2020 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Page created by Joel Meyer
2020 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Inspiring Extraordinary Faith,
     Transforming Lives


            Go into all the world and
       preach the gospel to every creature.
                     Mark 16:15b

 First Presbyterian Church
   Ann Arbor, Michigan
2020 Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Table of Contents
    Reports from the Pastors
      Rev. Dr. Rick Spalding, Interim Pastor ............................................................................................................................................................................                               4
      Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers, Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care & Congregational Life ..................................................................................                                                                             6
      Rev. Jay Sanderford, Associate Pastor for Adult Education & Mission, Coordinator of the Resident Minister Program..................                                                                                                               8
      Rev. Evans McGowan, Assistant Pastor for Faith Formation and Campus Ministries...................................................................................                                                                                10

    Reports of Session Committees
      Christian Formation ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................                  11
      Children’s Education & Family Ministries .....................................................................................................................................................................                                   11
          Youth Ministries..............................................................................................................................................................................................................               12
          UKirk@UMich (Campus Ministries)......................................................................................................................................................................                                        13
          Twenties & Thirties in Ann Arbor (T2A2)............................................................................................................................................................                                          14
          Adult Education ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................               15
      Congregational Life .............................................................................................................................................................................................................                16
          Wellness Coordinator / Parish Nurse .....................................................................................................................................................................                                    17
      Financial Stewardship ........................................................................................................................................................................................................                   17
          2021 Annual Giving Summary ..................................................................................................................................................................................                                18
          Endowment & Legacy Partners ................................................................................................................................................................................                                 18
          Technology .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................           19
      Mission ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................   20
          Local Mission Team.......................................................................................................................................................................................................                    20
          Nicaragua Mission Team..............................................................................................................................................................................................                         21
          Niger Mission Co-Worker Ministry Team.............................................................................................................................................................                                           22
          Philippines Mission Team............................................................................................................................................................................................                         22
          Russia Mission Team.....................................................................................................................................................................................................                     22
      Personnel ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................     23
          Resident Ministry ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................                24
      Property ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................    24
          Memorial Garden ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................                   25
          Safety ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................   25
      Worship .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................    26
          Music Ministry.................................................................................................................................................................................................................              26

    Other Reports
      Board of Deacons ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................            27
      Congregational Nominating Committee........................................................................................................................................................................                                      28
      Governance Task Force ........................................................................................................................................................................................................                   29
      Presbyterian Women..............................................................................................................................................................................................................                 29
      Reopening Recommendations Work Group ................................................................................................................................................................                                            30
      Self Study Group .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................           31
      Strategic Planning Work Group.........................................................................................................................................................................................                           32
      In Memoriam............................................................................................................................................................................................................................          33
      New Members..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................            33
      Officers of the Church ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................                34
      Members of Staff......................................................................................................................................................................................................................           35
2                                                                                                                             3
REPORTS OF PASTORS                                                                                                                             ration) for the final
                                                                                                                                               Self-Study Report          ... This year could hardly be called “ordinary”!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   denomination and many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of its churches in making
                                                                                                                                               – clearing the way                                                                                                  visible, on Washtenaw
                                                                                                                                               for …                     They’ll wonder how we got through it – and we                                             Avenue, our conviction

                                    Report from The Reverend Dr. Rick Spalding                                                                 The election of a         shouldn’t lose sight of how much ministry we’ve                                          that “Black Lives Matter”.
                                                                                                                                               Pastor Nominating                                                                                                  Strong feelings on many
                                                                   Interim Pastor                                                              Committee (not            done at First Pres in 2020 in spite of everything.                                       sides of these issues were
                                                                                                                                               yet accomplished                                                                                                   expressed, and heard, in
                                                                                                                                               as of this mid-December writing) expected at a special Congrega-         following weeks. Over the summer the Staff began small-group
                                      I dearly love Thornton Wild-                                       ~                                     tional Meeting on January 3. This is the group that will compile         anti-racism reflective work – and in the fall several Christian
                              er’s classic play Our Town - have         This collection starts early in 2019 with the completion of your
                              known it practically by heart ever                                                                               a Ministry Information Form (MIF – like a job posting), accept           Formation groups followed suit. As the year ends we need to keep
                                                                        Mission/Vision Statement – begun during the tenure of Dr. Fair,        applicants’ materials, interview candidates, and bring a finalist to     thinking and talking about what we mean when we say (with our
                              since a church I served put on its own    completed in the midst of the anguished end of that pastorate and
                              production. If you’ve seen it, you                                                                               the congregation for a vote to call our next Lead Pastor – a process     sign in front of the church) that “we have work to do.”
                                                                        the soul-searching that followed. While marshaling the strength,       that’s likely to fill most of 2021. Meanwhile…
know that it calls attention to the simple majesty of life together     courage and hope to weather that painful time, you asked, and                                                                                   Responses to the
in the flow of time through the ordinary events and rhythms of          eloquently answered, the question, what is this church for? We         Presbytery’s Administrative Commission identified a need for an          Coronavirus Pandemic
a community. There’s a moment near the beginning of the play            should acknowledge, too, the important role that the Presbytery        updated staff design, with clear lines of reporting and account-         which, over the course of
that reminds me of this moment in the life of First Pres – when         of Detroit played, early in 2020, in delivering its Administrative     ability. So the Personnel Committee, working with Sage Con-              just two weeks late in Lent
the plainspoken narrator turns to the audience to explain that a        Commission Report on the pastoral transition – and all the hard        sultants, conducted lengthy consultations with almost 2 dozen            changed almost everything
new bank is under construction on Main Street in the small New          work that the Staff, the Personnel Committee and the Session           staff and began updating job descriptions and annual assessment          we do, imposed daunting
Hampshire town where the play is set –                                  have since done in taking its recommendations to heart. That led       procedures. J.P. DiMaggio deserves special credit for his labors         challenges and limitations,
    “…they’ve asked me what they should put in the corner-              fairly directly to a long-planned next step…                           – as does Dick Carlisle for his leadership of the committee. One         including the need to
    stone for people to dig up a thousand years from now.                                                                                      particularly exciting outcome was the recommendation, approved           conduct every church event
                                                                        Through the spring and                                                 by Session in October, that the Rev. Evans McGowan be called as          and relationship virtually,
    We’re putting in a Bible, and a copy on the Constitution
                                                                        summer of 2020 a group                                                 full-time Assistant Pastor for Faith Formation and Campus Min-           or from a strict precaution-
    of the United States, and a copy of William Shakespeare’s
                                                                        of about two dozen                                                     istries (he had been Coordinator of Campus Ministries). The staff        ary distance. Led by a dedi-
    plays… What do you say, folks? You know, Babylon once
                                                                        church leaders, led by Sue                                             is now poised to work together with new clarity and candor. And          cated Re-Opening Recom-
    had over two million people in it, and all we know about
                                                                        Gott, drafted a Strategic                                              this process was completed just in time…                                 mendations Work Group
    the people is some copies of wheat contracts… and yet
                                                                        Plan to enact this fresh-                                                                                                                       (RRWG), we devised ways to conduct substantive meetings of
    every night folks sat down to supper, and smoke went up
                                                                        ly-articulated mission                                                 to help us weather transitions on the Staff, as three of our             Session and Deacons, deliver pastoral care and programs, and get
    the chimney, same as here… So I’m having a copy of this
                                                                        and vision – pooling their                                             colleagues, each deeply valued and loved, moved on to exciting           the church’s business done, all while keeping a painful but neces-
    play put in the cornerstone – so that people a thousand
                                                                        wisdom and experience                                                  next chapters in their lives: Sandy Talbott, Parish Nurse, and Mary      sary distance – which was particularly poignant in the need…
    years from now will know a few simple things about us –
                                                                        in a complex and detailed                                              Jones, Communications Coordinator, retired in November and
    more than the Treaty of Versailles and the Lindberg flight,
                                                                        process of generating and                                              December, respectively; and Lisa Haddrill, Technology Coordi-            To adapt our habits of worship. In short order we acclimated our-
    y’see? So – people a thousand years from now: this is the
                                                                        winnowing priorities. Then Brent Ivey turned it all, brilliantly,      nator, has also decided to move on. We feel keenly the departure         selves to an unfamiliar medium – on both the production and the
    way we were in the provinces north of New York City at
                                                                        into a document that Session could adopt (in October) and use to       of three remarkable women whose skills and companionship we              receiving end - and prepared to live-stream services, due to begin
    the beginning of the twentieth century. This is the way
                                                                        guide the church through the next five years. In addition to com-      have treasured. But the year of hard work on the staff design will       early in 2021. Having added a new monthly Taize service early
    we were: in our growing up, and in our marrying, and in
                                                                        pelling and creative priorities for all the church’s working groups,   pay off now as we look for their successors – and consider recon-        in the winter, we invented ways to make it work on-line – and
    our living, and in our dying.”
                                                                        the Strategic Plan lays the groundwork for a long-awaited capital      figuring the communications and technology positions to steer            found ways to pray together, sing together, even take Communion
This Annual Report is that kind of gift to future generations           campaign. And, during the very same period…                            us into a future with new communication challenges and possi-            together on Zoom, YouTube and FaceBook. And, as always, our
who will ponder the flow of God’s grace through the times of                                                                                   bilities. In November the Session also voted to retain the services      spiritual life was not to be contained to a few sacred hours…
this church – though this year could hardly be called “ordinary”!       Session commissioned ten stalwart members, led by Haley Brown          of a part-time Interim Administrator to help manage day-to-day
They’ll wonder how we got through it – and we shouldn’t lose            and Kelsey Kaercher, to conduct a Self-Study, taking a good,           church operations during the remainder of the time until a new           Irrepressible Congregational Life spilled out all over the place:
sight of how much ministry we’ve done at First Pres in 2020 in          clear, honest look at First Pres right now – which is a prerequisite   Lead Pastor is called.                                                   in drive-through events and in-person outdoor services (for a
spite of everything. So here’s my attempt to “put a few things in       for getting clearance from Presbytery for the election of a Pastor                                                                              carefully limited number, as long as the warm-ish weather held)
the cornerstone” – my way of calling your attention to how much         Nominating Committee. In effect, we have to have a clear grasp         We’ll remember 2020 not just as a                                        that highlighted Christian Formation, the fall Stewardship Cam-
                                             you’ve accomplished        of the church we are and the pastor we need before it makes sense      year of preparations, but also a year                                    paign, the Blessing of the Animals and, later, Advent, even Christ-
                                             as a church in a time      to go looking for one. Part of that process of self-study was…         of anguish. The killing of George                                        mas Eve. We also welcomed 41 new members – surely a sign of
                                             when it might have                                                                                Floyd while in police custody in late                                    God’s providence, and also the ingenuity of committees and staff
                                                                        The completion of a Congregational Survey in August/Septem-            May sparked an American crisis                                           that made “fast-track” joining possible – even for those far from
                                             seemed so little could
                                                                        ber to provide deeper insight into attitudes, preferences and hopes    of conscience – and important                                            Ann Arbor!
                                             happen. (Almost all of
                                                                        among the congregation at large. The survey drew 525 responses,        soul-searching and learning at First
                                             these milestones are
                                                                        and prompted the consultants who facilitated it, in their summary      Pres. Some prayed while others                                           It seems likely that we’ll look back on this year and wonder
                                             described more fully
                                                                        analysis of the data, to express admiration for the resilience and     protested; all had lots to think                                         how we got through it. I hope we won’t forget all the things
                                             elsewhere in these
                                                                        positive energy of the congregation! (The survey results will be       about. At the urging of Staff, in                                        we achieved, all the milestones we passed, all the ministry we
                                             reports – and most
                                                                        featured during the Annual Meeting on January 31.)                     June Session made a public state-                                        did. And I hope that the remembrance of this year will deepen
                                             documents are avail-
                                                                        In early November, with Session’s endorsement, Presbytery’s            ment decrying white supremacy and systemic racism as contrary            our gratitude and devotion to the God who, in Jesus Christ, has
                                             able on the church’s
                                                                        Committee on Ministry expressed its approval (and even admi-
                                             website.)              4                                                                          to the essential values of the gospel we serve, and joined our         5 walked every step with us, making love visible all along the way.
who keep up our outstanding library (located in Hillegonds Chapel             we even welcomed new
                                                                                                                                                  and available to all of you to use as a resource), and help our               members who joined us
         Report from The Reverend Melissa Anne Rogers                                                                                             Stephen Ministers get the most use from it, and our supervision               from Wisconsin, Illinois,
                                                                                                                                                  facilitators - Linda Lampman, Jim Clark, and Susan Sweet Scott.               and Washington, DC —
             Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care & Congregational Life                                                                                                                                                           coming to know and love
                                                                                                                                                  What a particular blessing to have retired clergy who visit the hos-          First Pres via our online
My report this year is a love letter of thanks to the extraordinary       of grape juice, a slice of Andrew’s                                     pitals, helping on the days the regular pastoral staff is on vacation.        worship! Thanks must be
men and women who create and sustain a culture of compassion              home baked bread, a prayer card,                                        We rely heavily on the compassionate care of Rev. David Downton,              given to Amy Ruhf, who
at First Presbyterian Church. As the coordinator of care for our          and little communion cups) to                                           Rev. Kent Palmquist, Rev. Gary Oliver, and Rev. Bill Findlay. Since           along with Lisa Haddrill,
congregation, I am privileged to receive, on a daily basis, emails,       several members of their chapel                                         mid-March, clergy have been banned from being with our mem-                   helped me navigate memo-
calls, and notes from members offering to help in all manner of           as a way to reach out and con-                                          bers in the hospital, rehabilitation centers, and life-care residences.       rial services and funerals in
ways. Never has there been a shortage of volunteers willing to help       nect. When our staff created the                                        Jeanette Kibler, an elder and seasoned pastoral visitor, stepped right        a pandemic — using video
someone in our church or community carry a heavy load. Even               “Six Sundays of Fun,” some members and staff were understand-           in to make weekly phone calls to many of our members — those ill,             options, cell phones, and
with a deadly virus lurking near, our caring members step outside         ably leery about being present on the grounds and vulnerable to         lonely, recovering, or grieving. As the staff had to turn our focus to        Zoom calls. Their part in
of their homes and away from their own needs to be present to             catching Covid. The Deacons stepped right in, with more offers          figuring out online worship and learning to host groups on Zoom,              helping us all to grieve as well as possible in this horrible time has
those hurting or struggling. For example, when the need arises            to help than opportunities needing them. When a new young               as well as responding to a powerful racial justice movement after             been critical. I regret to say farewell to Lisa and also Mary Jones,
that a member needs                                                                                               family moved to town from       the murder of George Floyd and, sadly, many others — the help of              who have been the brains and arms and laughter behind much of
meals, I develop an on-         The church is not building, but a people,                                         Zambia just weeks after         Jeanette and our retired clergy truly made them, to this congrega-            what gets done on a daily basis. They are superstar colleagues and I
line signup called, “Take                                                                                         the quarantine began, with      tion, “essential workers.”                                                    remain so grateful I had this many years to work with both of them.
Them a Meal.” Within             gathered together by the Holy Spirit,                                            just four suitcases to their                                                                                  I hope to be as good as they are someday — as humans, as moms,
hours — hours! — all               our guide and stay and sustainer.                                              name, the Deacons helped        More people are deserv-
                                                                                                                                                  ing of a shout-out here,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                sisters, wives, daughters, friends. They are just awesome. And of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                course, my deep and unending thanks goes to Sandy Talbott, who
the slots are filled. Never                                                                                       coordinate a parade of toys,
have we been unable to fill a need quickly. When I send out the           books, clothes, and household items to make sure the family could       and I wish I could name                                                       has been the Wellness Coordinator, and the “Melness” Coordina-
names and addresses of members who are grieving or recovering             immediately thrive. If you’ve not been asked to serve as a Deacon,      them all. Let me first                                                        tor, too. As my spouse’s Alzheimer’s Disease has progressed, and I
to the volunteers who love to send cards, those recipients tell me        please search your heart and see if you are a person with caring,       thank Linda Robinson,                                                         have had to adjust the way I manage the needs of my own family,
that — a week later — their mailboxes have been full to the brim          giving gifts. Nominate yourself this summer, or talk with me about      our Office Manager,                                                           Sandy has walked alongside me just as she walks alongside all of
with over forty cards containing personal notes and prayers from          whether this is the calling meant for you. There are few things so      for going above and                                                           you— with attentiveness, creativity, compassion, wisdom, prayer,
our caring people.                                                        rewarding as giving to our congregation as a Deacon, and getting        beyond her job to                                                             and love. She is a unique reflection of Christ in all our lives, espe-
                                                                          to know all those others who minister in this area. Your Deacons        create the concept of                                                         cially mine.
The Deacons are the glue that holds us together in this culture of        look forward to face-to-face, unmasked conversations and real           the Sundays of Fun, the
compassion. The first three months of 2020 included our usual             hugs and in-person prayers. We know that will return in time. Un-       Advent Strolls, and then                                                      Many things have changed, and much has challenged us. The
work of training new Deacons to do hands-on care like flower              til then, and after that return to normal, your deacons will remain     regularly make all the                                                        church is not building, but a people, gathered together by the Holy
delivery, home communion serving, being present on the Sun-               the same — present, tireless, and beautifully and creatively offering   adjustments and provide for all the details. Simply put, we could             Spirit, our guide and stay and sustainer. We are fortunate that when
day prayer team, and hosting the Welcome Center. But just as              ministries of sympathy, witness and service. (Book of Order)            not accomplish anything without Linda and the rest of our ad-                 Covid-19 arrived, we had the technology in place to remain togeth-
these newcomers learned the job, those jobs were taken away by                                                                                    ministrative staff. Second, I have to praise Marti Wendler, who is a          er, even while apart. We are blessed that new staff came before the
a pandemic that forced us all to creatively care for our members          The Stephen Ministers, in their fifty                                   joyful partner in congregational life and an excellent elder and lead-        pandemic, bearing the gifts God seemed to know that we would
from home. An immediate list was created of about 60 members              hours of training, learned how to do                                    er. With our committee, and under her leadership, we continued                need. Much has been learned that will guide how we go forward.
willing to “do anything” for members in need — pick up groceries,         “tele-care,” and so these caregivers                                    to creatively welcome new members in the summer, and began                    I can’t wait to see what this report contains at the close of another
deliver dinner, run errands, call to check in, share conversation.        quickly adjusted to meeting with their           Stephen                the New Member Shepherd program to help integrate them. We                    year. Without doubt, if we are faithful, the Holy Spirit will be the au-
The Deacons expanded their ministry to include happy birthday             care-receivers online and by phone,              Ministry               moved to a new method of joining, ‘Fast-track,’ to make it easier             thor of what I am privileged to report. I would expect nothing less!
phone calls and deliver the new church directory to members               holding their supervision group sessions First Presbyterian Church      for people to become a part of our family. With online worship,
who ordered them. Flower deliveries continued with store-bought           on Zoom, and attending continuing
flowers until we returned to the sanctuary and shifted our process        education with experts on isolation and
to adjust to the worship recording schedule on Thursday evenings.         chronic illness together online. Over
Rev. Andrew Frazier, who loves to bake bread — came up with the           the summer, the Stephen Ministry Leader Team expanded to
idea to take “communion kits” to people, and with Lisa Danielson’s        better tackle caregiving needs and coordinate the many men and
enthusiastic and fun help, it has happened each month since June.         women who give their time to this ministry. They have tirelessly
Each month, most every deacon takes a kit (which contains a vial          worked to make sure our caregivers are supported. Special thanks
                                                                          to Kathy Wirstrom, who has been the backbone of our Leader
                                                                          Team for over seven years, and Mary McKeever, who has trained
                                                                          almost all of our current ministers and keeps our group connect-
                                                                          ed to the network of SM programs in the state of Michigan. Also
                                                                          thanks go to Cheryl Gulbranson, who coordinates our communi-
                                                                          cations; Charlie Koopmann and Karen Al-Saadi, who recruit and
                                                                          handle our monthly speakers, and make those presentations avail-
                                                                          able to all our church members; Cyndy Colton and Chris Queen,
                                                                      6                                                                                                                                                     7
and to direct the many aspects of this magnificent ministry. Our            provided to 13 organizations for increased food, housing, tech-
                                       Report from The Reverend Jay Sanderford                                                                          three Resident Ministers, Revs. Khayla Johnson, Andrew Frazier
                                                                                                                                                        and Amy Ruhf continue to grow in their ministries at First Pres and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    nology and cleaning needs related to the pandemic. A Covid-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pastoral Response Fund was established for the care and support
                                          Associate Pastor for Adult Education and Mission                                                              show depth, resilience                                                                                                   of First Pres members,
                                           Coordinator of the Resident Minister Program                                                                 and character as pastors     A deep well of compassion for the people of our                                             families and regular
                                                                                                                                                        and leaders. It is both a
                                                                                                                                                        challenge and pleasure
                                                                                                                                                                                     world, our community and our church fuels our                                               attendees in crisis as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 a result of Covid-19.
                                Be joyful. Though you have                   degree of quality re-                                                      to mentor and shape             work together as colleagues and friends.                                                 Twice this year, volun-
                                 considered all the facts.                   lationships, worship                                                       these young leaders!                                                                                                     teers cared for children
                                           - W. Berry                        and programming                                                            Since arriving in August 2019, Khayla, Amy and Andrew have                  and families at Alpha House. In the fall, a group of First Pres
                                                                             that are hallmarks of                                                      been immersed in purposeful ministry and have been shaped by                volunteers, with hammers in hand, worked to complete a Hab-
Wendell Berry, whose poem Manifesto, Mad Farmer Liberation                   First Pres. Yet it has                                                     intentional learning units on preaching and worship, pastoral care          itat for Humanity house in Ypsilanti. Each Wednesday through
Front does consider all the facts and yet can witness to the presence        also been tremen-                                                          and visitation, leadership and organizational development. Since            mid-March, we fed more than 100 hungry women and men at
of deep joy does gives us a way forward in a challenging moment.             dously exciting                                                            the coronavirus landed full-force in March 2020, Khayla, Amy and            the Delonis Center. After the virus landed and it became difficult
Berry has spoken prophetically to many generations about the eco-            to work with our                                                           Andrew have been valuable team members in engineering our                   for volunteers to work inside the Delonis Center, we pivoted our
nomic, community and environmental disasters created by greed,               Session, committees                                                        shift from in-person ministries to all-things-virtual.                      energies for our food justice ministries and collected thousands of
short-sightedness and the substitution of “ownership” for “steward-          and staff to design,                                                                                                                                   pounds of food and thousands of dollars to support Food Gather-
ship” as a goal for our corporate and personal life. He describes the        create and sustain a                                                       2020 marked the 20th anniversary of our First Pres Residency                ers, CAN and Hope Clinic. Volunteer Don Redding and a team
looming catastrophes we are aware of: losing relationship to the             whole new style of engaging ministry across the year. We’ve often          Program here in Ann Arbor, an important milestone. When this                continued to rescue and recycle food from area universities and
earth and the natural processes, environmental racism, soil deple-           described the process of imagining and forming new modes of                cohort completes their terms in summer 2021, First Pres will have           schools, transporting healthy food to CASS in Detroit.
tion, mountaintop removal, unbridled prejudice, overconsumption              ministry as “building the airplane as we fly it” and I believe that’s an   launched thirty young, bright pastors into ministry in our Presby-
and the dilapidation of community. His long life as both a farmer            apt description. And along the way, we have learned so much.               terian Church. Of that number, twenty-eight former Residents are            We supported Friends in Deed
and writer offers a rich example what it means to “rejoice “though                                                                                      actively engaged in pastoral ministry. A scaled-down 20th Anni-             and the Circles Ministry. Min-
                                                                             My own focus at the end of 2020 remains on our distinctive                 versary Residency Celebration featured Rev. Brennan Blue from               istries with ESL- English as a
you have considered all the facts.”
                                                                             Resident Ministry Program as well as our Local Community and               Minnesota as our guest in May. Looking forward, our Resident                Second Language, Hope Clinic,
It’s not a simple, glib line of verse. Joy that survives all the bleak       International Mission Committees. In 2020 I have continued a               Ministry Work Group has engaged in a strategic planning process             as well as Cass Community
statistics of a dark winter, of isolation born when dear families are        role in our Christian Formation ministry, working directly with            aimed at shaping this vital ministry in ways that will keep it at the       Center in Detroit continued,
unable to gather ‘round the Christmas tree and there are no visits           our Adult Formation ministry and nurturing our Children’s, Youth           forefront of the preparation of pastoral leaders.                           but at lower levels of volunteer
to the care facility to sing carols of good tidings and joy. This kind       and Campus Ministries forward. In this interim period, I have also                                                                                     engagement. Our Local Mis-
of joy is the fruit of practical faith—the kind of faith that Berry          carried out a number of key administrative and leadership duties           Across 2020, I worked with our Session and colleagues on fashion-           sion Grant Program, ably guid-
witnessed to when he wrote that “work done faithfully and well is            in the areas of personnel, finance and property. Additionally, I con-      ing a durable Strategic Plan with the guidance of Elder Susan Gott.         ed by Martha Kershaw, distrib-
prayer.” Joy is also the fruit of endurance and patience, formed in          tinue to work with our three key church managers, Anna Miller,             Created under the restrictions of the coronavirus, an ambitious             uted $75,000 to 11 community
communities of people who care for each other, laughing over each            Finance Manager, Adrian Prundeanu, Facilities Manager and Linda            group worked across late winter to develop the outline and tools of         agencies to provide for food,
other’s missteps, listening deeply to each other’s stories, investing        Robinson, Office Manager. It’s a full and wonderful position, and          a multi-year plan that was adopted by the Session in fall 2020 and          shelter, mental health, educa-
in each other’s children and grandchildren, grieving each other’s            I enjoy my work with such a broad array of gifted colleagues. A            should guide our ministries, worship and facility planning for some         tion and emergency needs. We
dings and losses and living together “through tragedy into celebra-          major accomplishment of 2020 has been the creation of a healthy            time to come.                                                               hosted the Rotating Shelter for
tion and joy.”                                                               staffing model for First Pres by our Personnel Committee, with a                                                                                       in January providing a warm and safe sleeping space for 24 men.
                                                                             more even distribution of program, ministry and administrative             Our Local Mission projects are diverse yet share the aim to make            In Detroit, at Cass Community Center, we planted, maintained
This sort of rejoicing may be possible only in the context of human          responsibilities among our pastoral leadership team.                       First Pres reflect the hos-                                                 and harvested a kitchen garden, built bathroom facilities for special
connections struck, forged and welded in love, grace and forgive-                                                                                       pitality and compassion of                                                  needs adults and raised $700 to fund part of the project. And our
ness. It may be possible only by clinging to Jesus’ evocative promise        Our Resident Ministry program is a distinctive feature of First Pres.      God. While the pandemic                                                     volunteers built a deck at CAN (Community Action Network) to
and reassurance: “in the world you will have tribulation. But take           It represents a commitment to the process of developing pasto-             has demanded shifts in                                                      create an outdoor activity and learning space.
heart; I have overcome the world.” In light of that promise, we can          ral leaders in our Presbyterian Church (USA) and to our identity           the way our volunteers are
afford to consider all the facts and yet rejoice.                            as a learning community. Members, students and friends share               engaged in community                                                        International mission projects were much curtailed by the virus,
                                                                                                                          wisdom and insights           ministries, First Pres has                                                  and though in-country ministries were largely maintained around
                                                                                                                          with our Residents            continued a steady engage-                                                  the world, many Presbyterian Mission Co-Workers were recalled
                                                                                                                          and they in turn              ment with the needs of                                                      to the US. We communicated regularly with our mission partners
As I begin my eighth year as one of the Associate Pastors at                                                              offer gifts in pastoral       our Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti                                                    in Israel/Palestine, Niger, the Philippines, Nicaragua and Russia.
First Pres, it has been a pleasure to work collaboratively with my                                                        care, worship and             and parts of the Detroit
colleagues Rev. Rick Spalding, our gifted interim pastor, and Revs.                                                       preaching, teaching           communities through the capable leadership of Elders Jim Peggs              For the first half of 2020, I helped our Christian Formation Team of
Evans McGowan and Melissa Anne Rogers in shaping the di-                                                                  and leadership in             and Helena Prince. As soon as the virus landed hard on Michigan,            Beca Torres-Davenport and Revs. Mark Mares and Evans Mc-
rection of our broad band of First Pres ministries. No doubt, the                                                         community ministry.           a cadre of volunteers inspired by Gail Grady sewed more than 3000           Gowan keep focus on the all-important educational ministries for
twin pandemics of the coronavirus and the stubborn presence of a                                                          It is a great pleasure        cloth facemasks for community members. A Covid-19 Emergen-                  children youth, students and families. All year long, I resourced the
pervasive racism have occupied our focus in 2020. The virus has                                                           to serve as Coordi-           cy Fund was established through a special congregational appeal.            Adult Education Group, and shaped our adult formation minis-
demanded a shift toward virtual modes of worship, education and                                                           nator of the Resident         After an application and screening process, a total of $38,200 was          tries. By mid-fall, our new staffing plan was taking hold and I was
service. It has been incredibly challenging to maintain the high                                                          Ministry program                                                                                          able to transfer supervision of Christian formation responsibilities
                                                                         8                                                                                                                                                      9
to Rev. Evans McGowan and to see the continued flourishing of
those ministries, even when restricted by Covid-19.
                                                                       irrepressible conviction of care, concern and mutual support that
                                                                       binds people together in a whole. Peace.                                   REPORTS OF SESSION COMMITTEES
I am convinced First Pres is well-positioned to embrace the ex-
citing future challenges of ministry in Ann Arbor. A keen sense                                                                                                     Christian Formation
of anticipation about our common future as the people of God in                                                                                                              Diane Hockett
this place, set next to a major academic institution, flows through
the congregation as we prepare for the final phase of a productive
                                                                                                                                                       We believe faith grows in and connects people of all ages. By
interim and move to call a new Lead Pastor for First Pres.
                                                                                                                                                  engaging the head, heart and mind with faithful explorations of
First Pres has tremendous human resources distributed across our                                                                                  the Spirit, these experiences provide the foundation for life-long
staff and leaders. It’s been my delightful challenge to work among                                                                                faith formation. This year, Christian Formation worked collabora-
them. A deep well of compassion for the people of our world, our                                                                                  tively to coordinate learning opportunities across all ages through
community and our church fuels our work together as colleagues                                                                                    a variety of mediums, including classes on Sunday morning,
and friends. And there resides among our First Pres staff an                                                                                      children’s and youth activities, family networking and fellowship
                                                                                                                                                  groups, Bible studies, and other study groups involving our Young
                                                                                                                                                  Adults (T2A2) and Campus Ministry (UKirk@UMich).
                                                                                                                                                       “Mr. Rogers: It’s a Beautiful Day to Follow Jesus” was the basis          ister of Youth and Families; Beca Torres-Davenport, Coordinator
                                                                                                                                                  of the Lenten Intergenerational Learning Experience for Lent                   for Children’s Education and Family Ministry; and Rev. Jay Sander-
                                                                                                                                                  2020. Children, youth and adults shared learning experiences
                                         Report from The Reverend Evans McGowan                                                                   from the curriculum based on Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood philos-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ford, Associate Pastor, who is transitioning off of the committee.

                                       Assistant Pastor for Faith Formation and Campus Ministries                                                 ophy each Sunday during Lent.
                                                                                                                                                       Activities for all ages transitioned to virtual activities shortly
                                                                                                                                                  after Lent began as the COVID pandemic began. In place of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2021 Goals
                             Three and a half years ago, I returned                                                                               Fall Kick-Off, Christian Formation participated in the drive thru                  • Expand our collaboration and integration across ages
                             to First Pres at the Campus Ministries                                                                               event to distribute Sunday School materials to families. Many                        and with other areas of ministry including mission and
                             Coordinator. I have enjoyed working                                                                                  thanks to our Deacons who generously delivered extra materials                       worship.
                             alongside various Resident Ministers to                                                                              to families.                                                                       • Provide increased opportunities for families to network
organize numerous campus events, from Pancake Suppers to Ice                                                                                           All Christian Formation workgroups continue to meet to-                         and to provide supports for parents to be engaged in
Cream Socials, and from getting coffee on campus to taking stu-                                                                                   gether for planning and coordination. The combined committee                         their children’s faith journey.
dents on service trips to Nicaragua and Puerto Rico. I have also                                                                                  includes the following workgroups: Children and Family Ministry                    • Increase our use of technology to reach out to new fami-
worked alongside our Christian Formation team, leading Confir-                                                                                    (chaired by Karen Mundus), Youth & Family Ministry (chaired by                       lies and to make learning opportunities more accessible.
mation for three years and encouraging various intergenerational       Being an Assistant Pastor is a special, temporary designation that         Renee Mulcrone), and Adult Ministry (chaired by Diane Hockett).
activities for our families.                                           is eligible to become an installed Associate Pastor position as early      Staff leaders include Rev. Evans McGowan, Assistant Pastor for                     • Increase involvement of children and youth in church-
                                                                                                              as Fall 2021. This transition       Faith Formation and Campus Ministries; Rev. Mark Mares, Min-                         wide activities.
This year has been one of          I look forward to continuing to work                                       allows me to step into vari-
transition, as my colleague                                                                                   ous roles to lead the church
Rev. Mark Mares took over        with each of you to expand our hearts and                                    in the areas of Christian           Childrens’ Education & Family Ministries (Crib - Grade 5)                                               Karen Mundus & Beca Torres-Davenport
leading Confirmation, and         minds in the love and light of Christ ...                                   Formation to create an over-
                                                                                                              arching narrative to explore
                                                                                                                                                       The Children and Family Ministry work group has faced 2020                maintaining Milestone Ministry
our Christian Formation                                                                                                                           head-on with courage, tenacity, commitment and deep faith. They                events where appropriate, and
committee helped oversee                                                                                      the faith at various life stages.   have paid attention to the needs of families during this challenging           gifting Jesse Tree Advent calendar
our online Sunday School with Beca Torres-Davenport out on             While my heart remains in reaching out to the university com-              year and adapted their actions and offerings. They’ve brought chil-            booklets.
parental leave. And now, as of December 1, I am the Assistant          munity, I am also excited to craft an experiential approach to faith       dren together for a mixed-age formation classes that both enhanc-                   The Children and Family
Pastor of Faith Formation and Campus Ministries. In addition           formation across all ages. I believe this position combines the best       es the conversations of the children and also supports the faithful            Ministry work group had the
to working with my colleagues in the Children, Youth and Family        of both worlds.                                                            teachers that continue to guide our children. Families now find                additional challenge of assisting in
ministries, I will also                                                                                                                           themselves simultaneously working full time jobs and acting as a               Fall Kick-Off and Faith Formation
be supporting the                                                  2020 has been a challenging year. I am excited to see what chang-              stay-at-home parent, leaving little energy for much else. The Chil-            classes, continuing weekly commu-
work of our T2A2                                                   es await us in 2021. I look forward to continuing to work with                                                         dren and Family Ministry               nications, and offering Milestone
(20s and 30s) group                                                each of you to expand our hearts and minds in the love and light                                                       work group understands                 Ministry events while our Coordi-
and Adult Education.                                               of Christ, here at First Pres and out into the university setting and                                                  and seeks to offer simple              nator for Children & Family Ministry, Rebeca Torres-Davenport,
I am also heading                                                  community beyond. May our faith continue to shape us into ever                                                         and tangible ways to join              was away on Parental Leave for 12 weeks following the birth of her
up our technology                                                  more clear reflections of Christ’s love for all people.                                                                God’s family. This includes            second child in August. This challenge highlighted the strengths of
committee, and our                                                                                                                                                                        offering a virtual VBS this            this team that serves First Presbyterian Children and Families. We
first order of business                                                                                                                                                                   summer, providing Bibles               are grateful to the support of the Personnel Committee for creat-
has been to install                                                                                                                                                                       to families to keep at home,           ing family-friendly policy, and to the rest of the Christian Forma-
cameras in the sanc-                                                                                                                                                                      take-home spiritual prac-              tion teams in supporting us throughout the unique circumstances
tuary as we prepare to                                                                                                                                                                    tices and curriculum kits,             of parental leave, Fall Kick-off and a pandemic.
livestream our worship services.                                10                                                                                                                                                          11
Successes & Highlights:                                                                                                                            Middle School Camp (with help from the
 • Intergenerational New Year progressive (in church) party.
                                                                                                                                                   High Schoolers), and summer reads and                                         2021 Goals
                                                                                                                                                   discussion using the books Stamped: Racim,                                      • we plan to continue to try and be creative, adaptable, and
    This included board games and appetizers; dinner, snow-
                                                                                                                                                   Anti-Racism, and You; The Poet X; and                                             versatile
    flakes, and more games; dessert, sparkling juice and hopes for
                                                                                                                                                   Superman Smashes the Klan.
    the new year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • continue to create space and opportunities for our young
                                                                                                                                                        In the fall, we planned for a mix of phys-
 • Virtual Communion Workshop (April 2020) & Socially dis-                                                                                                                                                                           people to grow in faith and compassion, serve our commu-
                                                                                                                                                   ically distanced, masked, and in-person two
    tanced Bible Presentation (October 2020) Milestones                                                                                                                                                                              nity, build relationships with one another, and find a place
                                                                                                                                                   Sundays of the month, and Zoom for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of belonging.
 • Continued child involvement in Worship participation (scrip-                                                                                    other two Sundays. Faith formation Middle
    ture reading)                                                                                                                                  School class was led by Betsy McCallister                                       • create more opportunities for intergenerational gatherings
                                                                                                                                                   leading an exploration of Jesus’ teaching                                       • connect our families and parents with each other and the
 • “Peeps at Home” and “Summer Garden Kits” sign-up and
                                                                                                                                                   on the Beatitudes. High school students                                           church
    home delivery
                                                                                                                                                   meet at the same time on Zoom for Sunday school with Rev. Evans
 • Participation of eight families in the summer Compassion                                                                                                                                                                        • create more opportunities for youth to engage in local
                                                                                                                                                   McGowan. Nine students joined confirmation with Rev. Mark
    Camp (VBS replacement). This five-session camp was spread                                                                                                                                                                        service
                                                                                                                                                   Mares on Zoom for two Sundays in the month and an ‘experiential”
    over two and a half months and included virtual group                                                                                          learning/gathering on one Sunday of the month.
    discussions, at home craft and mini- mission opportunities,
    physical movement and songs, as well as two in-person so-                2021 Goals                                                                 We also participated in two youth work days as we partnered
                                                                                                                                                   with the local Alpha House to do yard work once in the summer,
    cially distanced gatherings.                                               • Recruit teaching volunteers to support at-home faith              and once this fall where we also donated pumpkins and cider for
                                                                                  conversations and learning, enhance the child-adult faith        their use. In December, we partnered with CAN of Washtenaw Co.
                                  • Transition into virtual Faith                 telling relationships, evenly disperse the teaching load         to help decorate a Santa’s Sleigh Float for their use to deliver pres-
                                    Formation classes on Sun-                     among volunteers, and engage more members of the                 ents to kids in various Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti communities.
                                    days that includes a class for                church in the Children & Family Ministry.                        Although we had planned a trip to France, a backpacking trip, and
                                    preschool ages three to five
                                                                               • Continue to enhance Milestone Ministries virtually and            youth service week over the summer, and many more opportunities
                                    and mixed age Kindergarten-
                                                                                  socially distanced. Perhaps rearranging the time of year         for our youth to engage in local mission, as with all things COVID,
                                    5th grade, as well as Children’s
                                                                                  that they happen, but keep them as sacred spaces for the         we had to put several of these plans on hold for the time being.
                                                                                  children and their families to grow together in their faith
                                  • Virtual Christmas Nativity                    and knowing Christ.
                                    service that offers an active
                                                                               • Explore how we can best support parents and families in
                                                                                                                                                   UKirk@UMich (Campus Ministry)                                  Rev. Evans McGowan
                                    intergenerational approach
                                    to telling the story of Christ’s              the continuing challenges of virtual school/stay-at-home
                                                                                                                                                        Despite an unprecedented year of struggle with COVID-19                  • Weekly Summer Book Study: Nadia Bolz-Weber’s, Accidental
                                    birth.                                        parenting while maintaining their own employment
                                                                                                                                                   and its limitations, we, the Campus Ministry Work Group, con-                   Saints
                                                                                  stresses and needs.
                                                                                                                                                   tinued to reach students hungry for an informed faith through                 • Weekly Online Anti-Racism Group
                                                                                                                                                   worship, interactive hope through service, inclusive love through
                                                                                                                                                   fellowship and intentional relationship through authentic connec-
Youth & Family Ministry (Grades 6-12)                                  Renee Mulcrone & Rev. Mark Mares                                            tion.
                                                                                                                                                        Headed by the Rev. Evans McGowan, and Co-Chair, Katie
     Our 2020 Youth & Family ministry year continued with mo-               ed Faith Formation, where high
                                                                                                                                                   Parker, the Campus Ministry adapted to changing circumstances
mentum carrying over from the end of 2019. Some of our special              school students were encouraged
                                                                                                                                                   with the goal to still reach many students with and through the
activities have included a cooking night with the resident ministers        to connect to our Climate Change
                                                                                                                                                   love and light of Christ.
judging the cooking, and other activities such as seeing “Just Mer-         series; having confirmation stu-
cy” with a conversation afterward, and a Neutral Zone leadership            dents meet via Zoom with Rev.                                          2020 Highlights:
conference. At the end of February, we held an all-youth Winter             Evans McGowan; and having our
Retreat at Spring Hill Camp. And in early March, we held an all-            6th and 7th grade teaching team
                                                                                                                                                    • Winter Weekly Small Group Discussion on Wednesdays
youth Lock-in at the church, which included laser tag, games at the         (Betsy M., Larry P. and Ginny B.)                                       • Winter Weekly Coffee Crew Study Break
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • New Initiative: Teaming up with Presbyterian Women and the
church, a midnight donut run, and a special scripture enactment             sending out weekly letters with                                         • Spring 2020 Annual Service Trip to Puerto Rico in March: 20                  “cookie bakers” of First Pres to deliver COVID care packages to
exercise.                                                                   an “at home” lesson. And eleven                                            people from three different universities                                    students at the beginning, middle and end of the semester
     In early                                                               students were confirmed before a Zoom Session meeting!
March, when the                                                                  Youth groups still met weekly via Zoom, with games, conver-                                                                                     • Weekly College Lunch - Virtual and In-Person on the Circle
state ordered a                                                             sations, and laughter. We had Netflix Party movie nights, weekly                                                                                       Terrace
shut down, we                                                               “Whatcha Reading?” Wednesdays (exploring what youth were                                                                                             • Weekly Online Women’s Group
made immediate                                                              reading and questions relevant to life and faith), and various games
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • University Sunday on September 20, 2020 with student wor-
adaptations to our                                                          together, including a youth led weekly Dungeons and Dragons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ship leadership
ministries. With                                                            gathering. Parents had the opportunity to virtually hang-out with
youth at home                                                               other parents on “Front Porch Fridays” where they could meet and                                                                                     • Various Students participating in Worship Leadership through-
our virtual youth                                                           get to know each other and pastor Mark. With the weather nicer                                                                                         out the year
ministries includ-                                                          and school over, we held some drive-way/backyard visits, Summer                                                                                      • Weekly Wed@8 Socially Distant Events in September
                                                                       12                                                                                                                                                   13
• Donations to “Maize and Blue Cupboard”                                   year term as a board member. Rev. Evans McGowan meets weekly                 Most importantly, during the lockdown, we cared for one
  • Elected new Student Leadership Team for input and planning               virtually with leaders from across the nation to share best prac-        another – delivering groceries and medicine for those who had
     purposes                                                                tices and coordinate national programs, with a special focus on          Covid-19 or were quarantined, picking up the mail for those who                  2021 Goals
                                                                             Communications and Anti-Racism.                                          had gone to stay with family, and checking in to make sure every-                T2A2 has had a lot of discussions recently of who we are and
  • Expanded the Campus Ministry Work Group with two former                       After over a decade of service to local campus ministries, the      one was doing OK as we adjusted to a different way of life.
     and two new members                                                                                                                                                                                                               how we fit into First Pres. In the next year we plan to:
                                                                             Board of the Ann Arbor Campus Ministry Foundation requested
                                                                             to dissolve and transfer all funds to First Pres, designated for fu-                                                                                       • Continue hosting Small Groups and Hangouts to foster
                                                                             ture campus ministry. The process concluded, after much delib-                                                                                                relationships within the T2A2 community.
                                                                             eration and discernment, in 2020, with the goal to set up future                                                                                           • Make use of resident-minister resources by using their
                                                                             success stories in campus ministry in 2021 and beyond.                                                                                                        individual strengths to support T2A2.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Continue to offer millennial perspectives to committees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           within the church.
                                                                              2021 Goals                                                                                                                                                • Partner with local mission groups to serve the community.
                                                                              •   Continue to find creative ways to involve students in the
                                                                                  life of the church, virtually or socially distant in-person
                                                                              •   Continue to meet the needs of students, particularly the
     While many events had to be canceled or adjusted, including
                                                                                  most vulnerable                                                     Adult Education                                  Diane Hockett
the Michigan Meltdown Ice Cream Social, Labor Day Weekend                     •   Hire a Campus Peer Minister for Fall 2021
                                                                                                                                                      Adult Ministry offers a variety of learning opportunities for adults         Bible @ 9:30 (at 5:00 p.m.), a weekly Bible Study group that
Pizza Float, and Annual Pancake Supper (it would have been the                •   Welcome a new Resident Minister to support T2A2                     to participate in that relate to their faith as Christians. Offerings        meets virtually at 5:00. The group, led by Ed Koster, explores the
17th!), there were new offerings, including socially-distant lawn
                                                                              •   Celebrate our graduating seniors                                    include Sunday learning and discussion groups, study and fellow-             big ideas of the Christian faith through discussing Ezra, Nehemi-
games at the church, COVID care packages and a number of
                                                                              •   COVID dependent, return to offering a service trip and              ship groups offered during the week and season programs. Begin-              ah, and the Gospel of Mark.
virtual summer groups.
                                                                                  fall retreat!                                                       ning in March the classes moved to virtual experiences. While this
     UKirk Collegiate Ministries, the Presbyterian national board
of camps ministries, asked Rev. Evans McGowan to serve a three-
                                                                                                                                                      was a necessary change in response to the virus, it also allowed             Additional Offerings
                                                                                                                                                      those who could not be present on Sunday morning to view the
                                                                                                                                                      programs at their leisure which did result in additional viewers.            •     Bible Study and Book Reads- Throughout the week several
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         groups meet for Bible Study, social issues or other
T2A2 (Twenties & Thirties in Ann Arbor)                          Chris Wahl                                                                           Sunday Programs                                                                    faith-related topics.

                                                                              and chat for a few hours. Some of us are church members, while
                                                                                                                                                      Several groups meet on Sunday following worship.                             •     Noon Conversations - weekly conversations about wellness
                                                                              others go to other churches or to none at all. We were fortunate        Exploring the Faith meets weekly and provides educational pre-                     and compassion
                                                                              to have two special hangouts, hosted at the homes of Rev. Rick          sentations and dialogue on a wide variety of topics related to how           •     Local pilgrimages in the park and Labyrinth walks were
                                                                              Spalding and Rev. Mel Rogers where we got to know each other.           our faith reflects in our daily lives. 2019 topics included:                       also offered for individual and family participation during the
                                                                                   Like the rest of the world, we were suddenly forced to stop                                 he Age o
                                                                                                                                                                           in t        fC
                                                                              meeting in person in March, and we quickly moved to the                                   pe

                                                                              world of virtual meetings. As COVID restrictions loosened, we

                                                                                                                                                          ing With H

                                                                                                                                                                                           ate C nge
                                                                              experimented with hybrid meetings with some of the group in                                                                                              2021 Goals

                                                                              person and others – those who were with family or were quar-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • Offer learning opportunities that support living our lives

                                                                              antining that week – joining virtually. With a lot of trial and error
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           as Christians in multiple ways and at multiple times.
                                                                              to improve sound quality, we have figured out a system where
                                                                              everyone can participate regardless of if they are sitting socially                                                                                        • Enhance Adult Ministry learning opportunities through
     T2A2 continued to build community, grow faith, and wel-                                                                                            • Ministering to the Marginalized: Living with Dementia &
                                                                              distanced and masked on a back patio or calling in from home.                                                                                                increased use of technology.
come all in the last year. A theme of our events, borrowed from                                                                                                 Serious Mental Illness for January and February
                                                                              Our setup includes a big-screen TV, old computer, Zoom link,                                                                                               • Record sessions to make them available on demand
the Christian Formation committee, is to make the barrier to                  and individual lapel mics. As the weather grew colder, we added           • Living With Hope In The Age Of Climate Change
entry as low as possible. The fewer steps to getting involved, the                                                                                                                                                                       • Improve presentations with improved amplification and
                                                                              a fire pit too!                                                           • Mr. Rogers, It’s a Beautiful Neighborhood, an intergeneration-
more likely we are to meet new friends! We focus on actions like                                                                                                                                                                           projection capabilities
                                                                                                                                                                al series for Lent,
not requiring RSVPs, reducing or eliminating required work                                                                                                                                                                               • Capitalize on electronic resources to increase and expand
outside of gatherings, ensuring all events can be participated in for                                                                                   • Faith and Race series provided sessions to increase our aware-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           learning offerings
free, and making sure rides to events are easy to request.                                                                                                      ness about racism and white supremacy and better under-
     The T2A2 calendar is rooted in two weekly events - Small                                                                                                   stand our role as Christians in addressing the issues.                   • Work collaboratively with other committees and church
Group on Sundays and Hangout on Wednesdays. In Small Group,                                                                                                                                                                                groups to broaden adult ministry experience to include
we build deep friendships, dig deep into scripture, and pray for                                                                                                                                                                           experiential and service-related activities.
                                                                                                                                                      First Friends is a self-directed adult fellowship group that used
each other. Rev. Amy Ruhf helps lead this group and provides                                                                                          video presentation to address the current issues including COVID                   • Continue to support intergenerational activities and pro-
materials for leaders and pastoral support.                                                                                                           and racism.                                                                          gramming for parents.
     The T2A2 Hangout is the ultimate in low-barrier come-as-
you-are participation. People come and go and we just hang out
                                                                        14                                                                                                                                                    15
You can also read