Page created by Rick Cobb
                                featuring the
                       2020 TOMITA YOUNG ARTISTS
         with commentary by Finger Lakes Opera Artistic Director Gerard Floriano
                             Friday, June 26, 2020 * 7 p.m.

                                                  PROGRAM #1
“Je suis encor” from Manon                                                                Jules Massenet (1842-1912)
Ballad of the Boy Who Went to Sea                                             Richard Pearson Thomas (1957-present)
                                               Sydney Anderson, soprano

“Hai gia vinta la causa” from Le nozze di Figaro                              Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
“Some Enchanted Evening” from South Pacific                                            Richard Rodgers (1902-1979)
                                               Robert Riordan Jr., baritone

“Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix” from Samson et Dalila                                 Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921)
“Smanie implacabili” from Così fan tutte                                      Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
                                             Victoria Thomasch, mezzo

Etude #4 based on George Gershwin’s Embraceable You                            transcription by Earl Wild (1915-2010)
                                             Brock Tjosvold, Piano

“O, wie will ich triumphieren” from Die Entführung aus dem Serail             Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
“Les berceaux” (Cradles), Opus 23 #1                                                     Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924)
                                                 Jongwon Choi, bass

“New York Lights” from A View from the Bridge                                         William Bolcom (1938-present)
“Questa o quella” from Rigoletto                                                        Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
                                                  Nathaniel Catasca, Tenor

                                              SPECIAL THANKS TO:
                                             David Moffitt, GRID Marketing
                                                 Keiser Southern Music
                                                 Michael Rolland Davis
                                                 Richard Pearson Thomas
                                                    featuring the
                       2020 TOMITA YOUNG ARTISTS
         with commentary by Finger Lakes Opera Artistic Director Gerard Floriano
                                 June 27, 2020 * 7 p.m.

                                                   PROGRAM #2
“Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin” from Oklahoma!                                           Richard Rodgers (1902-1979)
“Avant de quitter ces lieux” from Faust                                                Charles Gounod (1818-1893)
                                         Nicholas Dankner, bass-baritone

"È amore un ladroncello," from Così fan tutte                                Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
“Habenera” from Carmen                                                                  Georges Bizet (1838-1875)
                                                 Stephanie Doche, mezzo

“La donna è mobile” from Rigoletto                                                      Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901)
“Serenade” from The Student Prince                                                   Sigmund Romberg (1887-1951)
                                                David Soto Zambrana, tenor

"Johanna" from Sweeney Todd                                                        Stephen Sondheim (1930-present)
"Il mio tesoro" from Don Giovanni                                            Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
                                                 Matthew Campisi, tenor

“Con que la lavare” from Cuatro madrigals amatorios                                   Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1999)
“Deh vieni non tardar” from Le nozze di Figaro                               Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
                                               Robin Steitz, soprano

                                           SPECIAL THANKS TO:
                                          David Moffitt, GRID Marketing
                                    Queen B's Art and Cultural Center, San Diego
                                            June 26, 2020

“Je suis encor” sung by Sydney Anderson
MANON (French)                                          MANON (English)
Je suis encor tout étourdie,                            I'm still completely dizzy,
je suis encor tout engourdie!                           I feel numb all over!
Ah! mon cousin! Excusez-moi!                            Cousin, forgive me!
Excusez un moment d'émoi!                               Excuse an emotional moment!
Je suis encor tout étourdie!                            I'm still totally dizzy!
Pardonnez à mon bavardage,                              Please forgive my chattering,
j'en suis à mon premier voyage!                         this is the first trip I've ever taken!
Le coche s'éloignait à peine,                           The coach had scarcely started to move
que j'admirais de tous mes yeux,                        when I opened my eyes wide watching
les hameaux, les grands bois, la plaine,                the little villages, the forest, the plain,
les voyageurs jeunes et vieux.                          the passengers, both young and old.
Ah! mon cousin, excusez-moi,                            Cousin, forgive me,
c'est mon premier voyage!                               it's the first time I've travelled!
Je regardais fuir, curieuse,                            Attentively I saw the trees rush by,
les arbres frissonnant au vent!                         trembling in the wind.
Et j'oubliais toute joyeuse,                            And overwhelmed with delight
que je partais pour le couvent!                         I was forgetting that I was leaving for the convent!
Devant tant de choses nouvelles,                        Faced with so many new things,
ne riez pas, si je vous dis                             don't laugh when I tell you
que je croyais avoir des ailes                          that I thought I had wings
et m'envoler en paradis!                                and was flying to paradise!
Oui, mon cousin!                                        Yes, cousin!
Puis, j'eus un moment de tristesse,                     Then, I felt a moment of sadness,
je pleurais, je ne sais pourquoi.                       I cried, I don't know what about.
L'instant d'après, je le confesse,                      Then the very next minute, I confess
je riais, ah, ah, ah, etc.                              I was laughing, ha, ha, ha, etc.
Je riais, mais sans savoir pourquoi!                    I was laughing, but without knowing why!
Ah, mon cousin, excusez-moi,                            Cousin, excuse me,
ah, mon cousin, pardon!                                 cousin, forgive me!
Je suis encor tout étourdie, etc.                       I'm still completely dizzy, etc.
“Hai gia vinta la causa”
sung by Robert Riordan, Jr.

COUNT ALMAVIVA (Italian)                  COUNT ALMAVIVA (English )
Hai già vinta la causa!                   You’ve already won the case!
Cosa sento!                               What am I hearing?
In qual laccio io cadea?                  In what trap have I fallen?
Perfidi!                                  Traitors!
Io voglio dii tal modo punirvi…           I wish in some way to punish you…
A piacer mio la sentenza sarà...          Your sentence will be according to my wish
Ma s'ei pagasse la vecchia pretendente?   But supposing he paid back the old woman?
Pagarla! In qual maniera?!                Pay her! With what money?!
E poi v'è Antonio,                        And then there’s Antonio,
che a un incognito Figaro ricusa          Who, to a family-less Figaro, refuses
di dare una nipote in matrimonio.         to give his niece in marriage.
Coltivando l'orgoglio                     By cultivating the pride
di questo mentecatto...                   of the half-wit Antonio…
Tutto giova a un raggiro...               Everything requires a trick…
il colpo è fatto!                         The die is cast!

Vedrò mentr’io sospiro,                   Shall I see, while I breathe,
felice un servo mio?                      my servant so happy?
E un ben ch'invan desio,                  And the treasure that I in vain desire
ei posseder dovrà?                        he will possess?
Vedrò per man d'amore                     Shall I see the hand of love
unita a un vile oggetto                   unite to a vile servant
chi in me destò un affetto                she who awakened a passion in me
che per me poi non ha?                    that she doesn’t feel for me?
Ah no, lasciarti in pace,                 Ah no, I won’t be content
non vo' questo contento,                  to leave you in peace.
tu non nascesti, audace,                  You were not born, audacious one,
per dare a me tormento,                   to give me torment,
e forse ancor per ridere                  and even to laugh
di mia infelicità.                        at my unhappiness.
Già la speranza sola                      Already the hope alone
delle vendette mie                        of my vengeance
quest'anima consola,                      consoles my soul,
e giubilar mi fa.                         and gives me joy.

        Opera Goes Digigal
        Finger Lakes Opera
“Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix” sung by
Victoria Thomasch

DALILA (French)                                        DALILA (English)
Comme s’ouvrent les fleurs                             My heart opens to your voice,
aux baiser de l’aurore!                                Like the flowers open
Mais, ô mon bienaimé,                                  To the kisses of the dawn!
Pour mieux sécher mes pleurs,                          But, o my beloved,
Que ta voix parle encore!                              To better dry my tears,
Dis-moi qu’àDalila tu reviens pour jamais,             Let your voice peak again!
Redis à ma tendresse les serments d’autrefois,         Tell me that to Dalila you return forever,
Ces serments que j’aimais!                             Repeat to my tenderness the oaths of other times,
                                                       The oaths that I loved!
Ah! Réponds à ma tendresse
Verse-moi, verse-moi l’ivresse!                        Ah, respond to my tenderness!
                                                       Pour out to me the intoxication!
Ainsi qu’on voit des blés                              Like one sees the wheat
Les épis onduler                                       Stalks waving
Sous la brise légère,                                  Under the light breeze,
Ainsi frémit mon coeur,                                So trembles my heart,
Prềt àse consoler,                                     Ready to be consoled,
A ta voix qui m’est chère!                             By your voice that is dear to me!
La flèche est moins rapide àporter le trépas,          The arrow is less quick to carry death,
Que ne l’est ton amante à voler dans tes bras!         Than your love is by flying into your arms!

Ah! Réponds à ma tendresse!                            Ah! Respond to my tenderness!
Verse-moi, verse-moi l’ivresse!                        Pour out to me the intoxication!

“Smanie implacabili” sung by
Victoria Thomasch
DORABELLA (Italian)                                    DORABELLA (English)
Ah scostati!                                           Ah, move away!
Paventa il tristo effetto                              Fear the sad effect
D”un disperato affetto!                                Of a desperate affection!
Chiudi quelle finestre,                                Cloe those windows,
Odio la luce, odio l’aria che spiro, Odio me stessa!   I hate the light, I hate the air that I breathe, I hate me myself!

Chi schernisce il mio duol,                            Who mocks my grief,
Chi mi consola                                         Who will console me?
Deh fuggi, per pietà, fuggi,                           Oh, leave, for pity’s sake, leave,
Lasciami sola.                                         Leave me alone.

Smanie implacabili, che m’agitate                      Implacable restlessness, which agitate me,
Entro quest’anima più non cessate,                     Inside this soul do not cease,
Finchè l’angoscia mi fa morir.                         Until the anguish makes me die.
Esempio misero d’amor funesto,                         A miserable example of fateful love
Darò all’Eumenidi se viva resto                        I will give to the Furies if I remain alive
Col suono orrible de’miei sospir.                      With the horrible sound of my sighs.
“O, wie will ich triumphieren” sung by
Jongwon Choi
OSMON (German)                           OSMON (English)
O, wie will ich triumphieren!            Oh, how I shall triumph
Wenn sie euch zum Richtplatz führen      When they conduct you to the place of execution
Und die Hälse schnüren zu;               And put the garrote round your throats!

Hüpfen will ich, lachen, springen        I shall gambol, laugh and jump about
Und ein Freudenliedchen singen           And sing a song of delight,
Denn nun hab' ich vor euch Ruh.          Since I am rid of you at last.

Schleicht nur säuberlich und leise       No matter how softly and carefully you prowl,
Ihr verdammten Harems-Mäuse,             You confounded harem mice,
Unser Ohr entdeckt euch schon;           Our ear is bound to detect you!
Und eh' ihr uns könnt entspringen,       And ere you can escape us
Seht ihr euch in unsern Schlingen,       You find yourselves caught in our snares,
Und erhaschet euren Lohn.                And will get your just deserts.

“Les berceaux” sung by Jongwon Choi
Les berceaux (French)                    The cradles (English)
Le long du quai les grands vaisseaux,    Along the quay the great ships,
Que la houle incline en silence,         Listing silently with the surge,
Ne prennent pas garde aux berceaux       Pay no heed to the cradles
Que la main des femmes balance.          Rocked by women’s hands.

Mais viendra le jour des adieux,         But the day of parting will come,
Car il faut que les femmes pleurent,     For it is decreed that women shall weep,
Et que les hommes curieux                And that men with questing spirits
Tentent les horizons qui leurrent.       Shall seek enticing horizons.

Et ce jour-là les grands vaisseaux,      And on that day the great ships,
Fuyant le port qui diminue,              Leaving the dwindling harbour behind,
Sentent leur masse retenue               Shall feel their hulls held back
Par l’âme des lointains berceaux.        By the soul of the distant cradles.

                OR TO DONATE VISIT
“Questa o quella” sung by Nathaniel Catasca

DUCA (Italian)
                                                             DUKE (English)
Né sventura per me certo saria.
                                                             That wouldn't worry me at all.
Questa o quella per me pari sono
                                                             Neither is any different
A quant'altre d'intorno mi vedo;
                                                             from the rest I see around me;
Del mio core l'impero non cedo
                                                             I never yield my heart
Meglio ad una che ad altra beltà.
                                                             to one beauty more than another.
La costoro avvenenza è qual dono
                                                             Feminine charm is a gift bestowed
Di che il fato ne infiora la vita;
                                                             by fate to brighten our lives.
S'oggi questa mi torna gradita
                                                             And if one woman pleases me today,
Forse un'altra doman lo sarà.
                                                             tomorrow, like as not, another will.
La costanza, tiranna del core,
                                                             Fidelity ? that tyrant of the heart –
Detestiamo qual morbo crudele.
                                                             we shun like pestilence.
Sol chi vuole si serbi fedele;
                                                             Only those who want to should be faithful;
Non v'è amor se non v'è libertà.
                                                             without freedom there is no love.
De' mariti il geloso furore,
                                                             I find the ravings of jealous husbands
Degli amanti le smanie derido;
                                                             and the frenzy of lovers ridiculous;
Anco d'Argo i cent'occhi disfido
                                                             once smitten by a pretty face
Se mi punge una qualche
                                                             I'd not let Argus' hundred eyes deter me!

PROGRAM #2 – June 27, 2020

“Avant de quitter ces lieux” sung by
Nicholas Dankner

Avant de quitter ces lieux,                                  VALENTIN (English)
Sol natal de mes aïeux                                       Before I leave this town,
A toi, seigneur et Roi des cieux                             My forefathers' native place,
Ma sœur je confie,                                           To you, Lord and King of Heaven,
Daigne de tout danger                                        Do I entrust my sister.
Toujours, toujours la protéger                               I beg you to defend her
Cette sœur si chérie!                                        From every peril,
Délivré d'une triste pensée                                  My beloved sister.
J'irai chercher la gloire, la gloire au seins des ennemis,   Freed from this harrowing thought,
Le premier, le plus brave au fort de la mêlée,               I shall seek glory in the enemy's ranks,
J'irai combattre pour mon pays.                              The first, the bravest, in the thick of the fray,
Et si vers lui, Dieu me rappelle,                            I shall go and fight for my country.
Je veillerai sur toi fidèle,                                 And if God should call me to his side,
O Marguerite!

Avant de quitter ces lieux,                                  I shall faithfully watch over you,
Sol natal de mes aïeux,                                      O Marguerite.
A toi, seigneur et Roi des cieux,                            Before I leave, etc.
Ma sœur je confie!                                           O King of Heaven, hear my prayer
O Roi des cieux, jette les yeux,                             And defend Marguerite,
Protège Marguerite, Roi des cieux!                           O King of Heaven.
"È amore un landroncello” sung by
Stephanie Doche

Dorabella (Italian)                 Dorabella (English)
È amore un ladroncello,             Love is a little thief,
Un serpentello è amor;              A little serpent is he.
Ei toglie e dà la pace,             According to his whim
Come gli piace, ai cor.             The heart finds peace or no.
Per gli occhi al seno appena        Scarcely does he open a path
Un varco aprir si fa,               Between your eyes and your bosom
Che l'anima incatena                Than he chains your soul
E toglie libertà.                   And takes away your liberty.
È amore un ladroncello,             Love is a little thief,
Un serpentello è amor;              A little serpent is he.
Ei toglie e dà la pace,             According to his whim
Come gli piace, ai cor.             The heart finds peace or no.
Porta dolcezza e gusto              He'll bring sweetness and content,
Se tu lo lasci far,                 If you give him his way,
Ma t'empie di disgusto              But will make your lot heavy
Se tenti di pugnar.                 If you try to deny him.
È amore un ladroncello,             Love is a little thief,
Un serpentello è amor;              A little serpent is he.
Ei toglie e dà la pace,             According to his whim
Come gli piace, ai cor.             The heart finds peace or no.
Se nel tuo petto ei siede,          If he visits your breast
S'egli ti becca qui,                And plucks at you there,
Fa' tutto quel ch'ei chiede,        Do all that he asks,
Che anch'io farò così               As I will do too.
“Habenera” sung by Stephanie Doche
CARMEN (French)                            CARMEN (English)

L’amour est un oiseau rebelle              Love is a rebellious bird
que nul ne peut apprivoiser,               That none can tame,
et c’est bien en vain qu’on l’appelle,     And it is well in vain that one calls it,
s’il lui convient de refuser.              If it suits it to refuse.
Rien n’y fait, menace ou prière.           Nothing to be done, threat or prayer,
l’un parle bien, l’autre se tait:          The one talks well, the other is silent,
Et c’est l’autre que je préfère,           And it's the other that I prefer,
Il n’a rien dit mais il me plaît.          He says nothing, but he pleases me.

L'amour est enfant de bohème,              Love is a gypsy child,
Il n'a jamais, jamais connu de loi,        It has never, never known the law,
Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime,           If you don't love me, I love you,
Si je t'aime, prends garde à toi!          If I love you, guard yourself!
Si tu ne m'aimes pas,                      If you don't love me,
Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime!           If you don't love me, then I love you!
Mais si je t'aime, si je t'aime,           But if I love you, if I love you,
Prends garde à toi!                        Guard yourself!!

L'oiseau que tu croyais surprendre         The bird you hoped to catch
Battit de l'aile et s'envola,              Beat its wings and flew away,
L'amour est loin, tu peux l'attendre;      Love is far, you can wait for it;
Tu ne l'attends plus, il est là!           You no longer await it, there it is!
Tout autour de toi, vite, vite,            All around you, quickly, quickly,
Il vient, s'en va, puis il revient,        It comes, goes, then it returns,
Tu crois le tenir, il t'évite,             You think you have it, it avoids you,
Tu crois l'éviter, il te tient!            You think to avoid it, it holds you!

L'amour est enfant de bohème,              Love is a gypsy child,
Il n'a jamais, jamais connu de loi,        It has never, never known the law,
Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime,           If you don't love me, then I love you,
Si je t'aime, prends garde à toi!          If I love you, guard yourself!
Si tu ne m'aimes pas,                      If you don't love me,
Si tu ne m'aimes pas, je t'aime!           If you don't love me, then I love you!
Mais si je t'aime, si je t'aime,           But if I love you, if I love you,
Prends garde à toi!                        Guard yourself!

                   Tune in July 10th for the next
                Finger Lakes Opera virtual concert
                     featuring mezzo-soprano
                      Taylor Raven in recital.
“La donna è mobile” sung by
David Soto Zambrana
                                                    DUKE (English)
DUKE (Italian)                                      Woman is fickle
La donna è mobile                                   Like a feather in the wind,
Qual piuma al vento,                                She changes her voice — and her mind.
Muta d'accento — e di pensier.                      Always sweet,
Sempre un amabile,                                  Pretty face,
Leggiadro viso,                                     In tears or in laughter, — she is always lying.
In pianto o in riso, — è menzognero.                Always miserable
È sempre misero                                     Is he who trusts her,
Chi a lei s'affida,                                 He who confides in her — his unwary heart!
Chi le confida — mal cauto il cuore!                Yet one never feels
Pur mai non sentesi                                 Fully happy
Felice appieno                                      Who on that bosom — does not drink love!
Chi su quel seno — non liba amore!                  Woman is fickle
La donna è mobile                                   Like a feather in the wind,
Qual piuma al vento,                                She changes her voice — and her mind,
Muta d'accento — e di pensier,                      And her mind,
E di pensier,                                       And her mind!
E di pensier!

"Il mio tesoro" sung by Matthew Campisi
DON (Italian)                                       DON (English)
Il mio tesoro intanto andate a consolar             Meanwhile, go and console my dearest one
e del bel ciglio il pianto                          and from her beautiful eye the tear
cercate di asciugar.                                try to dry.
Ditele che i suoi torti                             Tell her that her wrongs
a vendicar io vado;                                 I go to avenge;
che sol di stragi e morti                           that only of slaughter and death
nunzio voglio tornar.                               the messenger I will return.

“Con que la lavare” sung by Robin Steitz
Con qué la lavaré la tez de la mi cara?             With what shall I wash the skin of my face?
Con qué la lavaré que vivo mal penada?              With what shall I wash, I who live so condemned?
Lávanse las casadas con agua de limones,            Married women wash with lemon water,
Lávome yo cuitada con penas y dolores.              I wash in anguish with pain and sorrow.

“Deh vieni non tardar” sung by Robin Steitz
SUSANNA (Italian)                                   SUSANNA (English)
Giunse alfin il momento                             At last the moment has arrived
Che godrò senza affanno                             When I will rejoice without worry
In braccio all'idol mio.                            In the arms of my beloved.
Timide cure, uscite dal mio petto;                  Timid cares, leave my breast,
A turbar non venite il mio diletto!                 Do not come to disturb my delight!
Oh, come par che all'amoroso foco,                  Oh, how it seems that to amorous flames
L'amenità del loco,                                 The charm of this place,
La terra e il ciel risponda!                        The earth and the sky respond!
Come la notte i furti miei seconda!                 How the night supports my schemes!
Deh, vieni, non tardar, o gioia bella!              Oh come, don't delay, o beautiful joy!
Vieni ove amore per goder t'appella                 Come where love calls you to pleasure
Finchè non splenda in ciel notturna face,           While the nocturnal torch doesn't shine in the sky,
Finchè l'aria è ancor bruna e il mondo tace.        While the air is still dark and the world is quiet.
Qui mormora il ruscel, qui scherza l'aura,          Here murmurs the brook, here plays the breeze;
Che col dolce susurro il cor ristaura;              With sweet whispers they refresh my heart;
Qui ridono i fioretti e l'erba è fresca,            Here laugh the little flowers and the grass is cool,
Ai piaceri d'amor qui tutto adesca.                 To the pleasures of love here everything entices.
Vieni, ben mio, tra queste piante ascose!           Come my love, among these hidden plants!
Vieni, vieni, ti vo' la fronte incoronar di rose.   Come, come, I want to crown your brow with roses.
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