B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council

Page created by Franklin Lane
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
Ireland’s Only Diving Magazine

                                 VINCENT O’BRIEN
                                  AWARDS 2018

                                         Vol. 10 No. 161
                                          Summer 2018
              Ireland’s Islands Trip
        Can you dive with Diabetes
    A dive between two Continents
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
                                                                                                  DEPARTURE DATES
                                                                                                  Book your Ryanair flights to Tenerife on
                                                                                                  the designated date. I collect you at
                                                                                                  Tenerife airport and we transfer to a hotel
                                                                                                  in the nearby resort of Los Cristianos from
                                                                                                  where we depart by fast ferry next day to
                                                                                                  El Hierro. We travel back on Sunday
                                                                                                  evening to the bright lights of Tenerife
EL HIERRO                                     THE DIVING                                          before flying home Monday.
A magic, undiscovered little gem of an        The best diving in all of Spain. The Spanish
island on the western edge of the Canary      Open U/W Photography Competition (a
                                                                                                  AUTUMN 2018 DEPARTURES
archipelago. Only 25 miles long but           major, heavily sponsored event) has been
5,000ft high it has an extraordinary          held here for the last 16 years! Probably
                                                                                                   ■ Monday 8 Oct
diversity of scenery from green fields        the best diving in all of Euro-land. It is, after
and stonewalls like the west of Ireland,      all, the most southerly (28 degrees) and             ■ Monday 15 Oct
up on the plateau, through beautiful          the most westerly (18 degrees) point in
pine and laurel forests and vineyards         Europe. Temperatures are tropical and the            ■ Monday 5 Nov
down to fertile coastal plains awash with     Ocean is 25 degrees in autumn so there is
bananas, pineapples, papayas and              abundant Oceanic and tropical life,                  ■ Monday 19 Nov
cereals. The people are extremely             particularly in the Marine Reserve, situated
friendly and there is zero crime on the       in The “Mar de Las Calmas” or tranquil sea,         The diving holiday price which includes
island. There are no Irish bars, no English   an area of several square miles completely          all transfers and transport; all ferries; all
bars, no fast food joints, no golf courses,   protected from the prevailing NE winds by           accommodation and ten boat dives with
no snakes or mosquitoes - and hardly          huge cliffs.                                         tanks, air, weights and dive guide is €645.
any tourists. In fact no nasties at all!                                                          Non divers and hill walkers (5 days guided
                                              The seascape is spectacular with
The scenic driving and hill walking are       dramatic dropoffs, caves and pinnacles.             walking) travel for just €445.
both dramatic and amazing so it is idyllic    Depths are daunting with 3,000m not far
for the non-diving spouse who values          offshore. Visibility is 30m plus and the
peace and quiet and an utterly relaxing       sea is a vivid blue. The variety and                Good Diving!
holiday in the sun.                           abundance of marine life is exceptional.            Shane

   2   SubSea Summer 2018
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
SUBSEA       ISSN 0791 - 475X
       Volume 10 Number 161 Summer 2018

                                                                            5     EDITORIAL
                                                                                  Editor's comment
                                                                            5     BRIEFINGS
                                                                                  What’s happening at home and abroad
                                                                            6     DIVING WITH DIABETES IN IRELAND
                                                                                  By Dr Richard O’Regan
                                                                            7     DIABETES AND DIVING
                                                                                  By Drs Chris Edge, Mark Glover and Phil Bryson
                                                                            13 MECHANICAL KELP HARVESTING IN BANTRY BAY
                                                                               By Jack Trá
                                                                            16 DIVING FOR TREASURE
                                                                               Book review by Denny Lawlor

  The bow of the Justicia. Darragh Norton’s entry in the                    17 UW PHOTO DAY AND VINCENT O’BRIEN AWARDS
  Vincent O’ Brien memorial photography competition.                           By Ivan Donoghue
                                                                            22 SIFRA, ICELAND
                                                                               By Ray Yeates
Attention SubSea contributors
                                                                            25 THE COAST GUARD AND DIVERS
• Submit all material to the Editor at editor@diving.ie
  or to Head Office                                                            By Don Baldwin
• Material must arrive well in advance of the deadline.                     29 RNLI DIVER SEA SURVIVAL COURSE
• Pictures are essential to illustrate news items and articles.                By Ray Yeates
• Authors must remember that they bear responsibility to
  ensure that material is not copied from another                           31 IRELAND’S ISLANDS TRIP
  copyrighted publication.                                                     By Marco Salino
• Ensure that digital photos submitted are: 120 pixels/cm
  (300 dpi) and sized at 30cm X 21cm.                                       35 DUBLIN M1 COURSE
                                                                               By Maja Stankovski
SubSea is published by the Irish Underwater Council. The
views expressed are not necessarily those of the Council.
                                                                            37 REBREATHER
                                                                               By Steve Mulhall
The magazine is not intended as an invitation or prospectus to
members of the public or other interested parties to dive on any of the     38 SOUTH EAST DIVE RALLY
sites that are mentioned in the text and anyone intending to do so
should take appropriate advice with regard to the safety and viability of
                                                                               Details of the July event and Hook Peninsula guide
their proposed actions. Boarding a wreck requires the permission of
the owner. Diving on a 100 year old wreck requires a permit.
                                                                            42 UNDERWATER HOCKEY NEWS
                                                                               League results
Edited by: Martin Baillie-Johnston
Advertising: Sarah Campbell
                                                                            45 OUR CLUB – SHANNONSIDE SUB AQUA CLUB

Proofreading: Eibhir Mulqueen
                                                                               Shannonside celebrate 42 years of diving

              Colm Lowney                                                   47 SNORKEL NEWS
Typesetting and Design: Bernard Kaye                                           Shannonside SAC snorkel activities
Honorary Archivist: Marie Grennan                         Affiliated to     49 NAUTICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY NEWS

SubSea, Irish Underwater Council,
                                                                               NMS Wreck Viewer and Museum Conservation Tour
78a Patrick St.,
Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin.
                                                                            51 MART AND EXCHANGE

Tel: (01) 2844601. Fax: (01) 2844602.
Web site: www.diving.ie                                  CMAS                               Autumn 2018 Issue Deadline
E-Mail: info@diving.ie                                                                All articles for inclusion in the next issue of SubSea

Printed by Doggett Print & Design, Dublin.
                                                                                        should be sent to the editor before August 25th.

Tel: (01) 453 3151. Fax: (01) 453 3156.
                                                                                All advertising should be sent to CFT Head Office before August 25th.

                                                                                                                     SubSea Summer 2018                 3
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
                   With the best situation for diving on Lanzarote,
                   Safari Diving is located in the family friendly, safe
                   resort of Puerto del Carmen.
                   The shore dives are literally on the doorstep and
                   boat dives a 5-10 minute ride.                                            Photo © Rinie Luykx

Lanzarote is Ireland's No 1 tourist destination !!                           We can assist with local
                                                                          accommodation at great rates

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4    SubSea Summer 2018
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
                                                          Search and Recovery medals
I hope this issue finds
everyone enjoying
this beautiful weather
and getting into the
full swing of the
diving season.
   As always people have been very kind with their
time, writing articles about the great diving and
snorkelling that has been taking place at home
and abroad.
   is edition of Subsea has another fine
collection of articles.
   CFT’s own medical advisor Dr. Richard O’Regan
brings us the final instalment of his medical
                                                         In recognition of the service carried out by long serving members of
fitness for diving trilogy.
                                                         CFT/IUC S and R units, CFT would like to invite nominations from
   Advanced Nitrox instructor Steve Mulhall
                                                         clubs for S & R unit members with 10 or more years of service. e
shares his experience of using a rebreather for the
                                                         nominations should also include members who are no longer active
first time with us.
                                                         but have completed 10 years of service in the past. It is proposed to
   Ivan O’Donoghue tells us all about the Vincent
                                                         award a medal to these members at the 2019 AGM. Please send your
O’Brien Memorial photo competition that was
                                                         nominations to info@diving.ie”
held earlier this year. We have news on the
upcoming North West and South East Dive rallies.
Jack Tra gives an update on the environmental
issue being faced at Bantry Bay. Ray Yeates brings
us two articles, first an article about his trip to the
Silfra and then an article about new RNLI Course.
We also have articles, about the Coast Guard and
Divers, Island Diving at home, the recent M1
Instructors course and information on how “long-
term” Search and Rescue Team members can
apply for their long service medals.
   We have updates on NAS News, Snorkel News,
UWH News, book reviews and an article from the
Shannonside Sub Aqua Club in the “Our Club”
   Please feel free to drop me a line if you have any
suggestions or ideas of what you would like to see
in Subsea or have your club featured in the “Our
Club” section. I am always interested to hear what
is going on around the country.
   Many thanks to all the people who helped
prepare this edition of Subsea

                                         Safe Diving

                                                                                                 SubSea Summer 2018          5
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
Diving with diabetes in Ireland
                            By Dr Richard O’Regan – CFT/IUC Medical Officer

When I was appointed to the post of        developing diabetes and a further             tingling, pins and needles etc. but how
IUC/CFT Medical Officer I was                300,000 30-40 year old were at risk. A        are we to know that diabetics with
specifically asked to attempt to            VHI study of 30,000 members revealed          tingly feet after diving haven’t early
facilitate diabetics dive. After           that 17% had abnormal fasting blood           decompression problems rather than
discussion with the President Jean         sugar levels, that 10% were pre-diabetic      diabetic complications. ose with
Kellegher, NDO Dermot Moynihan             and that 2% were unknowingly                  peripheral neuropathy or being treated
and General Manager Louise Gilligan        diabetic. is study found that males          for it will not meet the criteria for
it was decided that the best               were 2.5 times more likely than females       diabetics wishing to dive. Previously
mechanism that would allow for this        to develop diabetes. Overweight (BMI          those problems alongside the increased
was for the IUC/CFT to formally join       >> 30) was the commonest modifiable            risk of a heart attack or stroke
the UKDMC group (alongside BSAC,           risk factor. If diabetes prevalence is        excluded diabetics from diving.
SSAC and SAA). We would then have          increasing in the general population it       However well controlled and
full access to their medical information   will increase in the diving population.       monitored diabetics are probably not
database and procedures. If IUC/CFT           e elevated blood sugar (& Lipids) in      at much greater a risk than their peers
were to have attempted to develop its      diabetes damages blood vessel walls,          whose underlying medical problems
own procedures it would have been          there is an increased risk of heart attacks   might not be known. Diabetics wishing
cost and expertise prohibitive and why     and strokes. Damage to peripheral blood       to dive have to maintain a high level of
reinvent the wheel. All of the scuba       vessels can led to difficult to heal leg        control but this rather than being seen
dive medical advisory groupings DAN,       ulcers and potentially lead to limb           as a hindrance should be taken as an
UHMS, SPUMS and UKDMC                      amputation. Diabetes can cause                opportunity to maintain their general
recommend that carefully managed           blindness. Diabetes can cause kidney          health. To date the UKDMC
and selected diabetics be allowed dive.    damage leading to dialysis.                   mechanism has passed all those who
   IUC/CFT now allows diabetics dive       Markers of blood vessel disease are           have been presented to it.
if they meet the criteria as set by                                                         In the associated article reprinted
UKDMC. All Irish (& British) divers         1) visible changes to the blood              from BSAC’s SCUBA magazine by Drs
have to be cleared by UKDMC’s active           vessels at the back of the eye,           Chris Edge (endocrinology), Mark
diver and consultant endocrinologist           hence the free to access Diabetes         Turner (cardiology) and DDRC’s Phil
Dr Chris Edge.                                 Retina Screening Programme                Bryson explain diabetes and diving. I
   As a disease diabetes is common and         available top all diabetics.              would also suggest that those diabetics
becoming more common. Various               2) the presence of sugar, protein or         and DOs with diabetic divers look up
studies have estimated that there are          blood in the urine,                       the DAN website on their suggestions
approximately 250,000 diabetics in                                                       on how to manage diabetics at a dive
                                            3) abnormal feet/leg sensations,
Ireland, 6.5 % of the population                                                         site.
                                               peripheral neuropathy.
(Diabetes Ireland). 85% of diabetics are
adult onset Type 2 diabetics. e           One of the earliest complaints that                                       Safe diving,
Healthy Ireland study estimated that       diabetics develop is abnormal
850,000 40+ year old were at risk of       perception of sensation in their feet,                              Richard O Regan.

6   SubSea Summer 2018
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
Diabetes and diving:
What we all need to know
                                Testing blood glucose as part of a diabetes management system. Photo: Pixabay.com.

Diabetes is a disease affecting a growing number of people, and has
serious implications for divers.
Report by Doctors Chris Edge, Mark Glover and Phil Bryson
Over the last 20 years or so, the
attitude of diving doctors in the UK
                                              have been fundamental to this change.
                                              e partnership has involved collecting
                                                                                                   What is diabetes mellitus?
towards people wishing to dive with           diving and medical data from both new                Type 1 diabetes
diabetes has altered dramatically from        and established divers with diabetes,                Diabetes mellitus was first described by
being a categorical “No, you can’t dive”      which has allowed doctors to see what                the ancient Egyptian and Indian
to “You may be able to dive safely,           sort of diving activities diabetic divers            physicians who noted that a diabetic
provided your diabetes is well-               are participating in, and how diving                 person’s urine was sweet and would
managed and you have none of the              may have affected the diabetic                        attract ants. Undoubtedly these patients
long-term complications of the                condition. us safety issues around                  had what is now known as type 1
disease”. is change has been adopted         diving with diabetes can start to be                 diabetes (and used to be known as
world-wide with many countries now            addressed.                                           insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or
acknowledging that a blanket ban on             is article salutes all those divers               IDDM). Type 1 diabetes usually
diving with diabetes cannot be                who have made this possible, and tries               manifests itself during childhood or
sustained in the light of current             to explain to anyone with diabetes who               early adulthood and comes about as the
evidence and experience. British divers       dives or who is thinking of learning to              islets of Langerhans in the pancreas
with diabetes, in a unique partnership        dive what the potential challenges to                cease to produce the hormone insulin,
with the UK diving medical doctors            safe diving might be.                                thus necessitating replacement with

                                                                                                                 SubSea Summer 2018      7
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
Diabetes and Diving

insulin injections. Insulin is part of the                                                           What might be the consequences of
regulation mechanism for glucose and                                                              diving with type 1 or type 2 diabetes,
fat in the body. It allows glucose (one of                                                        and does the changing proportion of
the main fuels in the body) to be                                                                 type 1 to type 2 make any difference?
absorbed by skeletal muscle cells and                                                             Broadly, the answers can be divided
fat tissue. Unless the levels of insulin                                                          into two main categories: short-term
are carefully regulated then one of two                                                           and long-term.
conditions may be the result: a) high                                                                Any drug capable of causing a ‘hypo’
blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) in which                                                             (low blood sugar) that is taken to
there is too much glucose in the blood                                                            control diabetes could cause the diver
(caused by insufficient insulin) resulting                                                          to have a fit underwater (as a result of
in the excess glucose acting like a toxin                                                         the neurons in the brain having
                                                Metformin is the drug most commonly pre-
to the bodily tissues, or b) low blood       scribed to help control type 2 diabetes in the UK.
                                                                                                  insufficient glucose to function
sugar (hypoglycaemia) in which there is             Photo by Ash, Wikimedia Commons.              properly), or to lose control of the
too little glucose in the blood (caused                                                           regulator, with disastrous
by too much insulin resulting in                                                                  consequences.
excessive absorption of glucose into the     gliclazide, rosiglitazone, or sitagliptin               is may occur rapidly after taking
cells and tissues). e brain, which uses     to name but a few) to insulin                        the drug, as for example with too
glucose as fuel, is thereby starved of       injections, either alone or in                       much insulin, or rather more slowly, as
glucose leading ultimately to fits,           combination with the aforementioned                  in the case of the sulphonylurea class
unconsciousness, and death unless            drugs. It’s important to recognise that              of drugs, which include gliclazide and
treated rapidly by administration of         all the treatment methods for type 2                 glibenclamide. is ‘hypo’ state may be
glucose orally or intravenously. Another     diabetes with the exception of diet-                 brought on more rapidly if the diver is
treatment for hypoglycaemia is to use        control alone and diet plus metformin                exercising hard, such as finning against
the hormone glucagon which is                alone have the potential to cause low                a current, or even breathing rapidly as
injected, like insulin, int the              blood sugar with the same                            a result of anxiety. Cold, too, may
subcutaneous tissues. Glucagon causes        consequences as for type 1 diabetes                  exacerbate the problem. It is therefore
the rapid release of stored glucose from     namely unconsciousness and death if                  essential that a diver who dives with
the liver into the blood stream.             not treated promptly.                                diabetes has the condition under good
Additionally, diabetes (both type 1 and         A third type of diabetes, diabetes                control and is able to recognise signs
type 2 – see below) may lead to other        insipidus, may be confused with                      of an impending ‘hypo’, even in an
conditions such a high blood pressure,       diabetes mellitus. It is caused by the               environment which may have many
coronary heart disease and stroke. A         lack of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or                distractions. Such a ‘hypo’ can then be
person with diabetes may therefore be        its failure to act on cells in the kidney.           avoided underwater by taking glucose
on medication for the treatment or           It is much rarer in the population than              in the form of a tube of paste which
prevention of such conditions.               diabetes mellitus and is not covered                 can be inserted into the corner of the
                                             further in this article.                             mouth without removing the
                                                                                                  regulator, or on the surface in the
                                                                                                  form of sugary snacks. Whatever the
Type 2 diabetes                              Consequences for scuba diving                        form of sugar, the diver must practise
Type 2 diabetes (which used to be            In 1991, the collection of data from                 taking it underwater and using it, so
known as non-insulin dependent               divers with diabetes started. Figure 1               that a ‘hypo’ does not become an
diabetes mellitus or NIDDM) occurs           shows the percentage of divers with                  emergency situation. Even on the
either when the body can still make          diabetes who have the two types of                   surface, a diver may have difficulty in
some insulin, but insufficient to control      diabetes for the years 2001 and 2013.                safely ingesting the sugar as a result of
the amount of glucose in the blood, or       e rise in the numbers of divers with                the swell and spray; again, practise
when the body becomes resistant to           type 2 diabetes is reflected in the                   under controlled conditions will help
the effects of insulin (insulin               national statistics of the numbers of                to prevent the problem getting out-of-
resistance). is form of diabetes            people with diabetes in the UK                       hand.
usually occurs in people over the age of     population where 90 per cent of
40 but recently (and very worryingly) is     diabetic persons are classified as
being increasingly seen in children.         having type 2 diabetes; before 1960 the              Long-term consequences
e vast majority of cases of type 2          number of people in the UK                           Diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2,
diabetes are linked with being               population with type 2 diabetes was in               must be kept under good, long-term
overweight. e diabetes is treated in a      single figures. In 2008 in the general                control. Control can be maintained by
variety of ways ranging from diet-           UK population it was estimated that                  measuring the blood sugar
control alone, through drugs such as         three people were being diagnosed                    concentration on at least a daily basis
metformin (used alone or in                  with diabetes every 10 minutes, and                  (and more often if insulin is being
combination with other drugs such as         this figure is increasing.                            used) and by having a blood test for

8   SubSea Summer 2018
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
Diabetes and Diving

             Consequences of diabetes
             for scuba diving
             Percentage of Divers with Diabetes divided according
             to type in 2001 and 2013
             80                            Type 1
             70                            Type 2, Diet or Metformin Only
                                           Type 2, Oral Hypoglycaemic Agents






                                          2001                                               2013
                                                                  YEAR                                             Figure 1

glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) on         warning sign of an impending heart          decompression illness. e symptoms
at least an annual basis (again, this       attack is often absent in people with       may appear or disappear rapidly and it
should be performed more frequently,        diabetes.                                   may be difficult for the doctor in the
depending on the control of the               Another problem with the heart in         hyperbaric chamber to come to the
diabetic condition). Poor control is        diabetes is not recognised widely.          correct diagnosis.
more likely to lead to long-term            Diabetes can affect the nerves in the
complications of diabetes, with             autonomic nervous system that               Kidneys: One of the tasks of the
implications for diving. ese               controls the heart rate. If this happens,   kidneys is to filter blood to remove
complications can arise in many             then the heart rate does not vary           unwanted products but keeping the
organs, including the eye, heart, blood     appropriately in response to, for           vital blood proteins and salts that are
vessels, kidney, nervous system, and        example, exercise, a Valsalva               important for maintaining the body’s
skin. ey appear to arise from a            manoeuvre (pinching the nose whilst         internal physiology. Diabetes can
common cause, namely the blockage of        puffing out the cheeks) or stress and,        disrupt the filtration process, leading
the small and medium-sized arteries in      as Wang Shuhe recognised as early as        first to a loss of protein and then to a
the body. Here are a few of the more        the third Century AD, this too can lead     more general loss of function, resulting
important complications and their           to sudden death.                            in long-term kidney failure. is in
consequences for divers:                                                                turn will affect the functioning of many
                                            Nerves: Diabetes can cause problems         of the other organs in the body.
Heart: Diabetes can accelerate the          such as numbness, tingling,                 Although dialysis may help, the
blockage of the coronary vessels,           hypersensitivity, and pain. ese            logistics of diving when having regular
leading to early heart attack and other     symptoms tend to occur in the arms          dialysis are overwhelming in all but a
serious problems. Sudden exercise           and the legs and feet. Numbness in the      very few cases.
such as finning against a current,           feet (in a so-called ‘stocking’
particularly in people who don’t            distribution) can then lead to
normally take much exercise, is             ulceration of the feet. Should a diver      Diving with diabetes
particularly prone to cause such            with diabetes experience any of these       As diving is one of the very few
problems (see box). Cardiac pain            problems, there is a risk that the          activities in which a person is
(angina) on exercise, which may be a        symptoms can be confused with               completely immersed in a non-

                                                                                                   SubSea Summer 2018         9
B4 Summer 2018 - Ireland's Only Diving Magazine - Irish Underwater Council
Diabetes and Diving

                                                                                                    A pack containing the medical forms for
                                                                                                    diving with diabetes is obtainable from
                                                                                                    the BSAC website. A diving medical
                                                                                                    must be undertaken annually by a
                                                                                                    diving medical referee. A list of such
                                                                                                    referees is available again on the BSAC
                                                                                                    website or at www.uksdmc.co.uk
                                                                                                    e reason for this is that many doctors
                                                                                                    do not have specialist knowledge of
                                                                                                    diving medicine which a diving medical
                                                                                                    referee will have. e annual
                                                                                                    requirement is necessary, as diabetes
                                                                                                    may evolve over time, necessitating
                                                                                                    medication changes which may have an
                                                                                                    effect on diving.

                                                                                                    Diving with diabetes involves
                                                                                                    both pre and post-dive planning
                                                                                                    Pre-dive: e diver with diabetes
                                                                                                    should be as fit and mentally prepared
                                                                                                    to dive as his/her non-diabetic buddy.
                                                                                                    e diver with diabetes should be espe-
                                                                                                    cially careful with regard to being ade-
                                                                                                    quately (but not over) hydrated as there
                                                                                                    is some evidence that the level of hy-
                                                                                                    dration affects the chances of experi-
                                                                                                    encing decompression illness. e Dive
                                                                                                    Manager must be aware that the diver
                                                                                                    is diabetic and should also be informed
                                                                                                    of the profile of the dive (‘plan the dive,
                                                                                                    dive the plan’). e diabetic diver’s
                                                                                                    buddy should be a person who is either:

                                                                                                    ·   A regular diving partner and who is
                                                                                                        familiar with the diabetic person and
                                                                                                        the problems he/she is likely to

                                                                                                    ·   A trained medic, nurse, or paramedic
                                                                                                        who is familiar with the problems of
 A hypoglycemic attack could be brought on by a diver with unmanaged diabetes having to work hard
                                  underwater. Photo: Pixabay.com.
                                                                                                    A diver with type 1 diabetes or type 2
breathable environment, there are some                 growth has occurred and the doses            diabetes taking any medication that
limits placed on both divers and                       of insulin required are more stable.         could cause hypoglycaemia may be
potential divers with diabetes. ese are:

·   No would-be diver under the age of
                                                   ·   No person with diabetes who has
                                                       any of the long-term complications
                                                                                                    unable to help him / herself. In order
                                                                                                    that appropriate and timely assistance
    18 with diabetes is allowed to dive in             of diabetes (with the exception of           can be given, the diver should carry the
    open water, and may only dive in the               mild background retinopathy) is              following in his / her dive kit:
    pool with close supervision. e
    reason for this is that during
                                                       allowed to dive. The reason for this
                                                       is that once long-term
                                                                                                    ·   Oral glucose tablets or a tube of
                                                                                                        glucose paste
    adolescence, insulin requirements
    may vary within short periods of
                                                       complications of diabetes are
                                                       present, then neuropathies and               ·   Emergency intramuscular injection
                                                                                                        of glucagon;
    time due to the glucose demands of
    the body. Such changes are difficult
    to take into account when diving and
                                                       kidney problems are more likely to
                                                       develop. These can cause serious
                                                       problems with diagnosis of possible
                                                                                                    ·   Glucose measurement sticks together
                                                                                                        with the necessary glucometer kit
    the risks of hypoglycaemia in the                  decompression illness and with                   and CLEAR instructions for use of
    water are high. By the age of 18, most             exercise tolerance.                              such a kit.

10 SubSea Summer 2018
Diabetes and Diving

It is essential that there is at least one                                               trials conducted in hyperbaric
person in the dive party who is able to
use and administer the glucose tablets
                                               Heart attack in Belize                    chambers have found that hyperbaric
                                                                                         oxygen can lower blood sugar levels
and intramuscular injection of                 Roberta was diving off the coast of        quite rapidly, but these trials have been
glucagon.                                      Belize, when she experienced              conducted in people with long-term
   If a diver with type 2 diabetes is          shortness of breath. A 60-year-old        consequences of diabetes while
controlled only on diet or diet plus           diabetic with a history of coronary       breathing 100 per cent oxygen. Such
metformin then it is not necessary to          problems, she didn’t waste time in        people are not permitted to dive.
have emergency supplies of glucose in          proceeding to the local hospital,
the dive kit, as the diver will not            where she was diagnosed with a mild
                                               heart attack… She was provided with
become hypoglycaemic during the
course of the dive.                            private ground and air ambulance          How can the diver with diabetes
   A diver with diabetes should                transport with full medical teams to
                                               take her to Miami, FL where she
                                                                                         stay healthy?
probably dive no deeper than 30
                                               received appropriate medical              One of the main concerns with type 2
metres until considerable experience is
                                               intervention and was stabilised.          diabetes is early recognition of the
gained of how diabetic control is
                                               From a diving magazine                    condition. Tiredness, frequency of
affected by diving. e reason for this
                                               advertisement                             passing urine, multiple skin infections,
is that dives to greater depth are more
                                                                                         and blurred vision are some of the
likely to require compulsory
                                                                                         symptoms and signs that may occur. In
decompression stops, with a greater
                                                                                         older studies, people presenting with
risk for the development of                  Post-dive: On arrival back at the boat
                                                                                         type 2 diabetes had had the disease for
decompression illness if hypoglycaemia       (or on shore if a shore-dive) the diver
                                                                                         4-7 years, which is ample time for
forces the diver to surface early and        with diabetes should check their
                                                                                         long-term complications to be present.
stops are not carried out correctly.         glucose level and, if necessary, correct
                                                                                         Diving doctors are becoming
erefore, he/she should remain well          it in the appropriate manner. Any
                                                                                         increasingly concerned about these
within the tables or have no less than       adverse symptoms or signs should
                                                                                         complications and the effect that they
two minutes no-stop time left on a           immediately be reported either to their
                                                                                         may have, if unrecognised, in the diver.
dive computer.                               diving buddy or to the Dive Manager
                                                                                         In more recent studies, 25 per cent had
·   He/she must not dive with a buddy
    who has diabetes
                                             and should not be passed off as merely
                                             ‘part of diving’.
                                                                                         eye disease, nine per cent nervous
                                                                                         disease, and 8 per cent kidney disease

·   Safety equipment must be carried,
    for example – marker buoy, flag,
                                                                                         at the time of diagnosis. It is important
                                                                                         to have regular, annual medical check-
                                             Does diving have any effect on              ups for diabetes if there is a history of

·   Long-term build-up of nitrogen in
    the tissues must be avoided by
                                             e short-term effect of exercise on
                                                                                         diabetes in the family, or you have a
                                                                                         BMI (Body Mass Index) of over 30
                                                                                         (calculated as the weight in
    ensuring that no more than three         diabetes generally is to lower the blood    kilogrammes divided by height in
    consecutive days’ diving are             sugar level which may result in a ‘hypo’.   metres squared).
    undertaken, with no more than two        Many divers can recognise this as             Some divers who have been
    dives to be done each day.               mentioned above and take suitable           diagnosed with diabetes, especially
It would seem sensible for the diver         steps to avoid serious consequences. In     type 2 diabetes in which the condition
with diabetes to ensure that he/she has      the long-term, exercise undertaken by       can be controlled only by diet, fail to
a slightly high blood sugar level before     divers with well-controlled diabetes is     recognise the potential seriousness of
the dive by consuming glucose in             thought to be beneficial, as it is with      the condition. It is important, given the
whatever form takes their preference.        most other forms of exercise. A few         exercise-limiting potential of cardiac

    Five tests for CAN
    1. Heart rate variability during inspiration and expiration
    2. Heart rate variability during and after a Valsalva manoeuvre
    3. Heart rate variability between lying down and standing
    4. Blood pressure change between lying down and standing up
    5. Blood pressure difference before and during a sustained handgrip measured using a dynamometer

                                                                                                    SubSea Summer 2018          11
Diabetes and Diving

A balanced diet with careful carb and fat control is the key to both avoidance and management of type 2 diabetes. Ration those burgers! Photos: Pixabay.com.

autonomic neuropathy (CAN) that                      recommended to discuss these options,                 with all diving instruction, a gradual
regular testing for the condition is                 which must not be taken lightly.                      programme should be undertaken of
carried out. Five simple clinical tests              Provided there are no long-term                       graded instruction. Competent divers
(see box) that can be carried out in the             complications from the procedure,                     wishing to learn new skills in shallow
GP’s surgery can, together with a                    diving should not be affected, but                     water might be a useful starting point,
careful history, help this condition to              clearance from a diving doctor will be                with progression up to novice divers
be diagnosed. Once diagnosed, then                   required before diving is restarted after             undertaking their first dive in open
treatment can be given to reduce the                 the operation.                                        water. It would be unacceptable for the
impact of this condition on the diver                                                                      dive to have an instructor with
with diabetes. It is also important that                                                                   diabetes teaching another diver with
any change in medication, especially                 Can diving instructors dive with                      the same condition in the water.
addition of new medication, is
discussed with a diving medical doctor               diabetes?
as this medication may have
consequences for fitness to dive.
                                                     Given the increasing numbers of divers
                                                     diving with diabetes, the question of
Failure to do so can invalidate any                  instructing with the disease was bound                   Despite opposition from many
diving medical insurance that the diver              to arise. When considering this                          groups over the years, it is now
may have.                                            problem, the over-riding concern must                    largely accepted that divers with
   If diabetes is already present, then              be the duty of care to the diver under                   well-controlled diabetes and none
the diver can stay healthy by regular                instruction. is must apply whether                      of the long-term complications can
exercise, eating healthy foods, regularly            the instructor is being remunerated for                  safely dive recreationally. is is
measuring blood sugar levels, taking                 instruction or not. It would be                          radically different situation from
any medication as prescribed, and                    unacceptable for a trainee diver to have                 that which existed 20 years ago,
attending annual diabetic clinics. If, in            to deal with a medical condition, such                   where people with diabetes were
the case of type 2 diabetes the BMI is               as a hypoglycaemic attack, that has                      banned from diving altogether.
greater than 35 and attempts at weight-              occurred in the instructor. erefore,                    Although divers with diabetes may
loss have been unsuccessful, then there              the instructor must be in control of                     be reticent to undergo an annual
is the option of bariatric surgery, which            his/her diabetic condition at all times                  diving medical, regular check-ups
is recommended by the National                       when diving.                                             can enable the complications of
Institute of health and Care Excellence                Most diving doctors would want to                      diabetes to be avoided or
– NICE. is may take the form of                     see that any person with diabetes has                    postponed, and this in turn means
either a banding of the stomach, or a                been able to control their disease both                  that diving can continue for a
re-plumbing of the stomach and                       on land and underwater, diving under                     longer time period, which has to
intestine (called a Roux-en-Y                        different conditions, for a period of at                  be a good thing! Divers in the UK
procedure). Both methods result in                   least one year. is means keeping                        with diabetes and the UK diving
weight reduction and fewer                           records of blood sugar measurements                      medical doctors have been largely
medications being required to control                every day, particularly before and after                 responsible for this worldwide
the diabetes, but in the case of the                 any dive. Long-term control must also                    change in the attitude to diving
Roux-en-Y procedure it can in some                   be good and there must be no long-                       with diabetes and it is something
cases lead to disappearance of the type              term complications of diabetes present.                  for which the diving community as

                                                                                                              proud. ◼
2 diabetes altogether. Consultation                  Once the instructor with diabetes has                    a whole in this country can be
with a general practitioner is                       been passed as fit to instruct then, as

12 SubSea Summer 2018
Mechanical Kelp Harvesting in Bantry Bay
                                                         by Jack Trá

Dive site - North Atlantic Ocean 51.695338, -9.596121
                                      Kelp at the North Wall, Co Dublin. Photo courtesy of and © Lucinda Keogh.

“A licence to Industrially Extract 1860 acres of Native Kelp
in Bantry Bay has been issued to BioAtlantis, Tralee”.
ese are the words of the people of                                                                   government officials after travelling to
Bantry in their valiant attempt to seek          “We the people speak                                 the capital for scheduled meetings.
justice against the issuing of “the                                                                   Bantry Bay is famous the world over
largest industrial scale native kelp              for the sea and the                                 for its scenery, seafood, wildlife and
harvest licence ever issued in Irish or             land and urge                                     fishing. Many local jobs revolve around
British waters”. BioAtlantis intends on                                                               the health of the bountiful bay and
using the wild kelps to create fertilisers       everybody to holdfast                                have sustainably done so for
and growth promoters for intensive pig                                                                generations. It is no wonder the local
farming. Both of these creating grave             and build strength                                  community have raised concern
environmental threats of their own.                    against the                                    regarding the extraction of 80% of
e people of Bantry are backing their                                                                 targeted kelp species from the people,
coastal heritage and feel hard done by,           privatisation of the                                animals and environment that rely on
on the inadequate consultation and                                                                    them. We the people speak for the sea
advertising of the proposal to the
                                                         wild.”                                       and the land and urge everybody to
public, and the fact that the                                                                         holdfast and build strength against the
government had signed off on an                    e fight for Bantry Bay quickly                      privatisation of the wild.
industrial harvest where no                    gained traction in local and national                    Mechanical kelp harvesting on an
environmental impact assessment                news agencies, however the group are                   industrial scale has caused controversy
would be necessary.                            still being left waiting at the offices of               the world over. France, Norway,

                                                                                                                  SubSea Summer 2018 13
Kelp Harvesting in Bantry Bay

                      Urchins . Photo courtesy of Ian McAllister: https://pacificwild.org/visual-media/photography/underwater-world

Western United States and South                     A trophic cascade is the knock on                      and in the end the ecosystem becomes
Africa have been mechanically                     effect felt by an ecosystem, that                         unbalanced and begins to rapidly slope
harvesting for many years now.                    influences all of its members when one                    in a particular direction, ultimately
Opening up the boundaries of a kelp               member is removed or a new member                        downwards. Kelp forest ecosystems are
forest allows for the entry of invasive           added. Imagine removing all the trees                    no different. With the removal of
species which have been seen in                   of one particular species from a forest,                 particular kelp species we see an
France. Other non-commercially viable             well the forest may survive, but any                     opening for new species, a common
kelp species from warmer tropical                                                                          opportunistic culprit in kelp forest
waters are beginning to take hold.                                                                         degradation being, the Sea urchin.
ese species are of no interest to
                                                   “If enough of the kelp                                    Sea urchins prey predominantly on
harvesting companies, and greatly alter             in places is removed                                   kelp. Research from over 30 years ago,
the composition of the native kelp                                                                         a paper by Harrold and Reed 1985,
forests. In the licence application by              and the Sea urchins                                    shows how barren zones adjacent to
BioAtlantis it is said that full recovery
of harvest sites will take 5 years. is
                                                    gain entrance to the                                   kelp forests are characterised by
                                                                                                           grazing pressures from sea urchins.
on an environmental scale is not all              inner circles of the kelp                                e Sea urchins graze the periphery,
that long, although when growth is                                                                         while the inner kelp forest thrives as
analysed in the lab and teamed with
                                                     forest, then the Sea                                  usual and the balance allows for both
results from limited current study, how                Urchins gain the                                    to survive. If enough of the kelp in
sure can we be? In a paper by Smale et                                                                     places is removed and the Sea urchins
al. 2013, compiling and analysing 60                     advantage.”                                       gain entrance to the inner circles of the
years of research on kelp and kelp                                                                         kelp forest, then the Sea Urchins gain
forests, it has been shown to take                animal that relied specifically on that                   the advantage.
between 7-10 years on average for kelp            tree species will leave, or cause                          I have witnessed this very
forest communities to fully recover               disruption in another part of the forest                 phenomenon on a recent research
from perturbation. Recovery however               to try to survive. ese interactions                     expedition to a remote sound system
is at the mercy of one inevitable                 will continue throughout a web of                        in northern British Columbia. In
natural phenomenon, trophic cascade.              interconnected members in the forest                     Caamano Sound a kelp disease has

14 SubSea Summer 2018
Kelp Harvesting in Bantry Bay

caused desolation of the kelp forest       response was received almost            the Sea Search Adopt a Site Scheme
communities. e kelp is recovering in      immediately, and action followed suit   lended itself enormously to the cause.
places, although on closer inspection      soon after. Until now, due to limited   Two 30-metre line transects were
while snorkelling, one quickly notices     budget, resources and technical         conducted along the edge of the kelp
that each new strand of kelp is being      knowledge, no independent surveys       bed. One documenting fauna and one
attacked from all angles by green, red     had been carried out for the Bantry     for flora. e results were compiled
and purple sea urchins. Here the           Bay kelp protection group. ankfully    and video footage consulted and the
population of Sea urchins has grown so                                             information handed to the people of
large that there is no certainty for the                                           Bantry. I am a graduate biologist and
future of the kelps here, or those who
rely on them. New friends of mine,
                                           “Gathering data on                      am new to diving, however my passion
                                                                                   grows daily to explore the blue world
from indigenous First Nations
communities rely on the kelp forests
                                           Irish coast lines and                   that rises with the tides. I completed
                                                                                   an observer course with Sea Search
for food. Abalone were for tens of
thousands of years, a staple in the
                                            the subtidal region                    Ireland in early 2017, and after a dive
                                                                                   with them I now feel competent in
seasonal diet of these native people.         is imperative if                     completing surveys of my own.
Due to over industrial harvesting the                                              Gathering data on Irish coast lines and
species is now classified as endangered           mechanical                        the subtidal region is imperative if
and a zero take policy implemented.                                                mechanical harvesting or other marine
With the rise in Sea urchin numbers,        harvesting or other                    exploitation is to occur. ere are large
the kelp suffers and the endangered                                                 gaps in our baseline knowledge of
Abalone, outcompeted. Only when the        marine exploitation                     marine species distribution around
Sea Urchins completely exhaust their                                               Ireland, but if the Adopt a Site Scheme
food source or began to once again           is to occur. There                    continues to be employed by local
become predated upon by Sea Otters
(which have been hunted to local
                                             are large gaps in                     divers and clubs, then we stand a far
                                                                                   greater chance in the preservation and
extinction in many areas), and decline
in numbers, will the kelp forests have
                                                our baseline                       sustainable management of our coastal
the chance once again to sway high
into the intertidal zone and carry with
                                                knowledge of                          So, ask yourself. Have you ever
                                                                                   enjoyed Irish sea food? Do you often
it the fishes, crabs and mollusks,              marine species                      take trips to the beach? If so, then you
familiar to the coastal waters of BC.                                              are an ambassador for the ocean. Even
And thus, the battle for balance begins.   distribution around                     if you have no interest in the oceans
   Now don’t get me wrong, I have seen                                             whatsoever, well you still breathe
colour like I never could have imagined           Ireland...”                      oxygen, right? Over 50% of the Earth’s
in some of the coastal waters and                                                  oxygen is produced by the ocean, so
seamounts of Northern British                                                      basically you owe every second breath
Columbia. Sea lions and seals flourish                                              to the big blue sea.
in large colonies, Humpbacks, Fin                                                     Divers, fishers, kayakers, swimmers,
whales and Orca (whom I was                                                            boaters and anyone who is
there to study) flock inland to                                                            enchanted at the brilliance of the
the nutrient rich deep water                                                                coastal waters of the Island of
ordlands to feast on Krill,                                                                 Ireland, it is your voices that
small fishes and the                                                                            need to be heard. It is you
seasonal wild Pacific                                                                            who must be conscious and
Salmon. Here, life lifts the                                                                    pass on the knowledge in
seas to bubbling heights,                                                                        the pledge to protect our
much like it does in                                                                             seas. So from food, to
Bantry. If the situation as                                                                      sport, to nature, to
it stands does not change,                                                                      business, to tourism, to
then Bantry Bay may                                                                             flood defences, I think our
never in our lifetimes be                                                                      kelps are due a little more
the same.                                                                                     credit than we have given
   In October 2017, I                                                                       them.
approached Sea Search Ireland                                                               Follow the efforts of the Bantry
in relation to conducting a series                                                     Bay Kelp Group online,
of surveys in the Bantry Bay area, as                                               www.bantrybaykelpforest.com

                                                                                   Help the kelp! ◼
to provide the kelp protection group
with some unbiased scientific data. A

                                                                                              SubSea Summer 2018 15
Diving For Treasure
                                     When Jenna Irvine from Whittles
                                     Publishing sent me another book
                                     edited by the very prominent and
                                     famous Rod McDonald, I was delighted
                                     and couldn’t wait to join in the treasure
                                     search, albeit from my armchair.

Book Review by Denny Lawlor             However, this is a book with a
                                     difference. It is really a “coffee table”
                                     sort of book, one you can take up and
                                     put down when the mood and time
                                        It is a list of famous ships, some
                                     carrying very rich cargos, that never
                                     made it to their port of destination.
                                     eir final resting places are, for the
                                     most part, under the right conditions,
                                     quite diveable. Some are as shallow as
                                     20m and indeed one listed is only at
                                     10m on low tide. However many of
                                     them came to rest at greater
                                     depths,130m plus, and demand greater
                                     diving expertise using rebreathers that
                                     allow longer bottom times.
                                        But depth is only part of the story,
                                     location and sea conditions change the
                                     story considerably. Such diving is not
                                     for the fainthearted or amateur.
                                        e SS Laurentic is worth a mention,
                                     not because it rests off the northeast
                                     coast of Ireland, and not because it sits
                                     at 130m but because it was carrying 43
                                     tons of gold, some of which was
                                     recovered over time but much of which
                                     still remains on the bottom, lost
                                     probably for ever.
                                        Once again we are given the history
                                     of each ship from its birth to its
                                     demise including pictures before and
                                     after and some of the valuables
                                        is book is a must for your

                                     It is published by Whittles Publishing
                                     Dunbeath, Caithness, Scotland,

                                     KW6 6EG, UK

                                     731400 ◼
                                     t: +44(0)1593 731333; f: +44(0)1593

16 SubSea Summer 2018
Underwater Photography Day and Vincent O’Brien awards
            Dublin City University – 15th April 2018

          Text by Ivan Donoghue Event images by Marco Salino
            Devonshire coral – Joe Fitzbibbon – winner beginners macro
                                                                         SubSea Summer 2018 17
Vincent O’Brien Awards

                                                   XRatedNudies – Macro – Mike Orth.

e “Beast from the East”, caused chaos         download on the CFT Underwater Pho-        of his methods for post production of
for those travelling to the dive show in       tography facebook page.                    images. His talk on natural light
Limerick. A number of the photogra-               e first speaker was Matthieu Ben-       struck a chord with the audience, that
phy speakers and participants couldn’t         tot Who explained the techniques and       even without artificial light, you can
make the journey.Photography organiser         challenges of taking photographs at        capture great images. All you need to
Marco Salino hated to see all the good         much deeper depths than recreational       consider is subject matter, time of day
work go to waste, so with Brian Stone’s        divers get to. Regularly he takes images   to maximise sun light, and stay shal-
help they secured the use of Dublin City       around the 80meter mark. His first          low. Nick also explained his recent
University for a day of photography            slide was a real eye opener and reality    work with trying to win a bet, by get-
talks.It also gave us the chance to pre-       check, as he explained the consequence     ting usable images out of old film
sent the awards and sponsors prizes for        of a poorly sealing o-ring seal. A flood    cameras. When you see the results, it
the Vincent O’Brien.e get together            at 60 meters requires a cool head to       shows that the old techniques still
was held on Sunday 15th in the Business        help save the camera and the lens.         work. In fact Nick explained having
Centre and for those that couldn’t make           Nick Blake had two talks: “Working      only thirty six shots to work with was
it, the presenter’s slides are available for   with Natural Light” and an overview        beneficial as it removed his “digital

18 SubSea Summer 2018
Vincent O’Brien Awards

      Tompot Blenny – snorkel diver – Dave Wall.

Lobster – winner beginner wide angle – Eamon O Herlihy.

                                                          SubSea Summer 2018 19
Vincent O’Brien Awards

                                                                        Matthieu Bentot. Photo by Marco Salino.

                                                                           Nick Blake. Photo by Marco Salino.

                                                                      sloppiness” with an overreliance on
                                                                      software to improve images.This is
                                                                      where Nick’s afternoon talk on using
                                                                      Lightroom overlapped. Those new to
                                                                      the topic would have been amazed and
                                                                      what the software can do and the old
                                                                      pros would have learned a new trick
                                                                      or two.
                                                                        Damien McGuirk explained that it is
                                                                      not all about scuba and that you can
                                                                      get very decent images on breath hold.
                                                                      Richard orn explained his approach
                                                                      to snorkel photography with a view of
                                                                      finding and photographing unique and
                                                                      abstract images.
                                                                        We were able to present the spon-
                   Camouflage – Foreign Image – Naomi Roche           sor’s prizes and the awards to those
                                                                      that could make the event. It was nice
                                                                      to be able to do this in person, as it
                                                                      gave Vinnie’s dad Ruairi and his sister
                                                                      Catherine, a chance to present the
                                                                      prizes to the winners.We would like to
                                                                      thank all of the sponsors for their kind-
                                                                      ness, and also the people who entered
                                                                      the competition. ank you.
                                                                        We finished the session with Aine
                                                                      Purcell Milton, who is a diver with
                                                                      UCD and is also a Clean Coasts Officer
                                                                      in their Environmental Education Unit.
                                                                      Aine gave us a reminder of the dangers
                                                                      of plastic in the marine environment
                                                                      and left us with a message to make

                                                                      safeguard our seas. ◼
                                                                      small changes in our plastic usage to
              Group photograph of attendees. Photo by Marco Salino.

20 SubSea Summer 2018
Vincent O’Brien Awards

             Richard Thorn. Photo by Marco Salino.
                                                                      Richard Thorn & Damien McGuirk. Photo by Marco Salino.

    Ivan Donoghue & Joe Fitzgibbon. Photo by Marco Salino.         Catherine O’Brien presents Maja Stankovski with her Waterworld
                                                                                    prize. Photo by Marco Salino.

Andy Keegan (left) received his OceanAddicts voucher from Eddie   Ruairi O’Brien presents Anchor dive lights prize to Aine Purcell Mil-
               Masterson. Photo by Marco Salino.                                      ton. Photo by Marco Salino.

            Aine Purcell Milton. Photo by Marco Salino.           Catherine O’Brien presents Brendan Moran with his OThree bundle
                                                                                    prize. Photo by Marco Salino.

                                                                                                     SubSea Summer 2018 21
Silfra, Iceland - A dive between two Continents

by Ray Yeates
                                                  Ray Holding the planet apart.

 When you look at lists of best dives/bucket list dives one site in Iceland crops up among the
 usual suspects like the Galapagos, Raja Ampat etc. The Silfra Fissure is in Thingvellir National
 park – an UNESCO heritage site, about 60km from Reykjavik. The Silfra Fissure is actually a
 crack between two continental plates – The North American and the Eurasian continents,
 meaning that you dive right where the continental plates meet and drift apart at about 2cm
 per year, making it a totally unique dive and the only place in the world offering the opportu-
 nity to experience diving between tectonic plates.

 This is an inland dive. The water in
 Silfra is of glacial origins, so this
                                             The Dive                                 bring your thermals. We opted to
                                                                                      bring our own drysuits and they gave
 means a near constant year-round            The operator we used on the basis of a   us a small discount. However it was
 temperature of just above freezing - 2      recommendation of another Irish          not our bodies that got particularly
 degrees Celsius. This glacial water is      diver was Dive.is who are based in       cold but our hands. Our experience
 crystal clear with visibility of over 100   Reykjavik. The company can provide       was that after about half an hour we
 meters due to the water being filtered      visitors with all the equipment needed   had to surface to get some sense of
 over decades through underground            including dry suits. We were shown       feeling back into our fingers. We did
 lava rocks giving it an almost perfect      around the dive center and they have     the trip in November and the air tem-
 visibility and chemical purity, in fact     over 250 sets of equipment for rental    perature was -10C. This was very sig-
 the water is drinkable.                     including drysuits. You do need to       nificant as 2 dives are planned in the

  22 SubSea Summer 2018
Silfra, Iceland

                                                        Entering the fissure.

fissure but it is conditional on the        ‘Big crack – where the two continents             which is the widest section at about
equipment not freezing between the          can be touched, we swan on through                20 meters. Silfra Hall leads into a cave
dives. The fissure is diveable all year     to Silfra hall a short 30 meters swim,            system with a maximum depth of 45
round so the summer months would
be the optimal time to go to Iceland in
any case.
   Our dive group consisted of three
divers and a guide, who was profes-
sional, knowledgeable and enthusias-
tic. To get to the entry platform for
the dive we had to walk over ground
from the carpark for about 100 meters
which had to be taken slowly as it was
winter and the ground was a bit icy.
   This dive for us was unlike anything
we had done before, it is said “that it’s
probably best described as the closest
experience to a space walk you are
ever likely to get on earth ”. Due to
the extreme clarity you can lose all
sense of depth. At this temperature -
2 degrees, there is very little aquatic
life. The fissure is 62M at its deepest
but we took their word for that !
   The dive brings you through four
main areas of Silfra. Starting with the                                         Ray, guide Ant and Aoife.

                                                                                                            SubSea Summer 2018 23
Silfra, Iceland

                                              Ray and Aoife in the Silfra Fissure.

meters. Swim throughs underneath
rocks and Boulders can be done here
at different depths. From here it’s
about a 200-meter swim to Silfra
                                            Silfra Fact File
Cathedral. The ravine rises sharply to
a depth of barely 1 meter and we had        Iceland                                   ere is a fair bit of hiking involved.
                                                                                      You can dive all year round. e tour
to almost crawl over the shallow            Iceland is a 2-hour flight from Ire-       duration is approximately 6 hours, in-
rocks to enter the next stage. On the       land. We booked a 5-day trip with         cluding pick up and return to Reyk-
other side a spectacular crack ap-          Lastminute.com that included flights       javik. is is in a National Park so
peared, and this section has lava rock      with Wow air and an apartment in          there is a Park warden on site. You
walls falling straight down on either       Reykjavik. Nearly all visitors to Ice-    must be certified diver, have a dry suit
side of us - we had reached the             land rent a car. Speed limits are low     diving cert, and have logged a dry suit
Cathedral, a visual demonstration of        and on the spot fines are common.          dive within two years of tour date.
the earth’s incredible power to divide      Iceland is a low crime and very           ey accepted my Instructor status in
two continents,                             friendly country. English universally     verifying my buddy’s use of her dry-
  On our left was the American plate        spoken. It’s a photographer’s paradise.   suit. We dived with Dive.is
and our right the European. The             Do go during the summer months.           www.dive.is.
depth of the fissure is about 20 meters                                                  Remember to get your drysuit cert
and about 100 meters long. From             Diving                                    (free of charge) from Head office be-
there we entered the final section of                                                 fore you travel.
                                            e maximum depth of the dive is 18
the dive, Silfra lagoon a natural shal-
                                            meters, but the average depth of the
low pool. This is the place where the
                                            dive is between 7 and 12 meters. e       Currency
visibility is most apparent and at the
                                            Silfra dive site only requires a shore    We used card payments for almost
far side of this lagoon is the exit plat-

                                                                                      local currency. ◼
                                            entry and has steps at entry and exit.    everything, there is little need for
form and from here it’s a hike back to
                                            It is a demanding dive physically.
the parking area.

24 SubSea Summer 2018

                                            By Don Baldwin
                        Irish Coast Guard Sikorsky Search and Rescue helicopter approaching. Photo by Bernard Kaye

Dotted strategically around our coast like unwavering sentinels on steadfast watch out upon
an uncertain sea, the Coast Guard has long been the last bastion of rescue for seafarers in
desperate need. In purely logistical terms the Coast Guard can coordinate up to 2500
emergencies each year, in an area which spans a staggering 220 million acres. They will
also assist 3500 people and save approximately 400 lives.
In total the Coast Guard helicopters        both divers and Coast Guard alike.                1. In the event that someone on land
can fly up to 1000 missions, assist in      Standard communications between                      wishes to contact you, the Coast
40 mountain rescues, evacuate 100           seafarers and the Coast Guard in Sea                 Guard then know your details.
medical patients from our islands, and      Area A1 (30 miles from coast) is of               2. Should you run into difficulties, the
assist other nations Coast Guards over      course done primarily through Vhf                    Coast Guard have an idea of your
200 times in any given year. While          radio, and the first point of routine                general location.
Coast Guard volunteer units respond         contact with the Coast Guard is
to over a 1000 calls, with the RNLI         usually a T.R. report; using proper               3. Another useful reason for logging
and Community Rescue boats                  SRC procedure (Short Range                           this kind of information is in the
assisting in 850 emergencies. All this      Certificate).                                        event of an emergency situation,
                                                                                                 the Coast Guard will then have a

                                            T.R. Report
as the Coast Guard maintain its
routine function of up to 6000                                                                   detailed inventory of all available

                                            (Track Report or Traffic Routing)
broadcasts annually to shipping,                                                                 craft in a given area.
fishing and leisure craft.
                                                                                             A T.R. Report should include the
   Given the extent of the Coast
                                            e Irish Coast Guard stations accept             following:
Guard’s on-going operations, having a
clear understanding of how to               and record passage details (T.R.                  - Your position.
communicate and interact with the           Reports) from leisure craft as a safety
                                            facility. e purpose of recording this            - Your destination (or intention).
Coast Guard especially in emergency
situations, can only be beneficial to       information is three - fold:                      - Type of boat or vessel.

                                                                                                         SubSea Summer 2018 25
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