Page created by Jane Dean
           EUROPE & AFRICA
                 BOTASKI – Sesena Waterski Complex. July 31 to August 08, 2021

                                                                              BULLETIN   02

Check certificate or supporting document you will need to travel to Spain. Point 4.

Booking can be amended or cancelled without any penalty until 48 hours before arrival.
1.    Contact Info
  2.    Deadlines
  3.    The Site
  4.    Covid Situation
  5.    Provisional Schedule
  6.    Entry and Administration
  7.    Official Familiarization
  8.    Unofficial Training
  9.    Official Tow Boats
  10.   Official Ramp Settings
  11.   Official Hotel
  12.   Catering on Site
  13.   Ceremonies and Medal Presentations
  14.   Jury
  15.   Doping Control
  16.   Local Currency
  17.   Flags and Anthems
  18.   Transportation
  19.   Parking and Ski Storage
  20.   How to Enter the Country


  1. Forms
     1. Skier Bios
     2. Declaration, Weaver, and Release Form
     3. Declaration of Parent/Guardian
     4. IWWF Athlete Consent Form
  2. Doping - Athlete Information Notice (PLEASE FORWARD IT TO ATHLETES)

                             REMEMBER TO BRING ALL FORMS SIGNED
We have the pleasure to invite all IWWF Europe & Africa Federations to the IWWF EUROPE &
WATERSKI CHAMPIONSHIPS, that will be hold in conjunction at the BOTASKI – Sesena Waterski
Complex, Toledo, SPAIN, from July 31 to august 09, 2021.
There will be 2 Championships per category, the 2020 and 2021 E&A Championships
a) For the 2020 U-14 Championships skiers eligible to compete are those born in 2006 or after
b) For the 2021 U-14 Championships skiers eligible to compete are those born in 2007 or after
c) For the 2020 U-17 Championships skiers eligible to compete are those born in 2003 or after
d) For the 2021 U-17 Championships skiers eligible to compete are those born in 2004 or after
e) For the 2020 U-21 Championships skiers eligible to compete are those born in 1999 or after
f) For the 2021 U-21 Championships skiers eligible to compete are those born in 2000 or after
For each age division, there will be only one preliminary round and only one final round. 2020 and 2021
skiers will compete together and 2 sets of results will be made,
Tournament will take place in both lakes of the Complex. Slalom and Jumps will take place in Lake
Cris while Tricks will be in Lake Pipo.
Please check the deadlines and remember to send the Skier Bio, the Declaration, Waiver and Release,
IWWF Athlete Consent Form and other forms you can find in the Appendix.
Don’t hesitate getting in contact with us any info you need.

 Site:                  BOTASKI – Sesena Waterski Complex
 Contact person:        Ricardo Botas – Nadine Botas
 Phone nr.:             +34 673 962 426
 Official website:


IWWF Europe & Africa Under 14 (2020 & 2021)
Starting Tournament Date                                                                 31-07-2021
Intention to Enter & Familiarization Request                                             16-06-2021
Familiarization Schedule Announcement                                                    23-06-2021
Familiarization Payment                                                                  01-07-2021
Deadline to enter skiers qualify under the Weekly Ranking List                           01-07-2021
Final Familiarization Schedule                                                           03-07-2021
Deadline to submit names of the members of the team, the events
each will enter, ratings of each skier, names of the official reserves                   16-07-2021
IWWF Europe & Africa Under 17 (2020 & 2021)
Starting Tournament Date                                                                    03-08-2021
Intention to Enter & Familiarization Request                                                19-06-2021
Familiarization Schedule Announcement                                                       26-06-2021
Familiarization Payment                                                                     03-07-2021
Deadline to enter skiers qualify under the Weekly Ranking List                              03-07-2021
Final Familiarization Schedule                                                              05-07-2021
Deadline to submit names of the members of the team, the events
each will enter, ratings of each skier, names of the official reserves                      19-07-2021

IWWF Europe & Africa Under 21 (2020 & 2021)
Starting Tournament Date                                                                    06-08-2021
Intention to Enter & Familiarization Request                                                22-06-2021
Familiarization Schedule Announcement                                                       29-06-2021
Familiarization Payment                                                                     06-07-2021
Deadline to enter skiers qualify under the Weekly Ranking List                              06-07-2021
Final Familiarization Schedule                                                              08-07-2021
Deadline to enter skiers qualifying under the Elite Ranking List                            22-07-2021
Deadline to submit names of the members of the team, the events
each will enter, ratings of each skier, names of the official reserves                      22-07-2021

 Tournament site will be BOTASKI – Sesena Waterski Complex.
 More info about the site and directions how to get to it by car, airplane, train, etc. can be found at the
 Championship website:

The IWWF Europe & Africa WSC, in consultation with the Organiser, is closely monitoring the
developments linked to the global COVID-19 pandemic and a bulletin with an updated‘ Intention to Enter’
procedure info will be issued on April 23.
In the meantime, and due to the uncertainty of international travel, we strongly encourage all participants
to only book fully refundable flights and accommodation.
We are working with the local sanitary groups/clinic to make tests available, so let us know as soon as
possible any needs traveling back.
The situation in Spain continues to improve. Vaccinated tourists from around the world will be able to
enter Spain from June 7. Pedro Sánchez, President of the Spanish Government, announced that from
June 7 all vaccinated people, regardless of their country of origin, will be able to enter Spain.
«Travelers coming from European Union territories cataloged with the colors orange, red and dark red
according to the ECDC traffic light, will be able to enter Spain with a PCR at origin or, as of June 7,
with the complete guideline of vaccines authorized by the EMA or the WHO ”, he adds.
As of Monday, June 7, any traveler aged 6 years or over from a country considered at risk (updated
list of risk countries:
/nCov/spth.htm) has to carry a COVID certificate showing the traveler:
    •    has been vaccinated against COVID-19, or
    •    a SARSCoV2 diagnostic test has been performed with a negative result, or
    •    has recovered from COVID-19
For the latest information on this matter, please check information on the Spanish Government website


                 2020 - 2021 EUROPE & AFRICA UNDER 14 WATERSKI CHAMPIONSHIPS
         SATURDAY, 31 JUL                SUNDAY, 01 AUG              MONDAY, 02 AUG
 7:00                                7:00                              7:00
 8:00                                8:00                              8:00     FINAL

         FAMILIARIZ.                          BOYS
 9:00                  FAMILIARIZ.   9:00                              9:00                    UO
          SLALOM +                           SLALOM
                         TRICKS                                                             TRAINING
            JUMP                             PRELIMS
                                                           TRICK                BOYS
 10:00                               10:00                            10:00
                                                          PRELIMS              SLALOM

 11:00                               11:00                            11:00
12:00                               12:00                        12:00

                                                                           GIRLS       BOYS
13:00                               13:00                        13:00     JUMP        TRICK
                                                                          PRELIMS     FINALS
                                            SLALOM     BOYS
14:00                               14:00                        14:00
                                            PRELIMS    TRICK

15:00                               15:00                        15:00

16:00                               16:00                        16:00
                                                                         BOYS JUMP
                         UO                             GIRLS
17:00                               17:00                        17:00
                      TRAINING                         TRICKS
                                             BOYS      FINALS
                                            PRELIMS                                     UO
18:00                               18:00                        18:00

19:00                               19:00                        19:00

                                                      TRAINING                 ALL MEDAL
20:00                               20:00                        20:00       PRESENTATIONS

21:00                               21:00                        21:00

        TUESDAY, 03 AUG               WEDNESDAY, 04 AUG            THURSDAY, 05 AUG
7:00                                7:00                         7:00
        FAMILIARIZ.                          BOYS     TRAINNG
8:00                                8:00                         8:00      FINALS
                      FAMILIARIZ.                                                       UO
         SLALOM +                           SLALOM
                        TRICKS                                                       TRAINING
           JUMP                             PRELIMS

9:00                                9:00                         9:00
10:00                           10:00                         10:00
                                                    TRICK                BOYS
                                                   PRELIMS             SLALOM
11:00                           11:00                         11:00

12:00                           12:00                         12:00

                                                                        GIRLS       BOYS
13:00                           13:00                         13:00
                                                                        JUMP        TRICK
                                                                       PRELIMS     FINALS
                                         GIRLS      BOYS
14:00                           14:00
                                        SLALOM      TRICK     14:00
                                        PRELIMS    PRELIMS

15:00                           15:00                         15:00

16:00                           16:00                         16:00
                                                                      BOYS JUMP
                    TRAINING                        GIRLS
17:00                           17:00                         17:00

18:00                           18:00    BOYS                 18:00
                                        PRELIMS                         GIRLS
19:00                           19:00                         19:00

                                                  TRAINING                  ALL MEDAL
20:00                           20:00                         20:00       PRESENTATIONS

21:00                           21:00                         21:00

         FRIDAY, 06 AUG                SATURDAY, 07 AUG              SUNDAY, 08 AUG
7:00                            7:00                          7:00
8:00                                8:00                 UO      8:00

9:00                                9:00                         9:00
                        TRICKS                                                          UO
                                            SLALOM                                   TRAINING
10:00                               10:00                        10:00
                                            PRELIMS    GIRLS
                                                       TRICK                BOYS
                                                      PRELIMS             SLALOM
11:00                               11:00                        11:00     FINALS

12:00                               12:00                        12:00

13:00                               13:00                        13:00
         SLALOM +                                                                      BOYS
           JUMP                                                                        TRICK
                                             GIRLS     BOYS                JUMP
                                            SLALOM     TRICK              PRELIMS
14:00                               14:00                        14:00
                                            PRELIMS   PRELIMS

15:00                               15:00                        15:00

16:00                               16:00                        16:00
                      TRAINING                          GIRLS            BOYS JUMP
                                                        TRICK              FINALS
17:00                               17:00              FINALS    17:00
18:00                               18:00   PRELIMS              18:00

19:00                               19:00                        19:00
                                                         UO                JUMP
                                                      TRAINING            FINALS

20:00                               20:00                        20:00       ALL MEDAL

21:00                               21:00                        21:00

Please refer to Byelaw 4.4.2.
Deadline to cancel the event is 30 days prior the beginning of the Championships.
All member Federations MUST submit their “Intention to Enter” through the online Admin system at: using the “Intention to Enter” form and the
password which was provided to your Federation for this purpose:
-   One for the 2020 IWWF Europe & Africa Under 14 Waterski Championship.
-   One for the 2021 IWWF Europe & Africa Under 14 Waterski Championship.
-   One for the 2020 IWWF Europe & Africa Under 17 Waterski Championship.
-   One for the 2021 IWWF Europe & Africa Under 17 Waterski Championship.
-   One for the 2020 IWWF Europe & Africa Under 21 Waterski Championship.
-   One for the 2021 IWWF Europe & Africa Under 21 Waterski Championship.
Each Federation shall certify to the E&A Central Office and to the Organizing Committee, not later
than 45 days before the scheduled start of the first event, its intent to compete. Any Federation not
meeting this requirement will not be allowed to compete until they pay a fine of € 200 to the E&A in
accordance with E&A Additional Rules 14.12.

         Intention to Compete Deadline u14                                16-06-2021

         Intention to Compete Deadline u17                                19-06-2021

         Intention to Compete Deadline u21                                22-06-2021

To be accepted, the “Intention to Enter” (ITE) form must be accompanied by
the entry fee payment in full for each athlete mentioned on the form, and must
include the numbers of the skiers (team member, individuals and wild card),
the events each will enter, as well as the numbers of the official reserves.
Entry Fee per competitor, regardless of the number of disciplines, is:
    IWWF Europe & Africa Under 14 Waterski Championship                                  140.00€
    IWWF Europe & Africa Under 17 Waterski Championship                                  140.00€
    IWWF Europe & Africa Under 21 Waterski Championship                                  160.00€
The payment must be made online through IWWF Europe website:
    Reference:   Under 14                         “U14 WS Ch ITE”
                 Under 17                         “U17 WS Ch ITE”
                 Under 21                         “U21 WS Ch ITE”
1) The deadline to enter skiers qualify under the Weekly Ranking List is 30 days before the
   IWWF Europe & Africa Under 14 Waterski Championship                        01-07-2021
   IWWF Europe& Africa Under 17 Waterski Championship                         03-07-2021
   IWWF Europe& Africa Under 21 Waterski Championship                         06-07-2021
2) The deadline to enter skiers qualify under the Elite Ranking is 15 days before the championships.
    IWWF Europe & Africa Under 21 Waterski Championship                                22-07-2021

Any Federation not meeting those requirement will not be allowed to compete until the Federation
pays a fine of € 10 per skier per day after the mentioned deadline to the IWWF, for each skier not
officially entered.

* If the tournament is cancelled, the entry fees will be refunded.
** If a country stops travel to the organizing Country, the entry fees will be refunded.

Team or individual athletes not showing up: In the event a team or individual athletes (for whom
their Federation has submitted a competition entry), fail to show up for a competition their entry fee
shall still be payable in full, unless a valid written excuse is received by 12 noon of the day before the
start of the competition.
Each Federation shall submit to the E&A Central Office and to the Organizing Committee, not later
than 15 days before the scheduled start of the first event, the names of the members of its team, the
events each will enter, the ratings of each skier, as well as the names of the official reserves. If the
official entry forms is not received prior to the 24 hours before the start of the first event, the
Federation's skier's places in the draw shall be determined by the Chief Judge without reference to
their qualifying scores. There is no limit on official reserves per team.
 Deadline IWWF Europe & Africa Under 14 Waterski Championship                              16-07-2021
 Deadline IWWF Europe & Africa Under 17 Waterski Championship                              19-07-2021
 Deadline IWWF Europe & Africa Under 21 Waterski Championship                              22-07-2021



E&A Tournament Additional Rule 14.07 (Replaces IWWF rule 14.07)
The day immediately before each Championship will be reserved and used for Official
Familiarization. This will be organized so that each competitor who has paid shall be allocated either
a set number of passes and/or a certain amount of time at the discretion of the Chief Judge based
on the principle that every skier shall receive an equal opportunity for familiarization.
Slalom skiers will receive –      4 passes or 6 minutes whichever is less
Tricks skiers will receive –      2 passes or 5 minutes whichever is less
Jump skiers will receive –        3 passes or 6 minutes whichever is less
Each team requesting familiarization time shall indicate on the official Intention to Enter form,
familiarization is required, which must be submitted at least 60 days before the scheduled start of
the event. They must indicate how many skiers in each event wish to participate. Teams who do not
comply with this deadline will not be included in the familiarization schedule.
At least 45 days before the scheduled start of the event, the Organizer (in consultation with the
Chief Judge, whose decision shall be final) shall announce the official familiarization schedule
(including the allowed time). Time will be scheduled for competitors on a random team basis, and
shall be grouped by event, i.e. slalom familiarization, trick familiarization and jump familiarization (by
jump height) will be grouped together.
Any athlete whose time has not been paid for at least 30 days before the scheduled start of the
event, or who is not ready to ski in accordance with the schedule, will lose their official
familiarization time.

Summary table:
              16-06-2021      deadline for familiarization requests.
              23-06-2021      deadline for publishing familiarization schedule by Organizer
 Under 14     01-07-2021      deadline for familiarization payment. Slot will be confirmed through
              03-07-2021      final familiarization schedule
              19-06-2021      deadline for familiarization requests.
              26-06-2021      deadline for publishing familiarization schedule by Organizer
 Under 17     03-07-2021      deadline for familiarization payment. Slot will be confirmed through
              05-07-2021      final familiarization schedule
              22-06-2021      deadline for familiarization requests.
              29-06-2021      deadline for publishing familiarization schedule by Organizer
 Under 21     06-07-2021      deadline for familiarization payment. Slot will be confirmed through
              08-07-2021      final familiarization schedule

The Chief Judge shall have the discretion to change the start time of team’s familiarization based on
extraordinary circumstances.
The Organizer may offer additional training during any unallocated times.
The maximum cost per hour for Official familiarization will be € 240,00 (€ 4,00 per minute).
Anyone will be able to book any time remaining available following normal procedure.
The payment must be made to:
Bank:        BANCO CAMINOS
Account      NASA SPORTS
IBAN:     ES88 0234 0001 0890 2503 2267
Reference “Familiarization E&A U14” or
          “Familiarization E&A U17” or
          “Familiarization E&A U21” or
Once payment is made, mail your proof of payment:


Training at BOTASKI – Sesena Waterski Complex will be available from march 01, 2021 to
December 01, 2020
LAKE CRIS [Slalom-Jumps] and LAKE PIPO [Slalom-Tricks] will be available for practice
through the tournament.
Training rates:   The rate for training will be 300,00 € per hour.
To reserve :      visit the website or e mail for
                  further details.
                  Training times will be offered and sold in 15 minute intervals on both lakes.
                  Trainings will be on first booked first serve basis.
Training is to be paid in advance to confirm your booking
Training should be paid by bank transfer to:

   Bank:               BANCO CAMINOS
   Account name:       NASA SPORTS, S.L.
   IBAN:               ES88 0234 0001 0890 2503 2267
   BIC:                CCOCESMM
   Ref:                TRAINING E&A 2020
or credit card via Paypal (+5%).
Once payment is made, mail your proof of payment to:
More info at the site website:

All official practice and tournament events will be towed by:
Brand:                Nautique
Model:                Ski Nautique
Year:                 2021
Engine:               PCM          Model:     HD6 di – 6.2
Speed Control:        Zero Off     Version: S

SLALOM         Prop Size     12.5x15.5      Nr. Blades   4

JUMPS          Prop Size  12.5x15.5    Nr. Blades        4
               Ramp Length 150      7.00
                             165    7.00
                             180    7.00


Address:          Plaza de la Unesco, 2, 28300 Aranjuez, Madrid
Telephone:         +34 918 099 399
Rates:            Tournament price will be 88,00€ (VAT/breakfast included) per single
                  room. 99,00€ (VAT/breakfast included) per double room.
Credit Cards:     Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Eurocard.
How to book:      You have to book through and cc.:
         with the subject “Botaski European” to get the tournament
                  pricing before July 1st.
                  Payment must be done directly at hotel, which will need your credit card details
                  (number and expire date). Booking can be amended or cancelled without any
                  penalty until 48 hours before arrival.
                  Any amendment or cancellation less than 48 hours before arrival will entail a
                  penalty of 100% of the amount of the stay.
More info at the
Championship website:
And the Hotel website:

Full on-site catering following all Covid protocols will be provided for the Teams during
tournament days.
Tournament Catering Tickets will be sold at a cost of 25.00€. 3 days package will be sold with
a 10% discount.
You will find the booking form at the end of the bulletin.
We will also have a bar on site opened all day with hot & cold refreshments, sandwiches, ice


Always good to have a place to chill, relax, stretch, and with some good shade.
We are renting tents (5m x 5m) that will be located in the shore of Lake Cris, if you want to get
your team space, please book it before July 15th.
670,00 € from July 31st to August 8.


Opening and Closing Ceremonies: No Opening or Closing Ceremonies will take place.

Medal Presentations will take place 2nd, 5th and 8th at the lake after the Finals rounds
15. JURY

 Chief Judge                         MOZ Candido                    ITA
 Assistant Chief Judge               GARCIA Natalia                 ESP
 Homologator                         DAVIES Peter                   GBR
 Scorer                              RINTANEN Hannu                 FIN
 Assistant Scorer 1                  COITOU Annie                   FRA
 Assistant Scorer 2                  PIATRENKO Tatsiana             BLR
 Judge 1                             PERSOONS Marie Anne            BEL
 Judge 2                             POTES Inessa                   BLR
 Judge 3                             BERAZOUSKAYA Aliaksandra       BLR
 Judge 4                             BUZZOTTA Ilaria                ITA
 Judge 5                             LAGAE Pieter-jan               BEL
 Chief Driver *                      BOTAS Ricardo                  ESP
 Driver 1                            CAMPBELL Ian                   GBR
 Driver 2                            SONZOGNI Fabrizio              ITA
 Driver 3                            MCGARRY` Nathan                GBR
 * not driving unless considered necessary by CJ


In accordance with IWWF, EC and AC Anti-Doping Rules, doping controls will be held during the
competition. By entering this competition, all athletes agree to be subject to doping control.
The list of banned substances can be accessed on the following link:
Information about the IWWF Anti-Doping program, the current IWWF AD Rules and links to the list
of banned substances can be accessed on in the "Athletes" drop down menu on the
homepage, under the Anti-Doping tab.
There is also a video about the Doping Control process at this link
This video is available in several languages which show when the link is opened
Please remember to bring the IWWF Athlete Consent form you can find in the Appendix 4 signed by
every participant (or their parent or guardian if under 18).
An Athlete Information Notice is published in Appendix 5, please forward it to all athletes.


The local currency in Spain is euros. At most local stores and restaurants you can pay with all
the major credit cards.

Each team must bring an additional flag of their country.
(Size approximately 100x150cm)
All teams are also requested to bring a CD (or MP3) of their national anthem you will greatly help us
if you send it to


It is the responsibility of each team to arrange their own transportation to the site and between it and
their chosen hotel for each day of the competition.
If the team is unable to do this, then the organizer will endeavor to make the necessary
arrangements at a cost.


The organization will supply storage for competitors equipment.
Whilst security staff will be on site, the organization is not responsible for equipment that is lost or

Info provided by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation:
The documentation you need will depend greatly on where you are coming from:
  If you are a citizen of any nation in the European Union,
Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein, you will only need your National Identification Document
or a current passport. For minors, the National Identification Document must be accompanied by written
parental permission.
  If you are from Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica,
Croatia, El Salvador, the United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico,
Monaco, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, the Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino,
the Vatican, Singapore, Uruguay, or Venezuela you will need to show a valid passport to enter Spain.
Your stay may not exceed 90 days.
  If you are coming from any other country, in accordance with EU regulations, you must apply for a
visa at the Spanish Consulate for your country. You must also show an official passport. In this case,
Spanish authorities may require proof of accommodation, reservation confirmation by an official travel
agency, a return ticket, tour agenda, or personal invitation. Likewise, you may be required to provide
proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay in Spain.
As the conditions stated above may vary, we recommend you contact the Spanish Consulate or
Embassy for your country to ensure you meet all requirements before traveling.
Please check COVID restrictions before traveling to Spain
For the latest information on this matter, please check information on the Spanish Government website
1190.aspx and

  1.    Skier Bios
  2.    Declaration, Weaver, and Release Form
  3.    Declaration of Parent/Guardian
  4.    IWWF Athlete Consent Form
  5.    Doping - Athlete Information Notice

Country / Team
Age                              Category

Slalom  World           Tricks     World          Jumps   World
        E&a                        E&A                    E&A

Slalom                                      type year
Tricks                                      type year
Jumps                                       type year





For, and in consideration of, the International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation (the IWWF) and BOTASKI, Seseña Waterski Complex (the
Organizer) accepting my application, and permitting me, to participate and compete in the 2020 and/or the 2021 Europe & Africa Youth
Waterski Championship and the 2020 and/or the Europe & Africa Under 21 Waterski Championship (the Championships), I, the undersigned,
for and behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby irrevocably and unconditionally warrant, represent and undertake to
the IWWF and the Organizer as follows:
Any and all information provided and/or disclosed by, or on behalf of, myself to the IWWF and the Organizer (including any directors, officers,
employees, volunteer and other representatives thereof) for the purpose of considering and evaluating my application for participation and
competition in the Championships is true, correct and accurate;
I have fully read and understood the rules and regulations of participation and competition in the Championships (a copy of which has been
made available to me) and I do hereby covenant with, and undertake to, the IWWF and the Organizer to at all times fully comply with and abide
by, the same;
I am in good physical and mental health and I am physical capable of competing and participating, and fully competent to participate and
compete, as a competitor in the Championships and that i have not been certified and/or advised otherwise by any qualified medical
I do hereby authorize any and all physicians, paramedics and other medical personnel and practitioners procured by, or on behalf of, the IWWF
and the Organizer to administer first aid treatment, or any medical treatment, surgery or transportation in the event of any illness, accident or
injury suffered and/or sustained by me at any time during my participation and competition in the Championships (or any part thereof) and
hereby indemnify, and shall keep fully and effectively indemnified, the IWWF and the Organizer (including all directors, officers, employees,
volunteer and other representatives thereof) upon demand from and against any and all claims, liabilities, demands, costs and expenses of
whatsoever nature incurred and/or suffered by the same (or any of them) and arising from, and/or in connection with, the procurement and
administration of such medical treatment and transportation in relation to any such illness accident or injury suffered and/or sustained by me;
I acknowledge, agree and confirm that participating and/or competing as a competitor in the Championships (or any part thereof) involves
inherent risks and dangers of accidents, personal and bodily injury and property loss or damage and that by signing and completing this
Declaration, Waiver and Release Form, I fully understand and have considered and evaluated the nature, scope and extent of the risks
involved, and voluntarily and freely choose to assume these risks;
I hereby grant to the IWWF and the Organizer (including its lawful successors and assigns) the sole and exclusive right and licence, in
perpetuity and throughout the world and without any compensation whatsoever to me, to use, reproduce, publish and/or exploit, my name,
nickname, likeness, image, logos, get-ups, initials, voice, slogan and signatures developed from time to time, reputation, graphical
representation, electronic, animated or computer generated representation and any other representation (in any medium whatsoever) right of
association, biographical information and other indicia and any other right of property in my performances, in any media whatsoever, for any
purposes whatsoever relating to, and/or in connection with, the IWWF and/or the Championships (or any part thereof) and I shall do all such
things (including, without limitation, the execution of appropriate legal documentation) as the IWWF and the Organizer may, from time to time,
require to give legal and binding effect to the aforementioned grant of rights;
I irrevocably acknowledge, agree and confirm that the IWWF and the Organizer reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to
disqualify me from participation and/or competition in the Championships (or any part thereof) if I am in breach of any of the warranties,
representations and/or undertakings set out in this Declaration, Waiver and Release Form and/or for any reason whatsoever the IWWF and the
Organizer considers just and proper, and in the event of any such disqualification, I shall not be entitled to any compensation of any nature
whatsoever from the IWWF and the Organizer;
I hereby release, hold harmless, protect, indemnify and forever discharge the IWWF and the Organizer (including its officers, employees,
volunteer and other representatives) the Championships and all commercial partners thereof, from and against any and all claims, demands,
liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or consequential, suffered and/or incurred by me, the
IWWF and the Organizer (including its officers, employees, volunteer and other representatives) the Championships and/or all commercial
partners thereof and arising from, and/or in connection with any breach of any of the warranties, representations and/or undertakings given by
me as set out hereunder; and/or my participation and/or competition in the Championships (or any part thereof), including, without limitation any
and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising from the negligence of the IWWF, the Organizer and/or any
commercial partner thereof and/or their any of their respective directors, officers, employees and volunteer and other representatives.
If any provision of this Declaration, Waiver and Release Form should be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality or
enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.
I, __________________________________________________ (the Competitor), do hereby declare that I have read and fully understood the
terms and conditions of this Declaration, Waiver and Release Form. I agree to be bound by the said terms and conditions of the above
agreement with the IWWF and the Organizer.

Signature                                                                              Date             /                              / 2020
(Applicable only if the Competitor is, on the date of signing the Declaration, Waiver and Release Form, under the age of 18 years)

I, the undersigned, am the parent / guardian * of _______________________________________(the Competitor) and for and in consideration
of the IWWF and the Organizer accepting the application of and permitting the Competitor to participate and compete in 2020 and/or the 2021
Europe & Africa Youth Waterski Championship and the 2020 and/or the Europe & Africa Under 21 Waterski Championship, I do
hereby irrevocably and unconditionally:

     1.    warrant, represent and undertake to the IWWF and the Organizer that I have read and fully understood the terms and conditions of
           the Declaration, Waiver and Release Form and have discussed with, and explained such terms and conditions to, the Competitor and
           I agree to, and will cause the Competitor to fully abide by, and comply with, all of the terms and conditions of the Declaration, Waiver
           and Release Form; and
     2.    covenant with, and undertake to, the IWWF and the Organizer not to take, nor permit to be taken, any action(s) nor omit to do
           anything that would assist or cause the Competitor to invalidate, renounce, negate, revoke or disclaim any part of the Declaration,
           Waiver and Release Form; and
     3.    warrant, represent and undertake to, the IWWF and the Organizer that by signing the Declaration, Waiver and Release Form, neither
           the Competitor and/or myself is/are in breach of any other arrangement(s) (whether contractual or otherwise) with any third party; and
     4.    agree to be liable for, and will indemnify the IWWF and the Organizer (including its officers, employees, volunteer and other
           representatives), the Championships and all commercial partners thereof from and against, any and all claims, demands, liabilities,
           losses, damages, costs and expenses of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or consequential, suffered and/or incurred by the
           IWWF and the Organizer, the Championships and all commercial partners thereof, whether direct or consequential, any arising from,
           and/or in connection with:
                 1. (a) any breach of any of the warranties, representations and/or undertakings given by the Competitor in the Declaration,
                       Waiver and Release Form, and/or
                 2. (b) the Competitor’s participation and/or competition in the Championships (or any part thereof)
     5.    including, without limitation any and all claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses arising from the negligence
           of the IWWF and the Organizer and/or any commercial partner thereof and/or their any of their respective directors, officers,
           employees and volunteer and other representatives; and
     6.    agree that if any provision of this Declaration of Parent / Guardian should be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the
           validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

Name of Parent / Guardian*:                                                                             Date           /                   / 2020

Signed in the presence of:




* Delete as appropriate
As a member of the International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation and/or a participant in an event authorized or recognized by the IWWF,
I hereby declare as follows:
1. I acknowledge that I am bound by, and confirm that I shall comply with, all of the provisions of the IWWF Anti-Doping Rules (as amended
   from time to time), the World Anti-Doping Code (the “Code”) and the International Standards issued by the World Anti-Doping Agency
   (“WADA”), as amended from time to time, and published on WADA’s website.
2. I acknowledge the authority of IWWF [and its member National Federations and/or National Anti-Doping Organizations] under the IWWF
   Anti-Doping Rules to enforce, to manage results under, and to impose sanctions in accordance with the IWWF Anti-Doping Rules.
3. I acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising out of a decision made pursuant to the IWWF Anti-Doping Rules, after exhaustion of
   the process expressly provided for in the IWWF Anti-Doping Rules, may be appealed exclusively as provided in Article [13] of the IWWF
   Anti-Doping Rules to an appellate body, which in the case of International-Level Athletes is the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).
4. I acknowledge and agree that the decisions of the appellate body referenced above shall be final and enforceable, and that I will not bring
   any claim, arbitration, lawsuit or litigation in any other court or tribunal.
5. I understand that:
    a. my data, such as my name, contact information, birthdate, gender, sport nationality, voluntary medical information, and information
       derived from my testing sample will be collected and used by IWWF [and its member National Federations and/or National Anti-Doping
       Organizations] and WADA for anti-doping purposes;
    b. WADA-accredited laboratories will use the anti-doping administration and management system (“ADAMS”) to process my laboratory
       test results for the sole purpose of anti-doping, but shall only have access to de-identified, key-coded data that will not disclose my
    c. I may have certain rights in relation to my Doping Control-related data under applicable laws and under WADA’s International Standard
       for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information (ISPPPI), including rights to access, rectification, restriction, opposition and
       deletion, and remedies with respect to any unlawful processing of my data, and I may also have a right to lodge a complaint with a
       national regulator responsible for data protection in my country;
    d. if I object to the processing of my Doping Control-related data or withdraw my consent, it still may be necessary for my [IF/MEO] [and
       its member National Federations and/or National Anti-Doping Organizations] and/or WADA to continue to process (including retain)
       certain parts of my Doping Control-related data to fulfill obligations and responsibilities arising under the Code, International Standards
       or national anti-doping laws notwithstanding my request; including for the purpose of investigations or proceedings related to a possible
       anti-doping rule violations; or to establish, exercise or defend against legal claims involving me, WADA and/or an Anti-Doping
    e. preventing the processing, including disclosure, of my Doping Control-related data may prevent me, WADA or Anti-Doping Organizations
       from complying with the Code and relevant WADA International Standards, which could have consequences for me, such as an anti-
       doping rule violation, under the Code;
    f. to the extent that I have any concerns about the processing of my Doping Control-related data I may consult with the IWWF and/or
       WADA (, as appropriate.
6. I understand and agree to the possible creation of my profile in ADAMS, which is hosted by WADA on servers based in Canada, and/or
   any other authorized National Anti-Doping Organization’s similar system for the sharing of information, and to the entry of my Doping
   Control, whereabouts, Therapeutic Use Exemptions, Athlete Biological Passport, and sanction-related data in such systems for the
   purposes of anti-doping and as described above. I understand that if I am found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and
   receive a sanction as a result, that the respective sanctions, my name, sport, Prohibited Substance or Method, and/or tribunal decision,
   may be publicly disclosed by IWWF [and its member National Federations and/or National Anti-Doping Organizations] in accordance with
   the Code. I understand that my information will be retained for the duration as indicated in the ISPPPI.
7. I understand and agree that my information may be shared with competent Anti-Doping Organizations and public authorities as required
   for anti-doping purposes. I understand and agree that persons or parties receiving my information may be located outside the country
   where I reside, including in Switzerland and Canada, and that in some other countries data protection and privacy laws may not be
   equivalent to those in my own country. I understand that these entities may rely on and be subject to national anti-doping laws that override
   my consent or other applicable laws that may require information to be disclosed to local courts, law enforcement, or other public
   authorities. I can obtain more information on national anti-doping laws from my International Federation or National Anti-Doping Agency.
I have read and understand the present declaration.

_________________________          ______________________________________________
Date                                               Print Name (Last name, First name)

_________________________          ______________________________________________
Date of birth                              Signature
(Day/Month/Year)                           (or, if a minor, signature of legal guardian)

Processing Data in ADAMS
You are being asked to read the following Information Notice to ensure that you are aware that some personal information
related to you will be used and processed by the Anti-Doping Organization through the anti-doping administration and
management system (“ADAMS”), a web-based data management system developed and administered by the World Anti-
Doping Agency (“WADA”). This Information Notice is intended to provide you with more information on ADAMS and how your
personal information will be used in connection with ADAMS. For more information on ADAMS, consult the WADA website at
Purpose of ADAMS
ADAMS enables Anti-Doping Organizations (“ADOs”), such as the International Waterski & Wakeboard Federation and WADA
to conduct harmonized, coordinated and effective anti-doping programs and to fulfil their respective responsibilities arising
under the World Anti-Doping Code (“Code”).
ADAMS may be used for scheduling In- and Out-of-Competition doping tests and managing related information, including
Therapeutic Use Exemptions (“TUEs”), information related to athlete whereabouts, information about the results of anti-doping
tests, managing the Athlete Biological Passport, and sanctions-related information relevant to individual athletes and other
WADA relies upon ADAMS to fulfil its responsibilities under the Code, including the performance of Out-of-Competition Testing,
the review of TUEs, and its implication on anti- doping rule violation investigations and procedures.
Categories of Data Concerned
ADAMS contains the following categories of data:
 • Your unique ADAMS profile consisting of data relating to your identity (name, nationality, date of birth, gender, sport(s)
   and discipline(s) you compete in, organizations and/or sports federations to which you belong, an indication of whether
   you compete at an international or national level, and whether you are considered to be a National or International-Level
   Athlete in accordance with the Rules of your International Federation and/or National Anti-Doping Organization);
 • Data relating to your whereabouts (e.g., training, competitions, travel, periods spent at home, on vacation, or other regular
   or exceptional activities), including, each time you elect to use the “auto-location” reporting button on the ADAMS app,
   information about your mobile device’s location;
 • Data relating to test distribution planning (for the testing pools in which you are included);
 • Data relating to your TUE, if any;
 • Data relating to Doping Control (test distribution planning, Sample collection and handling, laboratory analysis, results
   management, hearings and appeals); and
 • Data relating to the Athlete Biological Passport.
Some of the above data may constitute protected personal data under national data protection or privacy laws where you
Your Custodian Organization, which is the Anti-Doping Organization that has primary responsibility for entering and managing
your profile in ADAMS, has created your unique ADAMS profile. You can identify your Custodian Organization by viewing the
“Security” tab of your athlete profile. In addition, WADA will access and process certain of your data in ADAMS (i.e., TUE data,
laboratory results, Athlete Biological Passport, sanctions and whereabouts data) to fulfil its responsibilities under the Code.
Your Custodian Organization and WADA are responsible for protecting your information in accordance with applicable laws
and WADA’s International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information. WADA, moreover, has
implemented strict contractual controls governing the use of ADAMS by ADOs and others.
You will be responsible for ensuring that all information that you enter into the system or that is entered on your behalf by other
parties, such as your agent or coach, is accurate. Where your Custodian Organization uses the ADAMS whereabouts module,
you will be responsible for ensuring that the information you provide relating to your whereabouts is accurate and up-to-date.
Please note that failure to provide and/or update accurate whereabouts information is likely to constitute an anti-doping rule
violation, whether the failure is intentional or negligent.
You will be provided with a confidential password in order to enter your own data onto ADAMS and you will be responsible for
keeping this password confidential at all times. Should you inadvertently disclose your password, you should contact your
Custodian Organization immediately and a new password will be assigned to you.
Legal basis
Your Custodian Organization and WADA process your personal data relying on different legal bases, depending on the
particular context in which it is processed. This includes processing in circumstances where it is permitted or required to do
so under applicable anti-doping laws, including Swiss anti-doping and sports laws; where the processing is necessary to meet
the substantial public interests served by eliminating doping in sport; where the processing is based on your consent, which
may subsequently be withdrawn; and where necessary to meet legitimate interests. The Anti-Doping Organization that created
your profile in ADAMS may be relying on these or alternative legal bases, including applicable anti-doping laws.
Part of your ADAMS profile created by your Custodian Organization may be shown to other ADOs using ADAMS to ensure
that only a single athlete profile for you is created.
The Custodian Organization and WADA, where appropriate, may enable other ADOs and service providers to access certain
of your information appearing in ADAMS to enable them to administer anti-doping programs. In particular, the Custodian
Organization shall grant WADA the authorization to disclose your whereabouts information to other Anti-Doping Organizations
so that such Anti-Doping Organizations are able to fulfil their obligations pursuant to the Code.
Where this occurs, such ADOs and service providers also must abide by strict contractual controls and will be responsible for
protecting your information in accordance with applicable laws and WADA’s International Standard for the Protection of Privacy
and Personal Information.
These other ADOs may include, as relevant or appropriate: national Olympic committees, national Paralympic committees,
major event organizations such as the International Olympic Committee and International Paralympic Committee, international
federations and national anti-doping organizations. These ADOs are granted access on a need-to-know basis in accordance
with the Code. By viewing the “Security” tab on your ADAMS profile, you can learn which organizations have access to your
WADA and the organizations listed above will not disclose any of your data other than to authorized persons within their
organizations on a need-to-know basis; and each of the organizations accessing and using ADAMS may only do so in order
to fulfil their responsibilities and obligations arising under the Code, which primarily involves the establishment of anti-doping
programs and ensuring appropriate information sharing as provided for under the Code.
If you are found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and receive a sanction as a result, the respective sanctions,
your name, sport, Prohibited Substance or Method, and/or tribunal decision, may be publicly disclosed by your Custodian
Organization and relevant ADOs, in accordance with the Code.
International transfers
Your data may be made available through ADAMS to persons or parties located outside the country where you reside. For
example, your information will be shared with WADA, established in Switzerland and Canada, and may be shared with ADOs
in countries where you may train or participate in sporting events. The data protection and privacy laws of these countries may
not always be equivalent to those in your own country. In any case, ADOs have to comply with WADA’s International Standard
for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information.
Such transfers are a necessary consequence of your participation in organized sport and facilitate the strong public interests
served by eliminating doping in sport. In WADA’s case, the transfers are made to two countries, Canada and Switzerland, that
have been deemed to provide adequate protection by a number of regional and national data protection agencies, as well as
the European Commission. In the event your information is transferred to another country, including Canada and Switzerland,
it will be subject to the laws of that country and may be disclosed to or accessed by the courts, law enforcement and other
public authorities in accordance with those laws.
You may have certain rights under applicable laws and under WADA’s International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and
Personal Information, including rights to access, rectification, restriction, opposition and deletion, and remedies with respect
to any unlawful processing of your data. You also may have a right to lodge a complaint with a national regulator responsible
for data protection in your country. To the extent you have questions or concerns about the processing of your data, you may
consult with your Custodian Organization and/or WADA (, as appropriate.
ADAMS is hosted in data centers in Canada. Strong technological, organizational and other security measures have been
applied to ADAMS to maintain the security of the data entered onto ADAMS. In addition, WADA and ADOs have put in place
internal and contractual guarantees to ensure that your data remain confidential and secure pursuant to their commitments
under the International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information.
Data retention
Your data will be retained in ADAMS for the duration and in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex A to WADA’s
International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information. For instance, if your Custodian Organization
uses ADAMS for TUEs and you are granted a TUE, the TUE approval forms will be stored electronically in ADAMS for a period
of ten years following the approval date. The period of ten years represents the time period during which an action may be
commenced for an anti-doping violation under the Code. Supporting medical and other TUE-related information is only retained
for a period of 18 months from the end of the validity of the TUE. Data may be retained for a longer period where required by
law or for the purpose of an anti-doping investigation or proceeding.
Right to object
You understand that if you object to the processing of your data, it still may be necessary for your Custodian Organization and
WADA to continue to process (including retain) certain of your data to fulfil obligations and responsibilities arising under the
Code, International Standards, and/or national anti-doping laws, notwithstanding your request; including for the purpose of
investigations or proceedings related to a possible anti-doping rule violations; or to establish, exercise or defend against legal
claims involving you, WADA and/or an ADO.
You understand that objecting to the processing, including disclosure, of your data may prevent you, your Custodian
Organization, WADA or other ADOs from complying with the Code and relevant WADA International Standards, which could
have consequences for you, such as an anti-doping violation under the Code or the inability to participate in sporting events.
You can also read