Yuma School District One - Student Guide COVID-19 Mitigation Plan 2021/2022 School Year - School Webmasters
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OVERVIEW SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE Dear District One Families, District One understands the range of concerns that exist when beginning a new school year. Through thoughtful planning, collaboration, and following health and safety guidelines, we have developed procedures and protocols necessary to ensure a healthy and safe environment on school campuses. This guide provides information for all school buildings, grounds and buses that are in place on all school campuses, to ensure the safest environment for students and staff. In addition, we have included ways that you can help, such as: ● Staying home if you’re sick - symptoms and guidance ● At-home health checks before attending school ● Good hygiene habits and social distancing practices The guidance included on the following pages is intended to familiarize parents, students and staff with the district-wide changes they will see on their school campus. Additional details, guidelines, and procedures that are specific to your school will be provided by your school principal. This guidance is subject to change to mirror any changes in the COVID-19 environment in Yuma County. We invite families to read through this guide together. If we all work together, we can continue to keep ourselves and others healthy. Respectfully, James Sheldahl District One Superintendent 3
OFFICIAL GUIDANCE District One strongly considers the guidance of local, state, and federal officials. The district routinely monitors guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS), and Yuma County Public Health Services District (YCPHSD). In addition, we maintain frequent communication with YCPHSD to remain informed of the local COVID-19 situation. AZDHS monitors COVID-19 on a county and state level, publishing weekly updates on their Schools Dashboard available at www.azdhs.gov. Considering Cases per 100.000 individuals and percent of positive COVID-19 tests, the dashboard indicates the level of transmission in each Arizona County. The chart below can be found on the AZDHS school dashboard and will be used to indicate transmission status in Yuma County. If both cases and percent positivity in Yuma County are in a given bracket for two consecutive weeks, District One may implement a change in mitigation strategies. The following plan outlines District One’s mitigation strategies for either Low/Moderate Transmission Status or Substantial/High Transmission Status. CONSIDERATIONS District One’s top priority is ensuring the health and safety of students and staff. Since the fall of 2020, there have been many positive developments, and we have all learned a great deal about the virus. Most importantly: ● a vaccine for COVID-19 has been offered to all district staff; ● on-site rapid testing is available for students and staff, providing results in 15 minutes; ● our district has safely and successfully implemented its mitigation strategies for schools serving students on site; 4
● national data supports the district’s data, showing that elementary and secondary schools are not a significant source of spread of the COVID-19 virus, in fact much lower than the community at large; and ● the level of community spread is on a rapid downward trend in Yuma County. Considering this important data, it has become increasingly safer for students to learn in-person. PARENT/GUARDIAN’S ROLE At Home: How To Conduct and Record Daily Health Screenings To protect other students and staff, anyone with a temporary infection should be kept at home. Each morning, parents should screen students for fever or illness before the student attends school. Parents should self-report symptoms and must keep students at home if any of the following symptoms are present: If your child is exhibiting other signs of illness, he/she may need to stay home. The following are additional guidelines that may help in deciding if a student should come to school: Colds Go to School: if mild, but otherwise feeling well Stay Home: if heavy, deep, or hacking cough, even without a fever Sore Throat Go to School: if no other other symptoms Stay Home and/or See a Doctor: if white spots in the back of throat or fever Headache Go to School unless severe or with other symptoms Rash Stay Home and/or See a Doctor: if any unexplained rashes 5
LOW/MODERATE TRANSMISSION Low/Moderate Transmission Total new cases per 100,000 persons in the last 7 days 0 - 49 cases Percentage of positive COVID-19 tests during the past 7 days
ON-SITE RAPID COVID-19 TESTING The District One Health Services Team offers OPTIONAL rapid COVID-19 testing for students, with parental consent. This will continue to be offered as long as rapid COVID-19 test kits are available. Yuma School District One reports the results of each rapid test conducted, regardless of a negative or positive outcome, to the Arizona Department of Health Services and Yuma County Health Department. Rapid COVID-19 Testing will only be completed for students who: 1. Are enrolled at a Yuma School District One school 2. Have a current parent consent form on file (available in ParentVue) AND 3. Experience COVID-19 symptoms If a student tests positive for COVID-19, he/she must be picked up from school by a parent/guardian and must be isolated for at least 10 calendar days. After 10 days of isolation, a student must be 24 hours fever free without the use of medication, and have improved symptoms. The district encourages parents to contact their child(ren)’s physician or health care provider for further guidance. If a student is symptomatic, but tests negative, the student should stay home until those symptoms improve. The district encourages parents to contact their child(ren)’s physician or health care provider for further guidance. HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE The health office on each school campus will provide various services for students. Outside community programs such as dental clinics and United Way programs will be allowed to participate, but will need to sign COVID Waivers when signing in at the front desk. All outside volunteers and organizations must receive prior approval from the Health Services Coordinator. PROTECTION OF SICK STUDENTS Designated Areas All health rooms provide the following areas: ● A separated space for ill students. This area has a cubicle and privacy curtain, or a separate room with a cot. 7
● A space for students who require treatments or medications, or emergency care. ● At this time, Nebulizer treatments will not be given in the schools. Inhalers with a spacer are allowed with a medical provider order. PREVENTATIVE MEASURES & PPE Health Office Staff Protocols ● Staff maintain universal precautions at all times. ● Masks will be available and offered to symptomatic individuals entering the health office. ● Face masks and gloves are highly encouraged to be worn by health office staff when students are in the health office. In addition, staff will be highly encouraged to wear a gown and face shield when interacting with a student or staff member exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. ● After each visit, the cot and any equipment will be cleaned between each use. RESPONSE PLAN: CONFIRMED CASE OF COVID-19 District One maintains the privacy of students and staff, and does not share personal information. All reported confirmed cases of COVID-19 are traced through the District One Health Services Team. District One’s Health Services Coordinator routinely communicates with the Yuma County Public Health Services District, who determines if/when the presence of a positive case will be public information. Parents will be notified if a school classroom has a positive test result. IF A STUDENT IS SYMPTOMATIC OR TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 1. Do not send your child to school. 2. Report the illness to the front office at your child’s school, including the date that symptoms began and if any siblings attend school. Students who have developed COVID-19 symptoms or had a positive COVID-19 test may not return to the site until either of the following two scenarios has been met: 8
Scenario One ❏ At least 10 days have passed since the first symptoms emerged and ❏ At least 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication ❏ And improved symptoms OR Scenario Two ❏ At least 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication; and ❏ There has been improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and ❏ A negative COVID-19 test outcome OR a return to school clearance from a medical provider IF A STUDENT WAS IDENTIFIED AS A CLOSE CONTACT Option 1 Option 2 Student may return to school after: Student may return to school after: ✓ Quarantining at least 10 days since the ✓ At least 7 days have passed from the date of date of exposure; AND exposure; AND ✓ Remaining symptom free; AND ✓ Tested negative for COVID-19 at least 6 days ✓ Wear a mask until the 14th day after exposure; AND following exposure ✓ Has been symptom free for 7 days; AND ✓ Wear a mask until the 14th day following exposure IF A STUDENT’S HOUSEHOLD MEMBER IS SYMPTOMATIC, TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 1. Do not send your child to school. Student should remain home for 10 days or per Yuma Public Health Department Instructions. 2. Parents should report this status to their child’s school. 3. If the student is fully vaccinated for COVID-19, but identified as a close contact, the student may continue to attend school as long as the student is not symptomatic. 9
IF A STUDENT IS SYMPTOMATIC, BUT TESTS NEGATIVE FOR COVID-19 The student should stay home until symptoms improve and/or are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. In all situations, the district encourages parents to contact their child(ren)’s health care provider for further guidance. CLOSURE THRESHOLDS Classroom Closure (Transition to Remote Learning) If there are 3 or more positive cases reported in a classroom within 10 days. School or Worksite Closure Closure of an entire school or worksite will come from the direction of the Yuma County Health Department and District One Superintendent. A site closure may occur if there are multiple symptomatic or positive cases reported at a single site, and recommended by the health department. District-wide Closure A determination for a district-wide closure will come from the direction of an official agency at the local or state level. ENHANCED CLEANING ● District One has purchased electro-static disinfectant sprayers. This allows staff to disinfect items, rooms and common areas in a faster, more efficient and safe manner. ● All areas and surfaces are cleaned and disinfected, focusing on high touch surfaces and materials such as door handles, light switches, desks, counters, computer keyboards, etc. ● Each school has installed hand sanitizing stations at strategic locations throughout campuses. These stations allow students, staff, parents and community members an opportunity to safely and regularly sanitize their hands when they visit, work, or attend our facilities. ● School HVAC systems may be adjusted to allow for more fresh air to be introduced into classrooms. 10
TRANSPORTATION Buses will continue to be disinfected daily to maintain a clean and healthy environment. If there are insufficient drivers to run routes, the bus routes will be canceled for that school day. Parents will be notified by Blackboard Messenger (voicemail, email, or text) of any interruption or cancellation of a bus route. If a Student is Visibly Sick at the Bus Stop ● If a parent is present the student will be sent home with the parent. ● If there is no parent present at the bus stop the student will be isolated as much as possible on the bus and transported to school. Once arrived at school, the student will be taken to the Health Office and a parent or emergency contact will be notified. EXCEPTIONAL STUDENT SERVICES Teachers will be working with students employing a variety of teaching methods to ensure students receive quality special education services. Services will be provided in classrooms through co-teaching, small groups within the classroom, small group pull out, and one-on-one instruction/support adhering to the above described mitigation plan for times of low/moderate transmission rates. Related services such as OT, PT, Speech and Counseling will be provided in person to the largest extent possible along with evaluations. Related service providers and psychologists will adhere to the above mitigation plan for times of low/moderate transmission. IEP/MET Meetings IEP and MET meetings will be conducted virtually, over the phone, in person (adhering to appropriate social distancing) or a combination of the above based on the availability of the team. 11
ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOLS SCHOOL SCHEDULE Yuma School District One has returned to the following bell schedule: Elementary Schools Middle Schools Mon (early out) 8:45am-2:10pm Mon (early out) 8:35am-2:09pm Tues-Fri 8:45am-3:40pm Tues-Fri 8:35am-3:39pm *Price School: Monday (early out) 8am-1pm, Tuesday-Friday 8am-3:00pm DIGITAL LEARNING ACADEMY District One schools have returned to in-person learning. For families interested in a remote learning option, we continue to offer District One’s Digital Learning Academy (DLA). The DLA is an online homeschooling program in which students can work at their own pace while receiving guidance from dedicated online instructors. This team of online educators have received specialized training to ensure a meaningful, rigorous online learning experience. To learn more about DLA, please visit our website at https://www.yuma.org/Yuma_District_One_Digital_Learning_Academy CLASSROOM SETUP ● Students will practice physical distancing to the extent possible during group activities and at meal time. ● Surfaces are kept clear to allow for easy cleaning and disinfecting. ● Teachers have removed any items that are unnecessary for instructional purposes. ● Teachers have a designated area in the classroom for his/her desk and belongings. ● Materials/toys that cannot be properly sanitized and disinfected are removed from the classroom environment. 12
PERSONAL BELONGINGS ● Teachers will leave all personal items at home in order to minimize surfaces that require cleaning. ● Only instructional and school related items will be used in the classroom. These items will be kept in a student backpack/personal storage. ● Students will use individual supplies to limit sharing of items. DIGITAL DEVICES Devices are provided to each student at the beginning of the school year. Devices will continue to be used for in-person learning. Please refer to the Digital Learning Device Handbook for terms of use. ● Parents are asked to properly disinfect devices and other supplies before they return to school. DIGITAL PLATFORMS USED District One schools utilize Google Classrooms and G-Suite for our instructional experiences and assignments. Schools also use digital content to provide a comprehensive learning experience for students. All programs are available on school-issued devices. The following guide provides helpful information for access and logging in to various programs: Digital Content Login Information. Below are the districtwide digital content that is utilized: 13
Districtwide Digital Content Districtwide Digital Content (Elementary): (Middle School): ● Reading Eggs, K-2 ● Benchmark Advance, K-6 ● Math Seeds, K-2 ● Zearn, K-7 ● Mystery Science, K-5 ● MobyMax, K-8 ● Quaver Music, K-5 ● Nearpod, K-8 ● Benchmark Advance, K-6 ● Study Island, 3-8 ● Zearn, K-7 ● IXL, 4-8 (EL) ● MobyMax, K-8 ● Gizmos, 6-8 ● Nearpod, K-8 ● Newsela, 6-8 ● Study Island, 3-8 ● Rosetta Stone English, K-8 (EL) ● IXL, 4-8 (EL) ● Accelerate Learning, K-8 (DLA) ● Lexia Core5, K-5 (Migrant) ● Rosetta Stone English, K-8 (EL) ● Accelerate Learning, K-8 (DLA) LUNCH ● Students will eat meals in the cafeteria, or outside, and schools may stagger lunch times to reduce large gatherings. Students will be socially distanced to the extent possible. ● Hand washing and/or hand sanitizer use is required prior to entering the school cafeteria, multi-purpose room dining areas, or the serving line, and after meals. ● Food surfaces will continue to be sanitized before eating meals. ● Subject to availability, staff will provide students with disposable service items to minimize contact (e.g. containers, individual utensil sets with napkins). RECESS (Elementary Schools) ● Playground equipment is open for use. ● Students will maintain social distancing to the extent possible. ● Students must wash hands immediately after outdoor play time. STUDENT DROP OFF/PICK UP Parents may drop off students in a designated drop-off lane. Parents who wish to enter campus before or after school will be asked to visit the school office to sign a waiver. Volunteering on campus has not resumed at this time. 14
PROGRAMS/ACTIVITIES Before/after school activities and athletics will resume. Available programs vary by school. 15
SUBSTANTIAL/HIGH TRANSMISSION Substantial/High Transmission Total new cases per 100,000 persons in the 50 or more cases last 7 days Percentage of positive COVID-19 tests 8% positivity or more during the past 7 days *Source: azdhs.gov If both categories (cases and percent positivity) are substantial or high for two consecutive weeks, District One may implement the following change in mitigation strategies. HEALTH & SAFETY MEASURES WHAT TO DO IF A STUDENT BECOMES SICK AT SCHOOL If a student develops symptoms of illness at school, the student will be separated from all other students and staff, with the exception of one staff member to supervise the student. Parent Contact ● The health office will contact the parent regarding the student’s condition ● If parental consent is provided, a rapid COVID-19 test will be administered to symptomatic students. ● The parent or guardian will pick up the student from school and follow the guidance of school health staff before returning to school. ● In the case of an emergency, the health office will call 911 if the student appears to be in medical distress. Cleaning ● Custodian(s) will wear the necessary PPE and follow deep cleaning and sanitization procedures while cleaning the areas where the student was present prior to experiencing symptoms Reporting ● The Principal and/or Health Assistant will report a positive COVID-19 case to the Yuma County Health Department 16
Notification ● Parents will be notified if an individual in the child’s classroom tests positive for COVID-19 ON-SITE RAPID COVID-19 TESTING The District One Health Services Team offers OPTIONAL rapid COVID-19 testing for students, with parental consent. This will continue to be offered as long as rapid COVID-19 test kits are available. Yuma School District One reports the results of each rapid test conducted, regardless of a negative or positive outcome, to the Arizona Department of Health Services and Yuma County Health Department. Rapid COVID-19 Testing will only be completed for students who: 1. Are enrolled at a Yuma School District One school 2. Have a current parent consent form on file (available in ParentVue) AND 3. Experience COVID-19 symptoms If a student tests positive for COVID-19, he/she must be picked up from school by a parent/guardian and must be isolated for at least 10 calendar days. After 10 days of isolation, a student must be 24 hours fever free without the use of medication, and have improved symptoms. The district encourages parents to contact their child(ren)’s physician or health care provider for further guidance. If a student is symptomatic, but tests negative, the student should stay home until those symptoms improve. The district encourages parents to contact their child(ren)’s physician or health care provider for further guidance. HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE The health office on each school campus will provide various services for students. All outside community programs will not be utilized until Low/Moderate Transmission status returns. 17
PROTECTION OF SICK STUDENTS Designated Areas All health rooms provide the following areas: ● A separated space for ill students. This area has a cubicle and privacy curtain, or a separate room with a cot. ● A space for students who require treatments or medications, or emergency care. ● At this time, Nebulizer treatments will not be given in the schools. Inhalers with a spacer are allowed with a medical provider order. PREVENTATIVE MEASURES & PPE Health Office Staff Protocols ● Staff maintain universal precautions at all times. ● Masks are highly recommended for all individuals entering the health office. ● Face masks and gloves are highly encouraged to be worn by health office staff when students are in the health office. In addition, staff will be highly encouraged to wear a gown and face shield when interacting with a student or staff member exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. ● After each visit, the cot and any equipment will be cleaned between each use. RESPONSE PLAN: CONFIRMED CASE OF COVID-19 District One maintains the privacy of students and staff, and does not share personal information. All reported confirmed cases of COVID-19 are traced through the District One Health Services Team. District One’s Health Services Coordinator routinely communicates with the Yuma County Public Health Services District, who determines if/when the presence of a positive case will be public information. Parents will be notified if a school classroom has a positive test result. IF A STUDENT IS SYMPTOMATIC OR TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 1. Do not send your child to school. 2. Report the illness to the front office at your child’s school, including the date that symptoms began and if any siblings attend school. 18
Students who have developed COVID-19 symptoms or had a positive COVID-19 test may not return to the site until either of the following two scenarios has has been met: Scenario One ❏ At least 10 days have passed since the first symptoms emerged and ❏ At least 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication ❏ And improved symptoms OR Scenario Two ❏ At least 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medication; and ❏ There has been improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and ❏ A negative COVID-19 test outcome OR a return to school clearance from a medical provider IF A STUDENT WAS IDENTIFIED AS A CLOSE CONTACT Option 1 Option 2 Student may return to school after: Student may return to school after: ✓ Quarantining at least 10 days since the ✓ At least 7 days have passed from the date of date of exposure; AND exposure; AND ✓ Remaining symptom free; AND ✓ Tested negative for COVID-19 at least 6 days ✓ Wear a mask until the 14th day after exposure; AND following exposure ✓ Has been symptom free for 7 days; AND ✓ Wear a mask until the 14th day following exposure IF A STUDENT’S HOUSEHOLD MEMBER IS SYMPTOMATIC, TESTS POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 1. Do not send your child to school. Student should remain home for 10 days or per Yuma Public Health Department Instructions. 2. Parents should report this status to their child’s school. 3. If the student is fully vaccinated for COVID-19, but identified as a close contact, the student may continue to attend school as long as the student is not symptomatic. 19
IF A STUDENT IS SYMPTOMATIC, BUT TESTS NEGATIVE FOR COVID-19 The student should stay home until symptoms improve and/or are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. In all situations, the district encourages parents to contact their child(ren)’s health care provider for further guidance. CLOSURE THRESHOLDS Classroom Closure (Transition to Remote Learning) If there are 3 or more positive cases reported in a classroom within 10 days. School or Worksite Closure Closure of an entire school or worksite will come from the direction of the Yuma County Health Department and District One Superintendent. A site closure may occur if there are multiple symptomatic or positive cases reported at a single site, and recommended by the health department. District-wide Closure A determination for a district-wide closure will come from the direction of an official agency at the local or state level. ENHANCED CLEANING ● District One has purchased electro-static disinfectant sprayers. This allows staff to disinfect items, rooms and common areas at a faster, more efficient and safe manner. ● All areas and surfaces are cleaned and disinfected, focusing on high touch surfaces and materials such as door handles, light switches, desks, counters, computer keyboards, etc. ● Each school has installed hand sanitizing stations at strategic locations throughout campuses. These stations allow students, staff, parents and community members an opportunity to safely and regularly sanitize their hands when they visit, work, or attend our facilities. 20
● School HVAC systems may be adjusted to allow for more fresh air to be introduced into classrooms. TRANSPORTATION Buses will continue to be disinfected daily to maintain a clean and healthy environment. If there are insufficient drivers to run routes, the bus routes will be canceled for that school day. Parents will be notified by Blackboard Messenger (voicemail, email, or text) of any interruption or cancellation of a bus route. If a Student is Visibly Sick at the Bus Stop ● If a parent is present the student will be sent home with the parent. ● If there is no parent present at the bus stop the student will be isolated as much as possible on the bus and transported to school. Once arrived at school, the student will be taken to the Health Office and a parent or emergency contact will be notified. EXCEPTIONAL STUDENT SERVICES INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Schedules and Timelines for Services Teachers will create a schedule and timeline for services. ● Teachers will set up small groups by skills and/or subject, as appropriate. ● Teachers will communicate to parents the time for services via email, text, phone, Class Dojo, and/or Google Meet. ● When providing services through remote learning (if available), session links are sent through Google Calendar, email, or in any other way that teachers have been communicating with students. ● Teachers will offer flexible times for individual support and/or questions. 21
ESS Specialized Programs ● ESS Specialized program teachers provide support as indicated above. In addition, when appropriate, the following will be offered to provide services: small group support, 1:1 session, video chat, packets and manipulatives that can be sent home, and/or personalized Co-Teaching May Occur Remotely ● General Education and Special Education teachers may co-host live lessons, when possible ● If students are struggling, teachers can invite them into a breakout room for small group or individual support. ● At the end of every lesson, both teachers post their support session times and places for students to access. Homebound and Parochial Services ● ESS homebound services and parochial school services will be provided in a remote manner using Google Meet. There will be no home visits until further notice. RELATED SERVICES Speech, OT & PT ● Services will be provided employing many different techniques to best meet the needs of all students. ● Each service provider will schedule sessions and communicate what each child’s plan will be during a school closure. ● Providers will frequently communicate with parents/students. Counseling Services ● Counselors schedule student sessions based on need and IEP minutes. ● Sessions are scheduled in conjunction with teachers, to ensure minimum interruption of online learning. IEP and MET Meetings Scheduled meetings will continue via Google Meet. Teachers will contact the meeting participants with the necessary information for logging in. This includes the parent, LEA, general education teacher, and therapists. Parent signatures can be noted as 22
“participated by phone,” or e-IEP Pro electronic signatures can be used for those with access. ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHEDULE Yuma School District One has returned to the following bell schedule: Elementary Schools Middle Schools Mon (early out) 8:45am-2:10pm Mon (early out) 8:35am-2:09pm Tues-Fri 8:45am-3:40pm Tues-Fri 8:35am-3:39pm *Price School: Monday (early out) 8am-1pm, Tuesday-Friday 8am-3:00pm DIGITAL LEARNING ACADEMY District One schools have returned to in-person learning. For families interested in a remote learning option, we continue to offer District One’s Digital Learning Academy (DLA). The DLA is an online homeschooling program in which students can work at their own pace while receiving guidance from dedicated online instructors. This team of online educators have received specialized training to ensure a meaningful, rigorous online learning experience. To learn more about DLA, please visit our website at https://www.yuma.org/Yuma_District_One_Digital_Learning_Academy CLASSROOM SETUP ● To the extent possible, all tables, chairs, and desks will face in the same direction and placed 6 feet apart to ensure physical distancing. ○ Students will practice physical distancing to the extent possible during group activities and meal time. ● Surfaces are kept clear to allow for easy cleaning and disinfecting. ● Teachers have removed any items that are unnecessary for instructional purposes. ● Teachers have a designated area in the classroom for his/her desk and belongings. 23
● Materials/toys that cannot be properly sanitized and disinfected are removed from the classroom environment. PERSONAL BELONGINGS ● Personal items for students are to be left at home. ● Students’ backpacks and school supplies are kept in individual bins/cubbies to the extent possible. ● Students will take all work and items home at the end of each day. Additionally, students and staff are encouraged to assist with picking up pencils, papers, crayons, etc. off of the floor at the end of the day. This allows custodial staff to focus on important disinfecting. ○ Parents are asked to properly disinfect iPads and other supplies before they return to school. ● Students will use individual supplies to limit sharing of items. DIGITAL DEVICES Devices are provided to each student at the beginning of the school year. Devices will continue to be used for in-person learning. Please refer to the Digital Learning Device Handbook for terms of use. ○ Parents are asked to properly disinfect devices and other supplies before they return to school. DIGITAL PLATFORMS USED District One schools utilize Google Classrooms and G-Suite for our instructional experiences and assignments. Schools also use digital content to provide a comprehensive learning experience for students. All programs are available on school-issued devices. The following guide provides helpful information for access and logging in to various programs: Digital Content Login Information. Below are the districtwide digital content that is utilized: 24
Districtwide Digital Content Districtwide Digital Content (Elementary): (Middle School): ● Reading Eggs, K-2 ● Benchmark Advance, K-6 ● Math Seeds, K-2 ● Zearn, K-7 ● Mystery Science, K-5 ● MobyMax, K-8 ● Quaver Music, K-5 ● Nearpod, K-8 ● Benchmark Advance, K-6 ● Study Island, 3-8 ● Zearn, K-7 ● IXL, 4-8 (EL) ● MobyMax, K-8 ● Gizmos, 6-8 ● Nearpod, K-8 ● Newsela, 6-8 ● Study Island, 3-8 ● Rosetta Stone English, K-8 (EL) ● IXL, 4-8 (EL) ● Accelerate Learning, K-8 (DLA) ● Lexia Core5, K-5 (Migrant) ● Rosetta Stone English, K-8 (EL) ● Accelerate Learning, K-8 (DLA) LUNCH Staggered dismissal by classroom to the cafeteria will be scheduled. This prevents any large gatherings of students entering the cafeteria at one time. ● Some students may eat lunch in their classrooms. ● Students will physically distance, to the extent possible. ● Hand washing and/or hand sanitizer use is required prior to entering the school cafeteria, multi-purpose room dining areas, or the serving line, and after meals. ● Food surfaces will continue to be sanitized before eating meals. ● Subject to availability, staff will provide students with disposable service items to minimize contact (e.g. containers, individual utensil sets with napkins). RECESS (Elementary Schools) ● Recess times between classrooms will be staggered to keep groups separate. ● Playground equipment may be limited or restricted. ● Students will maintain social distancing to the extent possible. ● Students must wash hands immediately after outdoor play time. 25
DROP OFF/PICK UP Parents will drop off students in a designated drop-off lane. Parents may not escort children on campus. When students arrive on campus, they will proceed to either the cafeteria or their classroom, as determined by the school. Staff will be present to assist younger students. PROGRAMS/ACTIVITIES All activities and athletics that cannot ensure physical distancing will be temporarily paused until Yuma County returns to a Low/Moderate Transmission status. Additional limitations or restrictions may be placed on electives and extracurricular activities. 26
Distrito Escolar Uno de Yuma Guía del Estudiante COVID-19 Plan de Mitigación Año escolar 2021/2022 7/2/21
RESUMEN MENSAJE DEL SUPERINTENDENTE Queridas familias del Distrito Uno, El Distrito Uno comprende la variedad de preocupaciones que existen al comenzar un nuevo año escolar. A través de una planificación cuidadosa, la colaboración y el seguimiento de las pautas de salud y seguridad, hemos desarrollado los procedimientos y protocolos necesarios para garantizar un entorno saludable y seguro en los campus escolares. Esta guía proporciona información para todos los edificios escolares, terrenos y autobuses que se encuentran en todos los campus escolares, para garantizar el entorno más seguro para los estudiantes y el personal. Además, hemos incluido formas en las que puede ayudar, como: ● Quedarse en casa si está enfermo: síntomas y orientación ● Chequeos de salud en el hogar antes de asistir a la escuela ● Buenos hábitos de higiene y prácticas de distanciamiento social La guía incluida en las siguientes páginas tiene como objetivo familiarizar a los padres, estudiantes y personal con los cambios en todo el distrito que verán en el campus de su escuela. El director de la escuela proporcionará detalles, pautas y procedimientos adicionales que son específicos de su escuela. Esta guía está sujeta a cambios para reflejar cualquier cambio en el entorno de COVID-19 en el condado de Yuma. Invitamos a las familias a leer esta guía juntos. Si todos trabajamos juntos, podremos seguir manteniéndonos sanos a nosotros mismos y a los demás. Respetuosamente, James Sheldahl Superintendente del Distrito Uno 3
ORIENTACIÓN OFICIAL El Distrito Uno considera seriamente la orientación de los funcionarios locales, estatales y federales. El distrito monitorea rutinariamente la guía de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC), el Departamento de Servicios de Salud de Arizona (AZDHS) y el Distrito de Servicios de Salud Pública del Condado de Yuma (YCPHSD). Además, mantenemos una comunicación frecuente con YCPHSD para mantenernos informados de la situación local de COVID-19. AZDHS monitorea COVID-19 a nivel de condado y estado, publicando actualizaciones semanales en su Panel de Escuelas disponible en www.azdhs.gov. Teniendo en cuenta los casos por cada 100,000 personas y el porcentaje de pruebas COVID-19 positivas, el tablero indica el nivel de transmisión en cada condado de Arizona. El cuadro a continuación se puede encontrar en el tablero de la escuela AZDHS y se utilizará para indicar el estado de transmisión en el condado de Yuma. Sí ambos casos y el porcentaje de positividad en el condado de Yuma se encuentran en un grupo determinado durante dos semanas consecutivas, el Distrito Uno puede implementar un cambio en las estrategias de mitigación. El siguiente plan describe las estrategias de mitigación del Distrito Uno para el Estado de Transmisión Bajo/Moderado o el Estado de Transmisión Sustancial/Alto. CONSIDERACIONES La principal prioridad del Distrito Uno es garantizar la salud y la seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal. Desde el otoño de 2020, han habido muchos desarrollos positivos y todos hemos aprendido mucho sobre el virus. Lo más importante: ● se ha ofrecido una vacuna para COVID-19 a todo el personal del distrito; ● las pruebas rápidas en el lugar están disponibles para los estudiantes y el personal, y brindan resultados en 15 minutos; ● nuestro distrito ha implementado de manera segura y exitosa sus estrategias de mitigación para las escuelas que atienden a los estudiantes en el sitio; 4
● los datos nacionales respaldan los datos del distrito, que muestran que las escuelas primarias y secundarias no son una fuente significativa de propagación del virus COVID-19, de hecho mucho más bajo que la comunidad en general; y ● el nivel de propagación de la comunidad está en una rápida tendencia a la baja en el condado de Yuma. Teniendo en cuenta estos datos importantes, se ha vuelto cada vez más seguro para los estudiantes aprender en persona. LA RESPONSABILIDAD DEL PADRE/TUTOR En casa: cómo realizar y registrar exámenes de salud diarios Para proteger a otros estudiantes y al personal, cualquier persona que tenga una infección temporal debe quedarse en casa. Cada mañana, los padres deben evaluar a los estudiantes para detectar fiebre o enfermedad antes de que el estudiante asista a la escuela. Los padres deben informar los síntomas por sí mismos y deben mantener a los estudiantes en casa si alguno de los siguientes síntomas está presente: Si su hijo/hija presenta otros síntomas de enfermedad, es posible que deba quedarse en casa. Las siguientes son pautas adicionales que pueden ayudar a decidir si un estudiante debe asistir a la escuela: Resfriados Ir a la escuela: si es leve, pero de lo contrario sentirse bien Quédese en casa: si tiene tos fuerte, profunda o cortante, Incluso si no tiene fiebre Dolor de Ir a la escuela: si no hay otros síntomas garganta Quédese en casa y/o consulte a un médico: si hay manchas blancas en la parte posterior de la garganta o fiebre Dolor de cabeza Ir a la escuela a menos que sea grave o con otros síntomas Erupcion en Quédese en casa y/o ver a un médico: si hay erupciones la piel inexplicables 5
TRANSMISIÓN BAJA/MODERADA Transmisión Baja/Moderada Total de casos nuevos por 100,000 personas en los últimos 7 días 0 - 49 casos Porcentaje de pruebas COVID-19 positivas durante los últimos 7 días
PRUEBAS RÁPIDAS DE COVID-19 EN EL DISTRITO UNO El Equipo de Servicios de Salud del Distrito Uno ofrece pruebas OPCIONALES rápidas de COVID-19 para los estudiantes, con el consentimiento de los padres. Esto continuará ofreciéndose mientras estén disponibles los kits de prueba rápida de COVID-19. El Distrito Escolar Uno de Yuma informa los resultados de cada prueba rápida realizada, independientemente de un resultado negativo o positivo, al Departamento de Servicios de Salud de Arizona y al Departamento de Salud del Condado de Yuma. La prueba rápida de COVID-19 solo se completará para los estudiantes que: 1. Están inscritos en una escuela del Distrito Escolar Uno de Yuma 2. Tengan un formulario de consentimiento de los padres actualizado en el archivo (disponible en ParentVue) Y 3. Experimente los síntomas de COVID-19 Si un estudiante da positivo por COVID-19, un padre/tutor debe recogerlo de la escuela y debe estar aislado durante al menos 10 días calendario. Después de 10 días de aislamiento, un estudiante debe estar 24 horas libre de fiebre sin el uso de medicamentos y tener síntomas mejorados. El distrito anima a los padres a que se comuniquen con el médico o el proveedor de atención médica de sus hijos para obtener más orientación. Si un estudiante es sintomático, pero la prueba es negativa, el estudiante debe quedarse en casa hasta que esos síntomas mejoren. El distrito anima a los padres a que se comuniquen con el médico o el proveedor de atención médica de sus hijos para obtener más orientación. OFICINA DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD La oficina de salud en cada campus escolar proporcionará varios servicios para los estudiantes. Se permitirá la participación de programas comunitarios externos, como clínicas dentales y programas de United Way, pero deberán firmar las Exenciones de COVID en el área de recepción de la escuela. Todos los voluntarios y organizaciones externas deben recibir la aprobación previa del Coordinador de Servicios de Salud. PROTECCIÓN DE LOS ESTUDIANTES ENFERMOS Áreas asignadas Todas las salas de salud cuentan con las siguientes áreas: ● Un espacio separado para estudiantes enfermos. Esta área tiene un cubículo y cortina de privacidad, o una habitación separada con una camilla. 7
● Un espacio para estudiantes que requieran tratamientos o medicamentos, o atención de emergencia. ● En este momento, los tratamientos con nebulizador no se administrarán en las escuelas. Se permiten inhaladores con espaciador con una orden de un proveedor médico. MEDIDAS PREVENTIVAS y PPE Protocolos del Personal de la Oficina de Salud ● El personal mantiene precauciones universales en todo momento. ● Las mascarillas estarán disponibles y se ofrecerán a las personas sintomáticas que ingresen a la oficina de salud. ● Se recomienda encarecidamente que el personal de la oficina de salud use mascarillas y guantes cuando los estudiantes estén en la oficina de salud. Además, se alentará encarecidamente al personal a usar una bata y un protector facial cuando interactúe con un estudiante o miembro del personal que presente síntomas de COVID-19. ● Después de cada visita, la camilla y cualquier equipo se limpiarán entre cada uso. PLAN DE RESPUESTA: CASO CONFIRMADO DE COVID-19 El Distrito Uno mantiene la privacidad de los estudiantes y el personal y no comparte información personal. Todos los casos confirmados y notificados de COVID-19 se rastrean a través del Equipo de Servicios de Salud del Distrito Uno. El Coordinador de Servicios de Salud del Distrito Uno se comunica habitualmente con el Distrito de Servicios de Salud Pública del Condado de Yuma, quien determina si o cuándo la presencia de un caso positivo será información pública. Se notificará a los padres si un salón de clases de la escuela tiene un resultado positivo en la prueba. SI UN ESTUDIANTE ES SINTOMÁTICO O PRUEBA POSITIVO PARA COVID-19 1. No envíe a su hijo/a a la escuela. 2. Informe la enfermedad a la oficina principal de la escuela de su hijo/a, incluyendo la fecha en que comenzaron los síntomas y si algún hermano/a asiste a la escuela. Los estudiantes que hayan desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 o hayan tenido una prueba de COVID-19 positiva no pueden regresar a la escuela hasta que se haya cumplido con cualquiera de los dos escenarios siguientes: 8
Escenario Uno ❏ Han pasado al menos 10 días desde que aparecieron los primeros síntomas y ❏ Al menos 24 horas sin fiebre sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre ❏ Y síntomas mejorados O Escenario Dos ❏ Al menos 24 horas sin fiebre sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre; y ❏ Ha habido una mejoría en los síntomas respiratorios (p. Ej., tos, dificultad para respirar); y ❏ Un resultado negativo de la prueba COVID-19 O una autorización de regreso a la escuela de un proveedor médico SI EL MIEMBRO DEL HOGAR DE UN ESTUDIANTE ES SINTOMÁTICO O PRUEBA POSITIVO PARA COVID-19 1. No envíe a su hijo/a a la escuela. El estudiante debe permanecer en casa durante 10 días o según las instrucciones del Departamento de Salud Pública de Yuma. 2. Los padres deben informar este estado a la escuela de su hijo/a. 3. Si el estudiante está completamente vacunado contra COVID-19, pero se identifica como un contacto cercano, el estudiante puede continuar asistiendo a la escuela siempre que el estudiante no tenga síntomas. SI UN ESTUDIANTE ES SINTOMÁTICO, PERO SU PRUEBA PARA COVID-19 ES NEGATIVA El estudiante debe quedarse en casa hasta que los síntomas mejoren y/o estén libres de fiebre durante 24 horas sin el uso de medicamentos para reducir la fiebre. En todas las situaciones, el distrito anima a los padres a que se comuniquen con el proveedor de atención médica de sus hijos para obtener más orientación. LIMPIEZA MEJORADA ● El Distrito Uno ha comprado rociadores desinfectantes electrostáticos. Esto permite al personal desinfectar artículos, habitaciones y áreas comunes de una manera más rápida, eficiente y segura. 9
● Todas las áreas y superficies se limpian y desinfectan, enfocándose en superficies y materiales de alto contacto como manijas de puertas, interruptores de luz, escritorios, mostradores, teclados de computadora, etc. ● Cada escuela ha instalado estaciones de desinfección de manos en lugares estratégicos a lo largo de las escuelas. Estas estaciones permiten a los estudiantes, el personal, los padres y los miembros de la comunidad la oportunidad de desinfectar sus manos de manera segura y regular cuando visitan, trabajan o asisten a nuestras instalaciones. ● Los sistemas de HVAC de la escuela pueden ajustarse para permitir que se introduzca más aire fresco en las aulas. TRANSPORTE Se continuará desinfectando los autobuses diariamente para mantener un ambiente limpio y saludable. Si no hay suficientes conductores para ejecutar las rutas, las rutas de autobús se cancelarán para ese día escolar. Los padres serán notificados por Blackboard Messenger (correo de voz, correo electrónico o mensaje de texto) de cualquier interrupción o cancelación de la ruta del autobús. Si un estudiante está visiblemente enfermo en la parada de autobús ● Si un padre está presente, el estudiante será enviado a casa con el padre. ● Si no hay un padre presente en la parada del autobús, el estudiante será aislado tanto como sea posible en el autobús y transportado a la escuela. Una vez que llegue a la escuela, el estudiante será llevado a la Oficina de Salud y se notificará al padre o al contacto de emergencia. SERVICIOS EXCEPCIONALES PARA ESTUDIANTES Los maestros trabajarán con los estudiantes empleando una variedad de métodos de enseñanza para garantizar que los estudiantes reciban servicios de educación especial de calidad. Los servicios serán proporcionados en los salones de clases a través de la co-enseñanza, grupos pequeños dentro del salón de clase, grupos pequeños e instrucción/apoyo uno-a-uno que se adhiere al plan de mitigación descrito anteriormente para tiempos de tasas de transmisión bajas/moderadas. Los servicios relacionados como OT, PT, Habla y Consejería se brindarán en persona en la mayor medida posible junto con las evaluaciones. Los psicólogos y los proveedores de 10
servicios relacionados se adherirán al plan de mitigación anterior para los tiempos de transmisión baja/moderada. Reuniones IEP/MET Las reuniones de IEP y MET se llevarán a cabo virtualmente, por teléfono, en persona (adhiriéndose al distanciamiento social apropiado) o una combinación de lo anterior según la disponibilidad del equipo. ESCUELAS PRIMARIAS Y SECUNDARIAS HORARIO ESCOLAR El Distrito Escolar Uno de Yuma ha regresado al siguiente horario: Escuelas Primarias Escuelas Secundarias Lunes (salida temprana) 8:45am- Lunes (salida temprana) 8:35am- 2:10pm 2:09pm Martes-Viernes 8:45am-3:40pm Martes-Viernes 8:35am-3:39pm *Price School: Lunes (salida temprano) 8am-1pm, martes a viernes 8 am-3:00pm ACADEMIA DE APRENDIZAJE DIGITAL Las escuelas del Distrito Uno han vuelto al aprendizaje en persona. Para las familias interesadas en una opción de aprendizaje remoto, continuamos ofreciendo la Academia de Aprendizaje Digital (DLA) del Distrito Uno. La Academia de Aprendizaje Digital es un programa de educación en el hogar en línea en el que los estudiantes pueden trabajar a su propio ritmo mientras reciben orientación de instructores dedicados a las clases en línea. Este equipo de educadores en línea ha recibido capacitación especializada para garantizar una experiencia de aprendizaje en línea significativa y rigurosa. Para obtener más información sobre DLA, visite nuestro sitio web en: https://www.yuma.org/Yuma_District_One_Digital_Learning_Academy 11
CONFIGURACIÓN DEL AULA ● Los estudiantes practicarán el distanciamiento físico en la medida de lo posible durante las actividades grupales y a la hora de comer. ● Las superficies se mantienen limpias para permitir una fácil limpieza y desinfección. ● Los maestros han eliminado cualquier artículo que sea innecesario para fines educativos. ● Los maestros tienen un área designada en el salón de clases para su escritorio y pertenencias. ● Los materiales/juguetes que no se pueden desinfectar o desinfectar adecuadamente se retiran del salón de clases. OBJETOS PERSONALES ● Los maestros dejarán todos los artículos personales en casa para minimizar las superficies que requieran limpieza. ● En el salón de clases sólo se usarán artículos educativos y relacionados con la escuela. Estos artículos se guardarán en una mochila/almacenamiento personal del estudiante. ● Los estudiantes usarán suministros individuales para limitar el intercambio de artículos. DISPOSITIVOS DIGITALES Los dispositivos se proporcionan a cada estudiante al comienzo del año escolar. Los dispositivos seguirán utilizándose para el aprendizaje en persona. Por favor refiérase a Digital Learning Device Handbook para conocer los términos de uso. ● Se les pide a los padres que desinfecten adecuadamente los dispositivos y otros suministros antes de regresarlos a la escuela. PLATAFORMAS DIGITALES UTILIZADAS Las escuelas del Distrito Uno utilizan Google Classrooms y G-Suite para nuestras experiencias y asignaciones de instrucción. Las escuelas también utilizan contenido digital para brindar una experiencia de aprendizaje integral a los estudiantes. Todos los programas están disponibles en dispositivos proporcionados por la escuela. La siguiente guía proporciona información útil para acceder e iniciar sesión en varios programas: Digital Content Login Information. 12
A continuación se muestra el contenido digital de todo lo que se utiliza en el distrito: Districtwide Digital Content Districtwide Digital Content (Elementary): (Middle School): ● Reading Eggs, K-2 ● Benchmark Advance, K-6 ● Math Seeds, K-2 ● Zearn, K-7 ● Mystery Science, K-5 ● MobyMax, K-8 ● Quaver Music, K-5 ● Nearpod, K-8 ● Benchmark Advance, K-6 ● Study Island, 3-8 ● Zearn, K-7 ● IXL, 4-8 (EL) ● MobyMax, K-8 ● Gizmos, 6-8 ● Nearpod, K-8 ● Newsela, 6-8 ● Study Island, 3-8 ● Rosetta Stone English, K-8 (EL) ● IXL, 4-8 (EL) ● Accelerate Learning, K-8 (DLA) ● Lexia Core5, K-5 (Migrant) ● Rosetta Stone English, K-8 (EL) ● Accelerate Learning, K-8 (DLA) ALMUERZO ● Los estudiantes comerán en la cafetería o al aire libre, y las escuelas pueden escalonar la hora del almuerzo para reducir las reuniones grandes. Los estudiantes estarán socialmente distanciados en la medida de lo posible. ● Se requiere lavarse las manos y/o usar desinfectante para manos antes de ingresar a la cafetería de la escuela, los comedores de la sala de usos múltiples o la línea de servicio, y después de las comidas. ● Las superficies que se usan para poner los alimentos se seguirán desinfectando antes de comer. ● Sujeto a disponibilidad, el personal proporcionará a los estudiantes artículos de servicio desechables para minimizar el contacto (por ejemplo, recipientes, juegos de utensilios individuales con servilletas). RECREO (Escuelas Primarias) ● El equipo del patio de recreo está abierto para su uso. ● Los estudiantes mantendrán el distanciamiento social en la medida de lo posible. ● Los estudiantes deben lavarse las manos inmediatamente después de jugar al aire libre. 13
DEJAR/RECOGER A LOS ESTUDIANTES Los padres pueden dejar a los estudiantes en un carril de entrega designado. Se les pedirá a los padres que deseen ingresar a la escuela antes o después de la escuela que visiten la oficina de la escuela para firmar una exención. El voluntariado en las escuelas no se ha reanudado en este momento. PROGRAMAS/ACTIVIDADES Se reanudarán las actividades antes/después de la escuela y los deportes. Los programas disponibles varían según la escuela. 14
TRANSMISIÓN SUSTANCIAL/ALTA Transmisión Sustancial/Alta Total de casos nuevos por 100,000 personas 50 o más casos en los últimos 7 días Porcentaje de pruebas COVID-19 positivas 8% de positividad o más durante los últimos 7 días *Fuente de información: azdhs.gov Si ambas categorías (casos y porcentaje de positividad) son sustanciales o altas durante dos semanas consecutivas, el Distrito Uno puede implementar el siguiente cambio en las estrategias de mitigación. MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD Y SALUD QUÉ HACER SI UN ESTUDIANTE SE ENFERMA EN LA ESCUELA Si un estudiante desarrolla síntomas de enfermedad en la escuela, el estudiante será separado de todos los demás estudiantes y del personal, con la excepción de un miembro del personal para supervisar al estudiante. Contacto con los padres ● La oficina de salud se comunicará con los padres con respecto a la condición del estudiante. ● Si se proporciona el consentimiento de los padres, se administrará una prueba rápida de COVID-19 a los estudiantes sintomáticos. ● El padre o tutor recogerá al estudiante de la escuela y seguirá la guía del personal de salud de la escuela antes de regresar a la escuela. ● En el caso de una emergencia, la oficina de salud llamará al 911 si el estudiante parece tener problemas médicos. Limpieza ● Los conserjes usarán el PPE necesario y seguirán los procedimientos de limpieza profunda y desinfección mientras limpian las áreas donde el estudiante estaba presente antes de experimentar los síntomas. Reportando ● El Director y/o Asistente de Salud informará un caso positivo de COVID-19 al Departamento de Salud del Condado de Yuma. 15
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