Zika, chikungunya and dengue: the causes and threats of new and re- emerging arboviral diseases - UFMT

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                                 Zika, chikungunya and dengue: the
                                 causes and threats of new and re-
                                 emerging arboviral diseases
                                 Enny S. Paixão,1,2 Maria Gloria Teixeira,3 Laura C Rodrigues4

To cite: Paixão ES.,             ABSTRACT
Teixeira MG, Rodrigues LC.       The recent emergence and re-emergence of viral                     Key questions
Zika, chikungunya and dengue:    infections transmitted by vectors—Zika, chikungunya,
the causes and threats of new
                                 dengue, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile, yellow fever             What is already known about this topic?
and re-emerging arboviral                                                                           ► The emergence and re-emergence of mosquito-
                                 and others—is a cause for international concern. Using as
diseases. BMJ Glob Health                                                                              borne disease has attracted interest in recent years
2017;3:e000530. doi:10.1136/     examples Zika, chikungunya and dengue, we summarise
                                 current knowledge on characteristics of the viruses and               due to their increasing incidence and geographical
                                 their transmission, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis,          expansion.

Handling editor Seye Abimbola    burden, history, possible causes of the spread and                 What are the new findings?
                                 the expectation for future epidemics. Arboviruses are              ► The cocirculation of three arboviruses transmitted
Received 16 August 2017          transmitted by mosquitoes, are of difficult diagnosis, can            by the same mosquito is a reality in many places;
Revised 30 October 2017          have surprising clinical complications and cause severe               however, the burden to the population’s health is
Accepted 8 November 2017         burden. The current situation is complex, because there               still not known.
                                 is no vaccine for Zika and chikungunya and no specific
                                 treatment for the three arboviruses. Vector control is             Recommendations for policy
                                 the only comprehensive solution available now and this             ► The situation is worrying; there is an urgent need
                                 remains a challenge because up to now this has not been               for development of vaccines, better diagnostic tests
                                 very effective. Until we develop new technologies of control          and vector control tools.
                                 mosquito populations, the globalised and urbanised world
                                 we live in will remain vulnerable to the threat of successive
                                 arbovirus epidemics.                                             ZIKV infection, a Public Health Emergency of
                                                                                                  International Concern.
                                                                                                    In this review, we address (using as exam-
                                 INTRODUCTION                                                     ples Zika, chikungunya and dengue): (1)
                                 The emergence and re-emergence of viral                          the diseases—virus, transmission, clinical
                                 diseases transmitted by vectors, given the                       symptoms and diagnosis; (2) the history; (3)
                                 capacity of vectors to transmit a number of                      the possible causes of the recent outbreaks;
                                 viral infectious agents, raises global concerns                  and (4) the burden and the threats.
                                 about the causes of the emergence, threats to
                                 health, burden and the feasibility of preven-                    The viruses
                                 tion and control. There are many vector-borne                    More than 50% of the viruses in the genus
                                 viral diseases: West Nile fever, dengue, tick-                   Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae, cause disease in
 Epidemiology and Population     borne, yellow fever, chikungunya, Rift Valley                    humans, including dengue, yellow fever, West
Health, London Schoolof          fever, Zika and Japanese encephalitis, among                     Nile and Zika viruses.1 Flavivirus virions are
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
                                 others. Zika virus (ZIKV), chikungunya virus                     small in size of 40–50 nm, spherical with lipid
London, Uk
 Instituto de Saúde Coletiva,    (CHIKV) and dengue virus (DENV) have                             envelopes, which contain a single-stranded,
Universidade Federal da Bahia,   similar epidemiology, transmission cycles in                     non-segmented RNA. The genome of flavivi-
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil          urban environments and clinical symptoms                         ruses is approximately 11 000 bases long and
 Instituto de Saúde Coletiva,    at onset (although complications vary mark-                      they share common group epitopes on the
Universidade Federal da Bahia,
                                 edly). They attracted interest in recent years                   envelope protein that can cross-react in sero-
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
 Epidemiology and Population     due to their increasing incidence, expanding                     logical tests.2
Health, London School of         geographical range, possible effects caused                        Our knowledge of ZIKV is limited. The
Hygiene and tropical Medicine,   by cocirculation and the unpredictable                           molecular information reveals that it origi-
London, uk                       health threats and burden. An indication                         nated in East Africa and subsequently spread
Correspondence to
                                 of this concern was WHO declaring the                            to West Africa, Asia and the Americas in three
Dr Laura C Rodrigues;            increase in microcephaly and Guillain-Barré                      main clusters, two African clusters (the Nige-
Laura.Rodrigues@lshtm.ac.uk      syndrome (GBS), now known to be caused by                        rian cluster and the MR766 cluster) and the

                                        Paixão ES., et al. BMJ Glob Health 2017;3:e000530. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000530                                      1
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Asian strain, which is the one found in the Americas,              to be required for fast epidemic spread—epidemics of
Pacific Islands and Cape Verde epidemics.3 It is not yet           sexually transmitted diseases tend to be characterised
known whether the genetic variations have implication              by slower progress and require long infectious periods.
for transmissibility or clinical manifestations, nor if a          Vertical transmission of ZIKV from pregnant women
previous flavivirus infection increases severity, although         to the fetus is responsible for the epidemic of micro-
mutations in flavivirus genome are known to impact viru-           cephaly.21 Reservoirs were part of the initial cycle in
lence and immunogenicity.4                                         Africa, but no animal reservoir has been identified, so
   Chikungunya is a member of the genus Alphavirus and             far, outside Africa.
family Togaviridae; it has a capsid, a phospholipid enve-
lope and a single-stranded RNA genome. The Alphavirus              Clinical symptoms
group contains 28 known viruses including o’nyong-                 Asymptomatic and mild clinical forms of Zika, chikun-
nyong, Ross River and Mayaro.5 There are four CHIKV                gunya and dengue may account for a large proportion
genotypes: the East-Central-South Africa, West Africa,             of all infections. When present, initial symptoms can be
Asian and Indian Ocean lineage.6                                   similar, and clinically non-specific, including fever, head-
   There are four genetically distinct serotypes of DENV           ache, myalgia, arthralgia, maculopapular rash, retro-or-
(DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4), and multiple                  bital pain and lymphadenopathies.22 In the early phase,
lineages of each serotype, which are often geographically          it can be difficult to distinguish between these three
based.7 DENV infections with one serotype provide long             diseases, so clinical diagnosis is challenging. Algorithms
immunity against that particular serotype; cross immu-             comparing clinical manifestation of Zika, chikungunya
nity to the others is temporary and may lead to increased          and dengue have been proposed22; however, their sensi-
severity.1                                                         tivity and specificity have not been estimated.
                                                                      Little is known so far of the natural history of Zika
                                                                   infection, and the initial perception as a mild disease has
TRANSMISSION                                                       been challenged by the continued discovery of severe
The most common mode of transmission of Zika, chikun-              neurological complications, including but not restricted
gunya and dengue is by their common vector, Aedes. The             to congenital Zika infection and GBS. Preliminary esti-
mosquito is infected during a viraemic blood meal and              mates of the incubation period were done based on
after the extrinsic incubation period, the virus is present        recipients of blood transfusions in French Polynesia who
in the mosquito salivary gland and can be transmitted to           tested positive to Zika by RT-PCR and who reported clin-
humans by a mosquito bite. Several factors can influence           ical symptoms of the disease from 3 to 10 days after the
the dynamics of transmission, such as environmental and            transfusion.18 A more recent study, with 197 symptom-
climate factors, the interaction between host and path-            atic travellers with recent Zika, indicated an estimated
ogen, and the development of immunity in the popula-               incubation period of 3–14 days.23 Common symptoms of
tion.8                                                             uncomplicated Zika are short term and include low-grade
   Aedes aegypti and A. albopictus are the main vectors of         fever descending rash, myalgia, conjunctivitis, headache,
Zika, chikungunya and dengue, but a larger range of Aedes          oedema and vomiting.9
species are likely vectors in Africa and Asia.9–11 A. aegypti         The incubation period of chikungunya ranges from 1
is one of the most capable vectors: it feeds primarily on          to 12 days. Clinical onset is usually abrupt with high fever,
humans, frequently bites several times in a single meal,           headache, myalgia and moderate or severe arthralgia that
has an almost imperceptible bite and lives very close to           affects especially extremities.5 The joint pain associated
humans11; however, it is geographically restricted because         with chikungunya can be very severe; duration can vary
it does not winter well in cold climates. A. albopictus has        from few days to years, resulting in an acute, subacute or
a wider geographical distribution (it can be found in              chronic disease. Estimating the disability burden caused
subtropical and temperate climates), it is resilient and           by chikungunya complications is a research priority.
aggressive, can survive in rural as well as urban environ-            The incubation period of dengue ranges from 3 to
ments, is relatively long lived (4–9 weeks) and is more            14 days. Most cases are self-limiting: typically, patients
able to survive through cold winters.12 Both A. aegypti and        develop high fever, sudden-onset skin rash, myalgia and
A. albopictus bite primarily during the day, limiting the          headache, and in some cases mild haemorrhagic mani-
usefulness of insecticide-impregnated bednets. Overall,            festations. There are no differences, in the early phases,
the ability of a vector species to transmit a pathogen             between cases that will and will not progress to severe
depends on the location and time. It is notably difficult          dengue, characterised by rapid onset of capillary leakage
to avoid mosquito bites and to control mosquito popula-            with or without haemorrhage accompanied by thrombo-
tions, especially in tropical climates.13                          cytopenia and liver injury and, in some cases, death.1
   Non-vector transmission of arbovirus has been reported
by vertical transmission,14–16 sexual transmission,17 18 by        Diagnosis
transfusion18 19 and in nosocomial settings.20 It is not           The challenge in differential clinical diagnosis between
known what role these routes of transmission play during           these three diseases highlights the importance of labo-
the current Zika epidemics: vector transmission is likely          ratory diagnostic tests. RT-PCR in serum is the main test

2                                                                Paixão ES., et al. BMJ Glob Health 2017;3:e000530. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000530
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                                                                                                                     BMJ Global Health

for detection of viral nucleic acid of Zika, chikungunya                           cases and serological evidence of Zika were found in
and dengue during the initial viraemic phase. The detec-                           Africa and Asia; the first large outbreak occurred in Yap
tion of Zika RNA in serum is limited to the first 5 days of                        in 2007.9
the disease.24 Urine may be the specimen of choice to                                CHIKV was first isolated from the blood of a febrile
enlarge the window of detection of DENV and ZIKV after                             individual during an outbreak in Tanzania in 1952.33
viraemia has faded: PCR positivity is possible for a longer                        According to Halstead, this virus has escaped from a
window and higher viral loads facilitate virus typing.25 26                        complex African zoonotic cycle into an urban cycle at
In dengue, ELISA can detect NS1 antigen in the acute                               40–50 year intervals since 1823 causing large epidemics
phase, but this test was not yet available for Zika at time                        worldwide.34 Human infections have been documented
of writing.27 Because viraemia is short lived, a negative                          in Thailand, where the virus was first introduced in the
RT-PCR does not rule out Zika infection and serologic                              Asia region; in 1958, over 50 000 cases were recorded35 36;
tests should be performed.                                                         Calcutta had an intense circulation of chikungunya in
   Typically, IgM antibodies last for 2–12 weeks. In patients                      1963 and Chennai in 1965. During this period, the disease
with clinical symptoms, the serum should be collected 4                            directly affected thousands of people, especially children
days after disease onset and tested for Zika, chikungunya                          and the elderly. After 1973, there were CHIKV circu-
and dengue.24 The applicability of IgM might depend on                             lation reports until the mid-2000s, when the disease
the clinical situation; the duration of anti-Zika IgM has                          re-emerged.36
not yet been established and there are initial indications
that anti-Zika IgM might be useful in diagnosing congen-
ital Zika syndrome.28 The sensitivity and specificity of IgM                       WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF THE RECENT SPREAD?
and IgG tests are poorly established and there is strong                           Ecological and human factors appear to play a role in
cross-reactivity between ZIKV, DENV and other flavivi-                             determining the increased incidence of vector-borne
ruses. There are research groups working to develop new                            diseases; increasing availability of tests and better aware-
diagnostic approach to consistently differentiate Zika                             ness of clinicians contribute to more frequent recogni-
infection from other flavivirus; although we have had                              tion.37 Climate change, urbanisation (in particular with
advances, there is still no ideal diagnostic test capable to                       degraded urban environments), human behaviours,
be used in a large scale.29                                                        mass gathering events, migration of humans and animals,
   Plaque reduction neutralisation tests (PRNT) can                                development of air transport and extensive agriculture
measure virus-specific neutralising antibodies and may                             have all been suggested to have contributed to the rapid
be able to determine the cause of the primary infection                            worldwide spread of vector-borne diseases.38
with high specificity and clarify cross-reacting results;                             The 2014 Climate Change Report lists points to mecha-
however, PRNT is expensive and very labour intensive.24                            nisms by which climate change can facilitate the spread of
                                                                                   vector-borne infections: by directly affecting the biology
History of the three diseases                                                      of the vectors, their abundance and geographical distri-
Dengue has a long history of human interaction. During                             bution, including territorial expansion to new areas, and
the 19th century, it was recognised as a sporadic disease                          changes in the extrinsic incubation period of the patho-
causing occasional epidemics. Records describe a                                   gens. Environmental changes such as flood protection,
dengue-like illness in China as early as the third century                         increased urban green spaces, designed to mitigate the
and are consistent with a dengue epidemic in 1779–1788,                            effects of climate change, can increase the risk of vector-
coinciding with the increase in global naval commerce.7                            borne diseases.12 The impact of man on the environment,
A second series of dengue-like pandemic lasted from                                modifying the ecosystems with modern infrastructures,
1823 to 1916 moving from Africa to India, to Oceania                               irrigation and massive solid waste production, also facil-
and to the Americas. A new pattern to DENV began                                   itates the development of vectors. Finally, urbanisation
with the World War II, which brought ecological, demo-                             in poor settings with lack of consistent water supply and
graphic and epidemiological changes which allowed the                              garbage collection can facilitate mosquito breeding.
vector to reach high densities and facilitated dispersal of                           The main trigger of the recent pathogen introduction
DENV serotypes among diverse geographical regions. In                              is suggested to be the increasing trade and travel, as the
1950, only nine countries reported cases of dengue; the                            invasive mosquito can be imported through global trade in
average annual number of cases reported to WHO varied                              used tyres, ornamental plants and moving with vehicles.38
from 908 in 1950–1959 to 514 139 in 1990–1999.30                                   The recent development in air travel enables pathogens
  The discovery of Zika and other arboviruses resulted                             to reach other continents within the few days in which
from programmes of research on yellow fever sponsored                              a host is infectious, and even during the latent period
by Rockefeller Foundation from 1914 to 1970.27 ZIKV                                for some diseases. Travellers could be infected in one
was isolated for the first time in 1947 from the blood of                          country and introduce the virus in the other; imported
a sentinel rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) in the Zika                              cases might result in local transmission and spread the
Forest, Uganda.31 The first evidence of human infection                            virus in areas that have the appropriate mosquito vectors
was the presence of neutralising antibodies in human sera                          establishing local transmission. A key consequence of
collected from East Africa in 1952.32 Since then, sporadic                         having a well-established vector population and a suitable

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environment is that a recently introduced pathogen can                 An increase in neonates with microcephaly was
cause an explosive epidemic due to the high number                  noticed initially in Brazil, and retrospectively in the
susceptible in the population.                                      French Polynesia. The number of notified suspected
  Finally, the increased number and density of the human            cases in Brazil reached more than 10.000 and almost
population, global land use change and the introduction             3000 confirmed congenital syndrome associated with
of human commensal vectors may act as selective pres-               Zika.49 At the time of writing, microcephaly has been
sure on pathogens to evolve to take advantage of the new            reported in the Americas, Pacific Islands and African
environments.38                                                     countries and territories, where the ZIKV epidemic
                                                                    started later than in Brazil. Scientific evidence for the
                                                                    causal relationship between congenital transmission
THE BURDEN AND THE THREATS ASSOCIATED WITH THESE                    of ZIKV and microcephaly was produced fast and the
THREE ARBOVIRUSES                                                   link recognised.50 A preliminary report of follow-up
DENV is the most common vector-borne disease world-                 of pregnant women with Zika conducted in Brazil
wide, with a 30-fold increased incidence in the past 50             showed a risk of 22% of microcephaly after symptom-
years,39 endemic in more than 100 countries mostly in               atic ZIKV infection in the first trimester, and started
South America and Southeast Asia and still spreading                the long process of describing the whole spectrum of
to new areas, including Europe, where outbreaks were                the congenital Zika syndrome, of which microcephaly
reported in more than 10 countries since 2010.30 The                appears to be only at the tip of the iceberg.21 51 There
annual average number of dengue cases has increased                 are numerous cohorts of pregnant women going on
dramatically in recent years: an estimated 390 million of           and we will be able to describe the spectrum of the
people infected, 96 million with clinical symptoms every            syndrome and answer others’ important questions such
year.40 Although the incidence rates differ according to            as the risks of adverse outcomes among fetuses whose
location and season, a prospective cohort showed an inci-           mothers were infected and factors associated with
dence of virologically confirmed DENV of 4.6 episodes               adverse fetal outcomes. So far, Zika is the only flavi-
per 100 person-years in Asia and 2.9 episodes per 100
                                                                    virus to cause congenital infection in humans, and the
person-years in Latin America, approximately 10% of all
                                                                    response to this epidemic required addressing the state
episodes of febrile disease.41
                                                                    of sexual and reproductive rights.52
   The risk of severe cases and death from DENV has
                                                                       Chikungunya infection outbreaks can affect a large
increased, with the associated economic burden. In a
                                                                    proportion of the population. Chikungunya can severely
prospective cohort of school-age children in a rural area
                                                                    reduce quality of life due to postchikungunya rheuma-
in Thailand, febrile DENV had longer duration and
                                                                    tism that can destroy joints, impair daily life and require
higher costs than non-DENV febrile illness42; even mild
                                                                    treatment with antirheumatic drugs; chikungunya can
clinical dengue adds a significant hospitalisation burden
                                                                    also worsen pre-existing chronic inflammatory rheuma-
in some countries (and more than 70% of hospitalised
                                                                    tism. Among confirmed cases of chikungunya in France,
cases of dengue do not meet the definition of severe
dengue).41 The number of DENV-related deaths is large               15 months after the acute disease, 57% of the patients
worldwide. In 2013, it was estimated that DENV is respon-           were still experiencing rheumatic manifestations.53 The
sible for 576 900 years of life lost and 1.14 million disabil-      chronic pain and rheumatism among patients after chiku-
ity-adjusted life years (DALY), which considers fatal and           ngunya infection might have impact on mental health of
non-fatal outcomes.43                                               patients.54 It was estimated that according to the number
   Although ZIKV has a high rate of transmission, with              of reported cases of chikungunya during 2014 in the
an estimated 73% of the population infected in the                  Americas, 38 million patients will develop chronic inflam-
outbreak in Micronesia9 and 66% in French Polynesia,44              matory rheumatism.55
until 2015, ZIKV was considered a mild disease, without                In La Reunion Island, a range of new clinical forms
complications, hospitalisations or mortality. Now we                (respiratory and cardiovascular failure, meningoenceph-
know Zika can cause congenital ZIKV infection, GBS and              alitis and other central nervous system problems, severe
other severe neurological complications. In late 2015, in           acute hepatitis, severe cutaneous effects and kidney
French Polynesia, 42 patients were diagnosed with GBS               failure) was identified; 57 patients were diagnosed with
during the ZIKV outbreak.45 Based on the 66% attack                 central nervous system disease, including 24 with enceph-
rate of ZIKV infection, the risk of GBS in the population           alitis.56 In Latin America, the burden of chikungunya
was estimated to be 1 for each 4000 ZIKV infections.46 A            was estimated in 25.45 DALYs per 100 000 of popula-
case–control study in French Polynesia showed a 34-fold             tion.57 The fatality rate of chikungunya was considered
increase in risk of GBS in those with markers of ZIKV               low, but there are indications that this was in part due to
infection.46 If we apply the same attack rate and the risk          underascertainment. Although not causing congenital
of GBS to the Brazilian population, we can expect 32.390            malformations, vertical transmission of chikungunya
cases of Zika-related GBS in Brazil. Other neurological             (predominantly during delivery) has been described as
complications such as acute myelitis47 and meningoen-               causing neurological complication in the neonate with
cephalitis48 have been associated with Zika.                        cognitive development delays.58

4                                                                Paixão ES., et al. BMJ Glob Health 2017;3:e000530. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000530
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CONCLUSION                                                                            any specific organization or products. The use of the WHO logo is not permitted.
The emergence of ZIKV and CHIK and the re-emer-                                       This notice should be preserved along with the article's original URL. See: https://
gence of DENV in Brazil established a situation that
                                                                                      © World Health Organization [2017]. Licensee BMJ.
was probably unprecedented: the circulation at high
incidence of three arboviruses transmitted by the same
mosquito, A. aegypti, in the same, mostly urban, space:
DENV, CHIKV and ZIKV. The three arboviruses                                           REFERENCES
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and they do not necessarily represent the views, decisions or policies of the World   22. Ioos S, Mallet HP, Leparc Goffart I, et al. Current Zika virus
Health Organization.                                                                      epidemiology and recent epidemics. Med Mal Infect 2014;44:302–7.
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                      Zika, chikungunya and dengue: the causes
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                      Enny S. Paixão, Maria Gloria Teixeira and Laura C Rodrigues

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Correction: Zika, chikungunya and dengue: the causes and
threats of new and re-emerging arboviral diseases

Paixão ES, Teixeira MG, Rodrigues LC. Zika, chikungunya and dengue: the
causes and threats of new and re-emerging arboviral diseases. BMJ Glob Health
2017;3:e000530. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000530.

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