2020 ANTITRUST YEAR IN REVIEW - Wilson Sonsini

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Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

Table of Contents
 Merger Enforcement...................................................................................................................................................2
       Guidance Galore: New Guidelines and HSR Rule Interpretation...................................................................2
 		Vertical Merger Guidelines..........................................................................................................................2
 		Merger Remedies Guidelines.......................................................................................................................2
 		           Changes in HSR Interpretation...................................................................................................................3
       Spotlight on Efficiencies Defenses.....................................................................................................................3
 		Peabody Energy/Arch Resources.....................................................................................................................3
       Traditional Merger Enforcement...................................................................................................................... 4
 		           FTC’s Winning Streak Ends....................................................................................................................... 4
 		           Both Agencies Bring Hospital Merger Challenges................................................................................... 4
 		           Acquisitions of Nascent Competitors........................................................................................................ 4
       Unusual Actions...................................................................................................................................................5
 		Consummated Merger Challenges..............................................................................................................5
 		The Historic Novelis/Aleris Arbitration...................................................................................................... 6
       International Mergers........................................................................................................................................ 6
 		           Spotlight on Data (Again)........................................................................................................................... 6
 		           EC’s Merger Review Under Judicial Scrutiny............................................................................................ 6
 		           Ramped-Up Enforcement in the UK: Redefining “Voluntary”............................................................... 6
 		           The UK: A Deal Graveyard?.........................................................................................................................7
 		           Brexit and Its Impact on Global Deals........................................................................................................7
 Agency Investigations................................................................................................................................................7
       U.S. Enforcement Agency Collaboration and Disagreement..........................................................................7
 		           Collaboration Between the Federal Agencies............................................................................................7
 		           FTC and DOJ Clash at Intersection of Antitrust and IP........................................................................... 9
       Federal Trade Commission ..............................................................................................................................10
 		           Clarification of Authority to Seek Monetary Remedies..........................................................................10
 		           Decisions Continued to Show Notable Party-Line Split.........................................................................10
 		           Continued Emphasis on the Pharmaceutical Sector............................................................................... 11
       Department of Justice........................................................................................................................................ 11
Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

Table of Contents (cont.)

  		          Renewed Focus on Financial Markets...................................................................................................... 11
  		          Continued Activity on Standard-Setting Organizations and Patent Licensing Issues........................ 11
  		          DOJ Continues Program to Terminate Decades-Old Consent Decrees................................................. 12
  		          DOJ Drops California Emissions Standards Investigation.....................................................................12
        State Enforcement.............................................................................................................................................12
  		          Competition and Collaboration with the Federal Agencies...................................................................12
        Civil Antitrust Enforcement Outside the United States................................................................................. 13
  		          European Union Investigations................................................................................................................ 13
  		          EU Member State Investigations...............................................................................................................14
  		          Regulatory Efforts in Europe to Address the Digital Sphere..................................................................14
  		          Growing Focus on Large Digital Platforms in Asia.................................................................................15
  Criminal/Cartel Investigations................................................................................................................................15
        Notable Developments in the DOJ’s Criminal Antitrust Enforcement Program.........................................15
  		          Enforcement Priorities and Initiatives.....................................................................................................15
  		Administrative Updates.............................................................................................................................16
  		Legislative Developments..........................................................................................................................16
  		International Cooperation.........................................................................................................................16
        Significant DOJ Investigations and Prosecutions...........................................................................................16
  		Government Procurement......................................................................................................................... 17
  		Generic Pharmaceuticals........................................................................................................................... 17
  		          Hard Disk Drive Suspension Assemblies.................................................................................................18
  		          Air Cargo and Auto Parts Executive Extraditions...................................................................................18
  		          Financial Services: FOREX.......................................................................................................................18
  		Food and Consumables..............................................................................................................................18
  		Construction ..............................................................................................................................................19
  		Health Care Staffing ..................................................................................................................................19
        Cartel Enforcement Outside of the U.S. ..........................................................................................................19
  		          European Union and United Kingdom....................................................................................................19
  		Canada........................................................................................................................................................ 20
  		South Korea................................................................................................................................................ 20
Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

Table of Contents (cont.)

  Civil Litigation..........................................................................................................................................................22
        Section 1: Concerted Action..............................................................................................................................22
  		           Political Bias Antitrust Claims Fail to Gain Traction..............................................................................22
  		           Mixed Results in Cases Involving Organizations....................................................................................22
  		           Follow-on Litigation from Cartel Investigations Remains Active.........................................................22
        Section 2: Monopolization................................................................................................................................24
        Antitrust Litigation in the Pharmaceutical Industry......................................................................................25
        Class Certification............................................................................................................................................. 26
  		           Uninjured Plaintiffs as a Bar to Class Certification................................................................................ 26
  		Use of Averaging.........................................................................................................................................27
        Civil Litigation in the UK..................................................................................................................................28
  Conclusion................................................................................................................................................................ 29
  About Wilson Sonsini’s Antitrust Practice............................................................................................................ 30
Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review


Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati is          the Trump administration and analyze         agenda and leniency program. We
pleased to present its 2020 Antitrust        actions by both U.S. antitrust agencies      also describe recent actions in other
Year in Review, which summarizes the         and enforcers in other jurisdictions         jurisdictions, including the EU, UK,
most significant antitrust matters and       around the world across a range of           Canada, South Korea, Japan, China,
developments of the past year. Antitrust     merger review, civil conduct, and            and Brazil. This report concludes
activity has not slowed down during          criminal enforcement matters. The            with an update on private antitrust
the COVID-19 pandemic and may in             mergers chapter highlights a range           litigation, with particular emphasis
fact have accelerated. Continuing the        of new guidance issued by U.S.               on developments in pharmaceutical
trend of the last several years, antitrust   agencies this year, developments in          cases and the increasingly critical class
enforcement—both government and              the treatment of efficiencies in merger      certification process.
private—has become an increasingly           analysis, and the growing importance
prominent part of the public discourse,      of the UK Competition and Markets            We hope you find our 2020 Antitrust
particularly with respect to technology      Authority in merger clearance. The           Year in Review to be a useful resource.
and digital platform industries. More        agency investigations chapter notes          As always, should you have any
traditional enforcement has proceeded        continued areas of cooperation and           questions or comments on any of
apace as well, with pharmaceuticals,         contention between U.S. agencies and         the matters, trends, or controversies
intellectual property licensing, price-      discusses the priorities of U.S. enforcers   discussed in the report, please contact
fixing and bid-rigging, and nascent          (federal and state) and non-U.S.             your regular Wilson Sonsini attorney
competitor acquisitions in the               enforcers (focusing particularly on the      or any member of the firm’s antitrust
spotlight.                                   European Commission and EU member            practice.
                                             states). The criminal enforcement and
In this report, we examine the final         cartel chapter provides updates on the
year of antitrust enforcement under          Department of Justice’s enforcement

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

Merger                                      Guidance Galore: New                              and is positioned vertically or is
                                            Guidelines and HSR Rule                           complementary to the products and
Enforcement                                 Interpretation
                                                                                              services in the relevant market.4
                                                                                              Unlike horizontal mergers, the
                                                                                              agencies cannot use changes in
The year 2020 was an eventful one for       Vertical Merger Guidelines                        concentration as a screen for
merger review and enforcement around
                                                                                              competitive effects.
the world. In the United States, the        In June 2020, the DOJ and the FTC
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and        released the final version of the long-         ● Anticompetitive effects. The
the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)          awaited update to the joint Vertical              guidelines recognize that vertical
published new guidance regarding            Merger Guidelines, which were last                mergers can harm competition
vertical merger enforcement, merger         issued in 1984.1 Recent enforcement               by raising rivals’ costs, causing
remedies, and Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR)       activity—such as AT&T/Time Warner and             foreclosure,5 increasing the
filing requirements. The agencies, along    Staples/Essendant—has exposed deep                likelihood of post-merger
with their state-level counterparts, had                                                      coordination,6 or facilitating access
                                            rifts on key questions of legal doctrine
packed merger enforcement agendas.                                                            to sensitive business information
                                            and economic analysis both in the
The challenges to T-Mobile/Sprint and                                                         about its upstream or downstream
                                            antitrust bar and between and within
                                                                                              rivals that was unavailable to it
Peabody Energy/Arch Resources put a         enforcement agencies.                             before the merger.7
spotlight on efficiencies defenses. More
generally, the agencies continued to        For example, the new guidelines are             ● Procompetitive effects. The
bring traditional merger enforcement        silent on the topic of remedies for               guidelines also recognize that
cases, focusing on both acquisitions        vertical mergers because of disagreement          vertical mergers can generate
that increase concentration in already      between the agencies. The FTC has been            efficiencies that benefit
concentrated markets and acquisitions       willing to accept behavioral remedies             competition and consumers,8
of nascent competitors. That said, the      such as firewalls. The DOJ, on the other          such as through elimination of
FTC did bring two novel actions against     hand, has been far more critical of               double marginalization (EDM).
consummated mergers, while the DOJ                                                            This efficiency—unique to vertical
                                            behavioral remedies, recently stating in
used its authority to resolve a matter in                                                     mergers—results from the merged
                                            its Merger Guidelines Manual (discussed
arbitration—a first for the agency.                                                           firm gaining access to an upstream
                                            below) that “no matter how well crafted,
                                                                                              input at cost and avoiding the
                                            the risk of collaboration in spite of the         margin that would be imposed by a
Internationally, merger enforcers           firewall is great.”2 The FTC itself was           separate upstream input provider.9
continued to closely review competitive     sharply divided along party lines on the
effects arising from merging data or        new Vertical Merger Guidelines. Both          Merger Remedies Guidelines
data collection resources. The European     Democratic commissioners dissented
Commission saw increased judicial           from the vote adopting the guidelines,        In September 2020, the DOJ issued an
scrutiny of its merger review program,      criticizing them for overemphasizing the      updated Merger Remedies Manual,
while European enforcers continued          potential benefits of vertical mergers and    which lays out the agency’s framework
to bring tough sanctions against            failing to consider alternative theories of   for structuring and implementing relief
procedural breaches. Finally, the United    harm.3                                        in merger cases short of a full-stop
Kingdom’s Competition and Markets
                                                                                          injunction.10 Key aspects of the new
Authority continued to increase its         The new Vertical Merger Guidelines lay        Manual include:
jurisdictional reach and to zealously       out the following key principles:
challenge global deals—a trend that is                                                      ● Structural versus behavioral
only likely to continue as the Brexit         ● Market definition, market shares,             remedies. The DOJ further
transition period ends.                         and concentration. The agencies               underscored recent emphasis on its
                                                will identify a relevant market and           preference for structural remedies
                                                one or more “related products,”               involving the sale of businesses or
                                                meaning a product that is supplied            assets by the merging firms over
                                                or controlled by the merged firm              conduct remedies restraining the

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

    merged firm’s business conduct or         determine whether the parties structured           evidence      that      the
    pricing authority.11 The Manual           the deal to avoid or delay an HSR filing.17        efficiencies arising from
    states that structural remedies                                                              the Proposed Merger will
    are “clean and certain, effective,        Spotlight on Efficiencies                          cause New T-Mobile to
    and avoid ongoing government
                                              Defenses                                           compete more vigorously
    entanglement in the market,”12
                                                                                                 with its rivals in the …
    while conduct remedies are
                                              Two major enforcement litigations in               market[]…evidence      that
    only appropriate in very limited
                                              2020 put a spotlight on uncertainties              Sprint is a weakened
                                              in how efficiencies should be evaluated            competitor      that      is
  ● Consent enforcement. The DOJ              and balanced in merger cases. Both the             not likely to continue
    is renewing its focus on enforcing        T-Mobile/Sprint and Peabody Energy/Arch            competing       vigorously
    obligations against merging parties       Resources cases went to trial this year,           in the … market[]…and
    in consent decrees. The Manual            and both defenses were based in part on            evidence that the DOJ and
    sets out new standard provisions          the assertion of substantial efficiencies          FCC…collective efforts to
    that must be included in consent          arising from the combinations. T-Mobile            establish DISH as a new
    decrees and highlights the role of        and Sprint secured a win based in part             vigorous competitor in the
    the newly created Office of Decree                                                           … market[] ameliorate[s]
                                              on those efficiencies, but the court
    Enforcement and Compliance
                                              also relied on other market structure              any remaining concern of
    (ODEC) to oversee compliance
                                              evidence. The court dismissed the                  anticompetitive    effect.20
    efforts across the DOJ.14
                                              efficiencies in Peabody Energy/Arch
                                              Resources and forbade the joint venture.      The opinion makes it clear that, while
Changes in HSR Interpretation
                                              While these cases breathed some life          efficiencies were an important factor,
                                              into efficiencies defenses, they show         approval of the merger also hinged on
In September 2020, the FTC announced
                                              that efficiencies, standing alone, remain     evidence of an effective new competitor
an important change in its interpretation
                                              unlikely to carry the day.                    entering the market and Sprint’s waning
of the HSR Rules’ treatment of special
                                                                                            competitive significance.
dividends.15 HSR Rule 801.90 states that
merging parties cannot use a transaction      T-Mobile/Sprint
                                                                                            Peabody Energy/Arch Resources
structure for the purpose of avoiding or
delaying their filing obligation. FTC staff   On February 11, 2020, Judge Marrero of
                                              the U.S. District Court for the Southern      On September 29, 2020, Judge Pitlyk of
determines whether avoidance or delay
                                              District of New York dismissed a              the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
was the objective by applying a “but for”
                                              challenge to the proposed merger              District of Missouri considered a
test.16 If the transaction’s structure was
                                              between T-Mobile and Sprint brought           proposed joint venture between two
motivated by some benefit from avoiding
                                              by a group of state attorneys general         large coal mining facilities—Peabody
or delaying HSR filing, then it is an
                                              (the deal received DOJ and Federal            Energy and Arch Resources.21 The
“avoidance device” under the rule.
                                              Communications Commission (FCC)               defendants argued that the joint
                                              conditional clearance while the suit was      venture combining Peabody’s NARM
A 2003 informal interpretation
                                              pending).18 Judge Marrero concluded           mine with Arch’s neighboring Black
categorically excluded special dividends
                                              that the plaintiffs “ha[d] established an     Thunder mine would unlock efficiencies,
from consideration as an avoidance
                                              initial presumption that, by reason of        “strengthening coal’s competitiveness
device, allowing parties to avoid
                                              higher concentration in fewer firms in        against natural gas and renewables”—
filing by using special dividends to
                                              the relevant market, and New T-Mobile’s       sources of energy that the FTC had
get under the HSR size-of-person
                                              much larger market share, the effect of       excluded from the relevant market.22
or size-of-transaction thresholds. In
                                              the Proposed Merger would be likely           The court agreed that the joint venture
September 2020, the FTC withdrew
                                              anticompetitive.”19 However, Judge            would “clearly make possible substantial
this interpretation. Going forward,
                                              Marrero further ruled that T-Mobile           efficiencies,”23 but held that the FTC’s
FTC staff will evaluate special
                                              and Sprint had “satisfied their burden of     proposed market was properly drawn
dividends more holistically, applying
                                              rebuttal” by providing:                       and that the efficiencies, even if fully
the aforementioned “but for” test to
                                                                                            credited, “would not offset the likely

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

competitive harm” in the FTC’s coal-         failed to carry its burden to show that     over both cases, with trial for Methodist
based relevant market.24                     insurers would accept a price increase      Le Bonheur Healthcare set to begin on
                                             rather than turn to hospitals outside of    May 18, 2021.35
Traditional Merger                           the alleged markets, noting in particular
Enforcement                                  that insurers’ testimony was conclusory     The DOJ’s challenge to Geisinger
                                             and not credible.31                         Health’s $100 million acquisition of
Merger review statistics for 2020 have                                                   a 30 percent interest in Evangelical
not yet been published,25 but the FTC        Both Agencies Bring Hospital Merger         Community Hospital is somewhat
and DOJ have continued to bring              Challenges                                  unusual because minority acquisitions
enforcement actions, focusing particu-                                                   are rarely litigated.36 The DOJ alleged
larly on both acquisitions that increase     The FTC has had primary responsibility      the arrangement was intended to dodge
concentration in already concentrated        over hospital mergers since at least the    antitrust scrutiny, citing the parties’
markets and acquisitions of nascent          mid-2000s, but both the FTC and DOJ         documents discussing previous attempts
competitors.                                 are currently litigating hospital merger    to merge. The DOJ further asserted that
                                             cases. The FTC filed three administrative   the parties’ collaboration agreement
FTC’s Winning Streak Ends                    complaints in 2020. As noted above,         “fundamentally alter[s] their relationship
                                             the FTC failed to secure a preliminary      as competitors and curtail[s] their
Notably, the FTC’s seven-case winning        injunction in its challenge to Jefferson    incentives to compete independently for
streak of litigated merger challenges        Health’s proposed acquisition of Albert     patients.”37 Litigation is ongoing.
came to an end in 2020 when the U.S.         Einstein Healthcare. Two other suits are
District Court for the District of Colum-    pending, one seeking to block Methodist     Acquisitions of Nascent Competitors
bia denied the FTC’s request for a pre-      Le Bonheur Healthcare’s acquisition of
liminary injunction to prevent Evonik        two Memphis-area hospitals owned by         In 2020, the FTC and DOJ have
Industries from acquiring PeroxyChem         Tenet Healthcare and a second seeking       continued to challenge mergers they
Holdings. The FTC proposed a product         to block Hackensack Meridian Health’s       believe would eliminate a nascent
market “for the sale of standard, special-   acquisition of hospitals from Englewood     competitor, especially in technology
ty, and pre-electronics grade hydrogen       Healthcare Foundation in Bergen             sectors. A nascent or potential
peroxide.”26 Deviating from the standard     County, New Jersey.32                       competition theory of harm appeared in
practice of defining product markets                                                     five of the FTC’s 22 merger enforcement
based on demand-side substitution,           Both complaints follow the typical          actions and three of the DOJ’s 10 merger
the FTC instead relied on evidence of        pattern for hospital mergers. The           enforcement actions this year.38
supply-side substitutability.27 The court    Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
soundly rejected the FTC’s relevant mar-     complaint alleges that the acquisition of   On February 3, 2020, the FTC filed an
ket as “ill-conceived”28 and denied the      two Saint Francis hospitals in Memphis      administrative complaint challenging
injunction in part on that ground.29         will reduce the number of providers         the merger of Edgewell Personal
                                             of general acute care (GAC) inpatient       Care Company, a consumer products
In December, the FTC lost another            hospital services in the Memphis            company that supplies multiple razor
preliminary injunction, this time            area from four to three, resulting in       brands—including the second-largest
in a hospital merger case. The FTC           Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare             brand, Schick—and Harry’s, Inc., an
brought suit in the Eastern District of      controlling over 50 percent of the market   online “direct-to-consumer” supplier
Pennsylvania to enjoin Jefferson Health’s    for GAC inpatient hospital services         of razors that recently expanded its
proposed acquisition of Albert Einstein      in the Memphis area.33 Similarly, the       offerings to brick-and-mortar retailers.39
Healthcare pending an administrative         Hackensack Meridian Health complaint        Despite Harry’s modest market share,
trial on the merits. The court denied the    alleges that the deal would consolidate     the FTC concluded that Harry’s
FTC’s request, concluding that the FTC’s     three of the six GAC hospitals in Bergen    future competitive significance was
proposed geographic markets did not          County, accounting for roughly half         understated. The complaint cites an
align with the commercial realities of       of GAC services in the area.34 Chief        Edgewell investor deck referring to
providing healthcare in the Philadelphia     Administrative Law Judge D. Michael         Harry’s as “one of the most successful
region.30 The court found that the FTC       Chappell has been appointed to preside      challenger brands ever built”40 and

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

alleges that Harry’s entry at Target and      because they “do not account for the         November 2020. The DOJ alleged that
Walmart “ended the long-standing              leverage that airlines gain from having      Credit Karma Tax’s digital do-it-yourself
practice of reciprocal price increases by     Farelogix’s Open Connect available           (DDIY) tax preparation product “poses
Gillette and Edgewell,” resulting in price    as an alternative when negotiating           a unique threat” to Intuit’s TurboTax
reductions and/or increased promotional       contract terms with Sabre.”45 The DOJ        business and other DDIY tax preparation
spend by Proctor & Gamble (P&G) and           also presented evidence that Sabre had       providers because Credit Karma Tax
Edgewell.41 Harry’s introduction of the       a history of engaging in anticompetitive     offered an entirely free product, whereas
Flamingo brand for women in October           tactics designed to undermine and            all other providers upsell consumers
2018 allegedly also prompted reduced          delay the adoption of Farelogix’s            for DDIY tax preparation products
prices and aggressive promotions from         technology.46 The district court             beyond the most basic federal tax
both Edgewell and P&G.42 One week             acknowledged that Farelogix had been         filings.51 The DOJ concluded that this
after the complaint was filed, Edgewell       a “pioneering innovator and disruptor        strategy made Credit Karma Tax “the
terminated the merger agreement.              of the airline travel services ecosystem,”   most disruptive competitor for DDIY
Harry’s has threatened litigation against     but nonetheless ruled in favor of the        tax preparation” despite serving only 3
Edgewell, though it appears that no case      merging parties, concluding that the         percent of customers.52 Consequently,
has yet been filed.43                         DOJ had failed to prove that Sabre “will     the DOJ required Intuit and Credit
                                              likely act consistent with its history [of   Karma to divest Credit Karma Tax to
Eleven months later, the FTC filed an         resisting change] or these incentives        Square Inc. as a condition to closing the
administrative complaint challenging          [to raise prices, reduce availability        transaction.53 DOJ Assistant Attorney
another proposed transaction in the           of Farelogix’s technology, and stifle        General (AAG) Makan Delrahim
razor industry—P&G’s acquisition of           innovation].”47 The court, relying on        characterized Square as “another
Billie, Inc.44 Similar to Edgewell/Harry’s,   Ohio v. American Express Co., held that      highly successful and disruptive fintech
the FTC alleged that Billie, a direct-to-     Sabre and Farelogix do not compete in        company” and stated that the divestiture
consumer seller of women’s razors and         a relevant market, thereby extending to      of Credit Karma Tax to Square would
body care products that launched in           merger cases the U.S. Supreme Court’s        “ensure[] that taxpayers will continue
2017, is a nascent, but rapidly growing,      finding that courts must consider            to both benefit from [disruptive
head-to-head competitor of P&G’s.             interaction between both sides of two-       competition from Credit Karma Tax] and
According to the FTC, competition from        sided platforms to determine whether         benefit from new innovative financial
Billie spurred P&G to introduce its own       allegedly anticompetitive conduct harms      service offerings from both Intuit and
direct-to-consumer website promoting          a market.48                                  Square.”54
its Venus-brand razors for women.
The FTC also noted that Billie’s rapid        Two days after the district court issued     Unusual Actions
growth was likely to expand into brick-       its opinion, the United Kingdom’s
and-mortar stores, further challenging        Competition and Markets Authority            Consummated Merger Challenges
P&G’s position as the market leader.          published its final report prohibiting
The administrative trial is set to begin      the proposed transaction, discussed          Challenges to consummated mergers
on June 22, 2021, and, in the interim, the    below. The parties’ merger agreement         are relatively rare, but the FTC brought
FTC will seek a temporary restraining         expired three weeks later, and on May        two such cases in 2020. In January, the
order and preliminary injunction in           1, 2020, the parties announced that they     FTC filed an administrative complaint
federal court.                                were abandoning the deal.49 The Third        against Axon’s consummated acquisition
                                              Circuit subsequently granted the DOJ’s       of VieVu, alleging that Axon and VieVu
Nascent competition was also at               motion to vacate the district court’s        competed in the provision of body-worn
the center of the DOJ’s challenge to          decision, holding that termination of        camera systems to large, metropolitan
Sabre Corporation’s acquisition of            the proposed transaction rendered the        police departments across the United
Farelogix. The DOJ asserted at trial          decision moot.50                             States.55 On the same day, Axon filed
that both current and forward-looking                                                      suit in federal district court in Arizona,
market share estimates understate the         The DOJ conditionally cleared Intuit’s       arguing that the FTC’s in-house admin-
competitive significance of Farelogix         acquisition of Credit Karma in               istrative proceeding violated due process

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

because the FTC’s commissioners vote         issued in under a week—significantly          committing (1) not to use Fitbit health
both to bring cases and to hear appeals      faster than a typical merger trial in         and wellness data for Google ads and to
from the administrative law judge. Axon      federal court.63 Mr. Arquit ruled that the    support other wearable manufacturers
also argued that the FTC/DOJ clearance       DOJ had correctly defined the product         on Android and (2) to continue to
process—through which the agencies           market.64 As a result, Novelis was            allow Fitbit users to connect to third-
decide which will review a particular        required to divest Aleris’s aluminum          party services via APIs.69 At the time of
merger—violates equal protection.56 The      ABS operations in North America.65 In a       writing, the EC has until January 8, 2021,
district court dismissed Axon’s lawsuit in   recent speech, AAG Delrahim stated that       to make a decision on the matter.70
April. Axon appealed to the Ninth Cir-       arbitration in merger cases can lead to
cuit, which has yet to rule. The FTC’s ad-   “tremendous” benefits for taxpayers and       EC’s Merger Review Under Judicial
ministrative trial on the merits is stayed   merging parties in terms of cost savings      Scrutiny
pending the Ninth Circuit’s decision.57      and efficiency, and that the DOJ will
                                             continue to evaluate whether matters          In one of its most important rulings
In April, the FTC sought to unwind           may be appropriate for arbitration.66         in recent years, the General Court in
Altria’s acquisition of a 35 percent stake                                                 May 2020 annulled the EC’s decision
in JUUL and associated agreements            International Mergers67                       to block the proposed acquisition of
between the companies.58 The FTC                                                           Telefonica UK by Hutchison 3G UK
alleged that Altria agreed not to compete    Spotlight on Data (Again)                     and criticized the agency’s analysis of
against JUUL in the e-cigarette market in                                                  competitive effects in merger control.
exchange for the 35 percent ownership        Enforcers around the world have               The General Court found that the EC
interest in JUUL and a presence on           continued to closely scrutinize               had failed to prove that the transaction,
JUUL’s board.59 The administrative trial     competitive effects arising from data. In     which is a four-to-three merger in the
is scheduled to begin in April 2021.         January 2020, the Pakistan Competition        UK mobile telephone market, would
                                             Commission (PCC) conditionally                harm competition and significantly
The Historic Novelis/Aleris Arbitration      approved Uber’s acquisition of Careem,        raise prices.71 The EC has appealed,
                                             a player in the ridesharing market.           noting that the case raises important
In March, the DOJ successfully               The commitments require Uber to,              legal issues, such as the legal test for
challenged the merger of Novelis             upon request and if certain criteria are      “gap” cases (those that raise competitive
and Aleris in the first-ever exercise        fulfilled, (1) enter into an arm’s length     concerns despite the merging parties not
of its authority to resolve a matter         agreement to license Careem’s points-         being dominant), the role of efficiencies,
in arbitration. The DOJ alleged that         of-interest map data to competitors and       the standard of proof, the value of
the proposed merger would have               (2) grant riders access to data about their   the EC’s economic assessment, and
combined two of only four producers          use of Uber in a format that facilitates      the boundaries of the General Court’s
of automotive aluminum body sheet            the transfer of that data to other            judicial control.72 If the decision is
(aluminum ABS).60 The DOJ and                ridesharing suppliers.68 The transaction      upheld by the European Court of Justice
the parties agreed that there was a          also received approval from competition       (ECJ), the EC will be required to review,
single dispositive issue—whether the         authorities in the United Arab Emirates,      and potentially revise, its process for
product market was properly limited to       Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Kuwait,         analyzing non-coordinated effects of
aluminum ABS61—and that the matter           Jordan, and the Common Market for             mergers in oligopolistic markets.73
was therefore suitable for arbitration       Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
without the need to file a federal                                                         Ramped-Up Enforcement in the UK:
complaint.62 After full fact discovery       The European Commission (EC) is               Redefining “Voluntary”
supervised by a federal court, the           conducting an in-depth investigation
matter was heard in arbitration by           into Google’s proposed acquisition of         The merger control regime in the UK is,
Kevin Arquit, an experienced antitrust       Fitbit that focuses on the use of data        strictly speaking, voluntary. However,
lawyer and former head of the FTC’s          to personalize online advertising. In         the Competition and Markets Authority
Bureau of Competition. The hearing was       Phase II of the investigation, Google         (CMA) has the power to “call in” deals
conducted over 10 days, and a decision       bolstered its initial Phase I proposal by     that have not been notified and that

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

meet the UK thresholds, namely where         meaning parties need to prove that the      longer be part of the EU’s “one-stop-
the target has more than £70 million ($85    CMA’s decision was somehow illegal,         shop” regime. Transactions may be
million) in UK turnover or the merger        irrational, or procedurally flawed. This    subject to parallel EC and CMA reviews
creates or enhances a company’s share        is a high bar, and the CAT has never        (in addition to other required global
of supply of 25 percent or more.74 Since     overruled a CMA decision in full,           filings). Given the CMA’s increasingly
2019, the CMA has made increasingly          meaning a successful challenge would be     interventionist stance and deal mortality
creative use of this test to call in more    unprecedented.78                            rate, it will be crucial to factor in
high-profile deals. Of the 10 deals that                                                 the impact of a UK review on deal
the CMA successfully challenged at           The UK: A Deal Graveyard?                   timetables, long-stop dates, conditions
Phase II in 2020, eight involved a target                                                precedent, and risk allocation.
with minimal UK turnover or presence         The fact that 10 of the deals challenged
that the CMA called in using the share-      by the CMA in 2020 were blocked or          The CMA intends to publish updated
of-supply test.75                            abandoned by December underscores           jurisdictional and procedural guidance,
                                             the CMA’s zealous enforcement and           including guidance on the mergers
This virtually limitless jurisdiction        increasing interventionism.79 Nine          intelligence function, before the end
is currently being challenged. Sabre         of the deals challenged by the CMA          of the year, with updated merger
is appealing the prohibition of its          were blocked or abandoned in 2019.          assessment guidelines to follow in
merger with Farelogix, which, as             As it stands, referrals for an in-depth     2021. The updates are designed for a
noted above, was issued just two days        Phase II review since January 2019 have     “post-Brexit” world in which the CMA
after the DOJ lost its bid to block the      resulted in a deal mortality rate over 70   expects between 30 and 50 reviews
deal in a federal court. The CMA took        percent. This compares with a 33 percent    per year. The guidance will focus on
jurisdiction over the matter despite         mortality rate for in-depth Phase II        dynamic theories of harm and potential
Farelogix not being directly active in the   reviews before the EC and a 10 percent      competition, the CMA’s controversial
United Kingdom.76 The appeal before          mortality rate for the FTC and DOJ over     jurisdictional test, and post-Brexit
the UK’s specialist competition court        the same period.                            cooperation and coordination with other
(the Competition Appeal Tribunal, or                                                     global enforcers. Consultations on the
CAT) will be closely watched, given          Brexit and Its Impact on Global Deals       proposed amendments were launched in
its importance for mergers involving                                                     November.80
parties with minimal (or no) presence        The Brexit transition period ends on
in the United Kingdom.77 The CAT is          December 31, 2020, meaning that after
bound by a judicial review standard,         that date, the United Kingdom will no

Agency                                       accelerated as agencies rapidly adapted     U.S. Enforcement Agency
                                             to the new working environment. As          Collaboration and
Investigations                               expected, many agencies maintained
                                             a close focus on technology markets
Despite the challenges posed by              and continued, advanced, or initiated       Collaboration Between the Federal
the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S.              investigations into major U.S.              Agencies
Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal         technology firms. Notably, several
Trade Commission (FTC), European             influential jurisdictions made proposals    In 2020, the FTC and DOJ have
Commission (EC), and other                   for substantive changes in the antitrust    continued their traditionally cooperative
enforcement agencies around the world        law. Many of these were focused on          and collaborative approach. Notable
remained very energetic in enforcement       digital markets, but others aimed at        areas of coordination include measures
and advocacy. Enforcement activity           more comprehensive reforms.                 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
has not decreased and may even have                                                      and a continued focus at both agencies

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

on major technology firms and labor           COVID-19-related supplies. Since the          ● structural separations and line-of-
markets.                                      publication of the guidance, the DOJ has        business restrictions, which would
                                              issued several BRLs approving proposals         restrict or prohibit a platform
COVID-19                                      for collaboration by health care and            operator from also acting as a
                                              pharmaceutical companies.83                     platform participant;
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic,
the FTC and DOJ have taken several                                                          ● nondiscrimination rules to prevent
                                              Focus on “Big Tech”
steps to provide guidance and help
address the difficulties caused by the        Antitrust scrutiny of major technology
                                                                                            ● increasing the difficulty of
disruptions. Some of those measures,          firms, sometimes called “Big Tech,”
                                                                                              obtaining antitrust approval for
such as consideration of exigencies           was a major issue for legislators and           certain transactions, including by
in assessing whether to investigate           policy makers in 2020. Last year, the           placing the burden of proof on the
conduct that may otherwise violate            House Judiciary Committee began                 respondent for certain transactions;
the antitrust laws, are expected to be        investigating competition in digital
temporary. Other measures, such as the        markets, focusing on Google, Apple,           ● facilitating more Section 2 cases by
modernization of processes through the        Facebook, and Amazon (collectively              overturning U.S. Supreme Court
use of e-filing and other technologies,81     “GAFA”). The committee has held                 precedents like Trinko; and
are expected to be made permanent.            several hearings—one of which
                                              involved the companies’ CEOs—and              ● increasing the level of private
On March 24, 2020, the agencies issued                                                        enforcement by lowering pleading
                                              issued subpoenas for documents and
                                                                                              standards and reducing procedural
a joint statement providing guidance          other information to both the GAFA
                                                                                              obstacles such as limits on class
to businesses seeking to collaborate          companies and third parties. In October
                                                                                              action formation.
to protect the health and safety of           of this year, the committee’s Democratic
Americans during the pandemic. The            majority released a 449-page report.84 No
                                                                                          The antitrust enforcement agencies
statement details an expedited antitrust      Republicans signed on to the Majority
                                                                                          have focused closely on technology
procedure whereby the agencies                Staff Report. Instead, a group of
                                                                                          markets as well. In October 2020, the
will respond to Advisory Opinion or           Republican members issued a separate
                                                                                          DOJ and 11 state attorneys general filed
Business Review Letter (BRL) requests         “Third Way” report that endorsed some
                                                                                          a Section 2 monopoly maintenance
connected to COVID-19 within seven            of the Majority Staff’s allegations and
                                                                                          complaint against Google.86 The
calendar days of receiving all necessary      conclusions without endorsing most of
                                                                                          complaint arises from parallel state and
information. The statement further            the policy recommendations.85
                                                                                          federal investigations into the company
provides a list of collaborative activities
                                                                                          that began in 2019. The DOJ and the
designed to improve health and safety         The Majority Staff Report concludes that
                                                                                          states allege that Google has unlawfully
in response to the pandemic that would        the GAFA companies have high market
                                                                                          developed and maintained market
be consistent with the antitrust laws,        shares, protected by entry barriers, in
                                                                                          power in markets for general search,
including research and development,           a variety of different markets. It also
                                                                                          search advertising, and general search
sharing technical know-how,                   references hundreds of allegations of
                                                                                          text advertising through agreements
development of practice parameters for        potentially anticompetitive behavior
                                                                                          with Apple and Android original
patient management, joint purchasing          across nearly all lines of the companies’
                                                                                          equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
agreements among healthcare providers,        businesses. The report advocates for
                                                                                          related to preinstallation and default
and private lobbying addressing the use       far-reaching changes to antitrust law
                                                                                          settings for search. Notably, Assistant
of the federal emergency use authority.82     and policy to redress the issues and
                                                                                          Attorney General Makan Delrahim
The agencies also indicated that they         allegations it describes, including:
                                                                                          and Deputy Assistant Attorney General
will account for exigent circumstances,
                                                                                          Barry Nigro recused themselves during
such as where health care facilities            ● abandoning the consumer welfare
                                                                                          the investigation phase,87 and the case
work together to provide equipment                standard in favor of broader
                                                  consideration of the interests of       has been overseen by Attorney General
and services to communities without
                                                  workers, independent businesses,        William Barr’s office under the direction
access to them, or where businesses
                                                  and other groups;                       of the Deputy Attorney General, Jeffrey
need to combine resources to facilitate
the production and distribution of

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

Following the DOJ and state attorneys’      not, and were never intended to be,         a certain understatement, that “there
general lawsuit against Google, the         covered by Section 230 immunity.”93         may be some potential inconsistency”
FTC and 48 state attorneys general filed    The FTC announced in February that it       between the approaches of the
separate suits under Section 2 against      would conduct a Section 6(b) study of       FTC and DOJ to the intersection of
Facebook on December 9, 2020.89             several acquisitions made in the 2010s      antitrust and IP law.98 One of the more
The complaints arise from parallel          by Alphabet/Google, Amazon, Apple,          significant areas of tension has been
investigations into Facebook that           Facebook, and Microsoft that were not       the antitrust significance of a patent
began in 2019.90 The states and FTC         reported under the HSR Act.94 The FTC       holder’s intentionally false commitment
cooperated on their investigations. The     aims to “assess whether U.S. antitrust      to a standard-setting organization
complaints allege that Facebook has         authorities are receiving adequate notice   (SSO) to license its standard-essential
unlawfully monopolized the market           of transactions that might limit or         patents (SEPs) on fair, reasonable, and
for “personal social networking” or         eliminate competition.”95                   nondiscriminatory (FRAND) terms and
“personal social networking services”                                                   subsequent breach of that commitment.
through the acquisitions of Instagram       Focus on Labor Markets                      DOJ AAG Makan Delrahim has
and WhatsApp. The complaints also                                                       repeatedly expressed his view that
include allegations that Facebook           The FTC and DOJ have continued              disputes about whether FRAND
imposed anticompetitive conditions on       to examine antitrust issues in labor        commitments have been honored sound
third-party software developers’ access     markets, including new labor market         in contract rather than antitrust.99 In
to Facebook APIs, which restricted          concerns arising from the pandemic.         late 2019, the DOJ withdrew from a 2013
developers from developing competing        The agencies held a two-part series         joint policy statement with the U.S.
functionalities or connecting with          of workshops together covering a            Patent and Trademark Office on this
competing social networking services.       wide variety of labor competition           issue and joined a new policy statement
                                            issues, including no-poach and wage-        to clarify its position that SEP holders
The FTC voted 3-2 to file suit, with        fixing agreements, market definition,       should be permitted to seek injunctions
Chairman Joe Simons joining with            agreements between employers                against implementers after the standard
Democratic commissioners Rohit              on competition for workers, labor           is adopted.100
Chopra and Rebecca Slaughter.               monopsony in merger enforcement,
Commissioners Noah Phillips and             antitrust exemptions for union              FTC v. Qualcomm, one of the most
Christine Wilson voted against bringing     activity and collective bargaining,         significant antitrust decisions of this
suit.91 The FTC and state attorneys         and the use of non-compete clauses          year, brought the agencies’ disagreement
general seek a number of different          in employer-employee employment             on this point to a head. The FTC alleged
forms of relief from the court, including   contracts.96 Additionally, in response      that, among other things, Qualcomm
divestiture of Instagram and WhatsApp,      to the COVID-19 pandemic, the DOJ           violated the antitrust laws by refusing
enjoining various types of conduct, and     and FTC issued a statement in April         to license its chips on FRAND terms,
prior notice of future acquisitions.        indicating that they would be “on alert”    and sought to enjoin Qualcomm from
                                            for employers, staffing companies, and      continuing to do so. The DOJ filed a
On the policy side, the DOJ also issued     recruiters that engage in collusion or      statement of interest warning the district
recommendations this year to reform         other anticompetitive conduct in labor      court against an overly broad remedy.101
Section 230 of the Communications           markets, focusing on doctors, nurses,       The district court sided with the FTC
Decency Act.92 Section 230 was enacted      first responders, and those who work        and issued a permanent worldwide
in 1996 to protect technology companies     in grocery stores, pharmacies, and          injunction.102 In a rare move of direct
by providing that online platforms          warehouses, among other essential           confrontation, the DOJ filed an amicus
would not be treated as the publisher       service providers on the front lines.97     brief with the Ninth Circuit arguing
or speaker for third-party content                                                      against the district court decision. The
appearing on their services, effectively    FTC and DOJ Clash at Intersection of        DOJ’s brief attacked the basis of the
insulating them from civil liability for    Antitrust and IP                            district court decision, which is also the
such conduct. Among other changes,                                                      FTC’s theory of harm, arguing that
the DOJ recommended that it be made         In 2018, FTC Chairman Joseph Simons         “[p]remising liability on ‘unreasonably
clear that “federal antitrust claims are    noted, in what would turn out to be         high’ prices, as the court did here—

Wilson Sonsini 2020 Antitrust Year in Review

instead of harm to competition—can           that “Section 13(b) of the FTC Act           3-2 splits, with Commissioners Chopra
radically undermine important                authorizes a court to ‘enjoin’ antitrust     and Slaughter arguing in dissent that
incentives to innovate.”103 The DOJ also     violations,” but does not authorize it to    the majority’s analysis failed to consider
participated in oral argument on appeal.     seek disgorgement because it is a form       all potential harms. Examples include
                                             of restitution, which is not contemplated    the AbbVie/Allergan merger and Bristol-
The Ninth Circuit ultimately                 by Section 13(b).108 The panel remanded      Myers Squibb/Celgene acquisition,
rejected the lower court’s (and thus         the case to the district court for further   where the dissents emphasized the
the FTC’s) reasoning, vacated the            proceedings.                                 need to assess the transactions’ effects
judgment, and reversed the injunction                                                     on innovation and, more broadly,
against Qualcomm.104 The decision            The AbbVie decision contributed to           advocated for industry-wide studies into
underscores the importance of                the circuit split previously taken up        the potential harms caused by mergers.
proof of anticompetitive effects in          by the Supreme Court in AMG Capital
monopolization cases. The Ninth Circuit      Management, LLC v. FTC in July 2020.         The FTC’s investigation into and
found that the district court had (1)        Noting that eight circuits hold that         settlement of market allocation
erroneously imposed a duty to deal on        Section 13(b) does allow the FTC to seek     charges against rent-to-own operators
Qualcomm, (2) impermissibly looked           restitution, petitioners in AMG Capital      is an example of this split arising in a
outside the relevant antitrust market in     argued that the Court should adopt the       conduct investigation. The complaint
order to infer an anticompetitive act,       minority rule instead and hold that          alleged that rent-to-own operators
and (3) relied on outdated evidence (e.g.,   Section 13(b) does not permit the FTC to     Aaron’s Inc., Buddy’s Newco, LLC, and
agreements that were terminated before       seek monetary relief.109 The Third Circuit   Rent-A-Center, Inc. each entered into
the suit was filed) to justify a broad,      panel in AbbVie joined the minority          agreements that resulted in one party
forward-looking global injunction.105        approach, and the decision is likely to      closing stores and exiting a local market
The Ninth Circuit further rejected the       strengthen the petitioners’ arguments.       where the two parties had previously
argument that a SEP holder’s violation       The parties in AMG Capital have              competed.111 The exiting competitors
of FRAND commitments could                   completed briefing and are awaiting a        allegedly also agreed not to compete
independently create antitrust liability,    date for oral argument.                      within a specified geographic area for
and pointed to patent and contract law                                                    a specific time period, typically three
as sources for potential remedies.106        Decisions Continued to Show Notable          years.112
Indeed, the court noted that the FTC had     Party-Line Split
not even shown that a breach of these                                                     The FTC settled the case with a consent
commitments would hurt Qualcomm’s            FTC decisions across all areas have          order that prohibited the respondents
rivals, and declined “to ascribe antitrust   continued to reflect a sharp split on        and their franchisees from entering into
liability in these dynamic and rapidly       party lines. Generally, the Democratic       any reciprocal purchase agreement,
changing technology markets without          dissents have criticized the Republican      or inviting others to do so, and from
clearer proof of anticompetitive             majority for not taking a more               enforcing the non-compete clauses still
effect.”107                                  aggressive approach to enforcement           in effect.113 Commissioners Chopra and
                                             and for accepting inadequate remedy          Slaughter dissented, and Chopra filed a
Federal Trade Commission                     packages.                                    dissenting statement strongly criticizing
                                                                                          the decision and remedy. Among other
Clarification of Authority to Seek           As noted in the Mergers chapter of           things, he argued that the FTC should
Monetary Remedies                            this report, the FTC vote to issue the       have analyzed the conduct under the per
                                             Vertical Merger Guidelines in June 2020      se framework, rather than the rule of
The FTC’s statutory authority to seek        was 3-2, with Commissioners Rohit            reason, and characterized the majority’s
monetary remedies under Section              Chopra and Rebecca Kelly Slaughter           analysis and settlement as “a recipe for
13(b) of the FTC Act is expected to be       voting against and arguing in dissenting     weak enforcement that does little to
diminished following FTC v. AbbVie. On       statements for recognition of additional     deter market distortions and undermines
September 30, 2020, the Third Circuit        theories of harm that may result from        fair competition.”114
overturned a district court’s order          vertical mergers.110 Several FTC merger
requiring profit disgorgement, reasoning     clearance decisions have also entailed

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