2018 BUDGET PREVISIONS - Ville de New Richmond

Page created by Bradley Guzman
2018 BUDGET PREVISIONS - Ville de New Richmond

2018 BUDGET PREVISIONS - Ville de New Richmond

                                                        The first element that we had to take into
                                                        consideration was the new property assessment
                                                        role that will come into effect on January 1, 2018.
                                                        This procedure, that is a legal obligation every
                                                        three (3) years for all towns in Quebec and that
                                                        was prepared by an external firm mandated by the
                                                        MRC, adjusts the assessment values for all
                                                        properties in the Town in function of several
                                                        factors and most certainly results in variations in
                                                        tax bills. It is impossible for us to change the
                                                        assigned values. Instead, our role is to work to
                                                        reduce the impacts if necessary. As you well know,
Citizens of New Richmond:                               the past three (3) procedures of this type resulted
                                                        in large assessment value variations for our Town.
Today the Municipal Council has the opportunity to      This time, the variations are much smaller. In fact,
present the results of work completed over past         we could state that the role will remain practically
weeks to prepare the 2018 budget. Every year the        stable. In fact, the average increase for residential
task is complicated for several reasons. The main       properties is 1%. Close to one-third of properties,
one is that we do not always possess the means to       precisely 32 %, will be decreased in value
attain our objectives! However, under the               beginning next month. However, this element is not
circumstances, we consider that we succeeded in         dramatic, and reflects, according to the evaluators,
producing very positive results for our citizens.       the current market. Today’s values are much closer
                                                        to the market value. It should be noted that the new
I would like to sincerely thank all of the Town         assessment role brings the Town’s total assessment
personnel who contributed to the success of this        to 310 398 880 $.
process, in addition to the members of the Budget
Committee: René Leblanc, Geneviève Braconnier           Another factor that influences our budget
and Jean-Pierre Querry. Evidently, the remaining        preparation is government subsidies. While a Town
members of the Municipal Council also contributed       such as ours is autonomous, the various levels of
in many ways. A great deal of attentiveness and         government offer aid in different ways. For
analysis was necessary in order to end up with a        example, the equalization program, with the
result that we believe will meet your expectations.     objective of assisting municipalities whose fiscal
                                                        potential to offer basic services to their taxpayers
The major revenue components                            without imposing excessive taxes is relatively
                                                        small, gives us some assistance. For 2018, this
Several factors must be considered when preparing       amount is 148 163 $, and is decreased by 19 037 $.
a municipal budget such as ours. Although we do         Even though we must take this decrease into
not claim to be a very large town, our budget is        account, I consider that we must try to see the
nevertheless more than 9 M $ and our compulsory         positive side of the situation. After all, it means that
responsibilities, added to the services that we offer   the value of our collective assets is increasing. But
to our population mean that the procedure must be       for the immediate future, we must find a way to
accomplished in a rigorous and diligent manner.         replace this amount.
Because we do not have any margin for error, we
must be realistic with our projections and be           The governmental subsidies that pay a portion of
creative in order to offer the people of New            our debt service for specific infrastructures is
Richmond the services that they deserve. This is        increasing. Consequently, an amount of 136 066 $
the reality of a central town such as ours. In fact,    will be added to pay for a portion of the debt for
the Town’s services not only benefit the 3 724          the renovation of the Bruce-Ritchie Pool, and this,
inhabitants of New Richmond, but also the entire        for the next ten (10) years. Also, a large portion of
population of the Bay of Chaleurs.                      the subsidy for the construction of the Industrial
                                                        Park is now ended as the government has

completed the reimbursement of the major part of         deferred membership is additional revenues. I
its contribution to this project. The Town of New        would like to state that we are very proud to have
Richmond will receive a total of 2 443 546 $ in          been able to join this board in 2014 in order to take
2018 for the reimbursement of the portion of our         advantages of these benefits today. In fact it is « the
debt that is the government’s responsibility, an         objective to increase the economic benefits from
equivalent of 25% of a total budget of 9 482 229 $.      the exploitation of wind energy» that led the
A relatively active real estate market should result     elected officials of the Gaspé–Magdalen Islands
in slightly higher revenues for transfer duties taxes    region to set up this board in order to invest in
in 2018. The 2017 year was excellent in this             wind farms with promoters and benefit from a
respect. It will have been the best one over the past    portion of profits.
seven (7) years. The number of residences for sale
may seem high, but we should not be overly               In light of this multitude of figures, I would like to
concerned considering the volume of sales over the       inform you that our balanced budget now totals
past months. Due to the fact that the population is      9 482 229 $.
aging, this trend will likely increase.
                                                         Municipal expenditures
Revenues from our various services are relatively
stable. The undeniable success of the Bruce-Ritchie      With regard to the Town’s expenditures for 2018,
Pool is reflected throughout the Recreation              increases for certain departments are almost
Department. Summer revenues from the activities          inexistent. Subsequently, the budget for Municipal
at Taylor’s Point and the daycare center are still       Administration, that includes costs associated with
quite good. An amount of 22 000 $ in additional          the Municipal Council, the Treasury Department,
revenues for the Town will bring the total amount        General     Management,     the     Town      Clerk’s
to 309 550 $.                                            Department, assessment, general costs for
                                                         telephone expenses and insurance, as well as the
We have noted that the sector of activity that           maintenance costs for our buildings, will decrease
includes the Salle de spectacles régionale Desjardins,   by 25 116 $ to attain 1 130 909 $, resulting in a
is currently in a period of transformation. Cultural     decrease of 2%. All of our employees are covered
activities have multiplied over the years and            by agreements that allow us to properly plan for
consumer habits have evolved. We have always             the future and avoid any surprises concerning
acted as a leader in the field since the construction    salaries for the upcoming year. Economies are the
of our auditorium in 1991. I would like to remind        result of certain particular items. For example,
you that we offer more than 40 professional shows        there are no costs related to general elections in
per year, in addition to many other cultural events.     the 2018 budget. A few thousand dollars will also
In spite of all this, it remains a difficult and         be saved in the Town Clerk’s Department as a
competitive sector. Revenues will increase for this      result of the adoption of Bill 122 and the
department to attain an amount of 554 663 $.             application of some of its particularities. Costs for
                                                         assessment and the actuarial deficient of the
Wind power royalties continue to contribute to our       former employee pension fund will also decrease
budget. Above and beyond the impacts of the Trans        by close to 6 000 $. The expenses for municipal
Alta wind farm that has 18 of their 33 wind              insurance and legal costs will undergo a slight
turbines located in our municipality and that will       increase.
generate royalties of 84 108 $ in 2018, an amount
of 103 160 $ will be received from the Régie             We also applied tight budgetary control to the
intermunicipale de l’énergie Gaspésie– Îles-de-la-       other departments. The budget for the Fire
Madeleine. To give you a bit of background, in 2014      Department is slightly increased by 2% to attain an
the Town of New Richmond joined this                     amount of 158 417 $. We would like to note that
management board that was created in 2010. The           the number of calls per year is increasing and
Municipal Council of New Richmond at the time            evidently requires a budget adjustment.
originally decided not to integrate this group for       Consequently, we are doing our utmost to provide
various reasons. Today, the outcome of our               our firemen with up-to-date equipment to allow

them to protect and safeguard us as efficiently as      touristique de New Richmond, or the « Summer
possible. I would like to thank the firemen for their   Festival ». This amount was also budgeted in 2017
commitment and dedication to our community.             and will remain in our budget for several years
                                                        until the debt to Desjardins, that is currently at
The budget for the road network will also be            260 000 $, is completely reimbursed. The Société de
increased by 2% to attain 1 068 950 $. A slightly       développement économique will also require an
larger sum of money was allotted to control             amount of 102 159 $, an increase of close to
vegetation on secondary roads. Moreover, this is        50 000 $, to meet its commitments to its financial
the first time that we were able to budget for this     institution. The situation of this entity that
type of work and we will attempt to increase the        manages the Industrial Center located on Armand-
amount in upcoming years. Road drainage is an           Lelièvre Street, is extremely precarious. We are
essential condition to maintain the pavement and        currently analyzing several options to improve the
makes maintenance much easier. The budget and           situation. Because the Town co-signed for this
the manpower for snow removal and circulation           entity during the construction of the Center, the
remain essentially the same.                            Town has no other choice for the time being than to
                                                        proceed in this manner. Rest assured, we are doing
As for costs related to the water and sewerage          everything possible to ensure that this situation is
network, as well as the management of recycling         temporary and that the Center once again becomes
materials and residual materials, they will also be     a preferred business site for New Richmond.
increased by 2%. The total budget will attain
762 512 $. The costs for garbage collection have        A few changes are planned for our Recreation
been established for three (3) more years in            Department. Firstly, the Town of New Richmond is
function of our current contract and the cost for the   committed to the revision of its Family Policy and
landfill site in Saint-Alphonse remains unchanged       the conception of a Seniors Policy. Even though we
for 2018. The costs for the collection,                 will receive a subsidy for this purpose, the Town
transportation and sorting of recyclable materials      must budget for 50% of the costs for this
will slightly increase, but the costs for the near      procedure. A little less than 20 000 $ will be
future are fixed in function of the MRC contract.       invested in 2018. This non-recurring amount will
                                                        permit us to prepare a strategy related to families
Costs associated with development, urbanism and         and seniors. This process will help us to learn
embellishment are quite stable. However, we             about and meet the expectations and needs of this
decided to slightly increase the embellishment          clientele in order to properly orient the services we
budget. Everyone is proud of our floral                 offer.
arrangements and our trees. In order to maintain
and surpass our objectives, we will invest a small      In connection with this process, the summer Day
amount for their maintenance.                           Camp will be completely transformed. The
                                                        popularity of this camp is undeniable. In 2017,
The economic sector will undergo a large increase.      more than 111 children benefited from this
The Town’s contribution to the Parc régional            essential service for families. Several problems
Petite-Cascapédia, that has had exceptional results     occurred and were identified and after having
over the past 24 months, will remain at 150 000 $       consulted with many families using a survey and a
to cover the debt service of the organization to its    focus group, we decided to invest in a well thought-
financial institution. We would like to note that the   out manner. In addition to a change of location, the
Parc régional did not require any financial             camp will have more staff members to adequately
assistance for its current operations in 2017 and no    supervise the group and animate it the best way
assistance is anticipated for this purpose in 2018. I   possible.
would like to congratulate the management and
everyone who contributed to the success of this         The maintenance costs for the arena and the pool
organization today. An amount of 25 000 $ is also       are increasing. The increase for the arena is due to
budgeted for the reimbursement of the financial         its dilapidation and for the pool, it is due to its high
obligations of the Corporation de développement         number of clients. A total of 679 472 $ will be

invested in the Recreation Department to animate        sewerage tariffs, in addition to recycling and
and revitalize our Town, an increase of 67 290 $. I     garbage collection rates.
would like to draw your attention to the fact that a
part of this increase will be balanced by additional    Consequently, this tax rate freeze will be welcomed
revenues in the amount of 22 000 $.                     by many in function of increases over the past ten
                                                        (10) years and proves that our Town is once again
The Culture Department’s budget will also be            on the right track and has been for several years. It
increased from 659 502 $ to 721 386 $. The              is certain that all property owners will see a
principal reason for this increase is due to an         variation in their tax bills in function of the new
increase in fees for artists. Even though there will    property assessment associated with the 2018 real
be an increase in revenues, the Town’s contribution     estate assessment role. However, at an equal
for this facility is increasing.                        assessment value, the tax bills will be identical to
                                                        that of 2017. I would also like to draw your
A few projects associated with recurrent subsidies      attention to the fact that 32% of properties will see
will now be included in the budget, such as, for        a decrease in taxes following a decreased
example, the summer job creation program. These         adjustment of their assessment in the new role.
projects that are always associated with subsidies,
were not previously included in the budget, but         I would like to note that the property tax rate for
return year after year. In order to give a more         the non-residential (commercial) sector remains
accurate projection, we decided to include them,        unchanged for a 2nd consecutive year. We are
the result of which shows a significant increase in     conscious of the contribution by our merchants
expenditures and revenues.                              over the past decade and we are working to
                                                        provide them with the conditions necessary to
It is no surprise that our debt service will slightly   allow for their expansion. It is important to
increase. The integration of the debt associated        mention that the economic benefits of our business
with the Bruce-Ritchie Pool and several other           community are reflected throughout our entire
projects are added to our financial commitments.        region.
In 2018, New Richmond will reimburse an amount
of 3 384 605 $ in capital and will pay 473 913 $ in     What will the future bring?
interest for its long-term debt. Subsequently, the
addition of these two amounts shows that 40 % of        To remain a leader, the Town of New Richmond
our budget is affected to the reimbursement of our      was obliged to take risks over the years. These
debt. However, I would like to remind you that          decisions not only benefited our citizens, but
25% of our revenues are composed of subsidies           everyone in our region. Investments in the
specifically affected for this debt reimbursement,      recreation-tourist industry (I am referring to the
which largely moderates the situation. In very          Parc régional Petite-Cascapédia) gave us a facility
simple terms, our budget is artificially increased      that sets us apart and investment in the industrial
due to the payment of governmental subsidies            sector (the Industrial Park and the Expertise
associated with specific projects.                      Center) gave opportunities to investors.

The impact of all of this on tax bills                  Evidently, these investments and these risks are
                                                        associated with costs for which we are responsible.
I would like to note that the Municipal Council         When we compare the fiscal charge of our citizens
prepared the 2018 budget using the same rigorous        with that of similar towns, we can see that we are
method that we apply to our decision-making             not so different. Central towns face major
process. The fiscal impact on our citizens must be      challenges.
acceptable in this context. The Budget Committee
rapidly adopted the objective of not increasing tax     In spite of this, a town such as ours is very
rates. We are proud to inform you today that the        attractive to residents, merchants and new citizens.
tax rates for all categories of properties remain       This is the reason why we have decided on many
unchanged. The same is applicable to water and          important projects for upcoming months. We are

working along with several investors to complete       As mentioned several times since our election last
promising projects that would create jobs and          November, we will begin to work on our next
stimulate the economy. Private projects in the         strategic plan of action in January. We will be
downtown sector and on Route 132 should become         holding many consultation meetings over the
a reality in upcoming months. Even though it is in     winter in order to properly orient our choices. One
the very early stages, there should be some            of the key topics of discussion will be the future of
development in the Industrial Park in the near         our arena that requires major investments. In fact,
future.                                                an important amount is included in the Three-Year
                                                       Plan for a study in 2018 to identify the work that
One of our important goals is to complete a 2 nd       we wish to have completed and then prepare
residential development. I would like to remind        applications for the required financial aid.
you that thanks to a partnership with Les
Habitations Mont-Carleton, we succeeded in the         In conclusion, we, your elected officials, are very
extension of Bert-Dimock Street in 2017. In 2018,      proud to work for the community of New
we have the objective of finally unblocking the        Richmond. Each member of the Municipal Council
Érables Street project that has been postponed over    individually contributes to the development of our
the past four (4) years because of environmental       town by making the decisions necessary in function
norms associated with our pumping stations.            of your expectations and requirements. We are also
                                                       very pleased to offer so many services to our
The Three-Year Capital Expenditures Program            population while maintaining a tight control over
As required by Law, the 2018-2019-2020 Three-
Year Capital Expenditures Program must be              I would like to take advantage of this occasion to
presented along with the 2018 Budget. In addition      with everyone a holiday season filled with serenity
to the project to extend Érables Street, many other    and happiness. Take the time to celebrate this time
investments are included. As you can see,              of the year with your family and friends. May 2018
investments to the Adrien-Gauvreau Community           be a year filled with peace, happiness and
Centre, as well as work to the soccer fields will be   prosperity.
completed in 2018. There are also investments
planned for a portion of the Saint-Edgar Road,         Be careful. Until next time,
between Route 132 and Perron Boulevard. This
project will benefit from a subsidy from the
Government of Quebec, similar to the projects on
Range 3 West and the Route Ritchie that were
completed last summer.

There will be major repairs to our pumping station
no. 8 in Black Cape. At this site the station and
                                                       Éric Dubé
more than 450 meters of water and sewerage pipes
will be rebuilt next summer and this project of
approximately 800 000 $ will also benefit from
governmental financing.


                                              2017 ($)       %               2018 ($)         %


General tax                                      3 837 753        42,45        4 005 886             42,25

                                                  227 655          2,52          311 396              3,28
Tax sustainable development and the economy
Sustainable development fund                        71 761         0,79                 0             0,00

Sector tax                                           4 216         0,05            4 216              0,04

Compensation in lieu of taxes                     266 593          2,95          257 919              2,72

Other revenues                                   1 193 428        13,21        1 380 886             14,56

Conditional revenues                             2 590 077        28,66        2 666 173             28,12


Special tax                                       304 321          3,37          312 965              3,30

Water & sewerage tariff                           122 510          1,36          124 500              1,31


Solid waste-recyclable materials                  418 913          4,64          418 288              4,41

TOTAL REVENUES                                   9 037 227       100,00        9 482 229          100,00


                                             2017 ($)     %            2018 ($)          %


Administration                                1 156 025        12,45     1 130 909            11,93

Public Security (police - fire department)      426 004         4,71       428 691             4,52

Road transportation                           1 048 890        11,61     1 074 908            11,34

Urbanism, economic development and
tourism                                         581 679         6,44       622 004             6,56

Recreation, culture and the « Salle de
spectacles »                                  1 372 949        15,19     1 496 292            15,78

Social lodgings                                  44 165         0,49        48 372             0,51


Administration and maintenance                  344 733         3,81       349 572             3,69

Solid waste-recyclable materials                401 561         4,44       412 940             4,35


Debt, temporary financing fees, operating
fund                                          1 255 763        13,90     1 474 995            15,56

Debt subsidized by the government             2 405 458        26,62     2 443 546            25,77

TOTAL EXPENSES                                9 037 227       100,00     9 482 229           100,00



                    Règlement 1048-17 décrétant les prévisions budgétaires de l’année 2018,
                        de même que les différents taux de taxes et tarifs s’y rattachant

Attendu que la Ville de New Richmond est régie par la Loi sur les cités et villes du Québec et qu’en vertu de l'article
numéro 474, le Conseil doit préparer et adopter son budget pour le prochain exercice financier et y prévoir les
revenus et les dépenses;

Attendu qu’en vertu des dispositions de la Loi sur la fiscalité municipale, le Conseil municipal doit recourir à un
régime d’imposition de taxes foncières générales à taux variés pour les diverses catégories d’immeubles imposables;

Attendu que ce pouvoir de taxation est énoncé aux articles 244.29 et 244.64 de la Loi sur la fiscalité municipale;

Attendu qu'un avis de motion a dûment été donné par le conseiller monsieur Jacques Rivière à la séance
extraordinaire du Conseil municipal, tenue le 11 décembre 2017;

Attendu qu’un projet de ce règlement a été dûment déposé lors de la séance du 11 décembre 2017.

En conséquence, il est proposé par ___________, appuyé par __________ et résolu à l'unanimité que le Conseil
municipal de la Ville de New Richmond adopte le Règlement 1048-17 et qu'il soit statué et décrété par ce règlement
ce qui suit:

Le préambule mentionné ci-dessus fait partie intégrante du présent règlement.

Le Conseil municipal est autorisé à utiliser les différentes sommes provenant des différentes taxes et tarifs imposés
par les présentes, de même que toutes les sommes qui lui seront versées sous toute autre forme pour la bonne
marche de ses affaires.

Le Conseil municipal de la Ville de New Richmond décrète les taux de taxation afférents aux catégories d’immeubles
et les tarifs pour l’année fiscale 2018 comme suit :

Le régime d'impôt foncier à taux variés s'applique à chaque catégorie d'immeubles afférente au taux correspondant,
le tout en fonction des valeurs inscrites au rôle d'évaluation foncière prenant effet à compter du 1er janvier 2018.

              Catégories d'immeubles                Taux correspondant
         -   Immeubles résidentiels                  1,1786 $ / 100 $ d'évaluation
         -   Immeubles de 6 logements et plus        1,3141 $ / 100 $ d'évaluation
         -   Immeubles non résidentiels              2,3833 $ / 100 $ d'évaluation
         -   Immeubles industriels                   1,6888 $ / 100 $ d'évaluation
         -   Terrains vagues desservis               1,7187 $ / 100 $ d'évaluation
         -   Immeubles agricoles                     1,1786 $ / 100 $ d'évaluation

3.2 Taxe spéciale
0,159 $/100 $ d’évaluation imposable portée au rôle d’évaluation foncière pour tous les immeubles situés sur le
parcours du réseau d’aqueduc et d’égout.

3.3 Tarif d’aqueduc et d’égout
Selon la tarification stipulée dans notre Règlement 1027-16.

3.4 Tarif de ramassage des matières résiduelles et recyclables :

                                                                                                    187,82 $
                                                                                                    282,00 $
                                                                                                    154,02 $
 Commerce ou place d’affaires attenante à un logement
                                                                                                    323,01 $
 Commerce 2000 pieds carrés et moins
                                                                                                    454,37 $
 Commerce 2001 à 5000 pieds carrés
                                                                                                    579,98 $
 Commerce 5001 à 10 000 pieds carrés
                                                                                                    877,63 $
 Commerce 10 001 pieds carrés et plus
                                                                                                    136,16 $
 Autres commerces
                                                                                                     86,34 $
 Chalet ou résidence estivale
                                                                                                    118,45 $
 Commerce saisonnier
 Résidence pour personnes âgées avec cuisine collective :                                           550,93 $
 - Tarif de base :
 - Plus: 11,03 $ par chambre *
          33,06 $ par logement*
 *Basé sur la capacité maximale du bâtiment

3.5 Taxe dédiée au développement durable et à l’économie
0,1089 $/100 $ d’évaluation imposable portée au rôle d’évaluation foncière pour tous les immeubles, permettant
d’assurer l’aménagement et l’entretien des espaces verts ainsi que la stimulation de l’activité économique

3.6 Tarif pour l’obtention d’une licence de chien
Selon la tarification stipulée dans notre Règlement 528-90.

3.7 Tarifs et compensations pour les caravanes
Selon la tarification stipulée dans notre Règlement 1026-16.

3.8 Tarif pour les unités d’entreposage mobiles
Selon la tarification stipulée dans notre Règlement 993-15

Le Conseil municipal de la Ville de New Richmond prévoit dépenser la somme de neuf millions quatre cent quatre-
vingt-deux mille deux cent vingt-neuf dollars (9 482 229 $), considérant les revenus prévus du même montant.

Tous les autres détails et matières relatives au présent règlement seront réglés et déterminés par résolution du
Conseil au besoin, le tout selon la Loi.

Entrée en vigueur
Le présent règlement entre en vigueur selon les dispositions de la Loi.

Le présent règlement est adopté à une séance extraordinaire du Conseil.

Fait et adopté à New Richmond,
Ce _____e jour de décembre 2017

Céline LeBlanc                                                 Eric Dubé,
Greffière                                                      Maire
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