Page created by Mario Shaw

intEgrated care
Spotlight on physical health

PERINATAL services
Expanded to help women up to one year after childbirth

                   BROADMOOR HOSPITAL
                                  Our vocational services,
                                 giving patients new skills

      Integration is the way forward                                                                                                                                                         Local
      Welcome to the winter edition of @WestLondon. You will notice that as
      well as the usual spotlight on the mental health services we provide, a                                                                                                                helping to
      lot of this magazine is devoted to physical health.                                                                                                                                    tackle
      That’s because physical healthcare is becoming an increasingly                                                                                                                         childhood obesity
      important part of what we do as a Trust. We are moving away from
      mental and physical healthcare, and social care being provided                                                                                                                         Developing healthy habits at a young
      separately. Instead, our ambition is for people with mental health
      problems to have their physical health problems identified, assessed                                 Ealing community                                                                  age is imperative in tackling obesity,
                                                                                                                                                                                             but ensuring children eat a balanced

                                                                                                           health and care
      and treated at the same time, and vice versa.                                                                                                                                          diet coupled with 60 minutes of
                                                                                                                                                                                             moderate level physical activity
      We are really pleased to have been named as preferred bidder, with our                                                                                                                 every day isn’t always that easy.
      partners, to provide community services in Ealing, because it gives us the
      opportunity to deliver high-quality care in a truly integrated way. You can
      read more about this on page 3.
                                                                                                           services                                                                          The One You Ealing Active Living Fun
                                                                                                                                                                                             Food in Ealing (ALFIE) programme
                                                                                                           In late October, Ealing Clinical              as an alternative to acute          supports overweight children adopt
      We know that poor physical and mental health are linked. Around half of all                          Commissioning Group (CCG)                     hospital admission                  healthier lifestyles. ALFIE combines
      patients admitted to hospital also suffer from depression or mental illness,                         named West London NHS Trust,              •   Enhanced primary care (GP)          interactive healthy eating workshops
      and if not treated, this leads to a slower rate of recovery and a longer stay in                     together with Central and North               services supporting Ealing’s        with physical activity sessions.
      hospital. We also know, for example, that there is double the rate of depression in                  West London NHS Foundation                    nursing homes                       The programme has been highly
      people with diabetes than the general population.                                                    Trust, The Hillingdon Hospitals                                                   successful. 90% of children who have
                                                                                                           NHS Foundation Trust and other          Subject to final contract and             completed the programme have
      All of these factors underpin our decision to change our name. We’re now West London NHS Trust.      partners, as preferred bidder           regulatory agreement, the Trust           reduced or maintained their body
                                                                                                           to provide community-based              and its partners will start to            mass index.
      We hope you enjoy the magazine and get an insight into the wide range of work we do to help our      services in Ealing over the next        deliver these services in May
      service users.                                                                                       10 years.                               2019.                                     The programme is fun and
                                                                                                                                                                                             educational and tailored to meet the
      We always welcome feedback, so please email us with your comments at                                 These services include:                 Chief Executive, Carolyn Regan,           needs of families.                                                                                                             said: “As a long-standing
                                                                                                              •   Community adult and              provider of care in Ealing, we            Visit
      Dr Jose Romero-Urcelay, Medical Director                                                                    children’s nursing and           are particularly pleased to have
      Stephanie Bridger, Director of Nursing and Patient Experience                                               therapy services                 this opportunity to build on our
                                                                                                              •   Dementia support teams           existing local physical and mental
                                                                                                              •   Adult learning disability        health community services to
                                                                                                                  services                         deliver high-quality, integrated             CIDS receive national
                                                                                                              •   Intermediate care services       care across the borough.”                    accreditation
                                                                                                                  to support patients being
                                                                                                                  treated closer to home           FOR MORE INFORMATION                         Congratulations to Ealing
                                                                                                                                                   Visit                 Cognitive Impairment and
     Thank you for your feedback                                                                                                                                                                Dementia Services, who
                                                                stay In touch                                                                      ealing-community-based-services/
                                                                                                                                                                                                have achieved accreditation
     We would like to thank everyone who responded
                                                                                                                                                                 through the Memory Services
     to the @WestLondon Magazine feedback survey.

                                                                                                         Equally well
                                                                                                                                                                                                National Accreditation
                                                                                                                                                                                                Programme (MSNAP).
     The winner of the £25 Love2shop voucher is                                                                                                       MSNAP is a Royal College of
     Peter Ridout, Site Manager at Broadmoor                                                             Chief Executive, Carolyn Regan, and Medical                                            Psychiatrists benchmarking
                                                                      Director, Jose Romero-Urcelay, joined leaders                                          programme.
     We have listened to the feedback from everyone                                                      of more than 50 organisations to sign an
                                                                                                                                                                                                The team also received a
     who responded and will implement lots of your                                                       historic Charter for Equal Health and launch
                                                                                                                                                          Sustainable Mental Health
     suggestions in 2019. We will have more features                                                     Equally Well UK, a new nationwide initiative.                                          Service Commendation
     on children and young people, more stories
                                                                                                                                                                                                by achieving 90% of
     from service users and carers, and we will give                People living with a severe mental illness such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                Sustainability Standards.
     information on forthcoming events.                                                                  schizophrenia have a life expectancy that is up to 20 years shorter than average.

                                                                                                         Equally Well UK will bring organisations to work together to reduce this gap.
                                                                                                         Meanwhile, the charter offers a vision of how people living in the UK with a
                                                                                                         severe mental illness can get improved support with their physical health.

                                                                                                         You can find out more about this campaign at
       24/7 Single Point of Access helpline 0300 1234 244                                      

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INTEGRATING CARE                                                                                            INTEGRATING CARE

     Psychological therapies in
     Hammersmith & Fulham

     Hammersmith & Fulham Back on Track is part of a national initiative
     to provide psychological therapies to people aged 18+ with long-term
     physical health conditions (LTC) such as diabetes, heart disease and
                                                                                                                  home ward
     COPD, who have become worried, anxious or are low in mood.
                                                                                                                  What is Home ward?                     for a short period to avoid             pharmacists, administrative staff
                                                                                                                  Home ward Ealing is a                  admission to a general hospital –       and managers.Home ward team
     Recently, the service was extended into                                                                      partnership led by West London         usually around one week.
     some GP surgeries and specialist physical
     health teams. This has enabled the service
                                                     The Partnership Project                                      NHS Trust, working with Central
                                                                                                                  and North West London NHS              Our rehabilitation service
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Who can access the service?
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Anyone over 18 who lives in, or
     to reach more people in need faster, and                                                                     Foundation Trust, Ealing Council,      can support people with                 is registered with a GP in Ealing
     improve their overall health.                   Hammersmith & Fulham Back on Track and the charity           Chelsea and Westminster                physiotherapy and occupational          can be referred by their usual
                                                     Turning Point have worked together to embed a                Hospital NHS Foundation Trust,         therapy for up to six weeks,            healthcare professional.
     The service helps people to:                    substance support worker into the Back on Track service.     and London Central and West            working closely alongside Ealing
                                                     Many patients who use drugs and alcohol at harmful           Unscheduled Care Collaborative.        Council’s social care services.         Can you give an example
                                                     levels are reluctant to talk to people who can help them                                                                                    of innovation for better
       •   Make healthy lifestyle changes
                                                     come to terms with their addiction.                          What does the service do?              What conditions do our                  patient care?
       •   Overcome their fears, anxieties or
                                                                                                                  We help people during a period of      patients have?                          Hospitals all over the UK are
           low mood related to living with a LTC     The new initiative, which began in early November 2018,      severe or sudden illness, or when      A large proportion of our               working to develop an initiative
       •   Reduce the impact of their LTC on         makes it easier for substance users to get the support       they have been discharged from         patients are older people who           called “Home First.” Home ward
           work, family life and other activities.   they need, because the support worker is now located at      a general hospital, so they can        are becoming increasingly frail,        is leading on Home First for
                                                     a centre they are already going to, for therapy.             recover and remain well at home        and are at risk of admission to         Ealing residents. The aim of
       FOR MORE INFORMATION                                                                                       or as close to home as possible.       hospital. Most of our patients can      Home First is to help people to
                                                                                                                                                         have:                                   leave hospital as soon as they are
     Patients can self-refer to Back on Track by                                                                                                                                                 medically stable to be discharged,
                                                                                                                  On average, we support
     calling 0300 123 1156 or visiting                                                                                                                     •   Suffered a fall                   rather than the usual practice
                                                                                                                  approximately 6,000 patients                                                                                                                                •   Chest infections, cellulitis or   of waiting in a hospital bed until
                                                                                                                  a year to maintain their
                                                                                                                  independence.                                bladder infections                arrangements for therapy and

     Integrated Diabetes Clinic at
                                                                                                                                                           •   Worsening of long-term            social care are put in place.
                                                                                                                  How do we do this?                           conditions such as chronic

     West Middlesex Hospital                                                                                      We provide fast assessment and               obstructive pulmonary             We ensure we understand our
                                                                                                                  short-term nursing, therapy and              disease (COPD), diabetes or       patients’ home life and their own
                                                                                                                  social care, with specialist medical         heart failure.                    personal goals, personalising
     Since July 2018, Hounslow Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) have been running monthly                                                                                      their care, to support their
                                                                                                                  input, to help people stay in their
     clinics at West Middlesex Hospital for people who have both common mental health problems and a                                                     Who is in the team?                     recovery towards independence.
                                                                                                                  own home – usually for around
     diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes.                                                                                                                       The team includes over 120              This releases hospital beds for
                                                                                                                  five days.
                                                                                                                                                         staff, including nurses, doctors,       other patients who need them.
     This integrated clinic allows people to be seen for both their mental and physical healthcare needs in the   We have 20 beds in Clayponds           occupational therapists,
     same location, helping to break down barriers between different services. Feedback from the staff at         Hospital in South Ealing for           physiotherapists, support
     West Middlesex’s Diabetes Team has been positive. Hounslow IAPT are now building on this success by          people who need extra support          workers, social workers,
     working with the cardiology teams at West Middlesex, with an aim of providing a similar integrated service
     for cardiology patients.
                                                                                                                   FOR MORE INFORMATION
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SERVICE NEWS                                                                                                 ALL ABOUT PEOPLE

                                                                    Changes to West
                                                                    London Tri-borough
                                                                    Perinatal Mental                                  Nine local students have joined the Trust for work experience as part of
                                                                                                                      Project Choice, a programme developed by Health Education England,
                                                                    Health Service                                    which offers supported internships for young people with learning
                                                                                                                      disabilities. Currently less than 7% of adults with learning disabilities are
                                                                   The Perinatal Mental Health Service is
                                                                   now able to take referrals for pregnant
                                                                                                                      in paid employment and Project Choice is trying to change this.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Café on the Hill
                                                                   women with severe or complex mental
                                                                   illness until the end of the first year after
                                                                                                                      Alison Webster, Assistant Director of Workforce, said:
                                                                                                                      “We are delighted to welcome our new students here. This is a fantastic
                                                                                                                                                                                                      becomes first
                                                                   childbirth. This is an extension from the
                                                                   previous provision, which ended when
                                                                                                                      chance for our students to gain invaluable experience that they would
                                                                                                                      otherwise not have had access to.”
                                                                   the child was six months old.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Change Please
                                                                   Extra funding from NHS England has
                                                                   enabled this extension to existing               arrival of our first                                                              café
                                                                                                                    international nurses
                                                                   clients and new referrals. Women
                                                                   who are referred when their child is                                                                                               In early November, Café on the
                                                                   approaching one year old will be advised                                                                                           Hill, at St Bernard’s Hospital,
                                                                   and supported to contact the most                The first international nurses recruited by the Trust arrived from the            relaunched as the first Change
                                                                   appropriate service for them.                    Philippines in October.                                                           Please café to be based within
                                                                                                                                                                                                      an NHS site. Café on the Hill is
                                                                   Anyone needing help can be referred to           They are the first of a small number of internationally educated nurses           run by staff and service users
                                                                   the perinatal service via their GP.              who are being employed by the Trust as part of a broad programme of               working together. This gives
                                                                                                                    recruitment activity.                                                             service users the opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to learn transferable vocational
                                                                                                                    Recruitment from outside of the UK has made a valuable contribution               skills to support their recovery.
                                                                                                                    in the NHS over recent years, and other local trusts have had very
                                                                                                                    positive experiences – particularly when recruiting in the Philippines.           Change Please is a social
                                                                                                                                                                                                      enterprise that provides barista

     Antenatal anxiety celebrating                                                                                  Two of the nurses were greeted by senior staff and taken to their
                                                                                                                    accommodation on the Ealing Hospital site. The other is staying with
                                                                                                                                                                                                      skills, housing assistance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      emotional support and a clear

     workshops at      Allied Health
                                                                                                                    her family locally.                                                               pathway to employment.

                                                                                                                    Their ‘buddies’ orientated them into the local area and took them out             The café is open to the public

     Hounslow IAPT     Professionals                                                                                to experience a ‘full English’ breakfast.

                                                                                                                    Gillian Kelly, Deputy Director of Nursing, said: “Recruiting and retaining
                                                                                                                                                                                                      and can be found at St Bernard’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hospital, opposite Three Bridges.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      In addition to the award winning
     Since February 2018, Hounslow Improving Access
     to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) have been                                                                    great staff is key to the future of the Trust. So it is fantastic to see our      Change Please coffee, the café
     running monthly workshops for pregnant women                                                                   first group of overseas nurses arriving and settling in well.”                    offers a variety of hot and cold
     and their partners at the maternity unit at West                                                                                                                                                 food and drink. It has also
     Middlesex Hospital.                                                                                                                                                                              introduced a health bar, serving
                                                                                                                                                                                                      healthier options.
     The workshops help pregnant women to develop
                                                                                                                     Carolyn welcomes managers at
     techniques to cope with anxiety in pregnancy.                                                                   Lead by Example
                                                                                                                     Chief Executive, Carolyn Regan,
     Feedback received on the workshops has been so
                                                                                                                     welcomed managers to the latest
     positive that the perinatal leads within Hounslow IAPT
                                                                                                                     session of the Trust’s Lead by
     are now considering developing similar workshops for
                                                                                                                     Example Programme in Ealing.
     postnatal women.
                                                                  In November, allied health professionals (AHP)
                                                                  from across the Trust came together to reflect     The programme is designed to
     Women can self-refer for these workshops, be
                                                                  on and share their own progress, a year since      encourage the Trust’s leaders to
     referred by the antenatal clinic staff or take part whilst
                                                                  the launch of the Trust’s first AHP strategy.      reflect on their own personal styles
     on the waiting list for IAPT treatment.
                                                                  The day included an awards ceremony hosted         and give them practical tools to help
                                                                  by Stephanie Bridger, Director of Nursing and      them enhance the services provided
      You can contact Hounslow IAPT by telephone 0300             Patient Experience, which was an opportunity to    in their areas. This is the seventh
      123 0739 or email               recognise the contributions that AHPs make to      time the Trust has run the course.
      or visit their website              patient care every day.
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                                           West London’s own                                                             The quality Awards 2018
                                           named in 2019 Powerlist                                                       Our Quality Awards took place in September at Syon Park, where staff, service users and sponsors came
                                                                                                                         together to celebrate some of our brightest stars.

                                           Congratulations to Consultant Psychiatrist,                                   The awards ceremony also recognised those members of staff who have been with the Trust for 25 years.
                                           Dr Ian Nnatu, who was named in the 2019
                                           Powerlist, which features 100 of the UK’s                                     The night was a success for the Trust’s Charity which raised nearly £500 from the sale of raffle tickets.
                                           most influential men and women of                                             All of the money raised will go towards helping our service users. Read more about the charity on
                                           African, African Caribbean and African                                        page 10.
                                           American heritage.
     Senior clinician                      Ian has worked for the Trust since 2006
                                                                                                                         Employee of the year
                                                                                                                         Ray Langshaw – Clinical Resourcing Manager
     receives top                          in the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit
                                           (PICU) which looks after complex and                                          Mentor of the Year
     teaching award                        severely unwell patients. Regarded as an                                      Sarah Kramer and Eve Brotzel –
                                           inspirational mentor, he also teaches at                                      Speech and Language Therapy Department                          Augusta Amara
     Dr Sam Nayrouz, Director of                                                                                                                                                         Long Service Aw
     Clinical Studies and Consultant       Charing Cross Hospital in Hammersmith.                                                                                                                        ar   d Recipient
     Psychiatrist at the Trust, and        He recently stepped down as the Trust’s                                       Patient Choice
     Hon Senior Lecturer at Imperial       Electroconvulsive Therapy consultant lead after                               Dillip Maugi – Caterer
     College School of Medicine,           eight years.
     received the prestigious Imperial                                                                                   Leadership
     Medical School Teaching               On being named in the Powerlist, Ian said: “It is a particular honour         Bhagiawatty Gunganah – Ward Manager
     Excellence Award in November.         as a mental health professional to be included in the 2019 Powerlist
                                           and I hope that this will contribute to raising the profile of mental         Team of the Year
     The award was in recognition          health in the UK.”                                                            Home ward Rapid Response, Ealing Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ian McGuone
     of his role in planning and
     delivering the Trust’s high           The Powerlist is an annual publication that was first published in            Partnership
     quality teaching and training to      2007. Nominees must initially meet the definition of an influential           Clare Farrell – Physiotherapist
     Imperial undergraduate students       person who has consistently demonstrated “the ability to alter
     while they are on psychiatric         events and change lives, over a protracted period of time, in a               Student Trainee of the Year
     placements here at West London.       positive manner.”                                                             Peter Coleman – Student Psychologist
     He was also recognised for his
     excellent personal teaching to                                                                                      Excellence in Patient Care                                          Occupational Th
                                                                                                                                                                                                             erapy Mental Illn
                                                                                                                                                                                             Pathway, Broadm                   ess
     Imperial students placed in Ealing.                                                                                 Meridian Ward, Hammersmith and Fulham Mental Health Unit                             oor Hospital

     This is a particularly significant
                                           Adam clinches Apprentice of the Year                                          Spirit of the NHS
     achievement as it is the second                                                                                     Ian McGuone – Rapid Response Nurse Clinician
     time Dr Nayrouz has received
                                                                 Nursing Degree Apprentice, Adam Cramp,                  Quality Improvement
     this award. He originally won this
                                                                 has scooped Apprentice of the Year in the               Occupational Therapy Mental Illness Pathway, Broadmoor Hospital
     award in 2011.
                                                                 prestigious national Our Health Heroes                                                                                                                              Meridian Ward
                                                                 competition.                                            New Starter
                                                                                                                         Katie Elkins – Staff Nurse
                                                                 The criteria the judges used to make the award
      Congratulations                                            included: being an effective colleague and part         Involvement
      to West                                                    of a team; putting learning into place; and being       Lee – Service User, Tony Hillis Wing
      London NHS                                                 caring and compassionate to service users.
      Trust Chief                                                Other criteria included being a strong role model       Innovation
      Executive,                                                 for the organisation and an ambassador for              Occupational Therapy Mental Illness Pathway, Broadmoor Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Katie Elk
      Carolyn Regan,                                             apprenticeships.
      for being                                                                                                          Promoting Diversity
      shortlisted for                      Adam, who works at Broadmoor Hospital, and has been at the Trust for          Learning Disabilities Clinical Academic Group, Feltham Recovery Team
      Chief Executive of the Year          over two years, said: “It’s amazing to have won this award and I have to
      at the Health Service Journal        admit my feet have not touched the ground. Everyone at the Trust has          Chairman’s Award
      awards.                              been fantastic and incredibly supportive.                                     Nick Hipkins – Consultant Psychiatrist
                                           “The Nursing Degree Apprenticeship training scheme has been excellent
                                           and has given me invaluable skills. I would recommend it to anyone.”                                                                                                  Peter Coleman

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OUR CHARITY                                                                                                        FUNDRAISING

                                                                                                                              honouring zelma glasgow
                                                                                                                                                       In September, Sheffield Ward hosted
                                                                                                                                                         a Charitable Games Day in support
                                                                                                                                                           of the Sue Ryder Duchess of Kent
                                                                                                                                                            Hospice. The day was designed as
                                                                                                                                                             a tribute to Zelma Glasgow (pictured
                                                                                                                                                             left), a member of staff who sadly
                                                                                                                                                             passed away earlier this year and
                                                                                                                                                             was supported in her last days by
                                                                                                                                                            the Duchess of Kent Hospice. During
       Going that extra mile to support                                                                                                                    the day, staff and patients competed
                                                                                                                                                          against each other in table tennis,

       patients and service users                                                                                                                       chess, pool, Monopoly and other games.
                                                                                                                                                     Sheffield Ward raised a total of £1,975,
                                                                                                                                                 including £434 from patient donations.

       Trust Chair takes on                                         Become a Charity Champion                                 Sheffield Ward is an Assertive Rehabilitation Ward at
                                                                                                                              Broadmoor Hospital. The ward supports men aged 18+ in their
       half marathon to                                             We want enthusiastic and friendly members of              care and route to recovery. Our patients are fully engaged
                                                                                                                              in the work that we do on the ward. We offer peer support,               Alice Foyle, Service Director; and Belinda
       raise over £2,000                                            staff to become Charity Champions to help raise
                                                                    awareness of the Trust Charity and to encourage           carry out patient-led handovers and patient-led behaviour                Manyumbu, Clinical Nurse Manager for
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sheffield Ward, handing over money to Hannah
                                                                    others to become involved in fundraising. We would        modification discussions. We also have a WHY group, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rcihards from Sue Ryder
       Trust Chairman, Tom Hayhoe, successfully completed           like to have a number of Champions at each of our         looks at what is happening in the world, and why it is
       the Richmond Half Marathon on Sunday 4 November,             hospital sites and across the Trust in our community      happening, and links this in with our ward community.
       raising over £2,000 for the Trust Charity.                   locations.

       Running alongside his wife Natalie, Tom finished the         The Charity Champion role is voluntary and sits
       13.1 mile run in 2 hours 19 minutes.

                                                                                                                              Over £8k raised for
                                                                    alongside your day job. Champions will be invited to
                                                                    attend a quarterly Charity Committee Meeting.
       Tom said: “I persuaded my wife, Natalie, to join me

                                                                                                                              Cassel Hospital Charitable Trust
       for her first half marathon to help raise money for the      You’ll help raise awareness of the Trust Charity
       Trust Charity. The charity supports some great projects      across your site, to colleagues, patients/service users
       that really add value to the lives of patients and service   and their families. This will include making patients
       users in West London. It is a fantastic feeling to have      and families aware of the charity when they want to       On Sunday 30 September, a team of
       raised over £2,000. I had a few aches and pains but it       show their gratitude to the Trust.                        nine staff and service users from the
       was well worth it!”                                                                                                    Cassel Hospital joined the thousands
                                                                    If you have any questions, comments or would like         running the Ealing Half Marathon, to
       Congratulations Tom!                                         more information, please email                            raise awareness of, and funds for,
                                                                                     the Cassel Hospital Charitable Trust.

                                                                                                                              With lots of support, all our runners
                                                                                                                              successfully completed the 13.1
                                                                                                                              miles with the first of the team
   Major Law firm donates over £600 to Trust Charity                                                                          achieving an incredible time of 1
                                                                                                                              hour and 37 minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                       Left to right: Julia Blazdell, Stefan Skwara, Camilla, Chloe Finamore,
                                                                                                                                                                       Bex Close, Paul Stokes, Alex Ruffer and Linda Stradins

   West London NHS Trust’s lawyers, Bevan Brittan, have donated all of the fees they received from NHS trusts across          Julia Blazdell, Service User Consultant, was running her first half marathon
   the country for the work they carried out on the NHS’s 70th birthday, Thursday 5 July, to charity.                                                                                                      FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                                                              and had a rocky road to the start line, having undergone surgery only a few
                                                                                                                              weeks before the race. Julia said: “It was great to be part of Team Cassel
   Joanne Easterbrook, Senior Partner at Bevan Brittan, visited Trust HQ                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                              and wonderful to have such excellent support from patients and staff lining
   on Monday 19 November to present Chief Executive Carolyn Regan                                                             the route. The finishing stretch would have been a lot harder without their
   and Trust Board Secretary George Chalkias with a cheque for £612.38                                                        hearty encouragement.”
   to the Trust Charity.
                                                                                                                              The team raised over £8,000 for the Cassel Hospital Charitable Trust,
   Carolyn said: “I am delighted that Bevan Brittan has supported the                                                         which will go towards its Service User Involvement Fund. This fund has
   Trust Charity by making this kind donation. Corporate and one-off                                                          been established to support the development and employment of people
   donations are really important in helping to improve the experiences                                                       with lived experience of the difficulties associated with diagnoses, such as
   of patients, service users and carers. The money raised will help fund                                                     personality disorder and complex trauma.
   projects across the Trust, such as activity groups and equipment for
   wards and gardens.”

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Vocational Services in
       Broadmoor Hospital                                                                                                                 World mental
       A time to shine a light on our
       amazing work
                                                                                                                                          health day
                                                                                                 Venus Kan, Vocational Services
                                                                                                                                          10 October 2018
                                                                                                 Manager, said:
                                                                                                                                          Young people and                                        The Occupational
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Therapy Team at
                                                                                                 We are really proud of the work          mental health in a                                      Hammersmith &
                                                                                                 we do here supporting our                                                                        Fulham Mental
                                                                                                 patients develop their skills and        changing world                                          Health Unit
                                                                                                 their resilience. I am delighted                                                                 celebrated World
                                                        L to R: Becky Chapman, Service manager   that colleagues at St Andrew’s           This was the theme for World Mental Health Day          Mental Health Day
                                                        of St Andrew’s; Annie London, Head of    feel they can learn from what we         2018.                                                   with an art project,
                                                        OT and RTS                               do here at Broadmoor, and I look                                                                 focusing on sharing
                                                                                                 forward to our return visit to St        The Trust chose to focus on eating disorders, which     knowledge and
                                                       This was the first time that                                                       are a common issue among young people.
                                                       any other vocational service              Andrew’s very soon!’                                                                             experiences.
       Lunch buffet prepared by our patients and
       staff of the Café team                          has visited us and was a great                                                     We urged parents and teachers to be vigilant for
                                                       opportunity for all our Vocational                                                                                                         The project was inspired by an artist called Wrdsmth
                                                                                                                                          the hidden signs among young people of eating           and gave service users the opportunity to share their
                                                       Services staff to network,                                                         disorders such as anorexia and bulimia.
                                                       showcase our work and share                                                                                                                knowledge and experiences, and also the advice they
       Vocational Services are part of the
                                                       best practice. Patients welcomed                                                                                                           might give a young person to help them grow up
       Occupational Therapy (OT) and                                                                                                      These include weight loss, extreme worries about
                                                       the visitors and were keen to                                                                                                              healthy, happy and resilient.
       Rehabilitation Therapy Services (RTS)                                                                                              body shape, excessive exercising or disappearing to
       at Broadmoor Hospital.                          discuss the impact our services                                                    the toilet after meals.
                                                       have made to their recovery.                                                                                                               These snippets of advice, knowledge and experiences
                                                       Here’s some of the feedback from                                                                                                           were used to create the big collage poster pictured
       We help patients to develop new skills                                                                                             Dr Elizabeth Tullett, Consultant Child and
                                                       our visitors:                                                                                                                              above.
       and create and produce handmade                                                                                                    Adolescent Psychiatrist said: “It is important that
       saleable goods, like cards, jewellery                                                                                              young people do not suffer in silence with eating
       and wooden items.
                                                       ‘…it offered a great insight into          Becky Chapman, showing an interest      disorders, which can have devastating impacts on        West London Community Sports
                                                                                                  in one of our wooden products, with     their lives and those around them.
       The aim is to support patients to grow          how other services support their           Roy Goss , RTS Instructor                                                                       West London Community Sports, which is
       in confidence and gain experiences              patients… also very interesting                                                    “The sooner eating disorders are diagnosed, the         supported by the Trust, organised a World Mental
       that can help with their recovery.              and informative to speak to some                                                   more help we can give people to recover. Having                                   Health Day Football
                                                       of the patients and get their views                                                anorexia or bulimia is nothing to be ashamed of but                               Tournament that
       On 15 and 19 October, we had a visit            on staying at Broadmoor.’                                                          it is vital that people experiencing eating disorders                             took place at Goals in
       from over 20 vocational staff from St                                                                                              get help quickly.”                                                                Isleworth.
       Andrew’s Healthcare, a charity in the
       Midlands, which runs mental health                                                                                                 Anyone with concerns should contact their GP or                                      Six teams took part in the
       services and has its own medium                                                                                                    get in touch with the Community Eating Disorders
                                                       ‘ was a brilliant opportunity to                                                                                                                                    tournament: Hounslow
       secure service.                                                                                                                    Service on 020 8354 8745.
                                                       meet other vocational instructors                                                                                                                                       Hawks, West London FC,
                                                       and see the great work that they            Vocational Services staff networking                                                                                        Exercise Specialists, two
                                                       do. It was really interesting to see                                                                                                                                    teams from the Estates
                                                       the different activities that you                                                  Patients from the Psychiatric                           and Facilities service and a team from Trust
                                                       offer in a high secure setting.’             FOR MORE INFORMATION                  Intensive Care Unit (PICU)                              Headquarters – The Armstrong Way Warriors.
                                                                                                                                          highlighted a poem by Robert
                                                                                                    www.westlondon.nhs.                   Service, called the Olive Tree,                         The cup was won by Exercise Specialists (pictured
                                                                                                    uk/contact-us/sites-and-              which made them think about                             above) for the third year in a row. It was presented by
                                                       ‘…the quality of work produced               locations/broadmoor-                  how the olive tree can give shelter,                    Matthew Wilding, Deputy Director of Nursing, West
        L to R: Helen Wright from St Andrew’s, Simon
        Matthews, RTS Team Leader; Venus Kan,          was simply outstanding.’                     hospital/                             peace and provide warmth.                               London Forensic Services.
        Vocational Services Manager                                                                                                       They painted an olive tree as a way
                                                                                                                                          to give life to the poem.                               The event raised over £100 for West London
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Community Sports.
12 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 13
IN OTHER NEWS                                                                                                         COMPLIMENTS

       The Zero Suicide Alliance is a collaboration of
                                                                                                                               SERVICE USERS’ COMPLIMENTs
       NHS trusts, businesses and individuals who
       are all committed to suicide prevention.
                                                                                                                                                                              me a lot.
                                                                                                                               The people are friendly here, the staff helped                Kind, friendly, su
       West London NHS Trust is one of the partners                                                                            Harry is a nice guy :-)                                       About Hounlsow
                                                                                                                                                                             Unit                                Liaison Psychiat
       in this alliance and we are committed                                                                                   About Finch Ward, Lakeside Mental Health                                                           ry Services
       to ensuring that as many staff and local
       stakeholders as possible complete the suicide
                                                                                                                               Dr Too - She is very
       prevention training and actively promote it to                                                                                               kind and treats me                       Very responsive team. Efficient and on time.
                                                                                                                               I am very happy wi                      well.
       others.                                                                                                                                    th her treatment.                          About Back on Track
                                                                                                                               About Ealing Recove
                                                                                                                                                    ry Team West
       You can find the 20 minute training video on
       the Zero Suicide Alliance website
                                                                       Paws for thought                                          The visits made by staff proved to be very bene
                                                                                                                                                                                    to the
                                                                                                                                                                                              The nurses are de
                                                                                                                                                                                              everything they ca
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 dicated and carin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    g. They do
                                                                                                                                                     alwa  ys very pleas ed to talk                              n to help with pa                                     with Hettie the dog                                       to my wife who was
                                                                                                                                 nurse. His care and patie nce  was  very posit ive and       About Grosvenor
                                                                                                                                                                                              Lakeside Mental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   tient care.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Health Unit
                                                                       Approved therapy dog Hettie, a three-year-old             About Hounslow Cognitive Impairment and
                                                                       poodle cross, has been bringing joy to staff and          Service
                                                                       patients at the Crisis Assessment Team at Lakeside
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mother of patient is thankful for all the hard work
                                                                       Mental Health Unit. She has been with the team
                                                                                                                                                                                             Johan has done through her son’s case.
       Best Social                                                     since July.                                                                                        advice and
                                                                                                                               An approachable and friendly service. Good                    About Paediatric Liaison
       Enterprise                                                                                                              very reassuring.
                                                                       Hettie’s owner, Consultant Psychiatrist Nick
       Award                                                           Hipkins said: “It is really lovely to see Hettie here   About Hammersmith & Fulham Cognitive Impa

                                                                       and you would be amazed by the number of                and Dementia Service
       We Coproduce were the winner of the Best Social
                                                                       smiles she brings to both staff and patients.
       Enterprise Award at Hammersmith and Fulham

                                                                                                                               FROM A LITTLE BIRDIE ................
                                                                       She has an incredibly positive effect on people.”
       Council’s Brilliant Business Awards 2018. The
       Trust works in partnership with We Coproduce to
                                                                       Hettie does not go into inpatient wards but people
       coproduce services for thecommunity.
                                                                       can take her for short walks around the pond



       Help us help you this winter by getting your flu              Think you need medical help right now? You can call
       vaccination. If you are eligible for a free flu jab, get it   NHS 111 where a fully trained adviser will suggest the
       now – it’s free because you need it.                          best course of action.

       Visit to find out if you                NHS 111 is much more than a helpline. You can speak
       are eligible for a free flu jab. Then contact your            to fully trained advisers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a
       GP practice, pharmacist or midwife to get an                  week, who can put you straight through to healthcare
       appointment. Trust staff can have their flu jab at the        professionals, as well as arrange face-to-face
       drop in clinics advertised on the Exchange.                   appointments and assess if you need an ambulance.

                                                                     So, if you think you need urgent non-life-threatening
                                                                     medical help, call NHS 111.

                                                                     Visit for more information.

14 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | 15
Ann is a carer for her son, who is looked after
by the Trust. She is also co-chair of one of
                                                                       Ann Smith
the Trust’s Service User and Carer Experience
                                                      sought advice and information to understand
How long have you been a carer?                       my son’s condition and in turn supported him in
15 years.                                             his darkest times. I have met some great people
                                                      who have supported me. My son has been on a
What does a typical day look like for you?            very long journey and at times my husband and I
After the usual greet the day stuff I call the        thought ‘is it never ending?’ We have never given
ward to see how my son has been. I then check         up hope and are just there for him.

                                                                                                  | 020 8354 8737
with him what his plans are for the day and
have a general chat. I do various bits of work        The most rewarding part is meeting other carers
for West London NHS Trust so I might attend           at our Wednesday club. We help each other to
a meeting, speak to Yoke and Lilian from the          understand that as carers, we can’t cure our
Practice Development Team or participate in           loved ones, but we support them to be the
Carers Awareness Training. I am also the Chair        best they can be. I find comfort in sharing my
of the Carers Council for Central and North West      experiences with like-minded people who have
London NHS Foundation Trust.                          an empathy with my situation, and knowing
                                                      that I am not alone. Tea and a chat are a great
One afternoon I run a support club for carers of      soother.
service users with complex mental health needs.
I organise an activity and provide a safe space       Do you have a favourite place in West
to take them away from the pressures of caring.       London?
It allows us to be us for a while and do things       Yes, my garden. It is not large and in some places
we would not normally do. It is a great place to      not well kept, but it gives me a great space to
share.                                                rest and relax. Due to my mobility issues I grow
                                                      things in raised flower beds and containers for
My afternoons are usually my own to do                easy access, and wildlife comes in abundance. I
shopping (I love this) or visit family and friends.   have had good success with vegetables this year!
Then after dinner I call my son to wish him good
night.                                                There is nothing finer than sitting in the garden
                                                      enjoying a cup of tea and homemade cake.
What is the most rewarding part of being a            Best of all I can watch my little dogs run around
carer?                                                chasing their imaginary friends!
At first I thought this is a tricky one, but
reflecting on my journey as a carer, I have           If you had a super power, what would it be?
                                                      I already have super powers – I am a MUM, so
                                                      what more do I want?
Promoting hope
  and wellbeing
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