12 September 2021 - Faith Methodist Church

Page created by Gordon Schneider
12 September 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
12 September 2021
12 September 2021 - Faith Methodist Church
Welcome To Faith !

1. House Of Prayer
Wednesdays, 7.30pm:
15, 22 Sep — Online via Zoom*

House Of Prayer meetings are the             3. “Seniors, Your Mental Health Matters!”
intercessory prayer times set aside to       (Sat) 18 Sep, 10am—12nn, online via Zoom
discern the Lord’s heart and pray that His
will, purposes, ways and timing be done      Mental health problems are common
within the Faith Family and beyond!          among seniors and these include
                                             depression, anxiety disorders and
*Zoom Session Details                        dementia. The COVID-19 pandemic has
Zoom Link: faithmc.sg/zoomhop                also highlighted the effects of social
Meeting ID: 935 1657 5641                    isolation on seniors. In its annual report
Passcode: 676605                             released by the Samaritans of Singapore
                                             (SOS), the number of completed suicides
2. Resumption of GEMs & Filipino             in the elderly in 2020 was the highest it
Fellowship (from 12 Sep)                     has been for the last 20 years. This has
                                             shone a spotlight on the mental health of
The following church activities will         seniors in Singapore.
resume from this Sunday onwards. Kindly      Organised by the TRAC (Trinity Annual
note that all safe management measures       Conference) Board of Seniors Ministry,
will be implemented according to the         this interactive session will be conducted
latest guidelines.                           with Dr Jared Ng (IMH). He will address
                                             the common mental health conditions
- GEMs Children’s Programme @ ACJC           faced by seniors, as well as ways to cope
- Filipino Fellowship @ CW                   with stresses during the pandemic.
For any queries on the above activities,     Register at https://tinyurl.com/
contact our church office at 6471-9420       BOSMTALK0918-Reg or Whatsapp
during office hours.                         Priscilla at 9220-8954.

                                HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 1
Sermon Title: The Beatitudes ( Hunger & Thirst)
      Scripture Text: Matthew 5: 6

4. Parish Holy Communion Gathering
13—17 Sep, online via Zoom

The Parish Holy Communion Gathering, or
PHCG, serves to enable us to celebrate
Holy Communion together on Zoom.

SG members, do check with your Small
Group Leaders on the date of your PHCG
this coming week. More FAQs are
available on our church website at
                                              Our One Mission church camp may
Those who are not in a Small Group are       be officially over BUT our mission to
welcome to participate! Please contact           bring in the harvest through
Peh Oon Thian at 9231-4720 or via email               outreach continues!
him at pehoonthian@faithmc.sg for
further queries.                             If you missed any of the plenaries or
                                              the Night of Worship with Awaken
Schedule of PHCG (13—17 Sep)                 Generation, replays are available on
                                                 our church Youtube channel at
 Mon, 13 Sep     Rev Reuben Ng &                    faithmc.sg/livestream.
                  Rev John Foo
 Tue, 14 Sep     No PHCG due to LLC
                  (Last Local Conference)   Share Your ONE MISSION Story!
 Wed, 15 Sep     Rev Peter Koh               We want to hear about your unique
 Thu, 16 Sep     Rev Eddie Ho               One Mission camp experience. Share
                                             what the Lord has impressed on your
 Fri, 17 Sep     Rev Shannon Chan          heart, or collectively as a Small Group.

                                               We want to know all about it!
                                                       Drop us a note at

                               HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 2
1. Closure of Prayer Room on Level 1         4. Online Giving
(next to Pantry/vending machine area)
                                             Online giving via PayNow is available
Please note that during this period          should you feel led to give to God’s work.
where safe management measures are
still in place at our church premises        i) Offerings
along 400 Commonwealth Drive, the
Prayer Room on Level 1 will remain           Open your ibanking app
closed until further notice.                 and scan the QR code on
                                             the right with the ibanking
2. Launch of Attic E-Library                 in-app scanner. The
                                             Reference Number will be
Our Attic E-Library launches next week       auto-filled for you.
on 19 September! Do register as a            Alternatively, open your
member at https://tinyurl.com/               ibanking app, and key in the following
fmcelibrary and gain access to a growing     details:
collection of Ebooks, audiobooks and         Unique Entity Number (UEN)—
videos. We carry a comprehensive range       S87CC0504G808
of topics to suit varying interests and we   Reference Number—OFFERING
pray that these will help you in your
spiritual walk with God. For more            iI) Pledges
information, please email us at
atticlibrary@faithmc.sg.                     Open your ibanking app and
                                             scan the QR code on the
3. “Know Your Church” 55 Quiz                right with the ibanking in-
Last day for collection!                     app scanner. The
                                             Reference Number will be
Thank you to all who participated in our     auto-filled for you.
commemorative 55th church anniversary        Alternatively, open your
quiz! The names of the winners and the       ibanking app, and key in the following
answers to the 55 questions are now          details:
available on our website at                  Unique Entity Number (UEN)—S87CC0504G647
faithmc.sg/55quiz. Do check out the          Reference Number—PLEDGE
answers to find out more about our
church history.                              For more details, visit our website at
Prize winners and quiz participants who      faithmc.sg/onlinegiving.
have yet to collect your prize and/or
souvenirs, kindly do so after this Service
as today is the last day for collection.
Prize & Souvenir Collection: 12 Sep
8am:        L1 Pantry
11.15am:    L4 lift Lobby

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 3
5. TRAC Sister Church Anniversaries         8. Congratulations!

Our TRAC sister churches celebrate their    Our heartiest congratulations to Benjamin
Anniversaries today, 12 September 2021:     Choi & Delia Tan on the birth of their
- Covenant Community Methodist Church,      daughter, Mercy Choi, on 28 August
27th Anniversary                            2021. Both Benjamin and Delia are
- Trinity Methodist Church, 65th            members of Faith.
                                            9. Condolences
Join us in wishing them a very blessed
Anniversary!                                Our deepest condolences to Hor Chor Kiat
                                            and family on the demise of his
6. Full-Time Ministry                       grandfather, the late Mr Hor Yee Chew on
                                            1 September 2021. Chor Kiat is a member
Have a desire to serve God full-time?       of Faith.
The following positions are currently
available at Faith!                         Our deepest condolences to Tay Hui Li
                                            and family on the demise of her father,
 Pastoral Team Member (Witness &           the late Mr Tay Boon Hai on 4 September
  Evangelism)                               2021. Hui Li is a member of Faith.
 Pastoral Team Member (Member Care
  & Parish Leader)                          10. Attendance (5 September 2021)
                                            *Excludes staff and volunteers
Visit faithmc.sg/jobopp for details. Only
shortlisted applicants will be notified.    English Services (In-Person / Livestream)
                                            8am:         286* / 181
7. Pastoral Team Movement:                  11.15am:     289* / 504

Annual Leave                                Mandarin Service (In-Person / Livestream)
12-14 Sep: Cheryl Chen                      10.15am:    99* / 38
15-17 Sep: Dawn Lee
                                            One Mission Church Camp (Livestream)
                                            Plenary 1 (English):   265
                                            Plenary 2 (English):   233
                                            Mandarin Plenary:      24
                                            TTB Meets:             93
                                            Night of Worship :     268

                                 HIGHLIGHTS AT FAITH | 4
Sun 12 Sep English Worship Services: Livestream + In-Person
           Mandarin Worship Service: Livestream + In-Person
           Resumption of Filipino Fellowship (1.30pm, Children’s Chapel)
Wed 15 Sep House of Prayer (7.30pm via Zoom)
Sun 19 Sep English Worship Services: Livestream + In-Person
           Mandarin Worship Service: Livestream + In-Person
           Filipino Fellowship (1.30pm, Children’s Chapel)
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