120 Bullock Street Fire Flow Analysis - City of Kitchener

Page created by Roger Shaw
120 Bullock Street Fire Flow Analysis - City of Kitchener
120 Bullock Street

Fire Flow Analysis

Project Location:
120 Bullock Street, Kitchener, ON

Prepared for:
PDCP Block 5 Industrial GP inc.
130 King Street, Suite 1400, Toronto, ON

Prepared by:
MTE Consultants
520 Bingemans Centre Drive
Kitchener, ON N2B 3X9

April 30, 2021

MTE File No.: 36009-700
120 Bullock Street Fire Flow Analysis - City of Kitchener

1.0      Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
2.0      Water Distribution ............................................................................................................ 1
3.0      Analysis Of On-Site Fire Protection ................................................................................. 2
4.0      Conclusions And Recommendations ............................................................................... 3


Table 2.1 - Results Of Flow Tests Completed (March 12, 2021) ............................................... 2
Table 3.1 - Water Demand ......................................................................................................... 2


Appendix A                     Flow Test Results
Appendix B                     Calculations


Functional Site Grading Plan 1
MTE Drawing No. C2.1 .............................................................................. Separately Appended

Functional Site Grading Plan 2
MTE Drawing No. C2.2 .............................................................................. Separately Appended

Functional Site Servicing Plan 1
MTE Drawing No. C2.3 .............................................................................. Separately Appended

Functional Site Servicing Plan 2
MTE Drawing No. C2.4 .............................................................................. Separately Appended
120 Bullock Street Fire Flow Analysis - City of Kitchener
1.0 Introduction
MTE Consultants Inc. has been retained by PDCP Block 5 Industrial GP Inc. to conduct a fire
flow analysis for the proposed industrial development at 120 Bullock Street located in Kitchener,
Ontario. The proposed development for the site will include the construction of an industrial
building complete with loading docks, surface parking, drive aisles and two driveway entrances
to Bullock Street. Servicing works include the installation of sanitary, storm and water services
for the proposed building as well as four private hydrants located around the building. Private
hydrants have been located at each of the three primary entrances along the west side of the
building and at the southeast corner of the building.

The site was created as part of the Former Kitchener Budd Automotive Site redevelopment at
1011 & 1111 Homer Watson Boulevard and is currently a vacant commercial block. The site
was included in the Plan of Subdivision (30T-13202) and is referred to a Block 5 in the approved
Site Services and Stormwater Management Engineering Report by Odan-Detech dated on July
22, 2016.

The purpose of this Fire Flow Analysis Report is to confirm the available fire flows and residual
pressure from the existing 300mm diameter watermain along Bullock Street.

2.0 Water Distribution
The site will be serviced from an existing 300mm diameter watermain stub at the property line
off the existing 300mm diameter watermain located within the Bullock Street right-of-way. The
300mm diameter watermain stub will be reduced to a 250mm watermain internal to the site. The
building will be serviced from the west side of the building by the proposed 250mm watermain
extended through the site. For firefighting purposes, four on-site hydrants are proposed to be
installed along the proposed 250mm watermain.

The pressures and flows must be sufficient for firefighting conditions as established by the
Ontario Building Code (2012). The minimum residual pressure under fire fighting conditions is
140kPa (20.3 psi) per OBC 2012 A- 3(b).

For this design, we have utilized the information obtained from the municipal hydrants located
on Bullock Street. The following table illustrates the results of the testing completed by FCFP.

MTE Consultants | 36009-700 | 120 Bullock Street (Block 5) | April 30, 2021                         1
120 Bullock Street Fire Flow Analysis - City of Kitchener
Table 2.1 - Results Of Flow Tests Completed (March 12, 2021)
 Results of Flow Tests Completed (March 12, 2021)

 Test #        Outlet Inside       Number of          Pitot Pressure          Residual             Flow @ Residual
               Dia. (in.)          Outlets            (PSI)                   Pressure (PSI)       (gal/min)

 1             n/a                 n/a                n/a                     90                   n/a

 2             2.5                 1                  60                      89                   1,300

 3             2.5                 2                  48+48                   84                   2,326
Refer to Appendix A for the information obtained by FCFP.

3.0 Analysis of On-Site Fire Protection
The building will be analyzed for fire water supply requirements using the OBC 2012. The
analysis will determine if the theoretical pressure of the proposed on-site fire hydrants is
acceptable for firefighting.

Using the OBC 2012:

                Building Classification: Group F, Division 2 (Provided by Ware Malcomb)
                Calculate:        Q = KVStot (Table 1 of OBC 2012 Appendix A- & Table

                                               K            = water supply coefficient (A- Table 1)
                                               V            = volume of building (m3 )
                                               Stot         = 1 + total spatial coefficients

Table 3.1 - Water Demand
  Water Demand

                                                                                           Required min. water
                     Building      Building                                                supply flow rate
  Building           Area (m²)     Volume (m³)          K        Stot   Q (litres)         (litres/min)*

  Industrial         47,295        643,212              27       1.0    17,366,724         9,000
* From Table 2 of OBC 2012 Appendix A-

Therefore, the required minimum water supply flow rate is 9,000litres/min for the proposed
building. This is the maximum flow rate specified by the Ontario Building Code.

The residual pressure at the furthest proposed hydrant was calculated to be 337.0kPa for a flow
rate of 9,000litres/min, which is greater than the minimum allowable pressure of 140kPa per
OBC 2012. Therefore, all four proposed on-site fire hydrants would have residual pressures
greater than the minimum allowable pressure of 140kPa. Refer to Appendix B for calculations.

MTE Consultants | 36009-700 | 120 Bullock Street (Block 5) | April 30, 2021                                          2
120 Bullock Street Fire Flow Analysis - City of Kitchener
4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
Based on the flow tests provided by FCFP it can be concluded that the minimum water supply
flow rate of 9,000litres/min can be delivered to the proposed hydrants on the subject site with a
residual pressure (at the nozzle of the hydrant) under fire fighting conditions of 337.0kPa for
9,000litres/min, thus meeting the minimum requirements of the Ontario Building Code (2012).

We understand that the building will be sprinklered; therefore, the fire demands will be far less
than 9,000L/min. Given that there is adequate supply and pressure for a demand of 9,000L/min
at the furthest hydrant we conclude that the proposed on-site hydrants can adequately service
the proposed industrial building.

All of which is respectfully submitted,

Tyler Arndt, E.I.T.                                                           Jeff Lerch, P.Eng.
Designer                                                                      Design Engineer
519-743-6500 ext. 1386                                                        519-743-6500 ext. 1307
tarndt@mte85.com                                                              jlerch@mte85.com

\\mte85.local\mte\Proj_Mgmt\36009\700\Reports\Fire Flow Report\rpt_2021-04-30_Fire Flow.docx

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120 Bullock Street Fire Flow Analysis - City of Kitchener
Appendix A

Flow Test Results
                                                                                          Form SD-003 RevDate: Sep 25, 2020

                                           PROJECT INFORMATION
    Project Name:      120 Bullock St. Kitchener Flow Test                      Const. Project #:     SMC-0000435

    Site Address:      120 Bullock St. Kitchener                                Design Project #: 2021-FCFP-125

    City Contact:      Kitchener Waterworks                                         Phone #:          519-741-2529 x3

    FCFP Contact:      Leahm Martens                                                Phone #:          519-280-4891

Technical Contact: Andrew Peach                                                     Phone #:          226-448-3436

                                               SITE INFORMATION
                                                      SITE MAP


                                 STATIC HYDRANT

                                 FLOWING HYDRANT

Note: If the main is a dead end, the flowing hydrant shall be closest to the dead end

        ITEMS TO LABEL ON MAP                           HYDRANTS USED                             MAIN SIZE
✔    Static / Residual & Flow Hydrants                    ✔   City Hydrant(s)           City: 12" / 300 mm

     Flow Direction (if the main is dead end)                 Site Hydrant(s)           Site:

                                                     SITE NOTES

                                                      Page 1 of 2
                                                                                        Form SD-003 RevDate: Sep 25, 2020

                                              TEST INFORMATION
Minimum Required Flow: N/A                                                              Min Ports:              2

FCFP Personnel Present: Leahm Martens                                                   Test Date:        2021-03-12

City / External Company: Kitchener Waterworks                                           Test Time:         10:00am

                                               TEST EQUIPMENT

   Hose Monsters with built in Pitot                         Hose length used:

   Hand held pitot gauge                                         Pollard diffuser elbow with built in Pitot

                                                    TEST RESULTS
                                                                                                       Static / Residual
Number      Outlet Size    Discharge                 Pitot Reading                    Total Flow
of Ports       (IN)        Coefficient                    (PSI)                        (GPM)

0 Ports                                             STATIC                                                    90

 1 Port    2.5            0.9                             60                            1,300                 89

2 Ports 2.5               0.9                  48                     48                2,326                 84

3 Ports 2.5               0.9                                                             0

4 Ports 2.5               0.9                                                             0

0 Ports                                      STATIC RE-CHECK

                                                    TEST NOTES

                            ADJUSTMENTS FOR HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE (HGL)

           Reservoir HGL (m):                                          Site Elevation (m):

   Theoretical Static Head (PSI):               0              PSI to subtract from test pressures:            0

                                         OTHER HYDRAULIC ADJUSTMENTS
  Other adjustment as required by the City / AHJ:

                                                     Page 2 of 2
Appendix B

120 Bullock Street (Block 5)
Kitchener, Ontario

Project Number:     36009-700
Date:               April 28, 2021
Design By:          TMA
Checked By:         JPL

File:   M:\36009\700\Reports\Fire Flow Report\Appendix\B\1. 36009-700_Site Fire Flow Analysis - Building Info.xlsx

Step 1: Determining Water Supply Coefficient

                                               Table 1 from OBC 2012 A3.2.5.7
                                                                Classification by group or division in Accordance
                       Type of Construction                      with Table of the Ontario Building Code
                                                               A2 B1 B2 B3 C D A4 F3 A1 A3 E F2 F1
    Building is of Noncombustible construction with fire
    separation and fire-resistance ratings provided in
    accordance with Subsection 3.2.2 of the OBC, including
  1 loadbearing walls, columns and arches                                           10       12       14     17 23
    Building is of Noncombustible construction or of heavy
    timber construction conforming to Article of the
    OBC. Floor assemblies are fire separations but no fire-
    resistance rating. Roof assemblies, mezzanines,
    loadbearing walls, columns and arches do not have a fire-
  2 resistance rating.                                                              16       19       22     27 37
    Building is of Combustible Construction with fire
    separations and fire-resistance ratings provided in
    accordance with Subsection 3.2.2 of the OBC, including
    loadbearing walls, columns and arches. Noncombustible
    construction may be used in lieu of fire resistance rating
  3 where permitted in subsection 3.2.2 of the OBC                                  18       22       25     31 41

    Building is of combustible construction. Floor assemblies
    are fire separations but with no fire-resistance rating. Roof
    assemblies, mezzanines, loadbearing walls, columns and
  4 arches do not have a fire-resistance rating.                                                                                        23          28          32         39 53

            Type of          Building       Water Supply
          Construction    Classification Coefficient (K)
                       2               F2               27
        Note, based on info provided by Ware Malcomb.

Step 2: Determine the Spacial Coefficient
                                                                                                                                 Figure 1 - Spatial Coefficient vs Exposure Distance
                                                 Distance                 Sside
         Exposure Distance 1 (m)                  66.10                   0.00                                             0.6
         Exposure Distance 2 (m)                  19.40                   0.00
         Exposure Distance 3 (m)                  29.80                   0.00                                             0.5
                                                                                             Spacial Coefficient (Sside)

         Exposure Distance 4 (m)                  16.10                   0.00
         Exposure Distance 5 (m)                                                                                           0.4
                                                             Stot         1.00



                                                                                                                                 0         2           4             6           8   10   12

                                                                                                                                                           Exposure Distance (m)

                                                                                                                                     All new Buildings (except F1 Occupancies)

                                                                                                                                     All new F1 Occupancy Buildings
Step 3: Determine Volume of Building

                                                                                    Building Height to
                                                                   Building Area     the underside of
                                                                          2                                       3
          Building Length(m)          Building Width (m)                (m )           roof deck (m)     Volume (m )
                 400.97                     124.97                   47295.00              13.60          643212.00
        Note, based on info provided by Ware Malcomb.
           Number of Stories              1

Step 4: Calculate Minimum Water Supply

                  Q  KVS            tot

      Minimum Water Supply (L)         17366724.00

Step 5: Calculate Minimum Supply Flow Rate

                          Table 2 from OBC 2012 A3.2.5.7
                       Minimum Water Supply Flow Rates
                                        Required Minimum Water Supply Flow
      Building Code, Part 3 Buildings               Rate (L/min)
    One Storey Building with building area
    not exceeding 600 m2 (excluding F1
    occupancy)                                                 1800
    All Other Buildings                         if Q> and       Q
120 Bullock Street (Block 5)
Kitchener, Ontario
Project Number: 36009-700
Date:           April 28, 2021
Design By:      TMA
Checked By:     JPL
File:           Q:\36009\700\Fire Flow Report\36009-700_Site Fire Flow Analysis.xlsx
1. Boundary Conditions (Based on Fire Flow Test Results):
                                    Metric             Imperial
P0 - Starting Pressure           63.29 m               90 psi
P1 - Pressure at Q1              59.07 m               84 psi
Q1 - From Fire Flow Test          8805 L/min        2326 U.S. gal/min
Q2 - Required Flow                9000 L/min        2378 U.S. gal/min                  From: Water Demand calculations by MTE
P-loss 1                           4.22 m                6 psi
P-loss 2                           4.39 m                6 psi
P2 - Residual Pressure                    58.90 m                    84 psi            Extrapolated from Fire Flow Test Results

2. Friction Losses Through Water Service:
Hazen-Williams Equation            Metric                           Imperial
Chw = Pipe Friction Factor         150                             150
k = conversion factor           10.675                           4.727
n = constant                     1.852                           1.852
m = constant                    4.8704                          4.8704

300mm Watermain
Q = Flow                                   9000 L/min
Q = Flow                                    0.15 m /s              2378 U.S. gal/min
d = Pipe Diameter                            300 mm               11.81 in
                                             0.3 m

p = Loss/Length                          0.0104    m/m          0.0045 psi/ft
Length                                        10   m                 33 ft
Loss                                        0.10   m                0.1 psi
                                               1   kPa
250mm Watermain
Q = Flow                                   9000    L/min
Q = Flow                                    0.15   m3/s            2378 U.S. gal/min
d = Pipe Diameter                            250   mm               9.84 in
                                            0.25   m

p = Loss/Length                          0.0254    m/m          0.0110 psi/ft
Length                                      614    m              2014 ft
Loss                                      15.59    m               22.2 psi
                                            153    kPa
150mm Watermain
Q = Flow                                   9000    L/min
Q = Flow                                    0.15   m3/s            2378 U.S. gal/min
d = Pipe Diameter                            150   mm               5.91 in
                                            0.15   m

p = Loss/Length                          0.3056    m/m          0.1324 psi/ft
Length                                         4   m                 13 ft
Loss                                        1.22   m                1.7 psi
                                              12   kPa
3. Friction Losses Through Apurtenances:
         Apurtenances         Number         K      Velocity Head Loss             Total Loss
                                                      m/s        m               m           psi
     300mm Tee (branch)            1       0.780     2.122     0.179           0.179        0.255
      Valve - 300mm dia.           2       0.104     2.122     0.024           0.048        0.068
     300 to 250 - Reducer          1       0.131     3.056     0.062           0.062        0.089
       250mm Tee (run)             6       0.280     3.056     0.133           0.800        1.137
     250mm Tee (branch)            0       0.840     3.056     0.400           0.000        0.000
      Valve - 250mm dia.           2       0.112     3.056     0.053           0.107        0.152
 45 degree bend - 250mm dia.       6       0.224     3.056     0.107           0.640        0.910
 90 degree bend - 250mm dia.       1        0.42     3.056     0.200           0.200        0.284
     250 to 150 - Reducer          1       1.022     8.488     3.753           3.753        5.337
      Valve - 150mm dia.           1        0.12     8.488     0.441           0.441        0.627
     Total Minor Losses                                                        6.229        8.857
4. Elevation - Elevational differences from existing hydrant to proposed hydrant
                                                            Metric                Imperial
Elevation at Boundary (i.e. Residual Hydrant):          318.9 m                  1046 ft
Elevation at Site Hydrant:                              320.3 m                  1051 ft
                   Elevation Difference = Loss/Gain       1.4 m                    2.0 psi
Total Losses                                24.544 m
                                            240.78 kPa              34.9 psi
Residual Pressure after Losses               34.35 m
                                               337 kPa              48.9 psi               PASS
Allowable Residual Pressure                   140 kPa               20.3 psi
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