Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music

Page created by Andy Price
Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music

Summer School

6 - 17 J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0
Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music

    a well-trained ear
    a well-trained intelligence
    a well-trained heart
    a well-trained hand
    Zoltan Kodály - 1953

    The Summer School Music Program is run through
    Cuskelly College of Music,
    directed by Dr James Cuskelly OAM and Michael Muller.

    International Guest Lecturers include:

    Pete Churchill (JAZZ PROGRAM)




    Allan Hubert-Wright (OPERA ACADEMY)




    Dr László Norbert Nemés (MUSICIANSHIP, CONDUCTING)


Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music

            invite you to be part of the

            Summer School

      6 – 17 January 2020
   St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School • Brisbane

          Monday 4 November 2019

           Friday 6 December 2019

    For further information and registration visit:
                                    Summer School   Music Program 2020 I 3
Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music
                                                          Dr James Cuskelly OAM has been involved in the Australian
                                                          Kodály summer training programs since their inception.
                                                          As Immediate Past President of the International Kodály
                                                          Society, James is well known as a global leader in using
                                                          the Kodály philosophy of music education. He has a deep
                                                          commitment to music education and teacher training and
                                                          has a distinguished track record in organising and delivering
                                                          courses of the highest professional standing.

            Summer School

    PROFESSIONAL COURSES - ACCREDITED SUBJECTS FOR                     Interested participants are encouraged to contact
    WORKING PROFESSIONALS AND TERTIARY STUDENTS                        Cuskelly College of Music about part-time attendance,
    •      Music Education – Early Childhood, Primary                  levels of participation and individualised programs.
                                                                       e.g. musicianship only, choir, or any other question
           and Secondary Strands
                                                                       concerning participation in the course.
    •      Choral Symposium
    •      Jazz Studies                                                INVOLVEMENT IN THE SUMMER SCHOOL MUSIC PROGRAM
    •      Opera Performance (Auditioned)                              may assist participants to pursue:
    •      Music Theatre                                               •        Accreditation with Kodály Australia
    •      Chamber Music                                              

    •      Brass                                                       •        Articulation for postgraduate study at the
    •      Woodwind                                                             International Kodály Institute (Hungary)
    •      Piano – Performance, Accompaniment and                      •        Articulation for postgraduate study at Australian
           Pedagogy                                                             Catholic University.
    •      Open Vocal Tuition                                          •        Personal development for assessment or for audit
                                                                                (non-assessed, non-credit)
                                                                       •        Credit towards other studies – check with your
    •      Pre-Tertiary Vocal                                                   institution for the possibility of credit.
           (Students aged 14 and above)
    •      Brass
    •      Woodwind
    •      Intermediate Strings                                        All courses in the Summer School Music Program are
    •      Intermediate Piano Performance                              available in our Community Access/Individualised Programs.
    •      Children’s Choir (Students Aged 8 and above)                This suite of courses is designed to provide appropriate
                                                                       music learning opportunities for interested members of the
    •      Musical Theatre
                                                                       wider community. Classes will be delivered by internationally
                                                                       regarded and experienced professional music educators,
    COMMUNITY ACCESS - INDIVIDUALISED PROGRAMS                         and all students will be learning in a rich and stimulating
    •      Choral - Jazz and Classical Choirs                          environment. Courses are available on a part-time, casual or
    •      Jazz Studies                                                sessional basis, and there is no assessment associated with
    •      Musicianship                                                these programs.

    •      Music Education Subjects
    •      Open Vocal Tuition

    4 I Summer School        Music Program 2020
Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music
           4       Introduction
contents   6 1 Important Notes
           7 4 Music Educators Programs

                         Early Childhood
                        Registration       Music
                                     & Enrolment                           ORDER NOT
                        Housekeeping                                       CORRECT
                   		    Music Education Assessment
               7        Music Educators Programs
                   Choral Symposium
                    Classroom Programs
           10			    Early Childhood Music Course
              Jazz Studies
               			 Primary/Secondary Classroom Music Course
           11 Academy of Vocal Performance
               9 		 Performers
                     Open VocalPrograms
                    Academy of Vocal Performance
                         Specialisation One – Opera Performance (Auditioned)
                          			 Specialisation 1: Opera Performance
                          			 SpecialisationTwo - Music
                                             2: Music   Theatre
                                                      Theatre and Jazz
                         Specialisation      3: Pre-Tertiary Program
                                                  - Pre-Tertiary  Vocal Program
           16 Children’s Choir
               14 Student Programs – should this be separated in to Tertiary vs Children?
           17 Piano Academy
               17 Choral Symposium
                   		    Specialisation One – Piano Performance
               18		 Community  Music
                     Specialisation   Program
                                    Two – Piano Accompaniment
                          Children’s Choir
                         Specialisation Three – Piano Pedagogy
                          Secondary Students
                 TertiaryMusic Program
                          Students/Pre-service Teachers
           22		   CommunityStrings
              Intermediate  Choir Program

           2321Brass  and Woodwind
                 Instrumental ProgramProgram
               		 Piano Performance and Improvisation
           24 Concerts
                          Strings Course – Chamber?
              Course Lecturers
                 Woodwind Course
                 Brass Coursenotes

           2924Step by Step
                 Special    Guide to Organising Yourself for the Course
           3026Course  Fees
                Daily Timetable
           33 Accommodation
               28 Your Course Lecturers

               32 Textbooks
           For further information on the Summer School Music Program, please contact:
           T : 07 3201 2301
              For further information on the Summer School Music Program, please contact Michael Muller
               Email: Phone: 07 3201 2301
                                                           Summer School        Music Program 2020 I 5
Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music


    Daily Schedule                                                       Final Concert and ‘On the Green’ Afternoon
    All courses will be held at St Aidan’s AGS, 11 Ruthven St,           All participants are required to perform in either the ‘On the
    Corinda, 4075.                                                       Green’ or Final Concert, both to be held on Friday 17th January
    Classes run from Monday January 6th January – Friday 17th            2020 at St Aidan’s AGS. Dress code for these concerts is
    January 2020, 8.30am–4.45pm.                                         black bottoms (trousers/long skirt) and block colour top. All
    Daily schedules can be found on the class page in this brochure.     participants will require a black folder for this performance.
                                                                         Please ensure that travel arrangements are made to
    Registration Day – Monday 6th January 2020
                                                                         accommodate participation in the Final Concert.
    It is a mandatory part of the course that all participants attend    More information about all concerts held during the Summer
    registration.                                                        School, can be found in the ‘Special Concerts’ section of this
    Registration will take place in the Christine Hartland Centre from   brochure.
    7:30am-8:15am. The Opening Welcome will commence at
    8:15am. At 9:00am, classes will commence and all participants
    will be moved to their classes with their appointed teacher.
                                                                         During this program, you may be photographed or video
    The timetable for Day One will be:                                   recorded. These images may be used for promotional or
    7:30-8:15          Registration in the CHC                           advertising material for the Summer School Music Program
    8:15-9:00          Opening Welcome                                   and the Cuskelly College of Music. If you do not wish to be
    9:00-10:30         Musicianship                                      photographed or recorded, please contact one of our Directors to
    10:30-11:00        Morning Tea                                       discuss this.

    11:00-12:30        Session Two
                       (Methodology, Children’s Choir etc.),

    12:30-1:30         Session Three
                       (Practicum, Musical Theatre excer epts, tc.)

    1:30-2:15          Lunch
    2:15-3:15          Session Four
                       (Choir, MegaBand)

    3:15-3:30          Break
    3:30-4:45          Session Five
                       (Conducting, Jazz Choir)

    6 I Summer School          Music Program 2020
Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music


All participants in Music Education courses will perform in the      Secondary
Final Concert on Friday 17th January 2020, 6:00pm - 8:30pm.
                                                                     Level 1 Dr James Cuskelly OAM
All participants who undertake these programs for assessment
                                                                     Level 2 Daniel Crump
as part of the requirements for the Australia Kodály Certificate
are advised to familiarise themselves with the requirements for      Level 3 Andrew Pennay
certification as outlined in the AKC syllabus -                      N.B. CCM retains the right to cancel the course if there are                                        insufficient enrolments.
These 10 day courses cater for music specialists in a range          Music Education Timetable
of teaching contexts: early childhood specialists, crèche and
kindergarten carers, day care providers, parents, primary and        8:30 – 10:00       Musicianship (graded classes)
secondary schools, classroom teachers, studio teachers and           10:00 – 10:30      Morning tea
other interested people who wish to improve their music teaching     10:30 – 12:00      Method of Teaching and Teaching
skills. The programs are designed as a 3 year sequential                                Techniques
program with three specialisations – Early Childhood, Primary or     12:30 – 1:00       Practicum
Secondary. Participants are required to progress through each        1:00 – 1:45        Lunch
of the levels to receive full accreditation with Kodály Australia.   1:45 – 2:15        Daily Concert
The musical skills of the teacher, carer or parent are central to    2:15 – 3:15        Choir
the provision of appropriate music-making activities for children.   3:15 – 3:30        Break
Therefore, participants will be involved in the development          3:30 – 4:45        Conducting (graded classes mandatory for
of their own musical skills. If you have previously completed                           all levels of Primary, Secondary and Early
components within a specialisation, please notify CCM in                                Childhood Level 3) or Research (Early
registration.                                                                           Childhood Levels 1 and 2 only)

N.B. Participants can take any of the education courses for audit,   Fees - Education - Early Childhood, Primary or Secondary
but no accreditation will be given in the final certificate
i.e. professional development hours only.
                                                                     Early Bird         $1600 + $160 GST = Total $1760
Course Leaders                                                       Standard           $1700 + $170 GST = Total $1870

Early Childhood (Levels One and Two will run on alternate years)     Audit (observation and non-graded)
                                                                     Early Bird         $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
Level 2 Lucinda Geoghegan                                            Standard           $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
Level 3 Maree Hennessy
                                                                     Full-time tertiary student
Primary                                                              Early Bird           $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
Level 1 Maree Hennessy                                               Standard             $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100

Level 2 Kate Thompson

Level 3 Tess Laird
                                                                                  Summer School         Music Program 2020 I 7
Music 2020 - The Cuskelly College of Music


    Participants are encouraged to check with their work institute       Access Piano/Keyboard for Practice
    for financial assistance for professional development. Limited
                                                                         All students will need access to a keyboard to prepare
    scholarships are available to members of Kodály Australia
                                                                         Musicianship and Conducting tasks. Students are able to use
    and other professional development organisations. For more
                                                                         the facilities in the CHC from 7.00am before the start of classes,
    information, contact Kodály Australia or your professional
                                                                         and after classes from 5.00pm-6.00pm daily. There will no
                                                                         access to practice rooms on the weekend. If you are travelling
    Music Education Assessment                                           from a centre outside Brisbane, you are advised to bring a small
    Participants will need to ensure that there is adequate time
    allocated for the completion of set practical and written tasks as   Textbooks and Sound Thinking Australia Bookshop
    set within each course. We encourage participants to arrange
                                                                         Details of your course including course content, required
    access to the following prior to the commencement of their
                                                                         materials and text books are available at:
    •        USB                                                         Textbooks can be pre-ordered through the website or via phone
                                                                         order and collected on registration day:
    •        Printing facilities (this will not be available onsite).
    •        Laptop/tablet with email and Wi-Fi capabilities.
             Wi-Fi will be available onsite.

    •        Tuning fork (available for purchase onsite through the
             Sound Thinking Australia Bookshop).

    Completed assessment tasks may be sent electronically to your
    lecturer prior to the commencement of classes each day.

    All assessment must be completed within the 10 day course.
    Course Outlines and Assessment Guides - Please download
    these outlines and guides.
    Download Song Materials - You must download these materials
    and keep in a Song File Collection.

    8 I Summer School           Music Program 2020


In 2020, the Choral Symposium will take on a new format;              studies, practical repertoire sessions and masterclasses.
content will be arranged in a sequential and developmental order      Participants will also participate in a choir (SATB, SSA and Youth
from simple in Level One (unison, equal voices, simple two-part)      Choir) and conducting class (eight graded levels)
with increasing complexity through Levels Two and Three. Each         in the afternoon.
level will include a range of topics e.g. Medieval, Renaissance,
                                                                      Choral Symposium Timetable
Classical, Romantic, 20th Century, Pop/Contemporary, Jazz,
Folk, Gospel/Afro-American and Music of other languages. This         8:30 – 10:00       Musicianship (graded classes)
program is designed to provide a framework for the development        10:00 – 10:30      Morning tea
of appropriate repertoire for choirs at all levels of expertise. It   10:30 – 12:00      Choral Methodology and
is particularly relevant to those in the school context as well as                       Pedagogy
directors involved in a range of community settings.                  12:00 – 1:00       Repertoire and Practicum
                                                                      1:00 – 1:45        Lunch
Level 1 Union, equal voices, simple two-part works
                                                                      1:45 – 2:15        Daily Concert
Level 2 Two-part and three-part, focus on diatony, homophonic         2:15 – 3:15        SATB or SSA or Youth Choir
        styles, introduction to polyphonic style                      3:15 – 3:30        Break
                                                                      3:30 – 4:45        Conducting (graded classes) or
Level 3 More complex three-part and multiple-part works,
                                                                                         Jazz Choir (community choir)
        advanced diatonic pieces, chromatic works, modal
                                                                      Choral Symposium Fees
Who should attend?
This is a unique choral training program which offers both depth      Early Bird         $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
                                                                      Standard           $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
in training and breadth in scope. The program is sequential
and provides a framework for the careful development of a             Full-time tertiary student
range of choral skills. Repertoire appropriate to the notion          Early Bird           $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
of choral development will be included and participants will          Standard             $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
gain a sophisticated understanding of choral methodology
alongside the development of their own choral musicianship
and conducting technique. The program is led by outstanding
practitioners and exponents of choral music education. With
world-renowned lecturers offering hands-on practical training
within the context of a firm theoretical framework, participants
are ensured an exciting, stimulating and challenging experience.

Delegates will be involved in daily sessions of Musicianship
(eight graded levels), followed by choral methodology, historical

                                                                                   Summer School         Music Program 2020 I 9


 Pete Churchill is an internationally renowned performer, teacher,     Jazz Studies Timetable
 conductor, composer and performer.
                                                                       8:30 – 10:00        Musicianship (graded classes)
 He has completed almost twenty years teaching at the Guildhall        10:00 – 10:30       Morning tea
 School of Music, is the Professor of Jazz Composition at the          10:30 – 1:00        Jazz Improvisation and Theory
 Royal Academy of Music in London and runs the jazz choir at           12:30 – 1:00        Repertoire and Masterclass
 Trinity College of Music. As a performer, Pete has been featured      1:00 – 1:45         Lunch
 at many festivals internationally working as a singer, pianist and    1:45 – 2:15         Daily Concert
 conductor. He has been a member of both Kenny Wheeler’s and           2:15 – 3:15         Pete’s MegaBand or Choir (Youth, SSA SATB)
 Abdullah Ibrahim’s vocal projects, travelled extensively as Mark      3:15 – 3:30         Break
 Murphy’s accompanist and has collaborated with many other             3:30 – 4:45         Jazz Choir or Conducting (graded classes)
 jazz greats. He has also released several critically acclaimed
 jazz albums under his own name. In 2007, Pete received the            Jazz Studies Fees
 Parliamentary Award for Services to Jazz Education and regularly      Adult
 works with his choir ‘The London Vocal Project’ in various            Early Bird          $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
 schools, communities and performing venues and recording              Standard            $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
                                                                       Secondary students
 In this program, participants will attend graded (eight levels)       Early Bird       $800 + $80 GST = Total $880
 musicianship classes every day followed by Jazz Improvisation         Standard         $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
 and Theory, which will include the study of repertoire from the
                                                                       Full-time tertiary student
 jazz genre and develop an in-depth understanding of theory            Early Bird           $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
 (chords, scales), playing techniques and improvisational style.       Standard             $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
 Delegates can then apply this theoretical knowledge to practice
 in the MegaBand session by improvising, composing and
 performing repertoire followed by singing in the Jazz Choir
 in the afternoon.

 A much-loved component of the Summer School, Pete’s
 MegaBand, provides participants with an experience like no
 other! In each session, participants bring their voice, ears and
 favoured instrument to weave melodies, harmonies, words and
 soul together with Pete Churchill. No reading of music is involved,
 and everyone creates their own arrangement of the song to play
 at the ‘On the Green’ Concert on Friday 17th January 2020.

 10 I Summer Sc hool          Music Program 2020


The Academy of Vocal Performance is dedicated to the                   Additionally, a new program Open Vocal Tuition with
advancement of singers across a wide range of forms of vocal           Allan Hubert-Wright will run in 2020.
performance: Opera, Lieder, Mélodie, English and American Art
Song, Music Theatre and Jazz. This outcome will be achieved            Open Vocal Tuition with Allan Hubert-Wright
through a comprehensive and innovative training program                Allan Hubert-Wright has an international reputation for his work
                                                                       in the area of vocal pedagogy. His Modern Singer Technique is
that is delivered by professional music educators in close
                                                                       an evidence-based approach to vocal technique drawing on a
collaboration with internationally acclaimed teachers and
                                                                       deep understanding of the physiological and acoustic functions
coaches. Participants in the Summer School Academy of Vocal
                                                                       of the voice. Importantly, this approach allows singers to use
Performance will experience an intensive program designed to
                                                                       their instrument in a more efficient and safe mode, thereby
give them the tools to take their artistry, technique and careers      maximising vocal prowess. For more information about Allan’s
to the next level. Performance is an art that only develops            work, see
through participation and direct contact with experienced,
supportive, knowledgeable practitioners, and our high-profile          Singing lessons
staff will help you to discover the path to your greatest potential.   Participants in the Summer School have the opportunity to
The 2020 program will include four specialisations:                    have individual lessons with internationally renowned vocal
•         Specialisation One: Opera Performance (Auditioned)           expert, teacher and researcher, Allan Hubert-Wright. Lessons
•         Specialisation Two: Music Theatre                            will be minimum of 30 minutes duration but can be extended in
•         Specialisation Three: Pre-Tertiary Vocal Program             increments of 15 minutes i.e. 45 mins, 60 mins at the discretion
                                                                       of the teacher and student. The cost of lessons is $66 for the
          (For singers 14 years and above aspiring to tertiary
                                                                       initial 30-minute lesson with $20 plus GST increments for each
          level singing or a career in the Arts.)
                                                                       additional 15 mins of time. For example, a 45-minute lesson
                                                                       would cost $88. There are limited spaces available for private
The Vocal Performance Academy curriculum includes the
                                                                       lessons and if you wish to take up this opportunity you should
following core content:                                                indicate this in your registration. Lessons will be allocated on a
•         Kodály/Kokas musicianship classes (graded)                   first-in basis. Delegates who are undertaking the Summer School
•         Individual singing lessons                                   for credit i.e. in the accredited Education programs, may take
•         Ensemble coaching                                            lessons but need to take full responsibility for any missed work.
•         Art Song/repertoire classes
•         Staged excerpts (Music Theatre, Opera Excerpts)
•         Full Opera performance with orchestra
•         Performance opportunities throughout the Summer
          School (Lunch time concerts, Special concerts, etc.)

                                                                                  Summer School         Music Program 2020 I 11


 Concerts                                                               Academy of Vocal Performance Staff:
 Participants in the Academy of Vocal Performance should                Shaun Brown – Director of Vocal Academy and
 be aware that there are several opportunities for public               Opera Specialisations
 performance in this two week program. The Final Concert (held          Peter Coleman-Wright OA - Voice Teacher and Coach/Directing
 on Friday 17th January 2020) includes selected performances            Cheryl Barker OA - Opera/Vocal Coach/Directing
 from individuals and ensembles who have excelled throughout            Sarah Crane – Opera/Vocal Coach
 the course. In addition, there will be opportunities for               Graham Godfrey – Accompanist/Vocal coach
 performance in the lunchtime Daily Concert (daily from 1:45 –          Allan Hubert-Wright (France) - Opera/Vocal Coach
 2:15pm). Details of these concerts will be finalised during the        Richard Lewis (Scotland) – Conductor/Repetiteur
 program and advertised on the Summer School                            Annie Lower – Pre-Tertiary Vocal, Vocal Coach
 Music Program Facebook page and in the daily notices.                  Nia Lynn (Wales) – Music Theatre and Classical Acting
                                                                        Alex Raineri - Accompanist/Repetiteur
 The opera program will present “Il Trittico” by Giacomo Puccini.       Dr Margaret Schindler – Opera/Vocal Coach
 The work consists of three one-act operas, ‘Il Tabarro,’ ‘Suor         John Woods – Accompanist/Repetiteur
 Angelica’ and ‘Gianni Schicchi,’ all of which will be stage with the
 Summer Festival Orchestra at 5:30pm on Thursday 16th January
 2020 at St Aidan’s AGS. This is a rare opportunity for aspiring
 young singers to work intensively with directors, conductor,
 orchestra and vocal staff on a single opera over this intensive
 two-week period. In order to stage such an ambitious project,
 participants may be required to attend rehearsals outside of the
 standard Summer School timetable.

 N.B. CCM retains the right to cancel the course if there are
 insufficient enrolments.

 12 I Summer School
 2                            Music Program 2020

Opera Performance (Auditioned)
In 2020, the Opera Program will present “Il Trittico” by Giacomo      Specialisation One Fees for a Major Role
Puccini. The work consists of three one-act operas, ‘Il Tabarro,’     Early Bird        $1400 + $140 GST = Total $1540
‘Suor Angelica’ and ‘Gianni Schicchi,’ all of which will be fully     Standard		        $1500 + $150 GST = Total $1650
staged in collaboration with the Summer Festival Orchestra.
                                                                      Specialisation One Fees for a Minor Role
Auditions for major and minor roles in these operas will be
completed at the end of August 2019 so that successful                Early Bird        $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
                                                                      Standard          $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
participants have sufficient time to prepare. The high demands
of the repertoire require that singers exhibit the requisite          Opera Performance Timetable
skills and knowledge to stage such performances, and it is
                                                                      N.B. In order to stage these performances, successful
essential that students know the music thoroughly before the
                                                                      participants will commence rehearsals on Saturday 4th January
commencement of the program.
                                                                      2020. A performance of the three works will be held at 5:30pm
                                                                      on Thursday 16th January 2020.
Singers will participate in a comprehensive and innovative
training program working in collaboration with internationally        10:30 – 11:30       Kodály/Kokas Musicianship
acclaimed teachers and coaches. This unique program is                11:30 – 1:00        Rehearsals or lessons
designed to give participants the tools to take their artistry,       1:00 – 1:45         Lunch
technique and careers to the next level. This is a rare opportunity   1:45 – 2:15         Daily Concert
for aspiring young singers to work intensively with directors,        2:15 – 4:45*        Rehearsals, lessons, tutorials
conductors, orchestra and vocal staff to stage a full opera           *Students may also be required to attend after-hours rehearsals
with orchestra.                                                       in order to stage this project.

Successful applications will be contacted directly via email and
informed about their specialisation (major or minor) and specific
roles. All participants will be assigned repertoire to prepare
for presentation at workshops and performances during the
Summer School including Art songs, vocal ensemble pieces and
chamber music opportunities including French and German
Lied interpretation. Please contact the organisers for more
information - or
Shaun Brown

                                                                                   Summer School      Music Program 2020 I 13

 Nia Lynn is a professional voice coach, singing teacher and               Participants in this program will showcase their production on Friday
 movement and educational facilitator. She is a founding member            17th January 2020 at 12:00pm in the Christine Hartland Centre.
 and past Head of Voice for The Music Theatre Academy and has              Attendance at this performance is compulsory for all Music Theatre
 an ongoing relationship with The Royal Shakespeare Company                participants, as is the Final Concert on Friday 17th January 2020.
 (RSC) where she is currently an Educational Associate Practitioner
                                                                           Music Theatre Timetable:
 for their International Outreach and Development Program. She is
                                                                           8:30 – 10:00         Musicianship (graded classes)
 the Principle Study Jazz Singing Teacher at The Royal Academy of
                                                                           10:00 – 10:30       Morning tea
 Music (London) and The Guildhall School of Music & Drama and
                                                                           10:30 – 1:00           Music Theatre production
 works in the Drama and Jazz Faculty at The Royal Welsh College of
                                                                           11:30 – 1:00           Ensemble work or private lessons
 Music and Drama in Cardiff. She is a visiting lecturer at The O’Neill
                                                                           1:00 – 1:45           	Lunch
 Theatre Centre with an annual residency in America (New London,
                                                                           1:45 – 2:15            Daily Concert
 Connecticut), Head of Voice at The Fontainebleau School of Acting
                                                                           2:15 – 3:15            Pete’s MegaBand or Youth Choir
 (Paris, France) and a regular accent and dialect coach for the
                                                                           3:15 – 3:30            Break
 Donmar Warehouse.
                                                                           3:30 – 4:45            Jazz Choir
 This specialisation deals with the art of music theatre through
 devised ensemble work. Students in this program will be involved in       Specialisation Two Musical Theatre Fees
 staged scenes, character and movement classes, text work, chorus
 singing and ensemble coaching. Participants will also be challenged       Adult
 to devise and research their own song material, make and source           Early Bird		        $1000 + $110 GST = Total $1110
 props, costumes, create soundscapes and musical arrangements.             Standard		          $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
 Each year, the group will focus on a specific angle of the theatrical
 cannon and related social historical and political connotations. This     Secondary Students
 strand is aimed at singers and mature high school/tertiary students       Early Bird		     $800 + $80 GST = Total $880
 (aged 14 and above) who have a passion for styles of heightened           Standard		       $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
 theatre, and those who want to explore the three-dimensional nature
 of performance for stage using the three disciplines of Movement,         Tertiary Students
 Music and Text.                                                           Early Bird		      $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
                                                                           Standard		        $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
 Participants in this course will attend Musicianship in the morning
 then will come together to prepare a musical theatre production.
 Following lunch and the Daily Concert, participants will choose either
 MegaBand or Youth Choir. Finally, all participants will attend the Jazz
 Choir with Pete Churchill.

 14 I Summer School             Music Program 2020


Led by renowned Brisbane soprano and vocal teacher Annie Lower,
this is a special program for all young singers (aged 14-18) who
wish to develop their ability as singers or who are interested in
pursuing vocal studies at the tertiary level, particularly in classical
voice. Participants in this specialisation will participate in master
classes and workshops, explore repertoire appropriate to their
developmental abilities and will receive individual singing lessons
throughout the duration of the course. Singers in this program will
also work in an ensemble setting to develop a theatre excerpt for
performance in the Final Concert on Friday 17th January 2020.
No audition is required but singers are encouraged to forward a
recent recording to the directors prior to the commencement of the
Summer School as this will assist in determining the best program of
study for the individual student.

Pre-Tertiary Timetable:
8:30 – 10:00         Musicianship (graded classes)
10:00 – 10:30       Morning tea
10:30 – 11:30          Vocal masterclass
11:30 – 1:00           Ensemble work
1:00 – 1:45           	Lunch
1:45 – 2:15            Daily Concert
2:15 – 3:15            Pete’s MegaBand or Youth Choir
3:15 – 3:30            Break
3:30 – 4:45            Jazz Choir

Specialisation Three Pre-Tertiary Fees
Secondary Students
Early Bird		      $800 + $80 GST = Total $880
Standard		        $900 + $90 GST = Total $990

                                                                          Summer School   Music Program 2020 I 15


 This stream is specifically designed to cater for the interests and   Children’s Program Fees
 abilities of younger students (aged 8-13 years). In 2020, the         Half-Day
 Children’s Choir will be directed by Susanna Saw (Malaysia) and
                                                                       Early Bird		     $600 + $60 GST = Total $660
 the Musical Theatre Excerpts class will be taken by Annie Lower.
                                                                       Standard		       $700 + $70 GST = Total $770

 Participants will be involved in daily musicianship classes to
 foster the ongoing development of musical skills and knowledge,       Full-Day
 as well as daily choir rehearsals. Students who participate in        Early Bird		     $700 + $70 GST = Total $770
 this program have the option of a half-day with formal classes        Standard		       $800 + $80 GST = Total $880
 finished by 1:00pm each day but they also have the option of a
 full-day program (finishing at 3:15pm every day). Students who
 are in the half-day program are welcome to attend any of the free
 concerts/presentations offered after lunch (see timetable below).
 This ensemble will perform in the final concert on Friday 17th
 January 2020.

 Children’s Choir Timetable

 8.30 – 10.00      Musicianship (graded)

 10.00 – 10.30     Morning tea

 10.30 – 11.30     Choir: Susanna Saw

 11.30 – 1:00      Musical Theatre Excerpts: Annie Lower*

 1:00 – 1:45       Lunch.
                   Half-day students may be collected at this time.

 1:45 – 2:15       Daily Concert

 2:15 – 3:15       Pete’s MegaBand

 *Students also have the option of attending the Intermediate
 String Orchestra with Antoni Bonetti from 11:30am - 1:00pm.

 16 I Summer School           Music Program 2020

                                                                  Specialisation Two: Accompaniment
The Piano Academy is intended to provide aspiring pianists        Specialisation Three: Pedagogy
with a rounded education through a comprehensive and
innovative training program. Delivered by professional music      Each day, students in this course will participate in daily
educators in close collaboration with internationally acclaimed
                                                                  graded musicianship classes, followed by workshops and
teachers and educators, participants in the Piano Academy will
experience an intensive program designed to give them the         master classes and observations of master teachers; Prof
tools to take their artistry, technique and careers to the next   Gilbert De Greeve, Mark Hooper and Pete Churchill, working
level. The Piano Academy is dedicated to the advancement of
                                                                  in their specific areas of expertise. Participants may choose
pianists across a wide range of aspects associated with piano
playing including performance, accompaniment and pedagogy.        to observe pedagogical practice within a particular stream
Three specialisations exist for participants in this program      or observe the range of pedagogical approaches on offer in
including:                                                        consultation with the lecturers. Prof De Greeve will also work
                                                                  with participants who choose the Accompanying and Pedagogy
Specialisation One: Piano Performance                             streams throughout the day. Students interested in Classical
                                                                  styles will work with Mark Hooper, while students who are more
•        Advanced                                                 interested in jazz and contemporary styles can work with Pete
•        Jazz and Popular Styles                                  Churchill. After lunch, participants may be involved in one of
•        Intermediate                                             the choirs (SSA, SATB, Youth or Jazz choirs), the Arranging Class
                                                                  (Pete’s MegaBand), vocal or instrumental accompaniment or
                                                                  pedagogical observations of private lessons. Private lessons may
N.B. participants may want to choose one of the above areas       also be scheduled during this time; decisions concerning private
of specialisation, or choose to work with various teachers.
This should be discussed with the course leader at the
commencement of the course.

                                                                              Summer School          M u s i c P ro g r a m 2 0 2 0 I 17


 Advanced Piano Performance                                            Piano players who opt for this stream will be involved in
 COURSE LEADER: PROFESSOR GILBERT DE GREEVE                            masterclasses and workshops and should have some pieces
                                                                       prepared to present in the course. Jazz harmony and techniques
 This component of the course allows participants to develop           of improvisation as relevant to the capacity and interests of
 both a technical and stylistic understanding across a broad           participants will be covered.
 range of pieces in the concert repertoire for the piano. Analysis
 and the development of stylistic piano performance is an              Intermediate Piano Performance
 invaluable pathway for professional development as an aspiring        COURSE LEADER: MARK HOOPER
 performer. Noted international performer and teacher, Prof De
                                                                       The 2020 Summer School will include a course that is designed
 Greeve, will be working with advanced students and early-career
                                                                       specifically for piano students who have a firm foundation in
 pianists, offering them a rare opportunity to further develop their
                                                                       performance. Run by internationally acclaimed piano teacher
 professional skills. Participants in this program will be involved
                                                                       and performer Mr Mark Hooper, students will be engaged in
 in individual lessons and will have the opportunity to perform in
                                                                       a range of activities intended to develop both their keyboard
 both practicum sessions and masterclasses. Where exceptional
                                                                       and performing skills. All students will have individual lessons
 performance is demonstrated there may be the opportunity for
                                                                       throughout the duration of the course and participate in the
 solo recital performances. Students in this stream will also be
                                                                       daily workshops and master classes. As there will be several
 invited to attend a special lecture series, run by Prof De Greeve,
                                                                       opportunities both for performing and for individual tuition,
 which will involve further analysis of repertoire and stylistic
                                                                       students in this stream should ensure that they have prepared
 peformance techniques.
                                                                       at least two pieces, one ready for performance and one to learn
                                                                       or finish learning during the course. It is important to note that
 Performers in this stream should be of a Diploma standard
                                                                       there is no minimum level of performance required – all students
 (minimum AMus level) and have a repertory of pieces prepared
                                                                       are welcome to participate and learn! Students in this stream will
 for the course.
                                                                       attend a masterclass from 10:30-12:00pm every day, followed
                                                                       by a choice of either Musical Theatre excerpts or Intermediate
 Jazz and Popular Styles Piano Performance
                                                                       String ensemble from 12:00-1:00pm.
 This stream will be directed by one of the UK’s most outstanding
 jazz practitioners, Mr Pete Churchill (Royal Academy of Music,
 UK). Noted for the development of a revolutionary approach to
 teaching and learning jazz, Pete has a reputation for engendering
 a deep and independent understanding and capacity in jazz. His
 approach is an integrated one where musical thinking underpins
 informed improvising to produce fresh yet disciplined performing
 which is meaningful and engaging for performers and
 audience alike.

 1 8 I Summer Sc hool          Music Program 2020

SPECIALISATION TWO                                                    SPECIALISATION THREE
PIANO                                                                 PEDAGOGY
Specialisation Two: Accompaniment                                     Specialisation Three: Pedagogy

This component of the course allows participants to develop           This component of the course focuses on the analysis of specific
skills in both instrumental and vocal accompaniment. The vocal        pieces from the piano repertory with the goal of developing
                                                                      stylistically accurate piano performance. This course is relevant
accompaniment part of this course will particularly focus on
                                                                      for piano teachers who are working with beginning and advanced
classical voice repertoire, and pianists and singers will be guided
                                                                      students and participants will be given insight to both the
in the preparation of performance pieces by Prof. De Greeve.          technical and performative aspects of the music. Importantly,
Pianists may also have the opportunity to work in instrumental        those interested in Piano Pedagogy are able to tailor their
chamber ensembles, specifically with advanced string players          observations to their own interests and needs.
who are also on course. Accompaniment opportunities will be
allocated according to the capacity and interest of the performers
and at the discretion of the lecturer.

                                                                                 Summer School         Music Program 2020 I 19

 Piano Academy Timetable                                            Piano Academy Fees
                                                                    Advanced Piano Performance
 8.30 – 10.00    Musicianship (graded) – all participants           Early Bird		      $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
 10.00 – 10.30   Morning tea                                        Standard		        $1300 + $130 GST = Total $1430
 10.30 – 1.00    Master class
                 Advanced Piano Performance -                       Intermediate and Jazz and Popular Styles Piano Performance
                 Prof Gilbert De Greeve                             Early Bird		      $800 + $80 GST = Total $880
                 Jazz and Popular Styles Piano Performance
                                                                    Standard		        $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
                 (Jazz Improvisation and Theory) - Pete Churchill
                 Intermediate Piano Performance - Mark Hooper
                 (then Musical Theatre Excerpts OR                  Accompaniment
                 Intermediate String Orchestra)                     Early Bird		      $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
                                                                    Standard		        $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
 1:00 – 1:45     Lunch

 1:45 – 2:15     Daily Concert                                      Pedagogy (observation and non-graded)
 2:15 – 3:15     Choir (SSA, SATB or Youth) OR Individual           Early Bird		      $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
                 Lessons OR Accompanying OR MegaBand                Standard		        $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
 3:15 – 3:30     Break (N.B. Students under the age of 12 must
                 be collected at this time.)

 3:30 – 4:45     Jazz Choir OR Individual lesson OR

 20 I Summer School        Music Program 2020


Led by internationally regarded pedagogues and performers,        Chamber Music Timetable
this program provides the opportunity for advanced players
                                                                  8:30 – 10:00      Musicianship (graded)
to continue the development of their own musicianship and
performance skills through participation in targeted Chamber      10:00 – 10:30     Morning tea
Music Ensembles. Participants will be involved in daily
graded musicianship classes (appropriate to their experience      10:30 – 12:00     Ensemble Skills
and ability), ensemble skills class, tutorials, demonstration
                                                                  12:00 – 1:00      Masterclass (Auditorium)
workshops, choir, ensemble and individual practice, individual
and group lessons and repertoire study.                           1:00 – 1:45       Lunch

Students will be placed in a chamber ensemble which matches       1:45 – 2:15       Daily Concert
a similar standard and instrument nominated at registration.      2:15 – 3:15       Rehearsal or Tutorials or Choir (SSA, SATB, or
These groups will be formed by the course leaders prior to the                      Youth) MegaBand
Summer School commencing and communicated at Registration
Day. Pianists are particularly encouraged to participate in a     3:15 – 3:30       Break
range of situations: piano duets and trios, chamber groups and
                                                                  3:30 – 4:45       Rehearsal or Tutorials or Conducting or Jazz
accompanying for solo performers.

All applicants for the Chamber Music Program should submit
a video recording of one movement of any chamber music
work from the standard repertoire. In the case of pre-existing    Chamber Music Program Fees
ensembles, please submit a recording of the entire group
                                                                  Tertiary Students
in performance. These videos will be used to determine
                                                                  Early Bird        $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
appropriate repertoire, suitable group members or possible
                                                                  Standard          $1100 + $110 GST = Total $1210
performance opportunities. All videos should be sent to office@ as early as possible.                         Secondary Students
                                                                  Early Bird        $800 + $80 = Total $880
Chamber Ensemble groups who are performing at a                   Standard          $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
sophisticated level may be invited to perform in either a
lunchtime concert during the program, or as part of the Final
Concert (6:00-8:30pm, Friday 17th January 2020).

                                                                               Summer School        Music Program 2020 I 21


 Led by highly regarded local string specialist and orchestral      Intermediate Strings Timetable
 conductor Antoni Bonetti, this program provides not only
                                                                    8:30 – 10:00      Musicianship (graded)
 the opportunity for the individual musician to continue the
 development of their own musicianship and performance              10:00 – 10:30     Morning tea
 skills, but involvement in the program also promotes the
 development of all important ensemble performance skills.          10:30 – 11:30     Intermediate Strings: Small Ensemble

 The 2020 Summer School will provide a range of                     11:30 – 1:00      Intermediate String Orchestra
 opportunities for string players and caters for players working
                                                                    1:00 – 1:45       Lunch. Half-day students may be
 a primary and high school level (AMEB Grade two-six). It is
                                                                                      collected at this time.
 expected that all students have a good grounding in string
 technique and performance and that can easily read music.          1:45 – 2:15       Daily Concert

 Where students are perhaps younger and not so experienced          2:15 – 3:15       Pete’s MegaBand
 or skilled in their playing, they will participate in a range of
 activities which are designed to help develop musical skills       All participants in the Intermediate Strings Program
 and knowledge more broadly. All participants will be involved      must be collected at 3:15pm.
 in daily graded musicianship classes (appropriate to their
 experience and ability), performance and demonstration
 workshops, but according to ability and experience, players        Intermediate Strings Fees
 have a number of options throughout the day: choir,                Half-Day
 ensemble and individual practice, individual and group
                                                                    Early Bird		      $600 + $60 GST = Total $660
 lessons, string orchestra and repertoire study. Younger
                                                                    Standard		        $700 + $70 GST = Total $770
 students may finish at 1:00pm each day but students are
 encouraged to participate in the full day program. The daily       Full-Day
 concert follows lunch each day and students would then
                                                                    Early Bird		      $700 + $70 GST = Total $770
 play/sing in Pete’s MegaBand from 2:15–3:15pm. Students
                                                                    Standard		        $800 + $80 GST = Total $880
 should be collected at 3:15pm.

                                                                    Secondary Students
                                                                    Early Bird		      $800 + $80 GST = Total $880
                                                                    Standard		        $900 + $90 GST = Total $990

 22 I Summer School           Music Program 2020


The 2020 Summer Program will include a course that is               Brass and Woodwind Program Timetable
designed specifically for brass and woodwind students.
                                                                    8:30 – 10:00        Musicianship (graded)
Participants will be engaged in a range of activities intended
to develop both their instrumental and ensemble musicianship        10:00 – 10:30       Morning tea
skills. Students will perform in master class sessions and may
                                                                    10:30 – 12:00       Masterclass
choose any style/genre of music to play in these classes. An
important aspect of this program is the opportunity for students    12.00 – 1:00        Chamber skills
to participate in small group/chamber ensembles as chamber          1:00 – 1:45         Lunch
music provides unique opportunities for the development of
deep musicianship and ensemble skills. In this sense, this small    1:45 – 2:15         Daily Concert
group performance is an essential part of the maturation of a       2:15 – 3:15         Classical Choir (SSA or SATB) or Pete’s
more sophisticated and serious musician. Players must not only                          MegaBand
demonstrate musical independence but ultimately, assume the         All participants in the under 12 years of age must be collected
responsibility for musical decision making and performance          at 3:15pm.
outcomes. Small ensemble combinations will be decided by the
                                                                    3:15 – 3:30         Break
course leader at the beginning of the course.
                                                                    3:30 – 4:45         Jazz Choir or Individual Lesson
In the morning, students will attend one of the eight graded
levels of Musicianship class, and will then participate in          Brass and Woodwind Program Fees
ensemble and masterclass sessions which will allow students
to enhance their musicianship in a range of musical settings.       Adult
After lunch, students will sing in at least one of the choirs and   Early Bird                  $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100
should examine the daily timetable (below) to ensure that they      Standard                    $1200 + $120 GST = Total $1320
understand the range of options of offer,. As there will be a
number of opportunities both for performing and for individual      School-Aged Students
tuition, students in this stream should ensure that they have       Early Bird                  $800 + $80 GST = Total $880
prepared at least 4 pieces for performance throughout the           Standard                    $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
course. It is important to note that there is no minimum level of
performance required – all students are welcome to participate      Tertiary Students
and learn!                                                          Early Bird                  $900 + $90 GST = Total $990
                                                                    Standard                    $1000 + $100 GST = Total $1100

                                                                                 Summer School          Music Program 2020 I 23


 7th - 17th January 2020                                            Mandatory for all participants.
 1:45-2:15pm                                                        Friday 17th January 2020
 Christine Hartland Centre, St Aidan’s AGS                          6:00-8:30pm
                                                                    Christine Hartland Centre, St Aidan’s AGS
 An exciting component of the 2019 Summer School is the
 inclusion of lunchtime concerts and workshops. These concerts      The Summer School Program always concludes with a world
 and workshops will be held each day from 1:45 - 2:15pm in the      class concert, showcasing the work of the participants.
 Christine Hartland Centre, St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School.
                                                                    The concert will feature performances from all choirs, advanced
 These sessions are all free and open to the public. Please feel
                                                                    ensembles or soloists and selections from the Vocal Academy.
 free to invite your friends and family to attend any of these
                                                                    All other ensembles will perform prior to this concert at the ‘On
 lunchtime sessions. All Lunchtime Concerts will be advertised on
                                                                    the Green’ Concert or during the Special Concerts series.
 the Summer School Music Program Facebook page and in the
 daily notices.                                                     This concert is an outstanding demonstration of quality music
                                                                    making and tickets are limited. Tickets will be available from the
 ON THE GREEN CONCERT                                               on-campus bookshop in the second week of the course, or at the
 Friday 17th January 2020                                           door on the night. Tickets will be $5 concession/$10 full price
 4:00-5:30pm                                                        and free for all Summer School participants. Wine and cheese
 On the Green at St Aidan’s AGS                                     will be available for purchase from the St Aidan’s ASG Music
                                                                    Support Group.
 Concert-goers are encouraged to bring a picnic mat and their
                                                                    Participants will require suitable performance attire for the
 families to relax on the green as they soak up the sounds of the
                                                                    Summer School Final Concert, including a plain black folder, dark
 Summer School. Prior to the Final Concert several of the choral
                                                                    trousers/ long skirts and block, single coloured tops (preferably
 and chamber ensembles will perform on the green outside the
                                                                    longer sleeves rather than shorter).
 Christine Hartland Centre. This concert is a free, non-ticketed
 event. Food and drink will be available for purchase from the      NOTE: All Summer School participants MUST attend the Final
 St Aidan’s AGS Music Support Group.                                Concert - this may have implications for travel arrangements.

 24 I Summer School           Music Program 2020


Director                                                                        Malaysian Institute of Art.
Dr James Cuskelly:SHOWCASE
                    Head of FacultyCONCERT
                                      – Creative Arts at St Aidan’s             ACADEMY OF VOCAL PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE
Friday  10th  January    2020
Anglican Girls School, lecturer in music education and aural                    Puccini’s ‘Il Trittico’
studies, arrival for  7:00pm
                   of the        start Kodály Society.
                          International                                         Thursday
                                                                                Prof Gilbert16th January
                                                                                             de Greeve:    2020
                                                                                                        Piano performer, composer and teacher.
                                                                                Past  - 9:00pmof the International Kodaly Society. Recipient of
A highlight of the Summer School is the International Showcase                  Christine
                                                                                the         Hartland
                                                                                    Pro Musica        Centre,
                                                                                                Hungarica      St the
                                                                                                          award,   Aidan’s AGS
                                                                                                                      Commemorative    Medal for
International     Guests
Concert. This concert    will commence at 7:00pm with a 6:40pm                  the Kodály Centenary and Honorary Membership of a number
        time. ThisComposer,
Pete Churchill:
arrival             concert willpianist,
                                   featuresinger  and educator.
                                            performances       from             TheInternational
                                                                                of   opera program      will present
                                                                                                   Societies.   He is “Il Trittico”
                                                                                                                      Director      by Giacomo
                                                                                                                                 Emeritus     of thePuccini.
Formerly,   head  of Jazz  at the  Guildhall   School
extremely talented members of the Summer School faculty,of Music,   Professor
                                                                         both   The work
                                                                                Music     consists
                                                                                       Academy      of of three one-act
                                                                                                       Antwerp             operas,Emeritus
                                                                                                                 and Professor       ‘Il Tabarro,’  ‘Suor
                                                                                                                                                of the Royal
of Jazz Composition
national                at the Royal
           and international.   Tickets Academy
                                          are veryoflimited,
                                                      Music and(London).
                                                                    will be     Angelica’ and of
                                                                                Conservatory    ‘Gianni
                                                                                                    MusicSchicchi,’   all of which will be stage with
                                                                                                            of Antwerp.
Director ofthrough
available    the Jazz  Choir
                     the      at Trinitybookshop
                         on-campus        College ofduring
                                                      Music.the Received
                                                                  first week    the Summer Festival Orchestra at 5:30pm on Thursday 16th
of the Parliamentary
        Summer School,  Award    for Services
                            or through    Sound toThinking
                                                   Jazz Education.
                                                              Australia         January 2020 at St Aidan’s AGS. This is a ticketed concert with
(07) 3201    2301. MoreTeacher,
                           information     about  the  International            Education     Program
                                                                                tickets available   at the door ($5 concession/$10 full price). All
Lucinda    Geoghegan:                 lecturer and   author.   Education
Showcase                                                                        Michael
                                                                                Summer Bradshaw:          Classroom
                                                                                          School participants     willMusic
                                                                                                                       be able teacher
                                                                                                                                  to enterandthis
                                                                                                                                                  concert for
Director  forConcert  will beYouth
              the National     available
                                      Choircloser  to the Summer
                                            of Scotland,    International
School.   Keep  an eye on our     Facebook    page for information on all       conductor   at will
                                                                                free. Tickets  Sydney     Conservatorium
                                                                                                    be available              High School
                                                                                                                  in the second       week of (NSW).
                                                                                                                                                the Summer
presenter   of workshops     on Kodály    methodology.
concerts and ticketing updates!                                                 SchoolCsernyik:
                                                                                Reka    or at the Classroom
                                                                                                    door. More Music
                                                                                                                           will be made     available
                                                                                                                                    and Choral         on our
Nia Lynn: Singer, vocal teacher, jazz specialist, actor. Faculty of
                                                                                at         page.
                                                                                   Sydney Conservatorium    High School (NSW), noted choral
The Royal Shakespeare Company, Royal Academy of Music, The
Academy of Vocal Performance Concerts                                           director, conductor of international award winning choir,
Musical Theatre Academy, Guildhall School of Music and Drama,
The Summer School Music Program has a proud tradition of                        Sola Voce. THEATRE SHOWCASE
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Trinity College of
supporting developing singers and providing them with both
Music. Lead singer of the Banau Trio.
                                                                                Friday  17th January
                                                                                Jason Goopy:            2020
                                                                                              Head of The  Arts & Choral Coordinator at Ambrose
essential training and opportunities for public performance.                    12:00pm
                                                                                Treacy College, Vice-President of KMEIA, lecturer in music
Dr Laszlo Nemes: Director of the Zoltan Kodály Pedagogical
There will be several opportunities for participants to perform                 Christine and
                                                                                education  Hartland   Centre, St Aidan’s AGS
                                                                                               aural studies.
Institute of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music. International guest
in special Singers’ Concert as part of the Lunch Time Concert
professor and lecturer in choral conducting and Kodály-based                    Maree Hennessy: Director of Holy Names College (San
series. These concerts are held each day from 1:45 – 2:15pm in                  Students involved in the Musical Theatre and Classical Acting
music education. Vice-President of the International Kodály                     Francisco), Lecturer in aural methodology, classroom music
the Christine Hartland Centre at St Aidan’s AGS. The concerts will              stream will present a showcase from 5:30-6:30pm. This concert
Society.                                                                        teacher, Past President of KMEIA QLD.
feature performances from selected students within the program                  is a free concert and is open to the public but tickets a very
                      Conductor,                                                Aleta King: Director of Avondale Conservatorium. Musicianship
Körtvérsi   Katalin: the
and will showcase         diverse Educator      and Lecturer
                                     range of learning           at the in
                                                           experiences          limited. Tickets can be reserved at the Sound Thinking Austra-
Zoltan the
        Kodály  Pedagogical     Institute (Kecskemet, Hungary).                 Lecturer and Coordinator, Musical Director and Principal
which       singers  are involved.                                              lia Bookshop in the second week of the Summer school. More
                                                                                Conductor of Avondale Singers and Avondale Chamber
Dr Árpád Tóth: Conductor, Composer, Educator and Lecturer at                    details will be made available on our Facebook page.
                                                                                Orchestra. Artistic Director for Avondale’s premiere vocal
theaddition  to the Lunch
    Zoltan Kodály         Time Concert
                    Pedagogical  InstituteSeries, a concert
                                           (Kecskemet,      is held
                                                                                ensemble The Promise of Avondale. KMEIA National Council
specifically for the Academy of Vocal Performance and the three
Richard  Lewis: ofRepetiteur, Conductor, (Auditioned),
                                          Chorus Master.  Has                   Member.
specialisations     Opera Performance                  Musical
conducted in the UK, Germany, Austria, Budapest, Australia and                  Tess Laird: Primary Music Specialist with Education Queensland,
Theatre and the Pre-Tertiary Vocal Programs.
Holland.                                                                        conductor of various choirs and ensembles in Toowoomba, Head
Susanna Saw: Founder of The Young Kuala Lumpur Singers and                      of the Education Board of National KMEIA Council.
The Kuala Lumpur Children’s Choir. Lecturer and choir director
                                                                                Helene Matters: Lecturer at Holy Names University Summer
at University of Malaya, University Teknologi MARA and
                                                                                            Summer School              Music Program 2020 I 25
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