1st Circular - First Fruits Consulting

Page created by Linda Porter
1st Circular - First Fruits Consulting
1st Circular
                        11th CITRUS RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM
                                23 - 26 AUGUST 2020

The 11th Citrus Research Symposium will be held at the Champagne Sports Resort in the Drakensberg
from Sunday 23 August 2020 to Wednesday night, 26 August 2020. Situated in the tranquillity of the
Central Drakensberg, boasting the most spectacular view of Champagne Castle and Cathkin Peak,
lies Champagne Sports Resort (CSR). The hideaway’s unique combination of convenient location,
country club atmosphere, luxurious accommodation and friendly staff makes it an ideal venue for CRI’s
Citrus Research Symposia.

The symposium will give feedback on citrus research conducted for the southern African citrus industry
during the previous two years. This research has been conducted by researchers from CRI, several
universities, the ARC and researchers from the private sector. The symposium will be attended by a
wide spectrum of citrus industry role players including: citrus producers and their technical staff; citrus
consultants (SASCCON); citrus exporters; the citrus nursery industry (SACNA); the Citrus
Improvement Scheme (CIS); members of the CRI Postharvest Technical Forum (which includes citrus
packhouses, the Exporters Technical Panel, the Cooling Working Group and the paper and carton
manufacturing companies); PPECB; logistics service providers; the chemical industry; and delegates
from other related industries such as the suppliers of spraying, fertilising and irrigation equipment.

This symposium will host international guest speakers as keynote speakers. VILLA CROP
PROTECTION will be the main sponsor. Other sponsored events will be the LAEVELD AGROCHEM
Golf day, the UPL welcoming cocktail mixer and dinner, the RIVER BIOSCIENCE / XSIT Happy Hour,
the FNB sponsored dinner on the Tuesday evening and the SAPPI Gala Dinner and entertainment
1st Circular - First Fruits Consulting
REGISTRATIONS OPEN – www.citrusresearchsymposium.co.za

         Registration: RSA and other SADC countries                        R2 600
         Registration: Pensioners / SASCCON members / Students             R1 250
         Registration: Non-SADC countries/International                    US$500
            Late registration: SADC countries (after 13 July 2020)         R3 100

            Late registration: Non-SADC countries (after 13 July 2020)     US$600
            Day visitors                                                   R1 300
            SAPPI Gala & Entertainment evening –                           R300
            Wednesday 26 August 2020 (maximum 500 guests)
            Laeveld Agrochem Golf day - Sunday 23 August 2020              R200

The registration opens on the 3rd February 2020 and registration cost includes:

      UPL Cocktails and Welcoming dinner on Sunday evening (23 August 2020)
      River Bioscience / XSIT Happy Hour and Street Food Festival on Monday (24 August 2020)
      FNB sponsored dinner on Tuesday (25 August 2020)
      Teas/coffees and lunches during the symposium

Registrations        &      Payments      be candone     on    our     website:
www.citrusresearchsymposium.co.za. Once the registration form has been
completed, the system will automatically generate an invoice which will be sent
to the email address provided. Payments can be made online via Payfast or EFT.


Accommodation at the Champagne Sports Resort Hotel is:
    R1 750/person/room/night including breakfast, or
    R1 350/person/room/night sharing a hotel room or room in a chalet, including breakfast, or
    Spouse (non-delegate): R1 240/person/room/night sharing (with delegate), including breakfast.
    Accommodation forms can be requested from:
    The Champagne Sports Resort Hotel (Tel: 036-468 8000 or
     reservations@champagnesportsresort.com) and once completed they must be returned to the
     hotel with the proof of payment.
1st Circular - First Fruits Consulting
Alternative accommodation
Champagne Sports Resort has limited accommodation.                For alternative accommodation in
guesthouses, B&B’s or other hotels in the close vicinity, please see the attached list.

Registration will take place on Sunday, 23 August 2020 from 14:00 until 18:00 under the porte-cochère
at the entrance of the hotel. Registration for delegates playing golf will take place at the golf clubhouse
from 09:00 (the golf will start at 10:00). The welcoming drinks will take place on Sunday evening
from 18:00 followed by the welcoming dinner at 19:00.

MEALS: All dinners are included except the Gala dinner on Wednesday 26 August 2020, which will be
for the delegates’ own cost. A restaurant is available at the resort.

The SAPPI Gala dinner & sponsored entertainment will take place on Wednesday 26 August 2020.
(go to www.citrusresearchsymposium.co.za for the online registration process and other details).
There are only 500 seats available at the gala dinner, so registration for this dinner will be on a first-
come first-serve basis.

The programme will consist of plenary sessions. Each paper will be allocated 12 minutes plus
3 minutes for discussion. Break-away groups will be accommodated in smaller rooms. Rooms will
be made available for groups to meet, such as SASCCON, SACNA, CRI and CGA directors.


Abstracts: Presentations of talks or posters at the symposium are only permitted on research funded
by the citrus industry via CRI. Presenters are required to submit an abstract of the paper/poster before
Monday, 01 June 2020, by email, as an attachment in MS Word, to resadmin@cri.co.za. Abstracts
should not exceed 250 words and be typed in ARIAL font, size 10. Full details such as the title,
author(s) and affiliated organisations should also be included. The presenting author’s name should
be underlined and a corresponding author should be denoted by an * and an email address provided.
Abstracts will be published in a booklet that will be available at registration. NB: The deadline for
abstract submissions is 01 June 2020. It may not be possible to accommodate all requests for oral
presentations and authors may be asked to present a poster instead. Presenters of oral talks and one
presenter of each poster on research funded by CRI do not pay the registration fee. All invited speakers
do not pay the registration fee.
All abstracts must be submitted in both ENGLISH AND AFRIKAANS. Keynote abstracts may be
in English only.

Presentations: The preferred language for presentations is English. All Powerpoint slides should be
prepared in English. Presentations should be in MS PowerPoint 2010 or newer, slide size 16:9. Take
note that all talks are to be uploaded at the Audio and Visual booth at the front of the hall the day
before your talk.

Size of posters:
A0     =      1188 mm x 840 mm
Orientation of posters: Portrait (poster boards are made to fit portrait posters only).
Exhibition space will be available for 30 scientific posters. Ample space will be available for displays
of sponsors.

01 June 2020:   Deadline for abstract submission.
13 July 2020:   Last day for early registration and full payment.
14 August 2020: Cut-off date for registration and full payment.
23 August 2020: Golf day, Registration & Welcome dinner.
1st Circular - First Fruits Consulting
Abstracts: Tshidi Ramabu (013-759 8013) - resadmin@cri.co.za
General Symposium enquiries & Sponsorships: Liezl van der Linde [013-759 8003] -
Confirmation of Registration & Sponsorship payments: Christine Stoppel-Grove
[013-7598005] - christine@cri.co.za

Address to send sponsorship items/promotional material to be placed in symposium bags:
10th August 2020 – All sponsorship material to be at CRI’s offices.
Citrus Research International
2 Baker Street
Nelspruit 1201 [Attention: Liezl van der Linde]

If a booking is cancelled on or before 13 July 2020, 50% of the registration fee will be

                                          Directions from Johannesburg:

A) Scenic Route: Johannesburg to Harrismith on N3. At Harrismith turn right onto the N5 towards
BETHLEHEM/BLOEMFONTEIN. Proceed for ± 5km, turn left onto the R712 QWA-QWA/BERGVILLE road. Proceed for ±
10kms. Turn left again on the BERGVILLE/OLIVIERSHOEK PASS (R74) road. Continue past Sterkfontein dam, down
Oliviershoek Pass, straight through Bergville and on to Winterton. At Winterton turn right onto the R600, CENTRAL
BERG road, which is directly opposite the Engen garage; proceed for ± 13km to the crossroad junction at Thokozisa.
Cross straight over and continue for ± 11.4 km. The Hotel is situated on the left hand side.

B) Freeway Route:
Johannesburg to Van Reenen's Pass on the N3. Pass through the Tugela Toll Plaza which is at the bottom of Van Reenen's
Pass. Continue approximately 14 kilometers to the R616 BERGVILLE turn off, proceed left on the N11 towards Ladysmith
for approximately 4 kilometers and turn right onto the R600 Spioenkop / Winterton Rd. Travel along over the highway,
and past Spioenkop Lodge / Nature Reserve. When you reach a T-Junction, turn left to Winterton. Take a right over the
railway line (R600) when you get into Winterton. This is directly opposite the Engen garage. Follow that road until you
reach the crossroads at Thokozisa. Go straight over the crossroads and travel a further 11 kms, until you see Champagne
Sports on your left hand side.

Directions from Durban:
Travel along the N3, past Pietermaritzburg and through Mooi River. You will pass the Wagendrift Dam on your left, and
keep going until you reach the Estcourt North Giants Castle Central Berg Turnoff. Turn left at the glide-off, and carry
on through Loskop for 28kms. Please note there are lots of cattle and animals, be careful! You will reach a crossroads,
with a sign saying Central Drakensberg, turn left. Follow this road for 11kms, and Champagne Sports is situated on the
left hand side
= Champagne Sports Resort
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