YIZKOR MEMORIAL BOOK 5782 2021/2022 - Temple Beth Abraham
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5782 – 2021/2022 YIZKOR RECITAL DATES Thursday, September 16, 2021 Yom Kippur Morning (Conservative) 9:00am Yom Kippur Afternoon (Reform) 5:15pm Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Sh’mini Atzeret/Simchat Torah (Conservative Service) 9:00am Saturday, April 23, 2022 8th Day of Passover (Conservative Service) 9:00am Sunday, June 5, 2022 2nd Day of Shavuot (Conservative Service) 9:00am
5782 – 2021/2022 TEMPLE BETH ABRAHAM YIZKOR MEMORIAL BOOK September, 2021 Dear Family of Temple Beth Abraham Congregants, Man's origin is dust, and dust is his end. Each of us is a shattered urn, grass that must wither, a flower that will fade, a shadow moving on, a cloud passing by, a particle of dust floating on the wind, a dream soon forgotten. But You are the King, the everlasting God! On this day of awe, dread, mourning and spiritual renewal, we recall with deep, abiding, and everlasting love those of our dear ones who have departed this earth. Perhaps they were close relatives whose love, devotion, teachings, sacrifices, support, and abiding faith in God created us; inspired us; shaped us; and, imbued in us the very finest attributes of being and soul that we possess. Perhaps those we remember were more distant relatives or dear friends whose smiles, counsel, kinship, and caring enriched us in heart, mind, and soul. And we remember too, today and every day, the Six Million -- those whose lives and souls
were viciously, brutally, and sadistically extinguished by Nazi German murderers -- men and women, boys and girls, and even tiny babies who, with entire families wiped out, have no one else but us to remember them, cry for them, and recite Kaddish for them. We remember our dear departed today through our thoughts, our prayers and through giving tzedakah in their names -- in part through the publication of this 5781 - 2020/2021 Temple Beth Abraham Yizkor Memorial Book. While every effort was made to insure that your directions were carried out in full detail, please accept our sincerest apologies if any errors, omissions, or "typos" are contained in this book. "For dust you are and to dust shall you return (Genesis 3:19)... but the spirit returns to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7)". "In life and death we cannot go where You are not, and where You are, all is well. You keep faith with Your people in death as in life." May the Lord comfort you and all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Peace & Blessings, RABBI DAVID K. HOLTZ CANTOR MARGOT E.B. GOLDBERG Audrey Gelfand and Loren Ratner, Co-Presidents
THE MOURNER'S KADDISH iIfhHjC V,Ufkn Qhknhu V,Ugrf trc hS tnkgC tCr VnJ JSe,hu kSD,h /int Urntu chre inzcU vkD!gC ktrGh ,hC kfs hHjcU iIfhnIhcU /tHnkg hnkgkU okgk Qrcn tCr VnJ tvh VnJ kKv,hu v&Kg,hu rSv,hu t¬b,hu onIr,hu rtP,hu jCTJhu QrC,h irhn!tS ,n+jb&u t,jCJT, t,rhJu t,frC kF in tKgk 'tUv QhrC tJse,S /int Urntu tnkgC /int Urntu 'ktrGh kF kgu Ubhkg ohHju tHnJ in tCr tnkJ tvh /int Urntu 'ktrGh kF kgu Ubhkg oIkJ vG! & gh tUv 'uhnIrnC oIkJ vG« &g Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash sh'mei ra-ba b'al-ma di-v'ra chir-u-tei v'yam-lich mal-chu-tei u-v'cha-yei d'chol beit Yis-ra-eil ba-a-ga-la u-viz-man ka-riv v'im'ru a-mein. Y'hei sh'mei ra-ba m'vo-rach l'a-lam u-l'al-mei al-ma-ya. Yit-ba-rach v'yish-ta-bach v'yit-pa-ar v'yit-ro-mam v'yit-na-sei v'yit-ha-dar v'yit-a-leh v'yit-ha-lal sh'mei d'kud-sha b'rich hu l'ei-la min kol bir-cha-ta v'shi-ra-ta tush-b'cha-ta v'ne-che-ma-ta da-a-mi-ran b'al-ma v'im'ru a-mein. Y'hei sh'la-ma ra-ba min sh'ma-ya v'cha-yim a-lei-nu v'al kol Yis-ra-eil, v'im'ru a-mein. O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lei-nu v'al kol Yis-ra-eil, v'im'ru a-mein.
THE MOURNER'S KADDISH Let the glory of God be extolled, let God's great name be hallowed, in the world whose creation God willed. May God's kingdom soon prevail, in our own day, our own lives, and the life of all Israel, and let us say: Amen. Let God's great name be blessed for ever and ever. Let the name of the Holy One, blessed is God, be glorified, exalted, and honored, though God is beyond all the praises, songs, and adorations that we can utter, and let us say: Amen. For us and for all Israel, may the blessing of peace and the promise of life come true, and let us say: Amen. May God who causes peace to reign in the high heavens, let peace descend on us, on all Israel, and all the world, and let us say: Amen May the Source of peace send peace to all who mourn, and comfort to all who are bereaved. Amen.
YIZKOR vbh1&hvT tB1t /onkIgk UfkvJ& hrhEh ,InJb ohv«k+t rIFzh 'Wh1b&P ,t& ,IjnG gcG1 /sIcF o,jUbn hv,U ohHjv rIrmC ,IrUrm ovh & ,IJpb /int /jm1b& WbhnhC ,Inhgb Yiz-kor Elo-him nish-mot ya-ki-rai she-hal-chu l'o-la-mam. A-na tih-ye-na naf-sho-tei-hem tz'ru-rot bitz-ror ha-cha-yim u't'hi m'nu-cha-tam ka-vod. So-va s'ma-chot et-pa-ne-cha, n'i-mot bi-min-cha ne-tzach. Amen. May God remember for ever my dear ones who have gone to their eternal rest. May they be at one with the One who is life eternal. May the beauty of their lives shine for evermore, and may my life always bring honor to their memory. Amen.
EIL MALEI RACHAMIM og vbhf6v hpbF ,j1T vbIfb vjUbn tmnv /ohnIrNC ifIJ ohn!jr tkn kt QkvJ& ________ ,nJb ,t& ohrhvzn ghe1 rv rv«1zF ohrIvyU ohJIse uhpbF r,1& xC (vrh 1& Txh) Uvrh 1 Txh ohn!jrv kg1C /(VnkIgk) InkIgk (vfkvJ) & jU1bhu I,k!jb tUv hh /(V,nJb) I,nJb ,t& ohHjv rIrmC rIrmhu /ohnkIgk /int rnt«bu '(VcFJn) IcFJn kg oIkJC (jU1b,u) Eil ma-lei ra-cha-mim sho-chein bam-ro-mim. Ha-m'tzei m'nu-cha n'chona ta-chat kan-fei hash-chi-na im k'do-shim u't'ho-rim k'zo-har ha-ra-ki-a maz-hi-rim et nish-mat _____________ she-hal-chu (sh-hal-cha) l'o-la-mim (l'o-la-ma). Ba-al ha-ra-cha-mim yas-ti-rei-hu (yas-ti-rei-ha) b'sei-ter k'na-fav l'o-la-mim. B'yitz-ror bitz-ror ha-cha-yim et niwh-ma-to (nish-ma-ta). Adonai hu na-cha-la-to b'ya-nu-ach (v'ta-nu-ach) b'shalom al mish-ka-vo (mish-ka-va), v'no-mar amen. O God full of compassion, Eternal Spirit of the universe, grant perfect rest under the wings of Your Presence to our loved one ____________ who has entered eternity. Master of Mercy, let him (her) find refuge for ever in the shadow of Your wings, and let his (her) soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life. The Eternal God is his (her) inheritance. May he (she) rest in peace, and let us say: Amen.
WE REMEMBER THEM At the rising of the sun and at its going down We remember them. At the blowing of the wind and the chill of winter We remember them. At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring We remember them. At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer We remember them. At the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn We remember them. At the beginning of the year and when it ends We remember them. As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us, as we remember them. When we are weary and in need of strength We remember them. When we are lost and sick at heart We remember them. When we have joyS we crave to share We remember them. When we have decisions that are difficult to make We remember them. When we have achievements that are based on theirs We remember them. As long as we live, they too will live, for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.
AT A MOTHER'S GRAVE A woman of valor, who can find? She is more precious than fine pearls. She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she faces the future cheerfully. She speaks with wisdom; the law of kindness is on her lips. Her children rise up and bless her. Many daughters have done valiantly, but you excel them all. (Proverbs 31). Though we are separated, dear mother, at this solemn moment when I stand before your grave, I call to mind the love and solicitude with which you tended and watched over my childhood, ever mindful of my welfare, and ever anxious for my happiness. I feel the closeness of your spirit, mother dear, and my heart is filled with tender emotion as I recollect the many sacrifices you made to ennoble my heart and instruct my mind. I am grateful for your every blessing, your kindly deeds, your understanding heart, your sacrificial devotion and your warm love so freely given. What I achieved is because of your influence, and what I am, I have become through you. Indeed, the wisdom that you imparted unto me shall ever remain with me. If at times, I have failed in showing you the love and appreciation which you so worthily deserved; if I have been thoughtless and ungrateful; I ask to be forgiven. In tribute to your beautiful memory, I implore your inspiration to noble and intelligent living as I cherish the recollections of your lifetime. I pray, O God, that the soul of my dear mother be bound up in the bond of eternal life, together with the souls of all the righteous that are in Your keeping. Amen.
AT A FATHER'S GRAVE Adonai, who may abide in Your House? Who may dwell in Your holy mountain? He who is upright; who does justly; who speaks the truth within his heart; who scorns the lawless, but honors those who revere God; who gives his word, and, come what may, does not retract...He who lives in this way shall never be shaken. The memory of your life, dear father, rises before me this solemn moment as I stand before your grave and recall all the years of unselfish devotion, kindness, love and encouragement which you have shown me during your life. I recall all the sacrifices you made for my welfare, and the many comforts with which you provided me. You rejoiced in my achievements, you guided me in my perplexities, and strenghthened me in my trials and disappointments. The passing of time will never diminish the blessed memories of your life. I can pay you the tribute which you so richly deserve, by cherishing the ideals and principles you have taught me, by continuing the noble work you have left unfinished, by loyally upholding the heritage of Israel which you have transmitted unto me, and by serving my people and all who need me. Though you are gone from my physical presence, the bond of love which unites us can never be severed. May God grant that my father's memory ever inspire me, and may his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life, together with the souls of all the righteous that are in Your keeping. Amen.
AT THE GRAVE OF A WIFE With a sorrowing heart, O beloved wife, I fondly recall your love and companionship, your tenderness and devotion and the many comforts and joys you brought into my life. As I stand now before your grave, my heart cries out for the gentle touch of your hand and your sweet compassion. Never will I forget the hardships and the pleasures, trials and triumphs, joys and sorrows, we shared together. You helped dispel my fear and in time of need encouraged me and stood by my sife. I pray that our children may ever be inspired by your precious memory. May they always remember, and strive to imitate your gentleness, piety and virtue. O God, grant unto her for whom I mourn, all the joys of eternity, grant that her soul may watch as a guardian angel over my bereaved children, remove every evil influence from them, and lead them in the way of righteousness, so that we may one day be all deemed worthy of being numbered among the blessed. O heavenly God, grant that the soul of my beloved wife be bound up in the bond of eternal life, together with the souls of all the righteous that are in Your keeping. Amen.
AT THE GRAVE OF A HUSBAND O God, behold and see the sorrow of my heart. Widowed and bereft I mourn the loss of the dear companion of my heart. You sleep beneath this tomb, dear husband, and while you cannot hear me, neither can you see my tears. My existence is now a void, joy and happiness have fled with you, and I must bear the burden of life alone, for your hand can no longer protect me, nor my heart repose on yours. All is cold and sorrow, and I come to pour out my grief at your grave. May God support me in this heavy trial, may God in mercy pardon the words of bitterness which have escaped from my widowed heart. O God, protect my bereaved children, deprived of their earthly father's care. Heavenly God, extend your omnipotent protection, and inspire them with a love of duty and fidelity to our faith, and veneration for their father's memory. I pray, O God, that the precious memories of our happy years together, may ever be an incentive to noble and sanctified living. May my endeavors to practice what is good alone for my errors, and be accepted in order to assume the salvation of my soul. God of all, grant that the soul of my beloved husband be bound up in the bond of eternal life, together with the souls of all the righteous that are in Your keeping. Amen.
AT THE GRAVE OF A BROTHER OR SISTER O merciful God, standing here at the grave of my dear brother (sister), I fondly recollect the happy years we spent together, sharing the love and traditions of our home and family. Alas! death claimed you too soon, and removed you too early from those who loved you. Though You have called him (her) back, O God, I shall always hold sacred the memories of his (her) kindness and sincerity, love and devotion. O Lord, grant that the recollections of his (her) life provide an incentive to righteous living. I place my trust in You who are the source of all life and my strength in time of sorrow. Though a link has been severed from our family chain, help me, O God, to be more closely united with those dear ones who remain. May the soul of my beloved brother (sister) be bound up in the bond of eternal life together with the souls of all the righteous that are in Your keeping. Amen.
AT THE GRAVE OF A GRANDPARENT O heavenly Father, as I stand here at the grave of my beloved grandfather (grandmother), I am grateful unto You for all the precious memories of his (her) life and for all that he (she) meant to me and my parents. I hope that I may follow the example of piety and goodness he (she) has left to our family. I will strive, with the help of God, to leave a like heritage to my children. I pray that the soul of my beloved grandfather (grandmother) be bound up in the bond of eternal life, together with the souls of all the righteous that are in Your keeping. Amen.
AT THE GRAVE OF A CHILD Almighty God, as I stand at the grave of my beloved child, I tenderly recall the joys that he (she) gave me during his (her) lifetime. How I delighted in his (her) physical and mental growth. How I planned for his (her) future. Though few and brief were the years wherein I rejoiced with my beloved child, many indeed were the blessings he (she) brought into our home. The passage of years will never fill the void in my heart, nor can time often soften the pain of bereavement. Though he (she) is no longer in our midst, his (her) memory shall forever be enshrined in my heart. O merciful God, Giver of life, You have recalled what is Your own, and have taken him (her) into Your loving care and keeping. Though my heart still grieves, may I, who have known the joys of parenthood, bring love and cheer into the lives of others. I pray that the soul of my dearly beloved child may be bound up in the bond of eternal life, together with the souls of all the righteous that are in Your keeping. Amen.
PSALM 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me besides the still waters. He restoreth my soul; He guideth me in straight paths for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, For Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, Thou has anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
CONGREGANTS: Ann Adenbaum and Alan Schramm Charlotte Betty and David Adenbaum Ruth and Fred Schramm Rose and Samuel Adenbaum Sadye and Jacob Sachs Norma Sachs Alex Adenbaum Brenda Zimm-Oscar Frederick Schramm Debra Newman-Solowey Marci, Andrew, Matthew, and Sarah Allen David Jay Ecker, Jacqueline Ecker Judith, Steve, Rebecca and Jason Balsan Harvey Coan Rose Gross Leon Gross Linda Gross John Balsan Harris Bank and Roger Bank Bertha Bank David Bank Ronna, Mitchell, and Isaac Bard Irving Bard Lettie Beth Horowitz Eleanor Bard Carol, Zach and Alana Barlia Jeanne Goldstein, Alan Goldstein Miranda Beckenstein Julius (Joe) and Ella Kark Ilene Bergenfeld Joyce Stewart Beth Berman Roger Berman (Efraim) Jessica Halprin and Mitchell, Ian, and Isa Bernstein Kenneth Halprin Fay Bernstein Harold "Sonny" Halprin Larry Barse Norman Burg Janice Bernstein Barb Burg Schieffelin Sophie Siegel Irving Siegel Elaine Bass Nina Rosen Florence Halprin Frances Glick
CONGREGANTS: Ruth Biloon Stanley Biloon Alvin Biloon Fannie Biloon William Biloon Abraham Herskowitz Margaret Herskowitz Bernard Herskowitz Douglas, Leah, Evan, and Jeremy Bloom Jeffrey N. Bloom Stephen and Geri Borkan Helen Borkan Jack Borkan Janet and Norman Braun Rose Roth Aladar Roth Gussie Braun Max Braun Bernard Braun Richard Lert Leo Falker Wendy and Neil Bruckner Leonard Port Bernice Bruckner Sanford Bruckner Harry Port Sylvia Bloom Bernice Schwartz Joseph Schwartz Miriam Yohalem Nathan Yohalem Charles Bruckner Gladys Fendell Randy Carter Anita Carter Norman Carter Robert and Kristen Clarfeld Irving Clarfeld Lynne Clarfeld Donald Mayerson Richard Paynter Paul Wrobleski
CONGREGANTS: Barbara, Rodgin, Sarah, and Jonathan Cohen Bertie and Louis Cohen Phyllis and Bruce Latz Henry and Anna Rodgin Issac and Molly Cohen Ella and Hyman Latz Ethel and Harry Goldie Judy, Wendy, and Maddy Cohen Alan Cohen Ian and Emily Cohen Jennifer Chouraqui Victor Freudman Joan Kosan Stan Kosan Lance Cooper Lynn Cooper The Cooperman Family Marcia Cooperman Ralph Stratton Anna and Meyer Goldberg Ida and Louis Cooperman Eva and Andor Polgar Richard Bross Sharon DeLevie, Ari DeLevie, and Serbee Family Joan De-Levie, Joyce Haber Ida, Leah, and Barrie Doctor Joseph Doctor Bertha and Abraham Greenberg Gus and Louis Doctor Abby Doctor Linda Fisch Marlene Entin Debra and Tedd Drattell Suzy Phillips Randy and Melissa Eckers Irwin Greenberg Jerome Eckers Celia Markowitz Yuval, Barbara, David, and Rachel Ehrenreich Bernard Ehrenreich Rita Gordon George Gordon Judith Eidenberg Rubinstein Norman Eidenberg
CONGREGANTS: Robert and Mira Fein Milton Fein Lee Fein Honey Black Kay Stephen Kay Lorrie, Alan, Perri, and Jake Feinsilber Robert Coyle Richard Coyle Mildred Coyle Gecewicz Emreck Feinsilber Sally Feinsilber Carole Fischberg Daniel Fischberg Same and Sophie Fischberg Abraham and Ruth Taback Eva Fischer Robert (Robby) Fischer Donna and Richard Fleming and Family Lillian and Murray Soson Anna Schorr Susan Weinstein & Jim Fowler Florence and Edward Fowler Sonya and Zisu Braunstein Edith Cohen and Paul Weinstein Rose and Murray Weinstein Bernice Rogowitz and David Frank Lorraine Rogowitz Herbert Rogowitz Harry Frank Myra Frankel Murray Frankel Joseph and Regina Davis Michael, Brian, Amy, Emma, Jordan, Fran Friedman Peter, Miki, Saya, and Mika Friedman Henrietta and Myron Beiner Florence and Morris Friedman Malcolm Beiner Saara Gallin Martin Gallin Nathan Gallin Fanny Gallin Pauline Gallin Benjamin Lang Laura Lang Benice Lang Sommers
CONGREGANTS: Stan Gamzon Gloriane Gamzon Hilda Gamzon Ben Gamzon Marilyn Grossman Dave Grossman Frieda Klein Benny Klein Lisa Belkin and Bruce Gelb, and Janet Belkin Mike Belkin Noemi Gelb Allen Gelb Pearl Ehrenreich Irving Ehrenreich David Belkin Gussie Belkin Frances Gelb Resi Better Mundy Better Maxine Levy Evi Isaacson Dr. Stephen Gerstman and Linda Gerstman Anna Stella Lorenz Dr. Gunter Lorenz Max Gerstman Frances Gerstman Jennifer and Scott Gold Ruth and Nate Bitz Nellie and Nate Blatnick Goldberg, and Van Sise Families Peter and Linda M. Bermas Pennie Bellard Edward Bermas Ruth Bermas Toby Goldberg Evelyn Mahoney L. Eugene Marx Seymour Goldberg Aaron Goldberg Mary Marx Donald Hirschhorn
CONGREGANTS: Bruce and Deena Goldsmith and Family Sylvia Gelber Philip Gelber Fran Friedman Ralph Goldsmith Donna and Jim Goldsmith Judy Rosenberg Stanley Rosenberg Emily Buck James A. Goldsmith Jr. Mary Anne Schwalbe Steven and Julia Gosset Robert Pomeranz David and Shelley Greenspan Lilly Guttman Allen Guttman Philip Greenspan Frances Greenspan David and Jennifer Greenspoon Tillie and Martin Redlus Nettie and Louis Greenspoon Blanche and Sol Goldman Evelyn and Joseph Seligman Helen and Alex Juskovits The Greller Family Phillip and Edith Sussman Bernard Schoengold Ben Greenstein Murray and Sylvia Mintz Joan Mintz Arthur Mintz Anita Fendrick Sue, Jessica and Seth Groppe Charlie Groppe Susan Kronish Grotenstein and Alan Grotenstein Doris and Herb Kronish Ida and Irving Grotenstein David, Jennifer, and Matthew Halperin Harris Halperin
CONGREGANTS: Ina Bearak Helfand and David Helfand Sarah Helfand Joseph Helfand Minnie Bearak Charles Bearak Sherri and Wayne Heller Norman Golden Rabbi David and Renee Holtz Anne Gordon Irving Gordon Evelyn Holtz Jacob Holtz Richard Holtz Stanley Holtz Jerry and Henry Naiman Esther Podberesky Dennis Faranda Norman Frank, Sr. Virginia Frank Robert Frank Michelle Frank Judith and Leonard Hyman Elsie Hyman Dr. Milton Hyman Victor Hyman Beatrice Siegel Morris Siegel Patti Potash, Howard, Jeremy & Amanda Jacobowitz Laura Jacobowitz Marilyn Potash Shannon Tentler Dave Tentler David Banker Stephen Tentler Bernard Jacobowitz Carly Jacobs Carole Kern Norman and Melissa Jacobson Rose and Elliot Jacobson Solomon and Mindel Jacobson Charles and Ester Glickman Nathan and Tilly Fishman Mitch Gordon Fred Lubarsky Glenn Sherman
CONGREGANTS: Joyce and Marvin Jeshiva Rosalie B. Kurfirst Harry L. Kurfirst Anna Jeshiva Joseph Jeshiva Sylvia Goidel Martin Goidel Karen Karsif William and Marian Karsif Barry Kasoff Abraham Kasoff Rhoda Kasoff Herman Marks Lillian Marks Doris Comerchero Isaac Comerchero Jerrome Marks Jack Steinberg Muriel Steinberg Dottie Wald David Wald Larissa and Alexander Katz Ioshua Zaslansky Milya Zaslansky Boris Katz Maya Katz Zinovy Katz Michael Katz Stacy & Michael Katz, Lana Schwartz & Larry Schwartz Barbara Schwartz Noah Kauff and Robin Forester Edna Bookspan Michele, David, Matthew, and Eric Kaufmann Harry and Edith Manis Anne and Stanley Kaufmann Betti and Richard Kaufmann Max and Tillie Schmelzer Dinah Blank Rochelle Kessler and Stuart Kessler Norman H. Kessler Miriam Rothenberg Paul Rothenberg Stephen Rothenberg Sadie Alperowitz Esther Kessler Abraham Kessler
CONGREGANTS: Sharon Kirschner and Family Barbara Tanzer Rebecca Lipton Louis L. Lipton Rhoda Tanzer Arnold Tanzer Karl Synder Marcia and Bob Klein David Klein Harry and Shirley Schneiderman Jack and Lillian Klein Ellen Schneiderman George Serene and Sarah Kleinman Toby Kleinman Arlene and Stuart Kolbert Robert Greene Eleanor Barrett Leo Barrett Jerry Greene Marvin Greene Stanley Kolbert Gertrude Kolbert Evelyn Greene Diane Lane Hyman Ginsterg Jodie Lane Mark Monack Julie and Eric Last Alvin Last Arnold Spellun David Last The Leary Family Max and Toni Plutner Frank Leary Lawrence Levin and Marianne Sharko Levin Gilbert Levin Olga Sharko Sam Sharko Loren Ratner and Paul Levy Diana Levy David Levy Richard Ratner Joel Ratner Jenny Libien and Richard Goodwin Leah Goodwin
CONGREGANTS: Ellen and Paul Lewis Edith Resnick Elaine Lewis Stanly Resnick Roger London Ellin London Nancy, Larry, Hannah, and Madeline Lonky Alfred Lonky Hannah and Ryan Fackler Elinor Lonky Theodore Siegel Anita Siegel Isabel Lubchansky Seymour Lubchansky The Luckow Family Michael Luckow Florence and Richard Luckow Herbert Frank Susan and Sheldon Manspeizer Fannie and Harry Tannenbaum Bertha and Irving Manspeizer Gloria Manspeizer Rafael Manspeizer Harvey Werblood Michael Liebowitz Glen, Judi, Sammy and David Markowitz Joel Markowitz Judy & Stan Messinger Perry and Minna Cooper Helen and Dave Messinger Carole Cooper Mark Mishler and Cynthia Barr-Pfeffer Paula K. Mishler Jermone Pfeffer Leonard Mishler Amy, Jason, Ari, Jack and Simon Moll Ina Abo Joy Moll Stanley Moll Alan Zuckerman
CONGREGANTS: The Karsten Nienaltow Family Thomas L. Karsten Perry S. Herst Florence Grafman Gertrude Herst Irwin Nienaltow Irene Nienaltow Frederick Karsten Perry S. Herst, Jr. Marilyn Herst Karsten The Nobel Family Marvin Nobel Alison and Chris O'Donnell William O'Donnell Margie Ostrower Barry Haiman Barbara Lefcourt Parker Family Dr. Marvin Bernstein Mandy Parker Marty Parker The Peers and Dennis Families Sam Goldberg and Lynn Goldberg Mary Perchick Robert Perchick Marc and Ava Pillinger James Pillinger Irving Weisel Evelyn Pillinger Judith Pincus and Harlan and Adrienne Pincus Sherman Pincus, Joan Pincus, Conan Freud The Milan-Polisar Family Leonard M. Polisar Norma G. Milan Judith Polisar Leonard Polisar Aaron and Anne Polisar Samuel and Florence Weinstein Judith and Mark Pomerantz and Family Henry Kessler and Lillian Kessler Eli Pomerantz Rita Pomerantz David V. Pomeranz and Susan L. Pomeranz Donald P. Pomeranz Martin Rochelle The Povman Family David Reps
CONGREGANTS: Ruth and Stephen Rabin Anne and Horace Hodes Flora and George Rabin Thomas Rabin Gideon Rabino Jacob and Natalia Michael Reichman and Michele Davis Vera Reichman Irwin Davis Bela Reichman Arnold, Marianne and Brian Rich Dr. Kenneth Edward Rich Farron, Gary, Mark, Jen, Emily and Daniel Roboff Bea Glassman Stanley Glassman Norman S. Leader Lynn Lew Pearl Loebel Elizabeth A. Robinson Samuel A. Robinson Phyllis R. Roboff Stanley B. Roboff Melvin H. Roboff Jean Vogel Rubin Vogel Rona Finkelstein Sheryl and Arthur, Josh and Agne, Michael, Bryan Rosenberg Hon. Gerard H. Rosenberg Elizabeth Ross and Bernard Tolpin Pauline Tolpin Ezra Tolpin Leah Tolpin Shirley Winters Leo Winters Susan Taylor Gregory Taylor Phil Rothenberg Harvey Rothenberg Janet Rothholz Irwin and Beverly Rothholz Faith Hettler
CONGREGANTS: Steven & Roberta Rothkin Mollie Fisher Dorothy Rothkin George Russell Sharyn Moss Herb Nagel Pam Graffeo Norman "Bud" Fisher Louis Rothkin Frances Reiser Honey & Howard Sackelman Pauline and Morris Goldberg Edna and Herman Milafsky Bee and Morris Sackelman Erin Angstreich Sid Gordon Gerald Katz Linda Angstreich Mary Gordon Geri Milafsky Steve, Celcia and Drew Schieffelin Barb Burg Schieffelin Norman Burg Max Burg Celia Burg Anna Abramson Harry Abramson Libby Feleuren William Schieffelin Tammy and Dietmar Serbee Joan De-Levie Thierry Genin Rhona Seymour Gerald Birnbaum Bess Shlansky Philip Shlansky Linda Shulman and Family Stephen Shulman Eric and Jennifer Siegel Gerald Krieger Morry and Naomi Silbiger Emil Silbiger Gisela Silbiger Anne Kleister Benjamin Kleister
CONGREGANTS: Jane Silverman and Don Kumka and Family Morris Silverman Bess Silverman Alex Silverman Jannie Silverman Sam Levine Anna Levine Renee Baruch Dr. Jill Silverman Klainbard Doris and Jack Silverman Judith and Leonard Levine William Bernfeld Howard Kravitz Michael Costa Jack Finklestein Leonard Antonacci Joseph Wooley Janice Smolowitz, Harry Smolowitz, Ben Dunstan Beatrice and Sidney Smolowitz Nancy, Marc, and Eric Solomon Morton I. Schiff Seymour Solomon Roy and Bunny Solomon Morris Solomon Lee Solomon Philip Solomon Albert Kronenberg Rose Cohn William Cohn Risa Solomon The Stassa Family Gloria and Herman Wishnia Leslie and Richard Stern Joseph Santamaria Charlotte Stern Maurice Stern Dorothy Abramovich Daniel Stimler Ruth Stimler and Edward Stimler The Surchin Families Hyman Surchin Helen Surchin Rabbi Samuel Surchin Hannah Surchin S. Felix Gwosdow Pauline Gwosdow Sandra Schwartz Debbie Koepf
CONGREGANTS: Gordon Swartz Robert and Edith Swartz Ira and Kelcey Talbi Joanna Talbi Nicole Talbi Morris Talbi Esther Talbi Arlene Talbi Irwin Thour Lawrence and Susan Tolchin Berenice and Milton Popper Charlotte and John Tolchin Mark, Hallie, Rebecca, Alexa, Justin Wachen Dr. Harry Wachen Gail, Andy, and Allie Wainer Paul Lang Celcia Wainer Richard Lang The Wank Family Rita Geiger E. Marvin Geiger Laura Wank Jerry Wank Dr. Alvin Blaustein David Warshowsky Joyce Warshowsky Louis Warshowsky David and Eileen Weiner Naomi Kofman Richard Weiner and Katherine Meinhold Martha and Irving Weiner Debra and Keith Weintraub Daniel and Margaret Weintraub Anna and Jon Weiss Stephen Ross Ellen Weissman, Noah and Clara Montgomery Bernice Weissman Jack Weissman Amy and Jared Zerman Melvyn Bernard Zerman Miriam Baron Zerman Andrew Zerman Robert and Marion Zinman Arthur and Ruth Zinman Noah and Lillian Janel
CONGREGANTS: Claire and Steven Zucker Mary Winick Sydney Winick Annette Zucker Arthur Zucker Anonymous Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo Sgt. Nicole L. Gee Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover Cpl. Hunter Lopez Cpl. Daegan W. Page Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikovi Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss George Floyd Elijah McClain Ahmaud Arbery
The Temple Beth Abraham members listed below honor the memories of all of the victims of COVID-19 and all those who died in the Shoah (Holocaust) Ann Adenbaum & Alan Schramm David & Jennifer Greenspoon Herb, Melissa, Emma & Ethan Baer Jonathan & Rebecca Greller Steven & Judith Balsan Susan Kronish Grotenstein & Alan Grotenstein Roger Bank & Harris Bank Jeffrey & Barbara Harris Mitchell Bard & Ronna Horwitz-Bard Lloyd & Rhoda Hirsch Carol Barila Leonard & Judith Hyman Miranda Beckenstein Howard Jacobowitz & Patti Potash Stanley & Marcia Bell Carly Jacobs & Edward Schillilnger Mitchell Bernstein & Jessica Halprin Norman & Melissa Jacobson Douglas & Leah Bloom Michael Karnes Michael & Sheila Buitekant Alexander & Larisa Katz Jeffrey & Janet Chester Michael & Stacy Katz Robert & Kristen Clarfeld Noah Kauff & Robin Forester Rodgin & Barbara Cohen Sharon Kirschner and Family Sharon DeLevie & Steven Haber Marvin & Ruda Klein Marty Deutsch Robert & Marcia Klein Ida Doctor Serene & Sarah Kleinman Yuval & Barbara Ehrenreich Stuart & Arlene Kolbert Alan & Lorrie Feinsilber Donald Kumka & Jane Silverman Eva Fischer Dr. Richard & Diane Lane Richard & Donna Fleming Julie & Eric Last Robert & Laurie Forman John & Phyllis Leary James Fowler & Susan Weinstein Michael & Marcia Lechner Seth & Ann Fox Paul Levy & Loren Ratner David Frank & Bernice Rogowitz Jenny Libien & Richard Goodwin Brian & Amy Friedman Loretta & Roger London Saara Gallin Laurence & Nancy Lonky Stan Gamzon Scott & Sherri Luckow Bruce Gelb & Lisa Belkin Gelb Sheldon & Susan Manspeizer Benjamin & Audrey Gelfand Stanley & Judith Messinger Scott & Jennifer Gold Lucille Miller Margot, Barry & Tamir Goldberg Mark & Cynthia Mishler Bruce & Deena Goldsmith Jason & Amy Moll James & Donna Goldsmith Jerald & Andrea Moskowitz Steven & Julia Gosset Robert & Marcie Nobel David & Rochelle Greenspan Chris O'Donnell & Alison Moskowitz Listings continue on the next page.
The Temple Beth Abraham members listed below honor the memories of all of the victims of COVID-19 and all those who died in the Shoah (Holocaust) M. Daniel Nienaltow & Liza Karsten Dietmar & Tammy Serbee Joseph & Tracy Ostroff Ross & Rachelle Shapiro Jerry & Marla Peers Linda Shulman Marc & Ava Pillinger Jill Silverman Mark Polisar & Felise Milan Roy & Bunny Solomon Mark & Judith Pomerantz Melissa & Jason Stein David & Susan Pomeranz Aaron Stern & Karen Karsif Stacy & Eric Poritzky Alan & Larissa Surchin Kevin & Tracy Portnoy Gordon Swartz & Deborah Doyle Povman Family Kevin & Risa Swersey Ruth & Stephen Rabin Larry & Susan Tolchin Gideon Rabino & Maria Pasceri Mark & Hallie Wachen Arnold & Marianne Rich David & Melissa Wallen Gary & Farron Roboff Bradley & Carol Wank Arthur & Sheryl, Josh & Agne, Michael, Bryan Rosenberg David Warshowsky & Jessa Kilgore Elizabeth Ross & Bernard Tolpin Katherine Meinhold & Richard Weiner Phil Rothenberg Jon & Anna Weiss Steve & Roberta Rothkin Jared & Amy Zerman Vicki Savitch Joel Zive & Janet Rothholz Steven Schieffelin
A Reflection for Those Saying Yizkor at Home Rabbi Joshua Heller I thought to seek you in the synagogue In the glow of the memorial tablets, In the flickering of the eternal light. In the sounds of the holy prayers In the teachings of the Torah scroll In the company of fellow mourners But I am at home I thought to seek you out in the world In the places we would go together In the places in which you once lived In the stores where we would shop In the restaurants where we would dine In the company of shared friends But I am at home I thought to seek you at home In the pictures on my wall In the books on my shelves In the recipes in my kitchen In the flickering light of the Yahrzeit candle In the company of those who remain For I am at home I seek you wherever I go When the world is quiet, I hear your voice. When I look in the mirror, your eyes gaze back When I eat, your seat at the table is not abandoned When my hands move to do kindness, I feel your touch When I have you in my heart, my memory We are home
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