LIVINGSTON COUNTY DIRECTORY 2019-2020 - Livingston County Clerk Elizabeth Hundley

LIVINGSTON COUNTY DIRECTORY 2019-2020 - Livingston County Clerk Elizabeth Hundley

         National, State, County,
     Township, City and Village Officials

                 Compiled by:
             Elizabeth Hundley
         Livingston County Clerk
              Howell, Michigan
LIVINGSTON COUNTY DIRECTORY 2019-2020 - Livingston County Clerk Elizabeth Hundley
The Courthouse you see today is the second courthouse to occupy this site. The first building was
a brick Greek Revival structure in 1847. This courthouse was torn down to make room for the
present Courthouse, which was built in 1889. The Richardson Romanesque building was
designed by Albert E. French, a Detroit architect. The site was deeded to Livingston County with
the stipulation that it be used for county court purposes.

Located on Grand River Avenue in downtown Howell, the Courthouse stands stately and proud,
with its clock tower visible for miles. Its main structural components are brick, Ohio blue stone
and slate. These materials were selected for their durability.

William Kessler and Associates were commissioned in 1975 to update the Courthouse which is
listed on the National Register of Historic Pages. The Victorian atmosphere is enhanced by the
restoration of the oak woodwork, braze hardware and marble floors. It is further complemented
by the restoration and recreation of the original colors and decorative paintings. The preservation
of the Courthouse offers the opportunity to save an important landmark for future generations
to enjoy.

To the Citizens of Livingston County:

This directory is published to serve as a resource guide to assist you in
communicating with government offices and agencies, as well as elected and
appointed officials, at the local, county, state and federal levels. Every effort has
been made to ensure that the information provided is current.

Elizabeth Hundley
Livingston County Clerk

                        Directory of County Clerk’s Primary Services

Vital Records (births, deaths, marriages)                                          517‐546‐0500
Notary Public, Concealed Pistol License, Veterans’ ID Cards                        517‐546‐0500
Election Records, Assumed Business Names                                           517‐546‐8177
Circuit Court Filings                                                              517‐546‐9816
General Information                                                                517‐546‐0500

                         County Clerk / Circuit Court Clerk Web Pages
Assumed Business Names                    
Circuit Court Filings                       
Concealed Pistol License                 
Election Records                                
Notary Public                 
Veterans’ ID Cards                       
Vital Records Orders
(births, deaths, marriages)               

Table of Contents

Information Page ......................................................................................................................... 4
Elected County Officials .............................................................................................................. 5
Commissioner Districts................................................................................................................ 6
Livingston County Board of Commissioners ............................................................................... 7
Appointed County Officials ...................................................................................................... 8‐9
County Related Services ............................................................................................................ 10
Probate and Circuit Courts ........................................................................................................ 11
Family Courts ............................................................................................................................. 12
Fifty‐Third Judicial District Courts…………………………………………………………………………………………13
County Boards and Commissions ......................................................................................... 14‐18
Townships, Officials and Information .................................................................................. 19‐34
Cities, Officials and Information ........................................................................................... 35‐36
Villages, Officials and Information ....................................................................................... 37‐38
Public Libraries .......................................................................................................................... 39
Public Education Systems and Academies ................................................................................ 40
United States Officials ............................................................................................................... 41
State of Michigan Officials ................................................................................................... 42‐43
Organization of Livingston County ............................................................................................ 44
County History ........................................................................................................................... 45


                        OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS

                    County Seat Howell, Michigan

                      Web Site:

                   Estimated Population: 180,967

County Building Office Hours:                          8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
                                                      Monday through Friday

     County Offices are scheduled to be closed on the following holidays:

                            New Year’s Day
                       Martin Luther King Jr. Day
                            President’s Day
                             Memorial Day
                          Independence Day
                               Labor Day
                             Columbus Day
                             Veteran’s Day
                   Thanksgiving Day and the day after
                          Christmas Eve Day
                             Christmas Day
                          New Year’s Eve Day

Holidays occurring on Sunday are observed on the following Monday.

Holidays occurring on Saturday are observed on the preceding Friday.


Prosecuting Attorney                                     William J. Vailliencourt
   210 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                             517‐546‐1850
Sheriff                                                         Michael Murphy
150 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                                517‐546‐2440
Clerk                                                         Elizabeth Hundley
   200 E. Grand River, Howell 48843                                517‐546‐0500
Treasurer                                                      Jennifer M. Nash
   200 E. Grand River, Howell 48843                                517‐546‐7010
Register of Deeds                                                Brandon Denby
200 E. Grand River, Howell 48843                                   517‐546‐0270
Drain Commissioner                                             Brian Jonckheere
2300 E. Grand River, Howell 48843                                  517‐546‐0040
County Commissioners                                   Board Chair: Carol Griffith
   Administration Building                                         517‐546‐3520
304 E. Grand River, Ste. 201, Howell 48843
Circuit Judge, 44th Circuit                                  L. Suzanne Geddis
   204 S. Highlander Way, Ste. 1, Howell 48843                    517‐540‐7576
Circuit Judge, 44th District                                   Michael P. Hatty
   204 S. Highlander Way, Ste. 4, Howell 48843                    517‐546‐3060
Circuit Judge, 44th Circuit                                Matthew J. McGivney
   224 N. 1st Street, Brighton, MI 48116                          810‐229‐6615
Probate Judge, Chief Judge                                   Miriam Cavanaugh
   204 S. Highlander Way, Ste. 2, Howell 48843                    517‐546‐3750
District Judge, 53rd District                                   Shauna Murphy
   204 S. Highlander Way, Ste. 1, Howell 48843                    517‐548‐1000
District Judge, 53rd District                                  Daniel Brian Bain
   204 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                            517‐548‐1000




                      Commissioners' Chambers
         Administration Building, 304 E. Grand River, Howell
      Board of Commissioners: 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m.
       General Government and H.H.S.: 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m.
       Finance Committee: 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 a.m.
Public Safety & Infrastructure & Development: 3rd Tuesday, 7:30a.m.

  Check County Website for current schedule –

                                            2 year term
                        Commissioners' Chambers – Administration Building
                          304 E. Grand River Ave., Suite 201, Howell 48843
                            Telephone: 517‐546‐3520 | Fax: 517‐546‐7266
District No. 1   Kate Lawrence (R)                                                        All of Brighton City
                                                              Brighton Charter Twp. Precincts 1,2,4,6,7 & 9
   Home: 810‐227‐9444
   306 W. Grand River, Brighton 48116
District No. 2   William J. Green (R)                                All of Deerfield and Oceola Townships
                                                                              Hartland Township Precinct 2
   Home: 810‐714‐1160
   7281 Dean Rd., Fenton 48430
District No. 3   Wes Nakagiri (R)                                                    All of Tyrone Township
                                                                     Hartland Township Precincts 1,3,4 & 5
   Home: 517‐540‐8796
   3093 N Tipsico Lake Rd, Hartland 48353

District No. 4    Douglas G. Helzerman (R)                    All of Conway, Handy, Iosco, Unadilla Townships
                                                         Putnam Township Precinct 1 and Village of Fowlerville
   Home: 517‐223‐9841
   6815 Sharpe Road, Fowlerville 48836
District No. 5   Vacant                                                                   All of City of Howell
                                                                        All of Cohoctah and Howell Townships


District No. 6    Robert J. Bezotte (R)               All of Marion Township, Hamburg Township Precinct 3
                                                    Putnam Township Precincts 2,3 & 4 & Village of Pinckney
   Home: 517‐618‐7293
   2031 Peavy Rd., Howell 48843
District No. 7   Carol S. Griffith (R)                                          All of Genoa Charter Township

   5374 Washakie Trail, Brighton 48116
   Home: 810‐227‐7910
District No. 8     Jerome “Jay” Gross (R)                         Hamburg Township Precincts 1,2,4,5,6,7 & 8
                                                                     Green Oak Charter Township Precinct 8
   Home: 734‐395‐8784
   7564 Wisteria Way, Brighton 48116
   Cell: 734‐564‐1493
District No. 9   Gary Childs (R)                      Green Oak Charter Township Precincts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 9
                                                                Brighton Charter Township Precincts 3,5 & 8
   Home: 248‐486‐2651


911 Central Dispatch Director                                  Chad Chewning
   300 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                          517‐546‐4620
Airport Manager                                               Mark D. Johnson
   3399 County Airport Dr., Howell 48855                        517‐546‐6675
Animal Control Official                                       Christy Peterson
   418 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                          517‐546‐2154
Building Department Official                                        Jim Rowell
   2300 E. Grand River, Howell 48843                            517‐546‐3240
Community Corrections                                           Kathryn Heath
   200 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                          517‐545‐1047
County Administrator                                                    Vacant
304 E. Grand River, Ste. 202, Howell 48843                      517‐546‐3669
Deputy County Administrator/Financial Officer                  Cindy Catanach
   304 E. Grand River, Ste. 202, Howell 48843                   517‐540‐8727
Emergency Management Director                               Therese Cremonte
   1911 Tooley Rd., Howell 48855                                517‐540‐7926
EMS Director                                                 David Feldpausch
   1911 Tooley Rd., Howell 48855                                517‐546‐6220
Equalization Director                                            Sue Bostwick
   304 E. Grand River, Ste. 102, Howell 48843                   517‐546‐4182
Essential Transportation Services (LETS) Director                 Greg Kellogg
   3950 W. Grand River, Howell 48855                            517‐546‐6600
Facilities Services Director                                        Chris Folts
   420 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                          517‐546‐6491
Friend of the Court                                           Melissa Scharrer
   210 S. Highlander Way, Ste. 3, Howell 48843                  877‐543‐2660
G.I.S. Manager                                                   Diane Gregor
   304 E. Grand River, Ste. 101, Howell 48843                   517‐548‐3230
Human Resources Director                                     Jennifer Palmbos
   304 E. Grand River, Ste. 205, Howell 48843                   517‐546‐1010
Information Technology, CIO                                   Kristoffer Tobbe
   304 E. Grand River, Ste. 101, Howell 48843                   517‐548‐3230
Jury Commission                                                    Cathi Bates
   204 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                          517‐546‐1661
Livingston County Department of Public Health              Dianne McCormick
   2300 E. Grand River, Ste. 102, Howell 48843                  517‐546‐9850
Medical Examiner                                         Alecia Wilson, M.D.
   1911 Tooley Rd., Howell 48855                                517‐548‐4170
Planning Director                                       Kathleen Kline‐Hudson
   304 E. Grand River, Ste. 206, Howell 48843                   517‐546‐7555


Public Defender Services                                    Karen Groenhout
   204 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843                         517‐546‐8078
Public Works Director                                       Brian Jonckheere
   2300 E. Grand River, Howell 48843                           517‐546‐7150
Solid Waste                                                 Robert Spaulding
2300 E. Grand River, Howell 48843                              517‐545‐9609
Veterans Services Director                                        Mary Durst
   2300 E Grand River, Ste. 109, Howell 48843                  517‐546‐6338


Bar Association, Livingston County                                         Website:
   P.O. Box 2316, Howell 48844                
Civil Counsel, Livingston County                                      517‐372‐9000
Cohl, Stoker & Toskey, P.C.
   601 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing 48933
Community Mental Health Services                                      517‐546‐4126
  2280 E. Grand River, Howell 48843
Economic Development Council of Livingston County                     810‐588‐6382
Phil Santer, Director
   218 E. Grand River Ave., Brighton 48116
Department of Human Services                                          517‐548‐0200
Alison Morrison, Acting Director
   2300 E. Grand River, Ste. 1, Howell 48843
Family Support Division, Prosecutor’s Office                          517‐548‐1444
Anthony Paruk, Special Assistant Prosecutor
  300 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843
Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority                                  810‐227‐2757
Steve Williams, Livingston County Representative
   Admin Office: 13000 High Ridge Dr., Brighton 48114
Legal Services of Southern Michigan                                   800‐968‐0044
   Satellite Office:
   204 S. Highlander Way, Howell 48843
Livingston County Michigan Works!                                     517‐546‐7450
Angela Parth, Director
   1240 Packard Dr., Howell 48843
MCDC Livingston Dental Center                                         877‐313‐6232
    1335 Byron Road, Howell 48843
Michigan State University Extension                                   517‐546‐3950
Matt Shane, Director
   2300 E. Grand River, Howell 48843
Oakland‐Livingston Human Services Agency                              517‐546‐8500
Erica Karfonta, Director
   2300 E. Grand River, Howell 48843
Road Commission                                                       517‐546‐4250
Steve Wasylk, Managing Director
   3535 Grand Oaks Dr., Howell 48843
Senior Nutrition Program                                              810‐632‐2155
  9525 Highland Rd., Howell 48843

             204 S. Highlander Way, Suite 2, Howell 48843
                       Telephone: 517‐546‐3750

Probate Judge, Chief Judge                            Miriam Cavanaugh
Probate Court Register                                     Kathe Wenzel

             204 S. Highlander Way, Suite 2, Howell 48843
Circuit Judge, L. Suzanne Geddis                          517‐540‐7576
Circuit Judge Chief Judge, Michael P. Hatty               517‐546‐3060
Circuit Judge, Matthew J. McGivney                        517‐548‐1120
Trial Court Administrator, Roberta Sacharski              517‐546‐8079
Clerk of the Court, Elizabeth Hundley                     517‐546‐9816

             210 S. Highlander Way, Suite 2, Howell 48843

Friend of the Court, Melissa Scharrer                     877‐543‐2660
Prosecuting Attorney, William J. Vailliencourt, Jr.       517‐546‐1850
Probation Supervisor, Thomas Zahon                        517‐546‐4212


Presiding Judge, Matthew J. McGivney                    517‐548‐1120
   224 N. First Street
   Brighton, MI 48116
Presiding Judge, Miriam Cavanaugh                       517‐552‐2515
   204 S. Highlander Way, Suite 3
   Howell, MI 48843
Presiding Judge, L. Suzanne Geddis                      517‐540‐7576
   204 S. Highlander Way, Suite 5
   Howell, MI 48843
Presiding Judge, Michael P. Hatty                       517‐546‐3060
   204 S. Highlander Way, Suite 4
   Howell, MI 48843
Clerk of the Court, Elizabeth Hundley                   517‐546‐9816
   204 S. Highlander Way
   Howell, MI 48843

                    FAMILY COURT – JUVENILE UNIT
             204 S. Highlander Way, Suite 3, Howell 48843
                       Telephone: 517‐546‐1500

Chief Judge                                        Miriam Cavanaugh
Presiding Judge                                  Matthew J. McGivney
Attorney Referee                                   Chelsea Thomason
Juvenile Register                                        Erin Ostwald
Trial Court Administrator                           Roberta Sacharski
County Juvenile Officer                            Danielle Domzalski
Assistant Juvenile Officer                            Susan Grohman
                                                       David Trudeau
Adoption Caseworker                                       Jeff Johnson

                      224 N. First St., Brighton 48116
                        Telephone: 517‐548‐1120

Circuit Court Judge                                   Matthew J. McGivney

             204 S. Highlander Way, Suite 1, Howell 48843
                       Telephone: 517‐548‐1000
District Judge                                             Shauna Murphy
Court Recorder                                            Barbara McInnes

District Judge                                            Daniel Brian Bain
Court Recorder                                              Tammi Morris

Magistrate                                                  Jerry Sherwood
Court Administrator                                             Marisa Lutz
Chief Probation Officer                                      Dorian Harrow
Probation Officers                            Emily Shelton, Daniel Lorigan,
                                               Shera Novak, Kathryn Heath

                     Aeronautical Facilities Board
James V. Clore                                              Howell
John (Jack) Hardy                                           Howell
Bruce Hundley                                               Howell
Thomas Janego                                              Brighton
Michelle LaRose                                             Howell
Richard Peckens                                          Fowlerville
Ronald Staley                                              Brighton

                    Airport Zoning Board of Appeals
Matthew Ikle                                                Howell
Laura Abramson                                             Brighton
Brian Prokuda                                               Howell
James Sparks                                               Brighton
Bill Anderson                                               Howell

                         Board of Canvassers
Carla T. Chapman               Republican                   Brighton
Nancy Sauvage                  Democratic                    Howell
Russ Spencer                   Republican                   Brighton
Judy Williams                  Democratic                   Gregory

                        Building Appeal Board
George Kilpatrick                                         Green Oak
Mike Kennedy                                                  Howell
Kurt Weiland                                          Northfield Twp
Timothy T. Park                                          Genoa Twp
John Hamlin                                            Hamburg Twp
Tom Boylan                                             Hamburg Twp

County Boards and Commissions – Continued
                 Community Corrections Advisory Board

Hon. Miriam Cavanaugh                              Probate Court Judge
Connie Conklin                                            Mental Health
Curtis Griffin                                     Business Community
Kate Lawrence                                     County Commissioner
David Russell                                             Chief of Police
Mike Murphy                                                       Sheriff
Dawn Awery                                        Workforce Investment
Laura Mitchell                                        Criminal Defense
Hon. Michael P. Hatty                               Circuit Court Judge
Bill Valliencourt                                             Prosecutor
Tom Zahon                                             Probation Officer
Hon. Shauna Murphy                                  District Court Judge
Karen Groenhout                                         Public Defender
Hon. Daniel Brian Bain                              District Court Judge

                  Community Mental Health Authority

Janise F. Aubry                                                Brighton
Lisa Berry‐Bobovski                                            Brighton
Dagmar Brooks                                                  Brighton
Linda Carroll                                                    Howell
Mary Serio                                                       Howell
Roxanne Garber                                                 Brighton
Gary McIntosh                                                    Howell
Joanne Pfeffer                                                 Pinckney
Jan Plas                                                     South Lyon
Sharon Slaton                                                  Brighton
Barbara Spalding                                             Fowlerville
Matthew Ikle                                                    Howell

County Boards and Commissions – Continued
                   Department of Human Services Board

Steven Economy                                                   Milford
Marilyn Hysen                                                    Howell
Alice MacDermott                                                 Howell

                               Drain Board

Kate Lawrence                                                    Howell
Carol Griffith                                                  Brighton
Brian Jonckheere                                                 Howell

                           Election Commission

Hon. Miriam Cavanaugh           Chief Judge                     Brighton
Elizabeth Hundley              County Clerk                      Howell
Jennifer M. Nash             County Treasurer                    Howell

                     Historical Advisory Committee

Beverly LaBelle                                                 Brighton
Janice Lobur                                                     Howell
Jeri McKeon‐Andersen                                             Howell
Gary Childs                                          County Commissioner

                            Jury Commission

Barbara Cox                                                      Howell
Nancy Sauvage                                                    Howell
Peter VanWinkle                                                  Howell

County Boards and Commissions – Continued
                      Planning Commission

Laura Abramson                                         Brighton
Bill Anderson                                          Brighton
Bill Call                                              Brighton
Jeanne Clum                                             Howell
Matt Ikle                                               Howell
Brian Prokuda                                           Fenton

                           Plat Board

Brandon Denby                                            Howell
Elizabeth Hundley                                        Howell
Jennifer M. Nash                                         Howell

                          Public Works

Michael Arens                                            Howell
Dale Brewer                                              Howell
David Domas                                              Fenton
Brian Jonckheere                                         Howell
Arthur McCleer                                          Gregory
Greg Tatara                                              Howell
Terry Wilson                                             Howell

                        Road Commission

Stephen Crane                                            Howell
John T. Dunleavy                                        Hartland
David Peckens                                          Cohoctah

County Boards and Commissions – Continued

                    Sanitary Code Board of Appeals

Marshall Bowman                                             Howell
Pat McMacken                                              Brighton
Carol Griffith                                            Brighton
Rob Roberts                                               Pinckney
Don Tinson II                                               Howell

                  Solid Waste Management Committee

Rick Burns                                           Environmental
Matt Bolang                                          Health Interest
Robert Henshaw                                       General Public
Joan Runkel                                          General Public
Donald Tinson                                             Township
Bob Hanvey                                                Township
Matt Germane                                              Township
Erv Suida                                               City/Village

                     Veterans Services Committee

Bruce Hundley                                                Howell
Bob Bezotte                                                  Howell
Kevin Nagle                                                Brighton
Joe Riker                                                  Brighton
James Wallace                                              Pinckney

                          Estimated Population: 17,791
                Hall Location: 4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
                            Telephone: 810‐229‐0550
                                Fax: 810‐229‐1778

Supervisor: Patrick Michel                                                810‐229‐0550
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Clerk: Joseph Riker                                                       810‐229‐0560
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Treasurer: Rose Drouillard                                                810‐229‐0556
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Trustee: Steven J. Combs                                                  810‐229‐0550
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Trustee: Mike Slaton                                                      810‐229‐0550
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Trustee: Sam Theis                                                        810‐229‐0550
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Trustee: Lucille Weaire                                                   810‐229‐0550
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Manager: Brian Vick                                                       810‐229‐0550
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Assessor: Stacy A. Kaliszewski                                            810‐229‐0558
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114
Planning & Zoning: Kelly Matthews                                         810‐229‐0562
   4363 Buno Rd., Brighton, MI 48114

                            Township Business Days
                      Closed daily for lunch 12:30‐1:30 p.m.
             Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                          Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                           Township Hall Board Meetings
         Regular meetings are held on the first and third Monday at 7:00 p.m.

                           Planning Commission Meetings
                      Second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 3,317
              Hall Location: 10518 Antcliff Rd., Fowlerville, MI 48836
                   Mailing: 3530 Gannon Rd., Howell, MI 48855
                             Telephone: 517‐546‐0655

Supervisor: Mark Fosdick                                                 517‐223‐4813
   9989 N. Fleming Rd., Fowlerville, MI 48836
Clerk: Barb Fear                                                         517‐618‐7404
   3530 Gannon Rd., Howell, MI 48855
Treasurer: Tami Bock                                                     517‐546‐2510
   6153 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855
Trustee: Phil Charette                                                   517‐548‐4217
   1640 Gannon Rd., Howell, MI 48855
Trustee: William Thurner                                                 517‐546‐8307
   P.O. Box 274, Cohoctah, MI 48816‐0274
Assessor: Alan Berg                                                      517‐546‐4030
   3530 Gannon Rd., Howell, MI 48855
Land Permits Information                                                 517‐546‐0655
Zoning Administrator: Larry Flanary                                      517‐404‐3108

                             Township Hall Business Days
                       Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

                              Township Board Meetings
                       Second Thursday of each month, 8:00 p.m.
                                   at Township Hall

                                 Assessor’s Business Days
                               Listed on the website above
                                     at Township Hall

                           Estimated Population: 3,546
           Hall Location: 8015 N. Fowlerville Rd., Fowlerville, MI 48836
                Mailing: P.O. Box 1157, Fowlerville, MI 48836‐1157
                             Telephone: 517‐223‐0358
                                Fax: 517‐223‐0533

Supervisor: Michael B. Rife                                             517‐223‐0168
   8015 N. Fowlerville Rd., P.O. Box 1157, Fowlerville, MI 48836
Clerk: Elizabeth Whitt                                                  517‐223‐0358
   8015 N Fowlerville Rd., P.O. Box 1157, Fowlerville, MI 48836
Treasurer: Debra Grubb                                                  517‐223‐0358
   8015 N. Fowlerville Rd., P.O. Box 1157, Fowlerville, MI 48836
Trustee: Richard Kreeger                                                517‐281‐7122
   8015 N. Fowlerville Rd., P.O. Box 1157, Fowlerville, MI 48836
Trustee: Lawrence R. Parsons                                            517‐223‐8362
   8015 N. Fowlerville Rd., P.O. Box 1157, Fowlerville, MI 48836
Assessor: Karen Page                                                    517‐223‐0358
   P.O. Box 1157, Fowlerville, MI 48836‐1157
Land Permits Information/Zoning Administrator: Todd Thomas         Cell: 517‐861‐1789
   P.O. Box 1157, Fowlerville, MI 48836

                             Township Hall Business Days
                             Tuesday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
                            Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

                            Assessor’s Hours at Township Hall
                            Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

                                Township Board Meetings
                         Third Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 4,170
                Hall Location: 4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451
                             Telephone: 517‐546‐8760
                                Fax: 517‐546‐0054

Supervisor: Alfred Mattioli                                             517‐546‐8760
   4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451
Clerk: Garry Johnston                                                   517‐546‐8760
   4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451
Treasurer: Cheryl Petchell                                              517‐546‐8760
   4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451
Trustee: Scott Bontekoe                                                 517‐546‐8760
   4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451
Trustee: Douglas Taylor                                                 517‐546‐8760
   4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451
Assessor: Ron Smith                                                     517‐546‐8760
   4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451
Land Permits:                                                           517‐548‐0197
   4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451
Zoning Administrator: John Helm                                         517‐548‐0197
   4492 Center Rd., Linden, MI 48451

                          Township Hall Business Days
               Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                             Township Board Meetings
                      Second Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m.

                          Estimated Population: 19,821
                Hall Location: 2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
                            Telephone: 810‐227‐5225
                               Fax: 810‐227‐3420

Supervisor: Bill Rogers                                              810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Clerk: Paulette A. Skolarus                                          810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Treasurer: Robin L. Hunt                                             810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Trustee: Terry Croft                                                 810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Trustee: Jean W. Ledford                                             810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Trustee: Diana Lowe                                                  810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Trustee: Jim Mortensen                                               810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Manager: Michael Archinal                                            810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Assistant Twp.Manager/Planning Director: Kelly VanMarter             810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Assessor: Debra Rojewski                                             810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Code Enforcement Officer: Sharon Stone‐Francis                       810‐227‐5225
   2911 Dorr Rd., Brighton, MI 48116

                           Township Hall Business Days
                     Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                            Township Hall Board Meetings
                   First and Third Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m.

                         Estimated Population: 17,476
            Hall Location: 10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
                            Telephone: 810‐231‐1333
                               Fax: 810‐231‐5080

Supervisor: Mark A. St. Charles                                            810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Clerk: Michael H. Sedlak                                                   810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Treasurer: Susan Daugherty                                                 810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Trustee: Tracey Edry                                                       810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Trustee: Richard Everett                                                   810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Trustee: Dan Rainko                                                        810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Trustee: James Tuthill                                                     810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Assessor: Robert Brandmier                                                 810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Police Department: Jason Pless, Chief                                      810‐231‐9626
   8965 Fieldcrest, Brighton, MI 48116
Fire Department: Kevin Gentry, Chief                                       810‐231‐3663
   9384 Whitmore Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Building Official: Wayne Jewell                                            810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116
Zoning Administrator: Debra McKenzie                                       810‐231‐1333
   10001 Silver Lake Rd., Brighton, MI 48116

                           Township Hall Business Days
                   Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Clerk, Treasurer, and Supervisor’s Office)
        Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Building Department)

                            Township Hall Board Meetings
                 First and Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                         Estimated Population: 21,409
             Hall Location: 10405 Merrill Rd., Hamburg, MI 48139
            Mailing Address: P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI 48139‐0157
                           Telephone: 810‐231‐1000
                               Fax: 810‐231‐4295

Supervisor: Pat Hohl                                                     810‐222‐1116
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139
Clerk: Michael H. Dolan                                                  810‐222‐1121
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139
Treasurer: Jason Negri                                                   810‐222‐1151
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139
Trustee: Bill Hahn                                                       810‐231‐1000
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139
Trustee: Annette Koeble                                                  810‐231‐1000
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139
Trustee: Chuck Menzies                                                   810‐231‐2399
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139
Trustee: Pat Hughes                                                      810‐231‐1000
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139
Police Department: Richard Duffany, Chief                                 810‐231‐9391
   10409 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139              Fax: 810‐231‐9401
Fire Department: Nick Miller, Chief                                       810‐222‐1100
   10100 Veterans Memorial Dr.                                       Fax: 810‐231‐1974
   P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI 48139
Assessor: Susan Murray                                                   810‐231‐1000
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139
Land Permits & Planning/Zoning: Amy Steffens                             810‐222‐1167
   10405 Merrill Rd., P.O. Box 157, Hamburg, MI   48139

                            Township Hall Business Days
                      Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                             Township Hall Board Meetings
                         First Tuesday of each month, 2:30 p.m.
                         Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 5,120
          Hall Location: 135 & 137 N. Grand Ave., Fowlerville, MI 48836
           Mailing Address: P.O. Box 189, Fowlerville, MI 48836‐0189
                             Telephone: 517‐223‐3228
                                Fax: 517‐223‐3983

Supervisor: Ed Alverson                                                  517‐223‐3228
   135 N. Grand Ave., P.O. Box 189, Fowlerville, MI   48836
Clerk: Laura A. Eisele                                                   517‐223‐3228
   135 N. Grand Ave., P.O. Box 189, Fowlerville, MI   48836
Treasurer: Connie Shear                                                  517‐223‐3228
   135 N. Grand Ave., P.O. Box 189, Fowlerville, MI   48836
Trustee: Gordon Robert Munsell                                           517‐223‐3228
   135 N. Grand Ave., P.O. Box 189, Fowlerville, MI   48836
Trustee: Dave Roddy                                                      517‐223‐3228
   135 N. Grand Ave., P.O. Box 189, Fowlerville, MI   48836
Assessor: Amy Pashby                                                     517‐223‐3228
   135 N. Grand Ave., P.O. Box 189, Fowlerville, MI   48836
Land Permits/Zoning Administrator: William Call                          517‐223‐3228
   135 N. Grand Ave., P.O. Box 189, Fowlerville, MI   48836

                           Township Hall Business Days
                Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                              Township Board Meetings
                        Second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                                 Planning Commission
                        Fourth Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 14,663
                 Hall Location: 2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI 48353
                             Telephone: 810‐632‐7498
                                 Fax: 810‐632‐6950

Supervisor: William Fountain                                              810‐632‐7498
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353                                         Ext. 210
Clerk: Larry N. Ciofu                                                     810‐632‐1065
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353                   Email:
Treasurer: Kathie Horning                                                 810‐632‐1030
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353               Email:
Trustee: Joseph W. Colaianne                                              810‐632‐7498
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353
Trustee: Matthew J. Germane                                               810‐632‐7498
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353
Trustee: Glenn E. Harper                                                  810‐632‐7498
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353
Trustee: Joseph M. Petrucci                                               810‐632‐7498
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353
Assessor: Jim Heaslip                                                     810‐632‐7498
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353
Manager: James Wickman                                                    810‐632‐1070
   2655 Clark Rd., Hartland, MI   48353

                             Township Hall Business Days
                     Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

                                Township Board Meetings
                    First and Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 6,702
                 Hall Location: 3525 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855
                             Telephone: 517‐546‐2817
                                 Fax: 517‐546‐1483

Supervisor: Mike Coddington                                          517‐546‐2817
   3525 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855                                       Ext. 117
Clerk: Jean Graham                                                   517‐546‐2817
   3525 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855                                       Ext. 106
Treasurer: Jonathan Hohenstein                                       517‐546‐2817
   3525 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855                                       Ext. 103
Trustee: Matthew Counts                                              517‐546‐2817
   2453 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855
Trustee: Evan Rudnicki                                               517‐546‐2817
   5789 Crandall Rd., Howell, MI 48855
Trustee: Jeffrey A. Smith                                            517‐546‐2817
   3762 Mason Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Harold Melton                                               517‐546‐2817
   3408 Cheryl Dr., Howell, MI 48855
Assessor: Brent Kilpela                                              517‐546‐2817
   3525 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855                                       Ext. 111
Land Permits: Joe Davis                                              517‐546‐2817
   3525 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855                                       Ext. 108
Zoning Administrator: Joe Davis                                      517‐546‐2817
   3525 Byron Rd., Howell, MI 48855                                       Ext. 108

                            Township Hall Business Days
                    Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                             Township Board Meetings
                       Second Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m.

                          Estimated Population: 3,801
            Hall Location: 2050 Bradley Rd., Webberville, MI 48892
           Mailing Address: 2050 Bradley Rd., Webberville, MI 48892
                            Telephone: 517‐223‐9545

Supervisor: William C. Miller                                             517‐223‐8336
   2050 Bradley Rd., Webberville, MI 48892
Clerk: Dan Delmerico                                                      517‐223‐8928
   8175 Lamoreaux Rd., Fowlerville, MI 48836
Treasurer: Amanda Bonnville                                               517‐223‐1250
   3670 Bull Run Rd., Gregory, MI 48137
Trustee: Joseph Parker                                                    517‐223‐7871
   2401 Bull Run Rd., Fowlerville, MI 48836
Trustee: Jon Hardies                                                      517‐223‐9545
   4150 A Bull Run Rd., Gregory, MI 48137
Assessor: Anne Allen                                                      517‐223‐1836
   2050 Bradley Rd., Webberville, MI 48892
Land Permits/Zoning Administrator: Anne Allen                             517‐223‐9545
   2050 Bradley Rd., Webberville, MI 48892
Planning Commission: Dan Alderson                                         517‐518‐4100
   2050 Bradley Rd., Webberville, MI 48892

                             Township Hall Business Days
                   Clerk’s Office Only: Wednesday 1:00‐5:00 p.m.
      Treasurer, Zoning Administrator & Clerk’s Offices: Thursday, 1:00‐5:00 p.m.

                              Assessor’s Business Days
                              Thursday, 1:00‐5:00 p.m.

                              Township Board Meetings
                       Third Thursday of each month, 8:00 p.m.

                          Planning Commission Meetings
                      Second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.
                   Assessor Email:
                    Treasurer Email:

                          Estimated Population: 9,996
            Hall Location: 2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
                            Telephone: 517‐546‐1588
                               Fax: 517‐546‐6622

Supervisor: Robert Hanvey                                             517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Clerk: Tammy L. Beal                                                  517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Treasurer: Duane M. Stokes                                            517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Les Andersen                                                 517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Greg Durbin                                                  517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Scott Lloyd                                                  517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Dan Lowe                                                     517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Assessor: Lori Judson                                                 517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Public Works Coordinator: Kitsey Rennells                             517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Zoning Administrator: David Hamann                                    517‐546‐1588
   2877 W. Coon Lake Rd., Howell, MI 48843

                           Township Hall Business Days
                   Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                            Township Board Meetings
                Second and Fourth Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m.

                           Planning Commission Meetings
                       Fourth Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                                   ZBA Meetings
                        First Monday of each month, 7:30 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 11,936
               Hall Location: 1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
                             Telephone: 517‐546‐3259
                                Fax: 517‐546‐6697

Supervisor: William J. Bamber                                          517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Clerk: Jaime Clay                                                      517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Treasurer: LuAnn Pless                                                 517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Sean P. Dunleavy                                              517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Robert J. Henshaw                                             517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Kieth Huff                                                    517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Trustee: Lance S. Schuhmacher                                          517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Assessor: Bonny Moore                                                  517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843
Land Permits & Zoning Administrator: Sheree Pierce                     517‐546‐3259
   1577 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI 48843

                           Township Hall Business Days
                Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                               Township Board Meetings
                        First Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                           Planning Commission Meetings
                      Second Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                          Estimated Population: 5,821
            Hall Location: 3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
                            Telephone: 734‐878‐3131
                               Fax: 734‐878‐2545

Supervisor: Dennis M. Brennan                                              734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
Clerk: Sally D. Guyon                                                      734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
Treasurer: Patrick Carney                                                  734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
Trustee: Richard Bennett                                                   734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
Trustee: Tom Chambers                                                      734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
Trustee: Norm Klein                                                        734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
Trustee: Robert Press                                                      734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
Assessor: Amy Pashby                                                       734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439
Fire Department: Greg Amburgey, Chief                                       734‐878‐6788
   3250 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169                                    Fax: 734‐878‐9103
Zoning Administrator: Ken Damrel                                            734‐878‐3131
   3280 W. M‐36, Pinckney, MI 48169‐0439                               Fax: 734‐878‐2545

                           Township Hall Business Days
           Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – Noon | 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                            Township Board Meetings
                     Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                          Planning Commission Meetings
                    Second Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.
            Fourth Wednesday of each month (when necessary), 7:00 p.m.

                                   ZBA Meetings
                 Scheduled at the call of the Chairperson, as needed

                          Estimated Population: 10,020
             Hall Location: 8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
                            Telephone: 810‐629‐8631
                                Fax: 810‐629‐0047

Supervisor: Mike Cunningham                                           810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Clerk: Marcella A. Husted                                             810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Treasurer: Jennifer Eden                                              810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Trustee: Herman Ferguson                                              810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Trustee: Kurt Schulze                                                 810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Trustee: Charles Schultz                                              810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Trustee: David A. Walker                                              810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Assessor: Bruce Little, Assistant: David McArthur                     810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Land Permits/Zoning Administrator: Ross Nicholson                     810‐629‐8631
   8420 Runyan Lake Rd., Fenton, MI 48430

                           Township Hall Business Days
                   Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                               Township Board Meetings
                   First and Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                          Planning Commission Meetings
                      Second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                                   ZBA Meetings
                        First Monday of each month, 7:30 p.m.

                         Estimated Population: 3,366
               Hall Location: 126 Webb St., Gregory, MI 48137
            Mailing Address: P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
                           Telephone: 734‐498‐2502
                              Fax: 734‐498‐2372

Supervisor: Linda C. Walker                                        517‐851‐7206
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
Clerk: Linda J. Topping                                            517‐851‐7664
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
Treasurer: Julie Weiland                                           734‐498‐8056
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
Trustee: Lori Cowan                                                734‐498‐3025
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
Trustee: Susan Cox                                                 734‐498‐2621
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
Police Department: David Russell                                   734‐498‐2325
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
Office Manager: Maria Elmore                                       734‐498‐2502
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
Assessor: Heidi Roenicke                                           734‐498‐2502
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120
Land Permits &Zoning Administrator: David Peck                     734‐498‐2502
   P.O. Box 120, Gregory, MI 48137‐0120

                            Township Hall Business Days
                     Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
                          Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

                             Township Board Meetings
                      Second Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 7,501
                  City Hall: 200 N. First St., Brighton, MI 48116
                             Telephone: 810‐227‐1911
                                Fax: 810‐227‐6420

Mayor: Shawn Pipoly                                                      810‐227‐1911
Mayor Pro‐Tem: Susan Gardner                                             810‐227‐1911
City Manager: Nate Geinzer                                               810‐225‐8022
City Clerk: Tara Brown                                                   810‐225‐8021
City Treasurer: Fern Jackson                                             810‐225‐8023
Assessor: Colleen Barton                                                 810‐225‐8024
Attorney: Paul Burns                                                     810‐227‐5000
Chief of Police: Rob Bradford                                            810‐227‐2700
Fire Chief: Mike O’Brian                                                 810‐229‐6640
Brighton Area Fire Department
Council Members:                                                             James Bohn
                                                                              Jon Emaus
                                                                       Susan L. Gardner
                                                                       James R. Muzzin
                                                                       Renee Pettengill
                                                                           Shawn Pipoly
                                                                        Kristoffer Tobbe

                             City Hall Business Hours
                     Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

                                 City Council Meetings
                   First and Third Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m.

                            Estimated Population: 9,489
                  City Hall: 611 E. Grand River, Howell, MI 48843
                              Telephone: 517‐546‐3500
                                 Fax: 517‐546‐6014

Mayor: Nick Proctor                                                         517‐546‐3502
Mayor Pro‐Tem: Steven L. Manor                                              517‐546‐3502
City Manager: Ervin J. Suida                                                517‐546‐3502
City Clerk: Jane Cartwright                                                 517‐546‐3502
City Treasurer: Catherine M. Stanislawski                                   517‐546‐3500
Assessor: Gladys Niemi                                                      517‐546‐3500
Attorney: Dennis Perkins                                                    517‐546‐6623
Chief of Police: George Basar                                               517‐546‐1330
Howell Area Fire Authority Chief: Andy Pless                                517‐546‐0560
Council Members:                                                       Jeannette Ambrose
                                                                               Robert Ellis
                                                                            Randy Greene
                                                                             Janice Lobur
                                                                             Steve Manor
                                                                         Michael Mulvahill

                              City Hall Business Hours
                      Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

                                City Council Meetings
                   Second and Fourth Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 2,886
              Village Hall: 213 S. Grand Ave., Fowlerville, MI 48836
                             Telephone: 517‐223‐3771
                                Fax: 517‐223‐7435

President:                                                                     Carol K. Hill
Clerk/Manager:                                                           Kathryn Arledge
Treasurer:                                                                Michelle Lamb
Assessor:                                                                    Amy Pashby
                                                                             P.O. Box 189
                                                                   Fowlerville, MI 48836
Village Manager:                                                         Kathryn Arledge
Police Chief:                                                                   John Tyler
Fire Chief:                                                                   John Wright
Attorney:                                                    Cohl, Stocker & Toskey, P.C.
Trustees:                                                                        Jerry Bell
                                                                          Kathryn Heath
                                                                         Mary Helfmann
                                                                             Jim Mayhew
                                                                                Jane Miles
                                                                         Scott Schultheis

                            Village Hall Business Hours
                     Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                        (Observing most National Holidays)

                              Village Council Meetings
                            Every other Monday, 7:30 p.m.

                           Estimated Population: 2,427
                Village Hall: 220 S. Howell St., Pinckney, MI 48169
                              Telephone: 734‐878‐6206
                                 Fax: 734‐878‐9749

President:                                                                   Linda E. Lavey
Clerk:                                                                        Amy Salowitz
Treasurer/Secretary:                                                     Michelle Brunner
Accountant:                                                                   Kimberly Lim
Police Chief:                                                              Jeffrey Newton
Fire Chief:                                                                Greg Amburgey
Attorney:                                                                     David Stoker
Trustees:                                                                Rebecca A. Foster
                                                                            Eirik Kauserud
                                                                        Ted Kinczkowski, Jr
                                                                             Brian Matson
                                                                               Shawn Tibus
                                                                         Robert G. Vedder

                               Village Hall Business Hours
                       Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

                              Village Council Meetings
                  Second and Fourth Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m.

                              Planning Commission Meetings
                           First Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m.


Brighton District Library                                               810‐229‐6571
   100 Library Dr., Brighton, MI 48116            
Cromaine District Library                                               810‐632‐5200
   3688 Hartland Rd., Hartland, MI 48353          
Dexter District Library                                                 734‐426‐4477
   80 44th St., Dexter, MI 48130                
Fowlerville District Library                                            517‐223‐9089
   130 S. Grand Ave, Fowlerville, MI 48836 
Hamburg Township Library                                                810‐231‐1771
   10411 Merrill Rd., Hamburg, MI 48139     
Howell Carnegie District Library                                        517‐546‐0720
   314 W. Grand River, Howell, MI 48843             
Pinckney Community Public Library                                       734‐878‐3888
   125 Putnam St., Pinckney, MI 48169             


Livingston Educational Service Agency (LESA)                           517‐546‐5550
   1425 W. Grand River                                           Fax: 517‐546‐7047
   Howell, MI 48843                                             TDD: 517‐546‐9460
Brighton Area Schools                                                  810‐299‐4000
   Central Office:                                               Fax: 810‐299‐4092
   125 S. Church St.                                  
   Brighton, MI 48116
Fowlerville Community Schools                                         517‐223‐6000
   Central Office:                                              Fax: 517‐223‐6022
   7677 . Sharpe Road, Ste. A, P.O. Box 769  
   Fowlerville, MI 48836
Hartland Consolidated Schools                                        810‐626‐2100
   Central Office:                                             Fax: 810‐626‐2101
   9525 E. Highland Rd.                    
   Howell, MI 48843
Howell Public Schools                                                 517‐548‐6200
   Central Office:                                               Fax: 517‐548‐6229
   411 N. Highlander Way                        
   Howell, MI 48843
Pinckney Community Schools                                           810‐225‐3900
   Central Office:                                              Fax: 810‐225‐3905
   2130 E. M‐36                           
   Pinckney, MI 48169

                             PUBLIC SCHOOL ACADEMIES

Charyl Stockwell Academy                                              810‐632‐2200
  9758 E. Highland Rd.                                           Fax: 810‐632‐2201
  Howell, MI 48843                              
Kensington Woods High School                                          517‐545‐0828
  9501 Pettys Rd.                                                Fax: 517‐545‐7588
  Lakeland, MI 48143                                    

                              U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
President – 4‐year term                                               Donald J. Trump (R)
   Mailing Address:
       The White House                                  Email:
       1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW                          Website:
       Washington, DC 20500
Vice President – 4‐year term                                          Michael R. Pence (R)


                             UNITED STATES SENATORS
                                  State of Michigan
                                     6‐year term
Debbie Stabenow (D)                                                       202‐224‐4822
  133 Hart Senate Office Building                                    Fax: 202‐224‐8834
  Washington, DC 20510                              Email:

  District Office:                                                          517‐203‐1760
       221 W. Lake Lansing Rd. Ste. 100                                Fax: 517‐203‐1778
       East Lansing, MI 48823
Gary Peters (D)                                                           202‐224‐6221
  2 Russell Courtyard                                                Fax: 202‐224‐1388
  Washington, DC 20510                                   Website:

  District Office:                                                          517‐377‐1508
       124 W. Allegan St., Ste. 1400                                   Fax: 517‐377‐1506
       Lansing, MI 48933

                           REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS
                                      8TH District
                                      2‐year term
        All of Livingston and Ingham Counties and a portion of Oakland County

Elissa Slotkin (D)                                                           202‐225‐4872
    1531 Longworth HOB                                    Website:
    Washington, DC 20515

  District Office:
       1100 W. Saginaw St Suite 3A
       Lansing, MI 48910

                                    4‐year term
               Capitol Avenue at Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI 48909
                            Information: 517‐373‐1837

Governor                                                      Gretchen Whitmer (D)
    Mailing Address:
      P.O. Box 30013                                                  517‐373‐3400
      Lansing, MI 48909                                         Fax: 517‐335‐6863
Lt. Governor                                                   Garlin D. Gilchrist (D)
    Mailing Address:
      P.O. Box 30013                                                  517‐373‐6800
      Lansing, MI 48909                                          Fax: 517‐241‐3956
Secretary of State                                               Jocelyn Benson (D)
    Mailing Address:
      P.O. Box 30204                              General Information: 517‐373‐2510
      Lansing, MI 48909
Attorney General                                                      Dana Nessel (D)
    Mailing Address:
      P.O. Box 30212                                                  517‐373‐1110
      Lansing, MI 48909                                          Fax: 517‐373‐3042
State Treasurer                                                 Rachael Eubanks (D)
    Michigan Department of Treasure
      Lansing, MI 48922                                                517‐373‐3223
                                                  General Information: 517‐373‐3200
                                                                  Fax: 517‐373‐4968

                                     22nd District
             All of Livingston County and a portion of Washtenaw County
                                      4‐year term

Lana Theis (R)                                                              517‐373‐2420
   201 Townsend St Suite 7400                                          Fax: 517‐373‐2764
   Lansing, MI 48933
  Mailing Address:                           
    P.O. Box 30036
    Lansing, MI 48909‐7536

                                     42nd District
                  City of Brighton and Townships of Brighton, Genoa,
                           Green Oak, Hamburg, and Putnam
                                      2‐year term

Ann Bollin (R)                                                              517‐373‐1784
  N‐891 House Office Building                                          Fax: 517‐373‐8957
  Lansing, MI 48933
  Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 30014
    Lansing, MI 48909‐7514

                                    47th District
           City of Howell and Townships of Cohoctah, Conway, Deerfield,
         Handy, Hartland, Howell, Iosco, Marion, Oceola, Tyrone and Unadilla
                                     2‐year term

Dr. Hank Vaupel (R)                                                         517‐373‐8835
   N‐896 House Office Building                                            1‐866‐828‐4863
   Lansing, MI 48933                                                   Fax: 517‐373‐5822

  Mailing Address:                                   Email:
    P.O. Box 30014
    Lansing, MI 48909‐7514

    The territory, now Livingston County, was part of Shiawassee and Washtenaw Counties until
March 21, 1833; when Governor George B. Porter approved an Act of Legislature to provide for
the laying out of Livingston County.
    The county received its name in honor of Edward Livingston, Secretary of State under
President Jackson.
    The actual organization of the county was effected under an Act of Legislature March 24th,
1836, and the county was composed of the townships of Green Oak (which included Brighton),
Hamburg (which included Genoa), Putnam (which included Marion), Unadilla (which included
Iosco), and Howell (which included the present Oceola, Deerfield, Cohoctah, Conway, Handy and
    Under the provisions of the Act organizing Livingston County, a special election for county
officers was held on the first Monday in May, 1836; resulting in the election of the first county
officials as follows: Sheriff, Justus J. Bennett; County Clerk, F.J.B. Crane; Register of Deeds, Ely
Barnard; Treasurer, Amos Adams; Judge of Probate, Kingsley S. Bingham (who later became
governor); County Surveyor, Amos Adams; Coroners, John W. Peavey and John Drake; Associate
Judges, Elisha W. Brockway and Elnathan Noble. The total number of votes cast at this election
was 108.


      The first meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held at the home of Amos Adams in
 Howell, on the 4th day of October, 1836. Supervisors present were Kingsley S. Bingham of Green
 Oak Township, Christopher L. Culver of Hamburg Township, John Hudson of Putnam Township,
 Philester Jessup of Howell Township, Eli Lee of Hartland Township.
      Eli Lee was chosen moderator and Ely Barnard, clerk. The following day Elnathan Noble of
 Unadilla Township arrived and took his seat and the Board proceeded to do the County business.
 The session continued until October 6th when the Board adjourned “Sine die”. The first business
 at this session was the creation of a $3.00 bounty on wolves, which were rampant in this area
 at the time, and the apportionment of taxes in the several townships.
      The first Probate Judge of Livingston County was Hon. Kingsley S. Bingham. No business was
 done in the Probate office during his incumbency. The first Probate Court in the county was held
 by his successor the Hon. James W. Stansbury of Pinckney Village on the 25th day of December,
 1838, and the first business was the appointment of a guardian for the minor heirs of Henry
 Zulauf, deceased.
      The first Circuit Court for Livingston County was held at the schoolhouse in the Village of
 Howell on the 8th day of November, 1837. Present were the Hon. William A. Fletcher, Chief
 Justice of the Supreme Court, the Hon. Elisha W. Brockway, and Hon. Elnathan Noble, Associate
     Judge Fletcher was, at one time, Attorney General for the territory. He was appointed
 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after the admission of the State into the Union.


     The earliest settlements in Livingston County were made in the southern and southeastern
parts of the county.
     The first white person to settle within the present limits of Livingston County was Colonel
Soloman Peterson, who settled on Portage Creek, in the township now known as Putnam, in the
year 1829. He came from Detroit by way of Ann Arbor.
     Next to Putnam, Green Oak was the earliest settled township. Its first settlers, Stephen Lee
and Benjamin Curtis, came to make their homes here in the fall of 1830.
     Hartland’s first settler was Colonel Samuel Mapes from Niagara County, N.Y., in the years
1831 and 1832. Eli Lee also came to Hartland a year or two later.
     Hamburg received its first settler in the person of Jesse Hall, who located there with his family
in October 1831. The same year in November, there came Herman Lake, who settled in the
southeast corner of the township.
     Elijah Marsh and Job Cranston were the first settlers in Brighton Township in the fall of 1832.
Gardner Bird settled there in February 1833.
     Unadilla Township’s first settler came in the person of Eli Ruggles in June of 1833. He did not
remain permanently; after a time he returned to Connecticut. The next settlers were James Craig,
Archibald Marshall and David Holmes who came to this township in the fall of 1833, all from
     Cohoctah Township’s first settler came in the person of Gilbert W. Prentiss, who built his
shanty on or near the Shiawassee River. He did not come for the purpose of claiming land and
settling, but only to establish a fur trading business with the Indians. Cohoctah received its first
permanent settler in 1834 in the person of George Cornell.
     Deerfield Township’s first settler came in June 1834 in the person of John Howe, Sr. Tyrone
Township’s first settler came in June of 1834. In 1835, six others came to Tyrone, namely; Isaac
Cornell, Henry A. Cornell, Joseph M. Becker, William H. Berry, William Dawson, George Dibble, all
who settled on the north line of Tyrone Township.
     Marion Township’s first settler came in the person of Sardis Davis who settled on the north
line of the township in the year 1834. Deacon Israel Branch came in 1835.
     Howell Township’s first settlers came in 1834 in the persons of James Sage, George S. Sage,
David Austin and Jonathan Austin.
     Oceola Township’s first settlers were H. H. Graves, who came in 1834, and Harry Neff who
came in the fall of the same year. In June 1835, Thomas V. Parshall settled there. Ephraim J.
Hardy and family arrived in November 1835 and settled on land in Section 23.
     Genoa Township’s first settlers were Thomas Pinckney, Ely Barnard and Parson Barnard (the
last two being bachelors).
     Handy Township was settled in 1836 by George C. Wood, Richard C. Guggins and Asel Stow
     Conway Township had as its first settlers Julius F. Parsons, Levi Parsons, Timothy Wait, Robert
Corbon and the Strong and Fay families in 1837.

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