FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada

Page created by Brenda Wilson
FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
2020 Issue 1
FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
• Glider maintenance
                                                                            • Major structure repair
                                                                           • 20 years composite experience
                                                                          • Annual inspection

                                                                    • Maintenance de planeurs
                                                                   • Réparation structurale majeur
                                                                  • 20 ans d’expérience en composite
                                                                 • Inspection annuel

                                                                                                                                                    The journal of the Soaring Association of Canada
                                                                                                                                                  Le journal de l’Association Canadienne de Vol à Voile
                                                          Aviation R. Goulet                     inc.

                                                    105 Rue du Ciel,
                                                   Bromont, Qué, J2L 2X4

                                                                                                                                                              OUR PRE-SOLSTICE 1000 KM             5       Marta Wojnarowska

                                                                                                                                                                 PW6 FIRST IMPRESSIONS             9       Jay Allardyce
          Discover more at
                                                                                                                                           DOUBLES PERCEPTIONS POUR UN MÊME VOL                   10       Denis Saucier

                                                                                                                                                 CONDOR2 LE VOL EN PLANEUR VIRTUEL                12       Pascal Mourgues

                                                                                                                                  THE THERMAL - EPISODE #7 WITH MATTHEW SCUTTER                   16       Herrie ten Cate

                                                                                                                                           LOOK-OUT: HOW THE EYE CAN LIE - PART ONE               20       Paul Sheffield

                                                                                                                                                                    A LINE OF DIAMONDS            26       Chris & Andy Gough

                                          Fox One Corp 663 Deer Run Dr, Waterloo, ON, N2K 3H2, Canada
    FOX ONE CORP                          +1 519 635 1050,
2                Copyright © 2020, LX navigation d.o.o., all rights reserved.
                                                                                                             Front and back cover: Chris Gough launching at Cowley during the fall camp in October 2019 ©Ben Hornett            3
FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada

The Soaring Association of Canada (SAC)
The Soaring Association of Canada (SAC) is the governing body for the sport of        development programs for instructors, safety seminars, and maintaining safety
gliding in Canada. Mandated to safeguard and promote our sport, we render             programs.
support and representation to glider pilots and gliding clubs across the nation
through a variety of committees. On a national level, we represent our affiliat-      SAC maintains a head office in Ottawa. A volunteer Board of Directors comprised
ed clubs and members on issues related to licensing, medical requirements,            of representatives from all regions of the country steers the organization. SAC is
airspace and regulation. Internationally, we maintain representation within the       registered as a Canadian amateur athletic association with the CRA, an agency
Fédération Aéronautique Internationale and the International Gliding Commis-          of the Government of Canada.
sion. We invest in the renewal and expansion of our sport by offering bursa-
ries for young pilots, financial support for contenders representing Canada in        For change of address contact the SAC office at
international competitions, and financial aid for clubs carrying out marketing        Copies in .pdf format are free from the SAC website,
and publicity initiatives. Additionally, we publish Free Flight, SAC’s quarterly      Please send submissions to the editor at
magazine. Finally, we keep our sport safe by providing extensive training and

                                                                VO L LI B R E

L'Association canadienne de vol à voile (ACVV)
L'Association canadienne de vol à voile (ACVV) est l’instance dirigeante pour la      en fournissant des programmes élaborés de formation et de perfectionnement
pratique du vol à voile au Canada. L’ACVV a pour mandat de préserver et pro-          pour les instructeurs, des séminaires sur la sécurité et des plans de maintenance
mouvoir notre sport. À travers différents comités, elle représente et soutient les    de la sécurité.
pilotes de planeur et les clubs de vol à voile partout au Canada.
                                                                                      Pour avoir plus d'information à propos de l'ACVV, veuillez nous contacter via l'un
Au niveau national, nous représentons nos clubs affiliés et nos membres pour les      des liens ci-dessous.
questions relatives aux licences, aux exigences médicales, à l'espace aérien et à
la réglementation. Au niveau international, nous sommes représentés au sein de        Enregistrée comme une Association canadienne de sport amateur auprès de
la Fédération aéronautique internationale et de la Commission internationale de       l’Agence de revenu du Canada, l'ACVV a son siège social à Ottawa et est gérée
vol à voile (IGC). Nous investissons dans la relève et l'expansion de notre sport     par un conseil d'administration bénévole constitué de représentants de toutes
en offrant des bourses à de jeunes pilotes, en fournissant un support financier       les régions du Canada.
à ceux qui nous représentent dans les compétitions internationales et en four-
nissant une aide financière aux clubs qui réalisent des initiatives de marketing      Pour un changement d’adresse, communiquez par
et de publicité. Nous publions également la revue trimestrielle de l'ACVV : Vol       La revue est disponible gratuitement, en format “pdf” au
libre / Free flight. Finalement, nous prenons à coeur la sécurité dans notre sport,   Veuillez envoyer vos soumissions à

                                                                          EDITOR Ben Hornett /
                                                  PRESIDENT & EASTERN ZONE            Sylvain Bourque

                                                                                                                                                                           Our pre-solstice 1000 km
                                 VICE-PRESIDENT & EASTERN ONTARIO ZONE                George Domaradzki
                                                   TREASURER & PRAIRIE ZONE           Jay Allardyce
                                                                   PACIFIC ZONE Bruce Friesen
                                                                                                                                                                           Marta Wojnarowska, Cu Nim

                                                    SOUTHERN ONTARIO ZONE Paul Parker
                                                                  ALBERTA ZONE Pavan Kumar
                                                               OFFICE MANAGER Tanya Storing
                                                                                                                                                                           F   ive days before my return from Poland, Chester announced over the phone “Sunday,
                                                                                                                                                                               Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday” look good for flying. Surprisingly, and luckily for me,
                                                                                                                                                                           this long-term forecast held. On Thursday, 20 December 2018, the day before the winter
                                                                                                                                                                           solstice, with less than 8 hours of daylight, Chester and I flew 1,050.84 km for 7.3 hours in
                                                                     71 Bank Street, 7th floor
                                                                      Ottawa, ON K1P 5N2                                                                                   our Arcus M. This was a record flight for me (by far), and is my recounting of the day.

FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
We arose at 5 AM, Chester immediately            them. I was so impressed—how can any-              we said good bye to the 12,500 foot airspace    weirder this time, nevertheless Chester
checking the forecast skew-T’s wind speed,       body learn to fly a plane?! And here we go,        restriction. What a relief, now with oxygen     requested clearance to cross the airway over
direction, humidity, altitude of forming         my husband flying his very own motor               we could continue to climb up to 18,000         the Crowsnest Pass and we tried our luck
clouds… at different locations, every hour of    glider, with me sitting behind, waiting for        feet. We crossed the gap, reaching the influ-   once more. Surprisingly, this time the wave
the day. Verdict—green light—we were             my turn to take the stick, “hunting” for           ence of the Livingstone Range.                  was much stronger and we started seeing
going. Time to put on a diaper…actually a        something even more exotic than hyenas—                                                            mountains in Glacier National Park with
double diaper—this is the ticket to fly.         the Rocky Mountain Wave.                           Just east of Thunder Mountain, the most         Chief and Divide Mountain dominating the
                                                                                                    northern peak of the Livingstones (which I      horizon. I texted Sonny, a friend of mine
We reached Cu Nim still in darkness. While       The wall of clouds forming over the moun-          scrambled solo in the past), the glider         with whom we scrambled on Divide Moun-
Chester opened the hangar and started            tain range is now much closer. I look at the       seemed to hang motionless. The glider was       tain last May. He knew we started our flight
gassing up the Arcus, I was adding more          glider’s wings and see some icing. The cano-       turned westward, and yet we were not mov-       around eight am, and responded surprised,
clothes layers, putting a parachute on, get-     py is starting to fog up. All this make me         ing forward although we were climbing up        “How do you go to the washroom up there?”
ting familiar with the flight computer, and      really nervous. Time to do something about         at 6 to 8 knots. What a bizarre feeling, just   “You don’t,” was my response, and “… you
straps—making sure I can get into the glider     it. To contain the moisture I start directing      like surfing a kayak on a wave, the ground      can watch FZWW soaring on www.flightra-
quickly. At -7C outside, we needed to mini-      breathing into my parka. This is the oppo-         below us would not move a bit. We stayed in”. Sonny said, “This is so cool—I see
mize time between taking the glider out of       site of what we would do during winter             this ‘surfing mode’ for a while and this is     you over Pincher Creek!”
the hangar and the takeoff to reduce icing of    camping, where the most important thing            when Chester handed the stick to me, and it
the glider’s wings (due to temperature dif-      was to protect sleeping bags from getting          was my turn to surf. Amazing, that after        We repeated the journey north-south-north
ference between the hangar and outdoors). I      moist by never breathing inside of them. As        such long break my muscle memory was still      one more time. North of Chain Lakes, the
certainly was not going to be a bottleneck—      a result the inside tent walls would form a        good enough to fly! Thanks to my patient        sky was completely blue, shortening our
familiarity and readiness were the key.          thick layer of hoarfrost which had to be           Cu Nim gliding instructors who invested 80      third leg to the north by almost 100 km.
                                                 scraped. Since scraping the canopy is not          flights in me between 2012 and 2014! Clear-     Around 3 pm, with the day being so short,
Twilight arrived, and at 8:06 am we were in      allowed, I breathe into my parka. I also open      ly you are amazing as I still remember how      the wave petering out to the north, and the
the glider taking off. It was my third time in   the vent—it brings in cold air, the cabin gets     to fly!                                         fact that we were heading to Las Vegas the
Arcus-M—I like taking off in it—it is such a     significantly noisier and colder, but the fog                                                      next morning and we could not risk out-
freeing experience. Unlike a classic glider      clears a moment later.                             The clouds towards Waterton looked differ-      landing, it was time to return. I am amazed
there is no towplane to follow, and despite                                                         ent, unfamiliar, most likely not promising.     how the wave shifted. In the morning lift
the frozen ground, the Arcus rose up gently.     The rising sun dries out the wings, two out        Nevertheless Chester decided to explore. He     was over Livingstone Range/Centre Peak—
However, I was thankful for the ear muffs—       of three terrifying things gone, but clouds        asked for clearance when over Highway 3.        Cowley was visible from afar. On our final
motorgliders are so much louder during           remain in sight. Chester confidently says          What a great feeling not to be required to      leg home the wave was just above the Cow-
take-off.                                        this is great. Clouds show the wave, and it        lose hard-gained elevation. Once the air        ley airstrip!
                                                 will be much easier to locate it having clouds     traffic controller gave us a transponder
With the sun rising behind us we headed          around, rather than having a blue bird day         code, we were set and proceeded south. On       Flying over Chain Lakes, Chester obtained
west to the mountains to meet the legendary      as on our previous flight. Nevertheless I am       the south side of Hwy 3 conditions were not     clearance to descend northbound through
                                                                                                    nearly as strong. “To be expected”, Chester     Calgary’s Control Area, but preferred to
What a luxury to be in a modern high performance                                                    explained, “lots of energy is lost here—        lower the sailplane to 15,000 feet. “Let’s not
                                                                                                    hence the windmills in the area. Howev-         overuse the hospitality of ATC.” Full spoil-
glider with a terrific glide ratio, an amazing moving                                               er”—Chester pointed out a cloud in the          ers, wow! Rather exciting experience—the
map display showing our destination with needed                                                     distance—“let’s head in this direction, we
                                                                                                    will catch lift just west of the cloud.” This
                                                                                                                                                    Arcus drops down at an incredible rate,
                                                                                                                                                    reaching quickly the desired altitude of
gliding ratio, and having ATC clearance.                                                            happened several times during our flight,       15,000, good enough to comfortably reach
                                                                                                    we would be losing altitude and Chester         Cu Nim. What a luxury to be in a modern
Rocky Mountains wave. This is the beauty         nervous. To occupy my thoughts, I start            would say—“we will catch a lift in a mo-        high performance glider with a terrific glide
of the Arcus—it can reach places a towplane      reflecting on my various experiences in            ment,” and sure enough, the lift would mag-     ratio, an amazing moving map display
could not without much difficulty. By the        gliding, the very first flight with Wilf, strug-   ically appear.                                  showing our destination with needed glid-
time Chester turned off the engine and           gle to master towing, first landing with Al                                                        ing ratio, and having ATC clearance.
retracted the propeller, we were over 11,000     Hoar, a fantastic flying week with Allan           We were flying over the Castle area, and I
feet.                                            Wood, first incipient spin with Ab, a rather       recognized Cloudy Ridge Junior that I           When flying back to Black Diamond we hit
                                                 long spin with Jean Claude, and my only            climbed solo last August. Soon Waterton         strong winds, and reaching Cu Nim was
I’m sitting comfortably in the back seat of      flight with Phil who helped me to stop using       Lakes came into view, Sofa Mountain, and        rather rough. The glider felt like a paper
the Arcus, in my Polish winter down parka,       my entire body to turn the glider. This bit of     the US border. We made sure we did not          airplane thrown about easily in the wind.
which I use in the mountains when it gets        diversion made me calmer and now I can             cross 49° into the States. Then one turn and    With the pressure change, the altimeter
below -20oC. I’m happy to wear an extra pair     focus my attention on the flight, but not          we headed northbound. The wave shifted          shifted on us significantly by 400 feet since
of long johns below my warmest ski pants,        ready yet to take the stick.                       significantly to the east. Once we crossed      the morning. Chester disregarded the in-
and two sets of Hot Paws in my winter                                                               Hwy 3, flying north seemed much faster. To      strument readings and landed visually. It
boots. I am waiting to get cold but never do,    Meanwhile we are in wave and much, much            the north, there were much fewer clouds         was good to be on the ground after 7.3 hours
although having down pants and a bit             closer to the mountains than during our            than in the morning. The plan now was to        in the air.
warmer feet would have made it just perfect.     previous flight. I could easily recognize          reach Moose Mountain (north of Bragg
                                                 Holy Cross, Mt. Head, east side of Mt.             Creek), but north of Longview the wave          Matt and his dog Yukon showed up with
The noise of the engine reminds me of a          Burns, mountains I scrambled on in the             became scrappy, and we abandoned the plan       perfect timing to help us get the Arcus into
book which inspired me about a decade ago,       past. We crossed Highway 40 southbound             north of the Sheep River and turned back        the hangar. At 1,050.84 kilometres it was the
“Cry of the Kalahari” by Mark and Delia          with little effort. Unlike the previous flight,    south. Chester did not want to overwhelm        7th longest flight of the day in the world, the
Owens, a couple who moved to Africa and          when it took us several tries, this time cross-    me with nasty stuff.                            longest in North America, and who                 CANADA
studied hyenas. Mark eventually bought a         ing was a piece of cake, as the wave was                                                           knows—maybe the longest ever flight by a
plane, and learned how to fly to follow          continuous at our altitude. A moment later         The clouds over Waterton looked even            couple :-)—still to be confirmed.

FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
PW6 First Impressions                                                                                            Jay Allardyce

    2019 was our first season with two new             how easy it is to coordinate the glider in the      to ‘positive arrivals’. It tends to float in the
    PW6s and everyone was very excited by the          turn. The glider thermals nicely in tight, high     flare if you carry a bit of extra speed so pilots
    novelty of having two new brand gliders. The       bank turns, spins well with some coaxing and        need to practice good disciplined speed
    PW6 is certainly aesthetically pleasing and        gives lots of notice prior to entering the spin.    control to make precise landings. The slow
    seems to be well built. Both of our gliders        Given the higher performance relative to our        but steady application of airbrake in the flare
    have just over 100 hours each on them now.         old trainer, the Krosno, it has taken pilots a      also helps to get the glider to settle down on
    The cockpits are showing some wear and tear        bit of time to adapt to flying a wider circuit.     the runway.
    from the high cycle club operation. Time will      The airbrakes also aren’t quite as effective as
    tell how they hold up durability-wise in the       the Krosno but are certainly very adequate.         Overall, the PW6 seems to have been a good
    club environment. We’ve had good success           Speed control can be a bit of a problem for         addition to the club and is being enjoyed by
    reteaching everyone how to open and close          those not accustomed to slipperier gliders          all types of pilots. The one thing we haven’t
    canopies so fingers cross that the canopies        but after a bit of practice, most pilots fix this   really leveraged quite yet is the ability to go
    will remain crack-free for a long time.            issue on their own. It does take pilots a bit       cross-country but I’m hopeful in 2020 that
                                                       of time to get used to the flare and landing        we’ll have some days that will allow some
    Flying wise, the PW6 flies very nicely. Both       attitude given the need to flare at just the        moderate distance flights to be done.
    new and experienced pilots seem to adapt to        right point to avoid touching the tail while
    the glider very quickly. The biggest thing pi-     also keep the nose wheel off the ground, but        Jay Allardyce, CFI
    lots remark when flying it for the first time is   the glider is very forgiving and stands up well     Winnipeg Gliding Club
8                                                                                                                                                          9
FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
         ssis à l’arrière dans un Perkoz flam-       en air calme. Par deux fois dans le passé, j’ai   ma marge de sécurité. (Ma marge de sécurité        utes de pouvoir me rendre aux premiers            droite d’une dizaine de degrés et je me dirige    œil à l’arrière pour ne pas perdre de vu mon
         bant neuf assemblé en 20 mètres,            fait ce genre de vol de façon parfaitement        est de 1000 pieds). Aussi, d’un point de vue       champs vachables disponibles. Ces champs          vers le centre d’un groupe de champs, encore      premier choix.
         je m’apprête à faire un vol routinier       identique. Un simple vol relaxant comme je        éloignement, je considère que j’ai atteint la      se trouvent au bout de la vallée du bras du       très loin devant moi, dans la vallée du bras
avec une passagère non initiée au monde de           les aime. Et comme d’habitude, je suis plutôt     limite de ma zone de confort. Je demande           nord à 8 km devant moi. Une inquiétude            du nord.                                          Bingo ! J’ai mon second choix en vue et il est
l’aviation. Un simple vol plané sans compli-         volubile avec ma passagère.                       donc au pilote du remorqueur de tourner à          définitivement exagérée, mais qui est un bon                                                        à ma portée. Je juge que j’aurai une réserve
cation, dans une atmosphère dépourvue d’as-                                                            gauche de 90 degrés afin d’y mettre fin.           indicateur de mon soudain état de stress.         La longue et lente descente se poursuit dans      d’altitude raisonnable pour y faire un circuit
cendance. L’histoire dit qu’elle sortira enjouée     Mais, oh surprise ! À environ 3600 pieds                                                             Car la situation demeure dans mon esprit,         une très légère turbulence. En approchant         comprenant au moins un vent arrière. Étant
et ravie de son expérience. Pour ma part, j’en       indiqués, nous frappons de la turbulence sig-     L’altitude de largage prévue approche. On          si ce planeur ne se rendait pas à l’aéroport      les 3400 pieds et pendant quelques secondes,      en territoire connu, mon stress lié à cette
tirerai une cinglante leçon de vol.                  nificative et nous obtenons un taux de monté      est à 22 km de l’aéroport. C’est loin! Nous        de Saint-Raymond ? J’aurai donc à faire une       j’arrive même à obtenir un positif très faible    première vache diminue sensiblement. La sit-
                                                     de 600 pieds/minute. J’ai immédiatement le        sommes profondément enfoncés en territoire         vache. Par surcroît, ce sera la première de ma    sur le variomètre malgré la constance de ma       uation se présente bien. J’ai pleine confiance
Nous sommes à l’aéroport de St-Raymond-              réflexe de mettre la main sur la poignée de       hostile et montagneux. Pour mal faire, le          vie !                                             vitesse. Est-ce l’ascendance que nous avons       à nouveau.
de-Portneuf le 14 octobre et il est midi passé.      largage, mais j’hésite à larguer. Première-       temps est devenu lourd et sombre et la pluie                                                         rencontrée en montée qui attendait mon
La météo publique prévoit de la pluie contin-        ment, je n’arrive pas à m’expliquer la présence   menace. Pour me convaincre du bien fondée          (Une analyse subséquente du vol indiquera         retour ? Je me garde bien d’essayer une orbite.   Une fois rendu à la verticale de ce second
ue pour la fin de l’après-midi. Déjà, les derni-     de cette ascendance. Je trouve ça louche.         de ma décision de larguer, je fais la règle du     que j’ai une composante vent de face de 25        Il y a trop de choses que je ne comprends pas     choix, je porte mon regard vers l’avant. Je
ers bouts de ciel bleu s’estompent rapidement        Deuxièmement, il est entendu avec ma pas-         pouce suivante. Je suis à très exactement          kts.)                                             dans cette atmosphère et le taux de montée        vois notre aéroport (4 km plus loin) sous un
vers l’est. À part le pilote remorqueur du           sagère que le remorquage aura lieu jusqu'à        22 km du champ. Je serai bientôt à plus ou                                                           est minuscule. Je préfère me concentrer sur       angle assez plat. Il me semble accessible. Je
Citabria et un autre pilote de planeur, le Club      5000 pieds. Si je manque mon coup, ça sera        moins 1.5 km d’altitude. Avec une finesse          Je vais donc vacher le joyau du Club avec une     les champs droits devant moi. Peu de temps        m’en approche tout en me posant les ques-
est déserté de ses membres. Au sol, un vent          "poche" pour elle et pour moi. Je retire donc     20, je volerai pendant 30 km. J’ai un planeur      passagère dont j’aurai à gérer les émotions       après, j’entre dans de la turbulence, pas vio-    tions suivantes : est-ce le piège du "syndrome
faible de 2 à 3 kts souffle dans l’axe de la piste   ma main de la poignée de largage.                 dont j’estime la finesse en air calme à 38. Mon    (en plus des miennes), sur un choix de            lente, mais vraiment présente, mon planeur        du retour à la base" qui se referme sur moi
                                                                                                                                                          champs très limités et vallonnés. De plus, je     veut pencher de tout bord, tout côté, ce qui      ? Suis-je en train de risquer nos vies afin
                                                                                                                                                          les atteindrai avec peu d’altitude de manœu-      me demande des mouvements amples sur les          d’éviter ma première vache ? La réponse est
                                                                                                                                                          vre. Tout ça en sachant qu’il n’y a pas assez     commandes de vol. Ma passagère me dit que         non. Je peux me rendre à notre piste par une
                                                                                                                                                          de main-d’œuvre au club pour rapatrier le         ça doit être difficile de contrôler l’appareil    base gauche, mais sans surplus d’altitude. Je
                                                                                                                                                          planeur. Sans parler du fait que je constate      dans ces conditions. Je pense sans lui exprim-    procède donc vers l’aéroport. La manche à
                                                                                                                                                          que la pluie prévue en fin d’après-midi sera      er : "Si vous saviez madame quel genre de         vent pend presque verticalement, le même
                                                                                                                                                          forte et visiblement au rendez-vous. Diantre      problème occupe mon esprit présentement".         vent que nous avions à notre départ nous y

                                                                                                                                                          ! Au bout de 1200 heures de vol réparties                                                           attend. L’atterrissage est sans histoire.
                                                                                                                                                          entre monomoteurs, bimoteurs et 380 vols de       La turbulence cesse complètement quelques
                                                                                                                                                          planeur sans grandes histoires, je suis engagé    centaines de pieds plus bas. Le taux de chute     Deux heures plus tard, la pluie battante et le
                                                                                                                                                          dans un vol qui sera de loin le plus stressant    du planeur est maintenant normal. Il oscille      vent s’abattaient sur Saint-Raymond. Un fort
                                                                                                                                                          de ma vie, toutes machines confondues. Ma         autour des 150 pieds/minute. Également le         vent du sud-ouest comme il se doit…

                                                                                                                                                          passagère doit trouver que j’ai perdu ma          planeur semble mieux progresser.
                                                                                                                                                          jasette, car je ne dis plus un seul mot.                                                            Que s’est-il passé aux altitudes supérieures à
                                                                                                                                                                                                            (L’analyse du vol au sol subséquente démon-       3500 pieds ? En montée nous avons traversé
                                                                                                                                                           Malgré tout, je constate également une autre     trera que de 5000 pieds à 3400 pieds la           un front chaud plutôt violent. Puis lors de
                                                                                                                                                          donnée de vol qui sort de l’ordinaire. Le pla-    composante de vent de face est passée pro-        la descente, nous l’avons traversé à nouveau.
                                                                                                                                                          neur descend à un taux de chute qui se tient      gressivement de 25 kts à 15 kts. Puis sous les    Un front chaud est sur une pente relative-

Denis Saucier                                                                                                                                             entre 50 et 130 pieds/minute. En air calme,
                                                                                                                                                          selon la polaire, il devrait normalement
                                                                                                                                                                                                            3400 pieds à une mesure négligeable.)             ment douce. (Contrairement à un front
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              froid qui est plus vertical.) La masse d’air
                                                                                                                                                          descendre à environ 130 pieds/minute. D’un        Maintenant, tout est calme… Sauf moi. Nous        chaud repousse la masse d’air froid sur cette
                                                                                                                                                          point de vue pratique, je me serais attendu à     sommes bien loin de l’aéroport et j’ai une        pente douce et ce faisant cette masse d’air
                                                                                                                                                          du 150 pieds/minutes. Ce faible taux de chute     vache à faire. Je choisis un premier champ        chaud s’élève le long du front. Aux altitudes
27. Je m’attends à ce qu’en altitude celui-ci         La turbulence diminue, mais sans totale-         calculateur de vol affiche une altitude d’ar-      se maintient, minute après minute, kilomètre      parmi une bien petite sélection. Je le survole    supérieures à 3500 pieds, nous étions dans
vire au nord-ouest et augmente légèrement            ment disparaître. À cette altitude, je me de-     rivée à l’aéroport de 1280 pieds au-dessus de      après kilomètre. Je n’arrive pas à m’expliquer    à une altitude de 2700 pieds indiquée (2000       une masse d’air chaude qui subissait une
en force.                                            mande ce qui crée cette très légère turbulence    ma marge de sécurité. Et en ce qui concerne        ce qui se passe. L’aiguille de mon altimètre      pieds sol). Mon calculateur de vol indique        ascendance. Ce qui explique la température
                                                     sous des nuages stratifiés. Le taux de montée     le vent, je m’attends à une légère composante      me confirme ce que je vois sur mon vari-          que je suis à 11 km de notre aéroport. Il         agréable de l’habitacle à 5000 pieds un 14
Nous décollons vers une altitude de remor-           revient à 400 pieds minutes ce qui demeure        de vent arrière.                                   omètre par son mouvement très lent. Mon           prévoit une arrivée à 140 pieds au-dessus de      d’octobre et les bonnes performances du
quage prévue de 5000 pieds. Après un virage          très surprenant considérant que l’on dépasse                                                         calculateur de vol me le confirme également.      ma marge de sécurité. Je me considère assez       Citabria lors de sa montée. Notre taux de de-
de 270 degrés vers la gauche, le pilote du           les 4000 pieds. Je voudrais bien mettre sur        Je largue donc en pleine confiance à 5050         D’autre part, n’ayant pas eu l’occasion de        haut pour laisser passer ce premier choix.        scente exceptionnellement faible. Et surtout
Citabria nous amène sur une longue ligne             le dos de la fraîche température d’automne        pieds. Le pilote du remorqueur étant déjà          thermiquer, celui-ci ne me donne pas d’in-        Toutefois je m’assure de ne pas le perdre         la composante vent de face qui semblait venir
droite au NNE comme je l’ai demandé. La              cette performance du Citabria, mais il s’avère    avisé par radio, je vire à gauche et prend la      dication du vent. De plus la vitesse sol n’est    de vue. Je m’engage à nouveau en territoire       d’un autre monde. Qui en fait, provenait
stabilité de l’atmosphère me confirme qu’il          que la température ambiante à l’intérieur du      vitesse de meilleure finesse en air calme. En-     pas affichée sur mon écran et je considère        non vachable et vire de 10 degrés vers la         effectivement d’un autre monde…
n’y a aucune ascendance. Avec la couverture          planeur est particulièrement douce et con-        suite il ne me reste plus qu’à prendre ça "cool"   que le moment est mal choisi pour chercher        gauche. Cela m’amène à voler directement
nuageuse qui s’épaissit et qui cache com-            fortable. Bizarre…                                et à regarder le paysage passer.                   à l’obtenir.                                      vers l’aéroport de Saint-Raymond. Mais ce         Ce sont les cartes météo analysées suite au
plètement le soleil, ce n’est pas surprenant. Le                                                                                                                                                            n’est pas Saint-Raymond que je vise. C’est un     vol qui m’ont mis sur la piste des explications.
Citabria performe comme il se doit avec son          À 4700 pieds, toujours en ligne droite vers       Et c’est justement en examinant le paysage         À la lumière du taux de chute anormalement        champ vachable reconnu qui se situe 7 km
400 pieds/minute de montée et sa vitesse de          le NNE, mon calculateur de vol m’indique          que je me rends compte qu’il est stable…           faible, je rajoute 4 kts seulement à la vitesse   devant moi. Un champ que je connais bien          La prochaine fois il serait préférable que je
61 kts. Je prévois revenir sur la même ligne         que nous sommes à 20 km de l’aéroport et          Il ne bouge presque pas ! Il passe avec une        de meilleure finesse en air calme. Je décide      pour l’avoir arpenté au sol et observé du ciel.   les consulte avant le vol. D’autant plus que
droite avec un taux de chute d’au plus 150           affiche une altitude d’arrivée à l’aéroport de    lenteur désespérante ! À un tel point que je       également de ne pas aller directement vers        Ai-je assez d’altitude pour m’y rendre ? Un       par nos temps moderne cette information est
pieds minutes à la vitesse de meilleure finesse      Saint-Raymond de 1000 pieds au-dessus de          doute pendant environ une ou deux min-             l’aéroport de St-Ramond. Alors je vire à          œil à l’avant à la recherche de ce champ, un      tellement facile à obtenir.
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FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
                                                                                                                                                      apprendre à nous connaître, à nous amuser et       se retrouver dans un lieu de rassemblement         vols proposé
                                                                                                                                                      à parler de ce qui a fonctionné ou non. Nous       virtuel, avoir à notre disponibilité pour notre
                                                                                                                                                      parlons via un serveur Discord . Nous volons       plaisir, accès à un Team sympathique de            Site TEAMXC – A propos : https://sites.
                                                                                                                                                      avec des scores de type OLC et analysons           pilotes planeur Américains , de voler tous
                                                                                                                                                      les scores mais ne les stockons pas ... c'est      ensemble et avoir notre propre fréquence de        thuser=0
                                                                                                                                                      juste pour le plaisir. Nous encourageons des       discussion francophone tels nos bonne radio
                                                                                                                                                      marges de sécurité réalistes (voir Comment         VHF planeur.                                       Ceci est le lien pour arriver directement

le vol en planeur virtuel, ou comment                                                                                                                 nous volons ). Si vous souhaitez utiliser un
                                                                                                                                                      téléphone ou une tablette comme ordinateur
                                                                                                                                                      de vol (par exemple XCSoar ou SeeYou)
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sylvain m’invita donc à faire une présenta-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         tion rapide pour cette revue de Free Flight,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            sur la partie ‘’A propos de Nous’’ du site
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TEAMXC, About US en anglais…

                                                                                                                                                      dans un vol réel, nous vous encourageons à         afin de faire connaitre le TEAMXC a toutes la      Site des serveurs condor : http://www.

continuer à voler l’hiver au Canada
                                                                                                                                                      prendre le temps de le lier à Condor afin qu'il    communauté vélivole Canadienne pour que   A ce lien se
                                                                                                                                                      vous soit très familier avant de voler dans la     francophone et anglophone partage la même          trouve la liste officielle de tous les serveurs
                                                                                                                                                      vraie vie. Nous pouvons vous aider à mettre        passion du planeur ceci de façon sérieuse et       Condor mondiaux, vous trouverez sous le
                                                                                                                                                      les choses en place.                               responsable comme on le fait dans la vraie         nom TEAMXC dans cette liste les serveurs
                                                                                                                                                                                                         vie. Et le TEAMXC a su faire cela.                 de notre site ami ou vous savez sur quelle

                                                                                                      Pascal Mourgues                                 Nous serions heureux d'avoir d'autres
                                                                                                                                                      groupes ou individus se joindre à nous, dans
                                                                                                                                                      n'importe quelle langue. >>
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Je vous laisse alors découvrir le site de
                                                                                                                                                                                                         TEAMXC ou je vous donne le lien en fin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            scène vous allez voler. Juste à cliquer sur
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            JOIN, Condor se lanceras et arriveras sur le
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            terrain choisi par la TEAMXC.
Avez-vous entendu parler de Condor,                Condor est le seul simulateur reconnu et au-     tombé par hasard sur un site qui propose          Aussi je me suis inscrit sur TEAMXC,                                                                  Pour la Fréquence Radio : le TEAMXC
certainement. Ce simulateur plutôt réaliste        toriser pour la formation des pilotes planeurs   exactement ce que je cherchais, soit une équi-    ceci est gratuit et me permet de voler avec        Pour la petite astuce des personnes unique-        utilise un logiciel nommé DISCORD, tels
et unique simulateur de planeur qui existe         au sein de la FFVP. Vous pourrez télécharger     pe pour la plupart pilotes réel, qui font du      plusieurs planeurs. Mais malheureusement           ment francophone comme moi, qui ne                 une radio VHF, vous retrouverez toutes les
maintenant depuis une bonne décennie,              ce guide pratique de l’instructeur simulateur    planeur pour se promener. Nous avons une          ne parlant pas anglais, j’ai alors demandé         comprennes rien à la langue de Shakespeare,        explications sur le TEAMXC pour l’installer
devenue mature surtout avec la révolution          dont je mets le lien en fin d’article.           fréquence audio pour se parler et chacun fait     gentiment à Bret s’il pouvait ouvrir une           est d’aller ouvrir le lien en bas de l’article     sur votre ordinateur. Il est obligatoire pour
des lunette virtuel 3D.                                                                             son vol comme il pense le faire, sans but fixé.   fréquence audio francophone, ce qui fut fait       dans votre explorateur Google, et une fois         ce parler
                                                   Alors le simulateur Condor est-il un jeu ou                                                        très rapidement.                                   sur la page du site TEAMXC, de faire un clic
Je sais j’en entend déjà dire,  ou > …                         de voler sous Condor et faire de belle balade                                                                                                         audio DISCORD, etc… pour que nous nous
                                                   dans les décors photoréaliste des alpes
FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
Flight Training and
                                                                                                                                                          respect to winch training, Germany requires       National Safety Program (NSP) Status              glider must decelerate before turning right
                                                                                                                                                          10 days of training on the winch to certify                                                         to avoid the rope. No TSP recommenda-
                                                                                                                                                          operators which is about twice the OSTIV          This is a Performance Measurement tool for        tions were made to cancel this test standard.
                                                                                                                                                          average. TSP also discussed “I cannot release     the success of the NSP and is measured by         Clubs should review the exercise with their
                                                                                                                                                          signal” and any training problems were            percentage of club participation. The NSP         instructors.
                                                                                                                                                          inconclusive. Canopy, airbrake, and gear up       status consists of annual Safety Reports at

Safety Committee
                                                                                                                                                          landings are common issues.                       time of writing (currently 68% but estimating     Tow plane solutions & sub-committee
                                                                                                                                                                                                            88%), Club hazard/risk analysis (currently        report
                                                                                                                                                          FTSC agenda points requested included             80% of reporting clubs), Safety Audits (cur-
                                                                                                                                                          wing runner check list/drills which most          rently 72%), and Safety program manuals           Jason Acker forwarded an email which
                                                                                                                                                          countries also include in their training with     (68%). The safety program manuals are com-        concludes that it appears that SAC clubs fall
                                                                                                                                                          similar teaching points. The Canadian wing        ing along with more clubs submitting. There       outside of the regulations for air operator
Annual Report for 2019                                                                                                                                    runner double check reminder that “canopy
                                                                                                                                                          locked”, “airbrakes locked”, and “tail dolly
                                                                                                                                                                                                            is some confusion that an operations manual
                                                                                                                                                                                                            is the same as the safety program manual.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              certificates and as such do not perform aerial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              work. Therefore advance ultralights could be
                                                                                                                                                          off ”, was well received as a good practice.      The latter is about identifying how safety will   used for glider towing operations but indicat-
                                                                                                                                                          Emergency scenario training was reviewed at       be done in the club, such as incident analysis    ed that was a personal opinion of his read
                                                                                                                                                          the last seminar and there were no addition-      and information sharing. It should answer         of CARs and not a legal opinion. We would
                                                                                                                                                          al best practice recommendations. It was          who, when, and how safety will be managed,        suggest finding suitable aircraft (advanced
SAC Safety Report                                  tical. This should reduce the training time       training materials and curriculum and is             agreed that the more exposure to emergency        outlining safety training and how follow up       ultralights, homebuilt, etc.) and if we want
                                                   required in the aircraft.                         satisfied with our program. However, we are          scenarios the better prepared the pilot will      will be implemented. Examples are on the          them as tow plane, we start the work to get
See the separate safety report prepared by                                                           not classified as a “TC approved training            be. The US Soaring Safety Foundation uses         SAC website documents section in the Safety       them approved. There is a new larger Zenith
David Donaldson, SAC Safety Officer. We            In addition to new instructor training            program” or TC “Flight Training Unit(s)”.            many scenario based situations for instructor     Officer Training manual. SAC is also working      CH 750 with a 145 HP Rotax engine and
have had 1 mid-air with 2 fatalities this year     FTSC has been asked to work on instructor         However, TC expects clubs to follow the reg-         safety discussions at their Flight Instructor     on incentive programs similar to the grants       CH 801 with 150-200 hp that may be worth
and a total of 7 fatalities in mid-air colli-      refresher program for the next season to help     ulations that apply to FTUs. TC issues glider        Revalidation Clinics (FIRC). Spiral recover-      offered in the past.                              a look. Australia has had great success with
sions since the Invermere accident in 2011.        clubs have all instructors teaching the same      pilot licenses and instructor ratings to retain      ies were reviewed during the flying sessions                                                        V8 automotive engine STC in Pawnees. This
See and avoid has its limitations. We have         program and refresh skills. Details will be       control. TC rated instructors can write letters      with most countries being similar and             Transport Canada CARs Review                      STC dramatically reduces operating costs
an excellent presentation for training pilots      promulgated later this spring. We will also       of recommendation for glider licenses and            agreeing the airbrake should not be opened                                                          with improved performance.
that was used in past years, updated, and is       look at a CFI (examiner) course based on          ratings based on applicant demonstrated fly-         in the recovery. Advanced soaring training        FTSC has submitted recommendations to TC
available to clubs. The aim of the presenta-       the success of the online instructor ground       ing skills. Some clubs have a TC “Authorized         was discussed and the Panel had not looked        in their Regulation Modernization Review.         Chairman: Dan Cook
tion is to show the limitations of the human       school course. We will also look at the possi-    Person” who can issue temporary licenses.            at producing anything by the TSP. Many            The focus has been in definitions of “glider”     National Safety Officer: David Donaldson
visual system, high risk flight situations and     bility of a Course Conductor training course.     Clubs not following FTSC recommended                 EU countries include similar Bronze Badge         and how those regulations affect personnel        Members: Joe Gegenbauer, Jo Lanoë, John
suggestions to mitigate. PowerFlarm can                                                              materials and curriculum are not following           type training as part of basic glider license     licensing and aircraft maintenance. The           Toles, Jason Acker
help reduce the risk but will not be the single    David will distribute a Survey Monkey to          the SAC National Safety Program and will             standard. Sweden has a 3 tiered approach          definitions in CARs are not current with the      SAC Board Liaison: George Domaradzki
solution. As with all electronic warning           look at point of view of potential pilots mo-     weaken SAC’s position with TC representing           to formal training to x-country standards.        technology (I.E. if it has an engine it is an     Director of Safety: Sylvain Bourque
devices they must be used correctly, installed     tivation to instruct, why the leave and why       recreational glider pilots. TC is monitoring         Canada agreed to produce strawman for             airplane not a glider). The current regula-
optimally, and limitations understood. Most        they stay as instructors. This information will   our training with a view of further regulat-         best practice based on our current Advanced       tions for licensing motor glider pilots will
common situations involve blind spots, de-         help us better tailor FTSC services to clubs.     ing gliding which will complicate instructor         Soaring Manual (see SAC website docu-             not change in the near future and state it is
scent onto another aircraft, or closing on an-                                                       training and will drive up the costs similar         ments). Many US authors have also produced        possible to fly TMG/MG with a GPL and
gle from behind such that there is no relative     Instructor Refresher Training                     to power flying. Our SAC insurance is also           excellent training programs which the panel       a method of launch endorsement. TC in
movement that the eyes can detect. Other                                                             based on the fact that we have a comprehen-          will look at. The Alberta Soaring Council has     Ottawa has agreed to this if club letters of
solutions should involve club operations to        ASC had requested that FTSC provide re-           sive central training program and standards.         also produced a kit for x-country training to     recommendation follow the current regula-
reduce risks such as fixed tow plane release       fresher training points for instructors based     We are risking getting our coverage at               simplify the challenge for clubs to get active    tions and additional training and knowledge
points and tow plane descent corridor(s)           on identified high risk events/traps, tricky      reasonable rates for training with different         in promoting cross country flying to help         requirements promulgated to clubs last
and tow pilot training. David will have other      lesson scenarios, and most forgotten items.       curriculum or standards.                             retention and this may be a good contribu-        spring by FTSC.
recommendations in the safety report.              FTSC is examining in more detail and pre-                                                              tion to TSP.
                                                   liminary discussion has identified low and        OSTIV TSP Report                                                                                       Flight Training Curriculum
Instructor Training                                slow maneuvers and those with air brakes                                                               The approach control and stick shaker
                                                   open, tow plane upset situations, and low         The OSTIV Training Safety Panel met near             concept proposed by Canada was discussed          ASC has brought to the committee’s attention
There were no SAC instructor courses               skidded turns. Difficult lesson scenarios in-     Gettysburg, PA USA in September this year            and the automatic version to use software         there are some problems with the “I cannot
requested by clubs in 2019. Instructor             clude stability demos, stall with angle of bank   and was attended by the SAC FTSC NSO and             sensors in current navigation instruments to      release signal” in the emergency training
shortages are a common issue for many              demo, and landing with high surface winds.        Chairman and representatives from USA,               calculate surface winds was concluded as not      practical flights and recommended with-
clubs. David has suggested that we run an          Things most often forgotten would include         GE, Sweden, and by phone Finland, England,           possible with the current capabilities of these   drawing it from Flight Test standards. FTSC
instructor ground school online, in a similar      canopy locked, air brake locked, correct gear     and NZ. Safety reports from each country             devices. The use of angle of attack informa-      has asked for feedback from other clubs if
fashion to the online ground school for new        operation, downwind checks, tail dollies,         were presented and discussed. Findings               tion and tactile warning such as stick shaker     this was a widespread issue. With no other
pilots. There is synergy of group learning but     closing canopies after exit, and calculating/     included that most countries were experi-            was supported and the OSTIV Chairman (in          problems indicated FTSC discussed with
without having to attend a central classroom       using approach speed correctly. If you have       encing similar issues with stall spin, off field     attendance at the TSP Meeting) was going          OSTIV TSP and did some flight testing with
site. The self-study program does not seem         addition items from your club/personal ex-        landing accidents and preflight planning             to take the discussion back to the Sailplane      the international pilots at the recent meeting.
to be working well. In addition, having CFIs       perience, please let an FTSC member know.         issues such aircraft preparation/inspection.         Development Panel (SDP) for review. The           The standard with most countries is first to
complete the practical flight lessons has not      We will promulgate our recommendations in         Phase of flight for accidents were similar to        AoA technology to do this simple for sail-        use the radio. In event of radio failure the
produced significant numbers of instructors.       a free flight article later.                      Canada. In general OSTIV nations are seeing          planes and is available, but there seems to be    backup is a position 45 degrees to the left on
The plan would be to complete the academic                                                           decrease in the number of accidents but there        more pilot demand for bug wipers than stall       tow to make the signal. A visual line up of       The Transportation Safety Board report on
portion on line and use simulators (desk top       Instructor Standards                              is a decrease also of flying activity. Of interest   warning! FTSC will continue to look for ret-      the tailwheel with the right wheel of the tow     the fatal accident that occurred in 2019 can
or club if available) to complete the exercises,                                                     Sweden has experienced a rise in TMG/MG              rofit design solutions for older gliders based    plane is a good reference angle recommend-        be found by going to https://www.tsb.gc.
and then meet candidates regionally with           Why SAC standards and training materi-            incidents/accidents and have identified fuel         on our current developments for a black box       ed. Swinging too far left can result in back      ca/ and searching case A19W0099.
a course conductor to complete the prac-           als? Transport Canada is aware of the SAC         mismanagement as recurring issue. With               assistant.                                        release as slack is created in the rope. The

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15
FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
product, but Germans are the majority of         charts for things like icing and so on. I’m      year, so I’ve got a full calendar of competi-
                                                                                                                                                      glider pilots. And that’s quite a legacy prod-   not quite sure where that product is going to    tions including I hope both world champi-
                                                                                                                                                      uct now and they’ve partnered with us to         go long term. I’m going to make it free ini-     onships and hoping to get back on the horse
                                                                THE THERMAL - EPISODE #7                                                              develop the next generation of their prod-
                                                                                                                                                      ucts. And as part of that we have access to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       tially and we’ll see where the interest is and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       decide from there.

                                                                Interview with Matthew Scutter                                                        all of their weather models as well. So, we’re                                                    HtC: But you’re in London right now…I
                                                                Herrie ten Cate                                                                       utilizing their weather models for some          HtC: So, I gather this is now a full-time job    understand you’re on our way to Namibia
                                                                                                                                                      purposes and our weather models for other        for you?                                         later this year?
                                                                                                                                                      purposes. They’ve got the capacity to update
                                                                                                                                                      their weather models every three hours and       MS: Yes, I’ve been working full time for         MS: My short-term calendar is London until
                                                                                                                                                      they’re using very recent data in doing that     about three years now...                         December and then December in Namibia
                                                                                                                                                      so if you look at SkySight now, at least with-                                                    and then I’m in New Zealand from January
                                                 better forecasts for the Junior World Cham-       tion is that it’s still under active develop-      in Europe, you’re able to select our weather     HtC: And I gather with the number of sub-        until March. But that’s not strictly gliding
                                                 pionships in Australia. And also, so I could      ment. My reason for starting it initially is       model which updates a couple of times a day      scriptions you have that you’re able to make     related, my partner has an internship down
                                                 have a bit more insider information on what       that I had the feeling that technology had         depending on what time of day it is…while        a decent living at it?                           there so we’re going down for three months
                                                 the weather was going to be like on the           advanced but other products had just been          their weather model updates every three                                                           while she does that, but I’ll definitely be
                                                 weekend. So, I could haggle my colleagues         left stagnant. There wasn’t any active devel-      hours. So that’s one of the biggest areas of     MS: Yes…for sure. And I also have a couple       making the most of the local gliding while
                                                 to be get on or off the call duty for the         opment going on to keep up with the state of       improvement in weather forecasting at the        of other people working with me as well          I’m there.
Predicting the weather has evolved dramati-      weekend.                                          the art that was continually improving. So         moment, is the focus on the real short term,     now.
cally over the last few years, giving glider                                                       that’s the key difference. And I think we’ve       getting those latest observations and getting                                                     HtC: That sounds lovely spending time
pilots far greater insight into the soaring      HtC: But how did you figure this out…most         built a really nice user interface that utilizes   a new weather forecast out. They call it “now    HtC: That’s fantastic. Are you surprised that    down in Omarama…
conditions in their area. Now, before even       people don’t have the tools to figure this out.   the power of your computer to deliver a            casting”. We’ve got access to that and built     you’ve gotten so far so quickly?
starting the drive to the gliding club, pilots                                                     really nice map and interactive functionality      into SkySight as well as our weather models.                                                      MS: It’s beautiful
will not only know what kind of soaring day      MS: I started off doing my own forecasting        to give you different ways to slice and dice       Our weather model has other advantages.          MS: Well when I left Google, I wasn’t sure if
it will be but also what kind of task they can   by reading books and then later I discovered      the weather and that enormous computer             It’s much more detailed than what you get        I’d be finding myself back there in a couple     HtC: Where are you going to have your
expect to fly.                                   RASP through Dr. Jack and I even set up a         power that we talked about lets us deliver         from nation state models…like models             years’ time or not. But things grew quite        glider delivered…will that be back in
                                                 few RASPs in Australia, which I still main-       quite accurate forecasts, using the full re-       available from the Deutscher Wetterdienst.       quickly. Particularly last year when we really   Australia?
Over the years, glider pilots have become        tain to this day. And it all kind of snow-        sources of what’s available today.                 So, it really sorts waves and convergences       cracked the European market. And things
familiar with weather applications like Dr.      balled from there. I used to be a software                                                           and subtle terrain differences a lot better.     have grown very rapidly form there.              MS: No…I’ll pick it up from the factory in
Jack and XC Skies. Many pilots have also         engineer first working for a startup then a       HtC: You managed to British Junior team at                                                                                                           April next year and then fly the whole sea-
become their own weather forecasters by          company called Blackboard and then work-          the World’s. How did using SkySight play a         HtC: So, I find this fascinating. You’ve been    HtC: So, what’s your rough number of             son again in Europe and who knows after
using various public forecasts and interpo-      ing for Google doing software engineering         role in their victories?                           able to use existing resources that are out      subscribers?                                     that. I’m not sure where I’ll end up the fol-
lating the information for their area.           and from my perspective modern meteorol-                                                             there and you’ve been able to bring them                                                          lowing year.
                                                 ogy is more applied computer science rather       MS: Biggest thing for us was over-laying           altogether into your app SkySight which is       MS: I’d rather not say the rough number,
Australian glider pilot Matthew Scudder has      than derivative physical sciences. So that’s      their position on top of the weather map. So,      then able to use all of the tremendous com-      but I can tell you that we’re the second big-    HtC: Are you working on other projects at
gone one step further. Matthew is a very         where I put my engineering experience in          we had that set-up on the ground and could         puter power out there to work the system…        gest gliding weather forecaster at least with-   the moment?
experienced contest glider pilot who has had     engineering large computer set-ups and            see where they were in relation to the fore-       it sounds ingenious, the way you went about      in sailplanes now…
a number or remarkable flights back in           operating things at scale to weather              cast. That was a real key differentiation for      it.                                                                                               MS: Not so much…I’m actually attached to
Australia. And in 2015, he was the Junior        forecasting.                                      us that helped us succeed at the Junior                                                             HtC: And who’s the first?                        the company that make the Diana 2 through
World Gliding Champion.                                                                            World’s. There wasn’t any weather informa-         MS: Yeah…that’s the idea. You try to use the                                                      their avionics company. You might know
                                                 HtC: So, is that part of the secret to this       tion that we had just for us or anything like      best of what’s available. And make up the        MS: I’ll have to let you guess that I’m          them from the trailers they make. The make
Matthew’s gliding accomplishments don’t          whole thing…having the massive computer           that but having access to those forecasts and      shortfall ourselves where it’s not otherwise     afraid…                                          quite nice trailers they’re called AVGs is the
end there.                                       power behind you that we have nowadays?           knowing how it all worked…certainly some           available.                                                                                        brand name on the trailers and they’re mak-
                                                                                                   advantage.                                                                                          HtC: So other than SkySight…you’re a com-        ing the Diana 3 as well. I’ve been working
He has built the SkySight weather applica-       MS: I’d say the key differentiation from how                                                         HtC: Do you see other applications for           petition glider pilot in your own right.         with them for a couple of years now to make
tion designed specifically for soaring pilots    we do things is that we use cloud computing       HtC: So, you’re doing that in real time…and        this…it’s great for soaring pilots but what      What’s happening on your own flying front?       sure that the Diana 2 and 3 are real success-
and it has very quickly turned into the high-    at an enormous scale which lets us achieve        were you then able to communicate with             about sailboat racing?                                                                            es. And I’m hoping to capitalize on that with
ly successful “go-to” site for glider pilots     forecasts that I don’t think would be possible    them?                                                                                               MS: Well, I spent a lot of time building         the Diana 2 that’s arriving next year.
around the world.                                with conventional setups. It’s just not af-                                                          MS: Sailboat racing…probably not going to        myself up to the World Junior Champion-
                                                 fordable to buy a million dollars’ worth of       MS: Yeah…that’s the role of the team cap-          dabble in just because there’s a really strong   ships in Narromine and had very successful       HtC: Before I let you, go…I understand
I’ve reached Matthew Scutter in London,          computer equipment and stick it in a rack         tain basically…to steer the gliders around         competitor already there. I’ve had a good        result...                                        you’re going to do some ridge soaring this
England.                                         and do an hour’s forecasting per day. With        the sky. And we were able to do that in rela-      close look at what they offer, and I’ve real-                                                     weekend?
                                                 cloud computing I can I can run forecasts         tion to the forecast, satellite picture and the    ized these guys are pretty good and I don’t      HtC: You were the Junior World
HtC: Hello Matthew and welcome to The            on a thousand servers for a couple of hours       rain radar, which on a number of days was          want to mess around there. But generally,        Champion…                                        MS: We’re heading out to the Long Mynd
Thermal.                                         and then turn them off and stop paying for        really critical at the World’s in Hungary.         aviation is an area that I’m actively target-                                                     Gliding Club…it’s a friend’s birthday party.
                                                 them. And the cost of doing that is less than                                                        ing. We’re going to have a product coming        MS: That’s right in 2015 in Australia. But       A gliding birthday party so everyone is
MS: Thanks for having me. I’m looking            the electricity costs if I were to do that in     HtC: How do you see SkySight evolving in           out next year that again leverages that part-    after that I’ve taken a little bit of a break.   dragging their gliders up and hopefully this
forward to it.                                   Australia.                                        the next couple of years…how much more             nership with Deutscher Wetterdienst to           And it was just in the last year that I got      forecast threatening large quantities of rain
                                                                                                   precise is it going to get?                        offer a global and likely free weather fore-     back into it. So, I flew the World’s in Poland   passes, we’re going to have a good weekend
HtC: Many of us have wished for better           HtC: What sets SkySight apart from some of                                                           cast for general aviation pilots with a lot of   and also the Czech Republic and came             of ridge soaring.
forecasting tools over the years but you’ve      the other weather applications we’ve got out      MS: The biggest recent evolution is that           the functionality from SkySight as well.         fourth in the senior World’s in the Czech
actually been able to build your own. How        there…specifically how does it set itself         we’ve partnered with the Deutscher Wetter-         Things like route planning and I’ll better       Republic and now I’m really starting to get      HtC: Safe flying and thanks for speaking to
did you do it…talk me through the process.       apart?                                            dienst – the German weather agency. They           adapt it to power pilots so you can put in       back into it. Next year I have a new glider      me on The Thermal Podcast.
                                                                                                   have a product called “top therm” and “pc          your VFR waypoints and things like that.         arriving. I’ve ordered a Diana 2 with a FES
MS: It started for myself actually…wanting       MS: I like to think the biggest differentia-      met” which is essentially a German only            And also adapt it to IFR pilots as well with     and I’m really hoping to hit it hard next        MS: Thanks

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FREE FLIGHT 2020 Issue 1 - Soaring Association of Canada
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