Health risks and potential remedies during prolonged lockdowns for coronavirus disease - 2019 (COVID-19) - De Gruyter
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Diagnosis 2020; 7(2): 85–90 Opinion Paper Giuseppe Lippi*, Brandon M. Henry, Chiara Bovo and Fabian Sanchis-Gomar Health risks and potential remedies during prolonged lockdowns for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Received March 26, 2020; accepted March 26, 2020; previously Introduction published online April 7, 2020 Coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated to COVID-19, is a Abstract: As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pan- viral infectious disease caused by severe acute respira- demic continues, an increasing number of countries tory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [1, 2]. As with and territories are adopting restrictive measures based other members of the Coronaviridae family, inter-human on physical (“social”) distancing, aimed at preventing transmission of this microorganism is mostly due to res- human-to-human transmission and thereby limiting piratory tract infection, mediated by the so-called res- virus propagation. Nationwide lockdowns, encompass- piratory droplets, which are formed by water and various ing mass quarantine under stay-at-home ordinances, inclusions, and can be generated while talking, breath- have already been proven effective to contain the COVID- ing, coughing or sneezing [3]. Human droplets are circu- 19 outbreak in some countries. Nevertheless, a pro- lar elements with ~5 μm diameter that rapidly fall to the longed homestay may also be associated with potential ground under gravity after being produced, which usually side effects, which may jeopardize people’s health and limits the transmission distance at less than 1 m during thus must be recognized and mitigated in a way without normal breathing (Figure 1) [4]. Some additional vehicles violating local ordinances. Some of the most important of potential contagion have been identified (e.g. direct undesirable consequences of prolonged homestay such contact with infected environmental or biological materi- as physical inactivity, weight gain, behavioral addiction als such as feces or saliva) [5–7], though respiratory drop- disorders, insufficient sunlight exposure and social iso- lets remain the largest source of contagion. lation will be critically addressed in this article, which The most recent statistics of the World Health Organi- also aims to provide some tentative recommendations zation (WHO) attests that SARS-CoV-2 has already infected for the alleviation of side effects. nearly 635,000 persons around the world, causing over 30,000 deaths [8]. These numbers are inevitably destined Keywords: coronavirus; COVID-19; epidemics; health; to grow as definitive vaccines and cures for COVID-19 are outbreak. unlikely to be identified soon [9]. As such, a combination of contact tracing and social isolation seems to be the most effective strategy to control the COVID-19 outbreak [10], as this strategy will be effective for flattening the curve of new infections due to human-to-human trans- *Corresponding author: Prof. Giuseppe Lippi, Section of Clinical mission, limiting morbidity, mortality and the ensuing Biochemistry, Department of Neuroscience, Biomedicine and surge of demand on healthcare system. Movement, University Hospital of Verona, Piazzale LA Scuro, 37134 Verona, Italy, Phone: +39-045-8124308, Fax: +39-045-8122970, E-mail: Brandon M. Henry: Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, The Heart Institute, Lockdown Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA Chiara Bovo: Medical Direction, University Hospital of Verona, Lockdown, a term conventionally used as surrogate Verona, Italy for “mass quarantine”, is typically based on “stay-at- Fabian Sanchis-Gomar: Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia and INCLIVA Biomedical Research home” or “shelter-in-place” ordinances given by a public Institute, Valencia, Spain; and Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, (either national or regional) government or authority, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA for imposing social distancing and hence limiting or
86 Lippi et al.: Health risks of lockdown during viral outbreaks gain, behavioral addiction disorders, insufficient sunlight exposure and social isolation will be critically addressed in this article, which also aims to provide some tentative recommendations for the alleviation of side effects. These problems and our recommended remedies are summa- rized in Table 1. Physical inactivity The dramatic reduction of physical activity due to man- datory homestay is perhaps one of the most apparent Figure 1: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- consequences of complete lockdown, not only for active CoV-2) propagation by droplets. individuals habitually practicing recreational sports, but also for those who go to work by walking or cycling, or whose job includes physical activity of some sorts. completely abolishing the movement of the population It has already been defined that the combination of inside and outside a specific area. It is hence mostly used abrupt interruption of physical exercise and prolonged as for counteracting an ongoing outbreak, mandating inactivity may promote many adverse health changes, residents to stay inside their homes, except for carrying including development of insulin resistance, muscle out essential activities (health visits, tending to a vulner- atrophy and bone loss, decreased aerobic capacity, able person, purchasing medicines, food and beverages) increased blood pressure and heart frequency, fatty liver or providing essential work (e.g. healthcare and social disease and/or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, dyslipi- care sectors, police and armed forces, firefighting, water demia, as well as higher risk of collapsing upon resum- and electricity supply, critical manufacturing). Other non- ing exercise [16]. The important biological and metabolic essential activities are hence stopped or carried out from adaptations would hence translate into a considerable home [11, 12]. higher risk of developing osteoporosis [17], diabetes [18], At the time of writing this article (March 30, 2020), cardiovascular disease [19], cancer [20], dementia [21] as nationwide restrictions for limiting the spread of SARS- well as overweight/obesity [22], among others. Overall, the CoV-2 infections have been established by over 50 coun- enhanced physical inactivity-attributable disease burden tries around the world, including the UK, Italy, Spain, not only fosters a remarkably higher risk of disability, but France, Germany, Austria, South Africa, India, Colombia, is also associated with a nearly 24% increased risk of all- New Zealand and several US states, with many others to cause mortality among the general population [23]. follow as soon as the numbers of COVID-19 cases con- The current WHO global recommendations on physi- tinue to rise exponentially. Currently, we can estimate that cal activity for health promotion and maintenance indi- over 280 million people are under lockdown throughout cate that adults should engage in not less than 150 min Europe, 150 million in the US, nearly 1.3 billion in India per week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, and still 50–60 million in China. Overall, it can hence be or not less than 75 min per week of vigorous-intensity estimated that over one-third of humanity is subjected to aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of some form of restrictive measures [13]. This strategy has moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity [24]. This most been proven effective for containing the COVID-19 out- frequently translates into the practice of recreational or break in China, also limiting the exportation of infected leisure activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, cases outside the country [14, 15]. Nevertheless, stay-at- gardening, hiking, dancing and household working. home orders may also be associated with numerous side Additionally, the WHO recommends performing some effects, especially when the lockdown is protracted for muscle-strengthening activities, involving major muscle months, thereby disrupting social habits and jeopardiz- groups, for 2 or more days on a weekly basis. ing personal health. Strategies, which do not violate local Fulfillment of these recommendations is inherently ordinances, need to be urgently identified and established challenging for citizens residing in lockdown areas, as for preventing these derangements. movements outside one’s residence are almost totally To that end, the most important undesirable effects banned. People not involved in essential services are forced of prolonged homestay such as physical inactivity, weight to stay inside their houses for weeks (or even months),
Lippi et al.: Health risks of lockdown during viral outbreaks 87 Table 1: Health risks and potential remedies during prolonged nationwide lockdown for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Risk factor Most relevant health Remedies consequences Physical inactivity – Osteoporosis – Keep enough distance while exercising outside – Diabetes – Practice indoor exercise – Cardiovascular disease – Use video- or app-guided equipment-free training – Cancer – Use the stairs – Dementia – Avoid sports injuries Weight gain – Diabetes – Hypocaloric diets – Cardiovascular disease – Reduced total fat content – Pulmonary embolism – Prefer low-carbohydrate and high-protein foods – Cancer – Increase intake of dietary fiber – Low back pain – Supplement diet with immunomodulatory foods – Osteoarthritis – Disability Behavioral – Psychological disturbances – Controlled and balanced usage of electronic devices addiction – Neurological complications – Use of external stoppers – Musculoskeletal disorders – Software programs controlling usage time – E-thrombosis – Development of personal inventories Insufficient – Low vitamin D levels – Vitamin D dietary supplementation sunlight exposure – Diet enriched in foods with high vitamin D Social isolation – Depression – Delivering groceries and essential medicines – Anxiety – Reinforce social care measures – Misidentification of health – More frequent contacts with smartphone or social deterioration media only allowed to move sporadically for health or alimen- other than exercise bands, fitness ball or weights can still tary purposes. Nevertheless, the shelter-in-place orders be performed, driven by video- or app-guided equipment- established by some countries, like Italy and Germany, free training [29]. Basic things that can be found at home for example [25], enable some outdoor physical activity, may also help, such as the stairs for climbing, performing provided that a sufficient interpersonal distance can be step exercise or even strength training. guaranteed (i.e. >1 m, >1.5 m or >2 m depending on local Another important aspect is the absolute need to avoid ordinances), and that the exercise is completed in close any type of sports injury (direct, indirect or overuse) while proximity of one’s home residence. The maintenance of practicing exercise [30]. As most healthcare resources, a sufficient interpersonal distance is crucial, almost una- especially emergency departments (EDs) and intensive voidable, as SARS-CoV-2 is mostly transmitted by drop- care units (ICUs), are now overwhelmed managing the lets [26]. The risk of infection may hence be enormously massive number of COVID-19 patients requiring urgent magnified in subjects practicing narrow sports activities, care [31], preventing any additional strain of care due to such as contact sports or side-by-side running or cycling, unwarranted injuries on an already exhausted system is as a consequence of increased ventilatory demand, which vital. is then accompanied by increase of respiratory frequency (i.e. from 15 to 20, up to 50 breaths per min) and enhanced volume of exhaled air [27, 28]. An exception to total stay- Weight gain at-home rule for performing some forms of outdoor exer- cise may contribute to counteract the detrimental changes The risk of weight gain, up to developing overweight or resulting from prolonged physical inactivity. Engagement obesity, is one of the most significant implications of phys- in some forms of indoor physical activity is another viable ical inactivity [22]. Overweight and obesity, defined by solution. Although fast (power) walking, running and the WHO as a body mass index (BMI) ≥25 and ≥30 kg/m2, cycling are unfeasible for the vast majority of subjects respectively [32], are accompanied by a kaleidoscope of who are lacking indoor exercise equipment (e.g. tread- metabolic derangements, ultimately increasing the risk mills, stationary bikes, etc.), strength or aerobic workout of many pathologies such as diabetes, cardiovascular without the need of very specific and expensive equipment disease, pulmonary embolism, cancers, low back pain,
88 Lippi et al.: Health risks of lockdown during viral outbreaks osteoarthritis and disability [33]. Nonetheless, as weight D [25-hydroxycholecalciferol; 25(OH)D]. It has now been gain is also commonplace during leave periods [34], it is established that sunlight exposure [especially to ultravio- reasonable to hypothesize that prolonged shelter-in-place let B (UVB) light] is the major limiting step in the endog- ordinances will predispose to weight gain, an aspect mag- enous generation of vitamin D, whereby sunlight mediates nified by the unhealthy dietary habits that very frequently the conversion of precholecalciferol (previtamin D3) into accompany prolonged television viewing [35]. Some spe- cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), which is then converted into cific measures should be recommended to people forced 25(OH)D by the liver enzyme vitamin D 25-hydroxylase [43]. into a prolonged indoor stay, which would include caloric Several lines of evidence now attest that vitamin D not only restriction through hypocaloric diets (encompassing also is essential for bone health [44], but may also produce a reduced portion size), reduction of total fat content, low- vast array of pleiotropic (beneficial) effects, including carbohydrate and high-protein foods, combined with lowering the risk of developing pathologies such as car- increased intake of dietary fiber [36]. diovascular and autoimmune diseases, cancer, allergy and As COVID-19 is characterized by considerable asthma, mental disorders, metabolic syndrome and diabe- derangement of the immune response, especially involv- tes, among others [45]. The intricate interplay of vitamin ing and injuring helper and suppressor T cells [37], a diet D with immune system and infectious diseases is another enriched with immunomodulatory foods such as pro- and important aspect, which has been the focus of many recent pre-biotics and some vitamins (i.e. vitamin A, C and D) studies. Vitamin D receptors are highly expressed by many may also be advisable [38, 39]. immune cells, including monocytes, and T and B lympho- cytes [46]. As the function of these cells is modulated by vitamin D, deficiency in this hormone is frequently associ- Behavioral addiction disorders ated with increased susceptibility to, and severity of, many infectious diseases [47]. In particular, some recent studies provided credible evidence that subjects with vitamin D Prolonged indoor stay is unavoidably accompanied by deficiency may be at significantly higher risk of develop- longer time spent watching television, online gaming or ing respiratory tract infections [48]. As SARS-CoV-2 is a social networking, thus potentially worsening behavioral coronavirus primarily causing a respiratory viral infection (i.e. internet, screen, or television) addiction disorders. [49], vitamin D insufficiency due to inadequate sunlight The most common side effects encompass psychological may occur, especially in those countries where food forti- disturbances (e.g. sleep deprivation, self-harm), neuro- fication has not been introduced [50]. As such, guidelines logical complications (e.g. eye strain, headache), mus- preventing the risk of vitamin D insufficiency seem advis- culoskeletal disorders (i.e. low back pain, carpal tunnel able. Increased vitamin D intake can be achieved either by syndrome) [40, 41] as well as increased risk of immobility- administering vitamin D as a dietary supplement (carefully related venous thrombosis (i.e. the so-called e-thrombo- weighing the risk of causing toxicity from hypervitamino- sis) [42]. Remedies for this problem are more challenging sis D) or enriching the diet with foods that have a relatively to identify than those for managing the classic forms of high content of vitamin D, such as fatty fish, cod liver oil behavioral addiction disorders, as a pre-existing organic and egg yolks [51]. cause (e.g. psychological vulnerability, psychoticism) is mostly lacking during prolonged lockdowns. The most effective measures would hence encompass a controlled and balanced usage of electronic devices, the adoption of external stoppers (events or activities persuading the Social isolation user to log off), software programs controlling user’s As the outbreak progresses with an increasing number of time and development of inventories to track personal countries implementing restrictive measures, the number activities [40]. of people isolated at home increases in parallel. It is now established that social isolation must be regarded as a primary public health concern in the elderly, as it ampli- Insufficient sunlight exposure fies the burden of neurocognitive, mental, cardiovascular and autoimmune problems, as well as depression and Insufficient sunlight exposure is another obvious con- anxiety [52]. Moreover, recent evidence has demonstrated sequence of prolonged indoor stay, which would then that sedentary behaviors in the youth may also be an be accompanied by reduced level of circulating vitamin important cause of depression and anxiety [53]. As such,
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