Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related Problems

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Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related Problems
Review                     Endocrinol Metab 2021;36:220-228
                                                        Article                    pISSN 2093-596X · eISSN 2093-5978

Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related
Meelim Kim1,2, Hyung Jin Choi1,2

Department of Biomedical Sciences, 2BK21 Plus Biomedical Science Project Team, Seoul National University College of

Medicine, Seoul, Korea

In recent years, digital technologies have rapidly advanced and are being applied to remedy medical problems. These technologies
allow us to monitor and manage our physical and mental health in our daily lives. Since lifestyle modification is the cornerstone of
the management of obesity and eating behavior problems, digital therapeutics (DTx) represent a powerful and easily accessible treat-
ment modality. This review discusses the critical issues to consider for enhancing the efficacy of DTx in future development initia-
tives. To competently adapt and expand public access to DTx, it is important for various stakeholders, including health professionals,
patients, and guardians, to collaborate with other industry partners and policy-makers in the ecosystem.

Keywords: Digital healthcare; Obesity; Feeding behavior

INTRODUCTION                                                              patients and healthcare providers that provides real-time infor-
                                                                          mation and analysis [3]. There are also other digital healthcare
Digital therapeutics (DTx) is “an evidence-based therapeutic in-          companies for diabetes and weight control; Noom, Omada,
tervention using high-quality software programs to prevent,               Livongo, Lark, Voluntis, and so on. In this review, we discuss
manage, or treat a medical disorder or disease” [1]. DTx                  evidence-based therapeutic interventions driven by high-quality
emerged as a novel therapeutic approach for the prevention,               software programs. Only telephone calls, short message servic-
management, or treatment of chronic, behavior-changeable dis-             es, or online web-based servers are excluded from the definition
eases in recent years. Due to the public health emergency posed           of DTx.
by coronavirus disease 2019, the Food and Drug Administration                Mostly, DTx systems draw upon the evidence-based princi-
(FDA) has relaxed its regulations to expand access to digital             ples of behavioral or psychological intervention protocols
health devices for remote monitoring and management of ill-               known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) [2]. CBT uses
ness [2]. Currently, DTx products target behavior-modifiable              evidence-based techniques to change problematic behaviors and
problems such as type 2 diabetes and weight management. For               unhelpful cognitive distortions, and to improve emotional regu-
example, Welldoc Communications, a system to provide a mo-                lation and coping skills to solve the current problems [4]. Fre-
bile phone-based diabetes management software connected to                quent clinical assessments in the context of diverse psychologi-
web-based data analytics, serves as an interactive platform for           cal conditions using digital modalities are highly beneficial to

Received: 26 January 2021, Revised: 10 February 2021,                     Copyright © 2021 Korean Endocrine Society
Accepted: 17 February 2021                                                This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Com­
                                                                          mons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
Corresponding author: Hyung Jin Choi
                                                                          licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribu­
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Seoul National University College of
                                                                          tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Medicine, 103 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, Korea
Tel: +82-2-740-8204, Fax: +82-2-745-9528, E-mail:

Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related Problems
Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related Problems

enhance the efficacy of CBT interventions [5]. In fact, collect-          adaptive thinking, and building coping skills related to emotion-
ing assessment data in face-to-face conditions is a burdensome            al regulation and stress management [8]. These psychological
task involving retrospective reports. These reports have high             mechanisms contributing to mental health are closely associated
risks of being systematically biased by recall and neglecting im-         with physical health and contribute to clinical outcomes.
portant contextual components or acute changes in certain peri-              Mental health should be considered a vital component of DTx
ods [5]. In contrast, collecting assessment data using smart-             for obesity and eating-related problems. However, most previ-
phones and wearables is convenient and time-sensitive, allow-             ous self-management DTx studies were limited by only focus-
ing the real-time evaluation of context-rich information. Thus,           ing on behavioral aspects apart from mental health components,
the integration of digital technologies and CBT techniques has            such as self-monitoring of glucose and body weight, medication
become the cutting-edge approach in DTx components, allow-                adherence, logging a food diary, and physical activity [9,10].
ing individualized and stepped-care interventions [6].                    The majority of mobile health interventions only showed effec-
                                                                          tive improvements in primary outcomes for physical health
DTx FOR OBESITY AND EATING-RELATED                                        measures, such as hemoglobin A1c or body weight [11-14].
PROBLEMS: AN EMPHASIS ON A                                                These interventions were ineffective at improving mental health
MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH                                                conditions such as self-efficacy, quality of life, depression, and
                                                                          other measures. We recently showed that motivation, depres-
Since obesity and eating behavioral problems are complex dis-             sion, anxiety, and self-esteem were predictive markers of suc-
eases with a multifactorial etiology, a biopsychosocial approach          cessful weight control [15]. Thus, a multidisciplinary approach
including medical treatment and lifestyle changes is required to          including psychological components is needed to develop prac-
treat them effectively [7]. As shown in Fig. 1, both physical and         tical DTx for obesity and other eating behavioral problems.
mental health conditions are the major components of lifestyle
modification. To achieve a healthy lifestyle through a lifestyle          RECENT RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED
modification intervention, high motivation is mandatory as a              TRIALS RELATED TO DTx
prerequisite for high adherence. A patient can also attain stimu-
lus control capability by manipulating eating-related cues in the         To encourage an informed discourse about the efficacy of DTx
environment, using cognitive techniques to investigate mal-               for obesity and eating-related problems, we review several ran-

                                                                                                   Clinical outcomes
                                                Lifestyle modification
                                                                                                              Metabolic diseases
                                                    Physical health                                               Obesity


            Digital therapeutics                                                                                      Diabetes




                                                         Behavior                                             Mental disorders
                                                                                                                 Bulimia nervosa
             Emotions   Behaviors
                                                                                                                    Anorexia nervosa

             Cognitive behavioral                                                                                    Body dysmorphic
                   therapy                                                                                           disorder
                                                                                                                    food intake disorder
                                                     Mental health                                                Major depression

Fig. 1. Interaction between mental and physical health for lifestyle modification via digital therapeutics.

Copyright © 2021 Korean Endocrine Society                                                                           221
Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related Problems
Table 1. Randomized Controlled Trials for Digital-Based Interventions for Obesity and Eating Behavior Problems from 2017 to 2020
                                                                                                            Study design                       Delivery digital device                             Outcomes                       Adherence
                                               Study                      Population                                                                                                                                             (estimated),
                                                                                             Intervention      Duration      Control      Smartphone      Web Wearable         BW      Anthropometrics      LT      BT     Psych      %
                                               Spring et al. (2017)   Adults with obesity   Technology-          6 mo      Self-guided         O           O         X          △             ↓↓              -      -       -          O
                                                [18]                   (n=96)                supported                      (SELF),
                                                                                             (TECH)                         standard

                                               Nezami et al. (2018) Mother with             Smart group          6 mo      Placebo             O           X         X          ↓↓             -              -      -       -         85
                                                [16]                 overweight &            (mobile
                                                                     obesity, a child        supported)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kim M, et al.

                                                                     ages 3–5 yr
                                               Spring et al. (2018)   Adults age 18–65      Temporally          12 wk      Sequential          O           X         X           -             -              -     △        -         82
                                                [19]                   yr (n=212)            simultaneous                   (digital
                                                                                             intervention                   sham),
                                               Kim et al. (2019)      Old adults (mean      Mobile-based        24 wk      Usual care          O           X         X          X             X             ↓↓       -       X          -
                                                [20]                   age 60) with          glucose diary                  (paper
                                                                       diabetes (n=136)                                     diary)
                                               Fitzsimmons-Craft      Women with eating     CBT-guided           8 mo      Usual care          O           X         X           -             -              -     ↓↓       ↓         31
                                                et al. (2020) [17]     disorders             Self-help
                                               Lowe et al. (2020)     Women+Men             Time-restricted     12 wk      Consistent          O           X         O          X          LBM ↓↓           X        -       X         84
                                                [21]                   adults with BMI       eating                         meal timing
                                                                       27–43 (n=141)
                                               Kim et al. (2020)      Overweight and        Human-based          8 wk      Self-help           O           O         X          ↓↓            ↓↓            ↓↓      ↓↓       ↓↓        80
                                                [15]                   obese women           digital CBT                    using app
                                                                       adults (n=70)                                        (digital

                                               BW, body weight; LT, lab test; BT, behavioral test; Psych, psychological assessment; O, used; X, no difference; △, mixed results among the measures; ↓↓, (statistically) significantly decreased;
                                               -, not assessed; CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; ↓, reported decreasing trend; BMI, body mass index; LBM, lean body mass.

   Copyright © 2021 Korean Endocrine Society
Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related Problems

domized controlled trials (RCTs) of DTx conducted from 2017                    Although obesity and eating behavioral problems are known
to 2020 (Table 1).                                                          to have complex backgrounds, most studies evaluated clinical
   Regarding the study population, only one DTx RCT was con-                efficacy with only one or two measures [16-19]. A few studies
ducted among young children [16]. In fact, the intervention was             applied several assessments to validate their intervention effica-
not directly delivered to the children, but supported their care-           cy, but they did not show significant outcomes in general
givers to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage intake. In terms of               [20,21]. Our study is the only RCT that assessed all five relevant
the target diseases, four RCTs investigated DTx for obesity                 dimensions: body weight, body composition, physiological
treatment, while only one study focused on eating disorders                 tests, behavioral tests, and psychological assessments [15]. All
[17].                                                                       clinical outcomes significantly improved after the digital inter-
   Two studies applied psychological evidence-based strategies              vention period.
(i.e., CBT) in their intervention protocols, considering cogni-                It is also important to evaluate the adherence rate of an inter-
tions, emotions, and behaviors for lifestyle modification [15,17].          vention, since adherence is a key component for understanding
Other studies utilized only behavioral strategies such as self-             the clinical efficacy of DTx. An engagement rate of over 80%
monitoring or restricting time [16,18-21]. To test the efficacy of          was shown in most studies [16,19,21]. However, the only study
the interventions, two studies used a three-arm parallel-group              that adapted self-help strategies in the digital intervention pre-
design [18,19], while other studies used a two-arm parallel-                sented an adherence rate of 31% [17].
group design [15-17,20,21].
   Regarding the digital devices utilized in the research, three            MAIN ISSUES RELATED TO DTx FOR
studies combined two different modalities (i.e., smartphone+                OBESITY AND EATING BEHAVIOR
web or smartphone+wearable) to deliver the intervention [15,                PROBLEMS
19,21]. All studies applied smartphones as their core interven-
tion devices [15-21].                                                       Based on the current status of the field, we suggest seven major


                                                       Behavior                  Emotion

                                                                                                                           Digital devices
                                              Anthropometry                           Motivation




                                   gie n


                               ate tio



                            str en



                                                              Clinical Trials: RCTs



                                                                                                                           Digital platform

Fig. 2. Major considerations and main issues for digital therapeutics. RCT, randomized controlled trial.

Copyright © 2021 Korean Endocrine Society                                                                                223
Kim M, et al.

constructive issues that should be addressed in order to make          and digital outcome phenotyping, potentially avoiding the re-
progress in DTx for obesity and eating-related problems (Fig. 2).      quirement for on-site visits.

Comprehensiveness of an individual’s multifactorial                    Tailoring the individual feedback in DTx
health condition                                                       Personalized DTx can deliver tailored feedback based on per-
As mentioned earlier, obesity and eating behavior problems             sonal data from multifactorial domains, as mentioned above in
have complicated contexts [8]. Therefore, multifactorial do-           the discussion of the first issue. We have recently shown that
mains—behavioral (e.g., late-night meals, snacks), cognitive           this is critical since personalization is closely related to engage-
(e.g., arbitrary inference, selective abstraction), emotional (e.g.,   ment in digital intervention and the potential for lifestyle change
irritation, loneliness), motivational (i.e., willingness to change,    in the long-term [15]. However, most app-based interventions
self-confidence), and anthropometric—are suggested to be ad-           use non-tailored behavioral strategies (e.g., prompts for moni-
dressed to comprehensively understand and monitor the prog-            toring, appointment reminders, and health education), uniformly
ress of weight control and eating behavioral patterns [15]. Since      produced common content, or limitedly customized algorithms
cognitive structuring and emotional regulation significantly af-       based on a few domains such as diet, physical activity, and body
fect behavior styles and engagement with DTx, an integrated            weight [17,20]. These strategies have shown limitations regard-
approach concerned with all of these components will ultimate-         ing engagement in the intervention and the maintenance of
ly solve problems related to obesity.                                  treatment efficacy. Thus, based on baseline and/or real-time
                                                                       multifactorial measures (e.g., behavior, emotion, cognition, and
Efficacy of DTx in RCTs                                                motivation), tailored feedback and adaptive intervention can in-
The aim of RCTs is to test the effectiveness of new treatments         crease the engagement and the effectiveness of DTx. Further-
while minimizing biases (e.g., the placebo effect). RCTs prove         more, other characteristics such as, genetic, social, and econom-
both efficacy and safety, which are decisive components related        ic factors, as well as comorbidities, could be utilized for the de-
to FDA approval. Although numerous studies have tested digital         velopment of tailored DTx.
interventions for weight loss, not all of them were designed as
RCTs [22]. To reliably prove the efficacy of novel DTx, RCTs           The role of a health coach
are a prerequisite.                                                    A health coach is a person who delivers an evidence-based in-
   A critical and challenging aspect of RCT design for DTx is          tervention to users. Embedding a human factor, such as health-
designing an adequate control group. Digital modalities have a         care providers or peers, may enhance the engagement and effi-
variety of features (e.g., self-monitoring, CBT, user interface/       cacy of DTx. Recently, we have shown better clinical outcomes
user experience, human coaching, etc.), which results in ambi-         from interventions with a human coach compared to those with
guity regarding which features are effective, and which specific       self-guided conditions [15,17,18]. The major role of a health
features should be compared [23]. Thus, it is challenging to se-       coach is to provide practical solutions to problems, emotional
lect the main active ingredient of DTx and devise a specific ac-       support, motivational interviews, and informative knowledge to
tive sham control group (identical DTx platform without the            support effective behavioral changes. The function of human
main active ingredient). It is also difficult to establish a com-      coaching can be automated by virtual conversational agents,
pletely blinded condition, as in placebo-controlled trials of          such as chatbots. Natural language processing studies could
medications. Therefore, new RCT frameworks tailored to DTx             help develop augmented text coaching platforms for both hu-
have been developed; such as the multiphase optimization strat-        man coaches and chatbots.
egy (MOST), sequential multiple assignment randomized trials
(SMART), micro-randomized trials, clustered randomized con-            Temporal strategies for intervention frequency
trol trials, unequal-allocation RCTs, and control optimization         Temporal strategies for intervention frequency are an important
trials [24-27]. Each design aims to answer different research          factor influencing the engagement rate in DTx. Broadly, there
questions and thereby to provide the gold standard for proof in        are three types of time points for an intervention: daily, weekly,
clinical medicine. In addition, due to the nature of digital tech-     and monthly. Previous studies applying either weekly or month-
nologies, RCTs of DTx could adopt fully digital online innova-         ly interventions showed high attrition rates [28]. In contrast, we
tive designs, including digital enrollment, digital intervention,      recently showed that more intensive daily coaching could pro-

224                                                                               Copyright © 2021 Korean Endocrine Society
Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related Problems

duce a high adherence rate, with 80% of participants remaining       the target symptoms, such as major depressive disorder, eating
active users until the last session of the treatment. A reason for   disorders, diabetes, or hypertension.
this high adherence rate is that we delivered more intensive dai-
ly personalized feedback by facilitating real-time access to a hu-   LIMITATIONS OF DTx BEING APPLIED IN
man coach. Since the engagement rate in DTx influences the           THE CLINICS
clinical outcomes, considering the intensity of interaction be-
tween providers and users is necessary. More intensive daily in-     To date, many efforts have been made to develop various types
terventions could stimulate higher engagement. However, an           of DTx, but still they remain unsettled in the clinical settings
extremely frequent intervention could be fatiguing or burden-        due to following limitations. Currently, low engagement and
some to both users and coaches. This can be alleviated by im-        low efficacy of DTx are two major concerns in understanding
plementing advanced digital technologies such as artificial in-      the full scalability and competency of it [28]. Next, similar to
telligence or machine-learning approaches to replace repetitive      traditional pharmaceuticals, DTx must undergo RCTs for the
tasks by automated services [29].                                    approval procedure to verify safety and efficacy in the premar-
                                                                     ket [2]. However, DTx software is capable of being frequently
Evidence-based psychological theory for intervention                 updated and adjusted to FDA guidance at any moment, unlike
strategies                                                           other pharmaceuticals. Lastly, cybersecurity and data rights are
Although digital health modalities have become very well-de-         other bottlenecks of the mass adoption of DTx. One of the solu-
signed, the extent to which they involve evidence-based behav-       tions can be the partnerships between the industries and aca-
ior change strategies or clinical protocols should be examined.      demics, which the companies behind successful DTx collabo-
Evidence-based interventions are defined as intervention strate-     rate with academic groups to address scientific rigor as expected
gies with empirical support for their efficacy and accountability.   of traditional pharmaceutical drugs.
There are several representative psychological interventions;
CBT, dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment         FUTURE PERSPECTIVES AND
therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. CBT is wide-       RECOMMENDATIONS
ly applied to various types of mental health conditions. Thus,
many researchers are exploring possibilities to expand its appli-    As the field of behavioral medicine is leveraging digital tech-
cability, especially using digital modalities. Adopting these sci-   nologies to heighten the scalability and effectiveness of inter-
entifically proven intervention strategies for behavioral change     ventions, we would like to make the following recommenda-
will produce more efficacious DTx. Furthermore, it is recom-         tions for future DTx researchers and industries (Fig. 3).
mended to involve health professionals (i.e., doctors, nurses,
psychologists, and trainers) in the development process of DTx       Different phenotyping methods with multi-dimensional
for interventions to be reliable.                                    phenotypes
                                                                     Applying various phenotyping methods to gather individual in-
Target populations                                                   formation is required to optimize DTx [15]. Phenotypes can be
Most DTx related to lifestyle modifications or eating-related        classified as digital or conventional. The digital phenotype re-
problems have focused on the adult population. Although the          fers to both passively and actively gathered data using digital
epidemic of childhood/adolescent obesity is responsible for the      modalities, such as smartphones and wearables [30]. It can be
prevalence of metabolic diseases in adults, studies of DTx for       acquired by wearable sensors, smartphones, and other digital
lifestyle modifications targeting youth are scarce. To treat chil-   devices. The conventional phenotype refers to measures that are
dren or young adults, it is more efficient to employ their care-     assessed by traditional methods (i.e., blood samples, self-report-
givers/guardians in the intervention to achieve efficacious clini-   ed questionnaires, electronic medical records, and buffet test-
cal outcomes. A similar point holds for older adults, who are        meals). These collected phenotypes are then classified into
more likely to already have metabolic or psychiatric diseases. It    multi-dimensional phenotypes (physical health, behavioral,
is recommended to include their families in the intervention to      cognitive, emotional, and motivational). In other words, each of
obtain successful outcomes via DTx. Furthermore, clinicians          these dimensions can be assessed by either (or both) of these
may consider implementing applicable strategies according to         two phenotyping methods. A comprehensive integration of con-

Copyright © 2021 Korean Endocrine Society                                                                 225
Kim M, et al.

                Multi-dimensional phenotypes                                            Digital platform                     Online-to-offline (O2O)
           Physical     Behavior Cognition   Emotion   Motivation
         health records


              Digital                  Conventional
            phenotypes                 phenotypes                                                       Administrators


                         Phenotyping                                   School

                Digital therapeutics
                                                                Monitoring the performance and
                                                                   instructing in relevant skills             Purchases of goods or services
                                                                                                                   from physical businesses

                                                                                  Lifestyle modification
                           User                                                                                                       Clinical outcomes

Fig. 3. Future perspectives for the ecological environment of digital therapeutics.

ventional and digital phenotypes is a key component for devel-                          services with the DTx intervention. For example, providing dis-
oping and delivering personalized interventions within DTx                              counted passes to work out in a gym would be beneficial for
[15].                                                                                   people who need to reduce their body fat and build muscle
                                                                                        strength. Another possibility would be enabling people to pur-
Devising analytical methods and developing dashboards                                   chase fitness equipment (e.g., a treadmill or barbell) on sale by
for administrators                                                                      bundling these services with DTx. Moreover, delivering fresh
Regarding analytical methods, we suggest applying artificial in-                        salads every day would be applicable for people who find it
telligence technologies and machine-learning analyses to extract                        challenging to prepare healthy meals. Expanding these systems
clinically meaningful features from immense and intricate data                          may allow us to establish a ubiquitous environment (i.e., smart
to obtain useful insights for clinical decision-making. It is then                      homes or smart schools) that adapt advanced digital technolo-
important to create insightful visualizations displayed on dash-                        gies in daily life. Hospitals, workplaces, schools, homes and
boards for administrators including coaches, caregivers, school                         healthcare-related markets will be seamlessly connected via
teachers, and health professionals, as well as the users them-                          DTx [32,33]. All administrators will be able to prescribe home-
selves [31]. Here, the term “administrators” refers to the people                       care, work-care, school-care, and medical-care–related products
who monitor individuals’ performance and instruct them about                            through DTx. As boundaries between different sectors are fad-
relevant skills to promote lifestyle modifications. Developing                          ing away, new policies are required for stakeholders including
different versions of dashboards for each administrator may                             health professions, patients, and guardians. This will enable sus-
generate a better user environment since administrators could                           tainable ecosystems and business models that serve the public’s
then support users in diverse aspects. This will improve individ-                       interest.
uals’ performance, leading to better clinical outcomes.
Integrating DTx with online-to-offline services
When DTx is delivered to individuals from administrators, its                           Advanced digital technologies have been leveraged to behav-
efficacy can be expanded by combining online-to-offline (O2O)                           ioral medicine, establishing “DTx.” DTx provides new opportu-

226                                                                                                 Copyright © 2021 Korean Endocrine Society
Digital Therapeutics for Obesity and Eating-Related Problems

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