2013 MEXICO'S AEROSPACE INDUSTRY ROAD MAP - European Cluster Collaboration ...
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Copyright ©2013 by ProMéxico. All rights reserved. Flight Plan Version 4 Camino a Santa Teresa 1679, 1. Introduction 7 Col. Jardines del Pedregal, Del. Álvaro Obregón, 2. The Aerospace and Defense Industry Worldwide 9 C.P. 01900, México, D.F. 3. The Aerospace and Defense Industry in Mexico 15 www.promexico.gob.mx promexico@promexico.gob.mx 4. National Strategy 19 4th edition 4.1. Global Trends 19 Mexico City, June 2013 4.2. Strategy: Progress and main lines 24 4.2.1. Global Quality Infrastructure 26 PROMÉXICO Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) 27 Development of Laboratories and Certification Programs 27 Elena Achar Samra Strengthening technical support to enhance competitiveness of Head of the Export Promotion Unit SMEs in the supply chain of the aviation sector in central Mexico 28 CATIA Training and Certification Center in software engineering Alejandro Delgado Ayala and design 28 Head of the Institutional Relations and Support Unit FP2010-448 National Development Consulting and Methodologies 29 MA Capabilities Improvement Project in Chihuahua 29 Carlos Eduardo Sánchez Pavón DGAC Offices 30 Head of the Investment and International Business Promotion Unit 4.2.2. Development of turbines in Mexico 30 4.2.3. Aircraft high with domestic content 32 Martín Felipe Valenzuela Rivera 4.2.4. Defense Strategy 33 Head of the Business Inteligence Unit Strategic Trade 33 Export Control Regimes 33 Karla Mawcinitt Bueno Wassenaar Arrangement 34 Communications and Image General Coordinator Other export control regimes 35 Procurement of Equipment and Industrial Compensation Systems (OFFSET) Sebastián Escalante Bañuelos and Government Buys 35 Director of Publications and Content From Buy American to Buy NAFTA 36 Creation of a security block for North America 36 Natalia Herrero Martínez Dual-use high technology platform - defense parks 37 Editing 4.2.5. Integral Aviation Services Center in Mexico 38 Intelligent Management of Mature Fleets 38 Izael Mijangos González International Aerospace Training Center 39 Design 4.2.6. Human Capital and training activities for the Aerospace Industry 40 4.2.7. Mexican Space Agency 42 4.2.8. Development of suppliers for the Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing industries 43 Created by: Survey of National Advanced Manufacturing 43 Manuel Sandoval Ríos Supplier Development / The Sourcing Council 44 José Mariano Moreno Blat 4.2.9. Logistics Development 46 Ronald Eduardo Peréz Díaz Infrastructure 46 Luis Archundia Ortíz Public Policy and intervention mechanisms 46 María Josefa Padilla Monroy Special Economic Zones 49 Patricia Hernández Martínez 4.2.10. Engineering Council 50 4.2.11. Engineering City 50 4.2.12. Examples of the progress made on specific projects 51 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any Honeywell’s Advanced Design and Engineering Campus in Mexicali 51 electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information The Messier-Dowty Industrial plant in Mexico 51 storage and retrieval) without previous written permission from ProMéxico. The Aernnova Project in Mexico 52 The Goodrich plant growth project in Guaymas 52 Whereas every efort has been made to ensure that the information given in 4.2.13. Regional Strategies 53 this document is accurate, ProMéxico accepts no responsibility for any errors, A. Baja California 54 omissions or misleading statements in this document. Also, no warranty is given or B. Chihuahua 57 responsibility is accepted, as to the standing of any individual, company or other C. Sonora 59 organization mentioned in this document. D. Querétaro 61 E. Nuevo León 63 4.3. Conclusions 64 5. Directory and Matrix 67
1 // Introduction 1. Introduction The amazing growth of the Mexican aerospace sector has been the result of coor- dinated actions of the industry leaders —industry, academia and government— to build a collective vision of the future and foster its competitive development, “the best way to predict the future is to build it.” In accordance with this vision it was created and implemented a comprehensive dynamic road map, the National Flight Plan. This was the basis for the develop- ment of the (ProAéreo) Mexican aerospace sector national strategy, and its fourth version presents it as a point of relection and evaluation. This allows for ine-tuning the strategy deined in previous versions as the sector has evolved and to assess the results of its tactical and operational implementation. This NFP is focused on presenting the results of the projects and action lines pro- posed since its third version. It also includes a prospective analysis of the aerospace and defense sector’s global trends, including its consequences for Mexico. Finally, it points out the regional strategies of the country’s main clusters. The results here reported have been achieved from the irst and second NFP versions of the propo- sals. These show that it is possible to coordinate various Mexican aerospace sector players to trigger its growth and increase its added value. It is important to note that the PVN is a dynamic document, that must be conti- nuously updated and it demands constant participation of the actors involved in its implementation. This continuous updating process aims at adjusting the roadmap according to the prevailing conditions and identify both the factors that afect its growth and opportunity niches. 7
2 // The Aerospace and Defense Industry Worldwide 2. The Aerospace and Defense Industry Worldwide According to Marketline estimates, the global aerospace and defense (A+D) mar- ket grew about 4.3% in 2011 compared to the previous year, reaching a value of US $1,128.5 billion. It is forecast that by the year 2016 this will reach a value of US $1,238.7 billion with an annual average growth of 1.9% between 2011 and 2016. The defense sector was the most proitable one and contributed US $836.1 bi- 1 Marketline. “Global llion, equivalent to 74.1% of the total A+D market value. The civil segment contribu- Aerospace & Defense ted the remaining 25.9% equivalent to US $292.4 billion in 2011.1 2012” For the third consecutive year it is expected that the defense sector will slow its income due principally to defense budget cuts in the United States and Europe. At global scale the defense sector seems to have maintained its level of income 2 Deloitte. “2013 Global during the irst nine months reported in 20122. Nevertheless, it is expected that for aerospace and defense industry outlook” the third consecutive year there will be a slow down as a result of defense budget cuts in the United States and Europe. In this manner, the civil sector boom will main- tain positive growth of the A+D sector. Aerospace and defense companies face new cost eiciency challenges in their programs and contracts. In addition to adjusting to global defense budget cuts, they will continue to look for the best options to build more eicient and lighter aircraft, and at a lower cost. These challenges bring a new level of pressure confe- rred by a high standard industrial environment where innovation is the determinant factor for a competitive advantage. Aerospace and defense companies experience a multitude of challenges, in costs, in the procurement chain, the need for global expansion of their operations, and macroeconomic uncertainty, among others. Beyond these challenges the clients of these companies consistently seek innovation and price improvement. The A & D industry recognizes that innovation is vital and should be done in any way possible, but no longer at any cost. As the A & D Insights Executive Summary of Price Waterhouse Coopers indicates, “said convergence of pressures is leading the industry towards a major shift in the direction of the programs that go beyond traditional scheduling, progress monito- ring, risk management and penalties to suppliers. In the past, companies responded to pressure through operational excellence, but in today’s environment excellence alone appears to be insuicient, as companies, and eventually program managers have to go beyond excellence and ofer innovation and inancial viability.“ Estimates for the civil sector indicate that by 2031, the leet of passenger and cargo aircraft, with more than 100 seats and 10 tons will total 35,490 aircraft, in- creasing by more than double the 17,170 aircraft in commercial service. The single- aisle passenger aircraft represents the largest segment of the 19,500 new aircraft deliveries planned for the next 20 years. The demand for twin-aisle aircraft is 6,500 9
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 2 // The Aerospace and Defense Industry Worldwide new passenger aircraft and nearly 500 for cargo. It is expected that over the next 20 The commercial aircraft market is expected to reach a record revenue level in 3 Airbus. “Airbus Global years, technological advances and new products will comply with capacity, cost and 2013, due primarily to increased production and market introduction of next ge- Market Forecast 2012- eiciency, not only to achieve better quality of lights and make the aircraft more neration aircraft. It is likely that by 2013 the global trend of production levels abo- 2031” accessible inancially, but also to lessen environmental impact.3 ve 1,000 aircraft per year will continue for the third consecutive year. The number of orders will continue to grow because of the continuous improvements and re- newals airlines will make to their leets. They will possibly retire older aircraft soo- 5 Deloitte. “2013 Global Graph 1. Fleet and deliveries ner looking for more fuel cost-eicient aircraft costs to guarantee a competitive aerospace and defense pricing ofer to travelers.5 industry outlook” New deliveries Graph 2. History and forecast for large commercial 28,200 aircraft orders and production (1981 to 2013E) 3000 27,350 850 Passenger 2500 to freight conversion 2000 Orders Passenger Fleet Freighter Fleet 1500 Recycled 1000 & stay in service 1,790 5,200 500 Source: “2013 Global aerospace and defense 8,560 1,320 0 industry outlook, 1983 1984 1988 1996 1981 1982 1985 1986 1987 1989 1990 1991 1992 1999 2000 2003 2004 2008 2010 2013E 1993 1994 1995 1997 1998 2001 2002 2005 2006 2007 2009 2011 2012 Deloitte” Retired Years 9,880 Orders Production Seven-year moving average production OEM suppliers will face major challenges to keep pace with the demanding re- Due to traic growth in the Asia-Paciic region, 46% of the demand for widebo- quirements of production levels required by these, so they are expected to make dy passenger aircraft comes from this region. On the other hand, North America large investments in the development of skills, tools and manufacturing capacity. and Europe will be receiving 42% of all deliveries of aircraft with more than 100 seats. Much of this demand, particularly in North America, comes from the need Cost eiciency and innovation challenges will occur in the next generation of that new aircraft and fuel eicient aircraft replace old and low ecologically eicient aircraft that will be developed for both the commercial and defense sectors. The airplanes. The world’s airlines are forecast to take delivery of more than 28,200 new commercial aircraft market this year will focus on the development of the A350 and passenger and cargo aircraft between 2013 and 2031, valued at US $3.96 trillion at 787-9 wide-body aircraft, as well as the development and design of the 777X. Fur- 4 IDEM current list prices.4 thermore, the Bombardier C-Series will come as a narrow-body aircraft, as well as 10 11
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn the improved engines for the A320NEO and C919, scheduled to be assembled by the end of the year. Finally it should be mentioned the launch by the Brazilian Em- braer of the G2 JET successor and the COMAC bid of its C919 and ARJ21 aircraft, which will intensify competition with Boeing and Airbus. In the defense aerospace sector, there is a trend toward association between countries to manufacture combat aircraft. Switzerland cooperates with Sweden in the development of the next generation Saab Gripen. Indonesia has joined the South Korean KFX combat aircraft program, while Turkey is looking for a partner country for its TFX combat aircraft program. The sales forecast will be dominated by the Joint Strike Fighter Lockheed Martin F-35, a project with a growing customer portfolio, with the partnership of 9 countries: United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Canada, Denmark, Norway and Australia, scheduled for completion in 2019. Progress in the development of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will be crucial for the constant concern of international part- ners regarding escalating costs, a key factor in the aerospace industry where Mexico can be acknowledged as a strategic option. Based on data from Aviation Week, Lockheed Martin has conirmed orders from more than 15 countries for 340 Hercules C-130 units. There are new competitors around the manufacture of this aircraft, so that delivery on time for these orders will be central to the company. In this segment, the Embraer KC-390, the Chinese plane Shaanxi Y-9, the Medium Transport Aircraft (MTA) Russian/Indian and A400M are the main competitors. With regard to helicopters, the seven countries behind the Eurocopter Typhoon are expected to grant a development contract for an AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) to the Selex Galileo Euroradar consortium as of 2013. On the other hand, the U.S. has commissioned Bell to replace the use of Apache AH-64E helicopters with an update. In Europe, Britain and France spend about the same percentage of GDP on defense, and together account for half of the continent’s military expenditure and their armed forces are of a similar nature. Both nations are cooperating in individual programs, such as the unmanned (UAV) Watchkeeper reconnaissance aircraft. They have made progress in the ield of cyber defense and share research objectives of the English Taranis and the French Neuron aircraft. In this context of intense activity in the international scene, the development and construction of commercial and defense aircraft faces challenges of cost reduction and an emphasis on innovation, design and materials through a reliable supply chain, where Mexico emerges as a great opportunity. 12
3 // The Aerospace and Defense Industry in Mexico 3. The Aerospace and Defense Industry in Mexico Mexico has established itself as a global leader in the aerospace sector. It registered a growth rate of about 20% annually since 2004. Currently, there are 270 companies and support organizations most of which have NADCAP and AS9100 certiications. 6 FEMIA, Ministry of Economy (SE) and They are mainly located in six states and employ more than 31,000 high-level pro- ProMexico fessionals.6 Mexico has built its vocation as a manufacturing, engineering and development center with high strategic value. This is due to the degree of technological sophis- tication of its exports, engineering talent (Mexico has the largest number of gra- duates in the Americas) and the quality and competitiveness of its workforce. In addition to this, respect for industrial property in Mexico has been crucial. Mexican aerospace exports amounted to US $5.04 billion in 2012, representing an increase of 16.3% compared to 2011, while foreign direct investment in the sector ex- 7 Ministry of Economy ceeded US $1,300 million according to estimates from the Ministry of Economy (SE).7 (SE), DGIPAT, 2012 Graph 3. Mexican aerospace exports 5,040 Millions USD 4,337 Exports 3,266 3,082 2,728 2,522 2,042 1,684 1,343 1,306 1,267 Source: Ministry of Eco- nomy (SE), DGIPAT. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 According to estimates from the “2010-2020 Aerospace Industry Strategic Pro- gram,” coordinated by the Ministry of Economy (SE), the industry is expected to re- 8 ProAéreo, Ministry of port exports of US $12.267 billion in 2012, with a 14% average annual growth rate.8 Economy (SE) 15
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn Major international companies like Bombardier, Safran Group, GE, Honeywell and Eurocopter have found in Mexico the conditions to develop design and engineering centers, laboratories and production lines capable of evolving quickly to handle more complex assignments in the race for next generations of engines and airframe components. This has been possible due to the wealth and availability of specialized hu- man capital. Mexico is the most important talent pool in America, with more than 100,000 graduates per year for careers in engineering and technology. This repre- 9 Mexican National sents a generation of talent and skills in suicient quantities to supply both aeros- Institute of Statistics, pace and other industries with medium and high technology.9 In addition to the Geography (INEGI) new graduates, Mexico has highly qualiied personnel with decades of experience in the automotive industry, electronics, and medical devices and related advanced manufacturing industries. The global infrastructure of quality has also played a major role in the conditions favorable to the industry due to the availability of laboratories, certiication units and presence of Mexican aviation civil authorities. In fact this facilitated the signing of BASA (Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement) with the Federal Aviation Adminis- tration. This agreement involves the recognition by the United States government of aeronautical certiication systems and products made in Mexico. This allows for the design and manufacture of components in the country, and encourages the development and strengthening of national procurement for the industry of parts manufacturing. Moreover, Mexico is still the most competitive country in the hemisphere in ae- rospace manufacturing costs. Its legal framework is efective to protect industrial property and to ensure the proper use of the goods produced and exported from the country. The new Mexican export control system was found to be so eicient and safe by the international community that in 2012 it entered the Wassenaar Arrangement and the Nuclear Suppliers Group Taking into account only the irst of the systems, this participation has an access potential to a market of $11.300 million additional dollars in exports. Mexico is already part of two of the four main systems of export control, and is in the process of applying to enter the remaining two. Mexico’s admission into both systems ratiies the international community’s trust in the country as a reliable destination for the integration of sensitive technologies. It also shows the country’s commitment to remain a safe destination for the produc- tion of goods and services, which includes both restricted technologies and dual use goods and services. Furthermore, proximity to the United States, the world’s largest aerospace mar- ket, of which Mexico is now the sixth provider, convergence with the two main ma- nufacturing corridors in North America, and in general the geographical position of the country facing major markets, are attractive conditions for this industry. All of these factors, together with the commitment of industry, academia and government to establish and implement a national strategy that has enabled the creation of high competitiveness poles that work within a certiied ecosystem and at world-class level that present Mexico as a attractive destination in terms of inno- vation and operational eiciency 16
4 // national strategy 4. National Strategy To give direction to any plan requires us to invest intelligence, energy and cons- ciousness in an industry efort focused on speciic objectives outlined in a strategy, which will be a fundamental guide for concrete actions achieve the sector’s develo- pment goals. A road map focused on innovation, is not built in isolation. It must be product of a team efort: to design it the major players in the aerospace community in Mexico were convened to deine the path to be followed by industry, academia and the government in order to become a lagship industry of the country, to promote te- chnology transfer, methodologies, jobs, investment, training and strategic alliances. This update of the National Flight Plan, shows the progress and alignment requi- rements that are being worked upon to keep the focus on the goals set since the irst version was published, the strategic milestones that guide the eforts that have been made and those that are yet are to be implemented. Below are the key trends that are shaping and will undoubtedly mark at national and international level the course of the aerospace sector; major advances made base on the strategy, along with the skills ans capabilities developed so far. 4.1. Global Trends The importance of analyzing global market trends for the A+D sector lies in gathering of strategic information to determine the most important market niches and evalua- te the best way and the scenarios with which Mexico can gain greater advantage. Following are the main trends which today mark the development of the aeros- pace industry from a social, technological, economic, political and legal environ- ment analysis viewpoint. 19
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 4 // national strategy Graph 4. Trends and Drivers 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Brain drain Mexico’s demographic bonus Social Conidence in Mexico as a partner in the use of technology and engineering Passenger experience affects aircraft design Use of nanocomposites in military and civil aviation Conversion of hydraulic and pneumatic systems to electric systems Riblets Hybrid wing body Wireless optical connections for IFE Truss -bracedwing Spiroidwingtip Cruise-eficient STOL Airframe & Advanced ly-by-wire Systems MEA(More Electric Aircraft) architecture Combat UCAVs replace military leets in the world Variable camber with new control surfaces Energy harvesting devices Natural laminar low Hybrid Laminar low control Engine replacement Advanced 3rd gen core New engine core concepts Active s tability management Engines Geared turbofan Open rotor / unducted fan Advanced direct drive Variable cycle Technological Counter-rotating fan Adaptive / active low control Biomass to fuel or biojet Liqueied petroleum gas Synthetic Parafinic Kerosene Liquid Methane Biodiesel Compressed natural gas Alternative Furans Ethanol Fuels Transesteriication fuels Liquid hidrogen Biodiesel Butanola Data link Communication Required time of arrival Air Traffic Performance-based navigaion Management Automatic dependent surveilance broadcast - OUT Sys tem-wide information management GNSS landing system via ground based augmentation system Automatic dependent surveilance broadcast National investment in new material development (nanocomposites) Integration by economic blocs (NASFTA and LATAM) OEMs acknowledge Mexican aerospace manufacturing Regional airline dominatio Economic Integrated aviation services hub (MRO) KPO development in emerging economies Use of off-the-shelf components for defense applications Larger protectionism in developed economies Research into alternative fuels 100% environmental manufacturing, assembly and materials Environmental Research into quieter engines Research into lighter composites Offset of aircraft carbon footprint Environmental standards and taxes on emissions in the EU Global acceptance of taxes on CO2 emissions Political and legal Arrival of more defense businesses following export control agreements More competitive legal framwork (reforms) 20 21
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 4 // national strategy Engines fuel, but oil prices tend inevitably to rise. It is expected that research to improve these bio-fuels will become greater every day and in the coming years should be in 2013 will focus largely to supply the commercial market for engines. For single-aisle open competition with conventional fuels. aircraft CFM Leap-1 engines and Pratt & Whitney PW1000G engine with will be cho- sen by OEMs for use in models A320neo, 737 MAX, the 919 Comac and the Bombar- Dual and Restricted Use Technologies dier C Series primarily. For wide-body aircraft, the Trent XWB on the A350 aircraft orders and deliveries will capture orders and deliveries this year” capture this year. The development of restricted high technologies of dual-use is the most lucrative for A+D sector,which is strategic in regions with a developed aerospace industry. At This trend is a commitment for the next few years and is focused primarily on the same time, this sector faces budget constraints, concentration of resources on maximizing proits for airlines as both the aircraft as well these engines have the speciic programs and require a more eicient supply chain in the defense sector. latest technology in fuel eiciency. In the case of Mexico, through its entry into the main export control systems such In Mexico, companies like GE and Honeywell are conducting research and design as those of the Wassenaar Arrangement, the group of nuclear suppliers and soon of new turbines, including the turbine GenX, which saves almost 15% in fuel and has the Group of Australia, it has managed to strengthen the capture of investment pro- a 30% reduced carbon footprint. These design tests were performed in Querétaro jects which are continually more proitable and strategic, with greater potential for at the GEIQ. The R&D of the next generation LEAP-X turbine was also carried out at the promotion of industrial competitiveness through technical and inancial com- this center. pensation. Alternative fuels In this context, among the projects that start to emerge are combat aircraft, unmanned vehicles, next-generation materials and knowledge-intensive services The world’s leading airlines search on ways to improve their results and the constant (KPO’s) for aerospace and defense, including software design and industrial proces- rise in fuel prices have shed new trends in performance improvements of aircraft, ses for the sector. engines and fuels. There are alternatives based on the use of bio-fuels, synthetic fuels and aromatic composites, which, are environment friendly. Unfortunately the New Materials: Quieter, Lighter and Cleaner Aircraft development and commercialization of these fuels is not so proitable even though investment in R&D in the areas of fuel eiciency will continue quite strongly in the The permanent eforts to create lighter, more resistant and quieter aircraft, has been coming years. a key factor for civil and defense aviation ,which have historically contributed to the R+D of new materials. Mexico has not lagged behind in this area. As of July 1, 2012, the International Standard ASTM D7566 for the use of bio-fuels blended with conventional jet fuel New materials such as nano-composites are classiied as dual use, since they has entered into force. Commercial airlines have the ability to operate lights with can be used by civil and military aeronautics. An efort has been made to improve bio-fuels, as long as it meets this standard. the energy eiciency and range of the aircraft. They are continually being made lighter, quieter and “imperceptible” by radar or detection systems to perfect their Mexican airline Interjet, was the irst in the hemisphere to operate commercial use on the battleield, control noise in large urban areas, optimize their resistance, lights with bio-fuel and this was only after two lights had been made in Europe, and avoid their wearing out. At a global level, both the military and civil aeros- which places the Mexican aviation industry at the cutting edge globally. The fuel pace sectors have expanded into the manufacture of aircraft that generate fewer used was a mixture of 27% bio-jet fuel and 73% of conventional jet fuel which is emissions, which has brought about the use of new materials, alternative fuels and within the ASTM D7566 standard. more eicient engines. Interjet will operate regular commercial lights with bio-fuel, although taking In addition to new materials, in the panorama of trends can also be observed into account that the certiied inventory available in Mexico is extremely limited, so the return of aluminum . Metals suppliers say their inal aluminum-lithium alloy can it will be necessary to wait for them to be more and more constant. completely replace traditional aluminum and compete eiciently with the beneits of composites. The lower density of the new alloys provides a weight reduction of Aeromexico made the irst transoceanic light on a widebody jet using bio-jet between 3 and 6 percent, and new designs can take advantage of its greater stren- fuel, the irst of its kind worldwide. Moreover, institutions such as ASA (the Mexican gth and corrosion resistance. An example of these is AirWare alloys, which are being Airport Services) and CONACYT (the National Council of Science and Technology), used by Airbus in the A350 and Bombardier in its Series C have launched a project to operate a sustainable bio-jet fuel plant in the State of Chiapas. Mexico has research centers and specialized laboratories in new materials and nano-composites such as the Mexican Research Corporation in Materials Due to the fact that this is a production process that is just beginning, the actual (COMIMSA), Center for Research on Advanced Materials (CIMAV) and the Research cost of production of bio-jet fuel is much higher than the cost of conventional jet Institute on Materials (IIM) from the National Autonomous University of Mexico 22 23
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 4 // national strategy (UNAM), among others. This opens opportunities for the development of new ma- Graph 5. Aircraft lifecycle in Mexico terials, of cutting edge composite materials by joining international innovation networks in these areas. For example, the company National Helicopters and Aerial 10 Aviation Week, 2012 Vehicles (HELIVAN) is developing graphene10, a carbon iber that is 200 times more resistant than steel and which is used in the defense aerospace industry. Unmanned Airplanes Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) have experienced a meteoric rise in the last decade. A key component of the defense transformation of diferent nations. The new iscal reality facing governments such as that of the U.S. are requiring more efective and less risky solutions to win military and paramilitary Design and engineering confrontations in the years to come. The efectiveness of UAVs in military operations has been proven. The next gene- Baja ration of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles or UCAV’s) will be totally self reliant and California have tactical combat capabilities which will progressively replace or complement Sonora global power military leets. Chihuahua 11 Market Research Media, The market for military UAVs in the U.S. will grow at a CAGR of 12% to $18.7 bi- http://www. llion in 2018. The report concludes that the United States market for military UAVs Nuevo marketresearchmedia. León will generate $86.5 billion in revenue during the period 2013-2018.11 com/?p=509 Recycling and Manufacturing of parts In Mexico some companies have focused on the manufacture and development Retrofitting and components of unmanned vehicles. An analysis of the trend towards UAVs indicates that Mexico Querétaro has specialized manufacturing capacity, talent for R&D, and dual use international Jalisco technology agreements needed to convert itself into one of the main suppliers for this market. 4.2. Strategy: Progress and Main lines Aerospace sector strategy development and its tactical and operational implemen- tation in the form of various tasks, milestones, projects and relevant activities has led us to position ourselves as one of the most important emerging players world- wide. And while the results of the implementation of the National Flight Plan are obvious, a “nothing to be improved” strategy, is a conformist strategy without major challenges, nor commitments. Therefore, should be evaluated, the remaining tasks and challenges of a competi- tive strategy, while there is competition doing its job, it is eternally moving and cha- Aircraft assembly Maintenance llenging. The overall objective remains: the development of a domestic ecosystem of high added value and competitive integration into international networks of the aerospace sector and defense. The National Plan Flight integrates three strategic milestones that were raised By 2013 the national strategy also retains its focus: to convert Mexico into a des- since its irst release, which have given focus to high-value projects and lines of tination that addresses the full cycle of an aircraft, while regional strategies are alig- action of the triple helix, which in line with regional strategies, have enabled the ned to the grand national strategy according to the productive vocational potential successful completion of ambitious initiatives, and thus, the steady growth of the of the main cluster. Mexican aerospace sector. 24 25
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 4 // national strategy Going back into history a little, let us remember our strategic milestones: Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) Signing of the Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) in 2007 and its ratiica- Graph 6. Strategic milestones tion in 2009 represents a mutual recognition of airworthiness certiication systems between the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and the FAA, which authorizes the DGAC to certify parts, components, aviation systems and even complete aircra- ft manufactured and assembled in Mexico, destined for the United States or other markets, according to U.S. standards and in accordance with FAA regulations. Im- Aircraft with high national content plementation Procedures for Airworthiness (IPA) are currently in place and are in the process of signing the MIP (Maintenance Implementation Procedures) chapter which will include maintenance and repair processes of aircraft and parts. The continuity and full implementation of the BASA is in line with the strategy of providing products and services in Mexico to address the entire life cycle of an aircraft. This will allow companies to certify products manufactured and repaired as 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 well as the maintenance performed in the national territory. Development of Laboratories and Certification Programs Mexico has a large network of research centers nationwide, which provide sup- port to strategic sectors, including aerospace which occupies an important place. This network of laboratories consists of institutions like CIDESI, CIDETEQ, CENAM, CIATEQ, CINVESTAV, CIMAV among others, with coverage that includes the major Aeronautical Service Hub A+D Manufacturing Platform aerospace clusters in Mexico. In addition to this network of research centers and laboratories, the goal is to extend the spaces and testing technologies that provide technical services, infras- Below are strategic projects based on trend analysis performed on each version tructure, technology assessment parts and equipment as well as technical and ad- of the National Flight Plan over the last three years, as well as their progress and ministrative support for product certiications and supplier development. strategies: Aerospace clusters have also formed organizations that function as an important mechanism of coordination between industry and institutions of higher education and research. This is the case of the Querétaro Aerospace Research and Innovation 4.2.1. Global Quality Infrastructure Network (RIIAQ), which aims to contribute to the development and strengthening The National Quality System is based on the country’s validation, certiication, stan- of the capacities of research, technological development and innovation, or Aero- dards, methodology and testing capabilities. As a result, the national strategy co- cluster in Monterrey, which seeks to transform the region into a center of excellen- vers several actions focused on strengthening them. ce in innovation, engineering and procurement of parts and components in North America, so that one of its main objectives is to promote innovation and technology The implementation of best practices, process controls and use of talent are the transfer between industry and academia. basis for the aerospace industry in the country having the key links to generate high-quality companies and a value chain sector of a higher added value, leveraged Various initiatives and programs have been carried out to strengthen the net- by talent and innovation. work of laboratories and certiication programs focused on aerospace: In this way the country has developed a global infrastructure in terms of quality The Mexico-European Union Program for Competitiveness and Innovation testing laboratories and certiication units according to the needs and requirements (PROCEI) managed by ProMéxico, has developed diferent projects in our country of the global aerospace industry, covering companies with AS9100 certiications, focused on strengthening the aerospace sector, which have included the prepara- NADCAP processes and people. tion of studies, certiication programs, supplier identiication, consulting and infras- tructure This has helped the national SME industry to strengthen its capacities and The quality and safety systems are pillars of the Mexican aerospace system, who- raise the level of its competitiveness. se products and services meet the highest international requirements. 26 27
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 4 // national strategy Among the major PROCEI projects are the following: Certiication Center and in software engineering and design in the Baja’s Innovation and Technology Center (BIT Center Tijuana)” has actively participated in generating “Strengthening technical support to enhance competitiveness of industry procurement for the high-tech manufacturing sector, particularly electro- SMEs in the supply chain of the aviation sector in central Mexico” nics and aerospace, activities which have been identiied as areas of opportunity in the sector. The PROCEI project known as “strengthening technical support to enhance compe- titiveness of SMEs in the supply chain of the aviation sector in the center of Mexico” Moreover, the Baja California Aerospace Cluster considers that one of the strate- is managed by CIATEQ (Advanced Technology Center) and has two main lines of gies to strengthen the sector is to have robust ICT services to meet their design re- action: quirements and engineering. For this reason, CANIETI shall consolidate during 2013, with support from PROCEI, a space for training and certiication of engineers in soft- 1. The creation and equipping of the Testing and Aerospace Technology Laboratory (LabTA). ware design and engineering market leadership to provide high-tech services direc- ted at the aerospace sector. Every engineer and aerospace company will have access This laboratory will be completely focused on the aerospace industry and will work to the center and will be able to specialize themselves in the use of the “CATIA” tool. closely with 18 OEMs, with members of the Querétaro cluster and the SMEs com- prising this industry in the center of the country. Its design was based on extensive Through awareness raising events conducted in Tijuana and Mexicali in the irst research made of laboratories and similar facilities in Europe, Asia and North Ameri- quarter of 2013 it has been possible to identify speciic needs related to software ca, and its implementation considers the adaptation of models and tests according engineering and design for aerospace sector companies. As a result it was decided to the needs of industry in Mexico in the medium and long term, responding in this to expand the scope of the project and increase the number of people to trained way to sector demand of the specialized capabilities which are complementary to and certiied adding to the cities of Mexicali and Ensenada. those of the three centers that are part of this initiative (CIATEQ, CIDESI, CIDETEC). FP2010-448 National Development Consulting and Methodologies For its irst stage it is expected that LabTA will have diferent Aero testing structu- res, such as: environmental testing, nondestructive testing and materials behavior, The Monterrey Campus of the TEC de Monterrey spearheaded the “FP2010-448 Na- among others. tional Development Consulting and methodologies” project between June 2010 through July 2012, coordinated with the triple helix of supporting 100 companies ProMéxico through PROCEI is the driver of this initiative. It will contribute about (18 micro-sized companies, 46 small, 36 medium-size companies) to prepare to 29% of total investment ($20 million pesos) in areas such as the acquisition of equi- achieve the quality system AS-9100 Rev certiication. pment, standards, databases and AS9100 laboratory certiication. Besides the boost to the aerospace sector, these actions seek to support Mexican SMEs in the process Among the results obtained, there was a sales growth of 20 to 25% and between of internationalization, having insertion axis in diferent markets such as innovation, 10% and 12% growth in number of jobs and 27 companies were successfully inte- technology transfer and competitiveness. grated within the aerospace procurement chain (with 9 of the major trailblazing companies among which are: Bombardier, EATON, Honeywell, ITR, Safran and Eu- 2. Diagnosis and certiication of companies and research centers. rocopter). Its irst phase consisted in carrying out a diagnosis of 51 metalworking sector com- In this way the industry is boosted and the virtuous circle of training, implemen- panies belonging to 7 diferent states in the center of the republic to identify the tation, certiication and procurement is closed which the aerospace sector requires feasibility of this group of companies achieving AS 9100 certiication. Of these 50 inside of their products and services with high added value. SMEs, 20 will be selected to continue in a second accompanying phase and a third phase of AS9100 certiication to join the aerospace sector supply chain. AM Capabilities Improvement Project in Chihuahua The selection of companies to participate in the project was conducted through With the aim of increasing the degree of integration of the metal mechanical sector recommendations by major OEMs and the Tier 1 sector, with whom close work is of the State of Chihuahua, to improve the quality of products parts assembled by being done to strengthen the national procurement chain. This initiative also will SMEs, and ensure that these are integrated into international markets particularly certify CIATEQ, CIDETEQ and, LabTA, thus promoting the productive linking of the the aviation sector, two lines of action were established: The irst seeks to innovate, region. develop and improve product design and product parts, The second will certify that the parts involved are destined to the aviation industry. CATIA Training and Certiication Center in software engineering and design Regarding the irst line of action, a Fab Lab (Flexible Manufacturing Laboratory) will be installed, which will be located in the Park of Innovation and Technology The National Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology Cham- Transfer (PIT2) of the Monterrey Technological Institute (ITESM) Chihuahua Cam- ber (CANIETI) through the PROCEI project for “Strengthening the CATIA Training and pus. The Fab Lab is based on the model of the global network of laboratories at 28 29
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 4 // national strategy the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is a space for experimentation • SNECMA / SAFRAN (Querétaro), focused on the repair and manufacture of and production that allows the generation of prototypes and short-run releases. medium-sized engines. It will be the irst of its kind in Mexico and the fourth in Latin America. This space • Churchill (Sonora) focused on the manufacture of blades for Rolls Royce and will allow SMEs to carry out innovation activities, design and development of new their application in new products. products. • ITP (Querétaro) focused on the manufacture and repair of low-pressure turbines. With regard to the second line of action corresponding to the evaluation and certiication of parts in accordance with the standards of the National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program (NADCAP), this will be conducted As for the design of parts, components and/or turbines in Mexico, the leading through the Center for Research in Advanced Materials (CIMAV), accredited with 13 companies are Honeywell, with its centers in Chihuahua and Mexicali, and GE and diferent material tests, which will allow for NADCAP parts certiication and conse- ITP in Querétaro, which SNECMA might join in the near future. quently the insertion of these in the aviation market. Although only one of these companies is located in Sonora, the state has a clear This project is in the human capital training phase and is being carried out prior engine vocation, and is consolidating a cluster targeting this segment. Companies to the installation of the irst phase of the Fab Lab and the tender for the second like Trac Tools of Mexico, UTAS, ESCO, Wallbar Engine Components are developing phase of equipment acquisition. Furthermore, CIMAV is working on the areas of op- their capacities and several have drawn the attention of major international players portunity identiied in the NADCAP per-audit. like Rolls Royce, which in 2012 opened an acquisitions oice in Guaymas, Sonora. DGAC Offices Even though Mexico has the capabilities needed to design and manufacture complete engines, turbine development can be promoted further through actions As a result of the eforts made by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation to meet such as: the growing demand for services related to the aerospace sector in diferent parts of the country, a regional DGAC oice was established in Querétaro as one of the 1. Development of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Education Capacities irst which are planned to be opened throughout the country. Thus, the irst decen- with emphasis on 3D modeling (UNIGRAPHICS and CATIA 5). tralized DGAC has as priority the certiication of aircraft parts manufactured in the 2. Specialization in certiied laboratories for endurance, life, metallographic country within the framework of the bilateral aviation safety agreement between and other tests. Mexico and the United States (BASA). 3. Ofset program for manufacturing and maintenance of engines in Mexico. 4.2.2 The development of turbines in Mexico Some success stories related to turbines in Mexico include: Mexico has successfully developed a variety of motor activities, ranging from design, engineering and manufacturing of parts, units and systems through maintenance The Mexicali Research & Technology Center and repair. Major international players in Mexico have found the talent needed to drive high-value tasks related to the next generation of turbines. The Mexicali Aerospace and Technology Center (MRTC) of Honeywell is a center of engineering and integrated technology comprised of a design center, a laboratory Engine design and manufacturing activities in Mexico are performed by large integration system, and a testing attachment and business support team. international engine industry players. Companies like Honeywell, GE and Snecma, together with their supply chains, cover the vast majority of processes and skills The MRTC is an important laboratory integration system, the irst Mexican aeros- needed to develop engines from their concept and design through manufacturing pace industry. It allows for full scale simulation of multiple aircraft systems, provi- and repair. ding the ability to test their interoperability, control and technical maturity. Considering the large companies that currently operate in Mexico and their These facilities test a wide range of subsystems and electrical / mechanical pro- suppliers, they have manufacturing capabilities and the ability to repair large, me- ducts for next-generation aircraft in the air transportation market. Its testing annex dium and small engines, including next generation engines. The main companies supports a wide variety of electronic and/or mechanical activities and manufactu- engaged in this activity in Mexico are: ring processes as well as instrumentation test functions. • General Electric (Querétaro), focused on the repair and manufacture of large engines. Honeywell Aerospace Chihuahua • Honeywell (Chihuahua) focused on the repair and manufacture of medium Honeywell’s Aerospace Chihuahua Manufacturing Operation consists of highly and small engines. complex machining manufacturing facility. The facility hosts a Warehouse, Labs, 30 31
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 4 // national strategy Quality Control Operations as well as Engineering. HCMO (Honeywell Chihuahua Currently, the Bombardier Aerospace plant in Querétaro, Mexico is responsible Manufacturing Operation) is one of the most advanced machining operations in for manufacturing the fuselage; assemble the wings, the horizontal and vertical sta- the Aerospace industry. It features a start of the art Blade Manufacturing cell as well bilizers, and the manufacture and installation of this innovative aircraft’s electrical as numerous highly advanced Aerospace machining cells. The site manufactures a harnesses. The Learjet 85 is fully assembled in Wichita, KS in the United States. The number of parts for Aerospace Engine and APUs including Engine assembly ducts, Learjet 85 program’s development in Mexico represents a major step forward, con- gears and shafts, blade manufacturing, impellers, nozzles, disks, stators, seals, nozzle sidering that the company began operations in 2006, and only seven years after its segments, etc. establishment in Mexico is manufacturing the components of a new aircraft, contri- buting to the development of the aerospace industry in Mexico. General Electric Together with the technical skills, Mexico is developing all of the other conditions GEIQ is the largest Global Engineering Center for GE Aviation and the second for GE needed to achieve compliance with this milestone. Energy. The center achieved a signiicant expansion in 2011, hiring more than 240 engineers and designers and enabling the center to ramp up sales to US $80 million for the year. Some of the areas of specialization include Mechanical, Electric, Con- trols and Software Engineering. 4.2.4. Defense Strategy In Aviation, GEIQ engineers participate today in the design of the new generation Strategic Trade of aircraft engines, including the successful GEnX or the new LEAP-X. It also provides support to existing engines, such as the CFM56, in the areas of production, redesign Mexico is a major player on the international stage in the production of industrial and operation. In Energy they focus on diverse technologies ranging from steam goods. It has become a responsible ally, reliable for the development, production and wind turbines, to generators or gas turbines, being in charge of Services for and distribution of aerospace, defense and dual goods. Mexico is taking accelerated Latin America and also supporting local projects such as the installation and set up steps to do business in the defense and hi-tech and defense market by creating the of GE turbines in Tamazunchale and Manzanillo. conditions needed to provide certainty to the international community. Eurocopter Based on a proper logical international business attraction, and in the context of security and control of information, processes, products and services, it will create Within the Aerospace cluster in Querétaro, Eurocopter has a maintenance center signiicant opportunities to: to run small and medium inspections equivalent to 150-600 light hours and one and two years of use for the Ecureuil (Squirrel AS350, AS355 and EC130) family of • Attract investment, facilitating access to multinational corporations produ- aircraft, which has the capacity to inspect six helicopters at the same time and is also cing next generation technology and access to high technology contracts. equipped with helicopter AS365N3 speciications (Dolphin model). This center aims • Promote the development of new sectors in the diversity of goods and tech- to provide a variety of services to meet required quality standards and develop as nologies. one of the best helicopter maintenance bases nationwide. • Transfer cutting edge technology and added value, strengthening national capacities. 4.2.3. Aircraft with high domestic content • Boost major technology-based industries (aerospace and software indus- tries). One of the most important milestones in the strategy is to have an aircraft take of from Mexico made with domestic parts and high Mexican engineering and integra- • Provide legal certainty of foreign trade operations by allowing trade between tion contents. In order to do so, diferent companies have gradually increased their countries that share the same control regimes. capabilities in design, engineering and manufacturing, and have currently concep- tualized, designed, tested and produce complex structures, aerospace components and systems in Mexico. Export Control Regimes Some of the most advanced companies involved in this strategic milestone are Trust and eligibility conditions to participate in high technology and defense pro- Bombardier, whose progress made with the Learjet 85 is very prominent. This aircra- jects should also include mechanisms to attract businesses with the greatest poten- ft, manufactured mainly from composite materials, is an example of collaboration in tial for economic development, add value, improve Mexico’s competitiveness and the context of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), as it involves the national innovation capabilities. company’s plants in Mexico, Canada and the United States of America. Mexico has become a promoter of strategic trade and created an interde- partmental group in which the members contribute their global market perspective, 32 33
MexIco’s AerospAce InDusTry roAD MAp // nATIonAl FlIghT plAn 4 // national strategy identifying possible investment opportunities and international trade, focusing However, it is necessary to formulate a strategy to maximize and capitalize on its business eforts and competitive intelligence on identifying potential projects the potential beneits of being part of the Wassenaar Arrangement. This is why the to encourage our country’s participation in defense markets and high technology Ministry of Economy and ProMéxico, along with the governments of diferent states (without restrictions to access to dual-use technology) to attract the beneits of eco- have coordinated the creation of regional strategic plans that provide direction to nomic and technological development implicit in these markets. further develop the aerospace industry while establishing the hi-tech competitive poles restricted, both in the research, design, development and manufacture of pro- From this dynamic the need to enter the major export control regimes was iden- ducts, as in the supply services associated with this industry. tiied, which called for modifying the system of national export controls. Other export control regimes Thus, the new export control system Mexico implemented in 2011 with the publi- cation of the Decree that subjects conventional arms, dual-use goods, software and Although the Wassenaar Arrangement is the export control regime with the lar- related technologies to permits prior to export. gest impact on the aerospace and defense industry in Mexico, the country has also sought admission to other regimes to increase competitiveness and international Arrangement business opportunities. The irst version of the National Flight Plan highlighted the huge potential for the Thus, on November 16th, 2012 Mexico became the 47th member of the Nuclear country’s economic and technological development in the dual-use technologies Suppliers Group established in 1974 that aims to contribute to non-proliferation of and defense markets, both in the research, design, development and manufactu- weapons and nuclear material by implementing guidelines to regulate the export ring processes and products, as in supply services associated with these industries. of nuclear goods as well as software, technologies and related dual-use products. On January 25th, 2012 Mexico oicially joined the Wassenaar Arrangement, With this new membership, the Mexican export industry becomes more compe- which has been established contribute to regional and international stability and titive, operates in an environment of safety and strengthens its industrial platform security by promoting transparency and accountability in the transfer of conventio- to continue the development of cutting edge technology controlled in sectors nal arms, goods and dual-use technologies. that use nuclear items such as the generation of electricity and nuclear medicine, among others. Diferent ministries and organizations were coordinated to generate the new Mexican export control system and the conditions needed to enter this regime, Mexico is currently preparing its application to join the Australia Group (AG), identifying the greatest impact for the economic and technological development of which consists of 41 members and focuses on the control of chemicals, biological our country, among the top ive. agents and items and equipment to manufacture dual use chemical and biological substances in the chemical and biotechnology sectors. Mexico’s joining the Wassenaar Arrangement has two important implications: Procurement of Equipment and Industrial Compensation 1) Mexico is part of a community committed to non-proliferation of conventio- Systems (OFFSET) and Government Procurement nal weapons that agreed to promote a safe environment for trade in goods and technologies and restricted use between country members. As the detection of the potential beneits ofered by export control regimes, since the irst version of the National Flight Plan, the group comprised of industry, acade- 2) As part of this agreement, Mexico entered the club of high technology coun- mia and government identiied industrial ofsets as a way to develop competitive tries, which allows it to access new markets and cutting edge technology, industries, promote design capabilities, research and development, promote the while enhancing the country’s competitiveness and attracting investment in generation of intellectual property in partnership with big corporations, assimila- various strategic sectors. te and produce new technologies, all derived from large acquisitions made by the country, especially through government procurement. Membership does not generate obligations related to technology or knowledge transfer among participating countries; however, it ofers certainty to the internatio- Ofsets are industrial compensation practices established as a condition to pur- nal community and at the same time makes Mexico eligible as a reliable partner to chase contract negotiations for major acquisitions (e.g. the purchase of aircraft). develop business in the high technology market restricted to those who previously These compensation practices are used in military and commercial purchases. Of- had no access. sets can be direct (involving goods and services directly related to the items purcha- sed) or indirect (involving goods and services unrelated to the items purchased) and The potential economic and technological development is huge since the mo- include practices such as co-production, licensed production, subcontractor pro- ment Mexico joined the Wassenaar Arrangement, it is estimated that access to an duction, technology transfer, trade species, training and foreign direct investment additional export market could be of nearly US $11.3 billion per year. among others. 34 35
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