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Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

C O LES: C ONTRASTIVE L EARNING                                              FOR       E VENT S E -

 Anonymous authors
 Paper under double-blind review

                                                 A BSTRACT

             We address the problem of self-supervised learning on discrete event sequences
             generated by real-world users. Self-supervised learning incorporates complex in-
             formation from the raw data in low-dimensional fixed-length vector representations
             that could be easily applied in various downstream machine learning tasks. In this
             paper, we propose a new method CoLES, which adopts contrastive learning, previ-
             ously used for audio and computer vision domains, to the discrete event sequences
             domain in a self-supervised setting. Unlike most previous studies, we theoretically
             justify under mild conditions that the augmentation method underlying CoLES
             provides representative samples of discrete event sequences. We evaluated CoLES
             on several public datasets and showed that CoLES representations consistently
             outperform other methods on different downstream tasks.

A promising and rapidly growing approach known as self-supervised learning1 is the main choice for
pre-training in situations where the amount of labeled data for the target task of interest is limited.
Most of the research in the area of self-supervised learning has been focused on the core machine
learning domains, including NLP (e.g., ELMO (Peters et al., 2018), BERT (Devlin et al., 2019)),
speech (e.g., CPC (van den Oord et al., 2018)) and computer vision (Doersch et al., 2015; van den
Oord et al., 2018). However, there has been very little research on self-supervised learning in the
domain of discrete event sequences, including user behavior sequences (Ni et al., 2018) such as
credit card transactions at banks, phone calls and messages at telecom, purchase history at retail and
click-stream data of online services. Produced in many business applications, such data is a major key
to the growth of modern companies. User behavior sequence is attributed to a person and captures
regular and routine actions of a certain type. The analysis of these sequences constitutes an important
sub-field of machine learning (Laxman et al., 2008; Wiese and Omlin, 2009; Zhang et al., 2017;
Bigon et al., 2019).
NLP, audio and computer vision domains are similar in the sense that the data of this type is
"continuous": a short term in NLP can be accurately reconstructed from its context (like a pixel from
its neighboring pixels). This fact underlies popular NLP approaches for self-supervision such as
BERT’s Cloze task (Devlin et al., 2019) and approaches for self-supervision in audio and computer
vision, like CPC (van den Oord et al., 2018). In contrast, for many types of event sequence data, a
single token cannot be determined using its nearby tokens, because the mutual information between a
token and its context is small. For this reason, most state-of-the-art self-supervised methods are not
applicable to event sequence data.
In this paper, we propose the COntrastive Learning for Event Sequences (CoLES) method that learns
low-dimensional representations of discrete event sequences. It is based on a novel theoretically
grounded data augmentation strategy, which adapts the ideas of contrastive learning (Xing et al.,
2002; Hadsell et al., 2006) to the discrete event sequences domain in a self-supervised setting. The
aim of contrastive learning is to represent semantically similar objects (positive pairs of images,
video, audio, etc.) closer to each other, while dissimilar ones (negative pairs) further away. Positive
pairs are obtained for training either explicitly, e.g., in a manual labeling process or implicitly
using different data augmentation strategies (Falcon and Cho (2020)). We treat explicit cases as a
        See, e.g., keynote by Yann LeCun at ICLR-20:

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

supervised approach and implicit cases as a self-supervised one. In most applications, where each
person is represented by one sequence of events, there are no explicit positive pairs, and thus only
self-supervised approaches are applicable. Our CoLES method is self-supervised and based on the
observation that event sequences usually possess periodicity and repeatability of their events. We
propose and theoretically justify a new augmentation algorithm, which generates sub-sequences of an
observed event sequence and uses them as different high-dimensional views of the same (sequence)
object for contrastive learning.
Representations produced by the CoLES model can be used directly as a fixed vector of features in
some supervised downstream task (e. g. classification task) similarly to (Mikolov et al., 2013; Song
et al., 2017; Zhai et al., 2019). Alternatively, the trained CoLES model can be fine-tuned (Devlin
et al., 2019) for the specific downstream task. We applied CoLES to several user behavior sequence
datasets with different downstream classification tasks. When used directly as feature vectors, CoLES
representations achieve strong performance comparable to the hand-crafted features produced by data
scientists. We demonstrate that fine-tuned CoLES representations consistently outperform methods
based on other representations by a significant margin. We provide the full source code for all the
experiments described in the paper2 .
This paper makes the following contributions: (1) We present the CoLES method that adapts
contrastive learning in the self-supervised setting to the discrete event sequence domain. (2) We
propose a novel theoretically grounded augmentation method for discrete event sequences. (3) We
demonstrate that CoLES consistently outperforms previously introduced supervised, self-supervised
and semi-supervised learning baselines adapted to the event sequence domain. We also conducted a
pilot study on event sequence data of a large European bank. We tested CoLES against the baselines
and achieved superior performance on downstream tasks which produced significant financial gains,
measured in hundreds of millions of dollars yearly.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we discuss related studies on
self-supervised and contrastive learning. In Section 3 we introduce our new method CoLES for
discrete event sequences. In Section 4 we demonstrate that CoLES outperforms several strong
baselines including previously proposed contrastive learning methods adapted to event sequence
datasets. Section 5 is dedicated to the discussion of our results and conclusions.


Contrastive learning has been successfully applied to constructing low-dimensional representa-
tions (embeddings) of various objects, such as images (Chopra et al., 2005; Schroff et al., 2015),
texts (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019), and audio recordings (Wan et al., 2018). The aim of these
studies is to identify the object based on its sample (Schroff et al., 2015; Hu et al., 2014; Wan et al.,
2018). Therefore, their training datasets explicitly contain several independent samples per each
particular object, which form positive pairs as a critical component for learning. These supervised
approaches are not applicable to our setting.
For situations when positive pairs are not available or their amount is limited, augmentation techniques
were proposed in the computer vision domain. One of the first frameworks with augmentation was
proposed by Dosovitskiy et al. (2014). In this work, surrogate classes for model training were
introduced using augmentations of the same image. Several recent works (Bachman et al., 2019; He
et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2020) extended this idea by applying contrastive learning methods, they
are nicely summarised by Falcon and Cho (2020). Although augmentation techniques proposed in
these studies provide good performance empirically, we note that no theoretical background behind
different augmentation approaches has been proposed so far.
Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC) is a self-supervised learning approach proposed for non-discrete
sequential data (van den Oord et al., 2018). CPC extracts meaningful representations by predicting
latent representations of future observations of the input sequence and using autoregressive methods.
CPC representations demonstrated strong performance on four distinct domains: audio, computer
vision, natural language and reinforcement learning. We adapted the CPC based approach to the
domain of discrete event sequences and compared it with our CoLES approach (see Section 4.2).

    2***/*** (the link was anonymized for the double-blind peer review purposes)

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

Independently of our study, several papers appeared in the past few months on self-supervision for
user behavior sequences in the recommender systems domain. Zhou et al. (2020a) proposed to use
a CPC-like approach for self-supervised learning on user clicks history. Ma et al. (2020) used an
auxiliary self-supervised loss on click sequences. Zhou et al. (2020b) proposed "Cloze" task from
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) for self-supervision on purchase sequences. Finally, Yao et al. (2020)
adapts a SimCLR-like approach for text-based tasks and tabular data. Although there has been
significant progress on contrastive learning, augmentation for contrastive learning does not have any
theoretical grounding and is understudied in the domain of discrete event sequences.



While the method proposed in this paper could be studied in different domains, in this paper we focus
on discrete sequences of events. Assume there are some entities e, and the life activity of each entity e
is observed as a sequence of events xe := {xe (t)}Tt=1
                                                       . Entities could be people or organizations or
some other abstractions. Events xe (t) may have any nature and structure (e.g., transactions of a client,
click logs of a user), and their components may contain numerical, categorical, and textual fields (see
datasets description in Section 4).
According to theoretical framework of contrastive learning proposed in Saunshi et al. (2019), each
entity e is a latent class, which is associated with a distribution Pe over its possible samples (event
sequences). However, unlike the problem setting of Saunshi et al. (2019), we have no positive pairs,
i.e. pairs of event sequences representing the same entity e. Instead, we have only one sequence xe
per entity e. Formally, each entity e is associated with a latent stochastic process {Xe (t)}Tt=1
                                                                                                  , and
we observe only one realisation {xe (t)}t=1 generated by the process {Xe (t)}. Our goal is to learn
an encoder M that maps event sequences into a feature space Rd in such a way that the obtained
embedding ce = M ({xe }) ∈ Rd of sequence {xe (t)}Tt=1        e
                                                                 encodes essential properties of e and
disregards any randomness and noise contained in the sequence. That is, embeddings M ({x1 }) and
M ({x2 }) should be close to each other, if x1 and x2 are sequences generated by the same process
{Xe (t)}, and they should be further away, when generated by distinct processes. The quality of
representations can be examined by downstream tasks in the two ways: (1) ce can be used as a feature
vector for a task–specific model, and (2) encoder M can also be (jointly) fine-tuned (Yosinski et al.,


While we have no access to the latent processes {Xe (t)}, we need to use augmentation. Most
augmentation techniques proposed earlier for continuous domains (such as image jitter, color jitter
or random gray scale in computer vision, see Falcon and Cho (2020)) are not applicable to discrete
events. A possible approach for augmentation is generating sub-sequences of the same event sequence
{xe (t)}. The idea proposed below resembles the bootstrap method (Efron and Tibshirani, 1994),
which enables to generate several bootstrap samples using only one sample of independent datapoints
of a latent distribution. However, our setting is different, since we have no independent observations,
so we should rely on different data assumptions. The key property of event sequences that represent
life activity is periodicity and repeatability of its events (see Figure 4 in the Appendix D for the
empyrical observations of these properties for the considered datasets). This is a motivation for the
Random slices sampling method applied in CoLES, as presented in Algorithm 1. Each sub-sequence
is generated from the initial sequence as its connected segment ("slice") using the following three
steps. First, the length of the slice is chosen uniformly from possible values. Second, its starting
position is uniformly chosen from all possible values. Third, too short (and optionally too long)
sub-sequences are discarded. It could seem that the mean length of obtained sub-sequences are less
than the mean length of sequences in the dataset. However, we show in the next section that the
distribution of sub-sequences is close to the initial distribution in some realistic assumptions. The
overview of the CoLES method is presented in Figure 1.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

             User 1 event sequence
                                                               Embedding vectors

        sub-sequence 1                                    CoLES                                 Minimize
                                                          Encoder                               distance
                         sub-sequence 2

            User 2 event sequence                                                    distance
                                                               Embedding vectors

       sub-sequence 3                                     CoLES                                 Minimize
                        sub-sequence 4                    Encoder                               distance

                                         Figure 1: General framework

Algorithm 1: Random slices sub-sequence generation strategy
hyperparameters: m, M : minimal and maximal possible length of a sub-sequence
k: number of trials.
input: A sequence S of length T .
output: S: sub-sequences of S.
for i ← 1 to k do
    Generate random integer Ti uniformly from [1, T ];
    if Ti ∈ [m, M ] then
        Generate random integer s from [0, T − Ti − 1];
        Add Si := S[s : s + Ti − 1] to S


Assume that process {Xe (t)}Tt=1 e
                                     is a segment of a latent process {X   be (t)}∞ , which generates
sequence of all events in the potentially infinite life of entity e. That is, we assume that Xe (t) =
Xbe (t + se ) for some random starting point se ∈ {0, 1, . . .} and horizon Te . Thus we observe, in our
data, segment [se + 1, se + Te ] of the life of e. We also make the following Assumptions:

      1. Process {X be (t)}∞ is cyclostationary (in the strict sense) (Gardner et al., 2006) with some
         period T .

      2. Starting se is independent, and the distribution of (se mod Tb) is uniform over [0, Tb − 1].
      3. Horizon Te is independent and follows a power–law distribution on [m, ∞].

These assumptions correspond to a scenario where some persons become clients of a service at a
random moment and for some random time span and their behaviour obey some periodicity.
Theorem 1. If sequences {xe (t)} in the dataset are generated from latent processes {X        be (t)} as
described above with a lower bound m for the length of a sequence {xe (t)}, then sub-sequences
obtained by Algorithm 1 from {xe (t)} follow the same distribution as {xe (t)} up to a slight alteration
of the distribution of the length Te . Namely, if Te follows power law with an exponent α < −1, then
the density function for the length Te0 of a sub-sequence satisfy
            −α                                          −α
     m−1                              0               k
                  p(Te = k) ≤ p(Te = k) ≤                       p(Te = k) for any k ∈ [m, ∞]. (1)
        m                                         k − 1/2

This theorem means that a sub-sequence obtained by Algorithm 1 is a representative sample of
entity e and follows its latent distribution Pe . Combining this result with generalization guarantees
proved for setting with explicitly observed positive pairs (Saunshi et al. (2019)), we obtain theoretical
background for our implicit self-supervised setting. See Appendix C for the proof of Theorem 1.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021


Batch generation. The following procedure creates a batch during CoLES training. N initial
sequences are randomly taken and K sub-sequences are produced for each of them. Pairs of sub-
sequences of the same sequence are used as positive samples and pairs from different sequences are
used as negative ones.
We consider several baseline empirical strategies for the sub-sequence generation to compare with
Algorithm 1. The simplest strategy is random sampling without replacement. One more strategy is to
produce sub-sequences by the random splitting of the initial sequence to several connected segments
without intersection between them (see Appendix A).
Contrastive loss We consider a classical variant of the contrastive loss, proposed by (Hadsell
et al., 2006): L = (1 − Y ) 21 (DWi 2
                                     ) + Y ∗ 21 {max(0, m − DW  i
                                                                  )}2 , where DWi
                                                                                   is a distance
function between embeddings in i-th labeled sample pair, Y is a binary variable identifying that
the pair is positive.pAs
                      P proposed in2 (Hadsell et al., 2006), we use euclidean distance function:
DW    = D(A, B) =        i (Ai − Bi ) .

Pair distance calculation. In order to select negative samples, we need to compute the pairwise
distance between all possible pairs of embedding vectors of a batch. For the purpose of making this
procedure more computationally effective we perform normalization of the embedding vectors, i.e.
project them onto a hyper-sphere of the unit radius (see Appendix B).
Negative sampling is a way to address the following challenge of the contrastive learning approach:
using all pairs of samples can be inefficient: for example, some of the negative pairs are already
distant enough, thus these pairs are not valuable for the training (Simo-Serra et al., 2015; Schroff
et al., 2015). Hence, only a part of possible negative pairs in the batch are used during loss calculation.
We compared the most popular choices for negative sampling applied for CoLES, see Section 4.2 for


To embed a sequence of events to the fixed-size vector, we use an encoder network, which consists of
two conceptual parts: the event encoder and the sequence encoder subnetworks.
The event encoder e takes the set of attributes of each single event xt and outputs its representation
in the latent space Rd : zt = e(xt ). The event encoder consists of several embedding layers and batch
normalization layers. Each categorical attribute is encoded by its corresponding embedding layer.
Batch normalization is applied to numerical attributes of events. Outputs of all embedding and batch
normalization layers are concatenated to produce latent representation zt .
The sequence encoder s takes latent representations of the sequence of events: z1:T = z1 , z2 , · · · zT
and outputs the representation of the whole sequence ct in the time-step t: ct = s(z1:t ). Several
approaches can be used to encode a sequence (Cho et al., 2014; Vaswani et al., 2017) . In our
experiments we use the recurrent network (RNN) similarly to (Sutskever et al., 2014). The output
produced for the last event is used to represent the whole sequence of events. In the case of RNN the
last output ht is a representation of the sequence.
To summarise, the CoLES method consists of three major ingredients: event sequence encoder,
positive and negative pair generation strategy and the loss function for contrastive learning.

We compare our method with existing baselines on several publicly available datasets from various
data science competitions. We chose datasets with sufficient amounts of discrete events per user.
Age group prediction competition3 . The dataset of 44M anonymized credit card transactions
representing 50k persons was used to predict the age group of a person. The label is known for
30k persons, other 20k are unlabelled. The group ratio is balanced in the dataset. Each transaction
includes the date, type, and amount being charged.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

Churn prediction competition4 . The dataset of 1M anonymized card transactions representing 10K
clients was used to predict a churn probability. Each transaction is characterized by date, type, amount
and Merchant Category Code. 5k clients have labels, 5.2k clients haven’t labels. Target is binary,
almost balanced with proportions 0.55 and 0.45.
Assessment prediction competition5 . The task is to predict the in-game assessment results based
on the history of children’s gameplay data. Target is one of 4 grades, with proportions 0.50, 0.24,
0.14, 0.12. The dataset consists of 12M gameplay events combined in 330k gameplays representing
18k children. 17.7k gameplays are labeled, the remaining 312k gameplays are not labeled. Each
gameplay event is characterized by timestamp, event code, the incremental counter of events within a
game session, time since the start of the game session, etc.
Retail purchase history age group prediction6 . The task is to predict the age group of a client
based on its retail purchase history. The group ratio is balanced in the dataset. Only labeled data is
used. The dataset consists of 45,8M retail purchases representing 400k clients. Each purchase is
characterized by time, product level, segment, amount, value, loyalty program points received.
As we can see in Figure 3 (Appendix D), these datasets satisfy the power law assumption for the
sequence length distribution of Theorem 1. Also, as shown in Figure 4 (Appendix D) the datasets
satisfy the periodicity and repeatability assumption.
Dataset split. For each dataset, we set apart 10% persons from the labeled part of the data as the
test set that we used for evaluation of different models. The rest 90% of labeled data and unlabeled
data constitute our training set used for learning. For all methods, a random search on 5-fold cross-
validation over the training set is used for hyper-parameter selection. The hyper-parameters with the
best out-of-fold performance are then chosen. For the learning of semi-supervised/self-supervised
techniques (including CoLES), we used all transactions of training sets including unlabeled data. The
unlabelled parts of the datasets were ignored while training supervised models.
Performance. Neural network training was performed on a single Tesla P-100 GPU card. For the
training part of CoLES, the single training batch is processed in 142 milliseconds. For example,
in the age group prediction dataset the single training batch contains 64 unique persons with 5
sub-sequences per person, i.e. 320 training sub-sequences in total, the mean number of transactions
in a sub-sequence is 90, hence each batch contains about 28800 transactions.
Hyperparameters Unless we explicitly specify, we use contrastive loss and random slices pair
generation strategy for CoLES in our experiments (see Section 4.2 for motivation). The final set of
hyper-parameters used for CoLES is shown in the Appendix E, Table 5.


LightGBM. We consider the Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) method (Friedman, 2001) on
hand-crafted features. GBM can be considered as a strong baseline in cases of tabular data with
heterogeneous features. (Wu et al., 2009; Vorobev et al., 2019; Zhang and Haghani, 2015; Niu et al.,
2019). GBM based model requires a large number of hand-crafted aggregate features produced from
the raw transactional data. An example of an aggregate feature is an average spending amount in
some categories of merchants, such as hotels of the entire transaction history. We used LightGBM (Ke
et al., 2017) implementation of the GBM algorithm with nearly 1,000 hand-crafted features for the
application. The details of producing hand-crafted features can be found in the Appendix E.1.
Self-supervised baselines.
NSP. We consider a simple baseline inspired by the next sentence prediction task used in BERT (De-
vlin et al., 2019). Specifically, we generate two sub-sequences A and B, in a way that 50% of the
time B is the sub-sequence from the same sequence as A and follows it (positive pair), and 50% of
the time it is a random sub-sequence taken from another sequence (negative pair).


Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

                         Table 1: Comparison of batch generation strategies

      Dataset                 Random samples           Random disjoint samples     Random slices
      Age group (Accuracy)    0.613 ± 0.006            0.619 ± 0.011               0.639 ±0.006
        Churn (AUROC)         0.820 ± 0.014            0.819 ± 0.011               0.823 ±0.017
      Assessment (Accuracy)   0.563 ± 0.004            0.563 ± 0.004               0.618 ±0.009
        Retail (Accuracy)     0.523 ± 0.001            0.505 ± 0.002               0.542 ±0.002
                              5-fold cross-validation metric ±95% is shown

SOP. Another simple baseline is the same as sequence order prediction task from ALBERT (Lan et al.,
2020). It uses two consecutive sub-sequences as a positive pair, and two consecutive sub-sequences
with swapped order as a negative pair.
RTD. We also adapt the replaced token detection approach from ELECTRA (Clark et al., 2020) for
event sequences as a baseline for our research. We replaced 15% of events from the sequence with
random events, taken from other sequences and train a model to predict whether an event is replaced
or not.
CPC. As the last self-supervised baseline, we selected the recently proposed Contrastive Predictive
Coding (CPC) (van den Oord et al., 2018), a self-supervised learning method that produced an
excellent performance on sequential data of such traditional domains as audio, computer vision,
reinforcement learning and recommender systems (Zhou et al., 2020a).
Supervised learning. In addition to the aforementioned baselines, we compare our method with a
supervised learning approach where the encoder network e (see Section 3.5) and the classification
sub-network h are jointly trained on the downstream task target, i. e. the classification sub-network
takes encoder output and produces a prediction: ŷ = h(e(x)). One-layer neural net with softmax
activation is used as h. Note that no pre-training is used in this case.
Note that all neural network baselines use the same architecture of the encoder model as CoLES.

4.2     R ESULTS

Features of CoLES. To evaluate the proposed method of sub-sequence generation we compared
it with two alternative strategies described in Section 3.4. The results are presented in Table 1.
The proposed random slices sub-sequence generation strategy significantly outperforms alternative
strategies, what confirm theoretical results (see Section 3.3). Also, note that the random samples
strategy is similar to the augmentation strategy proposed by Yao et al. (2020), and the random disjoint
samples strategy is similar to sub-sequence generation proposed by Ma et al. (2020).
We evaluated several possible loss functions and found that contrastive loss that can be considered
as the basic variant of contrastive learning loss, performs on par or better than other losses on the
downstream tasks (see Appendix F.1, Table 7). This means that improvements obtained by more
recent losses in object recognition tasks does not necessarily lead to gains in other downstream tasks.
We also compared popular negative sampling strategies (distance-weighted sampling (Manmatha
et al., 2017), and hard-negative mining (Schroff et al., 2015)) with random negative sampling strategy.
The results are shown in the Appendix F.1, Table 8. We found that hard negative mining leads to a
significant increase in quality on downstream tasks in comparison to random negative sampling.
Comparison with baselines. We compared CoLES with baselines described in Section 4.1 in two
scenarios. First, we compared embeddings produced by the CoLES encoder with other types of
embeddings and with manually created aggregates by using them as input features of a downstream
task model. The downstream task model is trained by LightGBM (Ke et al., 2017) independently
from the sequence encoder. As Table 2 demonstrates, our method generates sequence embeddings of
sequential data that achieve strong performance results in comparison to the case of manually crafted
features when used on the downstream tasks. In particular, Table 2 shows that even unsupervised
CoLES embeddings perform on par and sometimes even better than hand-crafted features. Also note,
that CoLES embeddings outperform embeddings produced by the other self-supervised baselines on
each dataset.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

                             (a) Age group                                                         (b) Assessment


           0.600                                                               0.58

                                            Setup                              0.54                               Setup
           0.525                lightGBM on hand-crafted features                                     lightGBM on hand-crafted features
                                CPC Fine-tuning                                                       CPC Fine-tuning
           0.500                CoLES Fine-tuning                              0.52                   CoLES Fine-tuning
                                Supervised learning                                                   Supervised learning
                 1.56% 3.12% 6.25% 12.5% 25.0% 50.0% 100.0%                           3.12%   6.26% 12.5% 25.0% 50.0% 100.0%
                           Shares of Labeled Datapoints                                          Shares of Labeled Datapoints

                                     Figure 2: Model quality for different dataset sizes
                               The rightmost point corresponds to all labels and supervised setup.

                     Table 2: Accuracy on the downstream tasks: Metric increase against baseline

                                             Age group                            Churn                Assessment                Retail
                                              Accuracy                           AUROC                   Accuracy               Accuracy
          Designed features              0.631 ± 0.004                  0.825 ± 0.005                0.602 ± 0.006         0.547 ± 0.001
           SOP embeddings                −21.9% ± 0.6%                  −5.3% ± 0.8%                 −4.1% ± 1.0%          −22.8% ± 0.2%
           NSP embeddings                −1.5% ± 0.9%                   +0.6% ± 0.7%                 −3.5% ± 1.1%          −22.3% ± 0.4%
          RTD embeddings                 +0.1% ± 0.6%                   −2.9% ± 0.8%                 −3.6% ± 1.1%          −5.0% ± 0.3%
          CPC embeddings                 −5.9% ± 0.6%                   −2.9% ± 0.6%                 −2.3% ± 0.9%          −4.0% ± 0.3%
        CoLES embeddings                 +1.1% ± 1.2%                   +2.2% ±0.6%                  −0.1% ± 0.9%          −1.4% ± 0.2%
      Supervised learning                0.628 ± 0.005                  0.817 ± 0.012                0.602 ± 0.006         0.542 ± 0.001
      RTD fine-tuning                    +1.2% ± 1.2%                   +0.3% ± 1.3%                 −2.7% ± 1.0%          +0.5% ± 0.4%
      CPC fine-tuning                    −2.1% ± 1.6%                   −0.9% ± 1.4%                 +0.7% ± 1.1%          +1.2% ± 0.3%
      CoLES fine-tuning                  +2.5% ±1.0%                    +1.1% ±1.3%                  +2.2% ±1.1%           +1.9% ±0.2%
                                              test set quality metric ±95% is shown

 In the second scenario, we fine-tune pre-trained models for specific downstream tasks. The models
 are pre-trained using CoLES and other self-supervised learning approaches and then are additionally
 trained on the labeled data for the specific task in the same way as we trained a neural net for
 the supervised learning (see Section 4.1). A neural net without pre-training is also added to the
 comparison. As Table 2 shows, fine-tuned representations obtained by our method achieve superior
 performance on all the considered datasets, outperforming all other methods by statistically significant
 Semi-supervised setup. To evaluate our method in case of the restricted amount of labeled data, we
 performed the series of experiments where only a fraction of available labels are used to train the
 downstream task model. As in the case of the supervised setup, we compare the proposed method
 with LigthGBM over hand-crafted features, CPC, and supervised learning without pre-training (see
 Section 4.1).
 The results of this comparison are presented in Figure 2. Note that the difference in performance
 between CoLES and supervised-only methods increases as we decrease the number of available
 labels. Also note that CoLES consistently outperforms CPC for different volumes of labeled data.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

Business applications. In addition to the described experiments on public datasets, we have per-
formed extensive testing of our method on the private data in a large European bank. We’ve observed
a significant increase in model performance (+ 2-10% AUROC) after the addition of CoLES embed-
dings to the existing models in many downstream tasks, including credit scoring, marketing campaign
targeting, product recommendations cold start, fraud detection and legal entities connections predic-


In this paper, we present Contrastive Learning for Event Sequences (CoLES), a novel self-supervised
method for building embeddings of discrete event sequences. In particular, the CoLES method can be
effectively used for pre-training neural networks in semi-supervised settings. It can also be used to
produce embeddings of complex event sequences that can be effectively used in various downstream
We also empirically demonstrate that our approach achieves strong performance results on several
downstream tasks and consistently outperforms both classical machine learning baselines on hand-
crafted features, as well as other previously introduced self-supervised and semi-supervised learning
baselines adapted to the event sequence domain. In the semi-supervised setting, where the number of
labeled data is limited, our method demonstrates even stronger results: the lesser is the labeled data
the larger is performance margin between CoLES and supervised-only methods.
The method is especially adapted for event sequence data which is extensively used by the core
businesses of many large companies, including financial institutions, internet companies, retail and

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We consider several empirical strategies for the sub-sequence generation to compare with the random
slices algorithm described in section "Sampling of surrogate sequences" of the main paper. The
simplest strategy is random sampling without replacement. One more strategy is to produce sub-
sequences by the random splitting of the initial sequence to several connected segments without an
intersection between them. To generate k sub-sequences, the following procedure should be repeated
k times: take a random number of elements from the sequence without replacement.

Algorithm 2: Disjointed sub-sequences generation strategy
hyperparameters: k: number of sub-sequences to be produced.
input: A sequence S of length l.
output: S1 , ..., Sk : sub-sequences of S.
Generate vector inds of length l with random integers from [1,k].
for i ← 1 to k do
    Si = S[inds == i]

Here we describe several performance optimizations that can be used for model training and inference.
Pair distance calculation. In order to select negative samples, we need to compute pair-wise
distance between all possible pairs of embedding vectors of a batch. For the purpose of making
this procedure more computationally effective we perform normalization of p     thePembedding vec-
tors, i.e. project them on a hyper-sphere of unit radius. Since D(A, B) =
pP                                                                                   i (Ai − Bi ) =
             P 2         P
      i Ai +    i Bpi −2   i Ai Bi and ||A|| = ||B|| = 1, to compute the euclidean distance we only
need to compute: 2 − 2(A · B).
To compute the dot product between all pairs in a batch we just need to multiply the matrix of
all embedding vectors of a batch by itself transposed, which is a highly optimized computational
procedure in most modern deep learning frameworks. Hence, the computational complexity of the
negative pair selection is O(n2 h) where h is the size of the output embeddings and n is the size of
the batch.
Embedding update calculation. Encoder, based on RNN-type architecture like GRU (Cho et al.,
2014), allows to calculate embedding ct+k by updating embedding ct instead of calculating em-
bedding ct+k from the whole sequence of past events z1:t : ck = rnn(ct , zt+1:k ). We use this

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

optimization to reduce inference time to update already existing person embeddings with new events,
occurred after the calculation of embeddings. This is possible due to the recurrent nature of RNN-like

In this section, we provide proof of Theorem 1 (Section 3.3) that justifies the Random Slices sub-
sequence generation strategy proposed in the paper.

Proof. First, we state the following straightforward lemma:
Lemma 1. Let a stochastic process {Y (t)}∞                                                     ∞
                                          t=1 be a shift of another stochastic process {Y (t)}t=1
by independent random time s, i.e. Y (t) = Yb (t + s) with integer s ≥ 0. If process {Yb (t)}∞
                                                                                             t=1 is
cyclostationary with period T and (se mod T ) is uniform over [0, T − 1], then process {Y (t)}∞
                            b               b                      b
is stationary.

                                                                                          T 0 +s0
Lemma 1 implies that process {Xe (t)}Tt=1
                                          is stationary, and all its segments {Xe (t)}t=s
                                                                                         0 +1 of a
given length Te0 define the same distribution over sequences as its starting segment {Xe (t)}t=1
Furthermore, integrating over s , we conclude that the conditional distribution of a sub-sequence
obtained via Random Slices generation strategy given its length Te0 follows the process {Xe (t)}t=1   .
To finish the proof, it remains to prove Equation 1.
Assume  P(Te = k) ∝ k α for k ∈ [m, ∞]. By the law of total probability, we have P(Te0 = k0 ) =
  k P(Te = k)P(Te = k0 | Te = k), that is,
                                      P(Te0 = k0 ) = C          k α−1 ,

where C is the normalization constant. To estimate the sum of the series, notice that
                          Z ∞                X∞           Z ∞
                                xα−1 dx >        k α−1 >       xα−1 dx,                             (2)
                            k0 − 21            k=k0               k0
                                                         R k+1/2
where the former inequality follows from the fact that k−1/2 xα−1 > k α−1 as long as function
f (x) = xα−1 is convex. After integration, we rewrite Equation 2 as follows:
                                         α     ∞
                            −1          1        X             −1 α
                                   k0 −       >       k α−1 >     k .                     (3)
                             α          2                        α 0

Using these inequalities, we obtain the upper bound for P(Te0 = k) in the following way:
                  ∞             ∞ X ∞                      α X   ∞
                                         α−1    −1        1           −1 α
  P(Te = k0 ) =        k     /         k      <      k0 −       /         l =
                                                α         2            α
                 k=k0          l=m k=l                            l=m
                                               −α       ∞                    −α
                                           k0         α
                                                               α         k0
                                  =                  k0 /     l =                   P(Te = k0 ).
                                       k0 − 1/2                       k0 − 1/2
At last, the lower bound for P(Te0 = k) can be obtained using Equation 3 as follows:
                    ∞            ∞ X ∞                 ∞          α
                                           α−1     α
                                                      X          1
  P(Te = k0 ) =         k     /          k     > k0 /         l−       >
                   k=k0         l=m k=l               l=m
                                                 −α          ∞                 −α
                                          m − 1/2             X           m − 1/2
                                    >                   k0α /     lα =                 P(Te = k0 ).
                                             m                                m
                                                                        1 α           α
                                                                         l− 2      m− 21
The latter inequality in these calculations follows from the fact that     l    <   m       for l > m.

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                              Table 3: Data structure for a single credit card

             Date     Time      Amount      Currency      Country      Merchant Type
             Jun 21   16:40     230         EUR           France       Restaurant
             Jun 21   20:15     5           USD           US           Transportation
             Jun 22   09:30     40          USD           US           Household Appliance

                           Table 4: Click-stream structure for a single user

                       Time      Date      Domain              Referrer Domain
                       17:40     Jun 21
                       17:41     Jun 21
                       17:45     Jun 21


We designed the method specially for the user behavior sequences (Ni et al., 2018). These sequences
consist of discrete events per person in continuous time, for example, behavior on websites, credit
card transactions, etc.
Considering credit card transactions, each transaction has a set of attributes, either categorical
or numerical including the timestamp of the transaction. An example of the sequence of three
transactions with their attributes is presented in Table 3. The merchant type field represents the
category of a merchant, such as "airline", "hotel", "restaurant", etc.
Another example of user behavior data is click-stream: the log of internet page visits. The example
of a click-stream log of a single user is presented in Table 4.
In our research we chose several publicly available datasets from data science competitions.

        1. Age group prediction competition7 - the task is to predict the age group of a person.
           The group ratio is balanced in the dataset. The dataset consists of 44M anonymized
           transactions representing 50k persons with a target labeled for only 30k of them (27M
           out of 44M transactions), for the other 20k persons (17M out of 44M transactions) label
           is unknown. Each transaction includes date, type (for example, grocery store, clothes,
           gas station, children’s goods, etc.) and amount. We use all available 44M transactions
           for contrastive learning, excluding 10% - for the test part of the dataset, and 5% for the
           contrastive learning validation.
        2. Churn prediction competition8 . The dataset of 1M anonymized card transactions repre-
           senting 10K clients was used to predict a churn probability. 5k clients have labels (0.49M
           out of 1M transactions), 5.2k clients haven’t labels (0.52M out of 1M transactions). Target
           is binary, almost balanced with proportions 0.55 and 0.45. Transactions of the same type
           and month are grouped and represented as a single pseudo-transaction, which amount is the
           sum of grouped transactions. Each transaction is characterized by date, type, amount and
           Merchant Category Code.
        3. Assessment prediction competition9 - the task is to predict the results of the in-game
           assessment based on the history of children gameplay data. Target is one of 4 grades, with
           proportions 0.50, 0.24, 0.14, 0.12. The dataset consists of 12M gameplay events combined
           in 330k gameplays representing 18k children. 17.7k gameplays (0.9M out of 12M gameplay
           events) are labeled, the remaining 312k gameplays (11.6M out of 12M gameplay events) are
           not labeled. Each gameplay event is characterized by timestamp, event code, the incremental
           counter of events within a game session, time since the start of the game session, etc.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2021

                                      Figure 3: Event sequence length distribution

            1.0                                                                            Age group
            0.8                                                                            Assessment



                          16                 64              256             1024            4096
                                                        Events per client

              4. Retail purchase history age group prediction10 - the task is to predict the age group of a
                 client based on its retail purchase history. The group ratio is balanced in the dataset. The
                 dataset consists of 45,8M retail purchases representing 400k clients. Only labeled data is
                 used. Each purchase is characterized by time, product level, segment, amount, value, points

 To check that sequence lengths of the considered datasets follow the power-low distribution we
 measured their distribution of lengths. As Figure 3 shows, the event sequence length distribution is
 close to the power-law distribution for every considered dataset.
 To check that considered datasets follow our repeatability and periodicity assumption made in
 Section 3.2 and used for theoretical analysis in Section 3.3 we performed the following experiments.
 We measure the KL-divergence two kinds of samples: (1) between random sub-samples of the same
 sequence, generated using a modified version of Algorithm 1 where overlapping events are dropped
 and (2) between random sub-samples taken from different sequences. The results are shown in
 Figure 4. As Figure 4 shows, the KL-divergence between sub-sequences of the same sequence of
 events is relatively small compared to the typical KL-divergence between sub-samples of different
 sequences of events. This observation supports our repeatability and periodicity assumption. Also
 note that additional plot (e) is provided as an example for data without any repeatable structure.


 For all methods, a random search on 5-fold cross-validation over the train set is used for hyper-
 parameter selection. The hyper-parameters with the best out-of-fold performance on the train set are
 then chosen. The final set of hyper-parameters used for CoLES is shown in Table 5. The number of
 sub-sequences generated for each sequence was always 5 for each dataset.


 Here we describe the details of producing hand-crafted features. All attributes of each transaction are
 either numerical (e. g. amount) or categorical (e.g. merchant type (MCC code), transaction type, etc.).
 For the numerical type of attribute we apply aggregation functions, such as ’sum’, ’mean’, ’std’, ’min’,
 ’max’, over all transactions per user. For example, if we apply ’sum’ for the numerical field ’amount’

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                     (a) Age group                                                                            (b) Churn

        7000                                  type                                                                               type
                                         Same client sample                    500                                          Same client sample
                                         Random client sample                                                               Random client sample

        4000                                                                   300



           0 0   5      10          15            20        25                   0 0             5            10       15        20       25
                                  KL                                                                                 KL
                     (c) Assessment                                                                           (d) Retail

        20000                                     type                                                                            type
                                             Same client sample                17500                                         Same client sample
        17500                                Random client sample                                                            Random client sample


        5000                                                                   5000

        2500                                                                   2500

           0 0   5       10             15        20        25                        0 0            5         10       15        20      25
                                      KL                                                                              KL
                                                                 (e) Texts

                                      30000                                                type
                                                                                       Same post sample
                                                                                       Random post sample





                                         0 0            5         10             15         20           25

 Figure 4: Periodicity and repeatbility of the data. KL-divergence between event types of two random
 sub-sequences from the same sequence is compared with KL-divergence between sub-sequences of
 different sequences.

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                           Table 5: Hyper-parameters for CoLES training

                 Output     Learning      N samples     N          Min seq     Max seq
 Dataset                                                                                    Encoder
                 size       rate          in batch      epochs     length      length
 Age group       800        0.001         64            150        25          200          GRU
 Churn           1024       0.004         128           60         15          150          LSTM
 Assessment      100        0.002         256           100        100         500          GRU
 Retail          800        0.002         256           30         30          180          GRU

                               Table 6: Comparison of encoder types

            Dataset                    LSTM              GRU                Transformer
            Age group (Accuracy)       0.621 ±0.008      0.638 ±0.007       0.622 ± 0.006
            Churn (AUROC)              0.823 ±0.017      0.812 ± 0.010      0.780 ± 0.012
            Assessment (Accuracy)      0.620 ±0.007      0.618 ±0.009       0.542 ± 0.007
            Retail (Accuracy)          0.535 ± 0.003     0.542 ±0.002       0.499 ± 0.002
                             5-fold cross-validation metric ±95% is shown

we obtain a feature ’sum of all transaction amounts per user’. For the categorical type of attribute
we apply aggregation functions in a slightly different way. For each unique value of categorical
attribute we apply aggregation functions, such as ’count’, ’mean’, ’std’ over all transactions per user’
numerical attribute. For example, if we apply ’mean’ for the numerical attribute ’amount’ grouped
by categorical attribute ’MCC code’ we obtain a feature ’mean amount of all transactions for each
MCC code per user’. For example, for age prediction task we have one categorical attribute (small
group) with 200 unique values, combining it with amount we can produce 200 ∗ 3 features (’group0
x amount x count’, ’group1 x amount x count’, ..., ’group199 x amount x count’, ’group0 x amount x
mean’, ...). In total we use approx 605 features for this task. Note, that hand-crafted features contain
information about user spending profile but omit information about transactions temporal order.



We consider several contrastive learning losses that showed promising performance on differ-
ent datasets (Kaya and Şakir Bilge, 2019) and some classical variants: contrastive loss (Hadsell
et al., 2006), binomial deviance loss (Yi et al., 2014), triplet loss (Hoffer and Ailon, 2015), his-
togram loss (Ustinova and Lempitsky, 2016), and margin loss (Manmatha et al., 2017). The results of
comparison are shown in the Table 7.
It is interesting to observe that even contrastive loss that can be considered as the basic variant of
contrastive learning loss allows to get strong results on the downstream tasks (see Table 7). Our
hypothesis is that an increase in the model performance on contrastive learning task does not always
lead to an increase in performance on downstream tasks.
As shown in Table 6, different choices of encoder architectures show comparable performance on the
downstream tasks.


Figure 5 shows that the performance quality on the downstream task increases with the dimensionality
of an embedding. After the best quality is achieved, a further increase in the dimensionality of
an embedding dramatically reduces quality. These results can be interpreted as the bias-variance
trade-off. When the embedding dimensionality is too small, too much information can be discarded
(high bias). On the other hand, when embedding dimensionality is too large, too much noise is added
(high variance). Note, that increasing the embedding size will also linearly increase the training time
and the volume of consumed memory on the GPU.

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