2021 Community Survey Results - Prepared by: City of Bloomington, Indiana

Page created by Ricardo Stephens
2021 Community Survey Results - Prepared by: City of Bloomington, Indiana
2021 Community Survey Results

 Prepared by:
2021 Community Survey Results - Prepared by: City of Bloomington, Indiana
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2021 Community Survey Results - Prepared by: City of Bloomington, Indiana
Survey Methods
Surveys mailed
   to 3,000

            527 completed

                        margin of error

                                     Results weighted
                                       to reflect the
2021 Community Survey Results - Prepared by: City of Bloomington, Indiana
Survey Results
Results are presented by…


                       Demographics            Trends
2021 Community Survey Results - Prepared by: City of Bloomington, Indiana
National Benchmark Communities

More than 500 comparison         Representing the opinions of
communities across the nation.   more than 50 million residents.
2021 Community Survey Results - Prepared by: City of Bloomington, Indiana
Peer Benchmark Communities
   Ann Arbor, MI                Fayetteville, NC
    Asheville, NC               Fort Collins, CO
     Austin, TX               Grand Rapids, MI
  Battle Creek, MI            Independence, IA
 Bloomington, MN                  Iowa City, IA
    Boulder, CO                 Kalamazoo, MI
 Bowling Green, KY               Lynchburg, VA
  Cedar Rapids, IA              Manhattan, KS
   Chapel Hill, NC                Oshkosh, WI
  Chattanooga, TN             Overland Park, KS
 College Station, TX            South Bend, IN
     Dayton, OH                  St. Cloud, MN
   Des Moines, IA              State College, PA
   Estes Park, CO
Key Finding #1

  Overall, Bloomington residents
continue to have a positive quality
               of life.
Perceptions of Life in Bloomington

        Overall Quality of Life



                                  Percent excellent/good
Perceptions of Community Quality

     87% Bloomington as a place to live

        78% Bloomington as a place to visit

        75% Bloomington as a place to raise children

     74%   Your neighborhood as a place to live

                                              Percent excellent/good
Resident Loyalty

81%                   60%
      Recommend                 Plan to
      living in                 remain in
      Bloomington               Bloomington

                                Percent very likely/somewhat likely
Perceptions of Community Care and

                   Making all residents feel

6 10

positively rated
                   Attracting people from
                    diverse backgrounds

                    residents from diverse
                                     Percent excellent/good
Best Thing about
    22%                          Bloomington
                         14%                 12%

Parks, recreation,      Sense of       Entertainment and      Accessibility and
     natural         community and      cultural activities       mobility
  environment        small town feel
Key Finding #2

     Residents feel safe in the
   community overall, yet police
  interactions may be an area of
Perceptions of Safety in Bloomington

                          72%          of residents
                            positively rated their
                overall feeling of safety in Bloomington

                  During the Day                             At Night

In neighborhood          94%                                    75%
  In downtown            92%                                    60%
                                        Percent excellent/good or very safe/somewhat safe
Feelings of Safety

 85%                 74%                  62%
   From fire,        From violent       From property
flood, or other         crime               crime

                                       Percent very safe/somewhat safe
Perceptions of Safety Services
91%                  87%

  Fire services      Ambulance/EMS


            Fire prevention
            and education            Percent excellent/good
Declines in Safety Services


            60%           61%
                    54%          54%          54% 57%

Police services    Crime prevention        Resident interaction
                                          with Police Department
                   2017   2019     2021

                                                     Percent excellent/good
Key Finding #3

  Residents have concerns about
    housing and affordability.
Perceptions of Housing and Affordability

       46% Availability of affordable health care

           35%     Availability of affordable childcare/preschool

             34% Availability of affordable mental health care

           34%     Well-planned residential growth

       20% Availability of affordable housing options

                                                      Percent excellent/good
Declines in Housing and Affordability

                             2019         2021
Variety of housing
                             48%          40%
Availability of affordable
                             41%          35%
Availability of affordable
                             44%          34%
mental health care
Cost of living               43%          33%
Overall development of a
variety of housing           44%          32%
options in downtown
Availability of affordable
                             27%          20%
housing options

                                          Percent excellent/good
Liked Least About Bloomington

 10%                       4%
Affordable               Lack of job
 housing         opportunities, economic
                   vitality, cost of living
Key Finding #4

  Addressing homelessness is an
 increasing priority for residents.
Taking Care of            Liked Least About
  Vulnerable Residents            Bloomington

                   9%             29%
                        22%    Homelessness

Perceptions of Homelessness in
       To what degree, if at all, do you think homelessness is a
               challenge in the City of Bloomington?

2021     3% 22%                                  74%

2019     8%             35%                            56%

   Not a challenge   Minor challenge   Moderate challenge   Major challenge
Support for Assistance for Homelessness

       To what extent do would you support or oppose the City
          assisting supportive housing for residents who are
                      experiencing homelessness?

2021                            75%                         20%      3%

                          63%                             30%        5%
2019                                                                  2%

  Strongly support   Somewhat support   Somewhat oppose   Strongly oppose
Key Finding #5

Government performance ratings
 declined in 2021, highlighting
opportunities for improvements
  and better connections with
Perceptions of Overall Quality of
 Services Provided by the City

           80% - 2017

           77% - 2019

           73% - 2021

                            Percent excellent/good
Perceptions of Government
         Half or more                             Less than half
        positively rated:                        positively rated:
- Value of services for the taxes paid   - Generally acting in the best interest
  to the City                              of the community
- Overall direction that the City is     - Treating residents with respect
  taking                                 - Overall confidence in City
- The job City government does at          government
  welcoming citizen involvement          - Informing residents about issues
                                           facing the community
                                         - Being honest/transparent
                                         - Treating all residents fairly
                                         - Listening to public concern

                                                              Percent at excellent/good
Perceptions of Contact with
              Bloomington Staff

4 10
                           Knowledge                              72%

                            Courteous                             71%
  Had contacted            Responsive                           65%
Bloomington staff
                    Overall impression                          65%

                                         2021    2019

                                                Percent yes or excellent/good
Key Finding #6

    Education, arts, and culture
   contribute to quality of life in
Perceptions of Community
At least 8 in 10 residents positively rated…
                             opportunities for
         support for the
                              education and

                             Opportunities to
        Adult educational         attend
         opportunities      cultural/arts/music
                                       Percent at excellent/good
Best Thing About Bloomington

      12%                      7%
Entertainment and      Access to educational
 cultural activities      opportunities

                                      Percent excellent/good
Don't let the community
Follow up with Polco                             input and dialogue
                                              conclude with the survey.
                                                  On Polco you can
                                               continue to engage with

      Share new questions through social media, email, in-person events, local
      media, and other channels as appropriate. Engage with your online
      community panel to:
      •Ask follow-up questions to your community survey.
      Questions can include images (maps, pictures, and video)
      in addition to links to better inform respondents.
      •Ask about hot topics and new policy issues as they arise
Thank you!
Damema Mann
Director of National Engagement
Polco’s National Research Center

                         Prepared by:
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