TENNIS STAFF - Lafayette Club

Page created by Andrew Ellis
TENNIS STAFF - Lafayette Club
TENNIS STAFF                   2020 TENNIS COMMITTEE
                                         Jeff Steinke, Chairperson
TENNIS DIRECTOR: Dean Rudrud                     Tom Enlow
                                           Carrie Fleischhacker
       ASSISTANT                               Melodee Marx
  TENNIS PROFESSIONALS:                        Ann McIntyre
             Ryan Hoag                         Brian Williams
            Jono Martin

   Tennis Shop: (952) 471-7009
TENNIS STAFF - Lafayette Club

General Information ............................................................2
Tennis Policies ......................................................................3
Adult Program .....................................................................5
Weekly Drills and Mixers ....................................................6
Adult Event Dates ................................................................8
POP Tennis..........................................................................12
Platform Tennis ..................................................................13
Junior Program ..................................................................15
NTRP Rating ......................................................................22

TENNIS STAFF - Lafayette Club
Tennis Shop: (952) 471-7009

TENNIS SHOP HOURS (courts are available for play from sunrise to sunset)
May 9 (weather permitting) - May 30
Mondays................................................. Closed
Tuesday - Sunday ................................... 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
May 31 - September 6
Monday - Friday .................................... 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday ................................ 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
September 7 - September 30
Mondays................................................. Closed
Tuesday - Sunday ................................... 9:00 am - 6:00 p.m.

Dean Rudrud ........................................................ $100.00 per hour
Ryan Hoag............................................................ $83.00 per hour
Jono Martin .......................................................... $78.00 per hour
Hitting Fee (no instruction - with Shop Staff)........... $15.00 per hour
Please contact the individual professional, or Dean, at the Tennis Shop to set up an individual/group tennis lesson.
Feel free to call the Tennis Shop if you are in doubt about questionable weather. Failure to cancel a lesson at least
24 hours in advance may result in a full lesson charge, if the professional cannot sell that time.

TENNIS STAFF - Lafayette Club
All tennis playing members, and their guests, are governed by the following policies.

PROGRAMS: All tennis mixers and groups are voted on, determined by and approved by the Tennis Committee.

Adults................................................$13.00 per time
Juniors (Ages 6-15) .........................$11.00 per time
* Grandchildren of members, under age 25, must be accompanied by their grandparents and will not be charged
  a guest fee. Let's get the grandparents playing tennis.
** All guests, please register in the monthly guest book at the Tennis Shop prior to playing.
*** Guest fees and policies are set by the Tennis Committee, and all fees go to the Club.

BALL MACHINE FEE: $10 per hour. Please reserve a court and the ball machine. The staff will have the machine
set up for you, in advance of your reservation. Please pick up the balls after you are done practicing.

RESERVATIONS: Members may reserve a court up to 7 days in advance by calling the Tennis Shop at
952-471-7009*. Please check in at the Tennis Desk before playing. We will have racquets, balls, apparel,
accessories, water, and towels available.
* If needed, please cancel your court reservation at least two hours before your scheduled time.

                                                     3                                   (Continued on Page 4)
TENNIS STAFF - Lafayette Club
(Continued from Page 3)

                                       TENNIS POLICIES

ETIQUETTE: Please use the side gate on court 1 for entering and leaving court 1 only. Please use
the gates on the north side of the courts to enter and leave courts 2 - 4. Thank you for this courtesy.

DRESS CODE: Color tennis attire is acceptable. Bathing suits, jean cutoffs and male tank tops are
not allowed.

JUNIOR PROGRAM: Our junior program will consist of eligible members and their grandchildren

CHILDREN: All children must be accompanied by a responsible adult (parents, nannies) while at
the Club, unless they are participating in a youth tennis program. This is especially important if the
children are moving about the Club grounds. Crossing the golf course can be very dangerous. Also,
responsible adults (parents, nannies, etc.) please have your children refrain from throwing balls into
the bushes and playing with the court maintenance equipment and ball hoppers. Thank you,
in advance, for your cooperation.

Please sign up for each drill/mixer/event at the Tennis Shop or call us at 952-471-7009 so we can monitor sign ups and give
members 100% great experiences while playing tennis at Lafayette Club. By all means, if you did not sign up for an event,
please feel free to drop in.
'Coed'- Open to both women and men.
'Women'- Open to women.
'Men'- Open to men.
Drill- drill for the entire time. We will teach a different stroke, spin or strategy each week in a logical progression.
Mixer- members may show up to play without having to find their own partners. Great opportunity to make new friends in a fun,
casual atmosphere.
Tennerama- round robin match play. Each player will have a new partner each 'Monday', so it is a great way to meet new
Match Play- Will be played from June to August. Awards to be given out during Labor Day Mixer on September 7th.
More details to follow.
Drill Fees: $18 per hour; $26 per 1.5 hours
Mixer Fee: $6 plus food fee, if applicable
Tennerama Fee: $6 per day ($24 for 4 week session)
Match Play Fee: TBD
Racquet Olympics Fee: TBD.
Guest Fee: $13 per guest/per time. A guest may only play at the Club once per month.

                                   Starting May 9 - September 30, 2020
                   We may add additional drills or mixers if needed, based on participation.

MONDAYS      8:30-10:30 am          Women's Tennerama, 3.5+ players, Format: 2 out of 3 Sets
             10:30 am-12:00 pm      Women's Tennerama, 2.5- 3.4 players, Format: Up and Down the River
                Preseason: May 18 (Fee: $6)
                Session 1: June 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29 (Fee: $30)
                Session 2: July 6, 13, 20, & 27 (Fee: $24)
                Session 3: August 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31 (Fee: $30)

             5:30-7:00 pm           Men's Tennerama, 3.5+ players

TUESDAYS     9:00-10:30 am          Coed Drill, 3.0+ players
             9:00-10:30 am          Ryan's Coed Cardio Drill, all levels welcome
             5:30-7:00 pm           Coed POP Mixer, all levels welcome

WEDNESDAYS 9:00-10:30 am            Women's Mixer, 3.0+ players. We encourage members to have lunch and
                                    socialize in the clubhouse after play.
                                    The format will be "Up and Down the River". We will play 8 games, no ad, the winners move up a court
                                    towards court 1 and split up. The runners up move down a court, towards court 4, and split up.

                                Starting May 13 - September 30, 2020

THURSDAYS   9:00-10:30 am        Coed Drill, 3.0+ players
            9:00-10:30 am        Ryan's Coed Cardio Drill, all levels welcome
            5:30-7:00 pm         Coed Mixer, 3.0+ players

FRIDAYS     9:00-10:30 am        Coed Drill, 3.5+ players

SATURDAYS   8:00-9:00 am         Men's Drill, 3.5+ players
            9:00-10:30 am        Coed Mixer, 3.5+ players
            10:30 am-12:00 pm    Coed Drill, 3.0+ players

TBD         Themed Coed Mixers. Please look for details online and in the weekly calendar of events email.

                        (note: also check our weekly Calendar of Events email)

        9   Saturday    8:00 am               SHOP OPEN FOR THE SEASON (weather permitting)
                        8:00-9:00 am          Men's Drill 3.5+
                        9:00-10:30 am         Adult Mixer 3.5+
                        10:30 am-12:00 pm     Adult Drill/Mixer 2.5-3.5
       16   Saturday    8:00-10:30 am         Men's Guest Day 3.5+
       16   Saturday    10:30 am-12:00 pm     Coed Guest Day 3.0
       17   Sunday      TBD                   Annual 'FORE' the 'LOVE' of Lafayette Golf & Tennis Social
       18   Monday      9:00-11:00 am         Preseason Women's Tennerama begins. All levels welcome.
       20   Wednesday   9:00-10:30 am         Coed Guest Day 3.0+
       21   Thursday    5:30-7:00 pm          Coed Guest Day 3.0+
       25   Monday      9:00-11:00 am         Adult Memorial Day Mixer. All levels welcome.
       27   Wednesday   9:00-11:00 am         Women's Welcome Back Mixer w/ lunch. All levels welcome.
        1   Monday      8:30-10:30 am         Women's Tennerama 3.5+ begins
        1   Monday      10:30 am-12:00 pm     Women's Tennerama 2.5-3.5 begins
       17   Wednesday   9:00-10:30 am         Women's Guest Day Mixer w/ lunch. All levels welcome.
       18   Thursday    5:30-7:00 pm          'What a Racquet' Tennis/Pickleball/POP Mixer w/dinner. All levels welcome.
       20   Saturday    8:00-10:30 am         Men's Guest Day 3.5+
       20   Saturday    10:30 am-12:00 pm     Coed Guest Day 3.0

            4    Saturday    9:00-11:00 am       Adult July 4th Mixer. All levels welcome.
            9    Thursday    5:30-7:00 pm        Adult Wimbledon 'Whites & Woodies' Mixer. All levels welcome.
                                                 * Please wear all white to play; bring a wood racquet. English dinner at 7:15 pm.
            18   Saturday    8:00-10:30 am       Men's Guest 3.5+
            18   Saturday    10:30 am-12:00 pm   Coed Guest Day 3.0
            22   Wednesday   9:00-10:30 am       Women's Guest Day. All levels welcome.
            23   Thursday    5:30-7:00 pm        Coed Guest Day. All levels welcome.

            12   Wednesday   9:00-10:30 am       Women's Guest Day. All levels welcome.
            13   Thursday    5:30-7:00 pm        Coed Guest Day 3.0+
            15   Saturday    8:00-10:30 am       Men's Guest Day 3.5+
            15   Saturday    10:30 am-12:00 pm   Coed Guest Day 3.0
            20   Thursday    5:30-7:00 pm        Adult US Open Red-White-Blue Mixer. All levels welcome.
                                                 * Please wear all white to play; American dinner at 7:15 pm courtside.

             7   Monday      9:00-11:00 am       Adult Labor Day Mixer. All levels welcome.
            12   Saturday    3:00-5:00 pm(ish)   Racquet Olympics- Teams of tennis, pickleball & POP players. Format TBD.
                 TBD                             U of M Men's Tennis Team Event
                 TBD                             U of M Women's Tennis Team Event


Sunday, June 7..........................Pickleball Kickoff Open House (10:30am-12:00pm. More details to
Sunday, September 6 ...............Pickleball Festival (10:30am-12:00pm. More details to follow).

Pickleball is available to Golf and Tennis Members only. Club guest policies and fees apply. The platform
courts are available for pickleball play 7 days a week from sunrise to sunset. Please check out the key from
either the Tennis Shop or Front Desk. Tennis courts 6 and 7 will be availa ble for play when they are not

Mixer ($6): Thursdays from 5:30- 7:00pm

Beginner Drills: Fridays from 12:30-1:30am with Dean. Fee: $18.
Intermediate (3.5+) Drills: Fridays from 10:30am-12pm with Dean. Fee: $26.

(Semi) Private Lessons ($100/hour divided by the number of players): Please schedule with Dean

Pickleball Guest Days ($6): Thurdays from 5:30-7:00pm on June 18, July 23 & August 13

Pickleball League (Fee TBD): Wednesdays from 5:30-7:00pm. More details to follow.

Review the following guidelines to rate your own skills. As you self-identify, think about how you hit balls to opponents and how you handle shots hit to you.

    1.   React – May get balls back in play. May not return difficult shots. Unpredictable returns.
    2.   Engage – Return challenging to difficult balls with some accuracy. Needs more control when returning fast or tricky shots.
    3.   Control – Returns most shots strategically and accurately. Returns difficult shots well and can move from defense to offence as needed.

2.5 Early Intermediate                      3.0 Intermediate                              3.5 Advanced Intermediate                  4.0 Advanced
These players are able to keep quite a      These players are fairly consistent when      These players have achieved improved       These players have very strong,
few balls going with their forehands,       hitting medium-paced shots, but are not       stroke dependability with directional      dependable strokes, including directional
make most, easier volleys and are           comfortable with all strokes and lack         control on medium paced balls and some     control and depth. They are strong with
beginning to make more backhands, but       control when trying for direction, depth,     harder hit balls. They still need to       both forehand and backhand strokes.
need to work on developing their            or power on their shots. They are using       develop more depth and variety in their    They use lobs, overheads, approach
strokes.                                    dinks and lobs on a regular basis and are     shots. These players are exhibiting more   shots and volleys with success. They may
     x They are thinking more about         beginning to understand the benefits of       strategic and aggressive net play.         occasionally, force errors when serving.
         coming up to the non-volley        these important parts of the game.            Demonstrating greater variety with their   Points may be lost due to impatience.
         zone to hit volleys                   x More consistent on the serve and         shots.                                         x Uses the dink shot and drop
     x They are making an effort to be              can chose where to hit at their            x Exhibits strategic net play, by              shots intentionally, to slow
         more aggressive.                           opponent.                                      creating opportunities                     down or change the pace of the
     x They are attempting more use            x Service return is consistent when                 consistently.                              game.
         of dinks and lobs.                         returning medium-paced balls.              x Beginning to anticipate                 x Shows clear understanding of
     x Aware of the “soft game.”               x Demonstrates improved skills                      opponent’s shots.                          “soft game” strategies and
     x Knowledge of the rules has                   with all the basic strokes and shot        x Learning the importance of                   benefits.
         improved.                                  placement but lacks control when               strategy and teamwork in              x Change of pace, angles and lobs
     x Court coverage is limited but                trying for direction, depth, or                doubles                                    are a regular part of their
         improving.                                 power on some shots.                       x Beginning to use Third Shot                  games.
                                               x Beginning to look for weakness in                 drops, dinks, and a mixture of        x Aggressive net play is
                                                    opponent’s skills, and playing to              strategic pace                             demonstrated.
                                                    those weaknesses’.                         x Using angles and lobs in their          x Teamwork in doubles is evident.
                                               x Complete knowledge of the rules                   games successfully                    x Learning to anticipate
                                                    and scoring of pickleball.                 x Movement and coverage on the                 opponent’s shots and strategies.
                                               x Court coverage is becoming an                     court, is an asset. Can get to        x Movement is good to
                                                    asset.                                         almost all balls hit near them.            exceptional.
                                                                                               x Can exploit weakness’ in other          x They have begun playing in
                                                                                                   players.                                   advanced level tournaments.
POP tennis is the new POPular paddle sport dating back to 1898! POP tennis is tennis, just played on a 60'
court, with green low compression balls. It has the same scoring and rules as tennis except for the server gets
only one underhand serve, which may be hit after the bounce or in the air.

Sunday, June 7..........................POP Kickoff Open House (12-1:30pm. More details to follow).
Sunday, September 6 ...............POP Festival (12-1:30pm. More details to follow).

POP tennis is available to Golf and Tennis Members only. Club guest policies and fees apply. The platform
courts are available for POP play 7 days a week from sunrise to sunset. Please check out the key from either
the Tennis Shop or Front Desk. Tennis courts 6 and 7 will be available for play when they are not reserved.

Mixer ($6): Tuesdays from 5:30- 7:00pm

(Semi) Private Lessons ($100/hour divided by the number of players): Please schedule with Dean

POP Guest Days ($6): Tuesdays from 5:30- 7:00pm on June 16, July 21 & August 11

~ Platform tennis is available to Golf and Tennis members only. Club guest policies and fees apply.
~ Reservations may be made at the Front Desk or by calling 952-471-8493. Members may make a reservation up to 7 days
in advance. Reservations are encouraged. There are no permanent court times. Please register at the Front Desk prior to play.
~ The keys for the trailer/courts are at the Front Desk.
~ The light switches for the courts are located just outside the dining room door on the patio. The staff will turn lights on
daily and Night Security will turn lights off by 10 pm (due to a Minnetonka Beach ordinance).
~ The switch for the heaters is located on the side of the courts just below the deck. The heaters are used to melt any ice
build up. They are NOT to be used to heat the courts. They are on a timer, and generally 30 minutes should be enough time
to melt any ice. We do have shovels as well as a broom courtside if needed. Staff will make every effort to prepare the courts
after a snowfall. When staff is not available, you may need to do a little prep work.
~ Do not put salt on the courts. Please brush off your feet before entering the courts.
~ The attire for platform tennis is designed to keep you warm. Layering your clothing (Drifit as a base layer, a fleece for a
second layer, and a shell as the outer layer) is a good idea as you will warm up quickly. Tennis shoes are fine. The court
surface is rough so you may not want to wear your best tennis shoes.
~ No food or beverages may be brought by members or their guests. All food and beverages must be purchased from the Club.
~ For your convenience, we have balls, paddles, and gloves available for purchase. There will be a few loaner paddles at
the Front Desk. Please check them out and return them. You may also contact Dean at to
place an order.

Mix up your winter workout with this energetic outdoor sport. Please sign-up for all events and drills at the Front Desk or
call us at 952-471-8493. The courts are also available for summer use.

* A non-member may only play once a month. Adults- $13.00 per time, Juniors (Ages 6-15)- $11.00 per time, ages 5
and under are free. Guest fees and policies are set by the Racquet Sports Committee, and all fees go to the Club.

Our fall/winter calendar will be available in October 2020 and will include dates for drills, mixers and special events.
Dean will send a weekly email with the calendar of events.
Platform Tennis Drills and Mixers
 • Beginner Drills: Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00-10:30 am. Fee: $26.
 • Intermediate Drills: Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:30 am-12:00 pm. Fee: $26.
 • 'All are Welcome' Mixers: Thursdays from 5:00-6:30pm. Fee: $7.
 • Sunday Mixers: November 15 & December 13, 2020 and January 17, February 21 & March 21, 2021
   from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. More details to follow.

Platform Tennis Lessons
If you would like to arrange a private or group lesson, please contact Dean at Fee: $100 per hour.

Our junior program's "Become Your Best" blueprint is designed to develop players through a curriculum which is based
on a logical progression from fun game-based (Red Groups), to advanced skill-based, drills (Yellow Team). Each age/
level has a specific set of goals and objectives to realize sustainable results. Our players will be learning tennis in a
fun, action filled yet challenging environment every time they step onto the court.

*CANCELLATION POLICY*: In the event that you cancel your activity you MUST send us your cancellation
notice, in writing, at least one month in advance of the program's start date to avoid full charge. Unfortunately,
there are no refunds for days missed and no prorating is available. Please know that we understand players
will miss some dates due to a variety of reasons, and the fee reflects this.

We are available for (semi) private lessons in May and June for those who would like to tune up before the junior
groups start in mid-June and in September for those who would like to continue playing this great game of tennis.

Red group lessons meet on Mondays or Tuesdays and Thursdays during the session dates listed below. Please use registration
forms in Kids Programs section. Unfortunately, there are no refunds for days missed and no pro-rating. All questionable weather
will be judged by the instructors, please call the Tennis Shop if you are in doubt.
Red 1: Ages 5 - 8. These players are pre-rally. 30 minute lessons.
* NEW Monday Session (for kids in Kids' Camp) (12:00-12:30 pm) .......June 15 - July 13 (rain make up July 20)
 Fee: $63 Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $42
* Tuesday & Thursday (9:30-10:00 am or 10:45-11:15 am)
 Session 1 .............................................................................................. June 16 - July 14 (rain make up July 16)
 Session 2 ..............................................................................................July 21 - August 18 (rain make up August 20)
 Session 3 (for kids who go to summer camp or vacation) ..............................June 23 - July 9 (rain make up July 14)
 Fee: $126 Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $84.
Red 2: Ages 6 - 8. These players can rally. 45 minute lessons.
* NEW Monday Session (for kids in Kids' Camp) (12:30-1:15 pm) .........June 15 - July 13 (rain make up July 20)
 Fee: $95 Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $63
* Tuesday & Thursday (10:00-10:45 am or 11:15 am - 12:00 pm)
 Session 1 .............................................................................................. June 16 - July 14 (rain make up July 16)
 Session 2 ..............................................................................................July 21 - August 18 (rain make up August 20)
 Session 3 (for kids who go to summer camp or vacation)...............................June 23 - July 9 (rain make up July 14)
 Fee: $189 Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $126.
Our Red 1 and 2 classes are committed to using the red dot balls which are designed for a new, and better, approach to introducing younger,
smaller kids to tennis. Red dot balls bounce lower and travel slower, so they are easier to hit and help develop an optimal swing pattern. Racquets
are sized (19-26") for small hands and the short court is easier to cover. All of these equal more FUN for the younger player. Our goal is to make
sure this player has fun and looks forward to coming back to the tennis courts. Our objective is to develop these players' motor skills, tracking
skills, sending/receiving the ball, footwork (hopping on one leg, skipping, shuffling, running forwards/backwards, goalie tennis, Simon says, etc.)
in a game-based format. We want to develop the A, B, C's (agility, balance, coordination) of tennis with these groups.
                                                                                  16                                                     (Continued on Page 17)
(Continued from Page 16)                            BLUE GROUP LESSONS
Blue 1: Ages 8 - 11 years ...................................................................................... Please see page 18 for session dates.
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Our Blue 1 Class may use the Quick Start Program in the beginning, however, our goal is to develop these players so they are
able to perform the basic strokes (volley, forehand, backhand, and serve) with the proper technique while playing on the full
size court. Our objective is to use the green dot balls in a combination of pro-fed and player-sustained drills, and to spend 10
minutes serving every practice. We may finish practice with a fun, aerobic, tennis-specific group game.

Blue 2: Ages 12 - 13 years & Orange Team Players .......................................... Please see page 18 for session dates.
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Our Blue 2 Class goal is to develop these players so they are ready to move up to the Orange Team the following summer.
Our objective is to use green dot balls in a combination of pro-fed and player-sustained drills, so these players learn to rally
from the baseline follow short balls to the net, and to spend 10 minutes serving every practice. Most practices will finish with
a fun, aerobic tennis-specific group game. This is an awesome supplement for the Orange Team players, who are court rats.

Blue 3: High School Ages & Green Team Players ............................................. Please see page 18 for session dates.
Time: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
We need at least FOUR players for this class to run. Our Blue 3 Class is for high school age players who are just starting
tennis or want to play tennis as a recreational sport, and for our Green Team players who are court rats and would like to play
more tennis. Our goal is to develop these players so they play tennis as a lifetime sport. Our objective is to use green dot and
yellow balls in a combination of pro-fed and player sustained drills, so players learn the basic strokes of tennis, and in player-
sustained drills where players learn the game. This is an awesome supplement for the Green Team players.

Blue 1 (age 8-11 years); Blue 2 (age 12-13 years/Orange Team Players); Blue 3 (high school ages/Green Team Players)
All blue group lessons meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the session dates listed below. Please see
lesson descriptions on page 17 and registration forms in 'Kids Programs' section. Unfortunately, there are
no refunds for days missed and no pro-rating. All questionable weather will be judged by the instructors, please
call the Tennis Shop if you are in doubt.

Session 1 ..........................................................................................June 16 - July 14 (rain makeup is July 16)
Session 1 Fee.................................................................................... $248. Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $165.

Session 2 ..........................................................................................July 21 - August 18 (rain makeup is August 20)
Session 2 Fee.................................................................................... $248. Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $165.

*Session 3 ........................................................................................June 23 - July 9 (6 dates- rain makeup is July 14)
Session 3 Fee.................................................................................... $162. Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $108.
       *For those who go to summer camp or vacation, we are offering Session 3.

"Become Your Best" Program of Excellence
We are committed to having the players on our Junior Academy Teams reach their individual tennis goals by offering a
summer long Lafayette Junior Club Championship Tournament. Our objective is to have our players embrace the excitement
of competition, improve their skills, and foster feelings of accomplishment and good sportsmanship. The players will set
up their own matches (remember to reserve a court). A match will be a 10 game pro set, a 12 point tiebreaker at 9 games
all. The Champion will be the player that has the most total games won (not matches) at the end of the summer, for each
of the three teams. The Lafayette Championships dates will be from June 12 - August 18. Any matches played before or
after these dates will not count towards the total games won. The philosophy with this format is to have the players play
more matches with NO coaching, so they can figure out what their strengths and weaknesses are, develop their own style
of play, and learn how to feel comfortable playing tennis versus different styles of players.
Eight Styles of Play:
- Steady Eddy Baseliner      Björn Borg/Chris Evert
- Dictating Baseliner        Andre Agassi/Serena Williams
- Counter Puncher            Michael Chang/Caroline Wozniacki
- Slice and Dicer            Jimmy Connors/Steffi Graf
- Moonballer                 Harold Solomon/Andrea Jaeger
- Net Player                 Peter Sampras/Martina Navratilova
- All Courter                Roger Federer/Billie Jean King
- Big Server                 Andy Roddick (155 mpg)/Sabine Lisicki (131 mph)


The Lafayette Junior Academy players are recommended to play in tournaments to improve their skills in a
competitive setting, and will be divided into the following three levels of competition:

Level 1- Junior Orange Crush Team (grades 4-6)
Dates: June 16 - August 20 (rain make up August 21 from 1:00- 2:30 pm)
Practices: Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15 - 4:30 pm
Matches: Friday from 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Our Orange Team is an entry level team. The prerequisites to be on this team are: these players must be able to serve 50% in, and
be able to rally 2-3 times in a row from the baseline- i.e. to be able to play a point. Our goal is to develop these players so they
learn to play the game of tennis, along with the etiquette and rules of tennis. Our objective is to use green dot balls in a variety
of player-sustained, beginning point situations. Most of the drills will start with a serve and return, and will incorporate the basic
strokes, court positioning, rally balls, and scoring.
Fee (includes Team t-shirt): $1,028. Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $685.

                                                               20                                          (Continued on Page 21)
(Continued from Page 20)
                                JUNIOR TENNIS ACADEMY PROGRAM
Level 2 - Junior Jolly Green Giant Team (grades 7 & 8)
Dates: June 15 - August 19 (rain make up August 21 from 10:30 am-12:00 noon)
Practices: Monday and Friday from 10:30 am-12:00 noon; Wednesday from 9:00-10:30 am
Matches: Monday from 1:00-3:00 pm
Our Green Team is a "middle school" team. Our goal is to develop these players so they learn the different patterns of play (tic tac, hit
to weaker side, moonballs, serve/volley, lobs, etc.) of tennis; slice serves; and offense/defense zones. Our objective is to use the yel-
low dot balls in a variety of more advanced, player-sustained point situations. Most of the drills will start with a serve and return, and
will incorporate a specific pattern of play, or spin.
Fee (includes Team t-shirt): $1,476. Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $984.

Level 3 - Junior Mello (NOT) Yellow Team (grades 9-12)
Dates: June 15 - August 19 (rain make up August 20 from 10:30 am-12:00 noon)
Practices: Monday from 9:00-10:30 am; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30 am-12:00 noon
Matches: Wednesday from 1:00-3:00 pm
Our Yellow Team is for high school JV, and varsity players. Our goal is to develop these players so the JV players make the varsity
team, and the varsity players play in the MN State Tennis Tournament. Our objective is to use yellow balls in a variety of advanced,
player-sustained point situations. Most of the drills will start with a serve and return, and will incorporate shot making ability (flat,
slice or kick serves; topspin, heavy topspin, or slice groundstrokes; dippers; mid-court putaways, etc.), advanced patterns of play,
power and advanced footwork. USTA Tournament play is encouraged.
Fee (includes Team t-shirt): $1,995. Tennis/Golf Member Fee: $1,330.

The categories for play are made by level according to the NTRP - the National Tennis Rating Program. This
is the official system adopted by the U. S. Tennis Association.

When rating yourself, be certain that you qualify in all preceding categories as well as those in the
classification in which you place yourself. If any part of your game does not meet the set standards, then
you are not eligible for that rating. If you have any questions, please see Dean to assist in your self-rating.
The goal of this system is to effectively place players in equal competition.

                                                     NATIONAL TENNIS RATING PROGRAM
 Rating   Forehand                     Backhand                    Serve                        Volley                   Special Shots              Playing Style
 1.0      This player is just starting to play tennis.
 1.5      This player has limited experience and is still working primarily on getting the ball into play.
 2.0      Incomplete swing;            Avoids backhands;           Incomplete service           reluctant to play net;                              Familiar with basic
                                       lacks directional           erratic contact; grip        motion; double faults    avoids BH; lacks           positions for singles
                                       intent                      problems; incomplete         common; toss is          footwork                   and doubles play;
                                                                   swing                        inconsistent                                        frequently out of

 2.5      Form developing;             Grip and preparation        Attempting a full            Uncomfortable at net     Can lob intentionally      Can sustain a rally of
          prepared for                 problems; often             swing; can get the ball      especially on the BH     but with little control;   slow pace; weak court
          moderately paced             chooses to hit FH           in play at slow pace;        side; frequently uses    can make contact on        coverage; usually
          shots                        instead of BH               inconsistent toss            FH racket face on BH     overhead volleys           remains in the initial
                                                                                                                                                    doubles position

Verification Guidelines (Continued)
Rating   Forehand                 Backhand                    Serve                       Volley                   Special Shots               Playing Style
3.0      Fairly consistent with   Frequently prepared;        Developing rhythm;          Consistent FH volley;    Can lob consistently        Consistent on
         some directional         starting to hit with fair   little consistency when     inconsistent BH          on moderate shots           medium paced shots
         intent; lacks depth      consistency on              trying for power;           volley; has trouble                                  most common
         control                  moderate shots              second serve is often       with low and wide                                    doubles formation is
                                                              considerably slower         shots                                                still one-up, one back;
                                                              than first serve                                                                 approaches net when
                                                                                                                                               play dictates but weak
                                                                                                                                               in execution

3.5      Improved consistency     Hitting with                Starting to serve with      More aggressive net      Consistent overhead         Consistency on
         with directional         directional intent on       control and some            play; some ability to    on shots within reach;      moderate shots with
         intent on moderate       moderate shots; has         power                       cover side shots; uses   developing approach         directional intent;
         shots                    difficulty on high or                                   proper footwork; can     shots, drop shots, and      improved court
                                  hard shots; returns                                     direct FH volleys;       half volleys; can place     coverage; starting to
                                  difficult shots                                         controls BH volley but   the return of most          look for the
                                  defensively                                             with little offense;     second serves               opportunity to come
                                                                                          difficulty in putting                                to the net; developing
                                                                                          volleys away                                         teamwork in doubles
4.0      Dependable; hits with    Player can direct the       Place both first and        Depth and control on     Can put away easy           Dependable ground
         depth and control on     ball with consistency       second serves;              FH volley; can direct    overheads; can poach        strokes with
         moderate shots; may      and depth on                frequent power on           BH volleys but usually   in doubles; follows         directional intent and
         try to hit too good a    moderate shots              first serve but tends to    lacks depth;             aggressive shots to the     depth demonstrated
         placement on a                                       overhit first serve; uses   developing wide and      net; beginning to           on moderate shots;
         difficult shot                                       spin                        low volleys on both      finish point off; can       not yet playing good
                                                                                          sides of the body        hit to opponent’s           percentage tennis;
                                                                                                                   weaknesses; able to         teamwork in doubles
                                                                                                                   lob defensively on          is evident; rallies may
                                                                                                                   difficult shots and         still be lost due to
                                                                                                                   offensively on set-ups;     impatience
                                                                                                                   dependable return of

4.5      Very dependable; uses    Can control direction       Aggressive serving          Can handle a mixed       Approach shots hit          More intentional
         speed and spin           and depth but may           with limited double         sequence of volleys;     with good depth and         variety in game; is
         effectively; controls    break down under            faults; uses power and      good footwork; has       control; can consistently   hitting with more
         depth well; tends to     pressure; can hit with      spin; developing            depth and directional    hit volleys and overheads   pace; covers up
         overhit on difficult     power on moderate           offense; on second          control on BH;           to end the point;           weaknesses well;
         shots; offensive on      shots                       serve frequently hits       developing touch;        frequently hits             beginning to vary
         moderate shots;                                      with good depth and         most common error is     aggressive service          tactics according to
         game plan                                            placement                   still overhitting        returns                     opponent; aggressive
                                                                                                                                               net play is common in
                                                                                                                                               doubles; good anticipation
                                                                                   23                                                          beginning to handle pace
Verification Guidelines (Continued)
Rating      Forehand                   Backhand                     Serve                       Volley                       Special Shots               Playing Style
5.0         Strong shot with           Can use BH as an             Serve is placed             Can hit most                 Approach shots and          Frequently has an
            control, depth, and        aggressive shot              effectively with the        volleys with depth,          passing shots are           outstanding shot
            spin; uses FH to set       with good                    intent of hitting to        pace and                     hit with pace and a         around which his
            up offensive               consistency; has             a weakness or               direction; plays             high degree of              game is built; can
            situations; has            good direction and           developing an               difficult volleys            effectiveness; can          vary game plan
            developed good             depth on most                offensive situation;        with depth; given            lob offensively;            according to
            touch; consistent          shots; varies spin           has a variety of            opportunity, volley          overhead can be             opponent; this
            on passing shots;                                       serves to rely on;          is hit automatically         hit from any                player is “match
            Capable of all shots                                    good depth, spin,           for a winner                 position; hits              wise,” plays
                                                                    and placement on                                         mid-court volley            percentage tennis,
                                                                    most second serves                                       with consistency;           and “beats himself”
                                                                    to force weak                                            can mix aggressive          less than the 4.5
                                                                    return or set up                                         and off-paced               player; solid
                                                                    next shot                                                service returns             teamwork in
                                                                                                                                                         doubles is evident
      5.5   This player can hit dependable shots in stress situations; has developed good anticipation; can pick up cues from such things as opponent’s toss, body position, back-
            swing, preparation; first and second serve can be depended on in stress situations and can be hit offensively at any time; can analyze and exploit opponent’s weaknesses;
            has developed power and/or consistency as a major weapon; can vary strategies and style of play in a competitive situation. (Performs under pressure)
      6.0   These players will generally not need NTRP ratings. Rankings or past rankings will speak for themselves. The 6.0 player typically has had intensive training for national
       to   tournament competition at the junior level and collegiate levels and has obtained a sectional and/or national ranking. The 6.5 player has a reasonable chance of succeeding
      7.0   at the 7.0 level and has extensive satellite tournament experience. The 7.0 is a world class player who is committed to tournament competition on the international level and
            whose major source of income is tournament prize winnings.

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