2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays

Page created by Lester Norton
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays

     TO U R I S M W H I T S U N DAYS .C O M . AU
                    Supported by
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays
WELCOME TO                                             WHO WE ARE?
     TOURISM                                                                                                       OUR ROLE WITHIN THE
                                                                                                                   TOURISM STRUCTURE
                                                                                                                                                                                FUNDING STRUCTURE OF
                                                                                                                                                                                TOURISM WHITSUNDAYS
    WHITSUNDAYS                                              Tourism Whitsundays Limited
                                                                (TW) is a not-for-profit
                                                            marketing organisation tasked
                                                                                                                                TOURISM AUSTRALIA

                                                                                                                        Brand awareness of Australia: driving
                                                             to market the destination as
                                                            a whole, support industry with
                                                                                                                         international visitation to Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                        12%                      19%
       To showcase The Whitsundays as the globally                                                                   TOURISM AND EVENTS QUEENSLAND                                      INDUSTRY                WHITSUNDAY
                                                              product development and                                                                                                  COOPERATIVE               REGIONAL
        recognised Great Barrier Reef destination.
                                                                deliver visitor services.                        Brand awareness of Queensland: driving domestic                                                 COUNCIL
                                                                                                                     and international business to Queensland
       Promote the destination globally to increase
                                                           Base funding for TW is provided by Tourism and
                                                                                                                             TOURISM WHITSUNDAYS                                                   18%
       visitation, dispersal, expenditure and length                                                                                                                                                 OTHER
                                                           Events Queensland (Queensland Government)              Marketing of our Region (Airlie Beach, Bowen,
         of stay; driving the economic benefit and                                                                                                                                                  SOURCES

                                                                                                                                                                                        12%                      39%
                                                           and the Whitsunday Regional Council. The              Collinsville, Islands, Proserpine, and everything in
       sustainability of the tourism industry through                                                             between): driving disperal to The Whitsundays
           marketing and industry development.             organisations' focus is to increase visitation and
                                                           length of stay and drive dispersal throughout                                                                                MEMBERSHIP           TOURISM & EVENTS
                                                           the areas of Airlie Beach, Bowen, Collinsville,                  VISITOR CENTRES &                                            & VISITOR             QUEENSLAND
                2021/22 MISSION                            Islands and Proserpine and everywhere in
                                                                                                                       LOCAL TOURISM ORGANISATIONS                                     INFORMATION
                                                           between, with the outcome being an increase                                                                                   CENTRES
          Ensure The Whitsundays is front of mind                                                                   Local information and booking agents for
           for domestic travellers throughout the          in visitor expenditure.                               consumers: encourage visitors to stay longer, spend
            phases of recovery by collaborating            The tourism industry is provided with the               more and travel further within The Whitsundays
             with industry and key stakeholders.           opportunity to invest in a membership with the
                                                           organisation, which helps to not only raise the
                           GOAL                            investment in destination marketing but also
           To return The Whitsundays overnight
                                                           allows the industry to be featured in relevant
                                                                                                                                           HOW DO WE DRIVE VISITORS TO
           visitor expenditure to better than pre
          COVID19 and Cyclone Debbie figures of            TW is not an advocacy body, therefore included                                       THE WHITSUNDAYS
          over $850m and total visitation to 1m.           in tourism memberships is an annual membership
                                                           with Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC).
                                                           QTIC is the peak industry body for tourism in         Targeted destination marketing:
            Tourism represents 1 in 3 jobs in The          Queensland, acting as 'The Voice of Tourism'.                                                         Deliver marketing                    Destination
            Whitsundays and is the most reliant                                                                 to promote The Whitsundays as a                    campaigns to                   media releases to
        destination on tourism in Queensland. When                                                              must visit destination, a place that             deliver awareness                 raise the profile
        tourism is thriving, every business is thriving;                                                        is in the Heart of the Great Barrier             but also visitation              of the destination
          therefore, tourism is everyone's business.                                                                Reef but is the heart of many                    to region.                     in key markets.
                                                                                                                 exceptional tourism experiences.

                                                                          The Tourism                                                                         Manage the
                                                                                                                                                                                                Support the development of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 our industry’s capacity and
                                                                    Whitsundays team                                                                       destination social
                                                                                                                                                                                             capabilities by providing access to
                                                                                                                                                           media assets like
                                                                                                                     Sustainable regional                                                    information, training and industry
                                                                 acknowledges that we                                                                      Visit Whitsundays
                                                                                                                 economic growth – to drive                                                     development opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                            Facebook page.
                                                                  work, live and play on                          visitation, visitor dispersal,
                                                                                                                      product knowledge,
                                                                  Aboriginal and Torres                          availability and distribution
                                                                   Strait Islander land.                            to increase awareness                                       Facilitate familiarisation tours with
                                                                                                                  that The Whitsundays is a                                    travel trade or travel writers with the
                                                                   We pay our respects                           premier holiday destination                                   support from membership to educate
                                                                 to Elders past, present                        that has something for every                                  travel agents or secure travel stories in
                                                                                                                 budget and demographic.                                           key publications and outlets.
                                                                          and future.

2   TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                             TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU   3
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays
                            BECOME A MEMBER?
    Becoming a member of                      ✓ Invest in the marketing and promotion of The Whitsundays.

    Tourism Whitsundays has                   ✓ The opportunity to be part of a robust regional business network
                                                promoting the aspirations of the local tourism industry community.
    a comprehensive number
    of benefits. However the                  ✓ Increased awareness, understanding and knowledge of projects and
                                                activities in the region through regular communications and functions.
    primary benefit is knowing
                                              ✓ Collaborative marketing opportunities to further
    that you are investing in                   promote your own business.
    the marketing of the region
                                              ✓ Opportunities to be represented at both trade
    so that tourism in The                      and consumer initiatives.
    Whitsundays can thrive. It is             ✓ Marketing opportunities through the visitor information centre,
    an investment that delivers                 website and other key publications such as consumer and trade
    the best opportunities                      newsletters produced by the association.

    for exposure, networking,                 ✓ The opportunity to harness the power of working collectively with
                                                other members of Tourism Whitsundays.
    marketing and best of all,
    building strong relationships             ✓ Access to valuable training and development workshops,
                                                programs and initiatives.
    with the tourism industry.

                                                                                                                         FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
     As the owner of two restaurants        I wanted to let you know we           Our membership with Tourism            Can Tourism Whitsundays do the marketing for my            Does Tourism Whitsundays drive new infrastructure
     at Coral Sea Marina in Airlie          had an amazing trip, thanks to        Whitsundays is an integral             business? Tourism Whitsundays role is to market the        or development opportunities for the region? The
     Beach, we certainly find it            you. We just loved everywhere         and core part of the successful        destination, we are not a marketing consultancy.           organisation will have a position on priority projects
     valuable to be members of              you suggested in Airlie Beach         marketing strategy for our             However there are opprotunities to uplift your             for The Whitsundays, however the role of Economic
     Tourism Whitsundays for multiple       and The Whitsundays. It               business. The team at Tourism          business through destination marketing activity.           Development is managed by Whitsunday Regional
     reasons. It's an investment which      was a trip of a lifetime. Hill        Whitsundays work very hard and                                                                    Council (WRC). Tourism Whitsundays works closely
                                                                                                                         Will Tourism Whitsundays write a media release             with WRC on various projects and initiatives.
     allows us to work collaboratively      Inlet and Whitehaven were             go above and beyond to find            about my business and distribute to your
     as a business in a tourism             amazing. I enjoyed being on           innovative ways to market the          database? Tourism Whitsundays does not write               Can you write a funding application for my
     community; membership                  the shore plus the snorkelling,       Whitsunday region as a whole,          media releases for independent businesses. From            business? Our team can point you in the direction
     provides the region with               just wow!! Riding on a tuk-tuk        punching way above their weight        time to time you might have exciting new products          of where you can research what funding is available
     destination marketing, support         within Airlie Beach are just          in terms of return on marketing        or experiences that we will include in media releases      however we do not write funding applications for
     and advocacy. Being a member           one of the highlights of this         dollars. We are very grateful for      or e-news distributions, however we rely on you to         businesses.
     has the additional benefits            trip. Tour guides are very fun        the assistance and support of          keep our team informed.
     of marketing and publicity             to be with. Jetboat-Its indeed        their wonderful organisation in                                                                   When we have issues within the tourism industry,
     opportunities, networking,             an Experience of a lifetime.          the continued success of our           Does Tourism Whitsundays organise destination              can you lobby government for a solution? Tourism
     special features in different          We enjoyed the Sundowner              business growth.                       events? Tourism Whitsundays does not organise              Whitsundays is not a lobbiest or advocacy body,
     activities, invitations to functions   Cruise, met a lot of people           Laureth Rumble                         destination events. The marketing team do support          therefore included in tourism memberships is
     and information about various          with different nationalities          ELYSIAN RETREAT,                       specific destination events with different levels of       membership to the Queensland Tourism Industry
     opportunities such as grants           and backgrounds. Loved every          LONG ISLAND                            marketing activation. This is determined by the            Council (QTIC) who are the 'voice of tourism' for
     and training. It’s about working       restaurant and cafes' and most                                               events ability to attract visitors from outside of the     Queensland.
     as a team, in collaboration with       especially, thank you for your                                               Whitsunday region.
     the community, for the greater         direction, planning and hand-                                                                                                           Can Tourism Whitsundays run community initiatives
     benefit of every business no           holding for our epic Airlie and                                              Why don't we ever see marketing activity by Tourism        and events? Like night markets? Community events
     matter the target market.              Whitsundays adventure. We                                                    Whitsundays locally? Tourism Whitsundays role is to        are run by Whtisunday Regional Council. Tourism
                                            cannot wait for our next trip!                                               drive people that do not live in The Whitsundays to        Whitsundays role is to deliver destination marketing
                                                                                                                         visit The Whitsundays. If we spend our much needed         for The Whitsundays to increase visitation, length of
     BAR & THE GARDEN BAR BISTRO            Visitors to
                                                                                                                         funds locally, it does not help to drive visitors to the   stay, dispersal and expenditure.
                                            WHITSUNDAYS VISITOR
                                            INFORMATION CENTRE

4   TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                  TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU     5
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays
MARKETING                                                        Visit Whitsundays Facebook followers grew from 691,862 to 735,061

                                                                                                        whitsundaysQLD Instagram followers grew from 160,612 to 171,829

             CONTENT ACTIVATION:                                                                   Adventure Airlie Facebook followers grew from 697 to 2,769
                                                   WHITSUNDAYS HOLIDAY DOLLARS

          New destination piece                                                               Total reach of Adventure Airlie across social media 1,405,680
                                                 DELIVERED 4,623 BOOKINGS
         Hero destination piece                    AND $1.6M IN REVENUE
                                                                                                        Visit Airlie Beach Facebook followers grew from 458 to 5,291
        and a series of short clips
         showcasing the whole                                                                         Total People reached across leisure social media
                                                 COVID Recovery activity turned a $1.5M               28,820,146 (not including Adventure Airlie)
          Whitsundays region
                                                 spend into more than $21M in revenue -
            Over 10 pieces of                    17 campaigns - of which 8 had a tactical        Total increase in followers across leisure social media 6.61%
                                                   focus, 40 pieces of content created,
          Youth specific content
                                                     and 2 new partnerships formed.
                                                                                                                                              WORKING HOLIDAYMAKERS CAMPAIGN
                                                                                                 HELLOWORLD MACKAY                              Budget $0, delivered $5,000 in bookings
                                                                                                 BUDGET $4,500, delivered
            MATES RATES AND                              WONDERS OF THE                            $90,406 in bookings
         ESCAPE WINTER BUDGET                             WHITSUNDAYS                                                                         TV SHOW APPEARANCES
           $125,000, delivered                       Major activation with                                                                          TRAVEL GUIDES Feb 21
                                                    a $1M BUDGET, delivered                              TRADE ACTIVITY                        WEEKENDER July/Aug/Oct 20; Jan 21
          $820,000 in bookings                        $12.8M IN BOOKINGS                                                                          TODAY SHOW July/Aug 20;
                                                                                            161 Meetings with potential Trade partners                 Feb/May/Jun 21
                                                                                                 Over 500+ travel agents trained                  REEL DESTINATIONS May 21
                                                                                                 Developed online video training                     TASTE OF AUSTRALIA
        AVIATION partnered with Whitsunday Coast and Hamilton Island                                                                             WITH HAYDEN QUINN Mar 21
              Airports, Tourism Australia, TEQ and Virgin Australia.                                  tools specific to trade
                                                                                                                                                       TRAVEL AND EAT
                                                                                                  Delivered 3 trade campaigns                      WITH DAN & STEPH Jun 21
         $600K budget delivered an ROI of 8:1, resulting in an additional
          $4.8M in revenue and 6,878 in bookings or 18,570 passengers
                                                                                                 ALWAYS ON STRATEGY                                      EDU/STUDY
                                                                                                 Delivered an increase in visitors to         DISTRIBUTED TO OVER 2,500 SCHOOLS,
       PHILL HOFFMAN TRAVEL SOUTH             Leisure publicity inclusive of digital            tourismwhitsundays.com.au by 99%             UNIVERSITIES AND EDUCATION PROVIDERS
                                                    publicity $55,183,813.94
         BUDGET $10,000, delivered
           $45,500 in bookings                Corporate publicity $3,062,299.88                                                    FEATURED IN:
                                                                                                METRO UK Discover the heart-shaped             DAILY MAIL The dreamy (and VERY
                                                                                                 places that will get you in the mood          luxurious) Aussie weekend getaway
                                 WORK AND PLAY                 LETS GET TOGETHER                 for Valentine’s Day by Richard Mellor       every woman is dying to go on this year
       FRONTLINE                        Over 20,000
                                                                 Over 250 entries
                                     unique page views                                        NEWS.COM.AU 25 Best Things to do in the        THE AUSTRALIAN Blue-and-white slice
        WORKERS                                                                                  Sunshine State by Celeste Mitchell           of island paradise by Jeremy Bourke

          Budget $0,                                                                                   SUNDAY TELEGRAPH                              THE CANBERRA TIMES
           delivered                 VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE                                    Paradise Found by Craig Tansley               My Australia by Karen Jacobsen

           $2.73M in                      Total sales 20/21 through VIC $2,100,633
                                                                                                VOGUE Your definitive 2021 Australian        QANTAS Silver Linings by Faith Campbell
                                                     Total enquiries 9,956
           bookings                            Total walk ins (incl in above) 4,102
                                                                                               travel bucket list is here by Yeong Sassall
                                                                                                                                             CEO Deep Sleep by Christine Retschlag

6   TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU                                                                                                                                    TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU   7
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays
Distribution of
                                 NATIONAL MARKETING                       THE WHITSUNDAYS VISITOR GUIDE
                                 Wonder of the Whitsundays                    Dedicated DRIVE NORTH
                                     Campaign $1M+                          QUEENSLAND CAMPAIGN ($50K)

                                    Launch new best practice                        Content creation, TV productions
                                   D E S T I N AT I O N WEBS IT E                  and hosting media familiarisations

                                 Host WHITSUNDAYS                     Attend the
                                TOURISM EXCHANGE                 AUSTRALIAN                     'CALLING ALL
                                         ($30K)               TOURISM EXCHANGE                QUEENSLANDERS'
                                                                                              Tactical Campaign
                                Operation of the WHITSUNDAYS VISITOR                                 $50K
                                            INFORMATION CENTRE
                                                                                                 NINE targeted
                                 Dedicated BUSINESS                                             trade campaigns
                                 EVENTS trade famil
                                                              HEART OF EVENTS'
                                                              Campaign ($10K+)                 Whitsundays Product
                                                                                                and Gaps Analysis
                                  Always on Activation
                                  outside of campaign
                                   periods to increase                   Business Events virtual reality
                                      awareness of                        site inspection promotion
                                  The Whitsundays and
                                 combat common myths
                                                                 Product and Development position to encourage
                                                                 and facilitate experience-based opportunities for
                                Attend Business Events           the region, develop tourism products and identify
                                     trade shows                   investment prospects to benefit the industry

                                Dedicated WEDDINGS             REGIONAL HIGHWAY                    CONTENT
                                    media famil                   ADVERTISING                    PRODUCTION

                                         Development of 3 new products                        2 aviation campaigns
                                                                                                  to support new
                                                                                                skytrans route plus
                                OVERNIGHT SAILING targeted marketing activity ($300K)         drive seat volume into
                                                                                                both WSY airports
                                     Dedicated Trade position to increase product
                                  knowledge of agents through training, identify new
                                  opportunities for operators with key trade partners,         Attend CARAVAN &
                                  product contracting, and tactical campaign activity.           CAMPING expos

8   TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU                                                                    TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU   9
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays
Premium                           KEY BENEFITS INCLUDE:

                                                                                                                                    Tourism                           ✓   Opportunity for products to be included in leisure trade marketing updates

                                                                                                                                                                      ✓   Invitation to participate in TW trade events and workshops
                                                                                                                                    Membership                        ✓   Opportunity to be featured in media and trade familiarisation to showcase your product
                                                                                                                                                                      ✓   Opportunity to do a joint media release to the TW database once

                                                                                                                                    Premium membership                    a year on a newsworthy announcement for your product
                                                                                                                                    is for businesses who             ✓   Invitation to participate in destination marketing cooperative opportunities and campaigns
                                                                                                                                    are established in the            ✓   Participation in industry marketing groups – by invite only
                                                                                                                                    tourism industry or are           ✓   Invitation to present your product to key TW staff
                                                                                                                                    looking to be involved in         ✓   Commission on 'gold' bookings 10% (bookings that are immediately
                                                                                                                                    a variety of marketing                bookable) and 15% on '24 hour' turnaround)
                                                                                                                                    campaigns, activations,           ✓   Complimentary Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) Membership:
    Tourism Supporter                           Business Membership                                                                 familiarisations. This                Available for members who sign up in the first financial quarter only. By
                                                                                                                                    membership will partner               being a member of QTIC you will receive the following opportunities:
    This package is for individuals             Open to business support services, wishing to gain exposure to, engage              with TW in trade and media            » Opportunity to discuss advocacy topics with QTIC policy officer
    who have a vested or personal               with and support the ongoing development of tourism in The Whitsundays.             activities, while contributing        » Influence Government through member input
    interest in the activities,                 Increased visitor numbers equals increased business success across all              to the destination                    » Working collaboratively on issues that affect the industry
    projects and initiatives TW is              industries. If you contract to, support, or provide a service to a visitor facing   marketing outcomes                    » Be involved in the advocacy campaign during government elections
    undertaking. Offering primary               tourism operator, this is the membership level for you. Businesses include but      for The Whitsundays.                  » Access to QTIC basic business resources
    membership benefits and                     are not restricted to trades, legal representatives, digital suppliers, graphic
                                                                                                                                                                          » Free access to Grants Gateway (normally $85)
    networking opportunities                    designers, consultants, & maintenance etc.
                                                                                                                                                                          » 10% discount on ATAP and Star rating renewal up to $199
    this package recognises, that               This level caters to Bed and Breakfast businesses looking to support continued                                            » Discounted price on QTIC events, workshops and webinars throughout the year
    supporter members may not                   marketing of the destination, supporting viable business.                                                                 » Discounted entry to the Queensland Tourism Awards up to $180
    be directly in tourism, and
                                                Hospitality and retail businesses are supported through this level of                                                     » Ability to nominate and voting rights for the QTIC Board
    tourism still plays a significant
                                                membership, and where suitable will be included in specific marketing and                                                 » Ability to share content through QTIC social media channels
    role in driving the economic
                                                media promotions such as PR and trade familiarisations.                                                                   » Listed in the QTIC membership directory
    contribution of the business.
                                                                                                                                                                          » QTIC member logo and certificate
    KEY BENEFITS INCLUDE:                       KEY BENEFITS INCLUDE:                                                                                                     » Access to the QTIC Young Professional Mentoring Program
    ✓ Receive regular information and           ✓   Exposure to over 300 member businesses                                             $5,000/year                        » Opportunity to use the QTIC office as a meeting space if available
      updates                                   ✓   Networking opportunities
    ✓ Invitations to networking events          ✓   One dedicated business profile article in the industry e-news
    ✓ Ability to vote for Board positions
      and attend the AGM
                                                    One business listing on the corporate section of tourismwhitsundays.com.au
                                                    Free access to workshops and training (run by Tourism Whitsundays)
                                                                                                                                    Ultimate                          KEY BENEFITS INCLUDE:

                                                                                                                                    Tourism                           ✓ Priority access to all membership benefits listed in the membership matrix
                                                                                                                                                                      ✓ Ultimate Tourism Member tile to be placed on the
              $99/year                                                          $595/year                                           Membership                          tourismwhitsundays.com.au website pages where capable
                                                                                                                                                                      ✓ Direct call to action to your business website or bookings page on
                                                                                                                                    Ultimate membership is for          tourismwhitsundays.com.au
                                                                                                                                    those operators who are           ✓ Ultimate tourism member branded tile located on every '4:01 Buzz' industry newsletter
    Essential Tourism                       KEY BENEFITS INCLUDE:                                                                   serious about their industry
                                                                                                                                    and believe themselves
                                                                                                                                                                        and event invitation – a minimum of 20 per year with a direct call to action
                                                                                                                                                                      ✓ 2 x blogs per year about your business offering or key product to be published
    Membership                              ✓
                                              Receive all industry communications
                                              Opportunity to attend networking functions and events                                 to be major contributors            on tourismwhitsundays.com.au website – content must be provided by
                                            ✓ Receive support and advice from the Tourism Whitsundays team                          and leaders to the regions          the product and must be unique content, e.g. not listed elsewhere
    For all tourism businesses that                                                                                                 tourism story. Ultimate
                                            ✓ Development and training opportunities, e.g. workshops                                                                  ✓ Seated in the VIP section at the Whitsunday Tourism Awards
    have direct interaction with                                                                                                    tourism members will be
                                            ✓ Opportunity to be featured in destination marketing opportunities at TW discretion                                      ✓ Invitations to VIP events and dinners
    visitors to The Whitsundays.                                                                                                    exposed at the highest
                                            ✓ Discounted advertising opportunities                                                                                    ✓ Opportunity to attend TW Board meeting 4 x per year
    This membership is suitable             ✓ Standard commission across all bookings generated via the Whitsunday                  levels with all calls to action   ✓ Opportunity to provide dedicated training material for trade engagement
    for new tourism businesses or             Visitor Information Centre or tourismwhitsundays.com.au                               on TW platforms (outside          ✓ Receive trade and media databases collected from events attended
    established tourism businesses          ✓ Complimentary membership with the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse                   of campaigns) linked              ✓ 10% Commission on 'gold' bookings 10%
    interested in the baseline              ✓ Complimentary Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) Membership:                  directly to their business          (bookings that are immediately bookable not 24 hours)
    tourism benefits available such           Available for members who sign up in the first financial quarter only. By             for maximum conversion.           ✓ Complimentary Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) Membership:
    as experience-based operators             being a member of QTIC, you will receive the following opportunities:                 With only six packages              Available for members who sign up in the first financial quarter only. By
    and accommodation providers.              » Opportunity to discuss advocacy topics with QTIC policy officer                     available, these are highly         being a member of QTIC you will receive the following opportunities:
                                              » Influence Government through member input                                           sought after.                       » Opportunity to discuss advocacy topics with QTIC policy officer
                                              » Working collaboratively on issues that affect the industry                                                              » Influence Government through member input
                                              » Be involved in the advocacy campaign during government elections                                                        » Working collaboratively on issues that affect the industry
                                              » Access to QTIC basic business resources                                                                                 » Be involved in the advocacy campaign during government elections
                                              » Free access to Grants Gateway (normally $85)                                                                            » Access to QTIC basic business resources
                                              » 10% discount on ATAP and Star rating renewal up to $199                                                                 » Free access to Grants Gateway (normally $85)
                                              » Discounted price on QTIC events, workshops and webinars throughout the year                                             » 10% discount on ATAP and Star rating renewal up to $199
                                              » Discounted entry to the Queensland Tourism Awards up to $180                                                            » Discounted price on QTIC events, workshops and webinars throughout the year
                                              » Ability to nominate and voting rights for the QTIC Board                                                                » Discounted entry to the Queensland Tourism Awards up to $180
                                              » Ability to share content through QTIC social media channels                                                             » Ability to nominate and voting rights for the QTIC Board
                                              » Listed in the QTIC membership directory                                                                                 » Ability to share content through QTIC social media channels
                                              » QTIC member logo and certificate                                                                                        » Listed in the QTIC membership directory
                                              » Access to the QTIC Young Professional Mentoring Program                                                                 » QTIC member logo and certificate
                                              » Opportunity to use the QTIC office as a meeting space if available                                                      » Access to the QTIC Young Professional Mentoring Program
           $1,500/year                                                                                                                $25,000/year                      » Opportunity to use the QTIC office as a meeting space if available

10 TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                       TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU           11
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays

                  TW - at TW discretion        $ - at a members cost        U – unlimited                                                                                                      TW - at TW discretion         $ - at a members cost          U – unlimited








              *Affiliate memberships are between TW and Bowen Tourism and Business,                                                                                                        *Affiliate memberships are between TW and Bowen Tourism and Business,
           Whitsunday Coast Chamber of Commerce and Proserpine Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                      Whitsunday Coast Chamber of Commerce and Proserpine Chamber of Commerce

    Membership certificate and logo use                                                          ✓             ✓         ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Package inclusion in The Whitsundays Edu-Tourism Prospectus                                                                                              ✓            ✓         ✓
    Receive fortnightly e-news and updates                                                       ✓             ✓         ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Opportunity to feature in targeted youth/adventure marketing activity                                                                                    TW           ✓         ✓
    Be listed in the TW members directory                                                        ✓             ✓         ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Keep us updated with your news and events
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TW           ✓         ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 (to share with corporate partners and consumers)
    List your consumer events on The Whitsundays website                                         ✓             ✓         ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Opportunity to provide experiences for competitions and promotions to raise awareness for
                                                                                                                                                                                 your product
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TW           ✓         ✓
    Invitation to networking events                                                              $25            2        ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Upload your professional images for TW to use to market your experience in blogs and other
    Free entry into the annual awards program                                                    $99           ✓         ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          relevant content
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TW           ✓         ✓
    Letters of support                                                                                         ✓         ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Opportunity to attend Australian Tourism Exchange with Tourism Whitsundays                                                                               TW           ✓         ✓
    Eligibility to vote at the AGM                                                                                       ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Opportunity to participate in marketing initiatives or cooperative marketing activities                                                                    $           $         $

    Whitsunday Tourism Awards discounted ticket                                                                          ✓           ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Potential to be included in marketing collateral (be considered for suggested itineraries, blogs, etc.)                                                               ✓         ✓
    Brochure display at the Whitsunday Visitor Information Centre                                                                    ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Invitation to strategy sessions with TW                                                                                                                               ✓         ✓
    Invitation to free workshops, events and training opportunities                                                                  ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Distribute to TW's database (600 subscribers) a joint media release (1 x per year)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ✓         ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 if you have a newsworthy development within your product
    Opportunity to host a networking function                                                                                        ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Reduced booking commission options on product bookings that are immediately bookable                                                                                  ✓         ✓
    Access to past workshops and training materials                                                                                  ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓
    Opportunity to be part of TW events to leverage your business
                                                                                                                                                                                 Be provided leads from trade and media training and events                                                                                                            ✓         ✓
    (ability to provide prizes for competitions, trade tables, sponsorship, showcase)                                                ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Commission on 'gold' bookings 10% (bookings that are immediately bookable)
                                                                                                                                                                                 and 15% on '24 hour' turnaround)                                                                                                                                      ✓         ✓
    Ability to access and incorporate The Whitsundays destination brand and toolkit                                                  ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓
    Access to the Tourism Whitsundays image library and destination content                                                          ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 Tourism Whitsundays supplier preference (ability to quote on works)                                                                                                   ✓         ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 Opportunity for other brands within one business to be included in marketing opportunities (e.g.
    $500 voucher for radio advertising with STAR FM (conditions apply)                                                               ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          campaigns and famils)                                                                                                                                                $250       ✓
    Eligibility for election to the Board                                                                                            ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Whitsunday Visitor Information Centre advertising discount on TVs and Lightboxes                                                                                     15% 30%
    Product listing on The Whitsundays website (with ATDW listing)                                                                   ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          The Whitsundays website banner advertising                                                                                                                           15% 30%
    Provide guidance for launches, celebrations and other special events                                                             ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Whitsunday Transit Bus Advertising discount
                                                                                                                                                                                 (buses travel between Whitsunday Coast Airport and Airlie Beach)                                                                                                     15% 30%
    Free marketing advice (one-hour session)                                                                                         ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Multiple brochure facings at the Whitsunday Visitor Information Centre                                                                                                 2         U
    Support to become a Best of Queensland product                                                                                   ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          1 x complimentary restaurant listing                                                                                                                                  ✓          U
    Access to a booking button for your website that gives you online booking ability with the
    minimum commission (no setup fees from TW)                                                                                       ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Ability to include a direct call to action on your TW website listing                                                                                                           ✓
    ATDW support                                                                                                                     ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Representation of multiple businesses under the one overarching company to receive full
                                                                                                                                                                                 member benefits for each product
    Discounted advertising opportunities with Tourism Whitsundays corporate partners
    (e.g. Grant Broadcasters, Paradise Outdoor Advertising)                                                                          ✓          ✓           ✓         ✓          Invitation to attend four Board meetings throughout the year                                                                                                                    ✓
    Provide business updates in industry e-news                                                                                      TW         TW          ✓         ✓          Recognition in every fortnightly industry e-news as a key partner of TW                                                                                                         ✓
    Provide monthly update for TW corporate Facebook                                                                                 TW         TW          ✓         ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 Seated in the VIP section of the Whitsunday Tourism Awards                                                                                                                      ✓
    Opportunity to be featured in trade and media familiarisation programs                                                           TW         TW          ✓         ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 Access to the TW business directory                                                                                                                                             ✓
    Support to develop a cruise ship tour product (3 x one-hour sessions)                                                            TW         ✓           ✓         ✓
                                                                                                                                                ✓           ✓         ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 Dedicated blogs featured on The Whitsundays website and leisure social media                                                                                                    ✓
    Be part of the destination marketing content for The Whitsundays                                                                 TW
                                                                                                                                                                                 Ultimate Tourism Member tile to be placed at the bottom of every website/ booking page
    Free ATDW membership (worth $165)                                                                                                TW         ✓           ✓         ✓          (where capable)                                                                                                                                                                 ✓
                                                                                                                                                                                 First right of refusal in TW marketing campaigns & trade events; and invitations to VIP trade or
    Inclusion in The Whitsundays Cruise Ship Product Manual                                                                          TW         ✓           ✓         ✓          media dinners                                                                                                                                                                   ✓
    Opportunity to sell your product on The Whitsundays website and via the Whitsunday Visitor
    Information Centre                                                                                                                          ✓           ✓         ✓          Opportunity to provide dedicated training material for trade                                                                                                                    ✓
    Free membership with Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) worth $400                                                                  ✓           ✓         ✓          Receive trade and media databases collected from events attended                                                                                                                ✓
    Support to become 'domestic ready' (3 x one-hour sessions)                                                                                  ✓           ✓         ✓
    Support to become 'international ready' (3 x one-hour sessions)                                                                             ✓           ✓         ✓

12 TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU                                      13
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays
Out of Region Membership                                        Corporate Partnership
    Tourism Whitsundays' nationally accredited Visitor              Tourism Whitsundays work with a range of corporate
    Information Centre (WVIC) opened in February                    partners to increase investment in promoting
    2020 and is committed to working with its industry              The Whitsundays through a range of industry
    partners to provide contemporary visitor services.              collaborations. A thriving Tourism industry flows onto
    Located at Whitsunday Gold Coffee Plantation                    all areas of business, as such TW is always looking
    attraction visitors have access to a fully licensed             for a mutually beneficial partnership to continue to
    café, a small animal enclosure and bird aviary (free            grow our region. Contact us to develop a customised
    entry), fully airconditioned children's play area               corporate partnership to suit your business and
    and a large caravan car park. The team at the                   demonstrate your support for the tourism industry.
    WVIC will provide reliable information and booking              KEY BENEFITS INCLUDE:
    services to visitors of the Whitsunday Region, as
                                                                    ✓ Promotion of media and advertising offer though
    well as to travellers seeking information about
                                                                      membership database and industry
    tours and accommodations along routes.
                                                                    ✓ Partnership with monthly netowrking events
    Our primary purpose is to link operators with the               ✓ Inclusion in commuication and banner advertising on
    traveller, provide information and where possible,                Tourism Whitsundays website
    bookings (For products loaded onto Bookeasy).                   ✓ Recognition at corporate events
                                                                    ✓ Dedicated announcements through EDM
    ✓ 1 x A4 or DL Brochure pocket in the 'out of region' section
      of the WVIC (additional brochures can be requested for
      a fee)
    ✓ Ability to be booked by the WVIC staff if you are loaded
      on Bookeasy

      *Special offer does not apply to Out of Region Membership
                                                                                                                                     ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                                              Whitsunday Visitor Information Centre
                                                                                                                              ADDITIONAL BROCHURE DISPLAY:                                                                                           $132/year
                                                                                                                              Must be an A4, A5 or DL sized brochure

                                                                                                                              TV DISPLAY ADVERTISING:                                                                                               $350/year
                                                                                                                              1 x still slide supplied in high res jpeg format, HDTV standard
                                                                                                                              (minimum size 1920 width x 1080 height 16:9 aspect ratio)
                                                                                                                              Keep any relevant text or logos inside the safe margins
                                                                                                                              All accommodation and tour adverts must not include the product phone number,
                                                                                                                              email addresses, product website or direct booking call to action.

                                                                                                                              LIGHTBOXES:                                                                                                         $125/month
                                                                                                                              A2 skin printed on a lightbox film or similar supplied to the WVIC for install.
                                                                                                                              Important text/image/logo to be kept within 5-10mm of the border.
                                                                                                                              2-month booking minimum

                                                                                                                              WEBSITE BANNER ADVERTISING:                                                                                        $150/quarter
                                                                                                                              tourismwhitsundays.com.au receives over 500,000 page views per year. The website
                                                                                                                              is fully interactive, mobile-friendly and easy for consumers to navigate. As a result, we
                                                                                                                              predict website visitation to continue to increase in the future.
                                                                                                                               To participate all you need to do is submit your banner advertisement which will be
                                                                                                                              displayed on the website, linking directly to your product page. Take advantage of
                                                                                                                              this opportunity to increase your bookings and maximise your online exposure.

                                                                                                                              WHITSUNDAY TRANSIT BUS ADVERTISING:                                                                           $490/six months
                                                                                                                              Members of TW have the opportunity to advertise on the screens of Whitsunday
                                                                                                                              Transit transfers between Airlie Beach and the Whitsunday Coast Airport.
                                                                                                                              Whitsunday Transit transports travellers to and from Whitsunday Coast Airport several
                                                                                                                              times daily, with numbers set to continue growing.

                                                                                                                             *All prices above are plus GST
                                                                                                                             **Artwork production costs are not included, graphic design can be provided at an additional cost
                                                                                                                             ***As per the membership benefits, Essential, Premium and Ultimate receive % discounts based on their level
                                                                                                                             Click here for booking terms and conditions.

14 TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU                                                                                                                                                                                                               TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU   15
2021/22 MEMBERSHIP PROSPECTUS - TOURISMWHITSUNDAYS.COM.AU Supported by - Tourism Whitsundays
#lovewhitsundays                                   CONNECT WITH US
         @tourismwhitsundaysltd (corporate)            We like to think of your membership as a gym
                                                       membership; those that take up their membership
         @WhitsundaysQLD (destination)                 benefits are the ones that gain the most! Highlight
                                                       your membership inclusions in the table above and
         @WhitsundaysQLD                               make sure you access all of the relevant opportunities
         @VisitWhitsundays                             available to you.

         @whitsundaysQLD                               Unsure about any of your member benefits? Contact
                                                       your membership officer on 07 4948 5900 or email

            #adventureairlie                             tourismwhitsundays.com.au


                               TO U R I S M W H I T S U N DAYS .C O M . AU
                                              Supported by

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