20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference

Page created by Thelma Christensen
20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
Sponsorship Opportunities

20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
About     Welcome to the Project Management Institute - Southern
          Alberta Chapter (PMI- SAC) and thank you for your interest
          in our chapter.
PMI-SAC   The PMI-SAC is a voluntary, not-for-profit association
          dedicated to being the recognized leader in Project
          Management Excellence by developing passionate project
          managers through Professionalism, Mastery, and Involvement.
          The PMI-SAC remains one of the strongest and most vibrant
          chapters of PMI in North America. As of December 2017, we
          are the 3rd largest Canadian chapter.

          With over 2,500 members across Southern Alberta, PMI-
          SAC has established a valued presence in the field of
          Project Management as the voice of project management
          professionals to their organizations, agencies, governments,
          and to the public. In addition to playing a vital advocacy role
          for the industry, the PMI-SAC offers its members a number of
          valuable services, including education, training, professional
          recognition, career resources, industry relations and acts as
          the representation of member interests in all industry areas
          in Southern Alberta.

          Our chapter’s strength and success is due largely in part to
          the support from our corporate partners, so we thank you for
          your support and we look forward to working with you over
          this coming year.
20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
The PMI-SAC is the 3rd largest Project Management Institute Chapter in Canada with more than 2,500
active members from various industries. A large portion of the PMI SAC members (37%) are involved in the
energy industry. A breakdown of the top 20 industries is below.

Membership Demographics

                  Mining (0.4%)                         (4%)
       Financial Services (1%)           (10%)
               Training (1%)
            Aerospace (2%)
          Healthcare (2%)
     Manufacturing (3%)                                                      (37%)

            Telecom (3%)

        Government (4%)

                                                  IT           Consulting
                                                (12%)            (13%)

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20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
 our Events
 In addition to evolving services
 and programs for members,                   Monthly Meetings
 the PMI-SAC has a proven                    The chapter hosts monthly dinner meetings and
                                             breakfast meeting opportunities where attendance
 track record of delivering great            varies between 75-150 attendees, depending
 events that offer our partners              on the topic and time of year. The meetings are
                                             an opportunity for members to network and
 a number of marketing and                   earn Professional Development Units (PDUs)
                                             in alignment with the PMI Talent Triangle and
 promotional channels.                       Continuing Certification Requirements System.

 We strive to add value and ensure return
 on investment for our partners and
 this year, we are committed to doing        Golf Tournament
 even more. To that end, we are excited      The popular PMI Golf Classic tournament takes
 to continue the PMI-SAC corporate           place every summer and is very well attended,
 partnership program to provide sponsors     attracting approximately 130-160 golfers each
 and partners unprecedented access to        year. This event is a great way for our sponsors
                                             to network with participants while expressing
 marketing and sponsorship benefits across
                                             their own brand and creativity through interactive
 Chapter activities and events –including
                                             activities at holes throughout the tournament.
 the Golf Classic, our movie events,
 dinner meetings,      networking events
 and the incredibly popular Professional
 Development Conference (PDC).               Other Events
                                             The chapter also stages a series of social events
                                             including movie premieres, stampede parties, and
                                             other networking events to get members out to
                                             meet each other and have some fun!

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20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
Less than 1-3 years
                                                                    1 year    4% 3-5 years
                                                          25+ years                  10%

                                                       20-25 years

 our Events                                                          15-20
                                                                      20%        10-15

 Continued                                                                        29%

                                                      Years as a PM Professional
                                                      The majority of the attendees (65.2%) at the
 Professional                                         PMI-SAC PDC are senior project managers
 Development                                          whom have been in the profession for over
                                                      10 years.
                                                                             Less then 25
                                                                 55+                             25-24
 Since its inaugural PDC in 2007, the PMI-SAC                    17%                              11%
 has delivered an annual flagship event focused
 on providing its membership with valuable
 education, networking and learning opportunities
 to enhance their profession. With significant
 emphasis placed on professional development                           45-54              37%
 and growth, the annual PDC offers a unique forum
 for Project Management Professionals to take in
 relevant and leading-edge education to support
 advanced knowledge and performance in their
 tool kits.
                                                      Attendee Age Range
                                                      The majority of the attendees (52%) at the
                                                      PMI-SAC PDC are over the age of 45.
 The opportunity to network at this event fosters
 many intangible benefits including problem-
                                                                 Currently           Prefer Not
 solving, perspective building, empathy, shared             working on my PMP        to Answer
 learning and best practices. Since inception,                      4%                  3%
 the format of the event has grown throughout
 the years to now include a themed annual event                        10%
 which is fully supported by all our sponsors who
 actively participate in the theme, a sophisticated
 sponsorship program, and two full days of
 industry-leading educational and networking                                   83%

                                                      Attendee Designations
                                                      The majority of the attendees (83%) at the
                                                      PMI-SAC PDC have obtained their
                                                      Project Management designation.

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20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
Past Event Attendees

ABB Inc.                                  Chrysylys                             General Dynamics Mission Systems
Access Pipeline Inc.                      City of Calgary                       Golder Associates
ActivEng                                  City of Chestermere                   Government of Alberta
Acumen PMO                                City of Lacombe                       Grantierra Energy
AE&P                                      City of Lethbridge                    GuestTek Interactive Entertainment Ltd.
AECOM                                     City of Portland                      Haskayne School of Business
AER                                       City of Red Deer                      Husky Energy Inc.
AESO (Alberta Electric System Operator)   CNRL                                  IBM
Agile Global Results                      Cocentric Solutions                   ICOM Productions
Agile Perspective Inc.                    Columbia Power Corporation            Identicor
AGO Group                                 Consultant                            Inexertus
Agrium                                    Convergence Project Management Inc    Infinity Consulting
Alberta Department of Energy              Corporate Oasis                       InfoPrag inc.
Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO)   Corvelle Consulting                   Infosol
Alberta Energy Regulator                  CP Rail                               Inspiring Minds Consulting Ltd
Alberta Health Services                   CPS                                   Inter Pipeline
Alberta Transportation                    Crux Projects                         Inti Inc
AltaLink                                  CUPS Payment Services                 ITMax Inc
Amec Foster Wheeler                       Danax Projects Ltd.                   Iwanski Architecture
Applied4Sight                             DBrady Risk Associates Ltd.           Kenterprise Solutions
Arnett & Burgess                          Debra L Beaton Management Inc         Keyano College
ARTIS GeoConsult & PM, Limited            Defence Construction Canada           Keywest Projects
ATB Financial                             Dempsey Consulting                    Kite Project Management
ATCO                                      Devon Canada Corporation              KoZenith PM Solutions
ATCO Electric                             Dilan Solutions Inc.                  Lagrangian
ATCO Energy Solutions Ltd.                Eagle                                 LEMA Consulting Ltd
Barrier Free Planning & Design Inc.       EllisDOn                              Long View Systems
BC Hydro                                  Emerson Automation Solutions          Luau Data Corp
BCLC                                      Emerson Process Management            Marks
Benevity, Inc.                            Enbridge Inc.                         MCG Group
Beniva Group                              Encana / Taladro Inc                  MDM Consulting Ltd.
BHP Billiton Canada                       ENMAX Energy Corporation              MEG Energy
BlackRock EMI                             ENMAX Power                           Mi9 Retail
Blue Door 7                               Ethier                                MNP
Bluegum & Maple Consulting Inc.           exp Services Inc.                     Mount Royal University
Calgary Board of Education                Explore Leadership                    Nalco Champion
Calgary Economic Development              Farm Credit Canada                    Natasha Platt Consulting LTD
Calgary Housing Company                   FGL Sports Ltd.                       National Energy Board
Calgary Police Service                    FLYHT Aerospace Solutions             Nexen
Calgary Zoo                               Focus Environmental Consulting        NGX
CANA Limited                              Focus Systems                         North West Redwater
Canadian Natural Resources Limited        Folded Sky                            NOVA Chemicals Inc.
Canadian Pacific Railway Limited          Fort Mckay GOC LP                     NovAtel Inc.
CATSA                                     FortisAlberta Inc.                    NSE
Celero                                    Fromson Consulting                    NWR Partnership
Cenovus Energy                            Fundi Project Management              OnQuest Canada
Centron Group of Companies                FWbuilders                            Ontracks Consulting
Certae Consulting                         Gas Liquids Engineering Ltd           OnX Canada
CGI                                       GCTi                                  Oracle Canada ULC

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20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
Past Event Attendees

Paramount Resources                    Shaw Communications                       TESCO Corporation
Parkland Fuel Corporation              Shell Canada Ltd.                         The Alberta New Home Warranty
Parks Canada - Project Delivery Ser-   Shelley Tremblay Consulting Corp.         Program
vice - Western and Northern Canada     Shufelt & Associates                      The Bethany Group
Pathfinder                             Silver Dart Project Management Inc.       The Cyber Training Academy
PCM Canada                             Simplifique Consulting                    The Law Society of Alberta
Pembina Pipeline Corporation           SITE Resource Group                       The Meeting Revolution
Phoenix Business Management Inc.       SJJS & Associates Inc                     Thunder Project Consulting
PKNL Solutions Inc.                    Smart Technologies                        Timberline Consulting Inc.
Plains Midstream Canada                SNC-Lavalin                               Town of Banff
PM Enterprises                         Snow Ghost Consulting Ltd.                TransAlta Corporation
PM On the Go Ltd                       snowdolphin inc.                          TransCanada Pipelines Ltd.
PMI Southern Alberta Chapter           Social Confidence Mastery                 TRG IT and Digital Solutions LTD
Popeye Media                           Solium                                    Trident Exploration Corp
PPEI                                   Solvera Solutions                         Tundra Process Solutions Ltd.
Procom                                 Southern Alberta Institute of Technol-    University of Calgary
Progress Energy                        ogy (SAIT)                                University of Lethbridge
QM Environmental                       Spotlight Data Management Inc             Veerum Inc.
Quadrus Development                    Stand & Deliver Inc.                      Veris Inc.
Quarry Bay Investments Inc.            Stantec                                   Volker Stevin Contracting
Rapier Solutions Consulting Ltd        Stuart Olson Industrial                   Waterline Resources Inc.
Raytheon Canada Limited                Suncor Energy                             West Canadian
Red Pearls IT Consulting               Swan Management Solutions, Inc            Western Principles
Repsol Oil & Gas Canada Inc.           Syrnick Enterprises Ltd.                  WestJet
Ridgeback Resources                    Taleo                                     Wood Group
Rocky View County                      Tall City Telecom                         WSP
SAIT Construction Project Manage-      Tarpon Energy Services                    Xerox
ment                                   TELUS                                     Your IT Results Inc.
Servus Pro Consulting                  Tempest Management Inc                    Zippered Tiger Inc.
Shaw Cablesystems                      Tervita

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20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
 PMI-SAC offers sponsors a dedicated marketing channel guaranteed to reach over
 2,500 active members. We pride ourselves on strong partnerships with organizations
 that believe in the value of project management and our industry and there are many
 reasons for you to get involved:

 •   Demonstrate your organization’s               The PMI-SAC provides major touch points
                                                   for our sponsors throughout the year include:
     commitment and dedication to the
     project management profession.
 •   Position your organization as
                                                                                    people at our
     vendor, educator or employer of
     choice for project management
                                                           150-                     Golf Classic

 •   Reward and retain current                     people at each of our monthly
     employees, clients and partners               dinner meetings (year-round)
     through the networking
     opportunities provided by our
     annual events.
 •   Allow your organization and
                                                                    people at our     PMI-SAC
     staff to network with the PMI-                                 Professional      membership
     SAC community. There is at least                               Conference
                                                                                      has almost
     one monthly event each year to                                                   tripled in
                                                                                      12 years
     build prospective client base and

     generate sales leads.                            6 levels of
                                                    sponsorship                     In 2004
                                                                               900 members,
                                                  to match your                   4 sponsors
                                                       budget &
                                                      objectives                                    In 2016
                                                                                                    2500 members,
                                                                                                    26 sponsors
                                   A tonne of other
                                   networking and volunteer events where you
                                   can promote your services, products and brand
                                   to our membership

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20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
How We’ll Build Your Brand
As a PMI-SAC sponsor, you benefit from a wide variety of branding opportunities as we promote this year’s
events. Here is a breakdown of our marketing activities that will include your brand:

             Website & Electronic Advertisements
             Sponsor’s logo will appear on our website, event pages and mobile app.

             E-mail campaign
             Our annual events and our sponsors will be promoted via a series of monthly email
             communications sent directly to the inboxes of thousands of industry professionals.

             On-Site Displays
             Sponsor logos will be featured on a variety of on-site signage and digital presentation
             formats (sample picture included on next page).

             On-Site Integration of Brand
             Branding of the event venues using décor, signage and electronic displays to ensure
             excellent brand recognition and connection with the audience.

             Verbal Thank You & Recognition at Events
             We will announce a verbal thank you to our sponsors at all events throughout the year.

             Complimentary Passes to Events
             As a sponsor you will be provided complimentary passes to our events that you can
             distribute to your staff, clients and consultants on behalf of your company.

             Promote Company Expertise
             As a sponsor you will have the opportunity to present at dinner meetings, the Professional
             Development Conference, and/or other events highlighting a project management topic
             in your company’s expertise.

             Social Media
    #        The chapter’s programs, events, services and its sponsors will be promoted via the PMI-
             SAC Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn accounts.

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20 19 Sponsorship Opportunities - PMI-SAC Conference
Sample Sponsorship Marketing from Events

  Advertisements in event program materials.   Your logo included on the sponsorship
                                               page of our event materials.

  Your logo included on event signage.         Display booth at the events.

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Sample Sponsorship Marketing from Events

  Keynote sponsored at the PDC.              Keynote + Breakfast Sponsor at the PDC.

  Coffee Break Sponsor at the PDC.           Sponsorship of PDC registration bags.

    Logo and exposure at the Golf Classic.   Logo and exposure at the Golf Classic.

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2019 Sponsorship Program
Sponsorship Sales Package

                                              Bronze      Silver     Gold      Platinum   Sapphire    Diamond
BENEFITS                                      Partner    Partner    Partner     Partner    Partner     Partner
                                             ($2,500)   ($5,000)   ($7,500)   ($10,000)   ($12,500)   ($15,000)

Relative ranking to other spots                 V          IV         III        II          II           I

Right to use PMI-SAC name & logo in             3          3          3          3           3           3
your promotions and communications
Logo on all sponsor recognition collateral      3          3          3          3           3           3
Logo & Link on chapter website                  3          3          3          3           3           3
Complimentary PD opportunity listings on
                                               6/yr       6/yr       6/yr       6/yr        6/yr        6/yr
chapter website (www.pmisac.com)
Complimentary job opportunity listings
on chapter website (www.pmisac.com)            2/yr       2/yr       4/yr       6/yr        6/yr        6/yr
Additional postings $200/each
Complimentary breakfast, lunch or dinner
meeting passes (can be used throughout          2          4          6          8           10          12
the year) Value $50 each
Tickets to Sponsorship Summit                   1          1          1          2           3           4
Opportunity to host a PMI-SAC Lunch
& Learn on PMI and benefits of chapter          3          3          3          3           3           3
membership for staff and clients
Organizational profile on sponsor page                                3          3           3           3
Logo & Link on chapter website template                                          3           3           3
(i.e. on every page of website)
Logo & Link on all chapter emails as a                                3          3           3           3
“major chapter sponsor”
Opportunity to host a chapter dinner                                             3           3           3
meeting (subject to availability)
Opportunity to submit articles to the
                                                1          1          1          2           2           2
PMI-SAC electronic newsletter

Competitive category exclusivity                                                                         3

Top ranking throughout all sponsor                                                                       3
recognition collateral

Sponsorship Opportunities | 2019                                              pr@pmisac.com | www.pmisac.com      12
2019 Sponsorship Program
Sponsorship Sales Package

                                                 Bronze      Silver     Gold      Platinum   Sapphire    Diamond
BENEFITS                                         Partner    Partner    Partner     Partner    Partner     Partner
                                                ($2,500)   ($5,000)   ($7,500)   ($10,000)   ($12,500)   ($15,000)
Opportunity to donate prizes to the Golf           3          3          3          3           3           3
Classic Tournament (subject to approval)
Complimentary spots at the Golf Classic
Tournament (additional spots available at
                                                   1          2          4          4           6           6
early bird rate)
Value: $179 each
Dedicated hole at the Golf Classic to host
                                                 +$750        3          3          3           3           3
a hole activity & prize. Value $750 each
First right of refusal for Par 3 holes at the                                       3           3           3
Golf Classic (based on availability)
Logo & Link on Conference Website                  3          3          3          3           3           3
Logo on Conference PPT Screen                      3          3          3          3           3           3
Logo on Conference signage                         3          3          3          3           3           3
& collateral
Access to all picture taken                        3          3          3          3           3           3
at the PDC
Verbal thank you during plenary sessions           3          3          3          3           3           3
Right to offer discounted conference               3          3          3          3           3           3
member rate to clients & affiliates
Tickets to speaker & sponsor dinner
                                                   1          1          1          2           2           3
at PDC
Opportunity to have a display booth at
                                                +$1000     +$1000        3          3           3           3
conference venue
Advertisement in the conference program         1/4 page   1/4 page   1/2 page   Full-page   Full-page   Full-page
guide distributed to all attendees               colour     colour     colour     colour      colour      colour
Opportunity to insert item(s) in PDC               3          3          3          3           3           3
delegate bag given to every attendee
Opportunity to donate a door prize (prize                     3          3          3           3           3
subject to approval) (Not a booth prize)
Right to provide additional signage for
display throughout conference venue                           1          1          2           4           4
(pop up banner 7’ x 2’)
Complimentary passes to the PDC
(additional passes offered at early bird                      1          2          2           3           4
First right to refusal on same sponsorship                               3          3           3           3
level in following year
Social Media Mentions                                                    1          1           2           4
Logo in all pre & post conference email                                             3           3           3
and direct mail communications

Sponsorship Opportunities | 2019                                                 pr@pmisac.com | www.pmisac.com      13
2019 Sponsorship Program
Sponsorship Sales Package

                                               Bronze         Silver         Gold      Platinum   Sapphire Diamond
BENEFITS                                       Partner       Partner        Partner     Partner    Partner    Partner
                                              ($2,500)      ($5,000)       ($7,500)   ($10,000)   ($12,500) ($15,0 00)
Opportunity to present a one-hour
conference workshop (subject to                                                          3            3          3
Opportunity to include a profile in a                                                    3            3          3
pre-conference HTML email blast
Contribute questions to delegate                                                                      3          3
post-conference survey & receive results
Rights to be the sponsor & exclusive                                                   Gold or       2nd         1st
                                                             Silver         Gold
host of a major PDC asset                      None                                    Higher       Choice     Choice
                                                             Asset          Asset
(see table 1.1 below)                                                                   Asset      of Asset   of Asset


Asset                                              Level               Maximum
Movie Screening Sponsor (min. 2 per year)
EPC Roundtable Sponsor (2 per year + PDC)
                                                   Gold or higher
                                                   Gold or higher
                                                                       1                          SAVE
                                                                                                  EVEN MORE
IT PMO Town Hall Sponsor (min. 2 per year )        Gold or higher      1
Change Management Roundtable                       Gold or higher      1
Business Relationship Management Roundtable        Gold or higher      1

Business Analysis Roundtable                       Gold or higher      1
PDC Keynote Sponsor                                Gold or higher      3
PDC Registraton Sponsor
PDC Evaluation Sponsor
                                                   Gold or higher
PDC All Day Coffee Break Sponsor                   Silver              2                          for signing
                                                                                                  up for a
                                                                                                  3 year
                                                                                                  at same level.

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