2019 Our vision for law and justice - Bingham Centre

2019 Our vision for law and justice - Bingham Centre
Our vision for
law and justice
2019 Our vision for law and justice - Bingham Centre
2 | Our vision for law and justice


The Law Society of England and Wales represents 190,000 solicitors at home
and overseas. We have a public interest role in upholding the rule of law and
achieving access to justice for all.

Our membership includes some of          Our members also fight the corner
the top law firms in the world, with     of some of the most vulnerable in
over 200 international firms based       society, including those struggling
in the UK, as well as thousands of       with mental health issues or
small and medium-sized firms based       personal hardship.
across every region of England and
Wales, helping to deliver access to      Meanwhile we are helping
justice and support local economies.     the profession to adopt new
                                         technologies to increase efficiency,
Our law firms generate huge              lower costs and facilitate access
economic benefits:                       to justice, without prejudicing the
                                         digitally disadvantaged.
• UK legal services contributed over
  £27.9 billion to the UK economy
  in 2018.
• Every £1 spent on legal services
  supports £1.39 in spending
                                          UK LEGAL
  across the wider economy.
• The sector contributes £4 billion       SERVICES         £27.9
  to net exports.                         CONTRIBUTED      BILLION
• 380,000 people are employed by          TO THE UK ECONOMY IN 2018
  the UK legal services sector.
                                         THE SECTOR CONTRIBUTES

Together with a highly respected
and independent judiciary and a top
quality Bar we combine to make the
                                         £4bn                  TO NET

UK the jurisdiction of choice for the
resolution of international disputes.
                                         380K               PEOPLE
                                         BY UK LEGAL SERVICES SECTOR
2019 Our vision for law and justice - Bingham Centre
The Law Society of England and Wales | 3

As the country prepares for a
general election, we call on the next
government to:

• Fix our broken criminal justice
• Make the legal system accessible
  to all
• Maintain the attractiveness of
  the UK as a global legal centre
  and jurisdiction of choice post-
• Ensure the UK leads the way on
  new technology.

Simon Davis

                                         PRO-BONO           £592
                                         WORK WORTH         MILLION
                                         WOMEN MAKE UP

                                         50.8%                16.5%
                                         OF PRACTISING
2019 Our vision for law and justice - Bingham Centre
4 | Our vision for law and justice

Fix our broken criminal justice system

The criminal justice system is facing a crisis following years of underinvestment
and neglect. Current problems include a growing shortage of duty solicitors and
independent experts, court closures, barriers to accessing legal aid, and crucial
evidence not being disclosed in court until the last minute. A well-functioning
criminal justice system is crucial to ensure victims of crime get justice, those
accused of a crime are given a fair trial and public funds are used efficiently.

Data published by the Law Society          Our justice system has long been
highlights that in five to ten years’      respected around the world, thanks
time there will be insufficient            to the strength of our law, our
criminal duty solicitors in many           world-renowned judges, our high-
regions of the country, leaving            quality legal profession, and our
people accused of crimes and in            commitment to the rule of law. The
need of urgent legal advice unable         poor functioning of our criminal
to enforce their rights. One of            justice system, however, is posing
the prime reasons for the growing          a serious threat to our international
shortage is the low fees paid to           reputation.
criminal duty solicitors, which have
not been increased since the 1990s.

The legal aid means test is preventing
many people on low incomes, and
even some families in poverty, from
accessing the legal advice they need
when attending court. Meanwhile
court closures have caused trials
                                           IN      5 TO10
to be delayed and forced victims,
witnesses and defendants to make
                                           YEARS TIME
long and expensive journeys to their
nearest court.
                                           WILL BE   INSUFFICIENT
                                           CRIMINAL DUTY
                                           IN MANY REGIONS OF THE COUNTRY
2019 Our vision for law and justice - Bingham Centre
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We call on the next government to:
• Conduct an independent              • Ensure that no more courts
  economic review of the                are closed until replacement
  long-term viability of the            technologies have been fully
  criminal legal aid system.            tested and evaluated, to avoid
  The next government should            leaving areas without access
  raise criminal legal aid fees in      to local justice infrastructure.
  real terms, and guarantee that
  there will be no future real
  terms cuts to remuneration.
• Raise the upper limit of the
  criminal legal aid means
  test to the level at which
  higher rate income tax is
  paid, and conduct a review to
  consider what further changes
  to the means test criteria are
2019 Our vision for law and justice - Bingham Centre
6 | Our vision for law and justice

Ensure access to justice for all

Access to justice is a fundamental principle that underpins British values and
the rule of law. Effective access to justice means ensuring that vulnerable
people are able to use the legal system when they face serious problems
in their lives, whether that be conflict at work, an issue with a landlord or
difficulty in their family life.

In England and Wales people face          Human rights legislation meanwhile
significant barriers to accessing         protects fundamental rights and
justice. Stringent means testing for      ensures that people are able to seek
legal aid has left many people – even     redress through the courts when
some living below the poverty line –      these rights have been breached. As
ineligible for legal aid and unable to    such it is one of the cornerstones of
resolve their legal problems through      the right to access justice and a key
the courts. For example, someone          component of the rule of law. The
earning just above £12,475 a year         next government must commit to
could be deemed ineligible for fully      retaining and enhancing its existing
funded legal aid and may have to          human rights obligations.
pay significant contributions towards
their legal costs.

The lack of legal aid for early advice
from a lawyer leads to many cases         AVERAGE
                                          COST OF
escalating unnecessarily, putting
strain on courts and the wider
justice system as well as driving
up costs. Our research shows that
the average cost of a day in court
                                          ONE DAY
is £2,692. Much of this sum could
be saved by improving access to
                                          IN COURT

early advice. We encourage the next
government to continue the pilot of
early advice for social welfare and to
consider extending this pilot to other
areas of the law.
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We call on the next government to:
• Reinstate legal aid for early        • End the questioning of
  advice from a solicitor in             survivors of domestic
  housing and family law. This will      violence by their alleged
  help prevent cases escalating          abusers in the family courts.
  unnecessarily and allow them
                                       • Retain the full scope of
  to be resolved sooner.
                                         the Human Rights Act, or
• Increase the civil legal               ensure that all rights currently
  aid means test income                  enshrined in UK law are
  and capital thresholds to              protected and enhanced. These
  ensure that more people can            rights should apply to all equally
  access legal aid, and remove           and the next government
  the capital test for those on          should not seek to derogate
  income related benefits.               from any of its existing human
                                         rights obligations except
• Commit to increasing civil
                                         in limited circumstances as
  legal aid fees in line with
                                         permitted by law.
  inflation and commission an
  independent review of the            • Open a dialogue with the
  sustainability of the civil legal      Welsh Government with a
  aid system, with a particular          view to exploring options
  focus on the economic                  for implementing the
  viability of service providers,        recommendations of the
  local need and demand.                 Commission on Justice in
• Introduce automatic legal
  aid for inquests for families
  to access specialist legal
  representation following a
  state-related death.
8 | Our vision for law and justice

Maintain the attractiveness of the UK
as a global legal centre post-Brexit

After the UK leaves the European Union, the law of England and Wales
will retain many of the advantages that make it attractive to international
businesses, including its predictability, transparency and stability. However,
preserving the legal sector’s strong economic contribution to UK plc will
require close co-operation with the EU and the continued ability of UK lawyers
to practise, establish and provide temporary services on the Continent.

Currently, UK lawyers and law firms        a child who has been abducted and
can have a temporary or permanent          taken across national borders.
presence in other EU and EFTA
member states. Unless alternative          Non-EU trade is also crucially important
arrangements are agreed, after Brexit      for lawyers and their clients. As an
UK lawyers and law firms could fall        enabling sector for international trade,
back to operating under 31 different       the next government should seek to
national regulatory systems across         negotiate legal services chapters in
the EU and EFTA which would impact         new free trade agreements with non-
their ability to represent their clients   EU countries and support efforts to
effectively.                               liberalise markets in other jurisdictions.

After Brexit people and companies          One of the reasons for the UK’s
will continue to live, travel, and         reputation as a global legal centre is
conduct business across borders,           the strength of its legal profession.
and so maintaining co-operation on         With the method of qualification for
judicial matters with our European         solicitors in England and Wales set
neighbours should be a priority during     to change from 2021, there is a risk
negotiations over Britain’s future         that some will not be able to afford
relationship with the EU.                  the costs of sitting the Solicitors
                                           Qualification Exam. It is essential to
Co-operation in civil justice helps        ensure that aspiring solicitors do not
consumers, families and businesses         face financial barriers to entry to the
to resolve cross-border disputes           profession so as to enhance social
easily – for example by facilitating       mobility and ensure that UK legal
prompt redress for businesses whose        services remain able to attract the
continental partners have been found in    very best talent.
breach of contract, or swiftly returning
The Law Society of England and Wales | 9

We call on the next government to:
• Ensure we have a deal              • Ensure that legal services
  and therefore avoid a ‘no            are prioritised in future
  deal’ Brexit as this will cause      trade deals with non-
  damage to the legal services         EU countries. The next
  sector, the wider economy            government should push for
  and the rule of law.                 liberalisation in other key
                                       markets for legal services,
• Secure a future relationship
                                       including the United States,
  with the EU that allows
                                       Brazil and India.
  lawyers to continue to
  practise law and base              • Make loans available for
  themselves in the EU on both         aspiring solicitors seeking
  a temporary and a permanent          to take the new Solicitors
  basis, appear before EU courts,      Qualifying Examination
  and ensure legal professional        from 2021 so that they are
  privilege for their clients. We      able to afford the costs of
  believe the best way this can        preparing for and taking the
  be achieved is through an            exam, regardless of their own
  Association Agreement.               financial means.
• Ensure close and
  comprehensive post-Brexit
  arrangements with the EU
  on civil judicial co-operation
  including by applying to join
  the Lugano Convention as
  soon as possible. This should
  also be taken as a step to
  prepare for a no deal Brexit.
10 | Our vision for law and justice

Lead the way on new technology

Legal services are being, and will continue to be, transformed by technology.
The global market in legal technology, or lawtech, is rapidly growing and is
valued at $15.9bn.

The Law Society’s economic analysis       technology-based initiatives for
of the lawtech sector has found that      improving access to justice will rely
faster adoption of new lawtech will       on users’ ability to access legal
reduce the cost of legal services         advice directly from a qualified
to UK business users by £350              lawyer, and as such technology can
million by 2030, and could increase       never be a replacement for legal aid.
productivity growth in the legal          Nevertheless the next government
sector from 1.3% per year to 2.7%         can ensure that technology is used
per year.                                 to improve access to the justice
                                          system by ensuring that innovation
A technologically empowered legal         is directed towards addressing the
services sector can act as an enabler     needs of users of the system.
for businesses across all sectors of
the economy, improving productivity,      Meanwhile, with the use of
driving wealth generation and             algorithms in the criminal justice
enabling UK business to be more           system increasing, it is important
competitive internationally.              that a legal and ethical framework is
                                          established to govern their use and
Technology can also play a key            ensure that there are no adverse
role in widening access to legal          impacts on users of the system.
advice. However, technology is
not a silver bullet: the success of

  Faster adoption of new lawtech could increase
  productivity growth in the legal sector from
  1.3% per year to 2.7% per year
The Law Society of England and Wales | 11

We call on the next government to:
• Adopt the LawTech Delivery          • Invest in the digital
  Panel’s definition of lawtech          connectivity and
  as ‘technologies which aim             infrastructure needed to
  to support, supplement or              ensure that all regions are
  replace traditional methods for        able to take advantage of
  delivering legal services, or          technological solutions to
  which improve the operation            improve access to justice.
  of the justice system’. Doing
                                      • Develop and adopt a list of
  so will ensure that lawtech
                                         access to justice problem
  is recognised as a distinct
                                         statements and agreed
  sector for the purposes of
                                         solutions to inform the terms
  investment, development
                                         of reference for the Ministry
  and procurement.
                                         of Justice’s innovation fund.
• Provide tax incentives for
                                      • Develop a public register
  the adoption of lawtech
                                         of algorithms in use in the
  amongst law firms, such as
                                         criminal justice system
  research and development tax
                                         and a mandatory code of
  credits and capital allowances.
                                         practice for public bodies
• Improve the accessibility of           using such algorithms.
  legal data for lawtech firms,
  for example by establishing a
  legal data trust.
• Create an Access to Justice
  Centre to act as a convenor
  for the access to justice
  community and facilitate the
  sharing of resources and best
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