3) a free‐text          Suggestions                                compared those who did not receive
box for comments.                                                                      the intervention. This can be done at
    The survey was initially           1.   The International Task Force               the institutional, local, national, or
administered from March 23‐25,              suggests that data be collected from       international level. Such data will
2020. A second survey was then              COVID‐19 patients who receive one          provide interim guidance until
constructed that was identical to the       or more of the interventions               superseded by randomized trial
first, except results from the first        suggested in this document, in a           results when available.
round were added: a) the proportion         manner that enables studies that use
of participants who selected each           valid methods for causal inference         For patients with COVID‐19 who are
multiple‐choice option, b)                  and control of confounders. The data       well‐enough to be managed as
representative comments from the            should be assessed periodically so         outpatients, we make no suggestion
participants, and c) references             that patients who received the             either for or against
provided by the participants. The           intervention can be compared those         hydroxychloroquine (or
survey was re‐administered from             who did not receive the intervention.      chloroquine). 18% for intervention,
March 26‐30, 2020. Seventy‐three of         Management should be modified as‐          36% no suggestion, and 46% against
the 80 task force members completed         needed based upon the                      intervention.
the surveys (91% response rate).            comparisons.
    Agreement on directionality was                                                    For hospitalized patients with
tabulated for each multiple‐choice              Rationale. There is an immediate       COVID‐19 who have no evidence of
question. For example, if 5, 20, 50, 13,    need to determine which                    pneumonia, we make no suggestion
and 12 individuals selected a strong        interventions against COVID‐19 are         either for or against
recommendation for, weak                    effective and safe. Ideally, this would    hydroxychloroquine (or
recommendation for, no                      be done through randomized trials          chloroquine). 8% for intervention,
recommendation, weak                        and there are many such trials in          50% no suggestion, and 42% against
recommendation against, and strong          progress. In the meantime, unproven        intervention.
recommendation against,                     therapies are being administered off‐
respectively, the results were              label or on a compassionate use basis.     For hospitalized patients with
reported as 25% for the intervention,       When data are not collected in such        COVID‐19 who have evidence of
50% neither for nor against the             situations, it is a missed opportunity.    pneumonia, we suggest
intervention, and 25% against the               The International Task Force           hydroxychloroquine (or chloroquine)
intervention. At least 70% agreement        recommends that data be collected          on a case‐by‐case basis.
on directionality was necessary to          from COVID‐19 patients who receive         Requirements include all of the
make a consensus suggestion. This           one or more of the interventions           following: a) shared decision‐making
threshold optimizes the concordance         suggested in this document. Ideally,       in which the patient is informed
of CORE‐derived consensus                   data collection will include detailed      about the possible benefits and
recommendations with Institute of           information about interventions,           potential side effects, b) collection of
Medicine‐adherent guideline                 outcomes, and patient characteristics      data in a manner that enables
recommendations1.                           to enable analysis using appropriate       studies that use valid methods for
    Following the tabulation of results,    methods of causal inference and to         causal inference and control of
the manuscript was written. The             control for confounding. Important         confounders for the purpose of
suggestion was based upon the               outcomes include mortality, ICU            interim assessment, c) the patient’s
tabulated results, the rationale was        length of stay, hospital length of stay,   clinical condition is sufficiently
extrapolated from participants’             intubation rate, length of mechanical      severe to warrant investigational
comments, and the description of            ventilation, need for long‐term            therapy, and d) there is not a
what other organizations are saying         oxygen therapy, and adverse events.        shortage of drug supply. 73% for
was based upon a survey of other                The data should be assessed            intervention, 16% no suggestion, and
organizations’ websites.                    periodically so that patients who          11% against intervention.
                                            received the intervention can be

        3                                                                              Updated April 3, 2020
Evidence of pneumonia is defined       these medications that are needed         prescribing hydroxychloroquine or
as radiographic opacities or, if a chest   for other legitimate purposes. Other      chloroquine in hospitalized COVID‐19
radiograph has not been performed,         members extrapolated from the             patients with severe pneumonia. This
an SpO2 of 94% or less accompanied         Grading of Recommendations,               was adequate agreement to make a
by symptoms and signs of infection.        Assessment, Development, and              consensus suggestion for
    Rationale for question.                Evaluation (GRADE) framework for          hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine in
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine         making recommendations in the             hospitalized patients with COVID‐19
have been shown to have in vitro           context of low or very‐low quality        pneumonia given the a priori decision
activity against SARS‐CoV‐2, with          evidence and concluded that               that 70% agreement would yield a
hydroxychloroquine being more              treatment is reasonable because           suggestion; had we chosen a
potent3,4. Clinical trials, however,       severe COVID‐19 pneumonia is a            threshold of 75% or 80%, the result
provide an inconsistent message.           potentially lethal disease,               would have been no suggestion.
Small controlled clinical trials from      hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine             The trade‐off between waiting for
more than ten hospitals in China           might be beneficial, and the chance of    evidence before deciding whether to
reportedly indicate that chloroquine       harm is low9. The latter group            administer a therapy and utilizing a
is superior to controls in preventing      emphasized that the adverse effects       therapy while awaiting evidence isn’t
pneumonia, improving lung imaging          profile of hydroxychloroquine and         unique; however, it is magnified by
findings, hastening conversion to a        chloroquine are well established          the urgency of a pandemic10. The
virus‐negative state, and shortening       including QT interval prolongation        tension is probably best solved by
the duration of disease5. However,         (less likely with hydroxychloroquine      creating evidence during routine
two of the trials are now publicly         than chloroquine), hepatic and renal      patient care, while awaiting clinical
available and they have important          abnormalities, and                        trial results. The task force, therefore,
limitations: in a negative trial, both     immunosuppression. QT interval            concluded that data should be
arms included patients who had             prolongation is more likely among         collected in a manner that enables
undergone treatment with anti‐viral        patients who receive multiple             studies that use valid methods for
drugs6 and, in a positive trial, the       medications with propensity to            causal inference and control of
arms of the trial had important            increase the QT interval, including       confounders, so that interim
baseline differences7. A small             azithromycin which many clinicians        assessment may occur, and
controlled trial from France reported      are using in combination with             management adjusted accordingly.
that hydroxychloroquine hastens            hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine.            Comments by the task force during
conversion to a virus‐negative state,      Patients can be monitored for             the survey and manuscript
but important limitations included a       adverse effects with routine tests;       preparation provided essential
lack of patients with severe illness,      however, such testing increases           conditions for the suggestion. The
lack of blinding, no randomization,        patient‐clinician interaction and         task force urged shared decision‐
and loss to follow‐up8.                    laboratory personnel exposure,            making in which the patient is
    Results. The task force was roughly    increasing the risk of transmission.      informed about the possible benefits
divided into two perspectives. Some            The results are notable for a shift   and potential side effects. There were
members concluded that neither             toward treatment with                     concerns that “hospitalized patients
hydroxychloroquine nor chloroquine         hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine as      with COVID‐19 and pneumonia” was
should be administered without             the severity of COVID‐19 increased,       too broad of a population;
proven benefit in COVID‐19; rather,        indicating that the perceived balance     subsequent consensus was that the
clinicians should wait until the results   of potential benefits to harms            patient’s illness should be severe
of randomized trials are known,            changed as severity of illness            enough to warrant investigational
otherwise there is a possibility that an   increased. Fewer than 20% of the          therapy. Several individuals who did
ineffective and potentially harmful        task force suggested using the            not vote to suggest
medication may be inappropriately          medications in outpatients or             hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine in
administered on a large scale,             hospitalized patients without             COVID‐19 patients with pneumonia
potentially leading to shortages of        pneumonia, but nearly 75% suggested       indicated that they would have voted

        4                                                                            Updated April 3, 2020
to use the medications if the illness     either for or against treatment with        SOLIDARITY trial includes a remdesivir
   was even more severe, such as the         remdesivir. 68% for intervention, 26%       arm. The CDC has not taken a position
   patient being severely hypoxemic or       no suggestion, and 5% against               on remdesivir but describes options
   requiring high levels of conventional     intervention.                               for obtaining it for hospitalized
   oxygen, high‐flow oxygen, non‐                                                        patients with COVID‐19 and
   invasive mechanical ventilation, or          Rationale for question. Remdesivir       pneumonia. The FDA reports that it
   invasive mechanical ventilation. The      has in vitro activity against SARS‐CoV‐     has been working with the maker of
   task force emphasized that patients       23 and related viruses including            remdesivir to find multiple pathways
   should be monitored closely for           MERS‐CoV12,13, SARS‐CoV13, and other        to study the drug under the FDA’s
   adverse effects and a low threshold       coronaviruses13.                            investigational new drug
   maintained for discontinuing the             Results. The differing perspectives      requirements and to provide the drug
   medications if adverse effects arise.     described above for                         to patients under emergency use. The
   Finally, the task force stated that the   hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine          Surviving Sepsis Campaign made no
   suggestion should be revised as‐          also existed with remdesivir.               recommendation for or against
   necessary as new evidence arises.         Supporting the perspective that             remdesivir due to insufficient
       What others are saying. The World     favored waiting for randomized trial        evidence11.
   Health Organization (WHO) has             data before deciding whether to
   warned against the use medications        prescribe remdesivir in COVID‐19       3.   For hospitalized patients with
   that have not been proven in an RCT;      pneumonia were concerns about the           COVID‐19 who have evidence of
   its SOLIDARITY trial includes a           unknown adverse effect profile of           pneumonia, we make no suggestion
   chloroquine arm. The United States        remdesivir (in contrast to                  either for or against treatment with
   Centers for Disease Control and           hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine          lopinavir‐ritonavir. 30% for
   Prevention (CDC) says, “There are no      for which there are decades of clinical     intervention, 26% no suggestion, and
   currently available data from RCTs to     experience) and the uncertainty             43% against intervention.
   inform clinical guidance on the use,      regarding timing of initiation and
   dosing, or duration of                    duration of therapy.                            Rationale for question. Lopinavir
   hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis           It is noteworthy that 68% of the         has both in vitro and in vivo activity
   or treatment of SARS‐CoV‐2                task force favored treatment                against MERS‐CoV14,15, while the
   infection.” The United States Food        remdesivir, if available, which was         lopinavir‐ritonavir combination has in
   and Drug Administration (FDA) stated      one vote shy of enough agreement to         vitro activity against SARS‐CoV16,17. In
   that there is insufficient evidence to    make a consensus suggestion. Several        humans with SARS, lopinavir‐ritonavir
   support treatment of COVID‐19 with        task force members indicated that           reduces viral load and the risk of
   hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine,        radiographic evidence of pneumonia          acute respiratory distress syndrome
   but issued an emergency‐use               alone was insufficient to warrant a         (ARDS) or death18. In a randomized
   authorization to allow both donated       suggestion to initiate remdesivir;          trial of 199 patients with COVID‐19,
   drugs "to be distributed and              however, they would have voted to           patients who received lopinavir‐
   prescribed by doctors to patients with    use the medication in conditions            ritonavir improved more quickly, had
   COVID‐19, as appropriate, when a          severe enough to warrant                    a shorter length of ICU stay, and had
   clinical trial is not available or        investigational therapy, such as            lower mortality than patients who
   feasible." The Surviving Sepsis           patients who are severely hypoxemic         received standard care; however,
   Campaign made no recommendation           or requiring high levels of                 while the differences would have
   for or against hydroxychloroquine or      conventional oxygen, high‐flow              been clinically important if real, the
   chloroquine due to insufficient           oxygen, non‐invasive mechanical             trial was too small to definitively
   evidence11.                               ventilation, or invasive mechanical         confirm or exclude an effect (i.e., the
                                             ventilation.                                findings were not statistically
2. For hospitalized patients with               What others are saying. The WHO          significant)19.
   COVID‐19 who have evidence of             has not taken a position on the use of          Results. A plurality of the task
   pneumonia we make no suggestion           remdesivir in COVID‐19 but its              force was against the administration

           5                                                                             Updated April 3, 2020
of lopinavir‐ritonavir to hospitalized    Health Commission for use in COVID‐       suggestion against systemic
patients with COVID‐19 and                19 patients with elevated IL‐6 levels.    corticosteroids. The task force
pneumonia, reflecting the lack of             Results. Most task force members      emphasized that the question was
definitive benefit and evidence of        elected to make no suggestion,            about systemic corticosteroids for the
frequent gastrointestinal side effects    concluding that evidence of beneficial    specific treatment of COVID‐19 in
in the RCT. However, the amount of        effects in other IL‐6 mediated            general. The task force did not
agreement was insufficient to reach       diseases is insufficient to warrant use   address systemic steroids
consensus on a formal suggestion          in COVID‐19 at this time. The task        administered at different points
against lopinavir‐ritonavir, reflecting   force agreed, however, that clinical      during the disease course or systemic
the opinion of some task force            trials are worthwhile.                    steroids administered for the
members that, if the RCT had been             What others are saying. The WHO,      treatment of comorbid conditions,
larger, some of the favorable point       CDC, and FDA have not taken a             such as COPD exacerbations or ARDS;
estimates may have reached                position on the use of tocilizumab in     some clinical practice guidelines
statistical significance.                 COVID‐19, although the FDA                recommend systemic corticosteroids
    What others are saying. The WHO       approved an RCT comparing                 for moderate to severe early
has not taken a position on the use of    tocilizumab to standard care. The         ARDS11,27.
lopinavir‐ritonavir in COVID‐19 but its   Surviving Sepsis Campaign made no             What others are saying. The WHO
SOLIDARITY trial includes a lopinavir‐    recommendation for or against             says that clinicians should “not
ritonavir arm. The CDC states that        tocilizumab due to insufficient           routinely give systemic
“lopinavir‐ritonavir did not show         evidence11.                               corticosteroids for the treatment of
promise for treatment of hospitalized                                               viral pneumonia outside clinical
COVID‐19 patients with pneumonia in4.     For hospitalized patients with            trials.” The CDC says “corticosteroids
a recent clinical trial in China. This    COVID‐19 who have evidence of             should be avoided unless indicated
trial was underpowered…”. The FDA         pneumonia, we make no suggestion          for other reasons, such as
has not taken a position on the use of    either for or against treatment with      management of chronic obstructive
lopinavir‐ritonavir in COVID‐19. The      systemic corticosteroids. 15% for         pulmonary disease exacerbation or
Surviving Sepsis Campaign made a          intervention, 18% no suggestion, and      septic shock.” The FDA has not taken
weak recommendation against the           67% against intervention.                 a position on the use of systemic
routine use of lopinavir‐ritonavir11.                                               corticosteroids in COVID‐19. The
                                              Rationale for question. Patients      Surviving Sepsis Campaign made a
For hospitalized patients with            with COVID‐19 have elevated levels of     weak recommendation against
COVID‐19 who have evidence of             pro‐inflammatory cytokines and other      systemic corticosteroids in
pneumonia, we make no suggestion          inflammatory biomarkers20‐22, leading     mechanically ventilated COVID‐19
either for or against treatment with      some clinicians to postulate that         patients without ARDS, but a weak
tocilizumab. 30% for intervention,        systemic corticosteroid therapy may       recommendation for systemic
56% no suggestion, and 14% against        be beneficial. However, studies from      corticosteroids in mechanically
intervention.                             patients with other viral infections      ventilated COVID‐19 patients with
                                          suggest that systemic corticosteroids     ARDS11.
   Rationale for question. Patients       may confer no benefit or may have
with COVID‐19 have elevated levels of     harmful effects, including increased 5.   For patients with refractory
the pro‐inflammatory cytokine, IL‐6,      viral replication and prolonged viral     hypoxemia due to progressive
with the most severely ill patients       shedding23‐26.                            COVID‐19 pneumonia (i.e., ARDS),
exhibiting the highest levels20‐22.           Results. Sixty‐seven percent of the   we suggest prone ventilation. 99%
Tocilizumab is an anti‐IL‐6 monoclonal    task force favored a suggestion           for intervention, 1% no suggestion,
antibody that has proven effective in     against systemic corticosteroids for      and 0% against intervention.
other IL‐6 mediated diseases. It is       the treatment of COVID‐19. This was
recommended by China’s National           only two votes shy of enough              Refractory hypoxemia refers to an
                                          agreement to make a consensus             SpO2 consistently less than 90%

        6                                                                           Updated April 3, 2020
despite maximal ventilator             6. For patients with refractory                 The task force’s goal was to
interventions to increase the SpO2.       hypoxemia due to progressive             provide interim guidance for
                                          COVID‐19 pneumonia (i.e., ARDS),         therapeutic interventions to frontline
    Rationale for question. Patients      we suggest that extracorporeal           clinicians, based upon scarce direct
with COVID‐19 may develop viral           membrane oxygenation (ECMO) be           evidence, indirect evidence, and the
pneumonia, which can progress to          considered if prone ventilation fails.   observations and experiences of
ARDS. Clinical practice guidelines        75% for intervention, 23% no             other clinicians around the world who
make a strong recommendation for          suggestion, and 1% against               have battled COVID‐19, using a
prone ventilation for more than 12        intervention.                            consensus‐building process called the
hours in patients with severe ARDS28;                                              CORE process1,2. The task force
however, prone ventilation has not             Rationale for question. Patients    suggests prone ventilation for COVID‐
been studied in COVID‐19 patients.        with COVID‐19 may develop viral          19 patients with refractory
    Results. The task force agreed that   pneumonia, which can progress to         hypoxemia, ECMO for COVID‐19
patients with refractory hypoxemia        ARDS. Clinical practice guidelines       patients with refractory hypoxemia
due to progressive COVID‐19               declined to make a recommendation        who fail prone ventilation and, on a
pneumonia (i.e., ARDS) should             for or against ECMO in ARDS28 and        case‐by‐case basis,
undergo prone ventilation. This was       ECMO has not been studied in COVID‐      hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine in
based upon the assumption that            19 patients.                             the context of shared decision‐
ARDS due to COVID‐19 behaves like              Results. Seventy‐five percent of    making, data collection for research,
ARDS due to other causes for which        the task force agreed that patients      severe enough disease to warrant
the benefits of prone ventilation are     with refractory hypoxemia due to         investigational therapy, and sufficient
well established. Agreement with the      progressive COVID‐19 pneumonia           quantities of drug are available
assumption of similarity was not          (i.e., ARDS) should be considered for    (Table).
universal, however, as several task       ECMO; this was adequate agreement            This interim guidance has several
force members argued that ARDS in         for a consensus suggestion in favor of   important limitations. There may
COVID‐19 is unique because lung           ECMO. The task force emphasized          have been selection bias during task
compliance is maintained and the          that ECMO should be contemplated         force composition, favoring those
effects of prone ventilation more         only after failing prone ventilation.    with professional connections with
modest than in typical ARDS, a view       The task force acknowledged that         the American Thoracic Society and,
supported by a recent research            ECMO may not be feasible during          therefore, pulmonary and critical care
letter . Nevertheless, the task force     much of a pandemic because it is         medicine. Since COVID‐19 is a new
concluded that prone ventilation is       resource intensive, challenging from     disease being managed by a variety of
worth a trial since it is low risk and    an infection control perspective, and    specialties ranging from intensivists
low cost. However, they warned that       requires frequent blood transfusions     to infectious disease specialists,
placing the patient in the prone          at a time when blood may be in           expertise in COVID‐19 management
position must be done with caution        shortage.                                was probably variable across task
since there is a risk of transmitting          What others are saying. The         force members; this was enhanced by
infection to healthcare staff due to      WHO, CDC, and FDA have not               the inclusion of multiple specialties to
aerosolized secretions.                   addressed ECMO. The Surviving            ensure that we have appropriate
    What others are saying. The WHO, Sepsis Campaign made a weak                   expertise for future versions of the
CDC, and FDA have not addressed           recommendation for veno‐venous           guidance, which may include infection
prone ventilation. The Surviving          ECMO or referral to an ECMO center       control, radiological findings, and
Sepsis Campaign made a weak               in patients with refractory hypoxemia    other topics. The document did not
recommendation for prone                  despite recruitment maneuvers11.         address the combination of
ventilation in patients with moderate                                              hydroxychloroquine plus
to severe ARDS11.                         Discussion                               azithromycin, which is being used in
                                                                                   many institutions currently. Finally,
                                                                                   crude data was not collected in a

        7                                                                          Updated April 3, 2020
fashion that enabled comparison of              In conclusion, empirical evidence,       prevention. The suggestions provided
different groups of task force              particularly randomized trials, are          in this document will be periodically
members, such as North Americans            desperately needed to guide therapy.         reevaluated as new evidence emerges
versus Europeans, clinicians versus         Supportive care remains the mainstay         and modified accordingly.
thought leaders, etc.                       of treatment and social distancing
                                            remains an important part of

Table‐ Interim Guidance on Management of COVID‐19
                                                                                         Vote from CORE process
                                 Suggestions for
                                                                                   (>70% agreement to make suggestion)
 For any COVID‐19 patient who receives an intervention suggested in this
 document, data should be collected in a manner that enables studies that
 use valid methods for causal inference and control of confounders. The data
                                                                               No vote
 should be assessed periodically so that patients who received the
 intervention can be compared those who did not receive the intervention.
 Management should be modified as‐needed based upon the comparisons.
 Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or chloroquine (CQ) for patients with
 confirmed COVID‐19 and severe pneumonia if:
   Shared decision‐making is utilized, and                                    73% for HCQ or CQ
   Data is collected for research comparing HCQ to no HCQ, or CQ to no        16% no suggestion
      CQ, and                                                                  11% against HCQ or CQ
   Illness is severe enough to warrant investigational therapy, and
   HCQ or CQ are not in short supply.
                                                                               99% for prone ventilation
 Prone ventilation for patients with refractory hypoxemia due to progressive
                                                                               1% no suggestion
 COVID‐19 pneumonia (i.e., ARDS)
                                                                               0% against prone ventilation
 Consideration of ECMO for patients with refractory hypoxemia due to           75% for ECMO
 progressive COVID‐19 pneumonia (i.e., ARDS) who have failed prone             23% no suggestion
 ventilation                                                                   1% against ECMO
                            No suggestion for or against
                                                                            18% for HCQ or CQ
 HCQ or CQ for outpatient COVID‐19 patients                                 36% no suggestion
                                                                            46% against HCQ or CQ
                                                                            8% for HCQ or CQ
 HCQ or CQ for hospitalized COVID‐19 patients without pneumonia             50% no suggestion
                                                                            42% against HCQ or CQ
                                                                            68% for remdesivir
 Remdesivir for hospitalized COVID‐19 patients with pneumonia               26% no suggestion
                                                                            5% against remdesivir
                                                                            30% for lopinavir‐ritonavir
 Lopinavir‐ritonavir for hospitalized COVID‐19 patients with pneumonia      26% no suggestion
                                                                            43% against lopinavir‐ritonavir
                                                                            30% for tocilizumab
 Tocilizumab for hospitalized COVID‐19 patients with pneumonia              56% no suggestion
                                                                            14% against tocilizumab
                                                                            15% for intervention
 Systemic corticosteroids for hospitalized COVID‐19 patients with pneumonia 18% no suggestion
                                                                            67% against intervention
CORE= Convergence of Opinion on Recommendations and Evidence; ARDS= Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome; ECMO=
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

        8                                                                                Updated April 3, 2020
International Task Force
  Alan F. Barker               Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Oregon
  Abigail Chua                 Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ New York
  Jonathan H. Chung                     Radiology                 USA‐ Illinois
  Gustavo Cortes‐Puentes       Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Minnesota
  Kristina Crothers            Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Washington
  Charles Delacruz             Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Connecticut
  Sarah Doernberg                  Infectious Diseases            USA‐ Northern California
  Abhijit Duggal               Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Ohio
  Michelle Gong                Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ New York
  Michael K. Gould             Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Southern California
  Margaret Hayes               Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Massachusetts
  Carolyn Hendrickson          Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Northern California
  Steven Holets                   Respiratory Therapy             USA‐ Minnesota
  Catherine L. Hough           Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Washington
  Michael H. Ieong             Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Massachusetts
  Maximiliano Tamae‐Kakazu     Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Michigan
  May M. Lee                   Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Southern California
  Janice Liebler               Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Southern California
  John B. Lynch                    Infectious Diseases            USA‐ Washington
  Aneesh K. Mehta                  Infectious Diseases            USA‐ Georgia
  Ari Moskowitz                Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Massachusetts
  Michael S. Niederman         Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ New York
  Richard Oeckler              Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Minnesota
  Ganesh Raghu                 Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Washington
  Julio A. Ramirez                 Infectious Diseases            USA‐ Kentucky
  Noah C. Schoenberg           Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Massachusetts
  Sugeet Jagpal                Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ New Jersey
  Charlie Strange              Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ South Carolina
  Francesca Torriani               Infectious Diseases            USA‐ Southern California
  Allan Walkey                 Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Massachusetts
  Kevin C. Wilson              Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Massachusetts
  Richard Wunderink            Pulmonary and Critical Care        USA‐ Illinois
  Luca Richeldi                   Pulmonary Medicine              Italy
  Stefano Aliberti                Pulmonary Medicine              Italy
  Enrico Storti              Anesthesiology and Critical Care     Italy
  Tommaso Mauri              Anesthesiology and Critical Care     Italy
  Mirko Belliato             Anesthesiology and Critical Care     Italy
  Pierre‐Regis Burgel             Pulmonary Medicine              France
  Martine Remy‐Jardin                   Radiology                 France
  Antoni Torres                   Pulmonary Medicine              Spain
  Jordi Rello                     Pulmonary Medicine              Spain

       9                                                        Updated April 3, 2020
Miriam Barrecheguren            Pulmonary Medicine               Spain
Inigo Ojanguren                 Pulmonary Medicine               Spain
Oriol Roca                      Critical Care Medicine           Spain
Jordi Riera                     Critical Care Medicine           Spain
Anthony O'Regan              Pulmonary and Critical Care         Ireland
Catherine Fleming                Infectious Diseases             Ireland
Andrew Menzies‐Gow              Pulmonary Medicine               England
James D. Chalmers               Pulmonary Medicine               Scotland
Mathias Pletz                    Infectious Diseases             Germany
Elisabeth Bendstrup             Pulmonary Medicine               Denmark
Martina Vasakova                Pulmonary Medicine               Czech Republic
Wim Wuyts                       Pulmonary Medicine               Belgium
Christopher J. Ryerson          Pulmonary Medicine               Canada
Christopher Carlsten     Pulmonary and Occupational Medicine     Canada
Lorenzo Delsorbo                Critical Care Medicine           Canada
James Johnston                  Pulmonary Medicine               Canada
Ewan Goligher                   Critical Care Medicine           Canada
Eddy Fan                     Pulmonary and Critical Care         Canada
Janice Leung                    Pulmonary Medicine               Canada
Tamera J. Corte                 Pulmonary Medicine               Australia
Lauren K. Troy                  Pulmonary Medicine               Australia
Grant Waterer                   Pulmonary Medicine               Australia
Chin Kook (K.) Rhee             Pulmonary Medicine               South Korea
Gee‐Young Suh                Pulmonary and Critical Care         South Korea
Kyeongman Jeon               Pulmonary and Critical Care         South Korea
Doo Ryeon (R.) Chung             Infectious Diseases             South Korea
Yeon Wook (W.) Kim           Pulmonary and Critical Care         South Korea
Chunxue Bai                     Pulmonary Medicine               China
Li Bai                       Pulmonary and Critical Care         China
Tao Xu                       Pulmonary and Critical Care         China
Dawei Yang                   Pulmonary and Critical Care         China
Ziqiang Z. Zhang             Pulmonary and Critical Care         China
Xun Wang                     Pulmonary and Critical Care         China
Sanjay H. Chotirmall         Pulmonary and Critical Care         Singapore
Ser Hon Puah                 Pulmonary and Critical Care         Singapore
Takeshi Johkoh                         Radiology                 Japan
Hassan Chami                 Pulmonary and Critical Care         Lebanon
Joaquin A. Zuniga                Infectious Diseases             Mexico
Carlos M. Luna                  Pulmonary Medicine               Argentina

    10                                                         Updated April 3, 2020
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