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October 2012, № 6/17 (special edition) ISSN 2029-4212 RAIL N e w s pa p e r f o r t h e t r a n s p o r t p r o f e s s i o n a l S Intermodal Centres - A Promising Future Intermodal Services in Lithuania bfl
2 RAIL Cooperation with Marine Container Forwarding Customs Intermediaries The Shuttle Train Official NATO Container Lines by Rail “Vilnius shuttle” Cargo Carrier The “Viking Train“ Own Container Fleet Container Delivery by A Container Land Port Shuttle Train Project Road Transport “Klaipėda - Kiev” INTERMODAL CONTAINER SERVICE Lentvario st. 1, 02300 Vilnius, Lithuania, tel.: +370 5 260 2149, +370 5 2608651, fax: +370 5 260 2585, e-mail:,
3 RAIL shutterstock Dear Readers, Despite unfavourable overall trends of Lithuania’s strategically convenient are handled rather complicatedly and it economic development, the Lithuanian position allows businessmen and the takes more time to clear them? Besides, transport sector has managed, by way state to enjoy large flows of transit freight transportation services in Russia itself are of developing a diverse variety of its intended for markets of Russia and not cheap as well, so customers go for the services on international markets, to be farther countries. Lithuanian carriers, option that offers the delivery of goods among that scarce number of branches freight forwarders, Klaipėda Port and from European manufacturers or ports of our economy that have been pulling railways are well-known and widely- up to the consignee’s door. Lithuanian the country’s entire economy out of the recognised professionals of transit- ditch. Its contribution to the country’s freight transportation from Western and carriers and the whole transport sector GDP is also one of the biggest, noticeably Asian countries to Eastern countries. have been known since long ago as surpassing the contribution of some other Maybe Lithuania has become a choice reliable partners able to offer flexible major industrial branches. because customs formalities in Russia cooperation conditions. October 2012, № 6/17 (special edition) ISSN 2029-4212 RAIL N e w s pa p e r f o r t h e t r a n s p o r t p r o f e s s i o n a l S BMC-NET Publisher Baltic Media Center In Klaipeda Daukanto str. 13, Klaipeda, Lithuania Photo „Baltijos fotografijos linija“, Web Tel./fax +370 46 311318 „Shutterstock“, Arturas Aushra E-mail E-mail Printed by “Lietuvos rytas” Head office Kalvariju str. 135, Vilnius, Lithuania Director Аlgirdas Aushra Print-run 10 000 Tel./fax +370 5 2481629 Editor Mindaugas Aushra Note The Editorial Office shall not be liable for Commuting • Logistics • technologies E-mail Layout Editor Kestutis Jonaitis the content of advertisements.
4 RAIL Logistics Infrastructure and the State Logistics is and will be one of the most important constituents of the transport system. By virtue of logistics, a foundation can be created for the development of a fast, safe and environment-sparing freight transportation. Lithuania is one of the unique countries across which there pass many transport corridors and, therefore, it is necessary to get integrated into the common logistics system of the European Union (EU), thus creating a possibility not only to redistribute freight among different modes of transport, but also to connect to the European transport and its networks. In implementation of the “Long-Term (until 2025) Lithuanian Transport System Development Strategy”, 3 main public logistics centres (in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda) are planned to be established in Lithuania, thus actively contributing to the effective development of the intermodal transport network in the Baltic Sea Region. Mindaugas Aušra that most of intermodal units are still moved in and moved out by road transport, i.e. 80%. freight forwarding via a logistics centre is im- portant since maritime transport companies Efficient Structure The efficiency of Lithuanian transport is I Mr. Marcel Sames, General Manager for Sales would be unwilling to dispatch their freight n 2013, the construction works of public lo- proven by the country’s higher average fig- and Business Development of “POLZUG Inter- via Central Asia as it takes more time. It is in- gistics centres in Vilnius, Kaunas and Šiauliai ures. “If to compare European countries, modal GmbH”, asserts that their company’s dispensable to make investments into logis- will be commenced. The projects of these lo- transport is mediocre in all countries “, - says core business is related with marine contain- tics centres so as to ensure intermodal ser- gistics centres are recognised as economic Mr. Ramūnas Rimkus. There is an interest- ers. “It is such containers that arrive and de- vices” – comments Mr. M. Sames. Mr. Alimas projects of state importance, with approxi- ing fact - Lithuanian transport indicators al- part to the far-distant countries of the world. Mačiulis, Director of the Transport Invest- mately 300 million LTL having been provided ways remain positive. In the face of econom- Lithuania is competing in the East with corri- ment Directorate, which administers inflows for them. “We understand that the main mea- ic hardships, the balance of these indicators dors via Belarus and the Ukraine and, there- from EU funds, asserts that the technical de- sure in order to implement the core tasks of still continues to be positive. Transport at any fore, logistics centres must be distinguished sign of Vilnius Logistics Centre is already pre- the Lithuanian Intermodal Transport Strategy time - be it good or bad economic times - by something. Transport is important for pared and only some minor adjustments are by way of establishing public logistics cen- contributes not less than 10 percent to Lith- time-saving, but though one can arrive faster needed. “For the not too distant future, con- tres in Lithuania, is promotion of coopera- uania’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Public by land transport, but maritime transport is crete works have been planned. On my part, logistics centres, to be established in close vi- tion among the key transport sector players: prevailing as connections have not been de- I would like to say that the responsible peo- cinity to TEN-T networks and major industri- transport and logistics companies, munici- ple are cooperating and are pursuing within palities, state authorities, scientific and aca- veloped”, - says he. al and business centres, will bring benefits for Willing at least in part to change the aris- as tight as possible time-limits, as quickly as the entire country, especially regions, and for demic structures”, - says Mr. Stasys Dailydka, possible, to implement all the projects, final- en disbalance among various modes of trans- private business. General Director of Public Limited Liability ising the implementation of projects with the port it is important to create a proper conti- Nevertheless, competition inside the Eu- Company (AB) “Lietuvos geležinkeliai” (Lithu- clearance of bureaucratic procedures”. nental infrastructure, i.e. intermodal land ter- ropean Union is growing. Since competi- anian Railways). Indeed, Lithuania is at certain crossroads minals, which could efficiently and expe- tion is huge, offers are almost identical, but ditiously transship containers off railways between Europe and the East. “Lithuania is customer loyalty is decreasing dramatical- The Need for Infrastructure onto road transport, and vice versa. There- in a favourable situation and we are in be- ly. It can be seen that basically the farther - The container-transhipment volumes at fore, when creating public logistics centres it tween the European market, which possess- the more everything is determined by price. the port of Klaipėda, as the main generator is necessary to set up intermodal loading ter- es around 340 million residents who need Mr. Arūnas Bertašius, General Director of UAB of intermodal freight, are almost every year minals. At the present moment it is the main cargo. There is the Baltic States Region with “Rhenus Svoris”, expects that logistics centres beating new records (for example, in 2011 task of the transport sector. “Freight compa- Scandinavian countries and the insatiable CIS in Lithuania will help to stay competitive. “We even 370 thousand TEUs, or 4 million tons, nies are in quest of new routes, but no so- countries, to which we have to deliver freight. expect to improve our efficiency. We have were transshipped). However, evaluating the lutions in this area have become foremost. We are putting every effort to keep these po- to concentrate as much as possible freight distribution of container transportation at Therefore, that opens up for Vilnius Logistics sitions; Lithuania has set certain priorities, in one place, to get lesser costs out of it and the port of Klaipėda among road transport the most important of which are: to devel- then to offer customers a wider service. We Centre an opportunity to capture a certain op the transport network within the country; need rapidness and clarity”. As the company’s and rail transport modes, it should be noted market share. When it comes to Lithuania, to promote intermodal transport; to develop CEO said, “Rhenus Svoris” will not spend even the public logistics structure. These are the one Euro until it is absolutely clear how much connecting parts without which we could everything is going to cost in the future and Logistics centres in Lithuania are designated for improving not promote our transport sector and private how the company will profit from that. “The the quality of transport services, for enhancing efficiency companies”, - comments Mr. Ramūnas Rim- public centre will have to answer about the of utilisation of transport modes, for improving freight kus, Deputy Head of Transit and Logistics Di- future situation. If doing something in Lithu- vision of Road and Civil Aviation Department ania is to pay off, then we will continue here transportation and service in certain regions, and for of the Ministry of Transport and Communica- with constructions, if not – then we will be optimising freight flows. tions. in search of other options. We are sticking
5 RAIL all the infrastructure? “It is not accepted here principle of cooperation between the state that the services of a logistics terminal would and private capital? The state’s contribution be considered a mode of transport. And be- to logistics centres is preparing for business cause of that we face many problems. We are such infrastructure where business could forced to go to the customs office and other work efficiently. Business should do their job, inspection sites, instead of agencies coming putting every effort that freight would be to warehouses and checking goods there”. abounding. “A decision was made to include these projects into the “Long-Term Lithua- Focus of Attention on Railways nian Transport Strategy” on account of will- ingness to promote transport modality and In order to implement, approve and main- intermodality”, - says Mr. R. Rimkus. tain the Lithuanian transport logistics sec- In the meantime, Vilnius City Municipality, tor, state authorities together with business like many modern global cities of Europe, is is conceiving a most diverse variety of proj- endeavouring to raise its economy. Creation ects. One of such projects would be “Rail Bal- of public logistics centres will help to attract tica”. The value of this project is approximate- investments and cash funds to the city’s bud- ly 2 billion LTL and it is promised to be im- get. “We also have other concurrent objec- plemented by the end of 2015. “Rail Baltica” tives: sustainable development of the trans- would allow to connect the states of Poland, port system, enhancement of environmental Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland by a protection, solution of problems. We are not common railway network. In the meantime, very eager to have big trucks running across the train “Viking” is of great importance for the city. Therefore, logistics centres and ware- the development of state relations and busi- houses should be concentrating within cer- ness. Especially huge quantities of freight tain territories in the vicinity of the city since are carried by it. “In the European Union we it would allow saving time and would pres- have the fastest border crossing. The train “Vi- ent a better option for transport and logistics king” has gained international recognition as infrastructure”, - such comments on the situ- the best intermodal project. Other projects ation are given by Mr. Romas Adomavičius, are only starting”, - says Mr. Ramūnas Rim- Deputy Mayor of Vilnius City. kus, Deputy Head of Transit and Logistics Di- The reality of Vilnius District territory is vision of Road and Civil Aviation Department slightly different from that in the city munic- of the Ministry of Transport and Communica- ipality. As the city’s territory belongs to the tions. He mentions two projects that are now municipality, there is no need to buy out the at the initial stage – “Saulė” and “Merkurijus”. land within the city, it is sufficient to trans- With the train “Saulė” it is sought to facilitate fer it for public- or business development freight transportation between Eastern Eu- needs. “In Vilnius District, land plots are pri- ropean countries and Kazakhstan, as well as vate, so we will have to buy them out of pri- China. Therefore, at the present moment we vate ownership. At the present moment, we are on the lookout for freight, and just when are planning that Vilnius Public Logistics Cen- they show up, the train “Saulė” will be regu- tre (VPLC) will have to fit in into the land of lar. Whereas the project “Merkurijus”, which is 400 ha in area, but only when infrastructure gaining momentum, will allow to solve prob- formation works are commenced, we will see lems when transporting goods from Europe whether it actually will be sufficient. It may to Russia via Moscow. “So it is evident that all be that we will have to expand onto a big- the mentioned projects are among more im- ger land plot”, - says Ms. Marija Rekst, Mayor portant ones and they are associated with of Vilnius District. Vilnius Public Logistics Cen- modality and intermodality. In order to im- tre will be divided into two parts: a logistics shutterstock plement these projects all through, it is vital park, which will be developed together with to establish public logistics centres in Lithua- Vilnius Municipality, and an intermodal con- nia”, - says Mr. R. Rimkus. tainer terminal designated for transshipment Logistics centres in Lithuania are designat- of freight from one mode of transport onto ed for improving the quality of transport ser- another. An invitation to tender for the VPLC vices, for enhancing efficiency of utilisation project will be opened by Public Limited Li- of transport modes, for improving freight ability Company (AB) “Lietuvos geležinkeliai” to a pragmatic point of view”, - says Mr. A. that could receive freight from Klaipėda and transportation and service in certain regions, (Lithuanian Railways) at the end of the year Bertašius, echoing no sentiments. would do it at low cost”. and for optimising freight flows. That is criti- 2012, whereas at the beginning of the year In the meantime, Mr. Norbert Wagen- But Mr. T. Sankauskas raises a question - cal both for business and for social life. What 2013 – the first construction works will be er, CEO of “WAGENER&HERBST Manage- what is going to be later when the country has is that public logistics centre and what is the commenced. ment Consultant GmbH”, asserts that the suc- cess of the centres depends on the devel- opment of internationality and of transport connections. “Otherwise, they will be only of regional significance. If there exists will- ingness to expand, it is necessary to speak about creation of intermodal centres. In Ger- many, there were conducted surveys on the socio-economic impact of freight villages. It was found out that investments are reach- ing around 5.5 billion EUR”. The big success of freight villages is that it combines vari- ous modes of transport. 2.4 million TEUs are “Ararat” “Ararat” – it’s– ait’snew a new andandmodern modern relaxation relaxation andand repurchased in freight villages in Germany. entertainment entertainment complex complexin the in the portport of Klaipėda, of Klaipėda, “Freight connections must be developed, in- Liepų Liepų street street 48A48A frastructure is required, and technologies are needed. A free-of-charge access for train op- erators must be ensured. There ought be no monopolies and no bureaucratic obstacles. It *Comfortable, *Comfortable, modern modern4-star 4-star apartments; apartments; is necessary to operate on the chain principle *Luxurious *Luxurious interior interior restaurant restaurant because a chain will enable business to de- velop.” – says Mr. N. Wagener. (maximum (maximum100100 people); people); Railways transports half of all Lithua- *Authentical *Authentical Armenian Armenian cuisine; cuisine; nian freight, which is much more than in *Great *Great business business lunch, lunch, take-away take-away food; food; other neighbouring countries. Mr. Tautgi- *Conference *Conference hallhall withwith modern modernequipments; equipments; nas Sankauskas, President of Lithuanian Na- *24-hour *24-hour lounge lounlounge lounbar;bar; tional Freight Forwarders’ Association “Line- *Mini *Mini spaspa andand sauna sauna hamam. hamam. ka”, maintains that Lithuania has one solid harbour, which is in Klaipėda. It is a verita- ble public logistics centre of Lithuania. “In- vestments are being made into Klaipėda and Liepų Liepų Str. Str. 48A,48A, many people ask what is going on in Vilni- LT-92107 LT-92107 Klaipėda, Klaipėda, Lithuania Lithuania Welcome Welcometo toKlaipėda Klaipėda us. That public logistics centres are emerg- Tel. Tel. +370 +370 46 400880, 46 400880,+370 +370 652652 99000 99000 ing, thanks should be said to state authori- ties. Vilnius’ connection to Klaipėda is of high relevance. Taking a look at such matters, one should say that Vilnius has no solid hub
6 RAIL The Concept of Klaipėda Public Logistics Centre’s Intermodal Terminal While planning the establishment of public logistics centres (PLC), a detailed analysis has been made of the Lithuanian market, freight flows, potential and possibilities. The drawn-up PLC concept as well as expert findings pertaining to the market demand for Klaipėda Public Logistics Centre (KPLC), point out that Public Limited Liability Company “Lithuanian Railways” (AB “Lietuvos geležinkeliai”) is best suited for performing the PLC operator’s functions. planned to be laid. There have been laid elec- trical power lines of 110 kV in voltage run- ning all the way through to the transform- er substation and up to the prospective con- nection of the liquefied gas terminal. Mr. Artūras Drungilas, Marketing and Ad- ministration Director of Klaipėda State Sea- port Authority (KSSPA), asserts that the KPLC intermodal terminal will be necessary after the year 2020, when huge freight flows will be brought to the port of Klaipėda by pri- vate partners. “The logistics centre is not nec- essary for the present day. Lithuania has cur- rently a sufficient number of private logistics centres that are capable of meeting the mar- ket needs. Experts propose applying the cen- tre management model based on the prin- ciple of public and private partnership”, - says Mr. A. Drungilas. True, Mr. A. Drungilas, Marketing and Administration Director of Klaipėda State Seaport Authority, also notes that it was a good decision of the Ministry of Transport and Communications to appoint “Lithuanian Railways” as the founder of KPLC. sxc “It is very logical since Klaipėda State Seaport Authority has no land plots in possession or Mindaugas Aušra option was within the territory of Klaipėda quickly commence organising the intermod- under administration. Giving it a more seri- Free Economic Zone. al terminal’s activities. There has been provid- ous thought, the Law on the Port should be A t the present moment, the existing freight- Keen that the issue of selecting a site for ed a possibility to further expand the system amended because beyond the port territo- terminal model is unreliable since it is not KPLC would be solved, the company “Lithu- of the railway station’s tracks by way of lay- ry Klaipėda State Seaport Authority may nei- always possible to plan the freight delivery time anian Railways” proposed as one of the best ing sleepers directly onto the track founda- ther establish nor administer anything, all accurately and likewise is not flexible due to sites the one that had not been analysed tion made of reinforced concrete slabs. There the more that the planned intermodal termi- in the feasibility study - to the South from is also a requirement to introduce new ac- nal would probably be of more importance a long advance notice prior to the date of de- Draugystė Railway Station, although in the cess roads to the intermodal terminal, which to the railway transport. The specialists of parture, and, what is more, in the event of ex- end the third option was chosen, but due would not interfere with the perspective de- the company “Lithuanian Railways” are ex- porting freight from the continent, one must to EU funds, shortage of time and efficien- velopment of Draugystė Railway Station. perienced in this field, and already from the have recourse to the port terminals. Besides, cy a decision was taken to divide it into three Nevertheless, as long as there are no specif- next year they will be able to generate freight the existing terminal model is expensive and is stages: Stage I – The terminal of UAB “VPA ic technical solutions, it is difficult to evalu- flows”, - says Mr. A. Drungilas. poorly utilising wagons. On average, two days logistics” – Outsourcing Terminal Services; ate how much the construction of such ter- At the new intermodal terminal, fixed elapse from the moment when a wagon enters Stage II – Construction of the Terminal in the minal might cost. If the project were not to wagon groups at the railway station will not Draugystė Railway Station till the moment of Southern Part of Draugystė Railway Station; be divided into stages and the terminal were be disassembled anymore. This will speed up its departure with a laden freight. The need for Stage III – Constructions in the Northern Part to be built in the northern part of Draugystė not only the process of moving freight by rail building a new-type intermodal terminal arose of Draugystė Railway Station. Hence, KPLC’s Railway Station, the works would be drag- out of the port, but will also enable to utilise when it was noticed that only a tiny share of all intermodal terminal will be built within the ging on quite for a long time. If one is will- wagons more efficiently, there being no such the containers transshipped at Klaipėda State territory of “Lithuanian Railways”. In such ing to build a terminal in its entire length big shortage of them as can be felt today. The Seaport’s terminals, gets further transported event, the state would save some money as with four railway tracks and not shorter than terminal itself could be built in 1.5 or 2 years. by rail. This share of freight constitutes only one there will be no need to buy out private land 850 m in length, then in the second stage it Besides, the concept of the newly organised fifth of all the freight transshipped via the port plots. Draugystė Railway Station has been would be necessary to fill with ground the shuttle trains requires setting up an intermo- of Klaipėda, but there is a trend being discerned chosen for the new PLC and for the new in- currently present fire-protection water reser- dal terminal on land, which would serve as that while the volumes of transshipped freight termodal terminal not accidentally. From the voirs as well as to demolish in whole or in part the main point of arrival and departure for are growing, this share is tending to decrease. It geographic point of view, the site is conve- the currently existing administrative building shuttle trains. It is important that high-speed demonstrates that the infrastructure of Klaipėda nient both for the terminal of AB “Klaipėdos of Draugystė Railway Station as at the pres- direct container trains will arrive directly at State Seaport is not satisfactorily fit for handling Smeltė” and for AB “Klaipėdos konteinerių ent moment it is nothing more but an ob- the intermodal terminal, and containers will the increased quantities of containers. terminalas” (“Klaipėda Container Terminal”), stacle. A decision also should be made as to be taken off and put onto the grounds, at the The first option for the site under consid- since it is in close vicinity thereto. On the new where it should be relocated. In the mean- same time collecting those that have been eration, as presented in the feasibility study, site there will be formed a new land contain- time, just at the time of moving towards the brought earlier. The development of such ter- i.e. in the southern part of the port reserve er terminal where freight train-sets would be implementation of the terminal’s third stage, minal will also reduce the environmental pol- territory, has been rejected since KPLC then brought. The railwaymen are opting for such the entire territory of Draugystė Railway Sta- lution. “Now 80 percent of the freight is trans- would fall within the territory of the protec- tion would remain free and unencumbered ported by trucks. The main quantity thereof tion zone of Klaipėda City Watering-Place No. site in order to avoid the necessity of draw- for further development. Mr. Nemunas Pak- travels up to Vilnius. According to the EU nor- 3. The second option was next to the territory ing up a detailed plan, since that could take alnis, Senior Manager of the Logistics Proj- mative standards, in the event of rail trans- of the company “VPA Logistics”. In this event, approximately one and a half years. It is crit- ects Division of “Lithuanian Railways”, asserts portations the environmental pollution is KPLC railway tracks would be 1 km in length ical to manage in terms of time to obtain fi- that in the third stage there will be construct- lesser; consequently, this intermodal termi- since the territory of such length would be nancing for the construction of the intermo- ed larger grounds where freight loading and nal will reduce the distance of freight haul- necessary for accommodating the train-sets dal terminal from the European Union Funds. unloading operations will be performed in a age by trucks from 300 km down to 10 km, of railway wagons. The territory would re- For that purpose, an application should be more efficient manner. “Around the intermo- as freight transportation up to Vilnius will quire an area of approximately 7-8 ha. But submitted by the September of 2013. By that dal terminal, companies will be allowed to set be carried out by trains”, - says Mr. N. Pakal- such territory would be at a far distance from date, the drawing-up of the technical design up their warehouses where they will be able nis. True, the arrival and departure of the new Draugystė Railway Station. The third option and the selection of the contractor must be to transship their freight and to distribute it container-transportation model will be de- was a territory to the North from Draugystė completed. to diverse points of destination”. The third signed in accordance with the regular and re- Railway Station, between the Smeltalė Riv- Yet, the terminal’s first-stage costs are low, stage is planned to be completed in 2016- liable railway-wagon schedule, and such reg- er and Draugystė Railway Station. The fourth and, therefore, it would be possible to more 2017, since the project entails some portion ulation is not possible without a land termi- of vacant state land which requires just a de- nal. With all costs estimated, the total cost of tailed plan to be drawn up and to be consol- delivery of one container for transportation At the new intermodal terminal, fixed wagon groups at the railway idated with the land plot of Draugystė Rail- with the new land terminal would cost 137.5 station will not be disassembled anymore. This will speed up not only way Station. At the present moment, in the LTL, and without it – 176 LTL. Considering the process of moving freight by rail out of the port, but will also northern part of the railway station there is a that 40 thousand TEUs of freight, on average, complicated situation arising due to the laid are exported and imported annually, then enable to utilise wagons more efficiently, there being no such big domestic wastewater piping system and due the setting-up of the land terminal would al- shortage of them as can be felt today. to the “Nord Balt” electricity line that is being low to save 1.54 million LTL a year.
7 RAIL Klaipėda Public Logistics Centre Is Getting Started The railway terminal, which is scheduled to be constructed in the southern part of the port of Klaipėda, will speed up freight transportation from the port by several times and will allow to considerably increase transportation of marine containers by rail transport. Dr. Stasys Dailydka, General Director of “Lithuanian Railways”: “We are compelled to urgently build in Klaipėda an infrastructure of railway loading terminals as we can successfully compete with the road transport which is now carrying the majority of the available freight. Transportation of containers by rail is faster and cheaper”. bfl lg T he necessity to develop an infrastructure of shuttle-train terminals next to Klaipėda State Seaport was prompted by container “Lithuanian Railways” is suffering from wag- ons’ idle-time - from the moment of arrival at Draugystė Railway Station up to the moment stage, the terminal of UAB “VPA Logistics”, which is to commence its operation in the first half of 2013, will be availed of. This year, ad- China and Kazakhstan. The land freight termi- nal’s services will even more spur up freight movement from Belarus, Ukraine, and other transportation statistics which are to the dis- of departure the wagons laden with freight ditional investments are being planned there countries. advantage of the company “Lithuanian Rail- spend in port approximately two days. Due - to construct one more railway branch line. ways”. Though, in recent years, container ste- vedoring operations in the port of Klaipėda to this reason, customers awaiting for freight from the port are more inclined to opt for road “Lithuanian Railways” intends to commence using this terminal already from the begin- The Train “Saulė“ Will Run Regularly have been growing in record numbers, their transport since its departure from the port is ning of next year. During the second stage, As of the 1st of October, this year, the shut- transportation by rail started to decrease. At much more prognosticated. Companies, op- in 2013 there will be drawn up a technical de- tle train “Saulė” will be running regularly twice the present moment, barely one fifth of all the erating in the outskirts of Klaipėda City and sign for the future KPLC to be located in the per month. Mr. Stasys Dailydka, General Di- containers (TEU) transshipped in port are fur- willing to dispatch containers by rail, are now southern part next to Draugystė Railway Sta- rector of “Lithuanian Railways”, once empha- ther taken by rail transport. Three years ago, compelled to carry them by road transport to tion. In the same year, it is planned to approve sised that the realisation of this project is the the share of containers transported by rail con- the port terminals, where they are loaded into the detailed plan of the territory situated in the result of several years’ joint and efficient coop- stituted 24.36 percent, but when the freight wagons and only then head for the railway sta- northern part next to the said railway station. erative work of the Office of the President, the flow at Klaipėda container terminals began tion. The KPLC project, which is under develop- Ministry of Transport and Communications, growing, the share of containers transported “Lithuanian Railways” and UAB “VPA Logis- ment by “Lithuanian Railways” and in imple- Klaipėda Seaport, “VPA Logistics”, Lithuanian by rail started to decrease again. A much more tics” have signed a cooperation agreement, mentation of which container land terminals and foreign railway administration authorities. dismal situation is with “ro-ro” cargo, which is thereby launching the practical implementa- will be built next to Draugystė Railway Station, “It is a major challenge for the entire Lithua- transshipped in port even in larger numbers tion of the project of Klaipėda Public Logistics will allow to apply the real concept of shut- nian transport system, but we believe that the than containers. The port has no conditions for Centre (KPLC) under development. tle trains. To put it in other words, a contain- synergy that has been achieved among the loading semi-trailers on railway platforms and, During a couple of years, in close vicinity er train-set will run, without being broken up, country’s airports, railways and Klaipėda Sea- therefore, all of them are further taken by road thereto there will be erected a logistics centre from point A to point B, thus enabling to re- port by virtue of the transport policy that has transport only. of “Lithuanian Railways” with two shuttle-train duce the time of moving containers from the been implemented in an efficient and targeted In the future, transportation of freight in terminals next to Draugystė Railway Station. port by approximately 48 hours - down to 8-10 manner by the Ministry of Transport and Com- containers at the port of Klaipėda should be KPLC will considerably speed up and enhance hours at the maximum. munications, will enable to achieve best pos- growing at a rapid pace. For example, the containerised-freight transportation as well Last year, at Klaipėda State Seaport (KSSP) sible results and most substantial benefits for “Smeltė” terminal is planning already in 2016 as its volumes from and to stevedoring com- there were transshipped over 382 thousand the stakeholders”, – said Mr. S. Dailydka. to reach 600 thousand standard container panies based at Klaipėda State Seaport. This standard containers. According to the CEO of The first 41-container set of the train “Saulė”, units (TEU)s. It is planned that after ten years centre will allow to save at least 25 million Lit- “Lithuanian Railways”, the establishment of laden with computer equipment, set off from container stevedoring volumes at this termi- as just in costs of services provided by the rail- the new shuttle container train terminal will the Chinese city Chongqing already on the nal will exceed one million TEUs per annum. ways due to more efficient utilisation of wag- lead to a more efficient utilisation of the rail- 28th of October, 2011. Having crossed the ter- “In the face of such trends, we are compelled ons, will diminish the load of the railway junc- way platform designated for transportation of ritories of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Lithua- to urgently build in Klaipėda an infrastructure tions in the port itself, will improve the quali- nia, Poland and Germany and having travelled containers. of railway loading terminals as we can success- ty of logistics services and will be a significant almost 11 thousand kilometres, it reached the Upon accomplishment of the KPLC proj- fully compete with the road transport which economic driver not only for Klaipėda, but also Belgium’s second largest city Antwerp in 18 ect, containers will be expeditiously carried is now carrying the majority of the available for the entire region of Western Lithuania. days. by road transport to the intermodal terminals, freight. Transportation of containers by rail is Mr. Stasys Dailydka, General Director of The new concept implemented by “Lith- loaded there onto a scheduled train, and trans- faster and cheaper, but now most of the time “Lithuanian Railways”, expressed gratification uanian Railways” will enable Lithuania to im- ported further. Such system will allow to take and costs are being absorbed at the port itself that the agreement will ensure a smooth con- some load off the railroads within the port ter- plement faster and more successfully the nor- (prior to transportation from the railway sta- tainer-transportation process. “The port itself ritory, so the stevedoring companies by way mative standards prescribed in the EU’s White tion)”, - said Mr. Stasys Dailydka, General Direc- is lacking a fully-developed railway infrastruc- of using the KPLC services will be able to dis- Paper, i.e. that by the year 2030 road freight tor of “Lithuanian Railways”. ture for intermodal transportations. Therefore, tribute freight more efficiently. In order to en- over 300 km must be carried by other modes we have decided to build such terminal be- sure close economic cooperation with regard of transport - by rail transport or by waterway yond port boundaries. This should accelerate Time Frittered Away in Port the train-set composition process. Besides, al- to freight transit via Lithuania and the KPLC, transport. Whereas, by the year 2050 this fig- At the present moment, the scheme of con- there have already been laid foundations in ure should exceed 50 percent. though almost 80 percent of all the freight is tainer transportation by rail is very inconve- brought to the port by rail, we have a reverse nient for customers. Containers are loaded situation with containers - it is customary to onto platforms at the terminals of companies carry freight of this kind by road transport and At the present moment, barely one fifth of all the containers (TEU) “Klaipėda Container Terminal” and “Smeltė”. only approximately 20 percent gets transport- transshipped in port are further taken by rail transport. Three years ago, Containers discharged from vessels are ware- ed by rail”, - said Mr. Dailydka. the share of containers transported by rail constituted 24.36 percent, but housed on the port territory. Wagons loaded The Terminal of “VPA Logistics” Will Be therein are pushed to Draugystė Railway Sta- Brought Into Play when the freight flow at Klaipėda container terminals began growing, the tion, where at last train-sets are composed. During the first project-implementation share of containers transported by rail started to decrease again.
8 RAIL “Lithuanian Railways” Reconstructing The biggest attention is devoted to the modernisation and development of the Lithuanian railway infrastructure, especially to the IX International Transport Corridor, via which most of the freight gets transported in Lithuania, and to the Klaipėda Railway Junction (Hub). A balanced development of these logistics chain links will ensure the creation of a technically, organisationally and technologically interoperable modern complex of rail transport system, which is provided for in the Lithuanian framework enactments regulating directions for developing the Lithuanian railway transport (Long-Term (until 2025) Lithuanian Transport System Development Strategy). artūro aušros Virgilijus Jastremskas roads. Likewise, it is intended to reconstruct velopment of Klaipėda Railway Junction. 2011, there was prepared a project on noise- signalling-, electric power and other engi- In order to provide stevedoring compa- reduction walls at Klaipėda Railway Sta- P neering networks, passenger platforms. It is nies with better service, in Klaipėda there tion. With due regard to the master plan of ublic Limited Liability Company “Lithua- planned to set up a noise-reduction barrier, has already been reconstructed the railway Klaipėda City, while reconstructing Pauostis nian Railways” (“Lietuvos geležinkeliai”), floodlight towers, electrical switch-warming viaduct across the Varnėnų Street, as well rail yard it is planned to erect a railway viaduct in implementation of the list of state proj- system, to install a block route-relay inter- as a new pedestrian bridge has been erect- over the future street between Labrenciškės ects according to the measure “Develop- locking system, crossing relay-signalling sys- ed over the rail yard of Klaipėda Railway Sta- and Giruliai. Just as Klaipėda City Municipal- ment of Freight and Passenger Handling In- tems and LED-type railway traffic-lights. It is tion, which is connecting the city’s central ity will be finished with the street construc- frastructure at Klaipėda State Seaport” of Pri- further intended to set up a modular trans- part with the residential districts situated tion works, for both local residents and holi- ority V “Trans-European Transport Network former substation that is to ensure power in the northern part as well as with the uni- daymakers it will be much easier to reach the Development” of the Lithuanian Economic supply of category I. Likewise, it is planned versity territory; likewise, Anglinė- and Uos- Giruliai settlement and the beaches by way of Growth Action Programme of the EU Struc- to install train-positioning equipment, video tas (Port) rail yards in the northern part of using the new railway viaduct. tural Support Use Strategy for 2007–2013, the city as well as a portion of the connect- surveillance systems at railroad crossings and In the nearest future, “Lithuanian Railways” is carrying out a complex reconstruction of ing railway tracks in the southern part of the other intricate railway workplaces, to install is planning to complete the reconstruction Klaipėda Railway Junction and is restructur- city have been reconstructed. After comple- audio- and technological communications, works of Draugystė Railway Station, Rimkai ing its property in possession. Part of it has tion of these works, there not only working as well as to erect sound-reducing walls that Railway Station, and Perkėla rail yard. Owing been sold, and part of it has been let on lease. conditions for stevedoring companies have would protect the inhabitants of Klaipėda to the accomplished works, the capacities Likewise, the site for Public Logistics Centre become better, but also there have emerged City against the noise caused by trains. of freight transportation by rail will be en- has been made ready. excellent possibilities of expanding the Just as the projects are accomplished, rail hanced and the risks related to exposure to The said railway-junction reconstruction Varnėnų Street for the future cargo and pas- freight transport capacity as well as train traf- noise and pollution will be reduced for local covers Klaipėda-, Draugystė- and Rimkai Rail- senger terminal. fic safety will be improved; the capacity of residents and for the environment. An extra way Stations. Projects to be implemented in During the reconstruction of Klaipėda exit ramp, set up from Draugystė Railway Sta- Klaipėda Railway Junction will be enhanced; 2007–2013 – “Installation of the Second Rail- Railway Junction, Private Limited Liability tion to the direction of Pagėgiai, will reduce modern traffic safety requirements will be way Track EC and Nemunas Rail Yard EC”, “Con- Company “Lithuanian Railways” - in coopera- to the maximum possible extent the shunt- fully implemented; the number of traffic acci- nection of the IXB Transport Corridor with tion with Klaipėda City Municipality - is try- ing of trains within the boundaries of the city dents as well as their negative environmental Klaipėda Seaport – Development of Klaipėda ing to take into account the needs of the in- as the freight leaving Draugystė Railway Sta- impact will be reduced. Railway Junction - Stage III. Reconstruction habitants of Klaipėda City and to accordingly tion will not have to throw a visit at Rimkai The projects are financed with money of Perkėla Rail Yard and Railway Track No. 54”, improve the living conditions. At the end of Railway Station anymore. from “Lithuanian Railways” and the Europe- “Development of Klaipėda Railway Junction Klaipėda Railway Station is also planned an Union. - Stage I. Reconstruction of the Rail Yard of to be reconstructed. Without expanding the Rimkai Railway Station”, “Connection of the IX B Transport Corridor with Klaipėda Seaport – Klaipėda Railway Junction Reconstruction of Puostis Railroad station’s boundaries, it will be sought to be restructured in such manner so that it would Development of Klaipėda Railway Junction - It is already several years that Klaipėda Pajuris regional park allow meeting all the demand of stevedor- Stage III. Reconstruction of Anglinė Rail Yard Railway Junction is being developed and ex- ing companies for freight transportation. Giruliai t EC”, “Development of Klaipėda Railway Junc- panded. Stevedoring companies based in ojec e II of pr In Pauostis rail yard, it is planned to lay the tion - Stage II (Northern Part). Klaipėda Rail- Klaipėda City have set for themselves ambi- n stag ad o long rails and to erect sound-reducing walls, ailro way Station”, “Development of Klaipėda Rail- tious development objectives - to consider- dnew r which will not only reduce the noise caused Pla nne way Junction - Stage I. Reconstruction of the ably enhance by 2015 the capacities of their Melnrage II Labrenciskes by railway traffic to the maximum possible Rail Yard of Draugystė Railway Station” – pro- terminals. The company, seeking to ensure Лес Гируляй extent, but will also restrain the unsafe move- vide for setting up a common electrical cen- successful operation of stevedoring compa- ment of pedestrians across prohibited rail- Melnrage forest tralised control in order to ensure efficient nies in Klaipėda and willing to protect the way areas. When all the projects pertaining regulation of train traffic flows as well as for city against the consequences resulting from to the modernisation and development of Klaipeda forest reconstructing the existing railway tracks by growing freight flows, is planning to invest by Klaipėda Railway Junction are accomplished, way of extending the useful length of rail- 2015 more than 460 million Litas for the de- Fire-prevention water reservoirs Klaipėda City will become cleaner and safer Fire-prevention water and, furthermore, it will bring great econom- reservoirs ic benefits both for the city and for the state. Klaipėda Railway Station is also planned to be reconstructed. Melnrage I Without expanding the station’s boundaries, it will be sought Fire-prevention water Construction of Second Railway to be restructured in such manner so that it would allow P. Lideikio str. reservoirs Street Labrenciskes – Giruliai Tracks meeting all the demand of stevedoring companies for freight „Klaipedos nafta“ Border Roads at present time Within the volume of construction works transportation. of second tracks on the Šiauliai – Klaipėda
9 RAIL Klaipėda Infrastructure Railway Line, it is scheduled to implement by “Lithuanian Railways”; warehouse premis- by means of public tendering procedures. new cargo faster. For project implementation the construction of a second track in the es, grounds. Likewise, the company is offering for sale rail- purposes, it is planned to make use of EU sup- segment Telšiai-Lieplaukė, the construc- way sidings which are used by private com- port funds. tion works of a double-track section in the segment Kūlupėnai-Kretinga, the construc- Part of Property for Sale panies or those who get entrance to these companies’ territories. 32 railway sidings “Lithuanian Railways” possesses under the Private Limited Liability Company (AB) right of trust the land that is built up with tion works of a double-track section in the have been offered for sale, of which 7 have al- segment Pavenčiai-Raudėnai, the construc- “Lithuanian Railways” used to have quite public railway infrastructure objects, but any ready been sold. tion works of a second track in the seg- a considerable number of real estate ob- kind of disposal of land is prohibited. Other jects, a lot of residential-purpose buildings kindred companies, such as Klaipėda State ment Plungė-Šateikiai, and the construction works of a double-track section in the seg- and premises. In the course of optimising A Site Selected for the Logistics Seaport Authority, are entitled to let land ment Dūseikiai-Telšiai. The accomplishment the company’s activities, some buildings be- Centre on lease or grant it for loan-for-use to com- of these works will enhance the railway-in- come redundant and are put on offer for sale. In order to ensure convenient conditions panies operating within their territory. “Lith- frastructure capacities and throughput for Compared to other regions in Lithuania, in for freight transportation to and from the uanian Railways” has no possibility of legal- freight and passenger transport and will con- Klaipėda Region there is a scarce number of port of Klaipėda, Klaipėda Public Logistics ly allowing its customer to erect on its con- siderably improve the traffic safety of trains, such buildings. In Klaipėda Region, the com- Centre (PLC) is planned to be established in trolled territory any temporary buildings that thus reducing the number of traffic accidents pany had in total 10 redundant real estate the northern part of Draugystė Railway Sta- and likewise their negative environmental are necessary for carrying on the customer’s objects. Of them, 4 real estate objects have tion. Founder of this PLC will be Public Lim- impact. been sold for 240 thousand Litas. The build- activities. In order to simplify property man- ited Liability Company “Lithuanian Railways” ings so far not sold include a water-tower, (AB “Lietuvos geležinkeliai”). agement procedures for public railway infra- Problems Arising store premises, disused residential premis- The site selected for Klaipėda Public Logis- structure and to widen possibilities for dis- es of the railway station, outbuildings (utility tics Centre (PLC) will allow to efficiently ser- posal of public railway infrastructure land, On account that “Lithuanian Railways” is in possession - within the territory of the port buildings), domestic premises, a building for vice the shuttle trains arriving at the seaport, “Lithuanian Railways” has submitted a pro- of Klaipėda - of approximately 43 km of rail- recreation. These real estate objects are sold to unload the arrived cargo as well as to load posal for amendments to legislation. way tracks which form part of the public rail- way infrastructure, there arise problems as to property administration. The railway tracks CUSTOMS | LOGISTICS | TRANSPORT possessed under the right of trust by the company “Lithuanian Railways” are within the port’s territory, i.e. the company is not in pos- session of the land that is beneath the railway tracks, the land is possessed under the right of trust by State Enterprise “Klaipėda State Seaport Authority”. What is more, the rail- way tracks possessed under the right of trust by “Lithuanian Railways” quite often hap- pen to come within the territories of projects that are implemented by port companies and, therefore, there quite frequently arises Klaipeda | Lithuania a necessity to reconstruct or liquidate state- owned property due to third-party influence and, consequently, for the company “Lithua- nian Railways” there arises an increased need to shrewdly plan investments into the said railway tracks. A Bridge Erected In implementation - collectively with Klaipėda City Municipality under a partner- ship agreement - of the project of the bridge so needed for city dwellers “Construction of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge over the Railway Junction from the Šiaulių Street up to the Kretingos Street”, there in Klaipėda City, at the Priestočio Street, in the June of 2010, were completed the construction works of the new pedestrian bridge connecting the Šaulių Street and the Kretingos Street. In Lith- uania, it was the longest and biggest (more than 300 m in length and 3.5 m in width) sus- pension-bridge, reaching 7.5 m at the high- Palanga A13 A1 est point above the Priestočio Street. Upon its E272 E85 completion, it has become much more con- Sudmantai venient for pedestrians, for bicyclists, and for Kaunas the disabled. Klaipeda The pedestrian bridge across the railway at the Priestočio Street is designed to ensure safe and convenient traffic for the inhabitants of Klaipėda City. Property – Let on Lease A11 227 “Lithuanian Railways” is letting on lease - Klaipeda 141 Dovilai in accordance with the procedure prescribed Silute by legislation - the property possessed un- der the right of ownership and the property „VITRANSA“, member of „LINAVA“ possessed under the right of trust. Current- ly, 16 immovable-property lease agreements Palangos str. 6, Sudmantai Tel.: +370 46 381828 Fax: +370 46 381848 are concluded, and proceeds from lease per LT–96326 Klaipeda District, Lithuania +370 46 347151 E-mail annum constitute approximately 13,000 Lit- as. Real estate that is let on lease or offered „VITRANSAUTO“, member of „ASMAP“ for lease is of various purpose: premises; Russia, Kaliningrad Region., Tel.: +7 401 6136415 Fax: +7 401 6137181 places for placing coffee-making machines Sovetsk, Iskry str. 38 Mob.: +7 909 7885051 E-mail: and automated teller machines (ATM); spac- es for advertising, located at Klaipėda Rail- way Station and other smaller railway sta- tions; trade premises located at the centre of Klaipėda City at the Mažvydo Alley; cafe premises located at Giruliai Training, Rehabil- itation and Recreation Base, which is owned
10 RAIL Joint-stock stevedoring company Klaipėdos Smeltė – the very first container distribution center in the Baltic countries Joint-stock stevedoring company Klaipėdos Smeltė is a modern stevedoring company based in Klaipėda port. Klaipėdos Smeltė established itself on the market as a stevedoring company in the early nineties. In those days the company distinguished itself by versatility: non-containerized (break bulk, dry bulk, packed, and bulk) cargo was shipped via the company’s berths. Following the search for optimal specialization under the conditions of active competition for several years, in 2004 the company headed towards containerization and has gradually developed into an up-to-date container terminal maintaining a traditional trend – handling and storage of frozen products. Klaipėdos smeltės Klaipėdos smeltės Klaipėdos smeltės Eduardas Galuškinas Now the container terminal is able to handle Klaipėda port by ocean-going vessels. Post- more than 200.000 TEU per year and 3.000- Panamax containership MSC Fortunate with T hrough consistent investment into the 4.000 TEU Panamax type ships are handled at the tonnage of 5.500 TEU was for the first time development of superstructure, today the terminal on a regular basis. in the history of the port moored at Klaipėdos Klaipėdos Smeltė is able to handle approxi- Klaipėdos Smeltė inaugurated a new stage Smeltė berths on 1 March 2011. Such ships mately 3.5 million tons of cargo per year. Cur- in their activities in September 2008, when sailed the oceans and they never accessed rently the company works on an ambitious the company became a part of the world- the Baltic countries before; they would only project – construction of a regional contain- wide container terminal network controlled visit the traditional ports of Western Europe. er hub. by Terminal Investment Limited (TIL), locat- It was an important step of Klaipėdos Smeltė ed in Holland. With a portfolio of more than and the port administration towards a strate- 30 terminals located in various continents, gic objective – the establishment of a region- Priority – development of container TIL closely cooperates with Mediterranean al container hub in Klaipėda. terminal Shipping Company (MSC), a global container On 23 May 2011 the longest container A container terminal of Klaipėdos Smeltė shipping line that holds the second position ship in the history of Klaipėda port – 294.12 came into operation at newly built deep-sea in container volumes moved by sea, and in- meter long MSC Sariska – was moored at the bfl berths in 2006 and a new cold store terminal vests into development of terminals in ports berths of joint-stock stevedoring company of Klaipėdos Smeltė was launched in 2007 were MSC directs their cargo. Having evalu- Klaipėdos Smeltė. The owner of the vessel – and has turned to a consistent continuance ated several alternatives in the Baltic Region MSC – has once again challenged Klaipėda Rimantas Juška, General Director and Chairman of reefer business. Both objects are related by TIL and MSC have chosen Klaipėda as an opti- port authorities as well as Klaipėdos Smeltė of the Board of the stevedoring company Klaipėdos an original business idea: reefer containers, mal location for investment in terms of infra- container terminal before launching regular Smeltė: “We are a part of a thrusting worldwide discharged from the vessels at the company’s structure and strategy. Since then Klaipėdos ocean-going vessel voyages to Klaipėda port container terminal network. TIL has chosen container terminal, are subsequently hauled Smeltė, with the help of know-how as well from other continents. Klaipėda port as a strategic location for the future to the cold stores, and from there the cargo is as investment resources of new partners, is “We are a part of a thrusting worldwide container terminal”. distributed to the consignees in Central Asia, thrusting to the regional leader’s position on container terminal network. TIL has chosen Ukraine, and other CIS countries. the container handling market. Klaipėda port as a strategic location for the The amount of containers, handled by future container terminal, that would service growing scope of activities and the increas- Klaipėdos Smeltė, is growing rapidly: 38.000 TEU (conditional 20-foot-long long shipping The largest vessels at the company’s the entire Baltic Region by ocean-going ves- sels. We, the community of Klaipėdos Smeltė, ing need for skilled professionals by 2017 Klaipėdos Smeltė will employ approximately containers) were handled in 2007, 115.000 berths consisting of 320 employees, are the found- 680 employees and investment into the em- TEU – in 2010, and even 158.000 TEU – in Through consistent striving for strategic ers of this ambitious project” – says Rimantas ployee training will total over 2 million LTL. 2011. At that point the company reached a objective – to establish a regional contain- Juška, General Director and Chairman of the Klaipėdos Smeltė is planning over 250 mil- record-breaking speed of growth on the east- er hub in Klaipėda port, in 2011 the shipping Board of the company. lion LTL investment into the regional contain- ern coast of the Baltic Sea – even 37 percent. company MSC organized a few trial calls to The company expects that due to the er hub. Terminal’s services: Facts about the company: Development plans: • Handling and storage of all type containers • Total cargo turnover in 2011 – 2.48 million tons Completion of the second stage of construction of deep-sea berths lies in company’s plans in the middle of 2013. • Servicing container shuttle trains Viking, Vilnius • Amount of containers handled in 2011 – The length of operational berth at the company’s container terminal will then reach 1070 meters. After having Shuttle, Mercury and Saulė 158.458 TEU dredged the navigation channel of Klaipėda port up to 15.0 meters and new berths up to 14.0 meters, Klaipėdos • Handling and storage of frozen food products • Number of employees – 320 Smeltė will be ready to accommodate over 300 meter long 6.500 – 7.000 TEU container ships. In September 2011 • Handling of heavy-lift and project cargo • Maximum vessel draught – 11.5 the company ordered three modern STS (Ship-to-shore) as well as seven RTG (Rubber tyred gantry) container • Container Freight Station (CFS) services (cargo • Length of the company’s berths – 1.7 km cranes of the total value exceeding 100 million LTL. It is expected that the first STS crane will be assembled at new handling from/to containers). • Company’s port area – 39 ha berths in January 2013 and another two similar cranes will be delivered by the manufacturer – Finnish company Konecranes at the end of 2013. The commencement and completion of the third stage of construction of berths lies in the company’s plans for the Achievements in 2008-2011: period of 2014-2016. It is planned that new 399 meter long berths will be dredged up to 15-16 m; they are intend- • Record monthly throughput of containers: 23.083 TEU (May 2011) ed for servicing of 9.000-11.000 TEU ocean-going container ships. • The biggest container ship accommodated by the terminal: MSC KRYSTAL (length – 277.3 m, width - 40 m, capacity - 5.762 TEU) Implementation of the company’s development program will result in the annual throughput capacity up to 1 mil- • The largest number of containers discharged / loaded from / to a single vessel: 3.733 TEU (vessel MSC Sariska). lion TEU per year. Approximately 80 percent of the volume is expected to be
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