2021-2022 Return to Play Protocols and Procedures Ayr Curling Club

Page created by Jason Kim
2021-2022 Return to Play Protocols and Procedures
Ayr Curling Club
(Updated December 1, 2021- start of winter draw)

As our curling season continues, we continue to review and make changes to our procedures at
the Ayr Curling Club. The health and safety of our members, staff and guests are the upmost
importance to us. The following protocols and procedures have been formulated using the Covid
guidelines and bylaws set by the Region of Waterloo Public Health and the Ontario Ministry of
Health. Our club guidelines may change dependent on the Region and the Provincial stages. We
have also taken into consideration the professional advice of Curling Canada, CurlON and Sport

All members must agree and sign the following electronically (as required when registering
online) or in writing (when registering in person at the club) as a condition of registering to be a
member of the club.
• Declaration of Compliance (COVID-19)
        o New this year
        o All members and guests must be fully vaccinated
        o All members and guests must sign into the club using the Ontario Curling Association
            (OCA) contact tracing tool
        o All members and guests must complete the Ontario Customer Screening
            (https://covid-19.ontario.ca/screening/customer or as posted on the entrance door)
            prior to every time you enter the Curling Club facility. Your answers must indicate you
            are “good to go” (a green checkmark online) to enter the club. If your answers
            indicate “do not go” (red X online), DO NOT enter the Club – stay home and self-
            isolate. NOTE: By entering the club and signing into the OCA tracking tool you are
            acknowledging that you have passed the screening.
• Consent to Release Information, Privacy Policy and Anti-Spam Policy
        o Similar to requirement in previous years
• Physical Safety & Injury Acknowledgement
        o Similar to requirement in previous years
• Rowan's Law - Concussion Protocol Acknowledgement
        o Similar to requirement in previous years
        o Required by all members under the age of 26 and their parent/guardian if under the
            age of majority

•   These Policies and Procedures are subject to change at any time.
•   There will be access to washrooms, lockers and change-rooms for the 2021-2022 season,
    based on restricted capacity (outlined later in this document). Masks must be worn at all
    times while in the change-rooms. Social distancing is strongly recommended.
•   Avoid touching surfaces that you will not be directly using.
•   Members are encouraged to only bring what you need to the club.

2021-2022 Return to Play Protocols and Procedures
Ayr Curling Club
(Updated December 1, 2021- start of winter draw)

•   Brooms, stabilizers, grippers, delivery sticks and sliders will NOT be available for general use.
    If you need one of these items, please consider purchasing OR renting a broom or delivery
    stick from the club for the season or draw you are registering for. Rentals can be requested
    when completing the online registration and will be available on a first-come, first-served
    basis. See section below for more details.
•   NO spectators that are non-members will be permitted in the building. Special exemptions
    will be permitted on a case-by-case basis.
•   Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will be made available throughout the Ayr Curling Club
•   The on-ice water and cup dispenser will be removed for this season. All players are
    encouraged to bring their own filled water bottles.
•   Draw times for leagues will run as normal, with the exception of a 15-minute stagger
    between sheets 1 & 3 and sheets 2 & 4 (later outlined in this document). Please consult the
    website for details and times for your league.
•   Following Ministry of Health and Region of Waterloo Public Health Guidelines, any COVID
    related incidents at the Ayr Curling Club will be reported immediately to this authority for
    next-step guidance, including guidance on communicating to our members and our cleaning
              o If a member receives notification that they were deemed to have had “close
                contact” with a COVID-positive case (either at the club or in public), we require
                that the member follow all recommendations provided by public health regarding
                self-isolation, symptom monitoring and mask wearing and all other
•   Members are to enter and exit the building within 15 minutes of their allotted game time,
    unless they intend to stay for a drink in the upstairs bar (protocols outlined later in this
    document). No food will be brought into the club, so no after game treats.
•   Sanitizers and paper towels will be available for your use.
•   Face covering must be worn at all times within our facilities (in the lounges, washrooms etc.)
    with the following exceptions:
        o On ice play.
                ▪ The Region of Waterloo by-law states the following are exempt:
                ▪ Children under the age of five.
                ▪ Those who are unable to wear a face covering as a result of a medical
                     condition or a disability. Some disabilities are invisible so we ask people to
                     respect that. The by-law does not require people to provide proof to support an
                ▪ A person engaged in a sport or other strenuous physical activity.
                ▪ A person who is assisting or accommodating someone who has a hearing loss
                     or a hearing disability.
                ▪ A person who is consuming food/drink as part of a religious activity within a
                     place of worship.

2021-2022 Return to Play Protocols and Procedures
Ayr Curling Club
(Updated December 1, 2021- start of winter draw)

       o Region of Waterloo Public Health permits the "temporary removal of a Face Covering
         as necessary for the consumption of food and drink". As such, masks will not be
         required (optional) while you are seated at a table upstairs and consuming food or
         drink. A mask must be worn when you leave the table for any reason.
       o Region of Waterloo Public Health permits the "temporary removal of a Face Covering
         as necessary for any emergency or medical purpose".

•   Scoreboards can be used during gameplay. Each team will designate one person per sheet to
    manage the scoreboard (usually the Vice). There are hand sanitizer containers near the
    scoreboards for your use.
•   Markings will be installed in the ice to demonstrate social distancing. Please reference the
    Curling Canada social distancing diagram and short curling play videos
    https://www.curling.ca/return-to-play/ for more information on how movement on the ice will
•   Based on the recommendation of Curling Ontario, we are continuing with the “One-Sweeper
    Rule” if the sweeper is not wearing a mask. This means that:
        o Only one sweeper (designated sweeper) is permitted at any time for unmasked
        o No “relaying” (one sweeper taking over for another sweeper at any time).
        o No one aside from the dedicated sweeper assigned to the shot may sweep until the
            rock crosses the tee line. This includes ticks, raises, or bumps of any kind.
•   An exception to the one-sweeper rule would be: if a team chooses, and both sweepers agree
    to have two sweepers, then both sweepers must be masked while sweeping.
        o The person in control of the house (active Skip or Vice and opposing Skip or Vice) may
            sweep rocks following standard curling rules if they are wearing a mask.
        o Any player sweeping beyond the tee line must wear a mask.
        o The designated sweeper who is not wearing a mask may only sweep a rock to the tee
            line, following standard curling rules.
•   Coin flips or coin spinners may be used. Please follow the same logic as the scoreboard (one
    person making contact). You may continue to do rock-paper-scissors or an alternative
    method if you are more comfortable.
•   No handshakes. A simple nod of the head or broom raise will suffice.
•   No touching any other stones other than the two that you are throwing. Other stones may be
    moved, but please use a broom or your foot to do so.
•   No group gathering on the back boards.
•   Standing locations: If you are standing on the side of the sheet, you should always be
    standing on the left side of the sheet. For example: If you are playing on Sheet 3, you should
    stand on the side closest to sheet 2. If you are standing on Sheet 2, you should stand on the
    side closest to Sheet 1 etc. Illustration will be posted for reference.

2021-2022 Return to Play Protocols and Procedures
Ayr Curling Club
(Updated December 1, 2021- start of winter draw)

•   The opposing Skip/Vice must stand behind the hack until the rock is delivered, and can enter
    the house only if masked to sweep a rock beyond the tee line, following standard curling

To maintain safe social distance as much as possible, arrival and departure times will be
   • Members will be required to self-screen for Covid symptoms as per the Ontario
       government screening questions and sign in to the club for contact tracing (QR code).
   • Members are to arrive no earlier than 15 minutes prior to game start time.
   • We encourage members to arrive at the club ready to play, except changing into their
       curling shoes
   • Games must end 1 hour and 45 minutes after your start time
            o i.e. 6:45pm start - no gameplay after 8:30 pm
            o i.e. 9:00pm start - no gameplay after 10:45 pm
   • Curlers/couples that carpool to the club will be asked to wait in their vehicles or outside
       until their designated entrance time, if their game start times differ (ie. One person at
       6:45 pm and another at 7:00 pm).
   • Traffic flow:
            o Entry and sign-in at front entrance / contact tracing (QR code).
            o Proceed downstairs to locker rooms or downstairs bar to get ready to curl.
            o People wait in downstairs bar until start time of their game.
            o All belongings to be left in locker room.
            o At start time, proceed to north door to ice (regular door).
            o After end of game, exit through the south door from ice and go downstairs to
               locker/bar to change.
            o To exit, go up the north stairs to upstairs bar.
            o All traffic one-way (as much as possible) in downstairs corridor.
            o Either proceed to a designated table and stay for a drink or exit using the south
               door from upstairs bar to the front entrance.
            o Limits will be posted for the number of people allowed in locker rooms and
               washrooms at the same time:
                    • Women’s locker rooms -4
                    • Women’s washroom - 3
                    • Men’s locker room - 6
                    • Men’s washroom - 1
   • Members are to depart no later than 15 minutes after the completion of their game,
       unless they are staying for a drink in the upstairs bar.
   • Game times will be staggered for odd and even sheets to limit the number of people
       going on/off the ice at the same time.
   • Sheets 1 & 3 start 15 minutes earlier than in the past (i.e. 7:00 pm would now be 6:45 pm)

2021-2022 Return to Play Protocols and Procedures
Ayr Curling Club
(Updated December 1, 2021- start of winter draw)

  •   Sheets 2 & 4 start at the same time as previous years (i.e. 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm)
                                        Start                Game        Leave
                  Draw       Sheets             End Time
                                         Time               Length Club By
                Weekday 1 & 3          9:15 AM 11:15 AM        2 hrs    11:45 AM
                Morning       2&4      9:30 AM 11:30 AM        2 hrs    11:45 AM
                  Early       1&3      12:00 PM 1:45 PM 1 hr 45 m 2:15 PM
               Afternoon 2 & 4         12:15 PM 2:00 PM 1 hr 45 m 2:15 PM
                   Late       1&3      2:00 PM 3:45 PM 1 hr 45 m 4:15 PM
               Afternoon 2 & 4         2:15 PM 4:00 PM 1 hr 45 m 4:15 PM
                  6-end       1&3      5:15 PM 6:30 PM 1 hr 15 m 8:00 PM
                   CYO        2&4      5:30 PM 6:45 PM 1 hr 15 m 8:00 PM
                  Early       1&3      6:45 PM 8:30 PM 1 hr 45 m 10:00 PM
                Evening       2&4      7:00 PM 8:45 PM 1 hr 45 m 10:00 PM
                   Late       1&3      8:45 PM 10:30 PM 1 hr 45 m 12:00 AM
                Evening       2&4      9:00 PM 10:45 PM 1 hr 45 m 12:00 AM

  •   Sanitizing wipes will be available at the glass end of each sheet to use to clean rock
      handles. (optional)
  •   Garbage cans lined with garbage bags will be set out and marked for used wipes and
      tissues only.
  •   Garbage cans will be emptied daily by the ice team member preparing the ice for play.
  •   Curlers (usually the winning Skip/Vice) are asked to mop their sheet after their game and
      place the hack covers on the hacks. This will expedite the turnaround for league play. Only
      members of the Ice Team will touch the nipper and all other ice team equipment.

  •   All club brooms, delivery sticks, delivery aids, grippers, and step-on and pull-on sliders will
      be removed from the ice surface area prior to the start on the season.
  •   Purchasing equipment: Club members who require any of these items are encouraged to
      order them through the club. We have an arrangement with Goldline, see their catalogue
      https://www.goldlinecurling.com/ for details and prices. Contact the club by email or
      phone to make your order. Brooms cost approximately $74-$159, delivery sticks $75,
      delivery aids $80, grippers $11-20, slip-on sliders $30 and step-on sliders $40.
  •   Renting Club equipment: If a member does not have a broom or a stick and does not wish
      to buy one, the club will rent them one for their own use for the season or draw for
      segmented members. These will have to be taken home after each game as if they were
      owned by the member and returned to the club at the end of the season or segment for
      which they were rented.

2021-2022 Return to Play Protocols and Procedures
Ayr Curling Club
(Updated December 1, 2021- start of winter draw)

   •   Each item rented will cost $25/season or $10/segment. There will be a $50 deposit per
       item and the rental will be deducted from this deposit and the balance reimbursed to the
       member upon return of the rented item. The request for equipment rentals will be on the
       registration form.
   •   The club currently has 40 brooms and 14 delivery sticks available for rent. These will be
       rented on a first come first served basis and be dependent upon the date of registration
       of the member.

   •   We will continue to use the upstairs hall as our primary bar to allow for more social
   •   We recommend that players only purchase and handle their own drinks.
   •   Masks can only be removed when seated at a table consuming food or beverages.
           o Masks are required when ordering and picking up drinks and when walking in the
               upstairs bar.
   •   A shield has been installed in the bar service area.
   •   Tables, chairs and other surfaces will be sanitized between sittings.
   •   Players must vacate the building (bar) within 1 hour of the end time of their game.
       • i.e. 7:00 pm start, must leave by 10:00 pm and 9:00 pm start, must leave by 12:00 am

       •   “Member only” bonspiels will be allowed, including bar service, following the
           guidelines approved for league curling.
       •   There will be no use of the club (hall and ice rentals) by non-members at the present
           time. This will be reviewed monthly by the Board.

The following refund policies assume three draws starting in the Fall 2021:
   A. If the 2021-22 season is cut short within 5 – 10 weeks of game play, then curlers will be
        provided the option of a 50% refund of all league fees minus $170 (for OCA fee, capital
        fund and voting member fee) or a credit toward next curling season.
   B. If the 2021-22 season is cut short within 11 – 15 weeks of game play, then curlers will be
        provided the option of a 25% refund of the league fees minus $170 (for OCA fee, capital
        fund and voting member fee) or a credit toward next curling season.
   C. If the 2021-22 season is cut short in the 16th or later weeks of game play, then there will
        be no refund provided.

   ➢ Any Interruptions: If the Ayr Curling Club is required to close temporarily because of
     Region of Waterloo or Ontario Ministry of Health requirements, then every reasonable
     effort will be made to ensure that make-up games can be re-scheduled during the 2021-

2021-2022 Return to Play Protocols and Procedures
Ayr Curling Club
(Updated December 1, 2021- start of winter draw)

       22 season timeframe. If they cannot be rescheduled, the above refund policy will be

   •   A new on-line system for registering for volunteer duties will be implemented this season.
       Volunteer opportunities will be posted on the volunteer section of the member website.
       We will have detailed instructions for how to do this. Volunteer duty requirements are a
       minimum of 8 hours during the season. Our club is dependent on this volunteer support,
       but if you are not able to contribute your time, then a volunteer fee will apply.
   •   If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Dawna Ward

In order to minimize contact we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE members to register online and pay
by e-transfer.
    • On-line registration will be STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. If you are unable to register on-line,
       please contact Cathy Abbott, Director for Membership at abbott.cathy@gmail.com or
       ayrcurlingclub@gmail.com or 519-632-7465.
    • For the 2021-22 season we STRONGLY ENCOURAGE that payment be made by e-transfer
       or debit. The e-transfer can be made to ayrhitandroll@gmail.com. If you are paying by
       debit, you can arrange to come in to the club by contacting the Club Manager at

We are in new terrain this 2021-2022 curling season, but we are confident that we will be able to
go back safely to the sport we all love! As noted above, there are many changes being
implemented for this season and these may have to be adjusted as we gather new information
from the Ontario Ministry of Health, Region of Waterloo Public Health and CurlON.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the club
at ayrcurlingclub@gmail.com or 519-632-7465.

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