The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

Page created by Wesley Wolf
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know
Nuance IQ                       The
Innovation Quarterly Magazine

Spring ‘19
Royal Bank of
Scotland fights
fraud with biometrics.
Riyad Bank
harnesses the
power of voice.
What the? Discovering
the path of least
resistance for
automated dialog
TAG, you’re it!
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know
Spring ‘19
                                                                                                    In this issue
                                                                                                    Catching the innovation
                                                                                                    wave @Nuance p3

                                                                                                    Issue spotlight
                                                                                                    Why humans and AI must
                                                                                                    learn together. p4

                                                                                                    Inside innovation
                                                                                                    The journey from
                                                                                                    prototype to product. p6

                                                                                                    On the front lines
                                                                                                    TAG, you’re it! p8

                                                                                                    Innovation heroes
                                                                                                    RBS Group fights fraud
                                                                                                    and protects customers
                                                                                                    with Nuance voice
                                                                                                    biometrics. p9

                                                                                                    Riyad Bank first in Middle
                                                                                                    East with Nuance voice
                                                                                                    biometrics. p10

                                Welcome to                                                          Esurance and modern
                                                                                                    customer engagement.
                                Nuance Innovation Quarterly                                         p11

                                I’m excited to welcome you to the very first issue of Nuance        Solution showcase
                                Innovation Quarterly (Nuance IQ for short).                         Agent AI. p12

                                Each quarter, we’ll zoom in on a key issue or an emerging           Expert insights
                                trend in AI innovation, seeking out expert insights and real-       Stories you’ll want to
                                world experiences that throw fresh light on the topic. We’ll also   read. p14
                                be sharing details about some of the innovations we’re most         - How to make a difference in
                                excited about here at Nuance.                                         the world.
                                                                                                    - Designing effortless customer
                                In this inaugural issue, we’re looking at the human-AI              - Creating a bionic contact
                                interaction, discovering how humans and AI can learn from             center agent.
                                each other to form a powerful partnership that can redefine
                                customer engagement.                                                Upcoming events p14
                                                                                                    - Opus Intelligent
                                We’ll take you behind the scenes of an ambitious innovation           Authentication Conference /
                                                                                                      June 4 - Munich
                                project. We’ll look under the hood of some of our new
                                                                                                    - Cisco Live 2019 / June 9 -
                                technologies that are enabling the human-AI interaction. We’ll        San Diego
                                hear from RBS Group and Riyad Bank about the business               - Genesys Xperience / June
                                benefits they’re getting from innovative technologies. And we’ll      10-13 - Denver
                                also introduce you to some of the pioneers who are helping          - Customer Contact Week
                                                                                                      Conference / June 24-28 -
                                to harness the combined power of intelligent technology and
                                                                                                      Las Vegas
                                human ingenuity to revolutionize customer engagement.
                                                                                                    Comic relief
Nuance IQ
Innovation Quarterly Magazine
                                Thanks for reading—I hope you enjoy our first ever issue of
                                Nuance Innovation Quarterly.
                                                                                                    Signs of intelligence. p15

                                George Skaff, VP, WW Marketing, Nuance Enterprise
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

    Catching the                                                                                         Innovation is at our

    innovation wave
                                                                                                         core. Check out what
                                                                                                         we’re delivering to

                                                                                                         drive better business
                                                                                                         outcomes and more
                                                                                                         intelligent customer

Nuance Agent AI                   Nuance® Pathfinder™                 Security Suite
Nuance Agent AI combines          Nuance Pathfinder                   Nuance Security Suite
machine learning and NLU          dramatically reduces                helps enterprises thwart
technology to empower             the time it takes to build          omni‑channel fraud through
agents with real-time insights,   intelligent virtual assistants      a layered offering of artificial
helping them understand           capable of having natural,          intelligence technologies,
customer intent, select the       contextual conversations with       including voice and behavioral
next best action, streamline      customers. Until now, training      biometrics, intelligent channel,
authentication, and prevent       a virtual assistant to specialize   geo and network detectors
fraud. And with the ability       in industry-specific dialog was     and ConversationPrint™ and
to mine insights from             a manual, time-consuming            DevicePrint algorithms.
conversational data, it can       process prone to human error.
also tweak agent scripts          But with Nuance Pathfinder,         Together these technologies
based on previous dialog          companies will be able to train     can identify legitimate
flows.                            conversational AI models and        customers through the sound
                                  construct complex dialogs           of their voice, location, device
Using Agent AI, agents can        with ease.                          and the way they talk, tap and
assist customers faster,                                              type—flagging when a call
without having to search          Using a combination of              or online interaction is likely
through an impossible amount      machine learning and Nuance         fraudulent by analyzing typical
of data in manuals and            AI innovations, Nuance              conversation patterns, voice
knowledgebases. Agent AI          Pathfinder analyzes existing        characteristics and other
can even improve the training     chat logs and call transcripts      aspects of a communication,
of new and existing agents by     to automatically build dialog       identifying perpetrators whose
giving contact center leaders     models for intelligent two-         profiles do not match those of
insights drawn from across        way conversations that              a given customer.
the entire customer journey,      solve customers’ problems
helping them continually          fast. The AI-driven system          Discover how RBS is fighting
optimize the customer             will bring new opportunities        fraud with Security Suite on
experience.                       to enhance the customer             page 8.
                                  experience and reduce the
Humans and AI need to             cost to serve across a wide
work together. Learn why on       range of industries.
page 12.
                                  Follow our journey from proto­
                                  type to product on page 6.
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

humans and AI
          Tell people you
         work in artificial
    intelligence, and it’s
     likely they’ll look at
     you like you’ve just
        said you work for
       Skynet and you’re
          busy arranging
          the downfall of
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

      eople are afraid of AI. Perhaps                          on its own. AI can easily recognize              over to a human (with the AI learning
      they’re not afraid of being wiped                        natural language. The best AI can even           from the actions taken).
      out by murderous robots, but                             recognize the intent behind the words.
they’re certainly afraid of being replaced                     But no machine can recognize something           There are also emerging roles for
by machines.                                                   like sarcasm—that takes human empathy            humans in supervising AI, analyzing
                                                               and a native understanding of the                the conclusions AI models reach and
And on the other side of the coin, there                       nuances of conversation.                         approving the actions recommended by
are the big tech firms who’ll tell anyone                                                                       machines. As pioneers in AI technology,
who’ll listen that it’s all true—machines                      Teaching a new dog old tricks                    we all have a responsibility to ensure our
really can do anything we can do.                              In a business context, humans and AI             models learn and behave in an ethical
(They’re wrong, by the way.)                                   must work together to make both more             and sustainable way.
                                                               effective. A recent survey found that
Both these attitudes are based on a                            companies that encourage and enable              The teacher learns from the student
common misconception. While AI tech                            collaboration between humans and AI              All this talk of training and supervising AI
is good, and getting better all the time,                      see their AI initiatives deliver significantly   might make it seem as if the lessons only
there’s plenty it’s just not that good at                      better business results across a range of        flow one way. But of course, AI models
and won’t be any time soon. The fact is,                       financial and operational measures.              can teach us a huge amount and show
AI has a lot to learn from humans, but it                                                                       us things we might never have seen
can also teach us things we could never                        One part of this collaboration is the            without them.
have learned on our own.                                       role humans play in the training and
                                                               supervision of AI systems. AI models             With lots of data and a distinct outcome,
So far, so simple                                              are far superior to humans at using              a machine will produce astounding
The reality of AI is that the domains                          vast quantities of data to quickly               results. DeepMind’s AlphaGo Zero didn’t
where machines excel are relatively                            identify patterns and anomalies, and             learn the ancient game of Go by playing
simple. Rules-based systems are                                at recommending the best actions                 against humans (it was simply taught
excellent at things like playing chess,                        to achieve a defined outcome. What               the rules of Go and left to play itself).
converting phrases into actions the                            they’re not so good at are things like           By the time it got around to playing—
machine should take, and even driving                          empathy, compassion, and emotional               and beating—the world’s best human
cars. They can answer simple customer                          intelligence—areas where humans beat             players, it had invented strategies unseen
service inquiries, but even the most                           machines every time.                             in the game’s 2,500-year history.
advanced deep learning neural networks
are incapable of achieving common                              In the world of conversational AI, humans        It’s this ability of machines to find
customer service goals like building                           must train machines how to interact              previously unseen ways to deliver
brand loyalty, for example.                                    with humans, not just how to recognize           a known outcome that’s led
                                                               unusual idioms and regional accents. AI          biopharmaceutical companies, for
If even we humans haven’t figured                              algorithms must also be taught how to            example, to invest in AI programs to
language out yet (most linguists agree                         perform the tasks we need them to do,            accelerate drug discovery and unlock the
they’re still just scratching the surface),                    and to recognize when a task is beyond           secrets of treating previously untreatable
we can’t expect AI to figure it out                            their capabilities, so it can be handed          diseases.

Humans and AI: learning together
One thing unites all of history’s                              we can learn from these tools, finding
technological advancements—from the                            ways to do things differently: better,
wheel to Alexa. They all provide tools to                      faster, simpler. Many of us will have to
augment human capabilities, but none of                        work differently and learn new skills to
them replace human ingenuity, creativity,                      make the most of the AI opportunity, but
and empathy.                                                   our old, human skills will be invaluable to
                                                               help machines support us, rather than
Today, our AI tools can learn from us                          replace us.
and become better tools as a result. And

(1) Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces, H. James Wilson
     and Paul R. Daugherty, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2018
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

How can a large
enterprise innovate as
                                                INSIDE INNOVATION:
fast as a startup? That’s
the question Nuance’s
                                                The journey from
Technology Advancement
Group (TAG) has set out
                                                prototype to
to answer.                                      product
TAG’s Paul Tepper takes
us behind the scenes of
the innovation process
to witness the birth of
Nuance Pathfinder—a
revolutionary tool for
automated dialog design.

A step-change for dialog design                                                         process and it’s very difficult to scale,
Designing dialog for conversational AI is                                               so we’d been thinking for a long time
hard. Really hard.                                                                      about how to automate dialog modeling.
                                            We wanted to change the                     But when we started to get access to
Look around, and you’ll find lots of        economics of building                       high-fidelity conversation transcripts,
DIY and open source tools for building      conversational AI systems—                  everything got a lot clearer.
chatbots and virtual assistants with        and we did it by enabling
natural language understanding (NLU)                                                    That’s when Nuance Pathfinder started
                                            data-driven design.
capabilities. That’s the easy part. But                                                 to take shape—the idea that we could
the trouble is, while NLU can extract                                                   create a machine learning technology
meaning from language, it can’t do          for our customers, we knew there was a      that could analyze thousands of call
anything with that meaning. That’s the      need to change up the design process,       transcripts and chatlogs to automatically
hard part.                                  both to help our designers work more        identify customer intents and map
                                            efficiently and to help our customers
Getting the right actions from customer     design for themselves. We wanted
intent takes a deep understanding of        to change the economics of building
the art and science of dialog, which        conversational AI systems—and we did it
means you can’t build a successful          by enabling data-driven design.
system without experienced conversation
designers. And there aren’t many of         An innovation is born
those to go around.                         Until now, designers have had to
                                            manually build dialog models based on
So, while we have plenty of conversation    the information they glean from meetings
designers at Nuance creating systems        with SMEs. It’s an inherently error-prone
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

conversations. Nuance Pathfinder               1.	Make sure you’re focusing on a
reduces the time and effort of the most            real business problem
labor-intensive steps in the design                The best way to do that is to
process for conversational AI: manually            prototype quickly and get early             People will react much more
labelling data to train the model and              feedback from users. They’ll soon tell      positively to a demo of a
writing the dialog for virtual assistant and       you if you’re solving a problem that        working prototype than to a
chatbot scripts.                                   doesn’t really exist—and they can also      75-slide PowerPoint about
                                                   be a valuable source of new ideas
                                                                                               what you’re planning to do.
Nuance Pathfinder’s intent discovery               that you may never have thought of
algorithm analyzes customer                        yourself.
service interaction data and groups                                                            A huge part of Nuance Pathfinder’s
conversations together according to               On Nuance Pathfinder, we used                success was that we got an early
customer intent, cutting down on manual           DevOps tools like Docker Containers          insight into the visualizations users
labelling effort. Then it builds a visual         and Kubernetes to help us get started        liked, so we knew what direction to
representation of all the paths these             quickly and iterate at speed based on        take with our user interface. Those
conversations take, highlighting the best         user feedback.                               visualizations also gave users that
paths to resolution and revealing hidden                                                       magic “aha!” moment, when they saw
issues.                                        2. Remember—a fast start can lead               exactly how the product could help
                                                  to a slow finish                             them.
A tale of two teams                               Moving quickly in the prototype
The intent discovery technology                   stage can mean you’re left paying off      Our customers show us the way
was the brainchild of our Corporate               technical debt with QA and testing         When we first started showing Nuance
Research team. They’d been working                at the other end of the product            Pathfinder to customers, they quickly
on replacing manual tagging processes             development cycle. QA and testing          spotted a new opportunity to make the
with unsupervised learning tech for               will have to happen sooner or later,       most of the technology’s capabilities.
some time. My colleagues and I in the             so figure out a balance you’re             They could see enormous value in using
Technology Advancement Group saw                  comfortable with between initial           Nuance Pathfinder’s analysis of customer
an opportunity to start using that tech to        acceleration to prove your hypothesis      service conversations to find ways
create dialog models.                             and overall project speed to get your      to optimize customer engagements,
                                                  product to market.                         accelerating resolution and reducing the
The collaborative relationship between                                                       cost to serve.
these two innovation teams is built on         3. Form close ties with product
years of working together to productize           management                                 One customer we’re working with
advanced research, like the Human                 Nobody likes to feel they’re being         plans to use data-driven insights from
Assisted Virtual Assistant (HAVA) that’s          cut out of the loop, so ensure your        Nuance Pathfinder to identify where
now branded as Nina Coach.                        innovation teams have clear lines of       new or updated scripts can help its
                                                  communication and collaboration            contact center agents serve customers
So, to maintain the momentum of                   with product managers. This can stop       more effectively. It’s also looking at
Nuance Pathfinder’s development, we               any resentment building up, but it         using Nuance Pathfinder to find areas
decided to productize it ourselves, rather        can also give you invaluable insights      of customer engagement that are good
than turn it over to R&D and lose time            into how to get products to market         candidates for automation.
getting the engineers up to speed on              successfully.
what our teams had done so far. We
                                                                                              The innovation process –
knew that a fast patent and rapid time-           On Nuance Pathfinder, I actually
to-market were critical to maintaining            became a product manager to really          always a work in progress
Nuance’s leadership in conversational             embed myself with that team and
AI innovation.                                    foster the collaboration that’s been an     Like many large enterprises, we’re
                                                  important part of the project’s success.    always looking for ways to innovate
Lessons from the innovation                                                                   faster and better. Right now, we’re
frontlines                                     4. Sell your idea with great visuals           finding our way through trial and
Of course, in all the excitement of               and working demos                           error, figuring out which parts of the
bringing an innovation into the world, it         Bringing your concept to life with          process work, and which don’t. But
can be easy to lose sight of what’s really        great-looking visuals gets people on        we understand what it takes to create
important. The experience of taking               board faster. And people will react         something entirely new—and now
Nuance Pathfinder from prototype to               much more positively to a demo of a         we’re using the deep experience of
product has taught me some valuable               working prototype than to a 75-slide        innovation across the TAG team to
lessons:                                          PowerPoint about what you’re                start innovating the innovation process
                                                  planning to do.                             itself.
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

          TAG gives Nuance
          customers access
        to a large pool of AI          ON THE FRONT LINES
         research expertise
       to help them develop            TAG, you’re it!
       and deploy powerful
            new capabilities
             tailored to their
             specific needs.

Meet the Nuance                  The TAG team leaders                                                    solutions. And then I get to
Technology                       Meet two of our TAG leaders.      My most memorable                     work with our product and
                                                                   innovation project is…                R&D teams to find the right
Advancement Group                                                  My current one— Nuance                technology to build those
The Nuance Technology            PAUL TEPPER
                                 Head of AI Lab                    Pathfinder. It stands out for         solutions.
Advancement Group (TAG)                                            me personally as I led the
combines advanced AI             Paul is responsible for setting
                                 Nuance’s AI strategy and          team to bring it from idea to         TAG helps Nuance
research with customer                                             prototype and all the way to          customers by…
collaboration to discover and    leading product development
                                 for AI, machine learning,         a first-of-its-kind product that      Delivering new products and
incubate the next generation                                       will fill a critical gap in the way   solutions that can address
of AI-powered customer           and natural language
                                 understanding products. Paul      conversational AI systems are         the very specific needs of
engagement solutions.                                              designed today.                       large enterprises, that follow
                                 has studied and worked in the
                                 field of dialog systems and                                             our conversational design
The group focuses on                                               EDUARDO OLVERA                        best practices, and that
conversational AI, predictive    NLP for 20 years, with over
                                 a decade of experience in         Director of User Experience           can be deployed according
AI and analytics through three                                     Eduardo has worked                    to customers’ needs, on
workgroups:                      software development and AI
                                 research.                         on international voice                top of an enterprise-grade
                                                                   user interfaces for many              framework.
AI Lab                                                             of the world’s biggest
Aligns advanced AI research      Being on the TAG team is
                                 exciting because…                 enterprises, giving him a             My most memorable
with the unique needs of                                           deep understanding of                 innovation project is…
forward-thinking enterprises.    I get to help build new
                                 things with cutting-edge          the user and business                 Working with a major airline to
                                 technology, informed by           challenges of conversational,         redesign its phone application.
Engagement Services                                                multilingual, and multi-modal         Everyone was dreading the
Helps enterprises prioritize     frequent interactions with
                                 our customers and an              omni-channel application              redesign because we knew
and create roadmaps for                                            design, development, and              how complex designing the
innovative AI implementations    understanding of their
                                 problems and pain points.         implementation.                       dialog would be. But by taking
that deliver tangible results.                                                                           a user-centric approach
                                 TAG helps Nuance                  Being on the TAG team is              that followed conversational
Corporate Research team                                            exciting because…                     principles, we were able
Collaborates to develop          customers by…
                                 Building product innovations      I have the opportunity to             to create a robust, highly-
the core algorithms and                                            work with some of our most            effective system that the
foundational technologies of     that deliver tangible business
                                 benefits, like Nuance             innovative customers to               airline’s customers love.
tomorrow’s AI solutions.                                           identify relevant problems,
                                 Pathfinder, Project Nearby
                                 and Nina Coach.                   worthwhile goals, and feasible
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

RBS Group fights fraud and protects
customers with Nuance voice biometrics.
How do you protect 19 million banking customers from fraud? RBS Group uses
                                                                                            “With Nuance voice biometrics, we
Nuance voice biometrics technology to quickly detect fraud attempts coming into its         get a clearer view of customer and
call center and disrupt organized crime activities across all its customer engagement       fraudster behavior, so we can keep
channels.                                                                                   genuine customers protected and
                                                                                            take the fight to the criminals who
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS Group) is a private banking and insurance             are targeting their accounts. ”
holding company, based in Edinburgh, Scotland. RBS Group operates a wide                    Jason Costain, Head of Fraud Strategy and
variety of banking brands offering personal and business banking, private banking,          Relationship Management, RBS Group
insurance, and corporate finance through its offices located in Europe, North
America and Asia.

  Challenge                                   Solution                                  Results
  Like any bank, the call center is an        With Nuance Security Suite, RBS           In less than a year, RBS has screened
  important customer service channel          scans all inbound calls and alerts        17 million inbound calls. Of these,
  for Royal Bank of Scotland Group            agents to potential fraud. As well as     23,000 have led to alerts, and the
  (RBS), which serves 19 million              a library of ‘bad’ voices, RBS now        bank has found that one in every
  customers across 12 banking and             has a whitelist of genuine customer       3,500 calls is a fraud attempt.
  financial services brands.                  voices that can be used for rapid         Stopping fraudsters in their tracks
                                              authentication, without the need for      is already paying off financially, as
  But the voice channel is also a             customers to remember passwords           Jason Costain, the bank’s head
  prime target for fraudulent activity.       and other identifying information.        of fraud strategy and relationship
  To combat criminal behavior, RBS                                                      management, explains: “Although this
  was looking for ways to get a clearer       The Nuance solution also enables          initiative isn’t just aimed at reducing
  view of fraud indicators across all its     the bank to take a holistic approach      losses, we expected to save a
  customer engagement channels.               to fraud detection and prevention.        reasonable amount of money, and
                                              By combining Nuance Security Suite        we’ve already saved one and a half
  The bank needed to put more                 data with information from other          times that.”
  effective security mechanisms in            criminal activity detection tools, RBS
  place while still delivering a fast,        has discovered that fraudsters on
  smooth experience for genuine               the voice channel also perpetrate          “One prolific fraudster identified
  customers. That meant finding ways          a lot of fraud on digital channels.        through Nuance Security Suite was
  to rely less on passwords and other         Armed with that knowledge, the             connected to suspect logins on
  static identifiers that can be stolen       bank has been able to identify and         1,500 bank accounts. That’s helped
  or forgotten, and it knew that voice        disrupt organized crime activities to      us protect potential fraud victims
  biometrics could be an important            protect its customers and assist law       and identify the ‘mules’ being used
  piece of the anti-fraud puzzle.             enforcement.                               by the crime network to perpetrate
                                                                                         fraud, leading to two arrests so far.”
                                                                                         Jason Costain, Head of Fraud Strategy and
                                                                                         Relationship Management, RBS Group

  Get the full case study
The Human-AI Interaction - Execs In The Know

Riyad Bank first in Middle East with
Nuance voice banking.
Riyad Bank became the first bank in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to
                                                                                            “Voice authentication and natural
use natural language understanding and voice biometrics allowing customers to               language understanding is just the
authenticate using their voice and access services through conversational speech –          beginning. Soon, our customers
in both Arabic and English.                                                                 will be able to use their voice for
                                                                                            Shrouq Al-Hadyan, Senior Vice President
                                                                                            Digital Banking, Riyad Bank

  Challenge                                  Solution                                   Results
  After sixty years as one of Saudi          Nuance’s Security Suite is trusted by      Since launching its transformation,
  Arabia’s largest financial institutions,   hundreds of organizations around           Riyad Bank has seen a 97%+ success
  Riyad Bank wanted to transform its         the world, operates in a wide range        rate with its verification by voice,
  traditional phone banking experience       of languages, and securely verifies        90%+ accuracy in natural language
  and move away from caller PINs and         the identity of millions of people every   understanding for Arabic and English,
  long wait times.                           day. It was an ideal solution for Riyad    and higher CSAT scores in its IVR
                                             Bank—and the project was a huge            channel.
  The bank wanted to find an easy-           leap forward in the market.
  to-use authentication process that                                                    Riyad Bank is now working closely
  allowed it to verify customers with        With Nuance’s Security Suite, Riyad        with Nuance to develop a second
  only their voice, so they could access     Bank was able to set up customer           phase of the project, in which the
  their accounts and services easily and     voiceprints and allow them to access       goal is to achieve conversational
  spend less time waiting for an agent.      their accounts simply by saying:           voice for the entirety of the customer
                                             “Riyad Bank Knows My Voice.” And           experience, as well as complete
  But with no other banks in the             with Natural Language Call Steering,       conversational ID, to create an even
  region adopting voice biometrics           customers can now tell the IVR which       more seamless user experience.
  or natural language understanding          service they need in their own words,
  technology, the bank’s team had their      and quickly get transferred to a self-
  reservations—but they knew they            service option or to the right agent.       “Our customers tell us that using
  needed to become pioneers in the                                                       their voice is much easier. We
  industry.                                  With voice access, there’s no               can’t wait to create an entire
                                             password to remember, and                   conversational experience i our
                                             no unnecessary pre-recorded                 banking services.”
                                             announcements for customers to              Moyad Al-Moshawah, Acting Head of
                                             listen through, so the experience is        Customer Insight and Research Section,
                                                                                         Riyad Bank
                                             seamless, quick and secure.

  Get the full case study

Esurance and modern digital
customer engagement.
Esurance understands that customers want quick and seamless experiences with
                                                                                               Direct-to-consumer auto and home
their company. They’ve created next-generation digital customer engagement                     insurance provider with an A+
assisted by artificial intelligence to deliver self-service and human assistance, while        financial rating.
empowering their agents to provide the best possible service.

  Challenge                                     Solution                                   Results
  Esurance, a direct-to-consumer auto           Esurance implemented the Nuance            Within the first month of deployment,
  and home insurance provider, was              Digital Engagement Platform to create      VA interactions had an 85% first
  experiencing a rapid growth in its            a professional, friendly and efficient     contact resolution rate. And combining
  digital customer base. It wanted to           customer experience. The Nuance            the VA and live chat improved live chat
  maintain its high customer satisfaction       platform combines a virtual assistant      conversion rates by 23%.
  ratings, but rather than increasing its       (VA) with live chat, enabling the VA
  costs by adding more contact center           to interact with more customers,           Both sales and customer care
  agents, the company decided to use            answer their questions, and include        reaped the rewards as automated
  intelligent technology to enhance the         a human chat agent, if needed. And         and human-assisted engagements
  customer experience cost-effectively.         chat agents can provide better quality     delivered over $4.4M in policy sales in
                                                assistance to customers who need           Q3FY18, and 84% of engagements
  To retain its reputation for outstanding      more in-depth help.                        deflected a call, resulting in
  service, Esurance knew it would                                                          $1.6M in cost savings (Q3FY18).
  need a better understanding of how            Targeting and business rules help          Esurance customers also benefit, as
  customers were using the digital              identify which customers need              demonstrated by a live chat customer
  channel and how they moved through            assistance and why. Because the            satisfaction rating of 86%+.
  the experience. This would only be            platform understands customer
  possible by gathering meaningful              intent, it can route requests to the
  and actionable insights that would            agent with the right skill set. And co-
  allow the company to optimize its             browsing helps agents explain things
  customers’ journeys.                          in the most effective way, offering a
                                                personalized experience that also
                                                trains customers to self-serve in future
                                                                                                   of digital engagements
                                                What’s more, Esurance uses analytical           deflected a call resulting in…
                                                insights from automated and human-
                                                assisted interactions to constantly
                                                optimize the experience, creating a
                                                continuous learning loop in which
                                                the agent is informed by the VA                           $1.6M
                                                conversation and the VA is coached
                                                by the chat agent.
                                                                                                       in cost savings

  Get the full case study

For a solution that
creates a truly
seamless customer
experience, you
need both humans
and AI working

                                                                                                     All the contextual
                                                                                                     information provided
                                                                                                     by Agent AI is
                                                                                                     presented to the
                                                                                                     agent in an intuitive
                                                                                                     way, to help them
                                                                                                     stay focused on the
                                                                                                     customer they’re
                                                                                                     interacting with.

Integrating AI into your IVR is an effective       • Enable cross-channel engagement by              Nuance Agent AI can
way to make automated experiences more               sharing authentication data from self-service
                                                                                                     help organizations
conversational and contact center operations         interactions to allow agents to continue the
more efficient—but it can’t help with more           conversation seamlessly                         maximize agent
complex customer issues.
                                                                                                     efficiency, improve
                                                   • Help train agents by creating a searchable
Nuance Agent AI is an internal virtual assistant     record of everything that happens in a          job satisfaction, and
that monitors customers’ interactions and helps      conversation, and automatically highlighting
                                                                                                     create a superior
agents deliver a better experience.                  areas for improvement
                                                                                                     experience for their
By combining machine learning and NLU
technology, Nuance Agent AI can:

• Unlock agents’ potential by providing related
  offers for upselling or cross-selling, next
  best action suggestions, and contextual
  information from existing data

• Provide real-time insight into conversations
  with indicators such as sentiment analysis,
  performance tracking, score cards, and
  authentication status to help agents react
  faster when a change occurs

• Learn from past conversations by mining
  conversational data and editing agent scripts
  to make them more effective

Expert insights                                       Upcoming events
A round-up of our most                                Come see us on the road.
popular stories.                                      Opus Intelligent Authentication Conference –
                                                      June 4, Munich
How to make a difference in the world                 Sponsored by Nuance, the Opus IA conference
There’s a lot of hype around AI, but when it          will take a close look at how authentication,
comes down to it, the goal of AI innovation is        identification and fraud prevention technologies
to make lives easier. Take a closer look at the       can revolutionize security in enterprise today.
possibilities AI unlocks in customer engagement.
                                                      Cisco Live 2019 – June 9, San Diego
Designing effortless customer journeys                Join us at Cisco Live 2019, the annual customer
The quickest routes for your customers often          and partner conference that helps you transform
aren’t the best routes—they can be difficult to       your outlook, career, and potential by learning
navigate and confusing to follow. Find out how        directly from Cisco’s best and brightest.
good conversational design can make your
customers’ routes simpler.                            Genesys Xperience – June 10-13, Denver
                                                      Sponsored by Nuance, the Genesys Xperience
Creating a bionic contact center agent                unites customers to learn about emerging
AI is helping create intelligent, seamless customer   technologies and the future of customer
experiences in the contact center—but it’s not        experience.
replacing your human agents. Learn how AI and
agents can work together to create superior           Customer Contact Week Conference –
experiences.                                          June 24-28, Las Vegas
                                                      Join us at the CCW Conference to learn about
                                                      the latest tools and technologies transforming
                                                      customer contact.

                                                         Learn more about upcoming events.

Signs of intelligence.
Intelligent customer
engagement powered by AI.
Ready to learn more about how to exceed customer expectations by combining
the best of automated and human-assisted service powered by AI and secured by
biometrics? Nuance can help you create effortless engagement that will improve
customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, while driving revenue and reducing costs.

 Multi-modal biometrics authentication
 for identification and verification, fraud prevention and anti-spoofing
 Innovative engagement on digital and messaging channels
 via virtual or live assistance including proactive notifications
 Interactive speech technologies
 like Conversational IVR and natural text-to-speech
 Insightful analytics
 for customer engagement, application reporting and
 agent performance management

Get to know the Nuance omni-channel customer
engagement portfolio. Visit us at
or email us at

About Nuance Communications, Inc.
Nuance Enterprise is reinventing the relationship between enterprises and consumers through customer engagement
solutions powered by artificial intelligence. We aim to be the market leading provider of intelligent self- and assisted-
service solutions delivered to large enterprises around the world. These solutions are differentiated by speech, voice
biometrics, virtual assistant, web chat and cognitive technologies; enabling cross-channel customer service for IVR,
mobile and web, Inbound and Outbound; and magnified by the design and development skill of a global professional
services team. We serve Fortune 2500 companies across the globe with a mix of direct and channel partner selling

                                          Copyright © 2019 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance, and the Nuance logo, are trademarks and/or
                                          registered trademarks, of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other
                                          brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

                                          NUAN–CS–3731–01–M, May 15 2019
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