Admission & Enrolment Guide 2019 - Ara

Page created by Franklin Mccoy
Admission & Enrolment Guide 2019 - Ara
Admission &
Enrolment Guide
Admission & Enrolment Guide 2019 - Ara
Kia ora
Welcome to Ara
Thank you for choosing to study at Ara.
It’s a great step towards being successful
in your chosen career, either here in New
Zealand or overseas.
To make the admission process as easy as possible,
we’ve created this step–by–step guide to help you.
Tips have been added on each section of the Admission
& Enrolment form to also guide you through.
If you need help at any stage, come and talk to us at one
of our five campuses, or call us on 0800 24 24 76.
We hope you enjoy your time at Ara and take
advantage of our expert tutors, support services and
great campuses.
We look forward to seeing you!

                                                                   How to contact us
                                                                   PHONE                                          Woolston campus
                                                                   0800 24 24 76 or
Contents                                                           03 940 8000                                    Ensors Road
		                                                      Page       Monday to Thursday:
                                                                   8am–5pm                                        Monday to Thursday:
    A step-by-step guide to                                  3     Friday:                                        8am–5pm
    Admission & Enrolment                                          9am–4.30pm                                     Friday: 9am–4.30pm
                                                                   EMAIL                                          During peak enrolment
    Complete the Admission & Enrolment form                 4–5                                                   periods:
                                                                                                                  Monday to Thursday:
    Paying your fees (domestic students)                     6     FAX                                            8am–6pm
    Paying your fees (international students)                7     03 940 8642                                    Friday: 9am–4.30pm

                                                                   WEB                                            Timaru campus
    Ara Policies - Personal Information &                    8
    Privacy Principles                                                                     32 Arthur Street
    Student Rights & Responsibilities                        9                                                    Monday to Friday:
                                                                   Ara Admissions and                             8am–5pm
    Ara Terms and Conditions of Enrolment               10-11      PO Box 540                                     Ashburton campus
                                                                   Christchurch Mail Centre                       37 Alford Forest Road
    Ara Standard Fees & Charges                              11    Christchurch 8140                              Ashburton
                                                                   IN PERSON                                      Monday to Friday:
                                                                   All admissions                                 8.30am–5pm
                                                                                                                  Oamaru campus
Other useful links                                                 City campus
                                                                   Rakaia Centre, X Block                         44 Humber Street
                                                                   130 Madras Street                              Oamaru
Ara campus maps –                                                                 Monday to Friday:
                                                                   Monday to Thursday:                            8.30am–4.30pm
Access your enrolments, applications, timetables or results –      8am–5pm                             Friday: 9am–4.30pm
Ara Student Services –                                             During peak enrolment                                 periods:
Ara International Students –                                       Monday to Thursday:                                        8am–6pm
                                                                   Friday: 9am–4.30pm
Studylink Website –
                                                                  Please note: Every attempt is made to ensure this brochure is correct at time of
                                                                  printing however, information is subject to change.

A step-by-step guide to Admission & Enrolment

     Step 1 - Plan your study                                                                   Additional documentation is required
                                                                                                for the following programmes:

   Choose the programme you want to apply for                                                   Certificates
                                                                                                • Contemporary Music
   Visit for a full list of programme offerings.                                  • CELTA - Certificate in Teaching English
                                                                                                  to Speakers of Other Languages

                                                                                                New Zealand Certificates
  Step 2 - Apply to enrol                                                                       • Animal Management
                                                                                                • Animal Technology
    Apply to enrol using the paper form or go online                                            • Communication Media
    (                                     • Creativity
    > Complete all 11 sections of the Admission & Enrolment form                                • Digital Media and Design
                                                                                                • Early Childhood Education and Care
    > Sign and date the form
                                                                                                • Exercise
    > Attach additional documentation if required                                               • Fashion
    Additional documentation is required for enrolment in the programmes listed to the          • Health and Wellbeing
    right. Application Packs for these programmes are available from                            • Skills for Living for Supported Learners, or contact us and we’ll send one to you.
                                                                                                • Interior Design

                                                                                                New Zealand Diploma
   Step 3 - Pay for your study before classes start
                                                                                                • Arts and Design
                                                                                                • Digital Media and Design
   You must pay ALL tuition fees and student services’ levies as set by Ara, in                 • Enrolled Nursing
   full, prior to the start date of your programme of study.                                    • Veterinary Nursing

   By student loan                                                                              Bachelor Degrees
                                                                                                • Applied Science
   > Check with Studylink to see if you are eligible for a student loan
     or allowance                                                                               • Architectural Studies
                                                                                                • Broadcasting Communications
   > Indicate you are paying by student loan on the form                                        • Design
   > Contact Studylink and apply for your loan (                          • Medical Imaging
                                                                                                • Midwifery
   Cheque or bank draft (International)                                                         • Musculoskeletal Health
                                                                                                • Music Arts
   > Send us your cheque once we have confirmed you are accepted
                                                                                                • Performing Arts
     into the programme
                                                                                                • Social Work
                                                                                                • Nursing
   Internet banking or telegraphic transfer (International students)                            • Sustainability and Outdoor Education
   > Complete your payment via internet banking or transfer
                                                                                                Graduate Certificate
   Payment in person – at the Ara Student Finance counter                                       • Environmental and Outdoor
   > Complete your payment by EFTPOS, cheque or credit card                                     • Nursing Practice
   > Email or phone in your credit card details once we have confirmed
     your acceptance into the programme                                                         Graduate Diploma
                                                                                                • Health
   Credit card                                                                                  • Nursing
   > Complete your payment by credit card                                                       • Sustainability and Outdoor Education

                                                                                                Post Graduate Programmes
   If you’ve paid using another payment method                                                  • Health Science
                                                                                                • Nursing
                                                                                                • Professional Supervision

                                                                                                CAP for Registered Nurses
    Centre for Assessment of Prior Learning (CAPL)
                                                                                                CAP for Enrolled Nurses
    If you have a significant amount of prior learning or work experience you may be eligible
    for credits towards your chosen qualification through our Centre for Assessment of Prior
    Learning. Please contact us for further details.

Complete the Admission & Enrolment form
Helpful instructions for completing the Admission & Enrolment form

    Section 1                               • Certificate of New Zealand             they run. If you wish to make your
                                              citizenship or letter of               preferred selection now, please
Your name and details                         confirmation                           contact us for a timetable.
• Title – Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms etc           • Birth certificate with place of
• 	 Legal Surname or Family Name             birth stated as Cook Islands,          Section 3
     & Legal Given Name(s) – your             Niue or Tokelau.
                                                                                   Your eligibility to meet
     legal family and first name must       Why is it essential that you
     be the same as those shown             supply Ara with your identity
     on the identity documents you          documents?                             Refer to Ara brochures or
     provide. They will be used for                                       for specific entry
                                            The Ministry of Education will not
     your academic records. If the                                                 requirements related to your chosen
                                            fund students who have not supplied
     legal name under which you are                                                programme of study.
                                            the correct identity documents. We
     enrolling differs from that on your    may have to charge you full fees if    Please ensure you attach all
     birth certificate or passport you      we do not receive this.                supporting documentation to this
     must also present a certified copy                                            form.
     of your marriage certificate(s) or     If you are posting in your completed
     deed poll (change of name)             enrolment form it is essential to        Section 4
     certificate.                           include a verified copy of your
                                            identity documents.                    Your contact details
• Preferred Given Name(s) –
     your preferred names will also         What does ‘verified copy of            Ara uses email as the primary
     be shown and recorded on our           your identity documents’ mean?         communication method. Please
     system. For example, your legal        A verified copy means you have         provide a current personal email
     name may be ‘Christine’ however,       photocopied the original identity      address.
     if you prefer to be known as ‘Chris’   documents and they have been           It is important that Ara has accurate
     this is where you would enter your     certified (signed) as being true       contact details for you. Please
     preferred name.                        copies by an authorised person as      complete all questions within this
• Institution Student ID – if you           listed in the Oaths and Declarations   section:
     have enrolled at this institution      Act 1957.                              • personal email address
     before you will have a student ID      This authorised person could be a:     • mobile phone number
                                            • Justice of the Peace                 • current/prior to study home
• NSI or NZQA Number – if you
                                            • Lawyer                                 address
     have studied in NZ you may have
     an NSI or NZQA number.                 • Registrar or Deputy Registrar of     • address during study period if this
                                              the Courts                             is going to be different from your
• Citizenship/Residency –
                                            • Ara Admission & Enrolments staff       home address.
     please indicate if you are a New
     Zealand citizen (born in New             member.                              • emergency contact is a name and
     Zealand or granted citizenship)                                                 number of someone we can phone
     or a permanent resident. If you          Section 2                              in the event of an emergency.
     are not a New Zealand citizen or a
     permanent resident, you may be         Your intended programme                  Section 5
     liable for an international student    • Programme name – the title of        Your ethnicity
     fee. This is higher than a domestic      the qualification you are applying
     fee.                                     for; for example, ‘Bachelor of       Which ethnic group(s) you identify
                                              Applied Management’                  yourself with, for example:
To prove citizenship we require
a verified copy of ONE of the               • Programme code – Ara’s               NZ European/Pākehā, NZ Māori, Cook
following identity documents:                 qualification code (this can be      Island Māori, Fijian, Niuean, Samoan,
• New Zealand birth certificate               found at or in an      Tokelauan, Tongan, Chinese, Indian
                                              Ara brochure); for example,          etc. Identify your main ethnicity as 1.
• New Zealand passport                        CH3988
• Statement of Whakapapa signed                                                    You may choose up to three
                                            • Course selection – Some Ara          ethnicities in total (identify these
  by a Kaumātua. It must include              programmes allow you to make
  date and place of birth                                                          as 1, 2, 3).
                                              choices between courses you
                                              would like to study and/or when

What is the highest level of               completed, and we can begin to assist
 Useful Tip
                                          achievement you hold from                  you with your academic journey.
 Based at the City campus, Careers
 & Employment provides its services
                                          secondary school?                          The sooner we hear from you the
 across all campuses.Opening hours        Possible options include:                  better prepared you can be. If you
 are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.                                                   would like more information please
                                          •   no formal secondary qualification
 Career advisors can help you as
                                          •   14 or more credits at any level        call 03 940 8005, email
 an intending student with career
 planning, course selection and study     •   NCEA Level 1 or School Certificate or
 decisions. Job search support is also                                     
                                          •   NCEA Level 2 or Sixth Form
 offered for current and graduate             Certificate
 students. To make an appointment                                                      Section 8
                                          •   University Entrance (minimum
 use our booking form on                                                             Feedback
                                              requirement to study degree           programme in NZ)                       Completing this section helps us to
 support/careers-and-employment           •   NCEA Level 3 or Bursary or
 or phone 03 940 8720 or                                                             know the best way to tell people about
                                              Scholarship                            our programmes.
                                          •   overseas qualification (includes
                                              International Baccalaureate and          Section 9
  Statistical Information                     Cambridge Exams)
  for all students                                                                   Your fee payment
                                          •   other (please specify)
  (Sections 5 and 6)                                                                 Please indicate how you will pay your
  This information is required by         B) Tertiary study                          fees if accepted onto the programme.
  the Ministry of Education and                                                      Remember your place in any
                                          Please indicate whether you have
  used for planning and reporting.                                                   programme or course is not secure
  It is essential that you complete       studied at a tertiary institution in the
                                                                                     until payment is made.
  all questions.                          past and, if so, what qualification/s
                                          you have achieved.                         • Paying by internet banking, the
  If you don’t complete all of these                                                   details are:
  questions, you cannot be fully          C) Prior activity                            Ara BNZ account:
                                          What was your main activity or               02–0800–0911670–003
  Many students have their
  enrolment delayed due to                occupation last October?                     Always include the following
  incomplete application forms            Possible options include:                    details:
  so please check that you have           • secondary school student                   Particulars – student name
  completed all questions.                                                             Code – invoice number (if known)
                                          • polytechnic/institute of
                                            technology student                         Reference – Ara Student ID number
 Useful Tips                              • university student                         (if known)
 • Page 6 relates to methods for          • private training establishment (PTE)     • Student loan: if making payment
   paying domestic student fees             student                                    via student loan, it is important
 • Page 7 relates to methods for paying   • wānanga student                            that you apply for your student
   international student fees             • self employed                              loan as soon as possible through
                                          • wage or salary worker                      Studylink.
 Studylink changes                                                                     Apply for your loan online at:
 Important changes have been made         • unemployed or beneficiary
                                            (excluding retired               
 to the Student Loans Scheme that
 could affect you. Please double check    • house person or retired                    Section 10
 your eligibility to receive a student    • overseas (please specify)
 loan at
                                                                                     Your checklist

                                              Section 7                              Use this section to make sure you have
 Section 6                                                                           completed all necessary sections of
                                          Your learning support                      the Admission & Enrolment form.
Your educational background
                                          If you have experienced difficulty with      Section 11
A) Secondary education                    learning in the past or want to prepare
                                          for the challenges of the future, Ara      Your acknowledgement and
What is the name of the last                                                         declaration
                                          wants to support you to realise your
secondary school you attended?
                                          potential while studying with us.          Please sign and date your
If your last secondary school was
                                          Completing the questions in this           Admission & Enrolment form.
not in New Zealand, please write
                                          section will ensure that we are aware      Without this, your enrolment cannot
                                          of you as soon as your enrolment is        be processed.
Paying your fees
Paying your fees - domestic students

Payment options                          To see if you are eligible for a             visit If you
To help speed up the application         scholarship please contact us on             have any queries around the Fees
process please indicate how you will     0800 24 24 76 and ask to speak to our        Free Policy or your eligibility, please
pay your fees if you are accepted onto   Scholarships Officer or email                contact the TEC Help Desk
the programme.                                        (0800 687 775 or email
If you are paying by cheque,             Paying by student loan
EFTPOS, or cash, you can do so at        If you are paying by student loan,           Training Incentive Allowance
the Ara Student Finance counter          please indicate this on your admission       (TIA)
at any of our campuses.                  form.                                        In some instances, course fees can be
                                         • Important changes have been                paid for by Work and Income. Contact
Paying by Direct Credit                                                               Work and Income for further details.
                                             made to the Student Loan and
If you’ve indicated on your form that        Allowance system. Please                 Your organisation/company is
you’re paying your fees you need to:         double-check with Studylink and          paying
• go into your online banking site           read the information provided for        If your employer or an agency is
  and pay your fees into                     students on their website. Studylink
                                                                                      paying your study fees, you also need
  Ara BNZ account:                           have introduced new performance
                                                                                      to provide:
  02–0800–0911670–003                        criteria so it is important to check
                                             your eligibility.                        • a letter (or purchase order) on
• make sure you include the                                                               company letterhead guaranteeing
  following payment information:         • Apply for your student loan
                                                                                          payment of fees, or
                                             via the Studylink website at
  Particulars – student name                                                          • a purchase order from the agency
  Code – invoice number (if known)           they administer the student loan             guaranteeing payment of fees.
  Reference – Ara Student ID                 system.
  number (if known)                      • Studylink recommends you apply               Useful Tips
                                             for your loan as soon as possible,
Paying by Credit Card                                                                   To pay by student loan
                                             even if you’re still deciding what
Ara accepts American Express,                you’re going to study.                     Apply for your student loan as
Mastercard and Visa.                     • Once you have applied for your               early as possible.
• Pay by credit card in person at the        loan, Studylink will send you a loan       Apply online at:
  Student Finance office OR                  contract. It is essential you sign
                                             and return this contract to them,          or phone 0800 88 99 00
• Complete a credit card payment
  form attached to the Admission &           otherwise your loan will not go            If you are applying for a student
  Enrolment form OR                          ahead.                                     allowance, this is also done
                                         • If you intend studying for the whole         through Studylink.
• Phone our Contact Centre on
  0800 24 24 76.                             year, it is advisable to enrol for         Are you an international
                                             both first and second semester             student and paying fees by
You will need to provide:                    courses at the start of the year. This     internet banking?
•   Ara Student ID number                    will mean that you won’t have to
                                                                                        International students need to
•   surname or family name                   reapply for your loan (or allowance)       pay their fees into a different Ara
•   given name(s)                            mid year.                                  bank account. See page 7 for more
•   card type (American Express/         • You are not eligible for a student           information.
    Mastercard/Visa)                         loan if adjudged bankrupt.
                                                                                        What information is included
•   name on credit card                  • You should check the student                 on your fees receipt?
                                             loan process at
•   16–digit credit card number    
                                                                                        • Your course start and end dates.
•   card’s expiry date                                                                  • The last date you can officially
•   course details                       Fees Free                                        withdraw from a course without
                                                                                          losing all your course fees.
                                         From 1 January 2018, eligible leaners
Your study is funded                                                                    • A list of all the courses you’ve
                                         can study for free (conditions apply)
                                                                                          enrolled and paid for.
Select this option if your study is      in their first year with us. The Tertiary
funded by scholarship or a funding       Education Commission (TEC) are                 Check your receipt carefully to make
                                                                                        sure you’re enrolled on the right
scheme (eg Youth Guarantee).             responsible for determining your
                                                                                        courses and occurrences (times).
                                         eligibility. To check your eligibility,
Paying your fees - international students

Payment options                          Cash or EFTPOS
Paying your study fees before            Pay by cash or EFTPOS in person          Useful Tips
starting classes ensures your            at the Student Finance office in the
places are held for you. You are         Rakaia Centre at the City campus         How do you complete
not fully enrolled until payment is      (X Block), Christchurch.                 your enrolment?
made.                                    For safety reasons, we do not            Once you have paid your fees, you
                                                                                  need to check you have:
Choose one of the following ways         recommend you carry large sums of
to pay your fees.                        money on you.                            • your Student Visa
                                                                                  • valid insurance
Telegraphic transfer/                    Major credit cards
                                                                                  • selected all your courses.
internet banking                         Ara accepts the following major credit
                                         cards: American Express, Mastercard      You need all of these in order to
• You can make a bank transfer
                                                                                  be fully enrolled.
  (telegraphic transfer) to Ara’s bank   and Visa.
  account using the details below.                                                Please come to the International
                                         • Pay by credit card in person at the
                                                                                  Admissions & Enrolments counter if
• Please include the following in the      Student Finance office or
                                                                                  you need help.
  payment information:                   • Contact the International
  Particulars – student name               Admissions team on                     Visa & permit requirements
  Code – invoice number (if known)
                                                                                  Go to the Immigration NZ
  Reference – Ara Student ID             You will need to provide:                website for full details of visa
  number (if known).                     •   Ara Student ID number                and permit requirements, advice on
                                         •   surname or family name               rights to employment in
• This method of payment will incur                                               New Zealand while studying, and
  a $30 bank charge.                     •   given name(s)                        reporting requirements.
  Ara Council                            •   card type (American Express/
  Bank of New Zealand                        Mastercard/Visa)                     What information is included
  Russel Partner Centre                  •   name on credit card                  on your fees receipt once your
  Level 1, 5 Sir William Pickering                                                enrolment is complete?
                                         •   16–digit credit card number
  Drive                                                                           • Your course start and end dates.
  Russley                                •   card’s expiry date
  Christchurch 8053                      •   course details                       • A list of all the courses you’ve
                                                                                    enrolled and paid for.
  New Zealand                            •   copy of passport bio page for the
  BNZ Account:                               owner of the credit card             Check your receipt carefully to make
  02–0800–0911670–000                                                             sure you’re enrolled on the right
                                                                                  courses and occurrences (times).
  International                                                                   If you need assistance please
  Swift Code:                                                                     phone 0800 24 24 76.

Bank cheque/bank draft
Payment must be in New Zealand
dollars and be made out to

Ara Policies – Personal Information & Privacy Principles

1   Ara collects and keeps personal          6   We will allocate you a student ID        Ara Student Policies and Procedures
    information about every person who           number which will be used as a           apply to all students including
    enrols as a student. The Privacy Act         reference on Ara documents and           international students.
    1993 protects the information you            correspondence. The Ministry of          For more details about the policies
    give the institute and sets out the          Education will allocate to you a         listed, visit:
    ways in which it is collected, stored,       unique National Student Index            policies
    used and disclosed to other parties.         number.
                                                                                          If you need further information or help in
    Ara takes its obligations seriously
                                             7   For identification and security          interpreting your rights or responsibilities,
    and has policy and procedures
                                                 purposes, your name, enrolment data      please ask staff in your department.
    which reflect the Twelve Information
                                                 and your photograph will be stored       Policies of particular interest
    Privacy Principles.
                                                 on our database. Your photograph         to students are:
2   Ara collects this information from           may be supplied to staff for
                                                                                          Academic Policies
    you so that you can be provided              identification and security purposes.
    with information to which you may                                                     201    Organisation Structure
                                             8   You must provide the information         301    Student Rights and Responsibilities
    be entitled, have your progress
                                                 requested. Failure to do so may result
    monitored and results recorded, be                                                    302    Copyright
                                                 in refusal of your enrolment. You
    supported to achieve your study                                                       304    Academic Misconduct
                                                 also have an obligation to advise us
    goals, or be identified or contacted                                                         (including plagiarism)
                                                 if/when there is a change to any of
    by us. This information is also                                                       503    Name and Awarding Qualifications
                                                 the information you have provided
    used by us to develop and market                                                             and Recognising Achievement
                                                 especially your contact address and
    programmes, courses and facilities                                                    504    Regulations Governing Admission,
                                                 phone numbers.
    in ways consistent with our values –                                                         Enrolment, Withdrawal and
    Kaupapa.                                 9   Under the Privacy Principles you                Non-Engagement Cancellations
                                                 have the right of access to all
3   The information is also collected                                                     505    Assessment
                                                 personal information we hold about
    so that we can meet our statutory                                                     506    Probation
                                                 you. You also have a right to ask Ara
    obligations as a provider of tertiary                                                 507    Credit Recognition
                                                 to correct any information which is
    education; that is to meet the                                                        508    Moderation
                                                 inaccurate or misleading.
    requirements of the Education Act,
                                                 You can exercise those rights by         510    Aegrotat Pass Regulations
    the Public Finance Act, the Inland
                                                 contacting the Ara Privacy Officer;      511    Academic Support and Progression
    Revenue Act and other legislation.
                                                 email:                 512    Exclusion
4   We may disclose personal                                                              514    Withdrawals, Refunds and
    information to other education           Ara Policies                                        Compassionate Consideration
    agencies, such as the Tertiary
                                             What you need to know                        514c   Refund of Fees and Charges Table
    Education Commission, Ministry
    of Education, Studylink, the NZ                                                       704    Self Assessment
                                             Ara Institute of Canterbury defines
    Qualifications Authority, and Industry   QUALITY as “delivering what is promised      705    Formal Academic Surveys at Ara
    Training Organisations, and to other     to a recognised, professional standard”.     804    Research Ethics
    tertiary education organisations         Staff at Ara want to know if you have        Corporate Policies
    and Government agencies which            concerns, problems or complaints while
    demonstrate a statutory right to         studying here. Of course, we also would      105 Acceptable Use and Conduct for
    obtain it such as the NZ Police,         like to hear about the positive things you       ICT Users
    Department for Courts, Immigration       experience.                                  208 Resolving Staff Performance or
    New Zealand, Work and Income             For further information on what you              Conduct Issues
    New Zealand, Inland Revenue              should expect at Ara, see our policies       209 Harassment Prevention
    Department, and the Accident             manual:              501 Health & Safety
    Compensation Corporation. We may         policies
    also disclose personal information
    to other agencies which also             International students also refer to the
    demonstrate a statutory right to         Education ( Pastoral Care of International
    obtain it. The fact that you are         Students) Code of Practice 2016.
    currently enrolled in a programme
    or course or not may be disclosed to
    other third parties.
5   Some information may be held in
    our archives for audit purposes and
    to enable us to provide you with
    evidence of your enrolment and
    achievements in years to come. This
    information is stored even if you are
    not currently enrolled.

Ara Student Rights & Responsibilities

Ara is committed to the wellbeing            Your responsibilities as a                    •   Misuse of technology, software,
and achievement of ALL students. To          student                                           hardware, or communication
create and maintain the best possible                                                          systems provided by Ara (refer Code
                                             As a student at Ara you are expected to:
teaching and learning environment, all                                                         of Conduct for Computer Users in
students enrolled at or attending/using      Behave safely                                     particular)
services at Ara agree to accept certain      • Take care when using equipment
                                                 and facilities                            •   Any form of harassment, bullying or
responsibilities, respect the rights of                                                        discrimination including social media
others and behave in an acceptable           •   Wear suitable clothing
manner.                                                                                    •   Unacceptable sexual behaviour
                                             •   Comply with health and safety                 (eg sexual harassment, accessing
Your rights as a student                         guidelines and instructions                   pornography/other restricted
As a student at Ara you have the right to:                                                     material)
                                             •   Take precautions so as not to
Fairness                                         endanger yourself or others               •   Substance misuse including drugs
• Open and accurate information                                                                and alcohol affecting behaviour,
                                             •   Comply with visa requirements
•   Fair evaluation and assessment, and                                                        health or safety
                                             •   Follow relevant professional
    timely feedback                                                                        •   Smoking in any Ara building, vehicle
•   Problems handled as quickly as                                                             or on Ara land and perimeters
                                             •   Ensure you are not intoxicated or
    practicable and consistent with                                                            including all car parks, green spaces,
                                                 under the influence of drugs when
    “natural justice”                                                                          and external eating areas
                                                 at Ara or involved in Ara related
•   Personal privacy                             activities, eg field trips                •   Violence or threats of violence
•   Support, representation and              Respect others                                •   Vandalism or other abuse of facilities
    advocacy from the Student Advocate       • Be sensitive to personal, social and            and buildings
    if requested                                cultural differences                       •   Disruptive behaviour in class and/
Respect                                      •   Respect the needs, rights and                 or designated learning areas (eg
• Academic freedom, defined in the               freedoms of others                            arriving late, unauthorised use of
   Education Act as “freedom, within                                                           technology, interfering with the
                                             •   Help to uphold the integrity of Ara           learning of other individuals)
   the law, to question and test received
                                                 qualifications by discouraging/
   wisdom, put forward new ideas and                                                       Academic staff have the responsibility
                                                 reporting dishonest practices
   state controversial or unpopular                                                        to maintain a safe and effective learning
   opinions”                                 Observe Ara policies and procedures
                                                                                           environment. They may ask you to leave
•   Freedom from any form of                 • Familiarise yourself with what Ara          the class if your behaviour limits the
    harassment or unjust discrimination         expects of you as a tertiary student       ability to be safe, disturbs others’ learning
                                             •   Behave appropriately for a tertiary       or puts others at risk.
•   Respect for personal, social and
    cultural differences                         education environment                     Ara takes this statement of rights and
                                             •   Endeavour to meet all course              responsibilities seriously. Your marks,
•   Representation in the development,
                                                 requirements including financial          reports and references may include
    implementation and review
                                                 obligations                               an assessment of your behaviour, as
    of policies through student
                                                                                           well as your educational achievement.
    representation                           •   Be honest when completing
                                                                                           Infringement may lead to probation or
Standards                                        assignments/other assessments
                                                                                           exclusion may lead to cancellation of a
• Programmes that meet internal and          •   Comply with requirements of               current enrolment and/or refusal of a
   external standards for approval and           programme handbooks                       future enrolment (see relevant policies).
   registration                              •   Follow Ara policies and regulations
                                                                                           Further Information
•   Competent and effective teaching
                                                 policies)                                 Full policies are available on the Ara
•   Appropriate support services
                                                                                           website. If you need further information
    delivered in a professional manner
                                                                                           or help interpreting your rights or
•   Facilities and resources that meet or    Unacceptable behaviour for
                                                                                           responsibilities, you can also contact
    exceed Health and Safety legislation     students, staff or visitors at Ara            your Head of Department/Programme
                                             Your responsibilities as a student include    Manager, Student Advocate, Student
Your rights will be upheld by Ara
                                             behaving in an acceptable manner.             Services Manager, Registry Manager or
management. If you think they have
been infringed, please contact your Head     The following are not acceptable              Human Resources.
of Department/Programme Manager,             behaviours for anyone (staff, students or
Student Advocate, Student Services           visitors) at Ara or involved in Ara related
Managers, Registry Manager, or Human         activities:
Resources.                                   •   Breaking any NZ law (eg assault,
                                             •   Any form of cheating (including
                                                 plagiarism and other dishonest

Ara Terms & Conditions of Enrolment
1 Student fees, charges & other                       2.3 Ifyou are a domestic students and you            6.3 Withdrawal from all courses of study
  debts                                                   haven’t supplied the correct identification          at Ara requires the return of any Ara
                                                          documentation, you may be liable for full            materials on loan or hire including your
1.1   The service you, the student, purchase is           international fees.                                  Ara ID Card and any relevant class texts,
      the right to attend specified Ara Institute     2.4 Acceptance of your request to enrol will             workbooks or equipment.
      of Canterbury1 courses. This service is             not be given if you still owe course fees
      provided in full upon formal enrolment              and charges from a previous enrolment.           7 Refund of Fees and Charges
      (Refer CPP107 Fee Payment Policy).
                                                      2.5 Ara reserves the right to decline a request      7.1  Domestic Students
1.2   Ara student fees and charges for                    for admission & enrolment.                       a)   Any request for refund of fees and charges
      each course are established by the
                                                      2.6 Upon payment of the fees and charges for              associated with formal withdrawal from a
      Council. In the event of any discrepancy
                                                          enrolment in a course, you will be issued             course as specified in (6) above, must be
      between department advice, public
                                                          with an official Tax Invoice/Receipt. This            made in writing before the nominated Last
      advertisements, brochures, letters or
                                                          is your proof of payment and enrolment                Withdrawal Date.
      other communication, the Ara current
                                                          and must be presented to support                 b) A formal withdrawal after the Last
      tuition fee on the Student Management
                                                          any subsequent adjustments to your                    Withdrawal Date will not be eligible for
      System at the time of enrolment will
                                                          enrolment.                                            a refund of the Ara fees and charges
                                                                                                                except in the case of a compassionate
      International student fees and charges          3 Confidentiality Agreement                               withdrawal.
      are set out in the student’s offer of place/
      statement of fees. In the event of any          On receipt of an application for study, or           c) Withdrawals received within seven
      discrepancy, your Ara invoice will prevail.     completion of enrolment, you are issued with              calendars days of the course occurrence
                                                      a unique Ara identifier (student ID number).              start date will result in an administration
1.3   Liability for fees: You become liable for
                                                      Signing your Admission & Enrolment form is                charge of $10.
      all Ara fees and charges when you attend
                                                      evidence that you are confirming that:               d) Withdrawals received after the start
      the course. This liability for all fees and
      charges is not reduced in any way if you do     • 	the evidence of identity belongs to you                date of the course, but before the
      not attend all of the sessions.                 • 	you authorise the use of your unique                   last withdrawal date, will result in an
                                                         identifier for admission and enrolment                 administration charge of $40.
1.4   Additional external examination or
      registration fees, if not paid at the time         purposes                                          e) 	 Refund amounts of less than $10 will not
      of enrolment, must be paid by a date            • 	you accept responsibility for all uses of your         be made. A credit balance up to $10 will
      specified by Ara. If not paid by the               unique identifier                                      be held on account and can be used to
      specified date, the responsibility lies with    • 	you agree not to provide your unique                   offset subsequent expenditure. All credit
      you, the student, to pay such fees directly        identifier or password to other people.                balances up to $10 will be written off on
      to the examining body.                                                                                    completion of your course, or the end
1.5   Attendance /engagement (without                 4 Communication with Ara                                  of the academic year, whichever is the
      formal enrolment) at any Ara course will        You are required to ensure that Ara has your
      be deemed to be your acceptance of the                                                               f) 	 External examination fees will be refunded
                                                      current contact information at all times.
      liability for all fees and charges associated                                                             in full if a withdrawal is advised before the
                                                      Prior to completing enrolment, Ara will use               specified payment date. Application for
      with the course, and you will be invoiced       your personal email address as the main point
      for such fees plus an invoicing charge.                                                                   refund of examination fees after that date
                                                      of contact. If you need to change your email or           must be made directly to the appropriate
1.6   Should you fail to pay any invoice(s) by        postal address details at this time it should be          examining body.
      the due date then you shall pay all costs       done online via the Student Portal.
      and expenses whatsoever (including                                                                   g) Approved refunds will be direct credited
                                                      Once you are fully enrolled all contact will be           to the party making the original payment,
      legal costs and debt collection agent           through the Ara email and student portal. It is
      fees) which may be incurred in the                                                                        within six weeks of receipt of the complete
                                                      a condition of your enrolment, that you must              refund application, or where supplied, to
      recovery or attempted recovery of the           read information on your Ara student email/
      overdue amounts from you. Under these                                                                     an approved bank account.
                                                      student portal at least once per week (you are
      circumstances Ara may give to, or obtain                                                             7.2 International Students - to view Ara’s
                                                      strongly advised to check your email daily).
      from, any third party information about                                                                   refund procedures for Full Fee Paying
                                                      This requirement is for your protection and               (FFP) International Students go to:
      your personal or commercial credit              will ensure that you are up-to-date with all
                                                      requirements and information from Ara.                    international_refund_policy
2 Enrolment/Changes to                                5 Changes to Enrolments
  Personal Details                                                                                         8 Alteration or Cancellation
                                                      5.1 If you wish to change your course, you             of Courses
2.1 Your enrolment as a student in any course             must make your request in writing to
    at Ara remains provisional until you have             your Head of Department or delegate              8.1 Ara reserves the right to cancel any course
    completed ALL necessary enrolment                     either as a written statement/letter or by           before the commencement date – fees
    procedures. These include:                            completing an Enrolment Amendment                    and charges paid will be refunded in full
    • 	receipt by Ara of a current Admission &            form.                                                to the person or organisation which paid
       Enrolment form completed, dated and                                                                     originally, or may be transferred with the
                                                      5.2 In addition to any difference in tuition fees,
       signed by you, the student.                                                                             agreement of the original payee and used
                                                          an administration charge may apply to
                                                                                                               as payment towards another course.
    • acceptance by Ara of your request for               each course change.
       enrolment in the course.                                                                            8.2 Ara reserves the right to alter delivery
                                                      6 Withdrawal from Courses                                dates/times of a course. Where days, dates
    • payment in full of all fees and charges for
                                                                                                               or times are altered, Ara will undertake
       the course.                                    6.1 Formal withdrawal from a course of study             to attempt to contact you either at your
2.2 You are required to produce evidence                  at Ara must be made in writing either as a           stated email address or contact number to
    of identity, citizenship and residency                written statement/letter or by completing            inform you of such changes.
    (see Admission and Enrolment Guide for                an Enrolment Amendment form.
    approved documents). Ara will withhold            6.2 The effective date of withdrawal will be
    the academic results if you haven’t                   the date on which the institute receives
    provided identification documentation,                your written advice, not your last day of
    until such time as copies of the relevant             engagement.
    documents are received.

10    1
          From herein referred to as Ara
9 Centre for Assessment of Prior                       10 Privacy (Personal Information)                  Workforce restrictions for children’s
  Learning (CAPL)                                      Ara collects and stores information about          workforce
CAPL terms and conditions are agreed in                students to comply with various statues and/       If you have a criminal conviction, and you are
conjunction with the Ara published terms and           or regulations, to enable us to make decisions     studying (or considering studying) toward
conditions of enrolment, noting that:                  regarding your academic progress, and to           a qualification that will lead to a job in the
• “course(s)” refers to all CAPL facilitation,        provide you with evidence of your academic         state funded sector (including teaching or
   tutorials, support, assessments                     achievements. This information may be also         providing youth services) working directly with
                                                       shared with other Ara schools/areas on a           children, you will need to check whether your
• “enrolment” refers to all CAPL enrolments,
                                                       ‘need to know’ basis, and is used to arrange       conviction could prevent you from working in
   offer agreements
                                                       appropriate support for students. After            some roles in your chosen field. This is because
The following CAPL specific terms and
                                                       graduation your contact information is used for    new legislation, the Vulnerable Children’s Act
conditions apply:
                                                       the graduate destination survey and provided       2014, will prevent state sector agencies and
a) Length of CAPL process, taken from first            to the Alumni office. Where it is relevant,        government-funded service providers from
      facilitation or assessment date:                 personal information may be disclosed to           hiring people with convictions for ‘specified
      i. Degree/Graduate Diploma (Levels 6-7):         other agencies such as but not limited to:         offences’ to work with children in some roles.
          12 months.                                   Ministry of Education, Audit New Zealand New       The restrictions came into effect on 1 July 2015.
      ii. Certificate and Diploma (Levels 3-6): 6      Zealand Qualifications Authority, Industry         This information has been supplied by the
          months.                                      Training Organisations, industry licensing and     Children’s Action Plan Directorate and the Tertiary
b) Extensions:                                         registration bodies, other tertiary institutions   Education Commission.
      i. In exceptional circumstances the              and providers of work experience for students
          candidate may request to go ‘on hold’        in courses with a practical component.
          for a period of up to three months,          Upon failure to comply with the attendance
          during which time no facilitation or         requirements for international students,
          assessment will take place. This will be     information may also be provided to the parent,
          treated as an extension as per the Ara       guardian or caregiver of an international
          Assessment Policy (APP505).                  student.
      ii. This option can only be used once.           In addition, when required by law, we will
c) Failure to engage:                                  release information as directed. An information
      i. A non-agreed period of two months             matching agreement exists between the
          with no facilitation or assessment will      Ministry of Social Development and Ara, which
          be deemed non-engagement.                    allows payment of loans and allowances. You
      ii. CAPL reserves the right to withdraw          have the right to request to see and correct if
          candidates for non-engagement after          necessary the information you have provided. If
          one written notice.                          you wish to enquire about personal information
d) Final assessment date changes:                      held by Ara please contact the Privacy Officer
                                                       in the first instance. You will be required to
      i. Any request for a change to an agreed
                                                       provide some form of valid ID such as a drivers
          final assessment date must be made to
                                                       licence or passport if you wish to access your
          CAPL in writing and the candidate will
                                                       personal information.
          be liable for any costs incurred.

2019 Standard Charges
Type of Application                                                 Charge (GST inclusive)
Award of a cross credit                                             $100 per application for cross credits external to Ara
                                                                    (No charge for internal Ara cross credits or standard cross credits)
RPL assessment                                                      $100 non-refundable application fee, $100/hour assessment fee may also apply
                                                                    - actual charge based on estimate of time required
Reconsideration - Remark                                            $50 standard fee (refundable if 5% variance or change in grade from NC to Pass)
Reconsideration - Independent Remark                                $100 standard fee (refundable if 5% variance or change in grade from NC to Pass)
                                                                    A higher fee may be set with the approval of the Academic Director if independent
                                                                    remarking is complex and likely to incur additional costs
Appeal                                                              $100 standard fee (refundable if appeal upheld)
Resubmission of assignment/project                                  $100/hour, ($50 minimum charge), plus any additional materials costs
(refer to your programme handbook to see if charge applies)         - actual charge based on duration of reassessment
Second result reassessment                                          $100/hour, ($50 minimum charge), plus any additional materials costs
                                                                    - actual charge based on duration of reassessment
Alternative assessment                                              $25/hour (invigilation costs only) or $100/hour (other costs), plus any additional
                                                                    materials costs - actual charge based on duration of alternative assessment
Duplicate result notice                                             No charge
Duplicate Award document (A5)                                       $50
Duplicate Award document (A4)                                       $75
Replacement of Student Identity Card                                $20
English Language administration fee                                 $250
International student semester-by-semester payment fee              $150
(to mainstream programmes when paying other than annually)
Electronic Immigration Visa Submission Charge                       $220
Interpretation of Transcript and provision of                       $50 application fee – an hourly rate ($75 per hour) may be charged depending on
information to overseas professional bodies                         the complexity of the requirements
Homestay Placement Fee                                              $300 individual student (Christchurch); $300 individual student (Timaru);
                                                                    $250 group students
International insurance                                             $523 (including GST) per EFT

PO Box 540, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
                                             04362 January 2019

Telephone: 0800 24 24 76
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