2021 ANZCA ASM Get your program - ANZCA ASM 2022

Page created by Gary Gonzalez
    Get your program
1                      All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Get social                                                     Get informed                                                  Get workshopped
  Opening the door to Melbourne                                  Keep updated with your Healthcare industry,                   Check out the Get workshopped guide to find
                                                                                                                               out more information on the online interactive
  Get your ticket to experience Melbourne like you
                                                                 and connect within the virtual exhibition                     webinars, workshops and Melbourne Meeting of
  never have before. Open to all delegates and their                                                                           the Mind (MMOTM) series running to assist you in
                                                                 ANZCA values the long-standing relationships we have in
  partner/family. Please note that age restrictions                                                                            gaining CPD and keeping you up to date.
                                                                 the healthcare industry and the support they provide to
  may apply to some activities. To secure your place,            delegates for continual medical education.                    NEW W71 Pre-operative fasting: Adult patients
  bookings must be made by Friday 26 March 2021.                                                                               undergoing elective surgery – what is occurring
  Any bookings made after this date are subject                  Hosting the exhibition virtually brings many new innovative
                                                                                                                               in your practice? For Practice evaluation – clinical
  to availability. All prices are quoted in Australian           ways for valuable connection and sharing of information.
                                                                                                                               audit at 20 credits.
  dollars and include GST.                                       Delegates can interact with the healthcare industry via:
                                                                                                                               NEW Media training with Doug Weller in W43A
  ANZCA Social functions                                         •   One-to-one live chats.                                    Doctors and the media – intensive media training
                                                                 •   Video calls.                                              for doctors.
  We are pleased to bring you a select online social
  program, including the STEMM breakfast and the                 •   Pre-organised meetings.                                   You must register for workshops in advance and
  ANZCA and FPM trainee evening.                                 •   Seven days of access (Tues 27 April - Tues 4 May).        places are limited.
  We encourage all to connect and be social locally.             •   Dedicated times advertised within the agenda to
                                                                     prompt your visit.
                                                                 We encourage delegates to engage with the virtual
                                                                 exhibition throughout the annual scientific meeting and
                                                                 learn what’s new from our industry partners.

      For more information on the online social                      For more information, check the program for when             For more detail on the workshops please
      program please click here for the Get                          these health care industry supported webinars are            review the Get Workshopped guide.
      Social guide.                                                  scheduled.

The ENGAGE hub is a space for a virtual delegate of the ASM to attend in person and connect with their local

A place to gather and be together
Watch a live stream of the main plenary sessions, connect with your local community in the pre-function space,
and catch up on some of the latest research submitted as digital ePosters.

Look for the icon in the program grid for when these hubs are open, and for the content that will be streamed.

Melbourne central hub extended.

                                                                                                                                 All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Tuesday 27 April,
Wednesday 28 April 2021

                   Tuesday 27 April
      7-8.30am     W01A: Fever; Lessons from COVID-19
                   W02A: Stuck in the middle with you; Ward or ICU? Perioperative care and risk stratification
      9.30-11am    W24A: So you want to be a primary examiner?
                   W59A: Malignant hyperthermia – an update
                   H01: Healthcare industry supported webinar, proudly sponsored by Masimo
                   Improving Patient Outcomes through Perioperative EEG Monitoring
                   Associate Professor Laurence Weinberg & Professor Adrian W Gelb
                   W10A: Major haemorrhage
                   W10B: Major haemorrhage
      2.30-4pm     W70A: Preparing for peer review – what do reviewers look for?
                   W75A: Selfcare for the health professionals – an experiential workshop
                   W49A: Keeping mum (alive) – resuscitation and the obstetric patient (5-6pm)
      5-6.30pm     W10C: Major haemorrhage
                   W76A: Supportive conversations with colleagues
       7-8pm       OA02: Mabu Mabu online damper making class
                   W10D: Major haemorrhage
                   W73A: Practical hypnosis to enhance anaesthesia care – how words help!

                   Wednesday 28 April
                   W42A: Diplomacy in health care: How to negotiate with stakeholders
      7-8.30am     W40B: Thoracic tips and tricks for the occasional thoracic anaesthetist
                   W19B: Gastric ultrasound: An Introduction with Dr Nav Sidhu
                   W11A: CICO
                   W26A: Training site accreditation: Be part of the visiting team
                   W40A: Thoracic tips and tricks for the occasional thoracic anaesthetist
                   W60A: Perioperative iron deficiency – pitfalls, diagnosis and management
                   W55A: Anaesthesia and the child with a mediastinal mass (12-1pm)
                   W11B: CICO
                   W27A: Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) instructors’ workshop
                   W45A: Building Aboriginal cultural competency (12-2pm)
     1.30-2.15pm   OA03A: Yoga - Cultivating energy and clarity
                   W19A: Gastric ultrasound: An introduction with Dr Nav Sidhu
                   W11C: CICO
                   W61A: SGLT-2 inhibitors and anaesthesia
                   W78A: Practical meditation and mindfulness for anaesthetists
                   W41A: Peri-arrest ultrasound simulator workshop: Heart, lung and abdomen
      5-6.30pm     W62A: NOACS and anaesthesia; beyond the guidelines
                   W77A: Art and mindfulness
       7-8pm       OA04: Melbourne Gin Company - Gin in culture
                   W62B: NOACS and anaesthesia; beyond the guidelines
      7.30-9pm     W71A: Preoperative fasting: Adult patients undergoing elective surgery – what is occurring in your practice?
                   W74A: Volunteer tourism and real-world anaesthesia

3                                                                                                                                 All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Thursday 29 April 2021

       7-7.45am     OA01C: G. Pump The best of session

       7-8.30am     W56A: TIVA and paediatrics

       8-8.30am     S01: STEMM breakfast: “Gender Equity- 3 steps forward, 2 steps back” with Professor Jayashri Kulkarni

                    W12A: Anaphylaxis
                    W57A: Paediatrics for the occasional paediatric anaesthetist

                    H03: Healthcare industry supported webinar hosted by Seqirus (12-1.30pm)
                    W03A: Ain’t no mountain high enough; Providing critical care in isolated circumstances
                    W12C: Anaphylaxis

      1.30-2.15pm   OA03B: Yoga Metta – cultivating compassion for ourselves and others

                    W71B: Preoperative fasting: Adult patients undergoing elective surgery – what is occurring in your practice?
       2.30-4pm     W13A: Management of acute behavioural disturbance
                    W29A: ANZCA educators’ module: Technology in teaching and learning

                    W04A: Pocketful of sunshine; secrets of paediatric anaesthesia
       5-6.30pm     W13B: Management of acute behavioural disturbance
                    W31A: Scholar role – key tips for audit completion

                    W05A: Walk the line; The emerging art and science of bariatric anaesthesia
       7.30-9pm     W13C: Management of acute behavioural disturbance
                    W15A: Advanced techniques for topicalisation of the airway in AFOI

       7-8.30pm     S02: ANZCA and FPM trainee evening with Dr Nick Coatsworth

4                                                                                                                                  All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Friday 30 April 2021

                    H04: Proudly sponsored by 3M
                    Perioperative Thermoregulation
                    Professor Daniel Sessler
                    W20A: Viscoelastic testing – basic
                    W06A: Every breath you take; Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and anaesthesia
                    W90A: Head and neck cancer and airway management

                    W12B: Anaphylaxis
                    W07A: We didn’t start the fire; Burns management, airway and beyond
      9.30-11am     W21A: Viscoelastic testing – advanced
                    W72A: WebAIRS – registering, reporting and conducting personal or departmental audits.
                    W79A: Parental leave navigation: From “working person” to “working parent”

                    W12D: Anaphylaxis
                    W08A: King of pain; The many uses of intrathecal morphine
      12-1.30pm     W16A: Airway cases – extubating and managing the difficult airway after surgery
                    W44A: Resilience for the clinician
                    W80A: Retiring Well: Creating wellbeing in retirement

      1.30-2.15pm   OA03C: Yoga - moving meditation

                    W09A: 99 problems; How to handle a complaint
                    W17A: Human factors in airway management
                    W48A: Obstetric anaesthesia – the “rapid round table” update!
                    W81A: LivingWorks Start and online debrief

        5-6pm       W18A: Awake Intubation and Video Assisted Fibreoptic Intubation

                    Opening plenary and Welcome to Country

                    Chair: Dr Vanessa Beavis , ANZCA President and Associate Professor Michael Vagg, FPM Dean
                    Ellis Gillespie Lecture: Why anaesthesiologists should care about basic science
      6.30-8.30pm   Professor Hugh Hemmings, US (ANZCA ASM Visitor)
                    Michael Cousins Lecture: Physical performance monitoring and the future of precision pain medicine
                    Professor Matthew Smuck, US (FPM ASM Visitor)
                    A failure to communicate: Interpersonal interactions and detection of the deteriorating patient
                    Associate Professor Meghan Lane-Fall, US (Organising Committee Visitor)

5                                                                                                                        All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Saturday 1 May 2021

                   More than lung isolation: Thoracic       Glass cockpits: Advanced              Medicolegal                               CTN Late breaking trials               Obesity and pain: Partners in a
                   surgery in 2021                          haemodynamic monitoring and the       Chair: Dr Maryanne Balkin, Vic            Chair: Professor Kate Leslie AO, Vic   sociopsychobiomedical approach?
                   Chair: Dr Debra Devonshire, Vic          anaesthesia workspace                                                                                                  Chair: Mr Michael Hii, Vic
                                                            Chair: Professor Philip Peyton, Vic

                   Spontaneous ventilation in               Hypotension predictive index          Medicolegal considerations for            BALANCED Delirium                      Social determinants of obesity and
                   thoracic surgery                         and pressure field monitoring:        blood and blood products                  Associate Professor Lis Evered, US     update on programs
                   Dr Joanne Irons, NSW                     New applications of non-invasive      Professor Ian Freckelton QC, Vic          and Dr Doug Campbell, NZ               Professor Anna Peeters, Vic
                                                            technology Associate Professor
                   ECMO in thoracic surgery                                                       Voluntary assisted dying and              Lidocaine infusions for chronic        Latest in medical management
      9.30-11am                                             Laurence Weinberg, Vic
                   Dr Natalie Kruit, NSW                                                          the anaesthetist                          postsurgical pain: results of the      Dr Priya Sumithran, Vic
                                                            Perioperative ultrasound and the      Dr Danielle Ko, Vic                       LOLIPOP pilot study and design
                   Opioid free anaesthesia for              death of the stethoscope                                                                                               The role of surgery
                   thoracic surgery                                                               Journeys in clinical governance           of a multicentre large pragmatic       Professor Wendy Brown, Vic
                   Dr Andrew Roscoe, Singapore              Dr Andrea Bowyer, Vic                 Associate Professor Steve Bolsin, WA      randomised control trial.
                                                                                                                                            Professor Tomás Corcoran and Dr        Live virtual Q&A
                   Live virtual Q&A                         Regional oximetry and non-cardiac     Live virtual Q&A
                                                            surgery: Tool or toy?                                                           Andrew Toner, WA
                                                            Dr David Highton, Qld                                                           CHESTY
                                                            Live virtual Q&A                                                                Dr Ianthe Boden, Tas
                                                                                                                                            Live virtual Q&A
    11am-11.30am   Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                   Q&ANZCA: Goals of care in surgical       Cardiac disease and the               Hiding in plain sight: Frailty and the    Jaundiced views: Multidisciplinary     Acute Pain SIG: Curtailing the other
                   oncology                                 puerperal period                      perioperative patient                     perioperative management of            epidemic
                   Moderator: Associate Professor           Chair: Dr Maggie Wong, Vic            Chair: Associate Professor Lis            complex liver disease                  Chair: Dr Adrian Sultana, NSW,
                   Ranjana Srivastava, Vic                                                        Evered, US                                Chair: Dr Jenny Coulson, Vic           Moderator: Dr Megan Allen, Vic

                   The anaesthetist’s perspective           Hypertensive emergencies              Consenting cognitively impaired           Anaesthetic management of              Opioids and outcomes
                   Dr Debra Leung, Vic                      in pregnancy - the role of            and frail patients                        chronic liver disease                  Dr Lindy Roberts, WA
                   The palliative care physician’s          echocardiography                      Professor David A Scott, Vic              Dr Fiona Desmond, Vic                  Opioid free anaesthesia analgesia
                   perspective                              Professor Alicia Dennis, Vic          Anaesthetic considerations for            Patient selection and surgical         Dr Adrian Sultana, NSW
     11.30am-1pm   Professor Peter Martin, Vic              Heart disease in pregnancy            impaired or frail patients                approaches to complex liver            Opioid stewardship programs
                   The surgeon’s perspective                Dr Jennifer Johns AM, Vic             Dr Jai Darvall, Vic                       resection                              in Australia
                   Associate Professor Vijayaragavan        Cardiovascular emergencies during     Multi-component interventions to          Mr Graham Starkey, Vic                 Dr Megan Allen, Vic
                   Muralidharan, Vic                        pregnancy                             prevent poor outcomes in frail patients   ICU management of                      Live virtual Q&A
                   The intensivist’s perspective            Dr Vangy Malkoutsis, Vic              Professor Ruth Hubbard, QLD               decompensated liver disease
                   Associate Professor Charlie Corke, Vic   Live virtual Q&A                      Live virtual Q&A                          Dr Caleb Fisher, Vic

                   A geriatrician perspective                                                                                               Live virtual Q&A
                   Dr Irene Wagner, Vic

     1pm-1.30pm    Live panel
                   Break,     session
                          virtual healthcare exhibition
                   Plenary session two: Pandemic!
                   Chair: Professor David A. Scott, Vic
                   Report from the frontline: Dr Miranda Holmes, Vic
                   Epidemiology and global response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Professor Allen Cheng, Vic
                   COVID-19 and peer review: Interpreting the literature in a global emergency: Professor Hugh Hemmings, US, (ANZCA ASM Visitor)
                   MacGyver bias in COVID-19: Associate Professor Laura Duggan, Canada

     3pm-3.30pm    Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                   Plenary session three: Heal thy self
                   Chair: Dr Vanessa Beavis, ANZCA President and Associate Professor Michael Vagg, FPM Dean
      3.30-5pm     Mary Burnell Lecture: Doctors, Disasters and Destiny: Professor Alicia Dennis, Vic, (ANZCA Australasian Visitor)
                   Looking after ourselves: which way now? Dr Kym Jenkins, Vic
                   Edward Shipton Lecture: Nociplastic pain - why should anaesthesiologists care? Professor Eva Kosek, Sweden, (FPM Regional Visitor)

        5-6pm      Break, virtual healthcare exhibition
      6-8.30pm     College Ceremony

6                                                                                                                                                              All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Sunday 2 May 2021

                     SIG Time to Answer Thoughts (STAT) Sessions: Join our special interest groups and their selected panel for a STAT Session, this live fast paced 60 minutes            10-11.30am — Interventional pain
                     Q & A session is your chance to engage with leading experts and have your questions answered in real time.                                                            evidence update
                                                                                                                                                                                           Chair: Dr Guy Buchanan, Vic
                     To get the most out of this highly interactive session, OnDemand SIG videos will be available on the virtual platform ahead of the session.

                     Combined Leadership and                 Anaesthesia and Critical Care            Perioperative Medicine SIG STAT            Open ePoster Prize session (Career        Basivertebral nerve ablation
                     Management SIG and Medical              in Unusual and Transport                 session                                    and Safety, quality and research)         Professor Matthew Smuck, US
                     Education STAT session                  Environments (ACCUTE) and                Chair: Dr Rachel Shanks, Vic               Chair: Professor David A Scott, Vic       Tuning in: All thing radiofrequency
                     Chair: Professor Kirsty Forrest, QLD    Trauma SIG STAT session                                                                                                       Dr Rob Wright, Vic
                     and Dr Robert Marr, Vic                 Chair: Dr Clare Hayes-Bradley, NSW                                                                                            Verteboplasty: Its back on
                                                                                                                                                                                           Dr William Clark, NSW
     10.30-11.30am   Associate Professor Meghan Lane-        Dr Jamin Mulvey, Canada                  Dr Mark Shulman, Vic                       The Open Poster Prize will be             The latest in neuromodulation
                     Fall, US                                Dr Mat Miller, NSW and the Sydney        Associate Professor Andre Le               awarded to the author(s) of the           Dr Marc Russo, NSW
                     Dr Sophia Grobler, NT                   HEMS team:                               Gerche, Vic                                poster judged to be the best              Live virtual Q&A
                     Dr Fiona Lander, WA                     Dr Rob Scott, NSW                        Dr Paul Wischmeyer, US                     of those submitted in terms of
                     Live virtual Q&A                        Dr Geoff Healy, NSW                                                                 originality, scientific rigour and
                                                             Live virtual Q&A                         Live virtual Q&A
                                                                                                                                                 quality of presentation. The prize of
                                                                                                                                                 $A500 is to be used for recognised
                                                                                                                                                 educational purposes. Refer to page
                                                                                                                                                 16 for authors presenting in this prize

      11.30-12pm     Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                     Obstetric Anaesthesia SIG STAT          Day Care Anaesthesia SIG STAT            Combined Communication in                  Wellbeing SIG STAT session                12-1.30pm — Procedural update:
                     session                                 session                                  Anaesthesia SIG and Medical                Co-chair: Dr Kushlani Stevenson, Vic      Where I use interventions in my
                     Chair: Dr Nam Le, Vic                   Chair: Dr Niki Tan, Vic                  Education STAT session                                                               sociopsychobiomedical approach
                                                                                                      Chair: Dr Sancha Robinson, NSW                                                       Chair: Dr Guy Buchanan, Vic
                                                                                                      and Dr Kara Allen, Vic

        12-1pm       Dr Briony Cutts, Vic                    Dr Brian Hue, WA                         Associate Professor Meghan Lane-Fall,      Dr Jo Sinclair, NZ                        The interventionalist Associate
                     Dr Maggie Wong, Vic                     Dr Dwane Jackson, Qld                    US                                         Dr Lindy Roberts AM, WA                   Professor Charles Brooker, NSW
                     Adjunct Professor Tanya Farrell, Vic    Professor Jill Francis, Vic              Associate Professor Stuart Marshall, Vic   Dr Kevin Hartley, WA                      The sceptic Dr Harry Eeman, Vic
                     Dr Nicole Sheridan, Vic                                                          Dr Stavros Prineas, NSW                    Dr Suze Bruins, Vic                       The middle ground Dr Steve De Graaff,
                                                             Live virtual Q&A                                                                                                              Vic
                     Live virtual Q&A                                                                 Live virtual Q&A                           Ms Nicole Gray, Qld
                                                                                                                                                 Live virtual Q&A                          Live virtual Q&A

       1.30-2pm      Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                     Plenary session four: Gilbert Brown Prize Session 2020 and 2021                                                             FPM Dean’s Prize 2020 and 2021,
                     Chair: Professor David A. Scott, Vic                                                                                        2021 Best Free Paper Session
                                                                                                                                                 Chair: Associate Professor Michael Vagg, Vic

        2-4pm        The Gilbert Brown Prize was established by the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, in         The FPM Dean’s Prize is awarded for original work presented in the area of pain,
                     1961 and is the most prestigious anaesthesia prize awarded during the meeting. It showcases the best research projects      judged to be a significant contribution to Pain medicine and/or Pain Research.
                     of the year from early career researchers. Refer to page 14 for authors presenting in this prize session.                   The Best Free Paper Award is awarded for original work judged to be the best
                                                                                                                                                 contribution to the Free Papers session of the Faculty of Pain Medicine. Refer to
                                                                                                                                                 page 15 and 16 for authors presenting in this prize session.

7                                                                                                                                                                   All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Sunday 2 May 2021

            4-4.30pm   Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                       Plenary: Waving or drowning? Postoperative deterioration and the failure to rescue
                       Chair: Dr Vanessa Beavis, ANZCA President
            4.30-6pm   Failure to rescue: Associate Professor Daryl Jones, Vic
                       Wearable patient monitoring and the Nightingale Project: Professor Cor Kalkman, Netherlands, (Victorian Regional Visitor)
                       Early postoperative complications and the role of the anaesthesia step-down unit: Dr Courtney Lloyd, SA

            6-6.30pm   Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                       Q&ANZCA: The Incredibles: major         Cardiac Thoracic Vascular and          Sustainability and the environment        Open ePoster Prize session (Airway        6.30-8pm — Acute Pain Management:
                       perioperative medicine trials in 2020   Perfusion (CTVP) SIG STAT session      STAT session                              Management, Perioperative Medicine        Scientific Evidence 2020 - The
                       Chair: Professor Kate Leslie AO, Vic    Chair: Dr Ann Ngui, WA                 Chair: Dr Eugenie Kayak, Vic              and Paediatrics)                          tastiest morsels from the editors
                                                                                                                                                Chair: Dr Tuong Phan, Vic                 Dr Jennifer Stevens, NSW and
                                                                                                                                                                                          Professor Stephan Schug, WA

                       PREVENTT                                Vascular Anaesthesia Perioperative      Associate Professor Forbes McGain, Vic   The Open Poster Prize will be             Strengthened, weakened, reversed
                       Professor Toby Richards, WA             management                              Associate Professor Kerstin              awarded to the author(s) of the           – an appetising history of key
                       PADDI                                   Moderator: Dr Malcolm Thompson, WA      Wyssusek, Qld                            poster judged to be the best              messages
                       Professor Tomas Corcoran, WA            Moderator: Dr Malcolm Thompson, WA      Dr Steven McGuigan, Vic                  of those submitted in terms of            Professor Stephan Schug, WA
                       Tidal volume in major surgery           Mr Casten Ritter, WA                    Live virtual Q&A                         originality, scientific rigour and        Paediatric titbits1: Will there ever
                       Dr Dharshi Karalapillai, VIC            Dr Mark Shulman, Vic                                                             quality of presentation. The prize of     be a main course?
                                                                                                                                                $A500 is to be used for recognised        Associate Professor Greta Palmer, Vic
                       Live panel session                      Dr Enjarn Lin, Vic
             7-8pm                                                                                                                              educational purposes. Refer to page       Long-term benefits from short-
                                                               Live virtual Q&A
                                                                                                                                                16 for authors presenting in this prize   term gains – ‘Vitamin’ K to local
                                                               Vascular Anaesthesia Perioperative                                               session.                                  anaesthetics
                                                               management                                                                                                                 Professor David A. Scott, Vic
                                                               Moderator: Dr Warren Pavey, WA                                                                                             Paediatric titbits 2: Chewing the fat
                                                               Associate Professor Christopher                                                                                            and sweet solutions
                                                               Merry, WA                                                                                                                  Dr Mark Alcock, Qld
                                                               Mr Pregesh Joshi, WA                                                                                                       Safety, the flip side of efficacy:
                                                                                                                                                                                          Some pointers to know about.
                                                               Live virtual Q&A                                                                                                           Dr Richard Halliwell, NSW
                                                                                                                                                                                          Avocado in the salad — things that
                                                                                                                                                                                          changed my practice
                                                                                                                                                                                          Dr Jeffery Mott, Qld
                                                                                                                                                                                          Live virtual Q&A

8                                                                                                                                                                  All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Monday 3 May 2021

                                W33B: Beyond Google: An introduction to the ANZCA Library
                                W32A: New supervisors of training (SOT) workshop: Effective supervision – how to support your trainees (8-10am)
                                W82A: Work-Life Transition Tactics: Redefining work and life through the sustained disruption in times of crisis (9-10.30am)
                                W43A: Doctors and the media – intensive media training for doctors (9am-12pm)
                                W14A: Virtual CRASH – return to work (9.30am-2.30pm)
                                OA05: Cork and Canvas (11am-1pm)

                                W33A: Beyond Google: An introduction to the ANZCA Library (12.30-2.30pm)

                                ANZCA Trainee Academic Prize Session 2020
                12-1.30pm       Chair: Dr Irene Ng
                                Presentations by ANZCA trainees or fellows who are within one year of admission to fellowship. Refer to page 14 for authors presenting in this prize session

                 1.30-4pm       Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                                History of Anaesthesia SIG STAT session                                  Professional Practice Research (PPR): How, what, when and why?         Trainee ePoster Prize session
                                Chair: Dr Andrew Walpole, Vic                                            Chair: Dr Kara Allen, Vic                                              Chair: Professor David A Scott, Vic

                                Associate Professor Paula Michaels, Vic                                  Dr Tanisha Jowsey, Vic                                                 This prize of $A500 is to be used for a recognised educational
                  4-5pm         Dr Pamela Maddock, NSW                                                   Dr Rebecca Szabo, Vic                                                  purpose and will be awarded to the author(s) of a poster
                                Monica Cronin, Vic                                                       Professor Jenny Weller, NZ                                             presented by a trainee of any anaesthetic college which the
                                                                                                         Professor Marg Bearman, Vic                                            regional organising committee considers best of those submitted
                                Live virtual Q&A                                                         Dr Andrew Huang, Vic                                                   in terms of originality, scientific rigour and quality of presentation.
                                                                                                                                                                                Refer to the ePoster brochure for authors presenting in this prize
                                                                                                         Live virtual Q&A                                                       session
                 5-5.30pm       Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                                Perioperative medicine for forgotten populations      Oncoanaesthesia: Can anaesthetic choices              Blood and iron: Updates in haematology                 Q&ANZCA: The razor’s edge: What should
                                Chair: Professor David Story, Vic                     improve long-term outcomes?                           Chair: Dr Ben Slater, Vic                              we publish, and why? Moderator: Professor
                                                                                      Chair: Professor Bernhard Riedel, Vic                                                                        Andrew Davidson, Vic

                                Perioperative medicine in paediatrics                 Does choice matter? General anaesthesia               Perioperative anti-coagulation management              British journal of anaesthesia
                                Professor Britta Regli-Von Ungern, WA                 and outcomes in cancer surgery                        Associate Professor Kate Burbury, Vic                  Professor Kate Leslie AO, Vic
                                Perioperative medicine in obstetrics                  Dr Julia Dubowitz, Vic                                Iron Therapy- where to next                            Anaesthesia
                                Professor Alicia Dennis, Vic                          Using perioperative beta-blockade during              Professor Toby Richards, WA                            Dr Kariem El-Boghdadly, UK
                   5.30-7pm     Perioperative medicine in trauma                      cancer resection to improve outcomes                  What’s new in fibrinogen replacement therapy?          Anaesthesia and intensive care
                                                                                      Dr Jonathan Hiller, Vic                               Dr Julie Lee, Qld
                                Dr Simon Hendel, Vic                                                                                                                                               Associate Professor John Loadsman, NSW
                                                                                      Can anaesthesia and analgesia during cancer           Heparin and protamine: Do we know what
                                Live virtual Q&A                                                                                                                                                   The higher education sector
                                                                                      surgery influence oncologic outcomes?                 we're doing, yet?
                                                                                                                                            Dr Florian Falter, UK                                  Professor Kirsty Forrest, Qld
                                                                                      Professor Donal Buggy, Ireland
                                                                                                                                            Live virtual Q&A                                       Live panel session
                                                                                      CPET in the post-METS era: Navigating

                                                                                      oncological surgery
                                                                                      Dr Hilmy Ismail, Vic
                                                                                      Live virtual Q&A

                   7-7.30pm     Break, virtual healthcare exhibition
                                ANZAAG STAT session                                   Airway Management SIG STAT session                    Paediatrics (SPANZA) STAT session                      Regional Anaesthesia SIG STAT session
                                Chair: Dr Helen Kolawole, Vic                         Chair: Dr Yasmin Endlich, SA                          Chair: Dr Ruth Matters, Tas                            Chair: Dr Samuel Sha, Vic
                                                                                      Co-Chair: Dr Frank Parker, Vic                        Co-Chair Ben Turner

                                Associate Professor Sara Barnes, Vic                  Dr Kariem El-Boghdadly, UK                            Dr Elsa Taylor, NZ                                     Dr John Cormack, Vic
                  7.30-8.30pm   Dr Joseph Deluca, Vic                                 Associate Professor David Brewster, Vic               Associate Professor Greta Palmer, Vic                  Dr Cassandra Andrews, Vic
                                Dr Winnie Tong, NSW                                   Dr Louise Ellard, Vic                                 Dr Catherine Olweny, Vic                               Dr Samuel Sha, Vic
                                Dr Kyra Chua, Vic
                                Dr Ben Pons, NSW                                      Dr Nicholas Chrimes, Vic                              Dr Ben Turner, Vic                                     Live virtual Q&A
                                Dr Sarah Green, NSW                                   Live virtual Q&A                                      Live virtual Q&A
                                Live virtual Q&A
                  8.30-9.30pm   OA06: Milk the Cow - Cheese and wine tasting
9                                                                                                                                                                                    All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
Tuesday 4 May 2021

                  7-8.30am     W34B: Advanced searching in MEDLINE: Tips and tricks to getting the best out of your search

                 9.30-11am     W63A: Preoperative functional assessment

             11.30am-1pm       W34A: Advanced searching in MEDLINE: Tips and tricks to getting the best out of your search

                               ANZCA Trainee Academic Prize Session 2021
                 12-1.30pm     Chair: Dr Irene Ng

                               Presentations by ANZCA trainees or fellows who are within one year of admission to fellowship. Refer to page 15 for authors presenting in this prize session.

                 1.30-5.30pm   Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                               Plenary six: Q&ANZCA: COVID-19
                               Operational responses and challenges
                               Moderator: Ms Julia Medew, Vic

                               Dr Paul Eleftheriou, Chief Medical Officer - Western Health, Vic
                               Dr Vanessa Beavis, ANZCA President, NZ
                               Dr Suzi Nou, ASA President, Vic
                               Dr Sheila Hart, NZSA President, NZ
                               Dr Finn Romanes, Department of Health and Human Services Senior Medical Advisor, Vic
                               Live panel session

                    7-7.30pm   Break, virtual healthcare exhibition

                               Closing plenary

                               Chairs: Dr Chris Ball, Vic

                               Award presentations of Gilbert Brown Prize, ANZCA Trainee Academic Prize, Trainee ePoster Prize and Open ePoster Prize
                               Anaesthesia Hypotheticals: The ‘VIP’
                               Moderator: Dr Simon Hendel
                               Based on the award-winning dramatisation of moral dilemmas screened in Australia in the 1980’s, this live session will see our moderator, Dr Simon Hendel guide a multidisciplinary panel through an
                               ethically and morally challenging scenario. Close the meeting by watching how this panel of noted clinical leaders manage our Very Important Patient.

                    7.30-9pm   Dr David Anderson
                               Professor Ian Freckelton QC
                               Professor Mukesh Haikerwal AC
                               Associate Professor Andrew Hardidge
                               Professor Kate Leslie AO
                               Ms Julia Medew
                               Associate Professor Daryl Williams
                               Closing remarks
                               Dr Vanessa Beavis, ANZCA President

10                                                                                                                                                                                   All times are AEST and correct at time of publication
SIG OnDemand                                                                                                         Combined Leadership and
                                                                                                                          Management SIG and Medical
                                                                                                                          Education SIG session
     The special interest groups have developed OnDemand content, some of our special interest groups
     will then be available for live STAT Session (STAT sessions are 60min Q&A with leading experts). This                From Little Things Big Things Grow
     OnDemand content will be available for you to view from 27 April, giving you more time to review your                Implementation science and the anaesthesiologist
     favourites and post questions in advance. Please refer to the main program grid to discover when the                 Associate Professor Meghan Lane-Fall
     STAT sessions will take place, our panel will join live to answer your questions.
                                                                                                                          Examples from practice - the beginners guide to big
      Airway Management SIG                                         Anaesthesia and Critical Care                         Dr Sophia Grobler

      Difficult airway                                              in Unusual and Transport                              Why change fails
                                                                                                                          Dr Fiona Lander
      Awake tracheal intubation guidelines
                                                                    Environments (ACCUTE) and
      Dr Kariem El-Boghdadly                                        Trauma SIG
      Airway management and COVID-19
                                                                                                                          Day Care Anaesthesia SIG
                                                                    General issues
      Associate Professor David Brewster                                                                                  Day Stay arthroplasty
                                                                    Mental strategies to optimise human performance in
      Extubation of the ‘at risk’ airway                            high pressure environments: Jasper icefields mass     Day stay arthroplasty: Why now? Training, technique
      Dr Louise Ellard                                              casualty incident                                     and treading with caution
      Welcome to the era of universal airway management             Dr Jamin Mulvey                                       Dr Brian Hue
      Dr Nicholas Chrimes                                           Leaping into a new environment: What is a registrar   Giant leaps from simple steps
                                                                    taught during NSW Aeromedical Operations              Dr Dwane Jackson
                                                                    Dr Mat Miller and the Sydney HEMS team:               Are we bound by acceptability of day-stay
      Australian and New Zealand                                    Dr Rob Scott                                          arthroplasty to patients and providers?
                                                                                                                          Professor Jill Francis
      Anaesthetic Allergy Group                                     Dr Geoff Healy
                                                                    Dr Clare Hayes-Bradley
      Antibiotic delabelling in clinical practice
                                                                                                                          History of Anaesthesia SIG
      Occupational health care allergies is it increasing in
      leaps and bounds?
                                                                    Cardiac Thoracic Vascular and                         Pain, trauma and trust - a historical reflection
      Associate Professor Sara Barnes                               Perfusion (CTVP) SIG                                  on the patient experience
      The clinical problem of inappropriate allergy labels,                                                               Childbirth trauma
                                                                    Hybrid operating theatres
      and the science of de-labelling.                                                                                    Associate Professor Paula Michaels
      Dr Joeseph De Luca                                            Updates on VT management. What do anaesthetists
                                                                                                                          Pain and trust, biology and race
                                                                    need to know.
      Our approach to de-labelling:                                                                                       Dr Pamela Maddock
                                                                    Associate Professor Saurabh Kumar
      St Vincents Hospital - Sydney: Dr Winnie Tong                                                                       Why are we still talking about Sims
      Austin Hospital, Melbourne: Dr Kyra Chua                                                                            Monica Cronin

      John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle: Dr Benjamin Pons
                                                                    Combined Communication in
                                                                    Anaesthesia SIG and Medical
      Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney: Dr Sarah Green                                                                  Neuroanaesthesia SIG
                                                                    Education SIG session
                                                                                                                          New directions for enhanced neurological
                                                                    Human factors and communication                       outcomes.
      Anaesthesia and Critical Care
                                                                    Clinical handover and communication                   Introduction
      in Unusual and Transport                                      Associate Professor Meghan Lane-Fall                  Dr Dean Cowie
      Environments (ACCUTE) SIG                                     Human factors and clinical performance                Burst suppression – friend or foe?
      White Island / Whakaari Eruption                              Associate Professor Stuart Marshall                   Dr Amy Gaskell

      Hear from: Dr Tony Smith, Dr Owen Callender, Dr               The theory of communication                           What’s new in EEG and emergence delirium in
                                                                    Dr Stavros Prineas                                    children
      Francois Stapelberg and Mr Richard Wong-She
                                                                                                                          Dr Andrew Davidson
      Intro & welcome by Dr Dean Bunbury
                                                                                                                          Neurosurgery: function over form
      Please note this session will not have a live STAT
                                                                                                                          Mr Kristian Bulluss
      session, please submit your questions on the video and
      the SIG will respond.                                                                                               Please note, there is no live panel for this session.


     Obstetric Anaesthesia SIG                               Regional anaesthesia SIG                              Professional Practice Research
     Obstetrics and adversity                                Regional SIG update                                   How, What, When and Why?
     Quality assurance in haematological point of care       What’s in a name? Standardising nomenclature in       Thematic Analysis
     testing for obstetrics                                  regional anaesthesia                                  Dr Tanisha Jowsey
     Dr Briony Cutts                                         Dr Kariem El-Boghdadly                                Grounded Theory
                                                                                                                   Professor Margaret Bearman
     Innovations in blood transfusion therapy                The role of catheters for post operative analgesia
     Dr Maggie Wong                                          Dr John Cormack                                       Qualitative research
                                                                                                                   Dr Rebecca Szabo
     Obstetrics and COVID in Victoria                        Adductor canal blocks
                                                                                                                   Participatory research
     Adjunct Professor Tanya Farell                          Dr Cassandra Andrews
                                                                                                                   Dr Andrew Huang
     Obstetric anaesthesia and COVID in Victoria             An update on ultrasound guided truncal blocks
     Dr Nicole Sheridan                                      Dr Samuel Sha

                                                                                                                   WebAIRS incident reporting - new
     Paediatrics (SPANZA)                                    Sustainability                                        concepts using incident analysis to
     Paediatrics                                             Do no harm? Our environmental Impact.
                                                                                                                   improve safety and quality
     Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV)                What more evidence do we need?                        A standardised colour-coding system to describe
     Dr Elsa Taylor                                          Associate Professor Forbes McGain                     escalation of risk and criticality in anaesthetic
                                                                                                                   practice, and its role in the WebAIRS system
     Postoperative analgesia                                 Advantages of addressing our waste problem.
                                                                                                                   Dr Stavros Prineas
     Associate Professor Greta Palmer                        Associate Professor Kerstin Wyssusek
                                                                                                                   Bowtie diagram evolution in anaesthesia
                                                             Xenon - is it the answer?
     Anxiety minimisation                                                                                          Dr Martin Culwick
                                                             Dr Steven McGuigan
     Dr Catherine Olweny                                                                                           Bowtie diagram examples to prevent and prepare for
     Prevention and management of emergence delirium                                                               anaesthetic crises
     Dr Ben Tuner                                            Wellbeing SIG                                         Dr Yasmin Endlich

     Perioperative Medicine SIG                              Long Lives Healthy Workplaces
                                                             Dr Joanna Sinclair
     Prehabilitation for beginners
                                                             Becoming better: The ANZCA trainee wellbeing
     Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the post-METS era   project
     Dr Mark Shulman                                         Dr Lindy Roberts AM

     Exercise as medicine - prevention of chemotherapy       Can you teach resilience? Developing the “building
     mediated functional decline                             personal resilience” modules: The WA experience
     Associate Professor Andre Le Gerche                     Dr Kevin Hartley, Dr Suze Bruins and Dr Nicole Gray

     Pre-operative nutritional optimisation
     Dr Paul Wischmeyer

Moderated ePoster Prize sessions

     Sunday 2 May                                                                                                             Monday 3 May
     Open ePoster Prize session – Career and                 Open ePoster Prize session – Airway                              Trainee ePoster Prize session
     safety, quality and research                            management, perioperative medicine and                           4-5pm
                                                             paediatrics                                                      Chair: Professor David A Scott
     Chair: Professor David A Scott                          7-8pm
                                                                                                                              When all else fails, is COFFEE the solution? (Carbon
                                                             Chair: Dr Tuong Phan                                             Offset Funding For Environmental Emissions)
     MEasuring the impact of Anaesthetist-administered
     medications volumeS on intraoperative flUid balance                                                                      Dr Gregory Leverett
                                                             Influence of metabolic syndrome and hypercoagulability on
     duRing prolonged abdominal surgEry (MEASURE study)      post-operative troponin levels in patients undergoing major      Postoperative recommencement advice for
     Associate Professor Laurence Weinberg                   orthopaedic surgery                                              antithrombotic agents
                                                             Dr Usha Gurunathan                                               Dr James Cheng Jiang
     Intraoperative hypotension in elder patients (iHypE):
     a retrospective cohort study of hypotension treatment   Reported definitions of intraoperative hypotension in surgical
     thresholds in Queensland                                                                                                 Effects of rotational thromboelastometry-guided
                                                             patients under general anaesthesia                               transfusion management in patients undergoing
     Dr Stefan Saric                                         Ms Stephanie Li                                                  surgical intervention for post-partum haemorrhage: an
     A comparison of the ClearSight™ finger cuff with                                                                         observational study
                                                             Effect of high-flow versus low-flow nasal oxygen
     invasive arterial pressure measurements in patients                                                                      Dr Yiying (Sally) Tsang
                                                             therapy on hypoxaemia during endoscopic retrograde
     with class III obesity: A pilot study                   cholangiopancreatography in high risk patients: a randomised     Anaesthetists are primed to leap into action on
     Associate Professor Victoria Eley                       controlled trial                                                 climate change
                                                             Dr Yadanar Zaw                                                   Dr Maximilian Benness
     Clinical audit of venous thromboembolism prevention
     in postoperative patients before and after electronic   Examining subjective psychological experiences of post-
     medical record                                                                                                           Anaesthetists adherence to aseptic precautions when
                                                             operative delirium: a qualitative study involving older          performing ultrasound guided peripheral intravenous
     Dr Luke Yang                                            cardiac patients                                                 cannulation. A quality improvement project
                                                             Miss Caitlin Cohen                                               Dr Jessica Taylor
                                                             Development of a paediatric quality of recovery score
                                                             Dr Cameron Graydon

ASM prizes

     Sunday 2 May                                                                                                                Monday 3 May
     Gilbert Brown Prize Session                                 Characterising the change in airway oxygen concentration in     ANZCA Trainee Academic Prize Session
                                                                 apnoeic patients when using high flow nasal oxygen with an
      2-4pm                                                      air/oxygen blender                                              12-1.30pm
     (2020 and 2021 presenters)                                  Dr Pippa Jerram                                                 (2020 presenters)

                                                                 The effect of THRIVE versus nasal prongs on safe apnoea time    The ANZCA Trainee Academic Prize shall be awarded
     The Gilbert Brown Prize is a prestigious prize awarded
                                                                 in paralysed obese patients: A randomised controlled trial      to the trainee or fellow, within one year (taking into
     annually at the ASM. Eligibility for the prize shall be
                                                                                                                                 account career disruption) of award of the diploma of
     limited to fellows of the college and the Faculty of Pain   Dr Louis Guy                                                    fellowship who is judged to make the best contribution
     Medicine within eight years (taking into account career
                                                                                                                                 at the Trainee Academic Session held as part of the
     disruption) of admission to fellowship of ANZCA. In the     2021 presenters                                                 ASM. This session will only be open to trainees or
     case of fellows who also hold a specialist qualification
                                                                                                                                 fellows to present material related to their research
     from another college or equivalent, eligibility for the     High flow humidified nasal oxygen (HFNO) versus face
                                                                                                                                 while a trainee. The prize will take the form of a medal,
     prize shall be limited to fellows within eight years        mask oxygen for preoxygenation of pregnant women – a
                                                                                                                                 and be accompanied by a certificate recognising the
     (taking into account career disruption) of obtaining        prospective randomised controlled crossover study (HINOP2)
                                                                                                                                 achievement. Applicable for 2020 authors only.
     their original specialist qualification in anaesthesia or   Dr Patrick Tan
     pain medicine.
                                                                 Physiological requirements of performing CPR as determined
                                                                                                                                 2020 presenters
     The prize takes the form of a medal and will be
                                                                 by cardiopulmonary exercise testing                             Urinary ketosis in fasting elective caesarean section patients
     accompanied by a grant of $A1000 for educational
     purposes. The Gilbert Brown Prize winner will also          Dr Andrew Woolley                                               Dr Hannah Bellwood
     receive a certificate recognising the award. Please                                                                         Agreement between ROTEM amplitudes at five minutes
     note only one abstract per author can be entered for        Knowledge and opinions of anaesthetic staff on operating
                                                                 theatre recycling practices at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s   (A5) with ROTEM amplitudes at ten minutes (A10) in
     consideration for this prize.                                                                                               patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
                                                                 Hospital (RBWH) – a departmental survey
     2020 presenters                                             Dr Yena Hwang                                                   Dr Jessica Taylor
                                                                                                                                 Bullying in Anaesthesia Registrars Survey (BARS)
     Postoperative pulmonary complication prevention             Operation clean up in Australian operating theatres – a
     in elective cardiac and major abdominal surgery: a          quality improvement program by TRA2SH                           Dr Peter Garnett
     feasibility study                                           Dr Jess Davies                                                  Quality over frailty: an audit of QFIRST, a novel multi-
     Dr Brian Chen                                                                                                               disciplinary clinic for high-risk surgical patients at a
                                                                 Comparing thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) with continuous     Queensland tertiary hospital
     Pharmacokinetic algorithm-driven versus fixed dose ratio    wound infusion catheters (CWIC) in simultaneous pancreas
                                                                                                                                 Dr William Curtis
     dosing of protamine following cardiopulmonary bypass:       kidney (SPK) transplantations
     the PRODOSE phase II randomised controlled trial            Dr Isabelle Reed                                                Regional anaesthesia and its association with Victorian
     Dr Lachlan Miles                                                                                                            inpatient arteriovenous fistula complication rates
                                                                                                                                 Dr Nathaniel Hiscock

ASM prizes continued

     Tuesday 4 May                                                                                                             Sunday 2 May
     ANZCA Trainee Academic Prize Session                     2021 presenters                                                  Faculty of Pain Medicine Dean’s Prize
     12-1.30pm                                                Trainee Quality Improvement Prize                                3-4pm
     (2021 presenters)                                                                                                         (2020 presenters)
                                                              Surgical day care unit (SDCU) fasting clock – an initiative
     The Trainee Research Prize (formerly the Trainee         to reduce prolonged preoperative fasting times in patients       The Faculty of Pain Medicine (FPM) Dean’s Prize
     Academic Prize) shall be awarded to the trainee or       undergoing elective colorectal and bariatric surgery             is awarded for original work presented in the area
     fellow, within one year (taking into account career                                                                       of pain and judged to be a significant contribution
                                                              Dr Joanna Yu
     disruption) of award of the diploma of fellowship who                                                                     to pain medicine and/or pain research. Eligibility is
     is judged to make the best contribution at the Trainee   Postoperative opioid requirement in elective primary             limited to trainees of the faculty; trainees of the five
     Academic Session held as part of the Annual SciM).       unilateral knee replacement surgery at Alfred Health: a          participating professional bodies of the faculty, or
                                                              follow-up retrospective cohort study                             fellows of FPM within eight years (taking into account
     Prospective authors must meet the eligibility criteria
                                                              Dr Alexandra Bolger                                              career disruption) of admission to fellowship. Please
     by 12am (AEDT) on 1 March in the year of the ASM.
                                                                                                                               note elected fellows must be within eight years (taking
     This session will only be open to trainees or fellows
                                                              PAC Telehealth Project – an assessment of patient and            into account career disruption) of admission to their
     to present material related to their research while a
                                                              anaesthetist experience of telehealth in the anaesthetic         original fellowship at the date of the meeting. The prize
     trainee. The prize will take the form of a medal, and
                                                              preassessment clinic                                             takes the form of a certificate and a grant of $A1000 for
     be accompanied by a certificate recognising the
                                                              Dr Nicole Hobday                                                 educational or research purposes.
     achievement. Applicable for 2021 authors only.

     The Trainee Quality Improvement Prize shall be           Trainee Research Prize                                           2020 presenters
     awarded to the trainee or fellow, within one year
     (taking into account career disruption) of award of      The impact of glycated haemoglobin recordings on patient         Post-operative monitoring after opioid administration
     the diploma of fellowship by 12am (AEDT) on 1 March      outcomes following elective and emergency surgery at a           in paediatric post-anaesthetic care unit
     2021 who is judged to make the best contribution         tertiary institution – a retrospective review                    Dr Nicholas Harrington
     at the Trainee Academic Session held as part of the      Dr Mikaela Garland
     Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM). Prospective authors                                                                      Targeting two birds with one stone: efficacy of
     must meet the eligibility criteria by 12am (AEDT) on 1   Incidence of ketone elevation among patients with diabetes       ketamine in pain and opioid reduction
     March in the year of the ASM. The prize will take the    on day of surgery                                                Dr Roopa Gawarikar
     form of a medal, and be accompanied by a certificate     Dr Jason Denny
     recognising the achievement. Applicable for 2021
     authors only.                                            Does the transfusion of perioperative blood products influence
                                                              outcomes following orthotopic liver transplantation?
                                                              Dr Timonthy Duong

ASM prizes continued

     Sunday 2 May
     FPM Best Free Paper Award                                  ePoster prizes
      2-4pm                                                     The organising committee of the 2021 ASM will select two
     (2021 presenters)                                          posters to be awarded a prize under the following categories:

     The Best Free Paper Award is for original work judged      ASM 2021 Open ePoster Prize
     to be the best contribution to the FPM Free Papers
     session and is open to all ASM registrants. The prize      The Open Poster Prize will be awarded to the author(s) of the
     takes the form of a certificate and a grant of $A500 for   poster judged to be the best of those submitted in terms of
     educational or research purposes.                          originality, scientific rigour and quality of presentation. The prize
                                                                of $A500 is to be used for recognised educational purposes.
     2021 presenters
                                                                ASM 2021 ANZCA Trainee ePoster Prize
     Opioid stewardship assessment: a multicentre study
     of post discharge opioid use and handling in surgical      This prize of $A500 is to be used for a recognised
     patients                                                   educational purpose and will be awarded to the author(s) of
                                                                a poster presented by a trainee of any anaesthetic college
     Dr Megan Allen
                                                                which the regional organising committee considers best of
     Seven-year follow up of persistent postsurgical pain in    those submitted in terms of originality, scientific rigour and
     cardiac surgery patients                                   quality of presentation.
     Dr Mateusz Zawadka

     Retrospective audit of the effect of intra-operative
     methadone on post-operative analgesia outcomes
     after major joint surgery
     Dr Jovana Stojkov

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