2019 Sponsorship Guide - SINGAPORE April 3-4, 2019 - TIBCO Software

Page created by Benjamin Neal
2019 Sponsorship Guide - SINGAPORE April 3-4, 2019 - TIBCO Software
2019 Sponsorship Guide

                          SINGAPORE           CHICAGO         LONDON
                         April 3–4, 2019   June 12–13, 2019   September 25–26, 2019
2019 Sponsorship Guide - SINGAPORE April 3-4, 2019 - TIBCO Software

EVERYWHERE                         Join the TIBCO Community, and the most innovative minds
                                   in technology, for networking, industry updates, best-

Innovation continues to drive      practices sharing—and a showcase of services and solutions
                                   of prime interest to attendees.
technology—and everything          In 2019, you will have the opportunity to meet with IT and
around us. It drives the world.    BI leaders in Singapore (April 3–4), Chicago (June 12–13),
                                   and London (September 25–26) as they gather for trainings,

As companies around the globe      sessions, and keynote plenaries from the best and brightest
                                   in the industry.
continue to evolve within the      The innovation process is fueled by integration that allows
digital realm, the TIBCO NOW       fast connection to new technologies and data, prototyping

Global Tour 2019 continues to      of new services, measurement of those services, and when
                                   successful, the ability to quickly scale them. Innovative
explore Innovation Everywhere.     businesses can easily adopt emerging technologies,

By striving for continued growth
                                   including blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet
                                   of Things, as integral elements of a whole. Analytics that
of innovation, organizations can   augments intelligence, and propels innovation, provides key
                                   differentiators for leaders in customer service, operations,
truly improve their businesses,    and product development.

give back to their communities,    Today’s customers need not only the right technology,

and make an impact on the world.   but an innovative mindset. Come to TIBCO NOW to show
                                   how you, with TIBCO, can help them extend beyond
                                   foundational technology—to intelligence, to instrumentation
                                   through analytics, and to rapid prototyping for developers
                                   and IT. How with accessibility and scalability, they can
                                   digitally transform their businesses, and approach their
                                   organizations, ecosystems, and communities with an open
                                   source, data-driven frame of mind.

                                   Join the TIBCO Community and take advantage of this
                                   incredible opportunity to impact innovation everywhere.
                                   Become a sponsor today.

YOUR AUDIENCE                                WHY SPONSOR
TIBCO NOW 2018 received thousands            With stops in three business hubs,
of analysts, architects, business leaders,   TIBCO NOW Global Tour 2019 provides
developers, engineers, and journalists in    one of the best opportunities to meet
Las Vegas to join the TIBCO Community        with company leaders in their regions
in exploring innovation at the edge.         and showcase your innovative solutions.
This year, the markets and cultures          Become a sponsor in one, two, or
represented will be even more diverse,       all three cities to expand your brand
as TIBCO NOW comes to three cities on        recognition in the most impactful way.
its global tour. Executives, influencers,    Capture the attention of key decision-
and senior-level decision-makers will        makers, demonstrate your capabilities,
be in attendance in Singapore, Chicago,      and contribute your innovative ideas by
and London, seeking information and          securing sponsorship in TIBCO NOW
advice on leveraging top trends and          Global Tour 2019.
tech strategies.

2017 Audience Snapshot

Types of                  General Attendence

              Title       companies represented
                          with a majority on the Forbes 500

                          Top 4 Industries
 Managers and Directors    Software   Transportation   Finance       Business
                                       and Logistics                 Services

2018 Audience Snapshot

General Attendence                                  Types of

companies represented                                             Title
with a majority on the Forbes 500

Top 4 Industries
                                                     Engineers, Programmers, Business
                                                     Managers and Directors
 Finance   Healthcare   Transportation   Software    Executives
                         and Logistics

                                         PLATINUM     GOLD        SILVER      EXHIBITOR

              Turnkey demo area

                 Main logo header »                                             

      Branding/messaging graphic »           2            1           1

                    Demo stations »          3           2            1             1

                             Wi-Fi »                                            

         Traffic-generating activity »                             


              Executive 1:1 meeting »        


Logo on pre-event communications »           

          Social media "shout out" »                    

Logo in post-event communication »           

          Speaking Opportunity

                           Keynote »          1

                  Breakout session »          1           1

           Showcase presentation »                                    1


    Complimentary full conference »          5           4           3             2

          Discount pass: employee »       Unlimited      10          6

          Discount pass: customer »       Unlimited   Unlimited   Unlimited     Unlimited

                                                 PLATINUM       GOLD        SILVER

               Enhanced Brand Presence

Logo and description on conference website »                                  

              Logo on general session slide »                                 

        Welcome reception co-sponsorship »                                    

                Happy hour co-sponsorship »           

        Meal function co-sponsorship: lunch »                      

       Meal function co-sponsorship: break »                                    

               Conference co-branded item »           

       On-site signage: Thanks to sponsors »                                  

                                                 PLATINUM       GOLD        SILVER       EXHIBITOR
                      Number Available                2            3            8             8

Early Bird Singapore before January 15, 2019*     $20,000.00   $12,500.00   $7,500.00

                                   Singapore      $25,000.00   $15,000.00   $10,000.00     $3,000.00

     Early Bird Chicago before April 15, 2019*    $30,000.00   $20,000.00   $15,000.00

                                     Chicago      $35,000.00   $25,000.00   $20,000.00     $5,000.00

      Early Bird London before July 15, 2019*     $30,000.00   $20,000.00   $15,000.00

                                      London      $35,000.00   $25,000.00   $20,000.00     $5,000.00

                             A LA CARTE
                   General session chair drop      $5,000

                                     Lanyard       $10,000

                            Charging stations      $5,000

                           Branded giveaway        $10,000

                                        Wi-Fi      $10,000

                                 Photo booth       $10,000

                                                Sponsorship Agreement

Sponsor agrees to pay the sponsorship total including any
selected a la carte items. TIBCO Software will invoice sponsor for
                                                                                                        TIBCO NOW Global Tour 2019: Singapore — April 3–4, 2019
this amount upon receipt of contract. Please print and sign below
accepting these terms. Send via email to abarrios@tibco.com or                                         OUT   Platinum Sponsorship (Early Bird, before January 15, 2019)                        $20,000.00

mail to: TIBCO NOW 2019 Sponsorships, TIBCO Software Inc., c/o                                        SOLD
                                                                                                       OUT   Platinum Sponsorship                                                               $25,000.00
Anu Barrios, 3303 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304.                                               SOLD
                                                                                                             Gold Sponsorship                                                                   $15,000.00
                                                                                                      SOLD   Silver Sponsorship                                                                 $10,000.00
Company (Sponsor) Name (as branded):                                                                   OUT
                                                                                                       OUT   Regional Exhibitor                                                                  $3,000.00
Primary Contact:
                                                                                                        TIBCO NOW Global Tour 2019: Chicago — June 12–13, 2019
Primary Contact Phone Number:
                                                                                                       OUT   Platinum Sponsorship (Early Bird, before April 15, 2019)                          $30,000.00
Primary Contact Email:                                                                                SOLD
                                                                                                       OUT   Platinum Sponsorship                                                               $35,000.00
On-site Show Contact:                                                                                 SOLD
                                                                                                       OUT   Gold Sponsorship (Early Bird, before April 15, 2019)                              $20,000.00
On-site Contact Phone Number:                                                                          OUT   Gold Sponsorship                                                                   $25,000.00
                                                                                                       OUT   Silver Sponsorship (Early Bird, before April 15, 2019)                             $15,000.00
Payment Method:
                                                                                                       OUT   Silver Sponsorship                                                                $20,000.00
Total USD:
                                                                                                         Regional Exhibitor                                                                     $5,000.00

                                                                                                        TIBCO NOW Global Tour 2019: London — September 25–26, 2019
Print Name:                                                                                           SOLD
                                                                                                       OUT   Platinum Sponsorship (Early Bird, before July 15, 2019)                           $30,000.00
                                                                                                       OUT   Platinum Sponsorship                                                               $35,000.00
                        A la Carte Singapore             Chicago        London                         OUT   Gold Sponsorship (Early Bird, before July 15, 2019)                               $20,000.00
    General session chair drop                                                                         OUT   Gold Sponsorship                                                                   $25,000.00
                                            SOLD                          
                           ($5,000)         OUT
                                                                                                         Silver Sponsorship (Early Bird, before July 15, 2019)                                 $15,000.00
                                            SOLD            SOLD          SOLD
               Lanyard ($10,000)            OUT             OUT           OUT
                                                                                                         Silver Sponsorship                                                                   $20,000.00
                                            SOLD            SOLD          SOLD
   Charging stations ($5,000)               OUT             OUT           OUT
                                                                                                         Regional Exhibitor                                                                     $5,000.00
                                            SOLD            SOLD          SOLD
 Branded giveaway ($10,000)                 OUT             OUT           OUT
                                            SOLD            SOLD
                 Wi-Fi ($10,000)            OUT             OUT            
         Photo booth ($10,000)              OUT                           

©2018–2019, TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. TIBCO, the TIBCO and TIBCO NOW logos, TIBCO Software, are trademarks or registered trademarks of TIBCO Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States
and/or other countries. All other product and company names and marks in this document are the property of their respective owners and mentioned for identification purposes only.

TIBCO NOW 2019 Rules and Guidelines (“Guidelines”)

Participation as a Sponsor is on a first-come, first-served basis. To provide the best exposure                     14    Sponsors are not allowed to physically alter booth.
for sponsors, please read, sign, and return both pages of these guidelines; the guidelines are
                                                                                                                    15    Sponsors may not host any events, meetings or other functions during TIBCO NOW
intended to maximize the experience for all.                                                                              2019 hosted events
      01     Standardized exhibit stations and signage will be provided. No customized displays,                    16    Sponsor must observe all union contracts and agreements in effect at each
             booths, or pop-ups are permitted.                                                                            venue, including Marina Bay Sands Singapore, Marriott Marquis Chicago, Hilton
      02     Exhibit area assignments are made by the TIBCO NOW 2019                                                      London Metropole.
             (“Conference”) management.                                                                             17    Sponsor grants to TIBCO a limited, non-exclusive, perpetual, and worldwide license
      03     TIBCO NOW 2019 management must pre-approve all exhibit area content and                                      to use Sponsor’s name and logo (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Sponsor
             materials, and any keynote and breakout session presentation materials (if applicable).                      Marks”) to identify Sponsor at TIBCO NOW 2019 and use the Sponsor Marks solely in
             Sponsor may have only one promotional giveaway.                                                              connection with the activities authorized under this Agreement. The Sponsor Marks
                                                                                                                          are and shall remain, at all times, the sole and exclusive property of Sponsor. No
      04     Sponsor may not conduct any demonstration or activity that obstructs aisles or
                                                                                                                          rights or interest in the Sponsor Marks shall transfer to TIBCO beyond the terms and
             neighboring exhibit stations.
                                                                                                                          conditions of this limited license.
      05     No hazardous material may be stored or placed on display in exhibit stations.
                                                                                                                    18    Sponsor acknowledges and consents that TIBCO may, itself or have third parties
      06     Logo signage will be provided as part of the Sponsor package. No company                                     on its behalf, take photos or make recordings, including but not limited to audio,
             identification or signage may be placed outside the Sponsor’s station (i.e., on walls,                       video, and/or photographic recordings (“Images”) at TIBCO NOW 2019. TIBCO may,
             hanging from the ceilings, floor, etc.).                                                                     at its sole discretion, edit, mix, and/or transfer in whole or in part, any such Images
                                                                                                                          to productions (“Productions”) and broadcast internally or externally by any means
      07     No music and/or entertainment will be permitted. Noise projecting beyond the
                                                                                                                          including, without limitation, over the Internet or otherwise use the Productions, as a
             Sponsor’s station is prohibited.
                                                                                                                          whole or in segments, for information, training, promotional, marketing, or any other
      08     Name badges are required for exhibit hall access at all times. Badge trading is not                          business purpose of TIBCO. Sponsor grants to TIBCO a limited, non-exclusive right and
             permitted. Photo ID is required at check in.                                                                 license to incorporate the Sponsor Marks into such Productions.
      09     All exhibit booths must be staffed during all exhibit hours.                                           19    Cancellation policy: A 50% cancellation fee will apply to all cancellations received
                                                                                                                          on or before February 20, 2019. No refunds will be given for cancellations received
      10     No exhibit station may be dismantled before the official close of the Conference.
                                                                                                                          after February 3, 2019 for Singapore, April 12, 2019 for Chicago, and August 25, 2019
      11     All exhibits will be dismantled at the close of the showcase. If the exhibit is not                          for London. All cancellations must be sent in writing to TIBCO NOW, c/o Anu Barrios,
             dismantled and removed at the close of the show, the sponsor will be responsible for                         TIBCO Software Inc., 3303 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304 or via email to
             any costs associated with labor, handling, and storage of the exhibit.                                       abarrios@tibco.com
      12     If a sponsor fails to attend the Conference, or leaves prior to the official close of the              20    Sponsor acknowledges that, during the performance of this Agreement, it may learn
             Conference, Sponsor will be denied participation at the next conference.                                     or receive Confidential Information from TIBCO. For purposes of this Agreement,
                                                                                                                          Confidential Information is any information of TIBCO or its customers or licensees that
      13     If the exhibit station is not occupied one hour prior to the start of the Conference, the
                                                                                                                          is designated as confidential or otherwise is of a confidential nature. Sponsor agrees
             space will be forfeited. There will be no refund and sponsor will be responsible for any
                                                                                                                          to keep such confidential information confidential and not disclose it to any non-party
             expenses incurred to make the space presentable.
                                                                                                                          to the Agreement. Sponsor shall not use the Confidential Information except for the
                                                                                                                          benefit of TIBCO and in furtherance of the performance of this Agreement.

           Sign, scan and email your completed contract to Anu Barrios at abarrios@tibco.com

           The undersigned Sponsor has read and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth herein:

           Signature		 						Date

           Printed Name		 		 				Company					Phone

           ©2018–2019, TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved. TIBCO, the TIBCO and TIBCO NOW logos, TIBCO Software, are trademarks or registered trademarks of TIBCO Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States
           and/or other countries. All other product and company names and marks in this document are the property of their respective owners and mentioned for identification purposes only.

We look forward to seeing
you at TIBCO NOW.
For questions and details on contract requirements and
sponsorship guidelines, please contact:

Anu Barrios, Sponsor Manager

+1 650-846-5793


Sara Parrish, Event Manager

+1 650-846-8668

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