Page created by Dan Gibson
          SUC C E S S, A N D S T R E NGT H E N OU R C OM M U N I T Y.
                              It’s been a busy time at Centralia      in chief, for getting this project off   the State Board for Community
                              College. During Fall Quarter 2021,      the ground. We look forward to           and Technical Colleges for funds to
                              about 50% of students were on           many more issues.                        renovate the Technical Education
                              campus for some portion of their                                                 Center (TEC). This would provide
                              courses or to receive services.         We also have some new program            a more modern and efficient
                              Even before the pandemic, some          offerings this year, including           learning environment for students
                              of our students were completely         our newest bachelor’s degree,            in welding, diesel technology, and
                              online and many took one or             the Bachelor of Applied Science          other programs. We should know
                              more online courses on a regular        in Behavioral Healthcare (BAS-           this spring whether we will be
                              basis. We expect that our current       BH), which prepares students             included on the state project list.
                              online percentage will continue to      for careers in human services,
                              decline; however, it’s likely that we   including addiction and substance        Finally, we are very proud of
                              will continue to see a somewhat         use disorder counseling. We have         our Centralia College student
                              higher percentage of online and         also added a new Supply Chain            leadership team for receiving the
                              hybrid students than we had             Management concentration                 Bronze Seal Award from the ALL
                              before the pandemic.                    to our Bachelor of Applied               IN Campus Democracy Challenge.
                                                                      Science in Applied Management            Student leaders led an effort to
Bob Mohrbacher, Ed.D.         In October, the Board of Trustees       program. This track is for students      increase voter registration and
Centralia College President   welcomed their newest member,           looking for careers in warehouse         participation among students.
                              Pretrina Mullins. Pretrina lives        management, inventory control,           Seven Washington colleges
                              in Randle and works for the             shipping, and distribution.              were recognized for their efforts
                              White Pass School District.                                                      to increase voter registration.
                              She is bringing an East County        Several campus projects are                Centralia College was one of only
                              perspective, as well as her           either underway or in the works.           two community colleges on that
                              extensive knowledge of K-12           The multipurpose athletic field            list. We are proud to be training
                              education, to the Board. We are       is finishing the design process.           the next generation of citizens and
                              happy to have her on our Board.       Construction should start in               voters.
                                                                    late winter or early spring with
                              Also new this fall is Spilled Ink,    completion scheduled for summer
                              Centralia College’s new online        2022. The new Teacher Education
                              literary journal. You can check out   & Family Development Center is
                              the first issue at spilledinkmag.com. in the design process now and
                              Thanks to Matt Young, English         may be ready to move to the
                              faculty member and managing           construction phase as early as next
                              editor, and to Tiffani Lund, editor   summer. We are also applying to

                                                I heard a local radio personality state        facility and relocation of student housing.      Athletic Fields will be primarily funded
                                                that for the first time in his memory not      Along with new student living facilities,        by student fees with $500K from local
                                                a single prognosticator came even close        they need athletic fields closer to the          sources. We are looking at a period of
                                                to predicting 2020 correctly and I had to      Health and Wellness Center allowing for          2-3 years for this campaign funding the
                                                agree. It was a challenging year for all of    improvement of both mind and body as a           projects in the order listed above.
                                                us. If past years experiences with tough       college should do.                                  We successfully raised $3 million in
                                                economic times hold true, we can safely           In order to accomplish these                  2008 during challenging economic times
                                                foresee area residents turning to Centralia    projects, Centralia College has turned           in order to build the Walton Science
                                                College for new skills that will get us        to the Foundation for the formation of           Center, the Health and Wellness Center
                                                through 2021 and beyond.                       a Capital Campaign raising $4.5 million          and the TransAlta Commons. This
                                                  As President Mohrbacher has said,            encompassing all three of these projects.        community has supported the growth of
                                                Centralia College is rising to meet the        The Teachers Education and Family                this college and we are sincerely grateful
                                                ever changing needs of our community           Development Center will be primarily             for past efforts. Together we can continue
                                                with new programs of study in Teachers         state funded but requires $1 million in          this process resulting in more economic
Joe Dolezal                                     Education and Family Development               local funds. A 100 bed student housing           growth all of us will benefit from.
Centralia College Board President               requiring the construction of a new            facility will cost $2.5-3.0 million and the

For the first time in award history, a family   Salzer Valley in Centralia. Doris especially   civil engineering from the Unviersity of         “The Watterson family of alumni are
has been named the recipient of the             instilled in her children the importance of    Washington and worked all over the west          uniquely special among Centralia College
annual Distinguished Alumni Award from          education, and all four children graduated     before joining Watterson Construction in         families due to their varied significant
the Centralia College Foundation. All four      from Centralia High School and attended        1989. He moved to Alaska in 2006 and is          contributions individually to their
Watterson siblings – Ed, Bill, Marilyn, and     Centralia College.                             now company president.                           professions and communities in such a
Jim – attended Centralia College and have                                                                                                       widespread way throughout the U.S. Yet, as
gone on to build strong careers and a           The children all worked on the dairy as kids   Marilyn Watterson Weinstein broke ground         a group, they still choose to recognize and
legacy of service and community.                and paid their way through college. The        in a different way. After graduating from        remember their roots at Centralia College,
                                                three boys ended up in construction. Ed        Centralia College in 1963, she earned a          said Renee Lawson, who has served on
“I think because of the pandemic of 2020,       Watterson (CC Class of 1955) has been a        bachelor’s degree in business education          the selection committee for eight of the
I have been challenged to think more            superintendent at Schwiesow Construction       from Washington State University and went        last 13 years. “The family establishing an
locally,” said John Klumper, vice president     since 1979 and had his hands on much of        on to be a pioneer in business education,        endowed scholarship in memory of their
of the CC Foundation and a member of the        the Centralia College campus, heading the      teaching computers and eventually                parents, Clarence and Doris Watterson, is a
Distinguished Alumni selection committee.       construction of the Kirk Library, Aadland      designing and implementing custom                heartwarming example of that.”
“The Watterson family exemplifies exactly       Esplanade, clocktower, Washington Hall,        software systems, primarily for companies
how I’m thinking. They’re very much             Technology Building, and Walton Science        in the biomedical field.                         The Wattersons were honored as
into family and community, and doing            Center. Bill Watterston (CC Class of 1961)                                                      individuals throughout the year in the
great things for others. I am very excited      was a basketball standout, who went on         As individuals, each of the Watterson            quarterly Blazer Bulletin magazine and as a
for the Watterson family to receive the         to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees,       children has exemplified the Trailblazer         family as part of the 2021 commencement
Distinguished Alumni Award this year.”          and start one of the largest construction      spirit through hard work, commitment             celebration.
                                                companies in Alaska, Watterson                 to service and community, grit, and
Clarence and Doris Watterson raised             Construction. Jim Watterson (CC Class          dedication to family. As a family, they really
their four children on a dairy farm in the      of 1973) earned his bachelor’s degree in       stand out.

In Appreciation                                                         SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS
     2021 RETIREES
      Centralia College wishes
       to honor and recognize
     the service of the following
          2020-21 retirees.

              PAM CHAPMAN
            Fiscal Analyst 1 • 8 years
    Professor, Business Technology • 37 years
            PEGGY GOLDBERG
              Counselor • 24 years
              SANDRA INGLE
     Office Assistant 3 (Athletics) • 15 years
          Fiscal Technician 3 • 20 years
     Procurement and Supply Specialist 1 •
                  31 years
    Assistant Professor/Adult Basic Education
              Coordinator • 18 years
              GENE SHRIVER
    Assistant Professor/Adult Basic Education
              Coordinator • 22 years             Ibrahim Dembele                                     Rome Zucati
                                                 Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management   Associate Degree – Transfer
                GREG SMITH
      Instructional and Classroom Support        Estella Little Korsgen Scholarship                  Chehalis Tribe Scholarship
               Technician 2 • 6 years
           KERRY TRETHEWEY                       “I truly appreciate being selected to receive       “This scholarship really means a lot to
         Associate Professor, Adult Basic        this scholarship…It couldn’t have come at           me because it means I can continue my
              Education • 12 years               a better time. This scholarship means that          education at Centralia College. This
                STEVE WARD                       some of the financial pressures have been           scholarship means I can put more of my
           Vice President, Finance and           lifted for me and my family.”                       time and effort into my studies.”
            Administration • 28 years
                DAVE WHITE
     Professor, Teacher Education • 53 years


                                                                                        NUMBER OF RECIPIENTS
                                                                                               2-Year Programs: 223
                                                                                           Bachelor's Degree Programs: 69
                                                                                                 TOTAL: 319

                                                                                          AMOUNT AWARDED
                                                                                            2-Year Programs: $325,750
Carissa Kaut                                Talia Washington                            Bachelor's Degree Programs: $136,500
Associate in Arts                           Pre-Physical Therapy                             TOTAL: $462,250
Doris and Clarence Watterson                Nels and Phyllis Hanson President
Scholarship                                 Endowed Scholarship
CC Board of Trustees Scholarship            CC Board of Trustees Scholarship
“I am blessed to be receiving this          “As a result of your kind donation, I am
scholarship…This scholarship will help me   able to actually focus on furthering my
to work on focusing on my studies instead   education…Your financial help has reduced        VALEDICTORIAN
                                            my financial burden and brought me one           SCHOLARSHIPS
of worrying about money to pay for my
classes.”                                   step closer to obtaining my goals.”             16 High Schools Represented
                                                                                         27 TOTAL RECIPIENTS


                                   ENROLLMENT                                       ACADEMIC/TRANSFER: 21%
                                 HEADCOUNT – 6,329                                  BASIC SKILLS: 7%
                                      Bachelor’s Degrees – 192
                                      Corrections Education – 1,185                 OTHER: 29%
                                      Running Start – 458
                                      Worker Retraining – 263                       WORKFORCE EDUCATION: 43%

     51% STUDENTS RECEIVE                                                                                   HIGHEST
    NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AID                                                                           ENROLLED PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                 Associate in Arts
           66% female / 34% male                        Tuition and fees for an associate                       Registered Nursing
          45% workforce education                           degree-seeking student                        Bachelor of Applied Science-
              Median Age: 27                                    (15 credits) - $1,590 per quarter             Applied Management
            45% of students work                        Tuition and fees for a bachelor’s                        Criminal Justice
         36% students with children                         degree-seeking student                    Business Administration/Management
                                                                (15 credits) - $2,464 per quarter

                       Southwest Washington Flexible Training Center
                    Centralia College & Centralia College Foundation Partnership

                                                         The Arbor Health Education Center is
                                                         a large classroom in the SWFT Center
    The Southwest Washington Flexible Training           designed for health care training for
    Center is open and ready for community,              the community.
    industry and college courses.

                                                         The Centralia College Mobile Classroom is
                                                         being designed and equipped to visit local
The Natural Resources classroom is sponsored by Sierra   middle and high schools as well as some
Pacific, Weyerhaeuser and Port Blakely. This classroom   community events. The classroom will hold
houses our forestry and CDL simulators.                  trades simulators so students can explore
                                                         career options close to home.
                                    Total          General/Operating   Restricted   Endowments   Scholarships   Plant & Equipment
    Current Assets
       Pooled Cash                  617,152        1,298,970           -549,146     48,856       163,713        -345,241
       Investments                  22,627,550     553,162             3,398,285    16,152,830   1,953,911      569,362
       Accounts Receivable          139,885        0.00                81,990       57,895       0.00           0.00
    Total Current Assets            23,384,588     1,852,133           2,931,129    16,259,581   2,117,624      224,121
    Fixed Assets
       Land                         1,060,784      0.00                0.00         0.00         0.00           1,060,784
       Buildings; net               2,482,687      0.00                2,382,242    0.00         0.00           100,445
       Equipment; net               185,861        1,284               142,884      0.00         0.00           41,692
       Construction in Progress     24,980         0.00                0.00         0.00         0.00           24,980
    Total Fixed Assets              3,754,312      1,284               2,525,126    0.00         0.00           1,227,902
    Total Assets                    21,138,900     1,853,417           5,456,255    16,259,581   2,117,624      1,452,023
    Accounts Payable                212,147        57,285              72,381       0.00         81,404         1,078
       Beginning Fund Balance       21,425,456     2,246,118           4,264,636    12,875,811   1,150,060      888,831
       Current Year Excess          5,162,109      33,463              898,372      3,742,404    292,720        195,147
       Prior Period Adj.            339,187        -355,888            220,503      -358,634     593,992        239,215
    Total Equity                    26,926,753     1,923,693           5,383,514    16,259,581   2,036,772      1,323,193
    Total Liabilities & Equity      27,138,900     1,980,977           5,455,895    16,259,581   2,118,176      1,324,271

CENTRALIA COLLEGE EXPENDITURE STATEMENT                                                                                                Benefits
                                                                                                                                                   Employees ­– During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, the college employed 245 full-time
                                                                                                                                                      and 264 part-time employees. Of the total employees, approximately 70 percent resided in
June 30, 2021                                                                                                                Goods and Services
                                                                                                                                          Travel      the college’s service district, which includes all of Lewis County and the southern portion
Operations:                                                                                                                          Equipment        of Thurston County.
Salaries........................................................................................$18,016,322                     Capital Projects
Benefits..........................................................................................$6,464,088              Student Employment
                                                                                                                  Scholarships and Financial Aid   Local Government ­– Included in the expenditures listed above are payments to the county
Goods and Services........................................................................$4,834,464
                                                                                                                                                      and city governments of $497,474 for services, fees, permits, street vacation and purchase,
                                                                                                                                                      facility rental, and utilities.
Total Operations......................................................... $30,686,537
                                                                                                                                                   Taxes – The college is exempt from state property tax. However, the college is not exempt
Capital Projects..............................................................................$2,106,303
                                                                                                                                                      from sales tax. When taxable items are purchased in Washington State, it must pay tax. For
Student Employment .......................................................................$162,183
                                                                                                                                                      2020-21, the college paid $24,372 in use tax to the state. The college bookstore generated
Scholarships and Financial Aid.......................................................$8,824,733
                                                                                                                                                      $640,736 of taxable sales revenue, which resulted in sales tax collections of $45,718.
Total Expenditures...................................................... $41,779,756

Peter Abbarno                     Tina Merten                          Brian Watson

 FOUNDATION BOARD                           Past President
                                            Althauser, Rayan, and Abbarno.
                                            Board member since 2002.
                                                                              Board Member
                                                                              Providence Centralia Hospital.
                                                                              Board member since 2018.
                                                                                                                   Board Member
                                                                                                                   Lafromboise Communications,
                                                                                                                   The Chronicle

   OF DIRECTORS                                                                                                    Board member since 2020

     Executive Board                        Dwayne Aberle                     Lisa Perry                           Rodney Youckton
                                            Board Member                      Board Member                         Board Member
           Joe Dolezal                      President, Security State Bank.   Sierra Pacific Industries.           Lucky Eagle Casino.
           President                        Board member since 2002.          Board member since 2018.             Board member since 2019.
           Optometrist, self-employed.
           Board member since 1997.
           Past Board of Trustee member.

                                            John Braun                        Vicki Pogorelc                       Reneé Lawson
                                            Board Member                      Board Member                         Classified Liaison
                                            Owner, Braun Northwest.           Community Volunteer.                 CC Classified Liaison.
           John Klumper                     Board member since 2001.          Board member since 2001.
           Vice President
           Lewis County Title.
           Board member since 2015.

                                            Renee                             Marrianne Schumacher                 Jody Peterson
                                            Corwin-Rey                        Board Member                         Faculty Liaison
                                            Board Member                      Lewis Economic Development Council   CC Faculty Liaison
                                            Owner, Corwin-Rey Farmers         Board member since 2021
           Michelle Davis                   Insurance. Board member
           Treasurer                        since 2013.
           Key Bank.
           Board member since 2016.
                                            Arny Davis                        Phyllis Schwiesow                    Mark Scheibmeir
                                            Board Member                      Board Member                         Ex Officio
                                            Lewis County Treasurer.           Schwiesow Construction               Hillier, Scheibmeir,
                                            Board member since 2014.          (semi-retired).                      Vey and Kelly.
                                                                              Board member since 2001.             Board member since 1995.
           Chuck Higgins
           Board Member at Large
           TransAlta (retired).
           Board member since 2012.         Joe Enbody                        Jim Sherrill-Board Member            Steve Ward
                                            Board Member                      Retired from Public and Child        Board Member
                                            Enbody, Dugaw & Enbody.           Welfare with the Department          Centralia College Vice President
                                            Board member since 2003.          of Social and Health Services        Finances and Administrations
                                            Trailblazer Award Winner for      since 1979. Board member             Ex. Officio.
                                            2018.                             since 2002. Past Board of
                                                                              Trustee members.
           Rebecca McGee
           Board Member at Large
           Social Security Administration   Bruce R. Hansen                   Brendan VanderVelde                  Doris Wood
           (retired).                       Board Member                      Board Member                         Brumsickle
                                            Edward Jones                      Hemphill-O'Neill Company             Trustee Liaison
           2019 Trailblazer Award Winner    Member since 2020                 Board member since 2020              Centralia College faculty
           Board member since 2000.                                                                                member (retired).
                                                                                                                   Board member since 2017.

           Bob Mohrbacher, Ed.D.
           Secretary                        Julie Lind                        Jason Vatne
                                            Board Member                      Board Member
           Centralia College President      Washington State Employees        Columbia Bank.
                                            Credit Union                      Board member since 2016.
                                            Member since 2019

ENDOWMENTS                                           Lloyd (1899–1968) and Bertha
                                                     Baumgarten (1900–1993)
                                                                                                         Centralia College Faculty
                                                                                                            Established in 1989 to provide scholarships
                                                                                                                                                             Diesel Technology Program
                                                                                                                                                                Established in 2002 by the Centralia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Claire E. Fuller (1912–1987)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Employee of the educational system for
Gordon Aadland                                          Owned and operated Baumgarten Hardware              for students of Centralia College.                  College Diesel faculty using fundraisers for        12 years and a strong believer in higher
   Created by the family of Gordon Aadland              and Plumbing Company from 1944 to 1958.                                                                 scholarships.                                       education.
   to honor his passion for education. Gordon                                                            Centralia College Foundation
   worked at Centralia College as its first public   Glenn (1928–1996) and Marjorie                         Established to provide tuition for students      Edinger/Squires Memorial                            George Gablehouse
   information officer. The esplanade that runs      Bennett                                                who demonstrate academic excellence.                Created by the granddaughter of Lilian/             Physical education instructor and athletic
   through campus is named in his honor.                Created in 2005 for scholarships to Lewis                                                               Ray Edinger and Alexander/Anna Squires              director at Centralia College from 1958 to
                                                        County students.                                 Centralia College Library                              in memory of their impact on the local              1979.
Alan Allie (1942 –1996)                                                                                     Established in 2005 by CC Library personnel         community. The Chronicle was owned by
   Established in Alan Allie’s name by former        Big Band Scholarship                                   for the betterment of the CC Library.               the Edinger family until the 1960s and the       Ross Galvin
   Centralia College basketball teammates.              Endowment established in 1994.                                                                          Squires operated a hardware store on Market         Established in 2017 to honor this devoted
                                                                                                         Centralia Rotary Club                                  Avenue in Chehalis.                                 local physician. Benefits a nursing student
Colleen Allison (1928–1983)                          Troy Bradford (1965–2016)                              Established in 1988 by a Centralia Rotarian                                                             or project.
Memorial                                                A purchasing agent for Braun NorthWest              and expanded in 2010 by the Centralia            Ernest (1911–1999) and Edith
   Served as a bus driver for the Centralia School      for 23 years who loved anything fast.               Rotary Club for scholarships to Centralia High   (1916–2006) Driscoll                                Garrison Family
                                                        This endowment is for students studying             School students.                                    Established through a Living Trust in 1995.         Designed to benefit a Centralia High School
   District for 10 years.                               fabrication/welding.                                                                                    Ernest worked in steel manufacturing                graduate or a student from the surrounding
                                                                                                         Charneski Family                                       and construction and Edith was a school             community.
Altrusa Club                                         Thelma Brooks (1907–1976)                              Established in 2019 to benefit an associate
   Altrusa is an international service                                                                                                                          secretary. Both had a strong commitment to
                                                        Centralia College English teacher from 1958         degree seeking student with a dental or             lifelong learning.                               George Godding/EDC
   organization founded in 1917. The Centralia-         to 1972.                                                                                                                                                    In recognition of George Godding, the first
   Chehalis Club was chartered in 1948.                                                                     medical career path in mind.
                                                                                                                                                             Lloyd B. Dysart (1893–1979)                            president
                                                     Dr. Ralph O. Carlson (1923–1996)                    Niles D. (1903–1974) and Vivian                        Centralia attorney and business law                 of the Lewis County Economic Development
Margaret Alvord (1907–1986)                             Established in 1996 by Janet Carlson in honor    Churchill (1905–1977) Memorial                         instructor at Centralia College from 1946           Council. Scholarship sponsored by the EDC.
   Was an accompanist for the college’s music           of her husband, Ralph, who was a longtime           Owned and operated the N. Churchill Glove           to 1965.
   department for 20 years.                             psychology instructor at Centralia College.         Factory.                                                                                             John V. Griel (1917–1995)
                                                                                                                                                             Arthur Ehret (1899–1974)                               Chemistry instructor at Centralia College
American Legion, Post #17                            Centralia Advanced Education Assoc.                 Vincent Coates (1917–1990)                             Chemistry instructor and registrar at               from 1947 to 1976.
   National organization founded in 1919;               Established in 1984 to provide scholarships         Math and engineering instructor and                 Centralia College from 1925 to 1967.
   created in memory of longtime member Ted             for graduates of Centralia High School.             registrar at Centralia College from 1948 to                                                          Walter (1907–1997) and Helen
   Massey.                                                                                                  1979.                                            Arne (1910–1981) and Julia                          (1907–1960) Hanke
                                                     Centralia College Board of Trustees                                                                     Fagerness (1912–1988)                                  Established by Walter Hanke prior to his
American Legion, Post #22                               Established in 1996 by the Board of Trustees.    Margaret Corbet (1886–1971)                            Centralia residents who raised nine children,       death in 1995. The college received the
   National organization founded in 1919 by a                                                               First dean of Centralia College, serving from       most of whom attended Centralia College.            residual of this estate in 1996 to formally
   group of veterans working for veterans.           Centralia College Booster Club                         the opening of the college in 1925 until her                                                            establish the endowment. The Hankes
                                                     Athletic Scholarship                                   retirement in 1949.                              First Interstate Bank                                  were longtime Lewis County farmers.
Rachel Bartlett Memorial                                Comprised of individuals in the community                                                               The Coffman-Dobson Branch has provided
(1971–1988)                                             who support the Centralia College athletic       Adelaide Dagasso (1908–2003)                           service to Lewis County residents for over       Hanke Faculty Achievement
   Centralia High School student who planned            program.                                            Longtime resident of Rochester, established         100 years.                                          Created from the Walter Hanke estate
   to pursue a career as a dental technician.                                                                                                                                                                       to provide professional development/
                                                     Centralia College Class of ‘63                         through her estate.
Robert E. Bates (1927–1991)                                                                                                                                  Alice Forth                                            recognition or funding for special projects for
                                                        The members of the Centralia College Class       Victor Dagasso (1911–1999)                             A 1951 graduate of Centralia College and the        Centralia College faculty.
   A Centralia College student in 1947 and              of 1963 have fond memories of their time at                                                             first Margaret Corbet scholar. Served from
   1948. Pacific Northwest Bell employee.                                                                   Longtime resident of Rochester, established
                                                        Centralia College and have returned to the          through his Charitable Remainder Trust.             1958 to 1991 as an instructor, counselor,        Dr. Nels Hanson
William A. (1907–2002) and Etha                         college several times for class reunions. This                                                          chair of the business education division, and       The first president of Centralia College;
(1907–1999) Batie                                       endowment is established through the class       Ercel Davis (1911–1998)                                dean of students at the college.                    served from 1966 to 1981.
   He was the biology instructor at Centralia           members for a student scholarship.                  Longtime resident of Lewis County,                                                                   Dr. Daniel and Linda Haskins
   College from 1940 to 1972 and Dean of                                                                    established through his estate.                  Victor Freund (1945–2005)
                                                     Centralia College Distinguished                                                                            Chairman of the social science and                  Established in 2021 by distinguished alumni
   Instruction from 1965 to 1967. She followed       Alumnus                                             J.O. (1874–1942) and Lillian Taylor                    humanities division, director of Teaching           and esteemed veterinarian, Dr. Dan Haskins
   a career in banking.                                 Established in honor of Distinguished            Davis (1884–1969)                                      and Learning Center, director of Distance           and his wife Linda, to benefit a student
                                                        Alumnus Award recipients.                           J.O. worked as a railroad engineer. Both were       Learning, and foreign language instructor at        with interest in veterinary medicine or with
William A. Batie Health and Science                                                                                                                                                                                 financial need.
   Established in 2002 in honor of William A.                                                               very active in the Masonic Lodge.                   Centralia College, from 1968 to 2005.
                                                     Centralia College Exceptional Faculty
   Batie to support and promote physical life           Established in 1991, annually recognizes                                                             Rob Fuller Memorial Endowment                       Marco Heidner Charitable Trust
   programs.                                            outstanding faculty members.                                                                            The first of three Fuller stores was opened in      Created in 1999 in memory of Marco Heidner.
                                                                                                                                                                Chehalis in 1941 by Ed and Bill Fuller, Jr.

Dr. Garrett Heyns (1891–1969)                       Dr. Henry and Jenny Kirk Endowment                  C.L. Littel (1895–1966)                              Jack and Nadine Murphy                              Francis J. (1915–2001) and Alice L
   Washington State Director of the Department      for the Fine Arts                                      Established Centralia College in 1925 while          Created in 2020 for diesel students to honor     (1918–2007) Paulus Trust
   of Institutions who established the Education       Established in 1997 to promote arts and             superintendent of the Centralia School               Jack’s 30 year career in the machinery and          Graduates of Centralia College, retired and
   Center at Washington Corrections Center in          humanities in the community.                        District.                                            logging industry and Nadine’s contribution          lived in Centralia. Francis was employed
   Shelton.                                                                                                                                                     to her family and the communities where             by the railroad and Alice worked for the
                                                    Mattie Kirk (1936–1996) Music                       Todd Lovington (1951–1997)                              they lived.                                         telephone company.
Dave Hilbiber (1922–1997)                           Scholarship                                            Centralia College math instructor, chair of the
   Former faculty member of the professional           Established by former Centralia College             college’s Strategic Planning Committee.           N.C. Machinery                                      Thor J. (1919–1975) and M. Helen
   technical program at Centralia College.             President Dr. Hank Kirk and his wife Mattie                                                              Located in Chehalis and a supporting             Peterson (1917–2006)
                                                       prior to her death, in recognition of her love   John H. Markham (1892–1980)                             company in the Skinner Foundation.                  Thor was a teacher and coach at Centralia
Harry S. Hill, Jr. (1923–1995)                         and devotion to music.                              Centralia timber man who founded Mayfield                                                                High School. Helen was a retired pharmacist.
   Longtime supporter of Centralia College and                                                             Youth Camp.                                       Neggerson/Sippola/Reynolds Nursing
   its many athletic programs.                      Thorlea Peterson Kirtz                                                                                   Endowment                                           Phi Theta Kappa
                                                       Centralia College class of 1968. Teacher at      John Markham Athletic (1892-                            Created to support nursing students in honor        Centralia College Honors Society for students
Hamlet Hilpert (1907–2007)                             Maple Lane school.                               19980)                                                  of Lean Neggerson (1895-1990), who was the          pursuing
   An active community citizen with a keen                                                                 Created in memory of John Markham to                 superintendent of nurses at Tacoma General          an associate degree. Dedicated to the
   interest in Centralia College music programs.    Rufus Kiser (1907–1995)                                benefit athletes.                                    until 1933; June Sippola (1917-93), who was         memory of Timothy Scott Kirk (1957-1992).
                                                       Forestry division chair at Centralia College                                                             the founder of the LPN program at Centralia
Olive Irelan (1908–1995)                               and zoology                                      Daniel J. (1896–1989) and Anna B.                       College; and Ruth Reynolds (1926-83), who        Dr.s Elmer, Robert and Richard
   Teacher for 42 years and employed by the            and physical science instructor from 1941        McDonald (1897–1989)                                    was a nurse at the former Centralia General      Phillips, D.M.D.
   Centralia School District from 1944 to 1973.        to 1973.                                            Chehalis couple who owned and operated               Hospital and St. Helens Hospital in Chehalis.       The endowment set up in 2018 will benefit
   Charter Foundation board member.                                                                        Mac’s Sporting Goods and the McDonald                                                                    pre-dental, pre-medical or dental hygiene
                                                    Kiwanis Club of Centralia/Chehalis                     Motel in Chehalis.                                Nupen Family                                           students.
Helen R. Jaeger (1929–1991)                            International service organization established                                                           Longtime residents of Lewis County. Vicki
   An artist, well-known for her pottery design,       in 1915. The Chehalis club formed in 1922.       Harree L. McGee (1910–1965)                             was a charter member of the Centralia Rotary     Pogorelc Family
   and a teacher of art and elementary children.                                                           Worked as a precision machinist for the U.S.         Club and Brian is a longtime Centralia College      Created by longtime Lewis County resident,
                                                    Estella Littel Korsgen (1908-2008)                     Navy and later for private companies.                Foundation board member.                            Vicki Pogorelc, who is also a member of the
Garvin and Mabel Johnson Memorial                   and Bernice Warner Littel (1885-                                                                                                                                Centralia College Foundation board.
(1913-2014)                                         1996)                                               Deborah Meade (1947-2012)                            Harold J. O’Connor (1910–2005)
   Garvin moved his family to Lewis County in          Created through the Charles Littel Trust,           Created in memory of CC Distinguished                Harold is a 1930 graduate of Centralia           Arthur Plummer (1911–1978)
   1981. The couple enjoyed attending concerts         founder of Centralia College.                       Alumna Angela Meade’s mother recognizing             College. He was a Centralia resident.               Owned and operated Twin Cities Sand and
   at the college and valued the arts and                                                                  outstanding Centralia College musicians.                                                                 Gravel, and later, the Lakeshore Motel.
   education.                                       Al (1911–2009) and Marge                                                                                 Helen O’Connor (1905–1994)
                                                    (1914–2003) Kuder Family                            Jack (1918–2003) and Agnes                              Established in 1988 at the same time that her    John & Kay Raupp
Erma E. (Boone) Kain (1913–1988)                       Established in 1996 by the family of Al and      (1916–2005) Miller                                      husband established scholarships and the            The Raupps live in Winlock and operate the
   Beautician and resident of Lewis County.            Marge Kuder whose five daughters attended           Established in honor of their parents by             Harold O’Connor Endowment fund.                     Shamrock Nursery. John attended Centralia
                                                       Centralia College on scholarships and have all      siblings Cliff Miller, Gene Miller, and Karen                                                            College and both John and Kay taught for 30
Jack R. Kalmbach                                       gone on to establish themselves in careers.         (Miller) Paull.                                   Ellis Oliver (1920–1997) Memorial                      years in Lewis County.
   Centralia College Dean of Administration from       Susan Kuder Dunn is a Centralia College                                                                  Established by family members to honor Ellis
   1986 until he retired in 1993.                      Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient.           Miss Lewis County                                       and his commitment to education. Promotes        Mildred Proffitt (1900–2000)
                                                                                                           Established in 2016 to benefit the current           and supports business programs.                     Established through her bequest to Centralia
John and Donna Karvia                               Lewis County Demolition Derby                          reigning Miss Lewis County in her pursuit of                                                             College,
     He is a retired Chehalis police sergeant and      Formed in 1980, provides recreation for             higher education at Centralia College.            Robert Harold O’Neill (1890–1981)                      a lifelong resident of Lewis County.
     she served as Lewis County Clerk. Both are        Southwest Washington residents.                                                                          Co-founder of Hemphill-O’Neill Lumber
     Centralia College alumni.                                                                          Patricia (Patti) Haase Morton                           Company in 1947; was in the lumber business      Bob Reimer (1935–1997)
                                                    Lewis County School Retirees’                          Centralia College graduate, career                   for 67 years.                                       Established as a memorial to the former
Katharine Kemp (1899–1978)                          Association                                            U.S. Foreign Service officer and 1979                                                                    Centralia College Athletic Director.
   Foreign language instructor at Centralia            Established in 1950 and affiliated with the         Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient.            Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute
   College from 1932 to 1968. In 1975, she             Washington Retired Teachers Association.                                                                 The largest eye surgery center in the Pacific    Esther Robinson (1917–1984)
   wrote the history of the college.                                                                    Fred and Sharon Mueller                                 Northwest. Founded January 1985 by Helgi         Endowment Fund for Art
                                                    Minnie Lingreen (1901–1995)                            This scholarship benefits a vocational student       Heidar, M.D., and Robert O. Ford, M.D.           Scholarships
Kenneth Kimball (1928–2003)                            History and social science instructor at            in financial need. Fred dedicated 31 years of                                                            Art student and librarian in the Centralia
   Music director at Centralia College from 1955       Centralia College from 1939 to 1971.                his career to teaching at Centralia College and                                                          School District.
   to 1990.                                                                                                as the director of Garrett Heyns Educational
                                                                                                           Center.                                                                                               Jerry Robinson
Dr. Henry P. Kirk Scholarship                                                                                                                                                                                       A longtime Centralia School District teacher
   Former president of Centralia College; served                                                                                                                                                                    and administrator.
   from 1986 to 2002.
Robinson/Wolfson Memorial                         Sheridan Family                                    Tanaka Family                                         Jim (1891–1958) and Laura Barner                    WIDCO
  Created by the grandson of Isaac/Sarah            Jean is a long-time Lewis County resident and       Yasuomi was a nursery ecologist for                Ward (1892–1985)                                      Formerly Centralia Mining Co. that operated
  Robinson and David/Esther Wolfson in              past owner of Pacific Mobile Leasing.               Weyerhaeuser Co. and Frances taught in and            Jim was manager of the J C Penney store            the Centralia coal mine.
  memory of their persistence to succeed.                                                               coordinated the Centralia College English             in Centralia. Laura was the paymaster for
  Both families were immigrants who came          Dave Sherwood (1955-2011)                             as a Second Language program from 1975                Eastern Railway and Lumber Co.                   Donald Widell (1931–2002)
  to Centralia in the early 1900s. The Robinson     Created from the proceeds of the Dave               to 1998.                                                                                                 Mr. Widell, a 1953 graduate, excelled in
  family owned a successful clothing store          Sherwood Memorial Elk Hunt on the TransAlta                                                            George and Mary Jane Washington                       sports. He was inducted into the Centralia
  and the Wolfson family owned a women’s            land. Dave lost his life while pursuing his      The Chronicle Employees                                  Established in 2018 by the GW200 committee         College Sports Hall of Fame in 1998.
  clothing store. Both were located on Tower        passion on Mt. St. Helens and was a longtime        Local newspaper staff members who                     this will benefit a student who is dedicated
  Avenue in Centralia.                              employee of TransAlta.                              recognize the importance of educating                 to bettering the community while improving       Winlock Alumni Association
                                                                                                        people for positions in communications.               their circumstances.                               Established in 2000; this endowment
Earl Schwiesow (1932–1996)                        Harry and Margaret Shields, Sue                                                                                                                                was created by past Winlock high school
  A quality contractor who believed in the        Shields Whorton and Delbert                        Robert H. (1904–1964) and Frances                     Bill and Helga Watterson                              graduates to support their current and future
  importance of education.                        Whorton Scholarship                                E. Thompson (1905–1979)                                  Created by CC alumnus Bill Watterson and           alumni as they further their education at
                                                    Established in 2018 to benefit a nursing or         Founders of Lincoln Creek Lumber and West             his wife to assist students pursuing their         Centralia College.
Security State Bank                                 healthcare student.                                 Coast Mills.                                          bachelor's degree at Centralia College.
  Established to provide business scholarships                                                                                                                                                                 Bert Woodland
  to Lewis County students. Longtime banking      Whitney Ryan Smith                                 Vondean Thompson Memorial                             Doris (1915–2001) and Clarence                        Established by Bert Woodland in 1996 to
  institution with great community support.         A student in the first BAS-AM cohort who was        Bob Thompson established this memorial to          (1912–2007) Watterson                                 assist students with specific financial needs.
                                                    in the process of getting his master’s degree       his wife in 2019 after her passing to honor           Created by the children of Doris and Clarence      Bert was a longtime Centralia College
Fay Benjamin (1898–1964 and Mary                    when his life ended unexpectedly.                   her love for music and community. This                Watterson who were longtime residents              geology instructor well-known for geology
Burcham Smith (1900–1970)                                                                               memorial benefits a music student or student          of Lewis Co. and supporters of numerous            field trips.
  He taught school for over 40 years, many of     Olga Kraus Stewart (1908–2003)                        involved in leadership.                               community activities.
  those years in Chehalis. She was a nurse at       Centralia Junior College’s first music                                                                                                                     Walter Wuerth (1925–1993)
  the former St. Helens Hospital, Chehalis.         instructor. Continued to teach and write         Dean S. (1901–1990) and Elva M.                       Western Washington Area Health                        A member of the Centralia College class of
                                                    original compositions until her retirement.      Thornton (1902–1993)                                  Education Center (WWAHEC)                             1947 who was a local self-employed acco
Society of American Foresters, SW                                                                       He was a business administration instructor           Since 1987, WWAHEC has served the citizens         untant.
Washington Chapter Memorial                       Gary and Neena Stoskopf                               at Centralia College from 1951 to 1967. She           of Washington State to assure equity of and
Scholarship                                         Gary is the owner of The Housing Mart, Inc.                                                               access to health care for underserved rural      George Calvin Yackley (1914–1991)
                                                                                                        was a teacher and homemaker.                                                                             A lifelong farmer who raised cattle and sheep.
  Memorial to Joseph M. Jackson, a Native           Neena                                                                                                     and urban populations through education
  American,                                         is a former employee of Centralia College.       Title Guaranty Co. of Lewis County                       and workforce development. This endowment
  who died in 1988.                                                                                     Has been issuing title reports and closing real       is created in support of students pursing
                                                  Eva Knight Swartwood (1887–1964)                      estate escrows in Lewis County since 1959.            health care professions.
David Spogen (1931–2001)                            Lewis County Auditor from 1918 to 1921;
  A lifelong advocate for education and             operated the Edison (First Street) Grocery in    Dr. A. R. Twiss (1912–1994) Memorial                  Lynn (1941–1977) and Lane
  dedicated to promoting students in                Centralia.                                          Family doctor in Chehalis for 36 years; retired    Westlund (1968–1977)
  vocational callings including diesel                                                                  in 1987.                                              Lynn owned and lived on a farm in Curtis and
  technology.                                     Gordon Sweany (1913–1986)                                                                                   was a Weyerhaeuser employee. Lane was his
                                                    First Distinguished Alumnus (1978) and           Uhlmann Motors, Inc.                                     oldest son.
Arthur Freeman Staeger and Kathrine                 former CEO and chairman of the board at             Established by Mr. Richard Uhlmann, a
Staeger Kimball (1907–1967)                         SAFECO.                                             successful businessman, valuable community         Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation
  Freeman graduated from Centralia College in                                                           resource and a supporter of higher education.         Weyerhaeuser has a long and productive
  1932, Kathrine in 1928.                         Matthew Swena Memorial                                                                                      history in Lewis County. Weyerhaeuser
                                                    Matthew’s wife, Laura Spoor, and Express         Hoa V. Vu Memorial                                       established the Clemons Tree Farm in 1941,
Sterling Savings                                    Employment Prof. created this endowment             Created by the six children, all immigrants           the first in the nation.
  Providing continuous service to the               in 2019 to honor Matthew’s enthusiasm for           from Vietnam, of Hoa Vu in support of first-
  community since 1921.                             life and passion for making a difference. This      generation students.                               Owen C. Wicks (1903–1995)
                                                    memorial benefits a student in the Bachelor                                                               Economics and forensics instructor at
Gail and Carolyn Shaw                               of Science, Business Management program.         Walton Classified Staff                                  Centralia College from 1947 to 1969.
  Established by the CCF board to honor                                                                 Established in 2013 by Dr. James Walton to
  these devoted and long-term supporters          Darold Talley (1929–2002)                             benefit classified staff at Centralia College in   Phillip Wickstrom
  of Centralia College and the surrounding          Established by the Centralia Junior College         furthering their education or                         English and drama instructor at Centralia
  community.                                        Reunion Committee to provide tuition                training.                                             College from 1962 to 1991. Co-founder of the
                                                    support for a student athlete at Centralia                                                                Evergreen Playhouse and past president of
                                                    College.                                                                                                  the Washington Association of Theatre Artists.

 Special                      Baxter Killian Memorial     Donors $1,000+                    Hillier, Scheibmeir, & Kelly,   Xerox Foundation              Frank and Barbara Mason
 Recognition Over             Trust                       Arthur and Glenna Symons          PS                              Yun Kim                       Frank and Judy DeVaul
                              Dennis & Phyllis            Bart and Adell Bloom              Howard Batie and Anita                                        Gary and Kathleen
 $100,000                     Washington Foundation                                         Webster                         All Donors                    Odegaard
                              Hemphill O'Neill Co.        Bob and Liz Mohrbacher
 Lincoln Creek Lumber &       Jean Sheridan               Christopher and Vicki             Janet Kimball                   Amanda and Scott Price        Gene and Kay Fagerness
 Bob Thompson                 South Seattle College                                         Janice Lamb                                                   Gerald and Luanne Grill
 Susan and Patrick Dunn                                   Kimball                                                           Arland and Sharon Lyons
                              Foundation                  Donald and Jeanette Fowler        Jena Gensrich                   Arny and Ellen Davis          Greg and Suzette Smith
 Special                      Weyerhaeuser Co.            Doris and Bill Wood-              Jerris R. Hedges                Bob and Judy Guenther         Gregory and Denise Lund
 Recognition                  Foundation                                                    Joe Sidorski                                                  Jack and Luellen Charneski
                                                          Brumsickle                                                        Bob and Nancy Fay
 $50,000+                     Circle of                   Eric and Mary Ellen               Key Bank of Washington          Brendan and Erin              Jacob and Brooke Fay
 Daniel and Linda Haskins     Distinction                 Steffensen                        L & E Bottling Company, Inc.    VanderVelde                   James and Judy Sherrill
 Special                      $5,000 +                    George and Elaine Chandler        Lewis County School             Brian and Sheryl Zylstra      James and Kathleen Tyner
                                                          Jim and Pam Walton                Retirees Assn.                  Brigitte and Ron Burger       Janet and Christian Reaume
 Recognition                  Bonnie and Steve Pedersen                                     Linda Smith                                                   Jason and Shalene Moir
                              Jack and Linda Braun        Joe and Patty Dolezal                                             Cecelia and Robert Callison
 $40,000+                     Jim and Tricia Murphy       John and Sherry Fagerness         Mark Scheibmeir and             Chantel and Tyson Wilson      Jeff and Julie McQuarrie
 David and Sandy Fick         John and Sharon Wright                                        Wendy Tripp                                                   Jennifer and John Davis
 Charles Higgins and                                      Joseph and Ruta Enbody                                            Cheryl and David Williams
 Nanette Reber                Lawrence and Marsha         Joyce and Mark Hammer             Mark Weerasinghe                Christian and Erika           Jerry and Eileen Owens
 Judith Greeley Hendrickson   Shaw                        Kathleen and Steve Ward           Mitzi Haslinger                 Anderson                      Jill and Edward Durgin
 Norski Family Trust for      Richard and Linda Tausch    Marilyn and Fred Weinstein        Neil Thornton                   Christie and Thomas           Jim and Barb Lowery
 Ralph and Bonnie Olson       Susan and Delbert                                             Norman Wisner                                                 John and Deborah Date
                              Whorton                     Marla and Chuck Miller                                            Fleming
 Legacy Circle                Frances Tanaka              Richard and Janice Batie          PacifiCorp - Chehalis Power     Christine and Timothy         John and Deborah Lawrence
 $25,000 +                    Joan Robinson               Robert and Sandra Batie           Plant                           Fossett                       John and Jeanne Klumper
 Bill and Helga Watterson     Lucy Hannigan-Ewing         William and Marilyn Logan         Pamela McKinney                 Chuck and Connie Bode         John and Joellen Martens
 C. Jean Wheeler              Mustang Technology          Albert Parypa                     Phyllis Schwiesow               Chuck and Nancy Emerick       John and Kay Raupp
 Confederated Tribes of the   Olympic Door & Trim                                           Port Blakely Tree Farms                                       Karen and Thomas Ely-
                              TransAlta                   Altrusa Intn'l Inc of Centralia                                   Cliff and Sharon Miller
 Chehalis Reservation                                     Chehalis                          PostNet                         Craig and Joan Ruthford       Alderson
 Hampton Lumber               TwinStar Credit Union
                              Union Bank                  AMVETS Capitol Post #2            Providence Health &             Daniel and Candice Fetch      Kathleen and Dennis Dawes
 Modern Machinery                                                                           Services
 Nadine Murphy                Founders $3,000 +           Centralia - Chehalis                                              Dave and Kay Klovdahl         Keith and Sharon
                                                          Soroptimist                       Rainier Connect                 Dave and Theresa Wilson       Kuhlenschmidt
 Legacy Circle                Gene and Deborah Shriver                                      Renee Corwin-Rey                                              Kelly and Court Zuck-
                              Larry and Rebecca McGee     Centralia Rotary Club                                             David and Debbie Campbell
 $20,000 +                    Atara MacNamara             Columbia Bank-Chehalis            Robert H. O'Neill               David and Loree Zylstra       Stanley
 Carol and David Robinson     Lewis County                Craig Voegele                     SCJ Alliance                    David and Marnie Roberts      Ken and Jan Snider
 Mary Webster                 Quartermilers               David R. Draper                   Steve Robinson                  Don and Lynn Bishop           Kenneth and Joyce Ann
 Circle of                    Marcia Utela                Diane Rasmusson                   Tiki Tap House                  Don and Maggie Foran          Perko
                              Master Gardeners            Estate of James A Smith           Timberland Bank                 Durelle and Randy Sullivan    Klaus and Marianne Wallis
 Distinction                  Foundation of Lewis
                              County                      Greatwood Wealth                  Title Guaranty Company,         Earl and Barbara Omeg         Larry and Marjory Bandy
 $10,000 +                                                Management                        Inc.                                                          Loren and Karen
                                                                                                                            Edna and Ed Fund
 Richard and Sarah Bullard                                Henry and Jenny Kirk              Twin Cities Sertoma Club        Ellen and Martin Hinderlie    Grunenfelder
 Arbor Health                                                                               Valley View Health Center                                     Margret and Arthur Friedley
                                                                                                                            Elliot and Kathleen Wicks
                                                                                            Victoria Pogorelc                                             Mark and Sarah Dulin
Mary and Walt Fechtner        Andrea Seabert           Craig Schweikart and Nancy   Jerry Kaija                 Lynn Schinnell                Rodney Youckton
Mathew and Anna Lee           Andrea Slemp             Draper                       Jill Clark                  Mark Gorecki                  Roger Dyment
Rinaldi                       Anna and Alan Waltar     Dan Foster                   Jim and Judy Sherrill       Mary Alexander                Ronald Baker
Matthew and Carolyn Brock     Anne Brown               Dana Vandewege               Jim and Teresa Hodges       Mary Capen                    Rose Spogen
Michael and Nicole            Anne Schuchmann          Daniel Browning              Jim Fagerness               Mary Graham                   Ryan Ely
Postlewait                    Anthony Holm             Daniel Brumsickle and        Jim M. Gullickson           Mary Reisinger                Samuel Small
Michelle and Aaron Davis      Anthony Ketchum          Catherine Conzatti           Jo Brooks                   MaryLou Bissett               Sandra Duncan
Michelle and Thomas Bice      Arlene Carstensen        Darryl Sabin                 Joan Zimmerman              McMenamin's Olympic Club      Sean Cassidy
Neil and Jodi White           ARTrails of Southwest    David P. Arcuri              JoAnna McGeoghegan          Hotel and Theatre             Sharlene Higa
Pat and Tom Zimmerman         Washington               Dayton and Mary-Jean         Joanne Schwartz             Melissa Jeg                   Sharon Boynton
Patty and Jay Johnson         Ashley Banning           Grimes                       Joe Burr                    Melissa Williams              Sharon Jankosky
Peter and Holly Abbarno       Audrey Kimball           Debbie Felderman             Joe's Outdoor Sports Shop   Michael Roewe                 Sharon Mitchler
Phillip and Metta Wickstrom   B & M Logging            Dick's Brewing Co.           John Hudziak                Mike & Leslie Arth            Sierra Pacific Industries
Rebecca and Michael Green     Bill Moeller             Douglas Lukascik             John Linehan                Mountain Valley Real Estate   Stanley Moon
Rene and Susan Remund         Boyce Fitzgerald         Dwayne Paull                 Joseph Aggrey               Nancy and Grady               Stephen Norton and Amy
Richard and Hazel Morgan      Brian and Anne Tornow    Elaine Talbott               Joyce M. Butkus             Cunningham Charitable         Cook
Richard and Susan Alvord      Brian Booth              Elsa Pond                    Juanita Taylor              Fund                          Steven Brumsickle
Robert and Donna Libby        Brian Dow                Foster and Cher Bucher       Judith Aguilar              Nikki Ely                     Susan Ponder Beck
Robert and Janice Menaul      Bruce Hansen             Francis Austin               Judith Ely                  Norman Andersen               Susanne Weil and Peter
Robert and Jayme Cox          Buddy Lowrey             Fred Mueller                 Judith Moore                O'Neill Pine Company          Glover
Robert and Jill May           Calvin Taylor            Gaile Rudisill               Judy Breen                  Pamela Dvorak                 Suzanne Scott
Robert and Judith Lorence     Carol Gehrman            Gilda Stubbs                 Judy Bridges                Pat Sexton                    The Boeing Co., Org. T4357
Robert and Kay Wuerth         Carol Girt               Gina Sterner                 Judy Kalich                 Patricia and Richard Brosey   Theresa Hilliard
Rodney and Mary Lou           Carol Hoaglund           Gordon Shewfelt              Kate McDougall              Patricia Volk                 Thomas Henderson
Rakowicz                      Carrie Aadland           Haberstroh Properties        Kathryn Allen               Paul Brassey                  Thorlea Kirtz
Roy and Julie Seiber          Carrie Born              Hazel and John Willmarth     Katie Hart                  Paula Lydon                   Timothy Szambelan
Shawn and Bob Peters          Carrie Johnson           Heather Stewart              Ken Helgeson                Peggy and Kurt Goldberg       Tom and Vicki O'Connell
Susan and Bill Schoelkopf     Carroll Pearson          Helga Bandurski              Kristie Kandoll             Peter Brennan                 True Positives LLC
Terry and Liana Sowa          Casey Richart            Holli Rogers                 Kristine Camenzind          Phillip Walker                Tyler Kaut
Tim and Maryann Browning      Chapter AV P.E.O.        James Kostelecky             Laura Deaton                Phuoc Nguyen                  United Way of Lewis County
Wade and Kathleen Fisher      Charity Dempsey          James Vosper                 Laura Spoor                 Port of Chehalis              Valerie Haley
William and Claudia Craig     Charro and Jason Vatne   James Vranna                 Linda Dominguez             Postnet WA 106                Virginia L. Lintott
William and Dot Scarbrough    Chehalis Rotary Club     Janet Rusin                  Lindsey Hoogkamer-Smith     Propel Insurance Company      Vivian Varney
Adele Carlson                 Clea Johnson             JDB Bargains LLC, Hotel      Lindsey Pollock             Quedessa King                 W&N Concrete Pumping
Allen Moore                   Clifford Frederickson    Washington                   Lisa Perry                  Randall Edwards               Washington Orthopaedic
Althauser, Rayan, Abbarno,    Connie Robertson         Jean Barner                  Lori Steed                  Renee Rey                     Center
LLP                           Connie Smejkal           Jemima Tso                   Lorna Smith                 Richard Wagner                Wendy Miller
Amy Eitel                     Craig Comer              Jenna Cook                   Lorri Speer                 Robert Kurus                  William Brumsickle
Amy Spain                                              Jerrold Merchant             Lowell Bailey               Roberta Ziegler

 Since its inception, the Centralia College Foundation has been blessed with generous and loyal donors.
 Our accumulated giving records reflect those donors who have reached the following significant milestones:

 Cascade Club - $1,000,000 or more            Ms. Joan Robinson                           South Seattle College Foundation          First Interstate Bank of Washington         Mt. Washington Club - $10,000 or more
 Estate of Walter Hanke                       The Seattle Foundation                      Estate of Olga Stewart                    Margret Baylis Rev.Trust                    Mrs. Joan Malzahn
 Mr. Robert H. O'Neill                        Security State Bank Adminstration           Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Glenna Symons     Centralia College Diesel Tech. Club         Mr. and Mrs. Cliff and Sharon Miller
 Estate of Dr. Richard Phillips               Gail and Carolyn Shaw                       Twin Cities Rotary Club                   Lewis County Economic Development Council   Lewis County Concerts
 TransAlta Coal Transition Board              Ms. Jean Sheridan                           Mr. Howard Batie and Mrs. Anita Webster   Chehalis Rotary Club                        Mrs. Tove I. Burhen
 TransAlta                                    State Board of Community & Tech. Colleges   Zonta Club of Centralia-Chehalis          Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Hanya Schwiesow       Mr. Erik Kvarsten and Ms. Catherine Shaw
                                              Estate of Joe Staeger                                                                 Schwiesow Construction Inc.                 CC Federation of Teachers
 Mt. Rainier Club - $500,000 or more          Alta Sweany                                 Mt. Olympus Club - $25,000 or more        Mr. Mike Schwiesow                          Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Kathleen Ward
                                              Title Guaranty Company, Inc.                Centralia Rotary Club                     Mr. John W. Karvia                          Lucky Eagle Casino & Hotel
 Estate of Thelma Baxter
                                              Union Bank                                  Mr. Michael D. Smith                      Ms. Laura Spoor                             Braun Northwest, Inc.
 Estate of Earnest C. and Edith C. Driscoll
                                              United State Department of Agriculture      Pacific Cataract & Laser Institute        Western Washington Area Health Education    Mr. Uwe Lembke
 Estate of Lloyd Fuller
                                              Estate of Cornelia Van Prooyen              Ms. Louise Goldberg                          Center                                   Our George Washington Committee
 Orin Smith Family Foundation
                                              Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Judy Watterson      Dr. and Mrs. Jim and Pam Walton           Estate of Alice L. Paulus                   Centralia Community Foundation
 Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Helga Watterson
                                              Mr. James Watterson                         Mr. Bill Hanson                           West Coast Bank - Centralia                 Phyllis & Walter Malzahn Charitable Trust
                                              Watterson LLC                               Mrs. and Mr. Carol and John Gonnella      Mr. and Mrs. John and Sharon Wright         Master Gardeners Foundation of Lewis County
 Mt. Adams Club - $250,000 or more
                                              Mrs. and Dr. Marilyn and Fred Weinstein     The Industrial Commission                 Mr. Dwayne Aberle                           Lorris D. West
 Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis                                                                                                Mr. and Mrs. James and Judy Sherrill
                                                                                          Dr. and Mrs. David and Sandy Fick                                                     Pacific Mobile Structures, Inc.
   Reservation                                Mt. St. Helens Club - $50,000 and more                                                Ms. Frances Tanaka
                                                                                          Mrs. and Mr. Susan and Delbert Whorton                                                AAUW
 Susan and Patrick Dunn                                                                                                             Harold O'Connor
                                              Altrusa Intn'l Inc of Centralia Chehalis    Mr. Willard and Lorraine Latimer                                                      Lewis County Literacy Council
 Evergreen Charitable Trust                                                                                                         Mr. and Mrs. Arland and Sharon Lyons
                                              Assoc. Students of CC                       Estate of Garvin Johnson                                                              Mr. and Mrs. George and Merle McCullough
 Baxter Killian Memorial Trust                                                                                                      The Olympic Club
                                              Dr. and Mrs. Foster and Cheryl Bucher       Quanex Screens, LLC                                                                   Ms. Rose Spogen
 Estate of C L Littel                         The Chehalis Foundation                     Mr. Ralph E. Olson                        PacifiCorp - Chehalis Power Plant           Mr. Joe Sidorski
 McCaw Foundation                             Estate of Victor Dagasso                    American Legion/Grant Hodge Post #17      Nadine Murphy                               West Coast Savings
 Mr. Arthur F. Staeger                        Estate of Ercel Davis                       Ms. Patricia Morton                       Quanex Foundation                           Yard Birds Mall Merchants Assoc.
 Mr. Bob Thompson                             Ms. Alice Forth                             Mr. and Mrs. Virgil and Carol Fox         Mr. Fred Mueller                            Ms. Darlene Bartlett
                                              Mr. Ross and Mrs. Pat Galvin                Mr. Don Linn                              Mrs. Carolyn Aadland                        Mr. and Mrs. John and Kay Raupp
 Mt. Baker Club - $100,000 or more            Dr. Nels Hanson                             Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Marsha Shaw     Pacificorp Foundation                       Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Janice Batie
 Caterpillar Foundation                       Dr. and Mrs. Helgi and Drusilla Heidar      Port Blakely Tree Farms LP                Mrs. Mary Webster                           Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and Susan Boyajian
 Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Luelle Charneski       Hemphill O'Neill Co.                        Dr. Jerris R. Hedges                      Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Luger                  Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Jeanette Fowler
 The Chronicle                                Henry and Jenny Kirk                        Ms. Marjorie Bennett                      Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Pat Zimmerman          Mr. and Mrs. Arnie and Kathy Guenther
 Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Peg Cunningham           L & E Bottling Company, Inc.                Lincoln Creek Lumber                      Mrs. Janet Carlson                          Tires, Inc.
 Estate of Adelaide Dagasso                   Lewis County Rotary Foundation              Estate of Olive Irelan                    Centralia College Center of Excellence      Enbody, Dugaw, Enbody & Arcuri
 Fuller's Market Place                        Lockerby Foundation                         Mr. Bill Fuller                           Apex Foundation                             Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Sandra Batie
 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Jolene McCaw          Judith and Richard Greeley Hendrickson      Uhlmann Motors                            Community Foundation - San Diego            Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Valerie Sneed
 Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Rebecca McGee         Charles and Nan Higgins                     Mr. Mark Scheibmeir and Ms. Wendy Tripp   Ms. Georgetta Nupen                         Sneed Construction, Inc.
 NC Machinery Co                              Dr. Daniel and Linda Haskins                Mrs. and Mr. Rose and Leon Bowman         Intel Corporation                           Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Laura Johnson
 Ms. Victoria Pogorelc                        Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Tricia Murphy          Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Linda Braun         Leavengood Architects, Inc.                 Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Sarah Bullard
 Estate of Mildred Proffitt                   John & Reiko Sato Foundation Trust          Weyerhaeuser Co. Foundation               Hardel Mutual Plywood                       SW Washington Land Surveyors
 Providence Health & Services                 Ms. Phyllis Schwiesow                       Mrs. and Mr. Brigitte and Ron Burger      Olympia Chapter-WSCPA                       Puget Sound Energy
 Mrs. and Mr. Carol and David Robinson        Estate of James A Smith                     Dr. and Mrs. Keith and Renee Anderson                                                 Mrs. Mary D. DuBois

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Ruta Enbody          Centralia-Chehalis Vintage Auto Club           Stihl Northwest                              City of Tacoma                              Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Susan Alvord
Winlock Alumni Association                   Community Auction for Theater Arts (CAFTA)     Mr. Jack Kalmbach                            Twin Cities Sertoma Club                    Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jayme Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Tammy Calkins        Mrs. and Mr. Bev and Roger Gestrine            Coral Cotten-Stanley Family                  Mrs. and Mr. Edna and Ed Fund               Jerry Robinson
Miss Lewis County Scholarship Program        Hillier, Scheibmeir, & Kelly, PS
                                                                                            Ms. Carroll Pearson                          Mr. and Mrs. John and Marlo Braun           Dr. and Mrs. Ray and Maribeth Fitzgerald
Mrs. and Mr. Susan and Fred Miller           Providence Centralia Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Doris Brumsickle       Ms. Carrie Aadland                             Western Regional Boiler Association          Ms. Marie Sareault                          Mr. Raymond Hickson
Tacoma Power                                 Dr. and Mrs. Richard and Linda Tausch          MSGS Architects                              Ms. Bertha Baumgarten                       Chehalis Lions Club
Mr. Charles Higgins and Mrs. Nanette Reber   Lewis County Public Health & Social Services   William A. Batie                             Mr. Joe C. Cooke                            Lewis County Demolition Derby Assoc.
Seafirst Bank                                Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.    Express Employment Professionals-Centralia   Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Judy Guenther          Twin Star Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Cheryl Althauser      Key Bank of Washington
                                                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Lilian Woolley      Lewis County Quartermilers                  Ms. Marjorie Koerner
Petra Insurance Agency Inc.                  Mrs. and Mr. Viki and David Draper
                                             Washington Orthopaedic Center                  Corwin-Rey Insurance Agency, Inc             Mrs. and Mr. Debra and William Weiss        DeVaul Publishing, Inc.
Pacific Northwest Chamber Orchestra
Ms. Kathi Steffensen                         Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Ann Alves               Dr. and Mrs. Peter and Julie Wagner          The Cowlitz Tribe                           John Hemphill
Centralia Advanced Education                 Timberland Bank                                Ms. Joanne Schwartz                          Glen River Industries, Inc.                 First Community Bank
Ms. Florence Steffensen                      Mrs. and Mr. Lynn and Brad Ford                Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Donna Balmelli          Centralia - Chehalis Soroptimist            Ms. Marcia Utela
McDonald's (Macange, Inc.)                   Mr. John Alexander                             Big Band Association/Sounds of Swing         Centralia-Chehalis Elks Lodge No. 2435      Ms. Martha Wright
Security Pacific Bank                        Aluminite Northwest/Alumco
                                                                                            Chehalis Kiwanis Club                        Centralia College Leadership Applications   Dave Sherwood Memorial Elk Raffle
Dr. and Mrs. Joe and Patty Dolezal           Mr. Charles Albright
                                             Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Neena Stoskopf           Dr. and Mrs. David and Penny Blanchard          Group (LAG)                              Washington Hispanic Connections
Estate of Patricia A Clark
Charlie Albright Concert                     Mrs. M Jane Chytil                             Chapter AV P.E.O.                            Ms. Renee Corwin-Rey                        Mr. Bob Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Janet Corwin           Alderson's Awards West/Printwares              Mrs. Julia L. Johnson                        Herman O. Adolphsen                         Mr. and Mrs. William and Claudia Craig
Wal-Mart Supercenter                         Mr. and Mrs. Rudy and Beverly Gideon           Dr. Atara MacNamara                          Lewis County School Retirees Assn.          Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Marian Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. William and Marilyn Logan       Mr. George R. Gablehouse
                                                                                            Mr. Warren Hall                              Ms. Marian Osterby                          Mr. Niles Churchill
Pacific Power                                Mr. and Mrs. John and Sherry Fagerness
                                             Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Melody Bradley         The Chamber                                  Ms. Kennedy James                           Dr. George D. Mohoric
Mrs. Beverly A. Jaeger
                                             Mr. Samuel Teitzel                             Lucy Hannigan-Ewing                          Country Cruisers Car Club                   Lewis County Concert Band Association
Dowden Associates, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. John and Joellen Martens        Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Missy Buzzard           Mrs. Sylvia Freund                           Dean D. Thornton                            Mrs. and Mr. Renee and Wally Lawson
Chapter X P.E.O.                             Washington Federal Savings                     Coca Cola Enterprises                        Marjorie J. Beckmann                        Ronald McDonald Childrens Charities of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Loretta O'Neill      Mr. and Mrs. Neil and Marjorie Thornton        Nichols Brothers Boat Builders               Althauser, Rayan, Abbarno, LLP                 Western WA
Ms. Anne Marie Garrett                       Mr. and Mrs. Gene and Deborah Shriver
                                                                                            Xerox Foundation                             Dan Keahey, Realtor Coldwell Banker         CC Booster Club
Bob and Marilyn Hutchins                     Mrs. Gail Ticknor
                                             IBM International Foundation                   Key Bank Foundation                             Evergreen                                Estate of Annie McSwain
Ms. Audrey Kimball
                                             Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Karen Alderson         Centralia Mining Company                     Mrs. and Mr. Cheryl and David Williams      Ms. Linda Foss and Mr. Doug Hitch
The Chronicle Employees Fund
                                             National Frozen Foods                          Dr. and Mrs. Bob and Liz Mohrbacher          Mr. Brian C. Nupen                          L & L Enterprises
Ms. Mary Wiley
                                             Mrs. Helen O'Connor                            Shop 'n Kart                                 Mr. Kenneth Chisholm                        Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Merle Bates
Sterling Savings Bank
                                             Estate of Harry Hill
Ms. Mai Vu                                                                                  Central Reddi-Mix, Inc.                      Odwalla, Inc                                Dr. and Mrs. Simon and Bev Elloway
                                             Hampton Lumber
AMVETS Capitol Post #2                                                                      Mrs. and Mr. Dona and Larry Granger          Mr. Stanley Ozbolt                          Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Nita Bonagofski
                                             Steve Buzzard & Mike O'Connell Attorneys
Fidelity Charitable                                                                         Jean B. LeGros
                                             Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Mary Ellen Steffensen                                                 PostNet                                     Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Carolyn Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Deborah Pine
                                                                                            Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Jeanne Schwiesow     Internal Revenue Service                    Centralia Kiwanis Club
Mrs. and Mr. Laura and Larry Yocom
Ms. M. Helen Peterson                        Glacier Peak Club - $5,000 or more             Mr. Duncan McCaig                            Panglobal Training Systems Ltd.             Ms. Jean Lonborg
Ms. Jayne Wuerth                             Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Judy DeVaul             Mr. Michael Roewe                            Washington Irrigation & Development         Mr. and Mrs. David and Rebecca Thornton
Mr. Del Smith                                Modern Machinery                               Centralia/Chehalis Community Television         Company

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