+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit

Page created by Jennifer Sullivan
+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
as at February 26, 2021

The biobased solutions international                                +130

                                                                                                  CONFERENCES PROGRAM -
conference and business meetings                                   international
                                                                   key speakers

June 2-4, 2021                                        +30
Reims, France                                         high level


                 www.plantbasedsummit.com            #plantbasedsummit

                       Co-organised by:
+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit

                             Be part of an industry on the move
                             PBS is the international event for bioeconomy where biobased solutions actors and
                             end-users build together tomorrow’s sustainable economy!

        François MONNET      « Green Deal »: these 2 words are setting the scene in Europe for the years to come. The
                 President   breadth of the project they encompass will push any industry to align its long-term strategy
                   ACDV      to reach the sustainability objectives that are compulsory to achieve, for us, our children, our
                             grand-children… and the society as a whole.

                             Plant Based solutions are fully concerned by this political proposal. And if you attentively
Christophe RUPP-DAHLEM       screen the content of the European Green Deal, you’ll find many domains where our activities
                President    are relevant. The framework to support these industries is set: European Circular Bioeco-
                     IAR     nomy Strategy, renewal of the Public-Private Partnerships dedicated to the Bioeconomy or
                             the definition of the taxonomy to define the perimeter of « green investments ». At the same
                             time, Member States are deepening their approach to efficiently support biobased products
                             and chemicals.
                             But industrial development is not only fueled by the overall political context. It also needs a
                             market and the understanding of customers’ demand and wishes. Innovation will also be
                             crucial to answer to fast evolving and ever more aware customers. And for each market, the
                             keys for success are different.

                             Plant Based Summit 2021 will offer to all actors of the biobased world to meet and build to-
                             gether a sound understanding of these items: investment tools, market trends, customer ac-
                             ceptance, political framework…. By confronting their views, by listening to high level speakers
                             as well as knowledgeable people “working on the field”, each one will deepen his understan-
                             ding of what are the challenges and opportunities of these solutions in the targeted market as
                             well as what are the successful innovations.
                             In a world which appears to be more and more turbulent, let’s build together the path to sus-
                             tainable growth.

+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
International Advisory Board

       Plant Based
         Summit is
     supported by
  the conferences
   advisory board,    Eric ALVAREZ           Cécile BARRÈRE-TRICCA   Daniel BERCOVICI              Sébastien DUPRAT DE PAULE Gernot JAEGER
                      Business Development   President               Consultant                    Innovation & Development       Head of Biotechnology
        made up of    Manager                                                                      Director - Natural Ingredients
                                             AXELERA                                                                             COVESTRO AG,
     experts of the   GENOMATICA                                                                   GROUPE YVES ROCHER            INNOVATION
        sector who
         the whole
bio-based market!

                      Ling HUA               Michael KREL            Guillaume LEBERT              Patrick LEDJAM                Dr. Simone M.P. ARIZZI
                      Head of Group          Partner                 Head for Fabric Care Europe   General Director              Technology and innovation
                      Biotechnology                                                                                              Manager
                                             SOFINNOVA PARTNERS      P&G BRUSSELS                  BASF
                      CLARIANT                                       INNOVATION CENTER                                           DUPONT

                      Marco MENSINK          Olivier ROLLAND         Kathrin RÜBBERDT              Nicolas SORDET                Mariagiovanna VETERE
                      General Director       Managing Director       Head of Communications        CEO                           Global Public Affairs
                                                                     and Biotechnology                                           Director
                      CEFIC                  TWB                                                   AFYREN

+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
Program overview

                                        WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2ND, 2021
9:00-18:10                                           One-to-one business meetings

                                                       OPENING PLENARY SESSION
                                           The Green deal: the SWOT matrix of biobased solutions

                  Economic &                   Home &                          Biopolymers               Biopolymers
               Regulatory Context            Personal Care                    & Biomaterials            & Biomaterials


                                                                                                                               One-to-one business meetings
               New available «green»         Biobased skin                    New molecules        High performance biobased
              financing opportunities        care products                    for biopolymers         materials & resins for
                on a European level                                            & biomaterials             construction

                  Economic &                   Home &                          Biopolymers               Biopolymers
               Regulatory Context            Personal Care                    & Biomaterials            & Biomaterials

                    Financing:              2.0 Detergency,                    When fashion          Innovative processes
                     the keys           new biobased molecules               turns to biobased     and applications for wood
                    to success              & formulations                        textiles                chemistry

                  Economic &                   Home &                          Biopolymers               Biopolymers
               Regulatory Context            Personal Care                    & Biomaterials            & Biomaterials

                   Biorefineries               Disinfecting                   Biobased sport            Biobased paints,
                   for a circular       agents, surface treatment:               & leisure             coatings, sealants
                   bioeconomy              what innovations?                     materials                & adhesives

+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
Program overview

                                                   THURSDAY, JUNE 3RD, 2021
8:30-16:05                                                     One-to-one business meetings

                                                                      PLENARY SESSION
                                               Citizens’ and consumers’ expectations to boost biobased markets?

              Sustainable production for                 Home &                          Biopolymers
              sustainable raw materials                Personal Care                    & Biomaterials

                                                                                                                                                  One-to-one business meetings
                      Biocontrol,                      Personal Care                     The Biobased                        Eco-design,
                     Biostimulation                     & Cosmetics                       Packaging                        Biodegradability,
                                                                                          challenges                         Traceability

              A sustainable production for               Home &                          Biopolymers               A sustainable production for
               sustainable raw materials               Personal Care                    & Biomaterials              sustainable raw materials

                The Biobased innovation              Food-Nutraceutical                   Wood road                     Sustainable feedstocks
                      contribution                       Ingredients                    to Biopolymers                      for sustainable
                    to CSR policies                (& alternative proteins)             & Biomaterials                        productions

14:45-16:05                               C-LEVEL PANEL: The long-term challenges of industry facing recurrent crises

+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
They contribute to PBS 2021

+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
They will share their expertise at the conferences

      Benjamin ALLEARD                      Eric ALVAREZ                     Xavier ASTOLFI                     Goizeder BARBERENA                  Catia BASTIOLI                   Daniel BERCOVICI
Infection prevention expert France   Business Development Manager   PH.D, MBA, Director of Innovation &        Biomass Strategy & Business                CEO                             Consultant
     DIVERSEY FRANCE                        GENOMATICA                    Business Development                    Development Manager                 NOVAMONT
                                                                             CRISTAL UNION                              CENER

      Elodie BIENSTMAN                      Olivier BOBIN                 Stephanie BOCCALINI                     Anne BOGDANSKI                    Franc BOGOVIC                      Brice BONNET
    Innovation project officer                    CEO               Marketing and communication director        Natural Ressources Officer              Member                 Research and Development Manager
    GROUPE BLANCHON                             CIRAM                     GROUPE BLANCHON                      FOOD AND AGRICULTURE           EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT                   BASF BEAUTY CARE
                                                                                                                 ORGANIZATION (FAO)                                                    SOLUTIONS

       Isabelle BONNET                   Andrea BORGARDS                    Debora BOTTURI                       Jamel BOUZENZANA                Michael BRANDKAMP                  Gregory BROCHARD
         Project Leader                  Senior Vice President -     Sustainability & Innovation Manager                  CEO                        General Partner                   Technical Director
   L’ORÉAL RESEARCH &                     Global Pulp&Wood             LINIFICIO E CANAPIFICIO                            PNO                            ECBF                              ALLIOS
       INNOVATION                         LENZING GROUP                       NAZIONALE

     Magalie CABANNES                      Michael CARUS                    Benjamin CASSOU                       Elodie CHEVALIER                  Patrick CHOISY                    Olivier CHOULET
 Application Laboratory Manager                   CEO                            President                        PhD - Project Manager      Sustainable development Manager                 CEO
         GREENTECH                         NOVA INSTITUT                        RESTALK                                LACTIPS                     LVMH RESEARCH                           ECOAT

+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
They will share their expertise at the conferences

        Mickael CREGUT                Nicolas CUDRE-MAUROUX        Bernard DE GALEMBERT                     Ludo DIELS                    Akaber DOKMAK                       Tom DOMEN
     Engineer in Biotechnology                  CTO                Manager of BioChem Europe                  Professor                   Process Engineer             Director Long-term Innovation
        CAPACITES SAS                         SOLVAY                         CEFIC                    ANTWERP UNIVERSITY          FLUID AIR/SPRAYING SYSTEMS                    ECOVER

       Michael DUETSCH                    Joanna DUPONT          Sébastien DUPRAT DE PAULE              Fatima EL GARAH                   Stefano FACCO                    Quentin FAUCRET
          Vice President                  Head of EU Affairs    Director innovation and development      Associate Professor      Director New Business Development             President
     UPM BIOCHEMICALS                 EUROPEAN BIOPLASTICS              natural raw materials                  CNRS                      NOVAMONT SPA                          RESICARE
         BUSINESS                                                       YVES ROCHER

       Nathalie FAYOLLE                Pierluigi FUSCO GIRARD           Philippe GABANT                  Antoine GALLOS                     Olivier GALY                    Olivier GAMBARI
      Personal Care Manager                     CEO                     Co-founder & CSO                 Research Scientist              Director of Operation                     CEO
 JRS RETTENMAIER FRANCE               LINIFICIO E CANAPIFICIO             SYNGULON                            URD ABI                           TWB                         INEX CIRCULAR

        Flavien GEISLER                    Tim GRATZKE                  Guillaume GROS                  Gert-Jan GRUTER                 Justine GUIRONNET                 Florent HEROGUEL
Research and Innovation Department        Marketing Manager       Business development Manager         Chief Technology Officer       Plastic and rubber manager            COO & Co-founder
            EIFFAGE                  DSM RESINS & FUNCTIONAL                DEMETA                          AVANTIUM                  STEARINERIE DUBOIS              BLOOM BIORENEWBLES LTD

+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
They will share their expertise at the conferences

  Delphine HUC-MATHIS           Gisle Lohre JOHANSEN                      Corbin JOHNSON                         Mickael KREL                    Andreas KUENKEL                     Marie-Pierre LABORIE
    Assistant Professor      business responsible for specialty   Associate Director, Flavor, Fragrance              Partner              Research and Development Manager/       Professor of Forest Biomaterials
    AGROPARISTECH            cellulose and advanced bioethanol          & Cosmetic Ingredients                   SOFINNOVA                             Director                  UNIVERSITY OF FREIBURG
                                    BORREGAARDS                                AMYRIS                                                                  BASF-SE

     Alexis LAHUTTE               Stephane LAURENT                         Victor LAURENT                        Remi LAVILLE                       Xavier LE FUR                      Guillaume LEBERT
  Rubber Material Engineer         Director of Innovation                   Project Manager                Innovation & Development -       Director of Innovation & Business   Sustainability Group Head for Fabric
      DECATHLON                  & Maghreb Area Manager                     GREENTECH                     Active Biotechnology Manager,               Development                           Care Europe
                             JRS RETTENMAIER FRANCE                                                               Biotechmarine                          MBA                    P&G BRUSSELS INNOVATION
                                                                                                                    SEPPIC                                                              CENTER

      Gilles LENON                 Christophe LUGUEL                    Anisul Islam MAHMUD               Carine MANGEON PASTORI                     Jan MAREK                           Nicolas MARTIN
           CEO                        Director Europe                   Project Engineer (R&D)               PhD, R&D team leader                      MSc., PhD                       Sustainability Director
 CENTRE TECHNIQUE DU                       IAR                              EUROBIORG                             EVERTREE                      INOTEX SPOL S.R.O                    AJINOMOTO ANIMAL
       PAPIER                                                                                                                                                                        NUTRITION EUROPE

     Patrick MARTIN                 Philippe MENGAL                        Marco MENSINK                     Joachim MERZIGER                   Daouia MESSAOUDI                      Raphael MESTANZA
         Professor                   Executive Director                     General Director                          CCO                 Research and Development Manager                     CEO
UNITÉ TRANSFORMATIONS                      BBI                                  CEFIC                              AFYREN                    BERKEM DEVELOPMENT                             INTPACT

+130 international key speakers - Plant Based Summit
They will share their expertise at the conferences

        Antoine MIALON                   Craig MILNES                 François MONNET                      Olivier MOREILLON                   Philippe MOUSSOU                      Najat NASSR
  Product Development Manager            Design Director                   President               Strategy & Collaborative Innovation    R&D Project Management Manager       Research Engineer & Project
          METGEN OY                  WILSON BENESCH                          ACDV                               Director                      BASF BEAUTY CARE                          Manager
                                                                                                                  ECOAT                          SOLUTIONS                           RITTMO

      Corinne NAWROCKI                  Frederic NIOLA                 Sascha NISSEN                          Laurent NOCA                         Kristel ONS                        Bruno PARY
Responsable Développement Durable   Global Innovation Director      Director of Sustainability        Technical and Innovation Director          Secretary General               Internation UARF Fellow
            Innovation                     CARGILL                           AISE                           CCB-LIGNOROC                              FEICA                   THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON
            SEPPIC                                                                                                                                                             RESEARCH FOUNDATION

          Remi PERRIN                 Babette PETTERSEN                Natalia PINGARD                          Patrick PIOT                      Vincent RAPINEL                      Laurie REY
           R&D Director               Vice President Europe      Marketing & Development Manager           CEO / Managing Director        Research and Development Manager/          Business Director
            SOPREMA                       LANZATECH                    CAPACITES SAS                              DEMETA                               Director                           TWB

     Jean-Philippe RICHARD              Pietro RIGONAT                    Maya RIMA                         Mansuy ROCQUIN                      Sophie ROELANTS                     Olivier ROLLAND
            VP Europe                    Project Manager                  PhD Student                  Thermoplastic Material Engineer    Innovation Manager Biosurfactants         Managing Director
               BPI                            LOBA                           CNRS                              DECATHLON                        BIO BASE EUROPE                           TWB
                                                                                                                                                  PILOTE PLANT

They will share their expertise at the conferences

     Annariikka ROSELLI                    Alix ROUSSEAUX                         Chris SAYNER                          Michael SCHÄFER                       Mathias SEXE                  Kathryn SHERIDAN
     Development Manager                Bio-inputs Market Manager        Vice President Customer Alliances,   Sales Steering and Market Research          Director of Agronomy and            CEO and Founder
       METSÄ SPRING                               ARD                         Corporate Sustainability                    SÜDDZUCKER                   Development & Chairman (CRD)    SUSTAINABILITY CONSULT
                                                                         CRODA INTERNATIONAL PLC                                                              EMC2 ET CRD

 Vaida SIRGEDAITE-SEZIENE                  Eduardo SOARES                        Wim SOETAERT                            Nicolas SORDET                      Stefania TRENTI                 Joana TRINDADE
Head of Laboratory of Forest Plant   Innovation Director and Executive                Director                                  CEO                              Economist                    Project Manager
         Biotechnology                        Board Member                BIO BASE EUROPE PILOTE                             AFYREN                    SAO PAULO INTENSA BANK          AMORIM CORK COMPOSITES

    Christophe TROUILLET                   Matthijs VAN LINT                   Isabelle VAN REETH                  Karolien VANBROEKHOVEN                 Martijn VERSCHUREN                Laurie VERZEAUX
     Development Manager             Business Development Manager        Skin Care Global Technical leader         Research manager sustainable         Manager Quality & Innovation    Innovation management project
              JSP                         Specialty Chemicals                    DOW SILICONE                               chemistry                              H4A                              leader
                                        WAGENINGEN FOOD &                                                                       VITO                                                               SILAB
                                        BIOBASED RESEARCH

      Matthias ZSCHEILE                        Joanna GIL                       Charlotte HERDT                         Delphine BOUVIER                   Guillaume WEGRIA
       Managing Director                     Founder & CEO               Sustainability operations for High           International director R&I -           Co-founder & CEO
  BIOECONOMY CLUSTER                          LIGNOPURE                      Performance Polymers                 sustainable development scientific             FYTEKO
                                                                                     ARKEMA                                     program

11:00 - 12:30   The Green deal: the SWOT matrix of biobased solutions
  Plenary       In its new growth strategy, the European Union is moving towards an energy and environmental transition to meet the challenges of global
  Session       warming.
                What capacities can bio-based chemistry and bioproductions have in this economic construction project? How can they be integrated in a
                sustainable and viable way in a context where some economic players will tend to «green» their image more than their activity/production and
                where the extreme variation in oil prices limits the development of plant-based chemistry?
                The Green deal is emerging as a real driving force for change that sets out a precise regulatory framework and helps to generate new
                commercial opportunities where plant-based chemistry can make its voice heard.
                What strategies and financing will the Green Deal provide for the players in the sector? What are the advantages of the plant-based industry in
                the context of national sovereignty and the re-industrialization of Europe?

                  Chairman: Marco MENSINK, General Director, CEFIC
                   Circular Bioeconomy: a key to implement the Green Deal and other EU Strategies
                  - Catia BASTIOLI, CEO, NOVAMONT
                   The following speaker’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                  - Anne BOGDANSKI, Natural Resources Officer (Bioeconomy), FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO)
                  - Other speakers will be joining this round table

13:35 - 14:55   Biobased skin care products
  Home &        The wellness sector is undergoing significant transformations. Consumers tend to use more reasoned, more natural products, forcing suppliers
Personal care   to adapt their production chain.
                What contributions can plant-based chemistry and biotechnologies make from a qualitative but also a civic point of view (healthier and more
                environmentally friendly products) while fitting into a circular economy model?
                What new molecules and new sources are emerging from this opportunity?
                What place for naturalness in such a competitive market?

                  Chairman: Sébastien DUPRAT DE PAULE, Innovation & Development Director - Natural Ingredients,
                  YVES ROCHER
                   New active ingredient to improve emotional well-being of sensitive skin
                  - Isabelle BONNET, Project leader, BASF BEAUTY CARE SOLUTIONS
                   Soothing effect of eco-designed virgin coriander seed oil on sensitive skin
                  - Rémi LAVILLE, Innovation & Development - Active Biotechnology Manager, BIOTECHMARINE - SEPPIC
                   How to unleash innovation sustainably? StarDesign Power as a great example
                  - Frédéric NIOLA, Global Innovation director, CARGILL
                   Bio derived and biodegradable material for improved protection against the sun
                  - Isabelle VAN REETH, Skin Care Global Technical leader, DOW SILICONE

13:35 - 14:55    New available «green» financing opportunities on a European level
 Economic        Europe is in the midst of a major change in its environmental policies, requiring a review of its financial plans. Green finance» is gradually
& Regulatory     taking shape, but what is it all about? What capacity and what place can vegetal-based chemistry take in this new European project and in the
                 activities of the new BBI? What are the criteria to benefit from it?
                   Chairman: Christohe LUGUEL, Director Europe, IAR (THE FRENCH BIOECONOMY CLUSTER)
                    BBI JU: a high impact initiative for systemic changes in Europe
                   - Philippe MENGAL, Executive Director, BBI JU
                    Opportunities and challenges of investing in biobased business opportunities!
                   - Michael BRANDKAMP, General Partner, ECBF
                    IBISBA - Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator
                   - Laurie REY, Business Director, TWB
                    The following speaker’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                   - Jamel BOUZENZANA, CEO, PNO / ARTTIC

13:35 - 14:55    New molecules for biopolymers & biomaterials
 Biopolymers     The new molecules from the plant represent a recognized added value today. What are the co-products or new technologies that make it as
& Biomaterials   close as possible to consumer expectations? How can we combine well-being with circular economy?

                   Chairman: Constance ISSBRUECKER, Head of Environmental Affairs, EUBP
                    Emerging Potential of Biorefinery Lignin through Additive Manufacturing
                   - Marie-Pierre LABORIE, Professor of Forest Biomaterials, UNIVERSITY OF FREIBURG
                     ransparent elastomeric blends of polylactic acid and ferulic acid derivatives for biomedical and
                    composites applications
                   - Antoine GALLOS, Research Scientist, URD ABI
                    From 100% green ester to oligomer in pla matrix
                   - Justine GUIRONNET, Plastic and rubber manager, STEARINERIE DUBOIS
                    Lactips Casein: a natural and functional protein that opens up new markets for manufacturers
                   - Elodie CHEVALIER, PhD - Project Manager, LACTIPS

13:35 - 14:55   High performance biobased materials & resins for construction
 Biopolymers     The construction industry is one of the main sectors where the shift towards ecological transition requires new codes and practices. Here
& Biomaterials   again, the door is open to new bio-based materials, but what about the reality of the market? What are the stakes and what support is there in
                 terms of innovation and the insurability of innovative processes?
                 What is the current status of regulations on the use of these materials and what is their environmental impact?
                 Coating, insulation, bio-membrane, fiber, wood construction, binder, glue, bitumen with lignin: which functionalities for which performance for
                 bio-sourced products? What toxicology?

                   Chairman: Quentin FAUCRET, CEO, RESICARE
                    Cork Composites role in product development
                   - Joana TRINDADE, Project Manager, AMORIM CORK COMPOSITES
                     WB, a public actor - aimed at accelerating development in industrial biotechnology - collaborates in
                    the Bioimpulse project
                   - Olivier GALY, Director of operation, TWB
                    PAVAROOF: How to get advantages to a fully biobased insulation system for flat roofs
                   - Rémi PERRIN, R&D director, SOPREMA
                    Lignoroc technology, to decarbonize building construction at a market price
                   - Laurent NOCA, Technical and innovation director, CCB - LIGNOROC
                    The following speaker’s/company’s subtopics are currently being finalised:
                   - Martijn VERSCHUREN, Quality and Innovation Manager, H4A
                   - STORA ENSO


15:20 - 16:40   2.0 Detergency, new biobased molecules & formulations
   Home &       For several years now, we have been seeing «greener», better designed and more environmental friendly detergents on the market.
Personal Care   Where do we stand from a normative, regulatory and sanitary point of view? What regulations govern detergents and ecocert / ecolabel
                The success of these products is encouraging us to find new surfactant formulations: from European plants, green solvents and bacteria. How
                do biotech processes provide access to these new molecules by combining innovation and performance? What are the formulation constraints
                related to bio-sourced products?
                What biocidal active ingredients of plant origin are currently available?

                  Chairman: Sascha NISSEN, Director of Sustainability, AISE
                   How to reconcile consumer expectations and the reality of the carbon footprint of laundry detergents?
                  - Guillaume LEBERT, Sustainability Group Head for Fabric Care Europe, PROCTER & GAMBLE
                    any Shades of Green’ in Cleaning and Sanitation Key considerations and steps towards “greener”
                  - Benjamin ALLEARD, Infection Prevention Expert France, DIVERSEY FRANCE
                   Aquasiloils®, a natural and an innovative alliance to create a green surfactant
                  - Magalie CABANNES, Application Laboratory Manager, & Victor LAURENT, Project Manager, GREENTECH
                   Environmentally benign synthesis of home and personal care ingredients
                  - Matthijs VAN LINT, Business Development Manager Specialty Chemicals, WAGENINGEN FOOD & BIOBASED RESEARCH
                   From plant based to waste sources
                  - Tom DOMEN, Director Long-term Innovation, ECOVER

15:20 - 16:40    Financing: the keys to success
 Economic        The development and transition to bio-based production solutions can raise several financial issues.
& Regulatory     What are the conditions of success for the industrialization of a biosourced project?
                 How to complete the economic equation of a platform, an industrialization?
  Context        What are the costs of access to raw materials and utilities?
                 What are the local strategic interests?
                 Through various examples, including the establishment of biorefineries, a look at the place and challenges of financing bio-based projects will
                 be provided.

                   Chairman: Mickael KREL, Partner, SOFINNOVA
                    Recycled Carbon for the Circular Economy
                   - Babette PETTERSEN, Vice President Europe, LANZA TECH - BRUXELLES
                     pifrance’s SPI fund, a key player in industrialization in the field of green chemistry in France,
                    feedback and outlook
                   - Nicolas SORDET, CEO, AFYREN
                   - Jean-Philippe RICHARD, VP Europe, BPI
                    The following speakers’ subtopics are currently being finalised:
                   - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias ZSCHEILE, Managing Director, BIO ECONOMY CLUSTER
                   - Dr. Michael DUETSCH, Vice President, UPM BIOCHEMICALS BUSINESS

15:20 - 16:40    When fashion turns to biobased textiles
 Biopolymers     In recent years, we have seen an acceleration of naturalness in major retailers, partly through the use of more rational fabrics (organic cotton,
& Biomaterials   increased use of linen and the multiplication of European certifications).
                 How do retailers perceive the expectations of the end customer and how do they adapt their ranges?
                 Among the major trends in the textile industry, what are the innovative and breakthrough solutions that bio-sourced solutions can provide?

                   Chairman: Eric ALVAREZ, Business Development Manager, GENOMATICA
                    Sustainable bio-based textile fibres
                   - Annariikka ROSELLI, Development Manager, METSÄ SPRING
                    «Bio-retting» - new tool to the waste-less utilization of oilseed flax and hemp for fibre
                   - Jan MAREK, MSc., PhD., INOTEX SPOL. S R.O.
                    The following speaker’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                   - Pierluigi FUSCO GIRARD, CEO, & Debora BOTTURI, Sustainability & Innovation Manager, LINIFICIO E CANAPIFICIO NAZIONALE

15:20 - 16:40    Innovative processes and applications for wood chemistry
 Biopolymers     From the lab to the shelf, from niche to norm, innovative processes and applications for wood chemistry: what new features and functions can
& Biomaterials   it bring to the circular bioeconomy?
                    Bio-refining using stabilisation strategies
                   - Florent HÉROGUEL, COO & Co-founder, BLOOM BIORENEWBLES LTD
                    Plant-based adhesives go industrial in wood-based panels, to improve indoor air quality
                    and environmental impact of your furniture and construction projects
                   - Xavier LE FUR PH.D, MBA, Director of Innovation & Business Development,
                     & Carine MANGEON PASTORI, PhD, R&D team leader, EVERTREE
  Sponsored by
                    Solving bottlenecks of modern biorefineries
                   - Antoine MIALON, Product Development Manager, METGEN OY
                    Bioaromatics derived from lignin - a chemical intermediate for different applications
                   - Karolien VANBROEKHOVEN, Research manager sustainable chemistry, VITO
                    Wood based Cellulose fibers and gels for applications in building chemistry products
                   - Stéphane LAURENT, Director of Innovation & Maghreb Area Manager, JRS RETTENMAIER FRANCE

16:50 - 18:10    Disinfecting agents, surface treatment: what innovations?
   Home &        How can biosourced products seize the opportunities offered by consumer expectations for plant-based products?
Personal Care    The sale of biocides, virucides and other disinfecting agents of natural origin has become more widespread in recent years.
                 How can probiotics be alternatives to chemical products that tend to be increasingly resistant to chemical agents and antibiotics?
                 How can the biodegradability dimension be integrated into these products?
                 What is a biofilm? In what way are they assets in the management of the surface state of materials?

                   Chairman: Wim SOETAERT, Director, BIO BASE EUROPE PILOT PLANT
                    Development of new-to-nature tailor-made microbial biosurfactants
                   - Sophie ROELANTS, Innovation Manager Biosurfactants, & Wim SOETAERT, Director, BIO BASE EUROPE PILOT PLANT
                    Seaweeds: A promising source of antibiofilm agents against pathogenic bacteria
                   Fatima EL GARAH, Associate Professor, & Maya RIMA, PhD student, CNRS
                    Development of new disinfectants by incorporation of biobased molecules
                   - Daouia MESSAOUDI, R&D Manager, BERKEM DÉVELOPPEMENT


16:50 - 18:10    Biobased mobility & leisure materials
 Biopolymers     Bio-based chemistry has many applications, including the materials used in the development of sports and leisure-oriented products.
& Biomaterials   What performance do these new innovative materials offer? How do they make equipment more environmentally friendly? What is the share of
                 plant in the design/manufacturing process? How are used materials recycled?

                    Wilson Benesch - From music passion to sustainable audio systems
                   - Craig MILNES, CEO, WILSON BENESCH
                    Making the benefits of sports sustainable to the many
                   - Alexis LAHUTTE, Rubber Material Engineer, DECATHLON
                   - Mansuy ROCQUIN, Thermoplastic Material Engineer, DECATHLON
                    The following speaker’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                   - Charlotte HERDT, Sustainability operations for High Performance Polymers, ARKEMA

16:50 - 18:10    Biorefineries for a circular bioeconomy
 Economic        Europe has recognized bioeconomy as part of the circular economy. Biorefineries are key components of that circularity as they provide
& Regulatory     the opportunity to valorise every fraction of the biomass. But each biorefinery is a different model and a source of specific value streams for
                 biobased products. At the same time as former food/feed focused industrial units broaden their output with biobased chemicals, chemical sites
  Context        welcome biobased production units. What are the drivers for these industrial developments, their strengths and weaknesses? What are the
                 challenges they face? What is the value created and how to share it?

                   Chairman: Ludo DIELS, Research Leader, VITO
                    A long-term partnership to create a new biobased value chain. What challenges and benefits?
                   - Joachim MERZIGER, CCO, AFYREN
                   - Michael SCHÄFER, Sales steering and market research, SÜDZUCKER
                    Bioconversion of waste streams into valuable bioproducts at demo scale
                   - Goizeder BARBERENA IBAÑEZ, Biomass Strategy & Business Development Manager, CENER
                    The following speaker’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                   - Olivier GAMBARI, CEO, INEX CIRCULAR


16:50 - 18:10    Biobased paints, coatings, sealants & adhesives
 Biopolymers     Mature» market segment: biosourced paints continue to grow. The parameters of economic viability are in fact achieved in terms of
& Biomaterials   performance on all the criteria of the sector (ease of application, durability, odor, etc.), price competitiveness, and response to the
                 environmental sensitivity of consumers, which is increasingly present, especially among young people (under 30 years old). Manufacturers are
                 not mistaken, including in the «Pro» market segment, by investing heavily in plant sourcing.
                 However, there are different approaches depending on the target of the products:
                 - Professional market (BtoB): customers’ expectations remain at the level of product performance, with the «biosourced» dimension still seen
                 as secondary - it remains little claimed because its value to the end customer is not yet very promising. However, manufacturers are investing
                 massively in R&D on developments because they anticipate a strong evolution in demand in these areas. Demand is beginning to emerge in
                 certain countries, such as Switzerland and Germany.
                 However, the availability of certain bio-based raw materials and their higher costs (compared to a fossil raw material) remain two current
                 - Construction market (BtoC): As the claim «biosourced» is still little recognized, the (real) interest in plant sourcing is above all as a lever
                 to meet the major challenges of the company, which are the reduction of the carbon footprint, the development of short circuits (European
                 biomass), The search for functionalities such as biodegradability, ... To integrate the strategic vision of the company, the «plant sourcing»
                 reflection must be articulated with other tools and reflections such as LCA, circular economy, ....

                   Chairman: Kristel ONS, Secretary General, FEICA
                    Plant-powered coatings: Achieving high performance with plant-based ingredients
                   - Tim GRATZKE, Marketing Manager, DSM RESINS & FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
                   - Gregory BROCHARD, Technical Director, ALLIOS
                    Moving towards biobased architectural coatings with outstanding performances
                   - Olivier MOREILLON, Strategy & Collaborative Innovation Director, & Olivier CHOULET, CEO, ECOAT
                    Blanchon group, biobased is part of our long-term strategy
                   - Elodie BIENSTMAN, Project Officer, & Stéphanie BOCCALINI, Marketing and communication director, GROUPE BLANCHON
                    Bio-sourced and natural substances in deco-paint
                   - Anisul Islam MAHMUD, Project Engineer [R&D], EUROBIORG


 9:30 - 10:30    Citizens’ and consumers’ expections to boost biobased markets?
  Plenary        The search for better designed and more environmentally friendly products/goods is becoming more and more important in the consciousness.
  Session        Does this echo a real citizen’s will or a consumer’s will? What tools should be put in place to respond to it? Through what pedagogy?
                 Internationally, what are the points of convergence and divergence of consumer expectations?

                   Chairman: Michael CARUS, CEO, NOVA INSTITUT
                    From BIOVOICES and Biobridges projects’ experience to Transition2Bio
                   - Pietro RIGONAT, Project Manager, LOBA
                    Fundamental understanding of biodegradability
                   - Andreas KUENKEL, Vice President Biopolymer Research, BASF SE
                    New cooperation model to ensure full traceability of natural resources in the cosmetics field
                   - Brice BONNET, Head of Analytical Sciences Research Department, L’ORÉAL RESEARCH & INNOVATION
                   - Patrick CHOISY, Head of Innovation in Natural Materials and Sustainable Development, LVMH RESEARCH

10:40 - 12:00    Eco-design, Biodegradability, Traceability
Sustainability   Today’s industry implies new technical challenges and new process to poduce in the shortest amount of time.
                 Nevertheless, a cleaner production means to mobilize time and people to figure out new ways to improve the production but also the products’
                 composition (raw materials, effects on nature and humans, tracability, biodegrability…).
                 What are the new procedures and solutions ? Which levers for improvement can be arisen?

                   Chairman: Kathryn SHERIDAN, CEO & Founder, SUSTAINABILITY CONSULT
                    From the concept of biodegradation tests to the development of automated platforms
                    to facilitate chemical fate assessments for industry
                   - Mickael CREGUT, Engineer in Biotechnology, CAPACITES SAS
                    EcoXtract: a bio-based solution for extraction of natural products
                   - Vincent RAPINEL, R&D manager, ECOXTRACT
                    Stable and unstable isotopes fingerprints for biobased qualification, classification
                    and certification
                   - Olivier BOBIN, CEO, CIRAM


10:40 - 12:00    Personal Care & Cosmetics
  Home &         How do new processes and molecules support consumer expectations in terms of well-being and sustainable beauty? How does a bio-based
Personal care    solution increase quality of life?

                   Chairman: Delphine BOUVIER, L’OREAL
                    Optimized oligosaccharidic flax seed extract: when the extraction process supports sustainable beauty
                   - Philippe MOUSSOU, R&D Project Management Manager, BASF BEAUTY CARE SOLUTIONS
                   - Delphine BOUVIER, L’OREAL
                    Interpenetrating biopolymer network obtained by IBPN technology® for cosmetics
                    with outstanding properties
                   - Laurie VERZEAUX, Innovation management project leader, SILAB
                    Home & Personal Care, Accelerating the Transition away from a Fossil World
                   - Chris SAYNER, Vice President Customer Alliances - Corporate Sustainability, CRODA INTERNATIONAL PLC
                    Unlocking the potential of bio-based olefins for the cosmetic and F&F markets
                   - Patrick PIOT, CEO, & Guillaume GROS, Business Developer, DEMETA
                    The following speaker’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                   - Corbin JOHNSON, Associate Director, Flavor, Fragrance & Cosmetic Ingredients, AMYRIS

10:40 - 12:00    The Biobased packaging challenges
 Biopolymers     Awareness of eco-designed alternatives has prompted packaging players to change their strategies to minimize the use of materials
& Biomaterials   derived from fossil resources. What are the latest developments in biosourced polymers specific to packaging? What are the constraints to

                    Expanded polylactic acid (E-PLA) bead foam with enhanced processing and material performance
                    for 3 dimensional moulded applications
                   - Christophe TROUILLET, Development Manager, JSP
                    Biopolymer Production Process - Novamont’s integrated biorefinery
                   - Stefano FACCO, Director New Business Development, NOVAMONT
                    The Potential for hemp as a non-wood source for cellulose and biopolymers
                   - Benjamin CASSOU, President, RESTALK


10:40 - 12:00    Biocontrol, biostimulation
A sustainable    In a more environmentally friendly, more reasoned way of acting, we are witnessing the emergence of biostimulation and biocontrol products.
 Production      What are the contributions of bio-based chemistry to sustainable agriculture and food?
                 How effective are these solutions in this paradigm shift (from the selection of a species to the management of the dynamic balances of living
     For         organisms)?
 Sustainable     What are the current obstacles (regulation, science, technology, market maturity, competitiveness of solutions) and the tools for product
Raw Materials    traceability and naturalness?

                   Chairman: Najat NASSR, Research Engineer, RITTMO AGROENVIRONNEMENT
                    Design and development of microbial genetic biocontrol is key to improve biobased productions
                   - Dr Philippe GABANT, Co-founder & CSO, SYNGULON
                    Microorganisms based bio-inputs: alternative solutions to conventional agriculture
                   - Alix ROUSSEAUX, Bio-inputs Market Manager & R&D Project Manager, ARD
                   - Mathias SEXE, Director of Agronomy and Development, EMC2, & Technical Committee Chairman, CRD
                    The following speaker’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                   - Guillaume WEGRIA, CEO, FYTEKO

13:05 - 14:25    Wood road to Biopolymers & biomaterials
 Biopolymers     Can wood chemistry be economically viable? What business case for wood chemistry? What constraints should be lifted and how? What role
& Biomaterials   for policy?

                   Chairman: Bernard DE GALEMBERT, Manager of BIOCHEM EUROPE, CEFIC
                    The Borregaard Biorefinery - making the most out of the wood log -
                   - Gisle Løhre JOHANSEN, Executive Vice-President Speciality Cellulose & Fine Chemicals, BORREGAARD
                    The following speakers’ subtopics are currently being finalised:
                   - Franc BOGOVIC, Member of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT
                   - Stefania TRENTI, Economist, BANCA INTESA SAN PAOLO
                   - Andrea BORGARDS, Pulp Operations & Technology, Global Pulp&Wood, LENZING GROUP
                   - Gert-Jan GRUTER, Chief Technology Officer, AVANTIUM
                   - Gilles LENON, CEO, CENTRE TECHNIQUE DU PAPIER
                   - Joanna Gil, Founder & CEO, LIGNOPURE


13:05 - 14:25    Sustainable feedstocks for sustainable productions
A sustainable    Given today’s global challenges, what are the opportunities for new bio-based materials? How can they promote a sustainable economy?
 Production      What technologies are available to us? What are the regulatory or certifying brakes or levers?
                   Chairman: Daniel BERCOVICI, Consultant
Raw Materials        rends in plant based chemicals & materials value chains leveraging digital and AI assisted
                    intelligence eco-systems
                   - Raphaël MESTANZA, CEO, INTPACT
                    PROCOLBIO - Establishment of a production chain for a bio-based dye in Hauts-de-France
                    Artificial intelligence to design natural healing peptides
                   - Philippe MOUSSOU, R&D Project Management Manager, BASF BEAUTY CARE SOLUTIONS
                    Bio refinery based on 3d farming: the dandelion case
                   - Bruno PARY, International UARF Fellow, UNIVERSITY OF AKRON RESEARCH FOUNDATION

13:05 - 14:25    Food-Nutraceutical Ingredients
  Home &         What is the place of bio-sourced food ingredients?
Personal care    With the changes in production systems (fields of the future, materials, polymers, amino acids, enzymes, etc.), what markets are open to these
                 new molecules with high added value?
                 How to use algae for the development of dyes?

                   Chairman: Olivier ROLLAND, Managing Director, TWB
                    Estimation and exploitation of oak bark and callus culture as a source of plant metabolites
                    for dietary supplements
  Sponsored by     - Vaida SIRGEDAITĖ-ŠĖŽIENĖ, Head of Laboratory of Forest Plant Biotechnology,
                    Valorizing food by- products in green & clean emulsions better for our environment
                    and our skin: AgroParisTech and JRS expertise in Pickering emulsions
                   - Nathalie FAYOLLE, Personal Care Manager, JRS RETTENMAIER FRANCE
                   - Delphine HUC-MATHIS, Assistant Professor, AGROPARISTECH
                    Gentle drying process for thermosensitive compounds
                   - Akaber DOKMAK, Process Engineer, FLUID AIR/SPRAYING SYSTEMS
                    The following company’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                   - CAPACITÉS


13:05 - 14:25   The Biobased innovation contribution to CSR policies
A sustainable   In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in awareness among companies concerning recycling and nature conservation actions. How
 Production     can we encourage them to take greater ownership of the subject of biodiversity?
                From a production point of view, how can we preserve local biodiversity while securing plant matter for the constitution of a product?
     For        What role and messages do compannies carry?
Raw Materials      Strategic dimension of EU biobased amino acids production
                  - Nicolas MARTIN, Sustainability Director, AJINOMOTO ANIMAL NUTRITION EUROPE
                   Sea: nice waves to Ecodesign
                  - Corinne NAWROCKI, Sustainable development coordinator, SEPPIC
                    iffage low-carbon strategy: how our Road industry preserves ressources.
                   The use of bio-based products as substitute of petroleum-based products
                  - Flavien GIESLER, Project manager - Research & Innovation Department, EIFFAGE

14:45 - 16:05   C-LEVEL PANEL: The long-term challenges of industry facing recurrent crises
  Plenary       Rising oil prices, economic crises, staff training issues... The industry is confronted daily with various issues that impact long-term strategies.
  Session       How to make projections in a context where the price of raw materials is experiencing instability? How to ensure growth while overcoming
                crises that may arise? What are the challenges for vegetal-based chemistry in this context? Where is it unavoidable?

                  Chairman: François MONNET, President, ACDV
                   Beet sugar: a key resource for European biotech and bioeconomy
                  - Xavier ASTOLFI, Deputy General Manager, CRISTAL UNION
                   The following speaker’s subtopic is currently being finalised:
                  - Nicolas CUDRE-MAUROUX, CTO, SOLVAY
                  - Other speakers will be joining this round table

PBS Events

June, 2nd & 3rd, 2021                                                                            June, 4th, 2021

One-To-One                                                       Sponsors’ dedicated
meetings                                                         networking areas
The PBS’ One-To-One                                              A special and exclusive
meetings are targeted                                            zone will be dedicated
business exchanges                                               to sponsors so that they
between all actors of the                                        can welcome the event’s
biobased market, it offers                                       participants on their private
a unique opportunity for                                         spaces. Besides the One-
                                The app                                                          Industrial sites visits
each one to understand the                                       To-One Meetings, ignite
challenges at stake and to      Build your agenda and            your business opportunities     The congress participants
forge one’s conviction on       customize your event             with an innovative              are invited to visit of one of
the path to follow to build a   program with a dedicated         networking lounge at            the major French industrial
sustainable growth.             app!The app will allow           the heart of the event to       sites on Thursday, June,
                                all the event participants,      network and exchange in a       4th. Industrial Sites Visits
                                sponsors, attendees and          very pleasant atmosphere.       are free of charge once
                                speakers, to communicate         Join and meet all actors        you have booked your
                                before & during the event        of the biobased market:         conference pass, however,
                                and fix their appointments       manufacturers, start-           to participate in this activity
                                which will be held in a          ups, chemists, clusters,        you will have to choose
                                dedicated room at PBS on         regions… from all Europe.       and register for your visit
                                June 2nd & 3rd.                                                  on www.plantbasedsummit.
                                Get a personalized                                               com. The sites visits’
                                experience at the event,                                         detail & registration will
                                organize your visit, get                                         be proposed soon on our
                                access to the event content                                      website.
                                as well as the list of
                                participants to start making

WHERE?                           WHEN?
                                 WHEN?                                                             EARLY BIRD RATE, REGISTER NOW!
Centre des Congrès               Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021 | 9:00 - 18:30
12 bd Général Leclerc            Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 | 9:00 - 17:00                             995€ (excl VAT) until March 10th
51722 Reims cedex                Friday, June 4th, 2021 | Sites visits:
FRANCE                           times to be confirmed according to the visits
                                                                                                     on www.plantbasedsummit.com
+ 33 (0)3 26 77 44 44            Pre-registration is compulsory                              Classic rate as from March 11th, 2021: 1195€ (excl.VAT)
                                                                                             Last minute rate as from May 10th, 2021: 1395€ (excl.VAT)

       BY ROAD
                                                                       HOW?                                  YOUR PASS INCLUDES:
  Motorway crossroad between:
                                                                                               Access to the sponsors’ area on June 2-3
  A4 - E50 (Paris - Strasbourg - Germany)
  A26 - E17 (Calais - Lyon - Mediterranean)                                                    Access to all conferences on June 2-3
  A34 - E46 (Ardennes - Belgium)                                                               Access to the food court on June 2-3
                                                                                               Visit of an industrial site on June 4
                                                                                             (pre-booking mandatory on our website)
       BY PLANE
  Roissy Charles De Gaulle Airport: 30’ by TGV
  Paris-Orly Airport: 1h30 by shuttle
  Paris-Vatry Airport: 1h by shuttle                                                         EXCEPTIONAL RATES
       BY TRAIN                                                                              Come with your colleagues and take advantage of an
  Reims, 45’ from Paris and 30’ from Roissy Charles De Gaulle                                exceptional rate for delegations:
  with TGV Est.                                                                              - 5% on the total amount for the 2nd registration
                                                                                             - 10% on the total amount for the 3rd registration
  2 TGV stations:
                                                                                             - 15% on the total amount for the 4th registration
    Gare TGV Reims centre                                                                   Only available when registrations are made on the same day.
    (short walking distance from the Congress Centre): 8 trains to Paris in 45’
    Gare TGV Reims Champagne-Ardenne in Bezannes                                            Exceptional rates for very small business and academics:
    (5kms from city centre): 3 trains to Paris in 40’
                                                                                             Until March 10th, 2021: 497€ excl VAT
  9 links with the national network                                                          Until May 9th, 2021: 597€ excl VAT
                                                                                             From May 10th, 2021: 697€ excl VAT
  (Roissy Charles De Gaulle - 30’, Marne la Vallée - 30’, Massy - 1h,
  Strasbourg - 1h50, Nantes - 3h15, Rennes - 3h17, Bordeaux - 4h36,                          Conditions for special rates available on:
  London - 4h10, Lille - 1h34)                                                               https://www.plantbasedsummit.com/conference/conference-pass/

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