2021-22 Annual Business Plan - GOV.UK

Page created by Grace Stevenson
2021-22 Annual Business Plan - GOV.UK
Business Plan


                Business Plan
2021-22 Annual Business Plan - GOV.UK
    01    Chief Executive's Foreword                4

    02    The Business Environment                  6

    03.   Business Plan 2021-22                     8
          Introduction                              8
          SLC’s Mission and Lenses                  9
          3.1. The Frontline Lens                  10
                 Apply-to-Pay                      10
                 Repayments                        12
          3.2. The Customer Lens                   14
          3.3. The Corporate Lens                  16
                 Managing Change                   16
                 The Policy Portfolio              16
                 SLC Technology Strategy           19
                 Managing Public Money             21
                 Financial Plans                   22
                 Governance                        24
                 People Strategy                   24

    04.   Risk                                     26

    05.   Conclusion                               27

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2021-22 Annual Business Plan - GOV.UK
Chief Executive's Foreword
    Chief Executive’s
                                                                                The coming year will see the      but lay the foundations for         Right now, there is an urgent
                                                                                first tangible outcomes of        a truly efficient and effective     need to rebuild the pandemic-
                                                                                our Customer Engagement           service in future years.            impacted economy and skills
                                                                                Management (CEM)                                                      must be at the centre of that.
             After a remarkable year – in      predecessor was. But we will                                       Improvements in technology,
                                                                                programme. We will enable                                             SLC exists to enable people
             which SLC processed more          not let these challenges get                                       CEM and Operations mean
                                                                                customers to self-serve                                               to invest in their futures
             applications and paid more        in the way of the important                                        that we will generate data that
                                                                                and proactively keep them                                             through further and higher
             students than ever before         and necessary changes that                                         we can use to drive further
                                                                                informed on the status of                                             education. The Government
             while the vast majority of        we have planned.                                                   improvement and strategic
                                                                                their application. CEM will                                           has set out its ambition for a
             colleagues pivoted to home-                                                                          insights. Our Excellence in
                                               As a company we are              also increase SLC’s capacity                                          new approach to learning via
             working – I am delighted to                                                                          Data workstream will help
                                               transforming. We are             to support customers with                                             a ‘lifelong loan entitlement,’
             introduce SLC's Business                                                                             build the technical capability to
                                               delivering a change agenda       more complex and challenging                                          with the potential for significant
             Plan for the financial year                                                                          deliver data insights, enabling
                                               to improve the quality of        needs via a case-management                                           change for SLC in years to
             2021-22. While we continue                                                                           us to identify priority areas
                                               service to our customers.        approach. And we are                                                  come. A challenge for sure, but
             to manage the impacts of                                                                             of focus based on value and
                                               This includes an integrated      putting particular focus on                                           an opportunity too, to tackle
             the pandemic, our focus is                                                                           feasibility.
                                               and seamless digital             the customer experience of                                            some of the complexity within
             on continuing our steady
                                               customer experience              vulnerable students and those     At the centre of all of this        the student finance system.
             progress towards building
                                               through modernised and           claiming Disabled Students        change are our people –             Given the scale of change that
             a modern, responsive and
                                               more customer-intuitive          Allowance (DSA) to ensure that    colleagues across three UK          we delivered last year, I am
             sustainable organisation.
                                               systems and processes. We        all our customers have equality   locations who continue to meet      confident that SLC will be up
             For a second year, it is likely   are building new technology      of choice and access.             the challenges presented by         to the mark for changes yet
             that we will continue to be       while maintaining and                                              the pandemic and our growing        to come.
                                                                                Delivering CEM supports our
             a predominantly home-             modernising the foundation                                         and evolving business. We will
                                                                                goal to become a leaner, more
             working organisation. We          technology on which our                                            deliver on a strategic workforce
                                                                                cost-effective organisation via
             also anticipate another year      business rests. We are                                             plan this year and we will see
                                                                                ‘Operations 2.0’, a substantial
             of significant increases in       doing this because we aim to                                       the introduction of career
             student finance application       be a responsive, customer-
                                                                                upgrade to our Operations                                             Paula Sussex
                                                                                                                  pathways which will support
             volumes, continued volatility     focused organisation. We
                                                                                Directorate which will benefit                                        Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                  colleagues to develop and
                                                                                customers and colleagues. We
             in student/applicant              don’t always get it right just                                     progress their careers. And
                                                                                will exploit the new technology
             behaviour and, the potential      now, but the changes we are                                        SLC will continue to focus on
                                                                                SLC has invested in to deliver
             need to prepare for changes       making will help us improve                                        staff wellbeing in the context
                                                                                a better customer experience –
             to future admissions cycles       and when mistakes are                                              of the post-pandemic return
                                                                                and one that we simply cannot
             – all of which indicate that      made, will enable us to put                                        to the office, with colleague
                                                                                deliver with current systems.
             2021-22 is likely to be           things right quickly.                                              safety being the number one
                                                                                New operating models across
             at least as challenging a                                                                            priority. It is one of my key
                                                                                the business will not only
             year from an operational                                                                             areas of focus and will remain
                                                                                deliver efficiency in 2021-22
             perspective as its                                                                                   so throughout the year.
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2021-22 Annual Business Plan - GOV.UK
The Business Environment
    02                                                                                                                                            We have six Directorates:

                                                                                                                                                         Product, customer and external relations (PCER)

    The Business                                                                                                                                         Repayment and Customer Compliance (R&CC)
                                                                                                                                                         Technology Group (TG)

                                                                                                                                                         Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

                                                                                                                                                 SLC’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT):
    SLC is a UK public sector organisation
    established to provide student funding
    (in the form of loans and grants) to over
    two million new and returning students
    and learners annually, in colleges and
    universities across England, Northern
    Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We are
    a non-profit making limited company
    which is Government-owned. In total,
                                                                                                                                                 Paula Sussex                        Product, Customer          Operations            Repayment and
    we have 8.5 million customers and                                                                                                            Chief Executive                     and External Relations     Derek Ross            Customer Compliance
    manage a nationally significant loan                                                                                                                                             (PCER)                     Executive Director,   (R&CC)
                                                                                                                                                                                     David Wallace              Operations            Bernice McNaught
    book worth £156.5bn (as of 31 March                                                                                                                                              Deputy Chief Executive                           Executive Director,
    2020)1. The four UK Government                                                                                                                                                   and Chief Customer                               Repayment and Customer
                                                                                                                                                                                     Officer                                          Compliance Directorate
    Administrations are our shareholders.                                                                                                                                                                                             (R&CC), and Senior
                                                                                                manage a range of FE and postgraduate                                                                                                 Responsible Owner
    SLC plays a central role in supporting the                                                  products and services that are tailored                                                                                               for Evolve
    higher education (HE) and further education                                                 to the differing requirements of
    (FE) sectors. We do this by making timely                                                   Government Administrations, alongside
    and accurate payments of maintenance                                                        various 'targeted support' grants to
    loans to students and learners and tuition                                                  enable people to overcome barriers to
    fee loans on their behalf to HE and FE                                                      participation in FE and HE
    providers. Moreover, we are taking an
    increasingly active role in helping to shape                                                administer bursary payments on behalf of
    student finance in the future.                                                              many UK HE providers

    In detail, we:                                                                              work with HMRC to collect repayments
                                                                                                through PAYE and self-assessment                  Technology Group (TG)              Chief Financial            People
        manage the full end-to-end ‘apply,                                                      systems while directly collecting from            Stephen Campbell                   Officer (CFO)              Morven Spalding
        assess, pay and repay’ process for                                                      borrowers outside the UK tax system or            Chief Information Officer          Jacqui Smillie2            Executive Director,
        undergraduates in England and Wales                                                                                                                                          Chief Financial Officer    People
                                                                                                those nearing the end of their repayment
                                                                                                                                                                                     and Executive Director
        and provide the payment and repayment
                                                                                                term                                                                                 for Finance, Commercial,
        parts of this service for Scotland and                                                                                                                                       Estates and Enterprise
        Northern Ireland; we also maintain the                                             We employ more than 3,000 staff across                                                    Risk & Compliance
        assessment systems and online portals                                              four sites: in Glasgow (city centre and
        used for applications and assessments                                              nearby Hillington), Darlington and Llandudno
        in Northern Ireland                                                                Junction.

    1                                                                                                                                      2
6     The value of the loan book as of 31 March 2021 will be published on www.gov.uk/slc as part of the company’s official statistics.         Jacqui Smillie left SLC in May 2021                                                                                  7
    (These statistics are embargoed until their release each year in June.)
2021-22 Annual Business Plan - GOV.UK
Business Plan 2021-22
    03                                                                            Lenses

    Business Plan                                                                 SLC is a complex business with many different customers, products and stakeholders. To create
                                                                                  alignment and clarity - both internally and for external audiences - we report on our business
                                                                                  performance via three perspectives or views that we call 'lenses'. We view our overall objectives

                                                                                  and measure progress against these lenses:

             Introduction                                                            The Frontline                      The Customer Lens                      The Corporate Lens
             SLC’s business plan outlines our objectives for the financial year      Services Lens                      We will provide a great                We will manage change
             2021-22, set in the context of our three-year Corporate Plan.           Through each academic              customer experience,                   projects in a timely manner,
             The business plan also defines how success will be measured.            cycle, we will ensure existing     helping customers to invest            balancing lowest practical
                                                                                     products are delivered             in their futures by providing          cost with the need for
             Each year on behalf of all shareholders, the Department for             securely, effectively,             an intuitive, supportive and           achieving quality outcomes
             Education (DfE) sets out the Government shareholders’ key               sustainably and efficiently        trusted service.                       and agreed benefits. SLC
             priorities for SLC and agreed funding in the Annual Performance         to our customers. We will                                                 will also improve financial
             and Resource Agreement (APRA) letter.                                   also increase repayment                                                   management and compliance
                                                                                     compliance, administer the                                                with Government and other
             The APRA letter also sets out shareholders’ priority performance        loan book effectively and                                                 controls, through a well-
             measures and associated targets (‘APRA targets’) for the                efficiently, and deliver post                                             managed, skilled, engaged
             year ahead, which form a subset of SLC’s Key Performance                loan sale obligations.                                                    and motivated workforce.
             Indicators (KPIs).
                                                                                                                      Measures and Targets
                                                                                                              (include relevant corporate KPIs, agreed with
                  SLC's Mission                                                                                       the CEO for each Directorate)
                  Our mission is to enable people to
                  invest in their futures through further
                  and higher education by providing                                                                      (Corporate Measures and
                  trusted, transparent, flexible and                                                                  Targets, including APRA targets,
                                                                                                                        agreed with the SLC Board)
                  accessible student finance services.

                                                                                                                              and Targets
                                                                                                                              (Agreed with
                                                                                                                        Government shareholders)
                                                                                                                             As the top tier metrics,
                                                                                                                             APRA measures and
                                                                                                                           targets are set out in this
                                                                                                                                 Business Plan.

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2021-22 Annual Business Plan - GOV.UK
Business Plan 2021-22

                      3.1. The Frontline Lens                                                                      ‘Operations 2.0’                              Performance Management

                                                                                                                   As we see more efficient and effective        The two APRA measures and associated
                      Our frontline service is the face of SLC       Implementation of Customer                    engagement with customers through             targets agreed with Government for the
                      for our customers and comprises of two         Engagement Management (CEM)                   implementation of better customer             Assess to Pay part of the Frontline Lens,
                      areas – our Apply-to-Pay operational                                                         systems, we need to ensure that               and which are both related to quality, are:
                      teams and our Repayments teams.                CEM is a key component of the Evolve          alongside this we have the right structures
                                                                     transformation programme which will                                                             92% or more of applications
                                                                                                                   and skills, and improved processes. This
                                                                                                                                                                     assessed should meet the 'right first
                      Apply-to-Pay                                   substantially improve customer service.       will also ensure more meaningful work for
                                                                                                                                                                     time' Quality Assurance (QA) criteria;
                                                                     It shifts SLC from a task-based model         our staff.
                      We are committed to delivering the             of customer engagement to one which                                                             and
                      ‘business as usual’ academic cycle of          focuses on customer outcomes through          Operations 2.0 provides that structure
                                                                                                                                                                     92% or more of customer telephone
                      processing applications and payments           case management. It is supported by           and is the new operating model to
                                                                                                                                                                     calls handled by SLC staff should
                      to the high standards that we set for          the Salesforce system which provides          which SLC will transition during 2021-
                      ourselves in collaboration with DfE and                                                                                                        meet the 'right first time' QA criteria.
                                                                     clear, concise and integrated data that,      22. The new model will provide greater
                      the devolved administrations, while also                                                     flexibility through the creation of the       Additionally, we will also carefully monitor
                                                                     in due course, will be shared directly with
                      transforming our frontline business.                                                         Student Finance Officer role, which will      and report monthly progress against both
                                                                     customers through online self-service
                      This is no small undertaking when we                                                         see colleagues skilled across different       the expected and the actual volume of
                                                                     or by notifications through a variety of
                      expect around a 10% increase in new                                                          SLC services, and is supported by the         applications and enquiries.
                                                                     channels including email and SMS.
                      applications for student finance and as                                                      implementation of career pathways which
                      we continue to manage our business and         CEM will support SLC to move to online        will enhance our employee experience
                      serve customers remotely.                      processing wherever feasible and provide      and deliver customer benefit. These
                                                                     intuitive online capability for customers     changes will also benefit the taxpayer
                      Deliver the Academic Cycle
                                                                     and real time data that either enables        through efficiency savings of 8% against
                      Despite the scale of planned change in         customer self-service or enables SLC to       the 2020-21 baseline, which we expect to
                      Apply-to-Pay Operations during the year,       provide a 'right first time' service.         realise from the final quarter 2021-22.
                      we will continue to focus on ensuring that
                      applications are processed accurately and      This level of integrated service – which      Coupled with CEM, Salesforce and other
                      on-time, and that customers’ enquiries         customers have rightly come to expect         improvements, Operations 2.0 will create
                      are handled efficiently. Paying the right      from service providers – is simply not        the basics that will ensure we more
                      customers the right money at the right         possible with our current systems.            easily deliver a digital service that will
                      time remains our overall priority and will                                                   allow our customers to self-serve. This
                      therefore continue to be our focus.                                                          level of change, coupled with anticipated
                                                                                                                   increases in application volumes and
     Priority          Milestones                                                                                  continued homeworking will, however,
                                                                                                                   add pressure to our contact centre during
     Implementation         The initial launch of our new customer service system went live in February
                                                                                                                   the 2021-22 cycle. While we have put a
     of CEM                 2021. The Salesforce system enhances the information presented to our contact
                                                                                                                   range of mitigating actions in place, such
                            centre staff to enable them to more efficiently answer customer questions, and
                            provides the capability to track and manage customer issues effectively.               as increased customer service capacity
                                                                                                                   and more focus on assessments, we
                            Further releases are planned throughout Q2 2021 with a continued commitment            anticipate that, unfortunately, customers
                            to improve the experience for the teams within SLC and for our customers.
                                                                                                                   may need to wait longer than normal to
                            This will be achieved by integrating more of our customer information into the
                                                                                                                   speak to us.
                            Salesforce system and expanding the functionality to manage the customer
                            experience. We will train our teams to use the new system and scale our
                            capability in advance of August 2021 (i.e. before the peak of the academic
                            From Q2 we will also introduce digital Self Service and Notifications capabilities,
                            initially for small groups of test customers with the intention of providing a
                            comprehensive Self-Serve capability from November 2021. Notifications will
                            automatically keep our customers informed and assured of progress through the
                            key stages of their applications, relieving them of the need to call us.
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2021-22 Annual Business Plan - GOV.UK
Business Plan 2021-22

     Repayments                                    up-to-date information such as their loan          Collect Every Pound Due                        Performance Management
                                                   balance, interest rate and repayment
     SLC’s Repayments and Customer                                                                    Some of SLC’s proactive collections            The APRA measure and associated target
                                                   options without the need to telephone us.
     Compliance Directorate’s key goal is to                                                          and arrears management activities              agreed with Government for repayments
     ensure that funds are returned to the UK      While CEM will be the major deliverable            were paused during 2020 as part of our         is that:
     taxpayer: by ensuring that customers who      for our Assess to Pay operations during            response to the pandemic. We transferred
                                                                                                                                                         90% or more of borrowers in
     are due to repay comply with their terms      2021-22, we will also maintain the                 resources focused on collections to
                                                                                                                                                         repayment are fully compliant with
     and conditions; that we prevent and           good progress made in terms of the                 our apply-to-pay operations in order to
                                                                                                                                                         their repayment obligations.
     respond to fraud and error; and that we       development of the repayments service.             maintain our application service.
     effectively manage post loan book sale        This will include:                                 By doing this we ensured that students         Additionally, we will measure, and report
     servicing.                                                                                       and institutions were paid on time.            monthly on:
                                                       Enhancing the ORS service by
     SLC works in partnership with HMRC to             providing additional self-service              While SLC has recently restarted                   A recoveries target – meaning the
     collect repayments through PAYE and               opportunities for end of loan                  collections activities, we are mindful that        money we receive directly from
     self-assessment and collects repayments           processes and receiving refunds; and           the economic fallout from the pandemic             borrowers - of £71.25 million for the
     directly from those borrowers outside                                                            will have affected many of our borrowers.          year, and
                                                       Replacing our outdated collections
     the UK tax system. We also provide a                                                             We are therefore making it a priority to
                                                       system and introducing self-service                                                               A quality assurance target of 92%
     direct-debit option for customers, and                                                           ensure that all collections activity is fair
                                                       for customers in arrears by the                                                                   or more.
     actively encourage those borrowers who                                                           and supportive. At the same time, and
     are nearing the end of their repayment                                                           consistent with Managing Public Money,
     term to use this facility, as it allows the   Excellence in Data                                 we are ensuring that those borrowers
     company to manage the remaining                                                                  who do earn above the income threshold
                                                   SLC’s Excellence in Data project is a key          - and should be making repayments - are
     balance in real-time and thus removes the
                                                   strand in Evolve. The successful delivery          compliant with their obligations.
     risk of incorrect PAYE deductions which
                                                   of our customer service and of our
     could otherwise result in customers over-
                                                   collections efforts relies on the quality and
     repaying their loans.
                                                   integrity of our data, and it is vital that this
     SLC and HMRC service the entire               is accurate and consistent. This project
     Income-Contingent Repayment (ICR)             focuses primarily on building quality,
     loan-book, which is partly owned by           governance, integrity and accuracy in
     Government and partly owned by private        our data to deliver a better customer
     investors.                                    experience, a better user experience and
                                                   to enhance the value of loan repayments.
     The key priorities for 2021-22 include:
                                                   SLC will develop an enterprise-wide
     Technology Enhancements                       approach to data quality and governance
     SLC’s new Online Repayment Services           during the coming year through the Evolve
     (ORS) was launched in July 2020,              Excellence in Data Programme and the
     receiving positive feedback from              creation of a Data Centre of Excellence.
     borrowers. This was our first major
     deliverable for enabling greater customer
     self-service: borrowers can now see

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Business Plan 2021-22
                                                                                                Customer Experience (CX)                        ‘Modular’ approach to learning
                                                                                                As part of our ongoing transformation, SLC
     3.2. The Customer Lens                                                                     is creating a pivotal customer experience       Against the backdrop of transformation in
                                                                                                strategy that will deliver insight-led          the ways that we engage with and serve
     Helping customers to invest in their futures by providing an intuitive, supportive and     improvements to the end-to-end customer         our customers, we are looking to the future
     trusted service is at the heart of our business. Through CEM and Evolve we will be         journey. Our new Student Finance Customer       and helping to shape implementation
     making it easier for customers to engage with SLC via an omni-channel strategy that will   Panel, made up of prospective, current          of the Government’s HE and FE reform
     mean seamless ‘right channel, right time’ service.                                         and former students, will be key in building    agenda. The impact of reforms will result
                                                                                                insights and puts our customers at the          in significant change for SLC in terms of
                                                                                                centre of this new strategy. We will formally   our systems, processes and technologies
                                                                                                establish the CX function, create new           – and, potentially, in how we work with
                       Customer Interactions                                                    metrics that focus on customer experience
                                                                                                rather than customer service, reduce
                                                                                                                                                other organisations in the sector. Given
                                                                                                                                                the complexity of student finance, we will
                                                                                                customers’ need to contact us through           use our experience to drive simplicity and
                       Eliminate                                                                enhanced self-serve functionality, and          rationalisation wherever and whenever
                       The best service is no service.                                          baseline and improve customer satisfaction      possible.
                       Customers would prefer to interact directly to apply for their           scores.
                                                                                                                                                Performance Management
                       student finance, and have their interaction dealt with fully
                       automatically and as close to immediately as possible.                   The opportunity presented is significant        The two APRA measures and associated
                                                                                                and the CX strategy will have reach and         targets that have been agreed with
                                                                                                impact across the organisation. We will
                       Self Serve                                                               steer this impact through fully integrated
                                                                                                                                                Government for SLC customer satisfaction
                                                                                                                                                during 2021-22 are that:
                       Help our customers to help themselves.                                   customer, colleague, stakeholder and
                       Where a customer does want or need to interact with us, we will                                                              Applicant, student and sponsor
                                                                                                partner communications which will improve
                       provide them with access to the information and services they                                                                satisfaction will be at least 75%
                                                                                                the reach and effectiveness of our customer
                       need to allow them to do so easily and in their own time.                communications.                                     Borrowers in Repayment satisfaction
                                                                                                                                                    will be at least 62%
                                                                                                Vulnerable Customers
                       Optimise                                                                                                                 Additionally, we will look to measure,
                                                                                                Through our CX work, we will focus on
                       When customers contact us with an issue, we address it                                                                   and report monthly on:
                                                                                                improving the experience of our most
                       quickly and efficiently.
                                                                                                vulnerable customers to ensure that                 The pre-application satisfaction rate
                       Where a customer needs to contact us they can do so                      SLC is accessible to everyone. This will
                       through the channel of their choice, and their issue is resolved                                                             The number of applications completed
                                                                                                include reforming the Disabled Students             with no incoming telephone call
                       immediately or referred to someone who can. The customer is              Allowance (DSA) delivery model and service
                       kept informed, and advised when the issue is resolved.                   proposition to ensure that customers in             The average number of telephone calls
                                                                                                receipt of DSA are better able to receive           per application
                       Support                                                                  the support they deserve. These reforms         Further metrics will be developed in-year,
                       Where our customers have more complex needs and need                     will also increase transparency of pricing      including ones which will help us measure
                       to navigate the process, we assign someone to guide them.                and increase competition thus limiting the      and analyse customer effort scores. In
                       Where we identify that a customer is facing challenges with the          potential for any anti-competitive behaviour,   addition, we will also develop metrics around
                       process, we assign a case owner to guide them efficiently and            following the recent concerns expressed by      customers’ use of alternative (non-telephone)
                       supportively.                                                            the Competition and Markets Authority.          contact channels during 2021-22, and
                                                                                                                                                our understanding of the quality of their
                                                                                                                                                experience with alternative channels. This
                                                                                                                                                will underpin our evolving channel strategy
                                                                                                                                                and help us to provide customers with a
                                                                                                                                                frictionless experience wherever possible.
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                                                                                                    See page 18 for further detail
Business Plan 2021-22

     3.3. The Corporate Lens                                                                        Key deliverables for 2021-22 include:

                                                                                                    Updates to Student Finance regulations:   Allow new and returning students to
     The Corporate Lens describes the critical     We will measure and report monthly
                                                                                                                                              access student funding support
     ‘infrastructure’ that keeps SLC functioning   on the RAG-status of each portfolio (as              Undergraduate loans
     – this lens includes managing our change      assessed by its respective Portfolio Board           Part Time loans
     programmes, building and maintaining          or equivalent).                                      Postgraduate loans
     technology, managing public money,
                                                   Additionally, we have agreed with                    Educational Maintenance
     governance and people.
                                                   Government shareholders that two of                  Allowances (Wales and NI)
     Although our transformation will be           these, the RAG-status of the Policy and              Welsh Government Learning Grants
     felt most readily in the Frontline and        Evolve portfolios, will constitute the APRA          Advanced Learner Loans (England)
     Customer lenses, the functions described      measures and associated targets (these
     within the Corporate Lens are the engine      will be validated by the Joint Quadrilateral     Disabled Student Allowance                Implement DSA reforms, increasing
     rooms of change. From CEM, our                Committee, which is chaired by DfE and           (DSA) reforms                             transparency and competition, to deliver
     new customer engagement platform,             by the Evolve Oversight Committee,                                                         a new service which offers customers
     to a comprehensive updating of our            chaired at SLC Board level, respectively).                                                 with certain common conditions the
     technology base and people policies that                                                                                                 choice and ability to self-serve and
                                                   Our policy and process simplification work
     will increase fairness, transparency and                                                                                                 receive a standard package of support
                                                   will continue and will take account of the
     career progression, this coming year will
                                                   opportunities presented by the wider
     see an unparalleled change in SLC.                                                             Engagement with Government on their       These reforms are likely to have strategic
                                                   policy reforms that have been announced
     Managing Change                               by the UK Government.                            longer-term FE/HE reforms agenda          implications for SLC, and include
                                                                                                                                              the design of a new Lifelong Loan
     SLC is a technology-enabled company           We will complement this year’s key focus                                                   Entitlement product
     and in the coming year we will leverage       by improving our planning and forecasting
     technology to improve customer                accuracy across all the portfolios.              Residency Changes                         Various residency changes across UK
     experience, update legacy systems and                                                                                                    domiciles, including changes arising
     make sure we are fit for the present and
                                                   The Policy Portfolio                                                                       from UK exit from the EU, and checks
     future. Over one third of our budget is       While the major initiatives for four of the                                                on statuses granted through the EU
     geared to technology expenditure which        five portfolios are set out in the relevant                                                Settlement Scheme
     underlines the importance of technology       sections throughout this document, those
     to our operations. SLC’s change               for the Policy Portfolio are specified here.     Scottish Repayment Plan 4                 Repayment threshold changes
     programme for 2021-22 comprises of            This portfolio is responsible for the delivery
     five portfolios, each of which depends on     of the Governments’ student finance
     underlying technology change to deliver       policy changes and annual (academic
     outcomes:                                     year) service updates to systems and
                                                   processes. This is critical work as it is
                                                   required to support the launch of the next
         Evolve, our transformation                relevant academic year application cycle
         programme                                 in respect of the relevant loan and grant
                                                   (student finance) products.



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Business Plan 2021-22

     FE and HE Reforms                             These include:                              SLC Technology Strategy                      efficient and enabling technology
                                                                                                                                            foundation upon which SLC can ultimately
     During this year, we will work closely with       A new Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE)   Technology is a key enabler of our           deliver outstanding customer service.
     DfE on the design and development of                                                      corporate strategy and supports us to
                                                       A review of Post-Qualification
     products to support the important FE and                                                  deliver against our customer, HE and         The Technology Strategy is comprised
     HE policy reforms that were announced                                                     FE provider and colleague expectations.      of four distinct programmes, namely:
     by the Prime Minister in 2020 and, in             Other policy initiatives announced                                                   Transform, Simplify, Remediate and
                                                                                               Implementation of our Technology
     more detail, in a Government ‘Skills for          as part of the Government’s interim                                                  Enable.
                                                                                               Strategy will deliver a sustainable and
     Jobs’ White paper in January 2021.                response to the Augar Review
                                                                                               resilient architecture and form a strong,

      Lifelong Loan Entitlement
                                                                                                                 Transform: We will deliver new strategic capabilities to
                       SLC’s processes and systems are fundamental to the                                        transform the customer and colleague experience with a
                       success of the LLE reforms and we will therefore work                                     seamless and streamlined application-to-repay system,
                       with DfE and No 10 to develop and co-design the policy                                    providing access through multiple, linked channels when
                       required to deliver LLE.                                                                  required and enabling our colleagues to service our
                       This will allow learners to get a loan as easily for modular                              customers with access to the right data at the right time.
                       learning (i.e. short courses) as for a full university degree                             Simplify: We will simplify and consolidate our existing
                       and will be based on a flexible lifelong loan entitlement                                 platforms and de-couple the architecture to reduce
                       that learners can use across both FE and HE.                                              Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and enable long term
                       This flexibility will enable the FE and HE sectors to tailor                              sustainability and greater flexibility.
                       provision to the needs of the economy and support                                         The resulting Service Oriented Architecture will reduce
                       learners to gain new skills and qualifications over their                                 the cost and complexity of change and enable a joined-
                       lifetime for the future jobs market.                                                      up customer and Further/Higher Education Provider
                       We will look wherever possible to streamline the student                                  experience.
                       finance system as we move to a more unified model that                                    Remediate: We will de-risk our platforms by improving
                       works in a way which is fundamentally different to the loan                               supportability, security and disaster recovery.
                       products currently available across FE and HE.
                                                                                                                 Enable: We will deliver enabling technology capabilities,
                                                                                                                 including cloud computing, Software as a Service (SaaS)
                                                                                                                 and Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solutions to provide
                                                                                                                 agile and cost-effective technology services.

18                                                                                                                                                                                          19
Business Plan 2021-22

     Our priorities for Technology for 2021-22    Technology (DDaT) Framework. The              Managing Public Money                           Key financial and commercial priorities for
     include:                                     directorate’s priorities will be defined                                                      2021-22 are:
                                                  in Q1, then implemented in phases             SLC has a one-year funding settlement
     Strategic Partner Procurement                                                              agreed through the APRA letter from DfE             Improve financial forecasting and
                                                  throughout the remainder of the year.
                                                                                                for 2021-22. Although cognisant that                planning including analysis and insight
     In response to recommendations
                                                  Modernised and Simplified Technology          the Government cannot commit to a
     contained within the SLC’s most recent                                                                                                         Implementing new operating models:
                                                  Platforms                                     multi-year funding settlement at this time,
     Tailored Review, we are increasingly
                                                                                                the company drew up detailed financial              - For Commercial Services
     using outcome-based contracts, with          We continue to work to stabilise and
                                                                                                plans for the medium-term, in its most              (by end Q2)
     a smaller number of strategic partners       enforce our Enterprise Architecture
     working within a blended resource model.     Governance, simplifying and consolidating     recent three-year Corporate Plan which              - For Finance (in stages, by end of
     Implementation of this strategy is due       our existing platforms and decoupling the     is underpinned by our longer term Evolve            Q4), to help drive efficiency with
     to complete in Q3/Q4 of 2021-22 and          architecture to reduce TCO and to enable      transformation programme. These plans               skilled, engaged and motivated
     is complemented by initiatives within        long term sustainability.                     are underpinned by a five-year financial            people organised to support both
     our People Strategy that aim to provide                                                    model which includes assumptions on                 internal and external stakeholders,
                                                  Cyber Security and Data Protection            customer volumes, benefits projections              delivering timely, accurate and
     capability development, new ways of
     working and address recruitment and                                                        from the Evolve programme, and                      transparent reporting supported
                                                  The security of our customers and their
     retention challenges in technology roles                                                   assumptions regarding the cost of                   by the right tools, processes and
                                                  data is of critical importance, and we will
     that SLC faces.                                                                            delivering a steady state policy change             structure.
                                                  continue to monitor and upgrade our
                                                                                                and other SLC-led change programmes.
                                                  cyber-security as new threats emerge.                                                             Replacing and extending a number of
     Improved Disaster Recovery (DR)
                                                  Home-working arrangements could mean          This year’s capital investment, (mainly on          key technologies that will strengthen
                                                  that organisations are more exposed to        technology costs within Evolve), will lay           and enhance our controls and
     SLC implemented a number of key              the risk of cyber-crime. While we have        the foundations for significant savings             reporting capability
     technology enablers for DR during 2020-      already taken steps to mitigate this          from 2022-23 onwards.                               Refreshed Estates Strategy by end
     21, culminating in a successful shut down    risk, we will remain vigilant and alive to
                                                                                                Our Enterprise Risk and Compliance                  of Q1
     and re-start of services which enabled       the ever-changing threat landscape.
     us to examine the constituent parts of       While we have already made significant        team will continue to modernise SLC’s               A 5% saving on accommodation
     our IT estate and our ability to safely      progress, we will also continue to take       risk management arrangements in line                costs
     recover these. This year the focus will be   the necessary steps in respect of GDPR        with their Roadmap. In the next financial
                                                                                                year this includes continuing the roll          Performance Management
     to build upon that work with continued       compliance.
     and increased testing, creating an                                                         out of the new policy and Governance,           Our APRA measures and associated
                                                  Performance Management                        Risk and Compliance system, providing           targets, agreed with Government for
     enduring DR capability for the long-term.
     Key milestones, to embed DR into BAU                                                       better risk reporting that will allow quicker   managing the 2021-22 budget are:
                                                  The APRA measure and associated
     operations, are in Q3 and Q4 of 2021-22.                                                   identification of emerging themes, building
                                                  target agreed with Government for SLC’s                                                           Administration expenditure to be
                                                                                                metrics for each of the new risk appetite
                                                  Technology Group is that at least 87%                                                             between 0% overspend and 5%
     Technology Operating Model                                                                 statements and strengthening compliance
                                                  of days should be 'green service days'                                                            underspend
     This year, we will create a new operating    (that is, days on which our systems estate
     model for our Technology Group               suffers no outage or priority incident).                                                          Programme expenditure to be
     directorate, aligned to and informed                                                                                                           between 1% overspend and 5%
     by the Strategic Partner Procurement                                                                                                           underspend
     Strategy and the Government Digital                                                                                                            Capital to be between 5% overspend
     Service (GDS)’s Digital, Data and                                                                                                              and 5% underspend

20                                                                                                                                                                                                 21
Business Plan 2021-22
     Financial Plans                                                                               The cash budget by SLC business segment is set out in the Table 2:

     SLC’s overall budget for the financial year 2021-22 (excluding HE reform) is set out          Table 2: Cash Budget
     in Table 1:
                                                                                                                                               Admin       Programme           Capital       Total
     Table 1: Overall APRA Budget:                                                                                                                                                        2021-22

                                                                                                                                                   £m                 £m            £m         £m
                               Admin      Programme         Capital      Total          Total
                                                                      2021-22        2020-21
                                                                                                   Operating Expenditure                          37.5             138.7            6.7     182.9
                                   £m                 £m        £m          £m               £m
                                                                                                   Change                                          2.8               27.6          19.5      49.9
      Cash                        40.2              169.2     58.8     268.2 *          252.4       Evolve                                         3.0               16.2          25.1      44.3
      Non-Cash                    11.0               35.8       0.0       46.8              38.1    Total Delegated Budget                        43.3             182.5           51.3     277.1
      Total                       51.2              205.0     58.8       315.0          290.5       Central Adjustment                            -2.6              -13.3           7.5       -8.5

     * Includes £36.7m minimum spending on Evolve                                                   Total Company Cash                           40.7*             169.2           58.8     268.6

                                                                                                   * Admin Budget is £0.5m above funding in APRA, due to the element withheld until Q2
     Following an underspend in 2020-21, DfE have held back £0.5m of Admin in reserve for
     2021-22, which will be released at the Q2 review if SLC can demonstrate that is required      There are 45 new projects with a budget of £50.8m that have not yet commenced
     to deliver the Business Plan.                                                                 Discovery and Inception (D&I) included in the Change and Evolve budgets in Table 2.
                                                                                                   As a result, the £50.8m total and classification split is subject to confirmation during
     Additionally, SLC and DfE are discussing a potential additional c.£2m - £4m programme
                                                                                                   2021-22. The sequence of the projects is illustrated in Table 3, including the quarter in
     funding to progress some HE Reform initiatives in 2021-22. There is also a potential
                                                                                                   which the D&I processes are currently scheduled to commence. These start dates
     additional £0.5m programme funding in relation to higher technical qualifications. These
                                                                                                   are based on initial plans and are subject to further capacity reviews through SLC’s
     additional funding allocations would be subject to HMT approval.
                                                                                                   Change Council.

                                                                                                   Table 3: Change and Evolve New Project Scheduling

                                                                                                     Project Start               No of         Admin       Programme           Capital       Total
                                                                                                     Quarter                  Projects                                                    2021-22

                                                                                                                                     £m            £m                 £m            £m         £m

                                                                                                   Q1                                 26           2.5               10.1          17.5      30.1
                                                                                                   Q2                                 13           0.4                5.3           6.5      12.2
                                                                                                   Q3                                  6           0.0                5.9           2.6        8.5
                                                                                                   Total                              45           2.9               21.3          26.6      50.8

22                                                                                                                                                                                                        23
Business Plan 2021-22
     Governance                                    Alongside this our People Strategy will      Career Pathways                               how best to manage our return to the
                                                   focus on:                                                                                  office following the pandemic. We will
     As a public body, we adhere to the                                                         To be a more agile organisation we need
                                                                                                                                              continue to assess how colleagues feel,
     provisions of the Cabinet Office Code             Pay and Grading                          to harness the skills of our people and
                                                                                                                                              and work to understand impacts on
     on Corporate Governance. We are                   Strategic Workforce Plan                 both create and optimise opportunities
                                                                                                                                              health and wellbeing and how these can
     committed to maintaining sound                    Career Pathways                          for them. Through new career pathways,
                                                                                                                                              be alleviated.
     governance, internal control and risk                                                      we are creating routes for colleagues to
     management that supports our policies,                                                     progress within SLC – whether by moving
     aims and objectives while safeguarding            Employee Engagement                      to more senior roles within the same
     public funds and assets, in accordance        Pay and Grading                              functional area or by moving laterally
     with the responsibilities set out in DfE’s                                                 to augment their skills and experience.
                                                   Over the next twelve months, we will be      As well as signposting opportunities for
     Framework Document with SLC.
                                                   concentrating on the implementation of       colleagues, our career pathways are
     Framework Document                            the Government Digital Service’s Digital                                                         The annual Employee Engagement survey for
                                                                                                future-facing and support our vision of             2020-21 highlighted an overall engagement
                                                   Data and Technology (DDaT) framework,
     We are currently working with DfE to                                                       the skills and competencies that we will            score of 7/10 across the organisation. This is
                                                   which recognises common skill sets
     draft a new and refreshed Framework                                                        require in the years ahead.                         an increase of 0.7 compared to the previous
                                                   and career pathways for certain digital,
     Document which will establish more                                                                                                             year and demonstrates the impact of driving
                                                   data and technology roles, enabling the      Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
     relevant and proportionate governance                                                                                                          engagement and supporting colleagues
                                                   recruitment, development and retention
     arrangements. This should allow SLC                                                        We are committed to sustaining a                    through the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                   of colleagues. SLC operates in a highly
     more autonomy to make decisions that                                                       positive, supportive and inclusive
                                                   competitive market for technology skills
     will reduce unnecessary bureaucracy and                                                    workplace where everyone is treated                 Colleagues also told us:
                                                   and while the public sector cannot
     allow change to move at a greater speed                                                    fairly. We respect the diversity of all who         "I have the opportunity to do challenging
                                                   compete with the private sector on pay
     while, critically, also ensuring that SLC                                                  work at SLC and want everyone to                    things at work" (up 0.9 to 7.1)
                                                   alone, we aim to be a great place to work
     remains compliant with HMT and Cabinet                                                     achieve their full potential, to contribute         "The overall business goals and strategies set
                                                   by offering an overall package which is
     Office guidance.                                                                           fully and to gain maximum benefit from              by senior leadership are taking Student Loans
                                                   compelling. As such, the structure is a
                                                                                                the opportunities available.
     People Strategy                               building block for career pathways which                                                         Company in the right direction" (up 0.7 to 7.0)
                                                   will provide clarity for colleagues and                                                          "My manager communicates openly and
     While much of the focus of our People                                                      Our commitment to embedding equality
                                                   support both cross- and up-skilling and                                                          honestly with me" (up 0.6 to 8.4).
     Strategy in 2020 rightly shifted to the                                                    and fairness across SLC was recently
                                                   mobility across SLC.
     challenges posed by the pandemic - and                                                     recognised by the National Centre for               Whilst pay and reward remains the lowest
     the need for most staff to work from          Strategic Workforce Plan                     Diversity (NCD) when we were awarded                scoring theme, questions on this area
     home – our ambition to be a great place                                                    Investors in Diversity accreditation.               have shown an improvement over the last
                                                   Given the scale of change already
     to work continues unabated. Our People                                                     Supported by ARCUS, SLC’s staff group               two years, mainly due to the successful
                                                   outlined in the Business Plan, it is vital
     Strategy sets out our plans to be an                                                       representing LGBT+ colleagues, we will              implementation of the business case to
                                                   that we make sure we have the right
     employer of choice not only for existing                                                   establish a Diversity Taskforce to take             improve low pay in 2019.
                                                   people with the right skills in the right
     colleagues, but for new ones as well.
                                                   roles. Through the Strategic Workforce       forward recommendations made by
     The pandemic will continue to shape our       Plan we will redesign our workforce in       the NCD.
     thinking, with the post-pandemic return       line with future operating needs and build
                                                                                                Employee Engagement
     to the office being one of the biggest        the associated models to meet those                                                        Our APRA measure and target, agreed
     challenges in the coming year. Our focus      needs. Over the course of this year,         We aim to ensure that colleagues feel         with Government for 2021-22 is:
     is on planning a return to the office that    significant focus will be placed on ‘Our     engaged and listened to and monitor
                                                                                                                                                  Employee Engagement score
     is safe, that colleagues can trust and that   Workforce’ with the delivery of phase        employee engagement through an annual
                                                                                                                                                  is to match or better the score
     ensures the operating environment is          one of the Strategic Workforce Plan. This    staff survey, which we complement with
                                                   phase will focus on the benefits SLC can                                                       recorded as part of the 2020-21 staff
     conducive to productivity.                                                                 regular 'Pulse' surveys. Over the last
                                                   realise from CEM, Operations 2.0 and the                                                       engagement survey.
                                                                                                year, pulse surveys included questions
                                                   Excellence in Data project, as described     on wellness and mental health as part         Additionally, we have metrics in place
                                                   earlier in the document.                     of SLC’s response to the pandemic. We         to monitor attrition, sickness absence,
                                                                                                will engage staff carefully as we consider    people establishment and delivery of
                                                                                                                                              employee training.
24                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
04                                                                 05
     Risk                                                               Conclusion
     The principal risks and issues       A successful cyber-attack     SLC is an organisation that enables student opportunity, and which will strive to
     that SLC has identified and is       that may lead to data loss    deliver an outstanding customer experience. Our aim is to become an organisation
     actively managing are:               and business disruption.      that will thrive on the new challenges and opportunities of future years – one that
                                                                        will consistently deliver quality and value to all of our stakeholders, customers,
          The COVID-19 pandemic           Software that is no
                                                                        shareholders and staff.
         and its impact on SLC’s          longer supported by
         ability to deliver its core      software vendors and the
         services.                        potential impact on SLC’s
                                          ability to deliver service,
         Handling and processing          remain secure and meet
         of data which may lead to        compliance requirements.
         a breach of legislative or
         regulatory requirements.

         The ability of SLC’s
         Disaster Recovery
         arrangements returning
         critical services in line with
         business requirements.

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Tel 0141 306 2000
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