Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics

Page created by Jeanette Adams
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics
Yuanda Robot
Designed to Work
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics
Industrial Power Tool
Adapt & Automate

Versatile and cost efficient: Our collaborative robot is an all-round power
tool that can be quickly integrated at a low investment cost. It is able to
perform sensitive precision operations in diverse industrial settings, from
manual to semi- and fully-automated processes. Get ready to automate!

                                        ANY USE(R)

Out-of-the-box setup and                Quick adaption to a wide variety        Integrated torque sensors for adapt-
seamless integration                    of different production processes       ability, fault tolerance and safety

Your Yuanda Robot can be set up         The Yuanda Robot is the perfect         The Yuanda Robot can execute so-
in record time. Unpack it, plug it      choice for small batch sizes or for     phisticated skills much like a human.
in, and switch it on – it's running.    applications that require frequent      By analyzing any contacts transmitted
Switching tools is just as easy: The    adjustments and flexibility. Meet the   through torque sensors in all axes, it
system software will detect and         demands of short product life cycles,   can react directly to the application
adjust to the change automatically.     and easily teach your collaborative     environment by adjusting tool position
No experts needed!                      robot new skills on demand.             and pressure in real time or by validat-
                                                                                ing successful production inline.

1              Yuanda Robot – Designed to Work
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics
Yuanda Robot – Designed to Work   2
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics
User Experience
Collaborate & Control

Meeting the highest safety standards of today’s robotics industry,
the Yuanda Robot is designed to work seamlessly and safely with
humans without the need of enclosures. Its ease of use allows for
quick commissioning by anyone – no training required.

ACCESSIBLE DESIGN                         HANDS-ON PROGRAMMING                     SAFETY FIRST

Intuitive hardware interfaces for         Cutting edge user interface design       Experience collaborative robotics
direct interaction and control            for quick workflows                      first hand – without worry

Physical controls are accessible and      It's easy to teach your Yuanda Robot     The Yuanda Robot complies with
prominent to create fluent workflows      with our visual programming interface    requirements for human/robot collab-
and minimize set-up times in a diverse    – whether you are a newbie or an         oration as specified in DIN ISO 10218
set of application scenarios. Highly      expert. Use drag and drop commands       and 13849. Sensitive torque sensors in
sensitive force control allows the user   to set up your application, use 3D       all axes register any exterior impulse.
to hand-guide the robot’s arm with no     visualizations to run simulations, and   The robot detects unwanted collisions
effort, for example during installation   supervise your robot on a customiza-     immediately and stops accordingly.
or programming.                           ble dashboard.

3              Yuanda Robot – Designed to Work
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics
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Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics
Vision Intelligence
Look & Learn

The Yuanda Robot comes with advanced vision intelligence consisting
of an integrated camera and a processing system for visual data.
Yuanda Vision can detect and memorize objects, evaluate product quality,
recognize critical process changes, and much more.

OBJECT RECOGNITION                        QUALITY INSPECTION                      TAG LOCALIZATION

Robot-guided learning and process         Visual process monitoring and           Environmental orientation through
adjustments in real time                  good/bad case distinction               reference points

An object and its contour can be          Yuanda Vision can classify a batch      QR tags serve as guides for a pro-
registered via Yuanda Vision. During      of objects according to a required      grammed application and can contain
this process, Vision can define or        process quality. A component does       valuable information about an object
correct a gripping position and tool      not lie in the intended position? Two   or task. Placed in the vicinity of the
orientation for handling the identified   components have not been assem-         Yuanda Robot, they orient it and ena-
object, for example in a pick and         bled correctly? Vision distinguishes    ble it to adjust to the working environ-
place application.                        good from bad and decides on            ment and the task at hand.
                                          whether to continue production

5              Yuanda Robot – Designed to Work
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics
User Interface
Programming Made Easy

With your Yuanda Robot’s visual programming interface,
you can configure and perform applications directly on
your desktop computer or tablet with a minimum of time
and effort. The interface is designed for optimal ease of
use, offering clearly-mapped workflows valuable to
experts and newbies alike.

7       Yuanda Robot – Designed to Work
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics

Hands-on programming enables             Effective 3D visualizations for safe         Fully customizable application
everyone to build applications           and intuitive control                        dashboard for monitoring

Build and modify customized pro-         Use our powerful interface to verify         View all important stats of the
gram flows, guided by a clean inter-     the actions of your Yuanda Robot             Yuanda Robot in one place. Easily
face that supports the user through      on its digital twin, right before they       adjust settings during runtime and
a clear visual structure and intuitive   become real. Quickly create perfect          receive warnings and alerts in real
interaction patterns.                    motion patterns with instant path            time.

                                                                             Yuanda Robot – Designed to Work                8
Yuanda Robot Designed to Work - Yuanda Robotics

Assembly in the morning, spray painting at noon, testing in the afternoon,
packaging at night – quickly set up and deploy your robot to perform a wide
variety of skills and workflows depending on your needs. 3C electronics,
automotive, metal processing, or mechanical engineering – the Yuanda
Robot is at home in all industries.



9         Yuanda Robot – Designed to Work
German Engineering
Meets Chinese Dynamism

Founded by German engineers and the Shenyang Yuanda Aluminium
Industry Group, Yuanda Robotics unites the best of two cultures to create
quality that makes a difference. Together, we are committed to advancing
the evolution of robotics and to making robots accessible to everyone.


We develop robots that are as            For Yuanda Robotics, people are at         Our robot feels, sees, and under-
approachable as an ordinary power        the center of every decision. We want      stands. It perceives its environment,
tool and as easy to use as a smart-      to positively shape the future of work,    constantly learns new things and finds
phone. While we are experts in all       to make work places safer and more         solutions. That’s what we are striving
technical aspects of robotics develop-   ergonomic, and to help make increas-       to do as well. Our vision: robots that
ment, what really matters to us is       ingly automated work environments          serve people from setup to deploy-
the human factor.                        accessible to all.                         ment – collaborative, intuitive, friendly.

                                                                           Yuanda Robot – Designed to Work                   10
EUROPE                    ASIA

Yuanda Robotics GmbH      Yuanda Robotics Shenyang
Carl-Buderus-Straße 7     16th Street 27–6, Development Road
30455 Hanover             Econ. and Tech. Development Zone
Germany                   110027 Shenyang
Phone +49 511 89810600
info@yuanda-robotics.de   Phone +86 24 25162519
                          info@yuanda-robotics.cn              www.yuanda-robotics.de
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