BEYOND CONNECTIVITY Strategic plays to help Asia Pacific's Communications Service Providers capture new growth in B2B markets - Accenture

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BEYOND CONNECTIVITY Strategic plays to help Asia Pacific's Communications Service Providers capture new growth in B2B markets - Accenture
Strategic plays to help Asia
Pacific’s Communications
Service Providers capture
new growth in B2B markets
BEYOND CONNECTIVITY Strategic plays to help Asia Pacific's Communications Service Providers capture new growth in B2B markets - Accenture
ENTERPRISE                                                 THE GLOBAL
                                                        MARKETS                                                    TAILWINDS
                                                        MATTER MORE                                                DRIVING CSPS TO
                                                        THAN EVER                                                  NEW ENTERPRISE
                                                        FOR CSPS                                                   GROWTH
                                                        In suc a challenging environment, enterprise               The world is becoming ever more connected in
                                                        markets matter more than ever. However, with               ever more ways, creating completely new means of      A key partner for CSPs
                                                        the majority of APAC CSPs principally focused on           serving enterprise customers through mobile and       in delivering SD WAN
                                                        retail domains in the recent past, many companies          embedded connectivity business models. Gone
                                                        are starting from a low base when it comes to              are the days when those customers simply wanted       Accenture has built an extensive portfolio of
                                                        B2B. As a result, some still have a modest sales           a limited number of laptops, PCs, smartphones,        experience helping clients deliver SD WAN
                                                        proposition for their enterprise customers, or a           and tablets connected to the network. Now, we’re      products for their customers:
                                                        poor understanding of vertical segments in target          witnessing nothing short of an explosion in the
                                                        industries. Others have been slow to recognise             number of connected enterprise devices – and          • A global telco was looking to launch SD
                                                        that rising expectations are not limited to retail         in the vast volumes of data transferred between         WAN, focusing on offering unparalleled
                                                        segments, and that enterprise customers now                them. Industries will be using anything up to 30        user experience. We helped them create
                                                        expect the same standards in their business                billion connected sensors and 25 billion connected      a disruptive B2B portal, encompassing
                                                        transactions that they’ve become used to in their          devices by 2020, for instance. 4G networks will         analysis, conceptualisation, design,
                                                        consumer experiences.                                      make up 53 percent of mobile connections in 2018,       and delivery, enabling the launch of an
                                                                                                                   helping fuel massive growth in mobile data traffic      MVP with vRAS (Virtual Remote Access
                                                        With the digital disruptors ready to move into             (set to reach a staggering 49 exabytes a month          Service) and WAN2Cloud included.
                                                        the B2B domain with force, APAC CSPs face a                globally by 2021).1
                                                        potentially existential risk. If they fail to inject                                                             • A large cable operator in the US
                                                        enough urgency into their operations and cannot            Advances in network technology are bringing             wanted to disrupt the market with a
                                                        adjust to these disruptive headwinds with enough           vastly enhanced agility, efficiency, and cost-          national launch of SD WAN. By working
                                                        speed and agility, they will likely end up as pure         effectiveness to CSPs’ networks. For example,           with them on the product vision and
                                                        connectivity providers in commodity markets—               Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD WANs)           roadmap, digital experience design, and
                                                        for enterprise customers as well as consumers.             provide a significant value-creation opportunity.       business process and operating model
                                                        And that, ultimately, means a race to the bottom           By shifting enterprise networks from proprietary        development, we helped them launch
                                                        on price, with only the very leanest operators             hardware to the cloud using flexible and open           SD WAN products as a key enabler
                                                        emerging victorious.                                       WAN technologies, CSPs can create omnichannel           for growing revenues and improving
This is a critical time for communications services                                                                experiences for their enterprise customers, with        customer experience.
providers (CSPs) all around the world. And in Asia      However, all is not lost. A collection of industry         pervasive automation and self-service capabilities
                                                        and societal trends, fuelled and accelerated by                                                                  • A major European operator was
Pacific (APAC) in particular, challenges abound on                                                                 baked into the core. That helps make the days of
                                                        digital transformation, are offering a potentially vital                                                           embarking on a significant transformation
all sides. CSPs’ traditionally profitable consumer                                                                 inflexible and slow responses, long lead times,
                                                        pivot opportunity to CSPs. These trends open up a                                                                  of their B2B customer operations. We
markets for voice and data services are rapidly                                                                    and high CAPEX and OPEX a thing of the past.
                                                        series of strategic plays that can help navigate to                                                                combined our consulting, technology,
commoditising, creating huge pressures to                                                                          Instead, enterprise customers can benefit from on-
                                                        new growth in enterprise and B2B markets. Tough                                                                    and business process outsourcing
maintain revenues while reducing costs. Moreover,                                                                  demand requests, fast and simple provisioning, and
                                                        choices will be required, of course. Today’s business                                                              capabilities to support them accelerate
digitisation is reducing or eliminating the barriers                                                               anything up to a 30 percent reduction in total cost
                                                        models, capabilities, and workforce competencies                                                                   the introduction of new products and
to entry for their industry across the board. Digital                                                              of ownership.
                                                        will have to be radically upgraded. But if APAC                                                                    services (including SD WAN) while
disruptors and OTT providers – Amazon, Apple,
                                                        CSPs can look beyond pure connectivity, take their         Other technology advances are also opening              improving NPS, CSAT, and PM OPEX.
Google, WhatsApp, Skype, and the rest – are
moving in and capturing the new opportunities           digital transformations to the next level, and start       up new opportunities for CSPs. Policy-driven
created by the digital revolution. Meanwhile,           extending their reach into customer ecosystems             networking and multi-access edge computing
consumer expectations and options just keep             and value chains, they have the chance to enable a         (MEC) are creating new kinds of high-bandwidth
rising, breaking down longstanding loyalties            true step change in productivity and growth.               low-latency network architectures that vastly
between brand and customer.                                                                                        increase user access at the network edge. That
                                                                                                                   kind of access is becoming ever more essential

2   BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
BEYOND CONNECTIVITY Strategic plays to help Asia Pacific's Communications Service Providers capture new growth in B2B markets - Accenture
in industrial networks comprising large numbers                        Furthermore, as Industry X.0 continues to transform
of connected devices. This gives CSPs a critical                       industries with smart, agile, connected, living

opportunity to embed themselves ever more                              technologies, CSPs have the opportunity to create
deeply into their enterprise customers’ value chains                   the vertical-specific platforms that will put them

                                                                                                                               THE SIZE OF
and claim ownership over vital connection points in                    at the centre of the enterprise ecosystems of
the industrial cloud networks of the future.                           tomorrow. In areas like manufacturing, healthcare,

                                                                                                                               THE PRIZE
                                                                       retail, and more, enterprises are connecting
5G connectivity is another key part of the equation.                   together their workers, offices, and factories in
With the proportion of enterprise-generated data                       new ways and on an unprecedented scale. Those
processed outside the data centre or the cloud set                     ecosystems of connections call for new levels of
to grow more than seven-fold between 2017 and                          hardened network security, new self-service tools,
2022 (from 10 percent to 75 percent), the hyper-fast                   new marketplaces, and simplified and consolidated       There is a huge amount of potential value for                     Of this $2 trillion, the value to the telecom industry
network connectivity enabled by 5G will become                         reporting and billing.                                  CSPs to capture. The digital transformation of                    could exceed $1.2 trillion in cumulative operating
ever more important. Indeed, over two-thirds of                                                                                telecommunications is high stakes – for the                       profit from 2016 to 2025. Society and consumers
CSPs think 5G will be the most significant factor                      So, whether it’s in creating ecosystem platforms        industry and for society alike. CSPs can develop                  could benefit from more than $800 billion in value
in driving incremental revenue from their                              centred around the industrial IoT, or in establishing   networks that are self-optimising, self-healing, and              – the majority of which will come from efforts to
business customers.                                                    the pervasive, analytics-enabled, software-defined      self-securing. Increasing digitalisation means they               connect the billions of people still unconnected
                                                                       networks of the future, CSPs have numerous              can reimagine connectivity using the IoT, machine-                to the internet. The initiatives under Networks of
                                                                       opportunities to capitalise on true digital             to-machine communication, and augmented and                       the Future and Beyond the Pipe representing the
                                                                       transformation and provide new solutions for            virtual reality. And new kinds of user experience can             largest-value opportunities. B2C and B2B business
                                                                       their enterprise customers in the digital age.          deliver truly effective, delightful forms of customer             models will be repositioned as new digital services
                                                                                                                               service, and match the very best experiences                      move participants beyond connectivity towards a
Industry X.0 / IoE Business Market Demands                                                                                     offered by the digital giants. The total size of the              future exemplified by cross-industry competition
                                                                                                                               prize? An extraordinary US$2 trillion opportunity for             and collaboration.
                                     MARKETPLACE                                  SECURITY
                                                                                                                               both the telecommunications industry and society
                                                                                                                               over the period 2016-25.2

                                                                                                      Hardened security
                                                           SPECIFIC PLAT
                                                        AL-             FO                            enabled through
                                                     TIC                  RM                          secured physical
                                                   ER                                                                          US$2 trillion value at stake from digital telecommunications transformation (2016-25)
                                                  V                                                   network elements

                                                                                                      with authentication

                                                                                                                                                Network of the future                                             Beyond the pipe
                                   MANUFACTURING                                 RETAIL
                                                                                                                                                Virtualisation and abstraction of the                             The increased digitisation presents
            TELCO PLATFORM
              IN THE DIGITAL                                                                                                                    physical hardware layer promise to change                         important opportunities to extend revenue
                B2B SERVICE                           WORKER    OFFICE FACTORY
                                                                                                                                                the basis of future service differentiation by                    streams beyond connectivity – through
                 ECOSYSTEM                                     BUILDING                                                                         creating networks that will be self-aware,                        IoT and M2M, digital services, reimagining
                                                                                                                                                self-optimising, self-healing and self-secure.                    models of digital communication leveraging

                                            HEALTH                            COMMERCE                                            Total value         $400 billion       $580 billion               Total value         $650 billion     $290 billion
                                                                                                                                  at stake            Industry           Society                    at stake            Industry         Society

    Architecturally designed to                                                                       Simplified &
    allow enterprise to develop,                                                                      consolidated                              Redefining customer                                               Bridging the gap on innovation
    manage and report through         SELF-SERVE                                  REPORTING           reporting and billing                     engagement
    simple and open standards           TOOLS                                      & BILLING          and charging based                                                                                          The need for rapid innovation, greater
     based tools integrated into                                                                      beyond access                             Deliver delightful digital experiences as                         convergence and new services means that
          network and platform                                                                                                                  customer now expect the high quality                              telcos must fill key capability gaps using
                                                                                                                                                digital experiences they receive in one                           new innovation models and revamped
                                                                                                                                                industry to be matched by companies in                            talent strategies for a digital workforce.
Connected Worker             Connected Building                Connected Factory                Other Vertical apps                             other sectors.
applications                 applications                      applications
                                                                                                • Digital Hospital                Total value         $30 billion        $2 billion                 Total value         $160 billion     $1 billion
• Enterprise Security        • Building Access Tied            • Plant Air Quality Monitoring   • Connected Commerce/             at stake            Industry           Society                    at stake            Industry         Society
• IT applications access       to Security                     • Conn. Asset Management           Beacons
• Collaboration              • Building Automation             • Smart Manufacturing            • Connected Mine
                               & Monitoring                                                                                    Source: World Economic Forum/Accenture Analytics 2017
• Mobile Device
  Management                 • Advanced HVAC/Lighting
                             • Biometrics

4    BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       5
BEYOND CONNECTIVITY Strategic plays to help Asia Pacific's Communications Service Providers capture new growth in B2B markets - Accenture
                                                                                                            Overall, leading APAC companies enjoy healthy
    Focus on: Telstra                                                                                       revenues and solid growth. Aggregate total revenue     Managed security services:

                                                                                                            for the major regional players was US$667 billion      a key focus for APAC CSPs
    With 2017 revenues of US$5 billion, and                                                                 in 2017 and is set to grow by over 3 percent in
    year-on-year growth of 1.6 percent, Telstra

                                                     REGION FOR
                                                                                                            the period to 2019.6 In terms of EBITDA margins,       Most APAC CSPs now have offerings in
    Enterprise is a key player in the APAC                                                                  companies from developing APAC countries have          managed security services (MSS), including,
    enterprise space. The company has operations

                                                                                                            performed best in recent years, although EBITDA        in particular, threat monitoring and
    in 20 countries, focusing on the Telstra                                                                growth is expected to be largely static across the     management. There are opportunities to
    Programmable Network, dynamic security,                                                                 board over the short term.7                            develop this space further, with managed
    the IoT, and Liberate (a mobile convergence                                                                                                                    security operations centres, managed virtual
    solution for enterprises). They have a growing                                                          Furthermore, enterprise revenues are forecast          security, and advanced cybersecurity services.
    Business Technology Services Group, covering                                                            to remain mostly flat for APAC CSPs. And while
                                                     How well positioned are APAC CSPs to capture their
    software, mobility, and cloud services, as                                                              enterprise data services are set to grow over the      NTT Communications is a leader in the
                                                     share of this value? Today, the B2B performance
    well as advising on implementation and                                                                  next few years, the market for voice services is       Asia Pacific MSS market, offering a high level
                                                     of the region’s leading CSPs is highly varied. In
    management. Their success is founded on a                                                               expected to contract.8                                 of automation, self-control orchestration,
                                                     absolute terms, Japan’s NTT is one of the leading
    strong push for B2B digitalisation (improving                                                                                                                  and automatic log analysis, together with
                                                     CSPs in terms of largest enterprise revenues in        Intensifying competition, revenue pressures
    customer experiences and enabling new                                                                                                                          cost-effective low-touch/zero-touch policy
                                                     APAC by far, although companies like Telekom           from commoditisation, and slowing growth are
    interactions on digital platforms) and a                                                                                                                       management and improved threat detection
                                                     Malaysia derive a higher proportion of their revenue   driving APAC players to focus on digital offerings.
    targeted acquisition strategy (including                                                                                                                       through machine learning. In February 2017,
                                                     from enterprise customers.4 However, revenue           These companies are laying the groundwork for
    Cognevo in the managed network services                                                                                                                        they expanded their MSS offering further
                                                     growth in the enterprise space has been hard to        a shift away from pure connectivity provision by
    space and Readify in application development                                                                                                                   with a partnership with Malaysia’s Diversified
                                                     come by, with many companies showing mid-              strengthening their advanced network capabilities
    and software-focused consulting).3                                                                                                                             Gateway Berhad.13
                                                     single digit CAGR in the period 2015 to 2017. Yet      (such as the IoT, 5G connectivity, network function
                                                     some, such as Telkom Indonesia, have bucked the        virtualisation, and software-defined networking).      Telstra have a global network of over 500
                                                     trend. The company enjoyed a revenue CAGR of           South Korea, Japan, and China, in particular,          cybersecurity experts, offering a range of
                                                     25.2 percent over the 2016-17 period thanks to their   are leading the way for 5G commercialisation,          managed services, including firewalls, security
                                                     focus on integrated ICT, digital business and smart    with governments of these countries universally        operations centres, DDoS protection, content
                                                     city solutions.5                                       agreeing to work together as part of a coherent        filtering, and gateways. In 2017, they opened
                                                                                                            approach to foster the development of 5G               two new security operations centres from
                                                                                                            networks.9 Companies are also pursuing M&A             which they offer a broad range of services to
                                                                                                            activity with increasing aggressiveness, especially    government and enterprise customers.14
                                                                                                            in the IoT, enterprise security, and cloud spaces.
                                                                                                            China Mobile plans to invest US$300 million in
                                                                                                            subsidising IoT device makers, for instance,10 while
                                                                                                            Telstra have been expanding inorganically through
                                                                                                            their acquisitions of cloud services providers Kloud
                                                                                                            and Vmtech.11

                                                                                                            Cloud is likely to be a key focus for many APAC
                                                                                                            CSPs in the next few years. The most notable global
                                                                                                            CSPs, including DT, NTT, Orange, and Telefonica,
                                                                                                            compete in the cloud market with mature global
                                                                                                            giants like – Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and
                                                                                                            Alibaba. The market is witnessing intense pricing
                                                                                                            pressures, prompting some of the players to exit
                                                                                                            the business, for instance, AT&T and Verizon selling
                                                                                                            off some of their data centres, due to severe cost
                                                                                                            basis competition in the public cloud sector. APAC
                                                                                                            CSPs continue to invest heavily in expanding their
                                                                                                            cloud portfolios and data centres to grow market
                                                                                                            share in the region and compete with other global
                                                                                                            players – which are increasing their data centre
                                                                                                            investments significantly in the region.12

6     BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                                                                                            7
BEYOND CONNECTIVITY Strategic plays to help Asia Pacific's Communications Service Providers capture new growth in B2B markets - Accenture
                                                                                                                  Success demands a departure from today’s models and competencies.
                                                           Focus on: Telkom Indonesia                             The four key plays for APAC CSPs

FUTURE                                                     With total 2016 revenues of over US$8 billion,
                                                           Telkom Indonesia serves more than 1,300                Each scenario needs distinctively different skills and capabilities,

GROWTH: THE                                                corporate customers, nearly 300,000 SMEs,
                                                           and several government institutions across the
                                                                                                                  as well as divergent investment priorities and value creation logic.

STRATEGIC                                                  country. The company has seen particularly
                                                           strong growth in its data, Internet, and IT
                                                                                                                                                    SUCCESS FACTOR                                    KEY CHARACTERISTICS

PLAYS THAT                                                 segments, which have experienced year-on-
                                                           year growth of over 30 percent. That’s thanks          1                                 Maximise reach via ecosystem of partners,
                                                                                                                                                    customers, developers – become an essential
                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Integrated experience of own and 3rd party
                                                                                                                                                                                                        services, B2C, B2B2C

                                                           to their focus on becoming a leading digital                                             part of the daily digital routine of every user   • Agile & open platform (API)
                                                           mobile business and developing innovative                                                                                                  • Device open and software managed, 3rd

                                                           services such as e-marketplace Xooply, big                                                                                                   party products
                                                           data and analytics service Xsight, advertising                                                                                             • Subsidizing / cannibalising services
                                                           simplification tool Aim Right, among other                       platform model
                                                           IoT, network, and smart city solutions. The

                                                           company has plans to expand internationally                                              Digital/Mobile pure play bringing Digital &       • Mobile focused, innovative and agile
With so much to play for, what approach should             across Southeast Asia, and has entered into a                                            Core together across products and                   service factory
APAC CSPs be taking? How can they defend their             joint venture with Telstra to provide services to                                        support channels                                  • Digital-first care & operating model
core connectivity businesses while capturing the           enterprise customerstra to provide services to
future high-growth digital opportunities that their        enterprise customers.15
connectivity enables? The first step is to recognise
                                                                                                                            Digital mobile
that scaling new growth is not a single event,
                                                                                                                            only attacker
but rather a deliberate and perpetual process
                                                         The four future strategic plays for CSPs
of change. CSPs in APAC have generally been
investing in their core connectivity businesses. But     In choosing the right strategic play to make, there      3                                 B2C superior bundling of mainly self-owned
                                                                                                                                                    services, incorporating acquired rights to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Controlling customer contracts, devices
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and access
in a rapidly commoditising market, with increasing       are four models that stand out. Ranging across                                             high-demand content at premium fees.              • Advanced customer segmentation: focus
pressure on volumes and growing complexity in            both the short and the long term, each of these                                                                                                on B2C
                                                                                                                                                    B2B deep value chain capabilities by
portfolios, they’ve generally seen little or no return   plays requires very different skills, capabilities,                                        combining connectivity and industry solutions     • Owned and closed devices
on those investments.                                    and investment priorities. And the way each                                                                                                  • CSF: scale, synergies, superior
                                                         creates value for the business is equally distinctive.             Vertically integrated                                                       customer service
Furthermore, previous cost transformation                                                                                   service provider
                                                         The four plays are:
programmes have too often been focused
on low-hanging fruit, such as procurement or
overheads. For the most part, these programmes
                                                         1. M
                                                             ulti-sided platform model. A sophisticated
                                                            consumer-focused play, where the CSP creates a
                                                                                                                  4                                 Inject ubiquitous enhanced connectivity (edge
                                                                                                                                                    compute, security, QoS) to objects in Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Best country network and access to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        superior global reach
                                                                                                                                                    value chains to radically improve productivity    • Focus B2B, Industry X.0 and efficient asset
have barely maintained EBITDA for the players that          platform to maximise its reach into the ecosystem                                       and growth                                          (Access, NFV/SDN, MEC/IaaS, Facilities)
have undertaken them, and have largely failed               of partners, customers, and developers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Devices, sensors are open, software
to make meaningful changes to the business                  embedding itself into the daily lives of its users.             Connected                                                                   managed and important touch points
model. Moreover, what focus there has been on                                                                               Industry                                                                  • Hyper lean operating model, digital
B2B markets has largely been unproductive (for           2. D
                                                             igital mobile-only attacker. A digital mobile                 orchestrator                                                                first channel
instance, in IaaS or SI services) or limited to add-        pure play offers core digital services to
ons. It hasn’t created the significant value CSPs are       enterprise customers across products and
looking for.                                                channels, building apps and ecosystems                Key:
                                                            around pure mobility.
The solution? CSPs must make a deliberate and                                                                            Long term play
careful choice about the strategic play they want        3. V
                                                             ertically integrated service provider.
to make in APAC B2B markets. They must be clear             Focused on the end-to-end provision of
and distinct about their positioning. They must             services, whether premium content for
make a significant pivot away from familiar and             consumers or industry-specific connectivity
conventional business models and enterprise                 solutions for enterprises.
capabilities. And they must develop the investment       4. C
                                                             onnected industry orchestrator. A long-term
strategies that can transform the opportunities into        play, in which the CSP focuses on creating hyper-
concrete business value.                                    lean, exceptionally cost-effective networks and
                                                            injecting ubiquitous connectivity into industrial
                                                            value chains.

8   BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9
Each play brings its own opportunities and               Adopting the multi-sided platform model is
challenges, and in deciding which to choose              a sophisticated approach for the long-term            Focus on: Softbank Corp

much will depend on the particular circumstances         success of a CSP. Here, the company creates a
of the CSP in question. The digital mobile-only          platform which extends its reach right out into the   Japan’s Softbank Corp. has been a leading
                                                                                                               CSPs in optimising their network operations

attacker play calls for a truly digital-first care/      ecosystem of partners, customers, and developers,
operating model that can reduce operating costs          ranging across traditional sector boundaries and      with a next-generation mobile IP core network
                                                                                                               and developing a portfolio of advanced

while increasing responsiveness. Plus it needs an        regional borders. By integrating their proprietary
innovative and agile service factory that can adapt      services with those of third parties using APIs on    IoT solutions. Their focus is on connecting
rapidly to changes in enterprise demand, adjusting       an agile and open platform, these players can         the huge volumes of data embedded in
pricing, making offers, and creating new services        effectively “own” the customer – and the network      IoT devices, and using artificial intelligence
at pace.                                                 through which they access the digital world.          to read, analyse, and then commercialise
                                                         Most instances of this play have focused on the       that data. They have adopted a network            For B2B markets, the connected industry operator
The vertically integrated service provider route is      consumer market to date. Comcast’s X1 service         convergence system to support the                 is a potentially high-value, high-growth strategic
likely to be relevant for the larger, more traditional   and Liberty Global’s One Video platform show the      bandwidth demands of those IoT services and       play for CSPs focused on long-term success.
CSPs, not least because of the significant capital       possibilities a platform model opens up.16            have launched the world’s first commercial        The ultimate goal: to inject ubiquitous enhanced
investments required. For consumer-focused                                                                     service using MIMO spatial multiplexing (a        connectivity into industrial value chains, to become
businesses, this play means acquiring or creating        Connected industry orchestrators, in contrast,        powerful core technology for 5G connectivity).    the backbone of Industry 4.0 and beyond, and thus
the high-value content that can be sold at a             take the same flexibility and openness and            In further additions to their IoT capabilities,   to radically improve productivity and growth.
premium through multiple digital channels, as            apply it to creating and enhancing ubiquitous         they acquired leading UK semiconductor
well as investing in the advanced analytics that         connectivity in industrial value chains. Using        designer ARM Holdings in 2016, and selected       In both this play and in the multi-sided platform
can drive hyper-personalised effective customer          edge-computing, advanced network security, and        the Affirmed Mobile Content Cloud (MCC) to        play, exploiting the pervasive network is the key to
experiences. In the B2B space, it means embedding        high QoS, these players aim to create the hyper-      deliver IoT services and mobile connectivity to   success. This pervasive network, which combines
connectivity services right across enterprise            lean operating models and digital-first platforms     enterprise customers in 2018. An embedded         existing network technologies with wireless
customers’ value chains, developing exclusive or         that ensure premium network performance and           subscriber identity module (eSIM) platform        computing and digital services, is an environment
proprietary industry-specific solutions.                 the efficient use of Industry X.0 assets for their    is also under development to promote              in which the connectivity of devices is embedded
                                                         enterprise customers. Take AT&T’s Indigo platform,    IoT solutions.16                                  so broadly and so deeply, that it’s ‘always on’ but
                                                         for example. The company is bringing together                                                           never noticed.
                                                         wireless technologies like 5G with big data,
                                                         machine learning, cybersecurity, and software-                                                          The potential advantages in reorienting to digital
                                                         defined networking to create a hyper-fast, secure,                                                      are thus clear. But for most CSPs in APAC, capturing
                                                         and private next-generation network.17                                                                  the real value on offer means embarking on a
                                                                                                                                                                 journey. It means starting as a simple connectivity
                                                                                                                                                                 provider, becoming a fully-fledged digital B2B
                                                                                                                                                                 player, moving through a “connectivity ++”
                                                                                                                                                                 offering, to eventually orchestrating entire
                                                                                                                                                                 connected industries.

                                                                                                                                                                 From simple connectivity …
                                                                                                                                                                 At the outset of that journey, a connectivity
                                                                                                                                                                 provider will look to both radically digitalise their
                                                                                                                                                                 operations and offerings and manage total cost
                                                                                                                                                                 of ownership with a new level of effectiveness. So,
                                                                                                                                                                 they’ll create digital omnichannel strategies, they’ll
                                                                                                                                                                 embed intelligence and data-driven decision-
                                                                                                                                                                 making in their operations, they’ll introduce new
                                                                                                                                                                 product lifecycle management capabilities, and
                                                                                                                                                                 they’ll establish Network-as-a-Service, SDKs, and
                                                                                                                                                                 APIs to onboard industry-specific applications.
                                                                                                                                                                 They’ll also take steps to simplify product portfolios,
                                                                                                                                                                 decommission legacy infrastructure, and reduce
                                                                                                                                                                 technology complexity through double-decoupling.

10   BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                                                                                                11
… to digital B2B player …                                … to connected industry orchestrator                      Shifting to a revenue model based on transactions in an expanding ecosystem
As they become a truly digital B2B player, the           Finally, the CSP takes on a role as the mainstay
CSP will be transforming their touchpoints with          of the connected industry, whether that’s in
their enterprise customers, building end-to-end          healthcare, manufacturing, insurance telemetrics,         FROM stand alone, one-product service provider       TO one to many, diversified communication
omnichannel propositions covering the entire             transportation fleet management, Device-as-a-                                                                  services enriched with Partners offer
customer journey from quotation, to order, to            Service, or any other field. They’ll be rotating to the
provisioning, to maintenance and assurance.              new in everything they do, adopting mindsets of
They’ll be enabling digital service management,          continuous innovation, testing, and monetisation.
just like the very best OTT providers do. They’ll be     They’ll be extracting value from assets embedded
applying analytics extensively (including machine        in connected industry value chains, offering vital
learning and other forms of artificial intelligence)     interoperability and interfaces for the markets
to customer experience, service management,              they serve. And they’ll be engaging in value-based
and network automation. They’ll be improving             transactions built on contextual awareness, policy                                                                          SERVICE       SERVICE
security and cyber-resilience across their networks,     controls, and trust within their ecosystems, fortified                                                                                    FEE
                                                                                                                                                 SERVICE      SERVICE
applications, and devices. And they’ll be adopting       by network security, network resilience, and the                                                     FEE
network virtualisation and making plans for a            traceability of network data.
future dominated by 5G and multi-access
edge computing.                                          In this new era, the CSP’s revenue model shifts
                                                         away from one characterised by the provision
                                                         of standalone single products to one in which
… to connectivity ++ provider …
                                                         numerous diversified communication services are
As their digital maturity grows, the CSP will now        enriched by the partner ecosystem.
be offering “connectivity ++” services like cloud,
cybersecurity, SD WAN, multi-access edge                 Consider the possibilities in a field like connected
computing, and multiprotocol label switching             vehicles. In the years to come, vast numbers
(MPLS). They’ll be pivoting their digital services       of sensors will be embedded in transportation                                                                   ECOSYSTEM               MARKETPLACE
to the platform economy, expanding their B2B             fleets, enabling data to be gathered from vehicle
partner ecosystems, and bundling connectivity            components in real time and then analysed
with third-party digital and industrial applications.    instantaneously with intelligent analytics. As in-
They’ll start integrating digital twins, augmented       service insights into performance are continuously
and virtual reality, blockchain, and other Industry      fed back to manufacturers, a radically new kind of
X.0 technologies with internal operations (supply        improvement feedback loop is created – and CSPs
chains, field service, network simulation) to create     are at the centre.
new assets to serve ecosystem needs. And they’ll                                                                   Key Value    Service Access
embrace concepts like the “living enterprise” and                                                                  Elements
“applied intelligence” as they create rapid delivery                                                                            Recurring charges
capabilities, intelligent digital processes, and deep-                                                                          (per service
rooted cultures of innovation                                                                                                   and contract

                                                                                                                                Number of

                                                                                                                                Value per

12   BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                                                                                            13
Connected industry orchestrator                      • Enabling technology. Vertical integration              MAKING IT
     or vertically integrated B2B                           rests on optimised IT solutions and networks,
                                                            with bundled capabilities for connected
     service provider?

                                                            enterprises, and APIs/SDKs for proprietary
     The connected industry orchestrator play               IP/OS. Industry orchestration, on the other
                                                            hand, is founded on the pervasive network,

                                                                                                                   WISELY WITH
     shares some of the characteristics of the vertical
     integration play in the B2B space. But the former      enhanced with advanced software and
                                                            operations capabilities.

                                                                                                                   THE RIGHT
     has a far more flexible asset model, and a much
     more open ecosystem:
                                                          • Investment profile. Vertical integrators

     • Value proposition. The vertically integrated         are capital asset heavy, thanks to their
       provider combines digital connectivity and           proprietary industry-specific solutions.
       targeted, industry-specific services to create       Industry orchestrators invest in
       deep capabilities across enterprise customers’       differentiating assets, but acquire access to
       value chains, whereas the connected industry         non-differentiating or commoditised assets
                                                            through operating expenditure                          Whichever strategic play or plays a CSP chooses to   Fortunately, there is a proven methodology to help.
       orchestrator injects enhanced connectivity in
                                                                                                                   make, the same fundamental questions arise. How      By understanding the transformation S-curve, and
       devices right across the whole ecosystem to
                                                          • Control points. Vertical integration offers            can we make such a major shift in our business       how it can be exploited to both grow the core
       radically improve productivity and growth.
                                                            closed, contract-based channels, using as-             quickly enough to capture first-mover advantage?     business and build a new business, a CSP can make
     • Performance measurement. The vertically              a-Service models through a one-stop-shop,              How do we fund the necessary investments? Will       the investments necessary to both transform their
       integrated provider measures success through         while industry orchestration embeds control            our digital-first programmes generate enough value   back office and enable the fundamentally new
       vertical penetration and depth, ROI/ROCE,            points deeply into industry value chains, using        to do so? Or will they simply sustain what we’re     capabilities needed for the successful strategies
       portfolio expansion, and growth. In contrast,        connected objects, policy topologies, network          already doing?                                       of tomorrow.
       connected industry orchestrators measure             slices, and APIs/SDKs.
                                                                                                                   Sustaining the status quo won’t be enough.
       the utility return on assets (ROI/ROCE,
                                                          For CSPs intent on the vertical integration              CSPs must adopt investment strategies that can
       quality of service, coverage) as well as the
                                                          play, the acquisition of systems integration or          both future-proof their business models and find
       strength of key partner/supplier plays,
                                                          industry-specific software companies could be            growth that exceeds shareholder expectations. But
       with a focus on ecosystem reach and
                                                          a sensible next move. Open source initiatives            many lack the available capital to transform their
       transaction monetisation.
                                                          should also be used to drive de facto standards.         businesses quickly enough.
     • Customer engagement. Vertically integrated         In contrast, for CSPs looking to become
       providers look to create personalised and          connected industry orchestrators, the immediate
       controlled omnichannel experiences (both           focus should be on acquiring 5G licences, rolling        Exploiting the S-curve to make the right
       high and low touch) with end-to-end project        out dense fibre, and creating joint ventures and         pivot at the right time
       capabilities, while connected industry             industry initiatives for specific markets.
       orchestrators combine digital and high-touch                                                                                       S-Curve of transformation
       channels to create embedded experiences
       that also include the partner ecosystem.


                                                                                                              ENTERPRISE VALUE
                                                                                                                                                 THE CORE
                                                                                                                                 Business                       WISE

                                                                                                                                 THE CORE                   BUILD
                                                                                                                                                            THE NEW

                                                                                                                                               YOU ARE


14     BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                                                                                               15
The methodology calls for a phased approach:

1. T
    ransform the core business. A CSP must
   take stock of its existing technology landscape
   and look for changes in its operating models
   that could generate the cost savings to fund
   investments in future growth. Here, automation
   plays a key role, and for many there will still be
   low-hanging automation opportunities that can
   be picked off with relative ease (such as billing or
   call-centre processes).

2. G
    row the core business. Through the use of
   advanced analytics, the CSP can develop a much
   more sophisticated understanding of its core
   business. Then generate the actionable insights
   that can help monetise underutilised assets, as
   well as maintain and grow the customer base.

3. B
    uild the new business. Thanks to its newfound
   efficiency and growing core business, the CSP
   will have additional funds to invest in its new
   business model, whichever strategic play or plays
   it has decided to make. It can thus start scaling
   the new business with targeted investments,
   whether that’s developing a new ecosystem to
   support a future platform business, or investing
   in hyper-lean, hyper-fast premium networks
   and Industry X.0 technologies to support its
   enterprise customers.

4. M
    ake the pivot to the new. At some point, the
   CSP must make the shift away from its existing
   business to focus on the new. Doing so at the
   right time is critical. A careful consideration of
   available funding, fluctuating market conditions,
   and stakeholder expectations is the key.

16   BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                  17
                                                                                                                     CONTACT US :
                                                                                                                     Gopi Kurup

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By understanding the key global and regional             Mobile World Congress, 26 February 2018 https://www.
                                                                                                                       Analysys Mason, 14 December 2017 http://www.

trends in enterprise telecommunications, and       
then making a deliberate and distinct strategic          thirds-mobile-connections-running-4g-5g-networks-             Operators-cloud-markets-REN02-REN01-RDMZ0/
play to capture growth in those markets using a          2025-finds-new-gsma-study/
                                                                                                                     	Data Economy, 16 March 2018 https://data-economy.
phased investment approach, APAC CSPs have an           Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic      com/alibaba-cloud-opens-its-first-data-centre-in-
opportunity to pivot away from low-growth, fast-        Forecast Update, 2016–2021 White Paper, 28 March 2017          indonesia/
commoditising pure connectivity services and find
                                                                                                                     	Data Economy, 1 August 2017
new roles at the centre of the connected industrial     service-provider/visual-networking-index-vni/mobile-
ecosystems of the future.                               white-paper-c11-520862.html
                                                            World Economic Forum/Accenture Analysis 2017,
In deciding which play to make, taking advice from                                                                   	VentureBeat, 16 January 2018 https://venturebeat.
                                                            January 2017 Digital Transformation Initiative:
experienced industry expertise can be invaluable.                                                                       com/2018/01/16/google-will-expand-cloud-
                                                            Telecommunications Industry, World Economic Forum
To find out how Accenture can help in every aspect          Digital Transformation Initiative
of a digital transformation, tying consulting to        3
                                                            Telstra Annual Report 2017
                                                                                                                       Bernama 27 February 2018

product planning and integration, using design                                                                         en/business/news.php?id=1439568
thinking, scaled agile principles, and an analytics-        Report-2017-singlepages.PDF                                IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific Managed Security

driven approach, please get in touch with us.                                                                          Services 2016 Vendor Assessment, October 2016;
                                                            S&P CapitalIQ
The digital disruptors are closing in. Now’s the time                                                                  IDC MarketScape: Asia/Pacific Next-Generation Telcos:
                                                            Telkom Indonesia, Annual Report 2016 https://cdn.
to make the right strategic play. A high-growth,                                                                       Telecom Services 2016–2017 Vendor Assessment,
                                                                                                                       March 2017
high-revenue future awaits.                                 Telekomunikasi-Indonesia-Telkom-Annual-Report-2016-
                                                            Company-Profile-Indonesia-Investments.pdf                  Telkom Indonesia Annual Report 2017 https://konten.

                                                        Accenture Analysis
                                                            S&P CapitalIQ, Accenture Analysis
                                                                                                                     	Ray Sharma, The Fast Mode, “Telkom Indonesia Intros
                                                         S&P CapitalIQ, Accenture Analysis                             New Digital Services for Enterprise and Consumer
                                                            Gartner, Forecast: Enterprise Communications Services,     Market”, Dec 2017
                                                            Worldwide, 2015-2022, 1Q18 Update, 23 March 2018
                                                            Telecom Review Asia Pacific, 4 June 2018 https://www.      insights/news/44-telstra-and-telkom-indonesia-sign-
                                                                                                                       Softbank Annual Report 2017 and website https://www.
                                                              Internetofbusiness, 28 November 2017 https://
                                                                                                                     	PR Newswire, 26 February 2018 https://www.
                                                             Kloud website                    mobility-services-300603776.html
                                                        	The Australian Business Review, 16 February 2016           	The Network Cisco’s Technology News, 1 August 2017
                                                          telstras-kloud-buy-is-blue-sky-all-round/news-story/00c7     e=webcontent&articleId=1871147
                                                                                                                     	Softbank Group Press Release, 30 March 2017
                                                        	Telstra Media Release, 13 December 2017 https://www.

18   BEYOND CONNECTIVITY                                                                                                                                                     19
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