CROSSING THE LICENSING CHASM: How to Leverage Technology to Transition to a Recurring Revenue Model - Novotech Technologies

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CROSSING THE LICENSING CHASM: How to Leverage Technology to Transition to a Recurring Revenue Model - Novotech Technologies
How to Leverage Technology to Transition to a Recurring Revenue Model
 This paper discusses the growing trend toward subscription and consumption-based revenue generation and the
 transition from product-centric to customer-value-centric business models. Our goal is to help you understand
 the value of software as a business enabler and how taking advantage of the software monetization technology
 stack can help ease the transition from one-time product sales to stronger and more predictable recurring
 revenue streams. We also share a real-life example of how one company is leveraging the technology stack
 to enable, manage, and automate recurring revenue streams to enhance the customer experience, generate
 recurring revenue, and improve business efficiency.

                                                           Published by Gemalto in cooperation with:
CROSSING THE LICENSING CHASM: How to Leverage Technology to Transition to a Recurring Revenue Model - Novotech Technologies
Table of Contents

         The Software Monetization Technology Stack...........................................................3

         Becoming More Customer-Centric...........................................................................4

         Pricing & Packaging Considerations..................................................................... 5-7

         Software Licensing and Entitlement Management............................................... 7-8

         Cloud Billing Technology........................................................................................ 8-9

         Back-Office Automation.............................................................................................9

         Putting it All Together......................................................................................... 10-11

         Final Thoughts.......................................................................................................... 12

         Next Steps................................................................................................................. 12

         About Simon-Kucher Partners................................................................................ 12

         About Aria Systems.................................................................................................. 12

         About Gemalto Software Monetization Solutions................................................... 12

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                               2
CROSSING THE LICENSING CHASM: How to Leverage Technology to Transition to a Recurring Revenue Model - Novotech Technologies
Introduction                                                   The Software Monetization Technology Stack
          We live in a customer-centric, software and services-          Using the right technology is core to optimizing innovative
          driven world. Customers are now driving decision               business models and recurring revenue streams. And
          making, and they increasingly expect immediate access          rather than trying to cobble together a solution on
          and value-based pay-as-you-go options for goods and            your own, we recommend you use existing commercial
          services.                                                      technology to your advantage.
          If you are thinking about moving to recurring revenue          Leveraging software monetization technology refers to
          business models for your products and services, you’re         the application of software license management, and
          not alone.                                                     billing technologies to enforce business rules with the
                                                                         goal of ensuring software-based products are properly
          There is a strong trend toward using subscription, usage-
                                                                         licensed and paid for. Whether based on a one-time fee, or
          and consumption-based recurring revenue models based
                                                                         a recurring pre-or post-paid subscription based on time,
          on how customers think about price and value.
                                                                         feature usage, metered consumption, or any combination
          Recent Aria Systems research finds that only 9 percent of      of these, your products must be properly licensed and
          U.S. companies will rely on one-time sales in the future,      paid for.
          with 91 percent looking to adopt some form of recurring
                                                                         As business and deployment models have evolved, so too
          sales to boost their performance. i
                                                                         has the ecosystem of technology to enable, manage, and
          IDC forecasts, by 2018, 60 percent of manufacturers of         automate the software monetization process.
          connected devices will generate recurring revenue via a
                                                                         For example, software licensing and entitlement
          software-based offering or service. And by 2019, more
                                                                         management systems that once focused primarily on
          than 50 percent of all industries will price and package
                                                                         dongle- or software-based license enforcement have
          their offerings as services with flexible subscription- or
                                                                         evolved into powerful business enablement, customer
          consumption-based pricing models. ii
                                                                         experience, and operational efficiency platforms. Modern
          Adapting customer-driven subscription and usage-based          software protection and license management systems
          revenue models can be advantageous for your company            protect your intellectual property from tampering, enable
          and your customers.                                            sophisticated and complex licensing and business model
                                                                         capabilities, track and report on usage, and automate
          >> Recurring revenue models enable you to deliver
                                                                         anytime, anywhere customer self-service licensing,
            greater value to customers and earn greater market
                                                                         activations, and updates.
            differentiation with longer and more predictable revenue
            streams.                                                     Likewise, with growth in SaaS deployments and usage-
          >> A service-based approach to business models allows your     based billing, the term ‘software monetization’ is also
            customers to shift what were once large one-time capital     being used to describe billing solutions that track usage
            equipment expenditures to monthly operating budgets.         per account, issue invoices, and automate billing and
                                                                         subscription renewals.
          But transitioning to a recurring revenue model is not as
          easy as changing your product to a subscription service,       These two examples alone, show how the lines can be
          dusting off your hands, and getting on with your day. It’s a   blurry regarding which technology does what, how the
          change that not only affects how you sell your products,       pieces fit together, and how to leverage the technology
          it also affects your entire business – from product            stack to enable, manage, and automate your software/
          marketing and accounting to customer service and back-         services-based business and recurring revenue streams.
          office operations.
          To make the move to recurring revenue, you need to
          resolve what your packaging and pricing strategies will                                   Software
          be. Then, you will need to determine how to implement                                    Licensing &
          and manage it all. How will you enable and disable                                       Entitlement
          features? How will you track and control usage? How will                                 Management
          you bill your customers? How will you offer customer
          self-service? How will you ensure that your back office is
          equipped to handle the strategies you devise today and
          flexible enough to manage your business as it evolves into                     Customer                Back-Office
          the future?                                                                     Billing                Automation
          The answers? Leverage technology to help enable and
          automate the recurring revenue process.

                                                                         Figure 1: The Software Monetization Technology Stack

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                            3
The goal of this paper is to provide clarity by focusing                    “By 2018, 60% of manufacturers of connected
          on pricing and packaging considerations and how using                       devices will generate recurring revenue via a
          the licensing and entitlement management, customer
                                                                                      software-based offering or service.”
          billing, and back-office automation pieces of the software
          monetization technology stack can help you accomplish                       –IDC Research
          your recurring revenue goals.
                                                                                    IDC predicts that by 2019, more than 50 percent of all
          Becoming More Customer-Centric                                            industries will price and package their offerings as
                                                                                    services with flexible subscription- or consumption-based
          Companies all over the world are transforming the way
                                                                                    pricing models. And by 2018, 60% of manufacturers of
          they do business by moving from a product-centric to
                                                                                    connected devices will generate recurring revenue via a
          customer-centric approach to business models. ii
                                                                                    software-based offering or service. ii
          Figure 2: Business Evolution from Product-Centric to Service-Centric ii

                                       Product Centric         Service Centric                             “74% of respondents
         Strategy Objectives            Product Focus           Customer Focus                             indicated a closer
         Value Proposition           Innovative Technology    Customer Experience                          relationship with their
         Financial Model               Transaction Value         Lifetime Value                            customer was the
         Value Model                      Value Chain             Value Agility
                                                                                                           principle motivator behind
         Process Thinking             Business Processes         System Thinking
                                                                                           		              their service offerings.”
         Operational Approach       SKUs & Product Catalogs    Consumption/Usage
         Organizational Structure          Hierarcal                  Matrix

          Ubiquitous software and connectivity, hardware                                                   “Nearly half (46%) of
          commoditization, advanced IoT technologies, data/
          intelligence, and the customer-value-driven service
                                                                                                           respondents are looking
          and subscription economies are all contributing to the                                           to improve profitability
          transformation.                                                                                  through added-value
          Software is Everywhere                                                                           services.”
          Software is an enabler of this transformation
          and becoming key to innovation and competitive                                   –Hennik Research, in association with
          differentiation. Devices are increasingly connected to the             
          cloud and can be accessed, monitored, and controlled
          from almost anywhere using apps on mobile devices.                        In a recent Hennick Research survey conducted in
                                                                                    association with The, 74 percent of
          Instant Gratification and Value                                           respondents indicated a closer relationship with their
          Over the past decade or so, technology and connectivity                   customer was the principle motivator behind their service
          have made us more sensitive to purchasing only the                        offerings. And nearly half (46 percent) of respondents
          product and service features we need, when we need                        are looking to improve profitability through added-value
          them. And then paying for those products and services                     services. iv
          based on the value or outcomes we receive.
                                                                                      “By 2019, more than 50% of all industries will
          A few examples include Netflix, Spotify, and GM’s new
          luxury vehicle subscription service, ‘BOOK by Cadillac.’ iii                price and package their offerings as services
                                                                                      with flexible subscription- or consumption-based
          It’s now common to choose the features that suit our
          needs and then pay for them on a monthly subscription                       pricing models.”
          basis or as needed based on our use or consumption of                       –IDC Research
          those products and services.
                                                                                    What began with software-as-a-service over a decade ago
             Increasingly, we’re paying for service availability                    is now transforming entire industries—from music, video,
             instead of a product in a box.                                         home automation, transportation, and medical devices to
                                                                                    industrial automation.
          This instant gratification, pay-as-you-go service                         Becoming more service-centric means having to sell
          phenomenon has crossed over into the B2B world as well.                   differently.

                                                                                    Pricing & Packaging Considerations
                                                                                    As part of selling differently, your pricing methodologies
                                                                                    need to change. Companies transitioning their value from
                                                                                    hardware to software and from on-premises to cloud, find

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                                      4
the way they used to charge for their products no longer                  Conversely, changing the revenue model and the way
         works for their new business models or new go to market.                  customers think about price and value can be a strategic
         Aside from a major deployment transition, companies                       option at any point in time. This is not to say that you
         also realize that recurring revenue models provide longer                 should change your revenue model frequently to increase
         and more predictable revenue streams and make their                       your pricing power year over year. But rather, you can
         products more affordable across a wider breadth of                        change your pricing model at any time to help customers
         potential clients.                                                        better understand the value you provide, make direct
                                                                                   pricing comparisons more difficult, provide a means to
         A recurring revenue model is not only about price levels;
                                                                                   differentiate prices, and align pricing closer to customer
         it is also about how price is communicated, what it means
                                                                                   value and willingness to pay.
         as a measure of value for a customer, and how products
         and services can be configured to best align with your                    Nearly two-thirds of respondents who are under price
         company’s adoption and cross-sell strategies.                             pressure want to change or are actively planning to
                                                                                   change their price model. v Given this data, however,
         Dealing with Pricing Pressures
                                                                                   transitioning to a recurring revenue model will have
         A recent pricing study by Simone Kucher and Partners
                                                                                   broader implications on product structure, the way your
         found that 83 percent of respondents face increasing
                                                                                   organization interacts with your customers, and the way
         price pressure, with 58 percent of respondents stating
                                                                                   your customers interact with your product. Therefore, it
         that they are in a price war. These numbers are also
                                                                                   is important to consider your revenue model transition
         reflected in companies’ inability to achieve their price
                                                                                   carefully and make sure the components work together to
         increases. Companies trying to increase their prices last
                                                                                   meet your organization’s goals.
         year reported they were only able to achieve 37 percent of
         the total price increase, which is the lowest price increase              Three Components to Driving Recurring Revenue
         achievement ever recorded by this study. v                                As you begin to set the stage for pricing, there are primary
                                                                                   components you need to consider. Each component is
         These statistics reflect dire circumstances for many
                                                                                   relatively straight forward, but when considered together,
         companies. However, respondents are using multiple
                                                                                   what is best for one component is often a poor choice
         options to help escape these oppressive market
                                                                                   for another component. Understanding what the typical
         conditions. As you can see from figure 3, the top two
                                                                                   options are for each component and considering your
         ways companies overcome pricing pressure are through
                                                                                   entire revenue model in concert will help you create
         product innovation and by changing their revenue model.
                                                                                   a sustainable recurring revenue model that will drive
         Introducing new, innovative, or differentiated products is                additional income for your company.
         a powerful lever for breaking out of a price erosion spiral.
                                                                                   The first component is acquisition. In traditional perpetual
         However, this is not always an option for all companies,
                                                                                   licensing models, customer acquisition is the main
         and there are times when innovations are not a big
                                                                                   priority since customers commit to making a large up-
         enough change to alter the basis of competition.
                                                                                   front investment. Retention on maintenance in this model
                                                                                   is relatively important, but the likelihood of churn to a
          Top 5 options to escape oppressive market conditions*                    competitor is much lower since switching costs—i.e. the
                                                                                   up-front cost of new perpetual licenses—are so high.
         Introducing new, innovative, or differentiated                            The second component is retention. In recurring revenue
                                                                                   models, acquisition is important, but retention is arguably
         Changing the revenue model and the way
         customers think about price and value
                                                                                   more important because customers pay as they go and
         Strenthening sales & marketing functions
                                                                                   can opt out any time if perceived value drops. This is not
         to support value creation & communication                                 the case with large capex perpetual licensing models.
         Reducing our variable or fixed costs                    16%
                                                                                   The third component is monetization. This component
         Changing mindset and confidence in our                                    is driven by the price you can charge and how well you
         ablility to implement higher prices
                                                                                   can upsell and cross-sell value and features to your
                                                           Share of respondents*
                                                                                   customers over time to increase customer lifetime value.
         Figure 3: Overcoming Marketing Pricing Pressure, Global Pricing Study
         2016, Simon-Kucher Partners                                               Individually, each of these components may seem
                                                                                   relatively easy to improve as you switch to a recurring
                                                                                   revenue model. However, a closer look at achieving all
                                                                                   three of these goals at once reveals clear trade-offs that
                                                                                   must be balanced to achieve a successful recurring
                                                                                   revenue model.

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                                       5
Often your solution may be too comprehensive for a single
                                                                                              Good/Better/Best lineup, in which case your packaging
                                                    Acquire                                   will need to break out by functional packages first. This
                                  More value
                                                                                              is often the case for enterprise software companies. For
                                     for less
                                                                                              some companies, these functional bundles are comprised
                                                                                              of each of the services they provide (e.g. financial
                                                                                              management, human capital management). Other
                                                       The      model                         companies have much more granular functional packages
                                                                                              and work to simplify their offer by having a defined base
                     More value
                                                                                 High         platform as a set entry point.
                      for more                                                   commitment

                                                Price level
                                                                                               Packaging is a spectrum of flexibility, with the
                           Monetize                                           Retain           most common permutations listed here
                                  Increase prices               Hold prices
                                                                                                 Least flexible,                Degree of f customer flexiblity              Most flexible,
                                                                                                 but simple                                                                  but complex
         Figure 4: The Recurring Revenue Tradeoff, Monetization Strategies for
         Subscription Businesses, Simon-Kucher Partners

         The Recurring Revenue Trade-Off                                                           All-you-        Functional
                                                                                                   can-eat         Packages                 Best                                  own
         >> Acquisition vs. Monetization: A low-price strategy can fuel
           acquisition efforts, but once you have established a pricing
           anchor, it is very difficult to increase annual contracts                                                                                         Base Platform

           more than 4-5 percent per year.
         >> Acquisition vs. Retention: Increasing acquisition could
           take the form of lower commitment terms, which could                               Figure 5: Packaging Spectrum
           increase churn.
                                                                                              Good/Better/Best and Functional Packages are not
         >> Retention vs. Monetization: When trying to retain                                 the only options when it comes to packaging, but they
           customers, the temptation is to maintain prices so you                             can help manage the tradeoff between acquisition and
           don’t rock the boat, which sells short the monetization of                         monetization by providing smaller package options for
           continual product investment.                                                      customers who need a lower barrier to adoption. Larger
         As figure 4 illustrates, the recurring revenue trade-                                packages can be offered for customers who have the
         off is a multi-dimensional balancing act, which is why                               need and willingness to pay for larger packages. These
         transitioning to this model is especially challenging. Each                          packaging structures will also help retention since it is
         of these trade-offs can be addressed through specific                                well observed that retention increases with increasing
         product elements: packaging, price model, or price levels.                           product engagement—i.e. larger packages.
         Managing the Acquisition and Monetization Trade-Off                                  Managing Acquisition and Retention with Price Models
         with Packaging                                                                       One of the more difficult components in managing price is
         Companies looking to transition to a recurring revenue                               determining how to charge and collect from customers.
         model typically have one all-you-can-eat offer or a large                            This decision impacts how much they will pay during
         menu of options that can be used to configure the right                              acquisition and over time, which influences retention.
         product for a customer. An all-you-can-eat offer is simple
                                                                                              Traditionally, on-premises software required a perpetual
         to communicate and provides more potential value to a
                                                                                              license with a large upfront investment. With recurring
         customer, which makes acquisition easier. The menu of
                                                                                              revenue models, you have more flexibility and aren’t
         options, on the other hand, provides many paths to upsell
                                                                                              locked into a specific price as you can change prices over
         and cross-sell—especially if customers have different needs.
                                                                                              time. These price changes can be based on how much
         Both options, however, force you to one end or the other in                          customers purchase up front, how much they purchase
         this tradeoff. There are additional packaging options that                           over time, and how their level of engagement changes
         can land you somewhere in the middle, depending on how                               over time.
         much flexibility and simplicity you want in your packages.
                                                                                              Recurring revenue models present the opportunity to tie
         One of the more widely used packaging options is Good/                               pricing to value through usage-based models. The most
         Better/Best, which, as its name suggests, provides                                   granular version of this model is pay-as-you-go, which
         increasing features and value. This approach provides a                              correlates how much customers pay with how much is
         clear upsell path and allows you to communicate higher                               used (e.g. time, documents, transactions). This model
         prices for higher value.                                                             helps manage the tradeoff between acquisition and
                                                                                              retention. For instance, you can charge a customer less
                                                                                              for low usage, but increase that amount over time as they
                                                                                              increase engagement with your product and achieve more
                                                                                              value from it.

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                                                                                   6
The challenge with pay-as-you-go models is the                 from production to post-sale activities like maintenance
         unpredictability it presents for your customer. If you         and renewals.
         charge based on their use, and their usage is growing,
                                                                        As mentioned earlier, one of the key aspects of capturing
         it could be difficult for them to predict and budget
                                                                        recurring revenue is to move towards differentiated
         for. You may also have minimum setup and servicing
                                                                        packaging. Another key aspect is being able to capture
         requirements to ensure each additional customer is
                                                                        product and feature usage data to support complex
         profitable. There are a variety of price models you can use
                                                                        pre- and post-paid revenue models. Leveraging a secure
         to help reduce the risk for you and your customers:
                                                                        licensing and entitlement management technology will
                                                                        help you do both.
         >> Adaptive flat rate—price per time period is predetermined
           but changes over time based on historical usage              Flexible Packaging Enabled by Licensing and Entitlement
         >> Hockey stick—there is a base price to begin with, but can
                                                                        The shift to recurring revenue requires a focus on what
           turn into a usage-based model if a threshold is hit
                                                                        your customers value most. Feature-based licensing
         >> Floor to cap—hockey stick + a cap to limit the maximum
                                                                        allows you to enable and disable product features on-the-
           amount a customer must pay                                   fly based on your individual customers’ preferences.
         >> Two-dimensional—flat upfront fee plus a usage-based fee,
                                                                        Regardless of whether it’s software or an intelligent
           which can be relatively lower because of the upfront fee
                                                                        device, if it’s software or firmware-based, a Software
         >> Capped pay-as-you-go—usage-based pricing with a
                                                                        Monetization solution will allow you to license individual
           maximum amount that can be charged                           features and feature sets.
         >> Regressive—like pay-as-you-go, but the price per usage
                                                                        What’s more, you don’t need to unlock these features
           decreases over time to achieve volume discounts
                                                                        until the software or device are commissioned on your
         Managing Monetization and Retention with Price Level           customer’s premises. This increases flexibility, and in
         Getting your packaging and pricing model right helps           the case of intelligent devices, reduces the number of
         manage the tradeoff between monetization and retention,        hardware variants to be manufactured.
         but you will likely need to increase the price over time to    Software licensing technology enables you to:
         help offset increasing costs and recoup additional value.
         Most companies don’t implement price increases at all,         >> Deploy feature-based business models to provide your
         or if they do, they define a blanket price increase across       customers with the specific functionality they require.
         all their customers and try to achieve the same increase       >> Configure your devices for individual customer
         for everyone. The former avoids customer churn, and the          preferences; during production or after commissioned
         latter can push customers over the edge if they already          on the customer’s premises.
         feel they are paying too much.                                 >> Remotely enable and disable features electronically

         The key to this tradeoff is to differentiate price level         at any time to accommodate evolving customer
         increases based on customer risk and customer                    requirements or your own proactive upsell campaigns.
         willingness-to-pay. As you identify these, keep in             >> Reduce inventory costs by defining your products
         mind different customers and segments can have                   according to features rather than SKUs.
         different target increases to maximize the likelihood          The following example illustrates how feature-based
         those increases will be achieved. It is also helpful to        licensing facilitates packaging flexibility.
         systematically track the reasons for price increases
         to help communicate the rationale. Continual product
         improvements, increases in usage, or increases in the
         amount of support provided are a few examples.
         Once you’ve made your pricing and packaging decisions,
         we recommend you take advantage of the software
         monetization technology stack to enable and automate
         the recurring revenue process. The first component
         to leverage is software licensing and entitlement
         management technology.

         Software Licensing and Entitlement Management                  Figure 6: Feature-Based Licensing Using Software Licensing &
                                                                        Entitlement Management
         A software/services-centric business model requires
         a new approach to go to market including intellectual          Feature-based licensing enabled by software licensing
         property protection, secure and flexible licensing,            and entitlement management makes it possible to provide
         delivery, provisioning, and packaging. It also requires that   customer value, increase product variety, and lower your
         you maintain the complete lifecycle of a software product      production costs at the same time.

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                            7
Usage Insight Enabled by Licensing and Entitlement                      Software Monetization technology provides the tools you
         Management                                                              need to create and support relationship-based service
         Tracking and analyzing software or device usage provides                models and attractive purchasing options based on your
         powerful insight into how your products are being used                  customers’ desired outcomes.
         and enables you to make informed business decisions.
                                                                                 Recurring revenue models provide multiple options for
         Software monetization technology enables you to monitor                 monetizing your products and allow your customers to:
         and report on product feature usage and provides
                                                                                 >> Pay a fixed monthly subscription fee
         valuable information for:
                                                                                 >> Pay based on timed use or metered consumption
         >> Driving future packaging strategies - Tracking feature
                                                                                 >> Pay-per-feature or set of features used
           usage can help you decide which to package into a
           baseline product and which can be sold as added value                 Additional Licensing and Entitlement Management
           – so you can accurately address the value and outcomes                Capabilities
           your customers desire.                                                A robust software licensing and entitlement management
                                                                                 solution can do much more than enable recurring revenue
         >> Billing & end-user compliance - Tracking and reporting
                                                                                 and flexible packaging options; it will also enable you to:
           on device and feature usage is critical to ensure end-user
           compliance and to feed billing systems                                >> Protect your intellectual property from tampering, reverse
         >> Optimizing product roadmap investments - Insight                       engineering, and theft.
           into how your products are used is a key component of                 >> Ensure end-user compliance with license agreements.
           effective product line management. A full understanding               >> Track, control, and report on use of products and features.
           of which features are used and to what extent is an easy
                                                                                 >> Manage all licensing operations for on-premises,
           way to identify where to invest or divest your engineering
                                                                                   cloud, and embedded software including packaging,
                                                                                   provisioning, customer self-service, automated electronic
         >> Identifying up-sell, cross-sell and renewal opportunities -            delivery, activation, and updates.
           Easily run reports to identify: who is ripe for renewal, who
                                                                                 Once you have implemented a commercial licensing and
           may be a good candidate for an upsell, who may want a
                                                                                 entitlement management technology, the next component
           complementary product, etc.
                                                                                 in the software monetization technology stack is customer
         Implementing a Software Monetization technology                         billing.
         that features sophisticated licensing and entitlement
         management provides a means to start tracking product                   Cloud Billing Technology
         activation and usage down to the feature level.                         A Wider Variety of Monetization Models
                                                                                 To take full advantage of recurring revenue models,
                                                                                 companies are also moving beyond basic subscriptions
                                                                                 and using more complex usage-based and hybrid models.
                                                                                 However, legacy billing infrastructure usually cannot
                                                                                 provide the speed and flexibility that is required. The last
                                                                                 generation of on-premises billing systems encumber the
                                                                                 process by requiring IT intervention to code in changes,
                                                                                 which is time-consuming, expensive, and far too slow for
                                                                                 today’s fast-moving markets.
                                                                                 User-configurable, cloud-based billing platforms not only
         Figure 7: Modern Licensing and Entitlement Management Solutions Track   help manage the process, but enable business users to
         Product Activations and Usage to the Feature Level
                                                                                 efficiently test product plans, bundles, and promotions
         Recurring Revenue Models Enabled by Licensing and                       and then quickly iterate based on the results.
         Entitlement Management
                                                                                 If you launch a product, test it, then find that it’s not
         Business model innovation facilitated by a proven
                                                                                 working, additional testing is probably required. Maybe
         software monetization technology enables you to
                                                                                 the pricing is too high or the subscription period is too
         configure and sell your products and services based on
                                                                                 long. With an agile billing and monetization platform,
         what your individual customers value and are willing
                                                                                 you can change prices, packaging, and other parameters
         to pay.
                                                                                 very quickly. Cloud-based billing solutions allow these
         A commercial software monetization solution enables                     changes to be quickly implemented by the business user
         subscriptions and service-based pricing models based on                 instead of bothering IT, who are often occupied with
         time, usage, or consumption.                                            another project. Conversely, using legacy on-premises
                                                                                 systems, which require manual coding, could take weeks
                                                                                 or even months to make the same changes, depending
                                                                                 on the speed of your IT team and your place on their list
                                                                                 of priorities.

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                                       8
Flexible Monetization                                         Gone are the days of delivering goods and then
         Speed to market is critical, but it’s not the only thing.     communicating with customers only when payments are
         Your billing technology also needs to be flexible to          due. Products and services consumed on a recurring
         account for irregular events like one-time charges,           basis mandate an ongoing relationship with customers. If
         binge consumption, or activation and cancellation fees.       you fail to nurture this relationship, your customers will
         Any number of metrics may also be attached to usage           find someone else who will.
         and consumption, such as thresholds, rollovers, and
                                                                       Moving Forward
         tiered pricing. This allows your business to meet each
                                                                       What happens when the ability to add remote sensors to
         customer’s unique needs and implement customer-
                                                                       your product allows you to monitor its performance in
         demanded models such as flat rate subscription,
                                                                       real-time or gives your customers the ability to operate
         freemium, pay as you go, tiers, volume discounts, pooling,
                                                                       your product remotely? Will you be able to monetize the
         high water mark pricing, etc. Importantly, all these plans
                                                                       added value you provide to your customer, or will you be
         need to be efficiently created without the exponential SKU
         creation, which adds complexity and invites errors.
                                                                       Going forward you’ll need to become more creative in how
         Companies also need flexible account management to
                                                                       you package and deliver services to differentiate yourself
         facilitate the myriad customer account relationships that
                                                                       from your competitors, and you’ll need flexibility. That
         naturally occur. With a hierarchical account structure,
                                                                       flexibility comes from a billing and monetization solution
         all the customer information is efficiently aggregated
                                                                       that provides the tools and building blocks to create new
         for automated assignment and proper recognition
                                                                       offerings and new pricing options, without limitation,
         including individuals, business units and geographies,
                                                                       whenever you need them.
         and distributor channels. Platforms that support
         unlimited levels of account hierarchies with parent-child     Companies that modernize their billing systems will be
         relationships can be created to ensure that invoicing and     the ones to survive and thrive in this exciting new era;
         reporting meets both the needs of the business and the        others will be left behind.
         demands of the customer, who increasingly demand near
                                                                       The third focus in our software monetization technology
         custom billing.
                                                                       stack is automating the back-office.
         Enhancing Loyalty and Customer Lifetime Value
         In a recurring revenue model, billing isn’t the end of the    Back-Office Automation
         customer relationship; it’s just the beginning. To maximize   Once you have the technology in place, it makes sense to
         both the customer experience and product profits, your        integrate your back-office systems to automate the cash to
         billing platform must allow you to manage every revenue       quote, to delivery, and update process, and add operational
         moment within the customer lifecycle.                         efficiency. Integrating your licensing and entitlement
                                                                       management, billing, ERP, CRM, and marketing automation
         Revenue moments occur each time a customer interacts
                                                                       systems will streamline your operational processes and
         with your product or service. Each of these moments
                                                                       provide the best customer experience.
         create an opportunity to optimize the exchange, increase
         revenue, and add another positive experience that extends     Leveraging the software monetization technology stack
         your relationship with the customer.                          to improve your operational efficiency and provide the
                                                                       improved value and outcomes your customers expect will
         Potential revenue moments include:
                                                                       help you drive both top- and bottom-line business growth.
         >> Invoice delivery
         >> Customer service inquiry
                                                                       Putting it All Together
                                                                       In this section, we’ll look at how Trimble Navigation
         >> Welcome emails
                                                                       is using three pieces of the software monetization
         >> Renewal date reminders                                     technology stack: licensing and entitlement management,
         >> Credit card expiration/declines/dunning notifications      billing, and back-office automation. By mastering the use
         >> Service change requests                                    of these tools and technologies to create better value for
                                                                       its customers, Trimble is on the path to stronger long-
         >> Nearing/exceeding consumption limits alerts
                                                                       term profits.
         You can (and should) use these revenue moments to
         recommend relevant upsells or cross-sells based
         on individual preferences, location, and needs. Even
         including a customized happy birthday message will
         stick out as a nice touch. With each thoughtful, positive,
         personalized interaction, you add to the customer’s
         lifetime value (CLV), cultivate loyalty, and strengthen the
         steady, predictable stream of income to build a reliable
         future for your business.

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                          9
Case-In-Point: Trimble Navigation                        Trimble Connect also marked the launch of
            Gemalto and Aria Systems Power Trimble’s                 recurring revenue business models for the company,
            Transition to Recurring Revenue                          which is to be the cornerstone for providing more
            Trimble Navigation connects the physical and digital     predictable revenue and accelerating growth. The
            worlds through GPS-based products and services.          product can be purchased as a basic subscription
            A quintessential hardware company offering high-         with the ability to pay per use. To enable this new
            value devices, SaaS and recurring revenue is of          business model, Trimble leveraged Aria Systems’
            strategic importance to Trimble as the company           cloud billing and monetization platform, which helps
            transitions from mechanical to digital solutions.        the company quickly launch, test, and monetize
                                                                     product offerings in any way they could dream up.
            To provide anytime-anywhere access and new
                                                                     Aria gives Trimble the flexibility to offer a variety of
            revenue models that support customer-driven value
                                                                     plans that can be purchased in many ways so that
            and outcomes, Trimble is extending its portfolio
                                                                     the wide variety of stakeholders on a project can
            with service-based offerings to provide incremental
                                                                     access the platform in the best and most affordable
            and ongoing recurring revenue streams — and add
                                                                     way for their respective business.
            dollars to its bottom line.
                                                                     Trimble Catalyst:
            To enable the evolution, Trimble Navigation is
                                                                     Leveraging Gemalto Sentinel Licensing &
            leveraging the software monetization technology
                                                                     Entitlement Management to Enable Innovative
            stack with a combination of secure licensing
                                                                     Service-Based Business Models & Customer
            and entitlement management from Gemalto and
            cloud billing and monetization from Aria Systems.
                                                                     Mountains were originally measured in the
            Trimble began the transition with its Trimble
                                                                     1950s and 1960s with technology not nearly as
            Connect software and has since transitioned its
                                                                     sophisticated and precise as the GNSS technology
            Trimble Catalyst solution as well as its Aerial
                                                                     available today. From high upon majestic, snow-
            Photogrammetry Software and Services. Trimble is
                                                                     covered mountaintops, Trimble Catalyst enables
            also in the midst of a technology integration to fully
                                                                     mountain-climbing teams to measure the world’s
            automate and streamline its back-office operations.
                                                                     tallest mountains with great precision.
            Trimble Connect:
                                                                     Over the years, the cost of standard GNSS
            Leveraging Aria Systems Cloud Billing and
                                                                     receiver hardware has declined and thus become
            Monetization Technology to Handle Subscription
                                                                     commoditized. In response to this trend, Trimble
            Invoicing and Payments
                                                                     developed Catalyst. The Trimble Catalyst software
            The Westin at Denver International Airport is
                                                                     adds valuable functionality to make GNSS hardware
            an impressive landmark. Reflecting images of
                                                                     more versatile and usable for more applications.
            a bird in flight, the massive 433,000 square foot
            building is a modern hotel, public transit center,       Trimble Catalyst enables users to measure
            and community gathering place. Getting the               mountains as a service. Using Catalyst, users can
            project from groundbreaking to grand opening was         easily select the level of accuracy they need (one
            enabled by Trimble Connect, a building information       meter, submeter, decimeter, precision), based on the
            management system where architects, builders,            requirements of each job, without making any other
            suppliers, and owners collaborated to ensure that        changes to the GNSS equipment. Additionally, with
            the Starwood property would open on time, to             cellular connectivity, GPS data can be transmitted
            spec, and on budget. The software got everyone           to a central internet location for collaboration and
            on the same page even when an 11th-hour change           analysis. In the absence of connectivity, the system
            order was delivered—an impressive feat for any           stores the data and transmits the data when Wi-Fi is
            construction project and a must-have                     available. Finally, these points can be geo-spatially
            when thousands of jobs and billions of dollars           added to Google Earth or Google Maps for archiving.
            are at stake.
                                                                     To enable subscriptions based on accuracy level,
            To be successful, this system required a single          Trimble uses the Gemalto software monetization
            source of truth for everybody involved in the project    platform to license accuracy levels as features.
            from conception, planning, building, and operations.     Gemalto Sentinel enables and simplifies the
            Trimble Connect helps people across functions            management of variable-accuracy licensing of the
            stay on track uploading, downloading, and securing       Catalyst software. Sentinel also enables a customer
            important information and changes.                       self-service portal for activations, license transfers,
                                                                     and accuracy-level subscription changes to reduce
                                                                     installation and support costs and enhance the
                                                                     user experience.

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                     10
Trimble Aerial Photogrammetry Software and
                                                                             Trimble              Gemalto                Aria
            Services:                                                       User needs a         Sentinel EMS         Aria knows
            Leveraging Gemalto Sentinel Licensing &                           service             knows user            pricing
            Entitlement Management to Protect IP, Enable
                                                                            Order service        Sentinel ems         Aria knows
            Pre- and Post-Paid Business Models & Customer                      in app              manages           payment info
            Self-Service                                                                           request
            Using its aerial imaging software on a tablet PC,                Service is          Sentinel EMS             Aria
            Trimble can program a UX5 drone to accomplish                                         Records the         manages the
                                                                           ready instantly          license           transaction
            what used to take many years to accomplish with
            manual surveying equipment. The imaging software           Figure 8: Trimble Leverages the Software Monetization Technology
                                                                       Stack to Automate the Back-Office
            enables its user to enter their GPS coordinates and
            program the drone for a 35-minute flight over the          Trimble’s future plans include self-service
            area. The drone captures a point and snaps a photo         downloads and back-office integration to fully
            every three centimeters; resulting in 10 gigabytes         automate the subscription licensing, download,
            of point data per flight, which takes two to three         activation, upgrade/downgrade, and billing process.
            days to process into a point cloud or 2D or 3D geo-        Once integrated, the Gemalto Sentinel Entitlement
            referenced maps.                                           Management System ensures everything regarding
                                                                       the request is legitimate and includes license
            For indoor mapping and archiving, Trimble’s imaging
                                                                       enforcement so that the services can’t be stolen or
            software is also used with a tablet on a tripod to
                                                                       abused. Then, once the user agrees to the terms
            capture and create virtual replicas of buildings.
                                                                       and conditions of the sale, the Aria Cloud Billing and
            Trimble sells its Aerial Imaging software with the UX5     Monetization System ensures Trimble is paid for the
            drone as a kit, with a perpetual license and annual        services provided.
            maintenance contract. Trimble offers point cloud data
                                                                       Case-in-Point Conclusion
            hosting for a monthly or annual subscription fee and
                                                                       What this case in point demonstrates is how
            a cloud-based processing service to take the raw
                                                                       Trimble has taken a product-by-product approach
            files from the UAS to 3D geo-referenced maps, using
                                                                       to the transition as each of its applications and
            a pre-paid, per-flight revenue model.
                                                                       corresponding customer value preferences vary.
            The Gemalto Sentinel Software Monetization                 By using a combination of licensing and entitlement
            platform enables Trimble to protect its intellectual       management, billing, and back-office automation
            property and to create recurring revenue streams           to ease the transition, Trimble is well on its way to
            with pre- and post-paid subscription licensing             transforming from a product-centric to a
            models based on metered usage/consumption.                 customer-centric business.
            Sentinel enables customer self-service activations,
            license transfers, and subscription changes to           Final Thoughts
            reduce installation and support costs and enhance
                                                                     The research shows that companies are transitioning
            the user experience.
                                                                     from product-centric to software and services-centric
            Automating the Back-Office:                              business models. Subscriptions and recurring revenue
            To Fully Automate the Subscription Licensing,            models are on the rise and customers are expecting
            Download, Activation, Upgrade/Downgrade, and             to pay as they go based on the value they receive from
            Billing Process                                          your products and services. Making the transition from
            Typically, when a user needs a service they want it      large one-time sales models to relationship-based
            right away, so Trimble needs a seamless process          recurring revenue models will touch every part of your
            that enables users to request services in the            organization and requires a well thought out pricing
            Trimble application or by some other method on the       strategy and the proper technology. Those organizations
            job site. Even though services are usually purchased     that take advantage of what the software monetization
            by monthly or annual subscription, time-based            technology stack has to offer in licensing and entitlement
            licensing and billing technology also makes it           management, customer billing, and back-office
            possible for Trimble to offer daily or                   automation will ease the transition and achieve the
            hourly subscriptions.                                    greatest success.

                                                                     Next Steps
                                                                     If you’ve found this paper useful and want to know more
                                                                     about how to leverage technology to enable longer and
                                                                     more predictable recurring revenue streams, check out
                                                                     this webinar on the subject:

Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                               11
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         grow recurring revenue through subscription and usage-
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         About Gemalto Software Monetization Solutions
         Gemalto is the market leading provider of software
         licensing and entitlement management solutions for on-
         premises, embedded and cloud-based software vendors.
         Gemalto’s Sentinel is the most trusted brand in the
         software industry for secure, flexible, and future-proof
         software monetization solutions. For more information,

           2016 State of Recurring Revenue Survey, Aria Systems and Gatepoint Research,
            IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Software Business Models and Monetization 2017 Predictions, November 2016, IDC Research,

          Annual Manufacturing Report 2016, Hennik Research in Association with,

             Global Pricing Study 2016, Simon-Kucher & Partners,

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Crossing the Licensing Chasm: - White Paper                                                                                                                                            12
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