YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School

Page created by Donald Allen
YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School
                                               Monday and Tuesday
                                               Week 9, Term 3 2021

Good morning girls and boys,
Can you believe we are getting towards the end of the term? We have a fun activity for later in the
week. It’s a disco! A virtual disco with a live DJ. It should be fun to dress up and dance along!
Please consider the other optional task which is a virtual visit to the zoo where the meerkats and
other animals are waiting for you!
Well done to everyone for your wonderful attitudes and for the tasks you are submitting to us. We
are very proud of the way you are becoming so independent. You have a positive outlook and are
getting on with your learning. We have heard some great stories about the fabulous ways you are
spending ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ afternoon. Congratulations for embracing a gardening, art or
fitness projects. We love that you realise it is important to look after, and nourish, your wellbeing!
At 10.00am we have our first Zoom of the week. Please remember to support your favourite team
by wearing a jersey or sport uniform.
This week you will need to ensure you submit your ‘Pop Artwork’, 3D Maths work on Wednesday
and the writing project which you will begin today and work on all week.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Batistich, Miss Chue, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. McWhinney and Mrs. Richardson.

Week 8 Optional/ Additional Zoom and activities

Years 3-6 Online Disco
Have some fun and enjoy dressing up disco style and dancing to some
great music. We have booked dance2befit to run a live (Zoom) disco for
you on Thursday 9 September.
Time: Thursday Sep 9, 2021 02:15 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 8112 8114
Passcode: 5678

Taronga Zoo Animal Live-Cams
Visit any time to observe the lions, meerkats, elephants and other
animals in real-time at Taronga Zoo via the live Animal-Cam.
Alternatively you might like to listen to a Zoo keeper chat or go to a
bird or seal show!

Monday 6 September 2021

Shared Reading (30 mins)
Your Shared Reading activity is on Seesaw.
‘W9 Monday C Shared Reading’ or ‘Year 4 Week 8 S
Reading Comprehension’.
YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School
ZOOM Lesson 10.00am – Overview, Writing
                       topics (45 mins)
                       Make sure you have your Booklet, Overview,
                       mini whiteboard, pencil and paper for this
                       Wear your favourite jersey!

Independent Reading (20 mins)

   1. Read a book of your own choice for 15 minutes or read the e-book assigned
      to you by your teacher. Teachers will email you if you have an e-book
   2. Complete a Reading Reflection in your booklet or on Seesaw. You may
      choose to make a connection, visualise what you read, make a prediction or
      summarise the section of text. If you use the booklet, please photograph the
      pages and upload to this Seesaw activity OR answer directly on to the ‘W8
      Reading Reflection’ Seesaw activity.
   3. Save as a draft until Friday.


MATHEMATICS (60 minutes)

Warm Up - Complete Set 27.1 column of the ‘Maths
Mentals’ in your booklet.

This week we are learning about Three Dimensional Space.
1.Find lesson the lesson ‘Monday week 9 – 3D Space and
Geometry’ on Seesaw.
2.Identify and name the 3D objects.
3.Complete the ‘3D Shapes Hunt’ in your booklet.
4.Find and identify 3D shapes in your house.
5.Classify 3D shapes according to their properties.

   •   Revision: Try to complete the division activitie on Mathletics at some point this week.

Fast Finishers
Complete the ‘Matharoo’ worded problems found in your booklet. Choose your appropriate level.

BRAIN BREAK (5 mins)
Go outside into the sunshine with your skipping rope if you have one, if not,
just pretend.
    • Starting position, handle in each hand, rope behind your ankles, feet
    • Jump ten times with the rope going forward.
    • Now see if you can jump ten times with the rope going backwards.
Turn on the timer for five minutes and jump with the rope going forwards for
ten then backwards for ten. If you don’t have skipping ropes just pretend by jumping and moving
your arms as if you had a rope.
YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School
WRITING (50 mins)
This week you will be completing a writing
project. It has been assigned to you on
Seesaw and it
is called ‘W9 Persuasive Writing - Choice
Board’. For this activity you will need to:
    1. Select a topic to argue from the choice
        board. If you would like to come up with
        your own topic you may but you need to
        get it approved by your teacher. Send
        your topic to your teacher in an email
        and get it approved before you begin.
    2. Research your topic.
    3. Take notes from your research.
    4. Brainstorm reasons for and against your topic.
    5. Decide which position you are going to take for your topic and write the three reasons you
        are going to use in your writing.
    6. Revise the structure we use when writing persuasively and the techniques you can use to
        make it a gourmet burger.
    7. Write your piece of persuasive writing. You can use the checklist on the final slide to make
        sure you have included everything.
    8. Re-read and edit your work so it includes appropriate punctuation and spelling.

You can work through this activity at your own pace but needs to be submitted to your
teacher on Seesaw by Friday. As you work on it throughout the week, remember to
save your work as a draft so you can continue with it the next day.

Your teacher will give you feedback on this task once you submit it on Friday.


 Grok Learning
Sign into Grok Learning using your NSW DoE login here:

Continue working through all the activities for: DT Challenge - Scratch in your assigned lessons.

Please email Mrs Chapman this week if you need any assistance answering the questions.
YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School
Tuesday 7 September 2021         Morning Session

WRITING (50 mins)

Continue working on your ‘W9 Persuasive
Writing - Choice Board’ writing project on
Remember to save it as a draft until it is


                  Independent Reading (20 mins)

                  1.Read a book of your own choice for 15 minutes or read the e-book assigned to
                  you by your teacher. Teachers will email you if you have an e-book assigned.

                  2.Complete a Reading Reflection in your booklet or on Seesaw. You may
                  choose to make a connection, visualise what you read, make a prediction or
                  summarise the section of text. Use the pages in your booklet, then photograph
                  them and upload to Seesaw OR answer directly on to the ‘W7 Reading
                  Reflection’ Seesaw activity.

                  3.Save as a draft until Friday.

Shared Reading (30 mins)
Your Shared Reading activity is on Seesaw.
‘W9 Tuesday C Shared Reading’ or ‘W9 S
Tuesday Shared Reading

                      PUNCTUATION (30 mins)

                      Find the worksheet sin your booklet called ‘Correct the Sentence
                      punctuation’. Re-write each sentence with the correct punctuation.
                      Consider capital letters, full stops and inverted commas.

YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School
MATHEMATICS (60 minutes)

Warm Up - Complete Set 27.2 column of the
‘Maths Mentals’ in your booklet.

This week we are learning about Three
Dimensional Space.
1.Open the Seesaw task called ‘Properties of
3D Shapes’
2. Describe the properties of 3D objects.
3.Identify 3D objects from clues.
4.Complete the worksheets called ‘Name the
3D Shape’ and ‘3D Object Orientation
Dominoes’ in your booklet.

Revision: Try to complete the Division activities on Mathletics at some point this week.

Fast Finishers
Continue on with the Matharoo worded problems found in your booklet.

BRAIN BREAK (5 mins)
Today when you go outside you will need to take a ball or a rolled up pair of socks. Look around
you before you start, to ensure you have a clear space.
   • Using both hands, throw the ball into the air and catch with both hands-
      Ten times.
   • Using your right hand, throw the ball up and catch with your left hand-Ten
   • Using your left hand, throw the ball up and catch with your right hand-Ten
   • Using both hands, throw the ball up and see if you can clap your hands
      before catching with both hands-Ten times.
Turn on the timer for five minutes and repeat the above routine.

ART (50 mins)
Your teacher will give you feedback on this task. Please submit by Friday.
Today we will be appreciating an artwork created by American
artist Andy Warhol and creating our own PopArt artwork.

   1. Open the assigned Seesaw activity.
   2. Look at the artwork from Andy Warhol and answer the
      art appreciation questions.
   3. Watch the video from Mrs Foreshew and create your
      own PopArt artwork.
   4. Upload a photo of your finished work to the Seesaw
You will need:
   • Template from the booklet
   • Pencil or artliner (remember to have a piece of scrap paper underneath if using artliner)
   • Bright coloured pencils, textas

Upload a photo of your finished work to the Seesaw activity.

YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School
SCIENCE (60 mins)

This week’s lesson has been assigned in Seesaw for you to complete: ‘Week 9 Science. Living
Things 9.’.

                                            1. Work through the template to learn how life cycles
                                            are affected by changes in the environment.
                                            2. Read the instructions carefully.
                                            3. Please listen to all the readings and watch all of the
                                            4. Save and submit your work.

MONDAY                              check      TUESDAY                                      check
Reading- Shared                                Persuasive writing
ZOOM - overview,                               Reading - Independent & Reading- Shared
Reading - Independent                          Punctuation

Maths – 3D Space                               Maths – 3D Space
Brain break                                    Brain break
Persuasive writing                             Art

Digital Technologies                           Library
YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School YEAR 4 OVERVIEW Monday and Tuesday Week 9, Term 3 2021 - Lindfield Public School
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