2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012

2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012
NSRCC Welcomes
   2012A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club
                                                         Jan | Feb 2012
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012
The Staff and Management would like to wish all members a
                     Happy New Year. Please be informed that our Chinese New Year
                                         operating hours are as follows:

               Chinese New Year
             Resort Operation Hours
                                                     CNY Eve                  CNY Day 1          CNY Day 2
                                                 22 Jan, Sunday            23 Jan, Monday     24 Jan, Tuesday

                Jumbo Seafood @
                                                  Normal Hours              Closed till 5pm    Normal Hours
                   SAFRA Resort

                     The Deck
                                                 6.45am to 2pm                  Closed         Normal Hours
                 (Golfer’s Terrace)
 Food &
Beverages     Golfer’s Terrace (Kranji
                                                   7am to 2pm                   Closed         Normal Hours

                 D’Turret Lounge                      Closed                    Closed         Normal Hours

                 Cafe – Appetizer                  10am to 3am              10am to 2am        10am to 2am

                SAFRA Resort Bowl                  10am to 3am              10am to 2am        10am to 2am

               Fruit Machine Room                 Opens till 3pm            Normal Hours       Normal Hours

               Video Games Room
                                                   10am to 3am              10am to 2am        10am to 2am
Sports &             (Funzone)

Recreation       Swimming Pool                     8am to 9pm                8am to 9pm         8am to 9pm

                 Eastern Pro Shop
                                                  10am to 6pm                   Closed            Closed
                 (Bowling Centre)

               Bungalow Reception                  9am to 3pm               Normal Hours       Normal Hours

 Others      All other Resort Facilities           8am to 3pm               Normal Hours       Normal Hours
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012
                                                                                              JAN | FEB 2012

       Updates                                                                                                                                    Upcoming Events &
       4       NSRCC Member Wins Acer Iconia Tab                                                                                                    Promos
               What Is Appropriate Golf Attire?                                                                                                   18 Aquaculture Farm Visit
                                                                                                                                                         In-Line Skating For Adults And
       Seen & Heard                                                                                                                                      Children
       5       Annual Bowling Championship 2011                                                                                                   19 Guitar Lessons
       6       Quarterly Medal                                                                                                                           Vocal Class (Beginner)
               Youth Selection Roll-off                                                                                                           20 Valentine’s Day Bowl
       7       NSRCC Volunteers Bring Christmas                                                                                                          Valentine’s Day ChocolaRt Workshop
               Cheers to Lions Home Senior Citizens                                                                                               21 Hong Bao Bowl
               Jarod Wan Wins Snooker Bi-monthly                                                                                                         Students and Senior Citizens Bowl
               Medal 2011                                                                                                                                Self Defence Tactics
                                                                                                                                                  22 Boat Fishing Trip
       Behind the Scenes                                                                                                                                 Prediction For The Year Of The Dragon
       8       Without Them There Would Be No                                                                                                            2012
               Enjoyable Golf                                                                                                                     23 Sports Injury
                                                                                                                                                         Trios League 2012
       On Par                                                                                                                                     24 All-New Kids’ Yoga (Beginners)
       11 Junior Golf Development Programme –                                                                                                            Ashtanga Yoga (Beginners)
               Who’s Next?                                                                                                                        25 Skincare In The Sun Workshop
       12 Golf 101                                                                                                                                       Eye Care Seminar

       Live well, eat well                                                                                                                        in every issue
       13 Horoscope Forecast For 2012                                                                                                             2      Office Bearers
       14 Star Gazing                                                                                                                                    At Your Service
                                                                                                                                                  3      The Editor Speaks
       Front Page                                                                                                                                 31 Calendar Of Events 2012
       16 New Year Resolutions                                                                                                                    32 Affiliated Clubs
                                                                                                                                                  33 Facilities Directory

                                                                                                            Honorary Editor              Editorial Team
                                                                                                            Tan Sze Wah                  Looi Wan Hui, Teo Whee Sian Maureen, Chu Cho Wah, Jeffrey Low, John Low,
                                                                                                                                         Stanley Ho, Goh Ying Ying, Phoebe Cheong and Nurazura
                                                                                                                                         Designed & Printed by
                                                                   is published bi-monthly by                                            Semco Design Communications Pte Ltd
                                                                   National Service Resort & Country Club
                                                                                                            The views and comments in this magazine may not necessarily represent that of the NSRCC management. No part of this magazine may
                                                                   10 Changi Coast Walk, Singapore 499739   be reproduced without prior written permission from NSRCC. All correspondences should beaddressed to the Editor, RESORT VIEW.
                                                                   Tel: 6542 8288 Fax: 6545 6508
                                                                   MICA (P) No. 125/10/2011

On the cover: First Row: (L-R) Jason Lee,Senior Lifeguard; Ronny
                                                                   Email Address
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    resort view

Li, Course Marshal (Golf, Changi) Second Row: (L-R) Jacelyn Ho,
CSO (Golf, Changi); Siti Aishah, CSO (Membership); Siti Khairah,   corpcomms@nsrcc.com.sg
CSO (Golf, Changi) Third Row: (L-R) Ang Eng Seng, Security
                                                                                                                    CERT No. 97-2-0717
                                                                                                                     SS ISO 9001: 2000
Officer; Rohmat, Fitness Instructor; Mohd Aidil, CSO (Bowling);
Amin Udin, Security Supervisor
Last Row: (L-R) Farhanah, CSO (Bungalow); Mohd Safiee,
Assistant Executive (Bungalow); Nasarudin, Assistant Executive
(Golf, Changi)
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012
office bearers
Patron                        General Committee                 Greens Committee                  Resort & Facilities
Prime Minister of Singapore   President                         Captain                           Committee
Lee Hsien Loong               LG Neo Kian Hong                  Kwa Hian Djoe Andrew              Chairman
                              Vice Presidents                   Vice Captains                     Lee Chee Peng
Board of Directors            Tan Kok Yam                       Chong Chin Wah Jenny              Vice Chairman
Chairman                      Comr Peter Lim                    Tay Kian Hwee David               Too Chee Keong Patrick
Chiang Chie Foo               Captain                           Members                           Convenor (Bowling)
Deputy Chairmen               Kwa Hian Djoe Andrew              Chew Chong Aun Shaun              Florence Khemlani
Lim Siang Hoe Benny           Members                           Chua Ling Ling Sally              Convenor (Tennis/Squash)
LG Neo Kian Hong              Goh Eng Yau Laurence              Chua Yam Seng                     Lee Cher Tong David
Directors                     Hui Choon Kuen                    Lee Hu Gek Cynthia                Convenor (Billiards)
BG Ang Aik Hwang Gary         Lee Chee Peng                     Lee Kim Teck Andrew               Chan Kah Lok Roger
Tan Kok Yam                   Leong Chee Keen Edward            Lim Cher Meng Henry               Members
                              BG Lim Perry                      Ng Kim Chua John                  Looi Wan Hui
                              Tan Sze Wah                       Tan Kah Han                       Tang Ing Koon Derrick
                              Wong Liang Chin Jeffrey           Tan Lay Har
                                                                Tan Yong Hui Brian                Editorial Committee
                              Disciplinary Committee            Teo Whee Sian Maureen             Honorary Editor/Chairman
                              Chairman                                                            Tan Sze Wah
                              Hui Choon Kuen                    Handicap Sub-Committee            Members
                              Members                           Members                           Looi Wan Hui
                              Ang Hwee Meng Ralph               Huang Mee Foh David               Teo Whee Sian Maureen
                              Leong Chun Kong Steven            Liong Sok Wei Michelle
                              Loh Boon Leng David               Tay Siak Meng William             SPECIALIST ADVISORY
                              Rajan s/o Sankaran Nair                                             Committee
                              Tan Chiam Hai                                                       Seah Chin Aik
                              Tan Kim San Ric

                                                                 at your service
GENERAL MANAGER               Finance                         Asst Executives                  Asst Executive (Resort)
Dennis Ng Soon Watt           Joanne Tan                      (Corporate Comm)                 Ernawaty 6540 8563
gm@nsrcc.com.sg               joanne@nsrcc.com.sg             Phoebe Cheong 6540 8557
                                                              Nurazura 6543 5732               SAFRA RESORT BOWL
MANAGERS                      HR & Training                                                    bowlingstaff@nsrcc.com.sg
Kranji Sanctuary              Joey Leau                       GOLF
Chu Cho Wah                   joey@nsrcc.com.sg               golfing@nsrcc.com.sg             Executive (Resort)
chowah@nsrcc.com.sg                                                                            Dennis Chew 6540 8567
                              FINANCE                         Senior Executive (Golf)
Golf Division                 finance@nsrcc.com.sg            Vincent Pereira 6540 8547        CORPORATE/PRIVATE EVENTS
John Low                                                                                       events@nsrcc.com.sg
john@nsrcc.com.sg             Accounts Assistant              Executive (Golf)
                              Quck Lian Chuan                 Derrick Tay 6540 8546            Account Executives
Facilities                    (Payment & Statement of                                          (Business Development)
David Ho                      Accounts Enquiries)             Asst Executives (Golf)           Yam Chung Wai 6540 8566
david@nsrcc.com.sg                                            Ong Eng Peng 6540 8544           Patrick Soong 6543 5735
                              MEMBERSHIP                      Nasarudin Ismaon 6540 8545       Kang Wee Lee 6543 5749
Course Maintenance            membership@nsrcc.com.sg
James Sua, CGCS                                               Asst Executive (Driving Range)   KRANJI SANCTUARY
jamessua@nsrcc.com.sg         Senior Executive (Membership)   Hadi Putra 6543 1726             kranji@nsrcc.com.sg
                              Tan Ei Kheng 6540 8552
Resort                                                        SPORTS/RECREATION                Executive (Golf)
Stanley Ho                    Membership Service Officers     sports&recreation                Henry Thang 6795 2310
stanley@nsrcc.com.sg          Jestina Lim 6540 8555           @nsrcc.com.sg
                              Siti Aishah 6540 8556                                            Executive (Operations)
Membership, Marketing &                                       Executive (Resort)               Tony Pang 6795 2309
Communication                 Corporate Communication         Edmund Quek 6543 5737
Jeffrey Low                   corpcomms@nsrcc.com.sg
jeffrey@nsrcc.com.sg                                          Senior Asst Executive (Resort)
                              Executive (Corporate Comm)      Juhainiemasra 6540 8564
                              Goh Ying Ying 6540 8550
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012
the editor speaks

                                                                                                 in 2012
We have just embarked on our journey into year 2012, the time when the world was predicted
to come to an end and catastrophes destroy the human race. With the current Euro zone crisis,
will there be opportunity amid uncertainty? Well, from a Feng Shui perspective, the year of
the Water Dragon signifies many possibilities for good fortune. Flip over to page 13 to learn
how year 2012 may influence your lives.

In this issue, we have lined up a series of activities for you and your family ranging from Yoga lessons to learning self-
defence tactics. For those who like low-impact sports, we have arranged bowling clinics and leagues for you to enjoy.
Find out how to take care of your health, stay free from injuries and protect your skin by attending our health related

January and February are packed with holidays. If you are planning on visiting our resort, remember to check out the
Chinese New Year operating hours. On Valentine’s Day learn how to make chocolates and bring your date on a bowl.
Read about NSRCC members and employees’ quirky resolutions for 2012 and if you have not made your resolution,
quickly do so or just forget about it.

Over in the On Par section, I would like to give mention to our junior golfers for their achievements. Joshua Ho recently
participated in the prestigious Barclays Singapore Open while Caleb Ng represented the country to participate in the
final leg of the Development Programme in TPC Sawgrass last December, home to the PGA Tour Players Championship.

We have added a feature to bring readers behind the scenes of our work beginning with our course maintenance
colleagues who tirelessly keep our golf courses in pristine condition. Newly joined members please note that the club
would like to advise golfers to dress appropriately while playing on the courses. This issue, we give tips on how to play
the ball when lying against a rake position in Golf 101.

Finally, we would like to congratulate all the winners in the recent Annual Bowling Championship as well as newly
crowned snooker bi-monthly medal champion. Last but not least, to our Chinese readers, do remember to turn to the
‘Food Watch’ section to pre-order your must have Chinese New Year festive delicacy dish - Pen Cai.

We hope that you will continue to enjoy our first issue of the year and continue to give us your feedback.

On behalf of the President, General Committee and Management of NSRCC, I would like to wish all our Chinese readers
a prosperous Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

Tan Sze Wah
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012

 NSRCC Member Wins
 Acer Iconia Tab
 Cheong Fook Seng is the lucky winner of the annual membership
 satisfaction survey draw. The survey ran from 21 October to 13

 The second and third prize winners were Lim Say Leong, and Tan Chi
 Kong, who each walked away with $300 and $150 of shopping vouchers

 The survey garnered about 700 participants. Through this annual
 survey, the club aims to better serve customers by assessing the current
 state of members’ satisfaction, taking suggestions for improvement and
 working to implement membership development plans as appropriate.

  What is Appropriate
  Golf Attire?
     Golfers should be properly attired while
     playing on the resort’s courses; else resort
     officials would bar you from playing.
     Tanktops, singlets, jogging pants, sporting
     jeans, sandals or shoes with metal spikes
     are not allowed.                                                   T-shirt with
                                                                          collar or

       Crocs type shoes with soft                                                         Tailored
       spikes or open ankle shoes                                                         shorts or

                                    How about football jerseys?

        a l lowe
    not                                       ed
                                      t a llow
                                    no                                                  Golf shoes
                                                                                         with soft
                                                                                        spikes and
                                                                                       sports socks
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012

Annual   Bowling
   Championship 2011
The NSRCC Bowling Championship saw 40 bowlers compete in three different categories namely
Men, Ladies and Youths. They had to complete a series of 12 games to determine the champion
for each category whereas scratch scores were computed for the title.

 The competition was held in line with the aim of enhancing
 the level of competitiveness among our bowlers and to
 foster closer friendships. Derek Chan got off to a decent
 start in the first half of the 12-game series. He bowled
 2552 pinfalls for an average score of 213, to clinch the Men
 category title.

 In the Ladies category, Tay Hui Wen opened her game with
 a sizzling 221 pinfalls. She continued to amaze with her
 consistency and attained a high game score of 278 to clinch
 victory in the Ladies category.

 Loke Chor of the Youths category proved to be no pushover.
 He emerged champion with a final game of 258 pinfalls.

 At the end of the competition, all winners were awarded
 cash prizes and trophies while celebrating their triumph
 over a sumptuous buffet.

                                                                   Champions Loke Chor, Derek Chan and Tay Hui Wen

           Men Category
                                                                                                                               resort view

                                                 Ladies Category

                                                                                      Youths Category
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012
seen & heard

                  Quarterly Medal
                  The final round of the NSRCC Quarterly Medal 2011 was played on Sunday,
                  30 October and proved to be most intense compared to the previous rounds.                    2011
                  Inspired to achieve, participants
                  put friendship aside and exhibited
                  their competitive spirit on the
                  lanes. Through the 10-game series,
                  the bowlers showed great tenacity
                  in their play.

                  Benjamin Hong scored victory in
                  the Men category while Isabelle
                  Lee outshined the ladies winning
                                                                                                                          Youths Champion
                  the champion title in her category.               Men Champion –                                        - Alexander Tan
                  The Youths category saw Alexander                 Benjamin Hong
                  Tan taking home the trophy.

                  Benjamin, Isabelle and Alexander
                  took home $180, $135 and $180,
                                                                                         Ladies Champion – Isabelle Lee

                Youth Selection Roll-off 2011
                  NSRCC Youth Selection rolled off on the early morning of 4
                  December, Sunday at SAFRA Resort Bowl. The event attracted
                  22 bowlers raring to earn a spot in the NSRCC Youth Squad
                  Bowling Team.

                  This annual event aims to develop and nurture young talents
                  between the ages of 13 to 19 years who show consistent results
                  to bowl competitively.

                  After a series of eight games, bowlers’ skills were put to the test.
                  They had to bowl four games of short oiling and four games
                  of long oiling. Coaches will assess them based on their ability
                  to adapt to tournament lanes and format with the moving of
                  lanes after every two games interval.

                  Tay Hui Wen put up a solid performance when she hit a
                  resounding total of 1425 pinfalls. Good job, Hui Wen!

                  The Youth Selection Roll-Off 2011 was not only a time of fun
                  but also a great opportunity for fellow bowlers to interact with
                  their peers. We hope to see you soon in the next roll-off.
resort view
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012
seen & heard

 NSRCC Volunteers Bring Christmas
Cheers To Lions Home Senior Citizens
                                          During Christmas week, volunteers of NSRCC visited the Lions Home for the
                                          Elders in Bedok and presented the senior residents with song and dance
                                          performances and engaged the residents in simple art and craft activity.

                                          Through the warm reception by elderly residents, the resort aims to organise
                                          more community outreach programmes apart from NSRCC’s annual Charity
                                          Golf fundraising event to raise awareness about the disadvantaged and less
                                          fortunate community at large.

 Song and dance performance
 by NSRCC staff

                                                                                                 Volunteer and resident doing arts and craft

                                     Boo Kian handing over the cheque donation to
                                     Ms Roslina, representative from Lions Home

Jarod Wan
Wins Snooker
Medal 2011                                              L-R Randy, Sim, Roger (Billiard Convenor), Seah, Jarod, Victor, Dave, Simon, Vincent, William,
                                                        Raymond and Andy

                                                        Jarod Wan, the youngest player in the competition claimed the
                                                        winner’s trophy against Victor Ong in the snooker grand finals
                                                        match played on 29 October. Both players walked home with $200
                                                        and $100 cash, respectively.

                                                        The 23-year-old overcame 11 players with much grit having played
                                                        four mini tournaments before the much awaited grand finals. All
                                                        participants were treated to a celebratory dinner at D’Turret Lounge.

                     Champion Jarod Wan
                                                                                                                                                         resort view
2012 NSRCC Welcomes A bi-monthly publication by National Service Resort & Country Club Jan | Feb 2012
Behind the scenes

              Without Them
              There Would Be No Enjoyable Golf
              This is the first of a six series on interesting and unusual work      Equipment Calibration
              in the resort.                                                         Mowing the golf course alone requires two different types of
                                                                                     mowers. They are namely the reel and rotary mowers. The rotary
              The pictures here capture the course maintenance staff aka             mower is used for rough area mowing to clean up problem weeds
              “Greenkeepers” in action on a typical day while preparing the          in areas that are difficult to get to. Besides that “cultivation”
              golf courses for play. Taking care of the aesthetic and functional     practices such as fertilising - placing of sand, soil and water are
              golf courses is a year round job.                                      used to ensure the grass on the golf course grow healthy and
              The team is managed by the Course Maintenance Manager. He
              has two Golf Course Superintendents and is supported by many           These pictures only illustrate a fraction of the entire maintenance
              Green Specialists who have on average five years of experience.        operations. The course maintenance crew deserve a lot of back
              Most golfers are oblivious to the magnitude of the course              pats. They keep our golf courses well-maintained and for that
              maintenance work as they have grown accustomed to the fine             keep up the good work!
              condition of putting surfaces.

              At the National Service Day Golf, an annual shotgun start              SOMETHING YOU MAY NOT KNOW...
              competition with multiple starting nines, major club events such       1. The grass on the golf course has to be checked four times a day.
              as President’s Trophy and Charity Golf, most of the maintenance
              staff are activated to prepare the course to tip-top condition.         1st - In the morning when dew starts to settle on the grass.
                                                                                      2nd - After mowing the grass
              The four core areas of care are turf maintenance, irrigation            3rd - When the sun comes out
              control, landscape maintenance and equipment calibration.               4th - When the sun is about to set

              Turf Maintenance                                                       2. The soil of the golf course is sent for a soil test two times a
              Managing a grass patch may seem like an easy task to many              year. This is to find out the amount of nutrients and minerals the
              of us. However from what we gather; the mowing of grass on             grass requires to grow strong and healthy.
              the greens, tee boxes, fairways, and the roughs require lots of
              patience. The sheer amount of manpower required to prepare             3. The fairway goes through an aeration process so as to reduce
              the golf course for play on a daily basis as well as the handling of   compaction and this allows the roots to grow deeper into the
              equipment sure looks daunting.                                         soil. During this process, the fairway is often rather bumpy and a
                                                                                     little harder to play on.
              “I love working outdoors and am very fortunate to have a
              dedicated team with me during my 18 years of stay,” said James
              Sua, Course Maintenance Manager. He added that it has been
              challenging to keep the green healthy and hold out the recent
              months of heavy downpour and turf diseases.

              Lee Yee Kew, Course Superintendent cited that it is essential to
              keep the courses in good condition to meet golfer’s expectations.

              Irrigation Control
              Irrigating the course and working on its watering system;
              sodding; trimming; and applying fertiliser and pesticides on and
              around the course is one of the many key tasks performed.

              Landscape Maintenance
              The cleanliness and features of the water ponds constantly need
              upkeep to ensure a natural habitat for wildlife to thrive. New

              trees are planted and existing ones pruned.
resort view

                                                                                                                                   Fairway Mower
Behind the scenes

                                                         Grass Trimming
                        Tees mowing

Aerification of Green                 Removal of Cores                                        09
                                                                                              resort view

Top Dressing                          Brushing
On Par

                       Hole-In-One Achievers
                       Who                             When                H’cap         Where
                 1     Tan Khee Hua                    27 November         27.6          KSGC Hole 5
                 2     Lim Chin Hui                    26 November         18            Army Hole 7
                 3     Lee Kim Teck                    19 November         12            Army Hole 3
                 4     Yip Ying Kiong                  18 November         23.2          Army Hole 3
                 5     Lee Heng                        12 November         18            Air Force Hole 8
                 6     Teo Eng Choon Willian           10 November         14            Army Hole 3
                 7     Tan Choon Ann                   23 October          11.1          Lakeview Golf Club Hole 8
                 8     Lim Kim Swee                    21 October          7.9           KSGC Hole 2
                 9     Lee Joo Huat                    21 October          11            KSGC Hole 2
                 10    Kwek Siu Hung                   13 October          16.9          Air Force Hole 8
                 11    Francis Tan Tor Hiang           13 October          10            PGCC Hole 17

                        For results of Monthly Medal, please go to http://www.nsrcc.com.sg/posting/golf
resort view
On Par

Junior    Golf
  Development Programme
     – Who’s Next?                                                                                                     Get in the hole!

The Junior Golf Development Programme (JGDP) was launched in 2006
with the objective of providing supervised and structured training
programmes for our young golfers such that they may compete at the
national level and eventually be recommended as candidates for the
National Team Selection. Today, I am proud to say that this objective has
been met with some degree of success. You may recognise some of our
very own junior golfers such as Quincy Quek, Johnson Poh, Joey Poh and
Phoebe Nicole Tan, who have since earned many distinguished accolades
for the country.
                                                                                               Caleb with PGA Tour Academy head
                                                                                               professional TPC Sawgrass Shane Gillespie

                                                                                                                                           What’s my name!

Shaun Chew (back row) and David Tay (front row) in stripe
shirts together with the JGDP players and coaches.          Caleb among Southeast Asia’s top junior golfers who were offered
                                                            scholarships for an overseas training stint by CIMB Foundation.

To date, we have organised two successful Junior Golf                               Ranking Game (NRG) in late November with a three day total of
Tournaments with National Ranking Points in 2008 & 2009 and                         210 (76, 67, 67). We are extremely proud of him and we hope that
expanded our JGDP squad with an additional Team B in 2009 for                       you are as well. So when you see Joshua at the Club next time,
the Under-14s. Recently, an elite programme for the graduates                       do give him a pat on his back and he might just share with you a
of JGDP has also been introduced. In this programme, the Club                       funny story involving his encounter with Major winner, Graeme
continues to show our support by extending training privileges                      McDowell at the range.
and access to golf facilities to graduates who have met our
criteria of being in the National Team and most importantly,                        Caleb Ng, our JGDP Team A squad player as well, recently qualified
doing well academically.                                                            for the CIMB Junior Development Programme and represented
                                                                                    the country to participate in the final leg of the Development
The year 2011 had been exciting. Joshua Ho, our very own JGDP                       Programme in TPC Sawgrass, home to the PGA Tour Players
graduate made his debut at the recent Barclay’s Singapore Open                      Championship last December.
(BSO) at Sentosa, where he shared the range and locker rooms
with some of the best golfers in the world such as Graeme                           With the outstanding performances our junior players have
McDowell, Phil Mickelson and Justin Rose. Joshua is our third                       given, we can’t wait to see who will do us proud next and I am
junior golfer who has played in this prestigious tournament, after                  pretty confident that we will not have to wait long.
Quincy Quek and Johnson Poh.
                                                                                    David Tay
It has been a good year for the affable ACJC boy who shot a                         JGDP Convenor
respectable 72 on the Serapong Course on the first day and 78 on                    Vice Captain, NSRCC Greens Committee
the second day at BSO. Joshua was placed third in the individual
“Lions” Division of the Putra Cup in Hong Kong and recently,
                                                                                                                                                             resort view

he continued his momentum by winning 5th in the National
On Par

               Scenerio: Golf ball resting against the bunker rake and ball

               rolls into bunker when the rake is removed.

               Rule 24-1a
               A player may take relief, without penalty, from a moveable obstruction if the
               ball does not lie in or on the obstruction, the obstruction may be removed.

               If the ball moves, it must be replaced, and there is no penalty, provided
               that the movement of the ball is directly attributed to the removal of the

              1. Player takes a shot                                                                     2. Ball rests against rake


                                                                               Ball rolls into bunker

                           3. Marking of the ball

                                                                                                                                 Ball is replaced where it
                                                    4. Incorrect to play the ball where it has rolled into the bunker            had come to rest against
                                                                                                                                 the rake and played

                                                                                                                             5. Player hitting from grass slope above bunker
resort view
Live Well, Eat Well

                     Welcome the Year of the Dragon with
     Horoscope Forecast for 2012
The beginning of a new year can inspire you to make changes or to do things differently. Read about your horoscope predictions for
2012 to make this New Year happier, more organised and fruitful for ourselves and our loved ones.

Luck Cycle                                                DRAGON                                                  MONKEY
Fulfill your dreams to attain wealth and                  Luck Cycle                                              Luck Cycle
power as lucky stars shine upon you.                      Last year’s good fortune has diminished.                Similar to previous years, you will enjoy
This year, consider partnerships to gain                  You must endure even though you will                    favourable luck even though there are
greater success in your investments.                      be plagued with many unexpected                         many unlucky stars. All will be fine so
Despite your good fortune, you should maintain a          problems. Collaborations with those who are born        long as you practise caution. Do your part and avoid
low profile to avoid troubles. Be vigilant when driving   in the year of Rooster are recommended. This year, be   partaking in gossips. You should also think twice
or partaking in high-risk activities.                     careful in all you do and beware of villains. Worship   before speaking or taking actions so as to avoid
                                                          the Grand Duke anytime between the 1st to 15th day      implications by conniving characters. This year, San
OX                                                        of the 1st lunar month.                                 Tai Achievement Star is beneficial to your career and
Luck Cycle                                                                                                        academic.
Although lucky stars mark this to be a                    SNAKE
good year for you, you should not be                      Luck Cycle                                              ROOSTER
complacent. Striving for the best with                    This year, you will enjoy good fortune                  Luck Cycle
the aid of benefactors can bring you                      but you should not become conceited.                    Flourishing luck makes this an ideal
success in 2012 as well as accumulate                     You need to grab this opportunity                       year for getting married, having babies,
fortune for next year. Keeping your cool                  to lay the foundation, as you will                      career advancement, collaborations and
under all circumstances can ensure                        clash with Grand Duke next year. A low profile is       business expansions. You will also attract
smooth progress in all that you do.                       recommended during this propitious period. Take         more benefactors when you do good deeds. For
                                                          note of household safety and refrain from showing       married individuals, it is essential to know your place
TIGER                                                     off to avoid catching the attention of thieves.         and limits because relationship issues could be your
Luck Cycle                                                Celebrations are recommended as Tian Xi Happiness       greatest stumbling block this year.
Constant ill luck may affect your                         Star shines upon you.
mood and cause you to lose your                                                                                   DOG
determination but all is not lost with                    HORSE                                                   Luck Cycle
the support of Yi Ma Voyager Star.                        Luck Cycle                                              This is a challenging year with many
Consider an image makeover or go                          This year, Ba Zhou Achievement Star                     unforeseen disasters. Take caution and try
on an overseas trip to improve your luck. This year,      can aid you in your career or academic.                 to cut down on overseas trips. It is best
conserve your energy and gather your resources so as      Thus, pull up your socks and strive                     to postpone if you are planning to wed or
to sprint to success in the upcoming splendid year.       hard. Despite numerous unlucky stars,                   conceive a baby. Problems relating to wealth, health
                                                          disasters shall be resolved eventually. Improve your    and career will arise. Try to keep an open mind and
RABBIT                                                    luck by donating blood during the lunar New Year        take things lightly. Do not dwell too much on your
Luck Cycle                                                and avoid attending funerals. Do not get too agitated   losses.
With a deteriorating luck cycle and                       with the loss of a close one, as death is part and
potential health issues, you must take                    parcel of life.                                         PIG
things in your stride so as to get through                                                                        Luck Cycle
tough times. A happy and healthy lifestyle                GOAT                                                    Your previous year’s poor luck has
is the key to improving your luck. Mo Yue                 Luck Cycle                                              dissolved and good fortune lies ahead.
                       Achievement Star                   Despite having numerous benefactors,                    Work harder during this period to
                          can also aid your career,       you must go by the books and avoid                      make full use of your good luck. With numerous
                           helping you to retain your     taking any wrong steps that might                       benefactors, you will be able to gain support and
                           job and status during bad      cause you to be imprisoned. Females                     attain success as long as you remain modest while
                          times. Thus, do not be too      must put in greater efforts to reap                     striving for your goals.
                         affected by problems and         greater rewards while males must
                       always look on the bright side     avoid getting entangled in relationships. Luck shall
                      of life.                            take a favourable turn when you are more open-
                                                          minded and optimistic.

                                 Article contents are extracted from Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong’s publications (2012
                                 Chinese Zodiac and Way Bilingual Almanac). GM Tan is a veteran of geomancy studies and
                                 has provided excellent feng shui consultancy services for more than 20 years. He currently
                                 holds various roles such as the Vice President of IFSA, Vice Chairman of the Organisation
                                 for Promoting Global Civilisation and honorary committee member of the Singapore

                                 Association of Writers. He is also the Chief Geomancer for Way OnNet Group. For more
                                                                                                                                                                            resort view

                                 information, visit www.WayOnNet.com.
Live Well, Eat Well

              Star Gazing
              Star-gazer Lily Tan shares her meteor-       led us to peer at the night sky too. We       into song and you might still catch a
              gazing experience.                           attended some astronomy events, met           stray meteor in the sky, just before the
                                                           enthusiasts and made trips to view            sun rays signal a bright new day.
              Have you ever looked up into the sky         meteors together.
              at night? You will be amazed at the                                                        During the past two years, I have counted
              twinkling lights peeking through the         About once a month, my friends and I          a total of 394 meteors. And every time
              clouds. If you are lucky, you can even       stay outdoors from dusk to dawn in wait       I spot one, I make my wish upon a star
              catch a “shooting star” (also known as       for meteors. We lie on safari beds, armed     for peace on earth and good health for
              meteors) in Singapore and make a wish.       only with a sky-chart, laser pointer,         everyone.
              I have seen quite a few from the balcony     binoculars and snacks.
              of my house on clear nights.                                                               METEOR-WATCHING
                                                           We often combined meteor-viewing              What are meteors? They occur when the
              You need sharp eyes, patience and clear      with sightseeing to places such as            Earth passes through the trail of debris
              skies to spot meteors. That’s why I am       Desaru, Kota Tinggi, Redang, Mawai            left by a comet as it orbits the Sun.
              always excited whenever I chance upon        Lama, Penang and Sabah in Malaysia,
              them. In fact, once you have seen a          Khao Yai and Chiang Rai in Thailand, as       The best time to catch a “shooting
              meteor, it becomes a life-long quest to      well as China’s Guangdong, and Lijiang        star” is during the peak of a meteor
              count more.                                  and Shangri-La in Yunnan province.            season, when you can expect a few to
                                                                                                         dozens of meteors per hour. They range
              The first time I spotted a meteor was        Lying outdoors overnight, we not only         from bright and fast ones to those
              when I was a teenager, during a stroll in    see the beautiful constellations in the       with a long tail and are slow-moving.
              Katong Park. The sky was dark and full of    sky, but also experience the myriad
              stars. Suddenly, a flash of light streaked   sights and sounds of nature.                  Fireballs, the most spectacular type of
              across my view and disappeared into the                                                    meteor, appear in silver, green, blue, red
              sea. I realised it was a shooting star and   If your star-gazing venue is by the beach,    and yellow colours. They are much rarer
              that sighting was imprinted in my mind.      you can hear the waves lapping against        and I have seen only two fireballs so far.
                                                           the shore, enjoy a symphony of sounds:
              But after marriage and the birth of my       the buzz of insects, the croaking of frogs,   You can view meteors anywhere, so
              children, I was grounded with work and       the knocking of woodpeckers and the           long as it is a dark and safe place.
              domestic duties, and soon forgot about       rustling of leaves, while fireflies dance     Singapore is increasingly polluted
              the heavens up there.                        among the bushes.                             with lights, but there are still places -
                                                                                                         such as East Coast Park, Changi Beach,
              In 2008, I enjoyed watching sunsets          At the crack of dawn around 5.30am, the

                                                                                                         Pulau Ubin, Semakau and Sungei
resort view

              with a nature-loving friend and that         symphony escalates with birds bursting        Buloh - where it is dark enough to view
Live Well, Eat Well

                                                                             A group of avid star-gazers using telescopic
                                                                             equipment to view the sky. The next meteor
                                                                             showers are the LYRIDS which peaks on April
                                                                             21-22 while the next partial lunar eclipse will
                                                                             be on 4 June 2012.

constellations and catch meteors.

A good place to start is the Singapore
Science Centre, which holds free star-
gazing sessions at its observatory in Jurong every
Friday at 7.30pm. Some enthusiasts also make
trips to Malaysia, such as Punggai, Kota Tinggi                     DESSERT:
and Mersing, in search of darker skies.                             SOYA BEAN, GUIL
                                                                                    IN           GGAO, LOTUS SE
                                                                   I have made th
                                                                                     is simple desser                   ED SOUP
                                                                   snack for star-gaz                  t which is ideal
                                                                                       ing sessions. To                 to pack along as
You do not need fancy equipment to spot                            star-like Guiling                    enhance the moo                   a
                                                                                     gao as the centre                    d, I have added a
meteors or see constellations. Stars are so many                                                       -piece.
light years away from Earth that no matter how                    Ingredients (for
powerful the telescopes, all you can see are pin-                 Yellow bean 40
                                                                                    gm • Guilingga
points of light.                                                  Rock sugar 20gm                    o powder 10gm
                                                                                                                      • Lotus seed 20
What you do need is a good pair of eyes, lots of                 Method
patience and stamina to keep awake.                              1. Soak the yello
                                                                                    w bean in water
                                                                 2. Put the bean                          for three hours.
                                                                                   s into a grinder
                                                                     sieve out the wat                  w   ith three ricebow
If you do not want to strain your neck, the best                                         er.                                      ls of water, and
                                                                3. Mix the Guili
way to count meteors is to recline on a safari bed                                 nggao with a lit
                                                                     boiling water, st                tle water and pu
or sun lounge. Other essentials include a star                                         ir quickly till it                   t it into a bowl. Ad
                                                                    mixture into a st                       turns into a past                      d
                     chart, compass, binoculars,                                       ar-shaped mould                            e and pour the
                                                               4. Put the lotus                               .
                      torchlight, warm clothing,                                  seed into a pot w
                                                                    20 minutes till it                 ith water. Cook in
                                                                                       turns soft and pu                       medium heat fo
                      socks, sleeping bag, warm                5. Boil the rock                                t aside.                           r
                                                                                 sugar in half a bo
                       drinks and snacks. (Good               6. Put the soya                         wl of water until
                                                                                                                            it turns into syru
                                                                                 bean water into                                                p.
                       star charts are available                   the mixture and                  a pot and cook at
                                                                                     add the syrup til                      medium heat . St
                        from the book, A Sky                  7. Pour the who                              l it boils, then tu                  ir
                                                                                 le mixture into a                             rn off the fire.
                        Book For The Tropics, by                  and put the Guili                   bo  w   l, add the lotus se
                                                                                     nggao star in th                              ed
                         Dr Cheong Kam Khow                                                              e middle.
                          and Kamaria Abdul
                                                                                                                                                       resort view

                                                     Articles contributed by The Astronomical Society of Singapore(TASOS),
                                                     Singapore Science Centre and Lily Tan
Front Page

                                                     New Year
                 For many of us, a new year provides the opportunity for a fresh start. W
                 we caught up with some NSRCC members and employees to find out w

                   Stay healthy
                   - David Chiong
                   I would like to play more                            I wish that I will be
                  golf on the always wonderfully                        more successful in my
                  maintained Navy, Army, Airforce                       career, have a sense of
                  and Kranji Sanctuary courses in                       accomplishment and be
                  2012!                                                 a happier and optimistic
                 – Dennis Foo                                           person – Soon Lay Hong
                 Achieve single handicap
                – Stanley Chong
                No office phone calls
                during my golf game
                – Swee Fun
                                                                  Spend more time with
                                                                  family and friends;
                                                                  I would like to
                                                                  help more people by
                                                                  volunteering more
                                                                  often in my spare time
                                                                  – Justin Irwin
                             We wish NSRCC to
                             be the leader in the
                             country club industry
                             in Singapore in 2012
                             - Finance Department
resort view
Front Page

   Resolutions 2012
 hether it’s to spend more time with our loved ones, dieting or exercising,
what their New Year resolutions are, both on and off the golf course.

                                                           I will try to make time
                                                           to exercise more
                                                           – Mrs Yeo

                                                           Wish for a better year
                                                           – Adeline Lim, Jia Jia

                                                                                     To graduate with
                                                                                     good grades for my
                                       We wish to                                    Diploma in Banking
                                       achieve a                                     and Finance
                                       lower handicap                                – Siti Aishah
                                       – Justin Chua,
                                       Ryan Koh Jing Jie

            I wish for better health, wealth and prosperity
            - Juhainie
            Learn how to swim
            - Waty
            May it be a better year ahead for all of us,
            blessed with good health and have more babies
            - Yatee
            Wishing all colleagues happy working together

            - Patrick
                                                                                                          resort view
upcoming events & promos

               Aquaculture Farm Visit
               & Kelong Fishing
               12 March, Monday
               9am – 3pm
               Most people are familiar with agriculture, but have you ever heard the term
               aquaculture? As you might have guessed, aquaculture refers to the farming of

               Experience aquaculturing first-hand, by visiting the first fish farm at sea in
               Singapore spanning over 10,000 sqm. You can be sure to land a prize catch at
               the end of the tour.

               Fees include:
               • Two way transfer fee
               • Guided farm tour
                                                                                                                                         *Fees: $50 (Junior Member)/ $70
               • Lunch
                                                                                                                                         (Member)/ $80 (Guest)
               • Three hours fishing
                                                                                                                                         Age group: 4 years and above
                                                                                                                                         Closing Date: 12 February, Sunday
               For more details, contact Waty at 6540 8563 or email ernawaty@nsrcc.com.sg
               *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Excursion starts with a minimum of 10 participants.

                In-Line Skating
                for Adults
                and Children
                                                                               13 March – 15 March (Tuesday - Thursday)
                                                                               6pm - 7.30pm
                                                                               Learn to skate. It’s is a good way to de-stress, workout and enjoy some family fun
                                                                               during the one week school holidays. You will gain a sense of accomplishment
                                                                               and mental well-being after trying it.

                                                                               Benefits of In-line Skating:
                                                                               • Great cardiovascular exercise
                                                                               • Strengthen muscles
               *Fees: $75 (Junior Member)/                                     • Improve coordination and agility
                $85 (Member)/ $100 (Guest)
               Age Group: 6 years and above                                    For more details, contact Waty at 6540 8563 or email ernawaty@nsrcc.com.sg

               Closing Date: 26 February, Wednesday                            *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Equipment rental fees are included. Class starts with a minimum of 8 participants.
resort view
upcoming events & promos

Guitar Lessons
                                                                               8/11 February, Wednesday/Saturday
                                                                               7.30pm - 8.30pm/ 3pm - 4pm
                                                                               (8 week lessons)

                                                                               Have you always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but
                                                                               never actually get started? Here is an opportunity to learn to play
                                                                               basic guitar chords and strumming patterns. In no time you will
                                                                               be strumming popular tunes of your favourite band or singers.
                                                                               Choose from a weekday or weekend class.

                                                                               Participants are required to bring their own guitars for the lesson.
       *Fees: $100 (Member)/ $110 (Guest)
       Age Group: Adults                                                       For more details, contact Juhainie at 65408564 or e-mail
       Closing Date: 30 January, Monday                                        juhainie@nsrcc.com.sg
                                                                               *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 10 participants.

Vocal Class (Beginner)
7 February - 27 March (every Tuesdays)                                                                                               Mr Rahim receiving an award from former
                                                                                                                                     president, Mr S R Nathan
7pm - 8.30pm

Prepare yourself for the upcoming “NSRCC Karaoke Contest”
Master the basic singing tips and vocal techniques to help enhance your voice quality.

You will learn:
• How to handle the Karaoke system
• Proper handling of microphone, adjusting the sound system, pitfalls in singing
• To select the suitable songs and right keys to match your voice
• Be introduced to various type of songs, vocal colours and techniques
                                                                                                                                        *Fees: $180 (Member)/ $200 (Guest)
About the trainer:                                                                                                                      Age Group: 16 years and above
Mr Rahim Paker has 30 years of experience behind the local music scene as a singer,                                                     Closing Date: 29 January, Sunday
musician, vocal trainer and Talentime judge.

For more details, contact Waty at 6540 8563 or email ernawaty@nsrcc.com.sg

*Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 10 participants.
                                                                                                                                                                               resort view
upcoming events & promos

               Valentine’s Day Bowl
                                                                               14 February, Tuesday
                                                                               2pm – 4pm

                                                                               Bowling on Valentine’s Day may not be the most romantic date idea but
                                                                               it will be a lot of fun. There is more interaction than you would enjoy at
                                                                               a movie. Whether you are a couple or single, head down for a fun time.

                                                                               For more details, contact 6545 6365 or email bowlingstaff@nsrcc.com.sg
                                                                               *Minimum 2 participants. Shoes & socks not included.

                          Fees: $3.50 per game
                          Venue: SAFRA Resort Bowl

               Valentine’s Day
               ChocolaRt Workshop
               4 February, Saturday
               10.30am - 12pm
                  19 December, Monday
                   many 5pm
                        of us who love eating chocolate, here is           the chance to make your own
               creations too. Learn to create your own ChocolaRt this Valentine’s - a unique gift idea
                         loved ones  and bring
                                of Sorcerers  hashome
                                                   beenyour   very by
                                                         attacked  own  personalised
                                                                      the            handmade
                                                                          baddies from the Evil treats.
                  School and the precious sorcerer’s book has been stolen by them! You,
               In as
                        workshop,   you will have
                           New Apprentice,     learn the
                                                           to personalise   your ChocolaRt
                                                                         to defeat          with a hidden
                                                                                   the baddies
               message.    Create one set  of 4-piece  assorted   ChocolaRt in 3-dimentional
                  and retrieve the book. You must learn the different tricks and spells to   paper quilling
               and  nicely  place
                  defeat them.”   them  in a  presentable   gift box.

                 Come quilling,
                         and joinalsous
                                      known   as magically
                                         in this  paper filigree, is an art
                                                              fun-filled     form that
                                                                          workshop     is over
                                                                                     where   youfive hundred
                 will learn different tricks of the trade. Learn how Science and Magic are then
                      old.  It is the rolling of  thin  paper  strips  into various shapes  which
                 can workarranged       to form
                              hand in hand      designs.
                                              while  learning the Science concepts and logic
                 behind the hands-on activities. Some activities that you will get to do
               Participants   will take home
                 are Crazy Chemicals,          their
                                          Gravity    creative
                                                  Defying     ChocolaRt
                                                           Trick and Mind  and Chocolate
                                                                             Reading      creations.
                                                                                                                                      *Fees: $35 (Junior Member)/ $40 (Guest)
               ForFormoremoredetails,   contact contact
                                 information,        Waty atJuhainie
                                                                 6540 8563      or email ernawaty@nsrcc.com.sg
                                                                            at 65408564    or                                         Age Group: 7 – 10 Years Old
               *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class
                  e-mail juhainie@nsrcc.com.sg    starts with a minimum of 8 participants.                                            Closing*Fees:
                                                                                                                                               Date:$55  (Member)/
                                                                                                                                                     5 December,   $60 (Guest)
                                                                                                                                              Age Group: 16 years and above

                  * Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 4 participants.                                                Closing Date: 22 January, Sunday
resort view
upcoming events & promos

 Hong Bao Bowl
 23 & 24 January, Monday & Tuesday
 2pm – 4pm
 The Chinese Lunar New Year is a traditional Chinese festival often associated with the
 word “luck” or “happiness”. Join us in this festive season for bowling good times to renew
 and affirm family ties. May the round bowling balls represent the full circle of reunion
 for all Chinese and the loud, rumbling pins scare the mythical beast also known as the
 “NIAN” away!

 For more details, call 6545 6365 or email bowlingstaff@nsrcc.com.sg                                                                            Fees: $3.50 per game
 *Minimum 12 participants, 3 games. Shoes & socks not included.

 Student & Senior                                                                                                                Students and Senior Citizens
                                                                                                                                 can now enjoy the leisure

 Citizen Bowling                                                                                                                 sports at a promotional rate of
                                                                                                                                    Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Eve of PH,
                                                                                               Monday to Thursday
                                                                                                                                          PH and School Holidays
                                                                                         Before 6 pm             After 6 pm                     Whole day

                                                          NSRCC Members                      $2.00                  $2.20                          $2.80

                                                          Bungalow Guests                    $2.50                  $3.00                          $3.20

                                                   Home Team/ SAFRA Members                  $3.00                  $3.60                          $3.80
                                                                                             $3.20                  $3.70                          $3.90
                                                         Corporate Booking

                                                     Students / Senior Citizens               $1.50

                                                  **Senior Citizens aged 55 and above. Terms & Conditions apply. Rates do not include shoes and socks.

 Self Defence Tactics
                                                          11 February, Saturday
                                                          10am - 11.30am

                                                          Singapore has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, however low crime
                                                          doesn’t mean no crime. What can you do to protect yourself and your loved ones
                                                          from unwanted danger and stay vigilant?

                                                          Learn practical tactics and develop awareness on how to defend yourself and
                                                          loved ones in this introductory lesson.

*Fees: $30 (Member)/ $45 (Guest)                          Family Package Promotion:
Age group: 18 years and above                             Package 1: Parent + Child
Closing Date: 29 January, Sunday                          Package 2: Couple (Husband + Wife)
                                                          $10 discount will be given to the second participant

                                                          For more details, contact Waty at 6540 8563 or email ernawaty@nsrcc.com.sg
                                                                                                                                                                           resort view

                                                          *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 14 participants.
upcoming events & promos

                boat Fishing trip
                10 March, Saturday
                8am – 6pm (Meeting Place – Punggol Marina Club at 7.45am)

                Fish in the local waters of Changi or West Coast. This will be
                a good opportunity to wind down and relax while you fish. It
                could be an opportunity for you to know more friends who
                are into fishing just as you do. We can’t guarantee you the
                size of your catch but a great day of fun and excitement, so
                join us with your families and friends. Register now as places
                are limited.

                Complimentary lunch, drinks, storage box with ice will be
                provided on board. Participants are welcome to bring their
                own items.

                For more details, contact Juhainie at 65408564 or e-mail                                         *Fees: $110 (Member)/ $120 (Guest)
                juhainie@nsrcc.com.sg                                                                            Closing Date: 27 February, Monday
                *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 8 participants.

                Prediction for the Year
                of the Dragon 2012
                                                                                              13 January, Friday - English Class
                                                                                              7pm - 9pm
                                                                                              14 January, Saturday - Chinese Class
                                                                                              2pm - 4pm
                                                                                              Many of us are eager to know if we will have better luck in the
                                                                                              coming year than previous, what fortune will the Year 2012 or the
                                                                                              Year of the Dragon bring.

                                                                                              With Chinese New Year just round the corner, you should consider
                                                                                              finding out what are the crystal ball predictions for the New Year
                                                                                              and use them to plan the year ahead. Find out the auspicious areas
                                                                                              for advancing plans and things to avoid.

                                                                                              Don’t miss these very useful 2012 Feng Shui tips and predictions to
                                                                                              great wealth, health, business and happiness.
                         *Fees: $8 (Member) / $12 (Guest)
                         Age Group: Adults                                                    For more details, contact Juhainie at 6540 8564 or
                         Closing Date: 9 January, Monday

                                                                                              email juhainie@nsrcc.com.sg
resort view

                                                                                              *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 10 participants.
upcoming events & promos

   Sports Injury
   25 February, Saturday
   2pm – 3pm
   Dr Joachim Low a practitioner of Chiropractic will provide insights on
   different sports injuries and educate sports people on how they can avoid
   injuries by taking necessary precautions and handle them when they do get

   At the end of the class, participants will be given a complimentary spinal
   assessment screening.

   For more details, contact Juhainie at 6540 8564 or email
   juhainie@nsrcc.com.sg                                                                                 *Fees: $8 (Member) / $12 (Guest)
   *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 10 participants.                          Age Group: Adults
                                                                                                         Closing Date: 13 February, Monday


                                                               Every Friday (commencing on 3 February)

                                                               The SAFRA Resort Bowl Trios league is back! If you are a social bowler or
                                                               league bowler wanting to improve your game, this is for you. This league
                                                               will feature a 22-28 week season, great format and fun, where you get to
                                                               meet new like-minded bowling enthusiasts. Sign up your team or register
                                                               as an individual. The maximum intake is 14 players. Hurry as league places
Fees: $16 per bowler per game                                  are limited.
Trophy Fund: $200 per team + $100
refundable deposit                                             For more details, contact 6545 6365 or email bowlingstaff@nsrcc.com.sg
                                                                                                                                             resort view
upcoming events & promos

                All- New Kids’
                Yoga (Beginners)
                                                                              18 February – 21 April (every Saturday)
                                                                              except 17 March & 7 April
                                                                              1pm – 1.45pm (8 Sessions)
                                                                              Practice yoga with your kids and experience a magical interaction and develop
                                                                              strong bonds with them as you rely and assist each other in yoga postures.
                                                                              Experience movement, music and play combined with yoga on this fun-filled
                                                                              discovery of the mind and body.

                                                                              • Better manage stress
                                                                              • Learn relaxation techniques
                                                                              • Stimulate creative thinking and intellectual growth.
                                                                              • Promote inner-strength, confidence and self-esteem

                                                                              Family Package Promotion:
                                                                              If you sign up with your child, $10 discount will be given to the second participant.
                  *Fees: $120 (Member)/ $155 (Guest)
                  Age Group: 4-12 years old                                   For more details, contact Waty at 6540 8563 or email ernawaty@nsrcc.com.sg
                  Closing Date: 29 January, Sunday                             *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 10 participants.

                                                                                        Ashtanga Yoga
                17 February – 25 May (Every Friday),
                except 16 March & 6 April
                7pm – 8.30pm (12 Sessions)
               Many of us are facing stress, tensions and anxieties in today’s competitive
               corporate world. The pressure of responsibilities, meeting deadlines and out
               performance has disturbed the work-life balance. Through this programme
               the positive outcomes will be as follows -

               • Ability to attain a work-life balance
               • Achieve better mental and emotional health
               • Build flexibility and stamina

               A dedicated Yoga instructor will share with you techniques on how to relax
               your mind and body. Sign up and Yoga your way to better health.

               Family Package Promotion:
               Package 1: Parent + Child
               Package 2: Couple (Husband + Wife)
               $10 discount will be given to the second participant                                                                      *Fees: $130 (Member)/$165 (Guest)
                                                                                                                                         Age Group: 16 years and above
               For more details, contact Waty at 6540 8563 or email ernawaty@nsrcc.com.sg                                                Closing Date: 29 January, Sunday

               *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum of 10 participants.
resort view
upcoming events & promos

Skincare in the
Sun Workshop
11 February, Saturday
12pm - 1.30pm
Many of us love the great outdoors but yet are afraid of being exposed to the sun’s
ultraviolet rays?

This skin health workshop will provide you tips on how to protect your skin from
the damaging sun rays to reduce the effects that cause wrinkles and premature
aging. Sign up now and you will be more sun protected to enjoy exciting outdoor
activities without fear.

Early Bird Special
Five lucky participants will enjoy complimentary usage of selected outdoor
activities* in NSRCC with complimentary lunch provided.
                                                                                                                                  *Fees: $10 (Member)/ $15 (Guest)
                                                                                                                                  Age Group: 21 years and above
For more details, contact Waty at 6540 8563 or email ernawaty@nsrcc.com.sg
                                                                                                                                  Closing Date: 29 January, Sunday
*Fees are subject to 7% GST. Register today as limited seats are available. Selected outdoor activities include tennis court
and multi-purpose court.

                                                         Eye Care Seminar
                                                            by Optimax Eye
                                                         Specialist Centre
                                                                  11 February, Saturday
                                                                  1pm – 3pm

                                                                  The Optimax Eye Care Seminar is designed to offer insights on topics on common
                                                                  eye diseases and available treatment for eye diseases and refractive errors known
                                                                  as LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis). This two hour course is led by
                                                                  leading ophthalmic specialist Dr Steve Seah. Participants will receive a free pre-
                                                                  LASIK assessment and a special priced LASIK package treatment.

                                                                  Dr Steve Seah is a Medical Director cum Senior Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
      *Fees: $10 (Member) / $15 (Guest)                           who has over 21 years of experience in cataract, glaucoma and Laser Refractive
      Age Group: Adults                                           Surgeries.
      Closing Date: 6 February, Monday
                                                                  For more details, contact Juhainie at 65408564 or e-mail juhainie@nsrcc.com.sg

                                                                  *Fees are subject to 7% GST. Class starts with a minimum number of 10 participants.
                                                                                                                                                                     resort view
resort view   26
Calendar of Events 2011
                                  JAN                               FEB                               MAR
                                  7 (Sat)                           3 (Fri)
                                  President’s Trophy                SAFRA Resort Bowl Trios
                                                                    League 2012

                                  13 & 14 (Fri & Sat)
Calendar of Events 2012
                                  Prediction for the Year of the
                                  Dragon 2012

                                  11 - 15 (Wed-Sun)                                                  10 (Sat)
                                  SIM 31st Singapore Open Asian                                      Boat Fishing Trip
                                  Windsurfing Championship

                                  21 (Sat)                                                           12 (Mon)
                                                                                                     Aquaculture Farm Visit & Kelong
                                  Monthly Medal - Stableford (pm)                                    Fishing

                                                                    4 (Sat)
                                                                    ChocolaRT workshop

                                                                    7 (Every Tues)
                                                                    Vocal Class (Beginner)

                                                                    8/11 (Wed/Sat)
                                                                    Guitar Lessons                   13 - 15 (Tues-Thurs)
                                  23 & 24 (Mon & Tues)                                               Inline Skating for Adults & Children
                                  Hong Bao Bowl                     11 (Sat)
                                                                    Self Defence Tactics             24 - 25 (Sat-Sun)
                                                                                                     Contant Wind Laser Team Racing
                                                                    11 (Sat)                         (Radial)

                                                                    Skincare in The Sun Workshop

                                                                    11 (Sat)
                                                                    Eyecare Seminar by Optimax Eye
                                                                    Specialist Centre

                                                                    14 (Tues)
                                                                    Valentine’s Day Bowling

                           Information correct as at
                           time of printing. Please call            17 (Fri)
                           6543 5725 for enquiries                  Ashtanga Yoga
                           on Sports & Recreation
                           Activities or 6540 8500 on               18 (Every Sat)
                           Golfing Events.                          All-New Kids’ Yoga (Beginners)
                                                                                                                                            resort view
Affiliated                                                                                    special
                                                                                Dear Members,

                                                                 Please produce your Letter of Introduction, and

                                                              Handicap Cards to qualify for the discounted/recip-
                                                               rocal rates. The host club will charge walk-in rates
                                                              otherwise. You may print your letter of Introduction
                                                                on our club website at www.nsrcc.com.sg using
                                                                your members’ PIN. Please check our website for
                                                                    the latest/current list of affiliated clubs.
                                                                                                                       Members need not apply for an
                           m a l a ys i a                                      indonesia                              Affiliation Card. Just present your
                                                                                                                      Membership & Handicap Cards.
                                                                      SouthLinks Country Club
                Tanjong Puteri Golf & Country Club
                                                                      Tel		 : 62 778 323837 (Batam)
                Tel     : 02-07-271 1888 (Office & Club)
                                                                   					 62 21 3190 2070 (Jakarta)
              			 6338 2828 / 6339 7266                                                                               Singapore
                                                                   					 6278 7079 (S’pore Office)
              			 (S’pore Office)                                                                                     Changi Golf Club, Singapore
                                                                      Fax		 : 62 778 323849 (Batam)
                Fax     : 02-07-271 1333 (Office & Club)                                                              Tel: 6545 5133
                                                                   					 62 21 3190 2772 (Jakarta)
              			 6339 5128 (S’pore Office)                                                                           Filghts Available: Weekday mornings (except
                                                                   					 6270 0029 (S’pore)
                Email : enquiry@tpgr.com                                                                              Mondays)
                                                                      Email		 : sales@southlinksgolf.com
                Wesite : www.tpgr.com
                                                                   Jakarta    Padang Golf Modern & Country Club       Sembawang Country Club, Singapore
              Malacca   A’Famosa Golf Resort Berhad
                                                                              Tel		 : 62-21-552 9228                  Tel: 6751 0320 / 328
                        Tel     : 02-06-552 0888 / 0555
                                                                              Fax		 : 62-21-552 9177 / 87             Fax: 6752 0446
                        Fax     : 02-06-552 0695
                                                                              Website : www.moderngolfcc.com          Website: www.sembawanggolf.org.sg
                        Website : www.afamosa.com
                        Email : enquiries@afamosa.com                                                                 Filghts Available: Weekdays only
                                                                      Sedana Golf & Country Club
                                                                      Tel		 : 62-267-644 730 (Club)                   Malaysia
                        Orna Golf & Country Club
                                                                   					 62-267-644 733
                        Tel     : 02-06-521 0333                   					 (Golf Reservation)                           Ponderosa Golf & Country Club
                        Fax     : 02-06-521 0222                   					 62-21-612 8811 		                            Johor Bahru
                        Email : ogcc@ornaresort.com.my             					 (Accommodation)                              Tel: (607) 354 9999
                                                                      Fax		 : 62-267-644 728                          Fax: (607) 355 7400
              Negeri   Nilai Springs Golf & Country Club           					 (Club & Golf Reservation)                    Website: www.ponderosagolf.com
              Sembilan Tel      : 02-06-850 8888                   					 62-21-612 8822 		                            Email: pgcc@tm.net.my
                       Fax      : 02-06-850 3388 (Golf)            					 (Accommodation)
              			 02-06-850 3005 (Admin)                              Email		 : sedanagolf@yahoo.com                  Thailand
                       Email : club@nilaisprings.com.my                                                               Phuket Country Club
                        Staffield Country Resort                                    china                             Tel: 660 76 3192004
                                                                                                                      Fax: 660 76 319206
                        Tel       : 02-03-8766 6117 / 8 / 9                                                           Website: www.phuketcountryclub.com
                        Fax       : 02-03-8766 7173                Guangzhou Guangzhou International Golf Club        Email: bookings@phuketcountryclub.com
                        Email : scrb@streamyx.com                            Tel		 : 001-8620-8293 3888
                                                                             Fax		 : 001-8620-8293 3168               Gassan Khuntan Golf & Resort
              Penang    Bukit Jambul Country Club                            Email		 : golf@gigc.com.cn               Gassan Lake City Golf & Resort
                        Tel     : 02-04-644 2255                             Website : www.gigc.com.cn                Gassan Marina Golf Club
                        Fax     : 02-04-644 2400                                                                      Tel: +65 6547 1229
                        Email : bjcc@po.jaring.my                  Zhuhai
                                                                      Lakewood Golf Club                              Fax: +65 6841 8809
                        Website : www.bjcc.com.my                     Tel		 : 086-756-338 3666 / 0452                 Website: www.gassangolf.com
                                                                   					 (Club)                                       Email: intourholidays@gmail.com
                        Bukit Jawi Golf Resort                     					 852-2877-1215 / 1128
                        Tel     : 02-04-582 0759                   					 (Golf Reservation)                           South Africa
                        Fax     : 02-04-582 2613                      Fax		 : 086-756-338 3898 /                      Spier Country Club, Cape Town
                        Email : enquiry@bukitjawi.com.my           					 086-756-339 9706 (Club)                      Tel: 27-21809-1100
                        Website : www.bukitjawi.com.my             					 867-5633 0452                                Fax: 27-21881-3634
                                                                   					 (Hong Kong Office Golf Booking)              Website: www.spier.co.za
                        Penang Golf Resort                         					 852-2877 8770                                Email: info@spier.co.za
                        Tel		 : 02-04-578 2022                     					 (Golf Reservation)
                        Fax		 : 02-04-575 0228                        Email		 : reservation@lakewood.com.cn           Vodacom, World of Golf, Johannesburg
                        Email		 : pgrb@hotmail.com                    Website : www.lakewoodclub.com.cn               Tel: 27-11802-5864
                                                                                                                      Fax: 27-11802-7491
              Perak     Clearwater Sanctuary Golf Resort
                        Tel: 02-05-366 7433                                     thailand                              Website: www.golfersworld.co.za
                                                                                                                      Email: rica@worldofgolf.co.za
                        Fax: 02-05-366 7434
                        Email : cwsgolf@po.jaring.my               Bangkok    Pinehurst Golf & Country Club
                        Website : www.cwsgolf.com.my                          Tel   : 662-516 8679 / 84
                                                                              Fax : 662-516 2010
              Selangor Kelab Golf Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah

                       Tel: 02-03-5510 5872
                       Fax: 02-03-5510 5860
                       Website : www.kgsaas.com.sg
                                                                              Royal Brunei Golf & Country Club
                                                                              Tel   : 673-2-611 582
                                                                              Fax : 673-2-610 499
                                                                              Email : rbgcc@jerudong-park.com
                                                                              Website : www.jerudong-park.com
resort view
Facilities Directory
 main lobby reception                                        phil brew golf academy                              SAFRA resort bowl - eastern pro-shop
 Tel: 6542 8288                                              Tel: 6545 1601                                      2 pm to 10 pm (Tue to Thu, Sun & Public
 6543 5725 (booking of facilities)                                                                               Holidays)
 8 am to 8 pm (daily)                                                                                            2 pm to 11 pm (Fri, Sat & Eve of Public Holidays)
                                                             golf pro-shops                                      Closed on Monday
 membership centre                                           SAFRA resort - transview
                                                                                                                 squash court
 Tel: 6540 8555/8556                                         Tel: 6543 3833
                                                                                                                 10 am to 10 pm (daily)
 8.30 am to 5.30 pm (Mon to Fri)                             7 am to 7 pm
 10.30 am to 2.30 pm                                         (daily, except Mon: 11 am to 7 pm)
                                                                                                                 swimming pool & wet playground
 (Weekends & Public Holidays)
                                                                                                                 8 am to 9 pm (Tue to Sun)
                                                             SAFRA resort - hon shin golf
                                                                                                                 12 pm to 9 pm (Mon)*
 f&b outlets                                                 (club fitting & repair)
                                                                                                                 * 8 am to 12 pm are pool cleaning hours
                                                             Tel: 6542 2978
 appetizer pte ltd (at bowling centre)                       2 pm to 9 pm (Tue to Fri)
                                                                                                                 tennis courts
 12 pm to 11 pm (Mon to Thu)                                 10.30 am to 5 pm (Sat & Sun)
                                                                                                                 7 am to 10 pm (daily)
 12 pm to 2 am (Fri, Sat & eve of Public Holidays)
 10 am to 11 pm (Sun & Public Holidays)                      kranji sanctuary - Phil Brew
                                                             Tel: 6861 8700                                      bungalow reception
 d’turret Lounge                                             9 am to 6 pm (Tue to Fri)
                                                             7 am to 6 pm (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays )          Tel: 6542 2036
 Tel: 6543 2816
                                                                                                                 Fax: 6545 6544
 5 pm to 12 am (Mon to Thu & Sun)
                                                                                                                 Opening Hours: 9 am to 8 pm (daily)
 5 pm to 2 am (Fri, Sat & eve of Public Holidays)            sports & social facilities                          Booking Hours: 9 am to 7 pm (daily)
 jumbo seafood @ safra resort                                billiards room                                      Six-month advance bookings are open on a
 Tel: 6552 3435                                              10 am to 10 pm                                      rolling basis. Members can make bookings via
 11.30 am to 3 pm (lunch daily)                              (daily, but extendable to 11 pm upon request)       phone, fax, in-person or via the Internet at our
 6 pm to 10.30 pm (dinner daily)
                                                                                                                 website www.nsrcc.com.sg.
                                                             corner shop                                         Check-in: 2 pm to 7 pm
 the deck (golfers’ terrace)                                 12 pm to 8 pm (Mon to Fri)                          Check-out: 9 am to 10 am
 Tel: 6214 3136                                              10 am to 8 pm (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays)
 6.45am to 7.30pm
                                                             fitness centre
 the golfers’ terrace (kranji sanctuary)                                                                         others
                                                             Tel: 6543 5715
 Tel: 6898 2640                                              7 am to 9.30 pm (Weekdays)
 7 am to 8 pm (daily)                                                                                            sparks & shines car grooming services
                                                             7 am to 8.30 pm (Weekends & Public Holidays)
                                                                                                                 SAFRA Resort
                                                                                                                 Tel: 6285 5655
 corporate/private events                                    fruit machine room
                                                                                                                 7 am to 7 pm (Tue to Sun)
                                                             9.30 am to 12 am (Mon to Thu)
                                                                                                                 Closed on Monday & Public Holidays
 The Falcon, The Corvette,The Larden,                        12 pm to 1 am (Fri)
 Oriole 1 and Oriole 2                                       9.30 am to 2 am (Sat)
 For booking enquiries, call 6540 8566 /                     9.30 am to 12 am (Sun & Public Holidays)            sea sports centre
 6543 5735 / 6543 5749 or 6540 8565                          9.30 am to 1 am (eve of Public Holidays)
 email: events@nsrcc.com.sg                                                                                      constant wind sea sports centre & pro shop
                                                             funzone (Video Games Arcade and Pool)               Tel: 6445 5108
 For bookings of The Sanctuary I & II at KSGC and            12 pm to 10 pm                                      10 am to 7 pm (daily)
 F&B catering, call 6898 5168 (Ms Annie Chew) for            (Mon to Thu, Sun & Public Holidays)
 reservations and enquires.                                  12 pm to 11 pm                                      centre for performance transformation
                                                             (Fri, Sat & eve of Public Holidays)                 Tel: 6214 9412
 golf facilities                                                                                                 Belly View Cafe
                                                             Tel: 6545 6365                                      11 am - 10 pm (Tue to Sun & Public Holidays)
 golf reception
                                                             12 pm to 11 pm (Mon to Thu, Sun & Public            Closed on Monday
 Tel: 6540 8500
 Fax: 6542 7710 / 6545 6525                                  Holidays)
                                                             12 pm to 2 am (Fri, Sat & eve of Public Holidays)   chit’s bar & restaurant
 Opening Hours: 7 am to 5.30 pm
                                                                                                                 Tel: 6214 9168
 Booking Hours:
                                                             kidz corner (indoor playroom)                       11 am to 11 pm (daily)
 Weekend Golf
 (following weekend and public holidays)                     8 am to 10 pm (daily)
                                                                                                                 gurame indonesian restaurant
 In-person* - 6 pm to 7 pm (Fri)
                                                             kinderGolf                                          Tel: 6542 2038
 Internet - 6 pm onwards (Fri)
                                                             Tel: 6214 0581                                      12 pm to 3 pm (daily)
 Telephone - 9.30 am to 5 pm
                                                             9 am to 6 pm (Mon to Sun)                           6 pm to 10 pm (daily)
 (Sat onwards)
 * currently not available at Kranji Sanctuary Golf Course
 Weekday Golf                                                SAFRA resort bowl
 In-person, Telephone - 9.30 am to 5 pm (daily)              Tel: 6545 6365 / 6545 2059
 Internet - 9.30 am onwards (from Mon)                       12 pm to 11 pm (Mon to Thu)
                                                             12 pm to 2 am
 driving range                                               (Fri, Sat & eve of Public Holidays)
 Tel: 6543 1726                                              10 am to 11 pm (Sun & Public Holidays)
 7 am to 11 pm (daily, except Mon: 2pm to 11 pm)
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